HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-07-28; City Council; ; November 3, 2020 Council Compensation Ballot MeasureCA Review CKM CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: July 28, 2020 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Faviola Medina, City Clerk Services Manager faviola.medina@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-5989 Subject: November 3, 2020 Council Compensation Ballot Measure Recommended Action 1.Adopt a resolution ordering the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Carlsbad a certain measure relating to City Council compensation, requesting that the County Board of Supervisors place the measure on the ballot and provide consolidation services and appropriating the necessary funds. 2.Adopt a resolution setting the priorities for filing written arguments regarding a city measure pertaining to City Council compensation and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis. 3.Adopt a resolution setting the priorities for filing of rebuttal arguments regarding a city measure pertaining to City Council compensation. Executive Summary /Discussion The City of Carlsbad is scheduled to conduct the general municipal election on November 3, 2020, for the purpose of electing one council member from District 2 and one council member from District 4. Resolutions to commence the election process in conformance with the State of California's election laws were adopted on June 23, 2020. On July 14, 2020, the City Council directed staff to prepare the documents necessary to place a council-sponsored measure on the Nov. 3, 2020 general municipal election ballot relating to City Council compensation, in addition to the already scheduled council seats. The measure primarily consists of the current language in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.04.0l0(A), which is: The compensation of each member of the city council shall be set at $2,052.17 per month upon the effective date of this ordinance. Adjustments to city council compensation shall not exceed the amount established by the San Diego Regional Consumer Price Index. Adjustments to city council compensation must be made or permanently waived by ordinance in January of each year. The city council is prohibited from enacting retroactive increases for years in which a salary increase was waived. July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 1 of 13 The companion ballot question is: MEASURE_. CITY COUNCIL COMPENSATION. YES Shall Title 2, Chapter 2.04, Section 2.04.0l0{A) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code be adopted to prohibit city council compensation adjustments from exceeding the amount established by the San Diego Regional Consumer Price ...... N-0---------a Index, to require the city council to either make or waive a compensation adjustment in January of each year, and to prohibit the city council from enacting retroactive increases for years in which the city council waived a compensation adjustment? If the resolutions are approved by the City Council, the council is required to take certain actions to place the measure before the voters, set the priorities for filing written arguments, direct the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis and provide for the filing of rebuttal arguments for the ballot measure. Two questions to be considered by the council are: •Does the City Council wish to allow its members to submit an argument in favor oragainst the measure? California Elections Code 9282 allows the City Council to authorize council members to write arguments in favor of, or against, the measure. It is not necessary to identify which council members will make such arguments, or to limit council members' arguments to one side or the other of the measure. •Does the City Council wish to allow rebuttals to the arguments in favor of or against the measure? Whether council members are authorized to file written arguments, under California Elections Code Sections 9285, the City Council must also consider whether rebuttal arguments are to be allowed. If so, staff recommends the council authorize the same individual or group writing the argument in favor of or against the measure to also be authorized to write the rebuttal. Members of the public may also file a written argument for or against the measure. If there are multiple arguments for or against the measure, California Evidence Code Section 9287 prioritizes which arguments are selected for printing and distribution to the voters. Arguments may not to exceed 300 words in length and rebuttals many not exceed 250 words in length. Additionally, arguments and rebuttals may not be signed by more than five people. July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 2 of 13 Since the city will be consolidating the general municipal election with the statewide general election, the deadlines for the submittal of arguments and rebuttals will be the same deadlines as set by the San Diego County Registrar of Voters and the Elections Code as follows: August 13: August 14: August 14-24: August 18: Fiscal Analysis Arguments for or against a measure are due at the City Clerk's Office City Attorney's impartial analysis is due at the City Clerk's Office Examination period for impartial analysis and all arguments filed Rebuttal arguments are due at the City Clerk's Office Based on an estimate provided by the San Diego County Registrar of Voters, staff estimates the cost of adding the ballot measure to the Nov. 3, 2020, general municipal election ballot will be approximately $60,000 to $100,000. The City Clerk's Office requests the City Council authorize deputy city manager, administrative services to appropriate funds to reimburse the County of San Diego for the ballot measure's costs from the City Council contingency account upon receipt of the County's bill for its services. Next Steps Staff will file the resolution with the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and Registrar of Voters requesting that the measure be added to the general municipal election already consolidated with the statewide general election on Nov. 3, 2020. In addition, staff will publish notice of the measure on the city's website and in the local newspapers of general circulation authorized to publish legal notices. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach Public notice of this item was posted in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1.Resolution ordering the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Carlsbad a certain measure relating to City Council compensation; requesting that the County Board of Supervisors place the measure on the ballot and provide consolidation services; and appropriating the necessary funds 2.Resolution setting the priorities for filing written arguments regarding a city measure pertaining to City Council compensation and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis 3.Resolution setting the priorities for filing of rebuttal arguments regarding a city measure pertaining to City Council compensation July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 3 of 13 Exhibit 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-162 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD A CERTAIN MEASURE RELATING TO CITY COUNCIL COMPENSATION ON THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2020, REQUESTING THAT THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PLACE THE MEASURE ON THE BALLOT AND PROVIDE CONSOLIDATION SERVICES AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS WHEREAS, the City Council has called a general municipal election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 by Resolution No. 2020-120, adopted on June 23, 2020, for the purpose of electing one Councilmember from District 2 and one Councilmember from District 4 for the full term of four years; and WHEREAS, the City Council has requested that the San Diego County Board of Supervisors consolidate the city's general municipal election with the statewide election to be held on November 3, 2020, by Resolution No. 2020-121, adopted on June 23, 2020, for the purpose of electing one Councilmember from District 2 and one Councilmember from District 4 for the full term of four years; and WHEREAS, the City Council also desires to submit to the voters at the election a ballot question and Measure relating to City Council compensation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council orders submitted to the voters at the general municipal election the following ballot question: July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 4 of 13 MEASURE . CITY COUNCIL COMPENSATION. Shall Title 2, Chapter 2.04, Section 2.04.010(A) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code be adopted to prohibit city council compensation adjustments from exceeding the amount established by the San Diego Regional Consumer Price Index, to require the city council to either make or waive a compensation adjustment in January of each year, and to prohibit the city council from enacting retroactive increases for years in which the city council waived a compensation adjustment? YES NO Exhibit 1 3. That the City Council orders submitted to the voters at the general municipal election the following Measure: MEASURE CITY COUNCIL COMPENSATION The people of the City of Carlsbad do ordain as follows: Title 2, Chapter 2.04, Section 2.04.010(A) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is adopted to read: The compensation of each member of the city council shall be set at $2,052.17 per month upon the effective date of this ordinance. Adjustments to city council compensation shall not exceed the amount established by the San Diego Regional Consumer Price Index. Adjustments to city council compensation must be made or permanently waived by ordinance in January of each year. The city council is prohibited from enacting retroactive increases for years in which a salary increase was waived. 4. That the vote requirement for the Measure to pass is a majority (50 percent +1) of the votes cast. 5. That the ballots used at the election shall be in the form and content as required by law, and in all particulars not recited in this resolution, the election shall be held and conducted as provided by law for holding municipal elections. July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 5 of 13 Exhibit 1 6. That pursuant to the requirements of California Elections Code Section 10403, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors is requested to consent and agree to the inclusion of the Measure in the previously submitted request for consolidation of the general municipal election with the statewide general election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, for purposes of electing one Councilmember from District 2 and one Councilmember from District 4. 7. That the San Diego County Registrar of Voters is authorized to canvass the returns of the general municipal election. The election shall be held in all respects as if there were only one election and only one form of ballot shall be used. The election will be held and conducted in accordance with the provisions of law regulating a general municipal election. 8. That the city clerk services manager is authorized, instructed and directed to coordinate with Registrar of Voters to procure and furnish any and all official ballots, notices, printed matter and all supplies, equipment and paraphernalia that may be necessary in order to properly and lawfully conduct the election. 9. That the Board of Supervisors is requested to issue instructions to the Registrar of Voters to take any and all steps necessary for the holding of the consolidated election. 10. That the City of Carlsbad recognizes that additional costs will be incurred by the County by reason of this consolidation and agrees to reimburse the County of San Diego for any costs. 11. That the city clerk services manager is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the Board of Supervisors and the Registrar of Voters. 12. That notice of the time and place of holding the election is given and the city clerk services manager is authorized, instructed and directed to give further or additional notice of the election, in the time, form and manner as required by law. 13. The City Council authorizes the deputy city manager, administrative services, to appropriate the necessary funds to reimburse the County's costs upon presentation of a properly submitted bill. July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 6 of 13 Exhibit 1 14. That the city clerk services manager shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of July, 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor OVI,WIfYI,4/VIV r20 -C-0( BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 7 of 13 Exhibit 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-163 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SETTING PRIORITIES FOR FILING WRITTEN ARGUMENTS REGARDING A CITY MEASURE PERTAINING TO CITY COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS WHEREAS, a general municipal election is to be held in the City of Carlsbad, California, on November 3, 2020, at which there will be submitted to the voters the following Measure: MEASURE CITY COUNCIL COMPENSATION The people of the City of Carlsbad do ordain as follows: Title 2, Chapter 2.04, Section 2.04.010(A) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is adopted to read: The compensation of each member of the city council shall be set at $2,052.17 per month upon the effective date of this ordinance. Adjustments to city council compensation shall not exceed the amount established by the San Diego Regional Consumer Price Index. Adjustments to city council compensation must be made or permanently waived by ordinance in January of each year. The city council is prohibited from enacting retroactive increases for years in which a salary increase was waived. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorizes its members to file written arguments, not to exceed 300 words, in favor of or against the Measure as described above. All written arguments filed by any person in favor of or against the Measure shall be accompanied by the July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 8 of 13 Exhibit 2 printed names and signatures of the persons submitting the arguments in accordance with California Elections Code 9283. The arguments may be changed or withdrawn until and including the date fixed by the City Clerk after which no arguments for or against the Measure may be submitted to the City Clerk. The arguments shall be filed with the City Clerk, signed, with the printed name(s) and signature(s) of the author(s) submitting it, or if submitted on behalf of an organization, the name of the organization, and the printed name and signature of at least one of its principal officers who is the author of the argument. The arguments shall be accompanied by the Form of Statement to be Filed by the Author(s) of Argument. 3. That if the City Clerk receives more than one argument for or more than one argument against the Measure within the prescribed time, the City Clerk shall select one of the arguments in favor and one of the arguments against the Measure for printing and distribution to the voters. In selecting the arguments, the City Clerk shall give preference and priority in the order specified in California Elections Code Section 9287. 4. That the City Council directs the City Clerk to transmit a copy of the Measure to the City Attorney. The City Attorney shall prepare an impartial analysis of the Measure not to exceed 500 words, showing the effects of the Measure on the existing law and the operation of the Measure. The analysis shall include a statement indicating the Measure was placed on the ballot by the City Council. In the event the entire text of the Measure is not printed on the ballot, or in the voter information of the sample ballot, there shall be printed immediately below: "The above statement is an impartial analysis of Measure . If you desire a copy of the Measure, please call the City Clerk's Office at 760-434-2808 and a copy will be mailed at no cost to you." July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 9 of 13 Exhibit 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of July, 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. cfr/f/ MATT HALL, Mayor BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 10 of 13 Exhibit 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-164 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SETTING PRIORITIES FOR FILING OF REBUTTAL ARGUMENTS REGARDING A CITY MEASURE PERTAINING TO CITY COUNCIL COMPENSATION THAT WILL BE SUBMITTED AT THE NOVEMBER 3, 2020 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION WHEREAS, California Elections Code Section 9285 authorizes the City Council, by majority vote, to adopt provisions to provide for the filing of rebuttal arguments to City measures submitted at municipal elections; WHEREAS, a general municipal election is to be held in the City of Carlsbad, California, on November 3, 2020, at which there will be submitted to the voters the following Measure: MEASURE CITY COUNCIL COMPENSATION The people of the City of Carlsbad do ordain as follows: Title 2, Chapter 2.04, Section 2.04.010(A) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is adopted to read: The compensation of each member of the city council shall be set at $2,052.17 per month upon the effective date of this ordinance. Adjustments to city council compensation shall not exceed the amount established by the San Diego Regional Consumer Price Index. Adjustments to city council compensation must be made or permanently waived by ordinance in January of each year. The city council is prohibited from enacting retroactive increases for years in which a salary increase was waived. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 11 of 13 Exhibit 3 2. That pursuant to California Elections Code Section 9285, when the elections official has selected the arguments for and against the Measure which will be printed and distributed to the voters, the elections official shall send a copy of an argument in favor of the proposition to the authors of any argument against the Measure and a copy of an argument against the Measure to the authors of any argument in favor of the Measure immediately upon receiving the arguments. The author or a majority of the authors of an argument relating to a City Measure may prepare and submit a rebuttal argument not exceeding 250 words or may authorize in writing any other person or persons to prepare, submit, or sign the rebuttal argument. A rebuttal argument may not be signed by more than five authors. The rebuttal arguments shall be filed with the City Clerk, signed, with the printed name(s) and signature(s) of the author(s) submitting it, or if submitted on behalf of an organization, the name of the organization, and the printed name and signature of at least one of its principal officers, not more than 10 days after the final date for filing direct arguments. The rebuttal arguments shall be accompanied by the Form of Statement to be Filed by Author(s) of Argument. Rebuttal arguments shall be printed in the same manner as the direct arguments. Each rebuttal argument shall immediately follow the direct argument which it seeks to rebut. 3. That the above provisions shall apply only to the election to be held on November 3, 2020. July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 12 of 13 Exhibit 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of July, 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ,frff//z/ MATT HALL, Mayor BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) July 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 13 of 13 Tammy Cloud-McMinn All Receive - Agenda Item # For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date 1M;-<- CA CC CM --- ACM -- DCM (3) - Since the political season is upon us, I am concerned about the door to door canvassers at this time. I had my first one today, and she had to take off her mask to be heard, which defeats the purpose of wearing a mask. For elections in 2020, I think door to door is a bad idea. Please consider this issue and inform all candidates to conduct their campaigns in other ways besides door to door. Thank you for listening, Kathryn Mullins Resident CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From: mull.kathryn@roadrunner.com Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 3:55 PM To: City Clerk Subject: door to door political canvassers during Covid Please route this to the appropriate person: 1