HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-06-05; Planning Commission; ; EIR 98-04|GPA 98-03|ZC 98-04|MP 178|LFMP 17|CT 00-06|HDP 99-06|SUP 99-03|SUP 01-01 - BRESSI RANCH• • 'I'he City of Carlsbad Planning Department
Application submittal date:
P.C. AGENDA OF: June 5, 2002 Project Planner:
Project Engineer:
May 14, 1998
Christer W estrnan
Clyde Wickham
SUBJECT: EIR 98-04/GPA 98-03/ZC 98-04/MP 178/LFMP 17/CT 00-06/HDP 99-06/SUP
99-03/SUP 01-01 -BRESSI RANCH -Request for the certification of a
Program Environmental Impact Report, including the approval of Candidate
Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Consideration, and a Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program; and a request for approval of a Master Plan
identifying six industrial planning areas, seven residential planning areas, one
mixed use planning area, one community facilities planning area, and six open
· space planning areas for the purpose of regulating the future development of up to
623 residential units, 2.16 million square feet of industrial buildings, 130,000
square feet of commercial buildings, and 138,000 square feet of community
related services and/or facilities; General Plan Land Use Amendment, Zone
Change, Local Facilities Management Plan, Carlsbad Tract subdivision map,
Hillside Development Permit, and Special Use Permits for the purpose of
designating the type, location, and infrastructural needs of development within a
585.1 acre site south of Palomar Airport Road and east of El Camino Real in
Local Facilities Management Zone 17.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 5201
RECOMMENDING that the City Council CERTIFY the Program Environmental Impact
Report EIR 98-04 including the approval of Candidate Findings of Fact, a Statement of
Overriding Consideration, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, ADOPT
Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5202, 5203, 5204, and 5205 RECOMMENDING
APPROVAL of General Plan Amendment GP A 98-03, Zone Change ZC 98-04, Master Plan
MP 178, and Local Facilities Management Plan LFMP 17; and, ADOPT Planning Commission
Resolutions No. 5206, 5207, 5208, and 5209 APPROVING Carlsbad Tract CT 00-06, Hillside
Development Permit HDP 99-06, Special Use Permit SUP 99-03, Special Use Permit SUP 01-01
based on the findings and subject to the conditions found therein.
Lennar Communities has prepared a master plan for the development of the 585.1 acre Bressi
Ranch. An environmental impact report has been prepared which analyzes potential impacts to
the environment which may be caused by the development of the site. The master plan has
identified land uses which inc] ude industrial, commercial, single-family residential, multi family
residential, community facilities, open space preserves, and open space for recreation.
• ' EIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC,-04/MP 178/LFMP 17 /CT 00-06/HDP,9-06/
June 5, 2002
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Associated applications which enable approval and implementation of the master plan include a
subdivision map to create 22 large "planning area" lots, a Hillside Development Permit
regulating the initial grading of the site, an El Camino Real Corridor Special Use Permit ensuring
compatibility with the development standards of the El Camino Real Corridor Development
Standards and a Floodplain Special Use Permit addressing the proposed development's impacts
to the floodplain.
The environmental analysis identified that the cumulative impacts to air quality cannot be
mitigated and are therefore significant and unmitigable. A Statement of Overriding
Consideration must be adopted to approve the project. No other significant unmitigable
environmental impacts have been identified in the EIR. Prior to initializing the EIR, the
applicant consulted with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
and the California Department of Fish and Game and was issued a Section 7 permit for limited
impacts to significant environmental resources.
The applicant and staff have endeavored to design the master plan to provide clear direction for
future development. The applicant's vision for the Bressi Ranch is a "walkable" community.
Goals to implement the vision are described at the beginning of the plan. Neighborhood and
individual planning area design criteria and development standards have been developed within
the master plan to manifest the goals.
The design criteria has been based on neo traditional town planning, the Ahwahnee Principals of
town planning and the personal and professional experiences of the applicant and City staff
Specifically there should be a mix of land uses including housing, recreation, jobs, and services.
All of the land uses should be within walking distance of each other and transit stops. Housing
should be available to a wide range of economic levels and age groups, and there should be a
center focus that combines commercial, civic, cultural and recreational uses. The basis for the
individual planning area development standards was Title 21 (Zoning Ordinance). Some
variations to standards are proposed which will be unique to the Bressi Ranch. These variations
are described under the Master Plan heading of this report.
There are no outstanding staff issues and therefore approval of the associated resolutions is
The project includes both legislative and adjudicatory applications. Legislative actions include a
new master plan for the 585.1 acre Bressi Ranch and a General Plan Land Use Amendment to
change Un-Planned Area (UA), Open Space (OS), Residential Low (RL), Residential Low
Medium (RLM), and Residential Medium (RM) densities to OS, RLM, RM, Residential Medium
High (RMH), Residential High (RH) densities, Local Commercial (L), Community Facilities
(CF), Private School (P), and Planned Industrial (PI). A Zone Change is proposed to change the
site's Limited Control (L-C) designation to Planned Community (PC).
The site is in Local Facilities Management Zone 17. A Local Facilities Management Plan
(LFMP) has not been previously adopted for this zone. A new LFMP has been prepared which
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identifies infrastructural needs and describes how the needed facility(s) will be either guaranteed
or constructed.
Adjudicatory applications include a 22 lot subdivision over the entire 585.1 acres. The
subdivision will create lots which correspond with the individual master plan planning areas.
There are six industrial lots accounting for 150.1 acres; seven residential lots accounting for
174.9 acres; six open space lots accounting for 190.7 acres; one community facilities lot at 13.7
acres, and one mixed use lot at 27.7 acres. Roadways are not included in the lot area calculations
and equal approximately 28 acres. Each of the open space lots except OS 2 (lot 18) will be deed
restricted as an open space preserve. OS 2 will serve as a community recreation site.
Other applications are a Hillside Development Permit (HDP), and two Special Use Permits
(SUP). Each of these permits relates to the project's proposed grading.
The project site is located at the southeast comer of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real.
There are a total of 585.1 acres within the project boundaries which are vacant except for the
single-family home used by the Bressi Family.
The topography is rolling hills to some areas of steep slopes. The flatter areas have been used
for agriculture in the past most recently for dry farming.
There are some view opportunities to the west and southwest which include glimpses of the
ocean. The McClellan Palomar Airport is located to the northwest, industrial development exists
to the west and north, Rancho Carrillo is to the east and Villages of La Costa to the south.
