HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-16; ROBERTSON RANCH EAST VILLAGE; THIRD REVISION OF PAVEMENT DESIGN REPORT; 2004-05-14Geotechnucal 0 Coastale Geologic ° EnvuronentaI
5741 Palmer Way Carlsbad California 92010 (760) 438-3155 - FAX (760) 931-0915
-. May 14, 2004
W.0. 40304-SC
Calavera Hills II, LLC . - , •
2727 Hoover Avenue
National City, California 91950
•: - . . - Attention Mr. Don Mitchell
Subject Third Revision of Pavement Design Report,Calavera Hills II, Cannon Road
+50 Stations 125 to 164, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California'
. •• .I . -
, -- . ., •- •- -• ..' - •.-• . Dear Mr. Mitchell
••. . I.., . . - .- . ., ••-•. . -
In accordance with your request, GeoSoils, Inc (GSl), has prepared this revised
preliminary design and construction recommendtions for asphalt concrete (AC) pavement
at the subject site The scope of services provided in preparation of this report included"'
a review of GSI (2003), and providing a revised pavement design for that portion of Cannon
Road where the repesentátive r0sistance R-valué of the paverñent'subgrad1s Iess..
than 12.'
Pavement section design was performed in accordance\with the California Department of
Transportation (Caltrans) Highway Design Manual of Instructions and the City of Carlsbad
Standard Drawings (see the Appendix) Pavement sections presented are based on the
aforementioned , criteria and resistance value (R-value) data (see the attached,
Figures .-1 through 4), determined from soils exposed at, or near, final subgrade elevations
within the subject areas R-value testing was performed--in accordance with the latest
revisions to the Department of Transportation, State of California, Material & Research Test
Method No301 Pavement design was aided with the computer software programs PAVE
and NEWCON90
-- . - . - --.• ••. • . .•L .
-. . . . •• . ,-,_.• - . . - -
. Structural Séátion • - • • - . •. . - - *
R-values ranging from 5 to 28 were determined for subgrade soils onsite and used in
pavement design The recommended pavemert sections are presented in the following
.• .
S • S. - . ,- -. . 'S. • ..
Cannon Road 7. 8& 28 50 130
Stations 125+40 to 1302
S.. • •.
Cannon Road . 85 27
- •.,..
Stations130 9 to135±9 :-
Cannon Road "8.5 6 6.6* 20.0*
Stations 135 to 140
Cannon Road 85 5 60* 20 0*
Stations 140+ to 145+ -
-- •, ., . St •.. .. .• ,.. . Cannon Road 85 6 60* 200*
Stations 145 to 150
Cannon Road 85 6 60* 200*
Stations 150 to 1 64
(')City minimum
(2) Denotes Class 2 Aggregate Base R >78 SE >25)
* Caltrans requirements . - • . 5 .. . -.5 . . • . . . . • •
All pavement installation, including preparation and compaction of subgrade, compaction,
of base material, and placement and rolling of asphaitic concrete, shall be donb in
accordance with the City guidelines, and under the observation and teting of the project
geotechnical engineer and/or the City.
The recommended pavement sections are meant as minimums If thinner or highly
variable?pavement sections are constructed, increased maintenance and repair may be
needed Positive site drainage shall be maintained at all times Water shall not be allowed
to pond or seep into the ground If planters or landscaping are adjacent to pavedareas
measures shall be taken to minimize the w potential for ater to enter the pavement section
If the ADT (average daily traffic) or ADTT (average daily truck traffic) increases beyond that
intended, as reflected by the traffic index(s) used for design, increased maintenance and
repair could be required for the pavement section
General 5_. . ...•..S.-__., ,S .•• . S •_S •.- :.. 5' . S S..-. .• S .. :. - •. - .•.. -- .••
All section changes shall be properly transitioned If adverse conditions are encountered
during the preparation of subgrade materials, special construction methods may need to
be employed AGSI representative shall be present forthe preparation of subgrade, bases
rock, and asphalt concrete
-• I
5 - •.: -1 ., . -S 5. •5 •. 5 .
