HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-09-18; Planning Commission; ; CUP 02-03|CDP 02-04 - NATIONAL UNIVERSITYle City of Carlsbad PJanutng Departm,
P .C. AGENDA OF: September 18, 2002
Item No.@
Application complete date: April 9, 2002
Project Planner: Samia Qureshy
Project Engineer: David Rick
SUBJECT: CUP 02-03/CDP 02-04 -NATIONAL Ul\11VERSITY -Request for approval of
a Conditional Use Permit and a Coastal Development Permit for the operation of
a branch of National University in an existing building at the Carlsbad Pacific
Center, located at 705 Palomar Airport Road, south of Palomar Airport Road and
within Local Facilities Management Zone 3.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 5277
ADOPTING the :.Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program, and Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5278 and 5279 APPROVING CUP 02-03
and CDP 02-04, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein.
The applicant, National University, is requesting authorization to operate a branch of National
University in an existing building located at 705 Palomar Airport Road. The subject site is
zoned ·'Industrial". Pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance, in an Industrial Zone, a Conditional Use
Permit is required to operate a public or private school. Since the site is also located within the
boundaries of the Local Coastal Program, a Coastal Development Permit is also required for the
operation of the said University. The subject building ,vas originally approved by the Planning
Commission as Carlsbad Pacific Center Phase III, under SDP 98-23/CDP 98-89.
National University is a non-profit accredited institute of higher education ,vith facilities
throughout California, offering both undergraduate and graduate program opportunities to a
diverse population of adult learners. The Carlsbad branch of National University will occupy
18,000 square feet of the 41,000 square foot building and ·will operate from 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm
during weekdays and from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm on Saturdays.
The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit and a Coastal Development
Permit to occupy 18,000 square feet of an eAisting 41,000 square foot office building located at
705 Palomar Airport Road to operate a branch of National University. The subject building has
a total area of 41,000 square feet on a 2.05 acre lot, located on the east side of AYenida Encinas,
south of Palomar Airport Road and west of Interstate 5. The subject building is located with two
other existing office buildings in a campus like setting. The subject building was originally
approved as an office building by the Planning Commission under SDP 98-23, Carlsbad Pacific
Center Phase III. The other two buildings in this campus are also three story structures with
September 18, 2002
50,765 square feet and 44,200 square feet. The first two buildings were built in 1986 and 1988
and were parked at a ratio of one space per 300 square feet in accordance ,vith the requirements
at that time. The subject building which was Phase III of Carlsbad Pacific Center provides 164
parking spaces at a ratio of one space per 250 square feet. Access to the site is from A venida
The applicant is proposing to use 4,555 square feet on the first floor and the entire 13,445 square
feet of the second floor. The remaining space on the first floor and the entire third floor are to be
used by other building tenants. The proposed hours of operation of National University are
weekday evening classes from 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm and Saturdays from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.
The anticipated number of students attending the University each evening is approximately 320.
In addition to the students, about 27 other staff and faculty members will also be present during
class times, working as instructors and clerical staff.
The proposed project is subject to the following plans. ordinances, and standards as analyzed
within this section of the staff report:
A. Planned Industrial (PI) General Plan Land Use Designation;
B. Industrial Zone (M) (Chapter 21.32 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code);
C. Conditional Use Permit Regulations (Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code);
D. Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport;
E. l\follo II Segment of the Local Coastal Program, Coastal Development Procedures, and
the Coastal Resources Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.201, 21.203 and 21.205);
F. Growth Management (Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code).
A. Planned Industrial (PI)
The General Plan and the Local Coastal Program has designated those areas as Planned
Industrial which are currently used for, proposed as or adjacent to industrial development
including manufacturing, warehousing, storage, research and development and utility use. The
proposed use of a private university is consistent with this designation since the Zoning
Ordinance allows this use with a Conditional Use Permit. The Zoning Ordinance implements the
General Plan by regulating the distribution and intensity of land uses in such categories as
residential, commercial and industrial.
B. Industrial Zone (M)
The zoning designation of the subject site is M, Industrial Zone. The M zone allows industrial
uses as well as uses permitted in the Commercial-Manufacturing zone, which allows heavy
commercial, limited industrial and other commercial and industrial businesses as well as office
buildings. The proposed use of a private university in an existing office building is a permitted
September 18, 2002
use in this zone pursuant to Chapter 21.42 of the Zoning Ordinance, provided a Conditional Use
Permit has first been obtained. The existing building which was previously approved under SDP
98-23 as Carlsbad Pacific Center Phase ill is consistent with all the applicable development
standards and requirements of the M zone.