Applicable Regulations
The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, standards and policies:
1. Master Plan: Planned Community, Chapter 21.38 of the Municipal Code;
2. General Plan;
3. Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan Palomar Airport;
4. Zone Change: Title 21 Zoning Ordinance;
5. Growth Management, Chapter 21.90 of the Municipal Code;
6. Subdivision Ordinance, Title 20 of the Municipal Code;
7. Hillside Development Regulations, Chapter 21.95 of the Municipal Code;
8. El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards;
9. Floodplain Management Regulations, Chapter 21.110 of the Municipal Code;
The recommendation of approval for this project was developed by analyzing the project's
consistency with the applicable policies and regulations listed above. The following analysis
section discusses compliance with each of these applicable regulations/policies utilizing both text
and tables. The format follows the discretionary actions being requested to permit the
development of the Bressi Ranch Project.
. -t. BIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC 98-04/MP 178/LFMP 17 /CT 00-06/HDP 9-06/
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1. Master Plan
Master plans are required for properties that are over 100 acres in size and are located in the
Planned Community Zone (Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.38). The Bressi Ranch site
falls within these boundaries.
The intent and purpose of creating a master plan is to:
(1) Encourage the orderly implementation of the general plan by the comprehensive planning
and development of large tracts of land under unified ownership or developmental control so that
the entire tract will be developed in accord with an adopted master plan to provide an
environment of stable and desirable character;
(2) Provide a flexible regulatory procedure to encourage creative and imaginative planning of
coordinated communities involving a mixture of residential densities and housing types, open
space, community facilities, both public and private and, where appropriate, commercial and
industrial areas;
(3) Allow for the coordination of planning efforts between developer and city to provide for the
orderly development of all necessary public facilities to ensure their availability concurrent with
(4) Provide a framework for the phased development of an approved master planned area to
provide some assurance to the developer that later development will be acceptable to the city;
provided such plans are in accordance with the approved planned community master plan; and
( 5) Ensure that all new and, as appropriate, existing master plans reserve a site or sites for
community facilities uses which benefit the community as a whole by satisfying
social/religious/human service needs.
The proposed master plan will control the type and intensity of land uses within the Bressi Ranch
by establishing planning areas and their corresponding zoning and development standards. The
following Table A, Bressi Ranch Master Plan Land Use Summary, provides a land use and
acreage tabulation for the Master Plan.
· BIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC lo4!MP 178/LFMP 11 /CT 00-06/HDP f 06/
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Land Use Total Acreage
Residential Development*
Low Medium Density (0-4 du/ac) 94.7
Medium Density (4-8 du/ac) 16.2
Medium High Density (8-15 du/ac) 64.0
Residential Subtotal: 174.9
Non-Residential Development
Community Facilities/Private School 13.7
Mixed Use: 27.7
Community Facilities / Local
Commercial/Residential High Density
Planned Industrial 150.1
Open Space 190.7
Mai or Roadways 28.0
Non Residential Subtotal: 410.2
Pro_ject Total: 585.1
*High Density residential development is part of the Mixed Use Planning Area 15.
Chapter 21.38, Planned Community Zone, of the Municipal Code specifies the required contents
for all Master Plans. Requirements include a map of the property boundaries, land use map,
open space program, development process, infrastructural improvements, grading scheme,
development standards, and an analysis of the project's fiscal impact on the City. The Bressi
Ranch Master Plan provides the necessary components within thirteen chapters plus appendices.
The following is a general listing of the contents of each chapter and the appendices.
Chapter I -Introduction: Introduction includes information such as the organization and scope
of the plan, a project description, master applications, master plan goals, and relationship to the
Rancho Carrillo Master Plan and Villages of La Costa Master Plan.
Chapter II -Goals of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan: Outlines the various "Smart Growth"
techniques and Ahwahnee Principles that are incorporated into the Master Plan. The goal is to
make Bressi Ranch a livable community where people can live, work and play by building a
resource efficient community.
Chapter III -Land Use Entitlements & Provisions: Covers the authority granted by approval of
the Master Plan, and provides a discussion of the maximum number of units for the Master Plan,
Community Associations and CC&Rs, General Plan designations, Zoning designations, and a
description of land uses allowed by the Master Plan
Chapter IV -Streets: Provides the Bressi Ranch development standards and design guidelines
for streets.
Chapter V -Landscape: Presents the overall vision for landscaping within Bressi Ranch
including a brush management plan. This chapter outlines specific landscape zones and includes
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a detailed list of trees, shrubs, vines, and groundcover that would best suit the Bressi Ranch
Chapter VI -Development Review Process: Describes the general development review process
for all of the individual planning areas within the Master Plan. This includes the review process
for tentative maps, industrial planning areas, residential planning areas, custom lots, mixed use
and community facilities.
Chapter VII -Industrial/Office Developments and Design Guidelines: Contains the standards
and guidelines that apply specifically to the industrial/office planning areas one through five and
fourteen. The chapter includes discussion of industrial driveways, site design criteria,
architectural guidelines, sign criteria, screening and edge treatments.
Chapter VIII -Commercial/Community Facilities Development Standards & Design Guidelines:
Contains the standards and guidelines that apply specifically to the community facilities and
mixed use planning areas thirteen and fifteen. The chapter includes requirements for site design
criteria, building and massing, landscaping, connection to adjacent uses, traffic calming, and
street lighting.
Chapter IX -Village Green Development Standards & Design Guidelines: Provides a set of
standards and guidelines that apply to the Village Green (Open Space Area 2).
Chapter X -Residential Development Standards & Design Guidelines: Contains the standards
and guidelines that apply specifically to the residential planning areas six through twelve. The
chapter includes discussion of site plan design, neighborhood development standards and design
guidelines, architectural guidelines, and individual planning area development standards.
Chapter XI-Open Space: Provides the requirements for the six open space planning areas, most
of which will remain undeveloped. This chapter includes details on the pedestrian trail system,
citywide trails, maintenance of open space, and special design criteria.
Chapter XII -Grading: Establishes appropriate guidelines for the grading within the Master
Plan. This includes a section on conformance with City of Carlsbad ordinances.
Chapter XIII -Public Facilities: Discusses how the Master Plan will contribute to facilities and
services required by the City's Growth Management Program.
Appendices -Appendix A and Appendix B: Appendix A contains a General Plan Consistency
Analyses. Appendix B contains an analysis of the Master Plan's consistency with other
applicable planning documents.
Fiscal Impact Analysis -A fiscal impact study titled "Lennar Communities Bressi Ranch Fiscal
Impact Analysis" and related documents by Douglas Ford and Associates was prepared and is on
file with the Planning Department. The study was also previously distributed to members of the
Planning Commission. In summary, the study shows that the ultimate buildout of the Bressi
Ranch Master Plan as proposed will result in City revenues which fall short of City expenditures
required to provide City services to the residences within the Bressi Ranch community.
