HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-07-16; City Council; ; Determination of eight deficient street segments according to the Growth Management Plan, adoption of measures to address deficiencies, and prohibition on development inJuly 16, 2019 4. DETERMINATION OF DEFICIENT STREET SEGMENTS ACCORDING TO THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN -Adoption of a Resolution determining deficiencies of the Growth Management Plan Circulation Performance Standard to exist for eight street segments, adopting measures to address deficiencies at four street segments, and related actions; and, Introduce an Ordinance prohibiting development in Local Facility Management Zone 15 due to four street segment deficiencies related to the Circulation Performance Standard under the Growth Management Plan. (Staff contact: Doug Bilse, Public Works) THIS ITEM WAS CONTINUED TO A DATE UNCERTAIN (SEE MINUTES FOR DETAILS) CA Review /;L <?::,-- ~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: July 16, 2019 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Doug Bilse, Senior Engineer Doug.Bilse@carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-7504 Subject: Determination of eight deficient street segments according to the Growth Management Plan, adoption of measures to address deficiencies, and prohibition on development in Local Facility Management Zone 15. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution to: A. Determine that the following street segments are deficient according to the Growth Management Plan (GMP) circulation performance standard: 1. El Camino Real southbound from Oceanside city limits to Marron Road 2. El Camino Real northbound from Marron Road to Oceanside city limits 3. College Boulevard southbound from Aston Avenue to Palomar Airport Road 4 . Melrose Drive southbound from Vista city limits to Palomar Airport Road 5. El Camino Real southbound from Cannon Road to College Boulevard 6. El Camino Real northbound from College Boulevard to Cannon Road 7 . Cannon Road eastbound from El Camino Real to College Boulevard 8 . Cannon Road westbound from College Boulevard to El Camino Real B. Adopt identified measures that address the LOS deficiencies for the following street segments: • El Camino Real southbound from Oceanside city limits to Marron Road • El Camino Real northbound from Marron Road to Oceanside city limits • College Boulevard southbound from Aston Avenue to Palomar Airport Road • Melrose Drive southbound from Vista city limits to Palomar Airport Road C. Direct Staff to expedite existing CIP Project Nos. 6042 and 6071 to reduce congestion through intersection improvements at El Camino Real and College Boulevard. D. Direct Staff to report back to City Council in ninety (90) days on potential arrangements that would guarantee the facilities and improvements necessary to meet the LOS performance standard for the following street segments: • El Camino Real southbound from Cannon Rd. to College Blvd. • El Camino Real northbound from College Blvd. to Cannon Rd. • Cannon Rd. eastbound from El Camino Real to College Blvd. July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 1 of 27 • Cannon Rd. westbound from College Blvd. to El Camino Real Adopt an Ordinance to prohibit the issuance of development and building permits for a project in Local Facility Management Zone (LFMZ) 15 that add traffic to the below reported deficient street segments, until the performance standard is met or arrangements satisfactory to the City Council have been made guaranteeing the facilities and improvement will be implemented: • El Camino Real southbound from Cannon Road to College Boulevard • El Camino Real northbound from College Boulevard to Cannon Road • Cannon Road eastbound from El Camino Real to College Boulevard • Cannon Road westbound from College Boulevard to El Camino Real Executive Summary In 1986, Carlsbad residents voted to pass the GMP, which put conditions on how growth in the City of Carlsbad could occur. Under the GMP, the impact of development on public facilities is measured against adopted "performance standards." If at any time a proposed development would contribute to a failure of any of these adopted facility performance standards, the development cannot be approved until the problem is resolved. The streets network is evaluated using a LOS method, and, in 2015, the General Plan Mobility Element established a performance standard of LOS Dor better. Development is prohibited in a LFMZ that is affected by a deficient street segment until the problem is resolved to the satisfaction of the City Council. Carlsbad had used the same LOS method {ICU) to evaluate traffic conditions since the GMP monitoring program was implemented. The 2015 General Plan Mobility Element shifted the approach to require that all vehicular LOS analyses for growth management purposes be consistent with the Highway Capacity Manual {HCM). Therefore, the LOS analyses for the GMP monitoring program were revised to comply with the latest version of the HCM. Each year staff collects traffic data according to the GMP monitoring program to determine if the performance standard is being met for each facility. The Annual Growth Management Monitoring Report fiscal year (FY) 2017-18 (Exhibit 3} applied the new LOS HCM methods. Table 1 lists the eight street segments that failed to meet the LOS D standard for FY 2017-18. Staff recommends City Council determine that these street segments are deficient according to the GMP circulation performance standard, that Council adopt staff's proposed measures for four of the eight deficient facilities, and that Council prohibit the issuance of building and development permits in LFMZ 15 for projects that add traffic to the remaining four deficient street segments until the performance standard is met or arrangements satisfactory to the City Council are in place that guarantee the necessary facilities and improvements. Discussion Background A primary objective of the GMP is to ensure that adequate public facilities are provided concurrent with growth as established by Proposition E, which was passed by voters in 1986. Proposition E established broad guidelines for determining adequacy of public facilities. These guidelines are further defined in the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan (CFIP) by means July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 2 of 27 of specific performance standards for each of the 11 public facilities. The CFIP established the following performance standard for the circulation facility group that includes street segments: Implement a comprehensive livable streets network that serves all users of the system - vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles and public transit. Maintain LOS D or better for all modes that are subject to this multi-modal level of service (MM LOS} standard, as identified in Table 3-1 of the General Plan Mobility Element, excluding LOS exempt intersections and streets approved by the City Council. The CFIP divided the city into 25 LFMZs. Each LFMZ is required to have an adopted Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) that must describe the following: how the LFMZ will be developed, how compliance with the GMP standards will be achieved, how the necessary public facilities will be provided, and what financing mechanisms will be used for the facilities. The GMP requires development activity to stop in an LFMZ if a performance standard is not being met or a facility located in the LFMZ is determined to be deficient, unless arrangements satisfactory to the City Council are made guaranteeing the facilities and improvements. No development permits or building permits can be issued in the affected LFMZ until the problem is resolved. · FY 2017-2018 Monitoring Report and Street Segment Deficiencies Each year, staff monitors the 11 different public facility systems and submits a report to City Council comparing performance data against the adopted standards . Street segments are the public facilities monitored for the circulation standard. The Annual Growth Management Monitoring Report FY 2017-18 includes a detailed evaluation of street segments. Table 1 lists the street segments found to not meet the adopted performance standard of LOS D in the FY 2017-2018 Monitoring Report and the LFMZs adjacent to these deficiencies. A map of the deficient street segments with adjacent LFMZs is included as Exhibit 4. July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 3 of 27 Table 1: List of Street Segments that Exceed LOS D Standard Deficient Street From To LOS Recommended Actions Affected Segment AM PM 1. El Camino Real Oceanside City Marron Road E E Exempt from LOS Limits standard; use TDM/TSM strategies 2. El Camino Real Marron Road Oceanside City E E Exempt from LOS Limits standard; use TDM/TSM strategies 3. College Aston Avenue Palomar B F Exempt from LOS Boulevard Airport Road .. standard; use TDM/TSM strategies 4. Melrose Drive Vista City Limits Palomar F E Construct CIP No . 6034 Airport Road 5. El Camino Real College Blvd Cannon Road C F Prohibit d!,!velopment until deficiency is addressed 6. El Camino Real Cannon Road College F B Prohibit development -Boulevard until deficiency is addressed 7. Cannon Road El Camino Real College D F -Prohibit development Boulevard until deficiency is addressed 8 . Cannon Road College El Camino Real E D Prohibit development Boulevard until deficiency is . addressed Based on this information, staff recommends that City Council determine that a deficiency exists at each of the street segments listed in Table 1 per CMC Section 21.90.130 (c): If at any time it appears to the satisfaction of the city manager that facilities or improvements within a facilities management zone or zones are inadequate to accommodate any further development within that zone or that the performance standards adopted pursuant to Section 21.90.100 are not being met he or she shall immediately report the deficiency to the council. If the council determines that a deficiency exists then no further building or development permits shall be issued within the affected zone or zones and development shall cease until an amendment to the city- wide facilities and improvements plan or applicable local facilities management plan which addresses the deficiency is approved by the city council and the performance standard is met. Policy Options When a deficiency is determined to exist, in accordance with CMC Section 21.90 .080 and 21.90.130, the City Council can either adopt measures that implement or guarantee the facilities and improvements that address the deficiency, or City Council prohibits issuing development and building permits in affected LFMZs until the performance standard is met. LFMZ N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 15 15 15 July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 4 of 27 Measures include: (1) identifying and funding an improvement project that will result in that street segment meeting the performance standard; or (2) determining that the street segment is built out and exempt from the LOS standard under General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3- P.9, such that TDM/TSM strategies will apply to development that adds vehicle traffic to the exempt street facilities. With respect to deeming street facilities built out and exempt from the LOS D standard, the General Plan Mobility Element acknowledges that the city cannot always rely on adding roadway capacity to address deficiencies. In other words, the city cannot always build our way out of traffic congestion. City Council can approve exemptions from the street segment LOS standard when build-out criteria are met per General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9: Develop and maintain a list of street facilities where specified modes of travel are exempt from the LOS standard {LOS exempt street facilities), as approved by the City Council. For LOS exempt street facilities, the city will not implement improvements to maintain the LOS standard outlined in Policy 3-P.4 if such improvements are beyond what is identified as appropriate at build out of the General Plan . In the case of street facilities where the vehicle mode of travel is exempt from the LOS standard, other non-vehicle capacity-building improvements will be required to improve mobility through implementation of transportation demand and transportation system management measures as outlined in Policy 3-P.11, to the extent feasible, and/or to implement the livable streets goals and policies of this Mobility Element. Evaluate the list of exempt street facilities, as part of the Growth Management monitoring program, to determine if such exemptions are still warranted. To exempt the vehicle mode of travel from the LOS standard at a particular street intersection or segment, the intersection or street segment must be identified as built- out by the City Council because: a. acquiring the rights of way is not feasible; or b. the proposed improvements would significantly impact the environment in an unacceptable way and mitigation