HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-18; City Council; ; Climate Action Plan Annual Report for Reporting Year 2, fiscal year 2017-18CA Review If> ~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: Sept. 18, 2018 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Michael Grim, Senior Program Manager, CAP Administrator mike.grim@carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-4623 Climate Action Plan Annual Report for Reporting Year 2, fiscal year 2017- 18. Recommended Action Receive the Climate Action Plan Annual Report for Reporting Year 2, fiscal year 2017-18. Executive Summary The Climate Action Plan (CAP) calls for annual monitoring and reporting. Staff is using the fiscal year as the reporting year for CAP implementation activities. The attached Climate Action Plan Annual Report (Exhibit 1) contains a summary of the activities performed in fiscal year 2017-18. During that period, staff continued to implement the CAP Measures and Actions and all development projects subject to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) underwent a CAP consistency review. Discussion City Council approved the CAP on Sept. 22, 2015, along with the General Plan Update and associated Environmental Impact Report, by adopting Resolution No. 2015-242 and 2015-244. The purpose of the CAP is to describe how greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within Carlsbad will be reduced in accordance with statewide targets. The statewide targets used for the CAP are derived from the Governor's Executive Order S-3-05 (EO S-3-05) and the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Assembly Bill 32). Implementation of the CAP is required by the General Plan Sustainability Element Policy 9-P.1, which states: "Enforce the Climate Action Plan as the city's strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions." Also, Sustainability Element Policy 9-P.13 states: "Use the city's Climate Action Plan as the platform for delineating and implementing measures to improve energy conservation, and increase renewable energy use (such as solar) in existing and new development." Implementation ofthe CAP strategies are also consistent with the city's Sustainability Guiding Principles, and the city's Community Value of Sustainability, which states: "Build on the city's sustainability initiatives to emerge as a leader in green development and sustainability. Pursue public/private partnerships, particularly on sustainable water, energy, recycling and foods." Staff continued to make progress in CAP implementation during the second reporting period. The annual report contains a detailed description of those activities. In summary, the second year accomplishments included: September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 1 of 35 • Continued implementation of CAP Measures and Actions including developing CAP ordinances; developing a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plan and implementing TDM strategies; energy efficiency retrofits and renewable energy at city facilities; and conducting public outreach and education • Prepared a Microgrid Feasibility Study for the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center • Presented about Carlsbad CAP implementation at various public meetings, including a panel discussion at the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative Forum in Sacramento • Coordinated with regional partners, such as San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG), other local jurisdictions, San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative and San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) • Coordinated with the business community, including the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and Cleantech San Diego. During the second reporting period, the Planning Division continued to use the Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist and an accompanying Guidance for Demonstrating Consistency with the Climate Action Plan -For Discretionary Projects Subject to CEQA. A summary of the projects and their associated GHG reduction measures is contained in Section IV of the annual report. With the assistance of the University of San Diego's Energy Policy Initiatives Center (EPIC), staff prepared GHG inventories for 2012 and 2014 to better evaluate the community's GHG emissions prior to CAP adoption. Based upon those inventories, a new 2020 forecast was modeled. According to the forecast, the city is on track to meet the 2020 GHG emissions targets contained in the CAP . The inventories and forecast are contained in Section VI of the annual report. During the reporting period, SAN DAG adopted the Regional Climate Action Planning Framework (ReCAP), which recommends regionally consistent approaches, methodologies, and data sources for GHG inventories and forecasts. Through SANDAG's Regional Climate Planning Services, the city will be receiving a 2016 GHG inventory and forecast using the updated methodology and protocols established in the ReCAP. Staff will use the results of the 2016 inventory and forecast to evaluate progress towards reaching the CAP GHG targets, evaluate current CAP Measures and Actions and make recommendations on CAP updates if needed. Fiscal Analysis This is an informational item with no fiscal impact. Next Steps Staff will continue to implement the CAP and return to City Council in 2019 with the CAP Annual Report for Reporting Year 3, fiscal year 2018-19. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, receiving this annual report does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that is has no potential to cause either a September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 2 of 35 direct or indirect physical change in the environment, or a reasonable foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and, therefore, does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M . Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibit 1. Climate Action Plan Annual Report for Reporting Year 2, fiscal year 2017-18. September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 3 of 35 City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Annual Report Reporting Year 2: July 1, 2017 -June 30, 2018 August 2018 City of Carlsbad Environmental Management 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Contact: Mike Grim, CAP Administrator mike.grim@carlsbadca.gov; 760-602-4623 C cityof Carlsbad ' Carlsbad CAP Annual Report Reporting Year 2, FY 17-18 Page 1 EXHIBIT 1 August 2018 September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 4 of 35 This page intentionally left blank. September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 5 of 35 Table of Contents I. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1 II. Background on Climate Action Plan ..................................................................................................... 1 Ill. CAP Measures and Actions ................................................................................................................... 