Parking Requirements
The parking area associated ,vith Phase ill of Carlsbad Pacific Center is developed with 164
parking spaces, and the entire Carlsbad Pacific Center, including Phase ill, contains 486 spaces.
The CC&Rs for the Carlsbad Pacific center allow joint use of the entire parking area by all
tenants in the complex.
The required number of parking spaces pursuant to Section 21.44.020 of the Zoning Ordinance
for colleges/universities is one space per employee plus one space for each three students. The
subject facility proposes to have a total of 320 students and 27 faculty and staff members.
Parking spaces that are required for this facility are:
• 107 spaces for students (320/3) and
• 27 spaces for staff (1 space/employee)
• Total required spaces for National University= 107+27 = 134
Since National University will be occupying 18,000 square feet out of a total of 41,000 of the
subject building, the remaining 23,000 square feet will be utilized as office space and will need
92 parking spaces at a ratio of one space per 250 square feet.
Required number of parking spaces
(National University and remaining office space)= 134 +92 = 226 spaces
Section 21.44.050 of the Zoning Ordinance allows joint use of parking facilities for a night time
and day time use and states that up to 50 percent of the required parking facilities for a night time
use may be provided by the parking facilities of a day time use, provided such reciprocal parking
area is subject to conditions contained in section 21.44.050(a)(4)(D) of the ordinance. The
proposed operating hours of National University are from 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm and from 8:30
am to 5 :30 pm on Saturdays. Based on these proposed hours of operation, the subject use can be
considered a joint use with the other office uses on-site since it will not be in conflict with the
existing offices onsite.
National University Remaining office Sub-total
(320 students, 27 employees) space (23,000 sf)
Required Parking 134 spaces 92 226
(Calculated separately)
Required Parking 67 (50% reduction) 92 159
(Based on ioint use provision)
Total Available Parking for 164 164
subject building
September 18, 2002
The applicant's traffic report for the proposed project conducted a field survey of the site to
determine availability of parking spaces from 4:45 pm to 5:45 pm on two typical weekdays. The
report concludes that the subject parking lot utilization was from 13% to 34% during the time of
the day mentioned above. Based on these findings, and provision for joint use of parking space
in the Zoning Ordinance, the proposed project will have more than the required number of
parking spaces available.
C. Conditional Use Permit Regulations
Conditional uses such as public or private schools and universities possess unique and special
characteristics which make it impractical to include them as permitted uses "by right" in any of
the various zoning classifications (i.e., residential, commercial, office, industrial). The authority
for the location and operation of these uses is subject to Planning Commission review and the
issuance of conditional use permits. The following required conditional use permit findings for
the proposed project can be made:
1. The proposed use is: a) necessary and desirable for the development of the community in
that the community benefits of a university include a higher education facility which
offers undergraduate and graduate programs to a diverse population of adult learners; b)
consistent with the General Plan in that the Planned Industrial land use designation does
not preclude the provision of a university;
2. The proposed site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use in that the
building is existing and there will be no changes to the exterior design also existing on-
site parking meets the required number of parking spaces for the proposed use with the
provision of joint use parking;
3. All features necessary to adjust the requested use to the existing use are provided in that
the proposed use will be located in an existing building and other than interior
improvements, there will be no physical changes at the site; and
4. The street system serving the proposed use would not be impacted by the proposed
conditional use in that the project is conditioned to mitigate the possible traffic impacts as
explained below:
Traffic and Circulation
Projected Average Daily Traffic (ADT): 690 ADT with 345 inbound trips occurring in the pm
peak hour and no trips occurring in the am peak hour.
A Traffic Impact Analysis was completed by RBF Consultants to analyze the project's potential
traffic impacts on the surrounding streets. Since class hours would be restricted to weekdays
between 5:30 pm and I 0:00 pm, the report focused on evaluating project impacts on the
surrounding circulation system during the evening peak period. No trips are expected to occur in
the morning. The report analyzed existing, cumulative, and buildout (2020) conditions. Up to
seven signalized intersections were studied, but the intersection of A venida Encinas and Palomar
Airport Road and the section of A venida Encinas between the project entrance and Palomar
September 18, 2002
Airport Road were the street sections most likely to be impacted and became the focus of a
queuing analysis.
