HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-14; City Council; ; Arts Commission Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2019-20Fiscal Analysis There is no direct fiscal impact associated with approving this work plan. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date. Exhibit 1. City Council Resolution 2. Minutes from April 4, 2019 Arts Commission Meeting Jan. 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 2 of 7 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-006 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ARTS COMMISSION WORK PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-20. WHEREAS, Chapter 2.15.020 (C) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) requires that each board or commission provide to the City Council for its approval an annual work plan of activities to be undertaken by the board or commission; and WHEREAS, at the March 2019 Arts Commission meeting, Cultural Arts staff assisted with the preparation of a work plan for fiscal year 2019-20 that is consistent with the duties of the Arts Commission under Chapter 2.18 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the mission of the Arts Commission is to advise the city council on arts and culture related matters and serve as a resource to the Cultural Arts Office providing insight and feedback representing the community perspective. This mission is accomplished through the Arts Commission's focus on the presentation of a diverse range of arts and cultural experiences which showcase the full spectrum of artistic styles and traditions and appeal to and represent the interests of the greater community; and WHEREAS, on Apr. 4, 2019, the Arts Commission accepted (4-1-0-1 with Commissioner Schmidt opposed and Commissioner White absent) and recommended City Council approval of the Arts Commission Work Plan for FY 2019-20. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad approves the Arts Commission Work Plan for FY 2019-20, attached hereto as Attachment A. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 14th day of January 2020, by the following vote, to wit: I AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ¥~~---~··•.\~ BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk C 1 1 ~oi ~i ~ CJeoJ \ \~~\ij/~_; ff (SEAL) ~ \.,,u0~nP'"' .. •· $ ¾f::ji./i=~~~~ lf/lJfl//1111\\\\\\\\ Jan. 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 3 of 7 I. Mission Statement City of Carlsbad Arts Commission Work Plan Fiscal Year 2019-2020 ATTACHMENT A The Carlsbad Arts Commission (CAC) is to advise the city council on arts and culture-related matters and serve as a resource to the Cultural Arts Office, providing insight and feedback representing the community perspective. This mission is accomplished through the CAC's focus on the presentation of a diverse range of arts and cultural experiences that showcase the full spectrum of artistic styles and traditions and appeal to and represent the interests of the greater community. II. Composition The Arts Commission shall consist of seven members, appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. Ill. FY 2019-2020 Goals & Tasks The City of Carlsbad Arts Commission has selected to focus on the following goals and tasks: • Provide to the city council for its approval an annual work plan of activities to be undertaken and a subsequent report of its accomplishments. • Monitor and report to the city council on the progress of the initiatives detailed in the Arts & Culture Master Plan. • Provide community perspective on issues and interests related to arts and culture in Carlsbad, as well as the delivery of programming by the Cultural Arts Office. • Serve on relevant committees, such as Arts Education, Gallery and Public Art, as a representative of the Arts Commission. • Establish the Business Outreach Committee to better acquaint the local business community with cultural arts programs and invite dialogue. • Participate in the Community Arts Grants process, including the review of guidelines and scoring rubrics, as well as auditing the work of the grants panels and approving the final funding plan. Jan. 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 4 of 7 MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: Call to Order ARTS COMMISSION CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION Thursday, Apr. 4, 2019 Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA Exhibit 2 Chair Laurenn Barker called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Roll Call Present: Absent: Staff and guests: Approval of Minutes Commissioners Barker, Jadhav, Markovits, Schmidt, & Snyder Commissioner White Cultural Arts Manager Richard Schultz; Technical Assistant Chase Dougherty; Community Arts Coordinator Laurette Garner; Community Arts Coordinator Megan Gilby; Administrative Assistant Audra Mahoney; Programs and Venues Coordinator Karen McGuire; Senior Maintenance Assistant Harrison Miles; Senior Office Specialist Sandra Riggins The