would not contribute to the nine core values of the Carlsbad Community Vision; or c. the proposed improvements would result in unacceptable impacts to other community values or General Plan policies; or d. the proposed improvements would require more than three through travel lanes in each direction. General Plan Policy 3-P .11 requires new development that adds vehicle traffic to street facilities that are exempt from the vehicle LOS standard to implement: • TDM strategies that reduce the reliance on single-occupant automobile and assist in achieving the city's livable streets vision; and • TSM strategies that improve traffic signal coordination and improve transit service. The City Council previously deemed the following street facilities built out and exempt from the LOS standard during the 2015 General Plan amendment adoption (these segments are thus now subject to TDM/TSM requirements as described in General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3- P.11): La Costa Avenue between lnterstate-5 and El Camino Real July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 5 of 27 El Camino Real between Palomar Airport Road and La Costa Avenue Palomar Airport Road between lnterstate-5 and College Boulevard Palomar Airport Road between El Camino Real and Melrose Drive Table 1 summarizes staff's recommended actions regarding each of the eight deficient street segments. Staff's recommended actions are further described below: Proposed Measures to Address Four Street Segment Deficiencies Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the following measures to address four of the eight identified street deficiencies: 1. Determine street segments to be built out and exempt from the LOS D standard pursuant to Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9, as follows: • El Camino Real between Oceanside city limits and Marron Road (northbound and southbound): Addressing these deficiencies through roadway improvements would require widening El Camino Real to accommodate one or more additional through lanes. Staff does not support such a project because this section of El Camino Real is currently three lanes in each direction of the deficiencies. Adding more than three through lanes to address circulation deficiencies is inconsistent with the City's policy to shift from roadway improvements to TDM/TSM measures at build out. Therefore, staff recommends that these street segments be exempted from the LOS D standard pursuant to Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9 (d). These deficient street segments are located in LFMZ 1 and LFMZ 2. Pursuant to Policy 3-P.11, future development in LFMZ 1 and LFMZ 2 that add traffic to the exempt segments will be subject to implementing appropriate TSM and TDM strategies. • College Boulevard southbound from Aston Avenue to Palomar Airport Road: CIP Project No. 6028 could potentially address this deficiency by re-striping and eliminating the existing bike lane to allow a second through lane. Staff is not recommending this project because doing so would create a safety concern for bicyclists and conflict with Mobility Element guidance for arterial streets, which states, "Bicycle lanes shall be provided and can be further enhanced or complemented by other facilities or off-street pathways (Table 3-1, Carlsbad Livable Streets Guide, p. 3-11)." Alternatively, CIP Project No. 6028 could be redesigned to widen the intersection within existing right-of-way. However, such widening could impact existing hardline Habitat Management Plan (HMP) preserve area, impact sensitive upland and/or riparian habitat in the Coastal Zone, and be constrained by an existing SDG&E powerline easement and tower support. Therefore, staff is recommending this street section be deemed built out and exempted from the LOS D standard pursuant to Policy 3-P.9 (c). This deficient street segment is located in LFMZ 5. Pursuant to Policy 3-P.11, future development in LFMZ 5 that add traffic to the exempt segment will be subject to implementing appropriate TSM and TDM strategies . July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 6 of 27 2. Expedite the construction of existing CIP project No. 6034 to address the deficiency reported on Melrose Drive: • Melrose Drive southbound from Vista City limits to Palomar Airport Road: This deficient street segment is located in LFMZ 18. CIP Project No. 6034 will address this deficiency by adding a southbound right turn lane and re-striping to provide a third southbound through lane on southbound Melrose Drive at the intersection with Palomar Airport Drive. Adjustment of the adjacent open space boundary within the right-of-way (a recorded irrevocable offer to dedicate area of approximately 0.24 acres for future road improvements) is necessary to accommodate the improvements. Staff recommends that the City Council waive applicable right-of- way open space boundary adjustment requirements pursuant to General Plan Policy 4-P.6 which states: "City Council may exempt public rights-of-way from the open space boundary adjustment requirements. However, environmental analysis shall be performed for all proposed public right-of-way improvements, and if determined that there are significant adverse impacts to the value of the open space system, those impacts shall be mitigated." The open space is a road parkway area consisting of ornamental landscaping, is not environmentally constrained, was anticipated to be utilized for future roadway improvements as evidence by the recorded irrevocable offer to dedicate, and the GMP open space acreage standard for LFMZ 18 will still be met. Upon construction of the proposed improvement, this roadway section will meet the LOS D standard and LFMZ 18 will not be reported as impacted by this road segment. This street segment will continue to be monitored as part of the City's annual GMP monitori ng requirements. Proposed Prohibition on Development in LFMZ 15 CIP Project No. 3636 is located in LFMZ 15 and would extend College Boulevard between El Camino Real and Cannon Road. A separate CIP project located in LFMZ 15 is programmed, but not fully funded, to widen El Camino Real northbound from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive . These two projects are fully located on private property in LFMZ 15 and would resolve the four remaining street deficiencies (El Camino Real southbound from Cannon Rd. to College Blvd.; El Camino Real northbound from College Blvd. to Cannon Rd.; Cannon Rd. eastbound from El Camino Real to College Blvd .; and Cannon Rd . westbound from College Blvd. to El Camino Real). Future private development will fully fund the outstanding balance of these two projects. Therefore, the deficiencies reported on these street segments are not expected to be fully resolved until the proposed projects located on private property in LFMZ 15 are fully developed. Development outside of LFMZ 15 is not expected to directly participate in the funding, permitting or other aspects of the construction of these projects. For these reasons, LFMZ 15 is considered the sole "affected LFMZ" for the deficiencies reported on Cannon Road and El Camino Real south of Cannon Road. July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 7 of 27 Although they will not fully address the four remaining street deficiencies, staff recommends expediting two existing CIP projects to reduce area congestion on El Camino Real between Cannon Road and College Boulevard: • CIP Project No. 6042, which is currently funded and will reduce northbound congestion on this street segment through intersection improvements at El Camino Real and Cannon Road . • CIP Project No . 6071, which is currently funded and will reduce southbound congestion on this street segment through intersection improvements at El Camino Real and College Boulevard. CMC Section 21.90.080 requires that if "the performance standard established by a plan are not met then no development permits or building permits shall be issued within the local zone until the performance standard is met or arrangements satisfactory to the city council guaranteeing the facilities and improvements have been made ." Therefore, until the deficiencies are fully addressed, staff recommends that the Council prohibit the issuance of building and development permits for projects in LFMZ 15 that add traffic to the below deficient street segments: • El Camino Real southbound from Cannon Road to College Boulevard • El Camino Real northbound from College Boulevard to Cannon Road • Cann.on Road eastbound from El Camino Real to College Boulevard • Cannon Road westbound from College Boulevard to El Camino Real Staff will report back to City Council in ninety (90) days on potential arrangements that would guarantee the facilities and improvements necessary to meet the LOS performance standard for the above four street segments. If arrangements satisfactory to the City Council are made to guarantee the facilities and improvements, then the city can remove the prohibition on the issuance of development and building permits in LFMZ 15. Fiscal Analysis The proposed Resolution does not have a direct fiscal impact. No new CIP projects have been identified in this staff report. Staff annually reviews the CIP program and adjusts project costs accordingly with recommended funding changes proposed as part of the budget approval process . The resulting development restrictions in LFMZ 15 may have indirect fiscal impacts such as delayed development fee collection . Next Steps Consistent with the Council's direction, staff will update the applicable LFMP and CFIP as needed to comply with the CMC and GMP, and will remove or expedite existing CIP projects. Field data has been collected and analysis is being prepared for the next Annual Growth Management Monitoring Report FY 2018-19. Staff will report back to City Council. in ninety (90) days on potential arrangements that would guarantee the facilities and improvements necessary to meet the LOS performance standard for the above four street segments. If arrangements satisfactory to the City Council are made to July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 8 of 27 guarantee the facilities and improvements, then the city can remove the prohibition on the issuance of development and building permits in LFMZ 15. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Exempting street segments and intersections from the GMP circulation LOS standard is an activity that was previously evaluated in the Final Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 13-02 for the General Plan update (GPA 07-02), dated September 22, 2015. The City Council may declare certain street facilities as built-out and approve LOS exemptions consistent with General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9 provided that subsequent development projects within exempted LFMZs incorporate appropriate TDM and TSM measures to reduce project impacts. The EIR evaluated the potential environmental effects of the implementation of General Plan policies and Climate Action Plan measures that would reduce congestion and vehicle-related demand through TDM and TSM. Therefore, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15168 (c) (2), the action to exempt the recommended street segments from the GMP circulation LOS performance standard is within the scope of the Final Program EIR 13-02 and no further CEQA compliance is required. Introduction of an ordinance to prohibit issuance of development permits in LFMZ 15 until the GMP circulation performance standard is met for the identified deficient street segments or arrangements satisfactory to the City Council guaranteeing the required improvements have or will be made is not subject to environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the ordinance prohibiting development may have a significant effect on the environment. Street improvement projects recommended in this staff report will be subject to appropriate project-level CEQA review during their planning and design prior to implementation. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution. 2. City Council Ordinance . 3. Annual Growth Management Monitoring Report FY 2017-18: Circulation Section. 