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2010-04-07; Planning Commission; ; GPA 06-09|ZC 06-08|SP 203D|LCPA 06-09|CT 06-27|CP 06-19|CDP 06-32|HDP 06-10|HMP 07-02 - MUROYA SUBDIVISION
Thtty of Carlsbad Planning Department • A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: April 7, 2010 ItemNo. 0 Application complete date: February 2, 2010 Project Planner: Dan Halverson Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham SUBJECT: GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203(D)/LCPA 06-09/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CDP 06- 32/HDP 06-10/HMP 07-02 -MUROYA SUBDIVISION -Request for a recommendation of adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Local Coastal Program Amendment, and a Specific Plan Amendment; and a request for approval of a Tentative Tract Map, Condominium Permit, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit, and Habitat Management Plan Permit for the subdivision of a 20.27-acre site into five (5) lots (two residential, two open space lots, and one private street lot) and the grading and development of 3 7 detached air-space condominium one- family dwelling units on property located north of A viara Parkway, south of Corte Orchidia, east of Towhee Lane, and west of Black Rail Road, and within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management ·Zone 20. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6681 RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6682, 6683, 6684, and 6685 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of a General Plan Amendment (GPA 06-09), Zone Change (ZC 06-08), Specific Plan Amendment (SP 203(D)) Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 06-09), and, ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6686 6687, 6688, 6689, and 6690 APPROVING a Tentative Tract Map (CT 06-27), Condominium Permit (CP 06-19), Coastal Development Permit (CDP 06-32), Hillside Development Permit (HDP 06- 10), and Habitat Management Plan Permit (HMP 07-02), based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The proposed project involves a General Plan Amendment (GPA), Zone Change (ZC), Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCP A), Specific Plan Amendment (SPA), Tentative Tract Map (CT), Condominium Permit (CP), Coastal Development Permit (CDP), Hillside Development Permit (HDP), and Habitat Management Plan Permit (HMPP) to allow for the subdivision and development of a 20.27 acre parcel (APN 215-040-03) with 37 detached air-space condominium one-family dwelling units on property located north of A viara Parkway, south of Corte Orchidia, east of Towhee Lane, and west of Black Rail Road. GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203(,LCP A 06-09/CT 06-27 /CP 06-19/CD--32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02 -MUROY A SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGE2 The GP A, ZC, and LCP A, require the approval of the City Council and the California Coastal Commission (CCC). The SP Amendment requires the approval of the City Council. The approval of the CT, CP, CDP, HDP, and HMPP are final at the Planning Commission. The project is not located within the Appeals Jurisdiction of the Local Coastal Zone, and the Planning Commission's decision on the CDP is not appealable to the CCC. The project has been reviewed for environmental impacts and no significant unmitigable impacts were found. As designed and conditioned, the project is consistent with all applicable standards and policies, and the necessary findings to approve the project can be made. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The project site consists of a 20.27 acre parcel of land currently developed with an existing single family residence and agricultural uses (greenhouse and storage structures) in the northern and eastern half of the lot and natural hillsides in the south. Topographically, the site consists of a flat bench area in the northeast section of the property, currently developed with a single family residence and a palm tree nursery. From the bench, the topography slopes downward to the western and southern property lines into a network of ravines vegetated with natural habitat. Approximately three (3) acres of the site is constrained by an SDG&E power line easement, which bisects the site diagonally and consists of a tower element in the northwestern edge of the property and transmission lines spanning across the vegetated open space. The project site is bounded to the north by existing detached single-family homes, to the south by detached single- family homes and open space, to the east by single family homes and a vacant lot, and to the west by single-family homes. The project includes the subdivision of this lot into five (5) separate lots. Lot 1 is approximately 6.3 acres in area and will include 37 detached air-space condominium units. Lot 2 is 0.9 acres in area and is located in the southeast corner of the property and is the site of the owners existing residence which will remain on this proposed parcel. Lots 3 and 4 are 1.6 acres and 9.8 acres in area and are proposed as open space lots (lot 3 as a hal;,itat and fire buffer zone and lot 4 as open space habitat). Lot 5 (0.7 acres) will be developed as private road for common access to the 37 detached condominium units. The project site has a General Plan Land Use designation of RLM (Residential Low-Medium Density, 0-4 dwelling units per acre) and a zoning designation of L-C (Limited Control). A General Plan Amendment and LCP A is required to re-designate the two (2) proposed open space lots 3 and 4 from RLM to OS (Open Space), and the proposed residential lot 1 and the proposed private street lot 5 from RLM to RM (Residential Medium Density, ( 4-8 dwelling units per acre), with lot 2 remaining RLM. The zoning will also be amended to correspond with the associated General Plan Land Use Amendments and will rezone the open space lots (3&4) from L-C to OS (Open Space), the residential lots (1&5) from L-C to RD-M (Residential Density -Multiple), and lot 2 from L-C to Single Family Residential (R-1). A Specific Plan Amendment to the Zone 20 Specific Plan is required to reflect the proposed General Plan and Zoning Land Use changes. The project site will have access at two points off of Black Rail Road. Private Street "A" (Lot 5) is proposed as the main vehicular entryway to the project and is designed with a parkway and detached sidewalks, street trees, street parking, and curbs and gutters. The secondary vehicular GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203(.CPA 06-09/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/cnl-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02 -MUROY A SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGE3 entrance is from Private Drive "C." The proposed residences are configured so that driveways are clustered in courtyards which are accessed off of Private Street "A" or Private Drive "B and C." The project is also proposing 12,290 square feet of common recreational space with passive and active uses. The main recreational space has 6,400 square feet of grassy field, meandering paths, and a variety of landscaping, picnic tables, benches, and an overlook area with enhanced concrete, benches and barbeques. Passive public recreational uses are also provided in the form of a large grassy play area, a pedestrian trail, and enhanced landscaping within the existing SDG&E power line easement bisecting the site diagonally. Each residence will also have private "exclusive use" areas surrounding the dwelling units. Four (4) floor plans are proposed with three (3) different architectural styles which include Adobe Ranch (AR), Andalusian (AN), and Santa Barbara (SB). The floor plans range between 1,802 square feet and 2,827 square feet in area and 19 feet (Plan 1, single story) to 25 ½ feet (Plan 2, two story) in height. All plans include a two car attached garage. All plans include a variety of architectural features and materials including, but not limited to, "S" tile roofing, stucco finish, window/door lintels, varied window shapes/sizes, wood elements (shutters, exposed wood beams, rafter tails, and knee braces), and tile, brick, or stone veneer. Grading for the project will require 22,540 cubic yards of cut, 19,970 cubic yards of fill, and 2,570 cubic yards of export. In addition, the project grading includes 7,840 cubic yards of over- excavation, remedial grading, and re-compacting of a debris filled manufactured slope. Overall, the project grading follows the natural slope of the site, is compatible with adjacent residential project pad grades, incorporates contour grading and variable slope gradients, and preserves sensitive habitat areas to the southwest. IV. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following plans, ordinances and standards: A. Carlsbad General Plan Residential Medium Density (RM), Residential Low- Medium Density (RLM), and Open Space (OS) Land Use designation regulations; B. One-Family Residential (R-1) Zone, Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M), and Open Space (OS) Zone (Chapters 21.10, 21.24, and 21.33 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); C. Planned Development Regulations (Chapter 21 .45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); D. Zone 20 Specific Plan (SP 203); E. Inclusionary Housing (Chapter 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); F. Subdivision Map Act and the City of Carlsbad Subdivision Regulations (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); G. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program, the Coastal Agricultural Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.202 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code), and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); H. Hillside Development Regulations (Chapter 21.95 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 2031,CP A 06-09/CT 06-27 /CP 06-19/CDI-32/ HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02 -MUROYA SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGE4 J. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in the sections below. A. Carlsbad General Plan Residential Medium Density (RM), Residential Low- Medium Density (RLM), and Open Space (OS) Land Use designation regulations. The existing General Plan Land Use designation for the project site is Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM). The RLM designation allows low to medium density residential development (0 to 4 du/ac) with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 3.2 du/ac; which is also used for the purposes of calculating the City's compliance with Government Code Section 65863. According to the constraints analysis used for density calculations, 3 7. 79 dwelling units could be located on the site based on 11. 81 net developable acres. A total of 3 8 dwelling units at a density of3.217 du/ac is proposed which is 0.21 units above the GMCP. Although the project exceeds the GMCP density for the RLM General Plan Land Use designation by 0.017 dwelling units/acre, or by a fractional unit of .21 dwelling units, the General Plan Land Use Element allows the City to approve residential development at a density that exceeds the GMCP provided the proposed residential development complies with certain findings as discussed below. To exceed the GMCP density and withdraw a fraction of a dwelling unit from the City's excess Dwelling Unit Bank the project must comply with City Council Policy No. 43 which sets the criteria for the allocation of excess dwelling units. At the GMCP of 3 .2 du/ac the number of units allowed would be 37.79 dwelling units. Pursuant to City Council Policy No. 43, if the GMCP density for the property results in a unit yield that includes a fractional unit of .5 or greater the next whole unit may be granted provided the maximum density of the applicable General Land Use designation is not exceeded. Also, to exceed the GMCP density, the project must be consistent with the following required General Plan findings: 1) that the project will provide sufficient additional public facilities for the density in excess of the control point to ensure that the adequacy of the City's public facilities plans will not be adversely impacted; 2) that there have been sufficient developments approved in the quadrant at densities below the control point so that the approval will not result in exceeding the quadrant limit; and, 3) all necessary public facilities required by the City's Growth Management Program will be constructed, or are guaranteed to be constructed, concurrently with the need for them created by this development and in compliance with the adopted City standards. At the RLM designation (0-4 du/ac ), development of the site in the manner that would accommodate the dwelling units would: 1) require a significant amount of grading to the site, which would be inconsistent with the City's Hillside Development Regulations (C.M.C. Chapter 21.95), and 2) the Habitat Management Plan (HMP) requires the development to be clustered on the disturbed areas to the maximum extent. Therefore, given the topographic constraints of the GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203(.CPA 06-09/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CDt-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02 -MUROY A SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGES 21.95), and 2) the Habitat Management Plan (HMP) requires the development to be clustered on the disturbed areas to the maximum extent. Therefore, given the topographic constraints of the site combined with the HMP requirement to cluster the development, the project applicant is proposing to change the General Plan Land Use designation of the site from RLM to Residential Medium (RM,4-8 du/ac) on lots I & 5 where the 3 7 units will be clustered on a 7 acre parcel at a density of 5.29 du/ac which is within the RM density range of 4-8 du/ac. Lots 3 & 4 will be designated Open Space (OS), while lot 2, site of the existing residence, will retain the RLM designation. As shown in Table A below, the project is compatible with all of the General Plan objectives, policies, general land uses and programs. Infrastructure is in place along Black Rail Road to support the proposed project. Additionally, the property is subject to the preservation standards of the Habitat Management Plan (HMP) and, as a property within the Coastal Zone, is subject to additional HMP conservation standards. As designed, the project ·complies with these conservation standards and results in the need to amend the General Plan to reflect the preservation of sensitive habitat within Lot 3 (an HOA maintained open space lot) and Lot 4 (a habitat open space lot). The City's HMP requires designation of the project's open space habitat preserve areas as Open Space (OS) on the General Plan Land Use and Open Space and Conservation maps concurrent with development. This action is consistent with the General Plan Open Space Element and is in accordance with the intent and purpose of the OS Zone to designate high-priority resource areas as OS at the time of development. The amendment will re-designate 1.6 acres (Lot 3) and 9.8 acres (Lot 4) of the existing RLM designated property to an OS designation to preserve habitat and provide a fire suppression and habitat buffer zone. In addition to the above, the project complies with all elements of the General Plan as illustrated in Table A below: GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203(,LCPA 06-09/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CD,-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02 -MURO YA SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGE6 TABLE A -GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE USE, CLASSIFICATION, PROPOSED USES & ELEMENT GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY PROGRAM Land Use The project site as proposed 37 single-family detached Yes will be designated Residential condominium units are being Medium Density (RM -4-8 proposed on 7 acres. The du/ac) on lots 1 & 5; project's proposed density of 5.29 du/ac is within the RM density range of 4-8 du/ac. Residential Low-Medium The existing single-family Yes (RLM -0-4 du/ac) on lot 2; residence to remain on the proposed 0.9 acre lot. The project's density at 1.11 du/ac is within the RLM density range of 0-4 du/ac. Designate high-priority Lot 3 will be designated as an Yes resource areas as open space Open Space HOA maintained on lots 3 & 4 at time of area, while Lot 4 will be development. designated as an Open Space Habitat Preserve Area. Housing Provision of affordable The.project has been Yes housing. conditioned to purchase 7 inclusionary housing credits from the Villa Loma Project located in the SE Quadrant. Public Safety Review new development The project includes or has been Yes proposals to consider conditioned to provide facilities emergency access, fire hydrant to ensure that the development locations and fire flow proposal complies with Public requirements. Safety Requirements. Noise Residential exterior noise The development proposal Yes standard of 60 CNEL and complies with the City's interior noise standard of 45 interior and exterior noise CNEL standards. GP A 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203(,LCP A 06-09/CT 06-27 /CP 06-19/CDl-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02 -MUROYA SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGE7 TABLE A-GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE CONTINUED USE, CLASSIFICATION, PROPOSED USES & ELEMENT GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY PROGRAM Circulation Require new development to All roadways (including curb, Yes construct all roadways needed gutter, and sidewalk) needed to to serve the development. serve the development will be dedicated and constructed prior to, or concurrent with, site development. The proposed circulation system is designed to provide access to each of the proposed lots and dwelling units and complies with all applicable City design standards. Open Space & To preserve, protect and For purposes of habitat Yes Conservation enhance those areas of the City protection, the project is that provide unique and special providing open space lots (Lots open space functions, 3 & 4) located between the including, but not limited to, proposed residences (i.e., cultural and visual amenities, development area) and the active and passive recreational boundaries of the existing HMP uses, landmarks, buffers Hardline Preserve area adjacent between incompatible land to the project site along the uses, wildlife habitats, and western and southern property unique and desirable line. Lot 3 will include the vegetation. HMP 20 ft. wide upland habitat buffer area and fire suppression zone that are required between proposed development areas and preserved habitat areas. Lot 4 will be designated Open Space and preserved as natural open space. Utilize Best Management Project will conform to all Yes Practices for control of storm NPDES requirements. water and to protect water quality. GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203(,LCPA 06-09/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CD,-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02 -MUROY A SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGES B. & C. One-Family Residential (R-1) Zone, Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) Zone, and Open Space (OS) Zone (Chapters 21.10, 21.24, and 21.33 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and Planned Development Ordinance (Chapter 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The project site is currently zoned Limited Control (L-C). The L-C Zone designation is given to previously annexed properties and is an interim zone for areas where plans for development have not yet been formalized. As part of this project, a zone change from L-C to Residential Density- Multiple (RD-M), One-Family Residential (R-1), and Open Space (OS) is proposed. This will result in the zoning for the site being consistent with the General Plan Land Use designations of RM, RLM, and OS. The proposed zones are also compatible with the existing surrounding residentially zoned properties to the north and east and the existing Planned Communities (P-C) to the west and south. A Condominium Permit (CP) is proposed for development of the RD-M proposed residential Lots 1 and 5. Lot 2 will maintain the existing residence and be proposed as a standard R-1 lot. Lots 3 and 4 of the proposed subdivision will be preserved as open space. The proposed project meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of the RD-M, R-1, and OS Zones as demonstrated below in Table B. Project compliance with all applicable requirements and development standards of the Planned Development Ordinance are demonstrated in Staff Report Attachments 15 (see Planned Development Compliance Table C), and 16 (see Planned Development Compliance Table E). Project compliance with all applicable requirements of City Council Policies 44 and 66 are demonstrated in Staff Report Attachments 17 (City Council Policy 44 Compliance Table) and 18 (City Council Policy 66 Compliance Table). TABLE B-RD-M, R-1, AND OS ZONE COMPLIANCE Standard Required/ Allowed Proposed Comolv Lot Size RD-M: 10,000 sq. ft. RD-M: Lot 1 & 5 = 7 acres Yes .. mm1mum R-1: 7,500 sq. ft. minimum R-1: Lot 2 = 39,200 sq. ft. Yes OS: No minimum. OS: Lot 3 = 1.6 acres Yes Lot 4 = 9.8 acres Lot width RD-M: 60 ft. minimum Lot 1 = 200+ feet Yes Lot 5 = 95 feet R-1: 60 ft. minimum Lot 2 = 300+ ft. Yes Lot Coverage RD-M: 60% maximum Lot 1 & 5 = 12% Yes R-1: 40% maximum Lot 2 = 12.8% Yes Building RD-M: 35 ft. 19 to 25 feet height Yes Height R-1: 30 ft. (3:12 roof pitch) Existing single story house Yes Parking 2-car garage with a minimum Each unit has a two-car garage Yes dimension of 20 ft. with a minimum dimension of 20 ft. GP A 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203(,LCP A 06-09/CT 06-27 /CP 06-19/CDl-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02-MUROYA SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGE9 D. Zone 20 Specific Plan (SP 203) The project is located within an area subject to the Zone 20 Specific Plan (SP 203). SP 203 provides a framework for the development of the vacant properties within Zone 20 to erisure the logical and efficient provision of public facilities and community amenities for the future residents of Zone 20. The project is located within Planning Area E of SP 203, which has a current General Land Use designation of RLM. However, as discussed above in Section "A", because of the topographic constraints of the site, clustered development in the north and east section of the lot is more appropriate. Therefore, the project is proposing an amendment to SP 203 in the form of a map and text changes to reflect the proposed land use change from RLM to RM, OS, and RLM and thus bring SP 203 into conformance with the proposed General Plan designations. In addition to land use compatibility, the project is compatible with all other provisions· of SP 203 as demonstrated below in Table C: TABLE C-ZONE 20 SPECIFIC PLAN REQUIREMENTS STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED COMPLY LCP Agricultural Three conversion options Option 3 -Payment of Yes Conversion are available. Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee is conditioned. Affordable Housing 15% of the units must be Seven (7) inclusionary Yes provided as affordable housing credits will be units. purchased from the Villa Loma housing project. Open Space Designate the 150 ft. wide The project is proposing an Yes SDG&E public utility Open Space easement easement corridor area as (HOA Maintained) over Specific Plan Open Space Lot 3 which is partially per Exhibit 10. encumbered by an SDG&E public utility easement. Lot Where topography 4, which is partially permits, enhance with encumbered by the trails and other SDG&E easement, will be recreational amenities. re-designated an Open Space Habitat lot. At a minimum, pedestrian The project is providing a trails shall be constructed large passive re9reational of decomposed granite. amenity which will include a large grassy play area, a decomposed granite walking path, and decorative landscaping within the SDG&E easement. GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203(,LCPA 06-09/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CD,-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02 -MURO YA SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGElO E. Inclusionary Housing (Chapter 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The City's Inclusionary Housing regulations require that a minimum of 15% of all approved units in any residential project be made affordable to lower income households. The inclusionary housing requirement for the Muroya Subdivision residential development is seven (7) units. The Inclusionary Housing Ordinance states that whenever reasonably feasible, new inclusionary units should be built on the residential development site. However, the Ordinance allows the City Council to approve an alternative to construction of new units when it can be demonstrated by the developer that the alternative supports specific housing policies and goals, and that these goals would be better served by allowing some or all of the inclusionary units associated with one project to be produced and operated at an alternative site(s). However, based on the project lot's topography, clustered development, and the site's distance away from employment opportunities, urban services, and transportation facilities, the Housing Policy Team has recommended the purchase of seven (7) housing credits within the Villa Loma Affordable Housing development to satisfy their inclusionary housing obligations. Therefore, the applicant has been conditioned to satisfy the inclusionary housing requirement for lower- income households by entering into an Affordable Housing Agreement to purchase seven (7) credits· of affordable housing in the Villa Loma project, subject to City Council approval. By entering into the agreement prior to final map the Muroya Subdivision development is providing its fair share of housing affordable to lower income households and, therefore, is consistent with the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. F. Subdivision Map Act and the City of Carlsbad Subdivision Regulations (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed project and has concluded that the subdivision complies with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20). All major subdivision design criteria have been complied with including provision of public access, required street frontage, and minimum lot area. The project is consistent with and satisfies all requirements of the General Plan and Title 21. It is also compatible with the surrounding uses. The project is conditioned to install all infrastructure improvements concurrent with development. The proposed building setbacks will allow for adequate air circulation and the opportunity for passive heating and cooling. The applicant will be required to offer various dedications (e.g., drainage and sewer easements, street right-of-way for Black Rail Road, etc.) and will be required to install street and utility improvements, including but not limited to curbs, gutters, sidewalks, sewer facilities, drainage facilities, fire hydrants, and street lights. The project has been designed in accordance with the City's Stormwater regulations. It has been conditioned to implement Best Management Practices (BMP) for water quality protection, to comply with the City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Order R9-2007-0001 issued by the San Diego Region of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board and with the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203(,LCPA 06-09/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CD,-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02-MUROYA SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGE 11 G. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program, the Coastal Agricultural Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.202 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The project site is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program. Development of the project site is also subject to, and consistent with, the requirements of the Coastal Agricultural Overlay Zone and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone. Approval of a CDP is required for the project. One of the primary requirements of the applicable coastal regulations pertains to the conversion of agricultural land to urban use. Pursuant to Map "X" (Designation as "Non-Prime Agricultural Lands"); the project site includes 7.9 acres of agricultural land. The project has been conditioned to ·pay an agricultural conversion mitigation fee for the conversion of 7.9 acres of agriculture to urban uses, which will mitigate the loss of agricultural resources by preserving or enhancing other important coastal resources. The project is further consistent with the policies of the Coastal Act in that, a) the site is geologically stable; b) the project has been designed to reduce the amount of runoff off-site through the use of Low Impact Development (LID) design features and has been conditioned to implement the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) standards; c) the project meets the parking requirements of the zoning ordinance; d) the project does not preclude any recreational opportunities or shoreline access as the property is not a shorefront property; and e) the development does not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or public rights-of-way. The development is subject to the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). The Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone identifies five areas of protection: a) preservation of steep slopes and vegetation; b) drainage, erosion, sedimentation, habitat; c) landslides and slope instability; d) seismic hazards, and e) floodplain development. The project's compliance with each of these areas of concern is discussed below: a. Preservation of Steep Slopes and Vegetation. Natural slopes with an inclination of 25% and greater possessing endangered plant/animal species and/or coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities are considered "dual criteria" slopes and are protected in the coastal zone. The project site contains 5.66 acres of "dual criteria" slopes. A "Dual Criteria Slopes Analysis" was prepared for the project by Hunsaker and Associates with source data provided by Dudek Environmental Engineering Biology Survey (February 2010). Dual criteria slope areas are generally considered undevelopable per the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone, unless the application of this policy would preclude any reasonable use of the property, in which case an encroachment not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the steep slope areas over twenty-five percent grade may be permitted. The majority of impacts to dual criteria slopes are in the areas of the project west of proposed lots 23-29. Impacts to this area is considered unavoidable given the site constraints combined with the need to cluster development, and the 60 foot fuel modification zone required for brush management as well as a buffer zone for habitat. Of the 5.66 acres identified as dual criteria slopes, impacts to only 0.36 acres (6.36%) will occur as result of development, which is below the allowable impact percentage. GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203,/LCPA 06-09/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CD!-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02 -MUROY A SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGE12 The overlay zone also allows development of steep slopes of 25% or greater that do not contain the above-noted sensitive habitat plants/animals, subject to specific findings. The project is proposing minor grading and fill within a gradient of 25% or greater at the northwest section of the lot. The slope does not contain sensitive habitat and therefore is consistent with the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone. The proposed project complies with all of the required findings of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone as illustrated in Table D below. TABLE D -COASTAL RESOURCE PROTECTION OVERLAY ZONE COMPLIANCE FINDING RESPONSE That a soils investigation be conducted to A soils and geologic analysis of the site was determine that the site slope areas are stable prepared in conformance with City and grading and development impacts requirements. The minimal proposed grading mitigable for at lea~t 75 years, or the life of the impacts are mitigable for at least 75 years, or structure. the life of the structure, in that the subdivision nor subsequent development will not adversely affect nor interfere with the stability or existing geologic condition of the subject slope area, and that the site is suitable for the proposed subdivision. Grading of the slope is essential to the The proposed grading is essential to the development of the site. development of the site in that the minor encroachment area will enable the development of a more developable building pad and drainage site for the project. Slope disturbance will not result in substantial Slope disturbance will not damage or alter damage or alteration to major wildlife major wildlife habitat or native vegetation in corridors, habitat or native vegetation. that the site is previously disturbed by a single family residence and agricultural uses. Pursuant to a Biological Report prepared for this property (Dudek, February, 2010) all slopes with sensitive habitat and species are preserved in a proposed open space lot. No grading or removal of steep slopes will be All environmental aspects have been mitigated permitted unless all environmental aspects for the project in that an open space habitat lot have been mitigated. will be preserved. b. Drainage, Erosion, Sedimentation, Habitat. Topographic and vegetation mapping and analysis was prepared as part of the project. Habitat boundaries were identified and a 20 foot wide upland habitat buffer area and 60 foot wide Fire Suppression Zone has been provided in open space Lot 3 between the proposed development and the proposed habitat open space lot (Lot 4) to buffer sensitive habitat areas from intrusion. A Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan (Hunsaker & Associates, July 9, 2009) was prepared for the project. Project grading is designed to match the historical drainage pattern of the site. To reduce the amount of discharge and velocity of run-off to GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203,/LCPA 06-09/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CD!-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02 -MUROY A SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGE 13 predevelopment levels, the project incorporates Low Impact Development (LID) design features. These promote infiltration of storm water run-off by proposing to minimize impervious surface areas by utilizing pervious pavers for all residential driveways, and directing all run-off to landscape areas for bio-filtration. Furthermore, construction of the proposed project improvements will comply with all federal, state and local water quality regulations, including the Clean Water Act and associated NPDES regulations. A grading permit is required for the project prior to commencement of grading, which requires review and approval of an erosion control plan. The erosion control plan will employ grading construction Best Management Practices (BMP) which will reduce temporary impacts on water quality. Through implementation of the recommended site design and source control BMPs, post construction impacts to water quality will be mitigated to an acceptable level. c. Landslides and Slope Instability. The Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation (Geocon, Inc., July 14, 2009), indicates that the site consists predominantly of debris fill, undocumented artificial fill soils, a thin layer of top soil, colluvium and alluvium underlain by formational materials of the Lindavista and Santiago Formations. The Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation indicates that existing artificial fill and topsoil materials will require removal and re-compaction in accordance with the recommendations of the report. The debris fill is considered unsuitable for the project and will require remedial grading and will be cleaned or exported from the site. No evidence of landslide or slope instability was identified in the report. By following the geotechnical recommendations contained within the referenced report, the site is suitable for the proposed project and exposure of people or structures to geotechnical related hazards is relatively low. d. Seismic Hazards. The Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation (Geocon, Inc., July 14, 2009), indicates that no active or potentially active faults are known to exist on or in the vicinity of the project site. The report found that the site has a relatively low risk of exposure to seismic hazards and the Lindavista and Santiago Formation deposits underlying the site are not considered liquefiable due to their physical characteristics, lack of an elevated ground water table, high-density characteristics, and age. e. Flood Plain Development. The lowest proposed pad elevation is approximately 327 ft. above mean sea level (msl). No part of the site is within the 100 year floodplain. The proposed LCPA is necessary to change the LCP Land Use designation on the property from RLM (0-4 du/ac) to RM (4-8 du/ac), RLM (0-4 du/ac), and OS, and to change the LCP Zoning designation on the property from L-C to Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M), One-Family Residential (R-1), and OS. These proposed Local Coastal Program land use and zoning changes are consistent with the project's proposed General Plan Land Use and City Zoning designation changes. H. Hillside Development Regulations (Chapter 21.95 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The site has an elevation grade change greater than 15 feet and slopes greater than 15%, therefore the project requires _a Hillside Development Permit (HDP). Hillside conditions have GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203,/LCPA 06-09/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CD!-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02 -MUROY A SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGE 14 been properly identified on the constraints map which show existing and proposed conditions and slope percentages. Undevelopable areas of the project, (i.e., slopes over 40%, and the open space preserve area) have been properly identified and are primarily located within the proposed Open Space Lot 4. The site does contain "dual criteria" slopes, which are defined as natural slopes equal to or greater than 25% gradient possessing endangered species and/or coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities within the Coastal Zone. The project does impact 0.36 acres (6.36%) of the 5.66 acres of dual criteria slopes. As discussed above in Section G, these impacts are considered unavoidable given the constraints of the site, the clustered development, and the brush management requirement. The project will impact small isolated pockets of 40% gradient slopes. However, none of these isolated slopes are greater than ten thousand square feet in area nor comprised of prominent land form features and therefore can be developed pursuant to Section 21.95.120(B) of the CMC. Furthermore, the project does encroach into existing manufactured slopes with a gradient of 40%. However, these slopes are comprised of debris fill (an unusual soil condition) which is required to be removed, cleaned, and/or re-compacted. However, this is permitted per Section 21.95.130(A)(3) of the CMC. The project will include grading over the flatter developed/agriculture northern portion of the site. Project grading results in an estimated 22,540 cubic yards of cut, 19,970 cubic yards of fill, which results in 2,570 cubic yards of export. In addition, the project grading includes 7,840 cubic yards of over-excavation and remedial grading for the removal and re-compaction of manufactured fill (debris fill) soils onsite. The resulting grading volume of 3,005 cubic yards per acre is identified by the Hillside Development Regulations as being within an acceptable range. Furthermore, the project is consistent with the Hillside Development & Design Guidelines. All manufactured slopes will be landscaped and screened, the pad grades for the proposed subdivision have been designed to step and follow the dominant slope of the land, all roof slopes are oriented in the same direction as the slopes, and the building footprints and rooflines are parallel with the natural contours of the slope. I. Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements (Chapter 21.210 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The City of Carlsbad's HMP identifies the 20.27-acre project site as a Standards Area, and is located directly adjacent to and north of an Existing Hardline Preserve Area. A habitat assessment of the project site was prepared by Dudek Engineering and Environmental in October and November of 2006 and later revised on November 2009. According to the report, the 20.27 acre site contains nine plant communities: Agricultural Lands (7.90 acres), Coastal Sage Scrub (2.03 acres), developed lands (1.11 acres), disturbed lands (1.83 acres), Native Grassland (0.19 acres), ornamental plantings (1.05 acres), Southern Maritime Chaparral (5.39 acres), Southern Mixed Chaparral (0.77 acres), and Waters of the U.S. (0.02 acres). No wetlands are located within the property; however, the 0.02 acres of waters of the U.S. is located within the upland plant community. The HMP conservation goals for Zone 20 require conservation of the majority of sensitive habitats in or contiguous with biological core and linkage areas, including no net loss of wetlands GP A 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203,LCP A 06-09/CT 06-27 /CP 06-19/CD!