HomeMy WebLinkAbout1520 GRADY PL; ; CB162393; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 06-17-2016 Cogeneration Permit Permit No:CB162393 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: 1520 GRADY PL CBAD COGEN 2070215400 $12,800.00 Sub Type: PHOTO Lot#: 0 Constuction Type: NEW Reference #: Status: ISSUED Applied: 06/17/2016 Entered By: RMA Occupancy Group: Plan Approved: 06/17/2016 Issued: 06/17/2016 Inspect Area: Plan Check #: Project Title: MCKENDRY RES-PHOTOVOLTAIC SYST 32 ROOF MOUNTED MODULES-(16 FLUSH MOUNTED & 16 REVERSE TILT MODULE-LESS THAN 24"), 9.6 KW, NO ELECT PANEL UPGRADE- NORMA Applicant: SOLAR WATT SOLUTIONS 1372 CYNTHIA LN CARLSBAD CA 92008 760-576-5270 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee $141.20 $0.00 $98.84 $0.00 $0.00 $1.66 $1.00 Owner: MCKENDRY DARREN C&LILLIAN 4633 PARK DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Total Fees: $242.70 Total Payments To Date: $242.70 Balance Due: Inspector: fl1. ~ Clearance: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $242.70 $0.00 I\OTICE: Aeaseta<e I\OTICE Iha 'WM cf )OS ~ect ircl.destre"lnµ,siticri' di""" de:lcairns, -= crctta-exa:licns -cx:lledively rdemd toas 'f..,,.exa:liais." You hal.e OOcia,'s hantre-ttis pemit"""' issuedtop!ctesl irrp:x;itiondtresef..,,.exa:licns. If you p!ctesl ttan you rT1.EI fcilo.vtre p,ctest l)tlCe(ires set lath in G:Meirrrert Cooe Section IID2l(a), arc file tre p,ctest arc any ctta-req.ired irtcrmiion wth tre Clty fv'a-eg,rfcr proessirg in oo:ma-o:,wth Calsboo Mridpa Cooe Section 3.32.03Q Fallretotirmyfcilo.vlha procecl.rewll !..-any Slb;ecµrt lega .niontoattlrl. re-JieN, set asiOO, vdd, a aru tteir irrp:slticn Youae hret>f FLR11-ER I\OTIREDttat )OS rig,t top,ctest trespedfioof..,,.exa:iicns oces NOT />PA..Yto""er arc """'cxrre:iion fees arc~ c:t-,rg,,a, rcr ~arirg, zcrirg, ga:irg cr ctta-sirrila-~icaion proessirg er mre fees in cxrre:iion wth ttis ~ect. l'ffi oces IT />PA.. Y to any d bee1 . sinil to tre e ci Ii . THE.FO~LOVl!ING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRl(ffl TO PERMl[::ISSUANCE: • PLANNIN9i ( City of Carlsbad JOB ADDRESS CT/PROJECT fl LOT# Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov 1520 Grady Place PHASE# #OF UNITS BEDROOMS #BATHROO ,.. PY10N OF WORK: ...,.,,. Sq,,.. FHt of--•) SWPPP 54 CONSTR. TYPE 9.6 kW Solar PV system with 32 LG 300 panels and 32 En phase microinverters. NO SDG&E RMA and NO panel upgrade IF-r,\ C, rr--,,,,,_ ~ I C (""--I e I Jc. I ,t--/J--o-. \-/:\: ,...... ... (r 00 .GROUP EXISTING USE I PROPOSED USE I GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) I DECl<S (SF) I FIREPLACE AIR CONDITIONING i I FIRE SPRINKLERS YESQ_NcQ YESQoO YES•Nc APPLICANT NAME Dave Watt PROPERTY OWNER NAME Darren McKendry ADDRESS 1372 Cynthia Ln ADDRESS 1520 Grady Place CITY Carlsbad STATE CA ZIP 92008 CITY Carlsbad STATE CA ZIP 92008 PHONE 760-712-3155 I FAX PHONE 714-875-1979 lAX 760-418-6430 EMAIL dave@solarwattsolutions.com EMAIL darren@doctordetail.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL COH1RACl"IIR IIIJS. NAME Solar Watt Solutions, Inc. ADDRESS ADDRESS 1372 Cynthia Ln CITY STATE ZIP CITY Carlsbad STATE CA ZIP 92008 PHONE PHONE IFAX 760-712-3155 I FAX 760-418-6430 EMAIL EMAIL dave@solarwattsolutions.com ISTATELIC.# STATE LIC.# let.ASS B I CllY BUS. LIC.1231803 952337 (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any Qty or County which requires a permit to construct. alter, Improve, demolish or repair any structure. pnor to it8 issuance, also r~uires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement tnat he Is lieensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Busmess and Professions Code} or fhat he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500}), WORKERS. COMPENSATION . r WOIUIS' cam~_..,, , _y _ I/IW penaltyof pe,Jury one dlt>o -.g rJecJaralions: BI hm and wlll fflllnllln •--ol-to 11lf.ln11n for"""""" canpensation as provided by Secllon 371)(1 ot lhe L,,oor Code. for Ille"°""""""' oflhe-for Ohlch lho pem;1 o Issued. I have and wlll malntMI WOfMf'I' comp.w1aatlon, JS required by Section 3700 ct the~ Code, for the performance of the WOik for which this permit is issued. My Wttkers' compensation insurance earner and policy numba'n: Insurance OJ. Paq'No. ___________ -Dale _______ _ ~section need not be completed if the pennlt is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. b!J Ctrtllcalt of Exemption: I certify that in the perbmanoo of the work ror which this permit Is ISsued, I shalt oot employ any person tn i.,y manner so as to become subject to the Wcrkers' Compensation Laws of c-,;,. WARIING: FlllllnlOHCUIW ____ lsunlawftll,and llhllllllbjocta, ,mplojwtocrlmlnll PIii-and cMl-upto-hundrod---(&100,000~ In llddNlontolh•-ol--. dlmagel .. ..