HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-12; City Council; ; Memorandum of Understanding with the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG) for Census 2020 public outreach grant funds.CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Nov. 12,2019 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Kerry Jezisek, Special Projects Manager Kerry.J ezisek@ carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2883 CAReview -K Subject: Memorandum of Understanding with the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG) for Census 2020 public outreach grant funds. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG) to accept pass-through of $10,849.46 in grant funds from the State of California, Government Operations Agency-California Complete Count -Census 2020. Executive Summary The California Legislature has appropriated $26.5 million for California counties to conduct outreach for the 2020 Census. SAN DAG is actively supporting the Census Bureau and member agencies, like the City of Carlsbad, in preparing for the 2020 Census. With a goal to achieve a complete count of all residents in the San Diego region, SAN DAG is coordinating local outreach efforts and administering $1,565,350 in state grant funding to support a grassroots approach to reaching communities least likely to self-respond to the 2020 Census (i.e., complete the Census upon receiving an initial invitation). These "hard to count communities" include, but are not limited to: • People without broadband internet access • Children under the age of five • Individuals with limited English proficiency SAN DAG awarded the City of Carlsbad $10,849.46 in grant funds. These pass-through funds must be spent to support Census 2020 outreach and education in Carlsbad, aiming to reach, educate, motivate, and activate individuals who are traditionally excluded and undercounted in census efforts. City Council approval is needed to authorize the mayor to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with SAN DAG to receive the $10,849.46 in pass-through grant funds awarded to Carlsbad. Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 1 of 31 Discussion For more than 200 years, the U.S. Census Bureau has endeavored to count every resident in the nation to determine the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives and distribute federal funding to local communities (e.g., Head Start Programs, public transportation, road rehabilitation and construction). The Census Bureau faces challenges counting certain households and population groups, regardless of budget and staff resources available. These population segments are known as Hard-to-Count (HTC) groups. The Census Bureau has conducted research over the years to determine which populations are missed at higher rates in the census. Their research indicates that children, homeless, lower income, lower education, English language learners, undocumented immigrants, and racial/ethnic minorities are least likely to be enumerated properly. Also, since the 2020 Census will be conducted mostly on line, households with poor internet access will likely also be undercounted. Historically, the State of California has been the hardest-to-count state in the nation. The communication strategy focusing on the HTC groups will be varied and will involve using already established city marketing channels and programs as well as partnering with community-based organizations who have established relationships of trust in the community. Designed to work with local organizations at the grassroots level, Carlsbad's Outreach Plan will work to ensure all residents, including the HTC populations, self-respond to the Census 2020 Questionnaire. To make optimal use of the limited funding allocated for Census outreach, Carlsbad will work to leverage the efforts of the U.S. Census Bureau Partnership Program, the State of California Complete Count Committee, SAN DAG and local foundation/community- based organizations. Carlsbad's Outreach Plan includes working with various community partners and providing a range of options for collaboration, with the goal of connecting with HTC residents to increase the response rate for the 2020 Census. The following are the goals of the City of Carlsbad Census 2020 effort: • Raise awareness of the importance of completing the census questionnaire; • Achieve a self-response rate of at least 78% (the 2010 Self Response Rate according to the U.S. Census Bureau); • Increase participation rates in Hard-to-Count groups. Fiscal Analysis Sufficient Operating Budget is available for this effort and grant funds will be received from SANDAG on a reimbursement basis. No appropriation is needed. Next Steps If the City Council adopts the Resolution, SAN DAG will allocate the $10,849.46 in grant funds as follows for Census 2020 outreach: Milestone Payment Amount Timeline 1. Implementation Plan 50% of Total Contract Amount Upon Contract Execution 2. First Progress Report 20% of Total Contract Amount Upon Contract Execution 3. Second Progress Report 20% of Total Contract Amount Dec.31,2019 4. Third Progress Report 5% of Total Contract Amount March 31, 2020 5. Final Report 5% of Total Contract Amount Sept. 1, 2020 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 2 of 31 Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 3 of 31 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-226 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (SANDAG) TO ACCEPT PASS-THROUGH OF $10,849.46 IN GRANTS FUNDS FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS