HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-05-12; City Council; ; Extension of Local COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency and Modification of Regular City Council Meeting Start Time During the Local Emergency~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: May 12, 2020 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Scott Chadwick, City Manager scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2821 CA Review CKM Subject: Extension of Local COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency and Modification of Regular City Council Meeting Start Time During the Local Emergency Recommended Action Adopt a resolution: (1) extending the local COVID-19 pandemic emergency until terminated by further City Council action, and (2) modifying the start time of regular City Council meetings to 3 p.m. for the duration of the local emergency. Executive Summary COVID-19 pandemic emergency proclamations have existed in the County of San Diego since February 14, 2020, in the State of California since March 4, 2020, and in the City of Carlsbad since March 16, 2020. City Council Resolution No. 2020-048 ratifying the city's COVID-19 pandemic emergency proclamation indicated the local emergency would expire on May 15, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. unless it is extended or terminated by the City Council. Staff recommends the City Council adopt a resolution extending the local COVID-19 pandemic emergency until terminated by further City Council action. Staff additionally recommends the City Council modify the start time for its regular meetings to 3 p.m. for the duration of the local emergency. Discussion Extend Local State of Emergency California Government Code section 8630 authorizes a local government body or a designated official to proclaim a local emergency when an event such as an epidemic occurs. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 6.04.lO0(A)(l) authorizes the city's director of emergency services to proclaim a local emergency, subject to ratification by the City Council. On March 16, 2020, the city manager, acting as the city's director of emergency services, proclaimed a local COVID-19 pandemic emergency under California Government Code Section 8630 and Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 6.04. On March 17, 2020, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2020-048 ratifying the local emergency. May 12, 2020 Item #9 Page 1 of 5 California Government Code Section 8630, subdivision (c), requires the City Council to review the need for continuing the local emergency at least once every 60 days until the City Council terminates the local emergency. The governor's statewide emergency proclamation included provisions waiving the 60-day review requirement and authorizing the local emergency to remain in effect until terminated by the City Council. Notwithstanding these provisions, staff is bringing this item forward for City Council action for transparency and to avoid any confusion from the expiration date contained in the original order. COVID-19 remains a public health threat in California, San Diego County and in Carlsbad, as the coronavirus that causes it is continuing to spread. As of this writing, over 58,000 people have tested positive for the disease statewide, while over 3,300 have been hospitalized, over 1,100 have required intensive care and over 2,400 have died. Countywide, over 3,900 people have tested positive for the disease, over 800 have been hospitalized, over 260 have required intensive care and 139 have died. In Carlsbad, 57 people have tested positive for the disease. Because of the public health threat, city residents and businesses are subject to state and county stay-at-home orders. State and county officials have said they plan to modify these restrictions in phases, with the modifications dependent upon meeting certain public health criteria. As of May 1, the county modified its stay-at-home order to reduce restrictions on access to beaches, parks, recreation areas and golf courses. To reopen these amenities, a city must submit social distancing and sanitation protocols and then carry them out. Relaxing the restrictions was paired with increasing the requirements for the use of face coverings in public places. These modifications in the public health orders required staff to prepare and submit compliance plans, create signs and education materials and shift city personnel and resources to implement the orders. If a surge in COVID-19 cases occurs, the state or county may tighten the restrictions and/or impose alternative safety and sanitation measures that would require additional staff action and city resources to implement. Because of the fluidity of the state's and the county's phased approaches to addressing the COVID-19 public health threat, staff anticipates a continuing need to respond to the threat for as long as the state and county emergency proclamations are in effect. Staff recommends the City Council extend the local emergency until terminated by further City Council action. Modify City Council meeting's start time The City Council starts its regular meetings in the early evening to facilitate public participation in the meetings. Because the local COVID-19 pandemic emergency prevents the City Council from safely meeting in person and the city has established alternative, effective means for members of the public to provide their comments to the City Council, the City Council directed staff at its April 21, 2020, meeting to explore moving the start time for regular City Council meetings to earlier in the day for the duration of the local emergency. Staff is recommending the City Council shift its regular City Council meeting start time to 3:00 p.m. during the state of emergency. May 12, 2020 Item #9 Page 2 of 5 Fiscal Analysis On April 14, 2020, the City Council allocated $3,000,000 from the city's economic uncertainty set-aside funds in the General Fund to pay for costs related to the local COVID-19 pandemic emergency. Staff has been and will continue to provide the City Council with bi-weekly updates on these costs. Next Steps Staff will continue to respond to the local COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency, and regular City Council meetings will begin at 3:00 p.m. for the duration of the state of emergency. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA} Emergency projects are statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under CEQA Guidelines section 15269. Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution May 12, 2020 Item #9 Page 3 of 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-085 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING THE LOCAL COVID-19 EMERGENCY UNTIL TERMINATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND MODIFYING THE START TIME OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS TO 3:00 P.M. FOR THE DURATION OF THE LOCAL EMERGENCY WHEREAS, on March 4, 2020, the Governor of the State of California issued a Proclamation of a State of Emergency under California Government Code 8625 because of the spread of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, the Director of Emergency Services issued a Proclamation of a Local Emergency under California Government Code Section 8630 and Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 6.04 because of the spread of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California adopted Resolution No. 2020-040, ratifying the Proclamation of a Local Emergency; and WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 8630, subdivision (c), requires the City Council to review the need for continuing the local emergency at least once every 60 days until the City Council terminates the local emergency; and WHEREAS, the Proclamation of Local Emergency will expire on May 15, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. unless extended or terminated by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Governor's statewide emergency proclamation included provisions waiving the 60-day review requirement in California Government Code Section 8630, subdivision (c), and authorizing the local emergency to remain in effect until terminated by the City Council; and WHEREAS, there remains a significant threat of widespread transmission of COVID-19 and a corresponding need for the city to respond to the threat; and WHEREAS, the City Council starts its regular meetings in the early evenings to facilitate in- person participation at City Council meetings; and WHEREAS, the local COVID-19 emergency prevents the City Council from safely conducting in- person meetings; and WHEREAS, the adjustments necessary for the City Council to conduct virtual meetings has included alternative, effective means for members of the public to provide their comments to the City Council; and May 12, 2020 Item #9 Page 4 of 5 WHEREAS, the City Council desires to modify the start time for its regular meetings to 3:00 p.m. for the duration of the local emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, resolves as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Proclamation of Local Emergency is extended until further action by the City Council, the need for which the City Council will review upon termination of either the state or county emergency proclamations. 3. That the start time for regular City Council meetings will be 3:00 p.m. for the duration of the local emergency. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 12th day of May 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor (SEAL) May 12, 2020 Item #9 Page 5 of 5 Hector Gomez From: Sunshine Makarow Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 1:48 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Notice regarding the Constitution and my rights Re: Notice regarding the Constitution and my rights Dear Ms. Engleson, All Receive - Agenda Item #1. For the Information of the; cIry COUNCIL Date 5 OcA cc )( CM >C Xcii KDCM (3) Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitiy/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bitly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bitly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bitly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 2 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bitly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using nnicrochipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bitly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Sunshine Maka row 92010 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Hector Gomez From: Josh Juncal Sent: Monday, May 11,2020 1:24 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Notice of Non-Consent regarding violations to my Constitutional rights Re: Notice of Non-Consent regarding violations to my Constitutional rights Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi1l6666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 4 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or bionnetric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LffdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bitly/341r9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bitly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'ern right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Josh Juncal 92008 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hector Gomez From: Sarah tipton Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 1:06 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Regarding my rights Re: Regarding my rights Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LffdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Sarah tipton 92011 Constituent CAUTION:, Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.' 9 Hector Gomez From: Jennifer Knox Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 12:53 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Letter of non consent for harm Re: Letter of non consent for harm Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 10 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bitly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 11 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Jennifer Knox 92008 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.' 12 Hector Gomez From: Keris Binder Sent: Monday, May 11,2020 12:47 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Notice regarding the Constitution and my rights Re: Notice regarding the Constitution and my rights Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bil16666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 13 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 14 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bitly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Keris Binder Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 15 Hector Gomez From: Paul Root < Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 10:55 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Letter of non consent for harm Re: Letter of non consent for harm Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 16 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.lyi2LfrdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bitly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/MBzw 17 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34D1M79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Paul Root 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 18 Hector Gomez From: Megan Root Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 10:53 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Regarding my rights Re: Regarding my