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/ 03. cc SOK & TS11F1G, INC. P.O. Box 600627 .. .. : -4321 San Diego, CA 92160-0627 (877)215-4321 6280 Riverdale Street. (( jiry FAX San Diego CA92120 (619) 280-4717 www.scst.com AS-GRADED 0 . GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES PROPOSED UNITS 1,2 & 3 OF CARLSBAD TRACT. 96-03 . . CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 5 0 5 S PREPARED FOR CONCORDIA HOMES OF CALIFORNIA,LLC, . S 7130 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE 201 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOILAND TESTING, INC S 6280.RIVERDALE STREET. 0• 0 . S . SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Providing Professional Engineering Services Since 1959 / SOIL & TSTTIG, INC. - - P H 0 N E - P0. Box 600627 (612)280-4321,-, San Diego, CA 92160-0627 - •' - TOLL FREE X877) 215-4321 6280 'Riverdale Street F A x San Diego CA 92120 (619) 280-4717 www.scst.com September 22, 2000 SCS&T 9911167-14 Concordia Homes 7130 Avenida Encinas, Suite 201 Carlsbad, California 92009-4657 SUBJECT AS-GRADED GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES - PROPOSED UNITS 1 THROUGH 3 OF TRACT 96-03 - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA.' Dear Ladies and Gentlemen - In accordance with your request and authorization this final report has been prepared to present the results of field observations and testing performed in conjunction with the earthwork and keystone wall construction at the subject site Our services for the mass grading were performed between January 24 and August 30 2000 Our services for the keystone walls were performed between March 13 and June 19 2000 The earthwork was performed by G Whillock Grading of Vista California and the site was graded' to elevations as indicated on the grading plans by Dudek and Associates of Encinitas dated January 29 1998 The construction of the keystone walls was performed by Geogrid of San 'Diego California SITE pESCRIPTION AND PROPOSED. DEVELOPMENT • ,• .- , . The subject-site is an irregiIar-shaped parcel located north of the intersection of,Carlsbad Village Drive and Donna Drive in the City of Carlsbad California The site is designated as Carlsbad Tract No. '9-03, Pacific View Estates, Units 1 through 3.- The site covers approximately 8.5 acres and is bounded on the north by residential properties and Wintergreen Drive on the east by residential properties; or the west by Hosp Way; and on the south by Carlsbad VillageDrive, undeeIopéd property and a large water tank that is designated as Elm Reservoir. Mass grading was performed to provide building pads, roadways and open space areas necessary for the development of 26 residential lots and 1 open space lot - . . S • - - . • • S - S - - - , S . I • • Pacific View Estates ' September 22, 2000' " Page. SCS&T9911167-14 I ' SITE PREPARATION CLEARING AND GRUBBING: Site preparation began with the clearing, and grubbing of the 'existing vegetation and matter detrimental to the proposed development from the areas to be graded. The material generated from the operations as exported frorrcthe site. r 0 0 , •' ,0 LOT GRADING: in accordance with our recommendations, potentially compressible topoU, 0 'subsoil, colluvialand/or alluvial deposits were removed from the areas, to receive fill and/or 0 settlement-sensitive improvements The bottoms of the rèmovI areas typically exposed terrace ' deposits or Santiago Formation deposits; Typically, the removals extended laterally throughout the entire extent of the site as indicated on Plate Number 1. Lateral removals limits adjacent to the western subdivision boundary were limited due to a temporary 12-inch, above-ground water line With the approval of the Carlsbad Water District the existing abandoned 12-inch asbestos water line adjacent to the western subdivision boundary was slurry-filled with 3-sack cement and 0 ' sand mix and left in place with removal andre-compaction occurring around the pipe. Lateral 0 removal limits extending to the southern subdivisidn boundary adjacent to Lots 8 and lot 27 were limited to a minimum of five feet north of the existing'water line. Removal limits for Donna Drive,'' adjacent to the Elm Reservoir Tank were limited due to the presence of existing water lines from ' the tank approximately 2 feet below the existing grade." Subsequent to the removals, the 'exposed bottoms. were scarified to'a depth of about 124o 18'inches,. moisture conditioned and 0 compacted: The relative compaction was determined by using the ratio between the in-situ field ' dry density and the laboratory maximum dry density (ASTM 1557-91), multiplied by 100 The field density tests indicated 'a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction ' The soils generated from the removal op&rations and on-site cuts were placed in the removed areas as uniformly compacted fill material Typically, fill soils were placed in lifts up to 12 inches - ( thick, moisture conditioned and mechanically compacted. When failur,es'occurred, matenals ( ' , were ripped, moisture conditioned and re-compacted. The failed areas were retested and the test results indicated relative compaction of 90% or higher.,Compaction was achieved by means 'Of ' caterpillar 966 rubber tire'- loader Caterpillar 824 rubber 'tire compactor, or' other heavy " construction equipment This process continued until desired elevations were reached KEYWAYS: To provide adequate support for the proposed fill slopes, keyways were cut intO ' competent soils along the proposed toe of slope The keyways were typically at least 15 feet 0 , " • wide and sloped back into the existing sloping terrainatan approximate gradient of two pecent. , 0 , ,; The keyway bottoms were scarifi'ed'to a depth of 12 inches, moisture conditioned and compacted prior to receiving additional fill The approximate locations of the fill slope keyways are indicated on Plate' Number 1. - V Pacific View Estates September 22, 2000 Page 3 SCS&T9911167-14 - - CUT/FILL TRANSITION: Where transitions between' cut and, fill mterialôccurred within fourféet of finish pad grade the cut portion of the lot was over-excavated to a minimum depth of four feet below finish pad grade The over-excavation was performed to create a more uniform soil condition beneath the proposed structure and to lessen the potential for differential settlement. The over-excavated bottom surfaces exposed terrace deposits and/or Santiago Formation The bottoms of the excavations were sloped away from the middle of the pd and to the deeper Ill areas to prevent potential pondin of water. Subsequent to the removals the exposed bottoms were scarified to a depth of 12-inches, moisture conditioned and compa'cted with field density tests indicating a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction The maximum dry density was determined in accordance withASTM D 1557-91. The fill material was generally placed and compacted as previously described until designed elevations were reached. The approximate limits of the areas over-excavated due to cut/II transitions are ideritied on Plate, Number 1. FILL SLOPE STABILIZATION: The proposed fi!I.slope adjacent to the eastern boundary of'the site including Lots 18 through 20 required a stabilization fill The stabilization fill was recommended due to the steepness of the pre-existing slope and the potential reduction in shear strength in the slope as a result of irrigation water infiltration Strata 500 Geogrid was placed at 50-foot lengths spanning the width of the stabilization fill The Geogrid layers were spaced vertically at intervals of 2.5 to 3 feet... Stabilization S fill material was generally placed ,and compacted as previously described KEYSTONE WALL BACKFILL The construction of keystone wall, geogrid placement, and compaction behind the walls were performed by Geogrid, Inc., thedesigner of the walls. The backfill oils for the Keystone walls constructed were tested for relative compaction by our firm The approximate locations of the Keystone wall backfill tests areas noted on the attached Plate Number 2. In-place density tests • associated with the Keystone wall backfill have been labeled with the 'KW designation Typically, the same soils used for the general grading of the project were also used for the Keystone wall backfill The backfill material was generally compacted in thin lifts with field density testing indicating a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction Compaction was primarily achieved by meansof a riding smooth-drum vibratory roller,a walk-behind heep's-footvibratory S roller, or hand whacker. Asper the request of the Geogrid contractor, compaction was restricted to at least 12-inches away from the block due to concern for the lateral movement of blocks r Pacific View Estates Septerñber 22, 2000 '' ',,. Page 4 SCS&T9911167-14 0 Subdrains were placed behind each Keystone wall. The subdrains consisted of four-inch perforated pipe (SDR35 minimum, or equivalent) surrounded'bya minimum, of three cubic feet per lineal foot of crushed rock, which was then wrapped in filter fabric material It is recommended that the outlets for the subdrains should be kept free of debris and.be allowed to freely flow at all times. Special inspection requirements verified in accordance with Section 1701 of the Uniform Building Code include the following Soils conditions are substantially 'in conformance with the ,referenced geotechnical investigation. ' .. . , . . . , . .