5 A. Energy Efficiency ............................................................................................................................... 5 B. Renewable Energy ............................................................................................................................. 6 C. Transportation .................................................................................................................................. 6 D. Water ................................................................................................................................................ 7 E. Public Outreach and Education ......................................................................................................... 7 IV. New Development Projects .................................................................................................................. 8 V. Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................ 9 A. Renewable Energy ............................................................................................................................. 9 B. Electric Vehicles .............................................................................................................................. 12 C. Transportation General Plan Policies .............................................................................................. 14 VI. GHG Emissions Inventory and Forecast.. ............................................................................................ 16 VII. Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 18 CAP Measures and Actions ............................................................................................................................ i Tables and Figures Figure 1-2011 Community GHG Emissions by Sector. ................................................................................ 2 Table 1-2011 Community GHG Emissions by Sector .................................................................................. 2 Table 2 -CAP Measures and GHG Reductions ............................................................................................. 4 Figure 2 -Residential PV Installations and CAP Projections and Target.. ................................................... 10 Figure 3-Location of Residential PV Installations March 2011-July 2018 .............................................. ll Figure 4 -Non-residential PV Installations and CAP Projections and Target ............................................. 12 Figure 5 -Electric Vehicle Charging Station Service Areas ......................................................................... 13 Figure 6 -Bikeways by Classification .......................................................................................................... 15 Figure 7 -Community GHG Inventories 2005-2014 ................................................................................... 17 Figure 8-Community GHG Forecast and CAP Targets ............................................................................... 17 September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 6 of 35 This page intentionally left blank. September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 7 of 35 I. Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide an update on the status of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) implementation that occurred during the current reporting period. The CAP requires that the city annually monitor and report on CAP implementation activities, and present this report to the City Council in a public meeting. Given that CAP implementation is tied to the budget cycle, staff chose the fiscal year calendar to be the reporting period. This Year 2 annual report covers the FY 17-18 reporting period (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018). II. Background on Climate Action Plan The City of Carlsbad's Climate Action Plan (CAP) was adopted on September 22, 2015, along with the General Plan Update and associated Environmental Impact Report. The purpose of the CAP is to describe how greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within Carlsbad will be reduced in accordance with statewide targets. Chapter 2 of the CAP contains information about the 2011 GHG inventory conducted at the time of CAP development. A GHG inventory identifies the major sources and overall magnitude of GHG emissions in the city using standard modeling methods and protocols. Typical inputs include electricity consumed, natural gas consumed, vehicles miles traveled, solid waste disposed, wastewater treated and potable and recycled water used. Chapter 3 of the CAP contains a discussion of the forecasting used to determine the city's GHG targets for 2020 and 2035, as well as the GHG reductions anticipated by state and federal policies and certain General Plan policies. Chapter 4 of the CAP describes the additional Measures and Actions that the city must pursue to reach its GHG emissions reduction targets. To implement these additional Measures and Actions, the city needed to identify and allocate appropriate funding. Therefore, subsequent to CAP adoption, staff contracted with University of San Diego's Energy Policy Initiatives Center (EPIC) to study incremental internal costs to the city for CAP implementation. All of the participating city departments and divisions were surveyed to quantify the resources needed to effectively implement the CAP. On February 23, 2016, staff presented the findings of the study to City Council and noted that these costs would be included in subsequent departmental budget requests. CAP implementation is a team effort involving a number of city departments and divisions, coordinated by the CAP Administrator. The interdepartmental CAP implementation team consists of Public Works (PW) -General Services, PW -Traffic and Mobility, PW -Environmental Management, PW -Utilities, Community and Economic Development -Planning, Parks & Recreation, Finance, City Attorney Carlsbad CAP Annual Report Reporting Year 2, FY 17-18 Page 1 August 2018 September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 8 of 35 B. Renewable Energy The provision of energy through distributed renewable sources can significantly reduce the need for electricity from the grid and, therefore, lower GHG emissions. The CE C's loading order prioritization of energy efficiency is to lessen the amount of energy used, thereby minimizing the size and cost of the renewable energy system needed to power the building. According to the CAP, renewable energy Measures will account for about one-fifth of the planned GHG emissions reductions. Measures A, B, C, J and M relate to community and city renewable energy improvements. These Measures include ordinances requiring PV systems in new residential and non-residential construction and existing commercial buildings, cogeneration in larger non-residential buildings, alternative energy water heating systems, citywide renewable energy projects, and promotion of renewable energy rebate and incentive programs. Cogeneration involves the generation of electricity and another form of energy, such as using steam to provide heating for