HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-05-16; Planning Commission; Resolution 72941 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7294 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS RELATED TO THE VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN: (1) A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTTO AMEND THE LAND USE AND COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT; OPEN SPACE, CONSERVATION, AND RECREATION ELEMENT; AND HOUSING ELEMENT; (2) AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP; (3) AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT; (4) AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING MAP; (5) REPEAL OF THE VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL; (6) ADOPTION OF THE VILLAGE AND BARRO MASTER PLAN; AND (7) AMENDMENT TO THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM TO MODIFY LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM TEXT, LAND USE, ZONING, AND SEGMENT BOUNDARIES FOR THE VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN, WHICH WOULD REGULATE DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE FOR THE VILLAGE AND BARRIO, AN APPROXIMATELY 350-ACRE AREA GENERALLY WEST OF INTERSTATE 5 AND BETWEEN LAGUNA DRIVE AND TAMARACK AVENUE IN THE CITY'S NORTHWEST QUADRANT AND IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 1. CASE NAME: VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN CASE NO.: GPA 16-01/ZCA 16-01/ZC 16-01/MP 14-01/LCPA 14-01 (DEV08014) WHEREAS, the city planner has filed a verified application to adopt the Village and Barrio Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Village and Barrio Master Plan guides land use and development in the city's downtown Village and Barrio, encompassing an approximately 350-acre area generally between Interstate 5 to the east, Laguna Drive to the north, Tamarack Avenue to the south and the railroad corridor and Ocean Street to the west; a portion of this area is in the Coastal Zone; and WHEREAS, the Village and Barrio Master Plan replaces the existing Village Master Plan and Design Manual, the existing zoning regulations applicable to the Barrio, and serves as the Local Coastal Program for the Village and Barrio within the plan's boundaries; and WHEREAS, as provided in Government Code Section 65350 et. seq., Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.52.150, Public Resources Code Section 30514, and Section 13551 of California Code of Regulations Title 14, Division 5.5; said verified application constitutes a request for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Code Amendment, Zone Change, Master Plan, and Local Coastal Program Amendment -VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN -GPA 16-01/ZCA 16-01/ZC 16-01/MP 14-01/LCPA 14-01, and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the proposed General Plan Amendment -GPA 16-01, is set forth and attached in Exhibit "2A" (changes to the General Plan text) and Exhibit "GPA 16-01" (changes to the General Plan Land Use Map), both dated April 18, 2018; and WHEREAS, Zone Code Amendment -ZCA 16-01 and Zone Change -ZC 16-01, are set forth and attached in the draft City Council Ordinance, Exhibit "28," dated April 18, 2018; and WHEREAS, the proposed Master Plan -MP 14-01 is set forth and attached in the draft City Council Ordinance, Exhibit "2C," dated April 18, 2018; and WHEREAS, the proposed Local Coastal Program Amendment -LCPA 14-01 is set forth and attached in Exhibit "2D" (amendments to the Local Coastal Program text and LCP Segment Boundaries), Exhibit "LCPA 14-01" (amendments to the Local Coastal Program land use map), Exhibit "Village and Barrio Master Plan LCP Segment Changes," and previously mentioned Exhibit "28" (containing ZCA 16-01 and ZC 16-01); note that the zoning applied to the area within the Coastal Zone depicted on Exhibit "ZCA/ZC 16- 01" constitutes the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program Zoning Map), all dated April 18, 2018; and WHEREAS, all exhibits are on file in the Planning Division and attached hereto; and WHEREAS, LCPA 14-01 was previously circulated for the state-mandated six-week review from February 26, 2016 to April 8, 2016; however, due to project changes, including release of a new draft of the Village and Barrio Master Plan and merger of the Village Review and a portion of the Mello II Local Coastal Program segments, LCPA 14-01 has been recirculated for additional review; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the release of the Village and Barrio Master Plan in January 2018, staff made revisions to the master plan that are provided in errata; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on April 18, 2018, May 2, 2018, and May 16, 2018, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, the errata are presented in four separate errata sheets dated April 18, May 2, and May 16 to correspond with the meeting at which they were presented and/or discussed; the third and fourth errata sheets are both dated May 16; the Fourth Errata Sheet contains changes to reflect Planning PC RESO NO. 7294 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Commission-directed revisions to the draft Village and Barrio Master Plan made at that meeting; errata are attached as Exhibits "2E-1" to "2E-4;" and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the General Plan Amendment, Zone Code Amendment, Zone Change, Master Plan, and Local Coastal Program Amendment; and WHEREAS, prior to the Planning Commission hearing, the city planner posted on the Village and Barrio Master Plan website (www.carlsbadca.gov/villagebarrio) a table and maps identifying all properties within the boundaries of the Master Plan and relevant land use information for each property, including existing and proposed General Plan and Local Coastal Program land use designations, zoning, and land use districts; and WHEREAS, the table and maps are on file in the Planning Division and incorporated herein by reference. that: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad 1. 2. The above recitations are true and correct; and The state-mandated six-week review period for the LCPA 14-01 first occurred February 26, 2016 to April 8, 2016; no comments were received in response to this first LCPA notice; LCPA 14-01 was recirculated for public review beginning April 6, 2018; public review will end on May 18, 2018, and any comments received will be considered by the City Planner and presented to the City Council; and 3. 4. The Village Master Plan and Design Manual is recommended for repeal; and Based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of GPA 16-01/ZCA 16-01/ZC 16-01/MP 14-01/LCPA 14-01-VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN, and the errata dated April 18, 2018, May 2, 2018, and May 16, 2018, based on the following findings: PC RESO NO. 7294 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Findings: General Plan Amendment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. GPA 16-01, as well as related applications ZCA 16-01, ZC 16-01, MP 14-01, and LCPA 14-01, are the actions necessary to implement the Carlsbad Community Vision, as stated in the Introduction and Vision Chapter of the General Plan. In particular, the Community Vision's Core Value of Neighborhood Revitalization, Community Design, and Livability calls for revitalizing the Village and rejuvenating the Barrio. Land Use and Community Design Element Policy 2-P.78 states (for the Barrio}, "focus revitalization efforts on renovations and fac;:ade improvements as well as enhancing the physical infrastructure of the community." Master Plan recommendations focus on Barrio streetscape improvements through traffic calming, street trees and pedestrian lighting, and bicycle facilities. The Master Plan maintains existing Barrio land use patterns and densities. Further, a Master Plan goal, as stated in Chapter 1, Section 1.5.1, is to promote the rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of existing Barrio buildings. Mobility Element goals 3-G.2 and 3-G.3 state "improve connectivity for residents, visitors and businesses" and "provide inviting streetscapes that encourage walking and promote livable streets," respectively. Consistent with these goals, the Master Plan advocates improved connectivity between the Village and Barrio through recommendations for street trees, better alleys, improved street lighting and wider sidewalks for pedestrians, traffic calming, and improved bicycle facilities. Master Plan development standards also encourage buildings to have a pedestrian orientation. Further, the Master Plan advocates for street connections that could be realized through trenching of the railroad tracks and through 1-5 North Coast Corridor Project improvements. In addition, the plan improves connectivity through a number of recommended community gathering spaces, such as the Grand Avenue Promenade, and improvements at and near the intersection of Roosevelt Street and Walnut Avenue in the Barrio. Sustainability Element Goal 9-G.3 states, "promote energy efficiency and conservation in the community." The Master Plan promotes compact, urban growth in a walkable environment. This is accomplished through recommendations, standards, and strategies encouraging efficient use of land and buildings, streets and parking, buildings with a pedestrian-orientation, and mobility improvements that benefit all forms of access in the Village and Barrio. Housing Element Goal 10-G.2 (Housing Opportunities} states, "new housing developed with diversity of types, prices, tenures, densities, and locations, and in sufficient quantity to meet the demand of anticipated city and regional growth." The Master Plan is consistent with General Plan densities specified for the Village and Barrio. These densities permit a variety of housing types at densities from 8 to 35 units/acre. Housing Element Policy 10-P.13 (Housing Opportunities} states, "encourage increased integration of housing with nonresidential development where appropriate." Master Plan development standards permit mixed use development in many districts. PC RESO NO. 7294 -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Zone Code Amendment/Zone Change 7. 8. ZCA 16-01 and ZC 16-01 reflect sound principles of good planning in that they make necessary and logical changes to the text and map of the Zoning Ordinance to reflect MP 14-01 in a manner that is consistent with the General Plan and Local Coastal Program. ZCA 16-01 and ZC 16-01 are not detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience or general welfare in that changes are limited to revisions that recognize MP 14-01; further, revisions to Zoning Ordinance Chapter 21.35 streamline and improve application of requirements by deferring to MP 14-01 for many applicable requirements. 7 Village and Barrio Master Plan 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9. 10. 11. 