HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-25; City Council; ; Establish a transition plan for the appointment of members to the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Safety Commission; and add two additionCA Review __fb . ~ CITY COUNCIL \17 Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: September 25, 2018 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney 760-434-2891 Establish a transition plan for the appointment of members to the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Safety Commission; and add two additional members to the Traffic Safety Commission Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution establishing a transition in the appointment of members to the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Safety Commission; and introduce an Ordinance amending section 2.15.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to add two additional members to the Traffic Safety Commission Executive Summary The City Council directed staff to commence work on updating the Carlsbad Municipal Code at the regular meeting held on May 23, 2017. At their May 23, 2017 meeting, the City Council created a sub-committee comprised of Council Members Michael Schumacher and Mark Packard to assist staff. Currently, the subcommittee is working on the areas of the code concerned with boards and commissions. On July 24, 2018 the subcommittee brought forth and the City Council adopted an ordinance adding Chapter 2.15 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Chapter 2.15 provides a uniform set of rules and procedures which apply to all city boards and commissions. Section 2.15.050 establishes a new procedure for appointing members to the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Safety Commission. The sub-committee has considered options for transitioning to the new appointment procedure and recommends the accompanying Resolution. In addition, the subcommittee recommends adding two more members to the Traffic Safety Commission . Discussion Previously, appointments to all boards and commissions other than the Planning Commission were made by the mayor with the approval of the City Council. Members of the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission were appointed by a majority vote of the City Council. The recently adopted Carlsbad Municipal Code section 2.15.050 establishes a new procedure for nominating and appointing members to the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Safety Commission. The new procedure has each member of the City Council nominate one member to each of these commissions for a term coinciding with the nominating council member. Although council members are not required to nominate September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 1 of 15 people from their district, section 2.15.050 requires that they use their best efforts to do so. The subcommittee felt that switching to this new nominating process, will help ensure that each city district has representation on each of these commissions. The subcommittee recommended this procedure for these three commissions because they make decisions and recommendations that affect land use and development in the city. Appointments to all other boards and commissions including the Historic Preservation Commission will be made by the mayor with the approval of the City Council. A chart showing the membership of all of the boards and commissions, when their terms expire and the district of each current board and commission member is attached as Exhibit 1. The chart indicates a need for greater geographical diversity among board and commission members. The current terms of the commission members on the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Safety Commission also do not coincide with council member terms as required by the new appointment procedure. The subcommittee considered various options for transitioning these three commissions to the new appointment process. The top two options are attached as Exhibit 2. While there are merits to each option, the subcommittee felt that transition option 2 would provide a smoother integration of new commission members. Transition option 2 would allow current commission members to finish out their current term. As the members' terms expire, the most recently elected district councilperson or mayor would nominate a new member. Each subsequent term would be set to coincide with the nominating councilperson's term. The subcommittee recommends this option because it will help retain institutional knowledge and continuity on the commissions. Another consideration was the fact that we will be asking each commission to work with staff to create workplans that will be approved with input from the City Council. This could be challenging in a scenario where all (or most) of the commission members are brand new to serving. Exhibit 2 contains a chart for each commission detailing the transition process. The Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission each have seven members. The Traffic Safety