• The base courses for the Keystone walls were founded on a thin layer of crushed rock which in turn was founded on compacted soils In our opinion the compacted soils were suitable for the support of the proposed walls. The. Keystone walls 'including the geogrid and backfill, were substantially installed per plan The angle. of the face of the walls is in 'substantial conformance, with the wall section of the applicable plans...... A minor seepagecbndition encountered in theeastern back-cut for Walls C and 0 was addressed according to our recommendations. The mitigating measures consisted of the placement a -subdrain against the toe, of the backcut behind Wall C. The subdrain consisted of afour-inch perforated pipe, surrounded with 34-inch crushed rock. 'The crushed rock was wrapped with filter fabric. A . . . second subdrain was constructed ,against the back-cut behind Wall D. The subdrain was placed at or slightly below the location, where -seepage was observed emerging from the face of the back-cut. Miradrain panels extended up, the back-cut from the subdrain to slightly above the top of the observed'• seepage. ' - . • . '.,. ,'. We' believe that 'the Keystone walls were completed in accordance with our site preparation and grading recommendations and with the City of Carlsbad grading ordinances - FIELD OBSERVATION AND TESTING Field'observation and density tests were performed by a representative' of Southern California Soil ari'd testing, Ihc. during the mass grading and Keystone wall. backfill operations. The density tests were taken according to ASTM Dl 556-90 (sand cone) and D2922-91 (nuclear gauge). The results of those tests are shown on the attached plates- The accuracy of them-situ density test locations andelevatiohs is function 'of the accuracy of the survey control provided by other than Southern California. Soil, and Testing, Inc. representatives. - Unless 'otherwise noted., their ' I " Pacific View Estates . . September 22, 2000 Page 5 SCS&T9911167-14 . locations and elevations were determined by pacing and hand level methods and should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. As used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we observed the progress of work we were involved with, and we also performed field density tests, which in. conjunction with bur observation was the basis-for our opinion as to wt'iethér the work was performed in substantial - conformance with the geotechnical recommendations and the, requirements 9f the applicable agencies. LABORATORY TESTS . ... • . . S Maximum dry density determinations were performed on representative samples of the soils used in the compacted fills according to'ASTM D .1557-91 test method When the soil contains 20% or .5' less by weight of material, which-is retained on .thé#4 sieve, then the, compaction test method is type W. This method specifies that a four (4) inch diameter cylindrical mold of cubic foot volume be used and that the soil tested be placed in five (5) equal layers with each layer compacted bytwenty-five (25) blows by 10-pound tarnmerwith'an. 18-inch drop. When the soil contains more than -20%' by weight of material, that is retained on the 3/8" sieve and less than 30% by weight is retained on the 3/4 sieve, then the compaction method Js type ''C'. This methodsrecifies that asix (6) inch diameter cylindrical mold of 1/13 cubic foot volume be used and .that the soil tested be plaöed in five (5) equal layers with each layer compacted by fifty-six (56) blows by 10-pound hammerwith an 18-inch drop The results of these tests, as presented on Plate Number 22, were used in,conjunction with the field densky tests to detçrmine the degree- of relative compaction of the compacted fill The expansive potential of cut arid fill soils within the upper three feet of finish grade was visually determined as non-détrimentallyéxpansive. ,.. . . . . .' • . .• R-VALUE DETERMINATION The resistance value (R-Value) of representative soil samples was determined to provid6 a basis for pavement recommendations The tests were performed in accordance with California Test Method No 301-1978 and the locations are plotted on Plate Number 22 AS-BUILT GEOLOGY I Based on the results of on-site geological observation, the following conclusions are presented • • 1) The geological conditions exposed at the site were found to be similar to those describe in the referenced geotechnical reports and generally anticipated - Pacific View Estates September 22, 2000 Page 6 SCS&T 991116714 2) The grading recommendations presented in the referenced report and those recommended during the grading appear to hávé been followed. These recommendations included removal of potentially compressible soils and 0 construction of a stability fill for the, proposed eastern slope. The stabilityfill was -' recommended due to the steepness of the existing 1.5: 1, (horizontal:vèrticàl) or steeper cut slope near the eastern boundary of the project as well as the potential for water infiltration through the sandy backfill soils and into the underlying terrace deposits potentially reducing the shear strength values of the soils All temporary cut slopes and areas that were to receive fill were observed, and •• - 4) In our professional. opinion and to the- best of our knowledge, all advérsë geologic conditions have been sufficiently mitigated and the site appears to be geotechnically suitable for the proposed developmeit REMAINING WORK 0' • . 0 \• The following operations are largely complete at this time, however there remains .minor'*ork in each area that will be finished in the near future It is recommended that field observations and relative compaction tests be performed during these operations to verify that these operations are performed in accordance with job requirements?'and the City of Carlsbad grading ordinances SCS&T will prepare a site improment report at the completion of the following items The backfilling of the underground utilities trenches . Final grading of the roadway; - • - • 0 - . The preparation and placement of the roadway, parkway, and curb and gutter, subgrade iThe preparation and, placement of the any, residential concrete slab improvements. -• including driveways or patio slabs Testing and observation of the backfill and geogrid for Keystone Wall 25 CONCLUSIONS Based on our field observations and the in-place density test results, it is the opinion of Southern California Soil and Testing Inc that the grading work was performed substantially in accordance with the recommendations contained in the referenced geotechnicai' report the City of Carlsbad grading ordinance the applicable grading plans and permits and the Uniform Building Code t I -• Pacific View Estates September 22 2000 'Page 7 . . SCS&19911167-14 • . . Recommendations for the minimum design of foundations, as presented in the referenced reports remain applicable For your convenience these recommendations are presented below. FOUNDATIONS GENERAL Shallow foundations may be utilized for the support of the proposed structure The footings should have a minimumdepth of 12 inches and 18 inches below the lowest. adjacent finish pad grade for single and two-story structures respectively A minimum width of 12 inches and 24 inches is recommended for continuous and isolated foptings, respeètively. A bearing capacity of 1,500 psf and 2,000 psf may be as'sume'd for said. footings. This bearing capacity may be increased by one-third when considering wind and/or seismic forces: . Footings located • adjacent to or within slopes, should be extended to a depth such that a minimum distance of seven feet exists between the footing and the face of the slope. For retaining wall footings, a'• minimum setback often feet is recommended REINFORCEMENT: Both exterior and interior continuous footing should be reinforced with at least two No 5 bar positioned near the bottom of the footing and at least two No 5 bar positioned near the top of the footing This reinforcement is based on soil characteristics and is not intended to be in lieu of reinforcement necessary to satisfy structural considerations. The following are, recommendations for footings due to unforeseen conditions encountered during grading 1 Due to the undercutting of a portion of Lot 26 (cut lot) for the keystone wall footing, footings are recommended to be deepened so that all footings extend a minimum of six inches into firm terrace deposits .2. Due to the difference in fillfhickness.and the potential for differential settlement • • : . • . near the southern edge of the proposed building foundation system of Lot 21, we •, recommend increased reinforcement within the footing and. slab proposédin that area. Two additional No. 5 bars in the footing, (one at the top and one at the bottom) in addition to the original steel reinforcement proposed in the footings, should be considered Within the subject slab area No 4 bars at eight inches on center should be considered . 