HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-28; City Council; ; A Resolution to accept and appropriate $163,674 in State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) funds.CA Review l.VV (i) S~~fi R~port Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: Jan .28,2020 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager David Harrison, Assistant Director for Emergency Services david.harrison@carl sbadca.gov 760-484-0247 A Resolution to accept and appropriate $163,674 in State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) funds. Recommended Action Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept FY 2018 and FY 2019 State Homeland Security Grant Program funds and authorizing the Deputy City Manager for Administrative Services to appropriate the funds for program expenses. Executive Summary The City of Carlsbad has again been invited to· participate in the FY 2018 and FY 2019 San Diego County-administered State Homeland Security Grant Programs. The San Diego County Unified Disaster Council, a Joint Powers Authority, is making up to $163,674 available to the City of Carlsbad. Discussion The City of Carlsbad has again been invited to participate in the FY 2018 and FY 2019 San Diego County-administered State Homeland Security Grant Programs (SHSGP). The County of San · Diego applies for, receives and locally administers federal grant funds associated with this program. These programs have multi-year performance periods. The County's Unified Disaster Council, of which Carlsbad is a member, is the governing body that determines the local grant fund distribution formula, which is based on population in each jurisdiction. The Unified Disaster Council, a Joint Powers Authority, is making up to $163,674 available to the City of Carlsbad. The SHSGP provides funds to build capabilities in support of state homeland security strategies and goals. These goals include enhancing catastrophic incident response capabilities. These funds also support public safety, a foundation of Council Goals and Community Vision. The funds are divided evenly between Carlsbad Police and Fire departments. The City of Carlsbad Fire and Police departments jointly review allowable grant expenditures, determine the needs of each department and allocate funds based on identified department needs. Such capability enhancement needs are typically identified during incident response operations or exercises. Jan. 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 1 of 6 Carlsbad Police Department will be spending the FY 2018 funds ($40,916) on personal protective equipment (ballistic helmets) and FY 2019 ($40,921) funds on interoperable communications equipment, portable radios and accessories. The Carlsbad Fire Department will be spending the FY 2018 funds ($40,916) on self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) mask thermal imaging upgrades and the FY 2019 funds ($40,921) on search and rescue equipment and satellite communications equipment. Standard assurances for federal grant programs require that participating agencies obtain written authorization from the city council, governing board or authorized body. Fiscal Analysis No matching funds are required for the State Homeland Security Grants. All SHSGP grant- related expenditures are 100% reimbursable. Upon completion of grant-related expenditures, the Public Safety Grant Special Revenue Fund will be reimbursed by periodic grant reimbursements. The performance period for the FY 2018 grant ends May 31, 2020. The final deadline for jurisdictions to submit reimbursement requests for FY 2019 program will be July 31, 2021. Next Steps If the City Council adopts the resolution, the City Manager will accept these funds on behalf of the City of Carlsbad and the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services will appropriate $81,832 and $81,842 to the Public Safety Grants Special Revenue Funds for the Fiscal Years 2018 and 2019 State Homeland Security Programs respectively. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept the FY 2018 and FY 2019 SHSGP funds 2. FY 2018 SHSP Grant Allocation Proposal 3. FY 2019 SHSP Grant Allocation Proposal Jan. 