A queuing analysis was prepared to determine if adequate spacing exists between the project
access and Palomar Airport Road to accommodate the south bound left-tum movement at the
project drive and the northbound left-tum movement at Avenida Encinas and Palomar Airport
Road intersection for a back-to-back left-tum pocket configuration. The analysis showed that
there is sufficient storage capacity to accommodate the forecast northbound left-tum movement
at A venida Encinas and Palomar Airport Road intersection for buildout conditions. However, an
additional 125 feet of storage capacity is required to accommodate the southbound left-tum
movement into the project site bringing the total lane length to 225 feet. This additional
lengthening of the left-tum pocket can be accommodated without shortening the 100-foot
northbound left-tum lane. The project is conditioned to require the applicant to modify the
striping accordingly.
Another area of concern is the potential for congestion within the westbound left-tum-lane at the
Palomar Airport Road/Avenida Encinas intersection between 5:00 pm and 5:30 pm. The existing
left-tum pocket is 135 feet long with a 90-foot transition. The project is expected to add 259
vehicles to this left-tum pocket bringing the total volume to 344 vehicles between 5:00 pm and
5:30 pm. Based on the queuing analysis, the queue would exceed the left-tum lane's capacity
under the signal's current operation. However, the report suggests that the lane should be able to
accommodate the expected traffic if certain mitigations were imposed. One recommendation is
to modify the traffic signal timing to allow for conditional left-tum phasing. Conditional left-
turn phasing means that the left-tum phase would be allowed to go before and after the opposing
eastbound through movement, thus doubling the left volumes. The other recommendation is to
redistribute the project trips by requiring National University to distribute driving directions
and/or recommended route maps to students during orientation giving information on taking
either the Cannon Road or Poinsettia Lane exists from Interstate 5.
Staff is proposing that National University distribute recommended driving directions and/or
maps to students and faculty. The project has been conditioned accordingly. Staff does not
recommend conditionally phasing the left-tum signal at this time. The City Transportation
Department would monitor the intersection and if necessary, adjust the traffic signal cycle times
and/or conditionally phase the left-tum signal. Staff does not want to adjust the signal unless
necessary since such adjustments would most likely result in an increase in delays on all other
approaches to the intersection.
D. Comprehensive Land Use Plan for :McClellan-Palomar Airport
The proposed project is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) for
McClellan-Palomar Airport. The subject property is located within the 60 dB CNEL noise
contour for the Airport. Due to this location, the CLUP requires an acoustical analysis to assure
that interior noise levels v.rill not exceed 45d.B CNEL. The acoustical compliance survey
conduced for the University confirms that interior noise levels will be consistent with the CLUP
requirement of 45 dB CNEL without any additional mitigation measures.
September 18, 2002
E. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program
The proposed conditional use permit for National University in an existing building is consistent
with the relevant policies of the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and the Coastal
Resources Protection Overlay Zone. The project site has been previously disturbed and is
developed with the subject building, Carlsbad Pacific Center. The proposed project will not
obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or the public right-of-way or otherwise
damage the visual beauty of the coastal zone. No agricultural uses currently exist on the site, nor
are there any sensitive resources located on the developed property. The proposed project is not
located on an area of known geologic instability or flood hazard. No public opportunities for
coastal shoreline access are available from the subject site since it is not located between the first
public road and the ocean, and no public access requirements are conditioned for the project.
There are no steep slopes or natural vegetation on the subject site. The project will not have
drainage impacts on coastal resources.
F. Growth Management Ordinance
The proposed project is located within the Local Facilities Management Zone 3 in the southwest
quadrant of the City. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance
with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in the table below:
Standard Impacts Compliance
City Administration NIA NIA
Library NIA NIA
Wastewater Treatment Encinas Yes
Drainage BasinC Yes
Circulation 690ADT Yes
Fire Station No. 4 Yes
Open Space NIA NIA
Schools NIA NIA
Sewer Collection System lOEDU Yes
Water 2,220GPD Yes
The project constitutes conversion of an existing office building into a campus for National
University. The subject site is already improved ,vith the existing building and the applicant is
proposing to make interior improvements to accommodate the proposed use.
No environmental impacts which have not been mitigated by the project have been identified.