a building. During the reporting period, staff contracted with CSE to prepare ordinances related to PV systems and alternative energy water heating. To define the parameters of the PV ordinances, staff used SDG&E interconnect data to plot the actual PV installations relative to the projected and targeted installations contained in the CAP {See Figures 2 and 4 in Section V -Monitoring). With regard to residential PV, the current installations in Carlsbad are already within 204 megawatts {MW) of the 2035 CAP target. Also, the 2019 California Building Code update will require all new residential construction to include PV systems. Therefore, staff concluded that a local ordinance requiring PV on new residential construction was no longer needed. Also during the reporting period, the Microgrid Feasibility Study for the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center complex was completed and presented to City Council on June 12, 2018. C. Transportation There are two primary facets of GHG emissions reductions related to transportation. The first is to reduce the number of miles a vehicle is driven. Each mile driven represents an emission of GHG. Reducing the length of trips, or the need to use a motorized vehicle, can significantly reduce GHG emissions. The second facet of transportation-related GHG emissions is to reduce or eliminate the GHG emissions coming from vehicles. Known as low-or zero-emissions vehicles, these automobiles include alternative-fueled vehicles, hybrids and electric vehicles. Taken together, reduction of vehicle miles traveled and tailpipe emissions represents the largest single GHG emissions reduction strategy area. In the Carlsbad CAP, transportation- related Measures total over 40 percent of the planned GHG emissions reductions. Measures Kand L address the transportation related GHG emissions reductions. Measure K relates to reducing vehicle miles traveled and is closely tied to the policies contained in the Carlsbad CAP Annual Report Reporting Year 2, FY 17-18 Page 6 August 2018 September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 13 of 35 General Plan Mobility Element. During the reporting period, staff worked with a consultant to complete major portions of a TOM plan and website. Staff also conducted activities to promote TOM campaigns and rideshare and carpool organizations, demonstrated electric bicycle use, and installed bike racks. Measure L involves reducing tailpipe emissions through an increase in the proportion of low- and zero-emission vehicles on the road. Some of the Actions in Measure L involve ordinance development, which is coupled with the ordinances being developed in the Renewable Energy strategy area. Other activities during the reporting period included initiation of a draft fleet replacement program and activation of publicly available electric vehicle charging stations at State Street parking lot, Stagecoach Park, and Pine Avenue Park Community Center. D. Water Water conservation can lower GHG emissions because movement of water and wastewater requires energy. Measures N and O promote increasing energy efficiency in the potable water, recycled water and wastewater conveyance systems and using greywater and rainwater collection systems. The CMWD analyzes energy usage of their pumps and endeavors to increase energy efficiency of equipment whenever it is replaced. During the reporting period, several sewer pumps and a po"'(er generator were replaced with higher efficiency units. Implementation of the Actions associated with Measures N and O will continue in the mid-to long-term timeframe. E. Public Outreach and Education In addition to the provision of energy-efficient buildings or the availability of PV systems and electric vehicles, a critical component to reducing GHG emissions is encouraging members of the public to engage in behaviors that reduce GHG emissions. Bike lanes, pedestrian improvements and transit expansion only reduce GHG emissions if people use them. Measures C, D, E, F, G, and I all contain Actions related to public outreach and education. During the reporting period, staff continued work on a multi-year, research-based strategy to achieve measurable changes in public behavior, resulting in reduced GHG emissions. Based on research to date, staff is focusing on mobility choices and home energy efficiency. Concurrent with the long-term strategy, staff implemented several short-term public outreach and education tactics focused on reducing vehicle-miles traveled, water conservation, energy saving, solar energy, electric vehicles and rebate programs. This included: • Social media (organic and paid) • Print advertising • Articles in Carlsbad Currents, delivered to every Carlsbad household • Article in School News, delivered to families in the Carlsbad Unified School District Carlsbad CAP Annual Report Reporting Year 2, FY 17-18 Page 7 August 2018 September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 14 of 35 • Article in Carlsbad Business Journal • News releases promoting GHG reduction measures and environmental events in local media • Informational materials available at city facilities. • A website with information and resources • Participation in the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Green Business Expo. • Presentations at local, regional and statewide meetings, including the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission and City Council, SDG&E Local Government Partners Quarterly meeting, Zero Net Energy for Local Governments workshop, and the SEEC Forum. IV. New Development Projects The CAP serves as an environmental review tiering document pursuant to Section 15183.5 of the State California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. According to the CAP, any discretionary project that will have GHG emissions greater than 900 MTC02e must either demonstrate consistency with the CAP or submit a project-specific GHG analysis for review and approval. During the reporting period, the Planning Division continued to implement the Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist and accompanying Guidance for Demonstrating Consistency with the Climate Action Plan -For Discretionary Projects Subject to CEQA. The Checklist and Guidelines are available at: http://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/building/forms/default.asp. Two projects underwent CAP compliance review and were approved during the reporting period: Carlsbad Oaks North Lot 24 • Installation of a 221.20 kW solar photovoltaic (PV) system, or about 737 -300 Watt panels. • 75 percent of project luminaires are LED or equivalent energy efficiency. • 22 dedicated electric vehicle (EV) parking spaces, 11 of which will include EV charging equipment. • Development and implementation of a transportation demand management (TOM) plan. • Natural gas service water heaters with a minimum 95 percent thermal efficiency. Pacific Vista Commerce Center Lot 23 • Installation of at least a 910 kW solar photovoltaic (PV) system. • 75 percent of project luminaires are LED or equivalent energy efficiency. • 44 dedicated electric vehicle (EV) parking spaces, 22 