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2019-07-17; Planning Commission; ; CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237)–LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION
Item No. Application complete date: January 7, 2019 P.C. AGENDA OF: July 17, 2019 Project Planner: Jason Goff Project Engineer: Tim Carroll SUBJECT: CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION - Request for a recommendation of adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and a recommendation of approval for a Tentative Tract Map, Major Review Permit, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit, and Habitat Management Permit for the demolition of an existing medical office building and single- family dwelling; the subdivision of an approximately 0.75-acre parcel into two lots and 13 airspace residential condominium units; and the development of 13 detached single- family condominiums with exclusive use areas on property located at 570-580 Laguna Drive within the Residential Support Area (District 4) of the Village Review (V-R) Zone, Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The City Planner has determined that through the implementation of the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, the proposed project avoids the effects or mitigates the effects to a point where clearly no significant effect on the environment would occur, and there is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record before the City that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. This project is located within the appealable area of the California Coastal Commission. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7341 RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7342 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Tentative Tract Map CT 2018-0006, Major Review Permit RP 2018-0008, Coastal Development Permit CDP 2018-0032, Hillside Development Permit HDP 2018-0003 and Habitat Management Permit HMP 2018-0003 to the City Council, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Site/Setting: The 0.75-acre project site is located at 570-580 Laguna Drive on the north side of the street adjacent to the Buena Vista Lagoon. Approximately one-half of the parcel along the east side is presently developed. Existing development consists of a 1,600-square-foot one-story medical office building fronting on Laguna Drive, an existing one-story single-family residence overlooking the Buena Vista Lagoon, and an asphalt parking lot with approximately nine parking stalls located between the buildings. 2 0 CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 2 The elevation of the parcel ranges from approximately five feet above mean sea level (MSL) nearest the lagoon up to approximately 45 feet above MSL at Laguna Drive. Topographically, the development area of the site is relatively flat. The northern portion of the property is bounded by an inland bluff that descends to the Buena Vista Lagoon at a gradient approaching 1¼:1 (horizontal to vertical) for approximately 40 vertical feet. The only sensitive habitat on the site is a small patch (0.01 acres) of Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh that lies along the north/northwest edge of the parcel adjacent to the lagoon. The area chosen for development has been sited on the least environmentally-sensitive portion of the parcel. The subject property is within the Residential Support Area (Land Use District 4) of the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual (VMP) as well as the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program. The project site is also located within the appeals area of the Coastal Zone and the city’s decision on the project may be appealed to the California Coastal Commission. Table “A” below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. TABLE A – SITE AND SURROUNDING LAND USE Location General Plan Zoning Current Land Use Site Village (V) Village Review (V-R) One-family residential and medical office uses (one-story construction). North Open Space (OS) / R-4 Residential Open Space (OS) / R-1-10,000 Buena Vista Lagoon open space preserve area. South V V-R Multiple-family residential (three-story construction). East Office (O) / R-15 Residential Office (O) / Residential Density- Multiple (RD-M) Office and single-family residential uses (one-story construction). West V V-R Office (one-story construction). Project Description: The project applicant is requesting approval of a Tentative Tract Map (CT), Village Review Permit (RP), Coastal Development Permit (CDP), Hillside Development Permit (HDP) and Habitat Management Permit (HMP) to allow for the demolition of all existing structures onsite followed by the construction of 13 detached single-family residential airspace condominium units with rear yard exclusive use areas. Each unit is three stories tall with Units 1-9 providing roof decks oriented toward the Buena Vista Lagoon. Units 10-13 are not proposing any roof decks. Table “B” below includes a detailed breakdown of each unit. TABLE B – DETAILS FOR UNIT TYPE Unit Size (Gross SF) Size (Habitable Space) Bedroom/Bathrooms Garage Decks & Balconies 1 2,580 2,246 4 / 4.5 2-car 1,020 SF 2 1,906 1,610 3 / 3 2-car 270 SF 3 1,906 1,610 3 / 3 2-car 270 SF 4 1,906 1,610 3 / 3 2-car 270 SF CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 3 TABLE B – DETAILS FOR UNIT TYPE (CONTINUED) Unit Size (Gross SF) Size (Habitable Space) Bedroom/Bathrooms Garage Decks & Balconies 5 1,906 1,610 3 / 3 2-car 270 SF 6 1,906 1,610 3 / 3 2-car 270 SF 7 1,906 1,610 3 / 3 2-car 270 SF 8 1,906 1,610 3 / 3 2-car 270 SF 9 1,846 1,550 3 / 3 2-car 273 SF 10 1,950 1,652 3 / 3 2-car 131 SF 11 1,892 1,594 3 / 3 2-car 92 SF 12 1,892 1,594 3 / 3 2-car 92 SF 13 2,881 2,507 4 / 3.5 with mezzanine 2-car 385 SF A single driveway constructed of permeable pavers will provide direct access from Laguna Drive down the center of the development to each residential unit. Primary building materials consist of western red cedar vertical siding stained in a natural light gray color, dark gray composition shingle roof, dark bronze metal window frames, dark metal panel roll up garage doors (color to match window frames) and glass balcony railings. The proposed architecture is influenced by homes built in the Sea Ranch community set along northern California’s Sonoma County coastline. Each residential unit provides a garage that accommodates two cars through the use of a mechanical lift. The project is satisfying its inclusionary housing obligation through the purchase of two (2) affordable housing credits within the Tavarua senior affordable apartment project. The subdivision of land will consist of a two-lot subdivision, one lot for open space and the other for the proposed residential units. A 25-foot-wide public access easement within the open space parcel is also proposed for future public access along the lagoon edge. Project grading includes 183 cubic yards of cut, 99 cubic yards of fill, 84 cubic yards of export, and 618 cubic yards of remedial (three feet removal and recompaction under the building areas) with a volume of grading of 398 cubic yards per acre. III. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, standards, and policies: A. Village (V) General Plan Land Use Designation; B. Village Review (V-R) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.35), Land Use District 4 – Residential Support Area (Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual); C. Local Coastal Program (Mello II Segment); Coastal Resources Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203); and Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.204); D. Subdivision Ordinance (CMC Title 20); E. Hillside Development Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.95); F. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85); G. Habitat Management Plan (CMC Chapter 21.210); and H. Growth Management Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.90), Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 1. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in the following sections. CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 4 A. General Plan The subject property has a General Plan Land Use designation of Village (V). As discussed in the Carlsbad Village Master Plan & Design Manual (VMP), properties within the Village Area do not have an assigned residential density as it relates to Growth Management Plan compliance. Therefore, the minimum and maximum densities for residential development are established in the VMP. Table “C” below identifies the project site’s gross and net acreages, the permissible density range for properties located within Land Use District 4, and the number of dwelling units and project density that is being proposed. TABLE C – PROPOSED DENSITY Gross Acres Net Acres Allowable Density Range; Min/Max Dwelling Units per Village Master Plan Project Density; Proposed Dwelling units 0.75 0.46 28-35 du/ac; 12-16 dwelling units 28.3 du/ac; 13 dwelling units Pursuant to the Housing Element of the General Plan, because a Growth Management Control Point has not been established for residential development in the Village, all residential units approved in the Village must be withdrawn from the City’s Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. The City’s Excess Dwelling Unit Bank is implemented through City Council Policy No. 43. Pursuant to City Council Policy No. 43, an applicant requesting an allocation of dwelling units shall agree to provide the number of inclusionary units as required pursuant to CMC Section 21.85.050 and shall execute an affordable housing agreement prior to recordation of the final map pursuant to CMC Section 21.85.140. As discussed in Section F below, the proposal to purchase two (2) affordable housing credits is consistent with the inclusionary housing requirements as set forth in City Council Policy No. 43. In addition, the project is accordingly-conditioned to require the execution of the affordable housing agreement prior to approval of the final map. In approving a request for an allocation of excess dwelling units, the project shall meet the findings identified in City Council Policy No. 43. Specifically, the project location and density shall be found to be compatible with adjacent land uses and applicable provisions of the General Plan and other applicable planning documents. As discussed in the attached Planning Commission Resolution No. 7342, the proposed project meets these findings. As the proposed project requires approval from City Council, the City Council is the final decision-making authority for the allocation from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. In addition to the above, the project complies with the various Elements of the General Plan as outlined in Table “D” below: CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 5 TABLE D – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT GOAL/POLICY PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY Land Use & Community Design Goal 2-G.30 - Develop a distinct identity for the Village by encouraging a variety of uses and activities, such as a mix of residential, commercial office, restaurants and specialty retail shops, which traditionally locate in a pedestrian–oriented downtown area and attract visitors and residents from across the community by creating a lively, interesting social environment. The proposal to construct 13 residential condominiums would enhance the vitality of the Village by providing new residential land uses near the downtown core area. The project reinforces the pedestrian orientation desired for the downtown area by providing residents an opportunity to walk to shopping, restaurants, recreation, and mass transit functions. The project’s proximity to existing bus routes and mass transit help further the goal of providing new economic development near transportation corridors. Overall, the residential project provides a higher quality residential support use which will contribute toward the revitalization of the Village area in general and reinforces the Village area north of Beech Street as a quality residential neighborhood. Yes Policy 2-P.70 - Seek an increased presence of both residents and activity in the Village with new development, particularly residential, including residential as part of a mixed-use development, as well as commercial, entertainment and cultural uses that serve both residents and visitors. Mobility Policy 3-P.5 - Require developers to construct or pay their fair share toward improvements for all travel modes consistent with the Mobility Element, the Growth Management Plan, and specific impacts associated with their development. The proposed project has been designed to meet circulation requirements, which include maintaining or enhancing frontage improvements consisting of sidewalks and landscaping. In addition, the applicant is required to pay traffic impact fees prior to the issuance of building permits that would go toward future road improvements. Yes CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 6 TABLE D – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT GOAL/POLICY PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY Mobility Goal 3-G.2 - Improve connectivity for residents, visitors and businesses. Laguna Drive can accommodate the estimated average daily trips (ADTs) in that the proposed project generates 12 fewer ADTs than the combined existing uses. The proposed project is also located approximately one-third of a mile from the Carlsbad Village train station, which provides rail and bus service throughout the day. The project’s proximity to the transit station would provide residents with the opportunity to commute to major job centers, thereby reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMTs) and the carbon footprint. Lastly, the project proposes a landscaped frontage with street trees to further accentuate an already inviting neighborhood streetscape and also supports walkability and mobility by locating near existing goods and services within the Village. Yes Goal 3-G.3 - Provide inviting streetscapes that encourage walking and promote livable streets. Open Space & Conservation Goal 4-G.3 - Protect environmentally sensitive lands, wildlife habitats, and rare, threatened or endangered plant and animal communities. A Biological Technical Report (BTR) was prepared for the site and determined that there will be impacts to 0.09 acres of disturbed land (Habitat Group F). Impacts to Habitat Group F will be satisfied through payment of an in-lieu fee. No