HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-29; City Council; ; 2018 City Council Goals Status Report and 2019 Goal Setting Process DiscussionCAReviewt/3._ � CITY COUNCIL � Staff Report Meeting Date: January 29, 2019 Mayor and City Council To: From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Subject: Jason Haber, Assistant to the City Manager jason.haber@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2958 2018 City Council Goals Status Report and 2019 Goal Setting Process Discussion Recommended Action Receive a status report on progress made through December 2018 toward the 2018 City Council Goals. Discuss the 2019 City Council goal setting process and provide direction to staff. Executive Summary This item presents a status report on progress made on strategies and tasks identified in the FY 2018-19 City Council Goals Work Plan. This item also presents an opportunity for City Council to discuss the 2019 City Council goal setting process and seeks City Council feedback and direction. The staff presentation and City Council discussion will be segmented to avoid any Council member conflicts of interest. Discussion 2018 City Council Goals Status Report On April 17, 2018, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2018-052, affirming the following City Council Goals for FY 2018-19: •Work with state legislators and California State Parks to execute a long-term coastline management agreement by October 2018. •By April 2019, amend the duties of the Traffic Safety Commission to include advising the City Council on mobility and safety matters related to pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular modes of travel through and within Carlsbad. •Enhance the health and vitality of the Village and Barrio by obtaining all outside agency approvals needed to implement a Village and Barrio Master Plan by 2020. •By 2023, break ground on a new city hall at a site designated for a future civic center complex. •By 2023, break ground on lowering the railroad tracks in a trench through the Village to improve safety, community connectivity, quality of life and economic value. Jan. 29, 2019 Item #6 Page 1 of 9 On May 15, 2018, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2018-070, approving the FY 2018-19 City Council Goals Work Plan. The Work Plan lays out the strategies and tasks for staff to pursue in operationalizing the City Council's policy direction and provides schedule and budget information for each task. Staff continuously monitors progress toward achieving the adopted goals and presents status reports to City Council. The FY 2018-19 City Council Goals Status Report provided in Exhibit 1 describes how city staff has operationalized the City Council's policy direction through December 2018. 2019 City Council Goal Setting Process On February 27, 2018, the City Council reviewed the City Council policy development process (i.e., goal setting process) outlined in City Council Policy No. 27 and voted to rescind the policy. The City Council then directed staff to proceed with a 2018 goal setting process consistent with recent practice, to include one City Council Goals workshop followed by adoption of the 2018 City Council Goals. On December 18, 2018, the City Council voted to direct staff to conduct a City Council leadership workshop prior to initiating the 2019 City Council goal setting process. As such, staff is proposing to hold that workshop on February 20, 2019, prior to the 2019 goal setting process. Staff is seeking City Council discussion and direction regarding the process for establishing the City Council's 2019 goals. More specifically, staff will facilitate a City Council discussion concerning several aspects of the goal setting process, including, but not limited to: community engagement, timing, and budget process integration. Fiscal Analysis No city funding is being requested. Next Steps The City Council leadership workshop is tentatively scheduled for February 20, 2019. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Receiving a report and considering elements of an administrative procedure does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1.FY 2018-19 City Council Goals Status Report -December 2018 Jan. 29, 2019 Item #6 Page 2 of 9 FY 2018-19 City Council Goals Status Report - December 2018 The following describes how city staff has operationalized the City Council's policy direction through December 2018. Work with state legislators and California State Parks to execute a long-term coastline management agreement by October 2018. Team Leads Jason Haber, City Manager's Office Strategy #1 Engage CA State Parks Tasks: A.Engage CA State Parks decision makers to negotiate a long-term agreement to expand the city's role in state beach maintenance, operations, programming and land use planning in Carlsbad. Schedule: Ongoing Budget: No additional resources are required to complete this task. Status: The City Manager's Office initiated a series of discussions with CA State Parks and presented the state with a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish a framework for cooperation and partnership between the city and the state. Although the proposed MOU reflected the mutual goals and partnership concepts identified during discussions with the state, the state ultimately declined to sign the agreement. The City Manager and City Attorney subsequently traveled to Sacramento for a meeting with CA State Parks Chief Deputy Director, and Deputy Director -Park Operations, with the intention of finding a productive path forward. While the state remains open to considering opportunities to enhance its partnership with the city, staff was advised to focus efforts on building relationships and consensus on partnership opportunities with district staff. The City Manager and district staff have established a monthly meeting to coordinate operations and capital improvement planning, to share information, and to identify potential partnership initiatives. EXHIBIT 1 Jan. 29, 2019 Item #6 Page 3 of 9 Strategy#2 B.Present draft partnership agreement for City Council review. Schedule: Inactive Budget: No additional resources are required to complete this task. Status: Given the status of Task A, above, this task is no longer being pursued. C.Present final partnership agreement for City Council approval. Schedule: Inactive Budget: Ongoing city funding will be required in an amount to be determined. Status: Given the status of Task A, above, this task is no longer being pursued. Engage State Legislators Task: A.Engage Representatives in the State Assembly, State Senate and Governor's Office, as needed to achieve the City's desired outcome. Schedule: Inactive Budget: No additional resources are recommended to pursue this task. Status: The City Manager's Office worked with the city's state legislative consultants, California Strategies, to engage representatives of State Assemblyman Rocky Chavez's and State Senator Patricia Bates' offices. Through that effort, staff was able to determine that there is not a viable legislative solution for achieving the city's desired outcome at this time. 2 Jan. 29, 2019 Item #6 Page 4 of 9 Team lead Strategy#l Strategy#2 By April 2019, amend the duties of the Traffic Safety Commission to include advising the City Council on matters related to implementation of the General Plan Mobility Element. Marshall Plantz, Public Works Amend the duties of the Traffic Safety Commission Tasks: A.Amend the Carlsbad Municipal Code to revise the duties of the Traffic Safety Commission to include advising the City Council on matters related to implementation of the General Plan Mobility Element. Schedule: Complete by April 2019. Budget: No additional funding is required to complete this task. Status: Following City Council approval of the work plan described in Task 8, the Carlsbad Municipal Code will be amended, as needed. This task is on schedule for completion in the second quarter of 2019. 8.Assist the Traffic Safety Commission in the development and implementation of a new work plan in accordance with duties as included in the amended Municipal Code. Schedule: Complete by April 2019. Budget: No additional funding is required to complete this task. Status: A commission work plan is being developed and is on schedule for City Council review and approval in the second quarter of 2019. Traffic and mobility initiatives reporting Task: A.Report to City Council on citywide traffic and mobility initiatives two times per year. Schedule: Complete by April 2019. Budget: No additional funding is required to complete this task. Status: The initial report was presented at the January 15, 2019, City Council meeting. The presentation provided an overview of various transportation activities and initiatives using a template based on the concepts of multimodal transportation and asset management, which will be used for future reports in the series. 3 Jan. 29, 2019 Item #6 Page 5 of 9 Team Lead Strategy#l Enhance the health and vitality of the Village and Barrio by obtaining all outside agency approvals needed to implement a Village and Barrio Master Plan by 2020. Christie Marcella, Community & Economic Development Complete Village and Barrio Master Plan Task: A.Complete and obtain California Coastal Commission approval of a Village and Barrio Master Plan to guide future development and infrastructure improvements in the area. Schedule: Summer 2019-California Coastal Commission hearing. Extended from Winter 2019 due to ongoing Coastal Commission staff review. Budget: No additional funding is required to complete this task. Status: Initial discussions with California Coastal Commission staff have focused around the extent to which the plan encourages visitor-serving retail uses. Following the California Coastal Commission hearing, the plan will return to City Council for consideration of any suggested modifications. The plan would then be presented to the California Coastal Commission for final approval. 