of which will include EV charging equipment. Carlsbad CAP Annual Report Reporting Year 2, FY 17-18 Page 8 August 2018 September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 15 of 35 C. Transportation General Plan Policies In addition to the CAP Measures and Actions described in Section Ill, the CAP also relies upon implementation of some transportation related General Plan policies for GHG reductions. These policies involve bikeway system improvements, pedestrian improvements and increased connectivity, traffic calming, parking facilities and policies, and transportation improvements. While the overall GHG reduction of these General Plan policies is relatively small (less than 4.5 percent of 2035 reductions) it is important to track progress in completing these improvements because they contribute increased and multimodal mobility within the city. Bikeway and Pedestrian System Improvements There were several improvements to the bikeway and pedestrian system during the reporting period. Major projects included: 2017 Pavement Overlay -Added a three-foot buffer to existing bike lanes on both sides along El Camino Real from Gateway Road to Arena I Road 2017-18 Slurry Seal • Installed new bike lanes on both sides of Rancho Bravado from Paseo Valindo to Paseo Monona. • Installed new bike lanes on both sides of El Fuerte Street from Babilonia Street to Corintia Street. • Added a three-foot buffer to existing bike lanes on both sides along Melrose Drive from Palomar Airport Road to Rancho Santa Fe Road. • Added a three-foot buffer to existing bike lanes on both sides along Rancho Santa Fe Road from Melrose Drive to La Costa Avenue. ADA Improvement Program -Replaced over 100 non-compliant curb ramps in The Village. The new ADA compliant curb ramps included gentler slopes, as well as the required truncated domes. 2017 Concrete Replacement -Replaced 562 linear feet (or 12,400 square feet) of broken or uplifted sidewalk and replaced four non-compliant and damaged curb ramps. Carlsbad CAP Annual Report Reporting Year 2, FY 17-18 Page 14 August 2018 September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 21 of 35 During the reporting period, SAN DAG adopted the Regional Climate Action Planning Framework {ReCAP), which recommends regionally consistent approaches, methodologies, and data sources for GHG inventories and forecasts. Also, through SANDAG's Regional Climate Planning Services, the city will be receiving a 2016 GHG inventory and forecast using the updated methodology and protocols established in the ReCAP. Staff will use the results of the 2016 inventory and forecast to evaluate progress towards reaching the CAP GHG targets, evaluate current CAP Measures and Actions and make recommendations on CAP updates if needed. VII. Summary During the second year of CAP implementation, staff continued to make progress in establishing an administrative structure and carrying out the CAP Measures and Actions. During the next fiscal and reporting year, staff will continue to work and coordinate with consultants, SAN DAG, SDG&E and other regional and business partners to further CAP implementation and continue to lower GHG emissions. Carlsbad CAP Annual Report Reporting Year 2, FY 17-18 Page 18 August 2018 September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 25 of 35 CAP Measures and Actions FY 17-18 CAP Implementation Activities by Measures and Actions 2035 Performance Goals for Measures Timeframes in CAP: Short-term= 1 -2 years Mid-term = 2 -5 years Short to Long-term & Mid-Long-term = begun but not completed in 5 years A -Promote installation of residential photovoltaic systems Promote installation of residential PV systems to produce an additional 9.1 MW above already projected amounts, or the equivalent of 2,682 more homes with PV systems, by 2035. Temporarily -for a period of one year -suspend residential and This action was deemed unnecessary due to the already increasing volume of residential A-1 commercial PV system permit fees, together with a publicity campaign and commercial PV permits. Permit fees for Carlsbad are proportionate or lower than fees to promote PV systems installation. {Short-term) in other San Diego region jurisdictions. In 2015, City Council adopted Ord. CS-285, which streamlined the permitting process for small residential rooftop solar energy systems. On a continuing basis, ensure that regulatory provisions -such as A-2 complying with regulations for zoning, structure height, permit Staff will continue to evaluate the zoning regulations and permitting process to ensure submittal and review, etc. -do not hinder residential and commercial there is no hindrance of PV installations. PV system installation. (Short to Long-term) Adopt an ordinance, similar to those passed by Lancaster and Staff contracted with Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) and initiated work in October A-3 Sebastopol, which requires new homes to install PV panels to offset a 2017. Tasks completed include background research of other city ordinances and portion of their energy use. (Short-term) requirements, evaluation of cost-effectiveness studies of local residential PV ordinances, and monitoring and outcome of proposed statewide residential solar PV requirement. B -Promote installation of commercial and industrial photovoltaic systems Promote installation of commercial and industrial PV systems to produce an additional 10.7 MW above projected amounts, or roughly 15 percent of projected commercial and industrial electricity use. Adopt a commercial energy conservation ordinance requiring all new nonresidential developments with more than 50 cars surface parked Staff contracted with CSE and initiated work in October 2017, conducted background or on roofs of parking structures to use PV panels over at least half of B-1 the surface/roof-parked cars, or provide equivalent energy research of other city ordinances and requirements. Preparation of parameters and conservation/generation by other means (over and above other building prototyping for cost-effectiveness studies underway. requirements). {Short-term) a-i September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 27 of 35 Adopt an ordinance requiring existing nonresidential developments to Staff contracted with CSE and initiated work in October 2017, conducted background B-2 install PV panels to offset a portion of their energy use. (Mid-term) research of other city ordinances and requirements. Preparation of parameters and building prototyping for cost-effectiveness studies underway. C -Promote building cogeneration for large commercial and industrial facilities Promote building cogeneration for large commercial and industrial facilities, with the goal of producing 6.9 MW by 2035. Promote cogeneration by publicizing grant opportunities and financial incentives, such as the Self-Generation Incentive Program and feed in Staff maintained a website to promote existing programs such as the Se lf-Generation C-1 tariffs for cogeneration systems, for renovations of existing buildings by posting these on the city's website and by othe~ means. (Short-Incentive Program. term) Install