HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-10-01; Village and Barrio Traffic Circles and Barrio Lighting Projects Updat; Gomez, PazTo the members of the:
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Oct. 1, 2020
Council Memorandum
To: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works
Memo ID #2020204
Via: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager @
Re: Village and Barrio Traffic Circles and Barrio Lighting Projects Update
This memorandum provides an update on the Village and Barrio Traffic Circles, Capital
Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 4015, and Barrio Lighting, CIP Project No. 4013.
On June 18, 2019, City Council approved an amended minute motion for staff to bring back a
report on the status of the Village and Barrio Traffic Circles CIP project. At the same meeting,
City Council approved a minute motion to prioritize the Barrio Lighting CIP project.
On Sept. 17, 2019, staff provided City Council an informational presentation on the projects'
status, which included anticipated timelines. Both projects are currently funded in the city's CIP
and are in progress. Additional background information is provided below:
Village and Barrio Traffic Circles Project
On July 24, 2018, City Council adopted the Village and Barrio Master Plan (Master Plan). On
Aug. 27, 2019, City Council approved the Master Plan with the modifications proposed by the
California Coastal Commission. In October 2019, the California Coastal Commission formally
approved the Master Plan.
The Master Plan includes several recommendations to create a more walkable and safer Village
and Barrio neighborhood. One of the recommendations is to install traffic circles at specific
intersections as traffic calming features and beautification opportunities in the Village and
Barrio area. By removing pavement in the center of the intersection, traffic circles will provide
landscaping, decorative treatments and public art opportunities.
Eight traffic circle locations are identified in the Master Plan, which are:
• Oak Avenue and Roosevelt Street
• Oak Avenue and Jefferson Street
• Pine Avenue and Madison Avenue
• Pine Avenue and Harding Street
• Chestnut Avenue and Roosevelt Street
Public Works Branch
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730
Council Memo -Village and Barrio Traffic Circles and Barrio Lighting Projects Update
Oct. 1, 2020
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• Chestnut Avenue and Madison Avenue
• Palm Avenue and Harding Street
• Magnolia Avenue and Madison Street
On Nov. 19, 2019, City Council authorized execution of an agreement with Chen Ryan
Associates, Inc. for conducting a feasibility analysis and engineering design of the traffic circles.
Barrio Lighting Project
Enhancing safety and facilitating neighborhood walkability by improving the pedestrian
experience are priorities for the Barrio neighborhood. One way to help achieve this goal is to
improve lighting in the Barrio area.
Street-level lighting is mounted on 24-foot poles, which enhances safety by improving visibility
for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. This lighting helps to identify and avoid potential hazards,
primarily within the street footprint. Pedestrian scale lighting is mounted on shorter, 13-foot
poles, which facilitate neighborhood walkability by providing more focused lighting on
walkways. Pedestrian lighting helps people feel more secure in their surroundings and creates a
sense of neighborhood continuity. Both types of lighting will be installed as part of the Barrio
Lighting project.
As presented during the Sept. 17, 2019, City Council meeting, the project is being designed and
constructed in two phases. Phase 1 is expedited and implemented to address concerns received
from the community, prior to the comprehensive lighting design for the entire Barrio
neighborhood. Phase 2 will comprehensively analyze, design and construct both street and
pedestrian lighting for the entire Barrio area.
Village and Barrio Traffic Circles Project
As the feasibility study for the Village and Barrio Traffic Circles project progressed, one of the
conclusions was that a traffic circle in the existing right of way would not effectively control
vehicular speed at the two following locations:
• Palm Avenue and Harding Street
• Magnolia Avenue and Madison Street
Staff proposed alternative traffic calming measures at those two intersections, which will
include median islands, pedestrian refuges and horizontal deflection of the vehicular lanes.
On April 6, 2020, staff presented the results of the feasibility study, along with the proposed
alternative traffic calming measures for the two aforementioned locations to the Traffic and
Mobility Commission (commission). The commission unanimously voted to support staff's
recommendations to implement the project as proposed. Based on the results of the feasibility
Council Memo-Village and Barrio Traffic Circles and Barrio Lighting Projects Update
O~t. 1, 2020
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study and support of the commission, the project team has moved forward to finalize the
engineering designs for the project.
Currently, the Public Works Branch project team is working with the Library and Cultural Arts
and Parks and Recreation Departments to facilitate installation of public art and landscaping in
the center of the proposed traffic circle at Oak Avenue and Roosevelt Street.