impacts will occur to 0.01 acres of onsite Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh (Habitat Group A) in that the project has been designed to include a 100-foot wetland buffer, all of which is located in an open space lot separate from the development area. Yes Policy 4-P.9 - Maintain and implement the city’s Habitat Management Plan (HMP), including the requirement that all development projects comply with the HMP and related documents. Require assessments of biological resources prior to approval of any development on sites with sensitive habitat. CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 7 TABLE D – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT GOAL/POLICY PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY Open Space & Conservation Policy 4-P.58 - Require developments to incorporate structural and non-structural best management practices (BMPs) to mitigate or reduce the projected increases in pollutant loads. Do not allow post-development runoff from a site that would cause or contribute to an exceedance of receiving water quality objectives or has not been reduced to the maximum extent practicable. The project will adhere to the city's Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, BMP Design Manual and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) to avoid increased urban runoff, pollutants, and soil erosion. Yes Goal 4-G.8 - Coordinate the planning of park facilities and trails with other recreation- oriented land uses such as open space. The project is conditioned to require an irrevocable offer of dedication for a 25- foot-wide lateral public access easement through private property per the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program. Policy 4-P.43 - Obtain an irrevocable offer to dedicate or a permanent easement for multi-use trails on privately owned property where feasible, and where trails are proposed as part of the Carlsbad trail system. CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 8 TABLE D – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT GOAL/POLICY PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY Noise Goal 5-G.2 - Ensure that new development is compatible with the noise environment, by continuing to use potential noise exposure as a criterion in land use planning. The project will not result in exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the City’s General Plan or Noise Guidelines Manual. The proposed residential subdivision is located outside the 60 dB(A) CNEL noise contour as indicated in the City of Carlsbad’s General Plan Noise Element and Noise Guidelines Manual (Carlsbad Future Noise Exposure Contours Map, forecast year 2035). A Noise Technical Report (Dudek, September 2018) confirmed the above, but also identified some short-term (i.e., temporary) noise impacts during construction and long-term operational noise impacts that may occur from HVAC mechanical noise associated with new residential development. Mitigation measures addressing both the short- and long-term noise impacts from the project are included in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and reduce impacts to a less-than-significant level. Yes CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 9 TABLE D – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT GOAL/POLICY PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY Public Safety Goal 6-G.1 - Minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to property resulting from fire, flood, hazardous material release, or seismic disasters. The proposed structural improvements are required to meet all seismic design standards and will include fire sprinklers for each unit. Additionally, Units 1-6, which are located adjacent to open space and Buena Vista Lagoon, are conditioned to employ under deck/patio fire sprinklers. The project is also required to develop and implement a program of “best management practices” for the elimination and reduction of pollutants which enter and/or are transported within storm drainage facilities and has been conditioned to pay all applicable public facilities fees for Zone 1. Yes Policy 6-P.6 - Enforce the requirements of Titles 18, 20, and 21 pertaining to drainage and flood control when reviewing applications for building permits and subdivisions. Policy 6-P.34 - Enforce the Uniform Building and Fire codes, adopted by the city, to provide fire protection standards for all existing and proposed structures. Policy 6-P.39 - Ensure all new development complies with all applicable regulations regarding the provision of public utilities and facilities. CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 10 TABLE D – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT GOAL/POLICY PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY Housing Policy 10-P.15 - Pursuant to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, require affordability for lower income households of a minimum of 15 percent of all residential ownership and qualifying rental projects. As 13 units are proposed, not less than 15 percent of the total units, or two (2) units, shall be constructed and restricted both as to occupancy and affordability to lower-income households. Pursuant to CMC Section 21.85.070, when new construction is determined to be infeasible or presents a hardship, alternatives to the construction of units onsite include a contribution to a special needs housing project or program. On April 28, 2018, the city’s Housing Policy Team recommended approval of the applicant’s request to purchase two (2) affordable housing credits from the Tavarua senior affordable apartments located in the Northwest Quadrant of the city. The project has been conditioned to enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement prior to the approval of the final map. The Agreement will require the developer to purchase two (2) affordable housing credits within the Tavarua senior affordable apartments at time of building permit issuance. Yes B. Village Review (V-R) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.35), Land Use District 4 – Residential Support Area (Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual) The subject property is located within Land Use District 4 – Residential Support Area, of the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual (VMP). Single-family dwellings are a permitted use. The specific development standards for new development within Land Use District 4 and the project’s compliance with these standards are shown in Table “E” below: TABLE E – VMP, LAND USE DISTRICT 4, RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT AREA STANDARD REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED COMPLY Setback: Side Yard No minimum or maximum East ^ŝĚĞ͗ϭ഻-ϮϹШЉ഼ƚŽϭϴ഻-23ШЉ഼ tĞƐƚ^ŝĚĞ͗ϯ഻-ϹШЉ഼ƚŽϭϰ഻ Yes Setback: Front Yard (from Laguna Drive) 10-foot average setback for all floors, including the ground floor. 10-foot average Yes CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 11 TABLE E – VMP, LAND USE DISTRICT 4, RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT AREA (CONTINUED) STANDARD REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED COMPLY Setback: Rear Yard No minimum or maximum. шϯϳ഻-ϵЩЉ഼ Yes Open Space: 20% = 4,008 sq. ft. 6,727 sq. ft. Yes Open space may be public or private and may be dedicated to landscaped planters, open space pockets and/or connections, roof gardens/patios, balconies, other patios and outdoor eating areas. Ground level decks: 816 sq. ft. 2nd and 3rd level decks: 686 sq. ft. Roof Decks: 2,460 sq. ft. Planters/landscape: 2,765 sq. ft. The project also includes an additional 0.26 acres of Open Space set aside in proposed Lot 2 not counted in the above figure. Building Coverage: 100% 32% Building Coverage = 10,025 sq. ft. Gross Acreage = 31,344 sq. ft Yes Building Height: 45 ft. maximum ϰϬ഻-ϭЩ2഼ƚŽϰϱ഻ Yes Roof Pitch 50% of the total roof (per property) must have a 5:12 roof pitch. 5:12 roof pitch 52% to 100% coverage per unit Yes Property Line Walls/Fences: 6 ft. max 6 ft. Yes Parking Required number of spaces: 2 spaces per unit Minimum Interior dimension: Two-ĐĂƌŐĂƌĂŐĞ͗ϮϬ഻džϮϬ഻ One-ĐĂƌŐĂƌĂŐĞ͗ϭϮ഻džϮϬ഻ 2 spaces per unit One-ĐĂƌŐĂƌĂŐĞϭϮ഻džϮϬ഻ǁŝƚŚ mechanical lift. Minimum ceiling height provided ϭϮ഻ƉĞƌůŝĨƚŵĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌĞƌ͛Ɛ recommendations. Yes Density 28-35 dwelling units/acre 28.3 dwelling units/acre Yes Pursuant to the Village Master Plan, a village scale and character should be emphasized for all future development and property improvements to reinforce Carlsbad Village’s uniqueness, enhance its impact as a shopping and entertainment destination and improve its livability as a mixed-use residential environment. The following ten basic design principles are utilized in the design review process for property improvements and new construction in the Village. The Planning Commission shall be satisfied that the applicant has made an honest effort to conform to each of these principles. CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 12 1. Development shall have an overall informal character: While the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual (VMP) does not define “informal character,” the standards in Land Use District 4 (Residential Support Area) includes allowance for up to 45-foot-tall buildings, a density of up to 35 dwelling units per acre, and limited setbacks, including a zero-foot setback along the side and rear property lines. The VMP permits by right single-family, multiple-family, and mixed- use (residential and commercial) residential developments in this district; and the intent of this district is to provide for a mix of higher quality commercial and residential uses which will provide positive support for Land Use District 1 (Village Center) and reinforce the Village Area north of Beech Street as a quality residential neighborhood. Surrounding properties are currently designated as either Village (V), R-4 Residential, R-15 Residential, or Open Space (OS) on the General Plan Land Use Map. Surrounding development includes the Buena Vista Lagoon and one-story single-family residential to the north, three-story multiple-family residential to the south; office and one-story single-family residential development to the east; and office to the west. Along Laguna Drive, existing land uses consist of a mix of one-to-three-story residential development in both attached and detached configurations. Various office and commercial uses are intermittently mixed in along the street. Architecturally, the character of Laguna Drive can be described as informal and varied, with enclaves of higher density developments expressing Spanish Mission, Santa Barbara, and Coastal Contemporary designs. Given the existing setting and development standards, an environment is established which encourages larger, more intense development of various character and design. For those properties with the same designation and developed with office and multiple-family residential uses located to the south and west, the proposed three-story tall detached residential condominium units are compatible. For those existing residentially designated properties that are adjacent to the proposed development on the north and east sides and that are also located outside of the VMP boundaries, the proposed residential use is compatible with the existing residential uses. To enhance the projects compatibility with adjacent single-family residential, the project development is being set back approximately 10 feet along the majority of the east property line where a zero-foot setback is allowed. The project is also set back over 34 feet from the north residential property line and is plotting Units 10-13 at an off-angle in order to provide for greater depth, articulation and visual interest. The 5:12 roof pitch for the majority of the structures is oriented downward toward the east property line so as to reduce massing at the property lines. For those properties designated as OS, the development footprint for the project has been set back 100 feet from all wetlands. Additionally, all portions of the property that are encumbered by the 100-foot-wide wetland buffer have been placed into a separate open space lot which is further protected by an open space easement as conditioned. The project will also restore disturbed areas, or areas of non-native habitat, with native habitat where there was development previously. The proposed architecture, which is themed after the “Sea Ranch” development located along California’s north coast will add to the informal architectural character of the neighborhood and the proposed natural western red cedar used as the primary building material will blend well with the natural environment along the Buena Vista Lagoon. 2. Architectural design shall emphasize variety and diversity: The project design, amongst the Laguna Drive setting, emphasizes variety and diversity by introducing a new unique architectural style to the neighborhood that is not currently developed along this street. Furthermore, the project’s architectural design emphasizes variation and diversity through a combination of flat and multi-directional 5:12 pitched roof elements, and the off-angle plotting of the units in CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 13 relationship to the street and neighboring side yards provides for greater articulation, setback and visual interest when compared to other existing neighborhood developments. 3. Development shall be small in scale: The proposed units are small in scale in comparison to other existing single-family developments within the immediate vicinity. 4. Intensity of development shall be encouraged: The project is consistent with this principle in that it is developed pursuant to the standards of Land Use District 4, which includes density, setbacks, building coverage, height and open space. 5. All development shall have a strong relationship to the street: The project design includes the use of visually-interesting high quality façade materials consisting of western red cedar wood vertical siding stained in a natural light gray color, and contrasted by dark gray composition shingle roofs, dark bronze metal window frames, dark metal panel roll up garage doors (color to match window frames) and glass balcony railings. Additionally, the off-angle plotting of the units provides for greater building articulation, setback relief, landscape opportunities, and architectural interest at the ground floor. The two units most proximate to Laguna Drive each provide their primary entries facing the street. A proposed second floor balcony and roof deck overlooking Laguna Drive also assist in activating this street frontage. 