AGENCY-CALIFORNIA COMPLETE COUNT-CENSUS 2020 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has set a goal to achieve a complete count of all Carlsbad residents during the 2020 Census; and WHEREAS, a complete count of all Carlsbad residents will require reaching Hard to Count communities including individuals with limited English proficiency, people without broadband internet access, and children under the age of five; and WHEREAS, the city wishes to reach, educate, motivate, and activate individuals in Carlsbad who are traditionally excluded and undercounted in Census efforts; and WHEREAS, Census 2020 outreach activities are costly; and WHEREAS, the California Legislature has appropriated $26.S million in grant funds to California counties to conduct outreach for the 2020 Census; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has been awarded $10,849.46 in pass-through grant funds from SAN DAG to spend on Census 2020 outreach; and WHEREAS, sufficient Operating Budget is available for this effort and grant funds will be received on a reimbursement basis. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the grants funds awarded to the City of Carlsbad will be used to reach Hard to Count communities in the 2020 Census. 3. That the mayor is hereby authorized to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (Attachment A) with the San Diego Association of Governments to accept pass-through grant funds in the amount of $10,849.46 for Census 2020 outreach. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of November 2019, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor ~ /-/edof 6,r,n1 Dep"!_jcij -{v BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk C /el~ (SEAL) ,,,11111111111111,,,, ~~'~o~'\e. CAJ:1/'''~ * ·'"•'·ft~ !~ .. -···· ·····~(S\% ?!:::/m\l'.~ ~0/~', (...A\C~ \\.~~/J ~ ··... ..-,u,.... ..•·· s ~"'·· ' .. .-.~ ¾_'-~1.·············~,T~~ ~,,,,,, /FQf( ,,,,,,~ '"1111111111111111 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 4 of 31 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS AND CITY OF CARLSBAD REGARDING 2020 CENSUS COMPLETE COUNT SANDAG CONTRACT #5005860 This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is made and entered into effective as of this 11.. day of NOVfJYlSE:'5. 2019 by and between the San Diego Association of Governments ("SANDAG") and the City of Carlsbad (" Jurisdiction") for the pass-through of $10,849.46 grant funds from the State of California, Government Operations Agency - California Complete Count-Census 2020 (the "Grant") entitled California Complete Count -Census 2020 (the "Project"). RECITALS The following recitals are a substantive part of this Agreement: WHEREAS, SANDAG agreed to apply for the California Complete Count-Census 2020 Office Grant with the Authority identified as the sub-applicant; and WHEREAS, SAN DAG is an eligible agency for direct funding from State of California, Government Operations Agency -California Complete Count -Census 2020 Office Grant; and WHEREAS, the State of California, Government Operations Agency -California Complete Count -Census 2020 awarded the grant to SAN DAG in the amount of One Million, five hundred sixty five thousand, three hundred fifty Dollars ($1,565,350); and WHEREAS, SANDAG will pass through Grant funds for the Project to the Jurisdiction for the purpose of informing the general public of the importance of completing the census questionnaire through implementing outreach to encourage full participation and avoid an undercount, including efforts to collaborate and work with other contracted community- based organizations to educate, motivate and activate Californians to complete and return their questionnaires; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to memorialize their agreement in this MOU to carry out the purposes set forth above; · AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: · SANDAG AGREES: 1. Upon receipt of satisfactory deliverables from the Jurisdiction, as described in Exhibit A, Scope of Work, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, to reimburse or pass through to the Jurisdiction the Grant award in an amount not to exceed $10,849.46 as identified as part of the awarded State of California, Government Operations Agency - California Complete Count -Census 2020 Office award for the Project. Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 5 of 31 2. To support Jurisdiction staff with administrative oversight by processing Invoices and submitting progress reports to State of California Government Operations Agency -California Complete count -Census 2020 Office. 3. To pay the Jurisdiction, following receipt and approval of deliverables, as outlined in Exhibit A, Scope of Work and Exhibit B, Budget Timeline. After approval by SANDAG of Jurisdiction deliverables, SANDAG shall pay the Jurisdiction invoices within thirty (30) days of receipt. The maximum amount payable to the Jurisdiction is $10,849.46 JURISDICflON AGREES: 1. To use Grant funding in an amount not to exceed $10,849.46 to complete the Project as outlined in Exhibit A, Scope of Work and Exhibit C, Jurisdiction Application and consistent with the terms of Exhibit B, Budget Timeline. The Jurisdiction understands and agrees that SANDAG's payments to the Jurisdiction will be made as reimbursements. Invoices for reimbursement need to be submitted in concurrence with the completion of project milestones no more frequently than monthly. The Jurisdiction must pay its sub-recipients and named subcontractors prior to submitting an invoice requesting reimbursement from SANDAG. SANDAG will not accept or pay a single, one-time, lump sum invoice for the entire grant award. 