HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-03-12; City Council; ; The purchase of 32 Archer 1200 barriers through Meridian Rapid Defense Group in an amount not to exceed $332,277.269 CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: March 12, 2019 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Mickey Williams, Assistant Police Chief mickey.williams@carlsbadca.gov or 760-931-2260 CA Review 1P Subject: The purchase of 32 Archer 1200 barriers through Meridian Rapid Defense Group in an amount not to exceed $332,277.26 Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution approving the purchase of 32 Archer 1200 barriers through Meridian Rapid Defense Group in an amount not to exceed $332,277.26. Executive Summary Each year, the City of Carlsbad is the location for numerous events that require staffing from the Police Department for safety purposes, overall presence and traffic control. In an analysis of potential threats to spectators, vendors and event participants, the Police Department is proposing the purchase of 32 barriers that would be deployed at events where a risk to the public has been identified. Events such as the Carlsbad Marathon, Carlsbad 5000/Junior 5000, Street Faires, Art Walk, and Concerts in the Park, bring thousands of people to the city. With the deployment of barriers that can stop a motor vehicle, and also provide ingress and egress for pedestrian traffic, these events will become safer for everyone involved. The Police Department would have access to these barriers for deployment during both planned and unplanned events in the city. When not being used, the barriers will be securely stored on city property. The Police Department plans to rent additional barriers for the biannual Street Faires, which require a larger amount of street closures and protection. The total cost of the 32 barriers is $332,277.26. The city will exercise the right to utilize the piggy-back clause of the competitively bid solicitation made available by the General Services Administration (GSA). There are sufficient funds in the Police Department's operating budget to cover the cost of the purchase. The city's purchasing procedure requires City Council approval on all purchases exceeding $100,000. Discussion The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce hosts the biannual Carlsbad Village Street Faire in the Spring and Fall of each year. The Faire attracts approximately 75,000 people. The Faire requires the City to close numerous roadways within the Village on the day of the Faire. March 12, 2019 Item #4 Page 1 of 9 The following roadways are closed to motor vehicle traffic on the day of the Faire: • Grand Ave. from Carlsbad Blvd. to Jefferson St. • Washington St. from Carlsbad Village Dr. to Christensen Way • State St. from Carlsbad Village Dr. to Beech Ave. • Roosevelt St. from Carlsbad Village Dr. to Beech Ave. • Madison St. from Carlsbad Village Dr. to just north of Grand Ave. The Police Department has noticed an increase in vehicle related incidents worldwide and within the United States resulting in death and injuries to community event attendees. Some of these incidents have involved vehicles being intentionally used as weapons to harm people gathered at community events. Other incidents involve vehicles being operated by persons under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, or drivers with medical conditions. The Police Department has consulted with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regarding the threat posed to the Faire and other community events by vehicular incidents. The DHS provided the Police Department the assistance of a Protective Security Advisor who visited the area of the Faire and reviewed the Police Department Event Action Plan for the Faire. The Protective Security Advisor recommended the use of bollards or other temporary barricades to harden the perimeter of the Faire to enhance the safety of people attending the Faire. Since 2014, the Police Department has utilized temporary water filled barricades, city vehicles and bollards to attempt to protect Faire attendees from vehicle assaults or collisions. The current arrangement is less than optimal due to incomplete barrier coverage, logistical obstacles related to temporary barricade deployment and negative derivative effects on pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic. During the most recent Faire in November 2018, the city paid over $24,000 for the rental of temporary water filled barricades placed at a total of four locations. The Police Department has worked collaboratively with the Public Works Department, Parks and Recreation Department, and Fire Department to develop a secure footprint of the Faire. A total of 21 locations around the perimeter of the Faire footprint have been identified where a total of approximately 96 barriers would be required to secure the roadways leading into the Faire footprint. The Police Department intends to utilize the 32 purchased barriers and rent the remainder of the barriers needed for the Spring and Fall Faires for an expected expense of approximately $17,000 each Faire. The Police Department has coordinated with the Parks and Recreation Department and I determined that with the acquisition of 32 barriers, the Police Department would be able to utilize the purchased barriers at approximately a dozen special events annually in addition to their use at the twice annual Street Faires. The deployment of the barriers at these events is expected to increase the safety of those attending or working at these events. The barriers are sold by Meridian Rapid Defense Group in packages of eight which include a trailer for transportation of the barriers and necessary tools for moving and deploying the March 12, 2019 Item #4 Page 2 of 9 barriers. The Police Department working in conjunction with the Public Works Department will be able to secure and store the 32 barriers and associated trailers on city property. The Public Works Department will facilitate