6. A strong emphasis shall be placed on the design of ground floor facades: See discussion for #5 above. 7. Buildings shall be enriched with architectural features and details: Primary building materials consist of western red cedar wood vertical siding stained in a natural light gray color, and contrasted by dark gray composition shingle roofs, dark bronze metal window frames, dark metal panel roll up garage doors (color to match window frames) and glass balcony railings. 8. Landscaping shall be an important component in the architectural design: Landscaping is proposed at the front yard entry of each unit and along the Laguna Drive. Street trees are proposed within the common lot area and public right-of-way along the Laguna Drive project frontage as well as within the front yard areas of those units that can easily accommodate one. The rear yard exclusive use areas for those lots not directly fronting on the lagoon also include trees. 9. Parking shall be visually subordinated: The proposed parking is visually subordinate in that all of the parking spaces are located out of sight within two-car garages with automatic garage doors. 10. Signage shall be appropriate to village character: No signage is proposed with the project. A separate sign permit will be required to allow any proposed signage. CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 14 In summary, given the surrounding land uses and the existing standards in the VMP, the project generally meets the intent of the VMP. High intensity development is encouraged through the implementation of the existing standards in Land Use District 4. C. Local Coastal Program (Mello II Segment); Coastal Resources Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203); and Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.204) The project site is located within the appeals area of the Coastal Zone and within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). The site is also located within and subject to the Coastal Resources Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203) and the Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.204) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC). The project’s compliance with the LCP and overlay zones is discussed below: 1. Mello II Segment of the Certified Local Coastal Program and all applicable policies The subject site has an LCP Land Use designation of Village (V). The Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual (VMP) is the current implementing zoning document for the V Land Use designation within the Coastal Zone. The project site, located within District 4 (Residential Support Area), allows single-family dwellings at 28 to 35 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). The project is proposing 13 detached single-family condominiums at 28.3 du/ac, which is consistent with the V Land Use designation and density regulations. The policies of the Mello II Segment also emphasize topics such as preservation of agriculture and scenic resources, protection of environmentally sensitive resources, provision of shoreline access and prevention of geologic instability and erosion. The project is consistent with the LCP Land Use policies as follows: a) the property is not identified as an active “Map X - Designated Coastal Agricultural Lands” site and therefore, is not required to be preserved nor is it subject to an agricultural conversion mitigation fee; b) the development does not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or public rights-of-way; c) the project is consistent with the City of Carlsbad HMP, which has been developed so as to implement and be consistent with all provisions of the LCP; d) the project will adhere to the city's Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, BMP Design Manual and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) to avoid increased urban runoff, pollutants, and soil erosion; e) the site is geologically stable and the proposed grading for the site has been limited to the area necessary to develop the site; and f) the project has been conditioned in accordance with the LCP to provide a 25-foot-wide lateral public access along the Buena Vista Lagoon in the form of an irrevocable offer of dedication. 2. Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone The development is subject to the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203). The Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone identifies five areas of protection: a) preservation of steep slopes and vegetation; b) drainage, erosion, sedimentation, habitat; c) landslides and slope instability; d) seismic hazards, and e) floodplain development. The project’s compliance with each of these areas of concern is discussed below: a. Preservation of Steep Slopes and Vegetation. Slopes greater than 25 percent and possessing endangered plant/animal species and/or coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities are considered “dual criteria” slopes and are protected in the Coastal Zone. The project site does not contain any “dual criteria” slopes. CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 15 b. Drainage, Erosion, Sedimentation, Habitat. Topographic and vegetation mapping and analysis was prepared as part of the project. Wetland boundaries were identified, and a 100-foot buffer area has been provided between the wetland area and the edge of development to buffer sensitive habitat areas from intrusion. Project grading has been designed to match the historical drainage pattern of the site, with the exception of grading for the footprint of the condominium units. Stormwater runoff generated from the roofs of the units, driveways and yard area will be directed away from the lagoon and toward Laguna Drive to the maximum extent practicable. The project driveway utilizes permeable pavers to reduce off-site runoff. All other drainage will be routed through vegetated basins to eliminate pollutants of concern before entering an existing 36-inch storm drain facility in the street. The total post development runoff discharging from the site will not exceed the pre-development amounts. Through implementation of the recommended site design and source control BMPs, post-construction impacts to water quality will be mitigated to an acceptable level. c. Seismic Hazards, Landslides and Slope Instability. The Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation (Coastal Geotechnical, April 4, 2018), identifies that ground surface rupture as a result of an earthquake or seismic event is not likely to occur at the site; landslides or other forms of existing slope instability are not indicated within the project terrain; and liquefaction and soil instability is considered low. The report concludes, from a geologic and soils engineering point of view, that the site is suitable for the proposed development. By following the recommendations contained within the referenced report, the site is suitable for the proposed project, and will not expose people or structures to geotechnical-related hazards. d. Flood Plain Development. The foundation for the lowest portion of structure is located approximately 45 ft. above MSL. No new structures or fill are being proposed within a one- hundred-year floodplain area. 3. Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone The Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.204) is applicable to all areas within the Mello II Segment of the Carlsbad LCP located between the sea and the first public road parallel to the sea. The subject site is located between the Buena Vista Lagoon and Laguna Drive. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone. No portion of the proposed single-family residences have been sited any further seaward then those allowed by a line drawn between the adjacent structures to the east and west. Furthermore, an irrevocable offer of dedication for a 25-foot-wide lateral public access way is labeled on the project exhibit upland of the environmentally sensitive areas and has also been made a condition of approval in order to provide the public with the right of lateral access along the Buena Vista Lagoon edge. D. Subdivision Ordinance (CMC Title 20) Land Development Engineering has reviewed the proposed Tentative Tract Map and has concluded that the proposed subdivision, as conditioned, complies with all applicable requirements of the General Plan, Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual (VMP), Titles 20 and 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, and the State Subdivision Map Act. In addition, the design of the subdivision and the required improvements will not conflict with easements of record or easements established by court judgment, or acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. All easements have been identified and none are affected by the proposed subdivision. CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 16 E. Hillside Development Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.95) A Hillside Development Permit is required for the subdivision because the property contains slopes of 15 percent and greater with elevation differentials greater than 15 feet. The purpose of this permit is to review the proposed development for conformance with the Hillside Development Regulations (CMC Chapter 21.95). The development proposal is in conformance with the purpose and intent of this chapter as well as the other provisions of the regulations and meets all the requirements of the Hillside Development Regulations. The project is also consistent with the Hillside Development and Design Guidelines. Hillside conditions of the project have been properly identified on the constraints map, which show existing and proposed conditions and slope percentages. New development is set back away from the top of slope at a 0.7-foot horizontal distance for each 1.0 foot of vertical building height. No slopes greater than 15 percent are being impacted and no manufactured slopes are being proposed. Additionally, the proposed development does not occur in undevelopable portions of the site pursuant to provisions of Section 21.53.230 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The site does not contain any beaches, significant riparian or woodland habitats, major power transmission easements or railroad track beds. For those portions of the site nearest the lagoon edge and containing permanent bodies of water, floodways, significant wetlands or natural slopes with an inclination of greater than 40 percent, these undevelopable portions of the site have been avoided by development and are being protected within a separate open space lot. The grading design minimizes the volume of grading (398 cubic yards per acre) to an “acceptable” level (0 to 7,999 cubic yards per acre). No manufactured slopes are proposed, and the fencing proposed near the top of the slope consists of an open type design (i.e., 42-inch tall clear glass fence) so as not to visually extend the height of the slope. F. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85) The proposed project involves the creation of 13 residential dwelling units through a subdivision and must provide affordable housing to lower-income households as specified in the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85). For residential development of seven or more units, not less than fifteen percent of the total units approved shall be constructed and restricted both as to occupancy and affordability to lower-income households. This 13-unit project is therefore responsible for providing two (2) inclusionary units. The applicant proposes to purchase two (2) inclusionary housing credits from the Tavarua senior affordable apartments located in the Northwest Quadrant of the city. On April 28, 2018, the city’s Housing Policy Team recommended approval of the applicant’s request to purchase two (2) inclusionary housing credits from the Tavarua senior affordable apartments. The project has been conditioned to enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement prior to the approval of the final map. The Agreement will require the developer to purchase two (2) affordable housing credits within the Tavarua senior affordable apartments at the time of building permit issuance. The current cost is $84,000 per affordable housing credit. G. Habitat Management Plan (CMC Chapter 21.210) The City of Carlsbad has an adopted Habitat Management Plan (HMP), which is a comprehensive, citywide, program to identify how the city, in cooperation with the federal and state wildlife agencies, can preserve the diversity of habitat and protect sensitive biological resources within the city while allowing for CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 17 additional development consistent with the City’s General Plan and its Growth Management Plan. In so doing, the Plan is intended to lead to citywide permits and authorization for the incidental take of sensitive species in conjunction with private development projects, public projects, and other activities, which are found to be consistent with the Plan. The project site is located along the southern shore of the Buena Vista Lagoon. The surrounding environment on all sides of the subject parcel except for the lagoon side is developed with existing single- family, multi-family and small office development. The City of Carlsbad’s Habitat Management Plan (HMP) identifies the Buena Vista Lagoon as an Existing Hardline Preserve Area. The HMP identifies the subject property as Development Area. The HMP conservation goals require conservation of the majority of sensitive habitats in or contiguous with biological core areas, including a no-net-loss of wetland habitat, and preservation of coastal sage scrub (CSS) and maritime succulent scrub adjacent to lagoons. The HMP requires additional conservation standards to be applied to properties within the Coastal Zone. The HMP requires a 100-foot buffer from wetlands, and a 20-foot buffer from sensitive native upland habitats (i.e., CSS), between preserved habitats and development. For this project, a Biology Letter Report was prepared by Dudek dated January 15, 2019. According to the report, the site contains three vegetative communities: 0.01 acres of Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh (FM), 0.40 acres of Urban/Developed (DEV) and 0.34 acres of Disturbed Lands (DL). The HMP does not require mitigation for impacts to DEV, no CSS exists on-site, and no other upland habitat