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Issues resolved through the development of the master plan include land use compatibility,
general circulation, residential density, community facilities, infrastructure, and development
standards specific to the Bressi Ranch Master Plan versus those that are otherwise applied to the
remainder of the City.
Land Use Compatibility
The Bressi Ranch Master Plan has been designed so that facilities essential to the daily life of the
residents are part of an integrated community including housing, employment, retail, community
passive and active open space, and community facilities. Land use compatibility was discussed
not only for all uses within the master plan but also for those existing uses adjacent to the Bressi
Adjacent properties include the Palomar Airport to the northwest, the Lincoln-North Pointe West
industrial development to the west, vacant and industrial development to the north, the Carrillo
Ranch to the east and the future La Costa Greens to the south.
Land uses within the master plan generally reflect the same type of land use adjacent and offsite.
The north and west planning areas are industrial. The east is predominately open space and the
south planning areas are primarily residential and open space. Establishing like land uses
adjacent to neighboring properties ensures basic compatibility. Buffers are created through open
space lots, grade changes and roadways.
Internally, the Bressi Ranch Master Plan will provide a variety of housing types serving different
income levels. In addition active and passive open space, commercial, industrial, office and
community uses have been planned.
Separation between the industrial uses and the residential planning areas is achieved through
intervening roadways and setbacks from property lines. None of the industrial planning areas are
immediately adjacent to a residential planning area. Additionally, industrial operations such as
deliveries and the operation of mechanical devices are relegated by the development standards
and design guidelines to areas which are "interior" to the site which further reduces the potential
for conflicts with industrial land uses.
Otherwise, the goal of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan is to integrate housing, shops, jobs, parks
and community facilities so that each is within easy walking distance of each other. A mixed-
use area has been strategically located south of the industrial area and north of the residential
area to be within easy walking distance for both employees and residents. In order to achieve
this goal, buffers and separation of these uses were not established. Subsequent design of each
of the planning areas will be guided by the development standards and design guidelines which
focus is to allow physical development that is pedestrian accessible, and addresses the potential
daily conflicts that are inherent in combining dissimilar land uses like commercial and
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The project is required to construct frontage improvements to Palomar Airport Road and El
Camino Real, full width improvements of El Fuerte Street from Palomar Airport Road to the
existing northern terminus of El Fuerte Street in the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan, and Poinsettia
Lane from El Camino Real to the existing terminus east of the Bressi Ranch boundary. These
streets create the backbone for vehicular circulation through the ranch. Several lesser roads will
be constructed to complete a vehicular circulation network.
Circulation through the master plan will also be available for pedestrians and non-motorized
vehicles. Sidewalks and trails are an integral part of the master plan goals. The master plan
identifies a conceptual trails program which will be implemented through the subsequent
development of each of the planning areas.
Residential Density/California State Density Bonus
The maximum number of residential dwelling units that will be allowed on the 585.1 acre site is
determined by establishing the site's net developable acreage (all of the land that is not
constrained) and multiplying that number by the corresponding General Plan/Growth
Management Ordinance growth control point. Based on the existing General Plan/Growth
Management Ordinance and current constraint information, a total of 498 base residential
dwelling units may be allowed within Bressi Ranch. Through the use of California Government
Code Section 65915 (Density Bonuses and Other Incentives), an additional 125 (25% x 498)
dwelling units have been allocated to the master plan for a maximum total of 623 residential
dwelling units. In return for the "density bonus" 20% of the base dwelling units (20% x 498 =
100) must be made affordable to lower income households. One hundred units of affordable
apartments are proposed to be provided in Planning Area 15.
The 125 "Density Bonus" residential units come from the City of Carlsbad's current existing and
future excess dwelling unit bank for the southeast quadrant of 1,409. The City Council will be
reviewing a "new" dwelling unit bank in the same time frame as this project for the entire city
which will have already considered the Bressi Ranch 125 "Density Bonus" residential units.
The allotment of the units from the bank to the Bressi Ranch project is appropriate in that, the
units will in part be for "affordable" housing, the Master Plan established location for the
housing is near major sources of employment at the Carlsbad Research Center, Carlsbad Airport
Center, and future Bressi Ranch industrial park. The master plan is situated on a Circulation
Element Roadway with direct access to Interstate 5. The master plan is also designed to create
pedestrian access and to provide all the necessary facilities to accommodate the buildout of the
Bressi Ranch throughout consistent with the Council's policy regarding livable communities.
Community Facilities
Planning Areas 13 and 15 will be developed with community facilities to serve the residents of
the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 21.25 of the
Carlsbad Municipal Code, a minimum 5.09 acres of community facilities of which 2.0 acres
must be a day care center, must be located in Planning Area 13 of the Master Plan. Additional
Community facilities may also be provided in Planning Area 15.
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All development must project and guarantee the infrastructure necessary to accommodate the
proposed project. Infrastructure includes roads, parks, facilities to convey both sewer and storm
water, schools and water supplies. A full analysis of the infrastructural needs for the Bressi
Ranch is in the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 17. The Bressi Ranch Master Plan
summarizes and illustrates the needs.
Development Standards
The development standards and guidelines were prepared based on existing ordinances and
policies which were modified in some cases to achieve a master plan goal consistent with good
planning principles. In most cases, the development standards for each planning area are the
same as those for the underlying Zoning designations. Standards proposed for the master plan
which are different from the Zoning Ordinance or existing policies are as follows:
• An anticipated number of residential dwelling units has been established for each of the
planning areas. As subdivisions are processed for each, an actual number of dwelling units
will be established. If the actual number of dwelling units varies from the number stated in
the master plan by ten percent or less, a minor master plan amendment must be reviewed by
the Planning Commission concurrently with the subdivision. Variations greater than ten
percent must be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council as a major master
plan amendment.
• Subdivisions creating residential lots greater than 5,000 square feet may be processed
without the inclusion of residential architecture. If the architecture is not included with a
subdivision creating lots greater than 5,000 square feet, it will be reviewed by the Planning
Commission as part of a follow-up Planned Development Permit amendment or Site
Development Plan.
• Residential architectural review is the purview of the Planning Commission with the
exception of architectural review of four or fewer homes for "custom" lots in Planning Area
11 which will be reviewed by the Planning Director and architectural review included in a
Planned Unit Development application for more than 50 lots which will be reviewed by the
City Council. Appeals of Planning Commission action regarding architecture will be heard
by the City Council.
• Single story homes are not required in Planning Area 12 as would otherwise be required by
City Council Policy 44. However, in order to comply with City Council Policy 44 on a
Master Plan level versus a neighborhood level, the requirement for single story homes as part
of a product mix for the Master Plan is not foregone. A modified standard is proposed which
allows the single story homes required for Planning Area 12 to be re-distributed to Planning
Areas 6, 9, 10, and 11 along with the requirement to create "single story dominant"
floorplans for Planning Area 12. The result is a higher percentage of single story units in
Planning Areas 6, 9, 10, and 11.