3. Based on a review of the revised grading plans showing the eterior footing . . setback from adjacent slope faces and/or prbperty lines,, we recommend: a ' Exterior footings for Lot 4 adjacent to Lot 3 should be deepened to 2 feet - . . ', • ... from the lowest adjacent grade: No change in reinforcement is requited.. Pacific View Estates Septenber 22:2000 . fl Page 8 9rfl(4llL7 'IA b The exterior and interior footings for Lot 27 adjacent to Lot 8 should bé deepened to at-least 3 feet below the lowestadjacent grade. In addition, consideration may be given to increase the reinforcement in the footings by at least one No. 5 bar at the top and one No. 51 bar at the bottom of footing. Eiowevér, if the horizontal distance between, the nearest footing and the slope face is greater than 10 feet, then no revision to the original foundation design recommendations will be required FOUNDATION EXCAVATION OBSERVATIONS All footing excavations should be observed by a member of our engineering/geology staff to verify that the foundation excavations extend into a suitable, bearing stratum. EXPANSIVE CHARACTERISTICS: The observed and tested foundation soil were found to be non-detrimentally expansive. The recommendations contained in this report are applicable to this . condition. ON-GRADE-SLABS ' INTERIOR CONCRETE'SLAB-ON, Concrete floor'slabs'should.have a thickness of at least four inches and should' be reinforced with at leasi No. 3 reinforcing bars placed at -18 inches on center each way. In lieu of No: 3. reinforcing bars placed at 12 inches on center each way, the ..structural engineer may use,-No. 4 reinforcing bars placed at 18 inches on center each way. The slab reinforcement should be placed approximately at the middle of the slab.,The slab should be underlain by a four-inch blanket of clean, poorly graded, coarse sand' or crushed 'rock. This blanket should consist of 109 percent, material passing the one-half ,inch screen ,and no more than ten percent and five percent passing sieves #100 and #200, respectively. A 1.0-mil visqueen' barrier should be placed over the sand/rock layer and the visqueen, should be overlain by at least two inches* of sand. - . , . 'p • -, . . . .' I ................ LIMITATIONS This report covers only the services performed between January 24: and September 7 2000 'As limited by the scope of the services, which we agreed to perform our opinion presented herein is based on our observations and the relative compaction test results Our service was performed in accordance with the currently accepted standard of practice and in such a manner as to provide areasonable measure of the compliance of the gradingand backfill operations with the job requirements. No warranty, express or implied, is given or intended with respect'to the -, services which we have performed, and neither the performance of those'services nor the - submittal of this report shOuld be'.construed as rélièving the contractor of his reponsibiiity to'. .'. Pacific View Estates September, 22, 2000 Page 9 SCS&T9911167-14 - S conform with the job requirements - If you should have any questions rgarding this report, please do nt hesitate to contact this office This opportynity to be of professional service is sincerely apprbciated Respectfully submitted, - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. D G 0.2206 IED QP ENGINEERING (P 0 GEOLOGIST H 114' T M Kumar, R GO Mike Farr, 5-31-01 - Principal GeotechnicaI Engineer Senior MEW MFTMKsd (5) Addressee •• (1) City of Carlsbad I -: •' - -S-S '". S .5 5 . --S • S - SS I- S - -• S S •', S 5 I' I I .. I 4 -, . - — I I -. - - - - ' . -. . - .. . . . I,-- 'I * - I I 8• / ol Of CAUFORNA '8 4 — '8 Al IIIF. 4 44 4 1- I '-,• 1 ,., 1 8 -. - ' . •' 0 - 4 -. '8 S . - - : '8 '- - 0 8 ' ' •, •' 5.- o0 -' - I - -- 8 ) 5 . all - — .-. -- - ••.. 8 ' -. .' -- .4 - -' - I 8 - ,'' — 1 ., . • . . . • .• - . Pacific View Estates September22, 2000. Appendix A, Page 1 SCS&T9911167-14 . REFERENCES 9911167.1 Change of Geotechnical. Engineer ofRecord, Pacific View Estates, Proposed Single Family Detached Homes, APNJ 167-250716, Units 1,2and'3, of Carlsbad Tract #96-03 Car San Diego County California 9911167.2 Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Study, Pacific View Estates, Proposed Units •: '. . ' 1 thrOugh 3 ofTract #96-03, Carlsbad, California. . • . - 0 •. 911167.3 Construction of' Retaining Walls Adjacent to Toe of Carlsbad Village Drive - Embankment (North Side), Pacific View Estates Phase II' Units 1 and 3 / Carlsbad Tract #96-03, City of Carlsbad, California 9911167.4 Grading Certification for. Lots 29 .and 30, Phase II (Model Homes), City of - . 0 Carlsbad Tract 96-03, Carlsbad, California'. . . . . .•• 9911167.5 Additional Foundation Recommendations/Modifications Pacific View Estates Unit 1 2 and 3 of Carlsbad Tract #96-03 Carlsbad California 9911167.7 As-Graded Geotechnical Report, Pacific View Estates Lots 1 throgh 7 14 through 22, and 24 through 30, Inclusive, Carlsbad. Tract #96-03".Carlsbad, California . - • ,. / : S 9911167.8 Revision of Foundation Depths Due to Setback Dimensions, Pacific View -, . - •- Estates, Unit 1, 2, and 3 of Carlsbad Tract #96-03; Carlsbad, California.. .9911167.13 Responses to items 15 and 16 prepared by Esgil Corporation for the City of • • . . Carlsbad/Esgil Corporation Project No. Carlsbad PCOO-04, Dated 3/27/00. 9911167 14 As-Graded Geotechnical Report Pacific View Estates Proposed Units 1 through 3, of Tract 96-03, Carlsbad, California. Grading Plans (Sheets 1 through 5) for PacificView Estates, Phase I, Unit 1, Carlsbad Tract #96- 03, .Prepared by Dudek and Associates, Undated. • • • .' , Grading Plans (Sheets 1 through 5) for Pacific View Estates, Phase II, Units 2 and 3 Carlsbad • Tract #96-03, Prepared by Dudek and Associates,' Undated. .. S Keystone Wall Plan (sheets R1 through R-3, sheets f&3' of 5) for Pacific View Estates. Phase I Unit 1 Carlsbad Tract 96-03 Prepared by Landmark Engineering Corporation Undated S ' Keystone Wall Plans (sheets R-1, R-2; R-4, R-, through R-9, sheet 3of 5, ) for Pacific View. Estates. Phase II. Units 2 and 3: Carlsbad Tract 96-03. Prepared by Landmark Engineering Corporation, undated / - -• I / JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES I TEST . ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) GRADING 1 1/24/00 Lot . . 213.0 7.5 125.9 2 97.0 2 1/24/00 Lot 219.0 12.2 117.5 .1 92.4 3 1/24/00 Lot : 208.0 .7.9 123.3 2 95.0 .' 4 1/24/00 Lot 221.0 12.4 115.9 1 91.1 1/25/00 Lot " . -' 223.0 11.9 . . 120.9 1. 95.0 6 1/26/00 Lot - '... 225.0 . . 114.9 117.7 .1 92.5 7 1/27/00 Lot . . 226.0 12.1 '. 124.5 1 ' 97.9 8 1/27/00 Lot ' 220.0 8.1 . .115.3 -. 1 90.6 9 1/28/00 Lot 5 226.0 10.1 .125.6 1 98.7 1() 1/28/00 Lot . 222.0 9.1' ''., 117.1 ; 1 92.1 11 1/28/00 Pad 8 ,, 213.0 NG 6.8 -' •' 110.4 3 90.5 12 1/28/00 Pad 7 223.0 9.8 119.0 1 93.6 1:3 1/28/00 Pad 8 209.0 10.3 , 117.5 1 92.4 14 1/31/00 Pad . . 228.0 ,' 11.5 . 119.2 1 93.7 15 1/31/00 Pad 7/8 . . ' 221.5 -Th2.2' '.'. . .121.2 ' 1, 95.3 16 2/3/00 Pad 6 2245 L13 7 1192 4 91.9 17 ' 2/3/00- Pad . ''' . 226.0' 11.2 110.9 . 1 . 87.2 , 18 2/3/00 Pad 7 . . , ' 222.5 . 13.9 . 119.3 ' - '1 93.8 19: 2/3/00 RETEST OF #17 .' " 226.0 ' . 13.3 118.1 - 1 ' 92.8 210 2/4/00 Pad 8 ,, ' ' 222.5 12.1 . . '- ' 123.4 ,' 4 95.1 21 2/4/00 Pad 2275 130 1183 4 912 22 2/4/00 Pad 7 224.5 10 8 113.1 3 92.7 213 2/4/00 Pad 2275 118 1160 1 912 24-j. 2/7/00 Pad . . 226.0 . 14.0 ' 118.0 4 91.0 2:5 2/7/00 pad 2290 136 1198 4 924 26 2/7/00 pad 2250 146 1138 3 933 27 2/8/00 Pad8 . .. •' '225.5 ', 12.4" - . '120.2 , . 1 945 28 2/8/00 Pad 2295 104 1256 4 968 29 2/8/00 Pad 8 '226.5' . 10.3 22.8 4 '94.7 30 2/8/00 Pad , , ,. '. 229.0 ' , 13.3' ' 120.8 4 93.1 31 2/9/00 Lot 2315 132 1212 4 934 32 2/9/00 Lot 2270 111 1155 1 908 33 2/9/00 Lot 6 232.5 8.2 123.1 4 94.9' 2/9/00 Lot 2310 79 1157 4 892 35 -' 2/9/00 , Lot 8 228.0 . 6.3 ,'. ,' ' 110.9 '4 ' 85.5 36 2/9/00 Lot ., ' . '. 231.0 . iSA. • ' 112.1 . 3 , 91.9 -37 -,--2/9/00 RETEST OF#35 . 228.0 . 9.7 ' ' ''...,1'19:3 4' 92.0 38 2/9/00 RETEST OE#34'.' . ' 231.0 10.0 - 111.8 3 91.6 - 2/10/00 Lot 6 39 234.0 11.7 1,17 .9 4 90.9 40 2/10/00 Lot 2335 112 ' 1214 4 936 -41 ," 2/10/00 --I- • Lot 8" ' . * - , , ,, . . . 232.0 - ,- . , '9.7, , ' • . ' 115.0 . '.-- .' 1 90.4 42 2/10/00 Lot .7 234.5 13.9 111.9 3 91.7 I r PLATE NO 3 ,, - ' S , . ' " , . . - 55 JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES ._ - ' - JOB NUMBER: 991 4 1167" TEST " ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. - NO. DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p.cf.) TYPE (percent) 43 2/11/00 Lot 3 218.0 . 13.6 . 113.7 3 93.2 44 2/11/00 Lot 218.5 12.9 116.4 3 95.4 45(1 2/11/00 Keyway Lot 2030 r 115 1157 5 921 46 2/11/00 Keyway, Lot 208.5 10.4 112.4 3 92.1 47, 2/11/00' Keyway, Lot : 210.0 9.8 116.4 1 91.5 48 2/15/00, Keyway, Lot 6 .. 206.5 . 11.7 - '115.1. 1 90.5 49 2/15/00 Keyway, Lot 5 208.5 . 11.1' , 117.2 .. 1 92.1 50: 2/15/00 Keyway, Lot 4/5 212.5 12.5 ': 114.6 1 .. 90.1 51- 2/15/00 Keyway, Lot 198.5 12.4 113.5, . 5 90.4 52 - .2/17/00 West Keyway, Lot -' . 200.5 . .11.7 . 113.1 ''5 . 90.0 53 2/17/00 West Keyway, Lot 7 , 208.5. 11.3 . 120.3 '2 ' . 92.7 54 2/17/00 West Keyway, Lot '. '' . 214.0 12.4 ' ' ., 121.3 2': , 93.5 55 2/18/00 Lot 2325 156 ' 1145 3 939 56 2/18/00 Lot 7 .. . , 231.0 10.3 . '' . 