Commission currently has five members. Under the new nominating procedure, the mayor nominates three members to the Planning Commission, three members to the Parks and Recreation Commission and one member to the Traffic Safety Commission. After discussing the scope of work of the various commissions, the subcommittee is recommending increasing the membership on the Traffic Safety Commission to seven members. The subcommittee anticipates broadening the scope of work of the Traffic Safety Commission to encompass other aspects of mobility in the city beyond vehicle traffic. The proposed ordinance would increase the membership of the Traffic Safety Commission to seven members with three of those members nominated by the mayor. Since the nomination and appointment process is not changing for the other boards and commissions under the new ordinance, there is no need to provide a transition plan for those boards and commissions. As a point of interest, and in light of the shift to council districts, we have included the other boards and commissions in Exhibit 1 so that the City Council can see how the membership of each board and commission is distributed among the four council September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 2 of 15 districts. The new application for boards and commissions requests the council district of the applicant so that this information can be considered in future appointments. Fiscal Analysis Council adopted Resolution No. 2017-095 authorizing the Administrative Services Director to transfer and appropriate $80,000 from Council Contingency to the City Attorney's budget for use in updating the city's municipal code. Next Steps The City Clerk will prepare the ordinance for adoption at the next regular council meeting. Once adopted, the City Clerk will publish the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance in a newspaper of general circulation within 15 days . The ordinance will be effective 30 days following the adoption. Staff will return at a future council meeting with specific ordinances and resolutions addressing the make-up and areas of responsibility for each board and commission. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and, therefore, does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M . Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date . Exhibits 1. Boards and Commission Terms List 2. Boards and Commissions Appointment Transition Options 3. City Council Resolution 4. Ordinance 5. Redline of Carlsbad Municipal Code section 2.15.050 September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 3 of 15 Boards/Commissions Terms List -(Rev. 9/18/2018) Eligible for District Term Expires Reappointment No. Planning Commission Velyn Anderson Apr-2021 No 4 Linda Geidner Apr-2021 Yes 2 Carolyn Luna Apr-2022 Yes 2 Roy Meenes Apr-2022 Yes 3 Marty Montgomery Apr-2019 No 4 Jeff Segall Apr-2019 No 3 Peter Merz Apr-2020 Yes 3 Parks and Recreation Commission Amy Livingston Aug-2020 Yes 3 Michael Luna Aug-2019 Yes 1 Jengi Martinez Aug-2020 Yes 2 Matt Simons Aug-2021 Yes 3 Jodi Rudick Stein Aug-2019 No 2 Brad Thorp Aug-2019 Yes 3 Ron Withall Aug-2020 No 1 Traffic Safety Commission Bill Fowler Jul-2021 Yes 2 Monica Gocan Jul-2020 Yes 1 Chuck Hunter Jul-2021 No 2 Jonnie Johnson Jul-2020 Yes 2 Peter Penseyres Jul-2020 Yes 1 Arts Commission Laurenn Barker Mar-2020 Yes 3 Cathy Breslaw Mar-2020 Yes 4 Emma Jadhav Mar-2022 Yes 1 Joan Markovits Mar-2020 No 2 Exhibit 1 September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 4 of 15 Tina Schmidt Mar-2021 No 3 Bryan Snyder Mar-2022 Yes 1 Scott White Mar-2021 Yes 4 Beach Preservation Committee Fred Briggs Jun-2018 No 1 Greg Lang Jun-2021 Yes 2 Sherman McEachern Jun-2021 Yes 2 Linda Petrucci Jun-2020 No 1 John Prietto Jun-2021 Yes 1 Kathleen Steindberger Jun-2021 Yes 1 Brian Colby Jun-2020 Yes 3 Historic Preservation Commission Laurie Boone Apr-2021 No 1 Jack Nelson Apr-2021 Yes 1 Sam Souri Apr-2022 Yes 2 Anne Estes Apr-2021 Yes 2 Chad Majer Apr-2022 Yes 1 Housing Commission Arline Carrillo Jul-2019 Yes 1 Joy Evans Jul-2019 Yes 2 Alan Newman Jul-2019 Yes 4 Kristy Randall Jul-2021 Yes 2 Shaunee Williams Jul-2019 Yes 2 Library Board of Trustees Sherman DeForest Jun-2020 Yes 2 Beth Hulsart Jun-2021 No 1 Art Larson Jun-2022 Yes 2 Alice "Sandy" Parsons Jun-2021 No 1 Dane Pearson Jun-2020 Yes 1 September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 5 of 15 Senior Commission Patricia Mehan Sep-2020 Yes 2 Ray Pearson Sep-2019 No 3 John Rodenhausen Sep-2021 Yes 1 Sheri Sachs Sep-2021 No 4 David Tweedy Sep-2019 No 1 September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 6 of 15 Boards & Commissions Appointment Transition Options BACKGROUND: New process for Planning Commission, Parks & Recreation Commission, and Traffic Safety Commission contained in CMC section 2.15.050: • Mayor and each councilmember nominate one person (preferably from their district). • Mayor nominates 2 additional members to each commission. • All nominations must be ratified by majority vote of City Council. • Councilmember nominations