The site is currently developed with an office building and is located within an urban area, south
September 18, 2002
of Palomar Airport Road and east of Avenida Encinas. There is no habitat onsite that may
contribute to a preserve system nor are there any sensitive plant or animal species which must be
Staff has conducted an environmental impact assessment to determine if the project could have a
potentially significant impact on the environment pursuant to CEQA Guidelines and the
Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. As a result of
said review, the initial study (EIA Part 2) identified potentially significant effects on the
environment, but mitigation measures agreed to by the applicant, would avoid or mitigate the
effects to a point where clearly no significant effect on the environment would occur, and there is
no substantial evidence in light of the whole record that the project "as revised" may have a
significant impact on the environment.
In consideration of the foregoing, the Planning Director has issued a Mitigated Negative
Declaration for the project on August 9, 2002. No comments were received during the 20 day
public review.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5277 (Mitigated Neg. Dec.)
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5278 (CUP)
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5279 (CDP)
4. Location Map
5. Background Data Sheet
6. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form
7. Disclosure Statement
8. Reduced Exhibits
9. Exhibits "'A" -"'C", dated September 18, 2002
CUP 02-03/CDP 02-04
CASE NAME: National University
APPLICANT: National University
REQUEST AND LOCATION: A Conditional Use Permit and a Coastal Development Permit
for the operation of a branch of National University in an existing building located at 705
Palomar Airport Road.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 15386 in the City of Carlsbad, County
of San Diego, State of California according to the map thereof no 11287, filed in the office of the
County Recorder of San Diego County, September 16, 1988, as file No. 88-467980 of official
APN: 210-100-16 Acres: 18,000 square feet Proposed No. of Lots/Units: _N_/A~-----
Land Use Designation: ~P=la=nn_ed_In=d=u~st=ri=al~(P~I)~----------------
Density Allowed: NI A Density Proposed: N~/ A __________ _
Existing Zone: Industrial (M) Proposed Zone: _N_/ A ___________ _
Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use:
Zoning General Plan
Site M PI ---------North M PI ---------Sou th M PI ---------East TC (Transportation TC
West M PI
Current Land Use
Existing Office Building
Office Building
Industrial Building
Office Building
School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad -~-----
Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): _lO~E_D~U ______________ _
C8J Negative Declaration, issued'-"-A-=u=gus=tc..,9~,-=2=-0-=02=----------------
D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ______________ _
D Other, _____________________ _
(To be Submitted with Development Application)
FILE NAME AND NO: National University -CUP 02-031 CDP 02-04
ZONING: Industrial (M)
DEVELOPER'S NAME: National University
ADDRESS: 11255 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037
PHONE NO.: 619-696-3500 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 210-100-16
QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT(AC., SQ. FT., DU): Project site -2.05 acres,
Building-18,000 sq. ft. out ofa total 41,000 sq. ft. building
A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = NIA
B. Library: Demand in Square Footage= NIA
C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) NIA
D. Park: Demand in Acreage = NIA
E. Drainage: Demand in CFS = NIA
Identify Drainage Basin = C
(Identify master plan facilities on site plan)
F. Circulation: Demand in ADT = 690
(Identify Trip Distribution on site plan)
G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 4
H. Open Space: Acreage Provided = NIA
I. Schools: NIA
(Demands to be determined by staff)
J. Sewer: Demands in EDU 10
Identify Sub Basin = C
(Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan)
K. Water: Demand in GPD = 2 220
.City of C9arlsbad
I #3 Fi,i,ii ,I· I •JJ •i=i 31, ,iJ ,\ I
Applicant's statement or disclosure of certam ownc:rslup mterestS on all apphc:mons whi.:-h will require
d1screnonary acnon on the pan of the City Council or any appomted Board. Cornrn1ss1on or Cornrnmee. i
The following information l\fUST be disclosed at the time of applicauon subrnmal. Your pro_1e.:t cannot
be reviewed until this informanon is completed. Please pnnt.
Person is defined as ••Any individual, firm. co-partnership, joint venture, assoc1at1on. social club. fraternal
organization., corporation. estate, tnISt. receiver. syndicate. in this and any other county. city and county. cny
municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combmation acnng as a unit"
Agents may sign this docummt; however. the legal name and entity of the applicant and property O~'Iler must be
provided below.