cogeneration systems on all city facilities that can benefit from C-2 the installation of these systems, and apply for funding through the Staff evaluated the effectiveness of cogeneration systems on city facilities and no facilities Energy Efficiency Financing for Public Sector Projects program, or met the minimum criteria needed for useful cogeneration. other similar funding sources. (Mid to Long-term) Require cogeneration systems for large commercial and industrial Staff is assessing the types of projects that could be subject to this Action, both existing C-3 facilities that have on-site electricity production, both for new construction and retrofits. (Mid-term) and in the future. D -Encourage single-family residential efficiency retrofits Encourage single-family retrofits with the goal of 50 percent energy reduction compared to baseline in 30 percent of the total single-family homes citywide (approximately 10,000 single-family homes out of total of 35,000.) Publicize available incentive and rebate programs, such as SDG&E's Staff maintained a website, made community presentations, and published articles in D-1 Residential Energy Efficiency Program, on the city's website and by newsletters and newspapers. other means. (Short-term) Create a citywide "Energy Challenge," similar to the Department of Staff continued work on a multi-year, research-based strategy to achieve measurable Energy's Better Buildings Challenge, to promote cost-effective energy D-2 improvements, while having residents and building owners commit to changes in public behavior, resulting in reduced GHG emissions. A program such as this reducing energy consumption. (Short-term) could become part of that strategy, based on the findings of research being conducted. a-ii September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 28 of 35 Using SDG&E's Emerging Cities Program funds, staff continued to work with CSE to develop Adopt a residential energy conservation ordinance, which requires a residential energy efficiency ordinance, as well as a related public outreach and residential property owners to conduct and disclose an energy audit at involvement program. Also working on the project is the California Statewide Codes and the time of major renovations (as defined by the ordinance,) to ensure Standards team, who sponsored the preparation of the cost-effectiveness study required D-3 that homes and residential developments meet specified low cost by the California Energy Commission (CEC) for all reach codes. The results of the study energy efficiency measures -such as requisite ceiling insulation, show very few energy efficiency measures to be cost-effective in Title 24 Climate Zone 7. insulated pipes, water heater blankets and exterior door stripping. The CEC also indicated that the energy audit would need to be shown as cost-effective, {Short-term) which is not possible since the results may indicate no energy efficiency improvements are necessary. Staff is reevaluating the ordinance structure and content. E -Encourage multi-family residential efficiency retrofits Encourage multi-family retrofits with the goal of 50 percent energy reduction compared to baseline in 30 percent of the total multi-family homes citywide (approximately 5,000 single-family homes out of total of 17,000.) - E-1 See D-1 above See D-1 above E-2 See D-2 above See D-2 above E-3 See D-3 above See D-3 above F -Encourage commercial and city facility efficiency retrofits Encourage commercial and city facility efficiency retrofits with the goal equivalent to a 40 percent energy reduction in 30 percent of commercial square footage citywide and in city-owned buildings by 2035. Staff replaced heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units the Senior Center, Carlsbad Municipal Water District and Faraday Center, each resulting in a 29 percent reduction in energy usage . Staff also replaced the HVAC system at City Hall and the air handler at the Senior Center fitness room. Advanced HVAC controls were incorporated Undertake a program of energy efficiency retrofits for city-owned into the system at the Carlsbad City Library. At Fire Station No. 1, existing single pane F-1 buildings, with the goal of 40 percent reduction in energy use, windows were replace with dual pane. At the Safety Training Center, motorized and solar beginning with retrofits that would result in most substantial energy controlled solar shades were installed for all of the upstairs west-facing windows to reduce savings. {Short-term) energy costs during the summer months and afternoon hours. The Microgrid Feasibility Study, accepted by City Council on June 12, 2018, identified possible future energy conservation measures at the Safety Center, Fire Station #5 and the Fleet Maintenance Center. a-iii September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 29 of 35 Promote available incentive and rebate programs, such as SDG&E's F-2 Energy Efficiency Business Rebates and Incentives Program, on the Staff maintained a website and published an article in the Carlsbad Business Journal. city's website and by other means. (Short-term) Adopt a commercial energy conservation ordinance, which requires Using SDG&E's Emerging Cities Program funds, staff continued to work with CSE to develop property owners to ensure that commercial buildings meet specified energy efficiency measures -such as requisite heating, ventilation, and a commercial energy efficiency ordinance, as well as a related public outreach program. F-3 air conditioning improvements, service water system requirements, Also working on the project is the California Statewide Codes and Standards team, who and improved refrigeration equipment, at time of conducting major sponsored the preparation of the cost-effectiveness study required by the CEC for all reach renovations (as defined by the ordinance). (Short-term) codes. As of June 30, 2018, the cost-effectiveness study was not completed. G -Promote commercial and city facility commissioning Encourage commercial an<;J city facility commissioning, or improving existing and new building operations, with the goal equivalent to a 40 percent energy reduction in 30 percent of commercial square footage citywide and in city-owned buildings by 2035. -Promote commercial commissioning programs on the city's website G-1 such as San Diego RCx, and similar programs for commercial buildings. Staff maintained a website to promote these programs. (Short-term) Commission city facilities to improve building operations and reduce The city is participating in SANDAG's Energy Roadmap program, which provides energy G-2 energy costs, with a goal of 40 percent energy reduction in 30 percent of city facility square footage. (Mid-term) audits of city facilities and recommends possible energy conservation measures. H -Implement green building measures Implementation of a five percent improvement in energy efficiency above the City of Carlsbad residential green building code (based on CALGreen, the statewide green building code), for new construction. At the time of CAP adoption, the City of Carlsbad was requiring compliance with 2013 Adopt