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 2 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-024 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $163,674 FOR PUBLIC SAFETY THROUGH THE FISCAL YEARS 2018 AND 2019 STATE HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAMS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has been allocated funds through the fiscal year 2018 and 2019 State Homeland Security Grant Programs to enhance catastrophic incident response; and WHEREAS, Carlsbad's Fire and Police departments, based on lessons from incident response operations and exercises, propose to enhance catastrophic incident response capabilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the grant funds will be used to purchase personal protective equipment, interoperable communications equipment, self-contained breathing apparatus thermal imaging upgrades, search and rescue equipment and satellite communications equipment. 3. That the expenditures specified are authorized in compliance with the grant. 4. That the City Manager of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said award with the County of San Diego, for receipt of the subject grant funds, as well as any required reports and/or final statements. 5. That the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services is authorized to appropriate $81,832 and $81,842 to the Public Safety Special Revenue Fund for the fiscal years 2018 and 2019 State Homeland Security Grant Programs, respectively. Jan. 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 3 of 6 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of January 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MATTH~ C:Zt-r,,,__---_, fledor /romu1 Pt~v!J f c, BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk C t"'1 crt,v (SEAL) Jan. 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 4 of 6 FY 2018 STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM (SHSP) GRANT ALLOCATION PROPOSAL JURISDICTION FY2017 • ALLOCATION FY2018 • PROPOSAL LE -25% of Sworn LE I.JE • 25% of Non-LE % Change CITIES FY17 Non-LE TOTAL Personnel FY17 Population Non-LJE TOTAL from Allocation Figures Allocation FY2017 to Allocation (2016) Allocation (2016) FY2018 CARLSBAD 16,643 65,619 82,262 112 16,835 113,725 64,997 81,832 -0.52% CHULA VISTA 32,681 147,286 179,967 222 33,369 267,917 146,343 179,712 -0.14% CORONADO 6,203 18,543 24,746 44 6,614 24,543 17,948 24,562 -0.74% DEL MAR . 7,294 7,294 . . 4,297 7,267 7,267 -0.37% EL CAJON 18,459 69,933 78,392 122 18,338 102,803 59,235 77,573 -1.04% ENCINITAS -38,242 38,242 --62,288 37,861 37,861 -1.00% ESCONDIDO 23,149 85,926 109,075 156 23,448 151,492 84,921 108,369 -0.65% ESCONDIDO RINCON DEL DIABLO -8,259 8,259 -. 15,442 8,147 8,147 -1.36% IMPERIAL BEACH -19,726 19,726 . -27,510 19,513 19,513 -1.08% LA MESA 10,288 37,197 47,485 68 10,221 60,286 36,804 47,025 -0.97% LEMON GROVE -19,284 19,284 . -26,795 19,136 19,136 -0.77% NATIONAL CITY 13,012 37,619 50,631 86 12,927 61,210 37,292 50,219 -0.81% NATIONAL CITY -LINCOLN ACRES -841 841 --1,571 829 829 -1 .43% OCEANSIDE 31,471 99,446 130,917 219 32,918 176,461 98,093 131,011 0.07% POWAY -31,894 31,894 --50,253 31,511 31,511 -1.20% SAN DIEGO 281,572 . 281,572 1,861 279,729 --279,729 -0.65% SAN MARCOS . 55,079 55,079 - -94,042 54,613 54,613 -0.85% SAN MP<RCOS FPO -7,767 7,767 -. 14,521 7,661 7,661 -1.36% SANTEE -35,466 35,466 - -57,100 35,124 35,124 -0.96% SOLANA BEACH -12,243 12,243 --13,527 12,136 12,136 -0.87% VISTA -58 086 58,086 - -101,797 58,704 58,704 1.06% VISTA FPO -11,713 11,713 - -21,898 11,552 11,552 -1.37% TOTAL CITIES 433,478 857,463 1,290,941 2,890 434,399 1,449,478 849,687 1,284,086 -0.53% FIRE DISTRICTS/OTHER ALlPINE FPO -13,176 13,176 --15,658 13,261 13,261 0.65% DEER SPRINGS FPO -11,607 11,607 --12,737 11,720 11,720 0.97% JULIAN-CUYAMACA FPO -7,236 7,236 --4,081 7,153 7,153 -1.15% LAKESIDE FPO -38,382 38,382 -. 62,684 38,069 38,069 -0.82% NORTH COUNTY FPO . 32,520 32,520 --51,397 32,115 32,115 -1.25% PORT OF SAN DIEGO 18,459 -18,459 133 19,991 --19,991 8.30% RANCHO SANTA FE FPO -22,377 22,377 -. 