1. APPLICA."l\'T (Not the applicant's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons hanng a financial
interest m the apphcanon. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. mclude the
names, title, addresses of all individuals m~mmg more than 10% of the shares. IF NO
APPLICABLE (NIA) IN TiiE SPACE BELOW If a publiclv-0V>11ed corporation. mclude the
names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if
Person N/A (non-profit)
Title ·--------------
2. 0'\\1!'.'ER (Not the owner's agent)
Corp/Pan ____________ _
Title _______________ _
Address _______________ _
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership
interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e,
partnership, tenants in common, non-profit. corporation. etc.). If the ownership includes a
corporation or partnership,. include the names. title, addresses of all individuals o·wning more
than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS O\VN MORE THAN 10% OF .THE SHARES.
owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate
page may be attached if necessary.)
Person ·-------------Corp/Pan. ____________ _
Title _____________ _ Title _______________ _
Address ___________ _ Address:..._ ____________ _
1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 (!)
If any person 1d.ed pursuant to (11 or (21 abo\'e 1s a non n orc-amn!1or. 07":, !':"'..:<. ::,: ::,~
names and addresses of A .. "!\1· person serving as an officer or director of thf non-:,7"0:::
organization or as trustee or beneficiarv of the. -.
Non Profit-Trust (See Attached List) Non Profit Trust ·------------
Title --------------T1tle ----------------
Address -------------Address, _____________ _
4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of Cny staff.
Boards. Comm1ss1ons. Commmees and/or Council v:ithm the past tv.•elve ~ 12) months:
OYes ~ No If yes, please indicate person(s): ______________ _
NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary.
I cenify that all the above information is true and correct to the best
Signature of ov.,.neridate
Prmt or type name of ov.'Der
Jack Henthorn & Associates
Print or type name of <Mi"lllCHapplicant 's agent
rure of a hcanudate
rry C Lee, President of Natiunctl
· sity and Chancellor of the
National University System
Prmt or type name of applicant
Stephenson Worley Garratt
Schwartz Garfield & Prairie (atty}
Type name oi applicant1 s agent
Page 2 of 2
Mr. John Bucher
Mr. John L 'Estrange
Mr. Gerald Czarnecki
Academic Affairs
Ms. Andrea Giambrone
Jean Leonard
John L 'Estrange
Andrew Scull
Judith Sweet
Thomas Topuzes
Jeanne Connelly
Nelson Davis
D\1,ight Ellis
Cheryl Kendrick
Robert Freelen
Richard Nelson
Felipe Becerra
Mr. Joseph Benoit
John Bucher
Richard Chisholm
Gerald Czarnecki
Richard Vortmann
Academic and Administrative Officers
Jerry C. Lee, Ed.D.
President of the University
Kevin Casey, M.S.
Vice President
Administration and Business
Susan Harris, D.N.Sc.
Provost and Vice President
Academic Affairs
Janet Littrell, Ed.D.
Vice President
Regional Operat10ns
Thomas 1facCalla. Ed.D.
ExecutiYe Director of~'1JI and
Cniversity Vice President
Patricia E. Potter, B.A.
Vice President
Advancement and Business DeYelopment
Raymond J. Trybus, Ph.D.
Associate Provost and
Dean of Graduate Studies
Anna Cathleen Greiner
Associate Provost for Planning
and Institutional Effectiveness
Shahram Azordegan. Ed.D.
Dean. School of Business and Technology
Marie Schrup, Ed.D.
Dean. School of Education
Mary Elizabeth Shutler, Ph.D.
Dean. School of Arts and Sciences
Douglas Slawson, Ph.D.
Dean of Students
X:\WP12002\National l.Tniversity\Board\Officerlist.doc
. . • •
"7HEREAS, as part of its long-term facilities planning, National University has entered into
a non-binding letter of intent to lease approximately 18,000 square feet in an existing building in
Carlsbad, California for a new center.
WHEREAS, John Bucher Real Estate Company, National University's real estate broker,
sent a request for proposals in May, 2001 to many of the San Diego area developers and commercial
property owners specifying the requirements for a new center in Carlsbad. The request for proposals
advised such developers and owners that Nationai University's requirements inciuded: (a)
approximately 18,000 square feet of rentable area; (b) a lease term of approximately seven years
beginning approximately March, 2002; (c) sufficient on-site parking spaces for approximately 350
students for use Monday through Thursday in the evening hours and on Saturday, and daytime
parking for approximately 70 vehicles; and ( d) if appropriate an option to extend the lease for an
additional one to five years and a right of first refusal to lease additional space in the building.