commissioners approved the minutes of Mar. 7, 2019 as amended {4-0-1-1 with White absent and Jadhav abstaining). Public Comment None Work Plan The Arts Commission workplan draft was presented and reviewed by the commission members. Commissioners voted to forward the draft to the City Council for their review, feedback and approval {4-1-0-1 with Schmidt opposed and White absent). Schmidt voted 'no' following comment it was better to delay vote until next meeting when all commissioners have reviewed and have opportunity to vote on their projected work. Community Arts Grants Update Manager Schultz presented the Community Arts Grant Program and opened a discussion on the program. Commissioners discussed priorities of the program, how different categories should be weighted, application financial disclosures (project budget form), a standard threshold for funding Jan. 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 5 of 7 applications for the grant panels for consistency and guiding thoughts for the panelists. They also discussed if school funding should be in a different cycle to fit an academic calendar. Committees Update Manager Schultz presented the requested committees to include the following committee assignments: • Arts Education: Emma Jadhav • Business Outreach: Laurenn Barker; Scott White • Gallery: Joan Markovits; Bryan Snyder • Grants: Tina Schmidt • Public Art: Bryan Snyder; Laurenn Barker • Workplan (short-term): Tina Schmidt; Laurenn Barker The public art committee will be on a rotating basis to include all arts commissioners. Commissioners discussed requirements for recruitment of community members to the different committees. The next steps will be recruitment of community members, establishing priorities and setting the first meeting. Chair Report Chair Barker thanked everyone for being more involved, taking on committee roles, developing a positive collaboration among commissioners and staff and developing a team spirit among the arts commissioners. A new commissioner will be joining the team next month. Cultural Arts Office Report Manager Schultz introduced Harrison Miles who was hired to support the mobile outreach strategy. Harrison introduced himself and presented his background. The public artwork located at Pine Avenue Park will be completed before summer. The contractor is awaiting the proper season to replant the willow dome. Turn It Up band competition is being implemented to showcase and develop emerging musical talent in San Diego County. This program is in conjunction with Mira Costa College and the Museum of Making Music. It is targeted to band members 18-25. The winner of the competition will perform a pre-show at TGIF. Commissioners were given a calendar of events for grant recipients and encouraged to attend. At the City Council meeting on April 161\ Alex Goodman from New Village Arts will be introduced in honor of Arts, Culture and Creativity month. Manager Schultz will be in attendance to introduce Alex. Three commissioners, Laurenn, Scott and Joan, are scheduled to attend ethics training on April 24th• The call to artists will be released soon for the Cole Library Mural. The goal is for the mural to be complete by autumn. Commissioners were given a draft of the call to artists. The committee will select five artists. Each artist will come up with a design and the public art committee will determine the artist. The work will be done while the library is open so members of the public will be able to watch the process. The TGIF Concerts in the Parks line-up with a variety of genres has been contracted by TGIF's producer; Jan. 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 6 of 7 Communications will announce the line-up in mid-May. The booth for the Carlsbad Friends of the Arts will be moving closer to Family Open Studios. The TGIF food vendors RFP closes tomorrow. Commission Comments Commissioners reported out on their advocacy efforts which included attending the opening of the gallery exhibit Tinta y Lucha: 45 Years of Self Help Graphics and Art and would like to see it expand to a larger audience to include the Latino community. The curator of the exhibition is doing outreach to the local colleges to bring students. Commissioners expressed appreciation of the inclusionary efforts of the commission and staff. Commissioners announced that the Carlsbad Music Festival is holding free community concerts the last Sunday of each month at St. Michael's church in Carlsbad Village. Also, the mural at Calavera Hills Middle School is completed and included participation by children from the school in the creative process. The Carlsbad Art Wall is being painted by its first international artist who hails from Barcelona, Spain. Adjournment Chair Barker adjourned the meeting at 10:21 a:m. Jan. 