residential and commercial energy conservation ordinances version of CalGreen. On June 27, 2017, the city adopted the 2016 version of CalGreen, requiring a five percent improvement in energy efficiency for which significantly increases energy efficiency of newly constructed buildings, fa·r beyond H-1 residential and nonresidential new construction, above the existing the five percent called for in Action H-1. For example, single family homes constructed City or Carlsbad green building code. (Short-term) under the 2016 standards will use about 28 percent less energy for lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, and water heating than those built to the 2013 standards a-iv September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 30 of 35 I -Promote replacement of incandescent and halogen bulbs with LED or other energy efficient lamps Replace 50 percent of incandescent and halogen light bulbs citywide with LED or similarly efficient lighting by 2035. Replace 50 percent of incandescent or halogen light bulbs in city 1-1 facilities with LED or similarly efficient lighting, or follow SAN DAG No significant lighting replacement projects occurred during the reporting period. Energy Roadmap recommendations for lighting in city facilities, whichever results in greater energy savings. {Short-term) Promote the use of LED or other energy efficient lamps by publicizing 1-2 rebate programs and information from SDG&E on the benefits of the Staff maintained a website, made community presentations, and published articles in use of LED or other energy efficient lighting on the city's webpage. newsletters and newspapers. {Short-term) 1-3.i Evaluate the feasibility of adopting a minimum natural lighting and Staff contracted with CSE and initiated work in October 2017 to perform a qualitative ventilation standard, developed based on local conditions. (Mid-term) feasibility evaluation for natural lighting and ventilation. ' 1-3.ii Demonstrate natural lighting and ventilation features in future facility Staff is evaluating potential future city projects to demonstrate natural lighting and upgrade or new construction. {Mid-term) ventilation. J -New construction residential and commercial solar water heater/heat pump installation & retrofit of existing residential Install solar water heaters or heat pumps on all new residential and commercial construction. Retrofit up to 30 percent of existing homes and commercial buildings to include solar water heaters or heat pumps. Promote the installation of residential solar water heaters and heat pumps by publicizing incentive, rebate and financing programs, such Staff maintained a website, made community presentations, and published articles in J-1 as PACE programs and the California Solar Initiative for renovations of existing buildings by posting this information on the city's website and newsletters and newspapers. by other means. (Short-term) a-v September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 31 of 35 J-2 Adopt residential and commercial energy conservation ordinances requiring new residential and commercial buildings to install solar water heaters or heat pumps, or use alternative energy (such as PV- generated electricity) for water heating needs. (Short-term) K -Promote transportation demand management strategies Staff contracted with CSE and initiated work in October 2017, conducted background research of other city ordinances and requirements. Preparation of parameters and building prototyping for cost-effectiveness studies underway. Promote Transportation Demand Management Strategies with a goal of achieving a 10 percent increase in alternative mode use by workers in Carlsbad, for a total of 32 percent alternative mode use . K-1 Adopt a citywide transportation demand management (TDM) plan, as described in the General Plan Mobility Element, detailing a mix of strategies to reduce travel demand, specifically of single occupancy vehicles. SANDAG's 2012 "Integrating Transportation Demand Management Into the Planning and Development Process" provides a guide to designing and implementing a TDM plan and will be used as a reference document to develop the city's TDM plan. TDM strategies evaluated in the plan include parking ordinances, subsidized or discounted transit programs, transit marketing and promotion, carsharing, parking pricing, and bike parking. (Short-term) The TDM effort is an integral part of a larger Sustainable Mobility Plan (SMP), partially funded through a Sustainable Communities grant from Caltrans. During the reporting period, staff and the consultant completed the existing conditions and infrastructure assessments and the education, programs and services section of the plan. Staff and a consultant worked on developing the TDM website content. Staff also conducted the following activities: • Promotion of local TDM campaigns such as Rideshare Month, Bike to Work Day, and the Guaranteed Ride Home program. • Hosted onsite marketing events for Waze Carpool, Uber & Lyft, as well as electric bike demos and facilitated group rides. • Installed new bike racks and provided bike repair kits to any employee in need. • Participated in several CAP events to further their understanding of the CAP and its' implications on TDM. a-vi September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 32 of 35 Adopt a TDM ordinance, defining a minimum trip generation threshold for nonresidential development projects. The city will set performance requirements for minimum alternative mode use based on project type. All projects above the threshold shall submit a TDM plan, which includes a description of how the minimum alternative mode use will ' K-2 be achieved and maintained over the life of the project. Potential TDM The draft TDM ordinance was prepared and is in internal review. trip reduction measures can include carpool and van pool ridematching services; designated employees as contacts for trip reduction programs; providing a direct route to transit in coordination with NCTD; developing public-private transit partnerships; passenger loading zones; pedestrian connections; showers and clothes lockers; long-term bicycle parking and shuttle programs. (Mid-term) L -Promote an increase in the amount of zero-emissions vehicle travel ~ Promote an increase in the amount of zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV) miles traveled from a projected 15 percent to 25 percent of total vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by 2035. Working with industry partners, construct a "PV to EV" pilot project to install a PV charging station at a city facility (such as Faraday Center) L-1 to charge city ZEVs. The purpose of the pilot project would be to Staff is reviewing potential location(s) for the "PV to EV" pilot project(s). evaluate the feasibility of incorporating more ZEV into the city's fleet. (Short-term) Prepare a community-wide charging station siting plan, which Staff prepared a mapping and travel distance analysis of existing and future EV charging evaluates site visibility and exposure, electric vehicle (EV) driving sites and identified gaps in service areas. The locations