12. MP 14-01, which replaces the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, is consistent with Land Use and Community Design Element Policy 2-P.69, which states in part, "comprehensively update the Village Master Plan and Design Manual as necessary to implement the goals and policies of the General Plan." MP 14-01 provides guidance in interpreting City planning and zoning requirements for properties within the Village and Barrio, as well as specific principles, standards, regulations, and design guidelines that may be applied to proposed improvements within the Master Plan area. These components of the Master Plan have been developed to be consistent with and complementary to the General Plan, the Local Coastal Plan, and the City's Zoning Code. Permit and processing requirements, for example, are similar to those throughout the rest of Carlsbad and, consistent with the General Plan standards and guidelines, are proposed to enhance the character of the Village and Barrio. MP 14-01 contains parking standards and strategies that are consistent with the Carlsbad Village, Barrio, and Beach Area Parking Study Parking Management Plan, accepted by the City Council in September 2017. As both the Local Coastal Program land use plan and implementation program for properties within the Village and Barrio Master Plan boundaries, MP 14-01 effectively establishes a vision, goals, policies, and standards for the area that advance and implement Coastal Act objectives for public access and visitor-serving uses in a clear, effective manner. Local Coastal Program Amendment 13. 14. 15. LCPA 14-01 is required to bring the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program into consistency with ZCA 16- 01/ZC 16-01 and MP 16-01. LCPA 14-01 meets the requirements of, and is in conformity with, the policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act and all applicable policies of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program not being amended by this amendment, in that the amendments ensure consistency with the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance and do not conflict with any coastal zone regulations, land use designations or policies, with which development must comply. LCPA 14-01 reflects sound principles of good planning in that the merging of a portion of the Mello II segment with the Village Area segment ensures consistent application of the Local Coastal Program in the Coastal Zone portion of the Village and Barrio Master Plan. PC RESO NO. 7294 -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on May 16, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: ATIEST: DON NEU City Planner AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Black, Luna, Meenes and Segall NOES: Chairperson Montgomery ABSENT: ABSTAIN: PC RESO NO. 7294 -7- EXHIBIT "2A" April 18, 2018 Village and Barrio Master Plan General Plan Amendment -GPA 16-01 Text Changes to General Plan (Strikethrough indicates text to be deleted and underline indicates text to be added.) 1. On page 2-14, amend the "Non-Residential and Mixed Use" section as follows: Village (V) Village-Barrio (V-B) This designation applies to the heart of "old" Carlsbad, in the area sometimes also referred to as the "downtown,._./' as well as the adjacent Barrio neighborhood. Retail stores, offices, financial institutions, restaurants, visitor-serving facilities, residential uses, as well as mixed uses are permitted. The Village and Barrio area is regulated by the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual Village and Barrio Master Plan. 2. On page 2-15, amend Figure 2-1, "Land Use Map," revise the legend and map to delete the "II, Village" designation and replace it with the "V-8, Village-Barrio" designation. Note: Changes are shown on a separate exhibit. 3. On page 2-18, Table 2-3, "Density and Intensity Standards," add a row describing "Village- Barrio" and modify the existing row describing "Village" as follows: LAND USE LABEL RESIDENTIAL GROWTH RESIDENTIAL MAXIMUM DESIGNATION DENSITY RANGE MANAGEMENT DENSITY USED PERMITIED (MINIMUM2 TO CONTROL INTHE FAR MAXIMUM POINT HOUSING DWELLING DENISTY1 ELEMENT2 UNITS/ACRE) (DWELLING (DWELLING UNITS/ACRE) UNITS/ACRE) Residential Village-Barrio V-B BP District: 23-30 25 23 -- BC District: 8-15 11.5 ~ Non-residential and Mixed Use Village Village-Barrio ¥-V-B Districts 1 4: YS:.,_ -Districts 1 q: 1.23 - FC Districts: 28-VC, FC 35 Districts: 28 Districts S 9: VG, -Districts S 9: - HOSP, PT VG, HOSP, PT Districts: 18-23 Districts: 18 4. On page 2-32, amend the "Village" section (beginning on the previous page) as follows: The Village Master Plan and Design ManualVillage and Barrio Master Plan, adopted in 2018, provides 9. vision and guidance for design, land use, and redevelopment, and includes development standards and 1 EXHIBIT "2A" April 18, 2018 design guidelines. There are additional opportunities to expand on key elements like public art and identity through a signage and way-finding scheme as well as an expanded public arts program. 5. On page 2-32, amend the last paragraph of the "Barrio" section as follows: In 2018, the Village and Barrio Master Plan was adopted to provide a vision, standards and guidelines for both the Village and Barrio. The master plan As future development/redevelopment occurs in the Barrio, it \Viii be important that future improvements are sensitive torecognizes the neighborhood's walkable, residential character, its history and cultural resources, and its objectives for calming traffic and increasing connections with the Village and the beach. It will be important that future improvements are sensitive to these characteristics and objectives. 6. On pages 2-50 and 2-51, amend "Village" policies 2-P.69 and 2-P.75 as follows: 2-P.69 2-P.75 Address parking demand by finding additional areas to provide parking for the Village and beach areas, and by developing creative parking management strategies, such as shared and leased parking, ~~=.::......!=-'-=.l:l.....c~~~==:..:.,_m.;:,~++1+rn--f};:i.l'-!?+l'+f'-..,<;+;o,.A;:~~ 7. On page 2-52, amend "Barrio" policy 2-P. 77 as follows: 2-P.77 Promote new investment by allowing opportunities for medium and high-density infill residential development, strategically located in the neighborhood consistent with the laM t1£P-l',A-af~_v-"-'-"-='-=~=-'-'-"'-~==-:..=.,:.,.· Ensure that development is designed to enhance neighborhood quality, character, and vitality, and is sensitive to historic and cultural resources. 1. On pages 4-49 and 4-50, amend "Open Space Framework" policies 4-P.6 and 4-P.7 as follows: 4-P.6 Require that adjustment of the boundaries of any open space area shown on the Land Use Map be allowed only if all of the following criteria are met: a. The proposed open space area is equal to or greater than the area depicted on the Land Use Map; and b. The proposed open space area is of environmental quality equal to or greater than that depicted on the Land Use Map; and c. The proposed open space area is contiguous or within close proximity to open space shown on the Land Use Map. 2 EXHIBIT "2A" April 18, 2018 The City Council may also adjust the boundary of any open space area shown on the Land Use Map if it finds that the adjustment is necessary to mitigate a sensitive environmental area that is impacted by development, provided the open space boundary modification preserves open space at a 2 to 1 ratio (proposed acreage to existing acreage) and is within close proximity to the original area of open space. Additionally, the City Council may exempt public rights-of-way from the open space boundary adjustment requirements. However, environmental analysis shall be performed for all proposed public right-of-way improvements, and if determined that there are significant adverse impacts to the value of the open space system, those impacts shall be mitigated. The adjustment of open space boundaries shall not result in the exchange of environmentally constrained lands that are designated open space on the Land Use Map for lands that are not environmentally constrained. 4-P.7 Maintain an inventory of all open space lands, including sites designated as open space on the Land Use Map, dedicated in fee title or easement as open space, and school recreation areas. 1. On page 10-53, amend item 3 of the "Reasonable Capacity in the Village" section (beginning on the previous page) as follows: Several of+!he Village and Barrio Master Plan land use tl-e5-igA-at~districts permit mixed-use development, in which residences are likely to be smaller apartments or condominiums on the upper floors. While the city encourages mixed-use projects in the Village, development of stand-alone high- density residential projects is also permitted and would yield even more units. To account for non- residential uses, a conservative 50 percent of the potential capacity of units is assumed, while the other 50 percent of developable area could be used for non-residential uses. 2. On page 10-54, amend the second paragraph under the "Reasonable Capacity in the Barrio" section as follows: Though property values in the Barrio area remain high, the neighborhood could benefit from additional investment. Since 2000, the city has made a number of substantial public improvements in the area totaling more than $28 million, including utility undergrounding, storm drain and street improvements, and park and senior center enhancements. In early 2018, the city will complete a new community center and community garden in the area as well, an additional $8.6 million investment. Carlsbad considers the area appropriate for redevelopment at standards and densities similar_to the maximum densities approved for the Village. Therefore, the city believes consideration of a lot_size smaller_than 3 EXHIBIT "2A" April 18, 2018 acceptable. In the Barrio, the minimum parcel size included in the sites inventory for lower and moderate income housing is 0.16 acre, except for the Harding Street Neighbors, LP parcels described below, and the average is 0.44 acre. 3. On page 10-59, Table 10-28, "Land Use Designations and Affordability," {1} add rows describing "Village-Barrio" in the "above moderate" and "extremely low, very low, and low income" categories and {2} modify existing rows describing "Village {V)" as follows: GENERAL PLAN LAND IMPLEMENTING RESIDENTIAL GROWTH APPROPRIATE USE DESIGNATION ZONING DENSITY MANAGEMENT INCOME LEVELS DISTRICT RANGE CONTROL (MINIMUM POINT DENISTY AND (DU/AC) MAXIMUM) (DU/AC) Village-Barrio (V-B) V-B BC District: 8-11.5 Above 15 Moderate Village (V) Village-V-R V-B QistFiEt § 9: n/a5 Moderate Barrio (V-B) ~HOSP, PT, VG Districts: 18-23 Village-Barrio (V-B) V-B BP District: 23-25 Extremely Low, 30 Very-Low, Low Village (V) Village-V-R V-B QistFiEtS ± 4: n/a5 Extremely Low, Barrio (V-B) ~FC,VC: Very-Low, Low 28-35 4. On page 10-59, following Table 10-28, amend the first paragraph as follows: The General Plan's R-30 and Village Village-Barrio designations accommodate lower incomes. The R- 30 designation requires a minimum of 23 units per acre and permits up to 30 units per acre. When a density bonus is applied to the R-30 designation, the maximum density can potentially reach 40 units per acre (at a maximum density bonus of 35 percent under state density bonus law). Additionally, the city's ordinances allow for density increases that exceed state density bonus law, as illustrated by the Tavarua Senior Apartments shown in Table 10-27. 