"'HEREAS, National University received three responses to its request for proposal and
determined that the response by Prentiss Properties Acquisition Partners, L.P. was the proposal that
would best suit National University's requirements.
\VHEREAS, after e}..'iensive negotiations, Prentiss Properties and National University
entered into the letter of intent providing the general parameters of lease terms pursuant to which
National University would lease space in the existing building at 705 Palomar Airport Road, Suites
150 and 200, Carlsbad, California (the "Property'). The letter of intent provides that: (a) the term of
the lease would be for seven years; (b) the premises would consist of approximately 19,080 rentable
square feet; ( c) minimum monthly rental during the lease term would be $2.15 per rental square foot
for the first year and increasing to $2.57 in the last year; (d) National Universitywould be given the
right to extend the term of the lease for an additional period of five years; and ( e) National University
would have a right of first offer to lease additional space in the b:iilding a:; it becomes available.
\VHEREAS, legal counsel for National University and Prentiss Properties are negotiating the
terms of an office lease and other related documents, but final agreement as to all of the terms has
not been achieved.
\VHEREAS, John Bucher, a member of the Board of Trustees, is representing National
University as its broker through his company John Bucher Real Estate Company. (Mr. Bucher and
his real estate company are sometimes collectively referred to herein as "'Mr. Bucher.") In such
capacity, Mr. Bucher will be receiving a commission from the landlord equal to 4% of the lease
payments for the first five years and 2% of the lease payments for the remaining term of the lease.
• •
\VHEREAS, Mr. Bucher has abstained from voting on these matters in connection ,vith
which he is an interested trustee and was excused from the Board meeting during deliberation and
voting on this resolution ( after giving the members of the Board an opportunity to ask any questions
they desired of Mr. Bucher).
NO\V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the lease of the Property is hereby
approved and that any actions previously taken ,vith respect to such lease are hereby ratified and
RESOLVED FURTHER, that based in part on the findings and resolutions adopted by the
Board of Trustees on October 18, 1996, October 16, 1998, and May 12, 2001 regarding Mr. Bucher's
earlier and future services as National University's real estate broker, the Board makes the following
findings regarding Mr. Bucher's service as National University's real estate broker in connection with
this transaction: (a) National Universityv.ill enter into appropriate agreements with Mr. Bucher for
its own benefit; (b) the transactions are fair and reasonable as to National University; (c) National
University's Board of Trustees has approved the transaction and agreements by a majority vote of
Board of Trustees then in office with Mr. Bucher, a sole interested trustee, abstaining; (d) before
approving the transaction, the Board considered and in good faith determined, after reasonable
investigation under the circumstances, that National University could not have obtained a more
advantageous arrangement with reasonable effort and National University in fact could not have
obtained a more advantageous arrangement in light of Mr. Bucher's qualifications, knowledge, and
experience to act as National University's real estate broker, and ( e) these transactions will result in
the payment to Mr. Bucher of no more than reasonable compensation, as such term is determined
under the standards of Section 4958 of the Internal Revenue Code;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the President be, and he hereby is, authorized on behalf of
National University to negotiate any and all terms of such transaction and to take any and all actions
necessary to finalize the lease of the Property as he reasonably deems appropriate to further the
mission and objectives of National University.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the final and express terms of the lease of the Property shall
be presented as an-informational item at a subsequent meeting cf the Beard.
of c!arlsbad
Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain O\\'Ilerslnp mterests on all apphc:mons wh~h will reqmre
d1screnonary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board. Commission or Cornrnmee. ;
The following information l\.fUST be disclosed at the time of application subrnmal. Your proJect cannot
be reviewed until this information is completed. Please pnnt.
Person is defined as "'Any individual, firm. co-partnership, joint venture, assoc1anon. social club. fraternal
organization, corporation. estate. truSt. receiver, syndicate. in this and any other county. city and county. cny
municipality. district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit.··
Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be
provided below.