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 7 of 7 Library & Cultural Arts Department Boards & Commissions Workplans Heather Pizzuto, Director Jan. 14, 2020 Items for Consideration Fiscal Year 2019-20 Work Plans •Arts Commission •Library Board of Trustees •Historic Preservation Commission 2 Background •Municipal Code Update Project (2018) •Chapter 1.20 –Meetings and chapter 2.15 – Boards & Commission adopted •Established procedures for City Council and board and commission meetings •Goal to standardize meeting procedures 3 Background Section 2.15.020 C requires each board or commission to provide to the city council, for its approval, an annual work plan of activities to be undertaken. 4 Arts Commission Workplan Richard Schultz Cultural Arts Manager Jan. 14, 2020 Arts Commission 6 Mission Statement: •Advise the City Council on arts and culture matters •Serve as a resource to the Cultural Arts Office providing insight and feedback representing the community perspective •Focus on the presentation of a diverse range of experiences showcasing a spectrum of artistic styles and traditions Arts Commission Work Plan •Monitor progress of Master Plan initiatives •Provide community perspective on arts and cultural topics and programming •Serve on Arts Education, Gallery and Public Art committees •Establish the Business Outreach Committee •Participate in Community Arts Grants process review, audit and approval of the funding plan 7 Recommendation Adopt the resolution approving the work plan for fiscal year 2019-20 that is consistent with the duties of the Arts Commission under Chapter 2.18 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code 8 Library Board of Trustees Workplan Heather Pizzuto Library & Cultural Arts Director Jan. 14, 2020 Library Board of Trustees 10 Mission Statement: Advise the City Council in matters pertaining to library services, as well as the rules and regulations necessary to operate the library Library Board of Trustees Work Plan Organizational Activities •Appoint member as chair of the board for a term of one year •Provide to the city council for its approval an annual work plan of activities to be undertaken and a subsequent report of its accomplishments 11 Library Board of Trustees Work Plan Decision making •Review and approve: –rules and regulations of the library as developed and revised from time to time –California Public Library survey submitted annually to the California State Library 12 Library Board of Trustees Work Plan Community Liaison •Receive reports, maintain knowledge of services and programs: –liaison from community on needs and interests –ambassador to community in promoting library services •Receive annual report on safety and security of library facilities •Provide community perspective on issues and interests related to library service delivery and facilities 13 Library Board of Trustees Work Plan Community Liaison •Provide recommendations on proposed budget and use of community contributions for delivery of library services •Maintain awareness, promote community support of library, opportunities to collaborate with other community partners •Promote progressive and innovative delivery of services to ensure the library remains in the forefront of community life •Advise city council on resource sharing among library jurisdictions 14 Library Board of Trustees Work Plan Community Liaison •Provide community perspective in strategic planning of library services •Participate in relevant events, community meetings and conversations •Serve on relevant city committees 15 Recommendation Adopt the resolution approving the work plan for fiscal year 2019-20 that is consistent with the duties of the Library Board of Trustees under Chapter 2.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code 16 Historic Preservation Commission Workplan Suzanne Smithson Deputy Library Director Jan. 14, 2020 Historic Preservation Commission Mission Statement: •Advise the City Council, Planning Commission, and Housing Commission in all matters related to the identification, protection, retention and preservation of historic resources •Inform the public of all matters pertaining to the preservation of historic resources 18 Historic Preservation Commission Work Plan •Bring forth to City Council suggested revisions to the Carlsbad Municipal Code governing the Historic Preservation Commission •Confirm clarified inventory via City Council •Further educate commissioners through tours of historic sites •Develop a Plaque Program for historic locations 19 Historic Preservation Commission Work Plan •Continue to educate the community about its history –through support of school curriculum; 3rd grade art presentation –through an oral history collection project in cooperation with Library’s Carlsbad History Collection –through recorded interviews of local long-time residents •Seek opportunities to further share and promote the city’s history with the community 20 Recommendation Adopt the resolution approving the work plan for fiscal year 2019-20 that is consistent with the duties of the Historic Preservation Commission under Chapter 2.42 and Chapter 22 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code 21