5. On page 10-77, under the "Subsidies" section {beginning on the previous page), amend the first full paragraph as follows: As discussed with developers during a 2011 developer forum held as part of the General Plan and Housing Element update process, development above 23-25 units per acre would typically necessitate subterranean parking, which substantially increases the average subsidy required to make the units affordable to lower-income households. The cost savings from economies of scale for housing production do not usually break even until the density is substantially increased to beyond 30 units per acre. To expand the capacity for additional development, at appropriate locations, the city permits development in the Village at up to 35 units per acre and within the R-30 land use designation and BP 4 EXHIBIT "2A" April 18, 2018 District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan density bonuses/increases can be granted to allow densities above 30 units per acre. 6. On page 10-79, under the "Land Use Controls" section {beginning on the previous page), amend the first full paragraph and the second paragraph as follows: Carlsbad's Land Use and Community Design Element establishes six residential designations (excluding the Village-Barrio designation) ranging in density from 1.0 dwelling unit per acre to 30.0 dwelling units per acre (Table 10-33). The R-30 land use designation was added to the General Plan in February 2013 and allows up to 30 dwelling units per acre. In the Village and Barrio, a separate land use designation applies (V Village V-B-Village-Barrio). This designation permits both residential and non-residential uses. Depending on the district within the Village and Barrio, the minimum and maximum density densities i5-are 8-15 units per acre (BC District), 18-23 units per acre (districts 5 9HOSP, PT, and VG Districts), 23-30 units per acre (BP District) or 28-35 units per acre (districts 1 4FC and VC Districts) and the maximum density permitted is 23 or 35 units per acre, respectively. 7. On page 10-79, amend Table 10-33, "Land Use Designations and Implementing Zones," by modifying the existing row describing "V-Village" as follows: LAND USE DESIGNATION ALLOWED DENSITY GMCP (DU/AC) IMPLEMENTING (DU/AC) ZONE \l • Village V-B -Village Dist. 1 4: 28 35 Dist. 5 9: BC District: V-R-V-B Barrio 18 23 max BC District: 8-11.5; BP 15; PT, HOSP, VG Districts: District: 25; 18-23; BP District: 23-30; PT, HOSP, VG, FC, VC Districts: 28-35 FC, VC Districts: n/a2 8. On page 10-84, under the "Mitigating Opportunities" section, amend the first paragraph as follows: The capacity (number of units) for each site appropriate for lower and moderate income housing identified in the sites inventory in Section 10.3 assumes development will take place at the minimum density of the density range or at the minimum density specified5• Therefore, and except for properties designated "V Village," in the PT, HOSP, VG, FC, and VC Districts of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (see Table 10-33), none of the sites require the use of excess dwelling units to accommodate the RHNA. In the VillageVillage and Barrio Master Plan districts identified above, since all residential development requires an allocation of excess dwelling units, the city has specifically reserved 759 excess units (as of July 2016) for this purpose. As a result, the Growth Management Plan and GMCP density do not serve as constraints to development. 9. On page 10-89, under the "Alternative Housing" section, amend the second paragraph as follows: 5 EXHIBIT "2A" April 18, 2018 To implement Program 3.13 in the 2005-2010 Housing Element and expand housing opportunities for extremely-low-income households, in September 2012 the City Council approved an amendment to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual to conditionally permit and establish standards for "managed living units" in certain districts of the Village area. A managed living unit is designed and intended for transient occupancy of daily, weekly or longer tenancy or permanent residency, providing sleeping or living facilities for one or two persons, in which a full bathroom and a partial kitchen are provided. The Village and Barrio Master Plan, which replaced the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, maintains the same standards for managed living units and expands the area where they are conditionally permitted. 10. On page 10-92, amend footnote 8 of Table 10-36, "Basic Residential Development Standards," as follows: 8 In the Village Review (V R) Village-Barrio (V-B) Zone, development standards vary by district. Additionally, the City Council may modify standards on a case-by-case basis, in order to facilitate affordable housing or promote "green building" (e.g., LEED certification) design to enable a significant public benefit, such as exceeding ~'-'-'-'-'-'-=--'-.:....:::~:.J:::U-=~=-'-"'-LL-'-==..:==.=.:.::::.!.1:lLL"'-'-'-'~'..!.--':'-'.!.!.!=.::.=..!..:=~ Plan (CAP) consistency requirements. 11. On page 10-93, under the "Parking" section, amend the first paragraph as follows: Parking requirements in Carlsbad vary depending on housing type and anticipated parking needs (Table 10-37). The city's parking standards are the same as or lower than many communities in the San Diego region and therefore do not serve to constrain residential development.7 Furthermore, the city has a demonstrated history of making concessions (i.e. reduced parking requirements) in order to facilitate affordable housing development. The city has also approved reduced parking standards and increased densities to foster redevelopment in the Village. For example, in portions of the Village, as per the Village and Barrio Master Plan outside the Coastal Zone, one parking space is required for studio and one bedroom units and twe-one and a half spaces are required for two or more bedroom units; there is no requirement for guest parking and no distinction between rental and ownership units. 12. On page 10-93, amend the title of Table 10-37 as follows: TABLE 10-37: PARKING REQUIREMENTS {OUTSIDE THE VILLAGE VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN BOUNDARIES) 13. On pages 10-118, under "Program 2.4: Energy Conservation," amend the second and fourth bullet points as follows: • In the Village, encourage energy conservation and higher density development by the modification of development standards (e.g. parking standards, building setbacks, height, and increased density) as necessary to: Enable developments to ==""-'-~~=~=.:..cu....::::.'-'..='-'-=.1..L.;~~=;,;;;;_;~c.:.o.~=-'=- 6 EXHIBIT "2A" April 18, 2018 ~and to maintain the financial feasibility of the development with such certification. -Achieve densities at or above the minimum required if the applicant can provide acceptable evidence that application of the development standards precludes development at such densities. • Encourage infill development in urbanized areas, particularly in the Village and Barrio, through implementation of the Village Master Plan and Design Manual Village and Barrio Master Plana-n-a the allowed density ranges in the Barrio. 14. On page 10-121, under "Program 3.2: Excess Dwelling Units," amend the second paragraph as follows: Based on analysis conducted in Section 10.4 (Constraints and Mitigating Opportunities), the city can accommodate its 2010-2020 RHNA without the need to utilize excess dwelling units (except for properties in certain districts of the Village and Barrio Master Planee&+g-A-ated "V Village") to accommodate the RHNA at each household income level. In the Village, since all residential development requires an allocation of excess dwelling units, the city has specifically reserved 759 excess units (as of July 2016) for this purpose. 7 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A ZONE CODE AMENDMENT, ZONE CHANGE, AND LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AM EN DM ENT TO REVISE VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, INCLUDING THE ZONING MAP, TO RECOGNIZE AND IMPLEMENT THE VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN, WHICH WOULD REGULATE DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE FOR THE VILLAGE AND BARRIO, AN APPROXIMATELY 350-ACRE AREA GENERALLY WEST OF INTERSTATE 5 AND BETWEEN LAGUNA DRIVE AND TAMARACK AVENUE IN THE CITY'S NORTHWEST QUADRANT AND IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 1. CASE NAME: VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN CASE NO.: ZCA 16-01/ZC 16-01/LCPA 14-01 (DEV08014) EXHIBIT "28" April 18, 2018 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Zoning Code is the implementing ordinance of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program, and therefore, an amendment to the Zoning Code also constitutes an amendment to the Local Coastal Program; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has prepared a Zoning Code Amendment ZCA 16-01, Zone Change ZC 16-01, and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 14-01 pursuant to Section 21.52.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 30514 of the Public Resources Code, and Section 13551 of California Code of Regulations Title 14, Division 5 to revise various sections of the Zoning Ordinance, including the zoning map; and WHEREAS, the recommended amendments are necessary to recognize and implement the Village and Barrio Master Plan (MP 14-01), which establishes the land use classifications, development standards, procedures and guidelines for that unique area of the city within the Master Plan's boundaries and which replaces the Village Master Plan and Design Manual; and WHEREAS, pursuant to California Coastal Commission Regulations, a six-week public review period for LCPA 14-01 occurred from February 26, 2016 to April 18, 2016; however, due to project changes, LCPA 14-01 was recirculated for additional review from April 6, 2018 to May 18, 2018; and WHEREAS, on April 18, 2018, May 2, 2018 and May 16, 2018, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider ZCA 16-01/ZC 16-01/LCPA 14-01; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 7294 recommending to the City Council that ZCA 16-01/ZC 16-01/LCPA 14-01 be approved; and EXHIBIT "2B" WHEREAS, prior to the Planning Commission hearing, the City Planner posted on the Village and Barrio Master Plan website (www.carlsbadca.gov/villagebarrio} a table and maps identifying all properties within the boundaries of the Master Plan and relevant land use information for each property, including existing and proposed General Plan land use designations, zoning, and land use districts; and WHEREAS, the table and maps are on file in the Planning Division and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the City Council did on the ___ day of ____ ~ hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said City Council considered all factors, including written public comments, if any, related to ZCA 16-02/ZC 16-01/LCPA 14-01. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordains as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The findings and conditions of the Planning Commission in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7294 shall also constitute the findings and conditions of the City Council. 3. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.05.010 is amended to read as follows: In order to classify, regulate, restrict and segregate the uses of land and buildings, to regulate and restrict the height and bulk of buildings, to regulate the area of yards and other open spaces about buildings, and to regulate the density of population, thirty-six classes of zones and overlay zones are established by this title to be known as follows: C-1-Neighborhood Commercial Zone C-2-General Commercial Zone C-F-Community Facilities Zone C-L-Local Shopping Center Zone C-M-Heavy Commercial-Limited Industrial Zone CR-A/OS-Cannon Road-Agricultural/Open Space Zone C-T-Commercial Tourist Zone E-A-Exclusive Agricultural Zone L-C-Limited Control Zone M-lndustrial Zone a-Office Zone 0-S-Open Space Zone P-C-Planned Community Zone P-M-Planned Industrial Zone P-U-Public Utility Zone R-1-0ne-Family Residential Zone R-2-Two-Family Residential Zone R-3-Multiple-Family Residential Zone R-A-Residential Agricultural Zone R-E-Residential Estate Zone R-P-Residential-Professional Zone R-T-Residential Tourist Zone R-W-Residential Waterway Zone RD-M-Residential Density-Multiple Zone RMHP-Residential Mobile Home Park T-C-Transportation Corridor Zone V-B-Village-Barrio Zone BAO-Beach Area Overlay Zone Coastal Agriculture Overlay Zone Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone Coastal Resource Overlay Zone Mello I LCP Segment C/V-SO-Commercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone F-P-Floodplain Overlay Zone H-0-Hospital Overlay Zone Q-Qualified Development Overlay Zone S-P-Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone EXHIBIT "2B" EXHIBIT "28" 4. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.05.020 (4) is amended to read as follows: (4). The V-B, P-U and P-C zones have special conditions for their application and shall be considered as more restrictive than other zones. 5. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.05.030, the zoning map, is amended as shown on Exhibit "ZCA/ZC 16-01" dated April 18, 2018, and attached hereto. 6. Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.35 (V-R Village Review Zone) is amended to read as follows: Chapter 21.35 V-B VILLAGE-BARRIO ZONE Sections: 21.35.010 Intent and purpose. 21.35.020 Incorporation of Village and Barrio Master Plan by reference. 21.35.030 Land affected by this chapter. 21.35.040 Village and Barrio Master Plan and the Carlsbad Municipal Code compliance. 21.35.050 General regulations. 21.35.060 Permitted uses. 21.35.070 Permit required. 21.35.080 Findings of fact. 21.35.090 Amendments to the Village and Barrio Master Plan. 21.35.010 Intent and purpose. The village-barrio zone is intended to establish land use classifications, development standards, procedures and guidelines for that unique area of the city described in the Village and Barrio Master Plan and designated "V-B, Village-Barrio" on the zoning map. 21.35.020 Incorporation of the Village and Barrio Master Plan by reference. The Village and Barrio Master Plan, as adopted by City Council Ordinance CS-XXX on XXXX, 2018, and as approved and certified by the California Coastal Commission on XXXX, XXXX, is hereby adopted by reference and incorporated into this chapter. 21.35.030 Land affected by this chapter. This chapter shall apply only to lands located within the boundaries of the Village and Barrio Master Plan and zoned "V-B, Village-Barrio" on the zoning map. EXHIBIT "2B" 21.35.040 Compliance with the Village and Barrio Master Plan and the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Projects developed pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of the Village and Barrio Master Plan, and all applicable provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including but not limited to those provisions of Titles 18, 19, 20 and 21. 21.35.050 General regulations. Except as otherwise provided by the Village and Barrio Master Plan, the regulations of this title which apply to uses generally or generally to all zoning classifications shall apply to property and uses in this zone. 21.35.060 Permitted uses. The development standards of the Village and Barrio Master Plan, including the permitted uses table, shall identify the permitted, conditionally permitted, and prohibited uses in the V-B zone. Any use not identified in the permitted uses table is not permitted unless the city planner determines that such use falls within the vision and intent of the Master Plan district in which it is proposed and is substantially similar to an allowed use in the district. Further, the city planner shall not find that a use substantially similar to an expressly prohibited use is permitted in any district. 21.35.070 Permit required. Unless specifically exempt from a discretionary permit pursuant to the Village and Barrio Master Plan and Section 21.201.060, no building permit or other entitlement shall be issued for any development or use in the V-B zone unless there is a valid site development plan, conditional use permit, coastal development permit or other discretionary permit as required by the Village and Barrio Master Plan and as approved for the property. 21.35.080 Findings of fact. No determination or decision shall be made pursuant to this chapter unless the decision-making authority finds, in addition to any other findings otherwise required for the project, that the project is consistent with the general plan, this code, as applicable, the Village and Barrio Master Plan, and the Local Coastal Program, as applicable. 21.35.090 Amendments to the Village and Barrio Master Plan. Amendments to the Village and Barrio Master Plan shall be deemed to be amendments to this chapter; provided, however, that such amendments are processed and noticed in a manner which meets the requirements of Chapter 21.52 of this code and are approved and adopted by city council ordinance. 7. Carlsbad Municipal Code Sections 21.41.010 B. and C. are amended to read as follows: EXHIBIT "28" B. Properties and uses in the village-barrio (V-8) zone are regulated first by the sign standards of the Village and Barrio Master Plan, and then, to the extent not covered by said master plan, by the provisions of this chapter. C. Signs on city property, both within the V-B zone and other zones, are controlled by other provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, not by this chapter. 8. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.41.090 is amended to read as follows: A. The following sign restrictions apply to properties in the coastal zone except the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Village-Barrio segments. If there is a conflict between the coastal zone sign standards of this section and any regulations of this chapter, the standards of this section shall prevail. Otherwise, within the coastal zone, the sign regulations of this chapter shall apply. 1. Each business or establishment shall be entitled to one fa~ade sign. 2. Each shopping complex shall have only one directory sign which shall not exceed fifteen feet in height, including mounding. 3. Monument sign height including mounding shall not exceed eight feet and shall apply where three or fewer commercial establishments exist on a parcel. 4. Tall freestanding and roof signs shall not be allowed. 5. Off-premises signs shall not be allowed. 9. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.44.020 Table A regarding number of off-street parking spaces required for "financial institutions and professional offices," is amended to read as follows: Financial institutions Medical Office 1 space/200 square feet of gross floor area and professional offices Financial institutions 1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area Other office uses 1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area Office uses within 300 1 space/300 square feet of gross floor area feet of the boundary of the village-barrio zone EXHIBIT "28" 10. That Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.45.040 Table A and footnote 8 are amended to read as follows: Legend: P = Permitted. Table A Permitted Residential Uses (#) Number within parentheses= Permitted only in certain circumstances. X = Not permitted. Zone Residential Use One-Family Dwelling or Twin-Home on Small Condominium Project Lots (one unit per lot) R-1 (1) or (4) One-family dwellings -(3) or (4) Two-family dwellings -(1) or (4) Multiple-family dwellings -(4) R-2 p One-family or two-family dwellings -P Multiple-family dwellings -(2) or (4) R-3 p p RD-M p p R-W X p R-P (S) (6) RMHP p p P-C (7) (7) V-8 (8) (8) Accessory (9) (9) Uses Notes: (I) Permitted when the project site is contiguous to a higher intensity land use designation or zone, or an existing project of comparable or higher density. (2) Permitted when the proposed project site is contiguous to a lot or lots zone R-3, R-T, R-P, C-1, C-2, C-M or M, but in no case shall the project site consist of more than one lot nor be more than ninety feet in width, whichever is less. (3) Permitted when developed as two or more detached units on one lot. (4) Permitted when the project site contains sensitive biological resources as identified in the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan. In the case of a condominium project, attached or detached units may be permitted when the site contains sensitive biological resources. (5) Permitted when the R-P zone implements the RMH land use designation. (6) Permitted when the R-P zone implements the RMH or RH land use designations. (7) Permitted uses shall be consistent with the master plan. (8) Refer to the Village and Barrio Master Plan for permitted uses. (9) Refer to Table F for permitted accessory uses. EXHIBIT "28" 11. That Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.53.140 is amended by deleting subsection (k). 12. That the use chart in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.83.040 and footnote 4 are amended to read as follows: "P" indicates that the use is permitted in the zone. "LDCP" indicates that the use is permitted subject to approval of a large family day care permit, processed in accordance with Section 21.83.050 of this chapter. "MCUP" indicates that the use is permitted subject to approval of a minor conditional use permit (process one) processed in accordance with Chapter 21.42 of this title. "CUP" indicates that the use is permitted subject to approval of a conditional use permit (process two) processed in accordance with Chapter 21.42 of this title. "X" indicates that the use is prohibited in the zone. Small Family Day Care Large Family Day Care Home (8 or fewer Home {14 or fewer Zoning children) children) Child Day Care Center R-A, R-E, E-A p LDCP {1) X R-1 p LDCP {1) X R-2 p LDCP {1) X R-3, RD-M, R-P p LDCP {1) MCUP{2){3) R-T, R-W, RMHP p LDCP {1) X 0 X X MCUP{2){3) H-0 X X P{2) C-F X X MCUP{2){3) C-1, C-2, C-L X X P{2) P-M, C-M X X CUP{S) M, P-U, 0-S, L-C, T-C, C-T X X X V-B, P-C {4) LDCP {1)(4) {2)(3){4) Notes: (1) Permitted only when the large family day care home is located on a lot occupied by a detached, single-family dwelling, subject to the provisions of Section 21.83.050 of this chapter. (2) Permitted subject to the provisions of Section 21.83.080 of this chapter. (3) Child day care centers are allowed as a permitted use (no conditional use permit or minor conditional use permit required) within existing buildings on developed church or school sites, subject to the provisions of Section 21.83.080 of this chapter. (4) Permitted subject to the standards of the controlling document (Village and Barrio Master Plan or designated master plan). (5) Permitted subject to the provisions of Sections 21.83.060 and 21.83.080 of this chapter. EXHIBIT "28" 13. That Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.84.040 Table A and footnote 3 are amended to read as follows: Table A Zones Where Housing for Senior Citizens Is Permitted Zone Housing for Senior Citizens R-3 MSDP/SDP1 R-P MSDP/SDP1, 2 R-T MSDP/SDP1 R-W MSDP/SDP1 RD-M MSDP/SDP1 V-B See note 3, below P-C See note 3, below Note: Housing for senior citizens is prohibited in those zones not indicated. Notes: Housing for senior citizens with four units or less shall be subject to the approval of a minor site development plan, and housing for senior citizens with five units or more shall be subject to the approval of a site development plan. The city may approve a minor site development plan or site development plan for housing for senior citizens on property in the R-P zone where the general plan applicable to such property permits residential uses. 3 May be permitted subject to the standards of the controlling document (i.e., in V-8 zone -Village and Barrio Master Plan, and in P-C zone -applicable master plan) and the provisions of this chapter. 