-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02-MUROYA SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGE 15 habitats, southern maritime chaparral, maritime succulent scrub, and coastal sage scrub within Core Area 6 and Linkage Area F. The HMP requires additional conservation standards to be applied to properties within the Coastal Zone. The HMP requires a 20-foot buffer for all other native habitats (i.e., coastal sage scrub) between preserved habitats and development. The HMP requires preservation of 67% of the Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS) onsite, with a "no net loss" of CSS within the Coastal Zone. Project impacts to occupied CSS require a 2: 1 mitigation ratio with a minimum 1: 1 creation component that achieves the "no net loss" standard. As part of the project all CSS will be retained in an open space easement and will not be impacted. The proposed project, pursuant to the HMP, is to cluster development on disturbed areas to the maximum extent feasible, will primarily impact agricultural and disturbed lands. The project is proposing grading and compacting of manufactured slopes with debris fill within the project area that will impact a minor amount of Chaparral habitat. Impacts to 0.29 acres of Southern Maritime Chaparral and 0.05 acres of Southern Mixed Chaparral will be mitigated by restoration of like habitat onsite. The subject site is identified as a Standards Area in the HMP and mitigation to a "no net loss" standard is required for impacts to sensitive habitats. Table 11 (Pg. D-113) of the HMP identifies mitigation ratios for impacts to habitats identified as sensitive in the HMP. The HMP also allows impacts to agriculture and disturbed habitat areas to be mitigated through the payment of an in-lieu mitigation fee. According to the habitat assessment, two pairs of California Gnatcatchers (CAGN) were observed on site, one pair in the southern portion and one pair in the central portion of the lot. The proposed development results in an open space habitat area, totaling 9.82 (Lot 4) acres, to be preserved including the areas where the CAGN were identified. The site is part of a habitat corridor, Linkage F, and is also a suitable habitat for other species to occur. The habitat assessment did not identify any other special status wildlife species on the site. In addition, to protect CAGN breeding, mitigation measures are included with the project that would prohibit clearing, grubbing, grading or other -construction activities in the CSS from February 15 to August 31, the breeding season of the CAGN. Additionally, from February 15 to August 31, no construction activities shall occur within any portion of the site where they would result in noise levels exceeding 60 dB(A) hourly average at the edge of CSS. In order to prevent negative effects on the existing HMP Hardline Preserve, mitigation measures have been included with the project to address the interface between the proposed development and the existing habitat. These include fire management; erosion control; landscaping restrictions; fencing, signage, and lighting requirements; and predator and exotic species control. Additionally, in accordance with the HMP, the -open space area (Lot 4) has been conditioned to be protected by a conservation easement. An Open Space Management Plan will be prepared, and an endowment will need to be established for long-term management, monitoring and reporting of the area in perpetuity. Title to the open space parcel will need to be transferred to an appropriate land trust entity. GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 2031LCPA 06-09/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CD"6-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02 -MUROY A SUBDIVISION . April 7, 2010 PAGE16 J. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 20 in the southwest quadrant of the City. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table E below. TABLE E -GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLY City Administration 128.64 sq. ft. Yes Library 68.61 sq. ft. Yes Waste Water Treatment 37EDU Yes Parks 0.26 acres Yes Drainage 23.7 CFS I Drainage Basin "C" Yes Circulation 370 ADT Yes Fire Fire Station 4 Yes Open Space Acres Provided = 11 .40 ac. Yes Schools (Carlsbad) Elementary= 9.657 Yes . Middle School= 2.664 High School= 5.032 Sewer Collection System 37EDU Yes Water 9,250 GPD Yes The proposed project is 0.21 units above the Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) for RLM properties. The unit yield of the property at the RLM GMCP (3.2 du/ac) is 37.79 units and 38 (37 new units and one existing residence to remain) units are proposed. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, staff has conducted an environmental impact assessment to determine if the project could have any potentially significant impact on the environment. The environmental impact assessment identified potentially significant impacts to biological resources, cultural resources, and noise, and mitigation measures have been incorporated into the design of the project or have been included as conditions of approval for the project such that all potentially significant impacts have been mitigated to below a level of significance. Consequently, a Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) was published in the newspaper with copies sent directly to the California Coastal Commission (CCC), California Department of Fish & Game (CDF&G), and the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) for review and comment. One public comment letter was received during the 30-day public review period from February 17, 2010 to March 19, 2010. A letter from the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), dated March 17, 2010, with comments relating to hazardous wastes/substances and any possible mitigation measures. Staff replied to the DTSC that the project has been assessed for all potentially significant impacts through the MND and all identified impacts have been mitigated to a less than significant level. A review of the Phase I and subsequent Phase II Environmental GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/SP 203,/LCPA 06-09/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CD,,6-32/HDP 06- 10/HMP 07-02-MUROYA SUBDIVISION April 7, 2010 PAGE 17 Site Assessment (April 2006) conducted by Dudek Environmental and Engineering enabled the staff to conclude in the MND that the project does not have any hazardous wastes/substances on site nor are any expected during the grading and construction phases. The comment letter from DTSC and staffs response letter are included as attachments to Resolution No. 6681 recommending approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (Attachment 1). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6681 (MND) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6682 (GP A) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6683 (ZC)· 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6684 (SP) 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6685 (LCPA) 6. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6686 (CT) 7. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6687 (CP) 8. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6688 (CDP) 9. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6689 (HDP) 10. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6690 (HMP) 11. Location Map 12. Background Data Sheet 13. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 14. Disclosure Statement 15. Planned Development Compliance Table C 16. Planned Development Compliance Table E 17. City Council Policy 44 Compliance Table 18. City Council Policy 66 Compliance Table 19. Compliance Matrix 20. Reduced Exhibits 21. Full Size Exhibits "A" -"VV" dated April 7, 2010 • • NOT TO SCALE SITE MAP Muroya Subdivision GPA 06-09 / ZC 06-08 / SP 203D /LCPA06-09 / CT 06-27 / CP 06-19 / CDP 06-32 / HOP 06-10 / HMP 07-02 'ACKGROUND DATA SHEET • CASE NO: GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08/LCPA 06-09/SP 203D/CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CDP 06-32/ HDP 06-10/HMP 07-02 CASE NAME: MUROYA SUBDIVISION APPLICANT: Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for a recommendation of adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Local Coastal Program Amendment, and a Specific Plan Amendment; and a request for approval of a Tentative Tract Map, Condominium Permit, Coastal Development Permit, Hillside Development Permit, and Habitat Management Plan Permit for the subdivision of a 20.27-acre site into five (5) lots (two residential, two open space lots, and one private street lot), and the grading and development of 37 detached air-space condominium one-family residences and retaining the existing single family residence on property located north of A viara Parkway, south of Corte Orchidia, east of Towhee Lane, and west of Black Rail Road, and within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 20. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The East One-Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 27, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, According to United States Government Survey. APN: 215-040-03 Acres: 20.27 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: -"--5-=L=o=ts-'-/~3~8---'-'un=i=ts'"------ GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM, 0-4 du/ac) Proposed Land Use Designation: Residential Medium Density-Lots 1 & 5 (RM, 4-8 du/ac); Open Space-Lots 3 & 4 (OS); and Residential Low-Medium Density-Lot 2 (RLM). Density Allowed: 3.2 du/ac Density Proposed: ~3-~2-'-17~du/~ac _______ _ Existing Zone: Limited Control (L-C) Proposed Zone: Residential-Density Multiple (RD-M) -Lots 1 & 5; Open Space (OS)-Lots 3 & 4; and Single Family Residential (R-1)-Lot 2. Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site L-C RLM SFR/ Agriculture North R-1-Q RLM SFR South P-C OS/RM Open Space/SFR East R-1-Q/R-1/L-C RLM SFR/Vacant West P-C RLM SFR Revised O 1/06 lcAL COASTAL PROGRAM • Coastal Zone: ~ Yes D No Local Coastal Program Segment: _M~e_ll_o_I_I _____ _ Within Appeal Jurisdiction: D Yes ~ No Coastal Development Permit: ~ Yes D No Local Coastal Program Amendment: [8] Yes D No Existing LCP Land Use Designation: RLM Proposed LCP Land Use Designation:RM/OS/RLM Existing LCP Zone: L-C Proposed LCP Zone: _RD_-M/_O_S/_R_-_1 ____ _ PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): ~37~E=D~U~-------------- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT D Categorical Exemption, _____________________ _ ~ Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued _A._p_ri_l _7,~2_0_1_0 ___________ _ D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ______________ _ D Other, __________________________ _ Revised O 1/06 • CITY OF CARLSBAD • GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMP ACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: Muroya Subdivision -GP A 06-09/ZC 06-08/LCP A 06-09/SP 203(D)/ CT 06-27/CP 06-19/CDP 06-32/HDP 06-10/HMP 07-02 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 20 GENERAL PLAN: _RL_M _____ _ ZONING: =L--=C~---------------------- DEVELOPER'S NAME: Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC ADDRESS: 15 Cushing St., Irvine, CA 92618 PHONE NO.: 858-864-6206 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 215-040-03 ~~~~------- QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): _20_.2_7_a~cr_e_s ___ _ ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: -=-U=nkn=o-'-'-wn=--------------- A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage= Library: Demand in Square Footage= 128.64 sq ft 68.61 sq ft 37EDU Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) Park: Demand in Acreage = 0.26 acres Drainage: Circulation: Fire: Open Space: Schools: Sewer: Water: Demand in CFS = Identify Drainage Basin = 23.7 CFS C Demand in ADT = 370 ADT ~------ Served by Fire Station No. = --"--4 _____ _ Acreage Provided = 11 .40 acres Elementary= ~9-~6_57~---- Middle School = High School = Demands in EDU Demand in GPD = 2.664 5.032 37EDU 9,250 GPD The proposed project is 0.21 above the Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) for RLM properties. The unit yield of the property at the RLM GMCP (3.2 du/ac) is 37.79 units and 38 (37 new units and one existing residence to remain) units are proposed. • ·_ . • • City of Carlsbad ■Qihhh•U~■-l4•E•IU,14eil DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. 2. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having g financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person ~ (,:\ Title _____ ~___,l(_A ____ _ Corp/Part_,__~_f.-e1\ ______ _ Title ___ ~-'--(A ______ _ Address ~(~ Address___,~'--i._/~------- OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Perso~//~ d-1"4!_,/(:J. Corp/Part _________ _ Title !R.UsTec --0M!e7Z Title _________ _ 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us @ I ' i V NON-PROFIT ORGANIZA ~N OR TRUST • If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust._______ Non Profit/Trust ________ _ Title___________ Title ___________ _ Address ________ _ Address __________ _ 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? ~ Yes D No If yes, please indicate person(s): (J Wncr '~ 6v~,"~s.t., J/l,l " , o i "-C:.f' oV',t,.,rs, o t:..a.. s,s; • r. all] .s-e tl s w h,,g le .1."" /'( p 111.I /II,\ tr~~.s f-~ c; t.::;, o t L•t> LJ '1c.l. NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. -I o 9-1,, t<P t/J ,ec r /if- Print or type name of owner I Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent 2 of 2 r• Cit~ of Carlsbad ■Wl%111104f-.1•24•kh1Hat¼iii DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, assoc1at10n, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and an other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) 2. Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a cor:poration or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. -IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned cor:poration, include the name_s, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc Corp/Part Title _____________ _ Address 167 45 W. Bernardo Drive, Ste 140 San Diego, CA 92127 OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Title _______________ _ Address _____________ _ Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a cor:poration or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly- owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Muroya Family Trust 05-18-98 Corp/Part Title _____________ _ Title ______________ _ Address PO Box 131016 Address _____________ _ Carlsbad, CA 92013 1635 Faraday Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us r• I, '-.. 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to ( 1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as a trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust Akira Muroya Title Trustee Address PO Box 131016, Carlsbad, CA Non Profit/Trust _T~o~s~hi~ko~M~ur~o"'"'ya~----- Title Trustee Address PO Box 131016, Carlsbad, CA 4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve .(12) months? D Yes (;g] No Ifyes,pleaseindicateperson(s): _____________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~ -~ c.. ~ ~ Y/1a1/~ _,,_ lJ;;c6' ~ 11V & Signature of owner/date---:,; /€f!ct'M l-lu~o1/J- -(Ci :Sq/K ~ /f//4.J~Pf .4- Print or type name of owner Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent H:ADMIN\COUNTER\DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5/98 Signature of applicant/date Print or type name of applicant Page 2 of 2 ATTAC MENT 1 H 5 PLANNED VELOPMENTS (C.M.C. SECTION 21.45.0 0) TABLE C: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS REF SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT NO Per the underlying General Plan designation. When two or more general plan The project density is 5.29 du/ac C.1 Density land use designations exist within a planned development, the density may be which is within the General Plan transferred from one general plan designation to another without a general Land use Designation of RM (4-8 plan amendment. du/ac) All dwelling units adjacent to any arterial road shown on the Circulation Element of the General Plan shall maintain the following minimum setbacks frqm the right-of-way: Prime Arterial 50 Feet Major Arterial 40 Feet Secondary Arterial 30 Feet Carlsbad Boulevard 20 Feet Half (50%) of the required arterial setback area located closest to the arterial Arterial shall be fully landscaped to enhance the street scene and buffer homes from Not Applicable. Black Rail Road is a C.2 traffic on adjacent arterials, and: Setbacks • Shall contain a minimum of one 24" box tree for every 30 lineal feet of Collector street. street frontage; and • Shall be commonly owned and maintained Project perimeter walls greater than 42 inches in height shall not be located in the required landscaped portion of the arterial setback, except noise attenuation walls that: • Are required by a noise study, and • Due to topography, are necessary to be placed within the required landscaped portion of the arterial setback. Permitted All intrusions, including fireplaces Intrusions Permitted intrusions into required building setbacks shall be the same as and architectural features, encroach C.3 into specified in Section 21.46.120 of this code. The same intrusions specified in up to two feet into the required Setbacks/ Section 21.46.120 shall be permitted into required building separation. setbacks and/or building Building separations as allowed per Section Separation 21.46.120. Minimum riqht-of-way width 56 feet Minimum curb-to-curb width 34 feet Private street "A" is proposed with a Private Minimum parkway width (curb 5.5 feet, including curb 56' right-of-way that includes a adjacent) minimum of 5.5' of landscaped Minimum sidewalk width 5 feet (setback 6 inches from parkways and 5' of sidewalks. property line) Minimum rioht-of-way width 60 feet Minimum curb-to-curb width 34 feet Public Minimum parkway width (curb 7.5 feet, including curb N/A adjacent) C.4 Streets Minimum sidewalk width 5 feet (setback 6 inches from property line) A minimum of one street tree (24- One-family dwellings and inch box) per lot is required to be N/A twin homes on small-lots planted in the parkway along all Street streets. Trees Street trees shall be spaced no Street trees are spac_ed an average within Condominium projects further apart than 30 feet on of 30 feet along both sides of private parkways center within the parkway. street "A". Tree species should be selected to create a unified image for the The project is proposing Cassia street, provide an effective canopy, avoid sidewalk damage and Leptophylla (Gold Medallion) and minimize water consumption. Rhus Laurina (Laural Sumac) trees predominately alonq Street "A". ATTACHMENT 15 PLANNED D VELOPMENTS (C.M.C. SECTION 21.45.060) TABLE C: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS REF SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT NO 3 or fewer Minimum 12 feet wide when the drive-aisle is not required for dwelling emergency vehicle access, as determined by the Fire Chief. NIA: Project is proposing 37 homes. If the drive-aisle is required for emergency vehicle access, it shall units be a minimum of 20 feet wide. 4 or more Private drives "B" and "C" are dwelling Minimum 20 feet wide. proposed at 24' units No parking shall be permitted within the minimum required width of No parking is proposed within the a drive-aisle. private drives "B" and "C". A minimum 24-foot vehicle back-up/maneuvering area shall be A minimum of 24 feet of back up provided in front of garages, carports or uncovered parking spaces C.5 Drive-(this may include driveway area, drive-aisles, and streets). area is provided. aisles Additional width may be required for vehicle/emergency vehicle The project is proposing 24 feet maneuvering area. width. \/.\II projects A Landscaped parkway is provided Parkways and/or sidewalks may be required. as well as non-contiguous sidewalks on Street "A" No more than 15 units are located No more than 24 dwelling units shall be located along a single-along Street "A"; 12 units along entry drive-aisle. private drive "B"; and, 10 units along private drive "C". All drive-aisles shall be enhanced with decorative pavement. The entryways are proposed with decorative enhanced pavement. Number Projects with 10 units or fewer A .30 space per each unit. 9.25 visitor spaces are required. of Projects 11 units or more A .25 space per each unit. 7 are provided along private street Visitor C.6 Parking "A"; When calculating the required number of visitor parking spaces, if the 3 are provided along private drive Spaces calculation results in a fractional parking space, the required number of visitor "B"; and, Re9uired 1) parking spaces shall always be rounded up to the nearest whole number. 6 are provided along private drive "C", including one accessible space. On-street visitor parking is permitted on private/public streets, Private street "A" is 36 feet curb to subject to the following: curb and has 7 visitor parking • The private/public street is a minimum 34-feet wide (curb-to-spaces located on both sides of the curb) street. • There are no restrictions that would prohibit on-street parking where the visitor parking is proposed • The visitor parking spaces may be located: 0 Along one or both sides of any private/public street(s) located within the project boundary, and Location 0 Along the abutting side and portion of any existing On Private, public/private street(s) that is contiguous to the project C.7 of Public boundary Visitor Streets In parking bays along public/private streets within the project NIA; no parking bays are proposed Parking boundary, provided the parking bays are outside the minimum along private street "A". required street right-of-way width. When visitor parking is provided as on-street parallel parking, not The spaces provided have 24 feet less than 24 lineal feet per space, exclusive of driveway/drive-aisle minimum. entrances and aprons, shall be provided for each parking space, except where parallel parking spaces are located immediately adjacent to driveway/drive-aisle aprons, then 20 lineal feet may be provided. Within the Beach Area Overlay Zone, on-street parking shall not NIA: the project is not in the BAOZ count toward meeting the visitor parking requirement. ATTACHMENT 15 PLANNED VELOPMENTS (C.M.C. SECTION 21.45.0 0) TABLE C: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS REF SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT NO On Visitor parking must be provided in parking bays that are located All parking on private drives "B" and Drive-"C" are located in bays outside the aisles outside the required minimum drive-aisle width. 