must be made within 45 days of swearing in. Current schedule for district elections/terms: District 1, 3 and Mayor -will be sworn in in December 2018 to serve a term from 2018-2022. District 2 and 4 -will be sworn in in December 2020 to serve a term from 2020-2024. TRANSITION OPTION 1: Remove all current commissioners in January 2019. Each councilmember will nominate 1 person for each commission. The mayor will nominate 3 people to each commission. Current commissioners would be eligible for reappointment. The new appointments would be made as follows: • Newly elected councilmembers for District 1 and 3 will each nominate one member to serve a four year term coinciding with the council term for District 1 and 3. • The mayor will nominate 3 members to each serve a four year term coinciding with the mayor's term. • The remaining two members will be nominated by the remaining two at large councilmembers and will serve shortened terms until December 2020. Once councilmembers are elected and sworn in for Districts 2 and 4, those councilmembers will each appoint a commissioner to serve a term coinciding with the council terms for District 2 and 4. TRANSITION OPTION 2: Allow current board and commission members to finish out their current term. As the members' terms expire the vacancy would be filled by the most recently elected district councilperson or mayor. Each subsequent term would be set to coincide with the nominating councilperson's term as follows: Exhibit 2 September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 7 of 15 Planning Commission Current Commissioner Term District Nominating First District Subsequent Expires No. Councilperson Appointed Term Terms Marty Montgomery April 2019 4 District 1 May 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 District 1 Jeff Segal April 2019 3 District 3 May 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 District 3 Peter Merz* April 2020 4 Mayor May 2020-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor Velyn Anderson April 2021 4 District 4 May 2021-Coincide with Dec 2024 District 4 Linda Geidner* April 2021 2 District 2 May 2021-Coincide with Dec 2024 District 2 Carolyn Luna* April 2022 2 Mayor May 2022-Coincide with Dec 2026 Mayor Roy Meenes* April 2022 3 Mayor May 2022-Coincide with Dec 2026 Mayor Parks & Recreation Current Commissioner Term District Nominating First District Subsequent Expires No. Councilperson Appointed Term Terms Jodi Rudick Stein Aug 2019 2 Mayor Sept 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor Michael Luna * Aug 2019 1 District 1 Sept 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 District 1 Brad Thorp* Aug 2019 3 District 3 Sept 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 District 3 Ron Withal! Aug 2020 1 Mayor Sept 2020-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor Aug 2020 Jengi Martinez * extended to 2 District 2 Jan 2021-Coincide with Dec 2020 Dec 2024 District 2 Aug 2020 Amy Livingston * extended to 3 District 4 Jan 2021-Coincide with Dec 2020 Dec 2024 District 4 Matt Simmons * Aug 2021 3 Mayor Sept 2021-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 8 of 15 Traffic Safety Current Commissioner Term District Nominating First District Subsequent Expires No. Councilperson Appointed Term Terms NEW POSITION N/A N/A District 1 Jan 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 District 1 NEW POSITION N/A N/A District 3 Jan 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 District 3 Monica Gocan * Jul2020 1 Mayor Aug 2020-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor Peter Penseyres * Jul2020 1 Mayor Aug 2020-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor Jonnie Johnson * Jul2020 2 Mayor Aug 2020-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor Chuck Hunter Jul2021 2 District 4 Aug 2021-Coincide with Dec 2024 District 4 Bill Fowler * Jul2021 2 District 2 Aug 2021-Coincide with Dec 2024 District 2 * Eligible for reappointment September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 9 of 15 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-178 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A TRANSITION PLAN FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF NEW MEMBERS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AND TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION WHEREAS, on May 23, 2017 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California determined that the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires revisions and amendments and that a comprehensive update to the Carlsbad Municipal Code is necessary to improve clarity and consistency as well as to reflect current legal and professional best practices; and WHEREAS, on May 23, 2017 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad adopted Resolution 2017- 095 authorizing the Carlsbad Municipal Code update; and WHEREAS, on July 24, 2018 the City Council adopted an ordinance adding Chapter 2.15 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code which provides a uniform set of rules and procedures that apply to all