14. That Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.201.080 Cl.a.iii is amended to read as follows: iii. Projects that require a minor site development plan, minor conditional use permit, or minor variance, pursuant to the Village and Barrio Master Plan. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE APPLICABLE TO PROPERTIES LOCATED OUTSIDE THE COASTAL ZONE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. EXHIBIT "2B" EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE APPLICABLE TO PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE COASTAL ZONE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption or upon Coastal Commission approval of LCPA 14-01, whichever occurs later; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the __ _ day of , 2018, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the ___ day of _________ ., 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING THE VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL AND APPROVING THE VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN, MP 14-01, WHICH WOULD REGULATE DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE FOR THE VILLAGE AND BARRIO, AN APPROXIMATELY 350-ACRE AREA GENERALLY WEST OF INTERSTATE 5 AND BETWEEN LAGUNA DRIVE AND TAMARACK AVENUE IN THE CITY'S NORTHWEST QUADRANT AND IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 1. CASE NAME: CASE NO.: VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN MP 14-01 (DEV08014) EXHIBIT u2C" April 18, 2018 WHEREAS, MP 14-01 constitutes a request for a Master Plan as (1) shown on Exhibit {/MP 14- 01" dated April 18, 2018, and attached hereto and (2) contained in the Village and Barrio Master Plan on file in the Planning Division and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the release of the Village and Barrio Master Plan in January 2018, staff made revisions to the master plan that are provided in errata; and WHEREAS, for properties in the Coastal Zone, portions of MP 14-01, in combination with other city ordinances, also serve as the Local Coastal Program for the Village and Barrio; and WHEREAS, on April 18, 2018, May 2, 2018, and May 16, 2018, the Carlsbad Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to consider MP 14-01 and adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 7294 recommending the repeal of the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and the approval of MP 14-01; and WHEREAS, prior to the Planning Commission hearing, the City Planner posted on the Village and Barrio Master Plan website (www.carlsbadca.gov/villagebarrio) a table and maps identifying all properties within the boundaries of the Master Plan and relevant land use information for each property, including existing and proposed General Plan land use designations, zoning, and land use districts; and EXHIBIT "2C" WHEREAS, the table and maps are on file in the Planning Division and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the City Council did on the ___ day of ____ , hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said City Council considered all factors, including written public comments, if any, related to MP 14-01. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordains as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The findings and conditions of the Planning Commission in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7294 shall also constitute the findings and conditions of the City Council. 3. The Village Master Plan and Design Manual is repealed. 4. MP 14-01, on file in the Planning Division and incorporated herein by reference, is approved and replaces the Village Master Plan and Design Manual. MP 14-01 shall establish the land use vision, goals, policies, standards, guidelines, permitted and prohibited uses, and other provisions for the use and development of all property within the boundaries of MP 14-01, and all development within the plan area shall conform to its provisions. 5. MP 14-01 replaces the general zoning regulations applicable to those portions outside the boundaries of the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and within the boundaries of MP 14-01. 6. The approval of MP 14-01 includes errata dated April 18, 2018, May 2, 2018, and May 16, 2018, and any subsequent modifications, revisions, or additions approved by the City Council. EXHIBIT "2C" 7. Upon the effective date, MP 14-01 shall apply to development applications not yet approved by the City of Carlsbad. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE APPLICABLE TO PROPERTIES LOCATED OUTSIDE THE COASTAL ZONE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE APPLICABLE TO PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE COASTAL ZONE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption or upon Coastal Commission approval of LCPA 14-01, whichever occurs later; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. EXHIBIT "2C" INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the __ day of ____ ., 2018, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the ___ day of _______ _, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AVES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) Village and Barrio Master Plan Local Coastal Program Amendment -LCPA 14-01 Text changes to Local Coastal Program Exh ibit "20" April 18, 2018 (Strikethrough indicates text to be deleted and underline indicates text to be added.) I. Proposed changes to Chapter I (Introduction), Section D: D. History The City of Carlsbad Local Coastal Program consists of .five-six geographic segments: the Agua Hedionda Lagoon LCP segment comprised of (all acreage figures are approximate) 1,100 acres; the Carlsbad Mello I segment with 2,000 acres; the Carlsbad Mello II segment with .§;M)Q--5,250 acres; the West Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties segment with 200 acres; the East Batiquitos Lagoon/Hunt Properties segment with 1,000 acres, and the Village-Barrio segment with 150 acres. The Village-Barrio segment has its own land use plan and implementation program and is not However, since the Cit>; assurned perrnit authority for the Village Area Redeveloprnent segrnent in Decernber of 1988 it will not be included in this document. See Exhibit 1-1, on page 5, for segment locations. Pursuant to the Public Resources Code Sections 30170 and 30171, the Coastal Commission was required to prepare and approve an LCP for identified portions of the City. This resulted in the two LCP segments known as the Mello I and Mello II segments (State legislator Henry Mello sponsored the legislation which created sections 30170 and 30171). The Mello I and II LCPs were approved by the Coastal Commission in September 1980 and June 1981, respectively. The Agua Hedionda land use plan was prepared by the City and approved by the Coastal Commission on July 1, 1982. Preparation of the Mello I, Mello II and Agua Hedionda segments resulted in a number of issues and conflicts between the City and Commission over the years. These segments cover a good portion of the city's coastal zone and contain substantial amounts of undeveloped property. Among those issues which surfaced in the preparation of the LCPs were preservation of agricultural lands, protection of steep sloping hillsides and erosion control. The City found the policies of the certified Mello I and II segments regarding preservation of agriculture and steep ' sloping hillsides to be unacceptable. Following the certification of Mello I and II, the City pursued negotiations with the Commission through a City Council-formed special committee comprised of Commission staff and City officials to resolve issues. In September of 1984 the Governor signed Assembly Bill 3744 (effective January 1, 1985) which eliminated provisions for an "agricultural subsidy program" in Carlsbad's coastal zone. In the summer of 1985, the City submitted two amendment requests to the Commission and, in October 1985, the Commission certified amendments 1-85 and 2-85 to the Mello I and II segments. These major amendments to the LCP involved changes to the agricultural preservation, steep slope and housing protection policies of the Mello I and II segments. After certification of these amendments, the City adopted the Mello I and II LCP segments and began the process of preparing documents for "effective" certification of the entire LCP. Exhibit "20" April 18, 2018 The West Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties segment was certified in 1985 along with a coastal development permit for a project comprising the majority of the uplands within that segment. The master plan (Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park) associated with this project served as the LCP implementing ordinances. The Village-Barrio segment resulted from the combination of the former Village Area segment and an adjacent portion of the Mello II segment. Furthermore, +!he plan area of the Village Area segment (previously titled "Village Area Redevelopment" segment) was itself formerly part of the Mello II segment. In August 1984, the Commission approved the segmentation of this 100 acre area from the remainder of the Mello II LCP segment and, at the same time, approved the submitted land use plan for the area. In March of 1988, the Commission approved the Implementation Program for the Village Area Redevelopment segment. The City assumed permit authority for this segment on December 14, 1988. In November 2009, the title of this segment was changed to the "Village Area" segment due to the imminent (July 2010) expiration of the Village Redevelopment Plan; however, the boundaries and policies affecting this segment a,=e were unchanged. In {insert month, year}. the Commission approved the Village and Barrio Master Plan, expanded the boundaries of the former Village Area