-rorm,~ 370llollhli.m«--111d-oy"I-~ CONn!ACTORSIONATUIIE ~_,;/A:/lll(J QAGENT DATE 6/17/16 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 'l I heteby alfim thet I am ..-from Coolradc,'s l.blnse Lawforlt>o-.g ieason: 0 I. as owner d Ille l'UP8rtY c, my.._ wl1h -as thelr sole OOlll)Ell1salion. wil do Ille-and Ille Slruclu18 •ml-"-for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professjoos Code: The Cootractoo's l.keose Law doeS not apply to an cwner of !)fq>erty who builds « improws thereoo, and who does SLICh work himself or through his own emplo','ees, J)KMded that 800'1 improlJBl'Tl80ts are not intended or offered for sale. ~-howeller. Ille bulkiklg c, ll1"IJl1)Y8lllB is SOid wl1hkl ooe yea, of complOlloo, Ille owner-builder wll h,... Ille bu"'8n o/ pn,w,g lhal he dij 1101 bulki c, impro,e for Ille purpose o/ sale). 0 I, as owner o/ lhe l'UP8rtl'. am exclusiVely contra:ling wl1h lialnsed oonlractDls to conslruct Ille projocl (Sec. 7044, Business il1d Pro/essklns Code: The Con1ra:kr's license Law does 1101 apply 10 an owner al property woo bulds c, mpro,es lhel80n, and""'"""' for such projecls with conlracfa(s) lialnsed pursuanl to lhB Con1racror's license Law). D I am exeJflll under Section, ____ Business cl'ld Professions Code for this reason: 1. I peraooal~ pa, to pro,lde lhB major labor il1d -1ats for oonslrucllon d Ille proposed property rniro-,ent [Jl'es Do 2. I (have / have nol) signed an appllcalloo for a bul~klg permtt l\or Ille proposed wont 3. I have con-with lhB following peraoo (firm) to pro,lde lhe proposed conSln.dlon (inclooe namo adoolss /phone/~ bnse number): 4. I ~., to p!tMde _, oflhe wont bul I have ~red Ille lollowlng person to coorn-. St.l"'lise il1d pro,lde Ille rnii<Jr-Qnclooe name/ -/phone/ contracrors• license number): 5. I will pro,lde some of Ille wont but I have con1racled (~red) lhB folkMing persons ID pro,,lde lhe-lndk:ated (Include name / address / phone / type o/ -): ~ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE (}GENT DATE COMl'Ll 0 T'1r Tips SECTION FOR NON-RIStDaNTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY ' . ,..J Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materias registration fonn or risk maiagement and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Haza-dous Substance Account Act? • Yes • No ls lhe applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality managem,nt district? • Yes • No Is the fac~ity to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer bounday of a school site? • Yes • No If A11Y Of THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FIIIAL CERTFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IIAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIIIEIIENTS OF THE OfFICE Of EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO THE AR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. -CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY , · ,, ,,. ·',J I hereby affinn that there is a cons1nlclion lending agency for the performance of the work this penn~ is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lenders Name Lenders Address APPI-ICANT Cl!RTIFICATION '. ( 7 ' "f I COlllfythatl -ffled theapplk:atloo and -lhatthe •--Is oomw:tand lhatthe lnlonnatlon CN1 the plans lsaccura1e. I-l!JCXllllP'/wllh all Cfly-and Slal& -1dallng Ul buildlng COllSlrldm I heraby auflorize ,,.._,lail',ed t,eCilydcatsbad tlenlerl4l0fl theal<M>-Jllllll8llYfori1spedlon puposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE. -IFY AND KEEP HARM.ES$ THE CITY OF CAAI.Sll',O -INST ALL UABIUTIES, JUDGl,ENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES IMilCH W.Y IN ANYWAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF1HE GRANTING OF THIS PEJMT. OSHA: AA OSHA permit ls n,qund forexcavalicns CN!<5U' deep and_, aconslrudiln d SiuetureS-3 sules~ ~ EXPIRATION: Every pennitissul<l bythe IUdlng Ollicialundorthepn,,;sior1s dtois Codesh!lle,cpio by lmt!lion and becomenul and \<lid I lhe buidqj <r-adhaized by such pennitls notcmlleM!d- 180 dlljSlillm thedaledsuch pennitaf thebultg a-auhorizsdby such permit is.._.ied a-at any line allerthe-ls wllleM!d for a period d 180 dlljS(Sedi:ln 106.4.4 lmfoon 8ui<i"q Code). ~~;/~ ,eS' APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE 6/17/16 Inspection List Permit#: CB162393 Type: COGEN PHOTO Date Inspection Item Inspector Act 06/27/2016 35 Photo Voltaic (PV) RI 06/27/2016 35 Photo Voltaic (PV) MC AP 06/27/2016 39 Final Electrical RI 06/27/2016 39 Final Electrical MC Fl 06/24/2016 35 Photo Voltaic (PV) MC co 06/24/2016 39 Final Electrical MC co Monday, June 27, 2016 MCKENDRY RES-PHOTOVOLTAIC SYST 32 ROOF MOUNTED MODULES-(16 FLU Comments EARLY AM PLEASE EARLY AM PLEASE RELEASE E-MAILED TO SDGE. REVERSE TILT MODULES LESS THAN 24 INCHES HIGH. NOTICE Page 1 of 1