24 feet minimum width provided. One required visitor parking space may be credited for N/A Outside each driveway in a project that has a depth of 40 feet or the Beach more. Area For projects with 10 or fewer units, all required visitor N/A Overlay parking may be located within driveways (located in Zone front of a unit's garage), provided that all dwelling units in the project have driveways with a depth of 20 feet or more. One required visitor parking space may be credited for each driveway in a project that has a depth of 40 feet or N/A more. In addition to the provisions above to locate visitor parking in a driveway, if the streets within and/or adjacent to the project allow for on-street parking on both sides of the street, then visitor parking may be On a Within the located in a driveway, subject to the following: Driveway Beach • All required visitor parking may be located within Location Area driveways (located in front of a unit's garage), C.7 of Overlay provided that all dwelling units in the project have Cont'd Visitor Zone driveways with a depth of 20 feet or more. N/A Parking Cont'd. • If less than 100% of the driveways in a project have a depth of 20 feet or more, then a .25 visitor parking space will be credited for each driveway in a project that has a depth of 20 feet or more (calculations resulting in a fractional parking space credit shall always be rounded down to the nearest whole number). The minimum driveway depth required for visitor parking All (20 feet or 40 feet) applies to driveways for front or side- projects loaded garages, and is measured from the property line, N/A back of sidewalk, or from the edge of the drive-aisle, whichever is closest to the structure. For projects of more than 25 units, up to 25% of visitor parking may be provided as compact spaces (8 feet by 15 feet). No overhang is N/A Compact permitted into any required setback area or over sidewalks less than 6 feet wide. Parking For all projects within the Beach Area Overlay Zone, up to 55% of the visitor parking may be provided as compact spaces (8 feet by NIA 15 feet). Distance Visitor parking spaces must be located no more than 300 feet as All visitor parking provided is within from unit measured in a logical walking path from the entrance of the unit it 300 feet of the units. could be considered to serve. Screening Open parking areas should be screened fr(?m adjacent residences and public Guest parking is internal to the site C.8 of Parking rights-of-way by either a view-obscuring wall, landscaped berm, or and visibility to the public right-of- Areas landscaping, except parking located within a driveway. way is limited. ATTACHMENT 15 PLANNED VELOPMENTS (C.M.C. SECTION 21.45.060) TABLE C: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS REF SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT NO Community recreational space shall be provided for all projects of 11 or more The project is not within the RH dwelling units, as follows: General Plan Designation. The Project is NOT within RH 200 square feet per unit project is required to provide 7,400 Minimum qeneral plan designation square feet of recreational space. community recreational space Project IS within RH general 150 square feet per unit The project is proposing 12,290 required plan designation square feet of active and passive space. Projects with 11 Community recreational space shall be provided as either to 25 dwelling N/A: the project is for 37 units. units (or both) passive or active recreation facilities. Required: 7,400 sq ft total; with 75% Projects with 26 Community recreational space shall be provided as both minimum as active (5,550). or more dwelling passive and active recreational facilities with a minimum The project is providing 12,290 sq ft units of 75% of the area allocated for active facilities. total of recreational space with 5,614 as active space. Community recreational space shall be provided as both passive and active recreational facilities for a variety of NIA age groups (a minimum of 75% of the area allocated for active facilities). Projects with 50 For projects consisting of one-family dwellings or twin or more dwelling homes on small-lots, at least 25% of the community units recreation space must be provided as pocket parks. Community • Pocket park lots must have a minimum width of 50 feet N/A C.9 Recreation a and be located at strategic locations such as street I Space (1l intersections (especially "T-intersections") and where open space vistas may be achieved. Community recreational space shall be located and The recreational space is centrally designed so as to be functional, usable, and easily located and is approximately 500 accessible from the units it is intended to serve. feet from the farthest unit. Credit for indoor recreation facilities shall not exceed 25% No indoor space is provided. All projects of the required community recreation area. (with 11 or more dwelling units) Required community recreation areas shall not be located in any required front yard and may not include any streets, drive-aisles, driveways, parking areas, storage The project complies with this areas, slopes of 5% or greater, or walkways (except those requirement. walkways that are clearly integral to the design of the recreation area). In addition to required resident and visitor parking, recreation area parking shall be provided, as follows: 1 NIA: The farthest unit is 500 feet space for each 15 residential units, or fraction thereof, for units located more than 1,000 feet from a community away. Recreation Area recreation area. Parking The location of recreation area parking shall be subject to There are 4 spots proposed near the same location requirements as for visitor parking, the recreational area, including an except that required recreation area parking shall not be accessible space. The spaces are located within a driveway(s). located in a parking bay outside the required width for the private drive. ATTAC HMENT 15 PLANNED VELOPMENTS (C.M.C. SECTION 21.45.060) TABLE C: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS REF SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD I COMPLIANCE COMMENT NO Examples of recreation facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: Swimming pool area Children's playground equipment Spa Courts (tennis, racquetball, volleyball, basketball) Recreation rooms or buildings Active Horseshoe pits The project is providing a grassy C.9 Community Pitch and putt play area with slopes less than 5% Cont'd Recreational Grassy play areas with a slope of less than 5% (minimum Space (1> area of 5,000 square feet and a minimum dimension of 50 feet) Any other facility deemed by the planning director to satisfy the intent of providina active recreational facilities. Benches Passive Barbecues The project is providing benches, Community gardens barbeques, and grassy play areas. Grassy play areas with a slope of less than 5%. Adequate lighting is provided for pedestrian and vehicular safety C.10 Lighting Lighting adequate for pedestrian and vehicular safety shall be provided. through the use of street lights and bollard lights throughout the park areas. Required for projects with 100 or more units, or a master or specific plan with 100 or more planned development units. Exception: RV storage is not required for proiects located within the RMH or RH land use desionations. 20 square feet per unit, not to include area required for driveways and NA: the project consists of 37 units. approaches. Developments located within master plans or residential specific plans may have this requirement met by the common RV storage area provided by the Recreational master plan or residential specific plan. C.11 Vehicle (RY) RV storage areas shall be designed to accommodate recreational vehicles of Storage (1> various sizes (i.e. motorhomes, campers, boats, personal watercraft, etc.). NIA The storage of recreational vehicles shall be prohibited in the front yard setback and on any public or private streets or any other area visible to the public. A provision containing this restriction shall be included in the N/A covenants, conditions and restrictions for the project. All RV storage areas shall be screened from adjacent residences and public rights-of-way by a view-obscurino wall and landscapina. 480 cubic feet of separate storage space per unit. Each unit will have, at a minimum, If all storage for each unit is located in one area, the space may be reduced 480 cubic feet of overhead storage to 392 cubic feet. within the garage. Required storage space shall be separately enclosed for each unit and be Each unit will have the storage conveniently accessible to the outdoors. inside the garage. C.12 Storage Required storage space may be designed as an enlargement of a covered Space parking structure provided it does not extend into the area of the required Each unit will have the storage parking stall, and does not impede the ability to utilize the parking stall (for inside the garage. vehicle parking). A garage (12'x20' one-car, 20'x20' two-car, or larger) satisfies the required Each unit will have the storage storaoe space per unit. inside the garage. This requirement is in addition to closets and other indoor storage areas. Each unit will have the storage inside the garage. \'/ . . This standard does not apply to housing for senior cItIzens (see Chapter 21.84 of this code) . ATTACHMENT 16 PLANNE DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT NO Livable Must comply with city council Policy 66, Principles for the Development of Livable E.1 Neighborhood See Policy 66 Attachment Policy Neighborhoods. One-family and two-Must comply with city council Policy 44, Neighborhood Architectural See Policy 44 Attachment family Design Guidelines dwellinos There shall be at least three separate building planes on all building All units have at least three elevations. The minimum offset in planes shall be 18 inches and shall building planes with a minimum include, but not be limited to, buildinq walls, windows, and roofs. offset of 18 inches. All building elevations shall incorporate a minimum of four complimentary design elements, including but not limited to: All plans elevations include four • A variety of roof planes; E.2 Architectural • Windows and doors recessed a minimum of 2 inches; or more design elements that Requirements Multiple-• Decorative window or door frames; include: family • Exposed roof rafter tails; dwellings • Dormers; Roof height variations; covered • Columns; front porches; decorative window and door treatments; varied • Arched elements; window shapes; wood and/or • Varied window shapes; brick elements; Juliet balconies; • Exterior wood elements; and a tower element over the • Accent materials such as brick, stone, shingles, wood, or siding; front door. • Knee braces; and • Towers . E.3 Maximum 60% of total project net developable acreage. The proposed coverage is 20% Coverage Plan 1 = 19'-0" Max.-1 story Same as required by the underlying zone (35 feet), and not to exceed three stories Plan 2 = 25'-8" Max.-2 story (1) Plan 3 = 24'-9" Max.-2 story Plan 4 = 23'-5" Max.-2 story Maximum Plan 4X = 25'-0" Max.-2 story E.4 Building Projects 40 feet, if roof pitch is 3:12 or greater Height within the RH general 35 feet, if roof pitch is less than 3: 12 N/A plan desi~nation 1) Building height shall not exceed three stories Residential 10 feet All residential structures are From a structure setback 10 feet or greater from private or Private Street "A". public Direct entry 20 feet All direct entry garages are stree{2>(3> garage setback 20 feet or greater from Private Street "A". Minimum Residential 5 feet, fully landscaped (walkways providing access All residential structures are E.5 Building structure (except to dwelling entryways may be located within setback 6' 7" or greater from Setbacks as specified required landscaped area) private drive "B" and "C" and are below) landscaped. From a Residential drive-structure -directly 0 feet when projecting over the front of a garage. N/A aisle(4> above a garage 3 feet All direct entry garages are Garage Garages facing directly onto a drive-aisle shall be setback 10 feet or greater from eauiooed with an automatic qaraae door opener. private drive "B" and "C". ~ ATTACHMENT16 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT NO 0 feet May cantilever over a drive-aisle, provided the From a Balconies/decks balcony/deck complies with all other applicable All balconies or decks are drive-(unenclosed and requirements, such as: setback 6' 7" or greater from Minimum aisIe<4l uncovered) • Setbacks from property lines private drive "B" and "C". E.5 Cont'd Building • Building separation Setbacks • Fire and EnQineerinQ Department requirements From the perimeter property The building setback from an interior side or rear lines of the project site perimeter property line shall be the same as NIA (not adjacent to a required by the underlying zone for an interior side public/private street) or rear yard setback. Minimum All units are separated 10 feet or E.6 Building 10 feet Separation greater. If a project is located within the RH general plan designation, resident parking shall be provided as specified below, and may also be All provided as follows: dwelling • 25% of the units in the project may include a tandem two-car NA: not in the RH designation . types garage (minimum 12 feet x 40 feet). • Calculations for this provision resulting in a fractional unit may be rounded UP to the next whole number. One-2 spaces per unit, provided as either: 7 4 spaces are required for family • a two-car garage (minimum 20 feet x 20 feet), or resident parking . and two-• 2 separate one-car garages (minimum 12 feet x 20 feet each) family • In the R-W Zone, the 2 required parking spaces may be provided All residences have a minimum dwellings as 1 covered soace and 1 uncovered space <5> 20' x 20' 2 car attached garage. 1.5 spaces per unit, 1 of which must be covered t01 Studio When calculating the required number of parking and one-spaces, if the calculation results in a fractional NIA bedroom units parking space, the required number of parking spaces shall always be rounded up to the nearest whole number. E.7 Resident 2 spaces per unit, provided as either: Parking <5> • a one-car garage (12 feet x 20 feet) and 1 covered or uncovered space; or <5> • a two-car garage (minimum 20 feet x 20 feet), or Units with two or • 2 separate one-car garages (minimum 12 feet x N/A more bedrooms 20 feet each) Multiple- family • In the R-W Zone and the Beach Area Overlay dwellings Zone, the 2 required parking spaces may be provided as 1 covered space and 1 uncovered space <5> Required parking may be provided within an enclosed parking·garage with multiple, open parking spaces, subject to the following: • Each parking space shall maintain a standard stall size of 8.5 feet by 20 feet, exclusive of supporting columns; and N/A • A backup distance of 24 feet shall be maintained in addition to a minimum 5 feet turning bump-out located at the end of any stall series. Required resident parking spaces shall be located no more than 150 feet as measured in a logical walking path from the entrance of the N/A units it could be considered to serve. ATTACHMENT 16 PLANNE DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT NO One-Required private recreational space shall be designed so as to be All units have private family, functional, usable, and easily accessible from the dwelling it is recreational space in rear yard two-intended to serve. areas. family, Required private recreational space shall be located adjacent to the Recreational space is provided and unit the area is intended to serve. in rear yards. multiple-Required private recreational space shall not be located within any family required front yard setback area, and may not include any driveways, Complies. dwellings oarkinq areas, storaqe areas, or common walkways. 400 square feet required per unit. Projects not within the RMH or 400 square feet Minimum total RH general plan designations All units have 400 square feet or area per unit greater of private recreational space. Projects within the RMH or RH 200 square feet N/A general plan designations All units have 400 square feet or May consist of more than one recreational space. greater of private recreational space. May be provided at ground level and/or as a deck/balcony on a Most units have porches, decks, second/third floor or roof. and/or loaaias included. All units have a minimum of 400 Not within the RMH or RH 15 feet sq ft of private recreation area at Minimum general plan designations least 15 feet wide at ground dimension level. Within the RMH or RH 10 feet N/A. general plan designations Private Shall not have a slope gradient greater than 5%. Complies E.8 Recreational Attached solid patio covers and decks/balconies may Space project into a required private recreational space, One-If provided at subject to the following: family and two-ground level • The depth of the projection shall not exceed 6 feet All units have 400 square feet or family (measured from the wall of the dwelling that is greater of private recreational dwellings contiguous to the patio/deck/balcony). space not counting area under projections. The length of the projection shall not be limited, except as required by any setback or lot coverage standards. Open or lattice-top patio covers may be located within the required private recreation space (provided the Complies patio cover complies with all applicable standards, includinq the required setbacks). If provided Minimum dimension 6 feet above ground level as a deck/ Complies balcony or roof Minimum area 60 square feet deck Minimum total area per unit 60 square feet (patio, porch, or balcony) Minimum dimension of patio, N/A porch or balcony 6 feet Multiple-family Projects of 11 or more units that are within the RH dwellings general plan designation may opt to provide an additional 75 square feet of community recreation N/A space per unit (subject to the standards specified in Table C of this Chapter), in lieu of providing the per unit private recreational space specified above. Pl . . .. If a prOJect 1s located within the Beach Area Overlay Zone, building height shall be subJect to the requirements of Chapter 21.82 of this code . t2l See Table C in Section 21.45.060 for required setbacks from an arterial street t3l Building setbacks shall be measured from the outside edge of the required street right-of-way width, whichever is closest to the building. 141 Building setbacks shall be measured from one of the following (whichever is closest to the building): a) the outside edge of the required drive-aisle width; b) the back of sidewalk; or c) the nearest side of a parking bay located contiguous to a drive-aisle (excluding parking located in a driveway in front of a unit's garage). t5I Any uncovered required parking space in the R-W zone may be located within a required front yard setback and may be tandem. 161 This standard does not apply to housing for senior citizens (see Chapter 21.84 of this code). • • ATTACHMENT17 Mmf6YA PROPERTY (CT 06-27/CP 06-19) CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline I Compliance Comments Floor Plans and Elevations 1 All residential projects shall be required to have a minimum The project proposal includes 37 number of different floor plans, different front and detached condominium units. There corresponding matching rear elevations with different color are four ( 4) floor plans proposed with schemes as identified below: three (3) architectural styles; Adobe IZ! 21+ dwelling units shall provide 3 different floor plans Ranch (AR), Andalusian (A), and Santa Barbara (SB). and 3 different elevations. 2 Every house should have a coherent architectural style. All The applicant is proposing three (3) elevations of a house, including front, side and rear, should architectural styles, Adobe Ranch, have the same design integrity of forms, details and Andalusian, and Santa Barbara. All materials. elevations of each style include unique detailing and materials while each style elevations consist of the same design forms, details, and materials. 3 In addition to the previous requirements, design details Each of the three (3) architectural should reinforce and enhance the architectural form and style styles (Santa Barbara, Adobe Ranch, of every house and differ from other elevations of the same and Andalusian) associated with the floor plan. A minimum of 4 complimentary design details, four plan types incorporates at least including but not limited to those listed below, shall be four ( 4) elements of design details on incorporated into each of the front, rear and street side the front, rear, and street side building building facade(s) of the house. facades. ·Please refer to the attached Design Details "Building Elevation Design Elements" matrix. (Attachment 19) IZI Balconies IZI Decorative eaves and fascia IZI Exposed roof rafter tails IZI Arched elements IZI Towers □ Knee braces □ Dormers □ Columns IZI Exterior wood elements □ Accent materials (i.e.; brick, stone, shingles, wood or siding) 4 Floor plans in a project shall exhibit a variety of roof ridges Roof heights range from 19' up to 25 ' - and roof heights within a neighborhood. 