HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-20; Planning Commission; ; 1) EIR 02-02 - CANTARINI/HOLLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR; 2) LFMP 15C - CANTARINI/HOLLY SPRINGS; 3) GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09 - CANTARINI ; 4) GPle City of Carlsbad Planning Departmen, A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: October 20, 2004 ItemNo. @ Application complete date: Project Planner: Barbara Kennedy Project Engineer: Jeremy Riddle SUBJECT: 1) EIR 02-02 -CANTARINI/HOLLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR; 2) LFMP 15(C) -CANTARINI/HOLLY SPRINGS; 3) GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00- 18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09 -CANTARINI RANCH; and 4) GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS -Request for 1) a recommendation of certification of an Environmental Impact Report, and recommendation of adoption of the Candidate findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; 2) a recommendation of approval for the Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment; 3) a recommendation of approval for the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Tentative Tract Map, Site Development Plan and Hillside Development Permit, and approval of a Floodplain Special Use Permit for the development of the Cantarini Ranch project which includes a 105-lot single- family residential subdivision, associated open space lots, and an 80-unit mixed- rate apartment project; and 4) a recommendation of approval for the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Tentative Tract Map and Hillside Development Permit for the development of the Holly Springs project which includes a 43-lot single-family residential subdivision and associated open space lots. The projects are generally located north of El Camino Real and east of the new intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road in the L-C and R-A-10,000 zones, in the Sunny Creek Specific Plan Area (SP 191), and within Local Facilities Management Zone 15. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission 1) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 5749 RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION of BIR 02-02 and RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; 2) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 5750 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of LFMP 15(C); 3) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5751, 5752, 5753, 5754, and 5755 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of GPA 01-09, ZC 00-05, CT 00-18, SDP 01-10, and HDP 00-09 and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 5756 APPROVING SUP 00-09 -CANTARINI RANCH; and 4) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5757, 5758, 5759, and 5760 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of GPA 00-06, ZC 00-09, CT 00-21, and HDP 00-12 - HOLLY SPRINGS; based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. EIR 02-02-CANTARINI/,LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 1l)-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e2 II. INTRODUCTION The applicant is requesting a recommendation for certification of the Cantarini/Holly Springs Joint Environmental Impact Report (EIR 02-02), a recommendation of approval of an Amendment to the Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Plan, General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes, and approval of the necessary entitlements to allow the subdivision and grading for the Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs development proposals, and construction of an 80-unit mixed-rate apartment project. The sites are generally located north of El Camino Real, east of College Boulevard and south of future Cannon Road in the northeast quadrant. The two projects are proposed on land currently designated by the General Plan for Residential Low-Medium (RLM) development and Open Space (OS). The proposed General Plan Amendment will adjust the RLM and OS boundaries within the project area to correspond with proposed single-family development and Habitat Management Plan (HMP) hardline conservation area, and will also add a new Residential Medium-High (RMH) designation to reflect a transfer of the allowable project density to the mixed-rate apartment project site. The proposed zone changes from Limited Control (L-C), Residential Agricultural -10,000 square foot minimum lot size (R-A-10,000), and Open Space (OS) to One-family Residential-1/2-acre minimum lot size-Qualified Development Overlay (R-1-0.5-Q), Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M), and OS will provide consistency with the proposed General Plan designations. The majority of the project area is located within the Sunny Creek Specific Plan Area which provides unique standards for the development of the single-family residential subdivisions. Individual subdivisions are proposed for each of the project areas and will result in 105 single- family lots and one multi-family lot within the Cantarini Ranch site, 43 single-family lots within the Holly Springs site, and a number of open space lots. Approximately 119.86 acres of Open Space (not including the Holly Springs remainder parcel) will be preserved in accordance with the HMP hardlines developed for these properties. The affordable housing requirements for both projects will be satisfied within the 80-unit mixed-rate apartment project included as part of the Cantarini Ranch development proposal. Detailed descriptions of the development proposals and necessary discretionary actions are provided below in the Project Description section of this report. EIR 02-02 is a joint environmental document that analyzes the environmental impacts of the 156.72-acre Cantarini Ranch and the 119.85-acre Holly Springs project areas. The projects will also be responsible for the construction of College Boulevard Reach A which will extend College Boulevard from its intersection at Cannon Road to its intersection at Sunny Creek Road. Reach A has been previously analyzed and approved under EIR 98-02 in conjunction with the Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II. The projects comply with CEQA and all applicable City policies and standards. All project issues have been resolved, and all necessary findings can be made for the requested approvals. EIR 02-02-CANT~LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 1l)-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e3 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The project proposes the development of two adjacent residential subdivisions on 276.57 acres and the construction of an 80-unit mixed-rate apartment project to satisfy the inclusionary housing requirements for the development proposals. The Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs subdivisions are represented by their own te°'tative maps and are to be considered separate projects under the Subdivision Map Act. However, the two tentative maps are being considered as a single project under CEQA due to the proximity of the sites to each other, timing of development and the similarity of the environmental impacts. A joint EIR has been prepared for the two projects and includes an analysis of potential environmental impacts associated with the following issue areas: Land Use Compatibility Visual Aesthetics/Grading Biological Resources Transportation/Circulation Air Quality Agricultural resources Noise The BIR concludes that the project will result in: Hydrology/Water Quality Public Services and Utilities Geology/Soils Hazards and Hazardous Materials Archeological/Paleontological Resources Population/Housing (1) unavoidable significant cumulative air quality impacts; (2) significant biological, air quality, hydrology/water quality, geology/soils, hazards/hazardous materials, archeological and paleontological impacts that can be mitigated to a less than significant impact level; and (3) impacts considered in the EIR but found to be less than significant. (See Section V. Environmental Review, of this report for a more detailed discussion of the EIR analysis). The development proposals will require the following discretionary actions: (1) Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Amendment -LFMP 15(C) to incorporate updated land use and build-out projections, updated facilities requirements and methods of financing; (2) General Plan Amendments (GPA 01-09 and GPA 00-06) adjust the Residential Low-Medium (RLM) and Open Space (OS) boundaries to be consistent with the City's negotiated Habitat Management Plan (HMP) hardline conservation area boundaries for a wildlife habitat corridor within the project areas; adjusts the boundaries of the RLM designation to correspond with the single-family residential development; and adds a new Residential Medium-High (RMH) designation on the northwest comer of the Cantarini Ranch project to reflect a transfer of the allowable project density to the mixed-rate apartment project site. This change will reduce the acreage of RLM designated land from approximately EIR 02-02 -CANTARJLLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11) -CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e4 260 acres to 131 acres, will add 6.21 acres of RMH designated land, and will increase the acreage designated as OS from approximately 16 acres to 139 acres; (3) Zone Changes (ZC 00-05 and ZC 00-09) rezone the property from L-C, R-A- 10,000 and OS to the R-1-0.5-Q, RD-M, and OS zoning classifications that are consistent with the proposed General Plan land use designations; (4) Tentative Tract Map CT 00-18 subdivides Cantarini Ranch into 105 single-family lots, one multi-family lot, six HOA landscape lots, seven open space preserve lots, and two remainder parcels. CT 00-21 subdivides Holly Springs into 43 single- family lots, four HOA landscape lots, six open space preserve lots, and one remainder parcel in conformance with the Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20 of the CMC); (5) Site Development Plan (SDP 01-10), associated with the Cantarini Ranch project, consists of an 80-unit mixed-rate apartment project to satisfy the 15% inclusionary housing requirement for both the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects (Chapter 21.85 of the CMC); (6) Hillside Development Permits (HDP 00-09 and HDP 00-12) regulate hillside grading permitted in accordance with the Hillside Development Regulations Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the CMC); and (7) Floodplain Special Use Permit (SUP 00-09) requires development within any area of special flood hazard to be in compliance with the Flood Plain Management Regulations (Chapter 21.110 of the CMC). An SUP is required for the off-site grading and drainage improvements associated with the construction of College Boulevard Reach A. The proposed Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs subdivisions are generally located on the north side of El Camino Real (north of Agua Hedionda Creek), east of the new extension of College Boulevard, and south of future Cannon Road Reach 4. The majority of the property is located within the Sunny Creek Specific Plan Area (SP 191) which was adopted by the City of Carlsbad in 1985. The Specific Plan was created to establish development standards which promote a rural estate atmosphere and which preserve the unique environmental resources of the area. The plan calls for residential estate-type of development with minimum 1/2-acre lots. Both sites are also included as "hardline" properties in the City's draft Habitat Management Plan (HMP). Primary local access to the sites will be via the proposed extension of College Boulevard Reach A, a Circulation Element road, from its southern terminus at Sunny Creek Road to its northern terminus at the College Boulevard and Cannon Road intersection. The environmental analysis for the construction of College Boulevard was approved as a separate project as a part of the Calavera Hills Master Plan. Environmental impacts and mitigation associated with construction of College Boulevard, including the proposed bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek and drainage improvements to Basin BJ, were analyzed and approved by the City in accordance with the certified BIR prepared for the Calavera Hills Master Plan Amendment/B&TD #4 (EIR 98-02). BIR 02-02 -CANT~LL Y SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 1 I) -CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 5 The primary circulation through the subdivisions will be provided by a loop road beginning at College Boulevard as "A" Street, in the southwest portion of the Cantarini Ranch property. The loop road runs easterly towards the Mandana property and then turns north and continues east through the Holly Springs property, then back to College Boulevard as "C" Street, at the northwest portion of the project. Two points of access to the multi-family housing site are provided off of "C" Street. Future road extensions to undeveloped properties will be provided east of Cantarini Ranch through the extensions of "A" and "M" Streets and south of Cantarini Ranch through the extensions of "I" and "K" Streets. The development proposals include a 3-way boundary adjustment that will facilitate: 1) the exchange of Cantarini Ranch land west of College Boulevard for Rancho Carlsbad Partners land east of College Boulevard, and 2) Cantarini Ranch land north of "C" Street for Holly Springs land south of "C" Street and the multi-family site. The Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs sites are located within the preserve planning area of the City's draft Habitat Management Plan (HMP) and include a portion of Core 3 which connects to Link C. These areas form part of a wildlife corridor which connects with the Kato and Mandana properties to the east. This contiguous open space element is part of a habitat corridor proposed under the HMP for Zone 15. The areas proposed for development were established by the proposed HMP hardline conservation area boundaries. Modifications to these boundaries are proposed and have been evaluated as part of the environmental review process. Both projects have large open space components consisting of hardline habitat preserve areas and landscaped fire protection zones adjacent to these preserve areas. A number of trails are proposed throughout the project for use by pedestrians, mountain bikers, and equestrians. A small man-made pond located near the center of the Cantarini Ranch project will be removed, and the area returned to its natural hydrologic condition, pursuant to comments received by CDFG, UASCE, and RWQCB. Cantarini Ranch The 156.72-acre project site includes the majority of the 141-acre Cantarini Ranch farm, a portion of the Holly Springs property to the northwest, and an exchange of land with Rancho Carlsbad Partners (to the west) so that the limits of the Cantarini development will occur only on the east side of College Boulevard. The properties to the north, east, and west are vacant or used for agricultural purposes. Ranch homes and horse stables are located south of the site. Rancho Carlsbad Estates Mobile Home Park is located further to the west, and a residential neighborhood located in Oceanside (Ocean Hills) is adjacent to the northeast comer of the site. The site topography consists of steeply sloping hillsides and valley terrain in the northeast and northwest comers of the site to gently sloping, low, broad hills and shallow valleys in the central and southern portions of the site. Elevations range from a high of approximately 420 feet mean sea level (msl) in the northeast comer to a low of 70 feet msl along the extreme southwest site boundary. There is a network of small drainages and canyon areas with a number of seepage/spring areas located in the eastern portion of the site. These tend to run in a north-south or northeast-southwest direction and feed into an on-site pond near the south central portion of BIR 02-02 -CANT~LLY SPRINGS JOlNT EIR;LFMP 11) -CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRlNGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 6 the site. From the pond, the water drains into the Agua Hedionda Creek. Approximately 69 acres of the site are used for agricultural purposes. A single-family home and several buildings associated with farming currently exist on the site. The remainder of the site contains either non- native grasslands (proposed for development) or native vegetation on slopes which are generally too steep for agricultural use. The Cantarini Ranch development proposal includes 105 single-family lots with a 1/2-acre minimum lot size and an 80-unit mixed-rate apartment project which will be used to meet the affordable housing requirements for both the Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs projects. The 6.21-acre apartment site is located outside the boundaries of SP 191. Approximately 59 acres within the subdivision will be designated as open space, not including additional landscape and fire protection zones adjacent to the open space preserve areas. The project includes a loop road which will traverse through the Holly Springs property north of the site in order to access the development areas on the east side of the site. Holly Springs The 119.85-acre Holly Springs site is located north of the Cantarini Ranch subdivision. The property north of the Holly Springs site was recently purchased by the State of California for habitat preserve purposes. This land, which is approximately 99 acres, consists primarily of undisturbed coastal sage scrub habitat. To the west lies the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park RV storage/garden area and the proposed multi-family site for the 80-unit mixed-rate apartment project. The Ocean Hills residential project in Oceanside is located east of the Holly Springs property. The Holly Springs site is generally covered with undisturbed, natural vegetation and granite boulders are present throughout the slopes of the hills. A portion of the southwest area of the property is currently used for agricultural purposes. Elevations of the site range from approximately 70 to 435 feet msl. Several hills are present on site; three peaks clustered on the west side of the site and one larger peak on the east side. There are a number of small drainages throughout the site including three natural springs, areas of ponded water, and an earthern dam. The north half of the Holly Springs subdivision is located outside the boundaries of SP 191. However, for planning purposes, the entire subdivision has been evaluated for compliance with SP 191. The development proposal includes 43 single-family custom home lots with a 1/2-acre minimum lot size. Approximately 61 acres within the subdivision will be designated as open space, not including additional landscape and fire protection zones adjacent to the open space preserve areas. Additionally, the 19.3-acre remainder parcel will be designated as open space. 