city boards and commissions; and WHEREAS, section 2.15.050 establishes a new procedure for appointing members to the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Safety Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council needs to establish a system for transitioning to the new appointment process for members of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Safety Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to establish a transition plan which will allow for continuity, a smooth transition for new members to commissions and help to retain institutional knowledge on the commissions; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to have all Planning Commission transition terms begin in the month February so that new Commission members will be able to attend the League of California Cities Planning Commissioners Academy shortly after being appointed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. As the terms expire for members of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Safety Commission, the most recently elected district councilperson or mayor will nominate a new member. The term ofthe newly nominated member will be set to begin in February and expire at the time the nominating councilperson's term expires. Each subsequent term for the commission member will be set to coincide with the nominating councilperson's term. September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 10 of 15 3. All current Planning Commission members' terms will be shortened by three months so that the next term begins in the month of February. 4. The terms of two members of the Parks and Recreation Commission will also need to be lengthened by four months. 5. The following charts illustrate the transition process described above: PLANNING COMMISSION Current Dist. Nominating Current First District Subsequent Commissioner Term Terms New Expires No. Councilperson Expiration Appointed Term Terms Marty April Jan 2019 Feb 2019 -Coincide with 4 District 1 (shortened Montgomery 2019 by 3 months) Dec 2022 District 1 April Jan 2019 Feb 2019 -Coincide with Jeff Segal 3 District 3 (shortened 2019 by 3 months) Dec 2022 District 3 April Jan 2020 Feb 2020-Coincide with Peter Merz* 2020 4 Mayor (shortened Dec 2022 Mayor by 3 months) April Jan 2021 Feb 2021-Coincide with Velyn Anderson 4 District 4 (shortened 2021 by 3 months) Dec 2024 District 4 April Jan 2021 Feb 2021-Coincide with Linda Geidner* 2 District 2 (shortened 2021 by 3 months) Dec 2024 District 2 April Jan 2022 Feb 2022 -Coincide with Carolyn Luna* 2022 2 Mayor (shortened Dec 2026 Mayor by 3 months) April Jan 2022 Feb 2022 -Coincide with Roy Meenes* 2022 3 Mayor (shortened Dec 2026 Mayor by 3 months) PARKS & RECREATION Commissioner Current District Nominating First District Subsequent Term Expires No. Councilperson Appointed Term Terms Jodi Rudick Stein Aug 2019 2 Sept 2019 -Coincide with Mayor Dec 2022 Mayor Michael Luna * Aug 2019 1 District 1 Sept 2019 -Coincide with Dec 2022 District 1 Brad Thorp* Aug 2019 3 District 3 Sept 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 District 3 Ron Withall Aug 2020 1 Mayor Sept 2020-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor Aug 2020 Jan 2021-Coincide with Jengi Martinez * extended to 2 District 2 Dec 2024 District 2 Dec 2020 Aug 2020 Jan 2021-Coincide with Amy Livingston * extended to 3 District 4 Dec 2024 District 4 Dec 2020 Matt Simmons * Aug 2021 3 Mayor Sept 2021-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 11 of 15 TRAFFIC SAFETY Current District Nominating First District Subsequent Commissioner Term Expires No. Councilperson Appointed Term Terms NEW POSITION N/A N/A District 1 Jan 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 District 1 NEW POSITION N/A N/A District 3 Jan 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 District 3 Monica Gocan * Jul2020 1 Mayor Aug 2020-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor Peter Penseyres * Jul2020 1 Mayor Aug 2020-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor Jonnie Johnson * Jul2020 2 Mayor Aug 2020-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor Chuck Hunter Jul2021 2 District 4 Aug 2021-Coincide with Dec 2024 District 4 Bill Fowler* Jul2021 2 District 2 Aug 2021-Coincide with Dec 2024 District 2 * Eligible for reappointment PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 25th day of September, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. MA TT HALL, Mayor (SEAL) September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 12 of 15 ORDINANCE NO. CS-342 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2.15, SECTION 2.15.050 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD TWO MEMBERS TO THE TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission currently has 5 members; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad wishes to add two additional members to the Traffic Safety Commission; and NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. Section 2.15.