4. Map of Deficient Street Segments with Local Facility Management Zones. July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 9 of 27 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING DEFICIENCIES OF THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN CIRCULATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD TO EXIST FOR EIGHT STREET SEGMENTS, ADOPTING MEASURES TO ADDRESS DEFICIENCIES AT FOUR STREET SEGMENTS, AND RELATED ACTIONS. EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, on November 4, 1986, the voters of Carlsbad approved a ballot measure which enacted the Growth Management Plan for the City of Carlsbad, codified as Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Growth Management Plan (GMP) makes the approval of new development contingent upon adequacy of public facilities, based on performance standards for eleven identified public facilities; and WHEREAS, the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan (CFIP) includes the circulation performance standard that requires facilities to maintain LOS D or better, excluding LOS exempt intersections and streets approved by the City Council; and WHERAS, the GMP requires annual monitoring to measure adequate performance of various public facilities, including circulation; and WHEREAS, the General Plan Mobility Element, adopted in September 2015, requires that the city's LOS analyses for growth management purposes use Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology; and WHEREAS, staff employed HCM methodology for its LOS analyses in the FY 2017-18 annual monitoring report, in lieu of the city's prior use of the Intersection Capacity Utilization-Carlsbad (ICU- C) methodology; and WHEREAS, the FY 2017-2018 annual monitoring report identified eight street segments not meeting the LOS D or better circulation performance, namely the following segments: El Camino Real southbound from Oceanside city limits to Marron Road; El Camino Real northbound from Marron Road to Oceanside city limits; College Boulevard southbound from Aston Avenue to Palomar Airport Road; Melrose Drive southbound from Vista city limits to Palomar Airport Road; El Camino Real southbound from Cannon Road to College Boulevard; El Camino Real northbound from College Boulevard to Cannon Road; Cannon Road eastbound from El Camino Real to College Boulevard; and Cannon Road westbound from College Boulevard to El Camino Real; and July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 10 of 27 EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Section 21.90.080 states, "If at any time after the preparation of a local facilities management plan the performance standards established by a plan are not met then no development permits or building permits shall be issued within the local zone until the performance standard is met or arrangements satisfactory to the City Council guaranteeing the facilities and improvements have been made."; and WHEREAS, the General Plan Mobility Element, Policy 3-P.9, allows City Council to exempt the vehicle mode of travel from the LOS D standard for a street intersection or segment that has been I identified as built~out because one or more enumerated criteria has been met; and WHEREAS, General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11 requires new development that adds vehicle traffic to street facilities that are exempt from the vehicle LOS standard to implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and Transportation System Management (TSM) strategies to reduce reliance on single-occupant automobiles and assist in achieving the city's livable streets vision, and improve traffic signal coordination and improve transit service, respectively; and WHEREAS, addressing the LOS deficiency at El Camino Real between Oceanside city limits and Marron Road through roadway improvements would require more than three through lanes in each direction of travel, which is inconsistent with General Plan Mobility Element; and WHEREAS, addressing the LOS deficiency at College Boulevard southbound from Aston Avenue to Palomar Airport Road through roadway improvements, under existing Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6028, would either require: (i) adding a second through lane and removing a bike lane at the Palomar Airport Road intersection, which is contrary to General Plan Mobility Element Table 3-1, "Carlsbad Livable Streets Guide" that states bicycle lanes shall be provided on arterial streets such as this segment of College Boulevard; or (ii) Widening the intersection, which could impact existing hardline Habitat Management Plan (HMP) preserve area, sensitive upland and/or riparian habitat in the Coastal Zone, and would be constrained by an existing SDG&E utilities easement and tower support; and WHEREAS, addressing the LOS deficiency at Melrose Drive southbound from Vista city limits to Palomar Airport Road, through roadway improvements under existing CIP Project No . 6034, would require widening Melrose Drive southbound to add a third through lane and waiving the adjacent right- of-way from open space boundary adjustment requirements under General Plan Open Space Element Policy 4-P.6, which would decrease an existing parklet of ornamental landscaping that is neither July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 11 of 27 EXHIBIT 1 environmentally constrained nor would impact the ability of LFMZ 18 to meet the GMP open space standard; and WHEREAS, existing CIP Project Nos. 6042 and 6071 are expected to reduce congestion along El Camino Real between Cannon Road and College Boulevard, but not to a level to fully address the reported LOS deficiency; and WHEREAS, addressing the LOS deficiencies identified at the following four locations: El Camino Real southbound from Cannon Road to College Boulevard, El Camino Real northbound from College Boulevard to Cannon Road, Cannon Road eastbound from El Camino Real to College Boulevard, and Cannon Road westbound from College Boulevard to El Camino Real, through roadway improvements urider existing CIP Project No . 3636 and another project programmed but not fully funded in the CIP, would require extending College Boulevard from El Camino Real to Cannon Road and widening Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive, however staff recommends that future private development in Local Facility Management Zone (LFMZ) 15 fully fund and implement these improvements; and WHEREAS, for the segments of El Camino Real between Oceanside city limits and Marron Road, College Boulevard southbound from Aston Avenue to Palomar Airport Road, and Melrose Drive southbound from Vista city limits to Palomar Airport Road, staff recommends that the City Council adopt measures, as described in the associated Agenda Bill, that either construct improvements to restore a deficiency to an acceptable level of service, or determine the deficient street segment to be built out and exempt from the LOS standard and apply TDM and TSM strategies to new development that adds vehicle traffic to the exempt street facilities; and WHEREAS, for the segments of El Camino Real southbound from Cannon Road to College Boulevard, El Camino Real northbound from College Boulevard to Cannon Road, Cannon Road eastbound from El Camino Real to College Boulevard, and Cannon Road westbound from College Boulevard to El Camino Real, consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code section 21.90.080, staff recommends that the City Council, by separate concurrent action, adopt a companion ordinance to prohibit development in LFMZ 15 until the circulation performance standard is met or arrangements satisfactory to the City Council have been made guaranteeing the facilities and improvements will be implemented; and July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 12 of 27 EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the City Planner has determined that: 1) exempting street segments and intersections from the GMP circulation LOS D vehicle performance standard is a subsequent activity of the General Plan Mobility Element for which Programmatic Environmental Impact Report {EIR) 13-02 was prepared; 2) a notice for the activity has been given, which includes statements that this activity is within the scope of the program approved earlier, and that program EIR 13-02 adequately describes the activity for the purposes of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15168(c)(2) and (e); 3) that the proposal to exempt certain segments of El Camino Real and College Boulevard has no new significant environmental effect that was not analyzed as significant in program EIR 13-02; and 4) none of the circumstances requiring a subsequent or a supplemental EIR under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 or 15163 exist. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council determines a deficiency of the LOS D performance standard exists for the following street segments based on the results of the FY 2017-2018 growth management annual monitoring report: a. El Camino Real southbound from Oceanside city limits to Marron Road b. El Camino Real northbound from Marron Road to Oceanside city limits c. College Boulevard southbound from Aston Avenue to Palomar Airport Road d. Melrose Drive southbound from Vista city limits to Palomar Airport Road e. El Camino Real northbound from College Boulevard to Cannon Road f. El Camino Real southbound from Cannon Road to College Boulevard g. Cannon Road eastbound from El Camino Real to College Boulevard h. Cannon Road westbound from College Boulevard to El Camino Real 3. That the City Council determines El Camino Real southbound from Oceanside city limits to Marron Road, and El Camino Real northbound from Marron Road to Oceanside city limits, are built out and exempt from the LOS performance standard for the vehicle mode of travel under General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9 (d), as roadway i mprovements to address the deficiencies would require more than three through travel lanes in each direction, such that future development which adds vehicle traffic to these exempt street segments shall July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 13 of 27 EXHIBIT 1 implement TDM and TSM strategies in accordance with General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11. 4. That the City Council determines College Boulevard southbound from Aston Avenue to Palomar Airport Road is built out and exempt from the LOS performance standard for the vehicle mode of travel under General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9 (c), as roadway improvements to address the deficiency would result in unacceptable impacts to other community value or General Plan policies, such that future development that adds vehicle traffic to this exempt street segment shall implement TDM and TSM strategies in accordance with General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11. 5. In relation to the segment of Melrose Drive southbound from Vista city limits to Palomar Airport Road, City Council directs staff to expedite the roadway improvements under existing CIP Project No. 6034 (Project) to address the identified LOS performance standard deficiency, and, under General Plan Open Space Element Policy 4-P.6, City Council waives any right-of-way open space boundary adjustment requirements applicable to the Project. 6. In relation to the segment of El Camino Real between Cannon Road and College Boulevard, City Council directs staff to expedite existing CIP Project No. 6042 and CIP Project No. 6071, which will reduce congestion through intersection improvements at El Camino Real and College Boulevard, but which will not fully address the LOS deficiencies. 7. In relation to the following segments: El Camino Real southbound from Cannon Road to College Boulevard, El Camino Real northbound from College Boulevard to Cannon Road, Cannon Road eastbound from El Camino Real to College Boulevard, and Cannon Road westbound from College Boulevard to El Camino Real, that City staff report back to City Council in ninety {90) days on potential arrangements that would guarantee implementation of the facilities and improvements necessary to meet the LOS performance standard. July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 14 of 27 EXHIBIT 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the_ day of __ , 2019, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: MATT HALL, Mayor BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 15 of 27 . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, PROHIBITING DEVELOPMENT IN LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE 15 DUE TO FOUR STREET SEGMENT DEFICIENCIES RELATED TO THE CIRCULATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD UNDER THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN. EXHIBIT 2 WHEREAS, the Growth Management Plan (GMP) makes the approval of new development contingent upon the adequacy of public facilities, based on performance standards for eleven identified public facilities, ,including circulation; and WHEREAS, the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan (CFIP) includes the circulation performance standard that requires facilities to maintain LOS D or better, excluding LOS exempt intersections and streets approved by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the FY 2017-2018 growth management annual monitoring report identified the following street segments, located in Local Facility Management Zone (LFMZ) 15, as not meeting the LOS Dor better performance standard: 1. El Camino Real northbound from College Boulevard to Cannon Road 2. El Camino Real from southbound Cannon Road to College Boulevard 3. Cannon Road eastbound from El Camino Real to College Boulevard 4. Cannon Road westbound from College Boulevard to El Camino Real WHEREAS, consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Section 21.90 .0l0(a), the City of Carlsbad requires that no development occurs without providing for adequate facilities and improvements in a phased and logical fashion as required by the General Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to CMC Section 21.90.0lO(b), the City Council has determined that shortages in facilities and improvements, including, but not limited to, streets, parks, open space, schools, libraries, drainage facilities, and general governmental facilities, are detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, CMC Section 21.90.080 states, "If at any time after preparation of a local facilities management plan the performance standards established by a plan are not met then no development permits or building permits shall be issued within the local zone until the performance standard is met July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 16 of 27 EXHIBIT 2 or arrangements satisfactory to the City Council guaranteeing the facilities and improvements have been made." and; WHEREAS, addressing the LOS deficiencies identified at the above four street segments through roadway improvements under existing CIP Project No. 3636, and another project programmed but not fully funded in the CIP, would require extending College Boulevard from El Camino Real to Cannon Road and widening Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive, and staff recommends that future private development in LFMZ 15 fully fund and implement these improvements; and WHEREAS, the identified deficiencies on these street segments are not expected to be fully resolved until projects located on private property in LFMZ 15 are fully funded; and WHEREAS, development outside of LFMZ 15 is not expected to directly participate in the funding, permitting or other aspects of the construction of these projects and, therefore, LFMZ 15 is considered the only affected LFMZ for purposes of prohibiting development in accordance with CMC Section 21 .90.080; and NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain the following: SECTION 1: That the above recitations are true and correct. SECTION 2: No building permit or other development permit shall be issued for a project within LFMZ 15 that adds traffic to the deficient street segments of El Camino Real northbound from College Boulevard to Cannon Road, El Camino Real from southbound Cannon Road to College Boulevard, Cannon Road eastbound from El Camino Real to College Boulevard, and Cannon Road westbound from College Boulevard to El Camino Real. July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 17 of 27 EXHIBIT 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the __ _ day of ____ � 2019, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the_ day of ___ � 2019, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 18 of 27 Exhibit 3 CIRCULATION A. Performance Standard Implement a comprehensive livable streets network that serves all users of the system - vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles and public transit. Maintain level of service (LOS) D or better for all modes that are subject to this multi-modal level of service (MMLOS) standard, as identified in Table 3-1 of the General Plan Mobility Element, excluding LOS exempt intersections and streets approved by the City Council. The service levels for each travel mode are represented as a "grade" ranging from LOS A to LOS F: LOS A reflects a high level of service for a travel mode (e.g. outstanding characteristics and experience for that mode) and LOS F would reflect an inadequate level of service for a travel mode (e.g. excessive congestion for vehicles, inadequate facilities for bicycle, pedestrian, or transit users). B. Livable Streets The California Complete Streets Act (2008) requires cities in California to plan for a balanced, multi-modal transportation system that meets the needs of all travel modes. Accomplishing this state mandate requires a fundamental shift in how the city plans and designs the street system -recognizing the street as a public space that serves all users of the system (elderly, children, bicyclists, pedestrians, etc.) within the urban context of that system (e.g. accounting for the adjacent land uses). • Prior to adoption of the General Plan Mobility Element on September 22, 2015, the growth management circulation performance standard was based on the circulation needs of a single mode of travel -the automobile. • The General Plan Mobility Element identifies a new livable streets strategy for mobility within the city. • The livable streets strategy focuses on creating a 'multi-modal' street network that supports the mobility needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and vehicles. • Providing travel mode options that reduce dependence on the vehicle also supports the city's Climate Action Plan in achieving its goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the city. C. Street Typology The city's approach to provide livable streets recognizes that improving the LOS for one mode of transportation can sometimes degrade the LOS for another mode. For example, pedestrian friendly streets are designed to encourage pedestrian uses and typically have slow vehicle travel speeds and short-distance pedestrian crossings that restrict vehicle mobility. Therefore, the General Plan Mobility Element's livable streets approach July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 19 of 27 Exhibit 3 identifies, based on the location and type of street (street typology), the travel modes for which service levels should be enhanced and maintained per the MM LOS standard (LOS D or better). • Mobility Element Table 3-1 describes the livable street typologies and Figure 3-1 depicts the livable street system. • The street typology identifies which modes of transportation are subject to, and which modes are not subject to, the MM LOS standard. • The vehicle mode of travel is subject to the MM LOS standard only on the following street typologies: Freeways, Arterial Streets, Arterial Connector Streets, and Industrial Streets . • The city has historically monitored vehicle LOS along 26 street segments. o When the Mobility Element was adopted in 2015, eight of those street segments were designated with street typologies where the vehicle is accommodated but is not subject to the MM LOS standard. o These eight street segments are streets where the LOS of other travel modes (pedestrian, bicycle, transit) is a priority. o These eight street segments were not monitored for vehicular LOS in this report. o Vehicular LOS data was collected along the remaining eighteen (26-8=18) street segments as discussed below. D. Methods to Measure Multi-Modal Level of Service (MMLOS) • Vehicle LOS is measured as described below. • The method to measure pedestrian, bicycle and transit LOS is based on the approach used in preparation of the General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which identifies attributes of a location and identifies a qualitative LOS grade based on the attributes of the pedestrian, bicycle or transit facility. Each attribute contributes to a point system that, when the total points for all attributes are added together, corresponds to a qualitative letter grade. Following the adoption of the General Plan Mobility Element and the MMLOS standard, city staff developed the MMLOS Tool, which refines the method used in the General Plan EIR. E. Changing How Vehicle LOS is Measured During this reporting period, changes were made to how vehicle LOS is measured, in comparison to previous years. The changes are summarized below and were made to be consistent with the General Plan Mobility Element, recent changes to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the latest version of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 20 of 27 Exhibit 3 • Eliminated intersection vehicle LOS analysis . The city has historically monitored vehicle LOS using both intersection and street segment methodologies. The city eliminated the use of intersection LOS analysis and now evaluates vehicle LOS using only street segment LOS analysis. • Updated street segment vehicle LOS analysis. The methodology used to evaluate vehicle LOS along street segments was updated to be consistent with the Highway Capacity Manual, per the General Plan Mobility Element . This update resulted in significantly reduced roadway capacities which subsequently led to significantly lower LOS results on most roadway segments . • Re-Defined street segments to monitor. The 18 street segments that were historically monitored and will continue to be monitored for vehicle LOS have been divided into 43 smaller street segments. Changes in the number of lanes, signal spacing or speed limit define the segment division. For this reporting period, traffic counts were not collected for all 43 street segments. Rather, traffic counts were collected at the same 18 historical locations as in previous years, and vehicle LOS is reported for the 18 street segments that align with the historical locations . The other 25 street segments (43-18=25) were not monitored in this report. All 43 street segments will be monitored in 2019. • Changing vehicle LOS monitoring from summer conditions to average spring/fall conditions. The schedule for collecting field data for vehicle LOS was changed from summer to spring and fall data collection. The industry standard is to monitor traffic in the spring and fall to reflect typical conditions when school is in session. This report reflects traffic data gathered in the fall of 2018. Traffic data is scheduled to be collected in the spring of 2019. July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 21 of 27 . Exhibit 3 F. LOS D Exemptions The City Council has the authority to exempt a street facility from the LOS D standard if the street facility meets one or more of the following criteria from General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9: To exempt the vehicle mode of travel from the LOS standard at a particular street intersection or segment, the intersection or street segment must be identified as built-out by the City Council because: a. Acquiring the rights of way is not feasible; or b. The proposed improvements would significantly impact the environment in an unacceptable way and mitigation would not contribute to the nine core values of the Carlsbad Community Vision; or c. The proposed improvements would result in unacceptable impacts to other community values or General Plan policies; or d. The proposed improvements would require more than three through travel lanes in each direction. The following street facilities were identified in the General Plan and are expected to provide a vehicle level of service below LOS D at buildout . Per General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.10, the following street facilities, including the intersections along these segments, are exempt from the vehicle level of service standard: • La Costa Avenue between lnterstate-5 and El Camino Real • El Camino Real between Palomar Airport Road and La Costa Avenue • Palomar Airport Road between lnterstate-5 and College Boulevard • Palomar Airport Road between El Camino Real and Melrose Drive G. FY 2017-18 Facility Adequacy Analysis This report includes circulation facility adequacy analysis for FY 2017-18. The details of all LOS results are found in the 2018 GMP traffic monitoring data. The following table summarizes the street segments where vehicle and other modes oftransportation exceed (do not meet) the MM LOS standard (LOS Dor higher). 1. Street Segments with Vehicle LOS Exceeding LOS D Standard Compared to previous growth management monitoring reports, this report identifies more street segments that do not meet the MM LOS standard -LOS Dor higher. The increase in segments with a LOS below Dis primarily due to the changes in how vehicle LOS is measured (as summarized above), and to a lesser degree changes in volume of vehicles compared to previous years. Following this report, city staff will deliver a July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 22 of 27 Exhibit 3 more detailed report to the City Council on the vehicle LOS reported in the table below and shown in Figure 4. Deficient Level of Service Adjacent Facility Roadway From To {LOS) Management Zone Segment AM PM {LFMZ) El Camino Real Oceanside Marron Road E E 1, 2 City Limits El Camino Real Marron Road Oceanside E E 1,2 City Limits El Camino Real College Blvd Cannon Road C F 5, 8, 14, 15, 24 El Camino Real Cannon Road College Blvd F B 5, 8, 14, 15, 24 College Blvd . Aston Palomar B F 5 Avenue Airport Rd. Melrose Drive Vista City Palomar F E 5,18 Limits Airport Rd. Cannon Road El Camino College Blvd. D F 8, 14, 15, 24 Real Cannon Road College Blvd El Camino E D 8, 14, 15, 24 Real 2. Roadway Segments with Pedestrian LOS Exceeding LOS D Standard None (all of the roadway segments monitored met the LOS standard} 3. Roadway Segments with Bicycle Los Exceeding LOS D Standard None (all of the roadway segments monitored met the LOS standard} 4. Roadway Segments with Transit LOS Exceeding LOS D Standard None (the recently adopted Travel Demand Management ordinance addresses all outstanding issues} July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 23 of 27 Exhibit 3 H. Buildout Facility Adequacy Analysis The Environmental Impact Report for the 2015 General Plan evaluated how buildout of the land uses planned by the General Plan will impact the vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle and transit levels of service, and identified that additional circulation facilities may need to be constructed in order to meet the GMP performance standard at buildout. The following summarizes the results ofthat evaluation: Vehicle Level of Service at Buildout • Additional future road segments (extensions of College Boulevard, Poinsettia Lane and Camino Junipero) needed to accommodate the city's future growth were identified as part of the General Plan update. The General Plan Mobility Element identifies these needed future road segments as "Planned City of Carlsbad Street Capacity Improvements." • The General Plan also called out the need to implement the scheduled lnterstate-5 North Coast Project and lnterstate-S/lnterstate-78 Interchange Improvement Project that are needed to accommodate future growth. • The Capital Improvement Program {CIP) funds projects that will upgrade the LOS including several roadway widenings along El Camino Real near: College Road (northbound), La Costa Avenue (southbound), and Cassia Road (northbound). • The General Plan EIR identifies travel demand management {TOM) and traffic system management {TSM) as mitigation measures for roadway sections that have been given LOS exemptions. Pedestrian, Bicycle and Transit Level of Service at Buildout Improvements to pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities may be needed to ensure compliance with the MMLOS standard at buildout. Needed improvements will be identified after the city has completed an evaluation of the facility according to the roadway typology. I. Next Steps Carlsbad Municipal Code g,21.90.130 (c) states: If at any time it appears to the satisfaction of the city manager that facilities or improvements within a facilities management zone or zones are inadequate to accommodate any further development within that zone or that the performance standards adopted pursuant to Section 21.90.100 are not being met, he or she shall immediately report the deficiency to the council. If the council determines that a deficiency exists, then no further building or development permits shall be issued within the affected zone or zones and development shall cease until an July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 25 of 27 Exhibit 3 amendment to the city-wide facilities and improvements plan or applicable local facilities management plan which addresses the deficiency is approved by the city council and the performance standard is met. A staff report will be sent to the City Council that includes the following: • a list of the street segments subject to the LOS D standard and do not meet this standard; • . a list of these deficient street segments that meet the conditions for an exemption; • a list of projects that could be implemented to meet the LOS D standard; • a request that City Council determine which ofthese segments i s deficient, identify which ones should gain exemptions, and identify which projects to fund in order to meet the LOS D standard. July 16, 2019 Item #4 Page 26 of 27 Council Memorandum July 16·, 2019 To: {city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2019084. From: Re: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members off;;City Council Elaine Lukey, Chief Operations Officer · · Responses to Questions From the July 1 City Council Briefings Agenda Item No. 3 -Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc., for professional engineering services for improvements to the intersection of El Camion Real and Cannon Road. Question 1: Please provide the dimensions of the new separate, pedestrian/bike bridge. Answer: The proposed prefabricated steel bridge will be approximately 122 feet in length and 12 feet in width. Question 2: Please explain the next steps of the project. Answer: Staff, with the support of Kleinfelder, Inc., will continue working on obtaining _easements and permits and developing the project plans and specifications. Staff anticipates returning to City Council with a request to approve easements required to construct the project later this year. Staff anticipates returning to City Council with a request to approve plans and specifications and authorize bidding the project in early 2020. Agenda Item No. 4 -Determination of Deficient Street Segments According to the Growth Management Plan Question 1: In 2015, the city exempted four street segments from the LQS performance standard. What has the city done to implement TDM/TSM measures as required by the General Plan and how are we measuring and reporting on the results? Answer: Since adoption of the 2015 General Plan update, the city, through the disc r etionary revi ew/CEQA process, has required TDM plans from a number.of projects that add traffic to exempt street seg ments, including ViaSat, Uptown Bress i, North Coast Medical Plaza and two hotel projects. Larger light indu strial projects in the Palomar Airport corridor have also been condit~<_:med to i mplement a site-ba se d TDM program, including th e Pa cific Commerce Center and.future tenants of other new indu strial buildings. · . :· In February 2019, the City Council approved a TDM ordinance that applie s TDM r equireme nts to new developm ents (disc retionary and ministerial) that ge nerate-110 or more employee automobile trips: This 9rdinance became effective on April 11, 2019, and is being carrie d out throug h planning and building permit revi ew processes. Some early examples of projects City Manager's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Villa ge Drive I Ca rlsbad , CA 92008 I 760-434 -2820 t Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council July 16, 2019 Page 2 subject to the ordinance include Macy's, Havas Edge, Gemological Institute and Encina Wastewater Authority. In conjunction with the ordinance, the City Council also adopted a citywide TDM plan in February and provided direction to seek consulting services to implement a citywide TDM program that would, among other things, conduct review and monitoring of project-specific TDM plans for all businesses as well as the City of Carlsbad organization, and monitor efforts of the citywide TDM program. The City Council directed that the consultant study how to incorporate Homeowner Associations and Schools into the citywide TDM program. City staff has selected a consultant to administer the program through a Request for Proposal process and staff will present the recommended contractor and contract to City Council for approval in August. The first monitoring reports for those projects subject to the ordinance are due to the city within 18 months or 75% occupancy of the completed project, whichever occurs first. We anticipate the first reports to be submitted in the next 6 to 12 months as those projects subject to the TDM ordinance complete construction. While some projects such as ViaSat have partially completed their facilities, they are still under construction and have not fully implemented their required TDM plans. Since the city's TDM program and ordinance requirements are in the early stages of implementation, no monitoring or effectiveness data have been produced to date. A number of the projects where TDM was required are still in various stages of construction and occupancy, so individual TDM plans have yet to be fully operationalized and therefore data is not yet available to measure the outcomes of those TDM efforts. The city has implemented various TSM-related activities in recent years that inclusively represent the Adaptive Signal CIP project. This project includes a citywide upgrade of traffic signal equipment that will allow adaptive signal operations. This project installed monitoring equipment that will allow staff to evaluate the effectiveness of the program to increase signal operations reliability and effectiveness. Staff is collecting baseline data that will be included in a before/after study recording the project's success. The equipment installed supports future connected vehicle and autonomous vehicle technology. Question 2: Please provide the Staff Report from October 2018, related to Growth Management Program and Plan history. Answer: The requested hardcopy Staff Report is available with Andrea Dykes, and can also be found electronically at the link below: http://edocs.ca rlsbadca .gov /H PRMWeb Drawer /Record HTML/518017 cc: Celia Brewer, City Attorney Scott Chadwick, City Manager ( City of Carlsbad Memorandum July 16, 2019 To: From: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of City Council John Maashoff, Acting Deputy City Manager, Public Works Elaine Lu key, Chief Operations Officer All Reci;ive -Agenda Item # L/ For thelnformation of the~ CITY COUNCIL Date ~D11ba CA ✓ cc ~ -- .CM_coo~ (3~ , Via Re: Additional Material/Information Regarding Staff Report Item #4-Determination of eight deficient street segments according to the Growth Management Plan, adoption of measures to address deficiencies, and prohibition on development in Local Facility Management Zone 15. The first recital of the resolution attached as Exhibit 1 to the staff report has been modified .to clarify the establishment of the city's Growth Management Program. A strikethrough version of the modified recital and addition of a new recital are shown below: WHEREAS, on November 4J.!!ly_1, 1986, the City Council passed and adopted Ordinance 9808, amending Title 21 of the. Municipal Code by the addition of Chapter 21.90, the voters of Carlsbad approi.1ed a ballot measure which enacted theestablishing a Growth Management ~Program for the city; Gty-ef Carlsbad, codified as Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS , on November 4, 1986, Carlsbad voters passed Proposition E, init iative Ordinance No. 9824, establishing residential dwelling unit lim its in the city's four quadrants and requirin g that pub lic faci lities be made availab le concurrent with need in accordance with the city's growth management program; and The first two recitals of the proposed resolution now read as follows : . WHEREAS, on July 1, 1986, the City Council passed and adopted Ordinance 9808, amending Title 21 of the Municipal Code by the addition of Chapter 21.90, establishing a Growth Management Program for the city; and WHEREAS, on November 4, 1986, Carlsbad voters passed Proposition E, initiative Ordinance No. 9824, establishing residential dwelling unit limits in the city's four quadrants and requiring that public facilities be made available concurrent with need in accordance with the city's growth management program; and C: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Services Manager Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Carlsbad City Clerk, Mark Freed < Tuesday, July 16, 2019 3:55 PM City Clerk RE: City Council Agend !t':~r Council Hearing on 7.16.19 Steadfast Senior Care Fa y xhibit.JPG; Traffic Assessment Letter_S-19-17.pdf I apologize but the two attached exhibits are referenced in my prior correspondence to City Council and are intended to be attachments t6o the letter. Thank you. Best regards, Mark Freed ~ SUMMIT i ', it\ From: Mark Freed Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 3:51 PM To: 'clerk@carlsbadca.gov' <clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: City Council Agenda Item #4, for Council Hearing on 7.16.19 Carlsbad City Clerk, Please forward the attached letter to the City Council Members regarding Item #4 on the City Council Agenda for tonight, 7 /16/19. Thank you. Best regards, Mark Freed 1 lt(IM Traffic Division May 19, 2017 Mr. Mark Freed SUBJECT: TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT LETTER, CARLSBAD SENIOR HOUSING (RICK ENGINEERING COMP ANY JOB NUMBER 17759) Dear Mr. Freed: We have reviewed the plans for the proposed Carlsbad Senior Housing, performed the calculations for the expected trips generated, and examined the local roadways within 0.25 miles of the proposed project to verify their current state. The proposed project is a two story, 109 bed residential care facility for the elderly, located within the City of Carlsbad at 5592 El Camino Real near the intersection of El Camino Real and Cougar Drive. For purposes of this letter the facility is assumed to be associated with the Assisted Living description {ITE Land Use Code 254). The facility will be located on a site that allows for a senior assisted living facility. Attachment A contains a copy of the project site plan.