1. APPLICAl\"'T (Not the applicant's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons havmg a financial
mterest m the apphcanon. If the applicant includes a comoration or partnership. mclude the
names, title, addresses of all mdividuals ownmg more than I 0~o of the shares. IF NO
APPLICABLE (NIA) IN 1HE SPACE BELOW If a publiclv-ovvned comoration, include the
names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if
Person'-------------Corp/Part. ____________ _
Title. _____________ _ Title _______________ _
Address ___________ _ Address ______________ _
2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent)
Provlde the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any O\\'Ilership
interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e.
partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation. etc.). If the ov.nership includes a
corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more
than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS 0\\1N MORE THAN 10% OF .THE SHARES,
owned comoration, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate
page may be attached if necessary.)
Person Id/A Corp/Part. _____________ _
Title ____________ _ Title _______________ _
Address ___________ _ Address"----------------
1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad. CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 @
3. :SOS-PROFIT .A.l\'JZA nos OR TRl"ST •
If any person 1dennfied pursuant to ( l) or(:!) abo,·e 1s a nonprofit org:m1zat1on o:-a tru!':. 1::-: ::1~·
names and addresses of A ... 'l\"Y person serving as an officer or director of the non-pr0Ii~
organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the.
Non Profit/Trust _________ _ Non Profit Trust. __________ _
Title ____________ _ Title _______________ _
Address. ___________ _ Address _____________ _
4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff.
Boards, Comn11ss1ons. Committees and/or Council within the past twelve ~12) months:
D Yes ~ No If yes, please indicate person(s): ______________ _
NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary.
I certify that all the above infmm;i,tion is true and correct to the best of my lmowledge.
Signature of applicant/date
A Delaware limited partnership
By: PRENTISS PROPE~TIES I, INC., Print or type name of applicant
a Delaware Corporation,
its sole general partner ~• ,,, 0-:/1/Y' •. -:!'l
By: ~,,,_ . . 1
7 J' Ke1t'Z, 11 h/ / be c.k
Title: 9' h,/j.~ l/f Ct! p U~,'~~
By: G )S§;..A~
Name: G (LLG, :::z:: M Ho E:F
)7 ,2002
Michael V. Prentiss
Thomas F. August
Dennis J. DuBois
Lawrence J. Krueger
Robert K. Wiberg
Michael A. Ernst
J. Kevan Dilbeck
Gregory S. Imhoff
Michael J Cooper
Daniel K. Cushing
Kent Barner
Thomas P. Simon
Christopher Mahon
Richard C. Bower II
William J. Reister
Barbara M. Gloeckner
Michael E. Schack
Charles A. Sumner II
Office(s) Held
Chief Executive Officer
Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President
Senior Vice President, Chief Financial
Officer and Treasurer
Senior Vice President and Assistant
Senior Vice President and Secretary
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
Vice President and Treasurer
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
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Usage Breakdown
Ttnl[)t liJlifOYlffi,Ol for p11q1J m OnJy
1st noor 4,555 ~'1 ft
2nd floor· 13,445 ,q ft
3rd [loor O •'1 ft
Tot.al 18.000 sq ft
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I..M IC,lll.P•W-41'
IIUII 8/22/02 ----
--....... -·-______ ,,_,,
National University
1st Floor ..... 4,555 sq. ft
2nd Floor ..... 13.445 sq. ft
Total area ..... 18,000 sq. ft.
: :P~ .... ---.. ..,. ______ _ ________ , ___ _
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MiMll-.&.-•M■IMIIM ___ .._WJI.Mt. ---~----_____ ,. ----·-------------
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National Unlverslty .... .4,555 sq. ft.
Unoccupied (shaded) ..... 8,890 sq. ft. ·-INl'IWl'Ulllll'WUfflnall.ff ms-~-:r.r~ ·-IR&IUG~--mm1••~ .. --·-------_ ___ ., ______ _
12111'11,UaM'•-·-CI ...................... ... __ ma.•--•------.
-~-------~ ----~------------~----~----------------· ----
National University
1st Floor..... 4,555 sq. ft
2nd Floor ..... 13.445 sq. ft
Total area ..... 18,000 sq. ft.
_ ......... ,-.......
~-,. -~---,., .-....niiiiiiiiii__,. ·---------.. ...,,.,_..---·--· :;;:,.-:,,-::~-:.::::=:..~ .... .... ---·---· .... ~lall ..... 1,/1 •• _ .. _ ...........
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National University ..... 13,445 sq.ft.
Unoccupied (shaded) ..... 0 sq. ft.
................... .... ·--.----·