HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE 2020-0025; GARFIELD HOMES; Admin Decision LetterOctober 1, 2020
Kirk Moeller
2888 Loker Avenue E. #220
Carlsbad, CA 92010
SUBJECT: PRE 2020-0025 (DEV2020-0212)-GARFIELD HOMES
APN: 206-080-01-00
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Thank you for submitting a preliminary review for the construction of a twin home and a single-family
home located at 4008 Garfield Avenue. The project site, an approximately 6,000-square-foot-lot (0.14-
acres), is currently developed with a single-family home and a detached garage.
In response to your application, the Planning Division has prepared this comment letter. Please note that
the purpose of a preliminary review is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall concept
of your project. This preliminary review does not represent an in-depth analysis of your project. It is
intended to give you feedback on critical issues based upon the information provided in your submittal.
This review is based upon the plans, policies. and standards in effect as of the date of this review. Please
be aware that at the time of a formal application submittal. new plans. policies. and standards may be
in effect and additional issues of concern may be raised through a more specific and detailed review.
1. General Plan and zoning designations for the property are as follows:
a. General Plan: R-23 Residential, 15-23 dwelling units per acre (du/ac); Growth Management
Control Point of 19 du/ac;
b. Zoning: Residential Density Multiple (RD-M); Beach Area Overlay Zone (BAOZ); and
c. The property is within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). The Coastal
land use designation and zone are the same as the General Plan and zoning designations above.
2. The project requires the following permits:
a. Minor Site Development Plan (SDP) for development in the BAOZ;
b. Minor Planned Development Permit (PUD) for the development of three (3) air-space
c. Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for development in the coastal zone; and
d. Tentative Parcel Map (MS) for the air space condominiums.
3. The Housing Crisis Act of 2019 (SB 330) established a preliminary streamline application process for
housing projects. It is not mandatory unless applicants seek the vesting and processing benefits
offered under SB 330. Participation in the SB 330 streamline process would occur first, followed by
Community Development Department
Planning Division j 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 j 760-602-4600 j 760-602-8560f I www.carlsbadca.gov
PRE 2020-0025 (DEV2020-0212)-GARFIELD HOMES
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the formal development application process required under Government Code (Gov. Code) §§
65940, 65941, 65941.5, and Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) § 21.42.050. Acceptance by the city of
a complete SB 330 Streamline Application (Form P-32) and fee will vest the project for 180 days in
accordance with the ordinances, policies and standards in effect at the time the SB 330 Application
is accepted. The city is finalizing the application form and process for SB 330 Streamline
Applications. Please contact planning@carlsbadca.gov for more information.
4. Per the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 (SB 330), any project that includes the removal or demolition of
a "protected unit" is required to provide the occupants with 1) relocation benefits (Gov. Code §
7260 et seq.), and 2) right of first refusal for a comparable unit available in the new housing
development. (Gov. Code § 66300 (d)(2)(D).) "Protected units" are generally defined by Gov. Code
§ 66300{d)(2)(E)(ii) as including residential units subject to affordability restrictions, price controls,
or occupied by low income households. The formal submittal of the project will need to include
documentation regarding any existing "protected units."
5. Climate Action Plan (CAP). New requirements related to the city's goals to reduce greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions will likely impact development requirements of this project. A formal application
submittal will need to include a completed CAP· Checklist (Form P-30) to determine what
requirements will apply to the project. New GHG reduction requirements are related to energy
efficiency, photovoltaic, electric vehicle charging, water heating and traffic demand management
requirements, as set forth in the California Green Building Standards Code and in Carlsbad Municipal
Code Chapters 18.21, 18.30 and 18.51 which is available on the city's website at the following
To the extent that new GHG reduction requirements are in effect at the time of application for
grading or building permits, the project will be required to comply with the effective requirements
even if different than what is proposed in the project's planning approvals. GHG reduction
requirements may impact, but are not limited to, site design and local building code
requirements. If incorporating new GHG reduction requirements results in substantial
modifications to the project after planning approvals are obtained, then prior to issuance of grading
or building permits, the applicant may be required to submit and receive approval of a Consistency
Determination or an Amendment application for the project through the Planning Division.
6. Noise Analysis. As the subject parcel is located in close proximity to the railroad and within 500 feet
of the 60dB(A) CNEL noise contour line of the Future Noise Contour Map, please submit a noise
analysis analyzing the project's consistency with the General Plan and Noise Guidelines Manual.
The Noise Guidelines Manual can be found online at:
Historical Analysis. The existing home on the property was built over 50 years ago. To determine if
the structure is significant pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), a historical
analysis report will need to be submitted. The report shall be consistent with the city's Tribal,
Cultural, and Paleontological Resources Guidelines and can be found online at:
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8. Land Use. Single-family dwellings and twin homes are permitted uses in the RD-M Zone. As the
6,000-square-foot lot does not meet the minimum multiple unit 10,000-square-foot lot size to
physically subdivide the lot, a condominium permit will be required pursuant to the Planned
Development Ordinance, Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Chapter 21.45. Specifically, the proposed
condominium project shall comply with Table C, General Development Standards, and Table E,
Condominium Projects (one-family and two-family dwellings).