segment to include the adjacent Barrio neighborhood and changed its name to Village-Barrio segment. Since the Coastal Zone portion of the·Barrio was in the Mello II segment, master plan approval included the transfer of this area from the Mello II segment to the Village-Barrio segment. Additionally, several small properties within the boundaries of the master plan were also transferred from the Mello II segment to the Village- Barrio segment. By so doing, all Coastal Zone portions of the master plan are part of the same segment. The Village and Barrio Master Plan serves as both the land use plan and implementation program for the Village-Barrio segment. The East Batiquitos Lagoon/Hunt Properties segment is comprised of a portion of the original Mello I area and an area annexed (1985) to Carlsbad in and around Batiquitos Lagoon . An area of the segment known as Green Valley, south of the lagoon, the lagoon and the immediate north shore were previously part of the County of San Diego LCP (uncertified). All of this property, at the time of LCP preparation, was in one ownership (Hunt) and was the subject ofthe Pacific Rim master plan covering the lagoon and north shore uplands. The segment was certified by the Commission (land use and master plan as implementing ordinances) in March of 1988. Exhibit "2D" April 18, 2018 II. Proposed changes to Chapter 1 (Introduction), "Exhibit -LCP Segment Boundaries" (The map below is the existing map and would be deleted from Chapter 1.) SEGMENT IIlll MELLO I ~ MIU.OIi II VlU.AGE~ • AGUA HEDIONOA LAGOON ~ WEST 8ATIOUITOS LAGOON Im) EAST 8ATIQLNTOS LAGOON Exhibit "20" April 18, 2018 Ill. Proposed changes to Chapter 1 (Introduction), "Exhibit-LCP Segment Boundaries" (The map below is the proposed map and would be added to Chapter 1.) segment Names: ffililIIIII Mello I f:::J Mello II ~ Village-Barno \1;~~1'· Agua Heoionda lagoon ~ West Batiquitos lagooni Sammis Properties I : : : : ! East Batiquims Lagoon/ Hunt Propert!les il<---===IM!leE, e --Cocistal Zone Boundary Q Proposed Master Plan Boundary Existing LCP Land Use Designations: R-1.5, Residential 0-1.5 du/ac R-4, Residential 0-4 du/ac • R-8, Residential 4-8 du/ac li!I R-15, Residential 8-15 du/ac • R-23, Residential 15-23 du/ac • R-30, Residential 23-30 du/ac • V,Village • VC, Visitor Commercial L .. ! 0, Office • P, Public • OS, Open Space 1111 TC, Transportation Corridor Path: J:\cbgis\products\planning\MapUpdate\GPA 16-01_ZCA 16-01_ZC 16-01_MP 14-01_LCPA·1,i:6f)ACA 16-01\LCPA_LU_14-01.mxd LCPA 14-01 (Land Use) -• Coastal Zone Boundary Q Proposed Master Plan Boundary Proposed LCP Land Use Designations: • V-B, Village-Barrio R-1.5, Residential 0-1.5 du/ac R-4, Residential 0-4 du/ac R-8, Residential 4-8 du/ac R-15, Residential 8-15 du/ac R-23, Residential 15-23 du/ac R-<10, Residential 23-30 du/ac VC, Visitor Commercial 0, Office P, Public OS, Open Space TC, Transportation Corridor Exhibit "LCPA 14-01" April 18, 2018 Village and Barrio Master Plan -+--1-Railroad C LCP Segment Boundary - - -Coastal Zone Boundary • Proposed Master Plan Area Inside Coastal Zone 0 Feet a 1,000 W Path: J:\RequestsMarch2015\ComEcon Dev\Plan ning\RITM001134 7 _ 18\Exhibit3_ VillageBarrioMPLCPsegments. mxd April 18, 2018 Village and Barrio Master Plan LCP Segment Changes C cicyof Carlsbad ERRATA SHEET FOR AGENDA ITEM #1 EXHIBIT "2E-1" ( City of Carlsbad Memorandum April 18, 2018 To: From: Via Re: Planning Commission Scott Donnell, Senior Planner Don Neu, City Planner Errata Sheet for Agenda Item #1-GPA 16-01/ZCA 16-01/ZC 16-01/MP 14- 01/LCPA 14-01/MCA 16-01 (DEV08014} -VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission include the following revisions to the Village and Barrio Master Plan (January 2018, Public Review Draft). Strikethrough indicates text to be deleted and underline indicates text to be added. Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS n/a n/a Under "Planning Commission," change "Velyn Anerson" to "Velyn Anderson." CHAPTER 1 -INTRODUCTION 1-2 Section 1.3.1, Change overall Village and Barrio acreage from 325 to 350. Overall Description and Master Plan Boundary 1-3 Figure 1-1, Master Revise the Coastal Zone boundary as shown in attached Exhibit 1. This Plan Area, and affects multiple figures throughout the Master Plan. Revisions are the other figures result of the California Coastal Commission's ongoing work with local showing the Coastal jurisdictions to make minor adjustments that refine the boundary, Zone boundary originally established in 1977, in a manner consistent with California Coastal Act Section 30103(b). 1-5 Section 1.3.2, Change Village acreage from 210 to 215 acres. Village 1-6 Section 1.3.3, Change Barrio acreage from 120 to 135. Barrio 1-11 Policy 1.5.1.A.2 Change "Village core" to Village Center" Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1635 Fa raday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4600 I 760-602-8560 fax Errata sheet for Agenda item #1 April 18, 2018 Page 2 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table 1-13 Section 1.5.1, Land Under Goal E., "Recognize and support the historical roots of the Village Use and and Barrio," add new Policy 3, to read as follows: Community "Comply with the Carlsbad Tribal, Cultural, and Paleontological Character Resources Guidelines." 1-14 Section 1.5.2, Under Goal A, regarding supporting increased alternative modes of Mobility and transportation, revise the note applying to Policy 9 as follows: Parking (Note: this objective QQ.[lfy_complements Objective 4 .1.2 Policy 1.5.4.A.2). 1-15 Section 1.5.2, Under Goal B, Policy 8, change Goal cross-reference as follows: Mobility and ... (See also Goal b± 1.5.2.A) Parking 1-18 Section 1.5.3, Change section number from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4. Placemaking 1-19 Section 1.5.3, Change section number from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4. Placemaking CHAPTER 2-LAND USE 2-5 Section 2.3, Land Remove standards regarding non-conforming lots, structures and uses Uses from Section 2.3.1, Allowable Land Uses, and place them under a new and separate section and heading as follows: 2.3.2 Non-conforming Lots, Structures and Uses Non-conforming lots, structures and uses within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area shall be subject to a1212licable 12rovisions within Cha12ter 21.48 of the CMC. 2-5 Section 2.3, Land Remove standards regarding a development site that spans multiple Uses districts (last paragraph on page 2-5) from Section 2.3.1, Allowable Land Uses, and place them under a new and separate section and heading as follows: 2.3.3 Develo12ment Site S12anning Multi12le Districts A develo12ment site that s12ans multi12le districts shall be subject to a1212roval of a site develo12ment 12lan, which shall establish the develo12ment standards for the site in a manner most consistent with the underlying districts' standards. Any use that is 12ermitted or conditionally-12ermitted over a 12ortion of such a site shall be 12ermitted or conditionally-12ermitted anywhere on the site. 2-6 Table 2-1, Under the "Residential" category, revise "Mixed-use" as follows: Permitted Uses Mixed-use (see sectioA e.3.e foF ElecisioA FAalEiAg a1:1tl=l0Fit•, subject to the uses 12ermitted in this table} 2-7 Table 2-1, Under the "Civic" category, add "Mobility Hub" as a conditionally Permitted Uses permitted use in the VC, Village Center, District. 2-9 Figure 2-2, Use Revise Figure 2-2 as shown in attached Exhibit 2 to better identify the restrictions area in which certain uses are not permitted on the ground floor. Errata sheet for Agenda item #1 April 18, 2018 Page 3 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table 2-20 Section 2.6.5 B.4, Revise the fourth standard regarding signs as follows: Sidewalk Cafes 1. No signs, including signs prohibited by CMC Section 21.41.030 21.51.030, or objects that would distract or impair motorists, shall be attached or displayed on any part of the sidewalk cafe. 2-22 Table 2-3, Parking Under the "residential" category, revise the parking standard for studio Requirements and one bedroom units as follows: Studio and one bedroom One space per unit. For condominiums, units the SQace must be covered. 2-23 Table 2-3, Parking Under the "lodging" category, remove "mixed-use" and its parking Requirements requirement and insert it under the "residential" category to follow "managed living unit." 2-24 Table 2-3, Parking Under the "other" category: Requirements 1. ' Delete "cinema" and its parking requirement. 2. Indent "curb cafe or sidewalk cafe" and "outdoor display" so it is clearer that these uses fall under the "right of way uses" heading. 2-27, Table 2-4, Parking Add the subheading "available to non-residential uses" at the top of the 2-28 Options table on each page as provided on page 2-26. 2-37 Section 2.7.1 A., Amend 2.7.1 A.1. as follows: Setbacks A. Setbacks 1. Front/Corner: Minimum of O feet; maximum of 5 feet to building (at the ground floor). Additional depth permitted where area includes a plaza, courtyard, or outdoor dining. 2-37 Section 2.7.1 E., Amend 2.7.1 E.1. a. as follows: Open Space 1. Public Space a. 500 square foot minimum plaza (exclusive of right of way) with street furnishing, landscaping, accent trees, and lighting shall be provided at each corner located at the following intersections: Carlsbad Village Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad Village Drive and State Street, State Street and Grand Avenue, and Carlsbad Village Drive and Harding Street. No vehicle access aisles or parking is permitted in this area. This area shall also remain unobstructed to the sky exceQt for limited Qrotrusions that contribute to building architecture or street vibrancy, such as awnings, architectural features, UQQer floor balconies, and other non- Errata sheet for Agenda item #1 April 18, 2018 Page 4 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table habitable space. Not more than 50 sguare feet of such protrusions shall project over the reguired plaza area. 2-39 Section 2.7.1 G., Amend 2.7.1 G. as follows: Building Height G. BUILDING HEIGHT 1. Maximum 45 feet and 4 stories 2. Ground floor plate height: 14 feet. This height shall be measured from the finished floor to the top plate of the ground floor or, where there is no "platen, to the bottom of the floor structure of the second floor. 3. If a 4-story building is proposed: a. A maximum of 30 percent of the fourth story street facing fac;ade can have a 0-foot setback (as measured from property line). The remaining 70 percent shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet (as measured from property line). b. The total square footage of enclosed occupiable fourth floor space shall not exceed 80 percent of the third- floor footprint. 2-42 Section 2.7.1 J., Amend 2.7.1 J.l as follows: Railroad Corridor The primary use of the railroad corridor shall be for transportation facilities and improvements that provide rail and transit services and support facilities, as determined by NCTD. Accordingly, land uses in the railroad corridor in each transect district are subject to CMC Chapter 21.100, Transportation Corridor. 