2. To be the lead agency responsible for project management, administration, processing and submitting invoices to SAND AG and completion of tasks as set forth in Exhibit A. Scope of Work and Exhibit C, Jurisdiction Application and Exhibit B, Budget Timeline. 3. To prepare monthly reports of planned and implemented activities and submit to SAN DAG for use in reporting to the SwORD online reporting tool. 4. To forward an electronic copy of all final reports to SANDAG for submission to the State of California, Government Operations Office -California Complete Count -Census 2020 Office responsible for the administration and oversight of the grant. 5. To maintain an accounting system and records that properly accumulate and segregate incurred Project costs and matching funds by line item. 6 . To use funds only for the activities outlined in the Scope of Work which do not include administrative and media efforts, other than digital media. 7. To conduct the procurement of goods and services, using these Grant funds, in a fair and open competitive manner consistent with State and Federal law. The Jurisdiction Is prohibited from restricting competition in any government-funded procurement transaction. All documentation of third-party contract procurements must be retained. 8. The Jurisdiction agrees to comply with Title VI of the U.S. Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. 9. The Jurisdiction understands and agrees that if it does not demonstrate adequate performance and timely use of Grant funds, SANDAG may take appropriate actions, which can include termination of this MOU Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 6 of 31 10. Neither SANDAG nor any officer thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by Jurisdiction under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to Jurisdiction under this MOU. It is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, Jurisdiction shall fully defend, indemnify and save harmless SANDAG, all officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on account of injury (as defined in Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by Jurisdiction under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to Jurisdiction under this MOU. THE PARTIES MUTUALLY AGREE: 11. That all obligations of SANDAG under the terms of this MOU are made in reliance upon State of California, Comlllete Count Census 2020 "Conditions of Award" and that all administrative tasks required of SANDAG had been completed. 12. That funding availability is based on appropriation for the program from the State of California's Budget Act for the current year. If sufficient funds are not appropriated for the current or any subsequent years, the Agreement ·shall be of no further force and effect. 13. That if funding is reduced or deleted by the Budget Act for the purposes of this program, SANDAG shall have the option to either cancel the Agreement with no liability occurring to SAN DAG, or offer an agreement to reflect a reduction in the amount 14. Any notice required or permitted under this MOU may be personally served on the other party, by the party giving notice, or may be served by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses: For SANDAG 401 B Street, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101 Attn: Darlanne Hoctor- Mulmat City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: City Manager 15. That unless it ls amended by the parties In writing, this MOU shall terminate on December 31, 2020, or on such earlier or later date as the parties may agree to in writing. 16. The indemnification provisions of this MOU shall survive termination of the MOU. 17. This MOU shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. If any action is brought to interpret or enforce any term of this MOU, the action shall be brought in a state or federal court situated in the County of San Diego, State of California. 18. All terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall inure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 7 of 31 19. For purposes of this MOU, the relationship of the parties is that of independent entities and not as agents of each other or as joint venturers or partners. The parties shall maintain sole and exclusive control over their personnel, agents, and operations. 20. No alteration or variation of the terms of this MOU shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto, and no oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. 21. Nothing in the provisions of this MOU is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties to this MOU or affect the legal liability of the parties to this MOU. 22. This MOU may be executed in any number of identical counterparts, ~ach of which shall be deemed to be an original, and all of which together shall be deemed to be one and the same instrument when each party has signed one such counterpart. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this MOU effective on the day and year first above written. RAY Dep and JOVEDASTOFORM: / / . ltz_/ 6 /l-~ Office of Gen r Counsel/ ;- Exhibits: Exhibit A: Scope of Work Exhibit B: Schedule Exhibit C: Jurisdiction Application CITY OF CARLSBAD _1N1J~dl_ MAl'l'HALL Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 8 of 31 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK For more than 200 years, the U.S. Census Bureau has endeavored to count every resident in the nation to determine the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives and distribute federal funding to local communities (e.g., Head Start programs, public transportation, road rehabilitation and construction). In support of this effort, the California Legislature has appropriated $26.5 million for California counties to conduct outreach for the 2020 Census to ensure that every resident is counted once, only once, and in the right place. Serving as the State-designated Regional Census Data Center for San Diego County since the late 1970s, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) is actively supporting the Census Bureau and member agencies in preparing for the 2020 Census. With a goal to achieve a complete count of all residents in the San Diego region, SANDAG is coordinating local outreach efforts throughout the San Diego region and administering $1,565,350 in state grant funding to support a grassroots approach to reaching communities least likely to self-respond to the 2020 Census (i.e., complete the Census upon receiving an initial invitation). These "hard to count communities· include, but are not limited to: • People without broadband internet access • Children under the age of 5 • Individuals with limited English proficiency There are four primary organizations actively working in the San Diego region to support and encourage a complete count of every resident -the U.S. Census Bureau, the California Complete Count -Census 2020 Office, SANDAG, and the United Way. SANDAG serves as the fiscal agent for funding from the State and coordinates outreach by the local governments. SANDAG will lead efforts with the local jurisdictions to achieve the highest self-response rate as possible on the Census 2020 questionnaire. The focus of this effort is on hard to count communities (i.e., groups least likely to self~respond). The California Complete Count -Census 2020 Office has created a tool to help Identify these communities: The Statewide Outreach and Rapid Deployment (SwORD) mapping tool. The California Complete Count -Census 2020 Office requires that all outreach activities be reported through the SwORD online reporting tool. To facilitate this reporting, Jurisdictions are required to report all planned and implemented activities using the Excel worksheet as follows: • Reporter Details: Reporter name, organization name, parent organization • Activity Details: Activity type, start and end date and time, location, description, number of staff/volunteers • Collaboration: Primary organizer, additional organizers • Impressions (i.e., the number of times a message is seen or heard): • Portion of Impressions specific to HTC audiences • Portion of Impressions in each language • Feedback and Documentation: Website activity, Facebook link, YouTubeNideo link, venue rating, participate engagement rating, interaction quality rating, overall effectiveness, what went well, what could be improved, audience questions/concerns • Funding Sources and Volunteer Hours Page I 5 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 9 of 31 • Mandatory data elements are signified in the spreadsheet with an asterisk and highlighted in red. The remainder should be provided as possible. Submittal of this spreadsheet shall be required on a monthly basis Outreach will be deployed in three phases, consistent with the recommendations of the California Complete Count Office and the U.S. Census Bureau as described in the Strategic Plan approved by the SANDAG Board on July 26, 2019: Educate, Motivate, and Activate. Details regarding activities in each phase by wlll be coordinated through the SANDAG 2020 Census Complete Count Stakeholder Working Group and subcommittees. Jurisdictions shall comply with the following requirements, including but not limited to: • Funds must be spent in a manner that serves the intended purpose of outreach and education to ensure a complete and accurate count for the 2020 Census through civic participation aiming to reach, educate, motivate, and activate individuals who are traditionally excluded and undercounted (HTC) • Comply with programmatic and fiscal reporting • Use funding to achieve agreed upon deliverables and abide by all contract agreements and reporting requirements as outlined in the resulting Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Jurisdictions or Standard Services Agreement for delegated entities • Provide monthly financial reports to monitor the spending of funds using the Excel worksheet provided as a link in Section XI • Provide additional financial reports, as requested • Funds may not be used for travel and lodging • Funds may not be used for capital expenditures (e.g., furniture, buildings) • Funds may not be used for branding efforts, as branding developed by the State shall be incorporated in all local efforts • Appropriate use of incentive and promotional material • Specify how the HTC population as shown through the data provided in the SANDAG SwORD will be reached • Demonstrate cultural sensitivity (e.g., staffing that reflects the community, languages supported appropriately, etc.) • Funding for ail proposed equipment shall be for leased equipment Funding shall not be used for overhead or administrative costs -i.e., costs are restricted to those Involving staff and materials directly related to outreach Page I 6 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 10 of 31 lf!1pl~f!1_'!.~~c1!ion Plan _ Firs1 P ress Re ort _!: __ Second Prog!es~ Rep~rt -~'.