the deployment of the barriers at pre-planned events within the City. Both Police Department and Public Works Department em-ployees will be trained in the deployment of the barriers which will provide the Police Department with the use of the barriers as an additional tool in the event of an unplanned need to secure a specific location or venue. The purchase and use of the Meridian Archer 1200 Barriers can also potentially reduce the city's risk of legal liability in the event of a terrorist related event, something that no other barrier can provide. Specifically, Meridian Rapid Defense Group has been issued the official designation of Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology under the United States' SAFETY Act by the DHS. The SAFETY Act is a 2002 U.S. Federal Law that creates a liability management system for providers of approved anti-terrorism technologies and products. The SAFETY Act protects Meridian, its customers and users of its products from liabilities for claims arising out of an act of "terrorism." The Meridian product the city would be purchasing is covered by the SAFETY Act. Accordingly, any claims and any resulting actual liabilities incurred by the city resulting from terrorism are strictly limited where the claims include the use of Meridian Archer 1200 Barriers by the city. Fiscal Analysis The cost to purchase 32 Archer 1200 barriers, along with the trailers to transport and store them, and the tools to deploy them, from Meridian Rapid Defense Group is $328,656.86. There is an additional cost of $3,620.40 for ADA compliant cable protectors that provide ADA compliant access around deployed barriers, which is quoted separately from the cost of the barriers. The total cost of the purchase is $332,277.26. The Police Department will utilize existing departmental contingency funds for this purchase. It is expected to cost approximately $36,000 per year for the Public Works Department to deploy and recover the purchased barricades at the various special events. Funding is available in the Public Works operating budget for activities scheduled during the current fiscal year. The Public Works Department will address this additional cost during the next annual budget preparation process. Next Steps A purchase order will be opened to begin the purchasing process with the vendor in an amount not to exceed $332,277.26. It is expected that the barriers will be purchased and available for use in time for the Spring Village Street Faire on May 5, 2019. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. March 12, 2019 Item #4 Page 3 of 9 Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution 2. Meridian Rapid Defense Group Statement of Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology Designation March 12, 2019 Item #4 Page 4 of 9 Exhibit 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-028 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF 32 ARCHER 1200 BARRIERS THROUGH MERIDIAN RAPID DEFENSE GROUP IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $332,277.26. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that it is in the public interest in the pursuit of public safety to authorize the Police Department to purchase 32 Archer 1200 Barriers through Meridian Rapid Defense Group; and WHEREAS, the city will exercise the right to piggy-back clause of the competitively bid solicitation made available by the General Services Administration (GSA); and WHEREAS, the Police Department has enough funds in its operating budget for the purchase not to exceed $332,277.26; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. The amount of the purchase will not exceed $332,277.26 as reflected in the Quotes attached hereto as Attachment A. The Police Department will use available funds from its operating budget to make the purchase. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of March 2019, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher, Hamilton. None. None. (SEAL) ,,,1111111 I I l/1///11111 ,,,,,G CAl'I~ 1111, ~~01'".'"'"·n~~ ~ ,,•· ·····"~~ ffJ,.., _./ ~ ....... ~\ to(~~)OJ % ..... ~1/c~.: $ ~ ••., ,."1\IP'"' ,,•· ~ 'l. "''• ' .. ~~ ~ '-~········ .. •···~,"f,$' ,,,,,,,,,,,1 l.JFO~ ,,,,,,~ 11111,1111111111111'' March 12, 2019 Item #4 Page 5 of 9 Mickey Williams, Assistant Police Chief March 12, 2019 Purchase of 32 Roadway Barriers Staff Recommendation Adopt a Resolution approving the purchase of 32 Archer 1200 barriers through Meridian Rapid Defense Group in an amount not to exceed $332,277.26. Carlsbad Special Events and Gatherings •Spring and Fall Faires –Attendance approx. 75,000 people •Carlsbad 5000 •San Diego Marathon •Art Walk •Approximately a dozen planned events a year •Unplanned gatherings or need for security Enhanced Security Needs •Department of Homeland Security assessment •Increased frequency of vehicle assaults and accidents •Enhanced safety for attendees and staff What is an Archer 1200 Barrier? Prior Security at Faires •Contracted for water barriers at several locations –Impede pedestrian movement –Costly (approx. $24k for November Faire) –Deployment and recovery issues •Use of city vehicles •Not secure footprint •Minimal deployment of devices at other events Benefits of Barrier Purchase •Available at anytime for deployment for planned and unplanned events •With rental of additional barriers; complete secure footprint of Faire is possible (approx. $17k rental cost per Faire) •Use of purchased barriers for security at approximately 12 pre- planned events per year •Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology per Department of Homeland Security Cost •$332,277.26 for purchase of 32 barriers –Includes four trailers, deployment equipment and ADA equipment •Rental of 64 barriers; approximately $17k per Faire •Public Works’ overtime for deployment of barriers; estimated $36k per year Staff Recommendation Adopt a Resolution approving the purchase of 32 Archer 1200 barriers through Meridian Rapid Defense Group in an amount not to exceed $332,277.26.