80-Unit Mixed-Rate Apartment Project The 6.21-acre site for the mixed-rate apartment project is located on the northeast side of the intersection of future College Boulevard and future "C" Street. Access to the site is proposed via two entrance points on "C" Street. The internal vehicular circulation system encircles the buildings and provides convenient access to the apartment units and to the surface parking spaces EIR 02-02-CANTARINI/,LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11)-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANT ARINI RANCH; GP A 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 7 for residents and guests. The project contains four three-story buildings, each containing 20 dwelling units, and a one-story community recreation center. The rectangular-shaped buildings are primarily three-story, with two-story elements at the ends which help to break up the building mass. The buildings exhibit a contemporary craftsman architectural style with stucco exteriors and hipped roofs covered with architectural-grade asphalt shingles. All sides of the building are designed with an equal amount of detailing including arched elements, wood knee braces, painted wood balcony railings, and window trim. Each unit contains a deck area ranging from 71-81 square feet. The 1,998 square foot community center, which serves as a focal point at the primary project entrance, contains a large community room with a kitchen, exercise room, offices, workout room, restrooms and laundry facilities. In addition to the community center, recreation amenities include a pool, wading pool, a large turf area, tot lot, and overlook seating area adjacent to the open space preserve. Walkways throughout the landscaped open space provide pedestrian connections between buildings and recreation areas and to the trail system in the adjacent open space areas. Surface parking spaces are provided in close proximity to all of the units. Abundant landscaping and enhanced paving accents the development at the main entrance and is carried on throughout the site. Dense landscaping will be provided around the perimeter of the site to screen parked vehicles from the surrounding public views. Of the 80 units proposed, 40 will be affordable to households with incomes not exceeding 70% of the area median income (AMI) for San Diego County. The project contains 16 one-bedroom units (608 square feet), 48 two-bedroom units (878 square feet), and 16 three-bedroom units (1,027 square feet). Ten percent (10%) or four of the affordable units are required to be three- bedroom units, with the remaining 36 affordable units being a mix of one-and two-bedroom units. An affordable housing agreement must be finalized and approved prior to final map approval for the Cantarini Ranch or Holly Springs subdivisions. · The development proposals require the following legislative actions: A. General Plan Land Use Map Amendment from RLM and OS to RLM, RMH and OS;.and B. Zone Change from L-C, R-A-10,000, and OS to R-1-0.5-Q, RD-M, and OS. The projects are subject to the following plans, ordinances, standards and policies: C. General Plan Consistency (RLM, RMH and OS designations); D. Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 21 (Zoning Ordinance) including: 1. One-Family Residential Zone with Qualified Development Overlay -R-1- 0.5-Q (Chapters 21.10 and 21.06); 2. Residential Density-Multiple Zone -RD-M (Chapter 21.24); and 3. Open Space Zone-OS (Chapter 21.33). EIR 02-02-CANTARINI/ILLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11)-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANT ARINI RANCH; GP A 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 8 E. Sunny Creek Specific Plan (SP 191); F. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance); G. Hillside Development Regulations (Chapter 21.95); H. Floodplain Management Regulations (Chapter 21.11 O); I. Draft Habitat Management Plan; J. Inclusionary Housing (Chapters 21.85 and 21.53); and K. Growth Management Ordinance/Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment. IV. ANALYSIS The recommendation of approval for these projects was developed b.y analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable policies and regulations listed above. The following analysis section discusses compliance with each of these regulations/policies utilizing both text and tables. A. General Plan Amendment The project area is currently designated by the General Plan for Low-Medium Density (RLM) residential development and Open Space (OS) land uses. A portion of the project site is proposed as a hardline conservation area (Core Area 3 and Link "C") in the City's Draft Habitat Management Plan (HMP). This hardline area is proposed to be entirely designated as OS; however, the existing boundaries of RLM and OS designations do not coincide with the boundaries of the negotiated hardline conservation area (see the attached "General Plan Revision Map"). The proposed General Plan Amendment (GP A) is, therefore, necessary to adjust the boundaries ofRLM and OS. Policy C.20 of the Open Space Planning and Protection Section of the General Plan Open Space and Conservation Element requires findings to adjust the boundaries of any open space shown on the "Official Open Space and Conservation Map" dated September, 1994. The necessary findings are: (1) The proposed open space is equal to or greater than the area depicted on the Official Open Space Map. The proposed adjustment in open space boundaries will increase the acreage designated as OS in Cantarini Ranch from approximately 5.5 acres to 59.14 acres. Within the Holly Springs subdivision, 60.72 acres will be assigned a new OS designation. The 19.3-acre remainder parcel "D" currently contains approximately 10.6 acres of OS designated lands and the entire parcel will be re-designated to OS, for a net gain of 8.7 acres. (2) The proposed open space area is of environmental quality equal to or greater than that depicted on the Official Open Space Map. The open space adjustment will eliminate the RLM land use designations on the open space preserve areas and will preserve additional acres of open space within a critical wildlife habitat corridor; and (3) The proposed adjustment to open space is within close proximity to the open space presently shown on the Official Open Space Map. The proposed EIR 02-02 -CANTARINJ/,LL Y SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11) -CANT ARINJ/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 9 amendment will change and increase the acreage of open space within the project boundaries by 114.36 acres and will increase the open space in the remainder parcel by approximately 8.7 acres. The additional open space is contiguous with existing open space. In addition to adjusting the open space boundaries, the proposed GP A is required to reflect the clustering of a portion of the allowed project density to the mixed-rate apartment site. Based on a constraints analysis prepared for the Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs projects, a total of 602 units would be allowed. The density calculations were based on the current General Plan land use designations, the Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) assigned to the designation, a reduced GMCP assigned to properties within SP 191 of 2.88 du/ac (pursuant to LFMP 15), and an analysis of the net developable acreage. However, the development potential of the site is constrained by the negotiated HMP hardline as well as the SP 191 requirement for minimum 1/2- acre lots. As proposed, the two projects will result in a total of 228 units (148 single-family and 80 multi-family units), which is well below the number of units allowed for the site. The Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the draft HMP recognized that a reduced residential density could potentially result in a significant impact to direct and cumulative impacts to residential zoning and land use. Therefore, a mitigation measure was included to support density transfers and clustering so that sensitive habitats could be preserved, while still allowing an appropriate level of residential development to occur. The proposed GPA would adjust the current RLM (0-4 du/ac) land use designation to reflect a new designation of Medium-High Density (RMH) residential for the multi-family site. This land use designation allows a density of 8-15 dwelling units per acre ( du/ ac) and corresponds with the proposed intensity of development of 12.88 du/ac for the 80-unit project. The apartment project, which will contain a mix of affordable and market-rate units, will be used to satisfy the inclusionary housing requirements for both the Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs projects. Staff supports clustering the density at this site since the location is adjacent to College Boulevard, it is in close proximity to a future bus stop, and is within a mile of the future Sunny Creek commercial center and the City's industrial employment area. The site is also outside of the boundaries of SP 191, therefore the increased density and land use does not conflict with any of the Specific Plan requirements. Consistent with Program 3.8 of the City's certified Housing Element, all of the dwelling units, which were anticipated toward achieving the City's share of the regional housing need that are not utilized by developers in approved projects, are deposited in the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. These excess dwelling units are available for allocation to other projects. Accordingly, there is no net loss of residential unit capacity and there are adequate properties identified in the Housing Element allowing residential development with a unit capacity, including second dwelling units, adequate to satisfy the City's share of the regional housing need. These projects result in 374 excess dwelling units. BIR 02-02-CANTARINI/.LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 1lh-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 10 B. Zone Change (R-1-0.5-Q, RD-M, and OS) The project includes the following zone change requests: 1) to rezone the Cantarini Ranch project area from L-C and R-A-10,000 to R-1-0.5-Q, RD-M, and OS; and, 2) to rezone the Holly Springs project area from L-C to R-1-0.5-Q and OS. The intent and purpose of the L-C zoning is to provide an interim zone for areas where planning for future land uses has not been completed. After plan approval is completed, the property may be rezoned in accordance with Title 21 of the CMC. One-family Residential-1/2-acre minimum lot size -Qualified Development Overlay Zone (R- 1-0.5-O) The proposed single-family residential zone designation of R-1-0.5-Q is the implementing zone for the RLM General Plan land use designation and :further identifies the property as requiring a minimum lot area of 1/2-acre in accordance with SP 191. The Qualified Development Overlay Zone ("Q" Overlay) is intended to be applied to properties with unique circumstances such as those proposed to be developed as hillside development or other physically sensitive areas. The "Q" Overlay supplements the underlying zoning by providing additional regulations for development and will insure that the future residences are compatible with SP 191. The "Q" overlay will require submittal of a Site Development Permit (SDP) for the production homes to review the architectural design and plotting plans. However, single-family homes on custom lots would not require any additional review. It is also important to note that the R-1 zone regulations allow a three-story, 35 foot maximum building height for lots designated as having a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet or greater. This provision of the code is consistent with SP 191 which also allows a building height of 35 feet. This will allow for more creativity in housing design on these large custom lots, such as allowing for a stepped foundation that may be more sensitively designed with the topography of a hillside lot. Residential Density-Multiple Zone (RD-M) The proposed multi-family residential zone designation of RD-M will provide a means for development utilizing the densities in the medium density (RM) through the high density (RH) land use designations of the General Plan. Therefore, the RD-M zone will implement the RMH General Plan land use designation. The multi-family site is located outside of the boundaries of SP 191, and therefore is not subject to the 1/2-acre minimum lot size requirements. Open Space Zone (OS) The proposed wildlife habitat corridor consisting of seven open space lots within Cantarini Ranch and six open space lots within the Holly Springs subdivision will be dedicated as permanent open space in accordance with the City's Habitat Management Plan and will be rezoned as OS. Additionally, the 19.3-acre remainder parcel in Holly Springs will also be designated as OS. The development proposals require compliance with the provisions of the OS zone and with the City's draft HMP which requires a conservation easement to be dedicated that will preclude any use of the open space beyond the existing and proposed utility easements, existing trails, and permanent drainage basins. EIR 02-02-CANTARINI/ILLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11)-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANT ARINI RANCH; GP A 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e 11 The proposed rezone of 131.2 acres to the R-1-0.5-Q zone, 6.21 acres to the RD-M zone, and 139.16 acres to the OS zone will ensure consistency between the General Plan and Zoning since the proposed zone boundaries are consistent with the proposed adjustment to the RLM, RMH and OS General Plan designation boundaries. C. General Plan Consistency The proposed project is consistent with the applicable policies contained within each relevant element of the General Plan. The following table indicates compliance with the General Plan: TABLE 1: GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY GP ELEMENT/GOAL/ OBJECTIVE/POLICY LAND USE Overall Land Use C.4 -Encourage clustering when it is done in a way that is compatible with existing adjacent development. C.7.5 -Extend existing bicycle, pedestrian and equestrian trails and greenbelts provided for in various elements of the General Plan. Residential Goal A/Objectives B.1/B.3 -Provide for a variety of housing types and density ranges and neighborhoods with a sense of community. Provide safe attractive residential housing with a variety of housing types, styles, and price levels. Objective B.5 -Focus new development on residents rather than the automobile. Policy C.1-Encourage low and moderate income dwelling units to meet the objectives of the City's Housing Element. COMPLIANCE A portion of the allowable project density is clustered within the northwest comer of the Cantarini Ranch site for purposes of providing affordable housing in an area that is compatible with the surrounding existing and future development. The project provides a network of multi-use trails along the streets and open space areas and provides a link to the Citywide trail system. The project provides for a variety of housing types and density ranges to meet the diverse economic and social requirements of residents, yet still ensures a cohesive urban form with careful regard for compatibility while retaining the present predominance of single-family neighborhoods. The development proposal is designed with the focus on residents instead of the automobile by designing pedestrian friendly tree-lined streets, including a network of open space multi-use trails that are integrated into the overall project design. Low and/or moderate income housing will be included in the multi-family site to meet the objectives of the City's Housing Element. EIR 02-02-CANTARINI/.LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11)-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 12 Policy C.3 -Consider density transfers in instances where a property owner is preserving open space in excess of normal City requirements. Policy C.4 -Limit medium and higher density residential development to those areas where they are compatible with the adjacent land uses. Policy C.11 -Pedestrian and bicycle linkages should connect with major transportation corridors and the Carlsbad Trail System. Policy C.16 -Require new subdivisions to create a unique sense of identity and community. Environmental Goal A -Protect and conserve natural resources and fragile ecological areas. Policy C.7 -Require comprehensive environmental review in accordance with CEQA guidelines. CIRCULATION Streets and Traffic Goals A.2/ A. 7 -Provide adequate circulation infrastructure to serve the projected population. Provide a circulation system that promotes safety and livability of residential neighbor- hoods while maintaining adequate emergency access. Objective B.1/Policies C.16/C.18- Provide circulation infrastructure concurrent with or prior to the demand for such facilities. A portion of the allowable project density will be clustered in the multi-family site since the proposal will be preserving open space in excess of normal City requirements. The multi-family residential development is located in an area where it is compatible with the adjacent land uses, and where adequate and convenient commercial services and public support systems are or will be adequate to serve future residents. The new residential development will provide pedestrian and bicycle linkages which connect with maJor transportation corridors and the proposed Carlsbad Trail system. The subdivisions will create a unique sense of identity and community, consistent with the Sunny Creek Specific Plan, through quality architecture, street design, trail system, open space areas and landscaping. The project protects and conserves natural resources and fragile ecological areas by providing 139 acres of open space identified within Core Area 3 and Link "C" of the HMP. The project's impacts to natural resources have been analyzed m accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act through the preparation of an EIR. The project will provide two points of access to the undeveloped properties to the east and two points of access to properties south of Cantarini Ranch in order to adequately serve future development. The circulation system has been designed m conformance with Engineering and Fire Department standards to ensure safety and livability of the residential neighborhoods while maintaining adequate access for emergency service providers and prompt evacuation capabilities for residents. The project will dedicate and improve all circulation facilities required by the project, including circulation arterial roadways, concurrent with demand. BIR 02-02-CANTARINI/.LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11)-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 13 NOISE Land Use Goal A.1/Policy C.5 -Ensure that land uses are not significantly impacted by noise and enforce the City's policies regarding acceptable noise levels for residential development. OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION Open Space Planning and Protection Policy C.4 -identify open space for protection, management, and potential enhancement to maintain and increase its value as wildlife habitat. Special Resource Protection Objective B.10 -Develop a plan for maintenance of sensitive environ- mental resources. Policy C.6 -Designate buffers next to sensitive environmental areas. Trail System Policy C.3 -Obtain an irrevocable offer of dedication (I.O.D.) for trails proposed as part of the Carlsbad trail System. Fire Risk Management Goal Al/Objective B.2 -Provide environmentally sensitive mitigation to minimize risks presented by native wildland open space. Water Quality Objective B.2/Policy C.3 -Design storm water conveyance systems which do not adversely impact sensitive environmental resources. Policy C.11 -Conserve or restore creeks to their natural state. The project will be required to install noise walls on a number of lots which back onto College Boulevard to ensure that the City's maximum exterior noise level of 60 dBA CNEL is not exceeded. The project will result in the preservation of 139 acres of open space that will establish and maintain a regionally significant multi-species wildlife corridor consistent with the City's HMP, provide a citywide trail segment, and rezone the open space to the Open Space zone. The project has been conditioned to require the proposed wildlife habitat preserve to be managed and financed in perpetuity consistent with an approved management program. The project provides a minimum 60-foot wide buffer to protect the adjacent open space from the developable portions of the residential lots. Functional wetland buffers are provided adjacent to wetland habitat areas. The project requires an I.0.D. for Trail Segment #25 of the Citywide Trail System and a permanent easement for public use of all community trails. The fire risk presented by adjacent natural open space is mitigated by requiring 60-foot fire suppression buffers within the boundaries of the development area which do not encroach into the ''hardline" open space preserve areas. The project incorporates storm water quality control measures (BMPs) consistent with a conceptual Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan prepared for the project to avoid adversely impacting sensitive water resources. As a result of input from various Federal and State Agencies, the project will restore the existing pond on Cantarini Ranch to its natural state. EIR 02-02-CANTARINI/,LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11)-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 14 Policy C.22 -Protect slopes and channels from erosion and storm water runoff. Cluster development on the least environmentally sensitive portions of the site. PARKS & RECREATION Park Development Objective B.4/Policy C.2 -Finance future public park and recreation facilities through payment of a park- in-lieu fee. PUBLIC SAFETY Flood Hazards Policies C.3/C.5 -Require all drainage facilities to comply with the City's "Standard Design Criteria" and ensure compliance with Titles 18 and 20 pertaining to drainage and flood control structures. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Policy C.2 -Review development proposals with regard to emergency access, fire hy4r"ant locations, fire flow requirements, and wildland fire hazards. D. Zoning Ordinance The project has been designed to comply with applicable site design principals including clustering development on the least environmentally sensitive portions of the site; by creating and restoring riparian corridors, wetlands and buffer zones; and by limiting the disturbance of natural drainage systems to the greatest extent possible. The project will be required to pay the park-in-lieu fee. The project is required to install properly sized drainage facilities to handle the 100-year flood conditions and to ensure compliance with Titles 18 and 20 pertaining to drainage and flood control structures. The project has been reviewed with respect to emergency access requirements, fire hydrant locations, fire flow requirements and wildland fire hazards. Residential units will be required to install fire sprinklers as required by the Fire Marshal and fire protection buffers will be required between development and wildland areas. The project is consistent with and satisfies all requirements of Title 21 Zoning Ordinance with respect to minimum lot size requirements and development standards. The proposed R-1-0.5-Q zone requires a minimum one-half acre (21,780 square foot) lot size. Each of the proposed single-family lots exceeds the minimum requirement. Additional standards are required for panhandle lots and the lot size requirements and subdivision requirements are analyzed in more detail in section "F. Subdivision Ordinance" ofthis report. The RD-M .:z;one requires a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet for medium through high density land use designations and the proposed multi-family lot contains 6.21 acres. The compliance of the proposed 80-unit apartment project with the RD-M development standards are analyzed in more detail in section "J. Inclusionary Housing." The OS zone has no minimum lot size requirement. The trail uses proposed within the open space lots are permitted uses in the OS zone. EIR 02-02-CANTARINI/,LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11)-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GP A 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 15 E. Sunny Creek Specific Plan -SP 191 The Sunny Creek Specific Plan (SP 191) was approved in 1985 to establish standards for development which promote a rural estate atmosphere. The specific plan area encompasses approximately 570 acres. The northern boundary of this area is the ridgeline south of the future alignment of Cannon Road (Reach 4) and the Ocean Hills development in Oceanside. The western boundary is the new alignment of College Boulevard and the eastern boundary is the Dawson/Los Monos Preserve. The southern boundary includes the Sunny Creek drainage basin. The multi-family site is located outside of the SP 191 boundaries, as are a number of the Holly Springs lots located north of the lots fronting on "P" Street. However, for planning purposes, all of the Holly Springs lots have been evaluated for conformance with SP 191. The plan was developed primarily to ensure protection of the environmental features of the area and to maintain the rural/estate character of the Sunny Creek area. To achieve these goals, the plan includes project density standards, development regulations, and design standards. The Specific Plan allows for a transition of density from lowest to highest density in an east to west and south to north direction with 1/2-acre minimum lot sizes in the highest density areas and lots one acre or greater in the lowest density areas. The proposed subdivisions are located in the areas of highest density which allow a minimum lot size of 1/2-acre and a density of 0-2 dwelling units per acre. In addition to the large lot sizes, the development regulations of SP 191 establish increased setback requirements for "through streets" which are defined as "those streets that provide primary access from College Boulevard and Cannon Road." Streets "A," "C," "P" and "M" are considered to be "through streets" in that they provide direct access from College Boulevard to the undeveloped parcels east of Cantarini Ranch. Homes adjacent to the "through streets" are required to have a 70-foot front setback or a 50-foot street-side setback. Setbacks for homes on local, cul-de-sac, and loop streets are 35-foot front setback, 25-foot street-side setback, 20-foot interior setback, and 30-foot rear setback. Future homes would also be permitted to reach a maximum building height of 35 feet. The plotting and architectural design of the production homes is not part of the current proposal, but will be reviewed subsequently through the SDP process, due to the inclusion of the "Q" overlay on the zone designation. Single-family homes on custom lots would not require any additional review other than a building permit. The Specific Plan states that in addition to the findings required by Title 20 of the Subdivision Map Act, the City Council must also find that the subdivision is consistent with the Sunny Creek Development Standards. These standards include: 1) preserving the rural and natural characteristics of the area; 2) designing property lines in keeping with the terrain by following natural drainage courses, ridge lines and tops of graded slopes, wherever practicable; and 3) creating buildable lots with usable access without undue alteration of the terrain. The projects have been designed to maintain the rural and natural character in a number of ways. Foremost, the projects have been designed to preserve the critical habitat areas and linkages in accordance with the draft HMP hardlines, as discussed previously. In order to maintain a natural character, the subdivisions have been designed using single-loaded streets adjacent to the preserve areas in order to maintain and preserve public views into the open space areas. Where EIR 02-02-CANT~LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 1l)-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e 16 feasible, multi-use DG trails have been located within the public right-of-way adjacent to these open space areas. Sidewalks adjacent to the "through streets" which abut the rear or side yards of residential lots have been designed to meander within a widened landscape buffer of at least 30 feet from the curb to back of fence. Sidewalks throughout the interior streets exhibit a parkway design with a non-contiguous sidewalk and street trees located in a 5-foot minimum width landscape area. The landscape design exhibits a rural flavor with randomly spaced trees, informal groupings of shrubs and groundcovers, and the use of mounds and boulders where practical. Stacked stone walls and stone veneer column/wall elements will tie in with the existing rock outcroppings on-site. Rustic wood, wrought iron fence, or stucco walls will be used as appropriate for privacy, to capture views, or as sound barriers. Due to the topography of the site and the desire for a rural character, curving streets and cul-de- sacs are used rather than imposing an artificial grid pattern. Per the Specific Plan, parking will be limited to one side of the street where possible. Pedestrian paths have been provided at the ends of the cul-de-sacs (where not topographically constrained) to tie neighborhood streets together. Shared driveways have been utilized in the design of a number of lots to reduce grading quantities and to limit the number of driveway cuts along the roadways, again resulting in a more rural appearance. Similarly, panhandle lots are used in several instances to reduce grading quantities and to maintain the natural topography and ridgelines of the property in accordance with the development and design guidelines of SP 191. Each lot has been designed with adequate access and a usable pad area without undue alteration of the natural terrain. Design standards related to grading, building orientation, and streetscape also apply to the subdivision proposal. Grading has been designed to blend in with the natural topography where possible. The greatest extent of grading occurs on Cantarini Ranch near College Boulevard where the majority of the lots are located. The grading design was directly influenced by the previously approved road alignment for College Boulevard and the steep slopes occurring along the roadway are a result of this. However, the slopes provide an expansive landscape separation between the street and the lots, and the slope will be contour graded and planted with a rural "Tuscan Theme" landscape design. Areas proposed for grading and development of the subdivisions are limited primarily to the existing agricultural and disturbed areas of the sites. The project grading is reviewed in more detail under the Hillside Development Permit section of this report. Building orientation will also be reviewed in conjunction with the future SDP for architecture and plotting of the homes. Unique features of the site, such as rock outcroppings, trees, and mounds, will be preserved where possible by orienting the homes in a sensitive manner. Streetscape elements such as streetlights, entry monuments, and fencing have all been designed with a rustic character. In addition, the bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek ( a.k.a. Sunny Creek) will incorporate a rustic stone veneer and metal railing design which will tie into the rural character design theme of the Sunny Creek Specific Plan area. F. Subdivision Ordinance The Engineering Department has reviewed the development proposals and has concluded that both subdivisions comply with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. All major subdivision design criteria have been complied with including the minimum lot depth of 90 feet, provision of public access, required street frontage, BIR 02-02 -CANTARIN.LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11) -CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINIRANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 17 and minimum lot area. The Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs developments are dependent upon one another for their circulation systems. The Cantarini Ranch developer will construct the off-site road improvements for ''P" and "M" streets. This will result in a loop road that will provide two points of access for emergency purposes for the Holly Springs subdivision and for the Cantarini Ranch Phase N lots. Additionally, four future roadway connections are provided for the undeveloped lands to the east and south of Cantarini Ranch at "A " "I " "K " and "M" ' ' ' Streets. The Cantarini Ranch development will be required to construct, or bond for future construction, that portion of "M" Street that extends from the "J" Street intersection to the eastern property line. The project is consistent with and satisfies all requirements of the General Plan, Title 21, and SP 191 and is compatible with the surrounding existing and future land uses. The proposed R-1-0.5- Q zone requires a minimum one-half acre (21,780 square foot) lot size. Each of the proposed single-family lots exceeds the minimum requirement. The RD-M zone requires a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet for medium through high density land use designations and the proposed multi-family lot contains 6.21 acres. The OS ione has no minimum lot size requirement. A number of panhandle lots are proposed within each of the subdivisions to reduce grading quantities, reduce impacts to sensitive vegetation communities, and to maintain the natural topography and ridgelines of the property, in accordance with the Specific Plan. The provision of panhandle lots does not preclude or adversely affect the ability to provide full public street access to other properties within the subdivision and the lot sizes are such that no future subdivisions will occur on the lots. The buildable portions of the panhandle lots, excluding the panhandle, all consist of over 21,780 square feet (1/2-acre) and the front, side, and rear property lines of the lot, for purposes of determining required yards, are shown on the Tentative Map exhibits. The proposed subdivisions meet or exceed all applicable requirements of the R-1-0.5-Q zone designation as demonstrated in Table 2 below. Table 2: R-1-0.5-Q ZONE COMPLIANCE STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED Minimum Lot Size -Std. Lot 21,780 square foot Cantarini: 21,780 square foot min. 43, 045 square foot max. Holly Springs: 21,819 square foot min. 46,557 square foot max. Minimum Lot Size -21,780 square foot net area Cantarini: min. 21,813 square Panhandle Lot foot net Holly Springs: min. 23,121 sf. foot net EIR 02-02 -CANT ARIN.LL Y SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP lt) -CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINIRANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 18 Table 2: R-1-0.5-Q ZONE COMPLIANCE CONTINUED STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED Minimum Lot Width -Std. 100 feet (measured at front 100 feet or greater (measured Lot setback) at front setback) 33 feet for cul-de-sac lots Cantarini: 34 feet or greater (measured at r.o.w.) Holly Springs: 33 feet or greater Minimum Panhandle Width 20 feet for a single lot 20 feet or greater 30 feet for two lots 30 feet Maximum Panhandle Length 150 feet for a single lot Cantarini: 200 feet for two lots 107 feet or less for a single lot 127 feet or less for two lots Holly Springs: 150 feet or less for a single lot 170 feet or less for two lots The developer will be required to offer various dedications ( e.g., drainage and sewer easements, street right-of-way, trails) and will be required to install street and utility improvements, including but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, sewer facilities, drainage facilities, fire hydrants, and street lights. The Cantarini Ranch project will require 784,400 cubic yards of cut and 730,400 cubic yards of fill. Grading operations also include grading for the College Boulevard street improvements and Basin BJ as well as remedial grading, which will result in a balanced grading operation for Cantarini Ranch. Grading for the Holly Springs project will require 165,000 cubic yards of cut and fill for the first five phases. The final phase (Phase VI) requires 3,700 cubic yards of cut, 3,900 cubic yards of fill and 200 cubic yards of import. Remedial grading is also required for Holly Springs. Phased mapping is proposed for each of the subdivisions, with four phases for Cantarini Ranch and six phases for Holly Springs. The Fire Department has conditioned the projects so that no more than 20 units may be constructed in any phase without providing two points of access. Both projects have been conditioned to record all mapping phases concurrently, with the exception of Holly Springs Phase VI. A final map for the last four residential lots (Lots 49-52) in Phase VI will not be recorded until the agricultural land contained in Lot 53 has been converted to habitat area according to the revegetation plan. Concurrent recordation of the Cantarini Ranch Map Phases I-IV and Holly Springs Map Phases I-V will allow for all of the open space preserve areas to be mapped in the initial stages and will give the City the ability to record the open space easements, to accept the endowments for perpetual management, to review the open space management and maintenance plans, and to begin selection of a conservation entity to manage the open space lands. The phased mapping plan benefits the developer in that bonds can be released as each map phase is completed, rather than being held until completion of the entire project. BIR 02-02 -CANTARINI/,LLY SPRINGS JOINT BIR;LFMP 1 t) -CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANT ARINI RANCH; GP A 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e 19 All required infrastructure improvements including the construction of College Boulevard Reach A, the bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek, Basin BJ, water and reclaimed water lines, and all drainage and flood control facilities will be installed concurrent with development. Prior to construction of College Boulevard Reach A and Basin BJ, approval of a Conditional Use Permit will be required for the relocation of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (RCMHP) RV storage and garden area. The developer is aware of this requirement and has been working with the RCMHP and McMillin Homes on acquiring the relocation site. Remainder parcels are proposed for each of the subdivisions. The Cantarini Ranch subdivision proposes two remainder parcels totaling approximately one acre. These parcels are located adjacent to the south property line, west of "B" Street and at the terminus of "K" Street. These remainder parcels are proposed to be consolidated with the adjoining Bepton/Dartford (formerly Lubliner) and VIXA Investment parcels for inclusion in the future subdivisions of these properties. The 19 .3 acre Holly Springs remainder parcel, located in the northeast section of the site, will be rezoned and designated as open space land and may be used as a future mitigation bank according to the property owner. Both sites are physically suited for the proposed development since the sites are adequate in size and shape to accommodate the development areas, fire protection zones and open space preserve areas. G. Hillside Regulations A Hillside Development Permit is required for the subdivisions because the properties contain slopes of 15 percent and greater with elevation differentials greater than 15 feet. The purpose of this permit is to review the proposed development for conformance with