· When examining the surrounding area, specifically within 0.25 miles of the proposed project, we found that the roads have been built out to the City's General Plan Circulation Element. The main roads observed were El Camino Real, which is built out as a 106 foot Prime Arterial with 6 lanes. The other roads within the 0.25 mile radius are local residential and industrial two-lane roadways. Based on ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineer)'s Trip Generation publication 9th Edition, the relevant trip generation rates for Assisted Living Center {ITE Code 254) were utilized for the subject project. See Attachment B for the ITE trip generation rate sheets. Based on these rates, the project is estimated to generate 290 ADT with 5 trips during the AM Peak Hour (10 inbound I 5 outbound) and 24 trips during the PM Peak Hour (11 inbound/ 13 outbound). Table 1 shows the traffic generation calculations for the proposed project. Table 1 C I b d S . H T . G t' ar s a emor ousmg rip enera 10n AM PEAK PM PEAK VOLUME VOLUME LAND USE SIZE RATE ADT PEAK PEAK (TRIP/Bed) HOUR IN OUT TOTAL HOUR IN OUT TOTAL RATE RATE Assisted Living Facility 109 Beds 2.66/Bed 290 0.14 10 5 15 0.22 II 13 24 5620 Friars Road • San Diego, California 92110-2596 • (619) 291-0707 • Fax (619) 291-416S • rickengineering.com SAN DIEGO RIVERSIDE ORANGE SACRAMENTO SAN LUIS OBISPO BAKERSFIELD DENVER PHOENIX TUCSON Mr. Mark Freed May19,2017 Page 2 of2 Based on the preceding information, this project is a candidate for exemption from a full TIS based on item IV of the SANTEC/ITE Guidelines for Traffic Impact Studies in the San Diego Region "Need for A Study" which is the City of Carlsbad's regulating guidelines: IV. A TIS should be prepared for all projects which generate traffic greater than 1,000 total average daily trips (ADT) or 100 peak-hour trips. If a proposed project is not in conformance with the land use and/or transportation element of the general or community plan, use threshold rates of 500 ADT or 50 peak-hour trips. Early consultation with any affected jurisdictions is strongly encouraged since a "focused" or "abbreviated" TIS may still be required -even if the above threshold rates are not met. In addition, the project does not fall under any of the examples of conditions under which an exemption would not be granted. Please call Jesus Cruz or me at (619) 291-0707 should you have any questions. Sincerely, RICK ENGINEERING COMP ANY Brian R. Stephenson, P.E., T.E., P.T.O.E. Associate \ \SRV _)VE I \projdata\ 17759 __ Summit_ Senior\ Traffic\Reports\trafficlener. doc Attachments ATTACHMENT A t;, ~f . I 4 , Ii .J.ir· I I I I ----------------------------------------- ii* . ♦ . ' ' ' .. I ':' Ii I GJ SITE PLAN KEYNOTES 1. T'P),S.\./ B"°-.CY".J.JR.E $~ >,lH f(l:i. ~r~, ELEV~TIOt!5 U,t~ !..EC'7nN NONUY.BiT ~!~ 3 ACCESSlSlE P,~l(~f~G Sn.LL 4. \'..ti ACCE:i~l~_f f-A.ll)lNG ~ ti 5, ~ff Dl!fflt9l AR:J. ~ ::E ?fPHc.JiENTl'i' p,,t.t.lf,ii ,',.ltl'EO t.J.D IOENTIF!EO FER (BC ll-U-..5 Courty.1rd Areas: MEMORY C<RE GARDEN 3.17bsqtt ASSISTED ~MNGCOCIRTYARG 1.':'57 r.c; ft TOTAL 5.1.))..q fl Building Area Colwlotions Ar..., T)'.E! Qty. Ar&0 (SF) Common Area ADtAINISTRATION 11 2.329 CIRCULATION 1'>.571 CJRC:ULATION -VERTIC.AL l5 ).O'l.l COMM KITCHEN I r,21;,1 CTRYKITCHEN I 208 DINING 2 2,517 HOUSEKEEF"ING 1.0(16 LOBBY 519 MECKAfl!CAI. 499 RESIDENT ACTMTY 5.$.:7 RESTROOl,lS 3lj '1AFF LOCKERS 121< -:~) 3J.0'12 ,q fl Dwelling Unit :....C-.SISTEO L1'11~ I BED 'lJ 25.950 A5SISTED LMNG -2 BED 6.420 . .SSIS TED Ll\/lNG -STUD!<) ~1 B.400 ME>~.IRY CARE -I BED ?2 fl,910 MEIIK>RY CA.RE -2 BED 497 101 Sil 177 SQ N TOTAL 161 i'-',219 sqH N I NOT TO SCALE + 0 C c <>u ,, " •D C . 0"' 0 '0 ~N -~ ~ ~ "' 'Q ' C 3 ~ ~ , ,, > > C L C C ·" "' D 0 0 ·i D " ~ C C 0 0 u ,, Q Q 0 0 • + , -" "" 1---------------.,-----------------------------------------------------il''L~ /N w RICK EXHIBIT A SITE PLAN ENGINEERING COMPANY ,: 0 u u -J ,~ ~ ~-J J u u ~ ~~~ C • ~> ,,., ~! CARLSBAD SENIOR LIVING '--11------------.a.--------------------------------------------~u- ATTACHMENT B Assisted Living (254) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Beds On a: Weekday Number of Studies: 16 Average Number of Beds: 121 Directional Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting Trip Generation per Bed Average Rate 2.66 A. _a~.,2e of Rates 1.86 -4.14 Standard Deviation -----j 1.74 Data Plot and Equation 60C ' ~'.JC- II) "O C w C. ·c 400 I- Q) 0 :c Q) > " Q) Cl ~ 300 Q) > < n I- 200 X X 100 T 50 so 70 ao 90 100 110 120 130 140 15? '€-J :7•J 1e., 190 200 210 X = Number of Beds X Actual Data Points -· .. ··--· Fitted Curve ------Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(n = 0.56 Ln(X) + 3.07 R2 = 0.55 Trip Generation, 9th Edition • Institute of Transportation Engineers 529 530 Assisted Living (254) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Beds On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Number of Studies: 7 Average Number of Beds: 121 Directional Distribution: 65% entering, 35% exiting Trip Generation per Bed ---~---------, L Average R~e Range of Rates Standard Deviation -j' ____ o~._14 _____________ 0_.o_a -_o_.2_a _________ o_.3_7 ____ __._ Data Plot and Equation 26 - 25 24 23 ' 22 ' VI "O 21 ~ C w 0. ~ 20 Qj :Q .s::: 19 . (1J > 16 Ill Cl ~ QI 17 > <( 1, 16 ~ 15 14 13 12 11 BO l·)C ·10 120 130 140 1f,G 1SC X = Number of Beds ' Actual Data Polnt9 · -· · Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Not given R2 = ..... Trip Generation, 9th Edition • Institute of Transportation Engineers j Assisted Living (254) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Beds On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. Number of Studies: 7 Average Number of Beds: 121 Directional Distribution: 44% entering, 56% exiting ---·-------- Trip Generation per Bed -----------~--------------- A~~r_a.2-e Rate Range of Rates -···-· -Standard Deviation ------w--. ' -- 0.22 0.11 · 0.30 0.47 -----------------------------' Data Plot and Equation ~ C: w a. ~ a> 0 :c a> > Cl) Cl e Q) > < u I- 50 40 30 20 10 · 80 90 X Actual Data Points 100 110 Fitted Curve Equation: Not given 120 140 150 H:O 170 l80 190 X = Number of Beds ----Average Rate R2 = •••• Trip Generation, 9th Edition • lnsUlute ofTransportation Engineers 531 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Carlsbad City Clerk, Mark Freed Tuesday, July 16, 2019 3:51 PM City Clerk City Council Agenda Item #4, for Council Hearing on 7.16.19 Carlsbad City Council 7.16.19.docx Please forward the attached letter to the City Council Members regarding Item #4 on the City Council Agenda for tonight, 7 /16/19. Thank you. Best regards, Mark Freed .. ~ SUMMIT 'l ',. ii ., ... : ',' I ! 1 July 16, 2019 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Summit Senior Living Re: City Council Agenda Item #4, July 16, 2019, Proposed Resolution Prohibiting Development in Local Facility Management Zone 15 as it affects the Steadfast Senior Care facility project at 5592 El Camino Real. Dear Council Members, Please accept this as official opposition to the proposed Resolution Prohibiting Development in Local Facility Management Zone 15. In June of 2018, the Planning Commission approved the Map, CUP, and Development Permits for the Construction of a 101 room Senior Care Facility at the NW corner of El Camino Real and Cougar Drive. This location is south of the LOS affected street segment of El Camino Real between Cannon Rd. and College Blvd. and is at the boundary of LFMZ 15 and LFMZ 5. Properties across the street on Cougar and across the street on El Camino Real fall within LFMZ 5 (See attached Steadfast Senior Care Facility Exhibit). Since the entitlement approval, the Steadfast Companies has been diligently planning and pursuing Building Permits for the construction of the Senior Care project. Steadfast is weeks away from gaining approval to pull the grading permits for this $50 million project that will provide a much needed Care facility to the underserved senior community in Carlsbad. A Building Permit has been processing simultaneously with the Grading Permit application and the Building Permits are also weeks from being approved. The Senior Care Facility use generates few ADT's (See attached Traffic Letter prepared by Rick Engineering Company dated 5/19/17 (ADT's = 290) and traffic from the site can ingress and egress from the south via Faraday and Palomar Airport Rd. (See attached Steadfast Senior Care Facility Exhibit) and Traffic Demand Management strategies can be implemented to encourage reduced traffic to the facility. It is discouraging and seems unjust that this prohibition on LFMZ 15 is being considered when Robertson Ranch is not affected by the proposed prohibition yet is the largest creator of traffic generation in this area. Summit Senior Living The Steadfast Companies respectfully request that the Senior Care Facility project at 5592 El Camino Real be exempt from any proposed prohibition on building permits in LFMZ 15. The Resolution acknowledging that the identified roadway segments are deficient includes the expediting of two CIP projects that are acknowledged will reduce congestion (See Resolution Page 14, Item #6). Steadfast respectfully requests that the City Council delay any action on the Permit Prohibition Resolution until those two intersection CIP projects are completed and the roadway segments are reassessed to determine if they are still at deficient levels (See attached Steadfast Senior Care Facility Exhibit). Thank you for your time and consideration in review these issues and the effect the prohibition resolution may have on a much-needed community service amenity in the City of Carlsbad. Best regards, Mark Freed GRESHAM SAVAGE Brent.Mct\fanigc1l(111CreshamSavage.cnm SJn Bernardino OfficL' July 16, 2019 VIA E-MAIL [ Council@Carlsbadca.gov] Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (909) 890-..J.499 fiir (909) 890-0687 Re: July 16, 2019 Agenda Item No. 4 -Determination of Deficient Street Segments; Adoption to Measures to Address Deficiencies, and Prohibition on Development in Local Facility Management Zone 15. Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council: This firm represents Walmart, Inc. ("Walmart") in the above referenced matter. W almart owns property at the northwest corner of El Camino Real and College Boulevard located within Local Facility Management Zone 15 ("Zone 15"). Walmart has received several offers to purchase the property from developers seeking to develop residential units on the property in accordance with the General Plan. City Staff has recommended the City Council address the existing traffic congestion in and around Zone 15 by adopting a moratorium that will prohibit the City from issuing any building permit or development permit for a project within Zone 15 ("Moratorium"). Approval of this Moratorium will not solve the existing traffic congestion and will drive away development causing significant harm to Walmart and the City's residents. For the reasons outlined below, we respectfully request that the City Council take the following actions tonight: 1) Approve a modified Resolution that requires City staff to prepare a new traffic analysis that compares the Level of Service ("LOS") using the new segment analysis and the prior intersection analysis so that all parties can understand how the change in analysis impacted the LOS results (" Amended Resolution"); and ·. '· !:i• ,,; l>i'•'' 55UEastHospitJli1yl.anc.Suitc30(J • SJ11Bc-rnar<l1110.Californi,1'J240S ,,_ •. 1,11,.,, 40JW,·qAS11cct.Suit,•'l25 • Sa11D1q,o.Cal1forn1J921ill i'. I I I I!· I t•I \11issinn 11111 Pl,l/a • Rivnst<lc. California lJ250 I I By Aprointmcnl On!,) (, rc:--hamSaYilt{l'.cnm W2118-RE_MGMT-CA-CARLSBAD:_STORE_#5724 --3692636. t Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Carlsbad July 16, 2019 Page 2 2) Take no action on the proposed Ordinance that places a moratorium on development in Zone 15. Adoption of the proposed ordinance will not resolve the existing traffic problems but will result in more severe and longer term traffic congestion. City has changed Methodology for Monitoring Traffic Conditions The City has applied a new method to evaluate traffic conditions in its FY 2017-18 Facility Adequacy Analysis ("Analysis"). The City previously evaluated LOS at each intersection. The most recent Analysis measured LOS on the roadway segments. These two methodologies provide different results. Section G.1. of the Staff Report clearly states that the increase in LOS is "primarily due to the changes in how vehicle LOS is measured ... , and to a lesser degree changes in volume of vehicles" [emphasis added]. In order to understand how the results from each analytical method differ, a full traffic impact analysis should have been prepared that analyzes both the roadway segments and intersections so that the City and public can understand how these changes have impacted the LOS results. The Amended Resolution will require preparation of a new traffic impact analysis that will evaluate and explain how the LOS results have changed as a result of the new methodology. This information is required for the City Council to understand whether there has been a significant increase in traffic that has caused the LOS deficiency, or whether the LOS deficiency has been caused by the change in methodology. Traffic Congestion Exist today Zone 15 is largely vacant and, to a large extent, the properties within Zone 15 cannot be developed today unless College Boulevard is extended. Although Zone 15 does not generate traffic, the existing roadways are shown to have a deficient LOS. This