4 Jan. 29, 2019 Item #6 Page 6 of 9 Team lead Strategy#l Strategy#2 By 2023, break ground on a new city hall at a site designated for a future civic center complex. Curtis Jackson, City Manager's Office Gary Barberio, City Manager's Office City Hall Space Pl anning & Civic Center Scoping Tasks: •City Hall Space Needs Analysis -Assessing the city's current and future administrative and community space needs. Schedule: City Council review -Spring 2019. Extended from Summer 2018 due to expanded scope and ongoing staff review. Budget: No additional funding is required to complete this task. Status: Staff is coordinating with consultant to finalize the City Hall Space Needs Analysis Report. •Civic Center Scoping-Engaging the community and City Council to identify the facilities, amenities and attributes desired in a Carlsbad Civic Center (Site Criteria). Schedule: City Council review -Spring 2019. Extended from Winter 2019 to coincide with Space Needs Analysis Report presentation. Budget: No additional funding is required to complete this task. Status: Nearly 200 people participated in community workshops and approximately 300 online survey responses were received to help inform the project scoping and site criteria. Staff is coordinating with consultant to prepare the Civic Center Scoping and Site Criteria Report. Civic Center Site Selection Task: •Evaluating and presenting potential Civic Center locations for City Council selection of a preferred site. Schedule: City Council decision -Summer 2019. Budget: No additional funding is required to complete this task. Status: City Council selection of a preferred site will be considered following approval of the Space Needs Analysis Report and the Scoping and Site Criteria Report and the completion of a second round of community input on preliminary site concepts. 5 Jan. 29, 2019 Item #6 Page 7 of 9 Team Lead Strategy#l By 2023, break ground on lowering the railroad tracks in a trench through the Village to improve safety, community connectivity, quality of life and economic value. Jason Haber, City Manager's Office Agency Collaboration & Project Funding Plan Tasks: A.Execute an MOU between the City, NCTD and SANDAG to articulate a common goal and joint effort to achieve a below street level double track project through Carlsbad Village. Schedule: Winter 2019. Extended from Summer 2018 due to protracted coordination efforts among partner agencies. Budget: No additional funding is required to complete this task. Status: On November 27, 2018, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute an MOU with SAN DAG to fund completion of an Alternatives Analysis and 10% Preliminary Engineering for a Carlsbad Village Railroad Trench in an amount not to exceed $375,000. B.Develop a conceptual funding plan for design, permitting and construction of a below street level double track project. Schedule: Ongoing. Extended from Summer 2018 -per discussion below. Budget: No additional funding is required to complete this task. Status: The city's state and federal legislative consultants have kept staff apprised of various state and federal grant programs applicable to the trenching project. However, these grants are mostly limited to provide construction funding. During the project's planning, design and environmental phases, funding is mainly limited to local and regional sources (i.e., City and SANDAG). SANDAG has no additional funding appropriated to this project; therefore, the city is currently the sole source of project funding. The City Council appropriated $2 million in the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Capital Improvement Program to the Railroad Double Tracking project budget (CIP 60591). 6 Jan. 29, 2019 Item #6 Page 8 of 9 Strategy#2 Strategy#3 Alternatives Analysis Task: A.Initiate alternatives analysis for the short-and long-trench double track alignment alternatives in order to identify a preferred alternative. Schedule: Winter 2019 (estimated completion Winter 2020). Extended from Summer 2018 (Estimated completion in Summer 2019) due to protracted coordination efforts among partner agencies. Budget: $375,000 approved by City Council on November 27, 2018. Status: SAN DAG has engaged TY Lin International to prepare the alternatives analysis and 10% preliminary engineering. SANDAG is expected to issue a Notice to Proceed in February 2019. Submit Grant Applications Task: A.Apply for state and federal grants for project planning and construction. Schedule: Ongoing Budget: $100,000 approved by City Council in the FY 2018-19 Budget to hire a professional grant writer. Local match requirements to be determined. Status: Proposals received in response to an RFP for grant writing services are currently being reviewed. This task is expected to begin in March 2019, once a grant writer is formally engaged. 