5 •5 5_ ._- •
-, • . - .• ..,r1-- . S. - :'-.. - '.. S.
Calavera Hills II, LLC
, W.01. 4030 E SC
Cannon Road Calavera Hills II May 14 2004
File e \wp9\3900\4030e rpdr3 ' ,Page .2'
Subqrade . '. . .
Within street and parking areas, all surficial deposits of loose soil material shall be removed
and 'recómpacted as recommended. After the loose soils are removed, the bottom is to
be 6carified to a depth of at least 12 inches, moisture cOnditioned as necessary, and
compacted to 95 percent of the maximum laboratory density, as determined byASTM Test
Designation D-1557..
. :.
Deleterious material, excessively wet or dry pockets, concentrated zones of oversized rock
fragments, and any other unsuitable materials encountered during grading shall be
- removed. The compacted fill material shall then be brought to the elevation of the
proposed subgrade for the pavement. . The subgrade shall be proof-rolled in order to
ensure a uniform firm and unyielding surface. All grading and fill placement shall be
observed by the project soil engineer and/or his representative
Base Rock
Compaction tests are required for the recommended base section. Minimum relative
compaction required will be 95 percent of the laboratory.maximum density as determined
by ,ASTM Test Designation, D-1557. Base aggregate shall be in.,accordance with the
"Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction" (green book), 1997 edition, or. standard Caltrans Class 2 base rock (minimum R-value 78).
Prime coat may be omitted if all of the following conditions are met
1.. The asphalt pavement layer is placed within two weeks of completion of base,
and/or subbase course...
2. Traffic is not routed over completed base before paving. .
3 Construction is completed during the dry season of May through October.
4.' .The base is kept free of debris prior to placement of asphaltic concrete.
if construction is performed during the wet season of November through April, prime coat
may be omitted if no rain occurs, between completion of base course and paving and the
time between completion of base and paving is reduced tbthree'days, provided the base
is free of loose soil or debris Where prime coat has been omitted and rain occurs, traffic'-
is routed over base course, or paving is delayed,' measures shall be taken to restore base.
course and subgrade to conditions that will meet specifications as directed by the soil
Calavera Hills II, LLC ,
, • , ,
, ' , . W.D. 4030-E-SC' Cannon Road Caiavera Hills ii May 14 2004 File e:\wp9\3900\4030e. rpdr3 Page 3
eSoLc, Inc.
Positive drainage shall be. provided for all surface water to drain toward the curb and
gutter, or to an approved drainage channel. Positive site drainage shall be maintained at,
all times. Water shall not be allowed to pond or seep into the ground' If planters or
landscaping are adjacent to paved areas; measures shall be taken to minimize the
potential for water to enter the pavement section, such a's cut-off walls. etc.
Thadesign civil engineer shall review the recommendatidns provided herein; incorporate
those recommendations into their plans, and by explicit reference, make this report part
of their project plans. . .
The materials encountered on the project site and utilized for our analysis are believed
representative of the area; however, soil and bedrock materials vary in character betWeen'-, excavations and natural outcrops or, conditions exposed during mass grading. Site
conditions may vary due to seasonal changes or other factors.
Inasmuch as our study isbased Upon our review and engineeringanalysés and laboatory
data, the conclusions-and recommendations are professional opinions These opinions
have' been derived in accordance with current standards of practice, and no warranty is,
expressed or implied. Standards of practice are.subjectto change with time. GSI assumes
: no responsibility or liability for work or testing performed by others, or their inaction, .or
work performed when GSl is not requested to - be onsite, to evaluate if: our
recommendations have been properly implemented.. Use of this report constitutes an
agreement and consent by the user to all the limitations outlined above, notwithstanding
any other agreements that may be in place In addition, this report may be subject to
review by the controlling authorities
-. • - - •• - • • .' -,• •- -- •
Caiavera Hills Ii, LLC
• • . .. . W.O. 4030-E-SC Cannon Road, Calavera Hift II
• • ... • ., - May 14, 2004 -. : ' Fi1e:e:\wp9\3900\4030e.rpdr3 •• . • : • Page 4