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• Modifications to the Hillside Development Ordinance standards may be approved by the
decision making body if it finds that such modification will result in a grading design that
better achieves the goals of the Master Plan and the Ahwanhee Principals.
2. General Plan Amendment
Residential Densities
The General Plan Amendment will revise land use designations within the Master Plan from
Unplanned Area (UA), Open Space (OS), Residential Low (RL), Residential Low Medium
(RLM), and Residential Medium (RM) to OS, RLM, RM, Residential Medium High (RMH),
Residential High (RH), Community Facilities (CF), Private School (P), Local Commercial (L),
and Planned Industrial (PI). The proposed revisions will result in a variety of residential and
non-residential land uses including large natural open space areas that more accurately reflect the
natural constraints of the site. In coordination with the master plan, the proposed revisions will
not result in an increase in the potential number of residential dwelling units allowed under the
existing General Plan. An explanation of that coordination follows. Open Space areas are
increased and un-planned areas are designated as industrial and commercial.
The existing General Plan mix is approximately 174.5 acres of open space, 120.8 acres of RL,
92.6 acres ofRLM, and 41.5 acres of RM and the remaining 155.7 acres is Unplanned Area and
roadways. Each of the General Plan residential land use designations has a dwelling unit per
acre (du/ac) density range. The range for RL is 0.0-1.5 du/ac, RLM is 0.0-4.0 du/ac, and RM is
4.0-8.0 du/ac.
The Growth Management Ordinance reduces the General Plan density range by the
establishment of a control point for each residential land use. The control point for RL is 1.0
du/ac, for RLM is 3.2 du/ac, and for RM is 6.0 du/ac. The reduced dwelling unit per acre range
for RL becomes 0.0-1.0 du/ac, RLM becomes 0.0-3.2 du/ac, and RM becomes 4.0-6.0 du/ac.
Applying these reduced ranges to the net developable acres for each of the residential land uses,
the existing General Plan and Growth Management Ordinance allows a range of zero to 498
residential units.
Additional units may be allowed under California State legislation as a density bonus. This law
allows for a minimum 25% density increase in return for allocating 20% of the project base units
(498 x 0.2 = 100) to lower income households. Projects proposing to implement the Density
Bonus incentive under the existing general plan could achieve at a minimum an additional 125
dwelling units for a total of 623.
By comparison, the proposed General Plan Amendment results in 190.7 acres of open space, no
land designated as RL, 94.7 gross acres of RLM, 16.2 gross acres of RM, 64.0 gross acres of
RMH, 27.7 gross acres of mixed use, 13.7 gross acres of Community Facilities (CF), and 150.1
gross acres of Planned Industrial (PI). The remaining 28 acres are for roads.
A comparison of the existing and proposed General Plan land use designations reveal that there
will be an increase in open space from 174.5 to 190.7 gross acres, a decrease in residential land
area but an increase in the number of residential units allowed from 498 to 1,466 not inclusive of
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any potential density bonus (254.9 gross acres to 174.9), and a change of 155.7 gross acres of
unplanned area plus approximately 50 acres of residential land use to 27. 7 acres of mixed use,
and 178.1 gross acres of industrial uses and roads.
The residential land use areas have been decreased in size and the area spread out to other uses
like Community Facilities, Local Commercial, and Open Space, but seemingly the residential
densities have been increased. The mechanism used to maintain the residential density at the
same level as the existing General Plan is the master plan. A maximum number of dwelling
units for the entire master plan has been established. That number is 498 dwelling units per the
existing General Plan plus an additional 125 units, a 25% density increase in return for allocating
20% of the project base units (498 x 0.2 = 100) to lower income households. The number of
units allowed by the General Plan becomes moot and the land use designation for each planning
area is assigned merely to describe each planning area's potential product type.
Open Space
One of the goals of the General Plan is the preservation of open space. In the context of the
Draft Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (HMP), Core 5 Preserve Planning Area (PP A) is
located to the north of the site and the southeastern comer of the project site is within Linkage D.
The primary objective of Carlsbad's Draft Habitat Management Plan is to allow development
while identifying and maintaining a preserve system that allows for sustained existence of
animals and plants at both the local and regional levels. The portions of the project site which
fall within the PP A and Linkage D are considered as having moderate potential for conversion
because these areas form a linkage between high value areas. The General Plan Amendment will
designate the preservation areas as open space on the General Plan Land Use Map, and result in
an increase of area in the site designated as open space from 174.5 to 190.7 acres.
In order to adjust the boundaries of any open space shown on the "Official Open Space and
Conservation Map", dated June, 2001, the findings listed in implementing policy C.20 of the
Open Space Planning and Protection Section of the General Plan Open Space and Conservation
Element are required to be made. The three required findings and affirmative justification for
each are listed in the Planning Commission Resolution for the General Plan Amendment and
follow here.
1. The proposed open space area is equal to or greater that the area depicted on the Official
Open Space and Conservation Map.
Project Finding: The Official Open Space and Conservation Map defines approximately 175
acres of Bressi Ranch as either "Existing/ Approved Open Space" or "Constrained Open
Space." The proposed project designates 190.7 acres of Bressi Ranch as Open Space,
including open space for the preservation of natural resources and open space for outdoor
recreation. Because the proposed open space areas are greater than the areas depicted on the
City's Official Open Space and Conversation Map, the proposed project is consistent with
this Finding.
2. The proposed open space area is of environmental quality equal to or greater than that
depicted on the Official Open Space and Conservation Map.
. EIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC 914/MP 178/LFMP 17 /CT 00-06/HDP '°6/
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Project Finding: The proposed revision to the Official Open Space and Conservation Map
will create more Open Space of equal value and will bring the City's General Plan into
conformance with the city's Draft HMP, as well as expand the open space designation to
cover 190.7 acres of the site compromised of 186.7 acres of open space for the preservation
of natural resources and 4.0 acres of open space for outdoor recreation. As discussed in
Section 5.6, Biological Resources, of the Program EIR for the Bressi Ranch Master Plan, the
General Plan Amendment would change the General Plan designation of the southeastern
comer of the project site to Open Space. Because this portion of the site is within Linkage D
of the City's Draft HMP, it is considered as having moderate potential for conservation
because this area forms a linkage between high value areas. This linkage will preserve the
value of the site's open space and assist in meeting the goals of the HMP.
3. The proposed adjustment to open space, as depicted on the Official Open Space and
Conservation Map, is contiguous or within close proximity to open space as shown on the
Official Open Space and Conservation Map.