9. Density. The R-23 General Plan designation allows residential density at a range of 15-23 dwelling
units per acre (du/ac) with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 19 du/ac. The proposal
to construct three (3) dwelling units on a 0.14-acre lot has a proposed density of 21.42 du/ac. At
the Growth Management Control Point (GMCP), a total of three (3) units are allowed (19 x 0.14 =
2.6; this number may be rounded up pursuant to CMC Section 21.53.230, Table A). An allocation of
one (1) unit from the city's "excess dwelling unit bank" (EDUB) will required.
10. Setbacks. Pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.24, the following setbacks apply to the lot:
a. Front: Garfield Avenue -Ten feet provided that carport or garage openings do not face onto
the front yard. The front yard shall be fully landscaped with a mixture of trees, shrubs and
groundcover. A landscape plan will be required.
b. Street side: Chinquapin Avenue -Ten feet for the home and 20 feet for the direct-entry
c. Interior sides: 10% of the width of the lot but not less than five feet in width. The lot is 50 feet
wide; therefore, the required side yard setback (south property line) is five (5) feet.
d. Rear: Ten feet
*If right-of-way dedication is required, the setbacks shall be taken from the new (future) property
11. Parking. The project requires one (1) two-car garage per unit and visitor parking spaces at a rate of
0.3 spaces per unit. Therefore, the three-unit project requires one (1) visitor parking space. The
proposed two-car garages must have a minimum interior dimension of 20' x 20' free of trash bins,
water heaters, etc. Pursuant to Table C, specifically Ref. No. C7, Location of Visitor Parking, if the
streets within or adjacent to the project allow for on-street parking on both sides of the street, then
visitor parking may be located in the driveway provided that all dwelling units in the project have a
driveway depth of 20 feet or more.
12. Storage Space. 480 cubic feet of storage is required per unit. A two-car garage with a minimum
dimension of 20' x 20' satisfies this requirement.
13. Lot Coverage. The maximum lot coverage permitted is 60 percent. The proposed conceptual site
plan proposes a 42-percent lot coverage and therefore complies.
14. Private Recreational Space. A minimum of 200 square feet of private recreational space shall be
provided for each unit outside of the front yard setback with a minimum dimension of 10 feet in
each direction. If provided as an above-ground balcony or deck, the minimum dimensions are 6 feet
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with a minimum area of 60 square feet. Please see Table E. 8 in CMC Section 21.45.080 for additional
15. Roof Decks. If proposed, are limited to 25 percent of the building footprint. Roof decks can only
satisfy up to 25 percent of the required 200-square-foot private recreational space requirement.
Please provide a roof plan.
16. Design. No building elevations were provided with the submittal. The proposed condominium
project shall comply with the requirements listed in CMC Chapter 21.45 (Tables C and E) and the
applicable requirements listed in City Council Policy No. 44 for a single-family home and a twin
home. City Council Policy No. 44 may be found online at:
17. Building Height. The Beach Area Overlay Zone height limit is 30 feet from the existing or finished
grade, whichever is lower (measured in accordance with CMC Section 21.04.065) for pitched roofs
with a minimum 3:12 roof pitch. Building height is limited to 24 feet for flat roofs, roof decks or
pitched roofs with less than a 3:12 roof pitch. Please show building heights on all elevations as
measured from existing grade or finished grade, whichever is lower. If proposing to establish a new
grade pursuant to CMC Section 21.04.065, please add a note on the plans stating the request.
18. Grading/Cross Sections. Please provide a minimum of three (3) cross sections with the proposed
grading plan. Specifically, please provide the following:
a. East-west cross section through the development area, including the pad heights for the
adjacent development to the east;
b. North-south cross section for Unit 1, including the pad elevation for the development to the
south; and
c. North-south cross section for Units 2 and 3, including the pad elevation for the development
to the south.
19. Fencing/Walls. Please show all existing and proposed walls and fences, including heights and
material types. Walls and fences shall be limited to ~ maximum of 42 inches in height in the front
yard setback and six (6) feet in height beyond the front yard setback. Wall and fence height shall be
measured from the lowest adjacent grade on either side. Please clearly show wall heights measured
from the lowest adjacent grade. In addition, please be advised that a six-foot-tall privacy fence
cannot be located on top of the proposed 4'-6"-tall retaining wall separating the building pads for
Units 1 and 2. If a privacy fence is desired, the fence shall be offset three (3) feet from the retaining
wall and landscaping shall be planted in between the fence and the retaining wall.
20. SDG&E Transformer and Air Conditioning Units. No information is provided regarding whether a
transformer will be required or is proposed. If a transformer is not required, please submit
correspondence from SDG&E confirming that one is not required. If it is required, please locate the
SDG&E transformer outside of the front yard setback. Landscaping shall be provided to screen the
transformer from the street. Please also show any air conditioning units proposed at-grade. These
shall also be screened from the public street.