2-49 Section 2.7.3 A., A. Setbacks Setbacks 1. Parcels along Carlsbad Boulevard between Beech Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive: a. Front: Minimum of O feet; maximum of 5 feet to building (at the ground floor). Additional depth permitted where one or more of the following are provided: Plaza, courtyard, outdoor dining, enhanced pedestrian connection, or landscaping. b. Side: O feet C. Rear: O feet 2-50 Section 2.7.3 E Amend 2.7.3 E.2.a. as follows: 2. Public Space a. 500 square foot minimum plaza (exclusive of right of way) with street furnishing, landscaping, accent trees, and lighting shall be provided at the intersection of Carlsbad Errata sheet for Agenda item #1 April 18, 2018 Page 5 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table Village Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard. No vehicle access aisles or parking is permitted in this area. This area shall also remain unobstructed to the sky except for limited protrusions that contribute to building architecture or street vibrancy, such as awnings, architectural features, upper floor balconies, and other non-habitable space. Not more than 50 sguare feet of such protrusions shall project over the reguired plaza area. 2-52 Section 2.7.3 G., Amend 2.7.3 G. as follows: Building Height G. BUILDING HEIGHT 1. Maximum 45 feet and 4 stories 2. Ground floor plate height for buildings fronting Carlsbad Boulevard: 14 feet. This height shall be measured from the finished floor to the top plate of the ground floor or, where there is no "plate", to the bottom of the floor structure of the second floor. 3. If a 4-story building is proposed: a. Parcels along Carlsbad Boulevard between Beech Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive: A maximum of 30 percent of the fourth story street facing fa~ade can have a 0-foot setback (as measured from property line). The remaining 70 percent shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet (as measured from property line). b. All other parcels: A maximum of 30 percent of the fourth story street facing fa~ade can have a minimum 10-foot setback (as measured from property line). The remaining 70 percent shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet (as measured from property line). _c._The total square footage of enclosed occupiable fourth floor space shall not exceed 80 percent of the third- floor footprint. 2-57 Section 2.7.4 G., Amend 2.7.4 G. as follows: Building Height G. BUILDING HEIGHT 1. Maximum 45 feet and 4 stories 2. If a 4-story building is proposed: a. A maximum of 30 percent of the fourth story street facing fa~ade can2 have a minimum Q .!0 foot setback (as measured from property line). The remaining 70 percent shall be set back a minimum of-±GlS feet (as measured from property line). Errata sheet for Agenda item #1 April 18, 2018 Page 6 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table b. The total square footage of enclosed occupiable fourth floor space shall not exceed 80 percent of the third- floor footprint. 2-61 Section 2.7.5 G., Amend 2.7.5 G.2 as follows: Building Height G. Building Height 2. Minimum ground floor plate height for commercial and ground floor mixed-use: 12 feet. This height shall be measured from the finished floor to the to12 12late of the ground floor or, where there is no 1112laten, to the bottom of the floor structure of the second floor. 2-61 Section 2.7.5, Amend this graphic to show a 12 ft., instead of 14 ft., minimum Minimum Ground dimension. Floor Plate Height graphic 2-71 Section 2.8.1, Intent Revise the section reference in the last line of the second paragraph from Section 5.3.1 to Section 6.3.2. CHAPTER 4-MOBILITY AND BEAUTIFICATION 4-2 Section 4.2, Revise the last paragraph on page 4-2 as follows: Maximize Two initiatives are at play that can dramatically change the division Connectivity of the community in the future. The first is the plan by NCTD and SAN DAG to double-track the rail line; the second is the opportunity to enhance street connections between the study area and the eastern neighborhoods and provide attractive entry features, "gateways,11 as a result ofthe proposed 1-5 enhancements 12lanned as 12art of freeway widening {North Coast Corridor Project}. 4-5 Section 4.2, Amend the last paragraph on page 4-5 as follows: Maximize Given its prominence and activity level, Grand Avenue could be Connectivity connected under 1-5 as part of the overall North Coast Corridor £woject to create an important connection for residenf s east of the interstate. It would also provide at a minimum bike, pedestrian, emergency vehicle, and transit/parking shuttle access from the east side of the interstate to the beach, Village and Barrio. Consideration of this under12ass should occur as 12art of discussions on a 12otential city hall ex12ansion or connectivity im12acts to the Village and Barrio resulting from, for exam12le, future im12rovements to the freeway and the l-5LSR 78 interchange. 4-14 Section 4.3.8, Add a fifth recommendation on page 4-14 as follows: Provide Shade Errata sheet for Agenda item #1 April 18, 2018 Page 7 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table 5. Near railroad crossings, street tree Qlacement must be carefully considered to ensure trees do not reduce visibility of warning devices or a1212roaching trains. 4-18 Section 4.3.10, Amend the last paragraph on page 4-18 as follows: Festival An advantage of this street type is its flexibility; if it is desired to Streets/Shared temporarily close the street for a festival or an evening event, the Space Streets resultant space is devoid of curbs and trip hazards and can be given over 100% to people. During community engagement, this concept was discussed as a possibility for Grand Avenue between Roosevelt Street and the railroad tracks. Maintaining the curbs and raised medians near the railroad crossing on Grand Avenue, however, would be necessary to 12rovide channelization to discourage motorists from circumventing gate arms at the crossing. 4-30 Section 4.3.11 C., Revise the text on page 4-30 to clarify the median would remain as Carlsbad Village follows: Drive (Interstate 5 Proposed conditions would improve pedestrian facilities by to Carlsbad extending the curb toward the centerline by approximately five Boulevard)-Street feet and six inches to create a total sidewalk width of fourteen feet Cross Section 3 and six inches on both sides, allowing for enhanced pedestrian mobility, landscaping, and amenities such as street furniture. Bicycle lanes would be replaced with sharrow markings to facilitate the pedestrian enhancements. Right-of-way width, vehicle lanes and the turn lane and median would remain the same. However, removal of bicycle lanes should not take place until adequate replacement bicycle facilities are provided on Oak Avenue, the street parallel to and south of Carlsbad Village Drive. Such adequate facilities are proposed on Oak Avenue. 4-56 Figure 4-32, Bicycle Revise the map to show an existing Class Ill Bike Route on Laguna Drive Facilities between Jefferson and State streets. 4-63 Section 4.5.2, To the bulleted list on page 4-63, revise the last item as follows: Managing Parking and Increasing • Support the vision outlined lrl.e.f the Master Plan Mobility 4-64 Section 4.5.2, To the bulleted list, add an additional item at the list's end as follows: Managing Parking • Trans12ortation Demand Management and Increasing Mobility 4-72 Section 4.5.2 E, In-At the second bullet point, amend the first sentence to read as follows: Lieu Fees Allow funds to pay for parking program improvements -Amend the policies related to the in-lieu fee program to allow the collected funds to support shared QUblic parking and leased QUblic parking that the city will broker. Errata sheet for Agenda item #1 April 18, 2018 Page 8 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table CHAPTER 6 -ADMINISTRATION ' 6-1 Section 6.2.1, Local Amend the paragraph as follows: Coastal Program For properties within the Coastal Zone (shown in Figure 2-1), the goals and policies in Chapter 1, the use and development standards in Chapters 2 and 3, a-A4 the administrative processes of Chapter 6, and the definitions in A1212endix A of this Master Plan, together with CMC Chapters 15.12 -Stormwater Management and Discharge Control, and 15.16 -Grading and Erosion Control, as well as those provisions of the Zoning Ordinance not superseded herein, shall constitute the Local Coastal Program for the Village and Barrio. 6-2 Section 6.3, Permit Amend the first bulleted item as follows: Requirements 1. The vision and objectives for the Village and Barrio as a whole as described in Chapter 1-Introduction and Vision; and 6-3 Section 6.3.2, Amend 6.3.2 A. and 6.3.2 A.1 as follows: Exempt Projects A. The following improvements and activities are exempt from a discretionary permit except as provided in Section §_.§.3.2.C. below: 1. One single-family detached dwelling (however, compliance with Section 2.8.3, Residential Design Guidelines, ae5igR guidelines shall be required; additionally, a minor coastal development permit shall be required if located in the Coastal Zone); 6-4 Section 6.3.3, Correct paragraph numbering and a section subheading as follows: to Permit Types A. Minor Site Development Plan 6-5 A: 1, The following improvements require ... [renumber 1-8 to a-h] ~ I, All minor site development plans ... B. Site Development Plan A: 1, The following improvements require ... [renumber 1-2 to a-b] ~ I, All site development plans ... C. Minor Conditional Use Permit and Conditional Use Permit [renumber A-D to 1-4] D. Coastal Development Permit A: 1,_Unless exempt, and except as provided in paragraphs B and C of this section Section 6.3.2 B., all development within the Coastal Zone of the Village and Barrio Master Plan shall be subject to issuance of a minor coastal Errata sheet for Agenda item #1 April 18, 2018 Page 9 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table development permit or coastal development permit in accordance with the provisions of CMC Chapter 21.201. -B-: I, In addition to the decision-making authority ... [renumber 1-2 to a-bl 6-6 Section 6.5, Amend the first sentence to read as follows: Amendments Amendments to the Village and Barrio Master Plan shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of CMC Chapter~ 21.35 and 21.52. APPENDIX A-DEFINITIONS A-2 Dwellings Under the Dwelling category, delete the definitions of "Managed Living Units" and "Mixed-Use;" relocate the definition of "Live/Work Unit" to be after the definition of "Light Industrial." A-3 Mixed-Use Dwelling Amend the definition as follows: Mixed-Use D•.velliRg: A building or portion thereof, designed for occupancy by one or more families living independently of each other, and containing one or more dwelling units in addition to non-residential space (typically office, retail or other commercial space). The non-residential space is typically located on the ground floor. APPENDIX C -FUNDING SOURCES C-4 C.1.1, National Insert between third paragraph and "Environmental Justice" Programs: Federal subheading, a new subheading and introductory paragraph, as follows: Government D. U.S. Environmental Protection Agenc~ (EPAl EPA's mission is to Qrotect human health and the environment. Where and how we build communities has a major imQact on the environment and on