Project Finding: Proposed open space areas are contiguous with preserve areas identified in
the City's Draft HMP and are contiguous or within close proximity to open space areas
identified on the official Open Space and Conservation Map. Some of the additional open
space areas provide a linkage between Core Areas of the City's Draft HMP and, therefore,
provide more habitat value.
The General Plan is divided into eight elements. Proposed project consistency with applicable
environmental goals of each of the eight elements is contained on pages 5.1-1 through page 5.12-
1 of the Bressi Ranch Program EIR. The proposed amendment is also in compliance with the
additional General Plan Goals, Objectives or Policies depicted in the following table:
Element Goal, Objective, Policy Project Consistency
Land Use Objective B.2-Create a visual form Proposed Open Space designations
that is pleasing to the eye, rich in create large contiguous
variety, reflecting environmental conservation areas that are visually
values. pleasing and reflect the
environmental value of the areas.
Land Use Policy C.4 -Encourage clustering The general plan amendment
when it is compatible with adjacent provides for the shift of dwelling
development. units resulting in a clustering of
Land Use Policy C.6 -Review the architecture The proposed master plan contains
of buildings to ensure the quality and development standards and
integrity of design and enhancement architectural guidelines as well as
of the character of each a review process to ensure that the
neighborhood. desired level of quality is attained.
• EIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC f o4/MP 178/LFMP 11 /CT 00-06/HDP f 06/
June 5, 2002
Pa e 13
Element Goal, Objective, Policy Project Consistency
Land Use Policy C.8 -Provide for a sufficient The proposed land use
diversity ofland uses so that schools, designations and master plan
parks and recreational areas, churches provide for a mixed-use site and
and neighborhood shopping centers community facilities uses and
are in close proximity. allow for a private school and
commercial uses such as a service
station or convenience store.
Land Use Policy C.12 -Develop and retain The project includes open space
open space in all categories of land for the preservation of natural
use. resources, public safety and open
space for outdoor recreation.
Circulation Streets & Traffic Control Policy C.18 Dedication and improvement of all
-Require new development to circulation facilities needed for the
dedicate and improve all public project will be completed.
rights-of-way for circulation facilities
needed to serve development.
Housing Policy 3.6a-A minimum of :fifteen An area of the property is
percent of all units approved for any proposed to be designated RH to
master plan community shall be accommodate affordable housing.
affordable to lower income
Public Safety Airports Hazards Policy C.3 -Land Uses have been sited to be
Review development proposals in the compatible with the
Airport Influence Area to ensure Comprehensive Land Use Plan for
design features are incorporated to Palomar Airport.
address airport crash and noise
3. Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan Palomar Airport
Portions of the master plan fall within the boundaries of the McClellan Palomar Airport
Influence Area and Flight Activity Zone. A very small area at the comer of McClellan Palomar
Airport Road and El Camino Real is within the Runway Protection Zone (RPZ). All of these
areas have been designated for development with office, warehouse or industrial uses. Uses
within the RPZ have been further restricted to low intensity operations. Each of these land uses
is acceptably compatible with the airport operations per the airport's Comprehensive Land Use
Plan. Land areas outside the boundaries of the Airport Influence Area have been designated for
either residential, commercial, community facilities or open space uses. A notice will be
required for all properties within Bressi Ranch disclosing that there is the potential for noise due
to over flight.
· EIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC lo4/MP 178/LFMP 11 /CT 00-06/HDP f-061
June 5, 2002
Pae 14
4. Zone Change
The intent and purpose of the L-C zone is to provide an interim zone for areas where planning
for future land uses has not been completed or plans of development have not been formalized.
After proper planning or plan approval has been completed, property zoned L-C may be rezoned
in accord with this title.
The applicant has developed a Master Plan for the subject property. Consistent with the
intention of the L-C zone, a Zone Change has been requested to designate the property as
Planned Community. Planned Community is appropriate in that the entire property will be
subject to the comprehensive Bressi Ranch Master Plan.
5. Local Facilities Management Plan
A Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) has been prepared for Zone 17 pursuant to the
requirements of the Growth Management Ordinance, Chapter 21.90 of the Municipal Code. No
LFMP has ever been previously adopted for Zone 17. Zone 17 comprises 585.1 acres. The
proposed zone plan covers the entire zone and analyzes the requirements for the eleven public
facilities included within the growth management program. For each of the eleven public
facilities the plan lists the required performance standard, provides a facility planning and
adequacy analysis, required mitigation, and financing sources for any required mitigation. The
zone will be in compliance with the required performance standards by satisfying the general and
special conditions listed in the zone plan.
The impacts of the build out in Local Facilities Management Zone 17 are based on a projection
of 623 residential units, 2,160,000 square feet of industrial uses, 130,000 square feet of
commercial uses and 138,000 square feet of community facilities and schools.
The applicant is requesting approval of a density bonus per California State Legislation to
provide "affordable" housing. The bonus is equal to 25% of the base units allowed by the
Carlsbad Growth Management Ordinance. The base units allowed are 498. Granting a density
bonus results in allotting 125 residential units to the project over and above the base Growth
Management Ordinance allowance.
The project's facilities impacts are summarized below:
City Administration 2,166 sq. ft. Yes
Library 1,155 sq. ft. Yes
Waste Water Treatment l,994EDU Yes
Parks 4.33 Acres Yes
Drainage BasinD Yes
Circulation 31,230ADT Yes
· EIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC lo4/MP 178/LFMP 17 /CT 00-06/HDP 1-06/
June 5, 2002
Pa e 15
Fire Station #2 & #5 Yes
Open Space 157.1 eligible acres provided Yes
Schools: Elementary: 131.31 Yes: School Fees
Carlsbad Unified Middle: 65 .21
School District High: 80.34
Sewer Collection System 1,994EDU Yes
Water 438,680 Yes
6. Tentative Tract Map
A major subdivision (the subdivision of five or more lots) is required per Title 20 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code. Chapter 20.12 identifies the procedure for processing major subdivisions and
includes the required findings for approval of same. Chapter 20.16 identifies the requirements
that must be met in the design of the subdivision. The proper procedure was followed regarding
the submittal of the application for the requested subdivision including the provision of all of the
required information on the map.
The proposed map and the proposed design and improvement of the subdivision as conditioned,
is consistent with and satisfies all requirements of the General Plan, Titles 20 and 21 of the
Carlsbad Municipal Code, and the State Subdivision Map Act. Subdivision of the property will
not cause serious public health problems in that the subdivision is proposed in an area
historically designated for development, and although the site had been used in the past for
agriculture and there may be some surface agricultural chemical residue, the soils will be
The proposed project is compatible with the surrounding future land uses since surrounding
properties are also designated for development on the General Plan and in the Bressi Ranch
Master Plan. The site is physically suitable for development since there is access to public
rights-of-way, soils are suitable for the required compaction, and sensitive habitat and slopes too
steep for development have been preserved.