8". All three (3) architectural styles have a 3.5:12 roof pitch but vary in the configuration with hips, ridges, valleys, gables, etc which are used to distinguish between styles. 5 Houses with both the same floor plan and elevation style Units with the same floor plan and shall not occur on adjacent lots. elevation style do not occur on adjacent lots in this project. I • ATTACHMENT 17 MU YA PROPERTY (CT 06-27/CP 06-19) CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline Floor Plans and Elevations 6 Reverse floor plans shall be included where possible to add variety to the street scene. Single Story Requirements 7 A minimum of 15% of the total number of homes shall be single-story structures. Single-story is defined as a maximum plate-line of 15 feet and a maximum building height of20 feet. Lofts are permitted subject to CMC Section 21.04.330. 8 or A minimum of 10% of the total number of homes shall be single-story structures and 15% shall be reduced second story structures. A reduced second story structure shall comply with the following criteria: D A minimum of 60% of the roofline shall be single story; D A 2-story element may be added in the central portion of the front and rear elevation; and D The second story element may be no greater than 25% of the floor area of the first floor of the house (including garage). or For alley-loaded product, a minimum of20% of the homes shall be single-story for the front 20% of the home ( overall depth of house times 20% ). A maximum of20% of the total number of homes are exempt from the requirement to have a single-story building edge. Compliance Comments 51 % of the units (19) are reversed. They add variety to the street and allow more flexibility throughout the project. The Plan 1 single-story homes (19' tall), make up 16% of the project meeting the minimum 15% requirement. All of the units have a single story building edge and/or complies with #9 requirements below. I • ATTACHMENT 17 MUR YA PROPERTY (CT 06-27/CP 06-19) CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Floor Plans and Elevations 9 The remaining total number of homes shall comply with Three (3) of the proposed plans are 2- one of the following guidelines: story houses (Plans 2, 3, & 4) that meet the third requirement of a single □ The home shall have a single-story building edge with story building edge with a depth of not a depth of not less than 8 feet and shall run the length less than 3 feet for 40% of the of the building along one side except for tower perimeter of the building. elements. The roof covering the single-story element shall incorporate a separate roof plane and shall be • Plan 2 substantially lower than the roof for the two-story Perimeter length = 173' element. Porches and porte-cochere elements shall Single-story edge= 69' or 40% qualify as a single-story edge. Houses with (complies) courtyards that are a minimum of 15 feet wide located along the side of the house and setback a minimum of • Plan 3 15 feet from the property line are not required to have Perimeter length= 230' a single-story building edge. Single-story edge= 105' or 46% □ (complies) The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 5 feet and shall run the length • Plan 4 of the building along one side. The roof of the single-Perimeter length= 246' Single- story element shall be substantially lower than the story edge= 128' or 52% roof for the two-story element of the building. (complies) ~ The home shall have a single-story building edge with • Plan 4X a depth of not less than 3 feet for 40% of the Perimeter length= 256' perimeter of the building. Single story edge= 129' or 52% (complies) Multiple Buildin2 Planes 10 For at least 66% of the homes in a project, there shall be at Plans IA, 2A/B, 3, 4, and 4X (27 units least 3 separate building planes on street side elevations of or 72.9% of the units) have a lots with 45 feet of street frontage or less and 4 separate minimum of 4 separate building building planes on street side elevations of lots with a street planes on the front elevation meeting frontage greater than 45 feet. Balconies and covered porches the 66% requirement. qualify as a building plane. The minimum offset in planes shall be 18 inches and shall Plans 2A/B, 3, 4, and 4X (25 units or include, but not be limited to, building walls, windows, 67.5% of the units) meet the porches and roofs. The minimum depth between the faces of requirement of 4 building planes, 18 the forward-most plane and the rear plane on the front inches offset, 30 square feet in area, elevation shall be 10 feet. A plane must be a minimum of 30 and at least 10' between the forward sq. ft. to receive credit under this section. most plane and the rear plane. 11 Rear elevations shall adhere to the same criteria outlined in Plans 2, 3, 4, and 4X (31 units or Number 10 above for front elevations except that the 83.7% of the units) have a minimum minimum depth between front and back planes on the rear of four ( 4) building planes on rear elevation shall be 4 feet. Rear balconies qualify as a elevations and have an offset of at building plane. least 18", 30 sq ft in area, and at least 4 feet between the forward most plane and the rear plane. I • ATTACHMENT17 MUR YA PROPERTY (CT 06-27/CP 06-19) _ CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline Floor Plans and Elevations 12 For at least 66% of the homes in a project, one side elevation shall have sufficient offsets or cutouts so that the side yard setback averages a minimum of 8.5 feet. Windows/Doors 13 At least 66% of exterior openings (door/windows) on every home in the project shall be recessed or projected a minimum of 2 inches and shall be constructed with wood, vinyl or colored aluminum window frames (no mill finishes). 14 Windows shall reinforce and enhance the architectural form and style of the house through, the use of signature windows and varied window shapes and sizes. Front Porches 15 Fifty percent (50%) of the homes shall be designed with a covered front porch, open courtyard, or balcony ( each with a minimum depth of 6 feet and a minimum area of 60 square feet) located at the front of the dwelling. The minimum depth for a covered front porch shall be measured from the front facade of the home to the inside of any supporting porch posts. The front and sides of porches shall be open except for required and/or ornamental guardrails. A variety of roof elements shall be provided over porches. Porches may not be converted to living space. Front Entries 16 Seventy-five percent (75%) of the homes must have a front entry to the home that is clearly visible from the street. Walkways from the front door to the street are encouraged. Compliance Comments Plan types 1, 3, 4, and 4X incorporate side yard cutouts and offsets, so that the side yard setback averages a minimum 8.5 feet. In addition, there are five ( 5) insta_nces where the Plan 2 has a side yard setback that averages greater than 8.5 feet (Units 13, 14, 28, 29, and 36). These plan types are plotted 27 times or 72% of the total unit mix. All exterior openings are either recessed or inset a minimum of 2" or trimmed with a minimum 2"thick foam trim. All elevations incorporate various window shapes and sizes to bring character to each architectural style. 19 of the 37 total units need to be designed to conform to this guideline. As proposed, 21 units or 56.7% of the 37 total units comply: • Plan 2 9 units of the 1-5 total comply with the required front porch area .and design guidelines. • Plan 3 all 9 units of this plan comply with the required front porch area and design guidelines. • Plan 4 3 units out of the 7 total comply with the required front porch area and design guidelines. 75.6% of the homes have a front entry that is clearly visible from the street with a majority of the walkways from the front door to the street. I • ATTACHMENT 17 MUR YA PROPERTY (CT 06-27/CP 06-19) CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Floor Plans and Elevations Chimneys 17 Chimneys and chimney caps shall be in scale with the size Proposed chimney's and decorative of the home. No more than 2 chimneys shall be allowed for chimney caps are in scale wit~ the size homes on lots in planned developments having an area less of the homes. And no more than 2 than 7,500 square feet. chimneys are proposed per house. Gara2e Doors i's Garage doors for 3 or 4 cars in a row that directly face the NIA. street must have a minimum of an 18" plane change All units include 2 car garages. between the garage doors after the 2 car garage door. Note #1: Fractional units of .5 or greater shall be rounded up to the next whole number and located. in a manner to achieve the best project design as determined by the project planner. When a percentage of units are described in the guidelines, the intent is to have that percentage spread throughout the entire project. 2 3 4 I • ATTACHMENT 18 CITY COUNC POLICY 66 LIV ABLE NEIGHBoRlroons Principle Building Facades, Front Entries, Porches Facades create interest and character and should be varied and articulated to provide visual interest to pedestrians. Clearly identifiable front doors and porches enhance the street scene and create opportunities for greater social in~eraction within the neighborhood. Building entries and wmdows should face the street. Front porches, bay windows courtyards and balconies are encouraged. ' Garages Homes should be designed to feature the residence as the prominent part of the structure in relation to the street. A variety of garage configurations should be used to improve the street scene. This may include tandem garages, side- loaded garages, front-loaded garages, alley-loaded garages and recessed garages. Street Design An interconnected, modified (grid) street pattern should be incorporated into project designs when there are no topographic or environmental constraints. Interconnected streets provide pedestrians and automobiles many alternative routes to follow, disperse traffic and reduce the volume of cars on any one street in the neighborhood. Streets should be designed to provide both vehicular and pedestrian connectivity by minimizing the use of cul-de-sacs. The street network should also be designed to create a safer, more comfortable pedestrian and bicycling environment. Local re~idential streets should have travel and parking lanes, be sufficiently narrow to slow traffic, provide adequate access for emergency and service vehicles and emergency evacuation routes for residents and include parkways with trees to form a pleasing canopy over the street. Local residential streets are the public open space in which children often play and around which neighborhoods interact. Within ~his context, vehicular movement should be additionally mfluenced through the use of City-accepted designs for traffic calming measures. Parkways Street trees should be planted in the parkways along all streets. Tree species should be selected to create a unified h~1age for the street, provide an effective canopy, avoid sidewalk damage and minimize water consumption. Compliance Comments All of the units have detailing and materials unique to each of the three styles (Adobe Ranch, Andalusian, and Santa Barbara). Front entries are predominantly visible from the streets and the different elevations include balconies, porches, and courtyards to promote social interaction and an enhanced street scene. The project utilizes a combination of front and side-loaded garages to provide a variety. The units create a varied look with 48.6% (18 units) of the units' garages being side-loaded. The project takes access off of Black Rail Road via a private street and private drive. The detached condominiums are then accessed through auto-courtyards. The private street includes full width improvements that include sidewalks and landscaped parkways consistent with the City's standards for private streets. The private street includes a fully landscaped parkway between the sidewalk and the curb. The parkway has street trees proposed at an average of 3 0 feet apart and will provide a canopy for pedestrians. • • ATTACHMENT 18 CITY COUNCIL POLICY 66 LIV ABLE NEIG HBORHOODS (CONTINUED) Princiole Compliance Comments 5 Pedestrian Walkways The project will provide walkways Pedestrian walkways should be located along or visible from along Black Rail Road and along all streets. Walkways (sidewalks or trails) should provide Private Street "A". In addition the clear, comfortable and direct access to neighborhood schools, project is proposing additional parks/plazas and transit stops. Primary pedestrian routes pedestrian walkways and trails to should b1e bordered by residential fronts, parks or plazas. and through the recreational areas. Where street connections are not feasible (at the end of cul- de-sacs), pedestrian paths should also be provided. 6 Centralized Community Recreation Areas The community recreation area for Park or plazas, which serve as neighborhood meeting places the development is centrally located ~nd as recreational. activity centers should be incorporated and is sited for views off of the mto all planned umt developments. As frequently as possible, private drive. The recreation area these parks/plazas should be designed for both active and has a variety of passive and active passive uses for residents of all ages and should be centrally uses. Trails and sidewalks will be located within the project. Parks and plazas should be not be constructed to lead users to the sited on residual parcels, used as buffers from surrounding recreation area and to encourage developments or to separate buildings from streets. social interaction. A portion of the recreational area is located within the SDG&E easement that bisects the property. PLAN ONE DESIGN ELEMENTS Adobe Ranch Andalusian Fronr Side Rear Front Side Rear a. Knee Braces ✓ ✓ ✓ b. Exposed Roof Beams or Rafter Tails ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ c. Arched Elements ✓ d. Window and Door Lintels ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ i c. Towers f. Varied Window Shapes ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ g. Dormers h. Columns i I. Exterior Wood Elements ✓1 ✓ . Accent Materials such as brick, stone, ' J. .h:nnt~. ,.,Ma nr .:a:nn I Taylor Morrison Homes, Inc Muroya Property BUILDING ELEVATION DESIGN ELEMENTS PLAN TWO Adobe Ranch Andalusian Santa Barbara Adobe Ranch Front Side Rear Front Side Rear Front I Side Rear Front Side I Rear ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓I ! ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ I ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PLAN THREE Andalusian Santa Barbara Front Side I Rear Front Side Rear ✓ ✓,✓ ✓ ✓l ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ I I ✓ ✓ ✓ I ✓ ✓:✓ I ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PLAN FOUR Andalusian Santa Barbara Front Side Rear Front Side Rear ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 11/2/2009 • • )> -4 -4 )> (') :c 3: m z -4 -(0 GPA06-09 / ZC 06-08 / LCPA 06-09 / CT 06-27 / CP 06-19 / HOP 06-10/ CDP 06·3~HMPP 07-02 TENTATIVE MAP/CONDOMINIUM PERMIT VICINITY MAP NO SCALE t 11 It=== lt--- MUROYA PROPERTY CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 11 i LU'\ l /' I _l__J I I / LEGEND St,60/VIS/CW 80!.Nl.tRr &.or Lit£ Cxtl.lJSlrt"L&'ARCALI/£ LorNO. 1 t I II II b hi I ,I I ,1, a.OC NO.It PIJJfJ.EVATICN 9.1/lOING Pl.AN 1rP£ (AIIL0/1.C El.£VATl(»f 'O'Pf: PMf'OS£PSIPfll'AIJ< CliS£JIEHTl,/1£ &~~WT SLrl'E(2:IW.X) '"""""' PROPOS£DSOCR(•tl"PVC) cxism.c:scm fflOPOSIDr,HCR(•ll"PVC) cx,srm: lrATER PRCl'OmJ Sro,IAI M41N 11/ a..EJll:M(•ltJ" RC1') C:XISTIM:: STMM'DIIAIN •I a.£N<Nr ~,':lW.~~-RCP) /Jf/011 0/TQ-I i:lf!~i~•WC ,,um l'ROP05£0 F'IRE HrDIWIT EXISTli,,J FIR£ KtDP.,WT PRCP<JS£D STREET l.lQ11 CJCISTlt.C:SrR£rTL/CHT [£1AIN/NarAl.L Tct>OFll'J.LL nEVATlctl F'/NIS1£D SUV-AC£ fl.EVATICW PAAIW.CCSll'At.E RJP-IW' (aucr 0/SSIPAWI) •lff.£SS St«JIIH0r}£RI/S£ LOTt CID PJJ6,0 cm CD = A), ::::=y= ,. --+----0 ---0 <a '!' -~ * rw FS ~ EARTHWORK/GRAD/NG QUANTITIES 101AlPROJ£CT RAW CUT: 12,,tO C.Y. RAW nu.: 19,910 C. I' RAWCXPORT. 2,~10 er f I --,t- _J..1- ---0.. TOTAL CRAD£O A/10.. 7., AOIES(J,00, C.Y/AC) 1/D,t;D/N.. WJJtm: Jd,oooc.r ~11MCal'ACT (AH csr,~rm J, 120 C r Of' OCMIS ro B£ ROotnD) F11tJI SITE) •M:CLelCYAliOSP£RA<:PEISJ,OO!ICl'/ACASIIIJICAm>JJD11£11!1.ATl\'f" 5EHSl1/V/1YOf'HIU.S/C£Cl«Dlll:ISCCWS/!'0£D"ACW'T....a:E"lllSfD CWSCCTI01219J060{/)(J}OFTl£11.111C/PJ.LCCU" CONDOMINIUM NOTE TH$ sva))tS(W IS A aN'JOl'.NUI />RO.£CT AS WM/) IN stCt1al /Jjf (F Tl£ Olt cc«(EIHESTAl((FC4L.f'MU.(NIIJF1£Df'r.BSUl..'JTT01HtStm'lm:W JJAP.ccr 11£ ll:ITAI. MJJllVl <T D£1AOfl) CO'i()(llfftU CHTS FM 1HS l'RO.£CT ts Jl, KEY MAP SCALE. 1 • 1oo' REFERENCE DRAWINGS O.CHOfJJ-J DIG ID, fJJ...~ OrGH0,.1!17-1 OrG,NO, l!J7·1A OIIC NO,JJ5.5 O.C NO,J91-.f OrGN0,397-.fA REPRESENTATIVE ..«Q('/-£NTl10/Wl:ASSOCIATES 5927iJJ.L.FOIRCOU'lT SUITE 112 CNl.SBAO,Ct 11200a (780).fJB-4090 GENERAL NOTES /, TOTAL ~OSS SITtM!"A.20 27ACRfS Bt.A.CKAAILROADRIQ-1T-a<"-WATAAE"A. 0112ACR£S 1£1 sm: ARfA. IP J5 ACRfS (CROSS ARE'A -IX.AO( RAIL RQ.tD AAEA) ~T 0£Va.a>~£ MCA: 11,/JI ACIU:S (PER CONSTRAINTS lrW') 2, TOTAL NO LOTS.S ' IOCTA0£0COtDo/JIN/WLOT(LOTI) : ~~fi_f.A1!!._~'!_L~f_(Df.{SrlNC P.ES/tel:E 11:00IHIM:-t0T 2) """' IPR/V, J. TOTAL NO, OF l.tl/1S:J8 Jl PRa>OStD DUA0£0 COfDOIJ/N/1.N I.ti/TS I Dr/STING SIN::l.£ r.WILY /JI/T TO R£W./N ,. 5 ,. ,. ,. 10, II, IZ "· GENERAL DESIGN NOTES ;J/rfb':~/~j ~S(5,010S1'SF) AC/ r..or AR£4 Ci' ·"· AC) I. ALL Sl'RffT D£SICN$, STR!ET L/CHTS, AJD FIRE HrCIW(TS TO COIFCRJI TO CITY OF' CVl!.sa,.o 0£5/QJ ST.-1.tCJ.ROS »DAS REQVl/1£0 BY n£ C/1Y £NC/t£at, 2, DSD£Nts AS P.EQIJ/REb BY D£ CITY ENGll£ER, PV91.IC IJT/L/r,t:S »D DISTRICTS, J, ,'.LL />RC/'0$£0 111/LlrtCS TD 8£ IA'«RQiWD, -1, CCNTM IN1t:lt'IALS. 2/JOFCET ,. TOPOCIW'HY PREPMED BY. S¼'-LO Aat/AL Mms, Fl.O'm NOV. 24, 2004 8, F/Nf&£'0 CRAO£S ME APPRDX/W.TE' Q\LY »D S\.6.£CT TO aw/CE IN F'INIJ.. 0£SfCN CONSISTENT JI/TH 11£ CITY'S S1.,6STANWJ. ~ P'Of.lCr, 7, SOILS IIFCIIW.Tlt.W lt'AS 08T,W£D F11<IIJ SOILS REPMrs sr: ct.OCCN o.trtO-APRIL 2006 (.II 07671--52-01) a. LWlSCAl'INC ,W) TR££ FUNT/NC AS R€QU/R£D sr n£ CARl.saAD /.NDSCJ/'£ '"""'-" an »I) F'IU. S..a>'5 HOT TO EXC££D 2:' I.K.£SS n>PROV£0 BY Tl£ c,rr ENGl/fiR »D SO/LDS ENl:lf.£ER , 10, .loQ)£t. ums .u.tr B£ WILT PRIM TO F'INM. WP RE.CCROAT/t.W IF SffCIFIC APPRO'IJ,J. ,s CR»ITCD sr U£ CITY DIC/NEER ,W) PUN/INC DIRECTOR. 12 IJ ,. 15 A\of:R.tct S£r£1l WCRATICH IS ,026 UCD (F'OR J7 8JU'S, Al-'D'UQ;'POTIJJL£rATEJlrowDJSl61CPJl,tlf.fCPJll'CAX FIREFLOWOEW.JD/S2500(;/'j/ J(I 001/..DINCS I.Rr MJT PflOPOS£O TO BE SPRIN<l..EMP, 17, AU. POIIER POLES ,W)f'O,r(R 1.lf£S .-Lw«: 1r£ SOVTH Sit:£ OF Bl.ACK' RAIi. ROAD SW.LLB£~. £XCQ>T T1£ EX/ST/NC POU: SOIJTH OF PROl"OS£D PRIVATE: MIWZ' 'C' NC ADJJ,CE)ff TO l.fJIT J1 ra RECYO.COl'ATERPDJ< IRltlCAT/t.W~APPROXIMATEl.Y,OC/'21, 1'1 ORAIW.CE' BASIN; CITY OF CAR!.$9AO MASTER ®lnlCE' PUil / BASIN "C", CAR!.sa.to H'((),Ra_QC/CUIIT, SAH~COS CR££KHrPROt.0C/C~, kBAT/QU/TOS Hrr}Rq_QCJC Sl.8ARfA (BASIN M.&«R 904 SI) CFS. 2J,7 CFS/ 11,6 ACRES 20 Fl.OCARD a.RB II-LET FII.TUIS ME 1'RCPaS£D FM AU. Cl.l'!8 IN.ET$, 21 Tl£N'PROACHATPR/VATrSTREIT "A"ATTl£1NTtRSECTIOHCf'/l,,IO( RAIL ROAO ™5 8E£N 0£:S/ctED AT 20 J.f'H /NST£AO OF 25 ll'H OWNER TOSH/ICOl,,UWYA, ~YA FAMILY TROST l'1'111 SUBDJVIOER TAl1..MI.KJflJU5CNH01,£S, /NC 1117f5 lttST BlllNAADO ORl\'F, SV/TE. 140 s.AH01£CO. CA '12127 (BSIJ)ifl-5100 0111:'HO fOl-5 OICNO,,fOI-SA PUBLJCUTILJTIESANOD/Sm/CTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION S: fHtr =~ilil:fu:l'{l-i(f::ifllilli::h\ ) PROCESSED BY: TENTATIVE MAP/ f:t~D.ECrtUC =,csru. Ta.om£ 11£CJ.STCW£-H)ll'tY11£tlat111USrt1JARrER(1'rl1£HaR11/11£S7WM~SlCl'KWZ1, g:g :· 3.3:f :==~~W,.:t'~~m.AUW.,f~•;o9~f0-J88 ll'i p MIT wATCR CJv111.SBADWuc1PAJ..-,.,Wlo1sr TO'IIHSHJPtZS0011f.RAHG£.fllEST.SMBER1iAAOOIOBASEAJIJ/lfll:WJl,11rJJCorror owc'110 Jn-s IW"RO\IDOil'l'I.M'SF'CRAVIAAAPA2JG'llsr..u.(1.,1(cr 9)1-20) 11\ CQNDQMJNIUM ER ll!Q.A/.w;tl WAT£Jt Cl rY or CARt.SEIAD s.,J.D, COJHTY Of SAN CICCO, STAil Of CA1R"0WA, AC(;()/i/)(1{(; II) 11,l'/Ill srAltS Oll'O NO Jn-SA CRAOING PU.HS Fat A\1/JJU PA 2J CIHST.U.U CT 97-20 SHEET SC'f£R CARLSBADSDlfRDISTRITCT ~rSVRITT owa "'· J86·2 Uf'R0\.9EHTFUNSFUlnu::tO'=Nf9j·17) JACK HENTHORN & ASSOCIATES MU ROYA PROPERTY OF 2! 1/:ii" """" m: ~ = . .,, ,., ,.._,.. """""PUNS"" IWUY ''"""' er .. ,, "''Mi":."l:'.i.; ';':~' :.::•;,~"' i =• 'i:J[,r..'t:;;~ = o,sr, ,,.,, ci~'l'~l~ ~:. '/\'.",\ ,,._,.,, CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 7 ~ Ra\0321\illln\Hl.ll"O)'O • TH Shd.d•ot:JJo.n-12-2010,12>22 • • ~~ JO' ,,. ,_,. .,l!, t ♦~f&NZ.Jf ~~~le,♦ J..o,srwaa• "o/5£MQIIAJH Bl.ACK RAJL ROAO l"IJIUCSTREETP£/lDWa3»-6 PIIIYATELOCAL5771EET PRIVATE STREIIT'A' PRIVATE DRIVE •s• PRIVATEDRIVE'C' Rl,W ..ab...£)(1SIWG II" -'f'-Rta.JJl/CO WAJIRIJAJ/1 -~ l"IKJl'Elf1YUHE•tlJOEYMO PLANTABLE AREA OcTAIL TYPICAL PEDESTRIAN RAMP DETAIL ltl.lFPOIAD..l,cilM'<UIVfr:. SULMOSCV'f:l'UHS 1YP1CAt.COIIHERLOr SIGHT DISTANCE SETBACK ~,--io' .& ~f I~ ,_, ~5• bl!'• STANDARD HN-IDICAPEO J' u· t± ~•t1 u·t~ END MIDDLE ENO PARAf1£l. PARAl.lA PARAI.Ul. ~@U!J~fJiM,~'l(fARALLEL PARKJNG DETAJL SrRUCnJRAL SECnOH BASED Oil A MWIJ,IU/,1 4• AC AND BASE" O!:TEIWIHCO BY IN-Sau SUB-BASf; R-V..UUES NID TJ. OF 4 j UINIMUll PER CAR!.SBAO ENQHUIIJHG STANDARDS. YO<. I, CHAPT 4, S!CT 6.8 ... -•• 'I, •• ~ GPA 06-09/ZC 06-08 / LCPA 06-09/ CT 06-27 / GP 06-19 / HOP 06-10/ CDP 06-32/ HMPP 07-02 IQ.n, ,1,CIIU 11.0l'llli" 1130H 203 10011% ROAO_I __ olCWO u~ tfCUJOESALLMERtW.PA!tlCHO,DIWEWAYIAlDIIOEWAUtl ,1 PRII/AttOl'fH11'M:1!CCUm!OJ,111il!T0TAl.lITeARE4N:t.OOEIOFIOU',O POftCHl!.I.LOGOl'.IIJ'OPAl\01. TOTAt.OPVUPACl!flfQt>1112DOl.l'./UN1'•'71JNfl'IX201J"l,«GI' V.CTN?.llt:0\MZD•l$~1'0VJ.Ol•5,~IJ',) 1°t«::1.UOESMAt-l.PACT\NDILOl'l!AAUIAADl'lATNIIAIOt/f8.IOIOl"M I ECU.t!M!UStAIIU.S •~_1S_Tfl00R~<Ll.AAGl!._!g_JQOTAOE .. 