HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-05-04; Planning Commission; ; GPA 05-04|LCPA 05-01|DI 05-01 - PONTO BEACHFRONT VILLAGE VISION PLANThe City of Carlsbad Planning Department
P.C. AGENDA OF: May 4, 2005
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Application c'otnp}yte ;date:· N/ A
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Project Plari:ilet:' 'Debbie Fountain
Gary Barberio
Project Engineer: Bob Wojcik
VISION PLAN -Request for approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration,
General Plan Amendment, and Local Coastal Program Amendment for the Ponto
Beachfront Village Vision Plan in order to approve the Vision Plan document and
to reference it in the city's General Plan and Local Coastal Program.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5884, 5885,
5886 and 5887 RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of
General Plan Amendment (GPA 05-04), Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 05-01) and
the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan (DI 05-01) based on the findings contained therein.
The Ponto area is located in the most southwesterly portion of the city near the city's southern
entrance along Carlsbad Boulevard. It presently contains older homes and businesses most of
which were developed in the county before the city incorporated. Recognizing its potential for
redevelopment and its prime coastal location across from the state campgrounds and near new
single-family neighborhoods, the city decided to create a "vision plan" for the area to direct
future development in the Ponto area. With input from the property owners, nearby residents~
and other interested persons, the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan was prepared. The Plan
covers a larger study area consisting of approximately 130 acres. However, the area considered
viable for future development or redevelopment is approximately 50 acres. The 50 acres (refer
to location map) consist of the older Ponto area which is also included in the South Carlsbad
Coastal Redevelopment area, one small, vacant parcel located within the· boundaries of the
Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan and several vacant properties located in the previously
approved Poinsettia Shores Master Plan.
The intent of the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan is to create a mixed use, active pedestrian and
bicycle oriented area with a strong sense of place, village atmosphere and unique character of
design. Because of its prime location at the southern gateway to the city and across from the
beach and campgrounds, it could become a vibrant part of the city providing amenities for city
residents as well as tourists. A copy of the Vision Plan is attached for Planning Commission
review and approval.
In addition to background information (including the public input process) the Plan contains a
Vision Statement, desirable land uses, a proposed vehicular and pedestrian circulation system i1, ,._.,
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and design guidelines to direct future development in the area. In order for future development
proposals to be guided by the Plan and in order to allow the city to review future proposals for
compliance with the Plan, it is necessary to amend the Land Use Element of the city's General
Plan and to amend the Local Coastal Program (Mello II and West Batiquitos segments) by
incorporating references to the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan.
This item is a request to have the Planning Commission review the Ponto Beachfront Village
Vision Plan, to approve a General Plan Amendment to incorporate text referencing the Plan into
the Land Use Element of the General Plan and to approve a Local Coastal Program Amendment
which would also incorporate text referencing the Plan into the Mello II and the West Batiquitos
Lagoon/Sammis Properties segments of the Local Coastal Program. By incorporating a
description !llld references to the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan in these documents, it
will allow futi;lre proposals for development to use the guidelines contained in the Plan and it will
permit the city to review future developments for conformance with the Plan.
General Plan Amendment
The Land Use Element of the General Plan presently references areas of the City for "Special
Planning Considerations" (Section D, Page 21 of the Land Use Element). This section presently
includes areas of the city such as the Downtown Village area, the McClellan-Palomar Airport
area, the Buena Vista Watershed and the Barrio area. Staff is recommending that the Ponto
Beachfront Village Area be added to this section of the Land Use Element to read as follows:
"3 -Ponto Beachfront Village Area
The Ponto Beachfront Village Area consists of approximately 50 acres of land
located between Carlsbad Boulevard and the San Diego Northern Railroad, north
of Batiquitos Lagoon and south of Ponto Road. It is part of a larger land use and
circulation study area containing 130 acres extending from the southern city limits
on Carlsbad Boulevard to Poinsettia Lane. The northern portion of the area is also
located within the boundaries of the city's South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment
Plan. Presently, the area contains older homes and businesses which have a strong
potential for redevelopment and several important underutilized or vacant
properties. Recognizing the potential for new development in this area and its
important location at the southern gateway to the city, a Vision Plan has been
prepared for this area. The Plan includes a Vision Statement, desirable land uses, a
proposed vehicular and pedestrian circulation system and design guidelines to
. direct future development in the area. The intent of the Vision Plan is to create a
mixed use, active pedestrian and bicycle oriented area with a strong sense of place,
village atmosphere and unique character of design. Future. proposals for new
development within this area of special planning consideration shall be guided by
the Vision Plan and all future development permits (site development plan, coastal
development permit, etc.) shall be reviewed by the city for conformance with the
Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan."
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Local Coastal Plan Amendment
The Ponto Beachfront Village Area is located in two segments of the city's Local Coastal
Program;·. Mello II for the properties that are located in what is generally considered the older
Ponto Area and the West Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties segment for the vacant
properties south of the older Ponto Area which are also part of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan.