108.0 3 ' 88.5 57. 2/18/00 . RETEST OF #56 ' 231.0 - '-P'. 119.2 , 2 91.8 58 2/18/00 Lot 2330 119 1188 2 91.5- 59: 2/18/00 West Keyway, Lot 8 . 204.5 10.2 . ' .'- ' 110.6 . ' 3 90.7 .60 2/18/00 West Keyway, Lot .: - 205.0 :. 11.3 . •. 105.6 ,. 3 . 86.6 61 2/18/00 West Keyway Lot . 2125 122 1162 1 914 62 2/22/00 West Keyway, Lot . . 210.5 13.7 : 112:6 1 ., 88.5 63, 2122/00 RETEST OF #62 205.0 13.2 116.2 1 91.4 64 2/22/00 RESTEST OF #60 212.5 13.2 113.0 3 92.6 65 . 2/22/00 West Keyway, Lot , . 214.0 . 135 - . 117.2 5 . ' 93.3 66 2/24/00 West Keyway Lot 8 SW Corner 214.5 13.3 115.3 1 90.6 67 . 2/24/00 West Keyway, Lot 8, SW Corner 216.0 7.8 " . 123.2 .. 2 94.9 68 2/24/00 West Keyway Lot 8 SW Corner 215.0 9.5 117 0 2 90.T 69 2/24/00 West Keyway, Lot 7 ' 216.0 10.6 ,, '. 112.3 ' - 3 92.0 70 , 2/24/00 West Keyway, Lot 8, SW Corner ' 219.0 . 8.9 ' 1205 . 4 . 92.9' 71 2/25/00 Lot 2180 144 1107 3 907 72 2/25/00 Lot 8 218.0 13.0 1090 3 89.3 73 ' 2/25/00 RETEST OF #72 221.0 13.3 111.4 3 91.3 74 2/25/00 Lot . ' - 220.0 " . 12.3 . ' .115.7 '. I ', 91.0 75' .2/25/00 Lot 8* . ,' -,. 223.0 - ' 13.7 - 117.1 . I 92.1.. .76 2/25/00 Lot . . - 224.0 13.9 110.0 3 '90.2 77 2/25/00 Lot 8 224.0 13.0 119A 11 93.9 78 2/28/00 Lot 8 225.0 9.5 117 .1.1 4 90.3 79 2/28/00 Lot , 222.5 - 10.6 . "- .118.5 . 4 91.4 80': 2/28/00'North . of Lot 8 226.0 - 10.7' ...' 121.4 4 93.6 ., - . . 81 2/28/00 Lot 8 226 0 14 3 110 6 4 85 3 82 2/28/00 RETEST OF #81' - . 227.0 -, 10.3 . . ' 118.1 - 4 91.1 83 , 2/28/00 Lot - .. :,. ' 229.0 '- 10.9 . .'. 120.1 4 92.6 84 2/28/00 Lot 8 .231.0 13.3 1194 4 92.1 85 2/28/00 Park East of Lot 8 231.0 12.5 111.7 1 87.8 86 2/28/00 RETEST OF #85 232.5 .11 .7 114.8 1 90.3 PLATE NO 4 ,,,_,,4V • JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: 9911167' TEST NO. DATE V LOCATION ELEVATION (feet,MSL) MOISTURE V (percent) DRY DENSITY (p.c.f.).. SOIL TYPE REL.COMP. (percent) V 87 2/29/00 West Slope below Lot 27 233.5 V 11.9 117.7 . 4 90.7 88 2/29/00 North Slope below Lot 27 . 235.0 10.9 125.9 4 97.1 89 2/29/00 West Slope below Lot 27 234.5 13.2 VV 115.9 1 91.1 90 2/29/00 Lot 27 V 236.0 13.3 116.3 1 -' 91.4 91 2/29/00 Lot 27 . V, • , 236.0 V 8.3 ' 1121 " 88.1 92 2/29/00 RETEST OF #91 236.0 12 7 120.9 1 95.0 V 93 2/29/00 Lot 27 . V. 'V 236.5 13.0 . 114.7 . 4 88.4 94 2/29/00 RETEST OF #93 2365 125 1168 4 90.1 95 3/1/00 Lot 27 . V 237.5 ' 10.7 11.6.4 1,•• 91.5V 96 3/1/00 Lot 27 2375 114 1171 1 92.1- 97, 3/1/00 Lot 27 VV V 237.0 11.7 ,. ' 120.9 . . ..1 95.0 98 3/1/00 Lot 28 V • 236.5 11.8 V21.5 . ' 1 .95.5 99 3/1/00 East Keyway Lot 18 2050 110 1119 3 917 100 3/1/00 East Keyway, Lot 19 : 205.0 10.7:- V .112.9 3 92.5 101 3/1/00 East Keyway, Lot 20 V 206.0 .. 10.8 , ••,V' .1114- ' 3 91.3 102 3/1/00 East Keyway Lot 20 207.0 1d.7 112 0 3 91.8 103: 3/2/00 Lot 27 241.0 ; 10.0 .. . 120.0 . V 92.5 104 3/2/00 Lot 28 V . 239.0 V 95 V .116.8 , .. 90.1' 105 3/2/00 Lot 27 2430 115 1185 4 914 106,: 3/2/00 Lot 28 . , . 239.0 12.9 .. -119.6 4' . 92.2 107.'. 3/2/00 East Keyway, Lot 20 -" . .209.5 . 8.4 V V V ...118.1 , , V 4 V• 108 . 3/2/00 East Keyway, Lot 19 . ,• ' 207.0 . . 10.7 . 114.5 1 90.0 109 1 3/2/00 East Keyway, Lot 19 206.5 . 9.5 . '. , . .117.1 . 1 ' 92.1 110 3/2/00 East Keyway, Lot 18 206.0 . 9.4 . .. 114.7 - 1 . 90.2 -111 t 3/2/00 South Slope, Lot ' . 227.0 10.9 .. -112.0 , I '88.1 112 3/2/00 V South Slope Lot 2200 93 1176 1 925 113 3/2/00 RETEST OF #111 2270 92 1153 1 906 114 3/2/00 Southwest Slope Lot 8 -216.0 i2.2, 14.8 1 90.3 115 3/2/00 Southwest Slope, Lot . 225.0 . ,' V ' 118.3 " -- '1 . 93.0 116 . 3/2/00 West Slope, Lot 8 '. .- 218.0 12.0 -. 'V 113.6 5 - ' 90.4 117 . 3/2/00 West Slope, Lot 8 . - 222.6 12.1 120.2 ' 4- 92.7 118 3/3/00 South Slope, Lot 27 , : 229.0 , . 10.6 - .' p116.2 .: 1. . 91.4, 119 3/3/00 North Keyway Lot 14 240.0 8.9 - 116 5 1 91.6 120 3/3/00 North Keyway, Lot 14 ' ' . 230.0 , 11.7 , ., 114.3 '. '5' 91.0 121 'p 3/3/00- ' North Keyway, Lot 14 'V '. 235.0 13.3 , V .V , 117.5 5 ' 93.6. 122 3/3/00 Northwest Keyway Lot 27 245.5 10.7 119'1 4 91.8' 123 3/3/00' -South Slope, Lot 27 V .' 229.5, V V . 9.0 ' 'V 113.0 - V V 5 - 900 124. 3/6/00 North Keyway, Lot 14 ...... 232.5 13.2 : 116.5 , 3 V 955 125 3/6/00 North Keyway Lot 14 2350 11.0 1200 1 943 126 3/6/00 North Keyway Lot 14 237.5 10.2 116.0 1 '91.2 127 r 3/6/00 South Slope Lot 27 244.0 11.8 121.4 4 93 .6 , 128 3/6/00 Lot 27 . ' -, V 245.5 "V , 13.4 V 122.1. 4 , ' 94.1 129 3/6/00 North Slope Lot 28 2430 106 1194 4 921 130 3/6/00 Lot 28 2415 98 1148 1 903 PLATE NO 5 JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: 9911167 ,4 TEST ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO.- DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) 131 3/7/00 South Slope, Lot 27 247.5 . . 11.1, 114.7 1 90.2 132 3/7/00 West Slope, Lot 27 249.5 9.1 . 116.6 1 91.7 133 3/7/00 North Keyway, Lot 14 239.5 15.0 110.0 3 90.2 134 3/7/00 North Keyway, Lot 14 .- 242.5 7.3 111.7 5 88.9 135 3/7/00 RETEST OF #134 . .242.5 9.7 114.9 5 90.8 136 3/7/00 Lot 29 - 245.0 8.2 -. 1116.8 4 90.1 137 3/9/00 East Keyway, Lot 18 209.0 13.6 . 113.9 .. 3 93.4 138 : 3/9/00 East Keyway, Lot 19 209.0 . 14.9-1 - . 114.9 3 94.2 139 3/9/00 East Keyway, Lot 20 210.0 14.3 " 410.9'. 3 90.9 140 3/9/00 Lot 28 . - -: 250.0 . 12.3 ,120.6. . 4 93.0 141. 3/9/00 North Slope, Lot 27 . . 252.0 .14.9 119.0. 4 91.8 142 3/9/00 Lot 27 . - . 251.0 - 11.9. -. .116.8 4 90.1 143 3/9/00 Lot 20 212.0 8.7 116.8 8-- 90.5 144 3/9/00 Lot 18 211.0 .12.2 117.0. 8 ' 90.6 145 3/10/00 Lot 20 . . 214.5 11.5 -• -.117.1 . 7 92.1, 146 3/10/00 .Lot 18 - 214.0 11.9 '- 118.4 - 8 91.7 - 147 3/10/00 Lot 19 . - 216.0 14.6 115.0 7 90.5. 148 3/10/00 Lot 18 2160 134 1155 7 909 149 3/10/00 Lot 19 2180 147 1166 7 917 150 3/10/00 Lot 18 219.0 - - 11.4 118.5 8 91.8. 151 3/10/00 Lot 18 -. 221.5 ., 10.1 - 117.0 . 7 . 92.1 152 - 3/10/00 Lot 19 -219.5 13.8 . 117.5 7 92.4 .153 3/10/00 Lot 20 219.0 10.9 119.5 -. 7 94.0 154 3/10/00 Donna Drive, Station 13+00 - 249.0 11.7. 116.5- - .. 7 91.7 155 3/13/00 Lot 18 -, - -.. .- 223.0 9.1 -. 115.2 -- .7 90.6 156 3/13/00 Lot 20 2200 85 1115 3 914 157 3/13/00 Lot 19 2215 103 1171 7 921 158 3/13/00 * Lot 18 . 225.0 . . - .15.2 111.0 - 7 . 87.3 159 3/13/00 Lot 19 2240 146 1126 7 886 160 3/13/00 RETEST OF #158 225.0 '17.1 1120 7 88.1 161 3/13/00 RETEST OF #160 2250 137 118.1 7 929 .162 3/13/00 RETEST OF #159 .. 224.0 . 114.0 .. . 115.3., 7 90.7 163 3/13/00 Lot 21 . - 217.5 9.8 . -- 115.1' 7 90.6 .164 3/14/00 Lot 20 -. . . 226.5 . 10.5 .. -.1158 . 91.1 - -. 165 3/14/00 Lot 18 '. 228.0 - 11.3 . - 119.3. 7 - 93.9 - -166 3/14/00 Lot 19 ,. - 227.5 - 13.6 . 116.9 7 92.0 167 3/14/00 Lot 20 2280 .- 132 1141 7 898 - 168 '3/14/00 Lot 19 . -. 229.5 .14.1 115.9. 7, 91.2 169 3/14/00 Lot 18 2295 98 119.3,.7 939 170 3/14/00 RETEST OF #167 228.0 .13 .0 .116.9 %, 7 .92 .0 171 3/14/00 Lot 21 . -' .... . 227.0 , 12.9 115.1 - 7 - - 90.6 172 3/15/00 Lot 19 2300 103 1229 8 952 173 3/15/00 Lot 20 2290 96 1119 3 91.7 174 3/15/00 Lot 19 2310 -. 110 1127 3 924 t - - PLATE NO 6 JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: II 9911167 TEST . . ' ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) . TYPE (percent) 175 3/15/00 Lot 21 228.5 9.4 117.6 8. 91.1 176 .. 3/15/00 Lot 19 ' 231.5 10.3 , 117.2 8 90.8 177 3/15/00 Lot 20 : 232.5 10.4 .. 119.8 8 92.8 178 , 3/15/00 Lot 20 = 233.5 . 14.3 . . 119.3 6 93.8 179 4 3/15/00 Lot 21 . . . 230.5 8.7 .117.9. 8 91.3 180 3/15/00 Lot 22 235.0 13.6 123.6 . 8 95.71 181 3/15/00 Lot 21 231.0 9.7 , ,,.,119.i '. 8 92.3 182 3/16/00 Lot 21 2340 123 1206 8 934 183 3/16/00 Donna Drive, Station12+50 248.0 . 9.3 ==. 120.0 8 93.0. 184 3/16/00 Donna Drive, Station 13+05 251.0 11.1 .;. 119.2 -= 8 . 92.3 185 3/16/00 West Slope Lot 7 208.0 9.9 119 0 4 91.8 186 3/17/00 West Slope, Lot 210.0= 14.2. ,. 121.6 .4 . 93.8 187 3/17/00 West Slope, Lot = 213.0 10.5 = ' 121.4'" 4 93.6 188 3/17/00 West Slope Lot 5 221.5 14.9 1126 3 923 189 3/17/00 West Slope Lot 7 209.0 9.3 . 116.7' 1 91.7' 190 " 3/17/00 West Slope, Lot 7 - 216.0 . •. 12.3 = ' 118.3 4. 91.2 191 3/17/00 . West Slope, Lot 5 223.5 10.5 119.4 ' 4 92.1 192 3/17/00 Lot 2265 105 1189 4 917 193 "3/17/00 .West Slope, Lot ....219.5 = 11.7 . . 119.8 . 4 = 92.4 194 3/17/00 West Slope, Lot 6 . : - 221.0 . 11.1 . . 119.8 ' 4 92.4 195 3/20/00 West Slope, Lot 6 -= 219.5 11.7 . 114.2 . 5 90.9 196 3/20/00 West Slope, Lot 7 225.5 . 11.1 ' 116.0. 5 92.4 197 3/20/00 West Slope Lot 5 2250 124 1148 5 91.4 198 3/20/00 - Donna Place, North & Ex. Fill .. 203.0 11.1 ". 118.2. 4 .. 91.1 199 3/20/00 West Slope Lot 6 227.0 10.2 120.8 4 93.1 200 3/20/00 West Slope, Lot - . ' . 227.0 . 10.5 112.6 . 3 . ., 92.3 201 3/20100 RETEST OF #200 . I .227.0 ' 11.1 . 118.5 6 . 93.2 202 3/20/00 David P1., Lot 3/4, Keywall.East . 218.5 . 13.6 121.3 5 . 96.6 203 3/20/00 David P1., Lot 1/2, Keywall East = '.205.5 .' 8.1 . '' 114.0 . . 5 . 90.8 204 ,3/21/00 West Slope, Lot . 228.5 - 9.9 . . ' 116.4 1 .. 91.5 205 3/21/00 West Slope Lot 5 228.0 12.9 119.4 1 93 .9, 206 3/21/00 West Slope Lot 6 2300 136 1198 4 924 .207 3/21/00 West Slope, Lot . . - 232.5 13.6 ' - 120.6 4.' '93.0 208 '3/21/00 . . Lot . . . 227.0 . ''10.7 119.7 4 . . 92.3 '209 3/21/00 David Place, adjacent to Lot 208.5 .. 11.3 . 