exists on-site that would necessitate a 20-foot buffer. The project design avoids and minimizes impacts to wildlife habitat and species of concern to the maximum extent practicable. The residential development is proposed on the least environmentally sensitive portion of the site consisting of HMP Group-F (DL) habitat and all development observes a 100- foot setback from wetlands, namely the Buena Vista Lagoon, which is identified in Figure 28 of the approved HMP as an Existing Hardline Conservation Area. A small patch of HMP Group-A (FM) habitat, which is located along the northern portions of the site near the lagoon edge, is within the 100-foot wetland buffer and is further protected by a proposed open space lot and future easement as conditioned. In order to prevent negative effects on the lagoon and the FM habitat, mitigation measures have been included with the project to address the interface between the proposed development and the lagoon, which includes the 100-foot buffer, fencing, fire management, erosion control, landscaping restrictions and exotic species control. No take of species of concern is proposed or anticipated. Impacts to 0.09 acres of HMP Group-F (DL) habitat will be mitigated through payment of habitat in-lieu fees. H. Growth Management Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.90), Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 1 The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the Northwest Quadrant of the city. The impacts on public facilities created by the project with its net increase of 12 dwelling units, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table “F” below. TABLE F – GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE City Administration 42.44 sq. ft. Yes Library 22.63 sq. ft. Yes Waste Water Treatment 12 EDUs (Equivalent Dwelling Units) Yes Parks 0.08 acres Yes Drainage 6,660 GPD (Gallons Per Day) / Drainage Basin “A” Yes CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018-0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION July 17, 2019 Page 18 TABLE F – GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE Circulation Existing: 90 ADT (Average Daily Trips) Proposed: 78 ADT Net decrease: 12 ADT Yes Fire Station 1 Yes Open Space 0.26 acres (Lot2) Yes Schools Carlsbad (E = 2.21/M = 1.27/H = 1.73) Yes Sewer Collection System 2,640 GPD Yes Water 6,600 GPD Yes Properties located within the boundaries of the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual (VMP) do not have a Growth Management Control Point or an allocation for dwelling units. Based upon the 0.46 net developable acres onsite, and a density range of 28 to 35 dwelling units per acre per the VMP, between 13 and 16 units may be built onsite. Therefore, as 13 units are proposed, a total of 12 units (net unit increase on-site) are proposed to be deducted from the City’s Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. Pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 7342, the allocation from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank can be supported. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, staff conducted an environmental impact assessment to determine if the project could have any potentially significant impact on the environment. The environmental impact assessment identified potentially significant impacts to Biological Resources, Cultural/Paleontological Resources, Hazards/Hazardous Materials, Noise, and Tribal Cultural Resources. Mitigation measures were incorporated into the design of the project or are included in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program such that all potentially significant impacts will be mitigated to below a level of significance. A Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) was published in the newspaper and sent to the State Clearinghouse (SCH#2019039030) for public review. The requisite 30-day public review period for the MND occurred from March 6, 2019 to April 5, 2019. At the end of the 30-day public review period no comments were received. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7341 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7342 3. Location Map 4. Disclosure Statement 5. Reduced Exhibits 6. Public Correspondence 7. Exhibits “A” – “U” dated July 17, 2019 BUENA VISTA LAGOON BUENA VISTA LAGOON S TA T E S T LAGUNA DR CARLSBADBLROOS E V E L T S TBUENAVIS T A C R MADISON STPRIVATESTCT 2018-0006 / RP 2018-0008 / CDP 2018-0032 HDP 2018-0003 / HMP 2018-0003 Laguna Drive Subdivision SITE MAP SITE E L C AMINO RE ALLA COSTA AV A L G A R DCARLSBAD BL ATTACHMENT 3 NOT TO SCALE ATTACHMENT 4 (cicyof Carlsbad DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1(A) ---·--.· .. - Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov MAY ®3 2018 Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be. reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Brett Farrow Corp/Part. ___________ _ Title Architect Title -------------- Address 125 Mozart Ave. Cardiff CA 92007 Address ___________ _ 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) P-1(A) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (~ se~arate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Virginia H. Murphy l/1,.U '-/fl0) Corp/Part ____________ _ Title 1;u«;ii;[( ( //fl 111/J '--Title ________ _ Address 1737 Rogue Isle Ct. Address -------------- Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 1 of 2 Revised 07 /1 O 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profitrrrust ___ -,--____ Non Profitrrrust ~ Title __ -+--+---,,-..,.++--.~ Title ___ /L--t-1/_&/-F-r-{~r/_fflt1 __ Address _____ _,__,f---1.----i--_.,_-'---Address ___ ~_V--;-_T _____ _ 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? "'~ D Yes ~ No If yes, please indicate person(s): __________ _ \ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Sign ,,.-.--\ Virginia H. Murphy {~-iffi1) Print or type name of owner Brett Farrow Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Brett Farrow Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1 (A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07/10 ATTACHMENT 5 570-580 LAGUNA DRIV,E EXTERIOR ELEVATION FROM LAGUNA DRIVE SYMBOL LEGEND A LOflEftPOlfllON~lllGA-reli.'1i~NIIMilER /.!::):,, -t.L.sECTICl(REFElle«:E LFPERl'IOR'IUlNINDICATSIICETlllLNIAll!l!'l'I ==•:;:::::~:e~ .. , .. ,, .. ,. .... 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TTlilallli.'jCM./1 ~e-ell,t:f.UD1l5 [aH)HN.IIZI. sntUCl"\JJW.. Olfll:le■llo'lall;:IIIIICOl!llllllleiai-ENGIHEl!!ll· Z02lllltlllm~illl.ffl'Ea &.IDJl■O,CAffl10 1&1•1~ ENYll!ONWENTAL Dllltlk C..Fa......,__ IIISThlldlllllt -""""" {11Dl■•»1a INDEX TO DRAWINGS TIO 'ffll..l!!~PIIDJE!Cl"DfJ'il,/VCINITT'MAP "'·- l1JJCONC.EPTIJ .... LHIDCAPEPI.AN L1.I C0NCl!Jl1'\IAI.I.ANDSC:,,,P£PI.ANfLEllEMDo'NlllEB LU ~All,U,IJITENANIZll5P'ONl51IIILIT't~BT UJJ C0NCEP'NALWI.TEII.OONSERVATION JI\AN u.1 CCNCiPTUAL.Wll.ffJIIC0HSERVAnOhlWDIIK8ffEETI U-0 C0NCEP1bAl.f-lLLEIDEDEVELDPl!efTPLAN U.1 caJ«:EPJUJIL<ILL51DESLOPE1'ftQFILES R1.0 VtEl'I..AND5EIUFF'ERRESTORA110MlMIDICAl'EF'I.AN -""-TM-tTf!NT.t.Tl'llf:~PlfO.JtCTlro!FQ TM•ZOE¥0Lmctf&IJllUTlB5PtAN TU-3 l>AEI.Jlollhlil,A.VGRAOINGl"V,H VICINITY MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~pra~r1tlleCilyelC11rllbld,c:a...t(.rS111CilOO, ~•fCi~d..«,■dnlblk!M: ffl!WTElll.'!'1211.ml'l!!TMEASUllftlllLOtlGMNDffll LHC!l-l..AQtiA,IJIIMDFlm:l'lll.JJJNINC.D~Elll'KDl'UTY: =.i=.~~~~~~~i=i~~· IMffl~Oll.lfl'YDFS~OlfljC,STJ,TEOfCAURIRNIA,,C.a.DDllii mUllllmS"T.1,fflGl'.IVEIINl"l:HTSl.lll.~APl'IIIDVEOJ'JNEU,1113 BRETT FARROW ARCHITECT, INC. 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF, CA 92007 DRCOlll'OU.-.-l'Olll-!'I.IMlm• _,_..._"'1T1llll'IIIIT"TIN --dl'lll£TIF•- □-• F· _...,, BF. sETISSIJEI> PflELIMREVleN 11.llliM7 U"'1TM.SET ,...,, l'I.ANNIN:3 MEETING """"' HOUSIHGF'ClUCV MEETING '"""' RE~TT,t,LSET """"' RESI.IIMITTALSET "''"'' RESLIIMITTAL SET 11/ll/1! RESUE11,111TIJ_:E" 01/1~11 RESl.111,ITT~ SET 0,008/19 F!ESUBl,ITTAI.SET ll!JCIJ/U ~JECl"NO.: 1705.01 SHEETTITlE: nl\.ESIEET SHEET~.: T1.0 TOPOGRAPHIC PLAT A>W· /j5-2lh11 J,/_f'J,ll(VJ ____ ..,,. ---~-~~--~-- l!Jil Af'Ji: !!.'>-J?!-IJ J/W: 1:5-]2.'-U R/tt' i"f , .. ,-.,-~,~ Ill' N l~.tl~•3 L'."JI l<11 •• ,,11 lllll'Jtllll-Wlll OJnT: l/il£Trl.l..'b JnT.uatm~.c~I( AmDl1HI.Uai.Kll: J!$.:..,•:-t1 ff;tjr:Jt"llltf1 /VIM fl" Wf l )nr,Q' I rolllrW-11 5').il( f6~"1fJ:lfhBf'" rJ CC.'iW !lir'rlr C'".11:lCl IW/r '" t\.4'-M-lt,VU, !:!EVAtnf i;,;t• wa, I fill."1:9,. •JI< !l:.WC • i!'IT.N'H 'i'!ilifl' !Y.f!li Gti~U!P.l ~.'.j ~~~.4£WW,Wm:lr.FIUo..'lL!«l¥!JS. i. ,MlM.\W:Ht'll.'IJ.i/!:'MlfAS¥1,ll<l'tU81i£lllW,~ EAST NORTti/WEST .., ___ ,_,.. t•llllf ::~• IJ.W'1D'lllll.•21CI· ...... ··-••40• •1r,,&l'TOrAL•IIII• TOUl.NlrA9i,..2111'•1:JI IF IJ-1f'•21Qlll-(2ftl •11J~•·• .. {na:t @SITE PHOTOS LAGUNA DRIVE @~.~~NT SETBACK EXHIBIT SOUTM/EASl EXIST. BI.DG. ,I / .,,, {,, ------~' "'" -- _,;i_,,.. ... ,(;1MD(1.&$--._ -n•,-~-.. tfU1 .. .,...M_ .,......,.,......,._r i / / ,/ EXl(T "" .. ':.'.- ( BR E TT FAR R O W ARCHITECT, INC. 12:!i MOZART AVE. CARDIFF,CA920)7 >U.-.--..-"""''_,.,. .... _,r ----If-Ml ___ " ... _..._ U IM!Efate.#111-CIUIIT .. ---~--.., .... _ .. _-=-_,.. _ _ T _CP __ _ -~.,..-...WS-tl-nc•~11:t-'t0,,.... __ _ -----..i-_,_.......,..,.,.,...., __ , __ OOW"I\', _ _ .,,_..., """"'' ... 0€0:EQ "· ..,...,.,, PREUMREVEW , ..... ......,,.,., '''"'" ,.,.,.,.,......, ""'"' I-Ol,ls,«;;PCAICT -O'I.C:Stt• RESUIIITTi,l.iET ...,,,, AE~TTAI.E '""'" RESUIM'.TTAl..st'f 1V21111 .......,,Al..., 0111-4/l! lil~'-AilTAI.Z '""'" Rf:l.BWTTA!..9CI' _,, JIIIIO.ECTNO: 17m01 ..mmce: COM!lltlrilNT'SMAP S;JIWl(EJOtl!IT A1.0 I= I' I ~- 0:J D ' ' ' ,_ r BUENA VISTA LAGOON -------- ' '\ " I I I I V ,, t I \ l " l \. 1 ""' ......... Oll':W►W• ==:·:•r -:i.••· IWl'•U-11 •.. "" ....... =;= P-•• •-UNIT l'lff-1,111. ....... "'1111'~,,.., --.s,.,.... •• ., JICIOl'rouL••• i,oop., .. ,.,. ... EXIST. SFD I I I I '\ ' ' '~ " N00~1.-en1,.- ,- @~~~UND LEVEL SITE PLAN ""' ....... ... 5;~ :·:. .. ~1,fH.11' .. ,.. .. =:Ei: ,o,:,,11t110n..•o ....... IIO:ll'_,..tN• IKUlDT"M.>-fff• =~~-.:. '"" ...... .. =~~.= •r•••• _..,. IWf•\INJJ IIIKl)t,.lf. lllJ!;lfllll:l;lloJII. IXtlllnn:M•lllV l!;JOl'TltTal,,W.Zfl' IQQl'f.11'1•-· ""' ~~= ''--•Ill' _,_. CT-1.'"Sf llfl:lll,o•·· IIOCl'~Zl'ISI' Drl:Dll>I.M.-21UJ -fflf••-91' 110an-o-~.-111F ,;&/_-...,...,.,~ @ I 117' I _,.,,_ DRIVE LANE . ; -@ (MUTUAL ACCESS, ~ . ll11LITY & MAINTENANCE ·1 EASEMENT) I -·· 111111'~ ..... , • ., -nrw.-m•IODf :.,";::U.liJ HlfH --· .,_,.., -m• ...... -·· ~-· _,._ lifCD,11111' IIOOl'llla'III' IBIIIOTN.ol:11• 100,-T'D!.-va• ~DUftJJlo-"'11' ... ,, === :::." -s-•.m• .... .,. .. -·· lall'l£aolll' (ICDJ-•■tF ==-:y """ =:: =----~· n-•• IIKU<1,.MIF E•1•• E:~:. ==~IF I I '~ """ liollMIKFilttW QIQlliOolllW --· ~-·· IQMIN.ttt• •°""'"111,s, --· I a~Eii F~~~ow ARCHITECT, INC. 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF.CA 9'2CIJ7 .... ,._, __ .. _ IUIOS.DC<ITIDOll-..,...,ft N.._,,.,._ • .,.._f'f_D_ --..-••••NTro•-_IOC. ___ _ -·----....... •etai ____ ,...:IOl'C-_.£1' _ .. ~IDIU -•"""-NUJe rrD11.111-a,,ci---.-.,.ootJOM101_,... __ -------0-, ... ---.o,'lj ...... ... Olie>.ED. ... ... , ....... ""1JjRE'IEW rt1C5'17 :,JUTTN.S'ET ,..,,., PlAlflNGIIEETit«; ""''"' """""',a.,cy "'"'"' 07Kl!'J11 11£5tBWTTTAl.8ET ,.,,.. .. REUMJTTALSET ,.,..,. RESU!IMITT't.SET Ul2W'I~ IIESl!lldlTTALSET omi111, f!ESl.ElliUTTALSET ,_,, FIESUl!IWTTAL &!!' ''''"" PRO.l:CTNO.:: 110501 StEETlTTlE: .,.o.H),_ fl.Oc:f'PL,lrHfi 81'"-'" Sl£f1N0,; A1.1 I ''{ I / I ' I l' ll I I / / I ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' Al ' !~' '\,' .. I l)ffl PROPERTY LH"t-® \.' -----------------~-----------------------~,~ ·-· -~· _ _,_ _,,,,. ....... :;v-i:.:· ,~-If --a• llfOISIIOfll.•,-· :::i::~:.--. .... ...... ,.. _,.. lljl;Ol'toWI• MJID,1•• ITl,A,IIIN :,~:- -~ ---MCIMD-lllU llEOIO-IIUf ....... "•••r 11111_\,,.. .. IIID-l,llllf -·· ::.n::1~~-IOCflCll/W,•-•F 1Wl12"tnblf @ SECOND LEVEL SITE PLAN ,.,. _.,. _,.. -~-'"" ...... -·· =~:-- ..... » 111:lrllfDl.alN• •liCQl9r"L":111" IOCIF'llllil.•tlt• lW$t)on'ittllP' '"" -EO•• lillt!Ul:,Oifl. CC...111111' _ ... ~ .. ., -..... llifl,1,JIOSI' -·· 1100fDEaltlllllf uc:i:.ICIITOlfllslll., R001'fCITll,,imll •001'11:i-n11111• urrr --· ·-Ml'· E::" _,.... .,.., .. ,.., lltclSo-■11 IIOOf-111• IIICISlll'IN:V.SI' IIClll'toW.>~DII' IIOOl'll>ftN1Sr " \. ' 1 .., ::::: tfC;ulltt-Kll5f --· -·· =~:· ::u:A1• ee;a:.""'"'"1'11"' IICIUft:nli.•llllll lml'~u-~•·· '----E~-~~_T.---'I : l~ ___ r_o~-s~--------' EXIST. COMM. ... _.,.. _,.. =m~• '1Ml■a.acn.u111• iei•1.•1• -~· IIOOfllCC-Drl-_._,. .... IIIISf 11Xl',Oh.t-ffl9' -~1,.~ffllr 111111 ........ mcwa,,i.• -►MJa --· ·-· -lffllll _,,.,, ......... ='=~.:: IIIIOF"ll-llM"lif -· __ ., Et;,: rr.,..,., -l-· ICJsl.91• CIEl:D--tllF :::: IIIXl'tu-ltll'-IMW ... Mlollll6>R4• GACIIDoDIW --· --· ~ll•· -.l■l5' IICl'•t•• DB:16-IMIF ==:~: IIID"f0'1'1"11f BRETT FARROW ARCHITECT, I NC. 125 MOURT IIVE CARDIFF, CA 52001 ..._. __ _,,._, ,v,oi,NK,O,ll'RCl•-a,,. __ , .. ,_ ... __ _ -~w..n•--1<.1NC..--e&11-----·-\IM:l;Olf. -·-------,·-•-111----.. ... ..--.i .... -•0•1'GCl.011!D1l-flll.--811C6 ____ ___ -ltCIEY"'-IWTIH( .. 1!'!91 _.,._,_ "'-"'" l!F· O£Q(ID ". SErlsa.ED. PREUMREV<W 11.IOW11 SAMITT.-i...SET '''°''" ..._."™' ...,.,. .......,,ooc, ""'""" 01.mi,1 llfSLIMTTALSET 0Ul3111 ,UL41MTTAL SET 1Q'lS/11 ..,._,..,.._.., 11nsn1 ........,.,.._.., D1/14'1i ........, .. ,., _., AESUMTlAI.~ ~!119 l'!Klr,ECTt«l; f10S.01 '"'mrTLE: SECOl<l'-"" "-""'.....,.., ST'EPIJH ffEftlO.: A1.2 I I I I I I >,, ' ' ' ' ... ' ' ' I '\ I ' 8ffllNOUMEIIMmor.-' ~I~ --. ' ' ~: BUENA VISTA ', ·~GOON-----"'"'""""T'IU1£1--"----------------®---'~'",, I ', i '1 @THIRD LEVEL SITE PLAN 11/Tt --~ GIO',IDoWI• -m• ---· -n =1::!IF :E"~~:. IICOl'l'Ufllua,1//1 IO>F"lil"1JII•• Hin ~----•011--»r• U«'llle,Ml• =~: a,oa-.,.-. .,., .. ,,. ~11r• flMlllllf.••111' 'NK),Jilf. :--:.IF fl.-... 0-1,Mlf 111t111t1,. lltCU'IIIIF IIDCfDB:11-114• llliW?aHl•VIIJf =:~:.:. •c.•r MXlf"O(Cllotll• aud1'llfltvm• 1(111,rn,r,q•-· -~l,.IR!ill•· i~R♦ =::: :-... ~· ff-Jr• .._,,... M'l•u•• -·· ::.'::.~-::. -n:,•ll,o,9(119' UQ'li-,,.ll'IWIIF m, ....... ., -~ .. =:'" IWIQU:1,a.-~u,Hf -·· 1!00JDB:'1si!I!. =~~ '--E~-~_;_-~I :·1 ~ ____ r_o_~-~-'.--~ , ... r.#:IICilf•JN...-WPOIMl-»111 IIC_,.Mfl ::: _, __ •lf>'Ulflf HU --·-· ,__ ... tlel:titot11• =~: ._..., ..... ..., .. , ... ~•r •oui.wu1 .,_.,. -•w -·· ::"~:· --~,. NOf.,. •• :a:: .. I I t-1 I I : I ------+----j ""'' ~·-" Cllr:Mllt-Wflr ........ woo•• n••• ~~., .... --· GIOll!IO-W• :..z;• =~~, -·· 100,0~0• ::::it► BRETT FARROW ARCHITECT, INC. 1.25 MOZART AVE CARDFF, CA Sl2D07 ...,,_, ____ _ ~-I.II---~·~ ---"M-011_..,... -•-norHrn••----.--.-.-.. ----· ... --_ .. ___ _ ·-·-•-,,1•----•011....,,.._ ... _ t1".-io::r...wa1o;,111nl'IIUOO._,,. Ht: ___ ,iu-~• --~-,._..,.. .. H--lrlM.'fffM--~ I-t) w , ~ 0 "' I 0:::: C < 13 a.. z ::::, ~{ <( ~ z ! ~ ::::, (;; Cl :5 .,., .. IF· oteoceo ... '"'''''"" PAB.IMReAfW , .... , &l;IWTTM.Sfl """"' ....,.,......, CMll'U 00.....""-JCY ... ,.,., or.um, Rl:SU!IMITTH.SfT ... .,. RESl.mlJTTAlSfT "''"" Rl:$tBMITTH.5fT 1112111& ltESlmlTTAlSET '"""'' ReM!ilTTM.SE'I "'"'" IIESL.81itTTAlE '''"'" PROECTNO~ , .. ~ ffETTTTLO TH>OLM!I. FLOORF'WiQ' .,.Pl»/ A1.3 I I I I I I I I I EXIST. SFD I I I : I EXIST. EXIST. SFD COMM. I ',), ___________ V __ ~ __ J_ ___ .,,~''..."~nn, --~~---y.f! __ ~,----- ti~ --,\ \ \ \ \ ~, ......... ' ' ~----~ \\ !i: \ ' \ • :, ',, ~' ~-----------l ~ ) ' --...,,,,, "-. UNIT 1 ~ ,, ' ~--~, ~ \,, \,, I \\_'<, I ''\~"-'\ I '--.,,', ~ \ ... '' ~ j/ ----~-,f/ -~-~~ ' >-I I ' ' ' ' ' I I t-1 I I I ' ' ' ' ' ' : I ------+----i I --1 n11woLJNE..,.U>ON-.-o.w:t.N1'amucruA1:s i: BUENA VISTA '-, '- ~~LAGOON , i EX191~'1V~-® '\ -----------------J-----------------------~~, .... ..._ ... CIIOllll),1111. =-~191r QIQD,-· (ll{{•J.,..,ff :,_:.,~,ur :::;~JC ... , -m• _ ... ,._.,. ...... 1)-.... l'f-)Jff ~•.1•v IID"-UICIF ....... 110111'"~•· '==:: 11011f'IC,D'11161. ...., -,a,,--• ~3111111 M► .. 11' ..... lilllO&PUl'I..-Jlltol.l!U' ott11~•,r IIOCl'IIKl"III• lllr.'Ql'Q■4•ffll• Joeffflo'll.~-SJ •oo,f.12"",,.. .... (!;J;_r::].,F PLAN -·· JIOOl'lll'Q, .... C1i:;QUl-.,.ft. =~~-.:., -or __ ,... IIIP6101111.•trlfl IIOOflll"'-111127' -.,,,t-l>M .. V -or NIIIII'_,,_. .. QCt11tllQl'M.o1Nlf Rl:IOl'•Oll'll.•IU• 1100,11,-.,.. .. ,. ' ' ' 1 mo .w.ae--•• E.4:= -·· ---1.•• ........ -■• IIIQgfla:C,:11111' IIIXITaffl.--JJIII' :::!":n~~v EXIST. COMM. .... ............ lflaial0o9'• =~" 11'-ltlr •--1..111.-■E'"'Jtlllf am11,at11' IOlf~•tr llf:CD1--Ul9'_,, :::=:. .. SJ -· -· s;= .JT ... •Qlllf -.... __ ,s,, """w" :'!~~: -~,.-J/1. .... ~1111,1;1•-II' ::::: --· ---· :=""~J" 011:111-117 ~=~!: IIOllfll,.,._ •• UITII -... -~1j·· -~IQ-,._.,. -·· --,., NrT<-l.51t. , ...... flOCIDICa-1• .... llnlll~UY lld'lll'Tll,alll!II' lotll'i12"11N, .... cno,,_, 5~ BRETT FARROW ARCHITECT1 INC 125 MOZART AVE CAJU)lf'F, CA.fl2001 .......... • ~Av.ti: "'" 06:<fD II'. ..,_ PREI.AIRMW """" ,,.,., .. ,.., """" """"'-"""" ''''""""'""' -,,.,., ~ev&MITIA1.SfT '"''"' A£SUBMITTA!.6ET "''"" ~ISUNTTAI.RT 11/2!V11 J:IEaeMITTM.RT ev,.,., JIIESllWfTT.ALe ...... RESU!MITTM. SET """" PROJECTNO: 17m.~1 Sl-t::fllm.f: """'""" ...,..,""' A1 .4 @~~~DING SECTION-UNIT 9 @~~~DING SECTION-UNITS 2-8 □ uu [ID] @";!!/ ELEVATION METAL WINDOWS BLACKIDARK- BRONZE, TYP -DARK GRAY OlMP SHINGLE ROOF, TYP_, ALT. STANJING SEAM IIETAL ROOF. NATI.RH.. MATTE L--~r-----r----,r----.-----=---::_---,-r--7~-----=----=-,-r-~--:___--:__-:_-:_7,-=--T-:._-::._--.:_-:_71-:..r-=:_-:=_-=:=117;=-:::-===,-------- □ ..,,...---, ( --_J I I I : COVERED BY UNIT 1 : I I I I --1-- -PROPOSEDORADE -EXISTIN:J GRADE -CAST IN Pl.ACE PDRCH Will-I STAIRS. lYP -METAL SECTIONAL GARAGE OOORS, COLOR TO MA.TQ-1 \o\'INDOWFRAMES 'TYP @~~~TH ELEVATIONS (COURlYARD} -DARK GRAY COMP SHINGLE ROOF, TYP., .Al T. STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF NA.Tl.RAI.MATTE VERTICAL SIClNG. \NE.STERN RED CEDAR, -~1 --NQ EXTERIOR SURFACE MOUNTED UGHTIN0 Al.ONG LAGOON FACING SIDES OF UNITS1-6 NATURAL WI LIGHT 0RAY STAIN. 'TYP \ -RAISE0 CECKS WI GLASS GUAROOAILS (NO ORECT ACCESS TD GRADE) PROVIDE FIRE SPRINKLERS AT UNDERSIDE PER CFO \ ~EXISTING ANO PROPOSED\,__ EXISTING GRADE GRACE @~~~TH ELEVATIONS (LAGOON) D @~:T ELEVATION □ -PROPOSED GRADE \-----e,(JlltlN130RAQE CT201B-0005 RP2D1B-DODB CDP2018-0032 NDP2018.a003 NMPZ018.0003 BRETT FARROW ARCHITECT, INC. 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF, CA 92007 (7S0)2»QJ51 ('~') "&'21ffl.111 ) ~ .lill.lOMS.Dt.SU.JU,llltAHGbllNT5.NCI PI.NtSNO!CATEDORJIEf'ltESEHTEDl'f THISDltAT/IIWGAII.EOWIIEDl'fANDAJII TI-IEP!lOF'EttfYDFlltaTFAAII~ AACHITECTINC,ANDWBIECftEAT!D EVOLVS>.ANDOEVnOPEOFOftUSECN, ANONCONHECTIOHWRM THESPECIFEO •1tOJECT NONIOl'SJOIIOPS, ARllAHGEMelTSORPl>HSSHIU.l.lEUSED IVoftCHSClOS:EOTOANVl'ERSCltf,1'11W, DRCDRPOMTIONRJIINffPIJIU>OSE w-lAT50E\IEII NTHOUT THEIMIITTEH l'Elllll:llllllJHOFBRFITFARROW DRA'M-1: l-o w --, 0 0::: a.. <t:: z ::::> (9 :5 CHECKE!l SETISSUED: PREUM REVIEW SUBMITTAL SET PLANNING MEETING HOUSING PQ.ICl' MEETING RESUBMITTAL SET RESUBMITTAL SET RESUBMITTAL SET RESUB'-ITTAL SET RESUB'-ITTAL SET RESUBMITTALSET PROJECT NO .. SfEETTITI.E: EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS UNITS1-9 SHEETNO.: BF• BF. 11,1J9117 05/03118 116126/18 07Jll5/1B OMJ3118 1=18 11/29118 01N<ll19 04/ll6/19 05/03119 1705.01 A6.1 ,. ,· @BUILDING SECTION-UNIT 13 ,..,.,a-er ®~-~~DING SECTION-UNITS 10-12 ®EAST ELEVATION-UNIT 1 VEAT\CAlSIOHG WESTERN--. REOCEQl,A *TI..fVJ..WI LIGHTGAAY.$T,A,IN,TYP ~-=--=-=--=--=--=. ---- -E)Q&'lltG~ @;!.~T ELEVATION (PROPERTY LINE) ----------~----~~· □ -METAl SECnoNAL G.t.R.-.oE □ □~ DOORS,COlORTOMATo-1 -El(j!JTINGGAAOE WHOOWFRAMCS TYP -PROl>QSeOGAACe QWEST ELEVATION (COURTYARD) -.J = ~ I \IERTICALSOttG,~----.. REDCE'CWlN'.T\IW.WI UOHTGflAYSTAIN, TYP METAL 'MNCXlWS BLAOOOAAk~ BRONZE, TVP @~~~TH ELEVATION-UNIT 1 j ~, □ □ □ □ EB --~-~I.MT.TYi' -~C.-.l.61Cltf3, 'NE REOCEO,l>Ji, NA'TVAAl. WI --~sT~NTYP □ □ -l"'ROPOSECGR.t.DE -EXISTlNGGRHJe gsouTH ELEVATIONS (STREET) Ni2 1"v1U-O" \IEfl~~=------UGKT OIIAY aTAN. TVP. IIl] tJ -l"ROP05Et>GRHJE -~ E:ICJSTING GAADE ®NORTH ELEVATIONS (COURTYARD) , ... 10'-0" veATIC.,,\J. Sll2Na, WESTERN- AEI>c:mAA. ~TI.IRAL WI LIGHT GUY STAJN, TYP. @~~~TH ELEVATION-UNIT 1 BRETT FARROW ARCHITECT, INC. 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF, CA 92007 M9JfCT.-flfal04-, MIWIGOIElffSOIINMI-N:Utill ITOIIIIISa.<Jffl>TD»lrOlll .... ,"""'-OIICOll-lllllll'Olll'llrl'VkPOlli WV.1--.,UNlt<DUlll!E_.,.. --,,.•~irn, ........ Mi;tt'1'U;T,MC I-(.) w """") UJ 0 2: I oc c:: □ ..: ..: a.. z u ::, CJ ci <( :s ..: "' 0 '.3 z m ~ 0:: ..: => u C) <( _J """" BF · C>iEO<EO. BF. SET,.,..,, PRBJM REVIEW 1HD91'17 U MITTAI.SET 05/01'1! Pl.ANNINGMEETING 06f.llltl tt:JUSINl PClJC'I' Mrn1NG 07Al5/I! flES\lalilTTAI.SEl "'""' f:IESIJBMITTALSET IOOSNI RESUBMITTALSET 1112!1111 f!ESUBr.-TTALSET 0111.,.,9 RES\JBIIITTALSET Ol/0!119 REstJehlTTALSET 05.'Jl/19 PROJECT NO.: 171l5.~ Sl£ETTITtE EXTERIORELEVAllONS UMTS1&10-13 A6.2 JS JO LAGUNA DRIVE TOPrBWFF I I -'------y_p--i-----, II:~ 50 ---.:lO -,,, _______ ~:~ 1'5 f: • I SLOPE ECGE BUILDING SETBACI< ti , roPOF-BLUFF ::la.I =.---lr--,-t,--,i,-,..._-,4--,===~E~...laih==;_;=_=! ___ +L ______ l !:: 35) -PROPOSED.GRADE I _. ~"-'.()_· ~ ', )35 :1s·-10· ',, "'I -E'<ISTINGGRADE ----------l'" 201 ,s 10 ' 0 N!T1GARAG FF463S FF473' PAD.45.60 ____ ------,=-~---J I ~'--._ -PROPOSEDGRADE I --'-,, EXISTTNGGRADE ~ _ ,gc_,• ~ '-,..._'-,,, __ _ ,_ 'l TOPrFBLUFF @~!~.; SECTION CT20t8-000d RP201B-001'B CDP201B-OOJ2 HDP101B-0003 HMP20HUIIJ03 I: )Jo )25 1 20 r, 10 LAOOON : I" 40 JS BRETT FARROW ARCHITECT, INC. 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF, CA 92007 lieRETTc-'i~:Row\ \I \ REN'103119 / / , ¾'!_c)E_~#~, Ail.lDIEAS,DESIGNARJW,jGEMENT.S.NtD PI..M3NDICA.TEDORREPRE5ENTED■Y TMISDRA.MU:.All(ONIED,l',11,jQ.-,RE THEPROPEllnOFIRETTFNUIOW .-,11c1-11Tli:;'TIJri"C . .IHOWtJll!cAl,t,TED EVOLYED,Nl'DDEVELOPEDFOIIUSEOM, AAIDl'IICONHECl1~'MTH,THESPEU'IEO PROJECT.MONliOP~CtllOE,1,$ .-,RMHGEMENT.!IOIIPUilU~LLIEUSED 8YOR01$CLOSftlTONIYPEilSOM,FIRIII ORCORPOAATIONFOR!>NfPUflPOSE Wt.l.'tSOEVERWl™OUTlltEWRITTe. PERJ.IISSIONOFIRETTFAARCMI I-(.) w -, w 0 > ii:: ~ a:: 0 <( <( a.. z 0 ::, (!J ci <( :'.S <( a:, 0 "3 z 0::: <( ::, '° 0 CJ <( --l DRA'M,J BF CHECl<ED BF SET ISSUED· PRELIMREVIEW 11/09/17 SUBMITTAL SET 05103/18 PLANNING MEETING 05,/26/18 HOUSING PCX.ICY MEETING 07/05118 RESUBMITTAL SET 0&103118 RESUBMITTAL SET 10125118 RESUBMITT AL SET 11129/18 RESUBMITTAL SET 01/14119 RESUBMITTALSET 04/08/19 RESUBMITTAL SET 05/03119 PROJECT NO 1705.01 SHEET TITLE: SITE SECTIONS SHEET NO A7.1 EXIST.SFD (FF=45.57) ' ' ' STRING LINE :~~E~ ~ STRUCTURES '\ UPPER EDGE OF 100' WETLANDS BUFFER SETBACK PER DUDEK WETLAND AND BUFFER IN SEPARATE OPEN SPACE LOT. WITH 25' W. LATERAL PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT AND FUTURE TRAIL AT WETLAND EDGE (AS PER LCP._POLICY7.6) PATIOST~filG..LINE--'\ • BASED~'i,~:,;-~ l '\ .... ___ ,(' ~ TOPOFSl'l9EtEPER " -4 \ BURVl;Y WeUand edge (per Dudek) J EXIST. PROPERTY LINES EXIST.SFO APN 155-221-15 (FF=45.09) RHU INT l L. /FF=4/i99J ~~ -f. ~ l EXIST.FIREK'ffJlllil1lTAT__/ j NORTl1-EAST CORNER OF LAGUNA & BUENA VISTA CIRCLE, (+/-135') EXIST. COMM, APN 155-221-13 (FF=45.65) I I I CT20111-0006 RP2018-0008 CDP 2018-0032 HDP 2018-0003 HMP 2018-0003 ~~~~~~~~~olx_:n:,._,,_h..,.~~~~~~~~~~t====~~~~v--, i \ ' ' \ \ ' " ' \ I• \ ' ' \ ' \, \, \. ', \ •' .. \. ". ~ \ ' ' ' \ ' ' \ ' ' ' \ \:' \' . ' .... !Ii. Qlo,SHEQ LINES rNDll.ATE EDGES OF' 20'W FUELM.OD ZOl'IE.B-3MODIFIED '\._ (PER CARLSB.AD LCP) ~TUNITS#1-7 '\ '\ '\ \. EXIST~.,__..,...... EUCALYPT4S , OUTSIDE PRCP. RAISED DECKS WI 42" ', LINES ",, ~A~~~~~g~~ ' ' ' WEST FACADES. SEE ll~AILL1.1. (NO DIREOf ACCESS TO WETLARQ._B~FFER) ', EXIST. COMM. APN155-22-11 (FF=4J.75J t(tu·,~ .\. ' I L..r.ARyan SCALE 1"= 1C1 0 10 EX.ia~E ILE TO~EiMAIN H. ',/-~- ',/- EXIB_T T., m. tit Hv'DR..ANT ACROSS ~UNA [fflf· (-1/-&41] 1 Lestl•A. Ryan Landscape Atchtlect PLA6225 ,1190rmwgeAvenue Corvnff0,CA93111 619.2D0 . .119T t11IIIQa■l'A-ltudlD.com ,~1 20 "' BRETT FARRO\ ARCHITECT, IN 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF, CA 92007 ll..L.ll:E,&5tei1~•1-..•1;.eiamiitlt, .. ..., ".0-:,i,TElr:Jl~!!TltBCP•r1M. llMSIIIIIIDN;lfJ1£=-a=urtl:J'flir ~~-i.FO,,,-:CTl,C ,4td~S:a>£,t,a £'1,."\.\'£1.il0Cl't'aOIIIDtt1flJSE011AIIDI Cu'M'Cl'Olll.TU'l\'5ff:ll'l:D~CTIJ! 0f!Lltlll!B!.cifi&!l~OIPU-"5~ IJ!Dl•Q!!~TOil4>~'1FU :a:aDl'♦Till'i~"'''~"~'•Bt:1.t r1NOUTMr-"""81PPl15!1'QltO/:Ptr I-0 w """') w 0 > 8 c2 0:: 0 SJ ~ <C a.. ::> u C) o <( :5 ~ g ~ z ~ 0:: <C ::J u (9 <( ...J llRAv.N· LF CliEo<ED Bl SET ISSUED: PRELIM REVIEW 111091· SUBMITTAL SET 05/001 PLANNING 061261 MEETING HOUSING POLICY 07/051 MEETING 08/00/- RESUBMITTAL SET10125/ RESUBMITTAL SET11129/ RESUBMITTAL SET01114/ RESUBMITTAL SET04/08/ LOTSPI.IT PROPOSAL PROJECT NO.: SHEETTmE: CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET NO.: L.1.0 SLOPE NOTES Forplantremoval.revegetationandrestorationofstope,see Habitat Management Plan and Biological Letter (10.17.2018) by Dudek. Slopes 6:1 or steeper requiring erosion control measures as specified herein shall be treated with one or more of the follovling planting standards· a Standard 1 -Cover crop and erosion control matting: Cover crop shall be a seed mix typically made up of quick gem,inating and fast covering grasses, clovers, and/or wildflowers. Submit the specific seed mix for City approval pr1ortoapplicatlon_ The cover crop shallbeappUed ata rate sufficient lo provide 90°..C. coverage within 30 days. The type of erosion control matting shall be as approved by the City and affiKed to the slope as recommended by the manuf.!cturer. On slopes 3 feet or less in vertical height where adjacent to public walks and streets: when planting occurs between August 15 and April 15, erosion control matting shall be required. During the remainder of the year, the cover crop and/or erosion control matting may be used b Standard 2 -Ground cover: One hundred percent (1QQD,C,) of the area shallbeplantedwithaground coverknowntohaveexcellentsoilblnding characterislics (planted from a minimum size of f1atted material and spaced to provide full coverage within one year) c Standard 3 -Low shrubs: Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a minimum of 1 gallon containers shall cover a minimum of seventy percent (70%)oftheslopeface(atmaluresize) d Standard 4 -Trees and/or large shrubs: Trees. and/or large shrubs shall be (planted from a minimum of 1 gallon containers) shall be installed at a minimum of 1-gallon containers) shall be installed at a minimum rate of one (1) plant per two hundred(200) square feet Slopes6:1 orsleeperand a 3'orlessinvertlcalheightand adjacent to public walks or streets require at a minimum Standard #1 (cover crop or erosion control mattering> b 3'-B' in vertical height require Standards #1 (erosion control matting shall be installed ln lieu of a cover crop), #2, and #3 c. lnexcessofB'invertical heightrequireStandards#1 (erosion control matting shall be installed in lieu of a cover crop>. #2, #3. and #4 Areas graded flatter than 6:1 require a cover crop per Standard #1 with temporary irrigation when they have one or more of the following conditions· a Sheet graded pads not scheduled for improvements within 6 months of completion of rough grading b Apotentialerosionproblemasdetermined by the City c ldentiriedbytheCityaishighlyvisibleareastothepublicorhavespecial conditions that warrant immediate treatment 1X6 WESTERN RED CEDAR FENCE TO MATCH EXTERIOR SIDING OF BUILDINGS, TYP ,!;:[ i~ ::;; '---------' TYPICAL SITE FENCE TEMP./LAMINATE GLASS WITH BLACK METAL STANCHIONS SITE FENCE AT LAGOON (UNIT 1 ONLY} PLANT SCHEDULE 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 @ ll.'lJs lnte~rto'iil -,hOPstrrn~ ;:irar',l llrme;ht ~,:rrPn n~ t·ee 15 g~I \J:::r natI\C nrou&ht :nleranr 1rr~;i·yardc; (W\JCO.S-L: 2'i'h, 'J'w ..crno115urr ,!r."hm: -Jor na1Ivr. 11rouEM~oleranr s::.rl':l'rini:;trcc IWU(D-.S=L: l1E;h l:ranchingtc 60''1 .. 20 w ":31. ·,1a~yril'TlorP ~;itiv"'f'PI:' r=1rF\lgmt l'igal \Jc1•we-tWUC0-5=Ml Tc40', 'r Zone -lol111 oa~ Stred tree {t',11 ~!mg) 1 nrw :rre, L :-~Is:1rig street trr.r~ to rrm:iin (WUGL '>: ~: i:tounchc.1ccdtrcc.i:.□·h.a1fi.w ;_,ii f,,.,,a ft,disra ~ow arcpnt shnjb r:, !l'1I (.,\ 1:irwr. cro1,ght fOiC'•.mt iWUCD-5,=V_). To2'h .. :.:w .emonaC~berry 'vleCJ.ht Kreeninr 15t1al ll. C.,\73tive.crrn,ght-to1e•3nt 5t,njt lWUC01.S><V_\, ro+a· h. 6' \',I. w .. ~umg1ar□s111a·mtdl11s \.Ju10, J·,1Mrl ,::o;;:;r msPm,w; .Ciw ~o•par.tni;; <;hmb Ii q;il ~hr-n;itivf'. nrougt·t··Cilf'rant !WU(O'.S=L, Tol'h s·w <\cmispoor;l;:ibpr C,il fo•'11a mch•. Uprighl gril.>~ 1 gal. CA 1.JOVC . ..:•OutJhl l{;l1:·Jnt (\\llJLU~= I/~). lu4' h,, l' w. 3ro .. ,r.. rrn.n~r-~ P'',l~S I g.11 CA 1.lll',•e. iWLC0.3 = _) To~ ~31 fn•riia fl.~t, :i,mal'\o nl;mr "fJf'Clf'~ for l (lill CA 1'1f1Vf'. jWl,C05 .) J .;z· h borPt~nr1□r. =m.1t.:iin-~h::;rpr.c::hruh o:;ii,I ft,.r,rrv"".◄lr•'.":.1r,ht-lrll1<rm1 iWll:':':).S=\1.).l'i'·.rh ~·1criu:•s f,olo:-crl:lust Spr,:,.:icrnp,, t1owc-rrie 5 1:pl C/\ ra:r.,e .:lroJeht tol<::rlnl -;hruh iV•,'IJC:1 <;; ~ \/ \ 1_c;· to~ h L!:'monad=! ::ierr~· Ve:: ht. screeninr, 5 (l31 u, ra~r,,e. drcJr,ht-tolennL 'ihruh I\NUC:LS =V.'i. To-R' h. n· ,.., Ch;ilk J.ml;:,ya ~1 ~11 ~fl (,-'\ ra·I·,,p, drn.iJ!ht-tnlf'r3nt IWUGJ".S:VJ, 12 18"h FUEL MODIFICATION ZONE ~~a~-:..!.