-J'~l~d Pr_ogress Report 5. final Re _or:t EXHIBIT B PAYMENT and PROJECT SCHEDULE 20% qf Total ~ontract Amount 5% of Total Contract Amount -·--~ --·---· 5% of Total Contract Amount •¥ ,_ ,-... ·-•--···-.---~---· ---• •• ·--···-. - _ __ U[Jon Contract Execution U on Contract Execution December 31, 201 9 _____ _ Mar<:h} 1, 2_()_2Q ~~pt~f:)b~! 1. 2-QIO_ Page I 7 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 11 of 31 Jurisdiction Primary Contact Business Address Phone Number Email Tax ID # EXHIBITC Jurisdiction Application CENSUS 2020 COMPLETE COUNT SOLICITATION No.: 5005859 City of Carlsbad Kerry Jezisek, Senior Program Manager 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-2883 kerry.jezisek@carlsbadca.gov 95-6004793 Summary (city of Carlsbad Califo rn ia America's population must be counted every 10 years as mandated by the United States Constitution. The next decennial census will be conducted in April 2020. An accurate census helps ensure fair representation at all levels of government, and the results of census have substantial outcomes for municipal governments as well. The census will determine many things, from the amount of funding cities receive from the federal government to providing the most reliable and complete data set available for research and planning. The primary uses for Census data: ✓ Determine the apportionment of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives ✓ Define legislative districts and school districts ✓ Distribute over $675 billion funds to local, state and tribal governments ✓ Inform redistricting efforts ✓ Provide population benchmark for nearly every other United States survey · The 2020 census will request each household in the U.S. to self-report the number of residents and their demographic characteristics. This information is so important that the census bureau will hire hundreds of thousands of temporary staff to help enumerate people who do not respond to the census form, making sure EVERYBODY is counted. Challenges in 2020 The Census Bureau faces challenges counting certain households and population groups, regardless of budget and staff resources available. These population segments are known as Hard-to-Count (HTC) groups. The Census Bureau has done resea rch over the years to determine which populations are missed at higher rates in the census. Their research shows that children, homeless, lower income, lower education, English language learners, undocumented immigrants, and racial/ethnic minorities are least likely to be enumerated properly. Also, since the 2020 census will be conducted mostly SI Page City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Complete Count Solicitation No.: 5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 12 of 31 on line, households with poor internet access will likely also be undercounted. Historically, the State of California has been the hardest-to-count state in the nation. In addition to Census Bureau, the California Department of Finance Demographic Research Unit has created a California-focused hard-to-count metric. The California Hard-to-Count (CA-HTC) Index is based on multiple demographic, housing and socioeconomic variables correlated with an area being difficult to enumerate. The state has identified 14 variables that comprise the CA-HTC Index. ✓ households without broadband ✓ limited-English households ✓ non-family households ✓ renter occupied housing ✓ vacant housing units ✓ crowded housing units (housing units with more than 1.5 persons per room) ✓ foreign-born ✓ adult non-high school graduates ✓ lowincome ✓ household receiving public assistance income ✓ unemployed Persons (ages 16 or older) ✓ under 5 population ✓ housing units in a multi-unit structure Carlsbad has two recognized HTC census tracts (Census Tract 179 Block Groups 3 and 4 and Census Tract 180 Block Group 2 and 3) with an estimated population of 10,000. The CA-HTC variables most correlated with this census tract are: multi-unit structures, non-family households, recent move and renter-occupied units. This census tract also has the highest number of homeless, lower income, lower education and racial/ethnic minority residents as well. In the most general terms the goal of census outreach is to target populations with one or more of the HTC variables to maximize self- response in the 2020 Census. The following are the goals of the City of Carlsbad Census 2020 effort: 1) Raise awareness of what is at stake in the 2020 Census; 2) Achieve a self-response rate of at least 78% (2010 Self Response Rate according to the U.S. Census Bureau); 3) Increase participation rates in hard-to-count areas. Census 2020 Communication Strategy The communication strategy focusing on these groups will be varied and will involve using already established city marketing channels and programs as well as partner-ing with community-based organizations who have established relationships of trust in the community. Designed to work with local organizations at the grassroots level, Carlsbad's outreach plan will work to ensure all residents, 9IPa g e City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Complete Count Solicitation No.: 5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 13 of 31 including the hard-to-count (HTC) populations, self-respond to the Census 2020 Questionnaire. To make optimal use of the limited funding allocated for Census outreach, Carlsbad will work to leverage the efforts of the U.S. Census Bureau Partnership Program, the State of California Complete Count Committee, SAN DAG and local foundation/ community-based organizations. Carlsbad's Outreach Plan is based on the idea that by working with various community partners and providing a range of options for collaboration, we can reach HTC residents and increase the response rate for the 2020 Census. 