the Hillside Development Regulations, Chapter 21.95 of the Municipal Code. The development proposals are in conformance with the purpose and intent in addition to the other provisions of the regulations. Development of Natural Slopes Over Forty Percent Gradient The hillside slope conditions and undevelopable areas have been identified on the project constraints map (included as Figure 4.2-1 and 4.2-2 in the BIR) for each of the subdivisions. Approximately 5.87 acres in Cantarini Ranch and 1.97 acres in Holly Springs are comprised of natural slopes having gradients above 40%. However, no slopes within the Holly Springs development qualify as sensitive under the Hillside Development Regulations ( 40% gradient with a 15' elevation difference and minimum area of 10,000 square feet). Grading for the Cantarini Ranch site will not result in impacts to steep slopes covered by the Hillside Regulations since the steeper topography is preserved within the open space lots. Volume of Grading The standards require that volumes of grading be minimized. The relative acceptability of hillside grading volume falls into the following three categories: 1) Acceptable: 0 -7,999 cubic yards per acre (cu/ac), 2) Potentially Acceptable 8,000 -10,000 cy/ac, and 3) Unacceptable EIR 02-02-CANTARINIIILLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11)-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e 20 . greater than 10,000 cy/ac. Grading quantities for Cantarini Ranch, as discussed previously, are balanced and result in an acceptable grading volume of7,360 cy/ac after adjustments are made to exclude grading associated with circulation element roadways (College Boulevard), remedial grading, and off-site grading in Basin BJ. Grading quantities for Holly Springs include a balanced cut and fill for the first phase of grading (Map Phases I -V); and for the second phase of grading (Map Phase VI), 3,700 cubic yards of cut; 3,900 cubic yards of fill; and 200 cubic yards of import. This results in acceptable grading volumes for both phases with 7,340 cy/ac proposed for the first phase grading operations and 5,700 cy/ac proposed for the last phase of grading. Slope Height Manufactured slopes may not exceed 40 feet in height unless either an exclusion is provided pursuant to CMC Section 21.95.130 or a modification is granted pursuant to Section 21.95.140. Only one slope would exceed a height of 40 feet. A portion of the slope on Lot 17 within the Cantarini Ranch subdivision has a slope height of approximately 43.5 feet. Exceeding the 40- foot requirement by 4 feet (10%) for a circulation element road is not considered a significant deviation from the intent of the hillside regulations. Additionally, slope heights directly associated with circulation roadways are exempt from the height limitations pursuant to CMC Section 21.95.130.A.2. Contour Grading The Hillside Development Regulations require that all manufactured slopes which are greater than 20 feet in height and two hundred feet in length and which are located adjacent to or are substantiaily visible from a circulation element road, collector street, or useable public open space area shall be contour graded. The project complies with this standard in that slopes located along College Boulevard are contour graded to vary between 2:1 and 3.6:1. Additionally, grading throughout the two subdivisions has been minimized where possible and has been designed to blend into the existing slopes. Screening Manufactured Slopes All manufactured slopes will be landscaped in accordance with the City's landscape manual with the exception of perimeter slopes that will be revegetated with naturalizing species to avoid the introduction of invasive species to adjacent natural areas. Roadway Design The roadways exhibit a curvilinear design which complements the natural undulating topography and does not greatly alter the physical and visual character of the hillsides. Because of the unique character of the site, a number of short cul-de-sacs are proposed to reduce the additional grading quantities that would be associated with providing interconnected streets. Single-loaded streets have been used to the greatest extent possible adjacent to the open space areas. This design allows for public views of the native vegetation to be maintained so that the development exhibits a rural character. Additionally, "J" Street is designed as a hillside street which allows a EIR 02-02 -CANTARINI/,OLL Y SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 1l) -CANT ARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GP A 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e21 reduced street width (32 feet curb-to-curb) resulting in a more sensitively designed roadway which follows the natural hillside landform. Hillside Drainage The project incorporates undulating graded slopes and a curvilinear street design which reduces the effects of the proposed grading to the drainage pattern. The natural hillside drainage networks will be utilized and enhanced in that the majority of the anticipated runoff will be directed to several locations within the open space areas in an effort to reduce the locations of concentrated flow and to maintain and promote growth of the natural vegetation. Modification to Development and Design Standards The Hillside Development Regulations allow a maximum retaining wall height of 6 feet at the base of a manufactured slope, unless a modification to the development and design standards is granted, pursuant to CMC Section 21.95.140. There are three instances where proposed retaining walls exceed the height limit. The Cantarini Ranch subdivision proposes a plantable retaining wall with a maximum height of 19.8 feet on the west side of "I" Street. The wall is adjacent to a natural drainage course and the associated wetland habitat. Similarly, the Holly Springs subdivision contains two plantable retaining walls with maximum heights of 12.7 feet and 21.9 feet located on the south side of "P" Street, in the vicinity of Lots 17 and 26. In these three instances, a modification is allowable since the design using the higher retaining walls would result in more open space and would reduce the disturbance to wetland and/or native grassland habitats. Alternatives showing a design using a maximum six-foot high retaining wall were submitted and reviewed with the development proposal. The reduced wall height alternative resulted in an increased impact to wetlands habitat of 1,231 square feet on the Cantarini Ranch site due to the need to extend the storm drain an additional 21.15 feet. On the Holly Springs site, the reduced wall height alternative resulted in an additional 1,076 square feet of impacts to sensitive vegetation communities. Given that the walls are located downhill from the roadways and are not situated in highly visible areas, allowing an increase in wall height to offset impacts to sensitive vegetation communities was warranted in these instances. The project is conditioned to use a natural earth-tone block for the walls and the walls will be planted with native species. Furthermore, views of the walls will be obscured by the adjacent wetland plant species which are generally characterized by lush dense growth. Additional Standards The future residential developments will be required to comply with the remaining standards of the Hillside Development Regulations including hillside and hilltop architecture and slope edge building setback. These items will be reviewed with the future SDP required to review the plotting and architectural design of the production homes. Custom home lots will be reviewed for compliance with these standards during building plan check. EIR 02-02 -CANTARINI/,LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11) -CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e22 H. Floodplain Regulations The developer will be required to construct off-site roadway, bridge and drainage improvements in areas which are subject to the City's Floodplain Regulations. Specifically, the off-site improvements include the core improvements for College Boulevard Reach A from the new intersection at Cannon Road to the terminus ending north of El Camino Real at Sunny Creek Road; construction of a full-width bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek (a.k.a. Sunny Creek); construction of road and drainage improvements over Little Encinas Creek, and the construction of Basin BJ which is southeast of the new Cannon Road and College Boulevard intersection. Although the environmental impacts of these improvements were previously analyzed in EIR 98- 02 for the Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II, Bridge and Thoroughfare District #4, and Detention Basins, the EIR states that a Special Use Permit is required to allow for grading in the floodplain. The proposed improvements are subject to the provisions of the Floodplain Special Use Permit. The purpose of these regulations are to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions. The proposed crossings of Little Encinas Creek, Agua Hedionda Creek, and construction of Basin BJ are subject to the City's Floodplain Management Regulations. These off-site areas are located within areas which would be inundated by a 100-year flood. A 100-year flood is defined as a flood which has a one percent annual probability of being equaled or exceeded. A Special Use Permit is required to be obtained in addition to any other required permits or entitlements before construction or development begins within an area inundated by a 100-year flood. Hydrology studies have been prepared for the project and have been reviewed by Engineering staff. The proposed roadway, grading and drainage improvements on the north end of College Boulevard Reach A will modify the configuration of the 100-year floodway by creating a detention basin (Basin BJ) at the southeast comer of the future Cannon Road/College Boulevard intersection and channeling Little Encinas Creek in a 3' x 6' box culvert under College Boulevard. Basin BJ is part of an overall plan to reduce peak flows that impact Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park downstream. The College Boulevard improvements at the south end include construction of a 153-foot long bridge across Agua Hedionda Creek. A Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMAR) for Agua Hedionda Creek was prepared by Howard Chang, Ph.D., P.E. dated April 2000. From the hydrology study prepared for FEMA, conditional limits of the 100-year floodplain were plotted, as shown on the tentative map exhibits. Once the bridge improvements are in place, a LOMR will be processed through FEMA to formally designate these limits. The above improvements, along with those proposed in conjunction with the Calavera Hills Phase II development, have been reviewed by the responsible agencies. A Section 404 Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers, a Section 401 Permit from the Regional Water Quality Control Board, a Section 1603 Streambed Alteration Agreement from the California Department of Fish and Game, and a Section 7 Biological Opinion prepared by the US Fish and Wildlife Service have been approved for all of the proposed off-site improvements. The Corps permit BIR 02-02 -CANTARIN,OLL Y SPRINGS JOINT BIR;LFMP 1,C) -CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GP A 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pae 23 expired on July 1, 2004. However, a new application will be submitted and must be approved prior to construction of these off-site improvements. I. Draft Habitat Management Plan The Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs project areas are identified as proposed hardline conservation areas in the City's Draft Habitat Management Plan (HMP). The projects propose minor modifications to the draft hardline and the BIR includes a detailed evaluation of the proposed hardline changes and concludes that the open space preserve area will result in "equal to or better" conservation. Overall, there is no net change between the approved hardline preserve area and the revised hardline preserve area as combined for the Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs projects. When both projects are developed, a total of 113.39 acres (net) of hardline preserve area will be dedicated as permanent open space which is equivalent to the acreage of the approved hardline preserve areas for both properties in the draft HMP. In addition, 1.62 acres located within the Rancho Carlsbad exchange parcel will be preserved. An Bquivalency Finding can be made for both projects showing consistency with the HMP in that the minor changes to the hardline conservation area do not reduce the acreage or quality of the habitat, and mitigation ratios set forth by the HMP have been used to mitigate impacts to sensitive species proposed for disturbance within the development area. Upon completion of project grading and improvements, ownership of the open space conservation area will be transferred to a qualified natural lands management entity. The developer is also conditioned to provide a non-wasting endowment or other financial guarantee acceptable to the City to provide for management and conservation of the open space lands in perpetuity. J. Inclusionary Housing The Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs residential subdivisions are required to provide affordable housing in conformance with the requirements of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, Section 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The affordable housing requirements for these projects will be met through the construction of an 80-unit, mixed-rate apartment project. The total number of affordable units required is based on the maximum number of units proposed within the two subdivisions and within the multi-family site. Fifteen percent (15%) of the total units proposed must be affordable to low-income households. The 105-lot Cantarini Ranch and 43-lot Holly Springs single-family residential subdivisions require 19 and 8 affordable units, respectively. Additionally, 8 of the remaining 53 apartment units not already accounted for by two subdivisions, must also be affordable (53 x 15% = 8 units). This results in a total requirement of 35 affordable units. The mixed-rate apartment project proposes 80 dwelling units, with 40 affordable units and 40 market-rate units. Of the required affordable units, 10% (4 units) must be three bedroom units. The project contains 16 one-bedroom units (20% ), 48 two-bedroom units (60%) and 16 three- bedroom units (20% ). The required findings for compliance with the lnclusionary Housing Ordinance include consistency with General Plan goals and policies, adequacy of the site and street system, and a determination that the affordable units are compatible with surrounding uses, BIR 02-02 -CANTARINI/ILL y SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 1 I) -CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e24 and will not adversely impact the site or surrounding areas including traffic circulation. The project site is located at the northwest comer of the future intersection of College Boulevard, a major arterial, and "C" Street. The location is close to major routes to jobs throughout north San Diego County and is adjacent to future bus stops on College Boulevard. The site is also within close proximity to nearby employment areas and commercial services and the project will help to meet the housing needs of the community. The proposed density of 12.44 du/ac for the project is consistent with the Residential Medium- High (RMH, 8-15 du/ac) land use designation proposed in conjunction with the Cantarini Ranch development proposal. Although the density of the apartment project exceeds the Growth Management Control Point of 11.5 du/ac for the RMH designation, it is within the allowable density range. Additionally, the Cantarini Ranch development proposal is 139 units under the density currently allowed for the entire site. Clustering of a portion of the allowable project density at the mixed-rate apartment site is discussed in detail under the General Plan analysis section of this report. The provision of a combined off-site project located outside of the boundaries of the Sunny Creek Specific Plan was found to be more feasible than an on-site option due to the difficulty in integrating an affordable housing product type within an area designated for residential estate type of development which would result in extreme differences in price and product type disparity. The 5 excess affordable units over the 35 required units will benefit future development in the northeast quadrant in that these units may be purchased as affordable housing "credits" by other developers. As illustrated in Table 3 below, the project is consistent with all development standards and design guidelines required by the RD-M zone. TABLE 3: COMPLIANCE WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Standard Requirement Proposed Density RMH (8-15 du/ac) 80 apartments on a 6.21 acre site 11.5 du/ac Growth Management Control Point 12.88 du/ac (within allowable density range) Lot Coverage 60% of net pad area 13 .6 % lot coverage of net pad EIR 02-02 -CANTARIN.LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 11) -CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e25 TABLE 3: COMPLIANCE WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS CONTINUED Standard Requirement Proposed Setbacks College Boulevard 20 foot front yard setback 40 foot average landscaped setback Units are set back 117 feet or greater from College Blvd. "C" Street Minimum 10-foot landscaped 10 foot street side setback setback. All units are set back 62 feet or greater from "C" Street. 5 foot sideyard setback (north property line) All units have a side setback of 80 feet or greater. 10 foot rear yard setback ( east property line) All units have a rear setback of 160 feet or greater. 10 foot Building Separation Minimum 25 foot separation Building Bldg Height: 35 feet and 3 stories. Recreation Center: 17 feet Height (25 feet to tower element) Buildings 1 -4 (3-story): 35 feet Recreation Not Required Passive recreation: 5,310 Space square feet (Turf and observation areas) Active recreation: 6,836 square feet (Pool and tot lot areas) Recreation center: 1,998 square feet Parking Resident :garking 1.5 spaces/1 bdrm unit 24 spaces 178 surface parking spaces 2 spaces/2 or more bdrm 128 spaces Guest :garking 0.5 spaces/unit for units 1-10 5 spaces 0.25 spaces/unit for units 11-80 18 spaces Total required: 175 spaces Affordable 35 affordable units, min. 10% 3-bedrooom 50% low income (40 units) Housing Affordable housing reguirements per project area: 50% market-rate units (40 units) Cantarini Ranch -19 units Conditioned to provide 10% ( 4 Holly Springs -8 units units) of the affordable units as Mixed-rate housing site -8 units 3-bedroom. Prior to the approval of the final map for the Cantarini Ranch project, the developer is conditioned to enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement with the City to deed restrict 40 dwelling units as affordable to lower income households at 70% or lower Area Median Income (AMI) for 55 years. Provisions related to the location of the affordable units within _the EJR 02-02 -CANTARINI/tLLY SPRINGS JOINT EJR;LFMP 1 I) -CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e26 apartment complex; timing for construction of the affordable units, market-rate apartment units, and single-family lots; and purchase agreements for the excess affordable housing credits will be included in the Affordable Housing Agreement. K. Growth Management An amendment is proposed to the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 15 to reflect adjustments to the General Plan land use designations and build-out projections, and changes to facilities requirements for drainage, sewer, water and circulation. The proposed zone plan covers the entire zone and analyzes the requirements of the 11 public facilities included within the growth management program. For each of the eleven public facilities, the plan lists the required performance standard, provides a facility planning and adequacy analysis, required mitigation and financing sources for any required mitigation. Special conditions of the LFMP amendment include drainage, sewer, water and circulation facilities. The zone 'Yill be in compliance with the required performance standards by satisfying the general and special conditions listed in the zone plan. The facilities impacts of the project are summarized in the following table: TABLE 4: GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE City Administration 792.69 square feet Yes Library 422. 