116.9 .5 93.1 .210 3/21/00 David Place, adjacent to Lot 3 215.5 . :8.7 • . .,113.4 '5 90.3 211 3/21/00 Lot ' . ': 231.0 '13.4 ' 120.3 4 92.8 212 3/21/00 West Slope, Lot 5 . 225.0 "14.9 . 123.4 : . , 95.1 213 3/22/00. Lot 5 . . ' 231.5 12.4 ., ' 120.8 = 4 93.1 214 3/22/00 Lot 7 I 2320 99 113.1 6 88.9 215 ,3/22/00 RETEST OF #214 232.0 12.4 .116.3.. . ,6 91.4 -, 216 :3/22/00 Lot 27 253.5 :6.4 . 121.0--. 6 95.1 217 3/22/00 Lot 28 - .,' . 256.0 7.5 r ,.' 6 - - 86.5 218 3/22/00 RETEST OF #216 , -. 253.5 , 13.6 - 118.3', ' 6 .. 93.0 . PLATE NO 7 JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOBNUMBER: -, 9911167; TEST ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) 219 . 3/22/00 RETEST OF#217 256.0 11.7 115.8 6 91.0 220 3/23/00 Lot 28 . 251.5 13.4 117.7 6 92.5 221 3/23/00 Lot 29 250.5 14.3 . 120.5 1 94.7 222 3/23/00 Lot 27 256.0 9.9 . 118.7 4 91.5 223 3/23/00 West Slope, Lot 4 . 223.5 13.6 12116 . 4 93.8 224 3/23/00 Slope, Service Stairs 23310 13.2 .120.2 4 92.7 225 3/24/00 North Slope, Lot 28 . . 252.5 14.7 . 123.1 1 96.8 226 3/24/00 Lot 27. . 258.0. 12.1 .118.2 4 4 91.1 227 3/24/00 Lot 29 253.0 11.1 118.9 4 91.7 228 3/24/00 North Slope, Lot 27 243.0 ...,9.9 .. 1215 4 93.7 229 3/27/00 Service Wall Staircase, Bottom 229.0 10.9 . . 119.2 ..4 91.9 230 3/27/00 Service Wall Staircase, Bottom 241.0 13.1 114.6 7 . 90.2. 231 3/27/00 Lot 33, East Keyway . 257.5 11.4 118.8. 4 • 91.6 232 3/27/00 Lot 22 . 237.0 11.7 12116 4 93.8 233 3/27/00 Serpentine Wall Staircase, Botton 248.0 - 14.3 ,- . 121.2 4 93.4 234 3/28/00 -Lot 33, East Keyway 259.5 11.7 . 117.4 7 92.4 235 - 3/28/00 Lot 33, East Keyway . 263.0 - 14.5 1227 7 96.5 - 236 3/28/00 Lot 28 -- 254.0 10.5 116.6 . 7 91.7 237 3/28/00 Lot 33, East Keyway . 265.0 9.6 1202 7 94.6 238 3/28/00 Lot 22 . 231.0 15.6 115.0 7 90.5 239 3/28/00 Lot 29 . . . . 254.5 11.5 , 120.9 4 93.2 - 240 3/29/00 Lot 22 . 234.5 12.9 115.7 7 91.0 241 3/29/00 Lot 22 - . 237.0 15.6 . 123.7 4 - . 95.4 242 3/29/00 Lot 22 239.0 9.3 . 113:3 4 . 87.4 243 3/29/00 RETEST OF #242 . 239.0 10.5 118.9 4 91.7 244 3/30/00 Lot 28 256.5 - 8.1 112.8 5 89.8 245 3/30/00 RETEST OF #244 .. . 256.5 - .. 9.3 117.9 - s : -.93.9 246 3/30/00 Lot 30 . 254.0 12.2 . 117.8 4. 90.8 247 -3/30/00 Lot 22 . - - 241.0 11.1 - 120.5 4 * 92.9 -, 248 3/30/00 Lot 33, East Slope . ' - . 269.0 10.2 118.3 6 . 93.0 -249 3/30/00 Lot 33, East Slope : 272.0 13.6 117.9 4 90.9 250 . 3/30/06 Lot 33, East Slope ;. 275.0 15.6 11616 6 91.7 251 ,3/31/00 Lot 22 . 239.0 9.9 119.5 4 92.1. 252 3/31/00- Lot 33 . - 278.0 8.5 . 115.7 ... •4 89.2 253 ' 3/31/00 RETEST OF#252 . 278.0 8.9 118.3 4 91.2 254 3/31/00 Lot 28 - 258.5 13.6 - 120.6 -. 4 93.0 255 3/31/00 Lot 29 256.0 11.7 -. - 120.7 4 93.1 256 • 3/31/00 Lot 22/23 . 240.0 - 10.9 118.2 4 91.1 257 3/31/00 Lot 33, Wall 27 Bottom 275.5 8.7 116.1 -' 7 91.3 258 4/3/00 East Slope from David Place 229.0 14.0 -, 1221 4 94.1 259 4/3/00 Lot 30 259.5 - 7- ' 11412 7 89.9 260 - 4/3/00 RETEST OF LOT #259 - 259.5 - 9.0 . 118.2 - .7 - 93.0 261 - 4/3/00 Wall 27 Footing 276.0 11.8 - 117.2 • 4 90.4 - 262 4/4/00 • Lot 29 . . . 260.0 13.6 ', 119.0. 4 .91.8 PLATE NO. 8 JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: 9911167 TEST ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) 263 4/4/00 East Slope from David Place 232.0 10.5 120.4 * 4 92.8 264 4/4/00 East Slope from David Place 234.5 11.1 118.3 4 91.2 265 4/5/00 Lot 23 245.0 14.1 119.2 2 91.8 266 4/5/00 Wall B Footing' 233.5 9.8 121.2 2 93.4 267 4/5/00 Lot . ' 203..5 8.7 •' 114.4 .5 91.1. 268 4/5/00 Wall B Footing , 232.5 8.9 •' . 122.2 4 942 269 4/5/00 Lot 23 232.5 . 11.1 117.5 . 4 90.6 270 4/5/00 . Lot 30 .. 246.5 10.0 ' . , 113.3 5 90.2 271 4/5/00 Lot 30 ' ., 264 13.4 119.6 2, . 92.1 272 4/6/00 Lot 1 205.0 10.8 117.0 5 93.2 273 4/6/00 Lot 23 Wall 21 246.8 926 114.2. 5 90.9 274 .4/6/00 Lot 23, Wall 21 . 246.5 . ' 77.6 " : 113.8 5 90.6 275 4/6/00 , Lot I . 206.0 10.4 ,t' 113.2 5 ' ' 90.1 276 4/7/00 , Lot 19, Keyway Bottom 210.5 ' 115.1 -. 7 90.6' 277 4/7/00 Lot 19, Keyway Bottom 214.0 9.9 119.5 7 94.0 278 ' 4/7/00 Lot 22, Keyway Bottom - 240.5 . 10.2 120.6 . 4 93.0 279 4/7/00 Lot 22, Keyway Bottom 240.5 11.7 1 18.9 4 91.7 280 4/7/00 Austin Terrace, Station 19+00 231.5 . 8.2 113.0 ' 5 ' 90.0 281 4/7/00 Lot 17, Southeast Slope 234.5k 9.0 .,.. " " 110.0 3 90.2 282 . 4/7/00 Lot 17, Southeast Slope -. 236.5 8.4 105.3 3 , 86.3 283 4/7/00 Austin Terrace, Station 18+30 238.0 ... 8.9 . 120.0 .4 92.5. 284 4/7/00 RETEST OF #282 236.5 7.4 . 111.3 .- 3. 91.2 285 .,, 4/7/00 Lot 22, FG 242.0 FG. 9.7 ' 117.3 4 90.4 286 , 4/7/00 Lot 17, Southeast Slope . -- 239.0 . 8.2 " ' 124.2 .4 . ' 95.8 287 4/10/00 Lot 2, FG ., 213.0. . 10.8 118.5 •.. 5 94.3 288 4/10/00 ' Lot 1, FG " , ' 208.0 . ''9.6 . 117.8 5 93.8 289 4/10/00 Lot 3, FG , .220.0 8.4 ' " 122.9 . 4 .- 94.8 290 1 4/10/00 Lot 4, FG , 220.0 -- 9.5 124.6 . . 4 ' 96.1 291 4/10/00 Lot 16 ' 240.0 9.6.1 121.3 .-. 5.' 96.6,.' 292 4/10/00 Lot 14, West Slope Above ' 250.0 . 11.4 • 119.8 ' 4 92.4 293 4/10/00 Lot 16 , . ... .. 242.0 ;. ,, ' 9.8 .': 121.5: 4 . 93.7 294 . 4/10/00 Lot 14, West Slope . - 254.0 9.5 , .' 118.3 4 91.2 295 4/10/00 Lot 5 FG 233.5 FG 8.6 116 .9, 8 90.5 -296 . 4/10/00 'Lot 6, FG • '. 233.5 FG 7.0 . 121.7 . 4 " 93.8 .297 4/10/00 Lot 7, FG . " 235.5 FG 8.7 ' ' . .:44 , 4 95.9 298'. 4/10/00 Lot 14, West Slope' .,- . 258.5 .12.4 ' . . 1.19.9 .7 .'. 94,3., 299 4/10/00W Lot 23, FG • .. •. 248.6 FG 10.5 ' .. ..111.3 . 3. 91.2 300 4/10/00 Lot 21, FG . '. 236.0 FG . 9.1 '. ,. 119.9 4. .. 92.4- 301 11 4/10/00 Lot 21, FG . 236.0 - 9.6 ;."' " 118.9 ' •4 91.7 302 - 4/11/00 Lot 14, West Slope . . 273.5 . 12.3 . -. -,116.0 . 5 92.4, 303 4/11/00 Lot 14 . ' . • ,245.0 ' ' 11.2 .110.3' - 3, . 90.4 304 44/11/00 Lot 16, FG 2445 95 1110 3 ' 910 305 . 4/11/00 Lot 17, FG . '1 241.0 . :9.8 '. , :117.3 . .93.4 306 4/12/00 Lot 21 Wall 19 Bottom 234.0 94 116.5 7 .91 .7 4 1 A PLATE NO 9 • ' •. . ':..: JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES ' JOB NUMBER: 9911167 .........tN-P DENSITY TESTS TEST . ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) 307 • 4/12/00 Lot 21, Wall 19, Bottom 234.0 8.1 119.8 7 94.3 308 4/12/00 Lot 21, Wall 19, Bottom 234.0 9.2 118.8 7 93.5 309 4/12/00 Driveway off David Place ' . 234.5 FG 9.6 120.7 4 93.1 310 .. 4/12/00 Wall 13, Lot 15 .,• 234.5 FG 9.0 ' 115.8. '' ','i . - .91.0 311 '- 4/13/00 WaIl10,Lot14 241.0 8.9 120.4 , 7 '94.7 312 4/13/00 Wall 10, Lot 14 243.0 ' 10.4 " 111.2 . . 3 , 91.1 313 4/13/00 Wall 15, Lot 16 .. . 242.5 - 9.9 117.1 , 7 ' 92.1 314 4/13/00 Wall 15, Lot 16 .. 243.0 9.8 " ..• 1238, '. 7 " 97,4 315 4/13/00 Wall 16, Lot 17 . ., 239.5 . 9.4 '. " . 123.3 t '7 97.0 316 4/13/00 Wall 16, Lot 17 ' 239.5 . . .9.5 116.6 7 91.7 317 4/13/00 Wall ll,Lot 14 " 245.5 . 10.1 120.5 .' 7 .- 94.8 318 4/14/00 Lot 28 253.5 8.3 119.7 4 92.3 319 4/14/00 Lot 27, South Slope . 255.5 .9.1 122.4 , 4 94.4 320'? 4/17/00 P1 (Removed and Replaced) 252.9 5.2 . 100.3' - 3 ' 82.2', 321 4/17/00 P1 (Removed and Replaced) 252.5 , 3.2 104.0 3 85.2 322'. 4/17/00 Lot 27, South Slope . . 257.0 . 10.8 125.5 . .4 96.8 323 . 4/17/00 P2 (Removed and Replaced) ' .249.0 ' 4.6 102.6 7' 80.7 324,, 4/18/00 Lot 28 FG . ' . 261.4 . ' 12.7 ' 119.4 4 92.1 325 4/18/00 Lot 28 FG ' , -' 261.4, 10.3 , 117.8 . 4 .. 90.8 326 -4/18/00 Lot 29 FG 263.0 9.1 ' ., 122.1 ', 4 94:1 327.t-4/18/00 Lot 29 FG ' , 263.0 9.2 121.8 ' . 4 93.9 328 4/19/00 Lot 33 , 278.0 11.3 ' 118.3 .' 4 ' 91.2 329, ' 4/19/00 Lot 33 FG . 280.0 11.2 ....., 121.3 4 , . 93.5 330' 4/19/00 Lot 33, Wall 29, Bottom ' . .280.0 10.9 .' 119.1 4 ". 91.8 331 4/19/00 Lot 19, East Slope 224.0f , 101 . 119.8 . 4 92.4 332 4/19/00 Lot 19, East Slope '' . . . .- . 226.5 - 9.2 , . 115.4 .,. 5 91.9 .. 333 4/19/00 Lot 30FG 2655 90 1251 4 965 334 4/19/00 Lot 30 FG -' 265.5 - ; 8.9 , - 118.7 4 ,•'. 91.5 335, 4/19/00 :pt 27 FG .. 260.2 ', .9.4' ' 127.7 " 4 ,985 .. • 336 4/19/00 Lot 27 FG , 260.2 10.4 ' . 125.3 . 4 . 96.6 • 337• 4/19/00 Lot 19, East Slope 228.5: ' , . 121.2 4. . 934 ' 3381 4/19/00 Lot 19, East Slope ., 231.0 9.1 - 119.0 4 ' 91.8 339k '. 4/20/OO Lot 20 FG • , '235.0 9.6, ' '. , 123.1 4 " 94.9 340 , '4/20/00 Lot 14 FG ' . '•, 247.0 , ' . 9.4 . 119.6 4 .. 92.2 341; 4/20/00 Lot 19FG , . . . 233.0 8.1 ' . 127.1 - 4 98.0 342 4/20/00 Lot 19 FG 233.0 9 3 121.2 4 93.4 343k' 4/20/00 Austin Terrace, Station 13+50 . 257.5 8.7 . 112.7 4 86.9 344 4/20/00 RETEST OF #343 ' - 257.5 11.4 . 118.9 4 91.7 ' 345 4/20/00 Austin Terrace, Station 13+05 258.0 - 9.9 . .119.8 4 346. 4/20/00 Donna Drive, Station 12+60 255.6 ' 9.3 ' 117.5. - .4 '. 90.6 347 4/20/00 Lot 30 North Slope 262.0' 9.7 20.7 4 93.1 348 4/20/00, Lot 29, North Slope • ' - 255.0 - 10.3 '.. ' 118.0 ' , 4 .91.0 349 4/20/00 'Lot 28, North Slope 250.5 - . 8.7 . ',,. 122.9 4 94.8 350 4/20/00 Lot 27 North Slope 245.0 9.3 117.7 4 90.7 PLATE NO. 10 H 11 .4 ." . JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: *9911167 TEST . ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION . (feet,MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) 351 4/20/00 Lot 22 West Slope 236.0 8.9 118.9 4 - 91.7 352 4/20/00 Lot 22, South Slope 257.0 ' . 8.8 117.5 4 90.6 353 4/24/00 Austin Terrace, Station 13+60 261.5 10.8 121.7 4 93.8 354 4/24/00 Austin Terrace, Station 12+50 255.5 11.3 117.7 4 90.7, 355 4/25/00 Lot 8, FG . . 235.0 8.9 -115.7 7. . . 91.0 356 4/25/00 Lot 8, FG 235.0 . 7.3.. 115.7 . 