10 I P age City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Complete Count Solicitation No.: 5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 14 of 31 Carlsbad Community Based Organizations -Potent ial Partners • MAAC • _ National Latino Research Center, Cal State University San Marcos • San Diego Organizing Project(SDOP) • San Diego Council on Literacy • Interfaith Community Services, Inc. • The San Diego LGBT Community Center (The Center) • YMCA of San Diego County, Childcare Resource Service • La Posada de Guadalupe • San Diego County Office of Education Migrant Education Program • Community Interfaith Services • Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad • Kids for Peace • Brother Bennos • Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary • Carlsbad Village Association • Kiwanis Club of Carlsbad • Optimist Club of Carlsbad • Lions Club Communication strategies include mailing postcards educating HTC communities on the upcoming census questionnaire, participating in large community events and providing hard copy census information to local community-based organizations for local events identified HTC populations will participate. Carlsbad has several different social media platforms at its disposal to disseminate information to residents. The city will use these platforms to push information out to the public. When appropriate, executed strategies will be disseminated in both English and Spanish to reach the largest cross-section of HTC communities identified. Print Media Carlsbad will use the following print media strategies to disseminate information to residents and at events. 11 I Page • Advertisements within both the Winter 2019 and Spring 2020 issues of Carlsbad Connects; a printed magazine mailed to all XXX City of Carlsbad households. • Bilingual promotional mailers (mid-March 2020) with messages about educating on the importance of participating in the Census, when it is occurring, and how to ask for help. • Bilingual fliers to distribute at events, local city facilities, local CBO facilities, and at city programs including the Carlsbad Senior Center activities, preschool classes, and library and recreational programs aimed at families with children under the age of five. City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Complete Count Solicitation No.:.5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 15 of 31 12 I P age • Banners to attract the attention of people at events and within facilities where information and kiosks will be offered. • Submitting press releases to news sources about upcoming city-sponsored activities City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Complete Count Solicitation No.: 5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 16 of 31 Digital Media The City of Carlsbad has several different social media platforms at its disposal to disseminate information to residents. The following are planned to be used: • City official website • City official Facebook, Twitter and lnstagram pages • Carlsbad bi-weekly eNewsletters. Campaigns will be disseminated several times between late 2019 and early 2020 to educate that the Census is coming and why one should participate. Between April 1 and July 31 additional eNewsletter blasts will be used to remind residents to submit their responses • Sharing content with community-based partners to disseminate via their own platforms and newsletters • Submitting press releases to news sources about upcoming city-sponsored activities Incentives / Giveaways To foster remembrance about the upcoming Census and promote a higher rate of participation, the city will purchase a variety of items that will be given away to participants who engage in educational outreach events and completing the Census at one of the provided kiosks located at City facilities or sponsored events. Incentive items will be designed to represent both the official city and Count Me 2020 logos. Outreach Plan Core activities 1} Affordable Housing Complex Outreach Goal: Communicate to residents of non-traditional housing the importance of the census. Encourage accurate completion of the census questionnaire (online), and educate on the census assistance resources available both on-site at the complexes and at various city facilities. Activity Details: Attend joint quarterly meetings (City and Affordable Complex Managers in Carlsbad) to provide an overview of why everybody "counts" and the census outreach program. Meetings scheduled for September 2019, January 2020 and March 2020. Complex managers will be trained on census basics and to gain awareness of available resources (onsite and available via the city) allowing them serve as trusted messengers for complex residents. Resources: Hard collateral materials, incentives, banners Outcome: 21 affordable apartment complex managers representing 1,886 households (approximately 7,000 HTC persons). HTC population reached includes: 0-5 population, Seniors, no internet access, lower income and limited English proficiency residents. Cost: Not to exceed $2,500 Bl Page City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Complete Count Solicitation No.: 5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 17 of 31 2) Mailing Goal: Communicate to residents in identified HTC census tracts the importance of the census. Encourage accurate completion of the census questionnaire (online) and educate on census assistance resources available at various city facilities. Activity Details: Promotional mailer in Spanish and English sent to HTC households, located in census tracts 179 & 180 in March of 2020. Resources: Promotional mailer, postcard and postage Outcome: Reach multiple HTC populations (0-5 population, Seniors, limited English proficiency and lack of internet access; approximately 10,000 residents) living in previously identified HTC census tracts (Tracts.179 and 180) in January of 2020 Cost: Not to exceed $3,500 for promotional mailer, postcard and postage 3) Homeless and farm / migrant worker outreach Goal: Communicate to identified HTC population members (homeless, immigrants and migrant workers) the importance of the census. Encourage complete and accurate completion of the questionnaire and educate on census assistance resources available at various city facilities. Shelter and library staff will be trained on census basics and to gain awareness of available resources (onsite at the shelter and available via the city) allowing them to be "word of mouth" trusted messengers for farm workers and homeless both residing at the shelter and those living in the fields/ on the street. Activity Details: Partner with La Posada Shelter (Catholic Charities) and Carlsbad City Libraries to leverage the existing La Posada and library partnership as well as the on-site Migrant Education. Program located at the Carlsbad City Library Learning Center. Resources: Hard collateral materials, incentives, banners Outcome: Reach multiple HTC populations (homeless, immigrants, limited English proficiency and lack of internet access), approximately 50 persons directly with the potential to reach one hundred more persons residing in the migrant worker camps. Cost: Not to exceed $1,000 for collateral materials, incentives and banners 4) Door-To-Door Outreach Goal: Educate and amplify Census messaging through door-to-door outreach in HTC block groups in census tracts 179 and 180. Activity Details: Partner with community-bc;1sed organizations and volunteers to conduct door-to-door outreach within the two identified census tracts with the highest HTC populations. At minimum volunteers will place door-hangers and other informational materials at the residence. Ideally a personal 14 I P age City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Complete Count Solicitation No.: 5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 18 of 31 Door-To-Door Outreach cont'd connection will be made with the resident and additional promotional items and incentives will be passed along. Because the touch point with the resident will vary so will the potential costs associated with this project. Resources: Hard collateral materials, incentives, labor Outcome: Provide Census information, educate, and motivate residents in HTC block groups in census tracts 179 and 180 (approximately 750 households/ 4,000 people) Cost: Not to exceed $6,000 5) Potential Special Events Goal: Establish a presence at calendared special events sponsored/cosponsored by the City of Carlsbad and at other relevant public events in the community. Activity Details: Based on event type, provide a 2020 Census presentation; fliers, brochures, posters, and promotional items for distribution; and report impressions based on promotional giveaways or surveys. The target~d events may include, but are not limited to the following: Senior Commission Meeting October 2019 -April 2020 (monthly) Taste of Carlsbad October 2019 (in conjunction with Carlsbad Village Association) Halloween in the Village October 2019 (In conjunction with Carlsbad Village Association) Pets on Parade Village Association) Carlsbad 5000 December 2019 (in conjunction with Carlsbad March 2020 Resources: collateral materials and incentives Outcome: Provide Census information, educate, and motivate Carlsbad residents with a goal of reaching 2,000 attendees. Cost: Not to exceed $4,000 15 I Page City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Co!llplete Count Solicitation No.: 5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 19 of 31 Funding Requirements The City of Carlsbad will comply with the following agreement requirements: 1. Funds will be spent in a manner that serves the intended purpose of outreach and education to ensure a complete and accurate count for the 2020 Census through civic participation aiming to reach, educate, motivate, and activate individuals who are traditionally excluded and undercounted (HTC). 2. The City will comply with programmatic and fiscal reporting. 3. The City will use funding to achieve agreed upon deliverables and abide by all contract agreements and reporting requirements as outlined in the resulting Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). 4. The City will provide monthly financial reports to monitor the spending of funds using SAN DAG SwORD and will provide additional financial reports, as requested. 5. Funds will not be used for travel and lodging, capital expenditures, or branding efforts (branding developed by the State will be incorporated in this effort). 6. The City will appropriately use incentive and promotional material. 7. The City will specify how HTC populations (as shown through data provided in SAN DAG SwORD) will be reached. 8. The City will demonstrate cultural sensitivity (e.g., staffing that reflects the community,· languages supported appropriately, etc.) in this effort. 9. Funding for all proposed equipment will be for leased equipment. 