77 square feet Yes Waste Water Treatment 228EDU Yes Parks 1.59 ac. Yes Drainage Agua Hedionda Watershed Yes Circulation 2,420ADT Yes Fire Station 3 and 5 Yes Open Space Increase of 123.02 acres Yes Schools CUSD Yes Elem= 41.8, JH= 20.5, HS= 25.3 Sewer Collection System 228 EDU Yes Water 50,160 GPD Yes * The combined projects are 3 7 4 dwelling units below the Growth Management Dwelling Unit allowance of 602 dwelling units for the subject properties. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An Environmental Impact Report (EJR) was prepared for the Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs projects in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines, and the Environmental Protection Procedures (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The EJR addresses the environmental impacts associated with all discretionary applications for the proposed projects. City staff prepared an environmental impact assessment for the projects to determine the areas of potential impact and issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP) on October 16, 2002. The NOP was distributed to all Responsible and Trustee Agencies, BIR 02-02-CANTARINI/,OLLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP 1,C)-CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09 - CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e27 as well as other agencies and members of the public. Staff conducted a public scoping meeting on October 23, 2002 to solicit feedback from interested persons regarding potential impacts that may result from implementation of the proposed projects. At the public scoping meeting, the public was presented with a project description and was invited to provide written comments on the scope and content of the BIR. Written responses were received by staff and these comments were taken into consideration prior to developing a detailed scope of work for the BIR. The Cantarini/Holly Springs Joint BIR, which analyzes the impacts of the two residential subdivisions and apartment project considers the following areas of potential impact: Land Use Compatibility Visual Aesthetics/Grading Biological Resources Transportation/Circulation Air Quality Agricultural resources Noise Hydrology/Water Quality Public Services and Utilities Geology/Soils Hazards and Hazardous Materials Archeological/Paleontological Resources Population/Housing Additionally, the Draft BIR includes other sections required by CEQA such as an Executive Summary, Project Description, Long Term Effects (Cumulative, Growth Inducing, Significant Irreversible and Unavoidable, and Not Significant), and Alternatives. Four alternatives are considered in the BIR. The alternatives include the "no project" alternative, a "no Specific Plan" alternative, an alternative sites analysis, and an alternative design which would be consistent with the original hardlines shown in the draft HMP. Notification that the Draft BIR was available for public review was accomplished through the publication of a Notice of Completion, dated June 12, 2003. The Notice of Completion was published in the newspaper and forwarded to the State Clearinghouse, Responsible and Trustee agencies, and other agencies and interested parties. This action commenced a 45-day public review and comment period that ended July 28, 2003. At the request of the USFWS, the review period was extended for an additional two weeks through August 12, 2003. A total of 16 comment letters were submitted prior to the close of the review period. Following circulation of the Draft BIR, the applicant made modifications to the project design based on comments received during the public review of the Draft BIR and in response to comments from local, state, and federal responsible agencies. These modifications resulted in the need for revisions to the project impact analysis and mitigation measures presented in the previously circulated Draft BIR. Based on review of the potential impacts that could occur as a result of the design modifications, the City determined that the Land Use, Biological Resources, and Hydrology/Water Quality sections of the Draft BIR required recirculation. The City also determined that the project modifications did not necessitate significant changes to the analysis, significance conclusions, or mitigation measures in other sections of the Draft BIR. Therefore, in accordance with Section 15088.S(c) of the CBQA Guidelines, the recirculated Draft BIR included only the three sections affected by the modifications and a revised project description. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines, the City invited comments only on the recirculated sections of the EIR. BIR 02-02 -CANT ARINIIILL Y SPRINGS JOINT BIR;LFMP 1 l) -CANT ARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANT ARINI RANCH; GP A 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e28 Notification that the Recirculated Draft BIR was available for public review was accomplished through the publication of a Notice of Completion, dated June 2, 2004. The Notice of Completion for the Recirculated Draft BIR was published in the newspaper and forwarded to the State Clearinghouse, Responsible and Trustee agencies, and other agencies and interested parties. This action commenced a 45-day public review and comment period that ended July 19, 2004. At the request of the USFWS, the review period was extended through July 23, 2004. A total of three comment letters were submitted prior to the close of the review period. Responses were prepared and mailed for comments received on both the unaltered sections of the Draft BIR and for the comments received on the Recirculated Draft BIR. The City is not required to respond to past comments received on the sections which were re-analyzed in the Recirculated Draft BIR. Response letters also provided notice of the availability of the Final BIR. The analysis contained in the BIR concludes that significant biological, air quality, hydrology/water quality, geology/soils, hazards/hazardous materials, archeological and paleontological impacts can be mitigated to below a level of significance, with the exception of cumulative impacts to air quality. The cumulative impacts arise from the marginal contribution the proposed project will make, when combined with the impacts from existing and other future projects, to pre-existing conditions that fail to meet applicable standards currently. Under CBQA, before a project which is determined to have significant, unmitigated environmental effects can be approved, the public agency must consider and adopt a "Statement of Overriding Considerations" pursuant to CBQA Guidelines 15043 and 15093. The primary purpose of CBQA is to fully inform the decision makers and the public of the environmental effects of a proposed project and to include feasible mitigation measures and alternatives to reduce any such adverse effects below a level of significance. However, CBQA recognizes and authorizes the approval of projects where not all adverse impacts can be fully lessened or avoided. The Lead Agency must explain and justify its conclusion to approve such a project through the Statement of Overriding Considerations setting forth the proposed project's general social, economic, policy or other public benefits which support the agency's informed conclusion to approve the project. The CBQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations are attached to the Planning Commission Resolution for the BIR. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5749 (EJR 02-02) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5750 (LFMP 15(C) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5751 (GPA 01-09) 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5752 (ZC 00-05) 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5753 (CT 00-18) 6. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5754 (SDP 01-10) 7. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5755 (HDP 00-09) 8. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5756 (SUP 00-09) 9. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5757 (GPA 000-06) 10. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5758 (ZC 00-09) EIR 02-02-CANT~LLY SPRINGS JOINT EIR;LFMP lt) -CANTARINI/ HOLLY SPRINGS; GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09- CANTARINI RANCH; GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12-HOLLY SPRINGS October 20, 2004 Pa e29 11. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5759 (CT 00-21) 12. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5760 (HDP 00-12) 13. Location Map 14. Background Data Sheet -Cantarini Ranch 15. Background Data Sheet-Holly Springs 16. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form -Cantarini Ranch 17. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form-Holly Springs 18. Disclosure Statements 19. Reduced Exhibits 20. EIR 02-02 21. Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment 22. Composite Map for Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs Developments 23. Pedestrian Circulation and Trail Plan 24. Exhibits "A" -"II" for Cantarini Ranch dated October 20, 2004 25. Exhibits "A" -"M" for Cantarini Ranch Multi-family Site dated October 20, 2004 27. Exhibits "A" -"O" for Holly Springs dated October 20, 2004 SITE CANTARINI RANCH/HOLLY SPRINGS EIR 02-02/LFMP 15(C) CANTARINI RANCH: GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/ SOP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09 HOLLY SPRINGS: GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 -BACKGROUNDDATASHEET e CASE NO: EIR 02-02/LCPA 15(C)/GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00-18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09 CASE NAME: CANTARINI RANCH APPLICANT: Bentley Monarch LLC REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for a recommendation of certification of an Environmental Impact Report, and recommendation of adoption of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; a recommendation of approval for the Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment; a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Tentative Tract Map, Site Development Plan, and Hillside Development Permit; and approval of Floodplain Special Use Permit for the development of the Cantarini Ranch project which includes a 105 single-family residential lot subdivision, associated open space lots, and an 80-unit mixed-rate apartment project generally located north of El Camino Real and east of the new intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road in the L-C and R-A-10,000 zones, in the Sunny Creek Specific Plan Area SP-191. and within Local Facilities Management Zone 15. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of Lot "B" in Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on November 16, 1896, described in a Grant Deed recorded July 9, 1962 as File/Page No. 116406 of Official Records. Except therefrom that portion thereof described in a Grant Deed recorded November 19, 1965 as File/Page No. 210231 of Official Records. Also including portions of Lot "D" and "E" of said Map No. 823, described in a Grant Deed recorded September 7, 1995, as Doc. # 1995-00100176 of Official Records. Also including a portion of Lot "B" of said Map No. 823, described in a Grant Deed recorded September 7, 1995, as Doc. # 1995-0398027 of Official Records. APN: 209-070-01, 02, Par. 209-060-60 & Par. 168-050-51 Acres: =15=-'6'"'"'.7'-=2'--"a=cr=e=-s _______ _ Proposed No. of Lots/Units: 105 SFR lots, 1 MF lot w/ 80 units, 7 OS lots, 6 HOA lots and two remainder parcels. GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: RLM & OS Density Allowed: 2.88 -3.2 du/ac Existing Zone: L-C & R-A-10,000 Proposed Land Use Designation: RLM, RMH & OS Density Proposed: SFR: 0.93 du/ac MF: 12.88 du/ac Proposed Zone: R-1-0.5•O, RD-M & O-S Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site L-C and R-A-10,000 RLMandOS Vacant/ Agriculture North L-C RLMandOS Vacant/ Agriculture South L-C RLM Residential/Horse Stables East L-C andR-E RL Vacant/ Agriculture West L-C RLM Vacant PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: ~C~ar=l~sb~a_d ______ _ Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): -=-18=5"--------------------- .RONMENTALIMPACT ASSESSM. D Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued ___________________ _ lZ] Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ~O~ct=o=b~er~2~0~0~4 ____________ _ D Other, -BACKGROUND DATA SHEET - CASE NO: BIR 02-02/LCPA 15(C)/GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/HDP 00-12 CASE NAME: HOLLY SPRINGS APPLICANT: =D~av~i=d'""M='--'. B=-e=n=tl=e..,_y ______________________ _ REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for a recommendation of certification of an Environmental hnpact Report, and recommendation of adoption of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; a recommendation of approval for the Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment; a recommendation of approval for the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Tentative Tract Map, and Hillside Development Permit for the development of the Holly Springs project which includes a 43 single-family residential lot subdivision and associated open space lots. The project is generally located east of College Boulevard and south of future Cannon Road Reach 4 in the L-C zone, in the Sunny Creek Specific Plan Area SP- 191, and within Local Facilities Management Zone 15. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Those portions of Lots "D" and "E" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof no. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, November 16, 1896. APN: 168-050-06, 07, 49 & 51 Acres: ~1=19~.8~5'-a=c~re~s ________________ _ Proposed No. of Lots/Units: 43 SFR lots, 6 OS lots, 4 HOA lots and 1 remainder parcel GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: =RL=M~&~O~S ______ _ Proposed Land Use Designation: RLM & OS Density Allowed: 2.88-3.2 du/ac Density Proposed: _0~.4~7_d_u/~a~c _________ _ Existing Zone: =L'--C=-------------Proposed Zone: R-1-0.5-Q & O-S Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site L-C RLM&OS Vacant/ Agriculture North L-C &R-A-10,000 RLM Vacant South L-C and R-A-10,000 RLMandOS Vacant/ Agriculture East RMHP RLM Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park RV Storage & Garden Area West Outside City Limits Outside City Limits Ocean Hills residential development in Oceanside PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad ~==-~~------ Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): ~43~------------------ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT D Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued ___________________ _ [:gJ Certified Environmental hnpact Report, dated """'O'-=c=to=b=e~r =20=--0=--4.,__ ___________ _ D Other, -CITY OF CARLSBAD - GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: CANTARINI RANCH -EIR 02-02/LCPA 15(C)/GPA 01-09/ZC 00-05/CT 00- 18/SDP 01-10/HDP 00-09/SUP 00-09 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 15 GENERAL PLAN: RLM & OS (proposed: RLM, RMH&OS) ZONING: L-C and R-A-10,000 (proposed: R-1-0.5-O, RD-M & O-S) DEVELOPER'S NAME: _B_en_t_le..,_y_M_o_n_ar_c_h_L_L_C _________________ _ ADDRESS: 7449 Magellan St. Carlsbad, CA 92009 PHONE NO.: (760) 476-0335 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 209-070-01, 02, Por. 209-060-60 & Por. 168-050-51 QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 105 SFR lots, 1 MF lot w/ 80 units, 7 OS lots, 6 HOA lots and two remainder parcels. ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: __________________ _ A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage= 643.19 sq. ft. Library: Demand in Square Footage= 343.03 sq. ft. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) 185 EDU Park: Drainage: Demand in Acreage = Demand in CFS = 1.29 acres 304 CFS Identify Drainage Basin= Agua Hedionda Lagoon (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) Circulation: Demand in ADT = 1,690 ADT (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) Fire: Open Space: Schools: Served by Fire Station No. = :..:N-=o•:....::3"--'&=5 ___ _ Acreage Provided= 59.14 acres OS Carlsbad Unified Elementary-31.74 students, Middle School-15.48 students, High School-19.08 students (Demands to be determined by staff) Sewer: Demands in EDU Identify Sub Basin = (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) Water: Demand in GPD = 185 EDU 15 B 40,700 GPD L. The project is 139 units under the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. -CITY OF CARLSBAD - GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitt_ed with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMP ACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: HOLLY SPRINGS -EIR 02-02/LCPA 15(C)/GPA 00-06/ZC 00-09/CT 00-21/ HDP 00-12 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: .Ll_ GENERAL PLAN: RLM & OS (proposed:RLM & OS ZONING: L-C (proposed: R-1-0.5-O & O-S) DEVELOPER'S NAME: ~D~av~i=d=M=·~B~e=n=tl-"--ey~------------------- ADDRESS: 7449 Magellan St. Carlsbad, CA 92009 PHONE NO.: (760) 476-0335 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 168-050-06 07 49 & 51 QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 43 SFR lots, 6 OS lots, 4 HOA lots and one remainder parcel. ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: ___________________ _ A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage= 149.5 sq. ft. Library: Demand in Square Footage= Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) 79.73 sq. ft. 185 EDU Park: Drainage: Demand in Acreage = Demand in CFS = 0.03 acres 58 CFS Identify Drainage Basin = Agua Hediona Lagoon (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) Circulation: Demand in ADT = 430 ADT (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) Fire: Served by Fire Station No. =N =--=o-'-'. 3~&'--'5'----- Open Space: Acreage Provided= 60.72 acres OS Schools: 19.3 acres in Remainder Parcel Carlsbad Unified Elementary-10.06 students, Middle School-5.04 students, High School-6.2 students (Demands to be determined by staff) Sewer: Demands in EDU Identify Sub Basin = (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) Water: Demand in GPD = 43EDU 15 B 9,460 GPD L. The project is 235 units under the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. • - City of Carlsbad · i:IFU•hhl·l•l4·tliU,t4hl DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. your project cannot be reviewed-until this information is completed. Please print. Note,:··< J>erso1' · is 4,~(:m!:ld •as "Any -individual, firm, co-partner~hip, joint ventur.e, associatfoJ.1, . :social club,• fraternal organization, corp.orntion, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other -co1mty;· city ··!incl-c01J,llty;· eity• mi,mjcipalitr, <;listrict or othet political subdivisfon or any other group or.combination acting as a unit" AgeJ:its ma:f sign this document; however, th!;! legal n,anie aird entity of-the app"lica»,t and, property. owner m'iJst be p;r~'\'ig~q 1,,¢l~w... · . . . . 