7 91.0 357 4/25/00 Lot 20, East Slope 232.0 - 9.7 120.8 4 93.1 358 4/25/00 Lot 19/20 - 226.0 119.1 4 - 91.8 - 359 4/25/00 19 Lot 225.0 11.8 .119.8 .• 4 ' 92.4 360 . 4/25/00 Lot 18 223.0 9.0 117.6 4 90.7 361 5/16/00 Keystone Wall, Lot 4 226.5 8.6 . 119.3 7 93.9 - 362 5/16/00 Keystone Wall, Lot . 226.5 15.9 117.2- 7 92.2 363 5/24/00 Donna Dr., 12" Ex. Water Main - 244.0 7.6 - 115.7 - 1 91.0 364 5/24/00 Donna Dr.: 12" Ex. Water Main 249.5 8.9 112.7 1 88.6 365 5/24/00 RETEST OF 364 . 249.5 - 8.0 122.2 1 96.1 366 5/24/00 Donna Dr., 12" Ex. Water Main 251.5 8.5 116.2 1., 91.4 367 5/24/00. Donna Dr., 12" Ex. Water Main 246.5 8.5 115.0 - 1 .90.4 368 5/25/00 Donna Dr., 12" Main (North) 252.5 - . 7.7 .. 116.0 . 1 91.2 369 5/25/00 Donna Dr., 12" Main (North) 253.5 11.1 . 115.5 1 - 90.8 370 5/25/00 Donna Dr., 12" Main (North) 250.5 8.2 . .121.3 1 95.4 371 .' 5/25/00 . Donna Dr., 14" Main . 251.5 10.3 117.3 1 92.2 372 5/26/00 Donna Dr., 12" Main (North) 254.0 - 9.0 . 115.5 1 90.8 373 - , 5/26/00 Donna Dr., 14" Main " ' 254.0 .. 8.7 - . 116.4 1 91.5 374 - 5/26/00 Donna Dr., 14" Main - 253.5 .. 10.1 - 117.8 1 92.6 375 5/26/00 Donna Dr., 14" Main . 251.0 9.1 118.0 . I - 92.8 376 P 5/26/00 Donna Dr., 14" Main . - 252.0 10.7 119.5 1 - 93.9 377 5/31/00 Donna Dr., Southern 12" Main - 254.0 - - 8.4 1205 1: . 94.7 378 . - 5/31/00 Donna Dr., Southern 12" Main ' 253.5 10.1 ' 122.0 1 - 95.9 - 379 5/31/00 Donna Dr., Southern 12" Main 252.0 . 12.9 , 121.3 1 95.4 380 . 5/31/00 Donna Dr., 8" Removed Pipe . . 250.5 . 11.2 . 118.0 1 ' 92.8 381 5/31/00 Donna Dr., 8" Removed Pipe , 252.0 . 9.8 118.9 1 93.5 .382 j 5/31/00 Donna Dr., 8" Removed Pipe 252.5 - 9.4 .' 121.4 1 . 95.4 383 f 5/31/00 Donna Dr., 14" Water Line 253.5. - - 11.4 - 121.9 1 95.8 384 5/31/00 Donna Dr., 12" Drain off Tank 252.0 11.6 116.7 1 91.7 385 6/5/00 Donna Dr., NW Slope Key , . . -. 246.5 . 9.6 . - ' 118.3 . - 1 93.0. 386 6/6/00 Donna Dr., NW Slope Key 248.5 12.1 120.3- - 1 94.6 387 1. 6/6/00 Donna Dr., NW Slope Key 251.0 . '10.8 122.2 1 96.1 388 . 6/6/00 - Donna Dr., NW Slope Key •..' 253.0 - . 10.4 • . 121.6 1, 95.6 389 6/6/00 Donna Dr., West Wall, OIX 250.0 . 10.4 - 116.3 1' 91.4 390 6/6/00 Donna Dr., NW Slope . 255.5 9.8 115.7 . 1 , 91.0 391 , .6/6/00 Donna Dr., West Wall, O/X . 252.0 11.4 - .118.4 5 943 392 6/6/00 Donna Dr., West Wall, OIX : 250.0 . 10.3 - . 116.0 5 - 92.4 393 6/7/00 South End, West Wall Cleanout 249.0 10.7 1119 - 5 89.1 - 394 6/7/00 RETEST OF 393 - . , .. . ' 249.0 10.3 -. 115.0 91.6 I - , PLATE-NO. 11 4 1 JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: 9911167 TEST ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p-c.f.) TYPE (percent) 395 6/7/00. Donna Drive 251.0 .13.3 113.4 5 90.3 396 . 6/7/00 Donna Drive 252.5 11.1 113.9' 5 90.7 397 6/7/00 Donna Drive . 253.0 12.1 114.3 5 91.0 398 6/7/00 Donna Drive - 254.0 10.2 114.5 5 91.2 399 6/7/00 Donna Drive 255.5 . 11.3 116.5 5 92.8 400 6/7/00 Donna Drive 256.0 10.8 114.4 5 91.1 401 . 6/8/00 Donna Drive . 254.7 8.4 . 113.5 5 90.4 402 6/8/00 Donna Drive 254.8 11.1 116.3 5 '92.6 403 6/8/00 Donna Drive 255.3 12.3 117.9 5 939 404 6/9/00 Austin Terrace, Station 20+25 223.5 10.0 113.9 5 90.7 405 I 6/9/00 Austin Terrace, Station 20+20 225.5 9.0 "121.6 5 96.8 406 ,' 6/13/00 North Slope, Lot 14 235.0 11.7 110.6 7 87.0 407 6/13/00 RETEST OF4O6 235.0 , 11.9 116.8 7' 91.9 408 6/13/00 North Slope, Lot 14 239.0 13.0 115.6 7 91.0 409 6/14/00 North Slope, Lot 14 239.5 ,, 11.2 115.0' 7 90.5 410 F 6/14/00 North Slope, Lot 14 239.5 10.8 116.0' 7 91.3 411 1 6/14/00 North Slope, Lot 14 241.0 10.8 . 119.6 7 94.1 412 6/14/00 North Slope, Lot 14 241.0 11.9 114.5 . 7 . 90.1 413 6/14/00 Wall 27, Slope 277.0 10.6 118.9 2 91.6' 414 7/26/00 Donna Drive, West Slope 249.0 12.5 114.5 7 90.1 415 7/26/00 Donna Drive, West Slope 252.0 10.2 118.1 7 92.9 416 1 7/26/00 Donna Drive, West Slope .254.5 9.8 118.1 7 92.9 417 7/26/00 Donna Drive, West Slope 256.5 11.2 118.5 . 7., 93.2 418 8/21/00 Lot 31 251.0 PNG 10.9 . 118.2 4 91.1 419 1 8/21/00 . Lot 31 252.0 11.0 ' 118.5 8 91.8 420 8/21/00 North Half, Lot 3, ' 253.0 10.2 117.5 4 90.6 421 8/21/00 North Half, Lot 31 ' " .256.0 9.8 117.9 4 90.9 422 8/21/00 North Half, Lot 31 . , '' 258.0 9.4 118.3 4 . 91.2- - 423 8/21/00 North Half, Lot 31 262.0 ' 9.7 117.5 ' 4 90.6 424 8/21/00 North Half, Lot 31 ' 265.0 ' 9.8 118.1 '' 4 91.1 425 8/22/00 South Half, Pad 31 257.0 10.1 117.6 -4 90.7 426 8/22/00 South Half, Pad 31 258.0 .. 9.5 - . 117.5 4 90.6 /00 S'öUthHa Pa'd31 2600 94 1144 4 88.2-7 428, 8/22/00 RETEST OF 427 - 260.0 ' 9.3 117.7 4 - 90.7 429 , 8/22/00 South Half, Pad 31 .' ' 261.0 ' 9.4 118.3 4 91.2 430 8/22/00 South Half, Pad 31 - ' . 262.0 9.1 118.9 " ' 4 91.7 431 8/30/00 Tract 31 Pad, Fill' ' 264.0 9.6 . . - 118.3 7 93.1 432 8/30/00 Tract 31 Pad, Fill 264.0 9.4 ' 120.4 . 7 94.7 433 '8/30/00 Tract 31 Pad, Fill 264.0 9.7 " 116.3 - 7 91.5 434 8/30/00 Tract 31 Pad, Fill 266.0 8.9 - 116.2 7 91.4 435 8/30/00 Tract 31 Pad, Fill - , - 266.0 - 8.9 117.2 7 92.2 436 8/30/00 Tract 31 Pad, Fill ' - 266.0 90 - - , 117.0 :'. 7 --- 92.1 . -, PLATE NO. 12 ,. .... JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER 9911167, TEST: ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION . (feet,MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) KEYSTONE WALL . . . . . KW1 3/13/00 Wall A, Station 203.0 , 11.3 122.6 2 94.5 KW2 3/13/00 Wall A, Station 204.5 , 12.5 . 119.9 2 92.4 KW3 . 3/14/00 Wall A, Station 2+84 208.0 13.0 .. .. 119.6 8 92.6 KW4 ' 3/14/00 Wall A, Station 2+60 208.0 , 11.6 120.5 8 93.3 KW5 . 3/14/00 Wall A, Station 2+77 . . ' 210.0 . 14.0 117.9 8 90.6 KW6 '3/14/00 Wall A, Station 2+45 210.0 . 12.0 122.4 .8 94.8 KW7 ' 3/14/00 Wall A, Station 2+00 212.0 13.6 119.7 8' 92.7 KW8 3/14/00 Wall A Station 2+65 2120 134 1164 8 90.2 KW9 L 3/15/00 Wall A, Station 1+65 214.0 13.0 '- 109.5., 8 . 84.8' KW10 3/15/00 Wall A, Station 1+95 214.0 12.8 117.4 8 90.9 KWh, 3/15/00 RETEST OFKW9 . 214.0 12.7 116.3 8 90.1 KW1 2 3/15/00 Wall A Station 2+00 216.0 13.4 .118.6 8 91.9 KW13 3/15/00 Wall A, Station 1+65 , , . 216.0 . . 14.5 114.5 8 .88.7 KW14: 3/15/00 Wall A, Station 1+35 . 216.0 12.9 . 118.7 8 " 91.9 KW15 3/15/00 RETEST OF KWI3 ' , '. 216.0 '. 11.6 '. 122.3 8. 94.7 KW16 3/16/00 Wall A, Station 1+115 .. 218.0 12.3 ' ' 119.1 8 92.3 KW171 3/16/00 Wall A, Station 1+40 218.0 13.2 117.9 8 ' 91.3 KW1 8 3/16/00 Wall A, Station 1+65 . ... 218.0 '. 11.7 .. 119.8 8 92.8 KW19 3/16/00 Wall A, Station 3+30 207.0 11.3 121.4 8 . 94.0' KW20 3/16/00 Wall A,'Station 2+95 . 210.0 12.1 ' 117.6 '8 . 91.1 KW21 3/16/00 Wall A, Station 2+45 . . . 245.0 ..'11.9 118.9 .8 92.1 KW22r 3/16/00 Wall A, Station 2+05 218.0 12.3 120.6. . 8 93.4 , KW23 3/16/00 Wall A, Station 1+60 219.5 ' 12.9 119.7 8 92.7 s KW24 3/16/00 Wall A, Station 1+15 .. '220.0 ' , 12.0 118.3 8 . 91.6 KW25 3/23/00 Wall C, Station 1+80 . ,. ' 205.0 19.9 120.4' KW26 3/23/00 Wall C Station 1+35 205.0 8.1 122.7 5 977 KW271f 3/24/00 Wall C, Station 1+25 , . 207.0 .. 10.5 -, 116.1 5 92.4 KW28 3/24/00 Wall C Station 1+90 207 0 9.9 .120.4. 5 95.9 KW29 3/24/00 Wall C Station 1+55 207.0 8 7 106.8 5 85.0 KW30t' 3/24/00 RETEST OF KW29 . , . 207.0 9.3 117.3 5 93.4' KW31' 3/27/00 Wall C, Station 1+50 ., . .. .. 209.0, 12.3 , 118.6. 5 94.4 KW32 3/27/00 Wall C Station 1+88 209.5 10.7 111.5 3 91.4 KW33 3/27/00 Wall C, Station 1+35 . ' 211.0 ., 9.7 ' 118.4,' 5 .' .. 943 KW34 3/27/00 Wall C, Station 1+75 209.5 . 10.3 .. ' 108.0 • 3 88.5 KW35 3/27/00 Wall C Station 1+60 211.0 100 1065 3 873 KW36 3/27/00 Wall C Station 1+70 212.5 9.9 111.9 3 91.7 KW37 3/27/00 Wall C, Station 1+90 :' ' 212.0 ' 9.5 .. • ' , .109.3 ,, 3 89.6 KW38. 3/27/00 RETEST OF KW34 . 209.5 11.2 '• ' 110.3 " 3'' 90.4 KW39' . 3/27/00 RETEST OF KW35 '.. 211.0 . 10.9 , 11 1.1l . . ' 3 91.1. KW40 3/27/00 RETEST OF KW37 212.0 12.6 110.8 3 90.8 KW41 3/28/00 Wall C Station 2+40 2145 11.3 1108 3 908 KW42 3/28/00 Wall C, Station 2+80 ' .. . '. . 214.0 11.8 . .' ,110.4 3 ,, .90.5. KW43, 3/28/00 Wall C, Station 2+70 216.5 ,.110.1' '. 111.8 3 91.6 I PLATE NO 13 JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: 9911167 TEST ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO., DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) KW44 3/28/00 Wall C, Station 3+00 216.0 10.9 111.3 3 91.2 KW45 3/29/00 Wall C, Station 1+40 211.5 9.5 115.7 5 92.1 KW46 3/29/00 Wall C, Station 1+69 211.5 8.3 117.1 5 93.2 KW47 3/27/00 Wall C, Station 2+00 213.0 9.1 119.0 5 94.7 KW48 3/27/00 Wall C, Station 2+60 218.0 9.7 114.8 5 91.4 KW49 3/27/00 Wall C, Station 3+14 . 220.0 8.5 117.3 5 93.4 KW50 3/29/00 Wall C, Station 2+95 219.0 7.5 118.5 5 . 94.3 KW:51 3/29/00 Wall C, Station 3+40 222.0 7.9 114.0 5 90.8 KW52 3/29/00 Wall C, Station 3+50 . 224.0 9.4 114.1 6 89.7 KW53 3/29/00 RETEST OF KW52 224.0 9.1 117.5 6 92.4 KW54 3/29/00 Wall C, Station 3+55 225.0 9.7 115.7 6 91.0 KW55 3/30/00 Wall C, Station 3+45 226.0 8.5 . 