The project team is also partnering with the Carlsbad Municipal Water District to relocate water
mains and valves to avoid conflicts with the traffic circles and to replace old infrastructure
including water services and water meters. In addition, any sewer system in conflict with the
project improvements will be addressed.
Barrio Lighting Project
Phase 1 of the Barrio Lighting project will install 16 streetlights throughout the Barrio to .
address areas with lighting deficiency. The lighting locations for Phase 1 were identified by
analyzing spacing among the existing streetlights, which were field-verified by an engineering
consultant. In the process of selecting Phase 1 street lighting locations, priority was given to the
areas identified as deficient compared to the city's engineering standards and based on
comments received from the community.
Of the 16 new streetlights included in Phase 1, six will be installed with new concrete poles and
10 will be mounted on existing utility poles that are owned and maintained by San Diego Gas
and Electric {SDG&E). Mounting streetlights on existing poles is a cost-effective strategy to
provide new lighting, however, it requires increased coordination with SDG&E. Due to a new
SDG&E review process and other challenges, there has been a delay in SDG&E's approval of the
10 streetlights on existing poles, which has subsequently impacted Phase l's timeline. Staff is
currently working with SDG&E to receive their final work orders for the last two locations of the
10 streetlights.
Currently, the Phase 1 plans, specifications and cost estimates are being reviewed by the
project team. After staff's final review, the Phase 1 project is expected to be advertised for
construction bids by the end of 2020. Since the estimated cost of the construction contract is
less than $200,000, award ofthe construction contract is expected to be within the City
Manager's authority.
Following the guidance of the Master Plan, the Barrio Lighting Project includes a phasing plan
that prioritizes installation of pedestrian lighting based on factors such as level of pedestrian
activity and proximity to public facilities. This phasing plan will allow the city to fund and
construct pedestrian lighting in the Barrio area over several fiscal years. As part of the fiscal
year 2021-22 CIP Budget development process, staff will develop a funding strategy for future
phases of pedestrian lighting in the Barrio.
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Oct. 1, 2020
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The initial phase, called Phase 2A, includes design and construction of pedestrian lighting on
both sides of Roosevelt Street from Carlsbad Village Drive to Magnolia Avenue. This street was
identified in the Master Plan as a key pedestrian thoroughfare between the Village and the
Barrio. Preliminary design of Phase 2A has been completed, and final plans, specifications and
cost estimates are expected to be completed by the end of 2020. Future phases will include
Madison Street, Harding Street and Magnolia Avenue.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the projects' community outreach approach has been revisited
and outreach for both projects has been combined. Over the next few months, staff will be
implementing a neighborhood-focused outreach, which will include a newsletter, informational
videos, a project-specific webpage and social media posts. Content will be available in both
English and Spanish and is expected by the end of October 2020.
Next Steps
Village and Barrio Traffic Circles Project
Staff anticipates finalizing the project plans and specifications and obtaining the necessary
environmental authorization by the end of 2020. Staff plans to return to City Council in early
2021 with a request to approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for
construction bids. After the bidding process is completed, staff will return to City Council to
request award of a construction contract. Construction is estimated to begin in mid-2021.
Barrio Lighting Project
For Phase 1 of the project, staff plans to finalize the plans, specifications and cost estimates in
the next month. It is estimated that the construction bidding process will be completed by the
end of 2020 and construction will begin in early 2021.
For Phase 2A of the project, which includes pedestrian lighting along Roosevelt Street, the
plans, specifications and cost estimates are anticipated to be completed by the end of 2020. In
early 2021, Phase 2A of the project will be brought to City Council for approval and
authorization to bid. Staff anticipates returning to City Council to request award of a
construction contract in mid-2021. Construction is estimated to begin in late summer 2021.
Future phases of the Barrio Lighting Project will include pedestrian lighting along Madison
Street, Harding Street and Magnolia Ave. These phases are expected to be funded and
constructed as part of future CIP budgeting processes.
cc: ScottChadwick, City Manager
Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Tom Frank, Transportation Director
David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer
Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director
Council Memo -Village and Barrio Traffic Circles and Barrio Lighting Projects Update
Oct. 1, 2020
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Kristina Ray, Communication and Engagement Director
Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager
Jonathan Schauble, Senior Engineer