1. 2. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. include the·â€˘ names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. ~IF .. NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Davi,( Title.~a==--..::...:..=-=~~',/,-J,,-J ......... ="-- Corp/Part &~f/TMo~orJ, .{.;,,f i/,J;;; Title Addr-es-s -a ..... âś“-IJ__,b,--,.V-,-41..,..., _1_U_fl1 __ _ OWNER (Not the owner's agent) . Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership- interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership, tenants in common, non:profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a cm:poration or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly- owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person --SAM f I/ j A RP V t: Corp/Part. ____________ _ Title -------------Title ______________ _ Address. ___________ _ Address _____________ _ 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 @ 3. NON-PROFIT .ANIZATION OR TRUST • If any person identified pursuant to ( 1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust_________ Non Profit/Trust. __________ _ Title ____________ _ Title ---------------Address ___________ _ Address -------------- 4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions. Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes ~ No If yes, please indicate person(s): _____________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my lmowledge. r: r~ q.1.01 (. r--P 9-,-o âś“ Signature of owner/date Signature of applicant/date D~v ID /\tl. BlN[Lt"'[ Ow.,£ ~Mm,~ l-fw Print or type name of owner ' Print or type name of applicant 6-evtfhy r Mb>1c1J r:.~ f V-ui11!ul-l Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent H:ADMIN\COUNTER\DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5/98 Page 2 of 2 • • City of Carlsbad _ M#h¥i,i,ihHl•J4•Eiih,t4 â– il DISCLOSURE STATEMENT . \ Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain o~nership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is co~pleted'. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, flfJil, co-partnership, .joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other ·county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any o~ei: group or combination acting as a unit." . Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name.and entity.of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. · · · · I I.-' APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a cm:poration or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individua!s owning more than 10% _of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN I 0% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW, If a publicly-owned corporation. include the names, titles,. and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person t3 ~I\J TL,. 1£. 'r' -WI o Iv A-IU tt., L l-<-Corp/Part . ; ------------- Tit I e vtl/14-tU A,;;; IN',· P4&T.IO!?{L Title ___________ ____ Address 14-4'3 UA4EiL.I..A-D <:.r Address __________ _ C/4 (2. L. <;~~IOI CA · 9. ,_D c.> t, . 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) . Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in ·the property involved ... Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership. tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than I 0% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN J 0% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly- owned corporation, include the names. titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if neeessary.) / Person Lv Cl/\: ~ I PfQ~ L Titlf'1 • ,~L {)~,,_, Address i'.'2-f J v'~_rt.fr C 12.LJ 1...-- 0C-E A-N<l t>~ 1 cA. q i.o'f0 Corp/Part t:to ~L. '1 -<. P rz.-i I\J¼ s t, TD ..title --------------- Address <; ~ iz:._. l--,o 48 2075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-0894 * ·"( •-' . ~ 3. NON-PROFIT O.ANIZATIO;N OR TRUST • . If any person identified pursuant to (I) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust. list· the names anq addresses of ANY person serving as an officer ·or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the . . Non Profit/Trust __________ _ Non Profit/Trust. ____________ _ Title ___________ _ Title _ ____________ ...;...._ Address __________ ____ Address --------------/ 4. . Have you had more than· $250 worth of business transacte9., with any member of City staff. Boards, Commissions. Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? 0 Yes .-[J°No If yes, please indicate person(s): ________________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. 1 certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. signature of owneJ"dae Print or type name of owner Signature of owner/applicant agent if appl_i~able/date L14s-0Wt 4 vvtz.<;/(1.J {;._(l.01.1'()1 I AJ '- ri~~fitz..T C. \....kDLUi '1 Print or type name of owner/applicanfs agent / / ,,. H:ADMIN\COUNTER\DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5/98 Signature of applicant/date ' Print or type name of applicant -Page 2 of 2 '1 ,. . • -City of Carlsbad . _ l:46i,i,hh·l•J4•Eill 11 t¥Uil DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicanfs statement or disclosure of certain OYt'.flership interests on all applications which will require · discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board. Commission or Committee. The foJlowing information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is co~pleted: Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, finn, co-partnership, .joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other ·county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or. any other group or combination acting as a unit" . Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name.and entity.of the applicant and-property owner must be provided below. I I. 1 APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) ., ... Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and .. addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, title, addresses of a11 individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW, If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles,-and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) . Person C?E:•src..iz:. '-( -MOUA(L.L.lf-I LL c.. Corp/Part ___________ _ TitleiMAIUA,tt/1.J{i.-f'A-,t..,T~l. Title ___________ _ Address'7t/-'f:t\ Jn4SlfL,L.,J+A.) Sf. Address __________ _ C4/t{,,<;,,/4:-(.), c:,4 . q1.-00'7 OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved ... Also,_ provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership. tenants in common. non-profit. corporation. etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title. addresses of all individuals owning more than I 0% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF. THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly- owned corporation, include the names. titles. and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if neeessary.) / Person WI t.. l-/f-t-1,,1;\ UJ. t:~ri.'1'1 Jk?.., Corp/Part CAt2.t,;6i:/24 t11A-NA-£r.i::JttE'.JJT Cu, Title er2&-5 \ o.::,J\.J\ ::}4-loo·!itle __ fri ___ i:. ___ ~ __ 1 b __ '-_IUT _________ _ Address (p \ 1.1 W. C'i..lv!Ufl.'f (?, t..UD Address __ ~_JesM,_,___C.._· ______ _ L.. o5 fd,fJC:'.;fi.UZ:5, cA. q 0aq,~ (__ <; ,:.j,'.. 41'1 .trc-lt i'. I> l9'.u ,., IE'.. a.. S" c..ftiz.j)" (,.IE.) . • , . -. I,... • f Off-' 2075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-0894 @ .. ' •._, .., ., . NON-PROFIT O~ATIO;N OR TRUST - If any person identified pursuant to {l) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust. list the names ancJ addresses of ANY person serving as an officer ·or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. . Non Profit/Trust. ________ _ Non Profit/Trust. __________ _ Title. ___________ _ Title ---------------Address __________ _ Address ----------....:....-- .. 4. . Have you had more than· $250 worth of business transacteg,. with any member of City staff. Boards, Commissions. Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes .. ~No If yes, please indicate person(s): _______________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. L JI L \... /AM. Lt, J. <;tZ:A-Y/..,~ . J,.__ ' Print or type name of owner Signature of ownerkpp)icant'sgent if applicable/date L /&OWi ~ r'JE.'>IIJ.IJ r:;.fl.uvP1 1/..Jc_ t'2-<>6t£12.:1 C, L 114 .Du.i ! 'i Print or type name of owner/applicanf s agent / / .. H:ADMIN\COUNTER\OISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5/98 Print or type name of applicant -Page 2 of 2 ---,••••-.... h ---•· . . • • Schedule of City of Carlsbad Disclosure Statement Owner: · Rants'rlsbad P~~ . ·~ The owner is a gleral partnership with ~ partners. owners· of the t6fu-.u Partnerships. · . Attached is a schedule of the 1. 2. 3. ·carlsberg Rancho, Ltd~ Oak Shadows Building Company. Brookvale Terrace Building Company Ca,:lsbad Residents Association (T~ non-profit association consists of all of the residents at Rancho Carlsbad Country Club. Attached is a list of the l3oard of Dn:ectors) · ·,. ' · . . ------·. --. --. -· -. .. . . . ·-• --• OWNERS OF THE.FOUR P ARTNERSIDPS 1. · _Carlsberg Rancho, Ltd. General Partners:- Limited Partners: Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 Los Altos, CA 9402~~7 //· Carlsberg Mobile Home Properties, Inc~ _ 2800 28 th Street, Suite 222 Santa Monica, CA 90405 ABS, LLC c/o Sue L. Loftin, Esq. · 4330 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 330 .. San Diego, CA 92122_ Bruce Davis c/o Horizon Management Company 4120 Douglas Blvd., #306-123 Granite Bay,_ CA 957 46 Steven Weed 2144 Harkins Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 Baldwin Pacific Corp._ c/o John Baldwin· 225 Broadway, Suite 1201 San Diego, CA 92101 CR II, Ltd. 2800 28 th Street, Suite 222 · ~anta Monica, CA 90405 Doug & Joyce Shen 16090 Green Ridge Ten:ace Los Gatos, CA 98030 Glauz Family Trust 3124 Shelter Cove Place .Davis, CA 95616 Tom Grant · · 1813 Shelfield Drive Carmichael, CA 95608 1 . ' ...... ---.. -·. -----~·. ··-· . . -·-----· -. -...... ·: - 2. -• Nelson-& Corinne Jew 945 Severien Drive Sacramento, CA 95864 ·AianJew ii 8601 Falmouth, No. 323 Playa del Rey, CA 90J.93 Benjamin & Pat Keh 7150 Hidden Valley Place Granite Bay, CA 95746 '• Brookvale Terrace Building Company c/o Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 Los Altos, CA 94023 Abraham & Frances Keh P.O. Box 366 ;Los Altos, CA 94023 Shawn A. Baldwin c/o Baldwin Pacific Corp. 225 Broadway, Suite 1201 San Diego, CA 92101 -. Oak Shadows Building Company, a California Limited Partnership General Partner: Limited Partners: Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 Los Altos, CA 94023 Benjamin and Pat K;eh 7150 Hidden Valley Place Granite Bay, CA 95746 . _Keh Family Trust c/o Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 Los Altos, CA 94023 Kuh Living Trust -Ernest & Bettine Kuh c/o Abraham Keh P.O. Box·366 Los· Altos, CA 94023 2 ',, .. ::: ;:: -;:.: .;_~-: --.. . •·. .. • - Ying K. and Sophy Lee c/o Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 L?.s ~ltos, CA 94023 ',._ William Tsao Credit Shelter 'Trust .. c/o Abraham Keh 1// P.O. Box 366 Los Altos, CA 94023 Sung Family Trust -T. Y ~ Sung cl o Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 Los Altos, CA 94023 3. Brookvale Terrace Building ·Company, a California Limited Partn~ership . ' General Partner: Limited Partners: Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 Los Altos, CA 94023 . Benjamin and Pat Keh 7150 Hidden Valley Place Granite Bay, CA 957 46 Keh Family Trus~ cl o Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 Los Altos., CA 94023 Kuh Living Trust -Ernest & Bettine Kuh cl o Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 ~os Altos, CA 94023 Ying & Sophy Lee c/o Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 Los Altos, CA 94023 William Tsao Credit Shelter Trust c/o Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 Los Altos, CA 94023 3 _,_. .. -. * ........ : . : ·-. • Carlsbad Resid Board of ··- Joseph C.K. and Vera Chang cl o Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 L~s Altos, CA 94023 ·,. $mig Family Trust -T. Y. Sung c/o Abraham Keh 0 . _ P.O. Box 366 Los Altos, CA 9402~ · Alfoe Tsao Chan and Frank Chan cl o Abraham Keh P.O. Box 366 Los Altos, CA 94023 Bruce and Linda Davis c/ o Horizon Management Company 4120 Douglas Blvd., #306-123 Granite Bay, CA 957 46 4 .)) •·. .. , .. .. •• • ; • ·â€˘â€˘:-_ir :-•• ••••·--•· . : ... : -... .. • • '•,' 5 • : • • .. :~. -# ! • • RANCHO CARLSBAD PARTNERS, a California General Partnership By: THE CARLSBAD RESIDENT ASSOCIATION, INC., a California nonprofit mutual benefit c9Jporatio~, _ Gene~al Partn \. _ · · _ _ _ By:/~·.,:; /t ~~ ~ By: £dJ/5-, ;,_;:_ l)' Its i?; ~-· By: CARLSBERG RANCHO, LTD., a . California limited partnership, General Partner By: _By: ies, Inc~, . art"ner .._ Abraham Keh, General Partner By: BROOKVALE TERRACE BUILDING ·coMPANY, a California limited partnership, General Part _ · -/2 By: l___.4:;-~=-=---=~~~:.-.:.....:;..~~.,r....::..i,i_afi9 rt'' ~;/1 . By: r ~~~~~-1--· ~ alC) + !Afl)~ .. .. :. -. .. ... -. . . • STATE OF CALIFORl\TIA ) . ) ss. COUNTY OF_ SAN DIEGO) . . • ·-\ On ,before me, -Clyde Billings, Notary Public, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisf4ctory evidet'1ce) to be the . person(s) whose name(s)".rskre subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to .me thaitrefske/they executed the same in l~/thcir.authorized capacity(ies), and that by h~r/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s ), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) ·acted,' executed ihe instrument. · · WITNESS my hand and official !;eal. Signatufe 9f N~tary Publc My commission expires: 2/13/99 Commission # 1051440 -.... Type of document ,/r;.t;tJ ·«<./;-#'l"[/o--~ t1 l't°/1/-1,7/tf,,,, ... ·-.--• • CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT -=.:-.:.:.:~~~~•:-.-.7:.~C'~"\~~:-=.::: ~,.:;c:.:~::··,c:_·:=:;.c:_~~# ::•=::.. -:=:.~.~:_.._ .. -;:.:.~'=~==:.: c:":-·:~~-::..--:: .. :.-::. -= -= _ -: :.:,-::..-: ;: ... ::'=.~~-: .. -..:;::~ -=~~~~...r.<""o-<'~~ce;~..c<'r.,~. -~' . . State of CALIFORNIA County of LOS ANGELES On ..,, IJ.e c. / tf, / 9 9 tf' oaie -~; before me. CASSIE s. SCHIEBEL/1NOTARY "PUBLI-C r~ame ana Title of Ott,cene.g •• ·Jane O~. Notary Put>bc1 . . personally appeared ___ W_I_L_L_I_AM __ W_._G_E_A_R_Y_, _J_R_. _____________ _, Name1s1 of s,gnert~;;-- )( personally known to me -OR proved to me OR fhc basis of sBtisfaetery cvidct1ee to be the person'8r · whose name{-5) is/9-f&Subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me-that he/she/they executed the same in .his/herftheir authorized capacity(ie&), and that by his/he-fi4Reir signature(.s') on the instrument the person'8r, or the ·entity upon behalf .of which the p·ersonCS, acted. - executed the instrument. · · WITNESS my hand and official seal. · a.d.ll s,gnawre or Notary Pubbc -------------·OPTIONAL------------ Though the information below 1s not required by Jaw. it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form -to another document- Description of Attached Docume~t Title or Type of Document: _ ___,G ...... B..,,.Au.N....._,_T__._D,..E..uE_...D...,__ __________________ _ Document Date: ____________________ Number of Pages:_· ___ _ ~ Signer(s) Oth(;?r Than Namco Above:----------------------- Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) \ . ·' __ .. , \:; ...... ', '. Sigryer's Name: ____________ _ = Individual :J Corporate Officer Tttle(s): ____________ _ :; Partner --: Limited .= General _:: Attorney-_in-Fact = Trustee Guardian or'Conservator = Other: Signer Is Representing: =· Top 01 tnumo nere Signer's Name: ___________ _ = Individual = Corporate Officer Title(s): ____________ _ = Partner --: Limited :: General = Attorney-in-Fact Trustee -Guardian or Conservator RIGHTTHUMBPRINT ··,· :OFSIGNER Other: ________ Top or tnumo nere Signer ls Representing: ', l'.\ 1995 Na1,ona1 No:arv Associat,on • 8236 Remmel Ave .• P.O Box7t84 • Canoga Park. CA 91309•7184 Prod. No. 5907 Reoraer: can To1I-Free 1-eoo-s76-6627 ,,. •, .. ---:_ ,J.". -~ ·â€˘ • ,· CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT .., ... ·' ·.:' ', .., . .,. I') :': ·, . '. ·.::;0,7'r~-~~O,<;Q;.•Z..:.c!..=£:<';,,,--:~_..~., ...... -. ...._..,~-C::.~:::.: .. '&~.r::··:-::~~=~-..-.,··.,.-.,·~~::-;~-.:Z:..-C::::..-c:::.~--._ .... -, ..... :-f;..~-;<~ .. -:, ... ~~:C~~~""X',-<~-<'~~P"'-', . . . . . . State·ot -CALIFORNIA County-of LOS -ANGELES on_A,. 14 I 9 9 d' before ~~. __ c_A_S_S_I_E_s_. _s_c_H_I_E_B_E_L_, _1q_·o_T_AR_Y_· _P_U_B_L_Ic Date Name ano Title ot Olhcer ;e.g •• ·Jane Doe. Notary Pubhc") . WILLIAM W. GEARY, JR. AS ATTORNEY IN FACT FOR ABRAHAM KEH, GENERAL PARTNER OF personally appeared CAR( SBERG RANCHO, l ID IINQER POWER OF AJTOelllEY DATED lllO'lEMBEe 4 1998 & RECORDED IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY R~CORDER'S OFFICE UNDER DOCUMEN111i998.:&12'11Go, DATED NOVEMBER s' 1998 . )(personally known to me -OR= -pr_ovoa t: 1 • 1e , o, tl9o basis of sati~factory evielenoc t~ be the p.erson(s{- . whose name(1) is/c1-~ subscribed to the within instrument -. -dSl:si'tA&4eAr4&1 CASSIE S. SCHIEBa ~ commission# 1173956 ~ ~ ,~1[,~ Notary Public -California · ~ :;;,,; ~-x1-Los Angeles County l ~.i::--~..1 · · • 11-16,.,,,,.,,., ~ · • .,J.e,,..;;. MyCommE:c;:>-res,v,..a ,= l:"tr--...,~z-~ and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislf1e.f.l#teir authorized capacity(~. and that by his/Refftfleir signature~ on the instrument the person(~ or the entity upon behalf of which the person(p) acted. executed the instrument. WITNESS rny han_d and official seal. Ucuâś“LL-J. J J:;;_' !J7 Signa1Ure of Notary Public --------------OPTTONAL------------ Though the information below is not required by Jaw. it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent · fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attac_hed Document · Title o{Type of Document: __ G_RA_:tl_T_D_E_E_D ___________________ _ Document Date:---------,.-----------Number of Pe1ges: ____ _ Signe_r(s) .Ot~er Than Named Above: ---'--------------------- Cap~·city(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) · Signer's Name: Wi J Ji aro W Gea7:y, ,Jr. = Individual = Corporate Officer Title(s): ____________ _ = Partner -:::] Limited = General X: Attorney-in-Fact = Trustee. = Guardian or Conservator RIGHT.lltUMBPRINT <"J·· ,bF.'SIGNER--:,;_'-::· -:-· Other: ________ Top ot thumb nere Signer ls Representing: . . Signer's Name:-____________ _ = "Individual = Corporate Officer Title(s): ____________ _ = Partner -= Limited = General :--Attorney-in-Fact = Trustee · = -Guardian or Conservator RIGHT:rttUMBPRINT -h ,,i()F:SIGNER · ~ Other: ________ Top oi tnumo here Signer Is Representing: ::, .~ • ;"=-._,:<~,.,~-'½-v""-~~¼~~~~~x;z--G;~~~g.'G{,'G-;.,-g¼~"G,;,,~~~~g-g;--G,~~~~-GZ,'<:X,-tx,--g;<,-g,,'91-,'{X.~'Q'..>{ <:l 1995 National Notary Association• 8236 Remmet Ave •• P.O. Box 7184 • Canoga.Parle. .CA 91309-7184 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder. Call Toll·l'ret, 1·800-876-6827 -' ' • •• '• ' ,·. ') .. -. ·-' ·.:: ', ,. ,, CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ·-:i-.~~~~~'..,.?<'6'X>c:<·....,"7"~¢:::·='---'~"-<":·('•.o'X~'c-:: ... -;-,:..;-:<......-, ..... :-:::...r,~·~-:._ .. -::~:~~.r,,·.~~--~"'&'i;~"-:.