rights Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bit.ly/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 19 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 20 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'ern right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using nnicrochipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34D1M79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bitly/3ckVt & bitly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Megan Root 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 21 Hector Gomez From: Kimberly McDaniel Sent: Monday, May 11,2020 10:32 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Protect my unalienable rights Re: Protect my unalienable rights Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 22 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 23 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fy071 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Kimberly McDaniel 92010 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 24 Hector Gomez From: Dustin pressley Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 9:26 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Non consent for any and all "contact tracing" Re: Non consent for any and all "contact tracing" Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 25 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bitly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/341r9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 26 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bitly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using nnicrochipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bitly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Dustin pressley 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.' 27 Hector Gomez From: Lisa Fernandez Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 6:57 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Notice regarding the Constitution and my rights Re: Notice regarding the Constitution and my rights Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bit.ly/bi1l6666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 28 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LffdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bitly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 29 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.lynxHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bitly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Lisa Fernandez 92011 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 30 Hector Gomez From: Andrea Schulgasser Sent: Monday, May 11,2020 12:16 AM To: City Clerk Subject: NOTICE regarding HR 6666 (TRACE Act) and other measures causing harm Re: NOTICE regarding HR 6666 (TRACE Act) and other measures causing harm Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network—to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 31 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bitly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 32 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely Andrea Schulgasser Sincerely, Andrea Schulgasser 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 33 Hector Gomez From: Cathy McLoughlin Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 10:30 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Notice of Non-Consent regarding violations to my Constitutional rights Re: Notice of Non-Consent regarding violations to my Constitutional rights Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 34 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bitly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 35 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bitly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bitly/2RDS13bq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Cathy McLoughlin 92011 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 36 Hector Gomez From: Rebecca Haber Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 10:28 PM To: City Clerk Subject: My Notice and Terms Re: My Notice and Terms Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 37 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAlgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bitly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 38 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bitly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34D1M79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bitly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Rebecca Haber 92010 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 39 Hector Gomez From: Wendy paige < Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 9:41 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Non consent and accountability: contact tracing, lockdown measures, etc Re: Non consent and accountability: contact tracing, lockdown measures, etc Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi1l6666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-swom elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 40 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4.G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bitly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LffdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 41 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bitly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bitly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Wendy paige Carlsbad, CA 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 42 Hector Gomez From: Mark Hansen < Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 2:59 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Non consent and accountability: contact tracing, lockdown measures, etc Re: Non consent and accountability: contact tracing, lockdown measures, etc Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 43 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying Vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 44 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Mark Hansen 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 45 Hector Gomez From: Mitra Singh Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 11:47 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Notice regarding the Constitution and my rights Re: Notice regarding the Constitution and my rights Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi1l6666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 46 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bitly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 47 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.lynzsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Mitra Singh 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 48 Hector Gomez From: Monica Merino Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 11:33 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Regarding my rights; and accepting your oath of office Re: Regarding my rights; and accepting your oath of office Dear Ms. Engleson, Lovely day! Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bit.ly/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: 49 A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or bionnetric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bitly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 50 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using nnicrochipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bitly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Monica Merino 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 51 Hector Gomez From: Mona Motwani Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 11:19 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Regarding my rights; and accepting your oath of office Re: Regarding my rights; and accepting your oath of office Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi1l6666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 52 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bitly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bitly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 53 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'ern right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Mona Motwani 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 54 Hector Gomez From: Mary Ann Servin Sent: Saturday, May 9, 2020 11:22 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Notice regarding "contact tracing", aka surveillance, and my terms Re: Notice regarding "contact tracing", aka surveillance, and my terms Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi116666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 55 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LffdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bitly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 56 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bitly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Mary Ann Servin 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 57 Hector Gomez From: Bernadette Smith Sent: Saturday, May 9, 2020 9:58 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Notice regarding the Constitution and my rights Re: Notice regarding the Constitution and my rights Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" — a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network — to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bitly/bi1l6666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional — i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm — properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 58 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/5G/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tunc, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM,-which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bitly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LffdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is 5G being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3c1w1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 59 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm — just shoot 'ern right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dw01 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (4*060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why do gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Bernadette Smith t 92008 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 60 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: Christine Knapp-Phillips < Tuesday, May 12, 2020 6:51 AM To: City Clerk Subject: Notice regarding "contact tracing", aka surveillance, and my terms a All Receive -Agenda Item # _l Re: Notice regarding "contact tracing", aka surveillance, and my terms Dear Ms. Engleson, For the Information of the: A.TJ.. COUNCIL Dat~ CA ..-CC / CM VACM_ ..... •ocM (3) ,....- Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" -a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network-to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bit.ly/bill6666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid . If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. 8. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional -i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm -properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 1 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation frdm 4G/SG/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tune, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit. ly /2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skxl 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is SG being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3clwlfG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 2 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm -just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dwO1 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why does gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended to control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Christine Knapp-Phillips 32008 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Irene Hoffman Tuesday, May 12, 2020 9:55 AM City Clerk · All Receive -Agenda Item # 9_ For the Information of the: . .f.l"JY COUNCIL Date..5JJB._ CA .......-Cc ~ CM .....-ACM -OCM (3)-:;;;,----- Subject: NOTICE regarding HR 6666 (TRACE Act) and other measures causing harm Re: NOTICE regarding HR 6666 (TRACE Act) and other measures causing harm Dear Ms. Engleson, Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" - a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network -to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bit.ly/bill6666 This ac_tion is egregious and, for federal officials, I instruct you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: you are ordered to stop and prevent all anti-Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional -i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm -properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 1 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/SG/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tune, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4 .. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is SG being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final l solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3clw1fG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 2 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm -just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dwO1 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why does gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended to control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Irene Hoffman 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Crystal Ray Monday, May 11, 2020 7:44 PM City Clerk Notice regarding the Constitution and my rights Re: Notice regarding the Constitution and my rights Dear Ms. Engleson, All Receive -Agenda Item# .:1- For the Information of the: ':!..TY.EOUNCIL Date ~CA .-"cc v" CM ~CM ___:DCM (3)-;;;;;:,,-- Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" - a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network -to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bit.ly/bill6666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional -i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm -properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 1 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent}; nor exposure to radiation from 4G/SG/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tune, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skx1 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is SG being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3clwlfG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 2 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm -just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dwO1 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored : bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why does gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended to control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Crystal Ray 92010 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Re: My Notice and Terms Dear Ms. Engleson, Tamara Clark Monday, May 11, 2020 5:13 PM City Clerk My Notice and Terms All Receive -Agenda Item # 3... For the Information of the: 9TY_ COUNCIL Dat~ CA VCC ~ CM /4c:M ~CM (3) .,,,.,,-- Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" - a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network -to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bit.ly/bill6666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that can no be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional -i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm -properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce, 1 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/SG/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tune, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skxl 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cnll 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is SG being fast-tracked in our cities and sch.ools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3clwlfG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 2 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm -just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dwO1 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent {#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why does gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended to cont rol our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Tamara Clark 92008 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Carrie Humpherys Tuesday, May 12, 2020 9:48 AM City Clerk Subject: Non consent and accountability: contact tracing, lockdown measures, etc O Re: Non consent and accountability: contact tracing, lockdown measures, etc Dear Ms. Engleson, All Receive -Agenda Item# i For the Information of the: CIIY COUNCIL Date;{/J;;., CA ~cc ~ CM ./ACM --UCM (3) ~ Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" - a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network -to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bit.ly/bill6666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I instruct you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: you are ordered to stop and prevent all anti-Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional -i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm -properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: · A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 1 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/SG/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tune, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skxl 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTyd5 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is SG being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3clwlfG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 2 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm -just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dwO1 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why does gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended to control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Carrie Humpherys 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content . is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Michelle Lawrence Sent: To: Subject: Re : Notice of non consent Dear Ms. Engleson, Tuesday, May 12, 2020 3:12 AM City Clerk Notice of non consent All Receive -Agenda Item# 9_ For the Information of the: >)iTY COUNCIL Date.S i/~ CA ~c __::::- CM .,.,..-ACM ----0CM (3) _.. Below are critically important questions, evidence, facts, and my NOTICE OF TERMS to you in your public and private capacities. Transmission of this notice has been electronically recorded. Thank you for reading this notice, sent to you in good faith, and without ill-intent. Please respond ASAP. In this current crisis, measures have been undertaken which are harming me against my consent. Further malicious actions are being threatened against me, and against the rule of law itself. A central example is the TRACE Act (HR 6666), proposing $100 BILLION in 2020 to create an industry of "contact tracers" -a ubiquitous, fascist surveillance network -to enforce testing and apparently to grant the "authority" to remove people from their dwellings. See: bit.ly/bill6666 This action is egregious and, for federal officials, I ask you to immediately stop this bill. For all officials: stop all anti- Constitution legislation, and pass laws preserve all Constitutional rights and the rule of law in this country. PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS A. I have unalienable rights recognized in the original U.S. Constitution that cannot be superseded by any agenda, nor be removed from me. I understand these laws of the land to be active and currently valid. If this is not the case, please send verification in writing within 72 hours. ' B. My unalienable rights are being harmed by agendas implemented by oath-sworn elected officials, corporate executives and/or non-elected officials (collectively "Agents Of Harm"). These include, without limitation: i. My free rights to speak, travel, do commerce, work, assemble, and be free of surveillance without warrant. ii. A threat of medical procedures or experimentation without my consent. iii. Threats of punitive detention, violence and or assault for non-compliance. C. My unalienable rights are NOT conditional -i.e. subject to proving I am not contagious, nor submitting to surveillance, nor anything that would cause me harm -properly called "extortion". NOTICE OF TERMS Effective immediately, and until each of the below questions are answered to my satisfaction, LET IT BE KNOWN throughout all jurisdictions and dimensions that: A. I DO NOT CONSENT to being harmed by any imposition of quarantine, or restriction on my right to assemble, work, travel, speak or do commerce. 