The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements required of the project will not
conflict with easements of record or easements established by court judgment, or acquired by the
public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision, in that
dedications for El Fuerte Street, Alicante Road, Poinsettia Lane, Palomar Airport Road, El
Camino Real and various internal streets have been included as conditions of approval and the
project does not otherwise propose building encroachment into any easement.
The design of the subdivision provides, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural
heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision, in that the geographical disposition of the
project site will allow for the design of structures to implement passive heating and cooling
. t -EIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC -04/MP 178/LFMP 17 /CT 00-06/HDP 99-06/
June 5, 2002
Pae 16
The proposed lot sizes conform to the requirements of the proposed zone as required in Title 21
of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The smallest lots proposed are Lot 14 which is 1.1 acres and
Lot 1 which is 2.5 acres. Both are proposed industrial planning areas. The proposed lots are
larger than usual because it is the applicant's intention to further subdivide the planning areas
after approval of the "master" tentative map and Master Plan.
In order for the proposed lots to have utility services and access from the adjacent streets, the
developer will be required to offer various dedications ( e.g., drainage easements, street right-of-
way) and install street and utility improvements, including but not limited to, driveway aprons,
gutters, sewer facilities, drainage facilities, and fire hydrants.
7. Hillside Development Permit
Chapter 21.95 requires that a Hillside Development Permit accompany any development
proposal which involves slopes of greater than 15 percent and an elevation differential greater
than 15 feet in height. These conditions apply within the 585.1 acre subdivision. A Hillside
Development Permit may only be approved if the six hillside findings can be made.
The first two findings require that hillside and undevelopable areas have been properly
identified. The proper identification of these circumstances are provided through the project
submittal in the form of a hillside conditions exhibit and a constraints exhibit. Both exhibits
were provided as required. Approximately 53.5 percent of the site is comprised of slopes
between O and 15 percent, 17.3 percent of the slopes are from 15 to 25 percent, 23 .5 percent of
the slopes are from 25 to 40%, and 5. 7 percent of the slopes are grades over 40 percent.
The third criterion is that the development must be consistent with the purpose, intent and
requirements of the Hillside Ordinance. The stated purpose and intent of the ordinance includes
the avoidance of substantial damage or alteration of significant natural resource areas;
preservation of the natural appearance of hillsides; consistency with the Open Space and
Conservation Element of the General Plan; prevention of erosion and protection of the lagoons
from excessive siltation; and assurance that development is compatible with existing topography.
Generally, the project has avoided alteration of the site's significant natural slopes and
incorporated them into the open space preserve system. The grading proposed over the
remainder of the site includes varying slope heights and terraced pads which, to the best of their
ability, reflects the site's natural slope progression from low near the intersection of Palomar
Airport Road and El Camino Real and upward movement in elevation to the east. Because the
grading scheme is to create large pads suitable for industrial and commercial development,
significant terracing cannot be accomplished. Erosion control is a standard function of the
grading permit process. The project is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Hillside
Criterion number four requires that no residential or habitable development or grading will occur
in those portions of the property which are undevelopable pursuant to the provisions of Section
21.53.230. The undevelopable lands include beaches, permanent bodies of water, floodways,
slopes greater than 40%, significant wetlands, riparian or woodland habitats, land subject to
major power line easements, land upon which other significant environmental features are
· BIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC lo4/MP 178/LFMP 17 /CT 00-06/HDP •-061
June 5, 2002
Pa e 17
located, and railroad track beds. No residential or habitable development is proposed in areas
that are undevelopable.
The fifth and sixth criteria relate to the project's design. The project must be designed to
minimize disturbance to hillside lands and substantially conform to the intent of the concepts
illustrated in the hillside design guidelines manual.
The majority of the project is proposed in areas that have been previously disturbed by
authorized grading. Some areas of hillside which will be disturbed by the project are isolated
and not a part of the greater significant slopes. The proposed development substantially follows
the hillside pattern of the site. Some areas of steep slope disturbance are required to access
flatter portions of the site and to enable the creation of major circulation roadways like Poinsettia
Lane and El Fuerte Street.
Two slopes have been identified which exceed the 40 height allowed by the Hillside Ordinance.
The Hillside Development Permit has been conditioned to require these slopes to be redesigned
to comply with the Hillside Ordinance maximum height standard. With this condition, all of the
hillside findings can be made.
Relative to the preservation of natural slopes and vegetation, approximately one third of the
Bressi Ranch Master Plan will remain as native vegetation. This could create a potential fire
hazard to structures within the Master Plan if not treated properly. Therefore, based on input
from the Carlsbad Fire Department, a defined separation between native vegetation and
residential structures is mandated in the Master Plan.
For residences adjacent to slopes with native vegetation, the City's Landscape Manual requires a
minimum sixty-foot separation between native vegetation and residential structures. This
separation is divided into three, 20-foot sections, the first of which usually starts at the edge of
the structure. The sixty-foot Brush Management Zone for Bressi Ranch will start at the edge of
the building pad instead of the edge of the building for the residential portions of the Master
Plan. Creation of the fire zones from the edge of pad effectively increases the distance from
native flammable habitat to the structure.
Where nonresidential uses occur adjacent to a slope with native vegetation, the guidelines
contained in the City's Landscape Manual will be followed. For nonresidential uses, the fire
setback shall start at the edge of the building. The Master Plan provides a written summary of the
planting required in the suppression areas.
8. El Camino Real Special Use Permit
The intent and purpose of the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards (ECRCDS) is to
maintain and enhance the appearance of the El Camino Real roadway area. Land subject to the
ECRCDS is limited to that which is within 500 feet of the El Camino Real right-of-way. An
emphasis is placed on preserving the natural topography adjacent to the roadway and allow
minim.al cut or fill that does not detract from the existing identified characteristics.
. EIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC 104/MP 178/LFMP 17 /CT 00-06/HDP '-06/
June 5, 2002
Pa e 18
General development standards for the entire length of El Camino Real include landscape
treatments and street lighting. Specific development standards for private property south of the
intersection of El Camino Real with Palomar Airport Road include a maximum building height
of 35 feet, a 30 foot building setback from the right-of-way, and no cut or fill exceeding 15 feet
unless specific findings are made.