deficient LOS is not a result of development within Zone 15, but development throughout the City of Carlsbad. Because the extension of College Boulevard is needed to solve an existing traffic deficiency, City staff should be evaluating an equitable means whereby the cost to construct the College Boulevard extension is equally shared by all who will benefit from its construction. College Boulevard is an improvement that is needed to solve a traffic problem that exists today, when Zone 15 is vacant. If the proposed Ordinance is adopted, it is W2118-RE_MGMT-CA-CARLSBAD:_STORE_#5724 --3692636.1 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Carlsbad July 16, 2019 Page 3 foreseeable that Zone 15 may never be developed; however, traffic will worsen. The City needs to re-evaluate how it can facilitate the extension of College Boulevard, without unduly, and illegally burdening Zone 15, for an existing impact. Development of Zone 15 is Needed to Solve the Traffic Congestion If passed, the Ordinance will make it exceptionally difficult, if not impossible to sell or develop any of the properties within Zone 15. Interested buyers will be deterred by the Ordinance, as it only creates uncertainty and increases risk. The Ordinance indefinitely prohibits development until undefined performance standards are met or arrangements satisfactory to the City Council are in place that guarantees the necessary facilities and improvements. However, the Ordinance also states that no Development Permits may be approved. No developer will want to invest in a land-use entitlement with such an extreme uncertainty. The Ordinance fails to provide specific information or guidance as to what arrangements would be satisfactory to the City Council and meet LOS performance standard. The City's desired outcome, solving the existing traffic congestion, will not be accomplished by passing the Ordinance. Adoption of an Amended Resolution will provide the mechanism and information that all parties need to fully evaluate whether a LOS issue actually exists and understand the mechanisms that could be used to construct the College Boulevard extension. California Environmental Quality Act Adoption of the proposed Ordinance violates the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). The City tries to rely on CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) for adoption of the Ordinance. The City's reliance on this Section is incorrect. The Ordinance is a moratorium to prevent all development in Zone 15; however, the Ordinance will reasonably result in additional traffic impacts and a worsening of the existing traffic deficiencies that must be analyzed pursuant to CEQA. Put another way, it is foreseeable as outlined above, that adoption of the proposed Ordinance will increase traffic because Zone 15 cannot be developed. As such the City is required to analyze the Ordinances impact to the environment that will result from W:'l 18-RE_MGMT-CA-CARLSBAD:_STORE_#5724 --3692636 I ,. Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Carlsbad July 16, 2019 Page4 the increased traffic impacts and associated Air and Noise impacts to all residents along the impacted roads. Conclusion We understand that deficiencies exist today at each street segment. However, we strongly believe that the Ordinance will hinder, not provide, a solution. We request that the City adopt the Amended Resolution, but not the proposed Ordinance. The Amended Resolution provides a framework where City staff will report back to City Council in ninety (90) days on potential arrangements that would guarantee implementation of the facilities and improvements necessary to meet the LOS performance standard. City Staff can also report back on the status of the new Traffic Study. Developing a solution to address the existing deficiency and ensure that performance standards are met in affected LFMZs will require the cooperation of both the City and the property owners. We look forward to having your support and working together in this endeavor. Brent R. McManigal, Attorney for GRESHAM SAVAGE NOLAN & TILDEN, A Professional Corporation BRM/PBH:jmk W2118-RE_MGMT-CA-CARLSBAD,_STORE_#5724 --3692636. J , Determination of Deficient Segments and Adoption of Measures to Address Deficiencies, and Prohibition on Development in LFMZ 15 Sean Haeri, Transportation Director David de Cordova, Principal Planner Doug Bilse, Senior Engineer July 16, 2019 Presenters Sean Haeri, Transportation Director •30 years experience in transportation •Division Manager for City of LA •Professional Civil and Traffic Engineer •Professional Traffic Operations Engineer •Adjunct Professor at DeVry University •Master degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering David de Cordova, Principal Planner •28 years experience in local government •Master degree in Public Administration Doug Bilse, Senior Engineer •29 years experience in transportation •City Traffic Engineer for City of Camarillo •Registered Traffic Engineer •Masters degree in Transportation Engineering •Past chair of SANDAG Regional Traffic Engineers Council •Guest lecturer UCSD Dawn Wilson •Transportation Planning Manager for Michael Baker, Int. •24 years of experience in transportation •Registered Civil and Traffic Engineering •Masters degree in Civil Engineering •Former President of San Diego section of ITE •Member of ITE Committee on Senate Bill 743 Recommended Action A.Adopt a resolution determining deficiencies of the growth management plan circulation performance standard to exist for eight street segments, adopting measures to address deficiencies at four street segments, and related actions. B.Adopt an ordinance prohibiting development in local facility management zone 15 due to four street segment deficiencies related to the circulation performance standard under the growth management plan. Growth Management Plan (GMP): Annual Monitoring Report •Annual monitoring evaluates all modes against performance standards •The performance standard for auto traffic is LOS D or better (HCM method) •Monitoring results reflects current conditions Year 2018 Traffic Conditions Report •Data collected in fall 2018 •18 street segments •Results summarized FY 2017-18 GMP report (Exhibit 3) Results Eight deficient segments in four areas (>LOS D): •El Camino Real (ECR) –Oceanside to Marron Rd (NB/SB) •College Blvd –Aston Ave to Palomar Airport Rd (SB) •Melrose Dr –Vista to Palomar Airport Rd (SB) •El Camino Real/Cannon Rd –Cannon Rd to College Blvd (NB/SB) –College Blvd to ECR (WB/EB) -Deficient Street Segment --Highw ay -Major Street {"cityof Carlsbad Deficient Street Segments With Local Facility Management Zones When LOS D Standard is Not Met •If City Council determines a street segment to be deficient, then City Council prohibits issuing development permits and building permits in the LFMZ with the deficient street segment, unless: –the City Council determines the deficient street segment to be built out and exempt from the LOS performance standard; OR –arrangements satisfactory to the City Council have been made guaranteeing that improvements will be implemented to address the deficiency What does prohibiting development mean? •CMC 21.90.020 Definitions –(a)(2) “Development” means any use to which land is put, building or other alteration of land and construction incident thereto. –(a)(3) “Development permit” means any permit, entitlement or approval, whether discretionary or ministerial, issued under Titles 20 or 21 of this code and any legislative actions such as zone changes, general plan amendments, or master plan approval or amendment. •Building permits also not issued per CMC 21.90.130(c) What does exempting street mean? •Mobility Element policy 3-P.9 …To exempt the vehicle mode of travel from the LOS standard at a particular street intersection or segment, the intersection or street segment must be identified as built-out by the City Council because: a.acquiring the rights of way is not feasible; or b.the proposed improvements would significantly impact the environment in an unacceptable way and mitigation would not contribute to the nine core values of the Carlsbad Community Vision; or c.the proposed improvements would result in unacceptable impacts to other community values or General Plan policies; or d.the proposed improvements would require more than three through travel lanes in each direction. What does exempting street mean? •Mobility Element policy 3-P.11 Requires new development that adds vehicle traffic to streets exempt from the vehicle LOS standard to implement: •Travel Demand Management (TDM) strategies that reduce the reliance on single-occupant automobile and support livable streets vision •Transportation Systems Management (TSM) strategies that improve traffic flow through signal coordination, connected vehicles, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) El Camino Real (ECR): Marron Rd to State Route (SR) 78 2 segments Request an exemption in each direction of travel based on criterion (d): •ECR is already 3 lanes in each direction of trave l •Adding lanes is not recommended in either direction of travel -Deficient Street Segment --Highw ay -Major Street {"cityof Carlsbad Deficient Street Segments With Local Facility Management Zones ECR: SR 78 to Marron Rd. Exemption per criterion (d) College Blvd: Aston Ave to Palomar Airport Rd (PAR) 1 segment Request exemption from LOS standard because CIP project requires either: A.Removal of bike lane conflicts with Mobility Element and creates a safety concern-criterion (c), or B.New right turn lane encroaches into Habitat Management Plan area and impacts sensitive upland and riparian habitat in the Coastal Zone-criterion (b) -Deficient Street Segment --Highw ay -Major Street {"cityof Carlsbad Deficient Street Segments With Local Facility Management Zones College Blvd. and Palomar Airport Rd. Exemption per criterion (b) or (c) Melrose Drive: City Limits to PAR 1 segment •Construct CIP No. 6034 •Project adjusts open space area boundary that is a recorded irrevocable offer to dedicate area (approx. 0.24 acres) -Area is ornamental landscaping -Not environmentally constrained -Zone 18 will still meet open space standard -Deficient Street Segment --Highw ay -Major Street {"cityof Carlsbad Deficient Street Segments With Local Facility Management Zones Melrose Dr. and PARConstruct CIP No. 6034 LFMZ 15: Prohibit Development that Increases Traffic on 4 deficient segments •College Blvd extension and ECR widening projects needed to meet LOS D -Projects located in LFMZ 15 •Development in LFMZ 15 expected to fully fund projects -No other LFMZ expected to fund projects -Only LFMZ 15 is “affected” by deficiency •Prohibit development permits that generate traffic in LFMZ 15 until projects are completed -Deficient Street Segment --Highw ay -Major Street {"cityof Carlsbad Deficient Street Segments With Local Facility Management Zones Prohibit Development in LFMZ 15 Until Deficiencies Are Addressed Two Projects to Improve Traffic Flow #1: ECR and Cannon Rd. ECR and Cannon Rd. Add a 3rd northbound travel lane Two Projects to Improve Traffic Flow #2: ECR and College Blvd. ECR and College Blvd. Intersection Improvements Proposed Resolution A.Determine 8 segments as deficient B.Adopt identified measure that address deficiencies for 4 segments C.Expedite existing CIP projects on El Camino Real between Cannon Road and College Blvd. D.Direct staff to report back in 90 days on options to address the 4 segments in LFMZ 15 with deficiencies Proposed Ordinance Prohibit development projects in LFMZ 15 that add traffic to the following deficient street segments, until LOS D is met or arrangements satisfactory to the City Council have been made for improvements: •El Camino Real southbound from Cannon Road to College Boulevard •El Camino Real northbound from College Boulevard to Cannon Road •Cannon Road eastbound from El Camino Real to College Boulevard •Cannon Road westbound from College Boulevard to El Camino Real Next Steps Tonight (through 90 days) Introduce ordinance Staff develops options Ordinance adopted September 19 Ordinance effective No permits issued in Zone 15 October 8 Staff reports back August 20 Staff Recommendation •Adopt the proposed resolution per staff’s revisions •Adopt the proposed ordinance Thank You Recent GMP Monitoring Data Collection Data Collected Data Collected ICU LOS Arterial LOS Previous Method Current Method Summer 2014 historic locations Yes Yes No Summer 2015 historic locations Yes Yes No Summer 2016 historic locations No No No Summer 2017 Fall 2017 historic locations sample locations No No No Fall 2018 historic locations No No Yes Spring 2019 all new locations No No Yes Zone 15 29 Approved Projects •Holly Springs •Cantarini Ranch •West Senior Living •Rancho Milagro •Summit Senior Carlsbad •Encinas Creek Apts •Bridge mitigation project Ladwig De sig n Group , In c 2234 FARADAYAVENUE CARLSDBADCA92008 PHONE(760)4383182 FAX(760)4380173 2009NAIP JOB#L 1076 '-~;If' ... LFMP 15 (E) Develop ment Area Requirements Projects Status 1 •Agree to form financing program to guarantee full width construction College Blvd prior to first Final Map (and Cannon Rd 4A core improvements) •Complete connection prior to BP •Phasing allowed •Relocate RV and garden •Complete ECR half-street to prime arterial std •Holly Springs •Cantarini Ranch •Encinas Creek Apts •Dos Colinas •Rancho Milagro •Expires 7/4/2020; LFMP amend on file •Expires 7/4/2020 •Expired 4/3/2019; LFMP amend on file •Expires 3/25/2020 •Expires 2/15/2020 2 •Agree to form financing program to guarantee full width construction College Blvd prior to first Final Map (and Cannon Rd 4A core improvements) •None (BJ Basin site) 3 •Complete ECR half-street to prime arterial std •Pay fair share for installation of ECR per 1988 agreement •Summit Senior •Building, grading permit applications on file 4 •Enter into secure financial agreement to pay fair share cost College Blvd •Agree to form financing program to guarantee full width improvement Cannon Rd •Complete ECR half-street to prime arterial std •Construct median and transition •None (Sunny Creek Commercial/MU) 2018 LOS Results PM Peak Data Collection with New Method A B C HEFG D I KJ L N M P O Q ■ I I i.