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 2.15.050 Appointments. A. Appointments to the planning commission, parks and recreation commission, and traffic safety commission, shall be made by the following process: 1. The mayor and each councilmember shall nominate one individual to serve on each of the commissions for a term coinciding with the term of the councilmember making the appointment. The mayor shall nominate two additional individuals to serve on each of the commissions. All nominations shall be subject to ratification by a majority vote of the city council. If a nominee is not approved by a majority vote of the city council, the council member making the nomination may nominate another individual at the same or a subsequent meeting. In the event that a member of the city council does not make any nomination within forty-five days of the date the council member is sworn into office or within sixty days of the occurrence of a vacancy, the appointment will be made by the mayor with the approval of the city council. 2. Although each member of the city council elected by a district shall use his or her best efforts to appoint individuals residing in that district to these commissions, members of the city council may appoint individuals not residing in their districts in their discretion in order to assure that the most interested and qualified individuals serve on the commissions. B. Appointments to all other city boards and commissions shall be made by the mayor with the approval of the city council. September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 13 of 15 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the __ _ day of , 2016, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the_ day of ____ , 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATI HALL, Mayor BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 14 of 15 2.15.050 Appointments. A. Appointments to the planning commission, parks and recreation commission, and traffic safety commission, shall be made by the following process: 1. The mayor and each councilmember shall nominate one individual to serve on each of the commissions for a term coinciding with the term of the councilmember making the appointment. The mayor shall nominate two additional individuals to serve on the planning commission , and tv .. 10 additional individuals to serve on the parks and recreationeach of the commission~. All nominations shall be subject to ratification by a majority vote of the city council. If a nominee is not approved by a majority vote of the city council, the council member making the nomination may nominate another individual at the same or a subsequent meeting. In the event that a member of the city council does not make any nomination within forty-five days of the date the councilmember is sworn into office or within sixty days of the occurrence of a vacancy, the appointment will be made by the mayor with the approval of the city council. 2. Although each member of the city council elected by a district shall use his or her best efforts to appoint individuals residing in that district to these commissions, members of the city council may appoint individuals not residing in their districts in their discretion in order to assure that the most interested and qualified individuals serve on the commissions. B. Appointments to all other city boards and commissions shall be made by the mayor with the approval of the city council. Exhibit 5 September 25, 2018 Item #14 Page 15 of 15 All Receive -Agenda Item # rl. For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL V ACM J cA..:L_cc_ v' oate"lV>\~ CM ..:L coo_ Memorandum September 25, 2018 To: Hall and Members of the City Council From: ity Attorney lt_; Via: {city of Carlsbad Re: tion related to Item #14 -Board & Commission Member Appointment Implementation Plan During briefings it was brought to staff's attention that the proposed transition plan for the Planning Commission appointments did not immediately allow for newly appointed members to attend the annual March Planning Commission training sponsored by the League of California Cities. We brought the concern to the subcommittee, and the subcommittee would like to modify its recommendation for discussion this evening by shifting Planning Commission appointments to January, with the term commencing in February instead of May. This modified recommendation would truncate current terms of commissioners, but only by three months. The subcommittee believes the value of new appointees being able to immediately attend the League training justifies the three month reduction in terms. We have attached a new resolution with a revised table for Planning Commission appointments to this memorandum. Copies will be available electronically and in hard copy for the public this evening. cc: City Manager Office of the City Attorney City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2891 t RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A TRANSITION PLAN FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF NEW MEMBERS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AND TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION WHEREAS, on May 23, 2017 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California determined that the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires revisions and amendments and that a comprehensive update to the Carlsbad Municipal Code is necessary to improve clarity and consistency as well as to reflect current legal and professional best practices; and WHEREAS, on May 23, 2017 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad adopted Resolution 2017- 095 authorizing the Carlsbad Municipal Code update; and WHEREAS, on July 24, 2018 the City Council adopted an ordinance adding Chapter 2.15 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code which provides a uniform set of rules and procedures that apply to all city boards and commissions; and WHEREAS, section 2.15.050 establishes a new procedure for appointing members to the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Safety Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council needs to establish a system for transitioning to the new appointment process for members of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Safety Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to establish a transition plan which will allow for continuity, a smooth transition for new members to commissions and help to retain institutional knowledge on the commissions; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to have all Planning Commission transition terms begin in the month February so that new Commission members will be able to attend the League of California Cities Planning Commissioners Academy shortly after being appointed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. As the terms expire for members of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Traffic Safety Commission, the most recently elected district councilperson or mayor will nominate a new member. The term of the newly nominated member will be set to begin in February and expire at the time the nominating council person's term expires. Each subsequent term for the commission member will be set to coincide with the nominating councilperson's term. 3. All current Planning Commission members' terms will be shortened by three months so that the next term begins in the month of February. 4. The terms of two members of the Parks and Recreation Commission will also need to be lengthened by four months. 5. The following charts illustrate the transition process described above: PLANNING COMMISSION Current Dist. Nominating Current First District Subsequent Commissioner Term Terms New Expires No. Councilperson Exipration Appointed Term Terms ··-·------- Marty April Jan 2019 Feb 2019-Coincide with Montgomery 2019 4 District 1 (shortened by 3 Dec 2022 District 1 months) April Jan 2019 Feb 2019-Coincide with Jeff Segal 2019 3 District 3 (shortened by 3 Dec 2022 District 3 months) April Jan 2020 Feb 2020-Coincide with Peter Merz* 2020 4 Mayor (shortened by 3 Dec 2022 Mayor months) Velyn April Jan 2021 Feb 2021-Coincide with Anderson 2021 4 District 4 (shortened by 3 Dec 2024 District 4 months) Linda April Jan 2021 Feb 2021-Coincide with Geidner* 2021 2 District 2 (shortened by 3 Dec 2024 District 2 months) April Jan 2022 Feb 2022-Coincide with Carolyn Luna* 2022 2 Mayor (shortened by 3 Dec 2026 Mayor months) April Jan 2022 Feb 2022-Coincide with Roy Meenes* 2022 3 Mayor (shortened by 3 Dec 2026 Mayor months) PARKS & RECREATION Current District Nominating First District Subsequent Commissioner Term Expires No. Councilperson Appointed Term Terms Jodi Rudick Stein Aug 2019 2 Mayor Sept 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor Michael Luna * Aug 2019 1 District 1 Sept 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 District 1 .. Brad Thorp* Aug 2019 3 District 3 Sept 2019-Coincide with Dec 2022 District 3 Ron Withall Aug 2020 1 Mayor Sept 2020-Coincide with Dec 2022 Mayor Aug 2020 Jan 2021-Coincide with Jengi Martinez * extended to 2 District 2 Dec 2024 District 2 Dec 2020 Aug 2020 Jan 2021-Coincide with Amy Livingston * extended to 3 District 4 Dec 2024 District 4 Dec 2020 ... Coincide with Sept 2021-Matt Simmons * Aug 2021 3 Mayor Dec 2022 Mayor TR AFFICSAFETV Current District Nominating First District Subsequent Commissioner Term No. Councilperson Appointed Term Terms Expires Coincide with Jan 2019 NEW POSITION N/A N/A District 1 Dec 2022 District 1 Coincide with Jan 2019-NEW POSITION N/A N/A District 3 Dec 2022 District 3 Aug 2020 Coincide with Monica Gocan * Jul2020 1 Mayor Dec 2022 Mayor Aug 2020 Coincide with Peter Penseyres * Jul 2020 1 Mayor Dec 2022 Mayor Aug 2020 Coincide with Jonnie Johnson* Jul 2020 2 Mayor Dec 2022 Mayor Aug 2021 Coincide with Chuck Hunter Jul 2021 2 District 4 Dec 2024 District 4 Aug 2021 Coincide with Bill Fowler * Jul 2021 2 District 2 Dec 2024 District 2 * Eligible for reappointment PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the_ day of ____ 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MATT HALL, Mayor BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL)