HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE 2018-0023; LA COSTA VILLAS NORTH; Admin Decision Letter'
August 29, 2018
CCH Design Group Inc
32312 Shallot Dr
Winchester CA 92586
APN: 216-300-05-00
Thank you for submitting a preliminary review for a nine-unit condominium project in two separate
buildings proposed on the southerly side of Gibraltar Street between Jerez Court and Romeria Street. The
project site, an approximately 16,790 square foot lot (.39 acre), is currently undeveloped.
In response to your application, the Planning Division has prepared this comment letter. Please note that
the purpose of a preliminary review is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall concept
of your project. This preliminary review does not represent an in-depth analysis of your project. It is
intended to give you feedback on critical issues based upon the information provided in your submittal.
This review is based upon the plans, policies. and standards in effect as of the date of this review. Please
be aware that at the time of a formal application submittal. new plans. policies. and standards may be
in effect and additional issues of concern may be raised through a more specific and detailed review.
1. General Plan and zoning designations for the property are as follows:
a. General Plan: R-23 R-23 Residential, 15-23 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). Growth Management
Control Point of 19.0 units/ac.
b. Zoning: Residential Density-Multiple {RD-M) Zone.
c. La Costa Master Plan, MP 149(R).
2. The project requires the following permits:
a. Tentative Tract Map (CT)
b. Major Planned Development Permit (PUD)
The applications will require action by the Planning Commission. Although the Planning Commission's
action is final, the project is appealable to City Council.
Community & Economic Development
Planning Division j 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 j 760-602-4600 j 760-602-8560 f j www.carlsbadca.gov
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3. Project Yield and Density: The subject property has a General Plan Land Use designation of R-23
Residential {15-23 dwelling units per acre {du/ac) with a Growth Management Control Point {GMCP)
of 19 du/ac.
The proposal to construct 9 dwelling units cannot be supported by staff as it exceeds the R-23 range.
The property has a gross area of 16,790 square feet (0.39 acre). {Please revise the site plan upon
formal submittal as 27,940 square feet is shown as the lot size). At the GMCP, seven dwelling units
are allowed to be constructed {.39 x 19.0 = 7.41 dwelling units rounded down to 7 dwelling units).
Based on an existing lot size of.39 acres, a proposal to construct seven (7) residential condominiums
has a density of 17.9 du/ac. The project density is below the GMCP but falls within the allowable
density range of 15 -23 du/ac. Please be advised that the maximum allowable density may change
as it based on the net lot size, which excludes certain steep slope areas. Please see CMC Section
21.53.230 for additional details regarding how to calculate residential density.
Further, if 8 units are proposed {0.39 x 23.0 = 8.97 rounds down to 8 dwelling units), 1.0 dwelling unit
is required to be allocated from the city's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank {EDUB). Pursuant to City Council
Policy No. 43, in approving a request for an allocation for excess dwelling units, the decision-maker
shall make the following findings:
• That the project location and density are compatible with existing adjacent residential
neighborhoods and/or nearby existing or planned uses;
• That the project location and density are in accordance with the applicable provisions of the
General Plan and any other.applicable planning document; and
• That the project complies with the findings stated in the General Plan Land Use Element for
projects that exceed the GMCP for the applicable density range.
4. Lot Coverage: The maximum lot coverage permitted is 60 percent of project net developable acreage.
The proposed project appears to comply with a 38.5 percent lot coverage (ground floor area covered
by buildings/structures, divided by the lot area).
5. Setbacks: The following setbacks apply to the lot:
a. Front: Gibraltar Street-Ten feet provided that carport and/or garage openings do not face onto
the front yard. The front yard shall be landscaped.
b. Interior sides: Five feet.
c. Rear: Ten feet.
Please demonstrate setback compliance by showing all setbacks on a scaled site plan.
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6. Architecture: The proposed condominium project must comply with the requirements listed in CMC
Chapter 21.45 (Tables "C" and "E"), including but not limited to at least three separate building planes,
offset at least 18 inches, on all building elevations. A plane must be a minimum of 30 sq. ft. to receive
credit. In addition, a minimum of four complimentary design details shall be incorporated into both
the front and rear elevations including but not limited to:
• A variety of roof planes;
• Windows and doors recessed a minimum of two inches;
• Decorative window or door frames;
• Exposed roof rafter tails;
• Dormers;
• Columns;
• Arched elements;
• Varied windows shapes;
• Exterior wood elements;
• Accent materials such as brick, stone, shingles, wood, or siding; and
• Towers.
7. All elevations of the project, including the sides, should have the same design integrity of forms,
details and materials. Please call out the design elements for each building elevation and provide
shading to depict building plane changes.
8. At least 66 percent of exterior openings (door/windows) on every home in the project shall be
recessed or projected a minimum of two inches and shall be constructed with wood, vinyl or colored
aluminum window frames (no mill finishes). Windows shall reinforce and enhance the architectural
form and style of the house through the use of signature windows and varied window shapes and
9. Color/Materials Board: A formal submittal should include a color/materials board showing building
materials and color samples.
10. Storage Space: Please provide the location and the total cubic feet of storage space proposed for
each unit consistent with CMC Section 21.45.070, Table C.13.
11. Private Recreation Space: Pursuant to CMC Section 21.45.080, Table E.8, the project must provide
private recreational space for each unit. Each unit is required to have at least 60 square feet of private
recreation space with a minimum dimension of 6' x 10'. Roof decks shall not count toward the
required 60 square foot private recreation space per unit. Please provide a table that shows the
square footage of private recreation space for each unit. Upon formal submittal, the location and size
of each unit's private recreational space should be clearly identified.
12. Building Height: Pursuant to CMC Section 21.45.080, airspace condominium projects located in the
· R-23 General Plan Land Use designation cannot exceed 40 feet, if the roof pitch is 3:12 or greater or
35 feet if the roof pitch is less than a 3:12 roof pitch. Building height cannot exceed three stories from
the existing or finished grade, whichever is less (measured in accordance with CMC Section
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21.04.065). Protrusions above the height limit shall be allowed pursuant to CMC Section 21.46.020.
Such protrusions include protective barriers and roof decks.
13. Parking: Two parking spaces per unit shall be provided for units with two or more bedrooms. Parking
may be provided as a two-car garage (20'x20' minimum interior dimension) per unit or a one-car
garage (12'x20' minimum interior dimension) and one covered or uncovered space per unit. The
proposed two-car garages must have a minimum interior dimension of 20' x 20' free of trash bins, and
water heaters, etc.
14. Visitor Parking: The project requires three visitor parking spaces. The three visitor parking spaces
have been provided as on-street parking as indicated on the site plan. Please verify with the Building
Division if any of the visitor parking is required to be an accessible parking space.
15. Landscape: A conceptual landscape plan shall be submitted with the project application in compliance
with the city's Landscape Manual. Please show all existing trees to be removed on the landscape plan.
The Landscape Manual can be found online at:
16. Trash Enclosures: A central trash enclosure is not shown on the plans. Please show the location of
the proposed trash enclosure (refer to Engineering comment below). The refuse bin enclosure must
comply with Supplemental Standard GS-16. Are recycling bins included? Please provide a Jetter from
Waste Management stating that they will serve the project for on-site pick-up as proposed.
17. Fences/Walls: Pursuant to CMC Section 21.46.130, in any "R" zone, no fence, wall or hedge (this
includes handrails) over forty-two inches in height as measured from existing grade shall be permitted
in any required front yard setback. Please show what the height of the retaining wall with handrail
will be. Cross section(s) of all retaining walls will also be required to demonstrate compliance.
18. Noise: The project must comply with the city's Noise Guidelines Manual. A noise report shall be
submitted showing that the project complies with the 60 decibel maximum for exterior noise level for
required private recreation areas per unit and the 45 decibel maximum for interior noise. The Noise
Guidelines Manual can be reviewed on line by visiting the City of Carlsbad's Planning Division Website
at http://www.carlsbadca.gov/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?Blob1D-24094.
19. The project is subject to the inclusionary housing requirements of CMC Section 21.85.030. The seven-
unit project will need to provide at least one affordable unit on-site or purchase one affordable
housing credit, if approved and available. Please submit a request to Debbie Fountain, Community
and Economic Development Director, describing the proposed project and indicating how you intend
to satisfy the inclusionary housing requirement (i.e., 15 percent or one unit). Please be advised that
approval from the city's Housing Policy Team for the inclusionary component of the project is required
prior to moving forward to the Planning Commission.
20. City Council Policy No. 84. Development Project Public Involvement Policy: Please be advised that you
are required to send a public notice to the surrounding property owners (600-foot radius) within 30
days of submittal of the development application. The Policy can be found online for additional
instructions and details on the content of the notice at:
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21. All necessary application forms, submittal requirements, and fee information are available at the
Planning counter located in the Faraday Building at 1635 Faraday Avenue or online at
http://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/planning/default.asp. You may also access the General
Plan Land Use Element and the Zoning Ordinance online at the website address shown; select
Department Listing; select Planning Home Page. Please review all information carefully before
Land Development Engineering:
1. Process a tentative subdivision map to create 7 or 8 airspace condominium units.
2. Complete a Storm Water Standards Questionnaire Form E-34 to determine storm water quality
requirements for this project. The questionnaire is available in the City website at:
http://www.ca rlsbad ca .gov I services/ de pts/la nd ev I e ngi neeri ng.asp
Based on the preliminary plans, it appears the project qualifies as a Priority Development Project
(PDP) and will be required to submit a preliminary Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP)
with any discretionary application. The SWQMP shall be prepared in accordance with the City of
Carlsbad BMP Manual (latest version). Use the City of Carlsbad SWQMP template for priority
development project (Form E-35) available in the City website. The project SWQMP will determine
the pollutant control BMP requirements. Note that this project is subject to hydromodification
3. A preliminary hydrology study will be required to determine the pre-development and post-
development discharge flows. Provide preliminary recommendations on the proposed storm drain
system to serve this project and to mitigate any increase in flows.
4. Provide a preliminary Geotechnical study that identifies feasibility and recommendations for the
proposed development including design recommendations proposed pollutant control BMPs and
hydromodification facilities.
5. A recent Preliminary Title Report (PTR) will be required with formal project application submittal.
6. All easements and encumbrances identified in the PTR must be indicated on the site plan.
7. Plot the site plan/tentative map so the north arrow is directed to the top of the sheets.
8. Show complete property boundary data on 'the site plan, including bearings, distances, and curve data.
9. Provide typical street cross section of Gibraltar Street showing existing improvements (pavement,
curb, gutter, sidewalk, centerline, street lights, fire hydrants, water, sewer, etc.).
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10. On the site plan, show and identify all existing surface improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, paving,
manholes, inlets, street lights, adja"cent driveways, vaults, transformers, etc.) and all existing utilities
(including watermain, water services, water meters, sewermain, sewer laterals, stormdrain pipes, etc.
and their appurtenances) along Gibraltar Street. Reference city approved improvement plan drawing
numbers of the existing utilities for references.
11. Show the location of the proposed water service, water meter with backflow preventer and fire
service with double detector check valve assembly. A single master water meter and backflow will
serve the project. Plot individual water services from the backflow to each unit on the tentative map.
12. Show the location of the proposed sewer lateral to serve the project. Show the invert elevations to
indicate gravity flow.
13. Show location of the electrical transformer that will serve the project outside of the public Right-of-
14. Plot the corner sight distance at the driveway entrance on Gibraltar Street per CalTrans standards.
15. Plot the full width of existing Gibraltar Street to include the intersection with Jerez Court and all
existing driveways on the opposite side of the street.
16. Provide a preliminary grading plan to clearly show difference between proposed and existing grading,
walls, drainage, storm drain, BM P's etc. for the project.
17. Show existing buildings and improvements for the development on the adjacent lot to the west,
extend at least 50 feet beyond the property lines to include the existing driveway.
18. Extend the existing topography on the adjacent parcel to the south to include the existing buildings.
Indicate existing finished floor elevations.
19. Provide multiple cross-sections of the site to demonstrate differences in grade, including adjacent
properties, buildings, walls and adjacent streets.
20. Meet with the Fire Department to identify the necessary fire protection measures required for this
project (access, fire hydrants, sprinkler system, on-site circulation, emergency access, etc.)
21. Show location of the trash enclosure required to serve the development. Call-out enclosure per
Carlsbad Standard drawing GS-16.
22. Plot location and dimensions of all accessways and pathways as required for compliance with Title 24
-State Accessibility Requirements.
23. Please be advised that in order to make a more in-depth review of the proposed development, a more
complete design of the project is required.
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1. The site plan that was included did not have a specific scale identified so that proper fire department
site access measurements could be evaluated, nor could we determine what the scale was by
comparing the scale presented for the detailed unit drawings. Applicant must present a scaled site
plan to receive additional feedback.
1. Building shall comply with current California Accessibility Requirements.
If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this letter with the commenting departments, please
contact Chris Sexton at the number below. You may also contact each department individually as follows:
• Planning Division: Chris Sexton, Assistant Planner, at {760) 602-4631.
• Land Development Engineering: Tim Carroll, Project Engineer, at {760) 602-2737.
• Building: Mike Peterson, Building Official, at (760-) 602-2721.
• Fire Department: Randy Metz, Fire Inspections, at {760) 602-4661.
City Planner
Attachment: Land Development Engineering's redlined plans
c: 400 Gibraltar, 3525 Del Mar Heights Rd, San Diego CA 92130-2199
Tim Carroll, Project Engineer
Fire Prevention
HPRM/File Copy
Data Entry