2% -~ ,m om ,,. ... ... Pl.EASE NOTE lH.\Tnt: SQIJ.I.Re f00TAGESAICJACltEAOE9 AA!:APPRCl»M're MD W.YV>JrfAl'ffftPREl'AAATlONOFfw.l.iHGINl!E/IJ,IQPt»IS ARCHITECTURAL SUMMARY ""' "" 'fo~l~T '°' ,. .. """° """" TOTAL '"""' """" ,.,.,, UNTIQ. "" "'" --· IQ.ff, IQ.ff, ,a.n. 10.,r. ,r. ' . "n ' '·"' -'·"' ... ,., .. : _____ :·:::_~_.-=1~-~.t~=~~~ ' " ..... ' ,. 1,101 .... "' •m ' . ZU'fo ' 1.m 1,372 "" "' •m . ' .,. . '·"' '·"' .... ... u1e " . ""' . ,~, 1.,m •m "' 3,111:2 ~,f!#f TYPICAL SURFACE DRAINAGE, BUILDING SETBACK DETAIL AND WATER/SEWER LATERAL LOCATIONS SCALE. I' • 20' (P£R arr OF CARLSBAD STD DllllS GS-r4 .t as-,,, NOTE. n?ICAL lrAl'tR .I: sat£R U.Tr.W. PREOSF: LOCUIQII TD BE. otTCRlltNEtJ IN flH).L D/aNaRIH(J, ,//£TA/Nll&rALLAS 9fJJH(JIFL.,W ·/'Rrf'OSEDS,M.£ UJIIH (l'IP} -= J'IIIHIUMl'fR === l£TAILSHJltJCN TH/S9£ET 1"' TOTAL " ,~ .. PARKING SUMMARY RE~IRED PRO\r10ED Rf&l',)U(I' llCOVERE~~ 74 aTAtet.R0•3 oum 3JWmliX2'1•nl PAAAL1EL• u HANOICAPPEQ• I 1ouEiil'TOT,\( ----. LOT SUMMARY LOT NO ,.,. .... (AC) ' .. 2 09 3 '. . , .. . o, ROW 09 TOTAL "' =~~==.:.~~===i====-d'-~-~ • .L --:l -• ,L -f-----=-" w ---- TYPICAL SURFACE DRAINAGE, BUILDING SETBACK DETAIL AND WATEWSEWERLATERALLOCATJONS SC.At£ l',.20'(PEROfYOfCARLS8AOSID.DIICSGS-H,IGS-15} PREPAREDBY. TENTATIVE MAP/ ffll ~ra CONDOMINIUM PERMIT ti!!::::::_"" MUROYA PROPERTY OF z ': =:'-~ CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 7 ; SHEET 2 R:\OJ2l\&Pln\Uuroyg -Tl.I Shl2.dvrp{)Jo,,-12-2010;111tl4 • • CATCH FILTER PODY~ SLT,.__,KET.-----•:\c] STORM WATER TREATMENT UNIT FLOGARD CURB INLET FILTER FOR 11.LUSrRATION CWI.Y -HOr 1D B! USED FOR CXWS1RUCrlON PURPOSES scAC.£:horroSCAL£ 3/l"X3" ANCHOR.BOLT (SP£RScCTIOH) ,, / / I I / / I I / / / I / &TORMFILTIR•l't.AHVIEW-ffi STORM WATER TREATMENT UNIT STORMFILTER UNIT WI CARTRIDGES FOR IWJS1RA11CH CWl.Y-Hor ro SC usm ~ WiSrRIJCTION Pl1RPOSCS Sc.uE·HOT1'05(:,I.Lf / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / PRIVATE OPEN SPACE AREAS SCA!.£.f"•W' ~ ;I LOT4 9.8AC GPA 06-09 / ZC 06-08/ LCPA06-@/ CT 06-27 / CP 06-19 / HOP 06-10 l CDP@-32 / HMPP 07-02 STORMFlLTER-SECTIOHVIEW{f) " 1i ;r • ii ~ ~ ND / """'"" """'"" ,.,,,,.,, ,. 7f .,. i.iii ,., TTii 'ffii' "" ioii ~ ., :a;; 'ltu --..-.:ra ST011.MFU.TV'l:•UCTIOHVIEW-$ ___ ,_. 1\All.illll-Qt,l,llll'IWATI.__ SITE DESIGN BMPa~ -CCWSTfltJCTINC SJ"RfITS, SIP'lfAU(S, NO PAAXING LOTS TO n-£ JI/NII.AN WIDTHS 1£C£SSAAY TO t'OIA..r rtl'IN err, CF CAR!.SSAD PIJBI..ICSJFETY. ,r,N(: l\lf'JrAYS oor -MAXIMIZE CANOPY INTERCEPTION & WATER CONSERVATION -l'RE"SER\lt DCISTII~ W.Tl\lt 1RtSS AID SHMS, -PUJl'f AMITIDNN.. H4rl\'E' Q'l MOUCHT T«.£1Wlr TRU:5 ND u.RctS>IMIS IN Pt.ACEUNl:#-DliOIJCHT Tct.£RANT£XDrlCS, -MINIMIZE DIRECTLY CONNECTED IMPERVIOUS AREAS -MAIN/H': (l«£1a>S INTO /,lJ,J,ICEJiT UJCSCAP/NI: PRIOR TO OISOIARCJNC TO rt£ ST®' DRAIN. -MA/NIM; RCW:IS, SID€WALHS ND IW'ERVIOUS TR,W .. S INTO NJJACCHT u.n,sc.,.p/NG, -SLOPE & CHANNEL PROTECTION/ HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING TO TtEW.XIMJIOOOIT OIT€R LN.lfED PW,.£1,S, TREATMENT CONTROL BMPa: -STORl.FILTtRTRV.TL€HTlt-llT(ll'-!O) -f1.0-C,IJIJ)rlLTER INSERT (11'-52) SOURCE CONTROL BMPs: -l.»OSCAPINC WJU"AClUt£0 Sla>tS Sl-W.L 8t l.JU>SCAPD> WITH SlJll.l.Bl.E CRcutl CCWEll OR LNSTAlLED WITHAH EROSICtlcc«TRct.S\'STDI, -URBAN HOUSEKEEPING KM::OlltDSSH1.I.DBEEOUCATEOI-STOTI-£ PRCf'ER USE, STCl'!ACE, »D OISl'OSAl CF Tt£st POTEHl'IALSTOIW!IATDICOHTAMI/WflS -STORM WATER SYSTEMS STENCILING AND SIGNAGE -INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT KtEPINC PESTS our OF" BV/LOIHGS NI) L»DSCJJ>/NC us,,.,; BAP.RICRS. S<MDIS .All) CA.Ll.KIH: Pffi'SICAL mr ll.U.1/HATION 1Eatl/Qt£S 51.0I AS /1££0/fl:;, S(/(JA$HIM:. TIW>PINC. WASH/NC OR PRI.NINC OUT PESTS REI.YCWHA.ruut.0£11/ESTOCATP£STS, -TRASH STORAGE AREAS ALL TRASH 11'/LL 8E Sl'OREO Jl'ITHIN Q.CH 1/.0IV/(XJ,\L SJNCI..£ F.AJJIL't R£51!JEJ,/C£, AS SUCH, 71£1';£. '11.L El£ NO TRASH STMA.Cf" IJl'-AS cwsm:. -EFFICll:NT IRRIGATION PRACTICES I} W.INTMm> LNlJSCM'£0 ARru :TOPREVOIT /RR/G.4.TICN n.ow ff£rXJC£RS ND SHJTOFF ltlf..L 8' IIS(l) TO O:W1Ra.. t£ADSML1t£S REQUIRED TREATMENT CONTROL BMP TABLE ~11'W I OHIISHP l ~ISHmaj_ o/f/lJJI.~ ~~Tl~ Ut-l~~~UNIT """"" ..... =--"'"''-"" J.,7 I l'D.IWM"AC!Utm J'l/7 I PUllWM'ACnwDr ""'"" ---------------PREPARED BY: TENTATIVE MAP/ SHEET ■HUNSAKER CONDOMINIUM PERMIT 3 ~~~JES MUROYA PROPERTY OF MN«:-~-7 -=~-~ CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA R.\0Jll\&P/11\vuro.)V -n, SIIJ.O'w~(J,/w,-12'-2'010;11:,f • • • g i!' -l-\.... J_ I I ---- ',, ""'~ ', "'\~;l'.:-✓-__ -1.'-s-- 1o100 k ,,,,, ---- GPA 06-09 / ZC Q6~08/ LC_i>_A 08-09 / CT 06-27 / CP 06-19 / HDP 06-10 / QDP _Q6_-32 LHMPP 07-02 LOT4 9.8AC '--..--..--.,'I._ ', .... ,---- 1 \~ T =,--7 T ,-r--.., "'::=-./ I I .. . 1-i -,-_,.. / -- LOTTING DETAIL sc.uet·•att 90' vc §;' STA 13+67.00 a, PVI EL= 337.93 C, .... J. ~ fll 8 ;! :!; ""' -<» §;' +...: 60' VG STA 14+46.30 PVI EL= 345 09 G2=3.5% ~ ii 0 ~ 0 ~~cc ~-r....-Q)____Q'1L0 ~l~e ~~ -r><.> _..., 2.00% -----350 C, -~ C, ~~ /\)-;1, 345 + ~ _.,.,-_ <;\, -~ -i---- 13+00.00 14+00.00 STREET 'A' PLAN AND PROFILE AT ENTRY HClllSCU!:r•= ia,~,·-,w 340 335 330 326 15+00.00 ~ © © 6,00 27.00 7,00 FIRE TRUCK PROFILE // J i\i l ,/ / (NOO"DJ'2S.:!!~34.~.<.o_• ___ / Bl.ACK RAIL RD, TRUCK TURNING DETAIL scuc,-... PREPARED BY: TENTATIVE MAP / SHEET !Ill HUNSAKER CONDOMINIUM PERMIT 4 ~~~:ES MUROYA PROPERTY OF ~-........ -7 -•a.,.,.c.,m M'ltlK~-'lnl CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA R.\O321\A:l'ln\u~ro)'<I -TM Sh14 dlf~cn-12-2O10,12114 • • • z ~ i!' 000►ti!93 " II II II II i09tt~p II II II II II II II II II II II II II II, ·0.7 / y I / H-9.5' I TOP Of SLOPE--,_,/ ~~~~~K SIGHT / 1 ~~ ~ • /1----1 10.0' ACTUAL BLOG 18 SETBACK• NOTE: AS LONG AS A 6. 7' MIN. DISTANCE IS MAINTAINED, THE TOP Of SLOPE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. SLOPE EDGE BUILDING SETBACK 'A' SCA!.£.1°•111' SLOPE EDGE BUILDING SETBACK INDEX SCJ.t.£:' -- TENTATIVE MAP/ CONDOMINIUM PERMIT SHEET 5 ----MUROYA PROPERTY OF , •. PIO.,,...""" , 1 ; 1 1 i i I I "= ==-~ CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 7 R,\0321\t.Pltl\li\ll"ll)'CI -TH Sht5.llwg[lJ~•l2•2010•11•:SJ • • H-12.6' ~~~~~tOPE ~/ .. LINE OF SIGHT 'etoo •• r 11 A IJ~ i II I ~ I PREPARED BY: / PLAN1 ""° ""'" ,....---r~• /1-----1 12.4' ACTUAL BLOG 35 SETBACK• NOTE: AS LONG AS AN a.a' MIN. OISTANCE IS MAINTAINED, THE TOP OF SLOPE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. SLOPE EDGE BUILDING SETBACK 'B' .$CU£,-•• SCCl.c.1"-$d TENTATIVE MAP/ ■HUNSAKER CONDOMINIUM PERMIT ; I ~~9f~JES MUROYA PROPERTY l'lltfftl;..,W.,,.._ , -S..~taR'II •/ lUM'n«;~,_kll CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SHEET 6 OF 7 R•'\1)321\LPln\Huro)'ll -TH Sht6do11Cl.lo.n-12-2010,ll,:S0 • - ~ il' GPA 06-09LZC Q_6:0E! I LQF'A 0_§-09 / CT Q_6-27_g:p 06-19 / HDP 06-10 / CDP 06-32 / HMPP 07-02 BOUNDARY AND ENCUMBRANCE PLAT MUROYA PROPERTY, CARLSBAD, CA i / / ----------Tr---I r I I· I --l / / I / -----7 I I I I I ----i I I I 11 ir---11 ---~ ___ .J ~g~: ,,,..,..,_ ""-;! s~·~ 1ifii: ~it' ;~·.ii ~..g- " / / / / / / / / / // /' / / / ) , // // ,/// / / / / // , / / / / / / / , / / / / / / / , / / / / / / / / / -:..,: I / <? I / . _,;,;,-/ / /' / :4~?! / / -:~-",;! y , / /1 7 ,,_ __ / I -v· / I // ~o / '1 / "<!>· I/ . , )/ / I r-r I NOUO&'uT ,~-w ,-1 ......_ , /1 \ I I i / _ _J I I r--,.._ /,, // / ALBBAO iAAci No. 97~20 AVJARA PHASE 3 MAP NO. 14157 / I \ I I I J -'A*P.Afl~•aAr} . .,.!lAbr-Nq-8 7"--r- / \ \ \ I I I 'f1,/!._~/f.?:~rttWt:tr~tPhit)l,j 7-7--- 1 . /.r,•.,1··'·''f·: I I --------7iiwiifilTY.ws--·---I 1 I I I I / \ I I I I I I '---.___,,,J.---L_..L-l I I.EGAL DESCRIPTION· 11£1J.. MO/>Dlrr" 1H£ CDWtt CF sw trEtq swr or~ DaCmJro .u nuon- 1H£ EAST CNf-HU OF m£ Mll'l110ST IXAAmt Ol' 1HC ~ CXW1~ sccr,;,w z1, 10Wt/SHll>U SO!ml, ~411fST.SWllJffWIDIMJ&UCJMJ~ 111HCCITl'OFCWSIM4 COIJlfftDrSWarn>, STA1£CF~ACCCRfAJ/Gltlll/fTCDSl'Ar£SC<MJlHJJEHT5v.MY 11£ A80YE DfSCR«O l'MCa C'CNTAININC a&ma,a., SO. IT. • 11).1/J JafES. (JJ'H:21~) ENCUMBRANCES; mctrJU.OWIH() fASOIENr acct'TIOH$M£1Ra.11 mu:R£PORrtSSIJUJ trrflJISTJ.JJtJIJCNI mu COIJP.wtDRDtR NO. t~Ta1/(1$)"41tD.JJM.Wtfl,1:00&NIOJJICNOUJJ.WUW'll,lOOI. ""' .. ,._,,., & I'.:!,. NIWDIENTFORNfJUCVTVII(SNIOlliO/JlHT.AJ.l'IIRPO$,£S,RCC'()l/(}£()NH{Z4, lfUAS LI:!. INSTRWDfl NO. /IJ</CI or cmcw. lllCOHDS. INfAKWOF SJHWcoGU,woatcTRJC eou,o,wy NTICTS. A l'CIITIO.V OF 1HE lllJi&I DCSCRltlCr) Pf/CPlATr DtSPOSl110H:TORDI.IJII & ~HOnw~u=1:°«oR~PURPOSa,fUCCI/Da)ll/Cllr, '~"AS & /N(At(K'Of' $JJl{JI{«) ~NIOAf<:11/fC CO/,l?Mf Mtt'CTS. APOII.TJalCl'1HCHERCWDCSC/IIB!()l'ROPCR1Y OtSPOSITICH:10ROWII JJIWD.IDITsu:rtlttrHll!Dnt. 111£CINT&I/JN£Cf'.S.UOWDIENrOFRICHTCFIC4YIS PMTICWJitYmalttllDASTOUO!tS. IIUVICH(;fl$»1D(' ltlSUIINS1F/VlltHTfORl1JRTHlltPNtf/CW,RS. AT JHrDMtorswMTllW&frnw«ltAmfSNiOSQ\I. A ~liADNO Rlr;(}Rf) IHTUitSTIISIIDWIOIIOflSl!iC£A&Q(lltCDA'ir. .,,,,,,,..,.,,,.. 4A ~~//1:s'i':!fv~N0.~';:5,m//='i~M:«Jtw..l'IW'OS£S,R«tWiCO INTA\'OROf' arr or~ A IIVN/CJl'.AJ. CORPORATION AffCCts• APOffflONDf''fH£HCRDHotsalJBCOMOl'tA1Y SW/N$ffi!JSJ[HfA1.SOC.tW1STH£PRMtlCCNiORIClfTltlEXttNO.AIKl~OIW.-&£ SfRtlCIUlltSNiO O'Cl~l1CWNiO DtflWlnl(}ff SlOPESl1t1'ClhO THEtAll'SOl'SWRIClfTDI' ~r fftllRtR&JtRED /D/f TH£ CONST1NC1ICH Nt() WITDWiC£ ~ .,,,,,,,..,._, I _ __,__ 1-1 EXISTING BOUNDARY & ENCUMBRANCES MAP I AP , 12971 ~·1 I --I SHEET I I ~ I ' PREPAIU1DBV: TENTATIVE MAP/ ====P_~_}j ~~ ~ 1 , g'\ \ AYJ';.!1L~f!~Ni"l';.1e1°'2!0ulfir 2 ! liiilHUNsAKER CONDOMINIUM PERMIT 7 I~ I ,; I MAP ND, 1297D I ~~:::~!ES MUROYA PROPERTY OF 11 ("'"/' / \ \ / / '= =.:,-__ CITYOFCARLSBAD,CAUFORNIA 7 i!' I .L , \ .,,,,.,,,..,.,,,,,.,., .,., ,.,r1.,_, . .,.,,,. "·" • • PROPOSED b' GOMBO VlEYi. FENGE ALON<S BLAGK AAIL ROAD Y'tlTH 11 1 ................................. . • DEGOAATIVE PILASTERS• SEE oer AIL 'e1 sHEET 4 ------'--f--- 6' COM60 VJEYi FE:NCE ALON<S , SLACK AAIL RO,',,D Y'ilTH DEGOAATIVE PILAST"a<S-SEE Ii ~~~P~~o~~~~N ::::J, t:-- A NA11.R,6,L STATE I ex,:~5~:::::::~:-=·::.~::·:~;;;::.:::. Ll6HT BEACON, (tSROUND LEVE:L Ll5HT5) EXISTIN6 SDGf;E POY-IER POLE5 ro REMAIN L16HT Bl=AGON, (5ROUND LEVEL Ll6!-ITS) ACTl'le RECRE:ATION AR!:A eu..ARGEMENT-Sl=E SHEET :Z FOR ENLAR6EMENT I / ENHANGED PAVEMENT AT ENTRANCE/EXIT LOCA110H5 -------FIRE ~TECTJON ZONE ~lTI-1 PERMAN!'=NT IRRIGATION PROVIDIN6 ""'"""- I-IE.AD TO t-lEAD COVERAtSE -FZEFER TO COMPRB-IENS\Ye PLANTING REGUIREHENTS IN FIRE PROTECTION AREAS ON 5HEST S a S, PLANTIN65 SHALL BE PER SLOPE MVECSE.TATION ~UIREt-1ENTS EXCEPT AS l"IODIFli:D BY FIRE SUPPRE5SION REGUIREMENT5. SlGHfL\Ne NOTE!, NO FL.ANTS AND OR OlltER LANDSG~ ELEMeNTS i'i1Lt.. BE INST1'LLED Jo'IIITHIN THI: "TFtlANGULAR ZONE AS MEASURED FROM lWO POINTS MeASUREO 25' FROM THE BE51NH1N6 AHD END OF CURVES AT CORNERS AND Al.SO AT DRIVE.KA"r'S AS MEA9JRED :25' FROM APRON A.ND EXTENDING, 45 DE6REES IN TOAARD THE PROPERTY'. ~rr~ ..... ------TVBULAR STEEL FENCE-RE'TURN5 TO MAXIMIZE VlEl-'i CORRIDORS VIE>'< FENCE-51:;E; DETAIL 1 ·s• SHEeT4 PROPOSED BRU5H MANAGEMENT LIMITS-SEE SHEET S LIMITS OP 6RADIN5 PER CIVIL PJ..AN r"' / 1YPtC_.lr.l.. FRONT YARD iREE5 IN5TAI..LED BY THI: Dl:VE:LOPER AS PART OF THE FRONT YARD LANDSc.APE PJ.ANS-SEE CONCePT/TYPICAL 1..AYOIJT 51-eET L-8 /, / .,SLOPE REVEGETATION STANOARD NUMBER 4 REGUIREMENTS ~ILL BE MET BY PLANf!NiS SHRUBS YQTHIN THE FIRE 5UFPRE55ION ZONES (MIN. Of' I 6AL. SIZE Ar A MIN. RATe OF ONE R;R 200 S.FJ, {LARGE SHfWBS YilLL NOl' ee PL.ANn;c, YilTiilN ZONE I) PROTeGTIVE BARRIER. FENcE TO ElE 36" SPLIT RA1L, NON-COMSU5TIBLE YiOODCRETE FENC.IN<S coMMoN llJRF AREA (5,eqo S.FJ / / EXISTING 9D54E TRANSMISSION LINE TQY'IER ttY"PR0SEEDED BASIN-SEE SEED HIX 'G'-MIX MUST BE APPROVED BY AW..EGT BIOLOGIST AND MUST MEET Glrf SLOPE REGUJREMENTS ,., ,1 \ I I /',.,. I LIMITS OP GRADING HELD YilTHIN PR01"ERTI" l30UNDARY-NO \ t ,• OIST\JRBANCS: TO OFF·S\11:;, eXIST/N:S LANDSCAPED 51-.0f'l:5. \ , .... .,; ✓ / • \ \ ~ 1 • T I I I s;:---r- '· I '·t··--- 1 FENGIN6 LEGEND MAlERIAL/DESC,RIPTION SYMBOL -COMBO-1\JBULAR SlEEL VIEi"! FENCE ON MASONRY BLOCK l"!ALL-SEE PETAIL 'E' SHEET 4 6' SLUl"IP BLOCK PERIME1ER Y'IALL-SEE DETAIL 'C' SHEET 4 i'lOOD SCREEN nrlGE-SEE DETAIL 'A' SHEET 4 -©-- 111 581:: NOTE ea.or FOR LOTS AD.JAGENT TO OPl:N SPACE NON-COMBUSTIBLE l'IOOD FENCE-SEE DETAIL 'A' SHEET 4 1\JBULAR STEEL \/IEl"I FENyE-SEE DETAIL '6' SHEET 4 l'lOOD FENCE NOTE, • PER SECTION IV .f FIRE PROTECTION f'ROGRAM POLICIES AND REGUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF C.ARlSSAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL ITEM F .3-0, A650J..UTELY NO COM6USTll9L.e l'iOOD Ff;NC,\H,:S, !;,HALL. ee ALLOriED ~THI~ IOO FeET OF NAT!Ve lJNDISl\JRBl::D AA.EA5 5EE DETAIL 'H' SHE:ET 4 FOR NON.COMBUSTIBLE FENCE ,t SEE PETAIL 'F' SHEET 4 FOR NOH-GOMSU5TIBLE 6AT?:. ~ 5-f?Ef I ~ ~l»:5-GONG~ PL.AH SEE 51-EET la • L>,NDSG,'.f'E PLANT PALETTE AND NO'TE5 S~ StEET ~ • ~~llON HlJ!A a.LAR6-el-l?NT !ZD•~MAR'r"l:NlR'r"l:Nl.Alllt6t!~ 5?:e 5-1:ET O • P'I~ ~TIOM ZOHe I-Ed~ AND HO!e 5Ee 51-EET ,f. -PEHGIH6 DeTAU..~ 11NO ~'Tl~ 61:!! 51-EET?S-P'l~ ~ll!(;TION l"LAN ScE S!-EET t, • MTI:R CONSERVATION He <:oNGEPl'UAL Ptl!GLAll-t!D 1-'iATeR l"l..,lrr,H SEE 51-1!:ET 1 -LA~e ~ RESFON51BILITI"' Pl.AN Sa! 51-EET e, -T'l?lc;.,\L l"RONT YAAD 1.A~ G<>NC<f'Tl'l-),N ;'.', I ''( 1i ) · . t,'°'-• - ~-- -__ TT....._C>"f-2'1-o<! ..... ., ' N~ TA1NIN6 HAU., NOO~Vl516LE !=ROH THe Pll6LIG R.O.ft. TO BE C.ONSTIWGTED ~ '-'-..., OF PftEGISION 131.,0GJ<: PER GIVIL PLANS, SEE X,El"AIJ.. 'B' SHEET :Jo I '>to ,.,. / / \ \ \ \ \ ! ! ,---=c===:---===i"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~----.---PREPARt:u tsT: LANDSCAPIN6 FROM PROPERT'f LINE TO iHE EX1STIN6' ,. _..,;$., :5D6t:e Hore, / '.,.•i~~,-i,t~APE SHALL Be PROVIC,ED THI= ~~i:~ t'll'rHIN Tl'ie ro&CE 1">,NSMl~ION eASEMEN'f ~hN ONni!Sof'LAN"'1U:sue,JEG.TTOTI-E5P6CE: ·«noe r12B C}ICROMtt1ID:il' 5P6&C e,,ecmic. IBNffl:11551QN Rl§HJ'S QF vt,t,.,:. Fl~ LANOSCAP'e ,.4.RGHJTI!GT\/Re CONSTRUGTlON PLAN!:, Mlr.:,T ee ~ BY fot:16CE ~ THI: Gtl"r' or ~AD. VICINITY MAP NO SCALE ~ it!!! :!!SGAl.t!, 1· • ..io• ■ LANDSCAPE CONCEPT Pl.AN SHEE" MUROYA 1 OF -4m==:~:.~:-r~o City Of Carlsbad, California 8 Nl•'Mt-!'(!'11',1,,11 .... ~~~ 50&,e Nore, ALL P\....il.NTJHe AND IAAIC!!oATIOH RfM!1!,ETA110N Pl.AN& AND erul!,H M.AN>,6e:t-1!NT Ff'AGTICl!S LOc;ATm> 1-'f!THIN THe. ?5~lE ~l~ION ~T ?51-iOrN ON THIS !"LAN J,,W; ~!!C-T TO TI-IC !Oeu: '6UIPC WR n::+::MAQ:t:PIT 5Pl'W'! fJ E«IB!Ci IBAN~»:mW.tOH Rl1rl::1I5 Qf r:u-r. fll'V,L ~A.Pe ~Hl"Tet;."t\.lllf.e ~TIWC.TION PLANS t-tJST Bl!! ~ft.0\/r!D BY f,pe.•e AND TI-ti: C.ITT" OI" GA~AD. H'TPR05"'..g~_t11xe5 GONGEPTIJAL PLANTING LEGEND MURO'l'A 5YMSOL BOTANIC.AL NAME HYDROZONE 2 FLANTIN5 lliCl.Ut:e AqzJ,,S OF~ m-.T ~Re~ ~ N;rJ DO JOT~ ON H5'\Yr MlERl>iS. ~snur~~""'"~ SIZE PERCENTAGE H.OA. AAEAS, S~ t P~Y' ~ ;;;,T::::;;::=F'ffl'llNM I001ls ®o~···· ··::: ~~U$5' ~atanf'l.>N!'OR LOGAllGWOf"I..ARiSER!:f'EGlt-Et • • ~ PARVlfOLIA ~ATM 5tlE EtnR'1' AAD OV"fRI..OOK PAAK. 0 • • • f'LATAN.15 ~ :2. ,'U. 51Rfff ~ TO ee !24' eox HllL -•~MRFOLV,. ~ • ··•66..ERAPAAVl'fl..GfVI ·-···•ltHJSl..NiGEA' • ·• C.!RGIDIUH~ •• •• •"-'PAAIOf'SIS>JV,G,l,,RDIOlD13 0 ·· lRISTANIA GONFERTA ••• •KL'fl.Tl'U«1Clll!Nr>WIIDll'IQ,ll'T.w>tt5r~5Nl.l!1""'1NP','ftW,1'. L.>6ERSTROEMIA SPP METROSIOEROS exa1SJS R/"5l-"""" !50%/50~ ~ ""'::::::::::::: _,,,. ~~=J:;;.,..~"""""6 15 6-"L./24" eox 56AL•• loo.sl!> .. 08~ ==.=.~=-:=a'~,..~1.,.'.~:,!-"•" eox 50'5/50$ ··Cl:RClei~ei ,., • 'Tl-e:.E~~~sn-s::t.5TWITl"N.111'114M"M::9'611: 0 --.---·:rr£ewz~"IJ!>.MAW.l · 0 . ~:.~:=•1:=-J~ ,it """bf'G!!Sll'l!i'H6Mi5fQBle""'H ~ ~ _,,......,...,.,..,..,""',.."""""""""°"""'" fROMHRptAN.RSey'l'.I -nESP!Wtet.1Df. l'IIW.~~~n.A'OKeT~ •~S.ulSTOl!el::caS""-Qtl..NldM~tlll'lll!PIM. ~Br!:iDdl~R'IGOIUtGTIO(l'llll~an'Df'~ -- • - .. ,«J!lltorll!ICOSSN,L.Slll!u:ri:,,,m:,i::1o1,ni:s.c:l"t,,1'1WA~A'OIUIA,IKl't!!IID'fttwnt!~Dl~2 HOA , PRIVATE Sl.Of'ES, REGREATION /J,,REAS, ENTRl' & PARKHAY!:> ~ ~ .. ~ .s~• ~ ~ M.APNmll5 ;l"l:;G.16 ff!in'GA H.IJREI MAYE ATTENJATA HEl-£ROCJUIS Sf'P, ""6AVEV1LJ-IOROONVI ~!Sf'P. Al.CESTR!ATA LA~~ M-'6.AZA!mlOS SP6::IE5 UR!Of'E MJS"'1,RJ eoJ6AlhVILl-f>i "l&fl.fPR' ~ TEHJISSIK'. t,JT1Ac:;1'P!TATA !"HORMILM5"!Glf5 C.AAe.1< 1\IHJllCOLA PITrOSf'ClfaM G!VIS9!fOU~ eeo~ ~zottr>J.t3 PJ-1,1.Ptilot.a>lS INOJc;,\ '(;I.AAA• ~AW-tTEG,rc:m.H ROSMAAIM.'30.'llF.G,_~WJE• DIIITE5o BIGCt.OR ~HJS o. ~TAA.115' EC.1-EVERIA~. ~FOSlAAPA EcHIIA-lf>,!,TUO;t.H GROUNDGOVER w~:2:+=:Il'~~;w.rKOA~W.l' ~Wi ~IN6S MROST1SDIE6Cei515' ~,\Gffll..o.3et$ ~AMAAJTIM>. FeSlt.lCAOVIN>.1 ~~1• ~M.15O.-neGHtBUE' ~p>,»sA• SNff"OLIAAGAAMAEG'l'PARJSSOS U'l'l,t:INDIA~AA.Er>E •t)e,i!~"°""'!ll'll::E5~101!!1!N5TM1l!O/d1~NOc:Hll!!l!~I.ISll),rnwri!ltul$tl121tT,l,ltNV6'-l:,j\AS 116H'l'PSTAlll:.e:~l"Hlm'.TIHOTOl!:ot9LOl'CHP\.'UJ\tll6~TO~Oltm:efVO.. ~Aet.E:1"'Vil.L.PL..>.m-m I.>& = '"°" '""" NOS"l'l"tBOL a>GGAA,iij5PLVAA.c:oh5.AAS',1!1,EA ~c;J,lll"ORNICA NA.55EU.AFU..aRA ~al,\ CN.l~A MM.l,11.; ~ HYDROZONE 3 FLANTIN5 lliGU/t;C;, ~ CF-f'LAAT MATERIAL m-.T ~1.SS l<ffllm IN ~E, HAYE NA:nVc ~,NlO REGURE E!aOl'j JO" OF K'I.TERf£R YEAR. ~ SI-R85 5UCGUl.ENTS 6AASSES • RUSHES G~ TDHEHT'OSUS MIH.U.5 ~ 'G.ANl'OH PRlNCE' ON{TI,\ l.tn'OR>LIS esGHOLZIA CAU~IC/1. fUfAt,H.15 GALIFO~IGA tETEROt-B.ESARBmFOlJAU RJ-m1MIE6R.IFOLIA" LEYKS~TUS SIMONI,SIAail~S" LU'IWSA~ Y\lGG>.SGHtD'.6ERA ~ ~ """ FV,Hil~~MEEY'SLOFEREV?6ET'ATIOlt ~ ST..-W,\.~ 1--'t EXt;EPT 16 HCOlflEO B'l'f!~~!OI(~~ ••~--'IOl!!l!iCC915Ml.,lllel.DC,l,'IC>Dll■Tt~l'tlllll:IIOtlQl~l'IAIOlllmlO:QC'--~NU.ICl'lle!.mllllW'Clr:IC~NIV& MURO'r" A LANDSCAPE ARCHlTEG~ DE$16N 06.JEGTIVE:S, I. !"LA'mN61'1l11-De~'l'O~l.lOe~VIUO~~llflJT1'""'4!M,efC.)~ 1,DDc+WV.e,n,i:A'tD~TTOnl!Sffl!.I-UIO'l'Al"I..AUn'lotTl-e'le,vlJ.l'OUD1A~~LOOl<TO'Oe9,1,NT"ALI,% CCHH..HIN',~w:f'nl!~~TH'r\Je.tJil',TIHTMCMl!NLLICAfll;tll'INt:D,HATIVl:L.D0!(.IJtlLLXlM6 ~.~NOOTH'tM~o,t~~~.ICZ'l"~T.ctt~NU.OC~l.eo )'lnl ~/'IO<:alBIJ! ~ 2. AAGH.=TU'U,L~or~•mtrtLLllll:~n:oHO~Nnt~or•11-111.AAClellfM "''""""'-&.. ,t,l.l.."1...AHTM,l,'lt,IUJ,,L.~ffl:)f"OA,l,ISl!!)'lll.LDeCll",.,~IOIC¥tlTOR~IH'ne~NU:A.01l IN~11>.I\CUM,,\'T1C.AICSOILUIIOIT1c.'llt. 4 ~rROHl'l..AAT~l,.._C,tolO;Of'l,P~NU.DeVl'll,lm:,TOGIIU.11!Al"ftle-lOL'l',~l,M;lvt,u>.U.y ~~~c-f,fil'IDN-eff, ~'T1G ~~NU..1111:.ll'TLl2=1k~ ~TIP'eNTITY », l'L>.'fl'IMlonu..-.:IIKCtTO SOl'TZHI-WOIP ...... ~l'fe\l:tl)Gt,tHa.lAleJl"'OI'\~. ~~l'IILLEll!ICIDrf'l'EONO~Nnt~6"DI.P'lll690t'Tl'ICCS,afll.06>XD/Ot1'. ,. ~P\.A~~N.NOHA,.C,HMf,~Nll!,001ilOIIDTOT""'3"'-N,l~ffll ~TE~Ol"lATl!,P,t,1.1...QRN/'lmt ~~~ll"OltCl"nM.M~"B 6, ~l"IIC,t+IM,\QD-11,oezGTIV'CtNIL.1.IIIGLICl:f"OlfflVZ:SIJIV',l,Ge01V\IH,l,,IJ,t<lf'P"IJ,,KTEDHV!J4 ~•li:m'ne,in, ~ AU.~T~NeASKlll.?leMftYZDll'l"~.AAc::lM,l,,nC,.~IIOl.lQIIUl.l•ATIO't s,'Sm,t,~LQ'l~IP'lrA110HP~AICP'01"'-w"Sll'U,H1'QToi.,J,JC~ ~'r'~l"IOI\TIV-H,IT\OIW,. ~~~'11"&1"'""2.l"AIIO'V.~HDr'AAXI~~ ~S~'IZMS"U.t!C~TAU.e:01'!. ~Ml"!IAGTIG,<l,N"i!!R~HO~';'D "'-""'THA-m.tAL~N..1.AtlONNC~-. ~ ~TO~~'l'».t,imlt5NI/DACTI\IIT1',->,sNLLllt~-TEDNTil~lltl.Dt'I. ~~~~-IO AI.L:,oil.5 NL.l.M! ""flt.lZE:D,~,»DTl~T0""°°""'1TO~ATIQH5 ~ ffi' A 50L T!::JTIN6 ~T~NO/(lf(~N'll~ff!G.TIHO!'J'llllt,T,:)r'J'OHOTllte,,L'nf'r NOV160f'G\&"'-"NT-,..orm4, 11, "1.1. l'VHnKi5-Htl!ldi'11LL m:1-WIITAIIC> IN Al'CCl)~ caws rJ'CC uitclmotl 12,"1.I.S~~~TOW.VZ:AtO'U)el\/\1.Ctwn-tOf'titn'Of'~~llCOTa.\Mtl't. l'tOOr ~~i!!oHOI.Ultc~~ATI\CCl=,l'lfflllNS'<lf'A'ff'~INGI.LICll"5-HOl'ie'-"ZICI. l"OOT !IAJU!,1i,t5SI-W.l.,)lar!:ll<:,l~~i,.,&J.J.. ~NJ..LA~NCIIVt•ATIO'le-v.u.~TO'OeGITTOl"~~~NO ,O,U.O"nto\~Gln"N0~:0-W.STNC..,_rOf\l.A~IM!oT,.l,IJ.A110H~W.~ • G-IT1' OF CARLSBAD EROSION CONTROL NOTE5 $LOPl:!5 61 I OR ereePER REGlUIR.IN6 Eft.OSION CO~TROL MeAsl.Ree AS SPEGIPleD HEREIN SH.ALL Be Tru:!ATeO HITH ONE~ l-'.ORe OP: ne POLLol••UH6 PL.ANTIN6 STANDARDS, 5T...WARO, •I -GOVER GRoP/REINFORGED 5~ MATnH6, COVER CROP ~L. Be A S5ED MIX lYPIGALLY MADf LP OF GlUlGJ<: GERMINATIN6 AHO r"'5T COVERIN<S 6RA95ES, GL~~. N:.D/OR v-!ILO PL.O~. 9U6MIT THE 5PEC.lr"IG 5eB;l MIX f'OR GIT'Y' APf'ROVAL !"RIOR TO APPLIGATION THI! GOVER GROP SHALL ee APFL.IED AT A RAie AND MANNER a.f'FIGIENT TO PfWV'IDf qoJil GOVERA1SE Y'llTHIN TH/Rn' (SO) DAYS. fU:INF'ORCeD STR.,l,,Yi MATTINc5-SHAI..L 6E REGUIRED WEN l"IJ-.NTINS-~ 6E"MEEN AU6VST 1?5 ,I.ND A?RIL 15, ~ -6ROUND GOVER, ONE H.INORED (t~) PERC!:NT or THE AR.E!A ~HALL 6E f"LANT1H6 >'ii™ A 6ROJNDCO'VER KNOffi TO H,\.Vl: E:XGELLEHT !>OIL. BIN!71N5 C.HARAGTERJSTIC.S (PLANTEO FROM A HINIHJM .SIZE OF FLATTED MATERIAL) AND SPACED TO PROVlD!:! FULL GOVEAA6E YilTHIH ONE YEAR). ~ -LOi"i SHFUE5 LOi't SP'READINo YiOOPY' ~ (PLANTED FROM A MlHIM'..\'-1 Of .:M.V4 INCH LINER$) SHALL COVER A MINIKIH OF 2VEN1Y (709!,) f'eRGENT OP THe 5LOPe FAGE (AT MA~ SIZE), 1l4 -TREES AND/01'. LAQ.6e 5f-R)B5 TREES AND/OR LAR6E ~B~ 5AALL BE lPL.Afn'ED FROM A HINIHUM 01" I 6AU.ON CONTAINERS) AT A MINIMUM AATE Of' ONE (I) f'eR TWO HJH:DReO (200) SG(JARe FEET. ARf=AS ~ ~TTER THAN 611 F<l!'.G\Jl!U!. STANDARD 411 (COVER. CROP) t'<Hl!N THEY HAYE ~ OR 1-".DRe OP il-!E!FOLLO>'i1N6 CONDITIONS, A. -SHEET ISAADf:C) PADS Nol' SCHEDULED FOR IMffiO'V'eMeNTS Y'llll-!IN 6 MONTHS-OF COMPLETION Of ROIJ6H 6RADIN6. e. -A POTamAL EROSION PROBLEM AS OE'T?!ftMrteo BY ne GITY'. G. -IDENTlf'IED 6'J" ne Gl'N' AS HIGHL. y VISIBLE ARE~ TO ne RJeiLIG OR HAVE SF'l=GIAI... CONDITIONS ll-1,\.T ~ IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. • H'fDRO!EED 'A' l}'JWATE Sl.Of'l:S) ~ =HJ)(B'-CIJ>6TH..SA6E=~5(.0f'S) @ill ~•c•(~OHBMll-0 ~ !>!