--;<·v~ ... ""':'<'..C:C--CCc('"~.,,~"'-..... :, . ' . . State of -CALIFORNIA . . .: County of _ LOS ANGELES . :\ . ·. ,t:>. beforem''e... CASSIE S. SCHIEBEL, --®OT.ARY _PUBLIC On ..,,(lac: /R, /fYa , ' Date Name ano TiUe ct Olfleer ,e.g •. •Jane Doe. Nc;tary PIIDIIC1 ' .. -. WILLIAM W. GEARY,JR. AS ATTORNEY IN FACT FOR FRANCES T. KEH-GENERAL PARTNER OF ~ personally app_eared BROQKVAI E TERRACE BIi 11 DI NG COMPANY JINDER POWER OE ATTORNEY DATED NOVEMBER 4 ,, 1998 .. & RECORDED IN SAN DI EGO COUNTY RECORDER I S OFF 1 CE UNDt1t56~tUMENf"-#1998-0721602 dated NOVEMBER 5 1998 ~ 'X personally known to me -OR -pro 1,1od to me on the basis of se1th.factor.,1 evidence to be the person(s,¥ · . ·" whose _name~ is/~.¢ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged ·to me that he/she,lthoy executed the same .in his/heff#teir authorized capacity(ie&ff and that by his/heri'their signature(-St on the instrument the p·erson{st, or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted, executed the instrument. · · WITNESS my har:ic;I and official seal.. ~, ~/,A• (!~ \l\icL:·u Signature ct Notary Publlc ---------------OPTIONAL------------- Thougn the information below is not required by law. it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another _document · Description of Attached Document Title ·or Type of Docum·ent: _·..,.G..,.R.,..A .. N...,__._T__...D,.,_E ..... E .... D..,__ ____________________ _ Document Date: _______________________ Number of (:>ages:----,-- Signer(~) Other Than Named Above: -----------------------,--.- Capacity{ies) Claimed by Signer(s) · Signer's Name: Wi J J i am w. Geary, ,Jr. = Individual = Corporate Officer Title(s): ___________ _ n Partner -!.... Limited = General :X Attorney-in-Fact = Trustee Guardian or Conservator RIGHT.THUMBPRINT \I"•:· -OF.SIGNER -':.'? ; Other: ________ Top of tnumo nere Signer Is Repres~nting: Signer's Name: ___________ _ 1 Individual = Corporate Officer · Title(s): ___________ _ = Partner--= Limited , General . = Attorney-in-Fact = Trustee =· Guardian or Ci:mserva~or R!GHTJHUMBPRINT, ·,0 •• 0FSIGNER ',,, = Other: ________ Top of tnumo here Signer Is Representing: .. .• , . r :..,: " ,. CC 1995 National Notary Association• 8236 Remmel Ave .. P.O. Box 7184 • Canoga Park. CA91309-7184 Prod. ·No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-BD0-876-6827 State of CALIFORNIA County of LOS ANGELES On-~>1c •'\'. ',\\ CASSIE S. SCHIEBEL,4-NOTARY PUBLIC /~ 19 9<f' before me. Dale WI LL I AM W GEARY· ·JR AS_A_T_T_O-RN-EY-~.-•ame-a-na-n-,11e-o-l O_lh_ce_r _1e-.g.-. --Jane_Doe ___ No_ta_ry_P_ubl_ic_, ___ _, . • ' • IN FACT FOR FRANCES T. KEH GENERAL PARTNER·OF personally appeared OAK SHADOWS BUILDING COMPANY u_NDER POWER OE ATTORNEY DATED W0'1Ebl6ER 4 1Sl9S & RECORDER I_N SAN DI.EGO COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE UNDERNDOCUME~t"?i199s-0121Gci2 :oat~d NOVEMBER 3 5 1998 :5<Perso_nall_y known to me. OR · proyed to mo on the basis _of sati_sfastory o,1idence to be the _person(.8}' · · whose -name(~ is/ai:e subscribed to the within instrument . and acknowledge'd to me that heishe,lthey executed the same in his/he~'thoir authorized capacity~. and that by .. . ~ his~ir signature~) on the instrument thei person(i}, or the entity upon behalf of which the pe_rson,!.s') acted, · executed the instrument. > .. '., :' '• ', .~ 1.· ._, ' -~ WITNESS my ha1_1d ar:id official seal. (2/UljiviJ~ s,gnawre of Notary Public ------------oPndNAL------------.. . . . Though th~ information below is not required by Jaw. it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent · fraudulent removal and ,~attachment of this form to another document. Description of. A~ached Document Trtle or Type of Document: --'---"G'""RA.,,....N..._T...._ .... n .... E .... E ..... n..__ __ ..__ _______________ _ Document ·oate: _____________________ Number of Page·s: _______ _ Signer(s) Ot~er Jh~n Named Aboye: ---------------------......,...- Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) .-· Signer's Name: Wi J Ji am W Geary, ,Jr ::: Individual . = Corporate Officer Tttle(s): __________ ....,......_ ::J . Partner -= Limited = General ' ..x Attorn_ey-in-Fact . ::: Trustee -Guardian or-Conservator RIGHT1HUMBPRINT ·" · OF SIGNER · - _ .Other: ________ · Top oi tnumo 11ere · Signer Is Representing: J} Signer's Name: ____________ _ C ·individual :-= Corporate Officer Tttle(s): ___________ _ :: Partner -= Limited = General :: Attorney-in-Fact = Trustee Guardian or Conservator RIGHT tHUMBPR!Nf ,. ,OF SIGNER ·1 : i ,_ Other: ________ Top of Illume l'lere Signer ls Representing: A, ., _,. :. -..:.:.:.:c;.:-:;::c:;:.zz--.::;::-cr,~'Ci.;.-C~~.;,.::t.:c.;,:.v.:::;:-u:;v~'C(.-C..:::,,.::.:_:.-c:;:~~c,;,;.-~~~~:v.:,.;. • .:;;,;.~v:~,c.;:;-<:Z•.;;;;.;."X'CZ-c;.::.-c;.::.~~~'g,~-q;'GZ"vX ~ 1995 National Notary Assoc:auon • 8236 Remmel Ave .• P.O. Box 7184 • Canoga P:311<. CA 91309.-7184 · Prod. No. 5907 Reoroer; Call Toll-Free 1·800-S76-6827 ....... LEGAL DESCRTP11QN »HTKRJlJlfFJ.OT?t'ilRAND/OJ.QJJJElOIJ,tN11£QT'f!T ~Ct.UITYCl'SJNt:imiSTATEorQU'mi,\~10 JIAP116£(1'IIO. 62Jfl.IDII REl¥1atr11£(XUfffR£T»llfJOI <TSAHIJl£GOOUITY<1ill0'611JtRI« t4IIIIJ£SCKJ80JNArmNT CH/JR«t1al1.UY41#2ASIU/t'MENO. 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'dCINITY MAP ....., TENTATIVE MAP FOR CANTARINI PROPERTY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ,,..,,.,.. ·nENrl,EY-MONARCH Nlfllf.lCIW#mat ---{1fl}OH»I / IU (Pfl}4»-fl1' • IIXAl/leiTIIENIS APN 201J-08IJ-/f/ MIJIYJG Oh'SIGN GROUP, INC. ,.,~.,.---"'""""-{IAIO-M•/T.11(1#14#-fl* I KEY MAP SCMl)t·-.xxt GENERAL NOTES =w .............................................................. 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E:ZJ ~ IU!fNS11IEETIJalT ............ ,. ................................... -.,.:( f(J(}-lfi'f1.DCORMllM1SllXQ/,l,NOSll,l)1'.----·----£11$1MIOO-lltmwlf.MIUl1$. ______ • ______ _ SHEU OF 27 SHEETS •mn,=w..,,_=.--... ~ cm- / / / I I TYPICAL LOT S£Cll0N ,.,,,..,,.,, ©2003 O'Ooy Consultants, Inc. LOT EXHIBIT, AREA TABLE, PHASE MAP & DETAILS ,1 ll ;1 ~ :1 II 1 ~ WT EXHIBIT TYPICAL LOT DIWNAG( DETAILS ..,.,.,,.,, TYPICAL SHAR£0 DRIVEWAY OETAll SOUND WALL I BfHl,I D£TA!l __ ,.. DENTLEY-A(ONARCH ,U,JUCIJ.U't~ .,......,.__ (1tl}'11ml/l'lr(:W}UHl'n •• I ..,, tlJ -·~ 2,.-,...,, _l. -_1;·~,;.,~":jt:::j:::j::::.-_1 -+ -~t"-~-''---',=-~~ji::::::-' , ;u.961 I t::;:t:±:1"' "~:;:::jt::::t .. •.= fOif t:i~~t±::1~~""~.,=jt:--1 , -: 12 JU.56 HS U 27,1/()1 ,:-.u EASEMENTS l1l @ 0 @ @ NIIASEJ#'Jilll/;IJQrVSWMrXJt:ASNIJElffilllCta#'WfflfltPUV; ~~~~AQf.MQza lllllil0f¥1~ NIOSEJIDITNfAIQl'C'FSNll1Er»OO'~l1.u:1111Clrllt:Ml'ffUI£ i&ll£SSN,fJlWl'S:,EIIMQIJI, IINM/l£JMISJIJOFCFFOlt ~{lrJ/iDNI) NirutJIOITN~a'0f!SM?~ ~asr,,r;rlD/I~ NC/i£SSND~~.w,(M)"( INJASIU'No. ll51C£ (}f11;W. Am¥iru: 11£/W!E OIi lOCAT1JNCIJUIJ MJTK fl,011IlJ 111{)1/SMJ D//QMNT{lr)- ~ft/M~~~F1fflf'i,'J:,fljflF,l)J!IS Dl'OIFICW..lmM'IS(/08£0U,aMIEl)J NitMlJltNfllfiltDIICTSWMt»GtS•EUr:nflC/af/lQIOF•II: IICfl[SSNIJ£Ql!SS, ~.wu,rut, IHOMIXJCWD(fN,. flll/ OFOl1Jali.~{IOADM/NJ @ QWila'IVITSt:FJIIY~.UY~ lntlf/lOOlfSll,fltCCHla" (YTJ:Ml~ 11£IIOIJl(O/IJ.Dt:AIDictJW)IKJll£PI.OT1tDFR!WSW -{10- NID4SDJtNTINr.+IQll'Cf'.S.Wl)Ef)(/W•D.LCllllCrat/t/GIITQl'"Mr,~ ~~~~..Jt:'1&¥!1,:11li/l/~"rt:;J Nl£ASEJllNTINF.IIOi'rFDWClS~ IIC.IDltQl/!tE1fZEltiCW ~ffff5Ji-'8xm:~~'M!fl,fWS: D(}(;1M}ff.(TOROW{) CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 ADJ 00-1-1 102' 62' W/18' IIEDWI 60 YPH 60' 40' ~ IIPH --=~:::=-~c:c:::.-=--=_-t-r----"".,,'°.,"':.::::::r~~~:~r·-·_·-_·-_·1-·--..,:;;--;;:;;;;--j ,.. J2' NOTES: : Clfl:?f:tf l,f!lET% ~ S11f$w, ~ ;.u STREDS ME PU8IJC IJNlESS OTH£RWISE NOTED, ZIIfJ/f..Z _, ... .. .., ©2003 O'Day Consultants, Inc. Nii JifJ!JJfJ!LJ lDJJ7.tr-.tt -·- CIRCULATION EXHIBIT .,. ,.. CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 tiSIIP 00-09 !i!AOJ 00-U -Jo' ,.. :u/ {ll.C. : :x:::, ~ FWl)-t l--6" n1' .,,_ d~ CIRCULATION NAP ,.,. BENTLEY-!,/ONABCH --___ ., LADIYIG DESIGN GROUP, INC. 1'11~"""'7#11Jl,MmM ..._,.._ f1HI ,,,_,,. / nz (n,} '3Hln --:::~·-·-·· jll ____ J:) __ O' fl' --l'i .. -NOTAPMI t--l"UP N & P STREETS ...... M1Tf: 11IS SB:TriN N'FUS n, "'S1REE1 IROMNTutSlClTJNOf'V5TREITNORTH PCC""""1f(IW')-" -1-·6"/W A&-e STREET AT COLLEGE BLVD. -·- ... A. c. L K. M. N. It P STREETS -·- ck /STREETS l STREET {lllLLSmE} (STA. l7tt7..U 1P 'Y srRf£1) -·- SH££T $ or 21 SH££TS ,_..,.,,, _ iioitiCtW1S01°0 ••• , __ '··--·----~ .... ,~'.-r, F===:::-r-:::::;=::z:,;:=9tv; '\:=ii ,,, II\\ _, -----,, ...... \ .... ----... , ',, .,,., tt l ______ :::_ ____ !_ -------I .. ----c.fQl'CY/U. \t! ,,,,l·-'f«CFTU \/ ©2003 o'o.;;-~;.:1~;:, Inc. I (. ~, ... ________________________ _ ---BENTLEY-MONARCH TYPICAL SECTION NOSCA/.£ """""'""""'"" LWWIG DESIGN GROUP, INC. 11111'.wwwt'1111'111t.NIA IUW#I .......,.,._ (r#}DWl#/nt(IW}OHM I I I CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 AOJ 00-U sc.rrLe , ... ., ./lfJm ~l.01$NiE~lt11IE5UfflJJCCIUIIN(;JnSIQI' ~~fiff£'~~,2US(T1)£ .HfllU! DICIKIIC AfJit fl£S IIERR lllllENt£ tN.Y MD Nit" NOT TO IJ£ llSC/1 Fai HaiflONTA/.. attERIJCAl~f::t:1/ma. SHEET ,I or 27 SHEETS CIDICNil) 1M. ...J.JJ.L D,\l(: _m:r._Jllil_ Olt,l,lfitlffl_t/lA._c_/._sc.-t.t: ~-~. PflOJEt:I' ~JOa MCI.~ ....,..,_ lfJIH .. twioi """""" .....,.,__ BENTLEY-MONARCH LAD'/YIG DESIGN GROUP, INC. ©2003 O'Day Consul\onls, Inc. ""MCIZUl'na# ....,.. __ 11#)..,,._,,.l"l/r#)GHm r&tl'M.OIIU~--.--=r:;.:,,, 1J.J fl#) 4#-#111 ·mrttw:twmM"'"' ......,,.. BENTLEY-JfONARCH 1JU~.fl'llllf1 ©2003 O'Doy Consultants, Inc. .......,. __ pw1m....-o1 I N1(1'11J,-.«D /U.Wl#CfJltJlfll.1L't1 LADWIG DESIGN GROUJ', INC, 1N1JIIIIIIA,IAaNG'al'lllm'#f ...,..a_ (lll)IIHtR / flZ (N)UHM CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 ADJ 00-14 ff ..... r .... I.--"·· -J ~ f IQ' ;$ E; .,. s:.i,.n1"•/ill I / \ / __ ,\_... _; \ JIPIEJJ llLt11KNCotPIU'SME'RJlt/BlRDtatNY MP.W-NOT lDIElJSEDllRHaillCWTM. Oll~.sunETaJNDa. ©2003 O'Doy Consulhlnts, Inc. ---BENTLEY-MONARCH ..,._,,,,_, ---""'',....//I.J{1#J.»-ft'II ,.,,,,..,....,,,,_ LADWIG DESIGN GROUP, INC. MSM&Woll.-..._.11:rrt,,, -u-/1W)Of-ltlt / llll' {1111#1-fm ..., mnt .. HNm)I ·--·---s,a,=-""'iiil=- CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 ADJ 00-U SHEET 8 OF 27 SHEETS ©200J O'Doy Consultants, Inc. ,.._,,, .. ,,.,,,,, LADlfIG DESIGN GROUP, INC. '911/aUl,IMIWT ... AGJ'#I ......,,a_ (INJ,,,_,,l#/Mp,,}Of...,11 CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 S1/P 00-09 ADJ 00-U / SHEET 9 OF 27 SHEETS 0ESICM:D im..,IJ....,U_ 04.tt:~ DM#N IM~SCl4.tl....!ll:!!!l.... PIIOJmr ~~lttL-o101 NO.; Ulm -.....,.,,,_ ~-- 1i!DE: @SII1iTasTANC£t:tlfilXlrl'tllatrstMl:WlrJS (i)Pl«P05fl)Rta'liOCJJ.l}l)'HC1EAaz:s:s,U,O RWAJC IJllm IASDENT ft) .WlC EACH lOl ©2003 O'Dcy Consultants, Inc. --J,AJ)FflG DESIGN GROUP, INC, •J'J&alll4'flff.MIAl/lll16-........ a- (lf.;01-J111 / ,a (1'1)0,..,,r, ....... .,_ ............ CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 AOJ 00-U - ./IM..1/ tW:IR(Nl;AfTA llESNlE F<lf/lOUltN(£al.Y AJ,{IA/1£/IKJT''@fElJSS)RRIOIZQfr,N, Ut WirE4£ .sun«ctNIRa. ©2003 O'Doy Consultants, Inc, ---BBN'l'l,EY-MONAI/CH 7HIMlalUlfll11/rjT ...,..... __ P,,,J41f-Wf I ,a tNfJO.-IJr.J ,,_ C4fflWNr f,AJ)IYJG DESTGN GROUP, INC. N1f""1/JIMl10a~----g .... (IN) ,.._,,. I Ill /1#J 4'HJn CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 ADJ 00-U \ r ,o: r: ' ,a .,. sa.lf:, ... .,, om, • iii:e" ·111m- llECli(NI; LM1l IIIS ME FCR IEIFRlJa at.Y IJlJMlNOTTOBCtlStJJRYI HCIIIZOJITAL Df161'»c41:.sunfYIX1fl!fa. ©2003 O'Day Consultants, Inc. ,,.,. ..... BENTLEY-MONARCH tf#J(IRtLllln.,, ---(1#) .,,...._ I ,a (1W) RHJ1' ,.,,.,,., __ LAJ)IY/G D/J'SJG'N GI/OUP, INC. 1W~AIINll'JG'kl!W1rM _,,_ l'INJ llNJa / nr (111) __.,n CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 AOJ 00-U ., SH££Tt20F 27 SHEFJS wacNm Iii: JJJL_ DAm .JICL.2lm._ DR#MliM • ..J.ftJ...~ ... SCAlE:_l&~ tW),EJliU..I. •• M....-.J01N).t.lDJ~L_ _,,,.,,_ ,..,,.,..,,.,,,,,,,, f:f lYIG DESIGN GROU~ JNC ~=--ff"'• ' . hf,IJ~a/ru(r,,/...m CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 S/JP 00-09 AOJ 00-U IZ'lU:Jt-'C SE~llf!f e-o \ it~ s g. ... ltf $CllC 1•• ,fJ/ SH££T IS 0/' 21 SHEETS _.,_ ---- JIJlE.JJ HEl1lCIICIWTA FUS ME"'/Dlt Jte9EHaatY ANJ NI£ NOT TO Ii£ IJSElJ Fat H<RZCWTAJ. Mtaa:«SUMYCONTRa. ©2003 O'Day Consultcnls, Inc. .MlIF: *~~f§r~ __ ,,. BEN1U'Y-MONAIICH TldMllJJllrst ....,....,,,,..._ r,,,}111-f1W/ht(7#},..,JD ,...,,,,,,,,_"" L.4DIYIG DESIGN Gl/OUP, INC. 1'1J'JI/MIUatOll-""$m'#I ..._,._ P#J .._,,,, I fJt (1#} -«n CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 ADJ 00-f.l - fg]a'' f ea' s::M.E! r-., SH£ETUOf" 27 SH££TS ----.... ..,, 1lll!LJ! D£CJR0Nr:MUfllS/llEICIIIE/UIENtCal.1 l&JMENOT 1DIEllSEDlC1IHORIIONTAI. (Kl~5Uli£Ycamta. ©2003 O'Oay Consulto,ts, Inc. JOIE: *=~~~~Cb} ,..,,,,.,., BENTLEY-MONA//l1/ 1#1.JUQUO~ ---(11f} m-c, I ,u (1ffJ __,111 --LWIYIG DESIGN GROUP, INC. Ml'MIIMII,__.-,,.,,,,,_, -tJ-(;a}IJIHl# / IIZ fl'ltl)1#-#11' CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SIIP 00-09 ADJ 00-f,I / '2'. . " zt.ltet"•40' ., SHEU 15 Or 27 SH!ETS DaleHEO ar;JL..U..... l»,ltl...m...JDQl_ DRWll'l';M.~~16SIOIIN 1--,,--a-,r,,'';;-;c-,,--dlc--.-.--~ MQl.t-l&..._,101 NO.:...OmZ!._ ,.,,,,.,.. BENTLEY-MONARCH ----©200J O'ooy Consultant., Inc. ---(1fl)l1HDI / ,a (MJQHIJfl I I CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 ADJ 00-U ~-= .. ~-=~---~ ~ "fmj"' :· .--/'; ,.<.: .. _:-·/_',--_./ ,' .,. / • _. / . ~":,'r' V JJfJl£J1 11.fClR(NC Qttf FUS MI RR IEFEHlNC£ OW.Y .t.lD AW: MIi '11) IJE IJSED fl1I HaffZolffAJ. «1161'.ll'Oll.swlCYCONma. ©2003 O'Doy Consullonls, Inc, 1'116/JJtDJ'tM BEN1'LEY-MONARCH ""IAIOIJJll,tat.12' ---(»1)4l'I.-U / IJI (7fl)RMm IUWW:al.'GVla#r LAIJIYIG DESIGN Gl/OUP, INC, m 1~ MIPOIITM.IA SIJfJl:W -a-/1flJONta/tu(7ffJ4»-lln CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 S{JP 00-09 A0J 00-U SHEET 17 or 27 SIIEFJS D£SICttm l'I': -11,JJL_ 1W[i.JlCL..m1..._ IJRMIND'l'l:~SCA!l:./IS.~--- ~ ~.m MD~ ,__..,_ ........... CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 ADJ 00-U ·©2003 O'llay Consultants, 1 nc, CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 ADJ 00-f.l ©2003 0'0ay Consultants, Inc, JlflIE.JJ DE1/IOIC DATA llfS Ml FUt RD1JlEHCE a.tY MOM£ NOT 1Di£lt5l1) RJRHRZr,NTA/. a, IDi~ SUM'/' Cf.WTRa. ,.,,....,,.. BENTIJ,'Y-MONARCH 'll#l&QUMQDa' -a,_,.-(1H)nr...a» I ""1 f1ftl#Hm CT 00-18 H0P'00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 AOâś“ 00-U ?'"$/RtEf ~=--\J\;;: ,. .,. sc:4.816•.t ©2003 O'Doy Consultants, Inc. .lifllUJ 11C1R(,NC tMTA FUS ME fat /IUlJENCC QllY l,N{) M!t" NOT TO BE USED fat MR/OlffJl a,~.sueia&XN1Na. ,,,.,.,.,,.. BENTI.EY-M0NARCH ""~¥a.I ---(M/RHD/M(1fll#Mlr, CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 ADJ 00-U ©2003 0'Ooy Co,sultonls, Inc. JfflILJI OK1RCM: MM FUS MC RR //fFITltJKC a,r:y MO A«' NOT 1ll BC U$CJJ FM HCIUOHTN.. 0/ll!H/ICAL!JJ/IICl'C(l//lla. Jill/I} *=!,~~~~ S££ SHEU 9 ,...,...,.. BENTLEY-MONARCH tl#IUQIU4f61,ar --- \, CT 00-18 HOP00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 AOJ 00-1,I / lJ\g: 1[ it SCAlf:t•-4'1 SH££T220F 21 SHEETS ! /3 14 26 27 30 ©2003 O'Ooy Consultants, Inc. I Jj -·-··-~·-·-- 1 I 3/ i 16 J7 32 /8 "C"STRh'ET I T~1 34 "C"STREET Sl".AJA:lf()JffJ.I._W vin:1-..1r _· __ I _'f -l' ~ --·-1 -1·- ' . i 19 20 21 35 36 37 ! 22 38 I 23 39 I I 25 I 26 - 38 I 39 "A"STREET ~IIO/tf1./"-J<>' nu,,...,,(l' ; : I I I j ! I n-----11- ! : ' I I i-----l---------1 I i I V i I I I 10 II 12 13 ©2003 O'llay Consultonts, Inc. i 40 I u l------+-------1-----------+-------------... ,.,_ l 41 42 ---...... ~-- âś“-/ / -----i I ----........ ; ----· I ..... ..... ' ----------___ J~---1------=9 -+-----~-r- 1 I I JS /6 17 "G"STREET __ ,,, BENTI.EY-MONARCH ,wllJl'MJJJl#an ---l'ltl)fTl-fm 1,a (tll}RHJtO I I JR I 19 i 20 I I 21 I 22 l 13 I u I /5 SHEET ZI OF' 27 SHEETS _.,_ KIIIIIW._,. CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 -+ I d AOJ00-14 -1--;==t=:~-:j. t-=--=--=-+-=:=---~--t--~--Li-_ -_ _J~&..-·=-···-_· ·--1-·--···---t----!1:---!L ~olf•mm " ..... ~-,r -...,11e~ZZ,#JJ/g 01.1sa"; .:1...icr i I . ..... / / / / / --/~ __ --, ! /r ~ ', / : ~~-t --1 ----i i I JO u n n u J r-----r----~-- NSR•IIHO :-c --·---_r!_r:,.,~---"7-----le--¥::....--l -· ©2003 O'ooy Consullonls, lno. 12 "L"STREET $CU.l.HOJl11.I._W mr,-..,v 13 I u I 16 ,.,,,,,,,,.. I I 17 18 ".!"STREET .ICiLE.JtoMLr·Slr mr1•-tl' BENTLEY-MONARCH NIIIJJ&IW/IRm:r ---~4~/lll(1#)NHl'II ·-+-I -+-I ---+I -····-•··-··---· n a U D I 23 I u i ' I 2S 26 ,--; ; i ©2003 O'Ooy Consultants, Inc. "P"STRF.ET ~11om,-..w YEV'I.._IIJ' i 28 ---"'"""'""''""" ~ BENTLEY-MONA/ICU l,ADH'JG DESIGN Gl/OUP., [NC. . ~~~ ~~I## 1'1.flJJl/lla-'l#'QIJ'.-W,RmM -~ --' • V,,)f~/1.U{'(flJUHM ~:'i't.i:t(1#)1Y,-411J , ,;~ CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 SUP 00-09 AOJ 00-U ·, \ I I \ lif9LII a£&11iQIC DATA /l£S N£ KR /ElERDICC OI.Y ND ME NOr 1D 1£ lJSEJ) FM HORZr:WTAl (lt~SJ.IMYCCNTRa ©2003 O'Day Consultants, Inc. + ,.,.,,.,.. Bi,,VTLEY-MONARCH __ ,_ ---(1#}m,-tt»I I_,. ~,...,n II \\ CT00-21 Wf/FNJ.UIE l!iiiill!ll DO/OTES flL .-.. IHJ1TE ~i!:~1 «NU1ES m .Mfit-COU£G£ am ~ CT 00-18 HOP 00-09 zc 00-05 S1/P 00-09 ADJ 00-f.l I, K1tWES AR£ II CUBIC YNWS wr ctiT' FU 626,000 540,600 IJ5.800 161,100 J(),200 24700 79ZOOO 784,4()() lJO.«<J l.JBD 78.DI)() 56.f)f1. 1.700 41.200 2.800 J<:;oo , ... 82.Ii(){} 79,100 iJl,700 14.28 5ZJOO 41,'100 sco .. , J.25:~ 2'8.500 J25.IXJO COU£CE &ID -Rfl£DIN. 24/iBOO 224.JOO 245,Bt». WTil QWJING r,~iJOO 1,4.Jl,(X}() "" EXPORT TO 6'LWC£ ffl.l/U£S Ni£ NJJUSTED FOR SlflH<la N#J 8lJll(H;, 0'% ¥ ,; 4«I SCALt:1·â€˘- SHEU270F 27 SH££1S CESltNEI) sr;...JL.J,L Dml-~ 011LWM9'1-U'L..U...JCM.e.¥~ flftOJP:I' WA.t..,_K,&._JOI ~ -.... = .. ~ ..... =~--~=---- CT# 00-18 PROJEC, T TEAM BENTLEY-MONARCH DAVID M. BENTLEY ;44q HA<SELLAN ST. CARLSBAD, CA q2ooq Er19lna.,r, O'DAY CONSULTANTS 5900 PASTEUR COURT, SUITE 100 CARLSBAD CA, "!2008 LADl-'116 DESl6N 6ROUP 103 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, STE 300 CARLSBAD, CA '1200'1 NOTES: 6ENERAL: I, All lcw:!11Ulf'lr\g 1"1111 bo In °'"""dai.:o ,.,u, g.,Jdell-'l(l11 11ot for'th In tho Glb,1 of C:.0.-lebad L~Uf'" Mcr,.lal .:Z Appl",;,1<L-notol!f 161 ~ of tho alto l'<lll bcl wod ,.,.,. l~otrca!.tnont 51.ald..u:,pozONI~, Lmo I • Lur.h L~<:ophg .0'2 N., ( I St;J Zono :2 • Ro,l'll>d L~"'9 1e,.5 k (11%) ZQnc a -Nat,;,-allz""9 L~'"P"'9 4.!:I N. (2 SI>} Zan.:, 4 -Nc,tlvo 50'4 Iv. (32 5t,) 4 ,",,n.Jol lr-rlg<rtlor\ ro.:i,ulr"omcn~, 2"""l-av.,r50' Zone> 2 -10• -:,o• Zcrloal-Lo1111thc:ailO" Zooo 4 -Nan-'rrt(3Qtod !5 6<,~e.-ally, plcn~ ~o,:.1011 ..,ru,11 tho proJod r,111 ut.Jllzo to,. ..o>.or dom::nd &f'""'''"" 6 F,-ont ,:rd,.,..,,. !jQ'"ds ... m bo l~od pr-N.,t,.,ly NI~ lho O)(G.Optlon at tl"Qt ~ on U,1,- pl~ , ln-lgotlot'I fo,-th., ,Ito Nill bo <ll'I ""'tcmal'.k;ol~ G<lflti-oUod undorg,-Ql.'!ld ~tom ~hg lor1 gc,11,;:,nogt, llpt"O-J hooob, ,.,th tl-.o ox.:.coptlon o1 oppo,-tw11t1011 f,:,,- dr-lp ln'l9al:lo"1 al solo<:lod l=tlon:i, Irrigation do51gn ..rll c.onfonn lo Cl~ of GalNbod Lc:nde.:.apa """"'' e, A mnmwn Qf Uv-oo nGM,1 of orgaire-rrvlr.h ehc:ill bo ,;iddod to ni:,n-tl/rf plantln9 c:vo= nll:h 11lopc,r, i.,.,.tha)9,I rt,e,-oCld_JoG.onttoc:cri>s,t:hom.rl~ lhr.:.knoe& m~ tap,,,-donn to onolnc:hmi.,n,um q A sotl toot ~ o O,.IOOll,!od "9'"0l'IOffllr.t ahall p.,..u,,,,-1ntluonc:o plant motorlcit. ond mtallciUon ~l'l'"'o LO Tho in!Uc;:11 ITICllnt.onc:nc.o p.,,.Jod l'llll bo r.ufflGloot In Ii.ration to _., thClt on ~o,:.IFle<:ltlotle g,-o mot, JI, riwaolvo c:,r'>d O){OtiG ple>rit apoGIOII llhall ,wt bo ~fi:o~o~0o;c:::~~: :::~: tJiit:~p~~f:dt~ rg~ u,.,d ln,:;!vdo thooc •po.:.10, ll•tod on Llot A. o,,d e or ~ C.C,llf,:;n,la Exol1;:. Pc&t Ple>rit Ccur,:.ll'o ll&t of 'C,co:1,:. Poot Pl<::n~ or Gt-cotoot l:'.:.01091;:.ol Gonc:orn In C.011,om1a = c,P 0,:.tot>,:,,-lqqq A .:.cpyoP the GOl!