The Bressi Ranch project complies with the development standards of the ECRCDS in that no
buildings are being proposed at this time, the associated Master Plan also regulates building
height to 35 feet, the Master Plan has designated a minimum 50 foot setback along El Camino
Real which exceeds the requirements of the ECRCDS, and most grading is within the 15 foot
height (higher or lower than existing grade) limitation. The southern-most part of Planning Area
2 (Lot 2) adjacent to El Camino Real slopes down away from the road and is proposed as a fill
area. The fill area is needed to create a pad suitable for industrial development. The fill is not
designed to create a pad higher than the existing road elevation but is predominantly below the
road grade. The majority of Planning Area 1 (Lot 1) is proposed as a cut area dictated by the
approved grading to the south in the Villages of La Costa and the adjoining Street "A"
intersection with El Camino Real.
These two areas of deviation can be approved by the Planning Commission if the following
findings can be made:
• Compliance with the 15 foot standard is infeasible
• The project has been designed to meet the intent of the corridor standards.
• The scenic qualities of the corridor will continue to be maintained
• The project will not have an adverse impact on traffic safety, and
The infeasibility of complying with the 15 foot limitation regards the need to create pads large
enough to accommodate industrial development. Specifically if more than 15 feet of fill is not
permitted in Planning Area 2 then the pad area will be reduced by nearly 50%.
The proposed pad elevations for the area in question are below that of the roadway. For this
reason the findings can be made that the intent of the corridor standards are being met since the
visibility of future development will be diminished because height has been effectively reduced.
The final finding can be made since the proposed street system servicing the proposed pads are
located at proper intervals along El Camino Real and are not affected by pad grades.
9. Floodplain Special Use Permit
The Floodplain Management Regulations are included in Chapter 21.110 of the Municipal Code.
The purpose of the chapter is to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, and to
minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas. Areas of the project
site are located within an area designated as a special flood hazard area inundated by a 100-year
flood. A 100-year flood is defined as a flood which has a one percent annual probability of
being equaled or exceeded. A Special Use Permit is required to be obtained in addition to any
other required permits or entitlements before construction or development begins within any area
· BIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC f o4/MP 178/LFMP 11 /CT 00-06/HDP l.061
June 5, 2002
Pae 19
of special flood hazard. Hydrology studies have been prepared for the project and reviewed by
staff of the Engineering Department. The proposed grading and drainage improvements will
modify the location of the 100-year flood. The after-project improvements 100 year flood area
will not be located within areas where structures are proposed. The necessary findings to
approve the Floodplain Special Use Permit can be made.
A Program Environmental Impact Report (BIR) was prepared for the project in accordance with
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines and the Environmental
Protection Procedures (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The BIR addresses the
environmental impacts associated with all discretionary applications for the proposed project
including ultimate buildout of the entire project. To determine the areas of potential impact, city
staff prepared an initial study and issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP) on February 14, 2001,
distributing it to all Responsible and Trustee Agencies, as well as other agencies and members of
the public. Six written responses were received and city staff scheduled a public scoping
meeting session in order to increase opportunities for public input. Notices of the scoping
meeting were sent to all property owners within a 600-foot radius of the project boundaries as
well as being published in the newspaper. The public scoping session took place April 29, 1999
at the Public Safety Center. At the scoping session, the public was invited to comment on the
scope and content of the BIR. Five people signed in at the scoping session. No additional scope
was identified beyond what had already been received. After consideration of all of the
foregoing city staff developed a detailed scope of work for the BIR. The BIR analyzed the
following areas of potential environmental impact:
1) Land Use and Planning
2) Traffic/Circulation
3) Air Quality
4) Noise
5) Geology/Soils
6) Biological Resources
7) Cultural Resources
8) Agricultural Resources
9) Visual Aesthetics/Grading
10) Public Services and Utilities
11) Water Quality/Hydrology
12) Hazardous Materials and Hazards
Additionally, the Draft BIR includes other sections required by CEQA such as an Executive
Summary, Project Description, Cumulative Impacts, Growth Inducing Impacts, Significant
Irreversible Environmental Changes, Unavoidable Significant Environmental Impacts, and
Effects Not Found to Be Significant.
On January 8, 2002, the Draft Program BIR was published and the City notified interested
Responsible and Trustee Agencies, as well as other interested agencies. The ''Notice of
Completion" commenced an initial 45 day public review and comment period initially expiring
February 21, 2002. A joint letter from California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S.
--EIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC 98-04/MP 178/LFMP 17 /CT 00-06/HDP 99-06/
June 5, 2002
Pa e20
Fish and Wildlife Service was received and accepted on March 7, 2002. The ''Notice of
Completion" advised that the Draft Program EIR was available for review at four locations: the
City of Carlsbad Planning Department; the City Clerk's Office; the Carlsbad Dove Library and
the Georgina Cole Public Library. Complete copies were also available for purchase, with or
without the Appendices, through the Planning Department.
The analysis contained in the EIR concluded that all significant impacts would be mitigated to
below a level of significance with the exception of air quality (cumulative) which would be
considered cumulatively significant and unmitigable. Direct impacts, also referred to as primary
effects, are those caused by the project and that occur at the same time and place. In contrast,
cumulative impacts refer to two or more individual impacts that, when considered together, are
considerable or that compound or increase other environmental impacts. The cumulative impact
of several projects is the change in the environment that results from the incremental impact of
the project when added to other, closely related past, present, or reasonably foreseeable, probable
future projects. The cumulative impacts all arise from the marginal contribution the proposed
project will make, when combined with the impacts from existing and other future projects, to
pre-existing conditions that fail to meet applicable standards currently.
A total of 10 comment letters were submitted. Responses were prepared for each of the letters
and mailed to the commenter on May 10, 2002. The response transmittal letter also provided
notice of the availability of the Final Program EIR. Included as a part of the Final Program EIR
is a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). The MMRP is also attached to the
Planning Commission Resolution for the EIR.
Under CEQA, before a project which is determined to have significant, unmitigated
environmental effects can be approved, the public agency must consider and adopt a "statement
of overriding considerations" pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15043 and 15093. As the primary
purpose of CEQA is to fully inform the decision makers and the public as to the environmental
effects of a proposed project and to include feasible mitigation measures and alternatives to
reduce any such adverse effects below a level of significance, CEQA nonetheless recognizes and
authorizes the approval of projects where not all adverse impacts can be fully lessened or
avoided. However, the agency must explain and justify its conclusion to approve such a project
through the statement of overriding considerations setting forth the Proposed Project's general
social, economic, policy or other public benefits which support the agency's informed conclusion
to approve the project. The CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations
are attached to the Planning Commission Resolution for the EIR.
. EIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC 104/MP 178/LFMP 17 /CT 00-06/HDP '-06/
June 5, 2002
Pa e21
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5201 (EIR 98-04)
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5202 (GP A 98-03)
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5203 (ZC 98-04)
4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5204 (MP 178)
5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5205 (LFMP 17)
6. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5206 (CT 00-06)
7. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5207 (HDP 99-06)
8. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5208 (SUP 99-03:ECR)
9. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5209 (SUP 01-10:Flood)
10. Location Map
11. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form
12. Background Data Sheet
13. Disclosure Statement
14. Final Program EIR for the Bressi Ranch, dated April 2002 (previously distributed; copy
on file in the Planning Department)
15. Bressi Ranch Master Plan (previously distributed; copy on file in the Planning
16. Zone 17 Local Facilities Management Plan, dated April 12, 2002 (previously distributed;
copy on file in the Planning Department)
17. Fiscal Impact Analysis of Master Plan MP 178 and Related Documents, dated April 11,
2002 (previously distributed; copy on file in the Planning Department)
18. Exhibits "A" -"HH", dated June 5, 2002 (previously distributed; copy on file in the
Planning Department)
EIR 98-04/GPA 98-03/ZC 98-04/MP 178/
CT 00-06/HDP 99-06/SUP 99-03/SUP 01-01/
FILE NAME AND NO: Bressi Ranch EIR. 98-04/GPA 98-03/ZC 98-04/MP 178/LFMP 17 /CT
00-06/HDP 99-06/SUP 99-03/SUP 01-01
DEVELOPER'S-NAME: Lennar Bressi Ranch Venture. LLC.
ADDRESS: 5780 Fleet Street Suite 320 Carlsbad CA 92008
PHONE NO.: 760-918-7765 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 213-030-17 and 18
QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 585.1 acres/22 lots
A. City Administrative Facilities:
B. Library:
C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity
D. Park:
E. Drainage:
F. Circulation:
G. Fire:
H. Open Space:
I. Schools:
Carlsbad Unified School District
J. Sewer:
K. Water:
Demand in Square Footage=
Demand in Square Footage =
Demand in Acreage =
Identify Drainage Basin =
Demand in ADT =
Served by Fire Station No. =
Acreage Provided =
Demands in EDU
Identify Sub Basin =
Demand in GPD =
2.166 Sg.Ft.
1.155 Sg.Ft.
4.33 acres
Stations # 2 and 5
157.1 acres
Elementary: 131.31
1 994
438 680
L. The project is 125 units above the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. The
additional units are requested under California State Density Bonus legislation for the
purpose of providing housing to lower income households.
BIR 98-04/GP A 98-03/ZC 98-04/MP 178/LFMP 17 /CT 00-06/HDP 99-
06/SUP 99-03/SUP 01-01
CASE NAME: Bressi Ranch =--=----=-=------------------------
APPLICANT: Lennar Bressi Ranch Venture, LLC.
REQUEST AND LOCATION: Certification of an Environmental Impact Report and approval
of a Master Plan, General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Local Facilities Management Plan,
Tract Map, Hillside Development Permit, and two Special Use Permits for the 585 acre Bressi
Ranch located at the south east comer of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Being a portion of Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No.
1763, in the City of Carlsb_ad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map
thereof on file in the Offi~e of the County Recorder of San Diego C~unty, July 20, 1973
APN: 213-030-17 and 18 Acres: 585.1 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: --=2=2-=lo"-"ts=-------
Land Use Designation: Unplanned Area, Open Space, Residential Low, Residential Low
M~dium, and ~esidential Medium
Density Allowed: 498 Density Proposed: 498 plus 25% State Density Bonus
Existing Zone: Limited Con~ol Proposed Zone: Planned Community
Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use:
Zoning General Plan Current Land Use
Site L-C UA, OS, RL, RLM, RM One single family home
North PM PI fudustrial, Open Space
South Villages of La Costa OS,RLM Vacant
East Rancho Carrillo OS,RLM,RH Residential Development
West PM PI fudustrial Development
School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad
Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): ----=1==9'-"9'-4'----------------
D Negative Declaration, issued ___________________ _
~ Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ___,A;..:,p~r=il=-=2c...::0-=-02=-----------
. . • City • of Carlsbad
I :.3 Ei ,i ,ii ,t· 1 •14·tiai,,i4 ,i ◄
Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require
discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee.
The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot
be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print.
Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal
organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city
municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit."
Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be
provided below.
1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial
interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the
names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO
APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW If a publicly-owned corporation, include the
names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if
Person ___ A ...... J_,_,//1....._ ____ _
Title ____________ _
Address ___________ _
a Missouri Corporation
By: ~----~---------Thom as E. Nieman
Regional Vice President
Address: 1100 E. Orangethorpe Ave, #190
Anaheim, CA 92801
a California limited liability company
By: Lennar Bressi Carlsbad, LLC
Its: Managing Member
By: Lennar Homes of California, Inc.
a California corporation
Its: t;;ging "/(1-embe,
By: _i).lth -14
Its: Vice President'
Address: 5780 Fleet Street Ste 320
Carlsbad, CA 92008
• < -~,
If any person identified pursuant to ( 1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the
names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit
organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the.
Non Profitff rust_-+A ..... 4-r-1/.d ....... • ___ _ Non Profitff rust -----------
Title Tit le -----------------------------
Address ___________ _ Address --------------
4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff,
Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months?
0Yes ~ No If yes, please indicate person(s): ______________ _
NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary.
I certify that a11 the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of owner/date
Print or type name of owner
Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date
Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent
a California limited liability company
By: Lennar Bressi Carlsbad, LLC
Its: Managing Member
By: Lennar Homes of California, Inc.
a California corporation
Its: Managing Member
By: \ c.--_ \S~
Its: Vice President
Address: 5780 Fleet Street Ste 320
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Address: 1100 E. Orangethorpe Ave., #190
Anaheim, CA 92801
.Page 2 of 2
2. OWNER (Not the.er's agent) A
Provide the COM TE, LEGAL names and addresses of A~ persons having any ownership
interest m the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e,
partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a
corporation or partnership. include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more
than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES,
owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate
page may be attached if necessary.)
Person A)/ A ----,,-.-,,,_.... ______ _
Title ____________ _
Address ------------
a M~-sso · ~p..,9ra~n __
By: ~-=r,_h-om_...s--,E=-.---=-N,...,i_e_m_a_n ______ _
Regional Vice President
a California limited liability company
By: Lennar Bressi Carlsbad, LLC
Its: Managing Member
By: Lennar Homes of California, Inc.
a California corporation .
Its: Managing Member
By:_. ,~~, ~
Its: Vice President
Address: 1100 E. Orangethorpe Ave. , #19@\.ddress: 5780 Fleet Street Ste 320
Anaheim, CA 92801 Carlsbad, CA 92008
1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad. CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 @