7 Jan. 29, 2019 Item #6 Page 9 of 9 January 29, 2019 City Council Goals 2018 Status Report & 2019 Process Discussion City Council Goals –Priority Projects and Policy Initiatives –Require focused effort and resources –Beyond core services & day to day operations Community Vision e o e e Background •2016 City Council Goals –Shifted to fewer goals –Longer planning horizon –3 to 5+ years –More aspirational –broad community value –Regular progress reports Background •City Council adopted six goals (2016) •City Council affirmed & continued goals (2017) •Reaffirmed & refined 5/6 goals (2018) –Education goal deemed sufficiently operationalized 2018 City Council Goals •Coastline •Mobility •City Hall / Civic Center •Village and Barrio •Railroad Trench Segmentation Part I -Status Report & Discussion –Coastline –Mobility –City Hall / Civic Center Part II -Status Report & Discussion –Village and Barrio –Railroad Trench City Council Leadership Workshop Discussion 2019 Goal Setting Process Discussion Coastline Goal Work with state legislators and California State Parks to execute a long-term coastline management agreement by October 2018. Coastline Goal Strategies •Engage CA State Parks -Ongoing –City proposed MOU – declined –Meeting with CA State Parks Deputy Directors –Focus on district-level partnership opportunities •monthly coordination meetings •Engage State Legislators - Inactive –No viable legislative solution identified Mobility Goal By April 2019, amend the duties of the Traffic Safety Commission to include advising the City Council on mobility and safety matters related to pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular modes of travel through and within Carlsbad. Mobility Goal Strategies •Amend duties of the Traffic Safety Commission –April 2019 –Present commission workplan for City Council approval –Amend CMC to reflect City Council direction •Traffic and mobility initiatives reporting -Ongoing –January 15, 2019 –initial report to City Council –Ongoing reporting to occur two times per year City Hall / Civic Center Goal By 2023, break ground on a new city hall at a site designated for a future civic center complex. City Hall / Civic Center Goal Strategies •Space Planning & Civic Center Scoping –Spring 2019 -City Hall Space Needs Analysis Report -Civic Center Scoping and Site Criteria Report -Public input –desirable amenities & attributes •Civic Center Site Selection –Summer 2019 -Develop preliminary site concepts -Additional community outreach -City Council site selection Part I Discussion & Segmentation Part I •Coastline •Mobility •City Hall / Civic Center Part II •Village & Barrio •Railroad Trench Village and Barrio Goal Enhance the health and vitality of the Village and Barrio by obtaining all outside agency approvals needed to implement a Village and Barrio Master Plan by 2020. Village and Barrio Goal Strategies •Complete Village and Barrio Master Plan –2020 –California Coastal Commission hearing –Summer 2019 •Proposed modifications return to City Council •Return final plan to Coastal Commission for approval Railroad Trench Goal By 2023, break ground on lowering the railroad tracks in a trench through the Village to improve safety, community connectivity, quality of life and economic value. Railroad Trench Goal Strategies •Agency Collaboration & Project Funding Plan -2019 –Execute City/SANDAG/NCTD MOU –February 2019 –Conceptual Project Funding Plan –Ongoing •Alternatives Analysis –Winter 2020 –10% Design: Long Trench vs. Short Trench •Submit Grant Applications -Ongoing –Grant writing RFP in process 2019 City Council Leadership Workshop Facilitator: Danell Scarborough, EdD •December 18, 2018 –City Council direction: •Leadership workshop prior to goal setting •Scheduled for February 20, 2019 Goal Setting Process •City Council Policy No. 27 -Rescinded •Past City Council process direction: •City Council Goals workshop(s) •Public Input •City Council Resolutions -Goals & Work Plan Feb Mar April May June Departments Develop Budgets Review Department Budgets / Create Citywide Budget Preliminary Budget Budget Adoption Goal Discussion Goal Adoption Create Work Plans / ID Resource Needs Present Plans/ Resource Needs Goal Setting Process Jan Mar Goal Setting Feb April MaySeptJulyAugJuneOctNovDec Public Input Work Plans Integrating Public Input, Goal Setting, Budget Budget Process Public Input Feb Mar April May June Departments Develop Budgets Review Department Budgets / Create Citywide Budget Preliminary Budget Budget Adoption Goal Discussion Goal Adoption Create Work Plans / ID Resource Needs Present Plans/ Resource Needs Transition Year: 2019 AugJulyAprilMayJune Transition Year: 2019 Sept Goal Process Starts Check in on Community Needs/Values/Priorities Jan MarFeb April May SeptJulyAugJune Oct Nov Dec Public Input Jan MarFeb April May SeptJulyAugJune Oct Nov Dec Public Involvement Community City Decision Making ConnectedCarlsbad Goal Setting Process Discussion Public Input / Engagement Smart & Connected Carlsbad CCE Feasibility Study City Budget (CIP / Resourcing) Core Values Check-In City Council Elections City Council Leadership Workshop Legislative Cycle & Platform Carlsbad Resident Survey Goal Setting Process Discussion 1.Timing: March -May vs. Transition Year Process 2.Frequency: Annual vs. Every Two Years Recommended Action •Receive 2018 City Council Goals Status Report •Discuss 2019 City Council Goal Setting Process •Provide Direction to Staff