of city-owned public properties L-2 and commercial centers that do not currently have EV charging infrastructure were then ranges, high volume destinations, locations with high ownership or evaluated as to their ability to fill those gaps. The results of that mapping analysis is interest in EVs, and cost of construction. (Short-term) contained in Section V of the annual report. The two EVgo electric vehicle charging stations at State Street parking lot (2 vehicles) and Stagecoach Park (10 vehicles) were installed. The city purchased charging pedestals and Construct ZEV charging stations based on the community-wide contracted for subscription service from ChargePoint. A two vehicle ChargePoint charging L-3 charging station siting plan described in L-2 above. The ZEV charging stations was also installed at Pine Avenue Park Community Center. stations will be funded by grant funds when available, and the city will post signage directing ZEVs to charging stations. (Mid-term) Staff will use the results of the EV charging mapping analysis to consider EV charging infrastructure at city-owned locations and encourage private property owners to install EV charging infrastructure on their properties. a-vii September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 33 of 35 Offer dedicated ZEV parking, and provide charging stations adjacent to Staff contracted with CSE and initiated work in October 2017, conducted background L-4 ZEV parking as identified in the community-wide charging station research of other city's electric vehicle infrastructure requirements. Preparation for siting plan. {Mid-term) Carlsbad cost-effectiveness studies underway. Adopt requirements for ZEV parking for new developments. (Short-Staff contracted with CSE and initiated work in October 2017, conducted background L-S research of other city's electric vehicle infrastructure requirements. Preparation for term) Carlsbad cost-effectiveness studies underway. The 2016 Green Building Standards Code requires all new one and two family homes to Adopt a residential energy conservation ordinance, similar to Palo have electrical capacity, circuitry, conduit and receptacles to allow for installatk>n of EV L-6 Alto, requiring the installation of EV chargers or pre-wiring in new charging equipment. All new multi-family projects with 17 or more dwelling must make residential construction and major renovations. {Short-term) similar provisions for three percent of parking required. To further encourage ZEV use, a local ordinance could require installation of charging equipment for some portion of a project's parking. Update the city's Fleet Management Program to include a low and L-7 zero-emissions vehicle replacement/purchasing policy. Increase the The city also began preparation of a fleet conversion plan intended to transition the proportion of city fleet low and zero-emissions VMT to 25 percent of existing fleet of gas powered pool vehicles to low and ZEV. all city-related VMT by 2035. (Short-term) M -Develop more citywide renewable energy projects Produce an equivalent amount of energy to power 2,000 homes (roughly equivalent to a five percent reduction) by 2035 from renewable energy projects. Leveraging SANDAG's Energy Engineering contract with TRC, a Microgrid Feasibility Study Conduct a feasibility study to evaluate citywide renewable energy for the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center on Orion Way was completed and presented to M-1 projects and prioritize accordingly. (Short-term) . City Council on June 12, 2018. If implemented, the microgrid would include enough renewable energy generation and energy storage to power the entire complex in case of a blackout. Incorporate renewable energy measures such as PV system M-2 installation on city buildings and parking lots, or microturbine Construction of the Pine Avenue Park Community Center incorporated PV systems. Future installation on city facilities, with the goal of producing approximately city facilities will also be required to incorporate renewable energy. 12,000 megawatt-hours per year. {Mid to Long-term) a-viii September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 34 of 35 Pursue available funding sources for the construction of renewable Funding sources to support CAP implementation, including renewable energy projects, will M-3 energy projects by the city, such as Energy Efficiency Financing for Public Sector Projects and SGIP. (Mid to Long-term) be a component of the upcoming CAP Implementation Plan. N -Reduce the GHG intensity of water supply conveyance, treatment and distribution Reduce the intensity of GHG emissions from water utilities (including water supply, wastewater, and recycled water) conveyance, treatment and distribution by eight percent by 2035. Incorporating energy efficiency into system improvements is standard practice for CMWD. Improve water utilities (including water supply, wastewater, and During this reporting period, several sewer pumps were replaced including three pumps at N-1 recycled water) conveyance, treatment and distribution, and other Home Plant Lift Station, one pump at Cannon Lift Station and one pump at Batiqu itos Lift system improvements. (Mid to Long-term) Station. At the Home Plant Lift Station, the power generator was replaced and ongoing preventive maintenance for the existing sewer system was performed to increase energy efficiency and improve conveyance. 0 -Encourage the installation of greywater and rainwater systems Encourage the installation of greywater and rainwater collections systems with a goal of 15 percent of homes by 2035. Host workshops on greywater and rainwater collection systems 0-1 through the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, or partner with existing This is a mid-term action, planned for Years 3 - 5. There was no activity on this action workshop providers, for homeowners interested in installing systems during the reporting period. suitable for their property. (Mid-term) Create a greywater design reference manual, or provide links to an This is a mid-term action, planned for Years 3 -5. There was no activity on this action 0-2 existing one, for the design of greywater and rainwater collection during the reporting period. systems. (Mid-term) Evaluate the feasibility of offering a rebate for residential greywater This is a mid-term action, planned for Years 3 -5. There was no activity on this action 0-3 systems that require a permit to cover the cost of obtaining a permit. during the reporting period. (Mid-term) a-ix September 18, 2018 Item #3 Page 35 of 35 Tammy McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Council Internet Email Wednesday, September 19, 2018 7:50 AM City Clerk James Wood FW: CAP annual report -----Original Message----- From: Paige DeCino Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 9:22 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Mike Grim <Mike.Grim@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: CAP annual report Dear Mayor and city council, I am out of town and, thus, was unable to attend today's council meeting but did have the opportunity to review the recording. In