__Modifitd Stw1i"9 at th• 1"1'ruo::-"all cr.•ndl119 cUTwo.-.:ITh'"""9h rh.t-z:.,,.r St:l1cti'1! prv,,ng D,. .... v1.9t.taT•~" af ~O'-Df thtJlo.llftf.DfllllTNrW!jl,tatlaT1_ffla1,,.ia1.wdTD 3t.i111flhtC9h1' 10~"'-,.._I af High fot,I ~ciu N,,m_aT·l>11,.._.,,f.-.d _ Natural Sl<1De Qcf~.-h> Mr,dlfi~d El-!1 duu-lpTletTlfDr-dnall.:: ~,fNdrshollbt.spl"lotld.,...d, ~1hollbcllll!lll'l'lllnata'loh.~ht af19111c.Nsfara.dl~Df6fa,n outWordh-orndllCk PLANTING NOTES CT 2018-0006 RP 2018-0008 CDP 2018-0032 HDP 2018-0003 HMP 2018-0003 Total site= 31,344 SF Developable area of site= 20,162 SF Total area to be landscaped and irrigated= 2,765 SF (14% of developable area) Total permeable area= 8,304 SF (41% of developable area) As per the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual: 100°..C. of specified trees are 15 gal. or larger size >50% of shrubs are 5 gal. size (100% of shrubs are 5 gal.; all native grasses and rushes are 1 gal.) 6QD,C, of the ground shall be covered with plants at mature size. All planting areas to be mulched with 3" deep mulch. Noturforhlgh-wateruseplantspeciesareproposed All trees with calfpers >12" are noted. Existing non-native plant material, including (1) 18" caliper Myoporum and {1) 1B .. Schinuli tereb!nthifolia, above the top edge oflhe slope shall be removed. No native plant species will be removed Allproposedplantspeciesspecffiedforplantingatonglranliitionaledge~cing BuenaVista!agoonshallbe locally-sourced native species that are indigenous to coastal North County San Diego Street trees Two existing street trees with B-10' caliper trunks wilt remain. Pending approval by Carfsbad Parks and Recreation, one existing street tree, Ouerus ilex with S" caliper, would be removed and replaced with a new, min. 24"boxsizestreettreethatwouldbecomepartofthec!ty'sstreettreeinventory Street trees shall be located: a a minimum of seven (7) feet tom any sewer line b. inareasthatdonotconflictwithpublicutillties c. outsidesightdistanceareas d. withinthestreelrighl-of-wayunlessapprovedotherwisebytheCity Sight Distance Lines: Sight distance lines along the proposed driveway are shown on the plan, per City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual and Catlrans. Plants wi!I be positioned to avoid obstructing motorists' views of pedestrian crossings, driveways, roadways, and other vehicular travel ways. Plant height will be maintained at a maximum 30" high within the visibility triangle Poslive drainage: All planting areas shall be graded at min. 2% away from structures and terminating in an approved drainage system Utilities Allutilitiesaretobescreened. WATER USE NOTES: The project landscaping is designed to support the Storm Water Quality Management Plan requirements through the Implementation of permeable pavement to reduce runoff, filter storrn water runoff', and increase on-site rainwater retention from impervious areas. Only subsurface Irrigation shall be used to irrigate any vegetation within 24" of an impermeable surface unlen the adjacent impermeable surfaces are designed and constructed to cause water to drain entirely into a landscaped All landscape areas to be water efficient and irrigated with drip irrigation Gray water Units will be pre-plumbed with gray water plumbing lo all gray water eligible discharge sources and with a stub-out convenientforMureconnectiontothelandscapeJITigationsystem. FIRE PROTECTION NOTES: As per the Carlsbad Fire Department. Platanus racemosa Is allowed within the Modified B-3 Fire Management Zone if planted min. 10' from structures. Shrubs <1 B" h. are allowed adjacent to structures. The proposed project would remove non-native plants in the wetland buffer and restoration of this area with native plants. Project is not located within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. Most of the existing, natural slope Is >40% and undevelopable. There are no required side or rear setbacks VICINITY MAP I am larn1~ar With the rtquiremenlS IDI l'llnd~cape aml 1mgal10n pl'llns contarned m tilt-Clly ol Car1,bad's landscape Man1r.11I and w:a~r eff"ielll!nt l.lndsc,.pe regu~nons. 1 tu.v, prepared this pran In complianc, wrth lhosll! ,.gu1a110ns aTld 11"' Landseape Manta I and agrH 10 comply w,thallrequiremer,1:!lwhensubmrttngconWUCl10ndocumerrts lcerttlythattheplan 1mplementslhoseregutaDOnstopro~1deeff1tlentu,eofw:ater 8ApMl201_9 SCALE f'JTS 0 Leslie A. Ryan Landscape Architect PLA6225 ~~o~~~~:v;;~:a 619200.!1297 leslle~aern-stud1ocom ,t 20 "' 1...----~ BRETT FARROVI ARC H I T EC T, I N C 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF, CA 92007 ~.:.C:•S.C!E. ·•,•~•··7",',TI "•~· • .,,S .=•E.,1J1=•.,•1,.,1i: H ••~;.1'•. ,: •. l•,D:-~C'-E• • i',~~•1;~ •r.o~. "T"•-=u~C', "•""' • "--;;· . •-=c·,.~. ·•~-~ -_,-e, __ ~, ... · "!li _. ~.cl.. .•••• •,:-c .. I , P, •-' .. ' '•' , ~-cc·."~, ,c. 7,_~~•; • =·, ~ (.) w """') 0 a:: a.. <( z ::> (9 ::s Cl'A'Ml CHECKED SET ISSUED w > 0:: 0 < :z ::::, (9 "'i 0 a:, 0 a:, 0 0 s: < (_) o < CD ~ a:: < (_) LR BF PRELIM REVIEW 11/09/1 SUBMITTAL SET 05/03/1, PLANNING 06126/1; MEETING HOUSING POLICY 07/05/1; MEETING 08/03/1, RESUBMITTAL SET10125/1, RESUBMITTAL SET11129/1, RESUBMITTAL SE101/14/1• RESUBMITTAL SE104/08/1' LOT SPLIT PROPOSAL PROJECTNO 1705.1 SHEET TITLE CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLANTING LEGEND/NOTES L.1. 1 EXIST. SFD (ff=46.57) ' ESPONSIBILITY NOTES: CONCEPnr'AL MAINTENANCE R far . n l,f&lems p shall be respons~dscape and lnigatiD Laguna PraJeclin~ and operating ';;!ts L2 O..., ~-~ exceed an ir,lgatlan 1 :".:::nt wit~ 1:,::.w~ and ~flan lo m ts with 2 mainta1nlng th •••ry ta meet MAW lrr1gatlon oompone~helr equivalent or 3. ~e~:;: ~!;::,:r;.-,!';':.':";: and •peciftoat10ns nt planting• are ~=:..•nenlE en vegetation 15 n,pl••~~:=::.m:.11! '"":,':!::;! i..._ ~ 4. ensuring!'::.."!'fthehydroz=nt~!hepta~:.,mle";~plantawtth -i~ ~r~~i:~::i:::~:::!1 re~r=:i hig ~1:.::; use planb;; in the nme " ' " ... \ ... ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ■ MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY the tent CONCEPTUAL LP, will be respon•I~~~: ::1:~:n, ~=-! Laguna P~=;...,. driv• land•~ LP, II•~• ::::age or yards and lland buffor. Laguna nee foran■ppli)v rds for eaoh as the"": repair and maint•h:• uception of hlar Y~r the ongomg tat facDiUes, Wfth I will be responstb: I rear yard•. :~7,::i~:'~~~n=,;::;:1mgalion Irr lndlvi ua --··. 1 ----f-~ r:1~~~:~~:~p OWNER CT 2018.000S RP 2018·0008 COP 2018-0032 HOP 2018-0003 HMP 2018-0003 EXIST. Sf~~l,_-,- ' r \' I r r [ I 125 MOZA~ ~~7 CARDIFF, {760J230-H51 L.1.2 '\. EXIST. SFD (Ff'c46.57) ~ -----.... BUENA VISTA LAGOON lol£TIA~S BOUNDARY .-/ EXIST.SFD APN15/H21-15 (F""46.09} ' ", " ',, ' .\ .L-----;;;;;oo -- : \. NOGR ' ' '\ .. ... :~\., ' , ... , \, \ " I \ \. ,\ \\ \ ·\ \ ' . \' .. \ \ \ \ ,, \ \ ' ' ' ·, ' ' \ \ \' ' PROPOSED OPEN SPACE LOT2 \', . \' ,, \' ' ' ' ' " ' ' \ ', \.'"' \.'. ,, ' ~ " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' DASHED LINES INDICATE" EDGES OF 20' W ruF.L MOD ZONE 8-3 MODIFl~C. (PER CARLSBAD LCP) ATUNtT51111-7 I l I (FF:45.99) 1-----.~ ....___ _______ EXIST. SFD _/ -.,.._ /l§Jf ... G~DINORETAINING/1 ~j ' WALL.MAX ',~()"H \ HYDROZONE 7 _ , (Units 1-7 '~ar yards) · \ \ ' APN155-221-14 § EXIST. COMM. APN 155-221-13 (FF--45.65) -----4?_ l 1 am ram1llarwnti lhe ~l'emenl!ll for l11nd!1Cap11 and UT1gatbn par,11 corund in the City of C.rllbad'I landlClpe M■nualancfwaler etlldenlllndKIPf' te;ulltllln9 'hfie pteJ:ared ttm plln In co,npH1raW11httme ,egutatlansancftl'I• L.,,d9aape MaJBi■I and agre .. ta com~ wtlh■-~ieml!fltlnfwn~ngcannud1111drJcurT19111:1 lc:artlfy11'1at1heplan lmpltm1rDlhour.glllldlon&topro11kle•fflC!entURofwalM' l,'U ,-•,.,.,_ LnllaARyan I I I I I I I I CT 2018-0006 RP 2018-0008 CDP 2018--0032 HOP 2018-0003 HMP201~003 EXIST $MANHOLE (31.35~- -I I , ,; \ i I -~--'1-+----,---v--____ .,,.!...__ Le&lie A. Ryan Landscape Archiecl PIA6225 •f!ilOrangeAvema ~1u:;;::;i~92118 lePIQnr.a..fl!.Klio.cum SCALE 1" = 10· o 10 '1J. 20 "' BRETT FARROV ARCHITECT, IN< 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF, CA 92007 (760)230-6&51 AU.,:E.l.5,!E!l!.'l"""AljliBl:E'l'l"!l".01'1.11~ IIOyl':'iDQ!r,~Cllr'IMl'lits••\•l'IGAI IJN!EDll'r"'4''/'!ETill!~l!f'An' rA,•Ow•-itcnu: l!ID~l~''iEI E'Jt\.YEDA'I00E'.'S.CIED~IISECit1AIID!'j ~C-nECJIQl,~ITHTIE!Pft.1i!!l,~IICI ~$Lli:MCIIS . .:P~•1GS1EMICilll\.,I.IIS!iN.IU. JJ!Slftt111D!CUl!£llviir,~,,....,c c~ce•.,c•1,._-.,<j1~"!ll!VMnt~v ,'.ffl!QJn41i'~l~ISP:-lr:Feii£TT r-(.) UJ --, 0 ~ a.. <( z ::::> (!) :s SETl6SLE!l LR BF PRELIM REVIEW 1110911 SUBMITTAL SET 05/00/1 PLANNING 06/2611 MEETING HOUSING POLICY 07/0511 MEETING 08/0311 RESUBMITTAL SETI0/2511 RESUBMITTALSET11129l1 RESUBMITTAL SE1ll1/1411 RESUBMITTAL SErn4/08/1 LOT SPLIT PROPOSAL PROJECT NO.: 1705 SHEET TITLE CONCEPTUAL WATER CONSERVATION PLAN SHEET NO: L.2.0 Areas with hatched overlay to be planted and ir1'9ated All irrigation water to be potable No irrigation within wetland buffer Total site=31,344 SF Undevelopable area of site= 11,182 SF (wetland buffer} Developable area of site• 20,162 SF Total area to be landscaped and irrigated= 2,765 SF (14% of developable area) Total area with penneable surfaces= 1,304 SF (41% or developable aru) As per the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual: The Conceptual Landscape Plan Incorporates sustainable design and Low Impact Dlvelopment design principles. lntgatlon design wlll opdmlze water application for plant growth without causing soil erosion or runoff. The Preliminary E91inwted Total Water Use (ElWU} ls lower than the Maximum AppDed Water Allowance (MAWA)lotthl1site. Hydrozones are Indicated on Ute Water Conservation Plan L2.0. Individual ETWU and square footage for each zone are delineated in the chart on this sheel V\/lth the exc■ptkm of ona zon■ With a "Moderate" plant factor, aH hydn,zone areB!il use plant species rated either "Law" or 'Ver, Low ... There is no proposed Hparala front yard Jnigatlon of individually md:ered condos. Project development consists ofthlrteen {13) new 1.11lts. lllere \YIU be two water meters, one for Irrigation, There are no existing or propo9ed recycled or gray water systems, although stub outs wlll be instaled for future gray water use tir irrigation. All frrigatlon wlll u■e potable water. The landscape design incorporates the folowlng water conservation feature&, as per Appendix A oftha Landscape Manual: A. The design is based on the general use of low-water, drought-tolerant, and native plant species and maximization of permeable surfaces. B. The use of native and mgught-tolerant pfant species contributes to nutrient sensitive media, and reduces the need for fertlllzatton. The soil MIi be tested prior to installation ta determine the need far spectfic amendments. C. Plants are grouped together in hydrozones according to their water needs. D. Future maintenance needs are addressed Ulrough the planting of drought-tolerant and garden-tolerant native species, and spacing plants to allow room for mature growth. Irrigation system Wlll be regularly lnapecled. E. No tulfgraoa lo propo .. d. F. lrrigaHon will be drip, and scheduled ta encourage deep rooting and prevent runoff. No CJverhead sprays or rotors wm be spaciftad. G. Mulches will be used In an planting areas. H. No invastve plant species are prgposed for planting on this site. Wat■r cons■rvatlon features Include: Low or very low water use plant species Gravel mulch in rear yard& Permeable paving 11 used In +75% of the driving surfaces. Grading to ensure that runoff from hard surfaces is prevented from reaching the existin11 bluff and wetland. WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET HVDR02DNE INFORMATION TABLE Controkr Hjdrazon• lon,/valv,, I~.., • m~~ Plant Hydrm:onearea "oftDtal type/factnr (SF) landS<ilped 2-LW Ono (.8) .3 1,074 "'" ~1-, -H: ~~{::--+--·~• -1----'~!!+----12=.~-" S -L W Drip (.R) .3 2.3" 1 -~ M -l--~----l-=Dn=·p=(.B~) _ __,_~.s-+----4-"-7=-"S <-----=17'-'-'-% 1 7-VLW 7 Drip(B) .l . _ _3_7~ -~ TOTA!. 2,765SF 100II ~MM'PUEDWAffllAWJWAHCE(MA~ MAWA• (ETD)(M~(j0.55111.AI ♦(03kS1A)J fTc,forc,11,bad, w..tefl-!i~40.ll IA •2.'65 Sf'(allowln,116SF/plontfn ruryardll NoSpecia1LandscapeAreasonthesite. lo/AWACALCUIATIONS (4D.D)(0.62)(0.SS"176S) = 24.8 < 1.521 = 37,721 MAXIMUM APPUED WATI"R ALLOWANCE= 37,721 GALLONS P'ER VEAR ESTIMIITEl>lOTALWATERUSE(EIWUl ETWU = (ETo)(0.62)(~F<HME + SIA) Ela for cartsbad, West of 1~!:J = '10.0 PF and HA as above In MAWA calculations No Special Landscape Areas OJ"I the site. CllYOFCARLS~ ESTIMAru> TDTALWATERT"USE="=IEIWIJ"i-=Jl--~-- ZOI\E 2 3 II 5 6 7 ETo 40.0 40.0 110.0 40.0 ,tO,O 40.0 Conversion 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 O 62 0.62 factor (steplx2) 24.8 24.B 24.8 _24.8_ 24-! __!4.!_~ Plantfactor .3 .3 .3-.3 -~ .1 5 Hydrm.Dl'lE!' 1,074 731 areaSf 7 Irrigation .8 .8 lefficiency .8 (step6+ 7) '°3 274 18 9 Total(step 9,988 G,798 3xstep8) 10 E1WU 7,34l f l.:.41 MAWA 37,7211allon,/yr ETWU -26,309 pllon5/vr 'T6;3ll!I • BIORETENTION BASIN HAS BEEN ELIMINATED WHICH ALSO ELIMINATED HYDROZONE 1. CALCULATIONS FOR HYDROZONES 1 AND 2 ARE COMBINED. TOTAL El\W REMAINS UNCHANGED. ALL STORMWATER IS DIRECTED TO GRAVEL BASIN UNDER DRIVEWAY PER CML ENGINEER DRAWINGS. 11m ram•iarwlltl tne requlrefflentsforland!lcape.and11'11Q111lan pqnsconta1ned1nlhe C~ or C811st.h Lllnd:ll:epe.Mam•laJ'Gwatefeffli:lentllndlcapmoregulaflan1 I hriepep1recllhb ptanlncumpllancewlthth::l•~onsandthLllndsclllpeManullll■ndagtt,etaaimply W!lhal,eqi.nn,entsM!ensubmlltlngconstnlclloncbcUIMnlll.lcerttythal:thaplan lmplemera lho!le 19gulat1DMID IQV.lde efficlentuH afwall!r NTS 0 CT 201 B-0006 RP 2018-0008 CDP 2018-0032 HOP 2018-0003 HMP 2018-0003 10 Laslie A. RYan Landooape Architect PL.AB225 41eOrangeAv1nue =:.~~921111 lnll9Q-rl! .. studtocom n t 20 "' ___ _,.-~ LeslleA.Ryan BRETT FARRO~ ARCHITECT, I NI 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF. CA 92007 1U.lllE.tlCE51ri!i/.flPl/fffVIM'iAM)~J,r.1 l,l)C,.'IEDaf~/T5ii-tf'™51)1!1_,,l'llil t:f'MIHJ&,alJOAll!l!E~al'II~ ,~~IPO<nKl'IJl:: AJO\"<ACJ!i''litl li"IOl.'o'EDl,,~DDe.'El.a:EDFCll'll!i£tl!/ 'Nil~ COltlEC11CIH'ffill'E~P!IIOs:1'1,C ~Sl/0,,DSl,S.