116.3 6 91.4 KW56 3/30/00 Wall C, Station 3+56 227.0 9.3 113.7 6 89.4 KW57 3/30/00 RETEST OF KW56 227.0 9.0 115.7 6 91.0 KW58 3/30/00 Wall C, Station 3+49 227.5 8.9 116.5 6 91.6 KW59 3/31/00 Wall Number 4, Station 1+03 228.5 9.0 115.6 6 90.9 KW60 3/31/00 Wall Number 7, Station 1+03 242.5 8.9 119.5 6 93.9 KW61 3/31/00 Wall Number 7, Station 1+30 243.5 10.1 115.9 6 91.1 KW62 3/31/00 Wall Number 4, Station 1+30 230.0 8.5 116.2 6 91.4. KW63 3/31/00 Wall Number 4, Station 1+00 230.0 9.4 115.2 6 90.6 KW64 3/31/00 Wall Number 4, Station 1+26 231.5 8.7 117.4 6 92.3 KW65 4/3/00 Wall Number 7, Station 1+31 245.5 8.3 120.2 6 94.5 KW66 4/3/00 Wall Number 4, Station 1+21 232.0 7.5 109.4 6 86.0 KVV67 4/3/00 RETEST OF KW66 232.0 8.4 115.0 6 90.4 KVV68 4/3/00 Wall Number 4, Station 1+35 234.0 7.3 118.6 6 93.2 KVV69 4/3/00 Wall Number 7, Station 1+44 247.0 . 9.0 120.2 6 94.5 KW7O 4/3/00 Wall Number 7, Station 1+56 249.0 9.3 116.0 6 91.2 KW71 4/3/00 Wall Number 7, Station 1+60 251.5 9.0 117.4 6 92.3 KW72 4/3/00 Wall Number 5, Station 1+32 235.0 . 9.5 117.0 6 92.0 KW73 4/3/00 Wall Number 7, Station 1+65 252.0 8.5 113.8 6 89.5 KW74 4/3/00 RETEST OF KW73 252.0 8.6 119.6 6 94.0 KW75 4/4/00 Wall Number 7, Station 1+83 252.0 10.6 . 117.3 6 92.2 KW76 4/4/00 Wall Number 7, Station 1+54 251.5 9.9 118.7 6 93.3 KW77 4/4/00 Wall Number 7, Station 1+81 253.5 8.8 111.7 6 87.8 KW78 4/4/00 RETEST OF KW77 253.5 9.0 115.1 6 90.5 KW79 4/4/00 Wall Number 5, Station 1+30 236.0 8.9 123.7 2 95.3 KW80 4/4/00 Wall Number 7, Station 1+90 254.5 9.0 119.5 2 92.1 KW8I 4/4/00 Wall 7, Station 1+85 255.5 9.7 121.1 2 93.3 KW82 4/4/00 Wall 5, Station 1+25 237.5 10.3 119.0 2 91.7 KW83 4/4/00 Wall 7, Station 1+92 257.0 8.5 115.5 6 90.8 KW84 4/4/00 Wall 6, Station 14+06 240.0 8.3 120.3 2 92.7 KW85 4/4/00 Wall 6, Station 1+15 242.0 10.0 118.0 2 90.9 KW86 4/5/00 Wall 5, Station 1+22 238.5 9.5 122.3 2 94.2 KW87 4/5/00 Wall 6, Station 1+16 244.0 8.2 121.1 2 93.3 PLATE NO. 14 I. JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: 9911167:..: TEST . ' ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) . (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) KW88 4/5/00 Wall 6, Station 1+34 244.0 8.9 121.2 2 93.4 KW89 4/5/00 Wall 6, Station 1+27 246.0 9.4 122.2 2 94.1 KW90 4/5/00 Wall 6, Station 1+50 246.0 7.2 121.2 2 93.4 KW91 4/5/00 Wall 6, Station 1+42 284.0 8.4 ., . 117.0 ' 2 90.1 KW92 4/5/00 Wall 6, Station 1+61 - 284.0 8.0 118.1 2 91.0 KW93 4/5/00 Wall 6, Station 1+72 250.0 7.6 114.9. '. 2 88.5 KW94 4/5/00 RETEST OF KW93 250.0 8.5 116.8 2 . 90.0 KW95 4/5/00 Wall 6 Station 1+55 250.0 8.8' 121.1 2 93.3 KW96 4/5/00 Wall 6, Station 1+64 252.0 6.3 . 117.6 .2 ... 90.6 KW97 4/5/00 Wall 6, Station 1+84 252.0 8.8 117.5 * 2 90.5 KW98 4/6/00. Wall 6, Station 1+75. 254.0 8.1 . . 124.3 2 95.8 KW99 4/6/00 Wall 6, Station 1+97 . 254.0 9.0 ' 1271 2 97.9 KW1 00 4/6/00 ., Wall 6, Station 1+91 .. . , 256.0 9.0 118.9 2 91.6 KW101 4/6/00 Wall 6, Station 2+09 256.0 . 7.1 •. . 118.7 2 91.4 KW102 4/6/00 Wall 6, Station 2+02 . 257.0 . 7.2 120.9 . 2 93.1 KW103 4/6/00 Wall 6, Station 1+67 . 254.0 . 6.8 . 121.0 2, •. 93.2 KW104 4/6/00 Wall 6, Station 2+07 258.0 7.2 ' '117.0 2 .1. 90.1 KW105 4/6/00 Wall 7, Station 1+93 257.0 7.6 121.8 2 . .. 93.8 KW106 4/7/00 Wall B, Station 1+25 234.5 7.7 121.7 7 95.8 KW107 4/7/00 Wall D, Station 2+71 227.0 10.0 " 116.9 1 5 . 93.1 KW108 4/7/00 Wall D, Station 2+44 225.0 8.8 .116.8 5 ,.. 93.0 KW109 4/7/00 Wall D, Station 2+24 '. 223.0 9.4 117.9 5 .• ' 93.9 .. KW110 4/7/00 Wall D, Station 1+96 220.0 .10.5 . , 116.5 5 92.8 KW111 4/7/00 Wall D, Station 1+07 - 214.0 9.5 115.6 5. -. 92.0 KW112 4/7/00 Wall 0, Station 1+53 - 217.0 10.5 109.7 . '5 . 87.3 • KW113 4/7/00 Wall B, Station 1+17 . 236.0 8.2 . 109.7' 7 86.3 KW114 4/7/00 Wall B, Station 1+42 ' .236.0 8.5 .* 111.3. 7 KW1I5 4/7/00 RETEST OFKWII3 236.0 7.5 . 122.9 7 . H KW116 4/7/00 RETEST OF KW114 236.0 7.2 . ,. 123.5 . 7 . 97.2 - - KW1 17 4/7/00 Wall B, Station 1+77 . 236.0 , 7.8 116.5 . 7 . 91.7 KW118 4/7/00 Wall B, Station 2+15 236.0 9.1 . 118.8 7 93.5 KWI19 4/7/00 RETEST OF KWII2 217.0 .. 110.0 . '114.6 '' 5 91.2 KW120,4/7/00 Wall B, Station 1+22 . ' .238.0 .9.5 -118.6 7 93.31. KW121 4/10/00 Wall B, Station 2+24 . 237.5 .. 9.5 . 118.6 7 93.3 KW122 4/10/00 Wall B, Station 1+15 . 238.0 . 99 p126.5 7 99.5 KW123 4/10/00 ' Wall B, Station 1+57 ' 238.5 ' -. 8.3 .. ' 124.7 7 98.1 KW124 4/10/00 Wall B Station 1+93 :238.5 7.3 121 4 7 95.5 KW125 4/10/00 Wall ft Station 2+15 238.5 . 8.0 . . .' .119.3 .. 7 ' . .93.9 KW126 4/11/00 Wall D, Station 1+26 . 218.0 10.8 . 119.5 5 '. 95.1 KW 127 4/11/00 Wall B, Station 2+05 240.0 . 8.7 .. 124.2 ' 7 97.7 .KW128 4/11/00 Wall B, Station 1+72 . - 240.0 . 8.2 .. "1 1120.1 ,7 -'94.5 ' . KW129 4/11/00 Wall D Station 1+13 2190 10.1 1154 5 91'.9 KW130 4/11/00 Wall D Station 1+36 2190 1 10.1.1 1173 5 934 KW131 4/11/00 Wall B, Station 1+32 ' 240.5 ' 9.6 '• 119.1 . 7.' 93.7 f.'-, -' PLATE NO 15 t t JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: 9911167 TEST . ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p-c.f.) TYPE (percent) KW132 4/12/00 Wall D, Station 1+25 229.0 10.3 125.3 7 98.6 KW133 4/12/00 Wall B, Station 1+22 243.0 10.3 118.2 7 93.0 KW134 4/12/00 Wall B, Station 1+25 244.0 7.3 110.2 7 86.7 KW 135 4/12/00 RETEST OF KW134 244.0 9.2 116.4 7 91.6 KW136 4/12/00 Wall B, Station 1+60 244.0 8.8 116.6 . 7 . 91.7 KW137 4/12/00 Wall D, Station 1+39 222.5 . 9.0 122.4 7 96.3 KW138.4/12/00 Wall D, Station 1+60 223.0. 7.8 123.5 7 97.2 KW139 4/12/00 Wall B, Station 2+18 244.0 9.2 110.0 7 86.5 KW140 4/12/00 Wall B, Station 1+85 244.0 8.9 115.5 7 . 90.9 KW141 4/12/00 RETEST OF KW139 244.0 9.0 121.9 7 95.9 KW142 4/12/00 Wall D, Station 1+94 224.0 8.0 123.5 7 97.2 KW143 4/12/00 Wall D, Station 1+54 224.0 11.2 117.3 7 92.3 KW144 4/13/00 Wall D, Station 1+75 225.5 8.9 120.2 7 94.6 KW145 4/13/00 Wall D, Station 2+25 225.5 9.5 115.6 7 91.0 KW146 4/13/00 Wall B, Station 1+30 246.0 11.0 110.5 7 86.9 KW147 4/13/00 Wall B, Station 2+20 . 245.5 11.4 118.5 7 .93.2 KW148 4/13/00 RETEST OF KW146 246.0 .10.6 115.0 7 90.5 KW149 4/13/00 Wall D, Station 2+30 227.0 9.8 121.8 7 95.8 KWI50 4/13/00 Wall D, Station 2+24 228.5 8.2 113.5 7 89.3 KW151 4/13/00 Wall D, Station 2+40 228.5 8.5 121.0 7 95.2 KW152 4/13/00 RETEST OF KWI50 228.5 7.1 120.2 7 94.6 KW153 4/14/00 Wall 17, Station 1+38 213.5 8.5 120.3 4 92.8 KW154 4/17/00 Wall C, Station 2+19 . 220.0 9.8 109.7 7 86.3 KW155 4/17/00 RETEST OF KW154 220.0 10.5 115.2 7 90.6 KW156 4/17/00 Wall C, Station 1+63 217.5 11.8 116.2 7 91.4 KW157 4/17/00 Wall 17, Sation 1+07 216.0 . 10.0 118.4 4 91.3 KW158 4/17/00 Wall C, Station 2+73 . . 223.0 . . 9.4 114.4 5 91.1 KW159 4/17/00 Wall C, Station 1+66 218.0 14.5 113.5 5 90.4 KW160 4/17/00 Wall 17, Station 1+15 218.0 10.7 119.8 4 92.4 KW161 4/19/00 Wall 17, Station 1+34 219.0 11.0 119.9 4 92.4 KW162 4/19/00 Wall 17, Station 1+28 220.0 10.4 120.5 4 92.9 KW163 4/19/00 Wall C, Station 1+26 218.0 10.9 . 119.0 5 94.7 KW164 4/19/00 Wall C, Station 2+29 222.0 . 12.9 118.0 5 93.9 KW165 4/19/00 Wall 0, Station 1+47 224.5 11.9 111.5 5 88.8 KW166 4/19/00 RETEST OF KW165 224.5 10.5 116.2 5 92.5 KW167 4/19/00 Wall D, Station 2+55 230.5 11.5 107.6 5 85.7 KW168 4/19/00 Wall D, Station 1+96 228.5 12.6 116.5 5 92.8 KW169 4/19/00 RETEST OF KW167 230.5 12.5 113.7 5 90.5 KW170 4/19/00 Wall D, Station 1+13 224.0 10.6 111.6 5 88.9 KW171 4/19/00 RETEST OF KWI70 224.0 10.8 116.3 5 92.6 KW172 4/19/00 Wall D, Station 1+37 227.0 9.8 113.6 5 90.4 KW173 4/19/00 Wall D, Station 1+31 230.0 10.3 117.8 5 93.8 KW174 4/20/00 Wall D, Station 2+69 232.0 12.5 116.3 5 92.6 KW175 4/20/00 Wall D, Station 2+00 232.0 12.7 107.7 5 85.7 PLATE NO. 16 .i,._,'•V'• ' -' JOB NAMES TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: - 991l1671 TEST ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION : (feet,MSL) (percent) . (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) KW176 4/20/00 RETEST OF KW175 232.0 12.2 : 110.0 5 87.6 KW177 4/20/00 RETEST OF KW176 232.0 11.4 113.3 5 90.2 KW178 4/20/00 Wall D, Station 1+33 ' '. 232.0 , 9.3 ' 128.7 4 99.2 KW179 4/21/00 Wall 20 Station 1+26 2420 85 1172 1 92.1' KW180 4/21/00 Wall 20, Station 1+71 ' 242.5 ' 9.2 121.6 1 95.6 KW181 4/21/00' Wall 20, Station 1+64 244.0 9.5 - 118.1 ' 1 92.8 KW1824/21/00 Wall 20, Station 1+20 244.5 9.8 115.6 1. 90.9 KW183 4/21!00 Wall 20, Station 1+40 249.0 ' 10.8 . 116.9 , 1 . 91.9 KW184 4/21/00 Wall 20 Station 1+10 2493 10.1 1196 1 940 KW185 4/21/00 Wall 20, Station 1+60 245.5 10.2 114.6 .,. 1 •. 90.1, KW186 4/24/00 Wall 20, Station 1+17 246.0 8.6 -. 116.3 : 1 91.4 KW187 4/24/00 Wall 21, Station 1+15 ' V' 251.0 7.2 ' -.114.6 1 , 90.1 KW188 4/24/00 Wall 21, Station 1+50 ,. .. 251.0 ' 8.2 119.3 1 93.8 KW189 4/25/00 Wall, 18, Station 1+11 237.0 7.1 115.8 .7' 91.1 KW190 4/25/00 Wall 18, Station 1+18 239.0 9.0 116.2 7 91.4 .KW191 4/25/00' Wall 19, Station 1+15 . 236.5 7.6 " 113.4 5 90.3 KW192 4/25/00 Wall 18, StatiOn 1+21 240.5' ' '8.3 126.4 -' 5 100.6 KW 193 4/25/00 Wall 18, Station .1+12 . 241.0 8.6 -' 121.5 ' 7 95.6 V V KW 194 4/25/00 Wall 20, Station 1+90 , 248.0 ' 7.7 ' 115.5 5 ' - 92.0 KW195 4/25/00 Wall 20, Station 1+42 , ' ' 248.0 7.6 * 117.5 5 93.6 KW196 4/25/00 Wall 20, Station 1+14 ' ' 247.5 . ' 7.6 115.7 5 92.1 KW197 4/25/00 Wall 20, Station 1+65 . , 250.0 10.5 " 117.3 5 93.4 KW198 4/25/00 Wall 20, Station 1+30 ' , .250.0 10.0 119.2 5 94.9 KW199 4/25/00 Wall 19, Station 1+13 . 239.0 . 11.2 " 110.2 5 87.7 KW200 4/26/00 RETEST OF KW199 239.0 8.4 116 8 5 93.0 KW201 4/26/00 . Wall 20, Station 1+58 ' , 252.0 ' 9.8 ' , 114.1 5- 90.8 ,. KW202 4/26/00 Wall 20 Station 1+26 258.0 9.2 116.4. 5 92.7 KW203 4/26/00 Wall 19, Station 1+12 ,' V. , : 241.0. 8.1. . 115.9 .' 