1 B. I DO NOT CONSENT to being told to live in fear, nor made to wear a mask, nor being mandated an allowable proximity to others. C. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer of forced medical experimentation or testing; nor forced medical procedure (i.e. vaccine, or substance delivered by air, water, or other means without my knowledge and consent); nor exposure to radiation from 4G/SG/wireless deployments; nor being tracked by any technology or biometric device on or adjacent to my body. D. I HEREBY ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE as your sworn statement that binds you to uphold my Constitutional rights, protect me from harm once noticed, and to liability when acting with negligence or without duty of care. E. I RESERVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS, nunc pro tune, to pursue remedy for ALL harm AND THREATS OF HARM, which may constitute CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and or tort, caused or contributed by Agents Of Harm. I intend to seek remedy and lawful justice unless and until the stated harmful actions cease and desist. If you do not agree with my lawful ability to state and realize these claims and terms, please make your case in writing within 72 hours. If I receive no response from you, or if you offer any response that violates the supremacy of the original U.S. Constitution and you do not disprove my claim that the U.S. Constitution is active and valid, I will deem you to be in agreement and will proceed accordingly. QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE 1. Why are doctors asked to RECORD ANY CAUSE OF DEATH AS CV-19 EVEN IN THE ABSENSE OF CONFIRMATORY TESTING? bit.ly/2yfAJgc 2. Why are hospitals paid $13,000 for EACH claimed CV-19 patient and $39,000 for EACH ventilator request? bit.ly/2wFxH4i 3. Why are testing methods being used which DO NOT confirm CV-19, and which the test inventor said should NOT be used to identify a specific disease? bit.ly/2LfTdAw 4. Why are goats and even fruit apparently testing "positive" for CV-19? bit.ly/35Skxl 5. Why is the media suppressing a study showing CV-19 may be up to 50-85x LESS fatal than was thought? bit.ly/3cxTydS 6. Why are hospitals empty if CV-19 is a legitimate pandemic? bit.ly/3cn11 7. Why do you not tell us social distancing costs us $2 trillion dollars, contributes to depression and suicide, and will CAUSE the "second wave"? bit.ly/3ezOdno 8. Why is SG being fast-tracked in our cities and schools during lockdown? bit.ly/34Jr9hN 9. Why are the economy, jobs, and freedoms being destroyed, allegedly to save people, when alcohol, cigarettes and junk food kill 21 MILLION people/year AND ARE STILL ALLOWED? bit.ly/3dt31 10. Why is Bill Gates, who is neither an elected official, nor a medical professional, saying vaccines are the "final solution" when vaccines can reduce immunity, increase disease, and harm or kill us? bit.ly/3clwlfG 11. Why did Bill Gates say, "eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it"? bit.ly/3fBzw 2 12. Why did Bill Gates say, "we're taking genetically-modified organisms and we're injecting them into a little kid's arm -just shoot 'em right in the vein"? bit.ly/3dwO1 13. Why does Microsoft own a patent (#060606, Mar 2020) for a cryptocurrency system using microchipped humans? bit.ly/3fyQ71 14. Why are doctors CENSORED for reporting that their CV-19 patients recovered from vitamin C? bit.ly/2xHpGfD 15. Why are YouTube and Google allowed to censor videos from hundreds of CREDIBLE EXPERTS, expressing grave concerns? See what's been censored: bit.ly/2zsH1 & bit.ly/34DiM79 16. Why has mask-wearing been forced when the Surgeon General, the WHO and even Dr. Fauci say to not wear them? bit.ly/3ckVt & bit.ly/3dw81 17. Why does gov't and Hollywood co-fabricate stories intended to control our thoughts and behaviors? bit.ly/2RDSBbq 18. With this evidence of how we are being gravely misled, CAN YOU PLEASE RESPOND WITH VALID, JUSTIFIABLE REASONS WHY I SHOULD SURRENDER ANY OF MY UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Sincerely, Michelle Lawrence 92009 Constituent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Extension of COVID-19 Local Emergency and Modification of City Council Meeting Start Time During Emergency Cindie McMahon, Assistant City Attorney May 12, 2019 Recommendation Adopt a resolution: 1.Extending the local COVID-19 emergency until terminated by further City Council action 2.Modifying the start time of regular City Council meetings to 3 p.m. for the duration of the local emergency 2 Background •COVID-19 Emergency Proclamations: –County as of Feb. 14, 2020 –State as of Mar. 4, 2020 –City as of Mar. 16, 2020 (ratified Mar. 17, 2020) 3 Expiration •CA Govt. Code §8630(c) requires City Council review of the need for the local emergency every 60 days –Currently, City emergency expires May 15, 2020 at 5 p.m., unless extended or terminated 4 Waiver of 60-Day Review •State emergency proclamation waives the 60-day review requirement •Authorizes City emergency to remain in effect until terminated 5 Continuing Need of Emergency •COVID-19 continues to spread •City residents and businesses remain subject to state and county stay-at-home orders •Orders will be modified gradually, subject to compliance with safety protocols 6 Continuing Need for Emergency •City staff and resources will be needed for emergency response as long as the state and county emergency orders are in effect •Staff recommends continuing the local emergency until terminated by further City Council action 7 Emergency’s Effect on Meetings •City Council meeting start time set for early evening to facilitate in-person public participation •State of emergency prevents City Council from safely conducting in-person meetings 8 Effect on Meetings •City has established alternative, effective means of public participation in meetings •City Council requested modification of start time until in-person meetings may resume •Staff recommends modifying start time to 3 p.m. for duration of the local emergency 9 Questions? 10