addition to the public comments, I would like to include my own. Most notable was the lack of any data showing actual reductions in GHG emissions from actions taken by the city. How can one evaluate the effectiveness of one's action without the corresponding metrics? In the report energy efficiency measures were slated to account for one third of the needed GHG reductions. That seems like a large portion and while the city has moved forward in this area at their facilities, they need to take a more aggressive stance in convincing residents to retrofit their homes. How effective has it been to 'encourage' residential retrofits through the website and community presentations? Have greater number of retrofits occurred through your actions? Metrics must be in place for this. I am glad to see that energy efficiency is surpassing original goals on new construction (Hl, Appendix A) but we should continue to push for greener new construction by moving away from natural gas and electrifying our buildings. I look forward to the city working on grey water and rainwater collection as one means to lower GHG but by working with our water districts, I hope stronger water conservation measures are routinely implemented and not just in times of drought. Decreasing potable water use surely should be part of the water mix. 1 In keeping with my scientific thinking, I'm wondering why we're still relying on 2011 data when SANDAG is collecting data biannually. I keep harping on data because we need to evaluate effectiveness and this report did little to address this issue. I trust next year's report will be more substantial. Respectfully, Paige DeCino Carlsbad 2 Mike Grim, CAP Administrator September 18, 2018 Climate Action Plan Annual Report Community Vision •Active, healthy lifestyles •Walking, biking, public transit •Sustainability •Community design and livability •Guiding principles Climate Action Plan (CAP) Background •Approved Sept 22, 2015 •Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and forecast •GHG reduction measures •Implementation structure •Monitoring and reporting 2011 Community Emissions 39% 25% 7% 3% 1% 25% Transportation Commercial Industrial Solid Waste Wastewater Residential GHG Emissions Reductions •Baseline is 2005 GHG inventory •Business as usual forecast •GHG Reductions –State and federal policies –Additional General Plan policies –CAP Measures and Actions Climate Action Plan Measure Emissions Reduction Letter GHG Reduction Measure (metric tons C02e) A Install residential solar photovoltaics (PV) systems 10,136 B Install commercial and industrial PV systems 13,336 C Promote building cogeneration for large commercial and industrial facilities 1,067 D Encourage single-family residential efficiency retrofits 1,132 E Encourage multi-family residential efficiency retrofits 351 F Encourage commercial and city facility efficiency retrofits 18,377 G Promote commercial and city facility commissioning, or improving building operations 18,377 H Implementation of Green Building Code 179 K M N 0 Replace incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs New construction residential and commercial solar water heater/heat pump installation and retrofit of existing buildings Promote transportation demand management (TDM) Increase zero-emissions vehicle travel Develop more citywide renewable energy projects Reduce the greenhouse gas intensity of water supply conveyance, treatment, and delivery Encourage installation of greywater and rainwater systems Total Greenhouse Gas Reduction 21,900 11,604 23,549 54,158 4,580 5,968 1,205 CAP Strategy Areas •Energy efficiency •Renewable energy •Transportation •Water •Public outreach and education FY 17-18 Energy Efficiency •Performed cost-effectiveness studies for energy efficiency ordinances •Commissioned city facilities •Conducted HVAC upgrades, replaced windows and installed solar shades •Required energy efficiency in large development projects FY 17-18 Renewable Energy •Reevaluated need for residential photovoltaic solar panel ordinance •Continued preparation of non-residential photovoltaic solar panel ordinance •Required renewable energy in large development projects •Completed microgrid feasibility study at Safety and Service Center Residential PV Solar Panel Installation 30 25 24.796 I NEM 2.0 takes effect I~ 5 0 /~~#,~;~~~~~,~,~,~~,~~;~,~~ Year FY 17-18 Transportation -Vehicle Miles •Completed draft Transportation Demand Management (TDM) ordinance and portions of TDM plan and website •Hosted onsite rideshare marketing events, demonstrated electric bicycles and facilitated group rides •Promoted local TDM campaigns •Required TDM in large development projects FY 17-18 Transportation –Vehicle Emissions •Installed public electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure at State St. parking lot and Stagecoach Park •Completed driving distance analysis of existing and future public EV charging stations •Began preparation of fleet conversion plan •Continued preparation of EV charging infrastructure ordinance •Required EV charging in large development projects FY 17-18 Water •Continued increasing energy efficiency of conveyance systems during system improvements FY 17-18 Public Outreach and Education •Continued work on multi-year research-based strategy for behavior change •Promoted CAP Actions through social media, e-newsletter and various articles •Participated in Chamber of Commerce Green Business Expo •Presented at local, regional and statewide meetings and conferences Transportation General Plan Policies •Completed several bikeway and pedestrian improvements •Established 182 mile bikeway system baseline for future monitoring •Completed Parking Management Plan for Carlsbad Village, Barrio and Beach Area •Worked with NCTD on Trolley Feasibility Study and Transit Master Plan GHG Emissions Inventory and Forecast •Conducted 2012 and 2014 GHG emissions inventory and forecast •Assisted SANDAG Climate Planning Services in preparing for 2016 GHG emissions inventory and forecast Community GHG Emissions Inventories 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 2005 2011 2012 2014 Community GHG Inventories 2005 -2014 On-Road Transportation Electricity Natural Gas Solid Waste Wastewater GHG Forecast and CAP Targets 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 2005 2011 2012 2014 2020 2035 Community GHG Forecast and CAP Targets Emissions Inventories Emissions Forecast CAP Targets Next Steps •Implement plans and ordinances •Complete CAP Management Plan •Use Regional Framework for 2016 GHG inventory and forecast •Continue local and regional partnerships •Monitor and report progress Jurisdiction Carlsbad Chula Vista Coronado Del Mar El Cajon Encinitas Escondido Imperial Beach La Mesa Lemon Grove National City Oceanside Poway San Diego Local Climate Action Planning Efforts June 1,2018 Climate Action Plan Adopted I (year) Developing 201 5 2017 ,/ 2016 ,/ 2018 2012 ,/* ,/ 2018 ,/ 2011 ,I 2015 County of San Diego (unincorporated) 2018 San Marcos 2013 ,/* Santee ,/ Solana Beach 2017 Vista 2013 ./* *Escondido, San Marcos, and Vista are currently updating their existing climate action plans.