£ET I -~~He GONGEl'T PLAN .,._,._ I -I r.1 _,.,,,_~ .,. .. ~,; ~ ~~ = :! ;:~~~--=~~~~NO'll;S I --TT,&J,, O'l.:>'l-o-1 ~ NOH·IJtRl6Atm~MIX~'-GlJASTI-J...5Me~ ~ (PERlt-'EIER!:,I..Of"fS-S.N-"ESEEDHIX>6H!XNEJ -"'--"'- PREPARED BY: Ii :Za -l"RI~ ~ EHLA~&.oir see ~er e -FIR!!! ~C.TION ZOHI:! ~B-ID AND liOTe eee ~ET -t: -~\~ DETAILS AHO ~Tl~ 5EE steET , -f'lfte ~TeGTION PLAN Se! 51-EET 6 -l'VI.TER ~V,\.TION ~ ~ !'lei::LAll-£P HATa l"I...JJ,,! SE!:51-E~i-LA..'IDSc:,#eH,,\I~ RESf'Ct,;SlBILITY PL.AN see SI-EET 6 -T"l'Ple,,,lL l'fWNT YARD~ """""""'"'" LANDSCAPE PLANT PALETTE AND NOTES MUROYA <1129~0V/>LJZrlll.W,,0:TeO ~l)!mO,t;N.~>,12121 6"o5N,Mnl'N!M6,5", ... City Of Carlsbad, California SHEi: 1a OF 8 ) , ~ 111 ~ ---•r·····---... ·:··r; ~ -· SC.Rf;f;NIN.5 SHRUBS ~~!TER• SEE DErAIL GOM80 )'(ALL AT PRIVATE LDT ADJAcENT TO AGTIVE RECREATION AR!::As-SEE DETAll. ·e•~eer4 '·1 C006U: ROCK BEDS (VAAJOUS 51Ze5 FROM 2•-e,•J Jl'ilTH SPARSE Pl-ANTINGS OP GRASSES, !:OME SUCCULENTS AND 6ROUNDCOVER. SPECIMEN SIJCGUU:NTS 5Uo.-1 AS MAYE ARe TO B~ MIN. 5 GAi- _... .... -·----~ >rl l, 11 I h J) eD5e: OP 6RLl5H HANA5eMENT LINE D'A"fLIG+IT l.lNE ACTIVE RECREATION AREA ~t,14 ~UARE FEET FLAYFIELD 111TH SLOPES LESS THAN 5~) oveRJ..OOK Y'ilnt eNHANGEO CONC~ PATIO ~. BARBEGIJ?:9 AND PICNIC T.,A,.BU: I~ ~••'•10'-0' 6~ CONCRE'TJ;; MO)II( GURa., • -~ SI-EET I -~N,S, GONG~ PL.AN SEE: SI-EET la -1.ANPSGN"e Pl.HIT PALS'TTE N¢> HO'TCS I ...., _TT....,_ 01'4"!-o<r SEE 51-EET ::Z -~TION AA.!!A e.l.AF6£MENT _, -TT.-..r.. ot-o-,-ro 2a -m!MAR't" ~ eHLA~~ se SI-EET e, -FIRe: PROTec.TION zote Le.5B-D AW NOTe SEE SI-EET ,J. -fENCIH6 oeTA1L5 -'ND ~TIOl'e 5fE" ett:ET 5-FIRe i-RO'JEG.TIOH PLAN SEE SI-EET 6 -AAlER. CONSERVATION ~ GONCEI-Tt.lAL l'U:!Gl.Alt-'CP l'(AlBl l'"I.AH SEE 5tt!ET 1 -LA~,',.f'E KAIi~ RESPOt.5181LIT"(' P1..AH SE!!:. s+-1!:ET e, -T'r'PIG>J.. f<RONTYAAD ~ caNG<P1""--"" ti PREPARED BY: • RECREATION AREA LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN\ SHEET r "'25~VH.intrl.'r.1 Sl,';!!D ~oeso.~~>."121:21 ..,,.111,Knm*-~·- 2 MUROYA OF City Of Carlsbad, California 8 LOY-I SHRLeS AND ~ AT ENTRY-MIN. 1O~ 15 6AL, 50Sl!o 5 6AL. ANO 40~ I GAL. l'ilTH LOW 6ROUNO C:.OVl:R GAA55ES HEAVILY UTILIZED. NOT TO E><Gl=ED 50" PER CITY OF CARLSBAD SITE DISTANCE EASEMENi REGUJ~ PLATANl.15 RACEMOSA 24•eox REAR YARD RETA1NIN6 YiAU.. PER CIVIL Pl.ANS ~LIDS' HASONR'i'l'<ALL ON BOTH SIDES OF ENTRY DRIVE STEPS DON-I YilTH 6RADE HISTORIC tcENTIA PALM FROM M.JRO"t"A NVRSER"r", 96" BOX BLAC,K RAIL ROAD t [}_ PLATAl<!S RAGEM05A 24•sox RAISED POT PEDESTAL WITH PLANTED UR.N- 8011--¼ SIDES, RE'ARYARD RETAININ5 Y'VJ..L PER GIVJL S-ITE Pl.AN 6' MA90NRY ~!H6 i"i.AJ..L5 AS SHO~ ON PLAN-SLUMP BLOCK V,V DECORATIVE CAPS. PORTIONS Of t'IAI..L MAY RETAIN 18" MAX, ON YARD SIC,E Of LOT SO, 6~coNc;. MOJ1 GURB DEPININ5 MA1NTENANV5 6CONDARIE5 HOA./PRIVAT?: >.ND PRIVATe/PRlVATe FRONT YARDS TtfROUGHOUT' TI-IE SITE;, • PRIMARY COMMUNITY ENTRY &~~ -· ~v~~ Of'/'VIT. ® FREC.ISION BLOCK R!:TAINING MLl. ~ .. ,l,Cl)l5,).:;1JIIIET~l5 ~r,ia,tl"IIIO!.fTH:IN'Jt,lj""-«' fte!"J'O,.,tGTORIU5lfT'<lf'N-\'l"SlAU. ~l,~~GHIC>I' l'LAATABl.l! ~ 5eGTION @ FLANTABLE l'lALL ~ITH IRR!SATIQN ·~ ~ l"•/0' !!!Ee 51-El!T I -LA~>.PEIFENGIN6-GONGe.oT PLAN SEE 51-EET la -~APS PI..NiJ' PAL.E'n'll: NlO H01'E5 SEE SI-EET 2 -fGC.REATION AAS>. FaNLAR6EHENT 2a -f'ftl~ ~ l!HI.A"l6fl"eNT Sl!e 5+-eeT?, -.. ll'e P~CTION ZONE: LEe!:ND Al'O HOTe SEe 51-Eer ,4--FEHGIN-5 DETAILS MO SEGTION!I • l•\-M!TT,-,&. 1.2-11...,. --TTAL. ■-t■-o, --rr""-O'f-:t1- !!LOG!< 51"...CI~ Dl!TAIL SEe 51-EET & -l"l~ Pl'OreG-TION Pl.AA S!:E SI-EET 6 -t'VI.TER. CON2ERVATION HIP = PREPARED BY: N GONGEl'"lUAL REG!.Alt-£0 l"IA~ ~ S~ 51-f!ET -r -~ MA!NfEW,lc,E RePot.SlalLITYPL.AN SEE! et-E!'1' fl -T'!'PIG,,lJ.. l"JWNT''T'AAD ~ GaNCl!PTFV,N ENTRY AND TOT LOT ENLARGEMENTS MUROYA ""21~Vi\UZ'rkV.,,~II City Of Carlsbad, Cal~omia -~~~~- SHEEl 2a OF 8 FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM POLICIES $ REQUIREMENTS F.I POLIC.Y STATEMENTS SfG.TIONIVFOFTHe~~M'EH,,t,N.l)L FJ-J LAMD!:G>R: TREA'W-ENTS SIW..L SE DES&ED ~ AS TO MTl6ATE RRE DAN6ER5 TO S~TURl3 ~TOAAltllW.AAE.>5. FJ-2 lANPSci>PE m:A'iMENl'S l"G'R llE ~ OF l'IRE f'IW'l'E,:;TIOH 5tWJ. re~ IHA M>H-ER l'f!IGtl LIMITS PIS!'UA'"'l'IGtt ro !:?H~ALLY SeNSrnvE AAEJ6 l'flR.f STLL >ale/lN6 ~'fa; fll1lf 1lE FIRE ffi01EG.T10N STNiP/..RDS, F 2 OTHER APPLIC.ABLE SEC.TIONS INClWE eur HOT 1.IHITEP TO, 'SI.Of'e ~AllOHi'EflOSIOM GGfflROL PCUGIES .S f!EQJlmens 66'£RAI.. ~ & JAAIGATIOH PCJLICIE5 ' PEQJRB-tEKTS )1,\fER GONSERVAilOH POUGIE5 & REaJIRaeOS IN5T"'1l-"TICR eo!O~. t WI~ ie,tJIR&t:N'TS F.B REGIUIREMENTS DES16H, 11-!STAllATIOH, C MODIRCATIOO OF EXEST1Ni$ vESETATIOO SH.AU. Bf IN~ YIJnl ONE OF '0£ FOLLOi'll»S "GOHOmON5" OR /4S f<EOJIRED OR MODIFIED B'f 'n£ G!Tf. IT SH,l,.l..L Be TH:! Fe:f'ONS'SILITT' er ne: Af'?UCWir TO re.taoP A PI.JIH l'tllGH MEETS M l"l!o!!: P~OH ~R&1!MTS.. eM~AI.. GOI-ISTAAINTS OR ~flfSTRJC.TIONS f'Li'GeD ~ TIE DEV'El..Of'H:NT SHALL tt,r Be cot61DERl:O .115TIFIC.AT!ON FOR HODIAGATICN OR ~IAATION 01' !"IRE f'ROreGTloN STA.'OAA:05 11-£ SITE Pl>Wi!K5-Of n£ De/EL.,::,f't>'a,IT SWJ..L SATI5f'( 60TH Tlf; flRf fROi?:C.TlOH STAMDNWS C eMR.Ctf-rel,T>J. COl-lSTRAINtS. F!H '®1Jk2li A· Mb':lfMJU8B? 51..0Pl; FIRf f'8C11aiIIOH Mre >t'fl;HpJJ( P2> PERTA!NS TO MAN H,,l,,PE 5LOPE5 ~ Hl61-1 Rl51< FRE ~ 16 ~ IAWER 5EC.1tON II C.J ~ -~ I-IO~ZONl'ALLY :la' OU'TYiAAD ~ nE <XITLYIN6 EP6E OF SiFWc;Tiru=(5J I. ~ l'ilTH 6FO..tO~OFLOYi6Mli'.NLS ~ Sf'ECIES ttee, 11WI S' IH 1£16HT) ~ TO HAVE FIRE. f<ETARDA.'ff' Cil.lllUTIES .2, »::)Tl'(EJ3Cft~/IJ..l.OY'(!:D. ,. IAAJ6,\T6). ~ -~ ~l.Olff>U.Y'2U c:urrv.,~ FFDM1l£ GUJ'L"l'IH5-ED6E OF ~ON A--1. J. f'1..AN11;0 l'illH L"1 YIATER U!e l!A1UULJZIH5 PLAHT S"ECIES ),:,KOl'W TO MY? 1..0t1J'Ul.G!WVc,~9Tlc.5. :z. tt:ITRB:5/U()l'eD. ,. 1Rf<l6ATED. ~ -~OJMARD FROM ne cxm:rm aw.:or, 11-2 ro ~ n-e REWilNDl:RGf'11EHl!!Aeen-eM'SEGT!OttA-:Z C HIISHRl;KPIREAAfASAfl DESGRIBEO l.WER SEGTIOH II G, tt:IRIZONTAI.. OISTNt:.E FRoH 1lE STROC,TURE(S) TO lNTREATED H16H RISK AREAS SHIU NOT Ee I.& Tl-WI 60', I. PL>Jm:Dl'U'THLOYIMTERteeNATI.M..IZlliePLAHT~KHO't!HTOHAYeLCf( Ra. GWIRAGTERISTICS :Z. 1REE5 MI!. Al.l.OleJ:l 00T SHALL HOT EiE R..N{TED a.o5eR Til,',N 20' N>AAT. s. IFIRl6ATED, P.3-::t GQt:PJllON. B -MM '5LGf'E5:::b1LDUJD EIRE 5lFPR§SION (!§ H'r'BiPIX F!ll PSUA!t5 TO AAEJ6 i'tERE REMCN'AL OF ENl/lRoNMEHTAl.l.Y 5i'if5TTIV'E AATN!: VE6ETA~ 15 Rf5TRIG'JB) 11111111-1 Tt!i: flRE sec;nOHS. ~-~!20'HORIZONT.NJ.Yrttot-lll-1EOUTI..~l!PGfOF 11£ SmJG.tml:£(.51 ~ n£ EKVl~>U.Y ~TRl'-TED J.5 0Efl>ED Bf it£ CITY. REK?YALCF 'H!6HR!E:!. t ~iE~SPEGIES" ASLl51ED INAf'l"alll)(FJ. :2 l"'LA.'lTIN6 111TH 6ROl.to GOVER o" LOH 6ROYilN.S SlMe SPEGIES l1E6 TliA~ 3' IN t!:l6HT) )C:OO)'fl TO HAVe FIRE ~IW:>AKT GVALITlES OR J,e, ITtEFU"l!SE ~~ B'f11£GITT", 6. HO TREE5 0RSlR)65AllOVEP. -4 IRRIGATED. ~ -~ HORIZ.OHTAL.1.Y :ZO'OJMARD FROM nE a.rn.YmS E06E OF Bl, 1. ~Al. c;1= -.i16H RE-!f'l;Cle5' ,-, usm:i tH. Af'f'EWIX r.r :2, R&OV'AL B'I' SELEGTlVE ffl1lilN5 OP ti' TO ~ OF n£ Vct..lHE: CF nE "MOli'!:RATE Ra. SPEG!ES' AS LISTED IK Af'f'ENOIX f J a RaVM'IK& Nm AA~IZIK6 LOrt Ra. SPEGIES. -4 1REE5 ( LAME 'TREE FORM SI-RE$ ('E.6, O,a,KS. 9J'o'>.G, TO'l'ON) rt!ICH AA&. OOK6 f<El'ME) ffWl. 6E f'f<!,fff.;D TO PRO\llDe~ EOJ!i. ,-0 TffiEE TIMl:Sllf: IEl6HTCFnE~IH6-UHOERSfoq;yf'1.Jffl'HATaW,l.OR6~YlllGHIM:Rl5 ll6HER Pf>Dt E><CSSMLY1i-'116GYGROl'{THSIW.l.ALSOfeREMO'v'a;:I. 5. IRRl6A1EP, ~ -~ HORJ.zcmAl.1.Y :Jd ~ FROM TI£ atm..'111.s E06E a'-5EGT10HB::t i1£0UJE:R ED6=0F 63:iH>U.EXl'EW HORIZOITT>-U.YTO hPCIHT AT L?ASr 60' ~ SIRLl:::n!!ta I. REMOVALQ&-'M!6H RB. 5FfCIE5' Jd USTJ:D Ui Al'F'ER,IX Fl :2, ~AL 51"!ifl.?GT1VE Pm<IIW Of' ~10 ~ OP 11£ VOI.JA-leaf'nf: ~TE Ra SFECIES' M LISTED IK N'f'e,IDIX FJ. 3, IBW t LAME 'TREE FORM Sl-flWS (E".6.01¥!:3,9.W-G, TO'(ot,Q ffila-1 NIJ:. BE:!~ mAI~ SH>U ee PRLfiED TO PROVlt:eGLEAAAAGE EGUAL TO Ti-Ra: TIME:Sne HEll5HT Of TI£ ~11.s~TOR'I' F\..NITH,',TER!!t.OR b',rtllall:Nl:R IS lil61-lER :DE,,D J EXGE55rw'El.Y il'l!65Y ~ 5tlJ'1.1. >J..~ a:' REMOVED. 4 NoM~JRRJ6ATED. F.5-3 IT IS ne Af'PLICN£r5 RE5f'ON5181UTl' TO 5EaRE ~Yllm ~ o= AOJAGE!fr ~TY TO 1-'0DIF'f OFFSITE ~LDI.A'O FIRE tv,l,l,RDS TO TH:: ~oss, F'RO.EGT $0 TH,\T ~A'1Ce Nm 1lE ARE PROreGTIOU ST>J!OARDS 15 ,i.,a.m.'Etl. P.9-4 HA!NlcNANGE~SH>tl.51!~TOTteP~f'R0'1EG1100MfN, F.5-5 Pf6RIS ( TRIHMINSS PROJ::IJG.EP Bl' lH!m:-lS SfVU,. Be ~ FF.OM Tre Sire OR SH,l,L1. EIE ~TOM.l.GHBrAGlil.Pf'llti,wa-ll~t.EVEM..'l'Dl51"ERSEDOVER11-f;;A.'lEA,fOA¥AA1MIH ""'1H4' F.3-6 FLA?+WU )'OOD ~INS ~ Nor ee ;J.1.0l'EO l'\llH[N 100' Of' THE NATtv? llllPISTI.IRED AAEA P.S-1 TtE FIRE: tlEPMn-taiT 1-',,W ~RE OOGIJ-£HfAA1" FHOr06RN,,!S OF 5l.OPES ,._T TI-E TIHE Of ~n,err. PHOT06Ri'IPHS)'IJU. Ra-WH IN ~ION OF TtEGln' Id A REffl<BiGE Fc:RFVltNE ~E ll-a'EGT10NS B1' Tl£ GIT'I' FIRE PROTECTION ZONE LEGEND = •==: :'::!.";:,::,:.::._. ""--~--•==--=:_-:::.::~.,.,-00!._~t/lf'ltM =-" ~=::,: :-::;.N;;::::...m:--.i_• IDlW ·---·--i~~-• ~M~~::~---• __ ,__.. = ~===-;:;;~;:,,:;;~rA"-"MN• M--• ,_'1>lW _=.=,_ ~=-=~;:~~~---,,-· FIRE 9./FPRESSJON l-!AINTENANiCE PR06RAH 11-!E FOLLOY'IIMG-MEASURES SHALL B5 FOLLOYiED IN MA1NTAININ6 FIRE PROTI:CTIO'N LAND5CAPe ZONES, • t. IRRl6ATION SYSTEMS IN OEelcSNATI:D IAAl6ATED ZONES TO ee ~PE~Y AND GON51Si'ENTL Y' l-".ONITORED TO MAINTAIN HEALTHY', VIABLE PLANT MATI:RIAL. 2. RE6ULAR ~Nlt,((S, SHAU-SE REGVIRED FOR TRE!:5 AND LARGE SHRlJBS IN ZONES TYiO AND THREE TO P'ROVIOE CLEARAHGE EGUN.. TO THREE TIMES. THE HEl6HT OF 1l-E SUAAOJHOIN6 UNPER STORY PLANT MATERIAL OR 6', Yf,IIC.He'VER IS H16HER. D.eAO ANO EXCESSIVELY TWl66Y GROY'ffi-1 SHALL ALSO ee REMOVB:o. S RE61JLAR REMOVAL OF 'HIGH RJEL SPl!Gll!S' IN ALL ZONES OF NATIVE SLOPES SHALL BE REQUIRED, AS~\.. AS, 'MODERATE HAZARO SPECIES' IN ZONE ONE! NATIV'e SLOPe ARSAS, -4. RE6ULAR REHOVAL OP UP TO 6096 OF THE VOL.I.Jt-te OP TJ-IE! 'MODERATE RIEL SPECIES' IS REGUIReD IN ZONE: ~ NATIVE SLOPE ARE,6,,5, RE6ULAR REHOv'AL OP W TO '40% OF 11-tE VOI.J.R,l,f: OP TI-le! 'MODER.Are FUEL SFEC.IES' IS REQUIRED IN ZOHe TI-IREE or-NATIVE SL.OPE AREAS. 5. DEBRIS AND TRIMMINGS PRODUC5D 6Y THINNIN6 $HALL 6E R..9-IOYeO FROM THE SITE OR SHALL 6e CONVER.TEO TO WL.GH AND I:':YENL Y DISPERSED OVER THE AR1=A TO A MAXIMJM DEPTH OI" -4". • 'H!6H RIEL sPEc.113' A."lD 'MOOERATE FUEL SPEC.IIS' A5 LISTI:D IN THE GITY OF CARl.$6AD LAND$G.APE MANUAL. ~ ~ HYDR05EED MIX 'B'~ C.OASTAL SAGE SC.RUB (PERIMETER SLOPES) • ""'""" ,o f¼ rJi OD 90 ~ Ml JIP ,,, 6D ~ se 5t-EeT I -1.AN~l~ C:OKG~ PLAN SEE SI-EET la,. LANPSGAT"E PLAli1' PALETTC NC N0-n:s SEE 51-el!T :Z • ReGREATION AAl=A ENI..AR61!:Ml:NT :21:1 -PR!l-Wt'(' eNTR'I"' ~t-U.A~et-<J:NT' Se! ~Irr !5 -l"lftl! ~~TIOH :ZOH!! Le6EHD AND HOTe SEE! SH!eT of: -FEHGIN6 Oe'l'AI~ ,',NO $EC.Tl~ SE?: GH:~ S -!"IRE P!f.OTee-TIOH PL..,,l,N SE!: !:!.1-EET 6 -MmR ~ATION ,',1iP CONCEP'TIJ,l,J., PU;GLAIM!:D YiAta\ ~ SEE SH!ET 1 • LA~.Al"E HA1Nre.'IANGe. RESPOI\S!BILITY PL.AN SEE SH:!~ t, -TYPIGAL f"RONr YAAC) i.ANOSGAPe GONGa"TfV.N ---u ...... O'l--0"1 --TT"'-Olo9't-lO PREPARED BY: R FIRE PR-bTECTION :ZON~TEGEND, NOTES, AND PLANT PALETTE SHEE' 3 MUROYA OF -41l5~VM.1Erlll.Y?~D -Clll50,UL!'ao.A.'tll21 City Of Carlsbad, Cslffomla 8 -•••MnPM.*•~•~ ~A"'l.l'VJ /GEOI-R jr\~d·?·· -~ . it ~ .... RFEHGE .. ,._ _ JU. ··-A 1: _,..,,,.._,f.1¥. ~ f\ .-...~~-~----;-; .. :.M,t.X..l' ® YiOot:> SCl'U'lcN Ff;NCE r /' I I ~ L~-.i~rDOffi& © SLUMP 61.0CI< Pel'<IMl:TER VW.L '""'"""'""'- ~ ,Fl. STfa Vlei'\ r~ce ON 6LOCI< VW.L. @ SLUMPED 6LQC,K RETAINING f'iA)..L • A( /~~oP~ ,, 0,C., (1Yp/J.,--POJNC11\.BJLAR I !>Tm.. PIG!Qrr$◄' ' O.G, Vlll l[-1· ,,.. 00. ""'-'""'•"""-POST 61-:0" v1-~~00TTOM ® TIJElULAA SreEL VIEV! FENCE r- © SL.l/MEEP BLOCK PILA$TEFI. ®:l' V!IDE V!OOD GATE F ~ l't)Ot) 6 ..... TES F,AU!H,S. l'illlllM 100' Of" Nh' ~ ef"AGt: / P'I~ ~TlOH""11EAISTOUT1LIZI!! NON~n,1.!!: tnu:>,:n:o YiOOO 2K~R!:0rt::>0DTOI", BOTTOM AAO ~DI!: Ml~ONl!e!C,COr fmG.f!, ,ta;!i100P TOP, BOT'TOMA)U:,,ii,?! AA!~OH ~Cl?OI" l'e<CE ~!"ENGE Rl!Ol'toODG~ ~OHTHelti,11:le ""®rl!J«E """""" -~.;; , -~/SE-:;:··~ ]l_, I~ ::t•MA)(...I' NON-GOM6USTl6Le ® V!OOD SCF<l:EN Fl:NCe H AW HOOD~ 'l"i'JJJHIS l'IITHIN 100' OI"' A'l'f Of"BI. !lo"'Aa! / l"l~ PMreG.TIOH AAv. IS TO unuze ~-GOI-B.e,mt.J!/meA~>'t:)00 p-;.• SH~ FLANTIH6S IN PARKYiAY TO ee A GOMBINATIOH. or NATIVE 6RASSES AND ORNAMENT'AL:,_,/ SH~6S 5'-0" SIDEYiALK (TYP J STJ'11G.~ SHOW-I~ /~~HLY-Ee BL.AC~ RAIL RO-'D 5~ ~S-"'1.TERHATING CUPHIIOP519 ANAGARDIOIDf;!i ANO TRISiANIA GOh'Pf:f'.TA-24" BOX Sile, 60' PUBLIC RLW JO" JO' 17' 14' CT 06-27 / CP 06-H R/W 6" ~}~ .IID..E:XISTING 12" 'f' WA 1ER MAIN EXISTING 18''...lrD._ WA TE:R MAIN 'f' EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS PUBLJO smEE:r BLAGK RAIL 1-<.0AD NOT TO SCALE: STREET /PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT .tID._E:XISTING 18" 'f' RECLAIMED WATER MAIN !)-moc~!)OOl'f-lrC!(. ""'""""'.Erfaf~~ • fRONTY,',.fiW LANDSCA~ INSTN.LEP BY' Pev'ELO'PER .t MAINTAINED 6'1"' HOMEar+ER. SEE TYP, FRONT YAAD Pl-AK ste:r e. 4'-6"PARKY-lAY MAINTAINED BY HOA. \ \ ~S'-0" SIDEVV,LK(TYPJ ~ "-_LANDSCAPED PARJO't.A.YS (TYP) CURB ,c GUTTER (T'fP) SECJr/ON PRIVATE ON-SITE PARKING II PUBL/0 smEET BLAGK RAIi ROAD PRWATELOCALSmEET T(PICAL SECTION-STREET A NOT TO ::X..Al.t: ~Ee ~ET I -1.A~IMS CONG~ ,.I.AN SEE SI-EET la • LANPSGN"E F1..J,,liT PAI...E'TTC NC> NOTe$ SEE 51-EET 2 • ~R&-110/t ~ ENI.~ 24 -PRIMARY' ~ eNI..Nts~ !I~ st-r;eT O -f"JRe P~TION Zote Ledol:NP AND Hele SEE 51-EET"'" -f'EliGlNIS Del'All.9 MD eeGTlota SEE SrEET 15 -Pl~ ntoTEC.TION Pl.AA BEE SK:ET 6 • l'iATER GONS,ERVATIOH ~ GONGEl"TU>J.. 1'EGLAIM!!CI l"IATl!!R ~ see 51-EET 1 -LAND5c.Ar'e MAINl"EN.ANC-e RESPOKSIBILl'l'Y' Pl.AN see 51-EET & -TY'PIGAL '°""NT YAAD 1.A~ """""'"'"-"' • _ __,TT...._v,.,-.-0:, """-TTAL. Ol-o-1•i. PREPARED BY: II FENCING DETAILS AND SECTIONS SHEE -4IZl~v>u.era.v;,.~o wc:,ao,~,.'12121 Mt•M•ll'ITI'r.\OM•W•'IM MUROYA City Of Carlsbad, Calffomla 4 OF 8 . . .. , ~ l / , GT06-2_V.GP06-1! -1 1~:~k=~~½~~,/~+~~~~~~~i~~1L1,~;~~~~r~::2~~:~=~l:/;f k~;~~~~i~:::,;~~:e=~--~':';~f . ---- ! ' .t .• 1! j I / ¾~// / / / / / ~ SLOPE OA'r'LhSHT LINE PJ:R CIVIL PI..ANS / / / ZONE A-I MANU=AGTURED SLOPE BRLl5H MANAGEMeNT ZONE A:2 MANIJFAGWRED SLOF'E BR!JSH MANAGEMENT / / ., • ZONE 05 AA TlVE SLOPE: BRUSH MAJ'Ui.6EMENT ZONE B-2 NATIVE ANO UNDISilJRSED SLOPE BRUSH MANMEMENT- AREA TO BE: THINNED, H'r'DROSEE:DED AND IAAIGATeD PfR MANUAi.. SECTION IV,F.S-2 SEC.TION 62, SOME; CONTAINER STOC.I<: MAY BE REGUIReD. LANDSCAPE ARCHITI:C.T TO VERIPr" IN THE FIELD JIIIITH A /CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR REPRESENTATIVE BUIU,JN5 51:;;TBACi,:;. DIMENSIONS SHOY'iN FOR REFERENCE-SEE CIVIL FLANS ZONE B-3 NA T1VE AND IJNPISTu'R6eD SLOPE BRIJSH MANAGEMENT-AREA TO BE THINNED PER MAN.JAL SECTION IV.F.5-2 SECTION B3 AND' TO THE GIT'r' OF CARI..SBAP LANPSCAPE ARGHITeCT'S SATISFACTION FENGIN!S LE!SEND al······ \T_._. _ _.\ .. ., .................. . ..,1-+--)/ PLANTABLE RETAININ6 WALL-LOY-I AJeL. AND NON-INVASIVE 5PcGIES TYPE TO HAVE FINAL ·'t(, f APFRDVAL. 6-r' THE GIT'I" Of CARLSBAD. SEE GIVIL ...!. PLANS FOR YiAL.L HEIGHTS-NOT TO EXCEED 10' AT ~ THE! HIGHEST POINT :O'm-'-----... / ·.'i,it \ \ FIRE PROTEC-TION ZONE I...EGEND ~ - ~n..ic,RD'lt «ltOTinrln·HWr¥DPMt'G!"t• CltO~A'G -~ • --=• n,,z:1t1:TN11.1N1T~• IIO,._""-L..-----~~~AIIC.la ::.::.'ll,.,.::.:=r!.Mt$-'1"1:D~lll-"-AL.D"IIMI -r\aolra:;~ ~ ~~~A~ =W-~~•)IO- ~~~~~~ :;;;~:~~I\ZL~• -~-~-· ~ ~1=,~A~ :;~~,;°:.~• ~-•~~• TN::5K~ ~ -~™-:.o;:~~7u:t1~"-MT,III,• W.lV"J,,llfflla• Nt:SMll.:Jo'N'ffff• --=~• ~~<>l'MC>/1'1&.lf't!CD // _S_YMBO __ L ____ MA_~-R-IAL_~_E_S_C_R_IF-T-IO_N ______ _ / / ZONE A-':1. MAt-a.JFACTURED 51..0PE BRUSH ·PRCPOS£D 20' / MANAGEMENT ~1 ZONE 0:1 NATIVE SLOPE BRVSH MANA6l=ME:;NT-ANY eXISTIN(S. BRUSH TO Be THINNED AND TH8 AREA IRR16ATED, HY°t'ROSEEPED AND PLANTED V<IJTH GROUNDCOVER ONLY (No TRS=5 OR 5HRI.J65J TO THc SATISFACTION OF THE GIT'l"' OF /GARLSBAP LANC15CAPE ARGHITeCT. ' 7 SLOPE PAYLl6HT LINE FER CIVIL SITE Pl.AN - l<'IOOD FENCE NO~, COMElO-1\JBULAR SreEL VIEl"I FENCE ON MASONRY BLOCK l"IALL-SEE DETAIL E SHEET 4 6' SLUMP BLOGK PERIMETER l"IALL-SEE DETAIL 'C' SHEET 4 l"IOOD SCREEN FENCE-SEE DETAIL 'A' SHEET 4 • 5EE NOTE: BELOi'i FOR LOT5 AD.JAC~ TO OPEN SPACE 1\JBULAR sreEL VIE\<'I FENCE-SEE DETAIL B SHEET 4 ... ,i • • ~ LIMITS OF FUEL HODJFIGATIOK ZONE "PER SECTION IY.P PIRE f'ROTEG.TiON PROGRAM' POLICIES AHO Rf:GIUI~ or THE GITT' OF G},.RLSBAP LANDSCAPE: MANJAL ITEM F.S--6, AeSOLVTEL "r' NO c:.oHEll,.ISTJBLE }";GOD FENCING SHAU. BE ALLOJ-iED WITHIN 100 FEET OF NATIVE UNDl5TIJRSED AREAS SEE DETAIL 'H' 5HcET 4 t=oR NoN-GOHeUSTIBLe FENCi: t Sci: ~ 51-EET I -~Ni5-GONGePT l'LAH SEE SI-EET la • ~APE PLANT P}.U:T'J'E ANO NOT13 SEE SH!ET .::Z • RSCR&.TlON Nl.EA !;NL~ --TTAl-OJ•2"!-c<I ,,-.,,·~c,,. t ZONE A-:Z ~ VilTHIN sc,,see Access AReA-PRIYel'!AY TO REMAIN. HYC>ROSePING LPRoPo:O PIP£ a: AND IRRIGATION IN THIS AREA, IF ANY, JS SUBJECT TO THE 5D.SIE ~ ~• ENCRQ.¾HME!n SQ§rt!; l;I ECTRIC TRANsMISSION RlsSHTS Of tiA'J"", 1.,, ............. ~.... .. •✓ .,. ,,·,~-:'--_ ' ; • • • ;: J,"'X,.,, ,>, •••• ~-.,. ••• ::·;~;---•••• •: ~ •• : y•~~ ~ --------EXISTING SD6&E 'TRANSMISSION TOJ.'iE:R :1 ...... .-·'\...._ : i ~ DETAIL 'f' SHEET' '4-FOR NON-GOMflUSTJBLI: GATE:. .. : Nore, '{··--.. :~•--.. : ...... ~~Tiz~~~~1~T~SH rf=~!:~;(?\~~-. ~·~rt-~r\ .,.J,. , · fJ " .. MANAGEMENT F'RAC-TIGES L.OGATED HlntlN. >'$ Tl-iE $D54E TRANSHJ551oN EASEMENT SHOYiN. ON THIS PLAN l'iRe' 5'..eJc:GT TO THl= 5D5-,t-E "GUIRE FOR ENCROACHMENT . .• SOO.tE El,.EGTRIC: JRANSMlS5\0H RIGHTS :2a -PRIMARY" ENTR'J"' ~'t61!Mel-lr SEE: Sl-e!!T:, • flRJ!! ~TION ZONe ~~ AND' NO~ SEE! SI-EET .,r. -FENCIH6 DETAILS ANO ~Tlote 51:1! st-EEl' & -FIRE! l"ROTeCilON l'~ 5EE: SH:~ 6 • M'JER CON5ERVATION },Ji!) CONGEPTLJAL l'fCLAll-1:0 !'VI~ '91...AN 51:l!Sli;e,'i-LA'IDsc:,i'n:H,Jt,1~ ReSPONSIBILIT'I' Pl..,V,j SEE 51-EET 6 ~ TYPIC,t,L fl«)Hf "T'AAD ~ GONGa-r,,_,,. ' l l l l 1 l i ! ! // / / ', '-,, .'•,'•, ~, / •, \ .. ,,,, ; '•"·' • M,· ~ .N..,. ~-FINAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITEC.iVRE CONSTRIJG.TION PLANS MJST BE~ 6'( SD5CE AND 1liE: crrl" OF' CARL.SBAD • PREPARED BY: II FIRE PROTECTION PLAN SHEET I / '--/ ' .. ,,,., \ \ / ' ,< ; ' ·. I , ·, ·, ,, ; ~ ~~. l"•-C.O' 5 i?!!l MUROYA OF ~~YH.UTllll.v.>,:llm!!l7 City Of Carlsbad, California 8 !AAD!eiS0,~>,'1:2121 6N·Me•~PMlll•5N•'IN r~ ~ I I I / _,,,. / ~-~7i.. ..... ~• RECLAIMED r-lATE:R MeTER LOGATION w:;::::?J-.;: ,_., ---~~:.'(. / / / / / ,, / / / / , / / / ., / / / ,/ / ,, -r--c--,-===---r / I / ,( \ /\ ~ / / I I / \ I I I / \ I \ ... ':i",< I / I \a I \ . :,, .. ; \ / / / / / / / / / / ,., / LAND¾APE IRRl<SATJON l"IATER ANALYSIS ~T,MVRO'T'A Gcrl,bad,GA ~F-Goreept PrDJ~t.ETo, -4b Tot:cllkr-•5• l!I, EST1MA7EO ~lEO l'IATER I/SEC), (6>J..1..oiSFER"J'EAR) EKl•(eroJ>t{Pla,tFoc:.to,-J,dl-ydrozona!Sc:I_FtJ><{.6:::,) lrrtgcrtbn atie!erC!I """""""' -4.6 ,. 20 ,c 1!1110 x 0,6;211 Uq,t,41 Gal./'r'I" 0.6:15 HY'OROzot..elll2, ::1:.6 ,c I~ ,c ,&,&7-4 ,c o 6::Z • 250,60"1 6(11.,.Y,- 0.b:::15 1-tf'DRoZOte•B, -4.6 " I I lo! "03!:6_" 0.62" 2~;122 6':ll./'r"~ 6TIM,l,,TED APPLIEO Y'VlreR ir.;e, 153sj62 &Jl./"fr ) VIIATER PERCENTAGES AReA cALcULATeD (TOTAL~~:2,570 5G. PTJ [fil 00 A PERCENT OF LANDSc,APE ; AREA FOR ZOJ-E 2 AND ZONE 3 (1'1,460 5G. FT J, ~B. PERGENi OF 1t,,RF AREA ~(J9)10 SG. FTJ FERGENTA6E eS.f>.4-st 14.16)'15 THE st;\IEN PRINCIPLES OF "XERISGAPe• FER CITY OF CARL5BAD MANJAL. la 600D DESIGN 21 THOROUiSH SOIL PREPARATION 91 CAREFUL FLANNa} USE Of 5HfW6 AND LAYiN AREAS -41 AC>APTED, Lor"-1 11AiER PeMANO PLANTS. 51 EfFEC,TIVE AND EFFICIENT 11ATeRING M.EniOOS, 6, 1-U..GHED FLOWER AND SH!WB BEDS 11 PROPER l.ANt>SGAPE: MAINTENANCE I MANAiS!:MENT. HOYi THE M.IROY A CONCEPT PL.AN5 VTILIZE 11-lae PRINCIPLES !, THE OESl6N UTILIZE5 LOl'i WATI;R tJSe PLANTIN6 PALLET ON ALL SLOPES, PARKY<AYS AND 51DeYAAD5. 21 SOIL AMcHoHeHTS AND PREPARATION HAVE BEEN. JNDJCATEO IN PLANTING 5F'EGS. S, LMN 15 IJ5ED ON!.. Y IN PASSIVE: RECREATION AREA AND AC:.COUN.T5 FOR L~ ilfAN SIi& OF ALL PLANTED AREAf>. 41 NATIVE AND DROIJ6HT TOLEAANT l"'L.ANTS HAVE 6EEN USED FOR. MAJORITI' OF :5HRU6 AREAS AND ALL SLOPE AReAS. SEE PLANr LE61W:).. 5HEE:T ;1 51 IRRl6ATION NILL SE ON 1'N /oJJTOMATIG TIMt:R, AND SE FURNISHED )'tlTH A RAIN SENSoR. 6, ALL 5t-lRUB BEDS SHALL ee MlJLGHB:) PER PLANTING-5F'eG1FIGATlON5. 7r LAND!,CAPE; SHALL SE HOA MAINTAINED. ~ PREPARED BY: ■ --!' ______ .,, ,n ✓----i\t .-l\l,1 PROPOS!l>2~ r~ ""'"""" • !'iATER CONSERVATION LE6END SYMBOL DE5CRIFTIOH TURF AREA -IB,110 5G. FT. HYDROZONE 2 -se,,e,74 5Gl. FT. • REFINec, l.ANOSGAPE PL.ANT F'Al.ETTE eee GOHC:.e:PTUAL U!GENO SHE:ET lo HYDROZONE B -40,586 5Gl, FT. ~rnH11\i~~\~H • NATURALIZIN:S/TRAN51TIOHAL LANDSGAPE PL.ANT PALETTE-SEE CONCEPTUAL LE6END SHEET la ..,,,,, PRJVAiE H~ HAlkTAlNEO Ai:a::AS ~ NOT INC.U0t:o AS PART or T">C l'i,l,TER CON!?RVATION FL.AA NOTE, ALL AREAS TO BE IRRl6ATED l'IITH RECLAIMED l'IATER PER CITY OF CARSLBAD GUIDELINES, ~ SI-EET I • LA~I~ CONCEPT ,.LAM SEE st-EET la .. LAADSCAPE f'l...ANT PAl.ETTE ~ HOTE5 se; 51-EET :Z -Rl!;GR!!AT10N AA.EA S\LA~T :za-f"'RIHAA'r'eN°TI':T'~e~eNT se SI-EET !5 -l"IP.e PRoiec,TION :ZOHe t.eee-o AHO' NOTe SEE 91-EET .f. -FEHGINIS DETAILfl AAD !IEGTloN!i se 51-f:l:T, --Fl~ l"ftOTl:G,TION Pl.AA SEE 51-EET 6 • >'VITER CONeieR.VATION NC c:oNC~ REGVin-t!!P >'VITI?R A.AN SB! 51-EET1 • L.A.WSGN'f! HAI~ Ref'Oh:!IIBILTTY P1.AH Sa! 51-e~ e, • T'l'PJG.Al. l"!WHiY'AAD ~ Gal<eePTPLJ,H • _ __,,,,."'-O"lo:>"1-a" '""-.UTT>J.. --•- 'ATER CONSERVATION AND CONCEPTUAL RECLAIMED WATER PLAN SHEET 6 MUROYA OF ~,l"•-40' itll -'IGl5~0V"'-Ufa,Y;),~D City Of Carlsbad, California 8 ~Dr60,,G.IU'()IW>.Qll --~~M'TT™*·~•'IN • "! :'i) ----·,, i •... ~ ..•• ···•• COMBO ~LL 4 LANDSCAPE· -----=-__ ..,_...........,~_..,l..............,.,,_..,~...,..,...~-.. -.,._,_.,._,_.,,....,,,......_r< .. ._...,.,_ ,.,,..-.~ .-~ .....,._., ___ ...,_,_, ~ ,, ' / Ii \ ................. .J / VIEYi OVERLOOK AREAS, TRAIL ANP NATIVE PLANTIN& PASSIVE PARK TO BE MAINTAINED BY TI-tE HOA ALL PRIVATE STREET SIDEriALl<S ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY 1HE HOA / / , PARK/REGREATloN AREA MAINTAINED SY HO.A, / 7.:.FRIVATE REAR YARDS MAINTAINED SY INDIVl~UAL HOME OWNER (TYP J / ,' ;~~:,:, H?