10. Funding will not be used for overhead or administrative costs -i.e., costs will be restricted to those involving staff and materials directly related to outreach 16 I Page City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Complete Count Solicitation No.: 5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 20 of 31 Conclusion The City of Carlsbad believes that the Census is way to establish a valuable dialog with residents. Ideally this resident conversation can be maintained, and the lines of communication remain open; even after the count is over. Additional funds, should they become available, would be used in direct mailings and door-to-door outreach. 17 I P age City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Complete Count Solicitation No.: 5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 21 of 31 Carlsbad City 18 IP age Carlsbad Geographic Outreach ; Census Tract #180 E.c.tl, mun c, o~~ns-tr~e-,t.~JH:Jr.:r.b~ara, a.10 tna Gis u,e ,.,,.,,..,,.,, City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Complete Count Solicitation No.: 5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 22 of 31 Census 2020 California Hard-to-Count Fact Sheet Carlsbad City in San Diego County (CA Census 2020 Region 1 Oi ............ Oltf,I J2.~J,.eopulation ·----l~--1~,11!... J;m9.anig.:.9.tb!JI.,:ig_o~ an~ r:a.~--l --~.:t,Ui. ~~\2._i;~dus.ive ace; il/nile alone fa-:-W.-' _§!~I< or Afaoan-An1erican a!Cfle 0,9'1. Amelie.an ln:fian and Atask.a N;!!/.'!:~ aloo~-.......... --9.J,:"i, ·Asian alone ---L~Ji. _____ .....__ ___ ............ "' .. -·~--.1,-,...-••··· Na:iva HaW3iian and Other Pac.'1iQc Islander alone o.2r. Some olivu rilee alol',e 0.-3-~'. rt» C:.'itc>rrw, !ifl'd,.-;,(:,M,: (CA-H1C) lr,;jn~ c5 twwo ,;,n lf\'JfHrA••• ~tl'l{I9'l'lt}ht~ !l..c)w:Hr!t;J ,;).\"W1 ~l<>.:.Y.ci't~tr\;.~ ,•ttl\1!~~ ax•cl~iJd '1lll1 {i',1 ore) bt.UYJ dGfit;\¼lf ~e:mn~l.c1:.a-f~f'l!.U!i ~ri.e~ 'r'-1<..t'l !i►~t-,t ind!;;r,-t r:ti, ti(~ lo~ r,1.-,::.,. l!~'.l! •,,rn ~(Jt-:' ~'911met!(t\ ~hnl~J~~ hY .,,,,,.,•mm" ., ~1:i.(I ..... ~a..1111110 Mtaian CA-HTC index al census :racu 16,0 ~sbmlted Total Poput.oon in Census Tracts with above fflld;an CA-HTC ~---___ ,~.@?1.. LHdc1g HTC cflar1cteristics in lhoie area1: P,1ultklnil stn,eturu; Moved tKent!y: Vacant housing unitJ .,.,CMnec:.n... ,,..{fl,_ Ceruufo Tratf. 179: Total PO!l!Jlation . --~E -··--ro*sT ·-c.i·--. ~---~·--.,, . ~-_..l,.:fil.£~~~---·-----... 51.0 _ LHding Hard-to-Count R'!.3~ons: Mul!i•unit s!rvtlures Non-family households Renter-occupied un,ts .... dinsus Tract 180: .. :-~tl!ial ~~.!i,on · . . . -F ~"Sfo. CA-Hl'C lnd-e)c . . ◄·e;r ,-Teading Hard-tO:CouritRi'asofls: . ·- Vacant holl'sing units Non-family hOUHhokts Renier-occupied uniU ---·------~- C.ntus Traci 176.04: _.., .. _ Tota~latian ! 7421 ~ IOU I 38.0 _tacf.ng a,_. __ -·--···. ·--.... ,_, Movtd ll!°*n!ly Non-family hous,ehold1 Children under 5 eeiiius,ract 20077:· -- '----mii"ISOOU!atiOn I ~ 403 I CA-HTC Index I 38,0 Ltading Hard-to-Count Reasons: Multi-unit slrue1UIH Non-13mily households Reni.r-occuoled un,'J . CfnSUI 'fraci11'f.01: Total ISogutatiOn -·r--·--s~o CA-HrC Index I 2P.:.9~ Ltltding HanMo-Count Rusorti: Vaun1 housing uni!! Non-family hOiJSehold1 Ho11uhold1 rtc.ivlr>:1 ta1t~ ass1St1nce CA CENSUS Geog•lltlhy NO'-'! c-... !t:,tf11 <lo N>! CJ!!H cu,.nty bdurd!!i<>ll brJt ~ UIICI may be (i,.;o,,,j II'.,' f;it:,(. l1~hltl •• ,r.1 o:n,· .. 1)1;1."""''"1~ Aoo. (~"1 ~I} ltiN:I ntiut:->1 IM1 bit \nlld In more U\c11> «It CO!lrlty, 'CDP' • A Ct1rnt.t1 ~'!Jl••'lf,:oJ P!.~1:..-!ti ,, tfflir11:crJ.1(ll~t<!tl O()flstl'>Jril)' 2020 19 I Page To leam more about Cahfomia'• Cen,us 2020 effortr, pleaie visit 21!)WJ,$1~ City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Complete Count Solicitation No.: 5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 23 of 31 Milestone Milestone Description # 1 Implementation Plan 2 First Progress Report 3 Second Progress Report 4 Third Progress Report 5 Final Report 20 IP age Exhibit A COST PROPOSAL SHEET Funding Allocation $5,128.00 $2,051.00 $2,051.00 $513.50 $513.50 $10,257.00 City of Carlsbad Census 2020 Complete Count Solicitation No.: 5005859 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 24 of 31 Kerry A. Jezisek Senior Program Manager 11/12/2019 Census 2020 Public Outreach Grant Funds Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 25 of 31 America’s Population Count •Mandated by the US Constitution •Representation and Money •Each household requested to self-report •Every resident is counted once, only once, and in the right place Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 26 of 31 California’s Census 2020 Funding •San Diego County : $1,565,350 in state grant funding •Carlsbad’s grant: $10,849.56 •Public outreach for Census 2020 •Focus on groups least likely to self-respond Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 27 of 31 Carlsbad Census Stats•Carlsbad 2000 Census –Response rate 77% –27,000 residents required follow up •Hard to count communities –Low income –Limited English households –Seniors and children under 5 Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 28 of 31 Goals of Carlsbad Census 2020 Efforts •Raise awareness •Achieve a self response rate of at least 78% •Increase participation rate in hard-to-count groups Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 29 of 31 How funds Will Be Spent •Print media •Direct mailings •Affordable housing complex support centers •Door-to-door outreach •Special events Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 30 of 31 Questions Questions? Nov. 12, 2019 Item #7 Page 31 of 31