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21. lnclusionary Housing. To comply with the lnclusionary Housing Ordinance, an in-lieu inclusionary
housing fee will be assessed on a per unit basis. Credit will be given to the existing single-family
home provided demolition occurs no more than two years prior to building permit application for
the new project. The current fee is $4,515.00 per unit, but the fee will be applied in accordance with
the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit application for the new project.
22. Landscape Plan. A conceptual landscape plan shall be submitted with the project application in
compliance with the city's Landscape Manual. Please show all existing trees to be removed on the
landscape plan. The Landscape Manual can be found online at:
All necessary application forms, submittal requirements, and fee information are available at the Planning
counter located in the Faraday Building at 1635 Faraday Avenue or online at
http://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/planning/default.asp. You may also access the General Plan
Land Use Element and the Zoning Ordinance online at the website address shown; select Department
Listing; select Planning Home Page. Please review all information carefully before submitting.
Land Development Engineering:
1. Complete the city's Storm Water Standards Questionnaire (Form E-34). This questionnaire will
guide you and the City in determining what type of reports and storm water mitigation must be
completed to satisfy state and City storm water quality requirements. The questionnaire can be
obtained on the city's web site. Preliminary analysis suggests that the project is a 'Standard' Project
and shall provide two completed Standard Project Requirement Checklist (E-36 Form). The form is
available on the city's website.
2. A preliminary title report dated within 6 months of the application date is required with the
submittal of a discretionary application and final engineering application. Show and label on the
plans, all easements listed in said report. If the easement cannot be shown, list the easement on
the plan and state "non-plottable".
3. Provide two copies of recorded document Book 287 Page 113, public utilities easement dedicated
to Southern California Telephone Company as listed on the preliminary title report with the
submittal of a discretionary and final engineering application.
4. This project is required to provide a preliminary grading plan with the submittal of a discretionary
application and is subject to a final engineering grading plan and grading permit.
5. This project if proposed as three (3) airspace condominium subdivision will be subject to a tentative
parcel map as a discretionary application and submittal of a parcel map for recordation.
6. A geotechnical report and drainage study will be required with the submittal of a discretionary
application and final engineering application.
7. A Transportation Impaction Analysis (TIA) per the city's TIA guidelines will be required with the
submittal of a discretionary application.
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8. The property is required to dedicate for public street and utility purposes a 20-foot curb return.
Show and label on the plans, the proposed dedication. No private encroachments such as but not
limited to walls, fences, pervious or decorative pave rs within the proposed public easement.
9. Currently, a proposed two-foot-wide pedestrian access easement dedicated to the city is shown
on the civil sheet but not shown on the site plan. Show and label the proposed pedestrian access
easement on the site plan and remove any private encroachments within the easement area on
the plans.
10. If the project is being proposed as airspac.e condominiums or apartments, the maximum allowed
driveway approach is 24 feet. The current driveway configuration is not acceptable.
11. If the project is being proposed as airspace condominiums, individual potable water meters per
city of Carlsbad Standard drawing W-3A are allowed with Carlsbad Municipal Water District
approval. If the project is being proposed as apartments, only one master meter for potable water
is allowed. Show and label on the plans, any existing water meters and call-out whether it is tq
remain or to be removed.
12. Show and label on the plans, the existing sewer service (lateral) and call-out whether it is to remain
or to be removed. If to be removed, show and label the proposed sewer service on the plans.
13. Provide on the civil plans, the method of drainage for the subject property.
14. Provide on the plans, the finish floor elevation for each of the residential units.
15. Label on the plans, the proposed top and bottom retaining wall elevations.
16. Show and label on the plans, the adjacent structures/buildings and contours within 25 feet of the
project boundary.
17. Show and label on the plans, the existing 6-inch VCP sewer main, 6-inch ACP water main, and 12-
inch ACP water distribution main in Garfield Street and Chinquapin Avenue.
18. Label on the plans, the half-street width distance from centerline to property line for Chinquapin
Avenue and Garfield Street.
19. Provide a vicinity map, water (GPD}, sewer (EDU), and traffic (ADT) demands, earthwork quantities
of cut, fill, import, export and remedial in cubic yards, on the title sheet of the plans.
20. Address the red line comments on the plans.
Fire Prevention
1. An NFPA 13D fire system is required.
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If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this letter with the commenting departments, please
contact Shannon Harker at the number below. You may also contact each department individually as
• Planning Division: Shannon Harker, Associate Planner, at (760) 602-4621
• Land Development Engineering: Kyrenne Chua, Project Engineer, at (760) 602-2744
• Building Division: Jason Pasuit, Building and Code Enforcement Manager, at (760) 602-2788
• Fire Department: Randy Metz, Fire Marshal, at (760) 602-4661
City Planner
c: Liette C. Sharp Revocable Trust, 819 Oak Avenue, Glendora, CA 91741
Kyrenne Chua, Project Engineer
Fire Prevention
HPRM/File Copy
Data Entry