¥'1oto Hot GOllbO ot>tolrlod F,-om C.A.1.El'Pc;'o ,...,1:, olto al htl.p,/"'"'"' .:.oloppG erg• KEYtvrAP N.T.5. Y'lATER CONSERVATION: I Zonolpl""'1t.hg"'lllbe,-o•VIGtodl:o'-""'Yl'IOtluoo croor. and =tiil 11totoment aocio, Tllr'P 1"!111 bo uood 1n tho&o !oGatlono,llmltedtoa--Gao r:Norolxfoot "'ldo ond I.Ind« -4,1 lll"Po :2 All 11lopoo Po.:.~ "Pon opo.:.c """"""' ere l:cr'3"tod tonoturcillie 9, All p,-op¢-ud p!Clnthg a--e«, ehc,11 bo treated .. rth•oll .:of'ldltlonorr. to lnGr.,a,,e Q'ld,-etolnooll molowt'o 4 Pl-011ontl!j, there Ill no .-o.:.lcdmod ,.Clto,-r:Nollcblo tothoo!to,ho.wv.,,.,Plrl<:ll~'-'=b-uGl.lon p1<2'1$ &hould bo doeigned ro.-wdl fvb.ire C1VC1l1obll11ty Of'GQ,.,,,0<"91on. 5 Plc:w1t matcr!c:1111 MIOM on pion CW"O opprop,-IClto ~otlc:>MC>nio:I P!Clr'lt/TICltorlal11 ,...,,..., IIOloGl:od for their lo,.....,..crtor domc;nd FMI 11olo<:tlono a--o to bo dotonnhod t>J J~o O'Ghlto.:.t ., flnc:11 plon,0fld,:are,btont111thQ~11!:on.::lorrd5 t, Tho fl/'lcll pl.:in llholl od<ror.& :wrlsG.Glpo prh.:.lpl.,. ~T..:rbod In tho Glty of '4-lr,bQd La>doGopo '1 lh'ee hG.hoo or IIVl41 11111 be uood Ln flOfHLII"!' trom W r""""1c.& mobb.iro ""11 Landscape Concept Plan -Cover Sheet VICINITY MAP N.TS. LANDSCAPE CONCEPT STATEMENT: E,$~wE~~f~;~~~~Ei:?.~~:oth& elernen'"..11 aid In ac, <Wing, c:reatlng on cil:lno!lplwore ""IGh Ir. n,rci!, bvl: cil•o •1og:,t1t Tho ~ .. theme .. 111 be c:ic:h!""od ~· • U..lng •toc.l:.od .,wr,., "'°It•,= NOii a:,, etono v-ored •lte eremont., to tlo In with tho ex!otlng rc,:.k. OV\:GrDp• omlt:o crnl rdth the n,rQ1 thomo The pro.Jo.:.t •!l.e ha:, o n,rn;,,,sr or krg., ro.:.k. OVl:Grop$ rl)IGh wlll be pre•erved ond vto,u l:o them ret.Gl!nod """"'" pc•sblo ~ ,...,u, ther• "'"" _,,,orol 1"'"'3" oak. treo11 l'lhlGh ,.m be pro•orved • Tho .-opetJtlvo 11110 of ,:.ort,a., lonc:bGC!po olttmMtll, ouc:h os, -plClflt ":f'o• ropocled tt.-ouq,,:,-.,t tho 1,ltc,, l:hc:rt rolnPcrGC l:ho rvrol~ th<omo, 11\iGh ao 01/Vo&, 11:olla-, ~o,o, Plno11, Poplcrr., 5u.:.G:mc,,-011 ond ,,.,,,it troe• "RctmClnt" ~r:Neo or ollvcs 11111 be plontod on tho ,;,,ti] 111qn'II, -~ ..!Z~,t.;c;:: ~ ~~~~~ ;~6~--11,, ,-..., ,..,~ • ~;:~~~o£:'~E=~ ~':., ~e~~:2,~ ~ojo.:.t .,.,, • Plc:nt.lng •troet troc1 Informal~ 1n ~ovplng• ,:r,d 11111t19 o vorlo~ or llf'OGlo& l:hcit c:rerOl'N'\~ontofn.r,:,ll'Tllt.Ga,I~•· • Mln'fnlz.~ tho fl'ICn.lfo.:M"od look. or •lop.,•. ad uoat1ng a noWO"cil lc,ol,;. t>J C11T,:r,glng pleoit ~lol ., ci """"" GaWC!I mc:me,-oriel 1m1n9 ci vc::w-rety of !1Mbe end • ~ .. !~~~:•~~ ~=~ st,.,.,to• a,-dlncn,:o ~ upo-d.lng tho t:°u.":!.~ ~ !FJf-.::l~~~~r:.,~ ~J!,~ 1n MVct'CII • ~'!.:tt ~~~tho Open Spl:IGO to r<9'nl'C,-.:..0 Cl vlouol GOmeGtk>n "' th& Refer a1IIO to 5hoot ~ '""' ~• Gon.:.opt imc:lgo• PLANT PALETTE [w:J ~ ---· ---~-~1 ... ""'04a•i.,,--~""llolr-p.,-c....---.q,.........,u SHEET I or 8 - AOL~ PLANNING ASSOCIATES \.AND Pl.ANNINO LANDSCAPE; ARCHITl:CTVRE 2071) STATf: ST~E£T SVITE C CAJtLSUAD CA. 120D!J CJ'ltlJll•IIIJ UIIC,Ull)H•IJII DA.TI:, 02102/04 CAA'MIIJl'i JG., MP, DP, OJ &el'IO I ~ E> KEYMAP PLANT LEGEND ~ [1] LJ SHEET 2 of 8 - - KEYMAP PLANT LEGEND ~ [1j ~ - - KEYMAP PLANT LEGEND ~ -~~-==-• J/J ---" O' 25' 51)' 100' WlJ7 Landscape Concept Plan -Landscape Concept ( Temporary Slopes for Multi-Family Site) ~ank;J MUL Tl FAMILY PAD (5EESPPP!...A$B,- OOAY ~TAATS} SHEET 4 of e, - - AOL~ PLANNING ASSOCIATES LANO F"LANNINC 1,,.1,,NOSCAP,:: .-. .. CHITl':CTURE 2g7g STATE STRECT sun,: C CARLSll,_I) CA. 112008 Pttllll-llH fU1(11,11t•III< DATE: 02/02/04 SCALE 1"•~ CRAWN BY JC, MP, OD, pJ SHEETN0--4 or. • ITALIAN CYPRESS 4 POPLARS--•\ \ MAIN ENTRY MOWMENT "A" STREET ENTRY MONUMENT -ELEVATION NAR/R.AIL 60JLDER ---en-s-: RETAININ<;,' HALL SCALE: 1":o ~• ME:ANDERIN<;, HALKMYS -TRAVERSES SLOPE IN AREAS, SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 596 ----~;'< / i~ , .. I ,./, \', I i I / / !' / SPLIT R.AIIL FENCE -. ..... -., i 7 -~• HIIS>H PILASTERS ~ 5.2'0C -LOl'i SHRUBS 4 GROUND COVERS IN PARKY<AY ·--------,------- COMHUNITT' MAILBOXES Landscape Concept Images SITE FEA'TlJRJ3 SHEET 5 of 8 5TREET HILI.SlDE Pl.ANTIN6 -DO~LOPE ,------------------·------ STREET TREES PLANTED IN INFORMAL <;,'ROUPINGS RETAIN VIEY<S THROUGH TYPICAL HILLSIDE PLANTING ,,_,.__,, u-•. .17-,,,.--DENSE PLANTING OF TREES 4 e,• POSTS Vi/ CHAMFERED EDGES ON BATTERED STONE PILASTERS ---- NEIGHBORHOOD Sl6NA.GE SHRUBS OF VARYINe> HEIGHTS -6RADED SLOPES HAVE A MORE NA'IVRAL LOOK -PLANTING-S PUNCTUATED Vi/ VERTICAL ELEMENTS, E G POPLARS 4 IT ALlAN CYPRESS AOL~ PLANN.!~~-:-::=:=::m. ASSOCIATES---=: LANOSC::,,.F'C AR<;:t11TCcn,nc :zg7g ST ... T£ STnCIT sum;: C CA~ ~ S BAD C "-0 Z 0 0 t 111,111-1111 ru 11111111-uu DATE: 02/02/04 DRA~ BY: JG, MP, DD, DJ SHEITHD:5 CW', 6 -ENTRY PROJEi~NlJMENT LEGE~N~D:___ _____ ===' PREDAIION FENCE ~HT IRON FENCE (Y-1\TH PILASTERS) Y\ROl./6HT IRON THEME IRON VIEV'\ FENC.E Y\ROU6HT (WITH PILASTERS) Tl-'EME r"\AL.L SOUND V'IALI.. RAIL FENC.E YiOOP POST t YiOOD PRIVACY FENCE ENTRY PROJEi~NlJMENT . /Wall Concept -Fencing DECORATIVE FINIAL ON POST AND PICKETS STEEL POST@ 8'--0" O.C. .PRECAST CONCRETE PILASTER CAP LEDGER STONE PILASTER THEME FENC-E N T.5. ~ MODIFIED VIEW F~NC W/~NR:YBASE (OPTIONAL PLEXl·GlASSl .RECAST CONCREJ'E PJLAS£ER CAP LEDGER STONE PILASTER: SMOOTH STUCCO FINISH :f ·,I; ·,;, V'lALL AND FENC-E ALTERNATIVE "A" NTS Landscape Concept Plan -Conceptual Detail Images ~~ .:. -... -_3 PRECASf CONCRETE PILASTER CAP .!:,· THEME V'lALL N.T.5. MODIRED VIEW FENCE W/LEDGER STONE BASE {OPTIONAL PLEXI-GLASS) PRECI\ST CONCRETE PILASTER CAP V'lALL AND FENC-E ALTERNATIVE "B" N.T.5. f BRIDG>E C,ONC-EPT N.T.5. SHEET, of 8 PRECAST CONSRETE PILASTER CAP PRIVAC-Y FENC-E N.T.5. PRECAST CONCRETE PILASTER CAP V'lALL AND FENC-E ALTERNATIVE "C," N.T .s. PLANNING ADL ~ ASSOCIATE~. I.AND Pt.ANNINO LANDSCAPE; ARCHITl;CTU~£ !":: LS:"':~ ~R;~ tS~•:a ~ (IIIIJll•llll t.llllJ'IIPll•UH OOA.'MUh'i JC. MP, DD, OJ tlEETNG i CF e, KEYMAP LEGEND D • NoTE, HOA MAINTENANCE ~SPON51BILITI' HABITAT CONSERVANCY MAINreNANc,E AREA CIT'( OF GARLSBAP MAINTENANCE AREA • ALL AREAS HITHIN PRIVATE L.OTS NOT IDENTIFIED FOR HOA OR CONSERVATION. SHALL. 6E MAINTAINED Bl" TI-IE INDIVIDUAL HOMEOY'!NER. • ALL PARIO"tAYS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THe HOA • ALL MAMJF'AC-11.JRED SLOPES loilTHIN THE CONSERVATION OPEN SPACE LOTS SHAU. l3E INITIALLY MAINTAINED 6"I" THE HoA UNTIL DEDICATION. TO THE CONSERVATION ENTIT'r'. Landscape Concept Plan Landscape Maintenance Plan SHEET 8 of 8 ·- AOL~ PLANNING ASSOCIATES • LAND PLANNl"IO \.A.NOSCAP!l: ARCH1TE;CTU1u: 20711 ::TTATC STRC&T SUJTE: C ,:. A II L ~ II AD, CA. • 2 O O I (11,Ull•IIJI f111t,l!llll•IUI OAT£ 02/0~/04 SCALE I"• 150' JOIINO <'!"1040 DRAWN DY JC, MP, OD, DJ SHEETNO e, OF: e ©2001 0'0oy Consultants, Inc. VICINITY MAP NOst.<1£ UNIT TYPE SUMMARY IIB1/fXMl-t6lNTS 2Dl1iliOOII-"8tJMTS ~GlDHO(ll-t6lHTS IJ()U/tl/S1UTAL(50XA/FOP.tlHU) PARKING SUMMARY _,,,_,, 18lt..,16fNlSK16PS/fNT •21PS 3:;::::::=:::~: "6TPAJ/Km IOIN!SXa$PS,,1NT .. 5PS lOVlmXD.2$/'SANT" ~ rorAI. ReJlRD ,,, PS '/rJTAI. PRCPOSEIJ 1lll I'S GENERAL NOTES SE#f/lDISllllCT. ,,, 114TERDISlNICT •••••••••••••••••••••• CARLSBA/JM.Na"ALIIHllR~T satOa.MIR!r:T. •••••••••••••••••• CARI.S/IAIJU,SSOKJafXSTRICT ~p,WC[L~ ••••• , •••••• ,166--<)50-,Sf 511EA'11f'AGf •• , •• , •• , , • , , , , , , , , , ,strAR!A.stlCIURY DtJSTIIU1rllNt: ••••••••• ,... , • , •• ,lC DIJSTN(;r:tJIERN. l'!AH.............. . ,RtJI PHOPOSllllON!NfJ , , •••• , • , •••••• , • '. RO-N Pf{(¥1('JS!DWICRAl.ft.AI(,,,.,,., •• , • R!lf lOTCOl€RAGl;. • • • • • , •••• , ••••• , • , , :J6,IJ66 SO FT: {I~ POICtNT~ •••• ,., •••••• SEElA!oDSCAl'Cl'l.AN fi£0UlilD~.5PAC£S .,.,,,, • ,,. ,l75{$lEPMJ(llf(:.stMt.4lnJ A'i'OKfD PMJl':N/l SPACES ••••••• , ••• , , •• , IJtl (SEE PMJ(II(; ~ Ni£4' CF OPEN SPACF/R(J:Rt:ATK.N SoAa' ••• , •• , H.MJ 5F" fflOPOSOJI!lJISfTY...... ,,,,U.IJlJUll1Y/,fOl!E' ~~ARfil •••••••••••••••••• N,/,f sme.!Cl",9"AG!: • • • • • • • .. • • ••••• H/A ,Om!~ IMI.Y 11WF/C, • , , , • , • • • • • • , • 61(} (6 ADT i IIJ !HTS) NIJIIBlR(/flA,IJJS. ..............•• 81J LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT f'UUXW O!' £OTT" (F HANQfO A'™ J£l'tW'l,t N 1HE arr CF~ CfXllflY (F SAIi mm STATF (T ~ ACCORDNC lU I/AP THD?£(F N(}62J flEJ} II »£<YFICC(F 11£ (XU(TYRUX1if){l{CF SAN M(;() ctXlfll: Ml~ 16, 16H. JiZOOD ZONE DESIGNATION AREA SUMMARY lOftl .1~6417Sl'lll (I.ZIA/;) l0Tt5((PO(SPAC£} {D.$6M:) SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS S.D.P. OJ-10 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 50' 200' SCALE: 1• -100· .1l1fl!JilJ IIW."1'11mSINTUJ P()sa:t.HII CNil.!i8Al)t:f9;018 ffl'H{160)4J4-<J666 HANCHOCML5BADPAH1'ERS ~~:~Cf.WANT lPSAHGtILS,CAUrl'iNJ.iCOl5 fflOl£(Jt0)~1/J01 DEVELOPER BENCHMARK: D£SCffi'OOII. ST~II-TOS1R!ETC1NTUi'IK __ , I.OCAOON: aNTDiU£ (Fa. OIW,tl R£N. ATEN(';IM1R'$STA'IICW'51192 PDIIL$1800-I REOOlD FROU; ~~WflS~ COtlNTrlOO: ut\lATl(f{. 68..-nJ A47tlt U.SC k t:.s: FOR CANTARINI. MULTIFAMILY LEGEND PRa'OSllJrame ••••••••• lf?CP05tDrCUl8.t.amEa. ... ffi'CPOSIJJPAJ]tJ.EVATJQ'I,,. • • DlSlW(;CQllr)fJ{S ••••••• PAIJ.11.J..JJ ---.l'60•-- ·---··--&--- 01SllNClf:41lHJ,/.AN ••••• DtlS11K/SUERJUN4-J.H., • 01Sr,/f;SOO,RYl(El,W(.tA.Jl £)(1$,WCSTU/N&WAII, •,, DJS1WGfliCJf/1JIWlf, •• CXISTN(;SIRlEflJQIT fH(KJOSB)RC!AJWIC WAll., •• . ____ ,_..,_,..,., __ ~5Uf!SJ' lW) •••••. '=!tfrb~!POK11. ffKFOSEIJ.w41ERMAII •• ,,, PfKJPOSEOSCJlfRUAJNitAJI. •• fm1WEOaJHtJMET •• Ui'll,WPal.llf.W, • • • •• 811' 1£CE1iflEIJSWIJ£ /NP. = =.-..!-o= . .. ... ..p "~ -t,t ----,5'--0---5- r-:-:-.-:-:.âť–--:. ·::,,.:...-•:-:1 CIVIL ENGINEER/LAND SfJJlVEYOR 01:WrtafSU.TANTS.H:. .1ll()l.f)/(lR,tl£, SUICll)I') """""'"'-""" {lS0)@-17(XJ SHEU 1 OF J SHEETS 0:\.-:IOS\200l\OOIClt4\0Cr.14ATOUIC 02/QO/J«H IG:&t-HIJ.IPSJ _,,, _____ ..,......,_ __ --------··-·--... - ,,. ,.. ,,. ,,. ,,. C STREET "'""""' ,,. C STREET AT COLLEGE BLVD. ,.,m,,,u ©2001 O'Oay Consultants, Inc. --------. ·----- COLLEGE BOULEVARD FlJl,l, IMPROVEMENTS NOTTO.mAI.E PARKING LOT PERIMETER TRENCH DRAIN ,.._,. SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS S.JJ.P. 01-10 SHEET 2 OF S SHEElS RC£:·~14 ·--------~-------__________ ,, ________ _ ©2001 O'Oay Consultants. Inc. SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS S.O.P. 01-10 I SCAl.£1"•40" BR2 10'-0"X11'-0" DECK 7'-0''X9'-0'' .81SF UNIT PLANS 3/16"•1'--0" I< OPTIONAL All C<NJENSB\ (-4 SF) ---4u J_ e· BUILDING 'A' CANTARINI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING BEN1LEY -MONARCH, LLC & BRIDGE HOUSING CORP. 99069 06.07.02 09.10.03 7'-0"X9'-0'' .73SF BR2 10'-<rX11'-9" BR3 10'-0"X10'-0• 10276.F. ~ /., ' '-) - 1 OF7 ~o~l!Jo l,' 1 \~ I' PLAN 1 PLAN1 PLAN2 PLAN2 I I I I I _ _j r-- 1 I I I I PLAN2 PLAN2 FIRST & SECOND FLOOR BUILDING PLANS (SEE SHEET 1 OF 7 FOR DETAILED UNIT PLANS} 3/16"•1'·0" BUILDING 'A' CANTARINI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING BENTLEY -MONARCH, LLC & BRIDGE HOUSING CORP. 99069 06.07.02 P,LAN3 -PLAN3 - 20F7 PLAN2 PLAN2 PLAN2 '1==============1------------>,( TIIlRD FLOOR BUILDING PLANS (SBB SHEET 1 OF 7 FORDBTAILED UNIT PLANS) 3/16"•1'-()" BUILDING 'A' PLAN2 CANTARINI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING BENTLEY -MONARCH, LLC & BRIDGE HOUSING CORP. 99069 06.07.02 ROOFBaOW - 3 OF7 ROOFPLAN 3/16"•1'-0'' BUILDING 'A' CANTARINI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING BEN1LEY -MONARCH, LLC & BRIDGE HOUSING CORP. 99069 06.07.02 40F7 TYPICAL BUILDING MATERIALS (TI ~~~T6'!~1'0a: 0 l'ACTOR'I" ro,Ufl"EP All1tU1 ~ [II l'ACTORYPAHTW A!,11tU16LEIMSo~ 0 r--'MTK>tuo001WL m HreGRAL.c:.ct.cRF\.,MffR (B MeTAl 1"'~1!L?:D eNTRl" POOR [I) •>c•PAHTEOIOOCO~ , .. ffi l"LA5reR l!>G"'AH5k:::N JONT G) JX•f"t.M~~l?U'I mm ·-JEtl .m LEFf (RIG>iT SIMI.AA) ELEVATIONS BUILDING 'A' CANTARINI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSJNG BENTLEY -MONARCH, LLC & BRIDGE HOUSING CORP. 99069 06.07.02 P!.AN3 - - 50F7 LAUNDRY 12 EOUPMENT 1a•-4•x 18'-4" · FLOOR PLAN TOTAL AREA 1898 S.F. ROOFPLAN 3/16"•1•-0" OFFICE 10'-o"X11'-6' COMMUNITY BUILDING CANTARINI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING COMMUNITY 20'-0"·X30'-8" BENTLEY -MONARCH, LLC & BRIDGE HOUSING CORP. 9!)069 06,07.0l STORAGE 8'-0"Xfl-0", 6 OF7 I.EFT RIGHT TYPICAL BUILDING MATERIALS rn ~MADll:~IMt-tu[Rea' m Mc:rQfl'(~.&w1H.NADC:le ID l"WmOIIOClD~ HJ f'Win!Ot'EtALCU.llf (!] ~~1'1.MtEI [3 l"AH!m)J'ETAt,Q.,IO~pO(;IRt BJ 6)C6f'WmOICOD~ [!] 2X61"LMt1Je1Ja1 ID. )'-O-c:ac>El'-15eR~IUU. l@ f'Sf<TEDMelAI.SP"E REAR ELEVATIONS 3/16"•1'-0" COMMUNITY BUILDING CANTARINI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING BEN1LEY -MONARCH, LLC & BRIDGE HOUS1NG CORP. -· 06.07.02 09.10.03 . ~ ::------------,,~ ::i: ~ ~ b ·"' ·"' F!- 70F7 - - NOTES: &ENERAL, l,All~!ngnlllbolnGIGGQl"~l'tlth ~ldollno& ""t forth In tho Clli,I of G<Y15bod ~.,Mor,ual ::Z App,-c>1<mc:lto~ 15111:, of tho &Ito 1-1111 bo ~ fr;,r •~1n9. 5 Laidll=pe> :,;,,io ~• Zonol-1.UML~u,plng IN.(15%) :z.on., 2-~,nod~'ng e.2h. (lo~ Zone 5 -Nc,b.lr0ll:in9 Lcn=,cq:,1ng 4 q k., (6.S %) :z.on., 4-Nc,tlvo 61e Iv. (fll4$J 4 Arn.rQI 1rt-rgat!Dnre9.u1rornent.i, Zoriol-ov-,a• z,,...., ::z -io• -ea· :z.on.,s-~,.u.anro· Zono 4-Noti·'rrlgated !I All lmc!uop" er"= k:l,!sntlllod on t.1i• pion WII bo f""lvDl.clly ....,1ntc,hod l:"J QI D55'°"k;tlon o, tl\e .,,.,,.,,....,,..t.ona,b 6 Opc,q,a.::o lot 15 ~II bo ""'lntarnod b:j tho f""CJ..c.t HOA .... w dodi.:.ot.:id to tho <,QOSONc:,tJon cmtl~ i 6cnorcilllJ. plonth9 ,spo,:;lo,. "'!thl-1 U,.., p.-ojo<:t ,.ill utJllu:I low ,..c:it.,,-demGlnd "f'-lee e, Irrigation for tho :!oll:8 ... 111 be 01'\ c:a.,tC>ll'IQ1;Tc.oll~ i:.onb-allod ~"und ~!:~ ~n,;i to,.. gc,!l.;,nc,go r>pra,i M0<:11>, ,-,1th lM <>x«>ptb, of opporlmltlo• ,.,,._ drip lrrlgc:itlon ot $<:!lo,:;tod loc;r;,t.Jons, Irrigation dt'>l'>lg'I .,111 c:.cmPorm to Cl~ of CQlrr.bod Londoeopo Monuol "I. A mrnm.irn of &.-po ln.Gho• or .,,.9Qlk. rwlc;h 6rll:III be oddod to !'lorH•••f plont!ng c:.-eo• >11th &1c,poo loss !hon 9,1 r+,c,r-o odjcx,ont to evrbs, !:no mula:h thlc:l<.no5o ffl"":I t.::,pe,' do""1 t.:, ~ lnc:.h mlnmn,\ 10 A ..all tost b:j a qyallnod ~l•t Dhall ,..,.u...,. 1n,1~0 plo:ir.t m,;.t.,rral& o-,o tn:ttallatloo to,:.tw,'9.LJO& FIRE PROTECTION, I Tho GI!.!! of CO'"JWC>d ~c:opo Menial tlro prat.e>c:tlcn roqu!romo,,!.t, &t,,;:,11 "f'pl~ to ,;:,II nc,t..,-ol1;11ng .:rd po.-rnotor 11,lopor. :2 f"T<'ol-yd<"c:n!.& c:rdcmorgo~lnt<'<'..::r'IC:.00.::.C:.0&& oro ldontllt"d on tho Tcntattv" ~.ap ::, s.,., 11,t,o.,t :2 Po.-lo.:.otlon of 60' (m-.,J riro pt'Ot,,c:trcnz""" 4 All flro prot.¾tlon o:ireo:s Ml<>IL b,, molnl.olnod In OGGOt"donc:er1llhC.lb,j<'""'-"lrom&nt:ll:>:jC:O 011o=tatlcnoftho0Nn0r&o.-te""1'1t& Y'IATER CONSERVATION, I L:,r.c J plcr,tlng 1"1111 b,, ro•trlc:tod to-=~• or= Cl"ld entnJ &t.otomont or005, Tilrf r1TII bo -d tn U.011,0 loc;ptl=, lnll~d to c:roc• rwor r.,I( Poot l"lld<Jon.:11/t'ld<Y ,1.,t &1op" :2 !,lopo11, toc:lng opo11 ~ac:o c:roor. ehall bo notw-ol!zod, 3 All p,-opo:ood pla,ttng oro~ M\011 1:-o 1.-oo._od l"llth s.oll U>Odltlol'lo!"e to hc:t"o"'" aid rotd.n &011 mobwr., 4 P,-ou,ntl!J, tht>ro 111, no <'ctc:loi,ne,d ... otor avolloblo tothoelto,I\QwoYOl",tlnall~oeomtrvc;Uo11 ~~~=e.~ d<J&iq,od Por ~ M....-o avallc:b!lllty 5 Plo:>'lt rnatorlal• N>ON'I ..,., plan aro Glf'F"'"'f"'"laUI wgsostlon=I onl\j Plait matorlols noro soloGUld to.-tho\-lo,.......,,t..,. dcrnarid Final r.oloetloru, arc to bo dotGm11rlod l:>:j laidaeapo arellltoel In flllal plai,por C-lb;! •iondor'ds, 6 Tho final plcin NIOII odao..,. ><Ot"'9GG!p0 pr~lplor. ""do&Utbod In tho G.!b,j ot Got'!abod ~o """"'' RECREATIONAL USES, I PC>Htvo Reeroal:lon "' ~10 5.F (Tvr'f t Qb,o"rvotlor, arooa) :2 Ac.ttvo ro.::<'ctatron • 61):)b 5J' (Pool 4 tot Jotoroo&J !l Pce,1 t r<odlo9Q"oc,to11Ul1z.i, p09st,,,o ,..,1c:,r Motlng to tho o,ckint por.11,lblo, VICINITY MAP SITE MAP SCALE1 /" = 100' EiENTea DAVID M. BENTLEY ;44q MAGELLAN 5T. C.ARLSBAD, C.A 92009 L~NGh!to.::t, ADL PLANNIN6 ASSOCIATES 2'1"1CJ STATE STREET, SUITE C. c..ARLSBAD, C.A CJ2008 Eng!Mer, O'DAY CONSULTANTS 2"110 LOKER AVE, SUITE 100 CARLSBAD CA, q2ooe, Planner, LADY'il6 DES16N &ROUP "109 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, STE S00 CARLSBAD, CA q2ooq Landscape Multi-famil~ Housing Concept Plan PLANT PALETTE .-..:.a>n'/~TIC>Offln'"1fVJ.CEo,,.IJ -.,,,,.~--"'--' r-=:.~n- ,,,_..,.~.-~ ....... /t2' .. 1W _...,..._~~ l"n,w __ ....,...,..._~ ...... ...,_~-"'""'"- ~rxuz../-~ To-,omlo""!!"'G<r-~ _,,,,.....,.....,.159"'-"" c.,,_,,,~,"-P-n- =..~-.... -...,_~_,,_, .. _. ~~~~ -n--!l,g<II~ "-"°""""'",c.a,,i--n-- ~',pl,;o ~-i.-r..-i..t - =~~~ -----~ T,io\,or,b-"'1.a,D--..Do,, ~-~r,-:z) n--,/!Oll•;:14"bd•f5c>IIJ5g,>IJ ----~n-.. ~,,..,,..._,i,.,u,.T,.... ~~o':~• ~-.::.-..,.~-ri-,..__,_, _ ____,__,....,~ ....... ..,,... ..... ~--,._ l"_,ltiNC ~~(z,,.,.:z) tr-/!Oll•:M"bd••5c>lllllg,,IJ ~-""""'~ ~oty-,><l'Loo,,-~ ,._, __ c:.,,,on,1.,¥----...,_..,,,i.,,,p,,,. __ ,._ TMol<niou,,,f~O,-- ~~a-~ -(l,,Mf.,H:NJ =-==k>o~ SHEET I OF S SDP# OHO -•~golf5c>lllg,:,IJ ~_,,,,.ni.1u.,,. Glot,,o~--""'""""--~~-""--~.,_;,-•~·-~~ lllwl'ulrWolla,~""""',I ~-. ==-~~--~-.,...., .. "'"- -• "'°'""ll!)oolf"""°lg<>tl -""V-lonl,•'°"""J---~--- .,. AOL~ PLANNING ASSOCIATES I.ANO Pl.ANNINQ l.ANOSCAPC AflCl'ilTP:eTIJ~r:: 2979 STATE STRECT SUITE C CAR l SB A, D, C .0. 0 ~ O OB Pllllll•ll11 lll1Pflllll•IIH DAm 2104/04 SCAl.£. l"• 100•-o• SHE£J HO.: I OF: 5 RECREATION AREA -SEE SHEET S FOR ENt...AR6EMENT 60' FIRE PROTECTION ZONE FROM NATIVE, LINDJ57UR6ED SLOPE LAND.SC.APE 61JPFER -----, SCREENS VEKIC.Lc5 FR.aM OFFSITc BIKE LOCKERS TRASH ENCL05URE: -l'flll-1 OVER1EAD iRELLIS PER GIT'f STANPAA.DS 5TO~TER RUNOFF 6A51N -Pl.,6.N1'ED HJTH 6RA55E5 {TYPJ LANDSCAPE SC.RE:E:N------~ -TO PROVIDE; SCREENIH(S OFVE-lla..E5fROM COU-E6E BLVD, -t/-S' TALL • TOP OF SLOPE, AO.J,.1,,G.ENT TO PAAKIKS Multi-famil~ Lands Gape ', / Housintj ConGept EXISTING TRAIL LOT 15 OPEN 5PAC.E Plan 61KE LOCKERS eus STOP CONNECTION • ,',,CGES5 PATH oorfl SLOPE Fl<OMPl'D TRAIL GONNEGTION SHEET 2 OF 5 5DPll OHO ~---1e• Hl5H SEAT Yi.ALL. CANTARINI CT 00-18 -t'(ITI-1 EXISTIH6 DIRT PATH OVERLOOK • 0\/l:RtE,I\D 'TRELLIS .-.1TH seATIN.S AREA (eENC.tESORSEA'Tl'iAL.U • t/TILIZE NON-GOMSUSTAfll.E HAlcRlAl..5 60' FIRE FROTEC,TION ZONE LOCATE TREES YiHERE PERMITTED '-----------ENHANCED PAVIN!.S AT ENTRY (STAMPED GONCRe'l'E OR ASPHALT IN A5HLAA STONE PATTERN.) NOTE, 5EE SHEET I FOR ADDITIONAL REC.REA TION INFORMATION. ADL~ PLANNING ASSOCIATES I.ANO PI.ANtilNO t..AN0SCAPC ARCttrTCOTI.JRC ;1!979 Sl'.-.TE STRC('T SUITC C CAR\. S •AD, C ,._ ~ 2 O (I II Cll4ll1•11U 111 (IUl111-llt< DATE: '2/0J,/04 SCALE. r :s 40' POOL SEC.URliY FENCING> -------,_ -Y-iROUGHT IRON ~ 5ELF- C.LO51NG I! LOCKING GA TES v-{OODEN ARBOR --~ RAISED SUN DECK 6' HIGH STUC.C.O ViALL 1e" HIGH SEAT 1-'tALL -----' Hulti-Famil~ Housing Lan0scape Concept Plan le" HIGH SEAT V'¼LL ---------- BIKE RAC.I< --- NOTE, SEE 5HEE::T I FOR ADDITIONAL RECREATION JNFORMATloN. SHEETS OF S :~NN~ .. ASSOC 1 l;~E~ LANO 1"1,.ANNINO LANOSCA.PE: ARC>i\T'CQTURE; :u>?il STATE STAE:CT SUITC Q CARlSIIAO, CA. •iooa 1114/IJ•llll IU1jll411l•UI< OAn'.. 2/o-//'?'f SCALE: 1• • 10' JOBNO. Cl'l'040 PEO~TRIAA ACass FROM ~ 5TOP TO MULTll"AMILY' ~Ire 5f'l,.IT AAIL NOOD FENCe TO ee AOOED IN nus LOeATlON (reNc:;I: l"IILL PIRl:C,T PED~TRIA?e AND PROll:GT AATIJRAL OPEN SPAa!J PEDESTRIAN GIRGIJLATION ~ TRAIL PLAN - MEANDERING SIDEY'IALK CONTIGUOUS SIDEY'IALK D.G. TRAIL WSPI..ITAA!Lr-lOOO r-eNCf! AO.J,O,C.eMT TO NAlt/RA!. Of>EN ..,_ ASPHALT Y'IALK "LIVABLE STREET" SIDEl'iALK FUTURE CllYl'ilDE TRAIL (Of'!':» SPACE! TRAIU EXISTING TRAILS TO BE RE>·â€˘ (To~ ~~An!P) -1"154'. (OPEN SPAGe TAAIU CllYl'ilDE TRAIL -EXISTING (To ReWJN) -M61 L.,.. (OPEN SPACE TAAUJ ALTERNATIVE ROUTE TRAIL (OP!::N SP.A.a! TRAJU COHHVNllY CONNECTOR TRAIL - EXISTING tro RJ=MAU-0 -:2045 L.F. AOL~ PlANNJNG ASSOCIATES LA,ND PLAN NINO 1.ANDS~C A .. CHrR;CTU,,C :~: L~":= ... :,-rR;~ 9 ~:~ ~ p111111-11u u11111,1u-1111 DATE: 0'2/Cr.2104 SCALE: I"• ::200' JOB HO. :20055 / "l<f04o DRA'IIM BY: JC,, HP, OD, OJ SHEETHO: I Cf'; I