•~••IGEUeff'!CffPt.VESMau ll!!!l.l,,Ol!Cl.CSSUD.lll!IIEPDIFJlll,IC ~•Tl~~~illllPIPl'CIS!l'll-l•TfQe.11 W"fll!)UTMI\P!lTEIJ"8'V5Sl!::l,~!ll'E'T DRAWN: ,.lllP.r-'1'l'/tllTICTff.t l-o w --, 0 0::: a.. <( z ::::> (!) ::s CHECKEn SErlSSUED: u; BF PRELIM REVIEW 11/09/i SUBMITTAL SET 05/0311 PL.ANNING 0612611 MEETING HOUSING POLICY 07/05/1 MEETING OB/03/1 RESUBMITTAL SETI0/2511 RESUBMITTAL SETI 112!1/1 RESUBMITTAL SElll1/1411 RESUBMITTAL SET04108/1 LOT SPLIT PROPOSAL PROJECTi',0.: 1705 SHEETTITLe CONCEPTUAL WATER CONSERVATION WORKSHEETS SHEETl',0.: L.2.1 HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT NOTES The project sile consists of a relatively nat terrace and a natural. steep s&ope leading down to Buena Vista lagoon. The de-sign preserves the aesthetic qualities of the natural hmside, and implements the goals and obtectives of the Car1sbad Municipal Code, land Use and Open Space elements of the General Plan, and complies with Cartsbad's Hltlside Development and Design Standards Pursuant to Califom~ Coastal Commission and City policies. including the Carlsbad General Plan. ttie weUand. wetland buffer, required access easemenl, and slopes >40% are undevelopabte. The undevelopable area of the project site is 0.28 acres (11,182 SF). This und1welopable area consists ofa 0.01 acre wetland and a required 100' buffer as measured from the edge of the wetland. The wetland buffer has a +35' grade differenllal lrom top to toe of slope. and includes slopes >40% and a r!!quired 25' wide lateral access easement. The developable area of the project site is 0.46 acres (20,162 SF). It is located outside the boundaries of the wetland buffer and has stopes<6°A New de11elopment is k>cated away from the top of the slope al 0. T horizontal distance for each 1.0' vertical bulkting height, and outside the welfand buffer. No slopes >15°.4 are impacted by proposed development. There are no manufactured slopes proposed. All storm water wm be redirected toward small collection areas and to the existing street. See Habitat Management Ptan and Biological Letter {10.17.2018) by Dudek for slope revegetation. slope •, of total 0-15% 0.121 47.3% 15-25°/b 0.011 4.3% 25-40% 0.008 3.4% >40°.4. 0.115 45% total 255acres 100% ( \,_ / --- .r - '- l \ / VOLUME OF GRADING CUT 188CY FILL: 99CY EXPORT 0CY " " '- '- ~---- ' \,_ " \ ~-----'-" ' \ R EMED!AL: 61B CY (3' removal and recompaction under buildings) ----- CONSTRAINTS MAP NOTES Major ridgelines NIA (top or slope indicated) Riparian or woodlands NONE Intermittent drainage courses NONE 25-40"Ai, sk>pet See plan this sheet +4oc~ slopes See plan this sheet Major rock outcroppings NONE g Easements NONE (see L.1.0, TM-1 l'or proposed) h. Flood ways NONE 1 Archaeological site NONE (see Dudek report 11)'17/18) Special Planning Area CoaslalNillage Planning BKllogical habitat Freshwater marsh {see Dudek report 10117/18) Beaches NONE m. Permanent bodies of waler Buena Vista lagoon n. Wetlands See Dudek wellands study Major Powertine Transmission NONE Railroad Track Beds NONE • • ! i i ! i ! ________ _j I ' "' \ " CT 2018-0006 RP 2018-0008 CDP 2018-0032 HD P 2018-0003 HMP 2016-0003 I I '-I / 0 0 0 '\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 LHlle A. Ryan Landscape Architect PLA6225 ~;:;~2~r:;~s re1bfQte1ea-studo0com SCALE r· ; 20· 0 lO BRETT FARROW ARCHITECT, INC 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF. CA 92007 •1...-.1:.•:t:.·1,•r,1,·.•e,,-.,•JO""°''•-•C" -:£C,lll'FL"1',Tl11"'•~~,·i•,·•Fla ./., H.0.rt'""E"'!:F"" C 1% ·•c·,::u_•,c,,.,: "·~ :-::? F·:..c••Jtict,1! ,::,ru .•1 111.,,•1 .. •1, •• :•'"•l'--l0:::l"--=-'•·4 _ ..... .;•.,u .. ;.['J.i.r..r<>.>', .. ,_l!!a WaE:&,:-c •••• ,5lr.a•1 :. C" ::r,:,.Y:·1•0"•·••:$:,cs;::,.1-,~E-i"" •~T"l\o! .. ,'!"l~!!l:•1>.Y,--:- I-(.) w 7 w 0 > 0 ii: 0 0::: 0 b'l <C <C a. :z: u :::, Cl c5 <( :5 ~ g ~ z ~ a:: <C ::> u (!) <( _J D!l~\M',I LR CIECKED BF SETISSUE0 PRELIM REVIEW 11/09117 SUBMITTAL SET 05/03/18 PLANNING 06/26118 MEETING HOUSING POLICY 07/05/18 MEETING 08/03/18 RESUBMITTAL SET10/25/18 RESUBMITTAL SET11/29/18 RESUBMITTAL SE'Ttll/14/19 RESUBMITTAL SE1ll4/08/19 LOT SPLIT PROPOSAL PROJECT NO 1705.01 SHEETllllE CONCEPTUAL HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PLAN SHEETl-0. L.3.0 ) ; KEY PLAN FOR SECTIONS 1"=30' 25 20 I 1. SECTION THROUGH UNIT 1 AND SLOPE 1"=20' 1. LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH UNIT AND LANE 1"=20' 1. CROSSSECTION THROUGH UNITS AND LANE 1"=20' lhavtprep;arectthsplan1ncompliancewrththeH11L51deOevelopmemanc1oesignGu•del,ne,s ar.d lhe Land~capt Manual and agre, to comply w~h a" re~lrtment:, when !iubmrtt1ng connnrction docu~ms r cenlfy ttiat the s!ope an:1.lyJ11s and ~lo~ profiles .ire accurately calculJted anlf tderitlfled. Ex1st1n~ topography shown htrl!on 1s lrom a field survt~ ptrformtd bySampoEngrnHrmg Inc onFebruary9 201B 8Apnl2019 _ I CT 201 B-0006 RP 201 B-0008 CDP 201 B-0032 HDP 201 B-0003 HMP 201 B-0003 5 LAGOON 0 J· ~. ~: 25 20 Leslie A. Ryan Landscape Architect PLA 6225 ~;lo;;~:v:;~8 leslleQaerea-studlo.com 15 SCALE as shown 1n draw,ngs a BRETT FARROW AR C H I T E CT, I N C 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF, CA 92007 r 0 w -, w 0 > i2 er: 0 <( a.. z :=, (.!) <( ::s 0 z 00 ~ => (!) <( _J 00 0 !;l <( u 0 ~ er <( u DRAI\N LR· CHECKED BF. SET ISSUED PRELIM REVIEW 11/09/17 SUBMITTAL SET D5/03/18 PLANNING 061.26/18 MEETING HOUSING POLICY 07/05/18 MEETING 08/03118 RESUBMITTAL SETIOl.25/18 RESUBMITTAL SET111.29/18 RESUBMITTAL SET01/14/19 RESUBMITTAL SET04/08/19 LOT SPLIT PROPOSAL PROJECT NO. SHEETTITLE CONCEPTUAL HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT SLOPE PROFILES SHEET NO L.3.1 NATIVE WETLAND BUFFER SEED MIX-NATURAL SLOPE ♦ ~~j1~ ~RE W/SLOPE !t£r~i MIH. :'111:PlS RATE AMBROSIA. PSILOSTACHYA WESTERN RAGWEED 1VJ0 3.0 LBS/ACRE ARIEMISIA CAUFORNICA CALIFORNIA SAGEBRUSH 15/50 4.0 LBS/ACRE CROTON CAUFORMCUS CAUF'ORHIA CllOTON 90/20 3.0 LBS/ACRE ENCEUl CAlJFURNICA CQt.ST SUNFlOWER 40/PiO 1.0 lBS/ACRE ERIOCOHl.111 FA.SClC\ILAl\JM FUT-TOPPED BUCKWHEAT 10/65 5.0 lBS/ACRE ESci-lSCHOl.2"'-CAUFORNICA CAUFDRNIA POPPY •5/75 J.O lBS/ACR£ RHUS IHttGRlfOUA.• 1.EMOHDADOIEMY 90/50 J.0 US/ACRE HETEROWEl.£S ARSUTIFOUA TO'l'ON 95/40 I .0 lBS/ACRE IMLDSMA LNJRIN4• LAUREL SUIUC 95/60 1,0 LBS/ACRE ISOCOIM MENZIESI ssP. VEHETA COASTAL GOLDENBUSH 20/40 1.0 LBS/ACRE ACMISPON GlASER OEERWml 90/ltl 2.0 LBS/ACRE l.£"1"M\JS CONDENSA.1\JS GWIT WILD R'l'E 70/IJO J.O LBS/ACRE KA.SSEI...LA LEPIOA FOOTHIU. NEIDLEGRASS 60/ltl 2.0 LBS/ACRE SN..\'IAIIEl.Urau. BLACK SAGE 70/50 J.O LBS/ACRE SJSYRNCHIUM BEU..UM BLUE-MD ORASS 95(75 J.0 LBS/ACRE H'tDROSEED SLURRY MIX: 1. SEED WIX AT AAms tNDICATll) AEICNE 2. J,500 LBS/ACRE HVDRO-Bl.AHKET BFW, OR APPRO'iED EQUAL 3. GREEN MARKER D't'E 4. •INDICATES SEED TO RECEIVE HOT WATIR TREATMENT BY SEED SUPPLIER PRIOR TD DELIVER'( 5. ALL SEEDS SHAU. USTm ABlNf.. SHALL HAVE ORIGINS FROM COASTAL SAN DIEGO COUNT'( NATIVE WETLAND BUFFER SEED MIX FOR MODIFIED ZONE <>. . . . . -B-_3_A_N_D_2_s_'_A_c_c_E_ss_EAS_E_M_E_N.,...T_A_R_EA_s---,(_o._o_s_A_C_R-,E) __ BOTANICAi. NAME COMMON NNolE MIN. :CPLS RATE AMBROSIA PS1LOSTACHl'A WESIIRN RACW£Ill 15/JO 4.0 LBS/ACRE J,O LBS/ACRE 4.0 LBS/ACRE CAMISSONIA BISTORTA CAUFORN~ SUN CUP 90/70 CROTON CAUFORNJCUS CAUFORN~ CROTON ESCHSCHOL21A. ~RfrtCA CMJFORNIA POPPY tsOCOWA WENZJESII SSP. VENETA CQtSTAI.. GOLDENBUSH LOIIUS CONDENSATIJS CIAHl'WIU>RYE ACMISPOH GLASER DEERWEEl NASSEl.Ll UPIOA roon,,u. NEIDI.EllAASS SISl'RINCHIUII 8ElJ..UM BLUE-EYED GRASS HYDROSEED SWRR't' MJX, 1. SEED Ml)( AT RAlES lf«JICATED AStNE 2. 2500 LBS/ACRE \MC1N WOOO F18ER MULCH 3. GREEN WARK.ER DYE 90/20 95/75 20/40 70/110 90/60 60/60 95 5 J.O LBS/ACRE 1.0 LSS/ACRE 2.0 LBS/ACRE 2.0 LBS/ACRE 2.0 LBS/ACR£ 3.0 LBS ACRE 4. All. SEEDS LISTED ABOVE S'HAll. HA\£ OFOOINS FROM COASTAL SAN DIEGO COUNTY BUFFER AREA RESTORATION NOTES 1. IF Cl.EARING WOftK IS TO OCCUR DURING THE Mlt.RATORY BIRO NESTING S£ASON (MARCH 15TH THROUGH SEJ'IDIIIEA 1ST) A QUIUFIED WILDLIFE BIOLOCIST SHALL RE\1EW THE SITE FOR ACT1YE NESJS PRIOR TO VEGETATION Cl.EARING/TREE FEWNG WORIC. 2. BECA.USE THE BUfFIR RESTORATION AAD,. IS NOT IRRIGATED sm: PREPARAOON WORK SHAU. BE SCHEDUlLD SUCH Tlt4T l1iE SITE IS READY FOR SEEDING 8E1WEEH OCTOBER 15 ~D JNIUART' 15. 3. BUfl'D< RESTORATION -'REA BOUNDolRIES SHAU. BE SURVEYED ANO STN<ED PRIOR TO BEGINNCNG CLEAAING WORK. 4. ALL NON-NA.TrvE TIIEEs ~D SHRUBS SHALL BE C\IT T0 GRADE OR WITHIN A FEW INCHES AND THE STUMPS TREATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE 5YSTDIIC HEJ<BICIOE. THE TWO LAl!GE r:»Wfr ISLANO PALMS (PHO£NIX CANARIENSIS) NEAR THE TOE Of 1)£ SLOPE MAY BE ORILJ.EII NID 1REAT£0 wrTW S'VS'JDIIC H£JUMCIDE TD Kill. IN Pt.ACE. OR BE CUT TD GRADE. All VEGETATIVE SL-'5li SHAil. BE ~ FROM 111E RESTORATION NIU. AND TAKEN TO A GREEN WAST!: R£C"l'CUNG OR LANDFU f'ACIUT"I'. ~~~ ~Slt:O~ :os:..~=E, O~~~r: 0=~~...: ~~IZEAR~LOPE RECOMMENDED TO BE I..EfT IN-PIACE {UNLESS RECOMMENCED FOR REMOVAL BY AN ENGINEER). 6. ANNUAI./IIERtw:EOUS NON-NATIVE PLANT'S, IC£ PWIT AND GRASSES SHAil. BE cur TO GRADE GRADE ANO RESULTANT VEGETATM: st.A.SH REMCWED FROM Tl£ SfTE. 7. TRISH AND DEBRIS Stw..L BE REMOVED FROM ntE SUFfER AREA PRIOR TD SEEDING. 8. CARE SHAU.. BE TAKEN TD MINIMIZE 015'1\JRBANCE OF ll£ SLDPE SOIL DURING SITE PREPARAllON WORK. 8. BURLAP ENCASED FBER ROUS OR •STRAW WATTl.ES• 51-W.L BE INSTAU.£D ON THE Sl.DPE AT 10' ON-CENTER. WATTI...ES SHAU. BE CERTF1ED FREE OF NOXIOUS WEEDS. INSTAU. FIBER ROUS PER CA.SQA. DET.tJL SE-5, ADDITTOHAL 8MP1 IMY BE NECESSAR'Y BASED ON TH£ PROJECT SWPPP. 1 O. THE PROJECT BIOLDGIST SHAU. RE."v1EW ANO APPROVE SITE PREPARATION WORK pfijQA TO CON111ACT0R APPLYING BONDED FIBER MATRIX (llfll) Nil) SEED MIX SWRIIY. 11. BFM ANO SEED MA,TEJIIAL DATA SHEE.TS SHAU. BE suewmm TO THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST F'OR APPROVAL PRIOR TO IJCl.l'<ERY ANO APPUCAT10N. 12. BASED ON DOSTINC \£GETATIVE. GROWJH, NtD PROPOSED NATIVE SPECIES TD BE SEEDED. SOIL TESTING NtD .AMENDtNG ts NOT NECES~. SITE SEEIIINC: 1. UPON APPROVAL OF srTE PREPARATION ANO ASSOCtA.TED SUBMITTALS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE HYDROSEEDING WORI<. CONTRACfOR SHAU. NOTIFY OWNER ANO BIOU>GtST OF SCHEDUllD HYDIIOSEEDING DATE ANO TIME. 2. BECAUS£ 1lt£ SITE IS NOT JRRIGlfll[D Sn£ PREPARATION AND SEEDING WORK SHAU. BE TIMED SUCH 1KA.1' SEEDING OCCURS BETWEDI OCTOBER 151ll ANO JANUAR'r' 15TH. 3. SEEDING WORK Stw.1. BE COORDINATED TO OCCUR AS SOON J,S POSSIBLE FOU.OWING SrTE. PREPARATION WOftl( IN ORDER TO HElP PRE-'/ENT EROSION. 4. THE SEED MIXES ANO SLIJARIES INDICATED ABOVE SI-W.L BE APPLIED AT THE INDICATED RA.16 USING HYDROSEEDING EQUIPMENT. APPLY IMlROSEED/BFM IN ACCORDANCE WIIH 111E MANUfACTURE'S INSTRUCTlONS ANO AS INOICATEO BELOW: HYDROSEEDJNG: 1. THE OWNER AND PROJECT BIOLDlatST SHALL BE NOllFIED AT LEAST 'THREE (3) WORl<ING MY'S IN MJ'YANCE OF HYDROSEEOING. 2. THE HY'DROSffDING PROCESS SHAU. CONSIST OF MIXING NtO UNIFORMLY SPRAYING A HOMOGENEOUS MDCTURE OF SEED, SLURRY CCMPONENlS 'h'OICATED ABOVE, w.RKER DYE ANO POTABLE WA.lER. G=J □ •=0-~"=i<~••lJ/4 \ ... ~~-;;□-G-;-_f~f~~ '\_ "' '---. J '\_ \_ "----'---.._ '\. OF2.9.'.._W.~~ PROPOSED 25' LATERAL PUBLIC ACCESS MYOPORUtA'Al,[D st:Hll,/U~ 's ~OD 20(-l~~ EASEMENT AND FlfT\JRE TRAIL (AS PER REMOVED S~E PLAN\E\ \ \_ MO~FIED (P R LCP,POLICV7.6) ' '--... CAR SB~L~ ATU TS#\7 \ \\'\ \\\ \\ \'\\\\\\_"' H'IDROSEEDING (CONTINUED): 3. THE KY'DROS£ID SLURRY SHAI...L BE PREPARED BY MIXING THE INGREOIE"'1'S IN THE PROPORTIONS SHOWN ON 'THE DRAWINGS AND AS SPECIFJED. THE SLURRY SHALL ADHERE TO SLDPES WITHOUT RUNNING. 4. lHE MIXING TIME OF tri&A.lERIAI..S 5HAU.. NOT EXCEED 45 MINUTES FROM lHE TIME lHE SEEDS COME INTO CONTACT WllH WATER TO l'HE TIME lHE MIXTIJRE IS COWPL£m.Y DISCHARGED ONTO TliE SLOPES. IF lHIS TIME FRAME CANNOT BE MET, THE BATCH SHAU. BE RECHARGED WtTH SEED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EX.PENS£. 5. HYORDsEEDtNG SHAI...L BE PERFORMED WmllN TWO MY'S FOU.OWING SITE PREPARATION. HYDROSEED SHAU EIE APPLIED T0 SLIGHTLY MOISTENED SOIL 6. lHE H'l'DROSEEO SLURRY MOCTURE SHAI...L BE APPLIED USING EQUIPMENT THAT WILL APPLY lHE SLURRY AT A UNIFORM N-10 CONTINUOUS RAJ£ AND lHAT Will. NOT CONCENTRATE THE SLURRY OR ER.OD£ THE SOIL THE SWRRY SHAU. BE APPLIED IN A SWEEPING MOTION, USINC A I.ARCE ARC CAIJSfNQ THE SLURRY TO FAU. PERPENDtCULAR (OR VERY CLOSE TO PERPENDICULAR) TO lHE SOIL SURFACE. HYOROSEEDING 51-W..l. BE APPi.JED AT A RATE ANO PRESSURE lHA.T Will. SPREAD nlE OESIGNAT£0 QUNfTTTlES UNIFORMLY. CARE SHM.1. BE EXERCISED TO PREvENT DRIFT ANO PlACEi.100 OF SLURRY MIXTURE INTO ADJACENT AREAS. 7. AT THE RATES SPECIFlED, BARREN SOIL SIW.L NOT BE VISJBl..£ WHEN HYCROSEEDING/BFM APPLICATION IS COMPL.E1E AU. S01L Stw..1. BE COVERED TO A OEFTH OF AT l.£AST 1 /BTH Of AN INCH. IF THIS W1NIMUM ts NOT MET, THE CONTRACTOR SHAU. REAPPLY THE ORIGINAL HYDROSEED SWRRY/BFM NtO SEED UNllL 'THIS MINIMUM REQUIREMENT IS MET AT NO MJOmoNAL COST TO THE OWNER. \~\\\\ \\ "'-\\\1\\\ 120-0..Y WNf/Wf!Y A: MN~ !'£RIOO: 1. UPON APPROVAL OF SITE PREPARATION AHO SEEDING WORJ< THE CONmAClOR SHALL BECIN ll£ 120-MY SEED ESTABUSHMEN'f AND WARRANIY PERIOD. THE COtflRACTOR SHAU. MAINTAIN Tl£ SITE AT LEAST MONTHLY, CONIROL AU. WEEOS 111AT GERl,IIIIAlE, ANO RE-TREAT Nrr RE-SPFIOUTlNG ST\JMPS Of NON-NATIVE 'TREES. 2. CONTRACTOR SHAU. REMOVE lRASH AND OTHER NON-NA.T\JRAL (AHTHROPOGEHIC) DEBRIS. NATURAL l£AF DROP ANO ornmus FROM NATIVE PLANTS CAN BE LEFT IN PlACE. J. ANY AREAS l'HAT FAIL TO GERMINATE Af'TER 120 OA,YS SHAU. BE MR-SEEDED SY Tl1E CONTRA.CTDR WITH TitE ORIGINAL SEED MIX AT NO EXPENSE TO THE OWNER. 4. lDlPORARY EROSION CONTROL Oev",C[S (FIBER RDLlS) SHALL BE REVIEWED AND MAINJ"AINED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT LEAST MONTHLY UNTIL THE SUCCESSF\Jl CONCLUSION OF ll£ 12D-DA.Y PEJUOO. IF MJOmDNAL BMP■ ARE NEEDED TO PRE\'EHT EROSION THE CONTRACTOR 5HAU.. COORDlKATE WITH THE OWNER NtD BIOLOGIST. 5-'IEM IIAlHIENANCE A: MONITORING PERtOD: 1. UPON CONCLIJSKJN OF THE 120-0AY SEED ESTH:IUSHMENT AND WARRANIY PERIOD THE OWMER Stw.1. HIRE A QUAUfE) frM.l'NE. IWUTAT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR TO CONTROL. ALL WEEDS A.T LEA.ST QUARTERLY UNTIL THE Srt'E OBT.tJNS A MINIMUM OF 70. NATM COY[R WITH L£5S THAN 1 Q:C WEED COYER. THE SITT: MVST BE MAINTAINED FREE OF r.AL-IPC OR us~ SPECIES US'TED AS INVA.5M OR NOX\OUS. 2. ONCE THE COVER CRrTERIA HA'w'£ BEEN MET AND A REPORT PREPMEO ANO SUBMnTED B'Y' A QIMUFlED !ll(]LOGIST/HABITAT RESTORATION SPECIALIST THE OWNER SHAil. SED< F1W. Wfl!TTEN APPfWI/M.. OF THE BUF'f'ER RESTORATION BY THE Cm'. CT2018-0006 RP2018--0008 CDP2018-0D32 HOP 2018-0003 HMP 2018-0003 oc 0 0 0 0 0 0 C DUDEK IOSThln!SlrNIEnmlla,,Cl.92024 710.141.Sl47fa,710.6l2.01&4 SCALE 1"=20' o __ _,20--~◄o ~"' BRETT FARROW A RC H I TE CT, I N C. 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF, CA 920D7 f710J23Mofl51 M.1.IE.I.S.~~NIDIVM NDCA'liDIJINi'lelKIUlft'nllWMIDAA£ .,_,ITNtl.W.rNll'IIIIHIIJYIFIIIIETT fl#FO#NDfflCl'fC.NG-CMATBI. EWI.WD,NIIM:la'UIFQIIIIIEQlt,J,ltJllj --IWMMll'lltftllfCRTNIIIE OFIUD4DfAl.~OII.NM!tWJ.