92.3 KW204 4/26/00 Wall 18 Station 1+20 243.5 - 74 114.8 5 91 4 KW205 4/26/00 Wall 18, Station 1+11 ' ." 243.0 - 9.3 . . 111.4 , V 88.7." • I KW206 4/26/00. RETEST OF KW205 . ' 243.0 , 9.1 V 1155 , 5 92.0 KW207 4/26/00 Wall 20,, Station 1+35. , - 254.0 7.2 - '118.6 ' 5 94.4 KW208 4/26/00 Wall 20 Station 1+68 .. 254.0 7.9 117.7 5 .93 .7 KW209 4/26/00 Wall 18, Station 1+17 ' : • 245.5 ' .. - ' 7.8 • -• ' 116.8 V , 5 93.0 KW210 4/27/00 Wall 14, Station 1+79 ' -• . 254.5 ' 12.2 113.7 5 • 90.5. KW21I 4/27/00 Wall 14, Station 1+43 . '' 254.0 - 9.8 . '. 117.6 5 93.6 KW212 4/27/00 Wall 14, Station 1+13 , 253.5 10.2 '-: , " - 113.6. , ,' 5. 90.4 V - KW213 4/27/00 Wall 14, Station 1+20' , . • .-255.0 .' . . 8.8 ' - ,113.6 5 ' ." -' 90.4 KW214 4/27/00 Wall 14 Station 1+50 2550 92 1144 5 911 KW215 4/27/00 Wall 14, Station 1+84 .1 ' , 255.5 . .' - 8.4, '. . 113.1 . 5' 90.0 KW216 4/28/00 Wall 10, Station 1+16 ' ' 243.0 - 8.2 - 117.3 93.4 KW217 4/28/00 Wall 10, Station 1+52 - 243.0 - • 8.6 V . ., 113.7 , 5' 90.5 KW2184/28/00 Wall 14,Station'1+70 V , - S 257.0. " 11.5." -' 113.2 ,: 5 . 90.1 KW219 4/28/00 Wall 10 Station 1+21 2445 104 -1154 5 91.9 'V • , . ' • .' - V ' - PLATE NO 17 4 JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER 19911167 JN-PLACE DENS1Y TESTS TEST ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) KW220 4/28/00 Wall 14, Station 1+10 257.5 10.3 108.9 5 86.7 KW221 4/28/00 Wall 14, Station 1+40 258.0 10.1 . 113.8 5 90.6 KW222 4/28/00 RETEST OF KW220 257.5 . 8.9 ' 114.3 5 91.0 KW223 4/28/00 Wall 10, Station 1+58 245.0 8.4 119.6 5 95.2 KW224 4/28/00 Wall 10, Station 1+35 245.0 9.3 . 115.4 : 5 91.9 KW225 4/28/00 Wall 10, Station 1+12 245.0 , 9.1 ', 116.3 5 92.6 KW226 5/1/00 Wall 10, Station 1+17 . 246.5 9.0 114.0. 5 ' 90.8 KW227 5/1/00 Wall 10, Station 1+53 246.5 9.3 119.9 ' 5 95.5 KW228 5/1/00 Wall 10, Station 1+05 247.0 9.0 .,115.0 •.. 5 91.6 KW229 5/1/00 Wall 10, Station 1+35 247.0 9.9 113.2 ' 5 90.1 KW230 5/2/00 Wall 26 Station 1+10 2780 92 1164 7 91.6 KW231 5/2/00 Wall 26, Station 1+31 278.0 7.6 119.4 7 . 93.9 KW232 5/2/00 Wall 26, Station 1+23 - 275.5 8.8- wl15.8 . .7 91.1 KW233 5/2/00 Wall 26, Station 1+50 269.5 8.8 115.1 , 7, 90.6 KW234 5/2/00 Wall 26, Station 1+56 " 270.5 8.7 .. 115.4 7 90.8 KW235 5/3/00. Wall 12, Station 1+18 245.5 7.7 122.7 5 KW236 5/3/00 Wall 26, Front, Station 1+10 277.5' , 9.7 . , 118.1 7 92.9 KW237 5/3/00 Wall 12, Station 1+90 247.5 . 8.1 . '-, 121.8 5 .' 97.0 , KW238 5/3/00 Wall 12, Station 1+50 " 247.5 10.3 ' -. 114.3 . ', 5 91.0 ' KW239 5/3/00 Wall 12, Station 1+16 247.0 8.2 . 118.5 5 . 94.3 KW240 5/4/00 Wall 23, Station 1+53 26,1.4' 6.9 ,. 113.6 -7' 89.4 ' KW241 5/4/00 Wall 23, Station 1+10 261.4 9.8 121.9. 7 95.9 KW242 5/4/00 Wall 23, front, Station 1+55 . 259.5 8.3 ', ,, 115.2 :.7 ''90.6 KW243 5/4/00 ' Wall 23, front, Station 1+30 260.0 8.7 123.3 7 97.0 KW244 5/4/00 Wall 23, front, Station 1+05 260.0 9.7. . 118.0 , 7. . 92.8 KW245 5/4/00 Wall 24, front, Station 1+50 ,. 265.0 6.1 115.6 7 . 91.0 KW246 5/4/00 ,Wall 24, front, Station 1+14 265.5 8.6 118.1 , 7 92.9 - KW247 5/4/00 Wall 12, Station 1+90 - 249.0 , 7.1 ... - ". 118.1 ' 5 . 94.0' '. KW248 5/4/00 Wall 12 Station 1+65 249.0 ' 9.4 `113.7 5 - 90.5 KW249 5/4/00 Wall 12, Station 1+40 ' ' 249.0 . 8.9 " '113.5 5 '' 90.4 KW250 5/4/00 RETEST OF KW240 " 261.4 ' ' 8.0 ' 118.5 ' 7,, 93.2 KW251 5/4/00 Wall 23 Station 1+32 261.4 96 1120.9 7 95.1-,s KW252 5/5/00 Wall 12 Station 1+85 251.0. 80 1148 5 91.4 KW253 5/5/00 Wall 12, Station 1+54 ' ' 251.0 . 9.7 ,' - 113.3 ' , 5 90.2 KW254 5/5/00 Wall 12, Station 1+16 250.0 ' , 9.4 '' '- 116.8 '5 .' 93.0 KW255 5/5/00 Wall 14 Station 1+62 2590 9.1 1149 5 .'.,91.5 KW256 5/5/00 Wall 14, Station 1+20 . ' 259.5 .. - 9.8 " ' 116.7 . 5 . ' 92.9' KW257 5/5/00 Wall 13 Station 1+92 2600 147 1144 5 911 KW258 5/5/00 Wall 14 Station 1+78 261.0 93 1186 5 944 -KW259 5/5/00 Wall 14, Station 1+35 ;' - ' 260.5 11.8 ", .. 116.5 I ' 5 '' 92.8 KW260 5/5/00 Wall 13, Station 1+60 '- , ' '263.0 13.3 ' , -"114.0 .,5 90.8 KW261 5/8/00 Wall 13 Station 1+10 263.5 12.3 1138 5 906 KW262 5/8/00 Wall 13 Station 1+88 263.0 11.5 113.1 5 90.0 KW263 5/8/00 Wall 30 Station 1+14 2650 11.4 1180 4 91.0 , I PLATE NO 18 I JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: 9911167 TEST . ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) . TYPE (prcent) KW264 5/8/00 Wall 13, Station 1+22 . 265.0 13.1 114.9 7 90.4 KW265 5/8/00 Wall 13, Station 1+70 . 265.0 11.7 J, 115.0 . 7. .90.5 KW266 5/8/00 Wall 30, Station 1+22 266.0 . 11.6 114.5 4 88.3 KW267 5/8/00 RETEST OF KW266 266.0 10.6 122.1 ' 4 . 94.1 KW268 5I9I00 Wall 30, Station 1+33 268.0 11.7 116.0 4 89.4 KW269 5/9/00 RETEST OF KW268 268.0 12.6 117.5 . 4 90.6 KW270 5/9/00 Wall 30,1+50 270.0. 14.2 116.6 7 ., 91.7 KW271 5/9/00 Wall 30, Station 1+65 272.0 . 13.4 116.9 7 .92.0., KW272 5/9/00 Wall 30, Station 1+80 274.0 11.2 118.3 ' 7 93.1 KW273 5/10/00 Wall 16, Station 1+12 . . 243.0 10.3 115.2 . 5 . 91.7 KW274 5/10/00 Wall 16, Station 1+46 242.5 9.5 .' 116.6 5 . 92.8 KW275 5/10/00 Wall 30, Station 1+95 276.0 11.2 120.9 6 95.0 KW276 5/10/00 Wall 30, Station 21+06 . 278.0 10.8 . .119.4 6 939 KW277 5/11/00 Wall 22, Station 1+16 257.5 1.16.0 7. 91.3 KW278 5/11/00 Wall 30, Station 1+15 . 268.5 9.9 .. . 115.9 . 7 91.2 KW279 5/11/00 Wall 30, Station 1+58 273.0 10.1 .. . 113.5 51 . . 90.4, KW280 5/11/00 Wall 30, Station 2+11 280.0 . 7.7 . . 115.1 7 90.6 KW281 5/11/00 Wall 22, Station 1+11 260.0 8.4 . . 115.0 7 90.5 KW282 5/11/00 Wall 5, Station 1+20 241.0 8.2 .. . 116.2 7 91.4 KW283 5/12/00 Wall 11, Station 1+44 . . .. 248.0 . 12.7 117.0 7 . 92.1 r KW284 5/12/00 Wall 11, Station 1+25 248.0 . . 12.7 113.5 . 5 90.4 KW285 5/12/00 Wall 11, Station 1+15 . 250.0 . 9.9 '. .118.4 '5 94.3. KW286 5/12/00 Wall 11, Station 1+35 250.0 9.1 . ,. .116.8 5 . 93.0 KW287 5/15/00 Wall 11, Station 1+22 252.0 7.6 . ' ;115.6 75 . 92.0 KW288 5/15/00 Wall 30, Station 1+40 . 272.5 13.9 .107.9- - 3 884 KW289 5/15/00 Wall 11, Station 1+18 . 255.0 . '9.0 . 113.6 . . 5 90.4 KW290 5/15/00 Wall 11, Station 1+40 . .253.5 9.2 ., . 116.2 .5 . 92.5 H KW291 5/15/00 Wall 11 Station 1+29 2565 107 1198 6 942 .KW292 5/16/00 Wall 29, Station 1+47 276.3 8.1 121.0 ,. 6 95.1 KW293 5/16/00 Wall 29, Station 1+95 276.3 7.9 . , .120.6 6 ' 94.8 KW294 5/16/00 Wall 12 Station 1+70 253.5 6.9 113.6 5 90.4 'KW295 5/16/00 Wall 12, Station 1+22 . . 253.0 .7.8 •. ,' 113.2 5 90.1 KW296 5/16/00 Wall 12, Station 1+80 255.0 - 9.2 . 113.2 . . .5 90.1 . . :KW297 5/16/00 Wall 29, Station 11+42 . - 278.5 12.3, 116.3 . 6 91.4 KW298 5/16/00 Wall 29, Station 1+74 . 278.5 9.6 ,. ' 114.5 6 . 90.0 KW299 5/16/00 Wall 29, Station 2+08 .. 278.5 . io:i P 115.3 , .. i 5 90.6 . KW300 5/16/00 Wall 13, Station 1+10 267.5 . 9.8 .,, . 115.9 . .5 92.3 KW301 5/17/00 Wall 29 Station 2+22 2800 99 1172 7 922 KW302 5/17/00 Wall 29, Station 1+83 . 280.0 8.4 .115.0 . . ' 7. ... 90.5 KW303 5/17/00 Wall 29, StatiOn 1+19 •: 280.0 . 9.5k 116.3 . .7 91.5k' KW304 5/17/00 Wall 13 Station 1+65 267.5 9.0 116.4 5 92 7 KW305 5/17/00 Wall 13, Lot 4 . 229.5' , 8.7 .. 116.7 7 91.8 KW306 5/17/00 Wall 13, Lot 4 . 230.0 9.2 ' . . 117.1 7 92.1 KW307 5/18/00 Wall 13, Sthtion 1+47 . 269.5 11.7.., . 118.4 . . 5 94.3 - , , .•., 'PLATE NO. 19: - I 4 JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: 9911167 TEST ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL REL.COMP. NO. DATE LOCATION (feet,MSL) (percent) (p-c.f.) TYPE (percent) KW308 5/18/00 Wall 13, Station 1+84 266.5 8.5 119.2 5 94.9 KW309 5/18/00 Wall 13, Station 1+15 269.0 10.5 113.6 5 90.4 KW310 5/18/00 Wall 13, Station 1+68 271.0 . 8.4 115.3 5 91.8 KW311 5/18/00 Wall. 14, Station 1+70 263.5 7.4 113.6 5 90.4 KW312 5/18/00 Wall 14, Station 1+26 263.0 8.2 113.2 .. 5 90.1 KW313 5/19/00 RETEST OF KW288 272.5 12.0 . 113.5 3 93.0 KW314 5/19/00 Wall 30, Station 1+78 278.0 . 10.1 117.8 .7 92.7 KW315 5/19/00 Wall 30, Station 1+25 274.0 9.2 115.1 5 91.6 KW316 5/19/00 Wall 30, Station 1+62 278.5 10.7 114.5 -5 91.2 KW317 5/19/00 Wail 30, Station 1+40 277.0 9.1 115.8 5 92.2 KW318 5/19/00 Wall 30, Station 1+73 . 279.0 9.8 .' 115.8 5 '92.2 KW319 5/19/00 Wall, Lot 26 266.0 .. 8.6' . 120.6 . - 4 93.0' KW320 5/19/00 Wall 27, Station 1+35 278.0 12.4 - 121.4 2 93.5 • . • - •-% • -,•_ - - - •' r . " -. .E. ' 1' 1. ,P . • - - - , - • . . - • -. •• -' • - . . - ..--'• . .-••• - , PLATE NO 20 '- ,.--. • JOB NAME: TRACT 96-03 PACIFIC VIEW ESTATES JOB NUMBER: 9911167 Soil Maximum Optimum Soil Description Density. pcf Moisture%. I Light Brown to Dark Brown, Silty Sand 127.2 8.4 2 Tan to Red-Brown, Silty Sand 129.8 7.8 3 White to Tan, Silty Sand 122.0 10.0 4 Dark Red-Brown, Silty Sand 129.7 8.7 5 White to Orange, Mottled, Clayey Silty Sand 125.6 7.8 6 Tan to Red-Brown, Silty Sand 127.2 9.7 7 Light Brown to Tan with Dark Red Brown Chunks, 127.1 8.9 Silty Sand 8 Red-Brown with Dark Brown, Silty Sand 129.1 8.8 LII "R" VALUE SAMPLES I SAMPLE NO. DATE LOCATION STATIONS STATION R-VALUE Ri 5/8/00 Austin Terrace 17+00 to 19+00 18+15 42 R3 5/8/00 Austin Terrace 15+00 to 17+00 15+90 47 L4 5/19/0 David Place 10+00 to 13+00 12+40 12 R5 6/1/00 David Place 10+00 to 13+00 10+40 8 R6 7/29/00 Donna Drive/Austin Terrace 12+50 to 15+00 13+85 30 R7 7/29/00 Donna Drive 10+40to12+50 11+45 37 R8 9/15/00 Austin Terrace/Wintergreen Drive 19+00 to 20+30 19+45 31 PLATE NO. 21