~~ffi~~ES MAINTAINED BY 00L.ANDSGAPIN6 AND TREES IN PARKl-"IAYS TO Bf: MAINTAINED BY HOME OYiNER15 ASSOCIATION, . ALL REAR YARD, PRIVATE SLOPES ~ETATED BY DEVELOPER 4 MAINTAINED SY HOMEOYiNERS .!.RETAINING~ 1-0GATED ~ITHIN PRIVAll: LOT5 TO BE MAINTAINED B'I' HOMS OJ"iNER . / FIRE PROTECTION AREA TYPE A-I LOCATED Jl'ilTHIN PRIVATE LOT 23 AND MAINTAINED IN COMPLIANCE / Jo'IIITH G~AD CODES BY HoMEOYOER. 'PROPOSEO 2f1' / _,. HMPBUFTER / ' / H.O.A. FIRE PRoll:CTION AREA • ANNUAL MAINTI=NANCE OF THINNING OUT Hh&H FUI:L. NATIVE f'LAt-lT MATERIAL, PER GIT"r" OF GARL56AD J..ANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE, SECTION JV.Ft REFER TO THSSE Rl=GIUIREMENTS ON SHEETS / AND ":-50 nus FIRE FROTEC.T/ON PLAN $/-£ET s . • ALL DRJYEY4AY PAVIN6, INGLUDJN6 ENHANCED COLOR/STAMPED C.ONCR.E'Tc, TO 6E MAINTAINl=:O ey H.O.A. / -7 -MAtNTENANGE 6.,-HOME 0~ ASSOCIATION ,¢>~ ------, ---;;:.;::;;:=:::;::=::.::==:;==~==;====::.;:====-("·~ I I ' '· I I ·,,, I / "•,fr••···•-•--·•••··+-••····--••·• I I I I ,.,,.,, I ,.,,., I , :;,. I I I I \ .--·-; I I . ._.; I I I I I • :,,.-.1' "::,~• I I \ r, .:~~.-} I I :-~ .. ¼• .......... ~ ~.1·-.-r.o· rte! / / / II Ii ·············• ······ ........... . HOA. FIRE PROTECTION AREA -ANNUAL MAINTeNANCe OF iHINNING OUT HIGH FUEL NATIVE Pl.ANT MATERIAL, PER CIT'T" OF CARLSBAO LANDSCAPE MAINTEHAAC.E, SECTION IV.F; REFER TO THCSE REGUIREMENTS ON SHEET S ANO ALSO THE FIRE PROTECTION PJ..AH SHEET S. L.ANDSCAF'E MAINTENANCE LEGEND 5~.!,,. RE5PQ~l61Ll1Y --PRIVATE HOMEOY1N~ FRONT YARDS l'i:iilllll •Tf'D AATCl-e!!i ~ '"°"' a.AAllY TO Da.llEATE Blm'iSel FRONT l'AAre ~ H.O.A. MAINTAINED -PARKY'IAYS, ~ OVERLOOKS, AND TOTLOT •~ OP 5EPAAATIOH ~ l"l'O'n' rWJQ't•••.''1"5, DRM:Yi,t,l'S, 51Der<A1.K5, AND/o,,t. MCl1' ct.Re5 ~ H.O.A. MAINTAINE:D -MANUFACWRED ~SLOPES m:~~ HOA l'AINTAINED FIRE ~~l . PROTECTION AREA-SE:E NOTES SHEETS ~ ~ EXl5TIN6 MJRoYA RS:SIDENCE I I ~- • ~!E SI-EET I -J...Ai~NIS-GONC~ PLAN SEE 51-EET lo: • L.ANP56M'E l"l.>NT PN..e'TTE AN!:> NOTI:5 SEE 51-EET :Z -REC~TION AAEA ENLAR6!!:Mmrr 20: -PRJMART" ~ eNLA.'t6!MeNr --TTN. OJ•~-0, ,..,...._ITTAI. PREPARED BY: II 51!!:; 51-El!T !I -PIRe PftDJE!CTION ZOIE! Led,~ At-ID HOTS see 51-EeT "'" -Fl:NCINIS DETAIL!! AND SECTION! 5eE 51-EET S -Fl~ PROTEC:.TIOH f'iAA SEES!-EET6-MTER~VATJONANP CONc:.El""lUM. PU!'Gl.,lrilt-1:'D t'Vrt.lER. PIJIN sa:51-1:zrr1-~eHA1~ Rf5PON5161Ll1Y Pl.AN Se!! SI-EET ~ -1YPICAL FROt-rr YAAD !.A~ ~"""'" LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY PLAN MUROYA -41:e~VHJZfl!LY:>~D City Of Carlsbad, California ~Dll60,Glril.NIWAQ21 ~-SN•tmlWIMl•Mf•'IM SHEET 7 OF 8 .. /' , ...... \· / y--;- CON~,2-;E~~.~~ I=:::::_::::::.. 'Ol-D~~~~~~ ...., -=::.Ill-' ORIVEHAY~ NATURAL 6RE't" CONCRETE Y<ln+ VARYING EXPOSURES-AND SIZES OF A66Re6ATe l-1000 FENCE -SEE DE;TAIL ~HE!rr L-4 moo 6ATE LOCATED ON 6ARAGE SIDE OF ALL. RESl.015NCS PLANT LEGEND SYM~l. BOTANIC.AL NAME 8_EGUJRED PARl<Yt-'\Y Af:,l~lRE:T TREES ~ OU!A r:uital"eA MWITU!SS' IOIJOI.AHCOA G~IALl:l"TOl"lf'(l.LA PI.ATAM.eR,l,G~ ~ M1'll'OLIA TYPICAL. FRONT YARO/GOURTYARO TRE55 C@ ~IALCl"TOPHTU,.A ~'r1'0t:MIAM"P ~c,~exea.~ """''-""""" ACCENT TREES ~ -= aRGl!r!GANAO?N!.1!ri ERJc:eom'fACI~ LA61:RST'ROCMIA 'ZUMl' UISU!S~IJJCIPL.M 11'.IST>J,IIA ~TA GOMMOHNAME """""""OUVO APRIGAN5tll-tlG 60\..0 HSO>UION TREE GAUFORNIA 5'T'CAl-10RE eo>eT uve oAK ~ 15 GAL~ 24" SOX 60LO HEi,>u.roN. ~ c.AA'"eM'Y'l't.Tl.e NS'1Z~ctRl~lK-\S~ N"RIGAN!lH>G SOJilS 15 6Al.~ 24" BOX .5~'r'TREE(STPJ • l'ESTEl'U-IP.EOOIX> ~LDGIJAT GRAP't:H'l"Rn.t:n-lll..Tt-~ 6l.0!36,-PRM;T(STPJ HGII 9' YilDE M\J~H PATI-!YiAY fROM 6AAA61= TO 510E R!;;AR 6ARDEN 6ATE; AT ALL Pl..A.Ns. ,: _____ E;' ..... ~· BOTANIC.AL. HAM:; ACGEHT 5HRU0S ANO 5UC.CU..ENTS B" 0'@ 0@ P~IM:U..ATIIM ~ HESOPt!ILA P'HORMlUH~•,a.~• MAVI!. ATTEN.IATA "'""" ~ ~OLePl5 ~TIC.t,e.4JJ'T'('~n,. SHRUBS. 6RASSESEJ.&°S~~~ SUGGULENT5 ~.,....,....,.,,.,="' @ ~IANOAA GALIFORNleA ~i\JM et..ef'liAHTll-0.H Cl ffi ~~ff61M-\ (Q®~~ [!.::~;:J /,· ·_r1 ..... ':· ... \//0007 vfc;.TORJH(eoX m<Ha..ALBIGA ""'""""""A.AX FOXTAIL MA\/f!. TREE"1.0E ~% 15 6~~ 5 ~AL INOIAH~P"ATIOTR!!e UtfC!!.JoHRl!ki'n\.S!l&5H e>.J,1,,,l",-SRl"~Tt:Pt G_,_ ME,eie.AN ~niat 6RASS --· 5PAM5HLA~ :;EAL>,va¢)f1( MeXICANE!IU$H~Ae. """ "'"'"""'""""" ""'""""'"""" -=zy,..,.. G.',,!Jl"ORNl..,>1:.JoDOl"l~e· l<GN ""' "'""""' ~ 5 6AL.l50Ji!S I \SAL, 4' YilDE CONCRETE H..611-KH.A.Y AT AU. ~ DOOR ENTRIES TO 00 INSTALLED YillH TJ-E FRONT YARD l.ANOSCAPINS. -.,. ........ _.~ ...... , I ' ' \ ;., / ~ aTle ~I~ TO l'eoTAU. AU."'°"" '!'Ala) ll'll'll5"110NHOL.A~91N6"1J~O:.l?PJHlHI.& 'rrPlc:AL' 1"1.,1,N IN TH! LOCAnON!o r,eJ.Ji.e,,,,ra, ON THI! ~E ARE,t, PLA'i TO THE! 6,,1,TlSFAC.TICH OF-11-t!GIT'l"' O'l" c:.>.R1,,e,e,t..:) L'IN0~1-W,U.1,,L POUGIU A'W ~~Ta. ~)'CLL ee ~~ ~~ flUeMLTTAL n, n,e err-nlRC\l6H nc !'"LAM aic~ ~ . • Jo'fieRe 5TAIR5 ARe ~UIReD IN FRONT YARD t'iALKY'iAYS TO Ac.c.ESS THE FRoNT '·~~i~TJ~~~ ;~,;;~e,..~ID THE REQJIReMcNT or 1-l,1,NPRAIL.5. ~~~~~~;=~i~~c:::,-r TReE SPECIES A~ TO 6E L.OGA'l'ED IN VARIOUS ORDERS, SEE T"T'FIGAL FRONT YAW 5TREET TRE1=S POR SPECIES SELEGTIONS, ---~ ~I~~~~~-~~~~~ APFLIGABL.E. L:.....---------6" CONCRETE MO~ 51RIP OP EARTHTON!:; COLOR AT ALL LOCAitONS PRIVATEL. "T' MAINTAINED FRONT YAADs ARe DIReC.TL"I" AD.JAGeNT TO H,OA. MAINTI\IKeo LANDSCAPES Y'l,-IERE No FENGIN6 15 PROPOSED. ~<' / ~VY: ~ 7 'TYPICAL STRB:T TREE INSTALL.ED BY THe: = DEVf!lOPER A5 PART Of" ~e HOA, MAINTAINED L.AND5GAPE Pl.A.!'6. ___________ ~~~~ ~L~~ PLAN SHJ':ET L•I AND _ _,,--------~-~~7:J~~~~~Nd~ ANO CONSTR:JG.TION PLANS. :se..e CONCEPT PLAN SHEET L-1. 1oso 10 :20 eo e----I SGALe, J • • 10' :!Ee SI-E!ET I -LAN.~~ GONG!:PT PLAN SEE 5t£ET lo -L..-'N:DSGAPS PlN-IT P-"LETTE NC H0res SEE SH:ET 2 • RSGREATION AAI;A ENLAfl&eM?HT ::Za -PRIMARY eNTRi" ~et-'l:NT ses: 51-EeT ~ -Pl~ PROT'eGTION ZONe ~a.a:, ANo K011!5 SEE SI-EET ,f, -FENGINrs OET..-.11.S ANO ~Tlote SEE! $1-EEt , -Fl~ f'RO'll:G,Tlotl PLAN 'SEE SI-EET t, • }'(ATER GONSoERVATIOH -"NP c:aNGEPl\JAL Rf:!GLAlt-eO VVITet l"t..AN s1:e 51-EET 1 -LA.'iPSc:.Al"e M!llltrew.tJc!:! RESPON51BIL1T'I" PLAN SEE 6t£ET t, -T'T'PIGAL l"f'taNi' 'f'AAD ~ GaNG!!PTPLAN • --rr-o-r4'!..,... PREPARED BY: TYPICAL FRONT YARD SHEET ■ LANDSCAPE CONCEPT 8 MUROYA OF 4m::=.~X"~'Tl!P ~!l"•Mnm~--~-City Of Carlsbad, California 8 ···--·-•·· ---------------------------------·--·--·---·----~------------~·-•· L_ ---- Plan4C Santa Barbara Plan 48 Andalusian. Robert· Hidey Archijects ....... -. .......... C!. ..... ,......-...,.,_111-.a,w ... ,... ..... ,..._,,.,.........,. Plan2B Andalusian --• ~ ., i~~~]J:1~1: LAI Plan 18 Andalusian Plan 2A Adobe Ranch Plan 3A Adobe Ranch Plan 3C Santa Barbara PROPOSEDUSE: 51NGLEFAMI.YDETACHEO CONSTRUCllONlYPE: Y-NONRAlE.D(N.R.) occuPANCY; R-3 DWELLINGS, U-1 •GARAGES ~- 0' <4' 8' ,. 24' Bc:l.■:311e--1•-0" Conceptual Streetscene Muroya Property NUMBEROFSTORIES: 1AND2 Taylor Morrison of CA, ILLC Carlsbad, California Project Number: 06081 07/'."11'2009 S1eet01 • ·- sc.e:1tr-1'0" "fypk:81 Garage Section 480 CtJblc feet ot storage Robert Hidey Architects .,__,.IIM,tllll .. ._~Cl,_,...,_~1'11--.0We11111,-.i._,.._.,..,._,.. _ Liafjjgrd~~ __ I \ 2-Car I \ 1 \--:aragel \ ' r ' \ / I , \ __ /_ ~2_!!:C~ _ _\.. _ L-;---+-1-- 57'-0" Great Room 23'--0' X 151--0• Courtyard 14'--0'.x 12'--0' Loggia 14'-0.-.X. 11'-6,. Floor Plan Plan 1 1,802SF M~roya Property Carlsbad, California !'ii ..... IO Square Footage Surmary: First Floor -1,802 sk Second Floor- Total Garage -432 s.f. Storage -480 Cubic Feet I"-,../ O' Z' "' B Scalt:1/4 ... t'.()" ,. Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet02 • • -· -. -· ~------------ -------. ------- +- Robert Hidey Architects ~- -~ ----- Elevation B Andalusian ....... DIIOl,--.. ~Ol,-,__-..UWO""-..OW•-......... -.,...,,.._ t ,3.!/,"1'7i" 4, Plan 1 Muroya Property Carlsbad, California I I I I ! l ·+ I . I l I I I. I I +-I I :.!.,,._.,...,. _____ _ Elevation A Adobe Ranch ----------------~ .. • • rt -4' ff ,. 24' scar.~311~·~ Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number: 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet03 Left Elevation •• Right Elevation Robert Hidey Architects ...... """--.. ,-..01,,_.,.,....IIUIUMOIW:tMIKOW•lGOllllllllflltlif' ...... •M--...., ____ ____,.,,. __ ~-..... ~----------··-~ .. ----~• .... ·~-.. ~ .-.,.._,.._ -----Coooret ~ ! •s• TIie Roof iilm Chimney Shroud Roll-up Garage Door Wood Shutters Plan 1A Adobe Ranch Muroya Property Carlsbad, California - Front Elevation Rear Elevation Stucco Light Sand Finish ID • • (1 -4' 6" 1t ... Stall:3118._t'-tr Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet04 Left Elevation lr ·• Right Elevation Robert Hidey Architects ........ -... --.111,_,..... ___ ... --.oMl._,..,.._,,.,...,..,.. Plan 18 Andalusian eRoo oge Doo Wood Shutters Muroya property Carlsbad, California --,--~--· llil!il!ll'il . Front Elevation Rear Elevation Chimney Shroud O' 4' a' Wood Shutters ,· ,. Scale:31111""'1'-0' 24' Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number: 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet OS • • Master Bedrm 13'0"x14'6" Second Floor Robert Hidey Architects ... ..,,.a,_, _____ G\._,.,.._.....,_,_.,.__.11101a-i .... --•M--........ Sc:IJe:1/8"1-1'0" Typical Garage Section 480 ruble feet of Storage Plan 2 See Site Plan by others for Plan 2X w/out front Porch 2,068 SF Total Muroya Property Carlsbad, California Dining 12'0" X 14' 32'-0" ', Loggia Opt. at Lots 5,13,14, 28, 29 and 38. See Site Plan by others. c;~r Kitchen 20'x11'6" ', ~ V / --~•JU~~ly L -- I 1°1.,, /1\ I .c11• •'1 I \ Y. I \ I : / \ / '-..l \ I' !I I /"'2-Caf' \ I I / / Garage '-~---r-2ihao'□oai'-· 'f.,_-~ '1111 llll/4---\-...J,... --\,; Perimeter Length= 173'--0" (40% = 69') Single Story Edge = 69'--0" First Floor to i Square Footage Summary: 'First Floor -956 s.f. Second Floor-1,112 s.f. Total -2,088 s.f. Garage -425 s.f • Storage -480 Cubic Feet Porch\Loggla -200 s.f. ~ u z ~ ~ S:C.:1/4 .. 1'.()"' ,. Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet06 • • -----------------------------------------·---" .., ~·--~~.---1-""'"""" ......... .-.................... ,,.,.. __ ,_,._ ... _......_ __ 1"'- ~ t '· l~ ., I 1' '1t~w &.& .-p-??r· -.1.· -~~.~~.~_:-:-r--'--\~\: ... Elevation C Santa Barbara Robert Hidey Architects ~ .... -. ........... CA,._r-....~,---..ow• .. 1111111.1Mr,._.•Ml¥111_,.. r ,J, ~qa 7 $;)'.,,... J~ ~ t 3.c-.'/> J, Elevation B Andalusian Plan 2 Muroya Property Carlsbad, California I +--- +------- 1 I. I ----,I. Elevation A Adobe Ranch r:r ,4' IS' ,.. Bc:M: 311S--1'-<r 24' Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number: 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet07 • • Chimney Shroud I II Left Elevation Stucco Recess n ar.:p II ' I -11: ~ Right Elevation -!. + b .... ~ ---· --- -!. + ~I i ~ .... Stucco Light Sand Finish Stucco over foam Plan 2A Adobe Ranch Robert Hidey Architects Muroya Property ...... .._. ............. °' ... ,.,.. ___ ,..-.-..o•.IIWIII--. ....... _._,.. Carlsbad, California ________ ,. -···•-•"·----•-·-~--~--------~··-----~---.. Front Elevation Rear Elevation Wood Shutters -..!.. + b ..... _, ~ (/ .(' 8' ,. ac.l.:311r-Nr' 24' Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number: 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet Os • • --------------------------------------·~----~-----·-·-·· .... -,_---- Chimney Shroud Robert Hidey Architects I II Left Elevation ·11 t I Stucco Recess Right Elevation _,.....,Mot, ....... -.(:ll,,_,.......,.._,_.uM6Kl'•-lllloll,..._•III----- Stucco Light Sand Finish Stucco over foam ,,,_ ____ Opl Loggia at lifllt Lots 5, 14 and 28 Plan 2AX Adobe Ranch Muroya Property Carlsbad, California Front Elevation Rear Elevation Juliet Balcony Wood Shutters ti ..... I -:I" N a _., 8' ,. ac.lt:311\r-1'--0" ... Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet09 • • ------------------------------~----------------.. ~·-·----------- Left Elevation I .I 111 t I .. -- Right Elevation Robert Hidey Architects ....... """.,__.,_,,_,°'.,_,_._~,.-..uw,•-_,.., ......... _.._ Wood Kickers -- i: 6 ·' (0 - ...!_ + • I ...!_ 5> + 0) fo ·' 0) ..... Plan 28 Andalusian Muroya Property Carlsbad, California . a Rao Front Elevation ■ Rear Elevation I +' araae Dao Wood Shutter O' <I' 8' ,. Sca1e:3118 ... 1'-0- 24' Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet10 • • __ _:__ _______________________________ ~-~------··~·-~-··--"'----·---- Stucco Light Sand Finish Robert Hidey Architects Left Elevation 11 t . ·• Right Elevation -...,-. _____ Clfl_,..,._ ___ ,.. ____ ...., ___ ...,._ Plan 2C Santa Barbara Muroya Property Carlsbad, California Concrete •s• TIie Roof -.!.. + to ••·= 44 A, ;;sc, S Front Elevation • Rear Elevation Wood Shutter O' -4' 8' ,. Sclle:3115"-t'-O" ... Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number: 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet 11 • • Stucco Light Sand Finish I II I ·1 Left Elevation II t . ·• Right Elevation Robert Hidey Architects · ..c _____ ................... ___... .. ~.-.... '-..... ,. ... -. < I I Opt. Loggia at Lots 13,29 and 36 Plan 2CX Santa Barbara Muroya Property Carlsbad, California Concrete 'S' TIie Roof .. ~ + CXl A I .Ml ~ Front Elevation • Rear Elevation arageDoo Wood Shutters <r 4' rr 8Cllle:311B"w1'-o" ,~ :u Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number: 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet 12 •• • Deck Master Bedrm lS'x 14' Bedrm 3 12'X12' Robert Hidey Architects Second Floor -. .... -.-... -.01..,_,_._ ____ ,___....., ... __ ...., ____ ___ , __ ,.._-=...,,.,..,.. .. -,,i,,..,,, ...... ~ ,, .......... --..-~,._,,. _,_,,., •• , ,. • .,_ .• ~ ... •' ............... ;., ·-~_,.,.,..,,_._, .... , .............. , ....... ...._, .......... ~-, .... Sc:u:1/8 .. 1'0" Typical Garage S&ctlon 480 cublcfeetofStorage Square Footage Summary: First Floor-1, 113 s.f, Second Floor -1,372 s.f. Total -2,485 s.f. Garage -438 s.f. Storage -480 Cubic Feet Porch\Loggla -487 s.f. Plan3 2,485 SF Total Muroya Property Carlsbad, California '\ ( 'h,-1.... l Is. ---I/ I ~I '---A' I ,01 '-7'--t-~--'° -7-1 ~, 2-Ca'l<.C t-~-20:.c~~rage I I ~I "'r -\.car I I 51 / -.... I ~~----~ ,, l f.,.,_ .I--I Perimeter Length= 230'-0" (40% = 921 Single Story Edge= 104'-11" 42'-0" ~==-=-~ J I ,t-,_ Loggia I I l ! · U ·\ I Great Rm 19' X 14' Dining 21'x9' ~ ,~ First Floor -~ " ... , .... Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet13 • • I I e::_ C nl. a~,, I I l~. Elevation C Santa Barbara Robert Hidey Architects -... -.--~,-..er. ..... ,.....~,.---~ ... --,. ..... - I I I 'I : tl: l~I 1 ➔1 I I I I I I I f- l +--- ---------~------~----•----~~~----•----•o~~ •~-•"-"'-·-•••"·•----w,,--~~•"" ~ "· /~d ~ .t. ---------t I 1'~ I I ~ I --;- I I I I I a.. ----,+ I T1 -' t!-!.4"' I I' _j, rµr;,/IJ I ~-------.-+ Elevation 8 Andalusian Plan 3 Muroya Property Carlsbad, Califomla _,,µ.-n,, -~~ t- ,J. ~ I I ➔,,..,.,.., l~I Elevation A Adobe Ranch :➔: I I I I I I I J, l l (I ,4' 8' ,. Scalr.3116"-t'-O" 24' Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 08081 07/09/2009 Sheet14 • • __ ___:_ _____________________________ ~---··-·----~-·---------~~------ Chimney Shroud 11• Left Elevation Right Elevation Robert Hidey Architects ...... """' ....... ,..,~ ... ,..,.,..~ .. -........,.q • .,.,. ...... ,__.,..,., ..... • • -.!. + ~ -.!. + &, c:, Plan 3A Adobe Ranch Muroya Property Carlsbad, California Boxed Out • Front Elevation I 1 .. - Rear Elevation 0' 4' 8' ,. .... Sctla:311&-•1'-o" Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet15 ---------------------------------------·-----------..... ·--·--·~-... ------·-- Left Elevation Right Elevation - Robert Hidey Architects ............. ,.._CA._,..,_........,,_~•--iw.,__.•M--"-""I t !b ~ -.!.. + ib c:, ~ Plan 38 Andalusian Muroya Property Carlsbad, California Front Elevation 11 Rear Elevation a 4' 8' 16' 24, Scale:311S--1'.Q" Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet 16 • • ------------------------------~ ...... -.... ........_..-....,._. • ..__.,..1_~.._..-.... -..---.------~-... ,-, ............ , .......... __ "_ --·---------...... - Chimney Shroud D Left Elevation Right Elevation Robert Hidey Architects _...,...., __ .,.__,,~,_,.._~,.._.....,.IOOIIWMIMf ..... ,Mllife:_.,. -..!.. + b (') -:} ~ Plan 3C Santa Barbara Muroya Property Carlsbad, California Concrete 'S' Tile Roof Front Elevation · I .I. Rear Elevation O' '4' 8' 1ft' 24' Sealt:3118'n1'-0" Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number: 06081 07/09/2009 Sheel17 • • ------------------------------------------... -. . .., _ _,,, __ ,______ _,..,.,~ ~~.,., ... ...,.........,--~---..m,,_.....,,_ ___ ,,.,_,,...,,_,,..,..,...,........,.....,,...,_..,i...,,,..,.....,...,, Robert Hidey Architects ·~ Elevation C Santa Barbara .. -.-.--.. -.0!_,_.._ ___ ,_...-uw. __ ..,,...._,.,.._,... Roof Plans Plan4 Muroya Property Carlsbad, California I· ,, ,~ j ,t~·' ,,~ I. ,t- i I I Elevation B Andalusian I I. I I I I I I I I I i·u, ~ '1 . I 1 . . I I 1 ➔, l . I O' 4' Pl 1e° Scolt:311""1'-o" 2~ Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet19 • • ---------·-- Left Elevation Right Elevation Robert Hidey Architects .,....,o.. ..... ,..,.,. ............. ~,..~---... --,. .... -- •• -!.. + 6 _;. -:} ~ ... Plan 48 Andalusian Muroya Property Carlsbad, California Stucco Light Sand Finish Concrete 'S' TIie Roof Front Elevation Rear Elevation Juliet Balcony -.!. + r Chimney Shroud r, ◄' 8' ,. Se:M:at1e-..1•q 24' Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet20 • • ---------------------------------------------------------·---~~----~~-, ... --t--------------------·--- Left Elevation I -I I Right Elevation Robert Hidey Architects ---.-.--.. -.c-._,..........,...,._..., .... ,.,... ... .-..,....,._ --l + ~ (,;) -!.. + ~ .... Plan 4C Santa Barbara Mu_roya Property Carlsbad, California Concrete 'S'TlleRoof • Front Elevation .. r-Chimney Shroud " • Rear Elevation f1' ◄' 8' ,. 24' Scallr.311D"af'.()"' Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number: 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet21 -----·-----------------------·-· ~-·---------~·-.. -··~---. ·--·--· ----··--····-~-·•···------.• ··- Bedrm 2 12''x 14' ! Master Bedrm 15'6" X 15' ! Be&m3 15'6""¥ n'S~-----1:---· D¢k Robert Hidey Architects Second Floor _..,....., __ ---Cl,-.................. ..__ ___ ,..,._._,. __ _ 39'-0" i I I 11 I I I Nook 12'6" X 9' • I I .... Great Rm ___ .. J __ , 1 17'x 17' : I l I I ·@c· Sc:lil:tJ'8".:a1'0" Typical Garage Section 480 cubic feet of Storage Pertmeter Length= 246'-0" (40% = 98') Single Story Edge= 128' Square Footage Summary: First Floor -1,365 s.f. Second Floor -1,462 s.f. Total -2,827 s.f. Garage -448 s.f. Storage -480 Cubic Feet Porch\Loggla -363 s.f. Plan4 2,827 SF Total Muroya Property Carlsbad, California Porch I I l I Dinin.&.. •. ----1--,._..,, •. Ts¾• x 13• 1 ', I I '-: I/. l ~'°-----?'f+ I 1-....-..__ /' I l •1 12-C .._ I I 1 a~-..Garage--' I I I 2,9•~~0• r-t- l -~--~--14 I ~,-.._ '-I / --'-I 1· / I -. ,· / I -._ -~ er 2' "' ~ ,t SCIIII: 1(4-.1'4' First Floor Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number: 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet 18 - • --------------------------------------------------~----------- Master Bedrm 15'6"'x 15' Be&m3 15'6"' i< n '8.------------- Second Floor Robert Hidey Architects ... ...., .............. Q,_~~,.M-.w;r•-................. 111 ... - Plan4 'Lots 7, 9 ,15 and 1~ Muroya Property Carlsbad, California Nook 12'6" X 9' -~~f;-:-11 Qi-- I I Din [og_ __ ------+--" ""· --"f?i?x 13' I tj ', I l ' : I/. o 11 ,..)k--------;;{t l I ,_____ / I I -..... !2-' ..___f I I I l ~I ' Ca'.'°"'""-I I I I ,·~ .. ;w N- I -:;r:--~,--rf l / I ------'\ I l Bedrm4 11'6"x 12' / I -. ,. ,, I -._ First Floor ,. ,l Salle: 1,, ... 1•-o- Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet22 • • --------------------------------- ii I· Robert Hidey Architects t~ . ··y· ·•~ Elevation C Santa Barbara -.~-... -•--.a.--~.......,,.--.OW, ... JINI...,,.....,. ........ I I I I ii I I : I 1. I I I ! lll 1 ➔1· i I' I I .I I ,_........,._,,_,, _ _,.........,,,....__,...,.,.,..,.,..~,-~~~.~..._-.. ._«,,,_......, ........ ,.,,_.._..., •••• , ,.,.,...,.,_.,_ ,< ,..,,,, _,..., ,..,..,.v,,.,.,,;;....__..,,,.,..,_,_..,._........,....,~, ... ,~..,.,....,_,. , .. ,. Roof Plans Plan4 Lots 7, 9, 15 and 17 Muroya Property Carlsbad, California I! 1~ lti--,1~!1 ~~ I :ii 'ti 1~ If-I I I I Elevation B Andalusian O' -4' 8' ,. ... Scale:3111J"•1'Q Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet23 • • Left Elevation Chimney Shroud Right Elevation Robert Hidey Architects ................ '-"°',_.,..._~,.~--------·-.. -- "'"'"'" u-~----•------1-, .. -~...,.,_, .. ,_._,_ _ _.,.,,.,._._.,.,,...,..,,,,.,..,,_,,,..,.._...._,, __ .,,.."1' .. ........,,.•,.. .. --.,.~._...._, Stucco Light Sand Finish Plan 48 Option Andalusian Lots 7 and 17 Muroya Property Carlsbad, California Front Elevation Rear Elevation Concrete 'S' TIie Roof " 4' 8' ,. Scale:31tll"a1'-0" ... Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number: 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet24 • • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ., Left Elevation f ""'m",y,-a Right Elevation Robert Hidey Architects .. ...,_, ........... Clil .... ,..,.._tllal.0440,.~•-Mmt ... -••--- Roll-Up Garage Door Plan 4C Santa Barbara Lots 9 and15 stucco ½lght Sand Finish Muroya Property Carlsbad, California Concrete 'S' TIie Roof Front Elevation Rear Elevation Cl 4' 8' ' ,. 24' Sclll:311~1'-0" Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC Project Number. 06081 07/09/2009 Sheet25 • •