34,031 22,953 22,953 2.57% SAN MIGUEL FPO -71,826 71,826 . -125,300 71,103 71,103 -1.01% VALLEY CENTER FPO -13,988 13,988 --16,628 13,772 13,772 -1.54% TOTAL FIRE DISTRICTS/OTHER 18,459 211,112 229,571 133 19,991 322,516 210,146 230,137 0.25% 2-1-1 SAN DIEGO CONTRACT 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 0.00°/, COUNTY DE~TS UDC SHARE 102,357 102,357 - --102,357 102,357 0.00% M&A(So/o) 169,430 169,430 ---169,430 169,430 0.00% HHSA-EMS 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 0.00% OES, HHSA-EMS -1,056,405 1,056,405 . -. 1,059,833 1,059,833 0.32% SHERIFF 389,903 -389,903 2,613 392,764 --392,764 0.73% TOTAL COUNTY DEPTS 389,903 1,408,192 1,798,095 2,613 392,764 1,411,620 1,804,384 0.35% TOT AL ALLOCATIONS 841,840 2,546,767 3,388,607 5,636 847,154 1,771,994 2,541,453 3,388,607 0.00% Notes: 'Personnel Cap: Each jurisdiction's allocation has a personnel cap of 50%. 'San Diego Sheriff includes: Unincorporated San Diego County and the ·con1racted cities of Del Mar, Encinitas, Imperial Beach, Lemon Grove, Poway, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach and Vista. Exhibit 2Jan. 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 5 of 6 FY 2019 STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM (SHSP) GRANT ALLOCATION PROPOSAL JURISDICTION FY2018 -ALLOCATION FY2019 -PROPOSAL LE -25% of Sworn LE LE -25% of Non-LE % Change CITIES FY18 Non-LE TOTAL Personnel FY18 Population Non-LE TOTAL from Allocation Figures Allocation FY2018 to Allocation (2018) Allocation (2018) FY2019 CARLSBAD 16,835 64,997 81,832 115 16,609 114,622 65,233 81,842 0.01% CHULA VISTA 33,369 146,343 179,712 224 32,351 267,503 145,572 177,923 -1.00% CORONADO 6,614 17,948 24,562 45 6,499 21,6B3 16,394 22,893 -6.80% DELMAR -7,267 7,267 --4,322 7,271 7,271 0.06% EL CAJON 16,336 59,235 77,573 124 17,909 105,557 60,470 78,379 1.04% ENCINITAS -37,861 37,861 --63,158 38,189 38,189 0.87% ESCONDIDO 23,448 84,921 108,369 158 22,819 151,478 84,601 107,420 -0.88% ESCONDIDO RINCON DEL DIABLO -8,147 8,147 - -14,199 7,461 7,461 -8.42% IMPERIAL BEACH -19,513 19,513 --28,163 19,800 19,800 1.47% LA MESA 10,221 36,804 47,025 69 9,965 61,261 37,192 47,157 0.28% LEMON GROVE -19,136 19,136 --26,834 19,101 19,101 -0.18% NATIONAL CITY 12,927 37,292 50,219 94 13,576 62,257 37,716 61,292 2.14% NATIONAL OITY -LINCOLN ACRES -829 829 --1,591 836 836 0.84% OCEANSIDE 32,91 8 96,093 131,011 225 32,496 177,362 96,203 130,699 -0.24% POWAY -31,511 31,511 - -50,207 31 ,384 31,384 -0.40% SAN DIEGO 279,729 -279,729 2,040 294,626 --294,626 5.33% SAN MARCOS -54,613 54,613 --95,768 55,326 55,326 1.31% SAN MARCOS FPO -7,661 7,661 --14,2B0 7,504 7,504 -2.05¾ SANTEE -35,124 35,124 --56,994 34,950 34,950 -0.50¾ SOLANA BEACH -12,136 12,136 --13,938 12,324 12,324 1.55% VISTA -58,704 58,704 - -103,381 59,326 59,326 1.06% VISTA FPO -11,552 11,552 --20,068 10,546 10,546 -6.71¾ TOTAL CITIES 434,399 849,687 1,284,086 3,094 446,850 1,454,626 849,399 1,296,249 0.95% FIRE DISTRICTS/OTHER ALPINE FPO -13,261 13,261 --15,658 13,228 13,228 -0.25¾ DEER SPRINGS FPO -11,720 11,720 --12,737 11,693 11,693 -0.23% JULIAN-CUYAMACA FPO -7,153 7,153 --4,081 7,145 7,145 -0.11¾ LAKESIDE FPO -38,069 38,069 - -62,684 37,940 37,940 -0.34¾ NORTH COUNTY FPO -32,115 32,115 --51,397 32,009 32,009 -0.33¾ PORT OF SAN DIEGO 19,991 -19,991 133 19,208 --19,208 -3.92¾ RANCHO SANTA•FE FPO -22,953 22,953 --34,031 22,883 22,883 -0.30% SAN MIGUEL FPO -71,103 71,103 --125,300 70,844 70,844 -0,36¾ VALLEY CENTER FPO -13,772 13,772 --16,628 13,738 13,738 -0.25¾ TOTAL F:IRE DlSTRICTS/OTHER 19,991 210,146 230,137 133 19 208 322,516 209,480 228,688 -0.63% 2-1-1 SAN DIEGO CONTRACT 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 0.00% COUNTY DEPTS UDC SHARE 102,357 102,367 ---102,357 102,357 0.00% M&A(5%) 169,430 169,430 - --169,294 169,294 -0.08¾ HHSA-EMS 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 0.00% OES -1,059,833 1,059,833 ---1,058,882 1,058,882 -0.09¾ SHERIFF 392,764 -392,764 2,634 380,416 - -380,416 -3.14¾ TOTAL COUNTY DEPTS 392,764 1,411,620 1,804,384 2,634 380,416 . 1,410,533 1,790,949 -0.74¾ TOTAL ALLOCATIONS 847,154 2,541,453 3,388,607 5,861 846,474 1,777,142 2,539,412 3,385,886 -0.08¾ Notes: •Personnel Cap: Each jurisdiction's allocation has a personnel cap of 50%. •San Diego Sheriff includes: Unincorporated San Diego County and the contracted cities of Del Mar, Encinitas, Imperial Beach, Lemon Grove, Poway, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach ~nd Vista. Exhibit 3Jan. 28, 2020 Item #7 Page 6 of 6