Staff is recommending that these two segments of the Local Coastal Program be amended as
Amend the Mello II segment of the city's Local Coastal Program by the addition of a new Policy
6 .10 ( on page 67) to read as follows:
"Policy 6.10 Ponto Beachfront Village Area
The Ponto Beachfront Village Area consists of approximately 50 acres of land
located. between Carlsbad Boulevard and the San Diego Northern Railroad, north
of Batiquitos Lagoon and south of Ponto Road. It is part of a larger land use and
circulation study area containing 130 acres extending from the southern city limits
on Carlsbad Boulevard to Poinsettia Lane. The northern portion of the area is also
located within the boundaries of the city's South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment
Plan. Presently, the area contains older homes and businesses which have a strong
potential for redevelopinent and several important underutilized or vacant
properties. Recognizing the potential for new development in this area and its
important location at the southern gateway to the city, a Vision Plan has been
prepared for the area. The Plan includes a Vision Statement, desirable land uses, a
proposed vehicular and pedestrian circulation system and design guidelines to
direct future development in the area. The intent of the Vision Plan is to create a
mixed use, active pedestrian and bicycle oriented area with a strong·sense of place,
village atmosphere and unique character of design. A strong emphasis is placed on
recreation and visitor serving uses. Future proposals for new development within
this area shall be guided by the Vision Plan and all future development permits
(site development plan, coastal development permit, etc.) shall be reviewed by the
city for conformance with the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan."
Amend the West Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties segment of the city's Local Coastal
Program by the addition of a new section J ( on page 88) to read as follows:
"J. Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan
Planning Areas F, G and H of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan are also located in
the area identified by the City of Carlsbad as the Ponto Beachfront Village Area.
The Ponto Beachfront Village Area consists of approximately 50 acres of land
located between Carlsbad Boulevard and the San Diego Northern Railroad, north
of Batiquitos Lagoon and south of Ponto Road. It is part of a larger land use and
circulation study area containing 130 acres extending from the southern city limits
on Carlsbad Boulevard to Poinsettia Lane. Presently, the area contains older
homes and businesses which have a strong potential for redevelopment and several
important-underutilized or vacant properties. Recognizing the potential for new
development in this area and its important location at the southern gateway to the
city, a Vision Plan has been prepared for the area. The Plan includes a Vision
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Statement, desirable land uses, a proposed vehicular and pedestrian circulation
system and design guidelines to direct future development in the area. The intent
of the Vision Plan is to create a mixed use, active pedestrian and bicycle oriented
area with a strong sense of place, village atmosphere and unique character of
design. Future proposals for development within Planning Areas F, G and H of the
Poinsettia Shores Master Plan shall be guided by the Vision Plan and all future
development permits (site development plan, coastal development permit, etc.)
shall be reviewed by the city for conformance with the Ponto Beachfront Village
Vision Plan."
The proposed amendments to the General Plan and Local Coastal Program involve only text
changes to . the · documents and do not allow for or accompany any specific development
proposals. Therefore, the analysis applied to this request needs to be reviewed for overall
consistency with the city's General Plan, the Local Coastal Program and any other applicable
City plans.
General Plan
Section II of the Land Use Element of the General Plan (Description of the Land Use Element),
Subsection D (Special Planning Considerations) allows for the city to designate specific areas or
land uses in the city for special planning consideration. Therefore, the proposed General Plan
Amendment request is consistent with this provision of the Land Use Element. The proposed
amendment is also consistent with other _policies of the Land Use Element relating to the overall
land use pattern as shown on Table A below:
Goal A.1 A city which preserves One of the primary goals of the
and enhances the environment, Vision Plan is to encourage
Land Use character and image of itself as a development which respects the Yes
desirable residential, beach and prominent beach location and
open space oriented community. historical character of this area of
the city.
Goal A.3 A city which provides The Vision Plan encourages a mix
for land uses which through their of land uses including
Land Use arrangement, location and size, commercial/retail/visitor-serving Yes
support and enhance the economic uses which will provide economic
viability of the community. benefits to the community.
Objective B.1 To create a A primary goal of the Vision Plan is
distinctive sense of place and to create a strong sense of place in
Land Use identity for each community and this prominent location within the Yes
neighborhood of the city through city so that residents and visitors
the development and arrangement feel they are in a unique, special
of various land use components. neighborhood within the city ..
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Objective B.3 To provide for the The Vision Plan encourages a
social and economic needs of the mixture of residential, retail and
Land Use community in conjunction with tourist-serving commercial in order Yes
permitted land uses. to provide both social and economic
benefits to the community.
Local Coastal Program
Review of the existing Local Coastal Program was done to analyze consistency of the proposed
amendments to existing program policies and to determine compatibility of the Local Coastal
Program with the goals and intent of the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. The Local
Coastal Program encourages enhanced public access, mixed use, visitor/tourist-serving uses,
visual amenities and character of design. The purpose of the requested amendment is to
reference the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan so that the area can be developed with these
enhancements. The following summarizes specific policies in the existing Mello II and West
Batiquitos Local Coastal Program Land Use Plans that are addressed by the Vision Plan:
(1) Maximize public access to and along the coast and maximize public
recreational opportunities in the coastal zone.