--·-1 I Vista GMP street deficiencies 7/16/2019 City Council Meeting Item #4 Steve Linke 2013 2012 2008 (or earlier) 2013 2017 / i /'\. ' i ··-·-J ', ~l / {i\ l figure 3.1: Street System -Freeway -Artcl"ial Streets -Identity Streets -Vill age Streets _ Artcl"ial Connector Streets _ Neighborhood Connector Streets -Coastal Streets School Streets _ Employment/Transit Connco:or Streets -11\dustrlal Streets __ Local/Neighborhood Street ■■■■■ Pl anncdArtcrlal Streets Pl anncdArtcrlal Connector Streets •••••••• Pl anned L ocal/Nelghborl>oodStreets = H ighways --------Rail road * Trans it Centers D H al f M lle Radiu. [ j City Li mi ts o.s SOOAO.ES M ... So uree:Oty of Carisbad. 20 13:SANDAG. l Ol l: Fd\r & Pters.20 13: Dyett & Bhatia. 20 13. 2017 2013 2018 2012 2009 (exempt) 2008 (or earlier)2017 (or earlier) 2013 2018 2017 / i /'\. ' i ··-·-J ', ~l / {i\ l figure 3.1: Street System -Freeway -Artcl"ial Streets -Identity Streets -Vill age Streets _ Artcl"ial Connector Streets _ Neighborhood Connector Streets -Coastal Streets School Streets _ Employment/Transit Connco:or Streets -11\dustrlal Streets __ Local/Neighborhood Street ■■■■■ Pl anncdArtcrlal Streets Pl anncdArtcrlal Connector Streets •••••••• Pl anned L ocal/Nelghborl>oodStreets = H ighways --------Rail road * Trans it Centers D H al f M lle Radiu. [ j City Li mi ts o.s SOOAO.ES M ... So uree:Oty of Carisbad. 20 13:SANDAG. l Ol l: Fd\r & Pters.20 13: Dyett & Bhatia. 20 13. 2017 2013 2018 2012 2009 (exempt) 2008 (or earlier)2017 (or earlier) 2013 2018 2017 * ** * * * **** * 2014 (or earlier; some exempt)* \ City of Endnll<rt I L-7 I I I I C l ;, . 1-I -10 : . ··---·-··- I ! i l . i ·-·-·""\ : '-r·~.. ! '••-••-•_,J _ao__,,•_. Figure 3-1 : Street Sy st e m --Frttway -Arterial Streets -Identity Stre ets --Village Streecs ---Arterial C.Onnc,ctor Strccts -Neighborhood CoMcctor Stn!ecs -Coastal Strttts Schoo l Street s -Empla,mcnt/Translt Connector Streets -lndu<trlal Stn,ecs Local/Nelghborhoo<t Street ••••• Planned Arterial Streets Planned Arterial C.Onncctor Streets •······· Planned Local/Neighborhood Streets = Highways ~-Railroad * Transit Centers LJ Half Mile Radius [ j City Limits """' So..-Oty o f Carisb>d.20 13.SAN OAG. 201 l Ftlv & l\!ers.2013: 0,.11 & Bhatia. 2013. 2017 2013 2018 2012 2009 (exempt) 2008 (or earlier)2017 (or earlier) 2013 2018 2017 * ** * * * **** * 2014 (or earlier; some exempt)* \ Orr f Sor Moro Figure 3-1: Street System --Frttway -Arterial Streets -Identity Streets --Vill381! Streecs ---Arterial C.Onnc,ctor Strccts -Neighborhood CoMcctor Stn!ecs -Coastal Strttts Schoo l Streets -Empla,mcnt/Translt Connector Streets -lndu<trlal Stn,ecs Local/Nelghborhoo<t Street ••••• Planned Arterial Streets Planned Arterial C.Onncctor Streets •······· Planned Local/Neighborhood Streets = Highways ~-Railroad * Transit Centers LJ Half Mile Radius [ j City Limits """' So..-Oty o f Carisb>d.10 13, SANOAG.101 l Ftlv & l\!ers,101 3: 0,.11 & Bhatia. 1013. 2017 2013 2018 2012 2009 (exempt) 2008 (or earlier)2017 (or earlier) 2013 2018 2017 * ** * * **** * 2014 (or earlier; some exempt)* * Orr f Sor Moro I L-7 I I I I C l ;, . 1-I -10 : . ··---·-· I ! i l . i ·-·-·""'\ . '-r·~.. ! '---••-•_,J _ao__,,•_. Figure 3-1 : St reet Sy stem --Frttway -Arterial Streets -Identity Stre ets --Village Streecs ---Arterial C.Onnc,ctor Strccts -Neighborhood C oMcctor Stn!ecs -Coastal Strttts Schoo l St reet s -Empla,mcnt/Translt Connector Streets -lndu<trla l Stn,ecs Local/Nelghborhoo<t Street ••••• Planned Arterial Streets Planned Arterial C.Onncctor Streets •······· Planne d Local/Neighborhood Streets = Highways ~-Railroad * Transit Centers LJ Hal f Mi le Radius [ j City Limits """' So..-Oty o f Carisb>d.20 13, SANOAG. 20 1 l Ftlv & l\!ers.20 13: 0,.11 & Bhatia. 2013_ Loopholes in regulations related to vehicle analyses •CEQA/VMT exemptions (state) –<110 trips per day –Within ½ mile of transit –Retail projects •GMP/LOS exemptions (city) –Non-vehicle street typology –<1,000 trips per day for cumulative analysis •TDM exemptions (city) –Does not apply to residential projects –<110 trips per day / i /'\. ' i _____ J ', ~l / {i\ i ' ·1 / i-; I ~l I I I l \! ,-:-1°1 '""~: ::-··-··-··- ,,.-------\~-=-~: ~ ~1 I , '--·-·---"··-··-·•J •--,L .. -•j figure 3-1: Street System -Freeway -Artcl"ial Streets -Identity Streets -Vill age Streets _ Artcl"ial Connector Streets _ Neighborhood Connector Streets -Coastal Streets School Streets _ Employment/Transit Connco:or Streets -11\dustrla l Streets __ Local/Neighborhood Street ■■■■■ Pl anncdArtcrla l Streets Pl anncdArtcrla l Connector Streets -······· Pl anned L ocal/Nelghborl>oodStreets = H ighways --------Rail road * Transit Centers D H al f M lle Radiu. [ j City Li mi ts o.s SOOAO.ES M ... Souree:Oty of Carisbad. 20 13:SANDAG. l Ol l: Fd\r & Pters.20 13: Dyett & Bhatia. 20 13. Transit LOS point system Source: Pacific Wind Apartments Traffic Impact Analysis (11/29/2016) Existing transit route within ¼ mile No existing transit route within ¼ mile, or approval of City Traffic Engineer Typology! Point Sco r e LOS Criteria Points I 90-100 A 80-90 B No great e r t han 1/4 m ile walk t o t h e nearest t r an sit stop 4 0 70-80 C Access No great er than 1/2 m ile walk t o t h e nearest t r ans it stop 20 60-70 D No great e r t han 1 m ile b icycle r id e to t h e neares t t r an sit 10 stop 50-60 E ADA comp liant connectio n s t o t r ansit stop s 2 0 M u lt i pl e t r ansit ro ut es st o p o n seg me nt 10 0-50 F Ro ute p rovid es a d irect link t o a COAS TER stat ion or Co1111ectivity mobility h ub 3 0 Ro ute p rovid es for a si ngle t ra nsfer t o r each a COASTER 15 st at i on o r mo b il it v hub Tra11sit priority Ded icated right of way 5 Tra nsit p rio rit y during p ea k hour s 5 Hea dways of-15 m inutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 2 0 p m on weekd ays Hea dways of 3 0 m inutes betw een 6:30-8:30 am and 4 -6 10 . - Docum ent ed TOM measures are in p lace t h at promot e · b et ween 6:30-8:30 am an d 4-6 p m on 5 ri des haring 60 ,r head ways between 6 am an d 7 p m 5 Ridesharing Potential 60 ,r head ways between 9 am an d 5 p m On demand service ls su bsid ized fo r t r i ps t o t ran si t service 5 2 0 Se g m ent w it h in FL EX servi ce a rea 60 2 0 Ame11ities Well-lit st o p m at pr ovid es a se nse o f secur it y 2 0 Tras h cans 5 Bus sto p lo cat ed w ithin a bl ock of commer cial services 5 Bicyde Bik e parking ava ilable at t h e b us st op 10 Accommodatio11s Buses t h at pr ovide on-b oa rd b ike r ac ks 5 FY 2017-18 GMP Monitoring Report: No MMLOS failures 2 . Road w ay Segments with Pedestri an LOS Exceed i ng LOS D Standard None (a ll of the r oad w ay segments moni t ored met t he LOS standard) 3 . Roadway Segments with Bi cycle Los Exceed i ng LOS D Standard None (a ll of the r oad w ay segments moni t ored met t he LOS standard) 4 . Road w ay Segments with T rans it LOS Exceed i ng LOS D Standa r d None (the r ecently adopt ed T ravel Demand Management o r d i nance addresses all outst and i ng issues) 2017 2013 2018 2012 2009 (exempt) 2008 (or earlier)2017 (or earlier) 2013 2018 2017 * ** * * **** * 2014 (or earlier; some exempt)* * Orr f Sor Moro I L-7 I I I I C l ;, . 1-I -10 : . ··---·-· I ! i l . i ·-·-·""'\ . '-r·~.. ! '---••-•_,J _ao__,,•_. Figure 3-1 : St reet Sy stem --Frttway -Arterial Streets -Identity Stre ets --Village Streecs ---Arterial C.Onnc,ctor Strccts -Neighborhood C oMcctor Stn!ecs -Coastal Strttts Schoo l St reet s -Empla,mcnt/Translt Connector Streets -lndu<trla l Stn,ecs Local/Nelghborhoo<t Street ••••• Planned Arterial Streets Planned Arterial C.Onncctor Streets •······· Planne d Local/Neighborhood Streets = Highways ~-Railroad * Transit Centers LJ Hal f Mi le Radius [ j City Limits """' So..-Oty o f Carisb>d.20 13, SANOAG. 20 1 l Ftlv & l\!ers.20 13: 0,.11 & Bhatia. 2013_ TSC should be advising Council on all of these Mobility Element-related matters •TIA Guidelines –VMT –MMLOS •TDM •TSM Team lead Strategy#1 By Apr il 2019, amend the duties of the Traffic Safety Commission to include advising the City Council on matters related to implementation of the Genera l Plan Mobility Element. Marshall Plantz, Public Works Amend t he duties of the Traffic Safety Commiss ion Tasks : A. Amend the Carlsbad Municipal Code to revise the duties of the Traffic Safety Commission to include advising t he Ci t y Co un cil on matters relate d t o i m pl ementati on of t h e Gen er al Pl an M obility El ement. Schedu le: Complete by April 2019 . Bu dget : No addition al funding is re qu ired to co mp let e t his t ask. B. Ass i st t he Traffic Safety commissi on in the d evel o pment and implementat ion of a new work p lan in accorda nce w it h d ut ies as included in the amended Municipal Code . Schedu le: Complete by April 2019. Bud get: No addit ional fund ing is req uired t o compl et e t h is task. LFMZs that impact the ECR/Cannon Rd deficiencies Source: Staff Report for 7/16/2019 City Council meeting agenda Item #5 '"'* 0(, .. (City of Carlsbad ..._____, Deficient Street Segments With Local Facility Management Zones Local Facilities Management Plans Source: Local Facilities Management Plan for Local Facilities Management Zone 14 Zone 14 Zone 15 ' . \ . \ ~ ____...,...., ·18% \ \ 9% \. - ~:::i_.....,,.. r ·-~ 12.5 % (•./'I ' I r----- s.s% 1 _/ ,,-i--/ . , \_ ,.,..-, _) LEGEND: 15% Impacted >20% Percent of Project Traffic on Road Segment> 20% Percent of Project Traffic on Roa d Segment< 20 Source: Urban Systems Associates Inc. LFMZs that impact the ECR/Cannon Rd deficiencies •LFMZ #5 •LFMZ #7 •LFMZ #8 •LFMZ #13 •LFMZ #14 •LFMZ #15 •LFMZ #24 Source: Staff Report for 7/16/2019 City Council meeting agenda Item #5 '"'* 0(, .. (City of Carlsbad ..._____, Deficient Street Segments With Local Facility Management Zones 2013 2017 EXEMPT EXEMPT I / .-/ '•• Otyo( Encinitas Figure 3· 1: Street System -Freeway -Arterial Streets -Ide n tity Streets -Vill age Streets -Arterial Conl\Cctor Streets -Neighborhood Conl\Caor Streets -Coastal Streets School Streets -Employ ment/Trans it Conl\Co:or Streets -11\d ustrla l Streets --Local/Nclghborl>oo d Street ■■■■■ Pl anl\Cd Arterlal Streets Pl anl\Cd Arterlal Conn ector Streets •······· Pl anne d L ocal/Neighborhood Streets = H ighways --------Rail road * Transit Centers D H al f M lle Radi us [ j City Li mi ts o.s SOOAO.ES M ... SoureecOty of Car'tsbad. 20 13:SANDAG. l Ol l: Fdu-& Pt~.rs.2013: Dyett & Bhatil. 2013. 2013 2017 Otyo( Encinitas figure 3.1: Street System -Freeway -Arterial Streets -Identity Streets -Vill age Streets _ Artcl"ial Connector Streets _ Neighborhood Connector Streets -Coastal Streets School Streets _ Empl oyment/Transi t Connco:or Streets -11\dustrla l Streets __ Local/Nclghborl>ood Street ■■■■■ Pl anncdArtcrlal Streets Pl anncdArtcrlal Connector Streets •••••••• Pl anned L ocal/Neighborhood Streets = H ighways --------Rail road * Transit Centers D H al f M lle Radi us [ j City Limi ts o.s SOOAO.ES M ... SoureecOty of Car'tsbad. 20 13:SANDAG. l Ol l: Fdu-& Pt~.rs.20 13: Dye tt & Bhatil. 20 13. Final Environmental Impact Report for Carl sbad Gene r al Plan Update Chapc.er 3: Revisions co the D r aft EIR and Rec ircu lated Portions of the Draft EIR 3 -P.8 After the College Boulevard extension and Poinsettia Lane connecti ons are co1npleted as id entified in Policy 3 -P.I 7, A!llow t he following streets t o be LOS exe1npt facili t ies from the LOS standard identified in Policy 3 -P.4 , subject to the requiren1ents described in Policy 3 -P.7: • La Costa Avenue between Interstate-5 and El Ca 1nino Real • El Ca1nino Real between Palo1nar Airport Road and La Costa Avenue • Palon1ar Airport Road between Interstate-5 and College Boul evard • Palon1ar Airport Road between El Camino Real and Melrose Drive Summary •Empower TSC to review and make recommendations on the matters raised •Conduct meaningful monitoring of all modes to avoid repeating past mistakes •Fund meaningful TDM and TSM programs •Get legal advice on list of zones for development shutdown •Remove pre-existing exemptions until College and Poinsettia are complete