• Lalllfllfltao.OE>TtlMfftJDQll.fllll011 COIV'QMTOlfCIRNl'fl'\.MJE.'flHUIIJMJI l'lfflGll'TtEWNTTB11'911510t0FlllfTT 111W1«.lilDfliCr,NC.. DRAWN: I-(.) w --, 0 0:: a.. <( z :::::> (!) ::s CltECl(E[): SET ISSUED: LT PW PRELIM REVIEW 11/09/17 SUB MITT AL SET 05/0311 B 08/03/19 PROJECT NO.: 1705.01 SHEET11TlE: WETLAND BUFFER RESTORATION LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET NO.: R.1.0 TENTATIVE MAP AND PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN FOR THIRTEEN DETACHED SITE CONDOMINIUM UNITS 570-580 LAGUNA DRIVE NOTES/LEGEND --w-- PROl'O&EDPR.NATESTOl'tMDR.AIN -0------ PROPOSEDPRI\IATE~ --S-- PROPOSEOSDG&EITELE~ TRENCH -•-•-•-•- MOPoSEOPUSUC-lE'RSERlnCE ~ PffOPOSEDPUBUCFIP.EDOCV -----rJ PROPOSEDPVBUC~mtJATIONSDNICf ~ PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER □ 1.PROPOSElJBUIUJHIGP&R-ARCHfTECTVRAL J'1fOPOSEODRNEWAV tPROFOSED COHCR(TE~/l' 4 PffCJIIOSEDCUM&GUTTER : ===RLANDSc,1PE ,_ I IIRoi:o.te> RErNNfNG WAU. ~)( aa· Hr :a ~AANTERll PElfLANOSCAPE ff PRCPO$EDE~TRIC'AL METeltS f:t_FffO/fllOSEDIWSEDKOOODECICS U-f4. TRAS,-,IRECYCt.E(tNONIOUNfT) 1,1-~.STYI' 11:IPROi'OSecJU6PISC8U EASEMEIITSco 1 PROPOSEDSHAREDPRIVATEDRtVEWAY~MUTIJAL. MAJNTEWANCE. UTJL.17Y ANO ACCESS EASEMENT Z. PROPOSEO JRREVOCAIJLE OffER OF D!Dl'CAllOIV ,o,t :u~=~=~DEaCAT10NFOl{S1'Jl~AHD fflGhWAV PURPOSES PER DOCUMENT 75-f2tl02 RECORDED MAV211175.ACCEPT!DSYCfTYOr:CARL$&4.DlJOCUIIENT fH'J-0118121FEBlftJAf'fY2JfHJ 1 S10RMWATERFLDWS(Qf00J MASTER DRAINAGE BASIN •,1,• BUENA VfSTA CAl;af. PRE-DEVELOPMENT• 4 Jf CFS TOLAOUHADffiVE POST-DEVS.oPM!NT:: 0 4 c~s 10LAGUHA OAIVE ~E-OfVEl.oPM9'T•II.OCF~T0USUNAL'RIVEJrSTORMDRAIN IOS'T.QEYS.Ol'MENT• 1 S,.CFSTOt.AGUNA DRl~.)f" STOIIW OIWH PRE-CJEVELQPNUJT• 111 ro BUENA VISTA LAGOON PQST-DEVBOAl'e.lT • 0 . .55 TO BUENA VISTA LAGCOV Z .IMS1'ER ORA/HAGE PLAN -,1,-BUENA VISTA CRffl( JA~lWt.VTRWIS. rt) EldSTJNG SIH'Gi~ h"Mll Y DMEUJNG = 10 ADT (rJME!DK:M.OfflCEI.DSQ/Nfl!R5EP•¥.JADTlf«ID5F•IJOADT 1'DTALE"1&TINOAM•.,ArTr ~~:=m~::~•d ADTG.-.el.UNGIJHfT• 11N1T DETAILS ----r/M,.:::,.,U, I CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ;-:O~~~~~~~s ~ c<rND:Z.S:TDNEIIECDHGLA'IER \ r-"tr ASTM' ,to '~ s7:: &ASE CO~SE I I \, 1 PROPOSED ,.s-REINFORCED CONCR£TE St.A& Cl\'ER "IN fl" OF 119 COMPACTED SVSGIU,OE Kfni 11· WfCf' INreGRA.L Rt!STIWWTTODEl'fflOFGRAllEL ISECT10H PRIVATE DRIVEWAY SECTION @ ========:::::::::===========:::::::==========~~ D r ~•v ,<v " I ,::u ........ _... J";';;~~~ DRIVEWAY -PROPOliEDl-1iB"PERMEABlE IN1ERI..Dek.lNGCONCFIE.TEPA\19f'5 \ lO"NOl!STONESECDHGLA'IER I 11;~ \ .-----ao-AJTMNO srsroN£8ASEOOtRS -?~ • JJL'-fN Pf'fO,l'OSfDa,/T-OFF ~~:5 PROPOSEDB"PERF PfPESUBc:FIAtNHOLES DRIENTEODO~ PRIVATE DRIVEWAY SECT/ON © ================::::::;;;;;l,,,..c TENTATIVE MAP/IMPROVEMENTS PLAN BUENA VISTA LAGOON KETI.ANDSBOUNDARY -~...._ EXl!ff NC PARKING I -----==- EXIST.SFD ~1~1-1 lff .... S7J -- E)(IST,SFD APN16'-22t-1~ fFF-45.0Q} -- f~ir------ :: EXIST SFD ~ r APNIS&-221-14 oe .. (FFsf5UJ i . J-,. !l~ ~,J t..'1-,jJ • ---~~----! ~I' i EXJSTCOMM' APN155-221-13 (FF...f$6$) j METTFARROW DATE SUBDIVIDER VICINITY MAP BRETT FARROW ARCHITECT, INC. 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF, CA 92007 ALLIDEA.i.DESIDHAIUtNC&IOOS..#ID P\NIISNDICAT'EDOIIIIEl"l:ESBn'tOIY TMISDR,1,1MNOAAlON4EOIYN«>NIE TH!:PIIDPCJITTDl'IIIETTl'MIIOYlf AAOflTECTNC-~WEJtECMATED. EVOL\IED NfCDEVElOPIOl'DIIUSI.Ofl. ANCINaJMN£!;1"0lv.m!.TME9'B:IIED PROJECT frlONECFSUCMIDEU. Jdllllit,IGDIINTSOIIIPL,1,MSSMALLIEU5ED BTORDISCLOSEDTO~YPBlSOH,l'IIU,I. OIICOIIPCIIIATOIFCll~rl'\111,CSE WU.T:sllOEVERlMTHOLITTHEMITTIN PIIIMl.$.SIOMOFIJIETTFNIIIOW A!tCtltn~:r,Nc IJlAv.N· BF· CHEO<ED. BF. SETISSUBl: PR8JMRE'<1EW 11,1)9117 SUBMITTAL SET 05oll3/18 PL/11-NNG MEE11NG ~15118 HOUSIOOPWCY MEETING 07o\15118 RESUBMITTAL SET 08oll3/l8 RESUBMITTALSET 1005118 RESUBMITTAL SET 1112!r18 RESUBMITTALSET 01114119 RESUBMITTALSET 0411)8119 PROJECT NO.: 1705.01 Sl£ETTITlE: TENTATIVE MAP IMPROVEMENT PLNIS SHEET NO. TM-1 TENTATIVE MAP AND PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN FOR THIRTEEN DETACHED SITE CONDOMINIUM UNITS 570-580 LAGUNA DRIVE BRETT FARROW ARCHITECT, INC. NOTES/LEGEND -~- " ,..,. ____ , CONCRETE PAVEMENT C=:J :c:~=~RETAJNINGW.LL I-. I 0UtJ!:C110NO,Dlt.AHiAGE MOPOSEOPRNATESTORAIDRAIN -~-- PlroPCSEOF¥111VATESEWE'R --3-- FIAOP05EO S'DG&EllHE COM TRENCH -• -• -• -• - PROPOSEDPUSLICWAl~SERVICE --ti---0 PROPOSEDPUfJLJCRREDOCV ~ PROPOSED PUBLIC IRRIGA'OON Sfl'IVICE ~ PROPO!ED CURB~ GUT'TER ■ CONDOMINIUM U~ O!MCX.ISl-l-"ROTECT 1N Pt.ACE 0 1 RSIOVE TRE.E'!U VEGETATION Z ~OLISHIMCYCLE EKIST/NG OFF#CE SU4.DINGIRECYCLE E)l1$THIIAC J OEMOUSU & REMOVE ALL SI-IEDS & MISC Sn.'UCTURES lJ ~ 0 4 OEMOUSH & REMOVE ALL CONCFIETEIPAVEJfS. ETC J DEMOUSHIAECYCLE ALL AC PAVEMENT If DEMOUSHAtECYCLE EXIST RESIDENCE & GARAGE 7 F'ROtR=T BACKFLDWF¥/IEVENTER JN PU.CE I REJACNE ALL UNDERGROUND sateR. PLUMS ETC U.N 0 ::.u~E SEWER TO PROPERTY UNE CAP AND PROTECT FOIi 10 REMOVEGASIJETERATOFFICE ff ABANOCW~TE/ltSERVICE REMOVE WATER METER 12 REAIOVE"B.ECTRICMETERATOFF/Cf!. 13 PROTECTRETAIN~R IN-PLACE 14. PROTECT STAIRS IN-Pi.ACE 1$ PROTECT TREE IN-PLACE. PlfUNEnRrM AS NEG ESSARY 1ts D!MOLISWRECY'ClE AU EXJSTING ""°°° DECKS 1T EM'P1YWATERMETE'RS0.1t NOSE/NICE 11 PROTECTS-C,icROWAAEVE~RfNPI.ACE ~ fi:li~tJFE:DEMocmoN U PROJa:TAt.LSDG&EITEl.ECOMEOUIP IN-PLACE UT1LmES ~ ~':'POS~D POINT OF CONNECTION TOE~TTHG ra-wATER ~~DINSTAUATIONOFWATERMETER (SflE1llDJ,AND !Ei:~[~BA~FLOWA'llfYENT~ 6. PROPOSED INSTAU.ATTON OF IRRIGAT10N METER. (SIZE T8DJ ~ =~::;~~:~;::ERV/CE ti PROPOSED SDG&.e TRANSFORMEPl & PAD 10 PROPOSEDR'i'NA1El"SE'M=RUTERAL TOMAJNPERS-1 11 PROPQSEOA'IIIVATe4".sa\£RTOPRIVATE!"LAJFl'AL fl EXISTJNGWl'~St!JfVICELAreRAL 108EABANDDNED 1J EJQST1NG Sf'ME'RUTERAI. TOBE ABANDONED ■ EASEM!"NTS 0 1 PRO~SHAREDMNATEORNEWAYIIWTN'Mf/T'UAL /lfAINTFNANCE, t.lTIUTY AND ACCES'S EASEMENT ~~~~=~~~8tECY'1'ElfCY' 3 lltfltEVOCABLE CHER OF DEDICATION KJI' STl'tRTS ANO I-IIGH'NAY PURPOSES PER DOCtJMENT1S-12&30Z REC01'DED MAY2T, f97.S ACG'.EP7EDSYaTVOFCARlS8ADOOCUMBIT 1H3-0'1!t128 FEeRUARY2$ fHJ 1 STORM~TERFL~(Q100) MASTElfmYIINAGEBASJN "A"SUENA Vlf!:TA CREE« PRE-OEVE'LCFMENT•411CFSTOLAGUNAORNE POST..lJEVELOPMENT• 0 4 CFS 10 LAGUNA ORNE PffE-OE\IELOAIEKT•0.0CFaTOLAOONAM.NE3d"$10tWDRAtN PDBT-DEVB.CJIIW6IT• 1 ez CFsro LA.GUNACJRNEJr61tlftN ,,,..,. :::,.~El=;!~~~~~:~~~A11:~ 2 MAS'TclfORAINMJEPLAN "A" SUEHA VISTA CREEK .t • .11\IE:RAGElWI.Y~ lfJDISnNGSINGLEFAIAVDf'El,.UlfQ"' 10ADT (tJMEOICALOffl'C.!1.tlOOi'OUAltEREr•40AOfflOOOl#•IOADT 107'AL E:XISTINfJ AOf!a-110 ADT (f:J}PliOFOSEOC.OHDOMNIIJMS•IAOmMf't.l.lNOIJNfT•1f.4DT TOTALPffOPOSEDADT.,.TIADT EXJSTCONM APNfM-22-ff (FF~3T5) BUENA VISTA LAGOON UTILITIES PLAN I EJOSTSFO APNfSS-221-15 (FF-lli09) ..,.",, E>aSTFIFEH'tORANTAT--NalT1<8STOORIEROF LAGUNA&&ENA\l'l'STA aRa.£1"""'' ..... EXJST COMM. f.P/<11~2-11 (FP-4315) fl __ • ,H. • ... BUENA VISTA LAGOON DEMOLITION PLAN { I , I ... , I JI I ' ,._. I \ I I .~ ~ i +=<-+---~ 1 _. I ''· I ";i I --· . __ '. _.:,. - --- E>tlST.SltJ APN155-22f.1 rFF-<•.J1J E)(J$T,SIO APNf~tlf-15 ,_.., ~-- t t £MST.= APN155-221-1,f .._.i fFF-1,.ssJ -;;;---i E)QSTCOMM. APN7.5&.22t-13 (l'l'-4 ... } 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF, CA 92007 (780)230-e851 AlllOEUDISIGNAAIUHGDIDCTSHlD Jll.,UIStrftllCArtDOltHl'US!HtUl■T TMISDRAM,IGAAEowtEOaYIIHDAAE lHll'ROPERTYOf'lllmFAAROW dCH11Ec:11NC.AHDWBIECIIU.11D. IVOL\li'D,Nll>DEVElOPtt>FORUSEON. ANDl,ICONNECTIOIN-...ml.MSP!CIP•O PR0JECTN0NEOF!L!Qlll>IAS.. .&11111.AHCJDlEHTSCRPI.AAS.liHAl..lEUSED IIYDllCIIIC~0.510T0NNPl'ISDN.FIIUI Ol'ICORP0Ro\TIC1"FORIIHYl'UR~.5E ll'IHATSCIEVEltV'IITl10UTTHl!~ITTBI ~IS.IICNDFaRETTFAIUtCIW I-(_) w ...., w 0 > ii: 0::: D ~ a.. ::> (!) <( :5 0 z 00 ~ :::> (!) ::S DRA\\tl: OECKEO: SETISSIJEO: PRBJMREVIEW SlllMITTALSET PLANNING MEETING HOUSIJ,,G POUCY MEETING RESLl!MITTALSET RESLl!MITTALSET RESLl!MITTALSET RESl,IIMITTALSET RESLl!MITTALSET RESLl!MITTAL SET PROJECT NO.: S1£ETTITI.E g ~ <C (..) □-<C m ~ 0:: <C (..) BF· BF, 11108117 05/03/18 11&'26118 07105118 0&'03118 111125/18 11129/18 01N4/19 04108119 05103/19 1705.01 . :.w, TENTATIVE WP .ti¥ ~•;J OEMOUTION PLAN lJJlUTIESPLM S1£ETNO.: TM-2 ... TENTATIVE MAP AND PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN FOR THIRTEEN DETACHED SITE CONDOMINIUM UNITS 570-580 LAGUNA DRIVE EASEMENT LINE HEWCONTOUR sriilOl PRE-DEVELOPMEMT• DD CFS 70LAGUNA DRIVE JF' STORM DltAIN POST-OEVEt.~T"' 1 tll CFS 10 LAGUNA DfllVE Jtl" STORM OR""' PRE-DEVEl.OPMENT • 1 1210 B/JfHA WSTA LAGOON ll'OST~EVEI..OPt.ff:NT:.-D M TO BUENA VISTA t.AGOOH 2. .VAS'T6' DRAINAGE PLAN "A~ BUENA VISTA CREEK JAV!Jlf~DNt.Vnwf'S (1}8'$TING-SWGL~f,JIUa.VDWE1L"11G•10AUr (1)MEDl'CALOFRCE1800.saJA/fEFEET-.~AOTnOOOSF•M>AOT J'O'JW.E}tJSntlG~IONJT (f1) PROPOSEC) CONOCIIIHIUM~• I AOTl1MBLJNG UNIT• 19 NJT TOTALPROPOSEOAOT• TIAOT PffOPOSED OPEN SPACE LOT2 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN I EXIST. COMM. APN 155-22-11 , __ 75} P'R0,100:5tt,WOOO~Cl!' jll"MAJt.HnGi,m-1! UNIT 12 GAAAGE FF:45.20 PAD:44.45 UNIT/2 ff:46.10 PAD:45.35 (ffc45.65) : l '""-COMM. DOST.Ac::PVIIT-• ~-i---~~-==:=='Lh~b~-=!r"..l--:::;l'iF"'====:dE~,.=-~--,rr ---~ -OP"aSfD1'fT--=-r' ...... !!."'..:.:'.::.~I JlffO,IIOSEQCVT~~LS31J" ltLOWl.ut"O,GJPA~fi.&l!CnoN ~6"SUADRAJN-DASHalLJNERa'RESENn flC1STIMJG,t,lOE SITE CROSS SECTION AT DRIVEWAY (c\ ========~t,1 """"'w,roo•""-''""'" J I ,,.,,,...,.,,,, I I EXIST. COMM. APN 155-221-13 (FF-45.65!_ l \I CALmANS -SIGHrDISTANCE ··----..._\ \ t331)'AT3TW'H)-~ E)OST.PVMT..-,, \ »O' 100' s ,-=~~ ~~~~~- SITE CROSS SECTION AT LAGUNA DRIVE , .• ,® 1• I• BRETT FARROW ARCHITECT, INC. 125 MOZART AVE CARDIFF, CA 92007 AU.IDEJ,,S,DESIGHAMAHOEICWfS,N,jQ Pl.AHSHDIC4TEOOIIREPAESEHTt081' flUSORAWWIIAAEOIIHEtllWAHDd.l THEPROP£Rff0FIIRETTFAAROW ARCMITECTINC.#IDWBIEClll£ATm EVOLVE0,N,1DflEVELOH.OFORUSf:m<l AHDINCONNECTIOMW1lt,'J1{E&PECll'l£D PROJECTNCl'fEOfSJCtllDEM. NUtANGDIENTS0RPLANS$144L.L8EUSltl 8\"0ltCWSa.05EDTOt,n\"PEll60N,FIRM ORCORPOM.TlOtlfOR~IIUJIPl.l:il: WCAT$0EVERWITllOOTTWEWllrtTl!N PEIIMISSIONOFlllfflfAJIJIOW I-u w -, w m 0 > a': 0::: D < ~ a.. z ~ (9 ~ <( ~ t0 o en z CD ....I tr/~ => ~ (_) (!) <( _J IJlAl',!,I· BF· a-tEO<Ell: BF, SETISSUID PREUMREVIEW 11,1)8117 SUBMITTAL SET 05oll3/18 PLANNING MEETING OE,26118 HOUSINGPCI.IC'I' MEETING O7,IJS/18 RESUBfllTT/\1.51:T 08ol'.l3/18 RESUBMITTAL SET 1005/18 RESUBfllTT/\1.51:T 111.!9118 RESUBMITT/\1.SET 01/14/111 RESUBMITTAL SET 04.!08119 RESUBMITTIILSET 05'1l3119 PRO.EC! NO.: 1705.01 S1£ETT111.f PREUMl~Y GRADING PlAN SITE CROSS Sl!CTIONS S1£ETl«l.: TM-3 ATTACHMENT 6 To whom it may concern: Dave and Laura Kum.er 2461 Buena Vista Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008' September 28, 2018 Our family has tived at 2461 Buena Vista Circle in the Village of Carlsbad since our home was first built ·in 1950. When we heard that the nearly _ empty lot behind us at 570,..580, Laguna Drive· was to be· developed after all these years we were very afraid that the result would be another of those ugly tall boxes that are so prevalent ,in the ,recent Village development, with tiny setbacks, rows of windows looking into our back yard, and all light and air cut off. Brett Farrow asked to meet with us and other concerned neighbors to explain his vision and plan and to r~ceive our input. He explained how he is taking into consideration the amount of light an9 air coming into our home. He asked for our opinion on choice of border trees. I have never heard of any other developer t~king, the time to do that. ·we feel tha~ Mr. Farrow's design is extremely fitting for that lot and its location by the lagoon. The design has a beautiful coastal modern look with many elements from the lovely and highly acclaimed Sea Ranch in northern California. The angled rooflines and warm gray siding will nestle these homes into the space and are an excellent fit for our area. While, of course, we wish the City was not allowing all of the massive growth and building height in our Village under its current guidelines, this project s~ems to us to be the best of all possibilities. We have seen some of Mr. Farrow's existing projects and are impressed with the quality of design and construction. We fully support Mr. Farrow's Laguna Project and look forward to watching it grow. Sincerely, Dave and Laura Kurner October 5, 2018 Jason Goff, Senior Planner City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Laguna Drive Subdivision -570, 580 Laguna Drive, Carlsbad CA 92008 CT 2018-0006, RP 2018-0008, CDP 2018-0032, HOP 2018-0003, HMP 2018-0003 Dear Mr. Goff, This letter is to express my opposition to the pending application for development of the property located at 570/580 Laguna Drive due to inadequate parking. The proposed plan is to develop 13 new detached three-story single-family homes. Parking requirements for this project is a two-car garage for each home. The proposed plan provides for a 1-car garage with a lift to provide a second space in each garage. The utilization of a lift is not adequate and I feel the developers are overly optimistic that the lift will be used on a daily basis. The second car for each home will most likely be parked on Laguna Drive creating congestion on an already busy street. Furthermore, the plan does not provide any visitor parking. The town homes (Seagrove) and Condominiums (Laguna Point) located near this development provide the required parking. Seagrove on State Street provides two-car garages for all of their larger units and a one-car garage and dedicated parking space for each of their smaller units. Additionally, Seagrove provides three visitor parking spaces. Laguna Point on Laguna Drive provides two dedicated spaces in the parking garage for each unit. Additionally, Laguna Point provides for eight visitor parking spaces. I understand the desire to continue residential development for families in this area. The majority of the proposed units are not family size. Perhaps the developer should redesign the plan for fewer units and provide a better family environment. Thank you for taking the time to review my concerns. Regards, i::.t?,*~ 545 Laguna Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 403-560-9248 Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-4600 760-602-8560 fax ERRATA SHEET FOR AGENDA ITEM #2 Memorandum July 17, 2019 To: Planning Commission From: Jason Goff, Senior Planner Via Don Neu, City Planner Re: Errata Sheet for Agenda Item #2 – CT 2018-0006/RP 2018-0008/CDP 2018- 0032/HDP 2018-0003/HMP 2018-0003 (DEV2017-0237) – LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission add the following condition to Planning Commission Resolution No. 7342. Prior to the approval of the Final Map, Developer shall dedicate an irrevocable 25-foot-wide lateral access easement along the Buena Vista Lagoon to the California Coastal Commission or their designee as agreed to with the California Coastal Commission. C cityof Carlsbad