• The Plan proposes extensive pedestrian and bicycle paths, linkage
across Carlsbad Boulevard to the State Beach and central plazas
(2) Visitor-serving uses (hot~l/motel and restaurant) should be established.
• The Plan allows for up to 3 hotels, to. include restaurants and other
visitor-serving uses.
(3) Mixed use development (residential and recreational-commercial) shall be
permitted on properties fronting on Carlsbad Boulevard across from South
Carlsbad State Beach.
• The Plan encourages a balanced and cohesive mix of local and
tourist serving commercial, medium and high density residential,
mixed use, live/work and open space opportunities.
( 4) In the "Unplanned Area" of Ponto, which roughly corresponds to the
vacant land area north of A venida Encinas, specific planning efforts are
required. The intent is to allow a variety of uses including residential.
Future uses could include commercial, residential, office and others.
Consider the need for lower cost visitor or recreation facilities on west
side of the railroad tracks.
• The Plan allows residential use in this portion of the area and
proposes a mixed-use commercial center along Carlsbad
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(5) In the area south of Avenida Encinas, hotel and timeshare units are
allowed, with other uses primarily directed toward tourists visiting hotel,
conference center and local scenic and recreation areas.
• The Plan allows for a beachfront resort with hotel units, timeshares
and public commercial uses.
(6) On the southern bluff edge overlooking Batiquitos Lagoon, bluff top
accessways or equivalent, overlook areas and a bike/pedestrian path
should be provided.
• The Plan proposes a multi-purpose perimeter trail along the bluff
top and connecting to the rest ofthe_area.
Other Applicable Plans
The northern portion of the Ponto Beachfront Village Area consists of the older Ponto area and is
located within· the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan which was approved in July
2000. The overall intent of the Redevelopment Plan is to (a) strengthen and stimulate the
economic base of the area; (b) enhance commercial and recreational functions; ( c) increase
amenities to benefit the public; ( d) increase and improve the affordable housing supply; and ( e)
assure quality design in the area's development. The Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan is
consistent with the intent of the Redevelopment Plan and is the first step in achieving
implementation of the Redevelopment Plan. The Redevelopment Plan defers to the General
Plan, the Zoning Code and any other applicable City plans for allowable uses and development
standards. Therefore, the requested actions (GPA and LCPA) are consistent with the Plan.
The southern portion of the Ponto Beachfront Village Area is located in the Poinsettia Shores
Master Plan and consists of three properties known as Planning Areas F, G and H of the Master
Plan. The uses permitted by the Master Plan in these Planning Areas is consistent with the uses
encouraged by the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan and the development standards do not conflict.
Therefore, the requested actions are consistent with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan.
One lot consisting of 1.5 acres located at the northeasterly comer of the Ponto Beachfront
Village Area is also located in the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan. This Specific Plan
primarily regulates development of the residential projects located north of the Vision Plan area.
However, it includes this small parcel and designates it for visitor-serving commercial. This is
consistent with the use for the lot encouraged by the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan.
The initial study (BIA Part II) prepared for these proposed actions indicated that future
development in conformance with the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan may have the
potential to impact the environment unless mitigation measures are incorporated into the design
of future development projects. Mitigation is needed in the areas of transportation/traffic, noise,
biology, cultural resources and agriculture. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed which
includes a Mitigation and Monitoring Program which must be implemented through the design
of future development projects. With the incorporation of the mitigation measures, it has been
determined that the requested actions will not have a significant impact on the environment.
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A 30-day public notice for comments (March 18 through April 17) on the Initial Study and the
proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration was mailed to all affected property owners and other
interested persons or agencies requesting notice, was published in the newspaper and sent to the
State Clearinghouse for required circulation.
During the 30-day public comment period, two comment letters were received. The first is from
the North County Transit District and the second letter was from the Native American Heritage
Commission. In addition, at the request of the law firm of Worden Williams (letter attached as a
part of Attachment 1 ), representing residents of the Hanover Beach Colony located immediately
north of the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan area, the 30-day public comment period was
extended by the City to April 22, 2005. During this extended public comment period, Worden
Williams also submitted a comment letter. The letters and staff responses are included with the
staff report as a part of Attachment 1. These comment letters raise concerns associated with
future deve}opnient in the Vision Plan area. The Vision Plan is intended to provide general
guidance for .future development in the area but it does not entitle any specific development
proposals. The Mitigated Negative Declaration addressed all potential environmental impacts
that are foreseeable at this time as a result of approval of the Vision Plan and the associated
General Plan and Local Coastal Program Amendments. Mitigation measures to address the
impacts that are foreseeable at the time of approval of the Vision Plan have been incorporated
into the Negative Declaration and with the inclusion of those mitigation measures the proposed
Vision Plan would not have potentially significant environmental impacts. Therefore, staff
believes that the Mitigated Negative Declaration is appropriate and adequate for the actions
presently under consideration.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5884 (Mitigated Negative Declaration)
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5885 (GPA)
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5886 (LCPA)
4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5887 (DI-Vision Plan)
5. Location Map
6. Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan -Previously distributed
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GPA 05-04/LCPA 05-01/DI 05-01