Qublic health. Many EPA Qrograms are aimed at helQing tribal, state, and local governments SUQQOrt activities that build more sustainable communities and Qrotect human health and the environment. C-11 C.2.7, California Delete second paragraph (beginning at "Governor's Homeless Department of Initiative") and third paragraph (beginning at "HOME Investment Housing and Partnership Program"), and replace with the following: Community Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities lAHSCl Development (HCD) Program: AHSC e_rovides grants and affordable housing loans for infill, transit-oriented develoQment, infrastructure activities. Projects will demonstrate how they SUQQOrt reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by increasing accessibility of housing, emQloyment centers and key destinations via low-carbon transQortation OQtions resulting in fewer vehicle miles travelled. Sue_e_ortive Housing Multi[amil'i. Housing Program [SHMHPl: SHMHP funds may be used for new construction, rehabilitation, acguisition and rehabilitation, or conversion of nonresidential Errata sheet for Agenda item #1 April 18, 2018 Page 10 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table structures. Priority Qoints are given to Qrojects using sustainable building methods SQecified in state regulations. SHMHP funds are for Qermanent financing only. Eligible costs include facilities for child care, after-school care, and social service facilities integrally linked to the restricted housing units. DeveloQment costs may include real QrDQerty acguisition, refinancing to retain affordable rents. necessary on-site and off-site imQrovements. reasonable fees and consulting costs, and caQitalized reserves. Veterans Housing_ and Homelessness Prevention Program (VHHPl: VHHP makes long-term loans for develoQment or Qreservation of rental housing for very low-and low-income veterans and their families. Funds are made available to SQonsors who are for-Qrofit or nonQrofit corQorations and QUblic agencies. Availability of funds is announced annually through a Notice of Funding Availability. APPENDIX D -CHRONOLOGY D-1 n/a Delete 11D.l" from the heading 0 -+-+-Railroad - - -Coastal Zone Boundary - - -Previous Coastal Zone Boundary D Ill Ill Village and Barrio Master Plan Area Village Barrio Feet 6 1,000 ~ Path: J:\RequestsMarch2015\ComEcon Dev\Planning\RITM0011347 _ 18\ExhibitO_CZBndyComp.mxd C cityof Carlsbad Coastal Zone Boundary Comparisons DISTRICTS • Village Center (VC) D Village General {VG) D Hospitality (HOSP) • Freeway Commercial (FC) D Pine-Tyler Mixed-use (PT) Barrio Perimeter (BP) D Barrio Center (BC) • Village-Barrio Other (VBO) r .:J Village and Barrio Master Plan Area -·-" Coastal Zone Boundary 1==1==1= Ra ii road Figure 2-2, Use Restrictions Map MASTER PLAN JANUARY 2018 r,,,, Boundary of area in which certain uses ~ are not permitted on the ground floor. Boundary of area in which automobile -r-~ service and light industrial uses are ( L-. conditionally permitted. Errata Exhibit 2 2-9 SECOND ERRATA SHEET FOR AGENDA ITEM #1 EXHIBIT "2E-2 C c icy of Carlsbad Memorandum May 2, 2018 To: From: Via Re: Planning Commission Scott Donnell, Senior Planner Don Neu, City Planner Second Errata Sheet for Agenda Item #1-GPA 16-01/ZCA 16-01/ZC 16-01/MP 14-01/LCPA 14-01/MCA 16-01 (DEV08014)-VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission include the following revisions to the Village and Barrio Master Plan (January 2018 Public Review Draft). Strikethrough indicates text to be deleted and underline indicates text to be added. Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table CHAPTER 4 -MOBILITY AND BEAUTIFICATION 4-3 Section 4.2, Add the following paragraph to accompany the three pictures that Maximize depict railroad crossing options at and below street level at Carlsbad Connectivity Village Drive: Additionally:, lowering the rail line creates an OQQOrtunity: for a central green s12ace between Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue that links both sides ofthe track. As Qictured in this section, ex12ansion of Rotary: Park eastward and over the tracks would result in a broad 12ublic area com12lemented and anchored by: the historic rail deQot. Potential re-routing of the Coastal Rail Trail to the alley: west of State Street {or 12ossibly: as Qart of the central green as the Qictures deQict} and new 12edestrian and bicy:cle crossings on Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue would also enhance area connectivity:. Section 4.4.12 further discusses relocation ofthe Coastal Rail Trail. 4-8 Section 4.3.2, Make Amend Section as follows: Carlsbad Accessible Consider intersection, street lighting, and sidewalk improvements that provide accessible paths of travel from residential areas to important destinations in and near the Village and Barrio ElestiRatioRs, such as the Senior Center, Pine Avenue Park, the Post Office, afltl. businesses that Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1635 Faraday Ave nue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602 -4600 I 760-602-8560 fax Second errata sheet for agenda item #1 May 2, 2018 Page 2 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table provide neighborhood goods and services, and City Hall and the Cole Library. 4-10 Section 4.3.4, Allow Revise this section as follows: on-street Parking in On-street parking buffers pedestrians from moving cars and calms Suitable Locations traffic by forcing drivers to stay alert. Parallel parking is the ideal arrangement, because it keeps streets narrow. Diagonal parking is acceptable on some shopping streets to provide more parking, as long as the extra curb-to-curb width is not achieved at the expense of sidewalk width. Angled on-street parking can also be used to retrofit existing streets to provide additional parking for the Village and Barrio within the existing curb-to-curb dimension. This has already been accomplished, for example, along the west side of Madison Street between Carlsbad Village Drive and Oak Avenue. In addition, back-in angled 1;1arking can enhance sight-lines between drivers and bicyclists and 1;1rovide other safety benefits. Areas that will allow for diagonal parking will be developed at a later time. Parking strategies are discussed in further detail in Section 4.5. 4-19 Section 4.3.11, Amend the last paragraph on page 4-19 as follows: Street Design This section outlines potential street improvements to create great streets within the Village and Barrio. See Figure 4-2 for street cross section and plan locations. It is also 1;1ro1;1osed in conjunction with Section 4.3.12, Intersection Design, and Section 4.4, Enhance the Bike Network. This latter section 1;1rovides further detail regarding the many bicycle facilities shown on the sections and 1;1lans and discussed in the accom1;1anying text. An overall Bicycle Facilities ma1;1 {Figure 4-32} is also 1;1rovided. Further, and in regard to all im1;1rovements 1;1resented, note the descriQtions, sections and 1;1lans are conce1;1tual only and subject to further evaluation and refinement as 1;1rojects enter the design engineering and 1;1ermitting 1;1hases. 4-21 Section 4.3.11, Revise the second to the last paragraph of Section 4.3.11 A. (Grand Street Design Avenue: The Grand Promenade-Street Cross Section 1) as follows: Proposed conditions would convert the southern half of the right-of- way to an enhanced pedestrian zone and two-way cycle track. The resulting broad thirty-two-foot sidewalk would accommodate additional landscaping, outdoor dining, street furnishings, and an ample pedestrian walkway. Exce1;1t at intersections, alleys, and driveways, t+he proposed two-way cycle track would be physically separated from motor traffic and distinct from the sidewalk. Cycle tracks are an exclusive bicycle facility that combines the user experience of a separated path with the on-street infrastructure of a conventional bicycle lane. Second errata sheet for agenda item #1 May 2, 2018 Page 3 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table 4-23 Figure 4-4, Grand Amend the figure to show sharrows in both travel lanes. Avenue Proposed Conditions A Figure 4-5, Grand Amend the figure to show sharrows in the travel lane. Avenue Proposed Conditions B 4-26 Figure 4-7, West In the text accompanying this figure, insert the following sentence Carlsbad Village before the last sentence: Drive, Proposed To increase mobility 012tions, small 12arking s12aces for neighborhood Condition electric vehicles {NEV} could be added as well. 4-32· Figure 4-13, Oak Revise graphics to show two to three foot long angled stripes within the Avenue: Proposed bike lane and adjacent to the parking lane. These stripes will indicate to Conditions A-bicyclists to ride a safe distance away from car doors. Striping 4-33 Figure 4-14, Oak Amend the figure to show sharrows in both travel lanes. Avenue: Proposed Conditions B 4-34 Section 4.3.11 E. Amend the fourth paragraph as follows: State Street-Street Proposed conditions would provide pedestrian improvements by Cross Section 5 widening both sidewalks to twelve feet to accommodate street trees, furnishings, and an ample pedestrian walkway. Bulb-outs could also be added to expand opportunities for outdoor dining, or additional landscaping and public art. Bicycle mobility would be enhanced through the provision of sharrows. Shared lane markings, or "sharrows," are road markings used to indicate a shared lane environment for bicycles and automobiles~ and to /\rrwng other benefits, shared lane Fl'!arkings reinforce the legitimacy of bicycle traffic on the street, reeOFl'!Fl'lend proper bieydist positioning, and Fl'lay be eonfig1:.1red to offer direetional and wayfinding g1:.1idanee. Both vehicular travel lanes would be reduced to ten feet in width and parallel parking lanes would remain at eight feet in width. 4-36 Figure 4-16, State Revise the top graphic (the street section) to show bicyclists behind or Street, Proposed ahead of the car and slightly off-center of the lane. Condition 4-43 Figure 4-23, Tyler Revise the figure to show a sharrow in each travel lane. Street: Proposed Conditions C 4-44 Section 4.3.11 J. Revise the first sentence of the third paragraph under this section as Harding Street (and follows: streets with more Proposed conditions are illustrated for two locations along Harding than 48' between Street, as figures 4-2, 4-25 44±, and 4,.26 442, indicate. Second errata sheet for agenda item #1 May 2, 2018 Page 4 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table curbs) -Street Cross Section 8 4-44 Section 4.3.11 J. Add the following paragraph to the bottom of the page: Harding Sreet {and An interim imQrovement {not illustrated} is also QroQosed that would streets with more slow vehicle SQeeds and imQrove bicycling through restriQing of the than 48' between curbs) -Street existing street section shown in Figure 4-24. The generous, 14-foot wide travel lanes currently in Qlace could be reduced to ten feet, the Cross Section 8 Qarking lane widths decreased from eight feet to seven feet, and the bike lane widths also decreased from six feet to five feet. Through these reductions, three-foot wide buffers could be added on either side of both bike lanes, Qroviding a buffer between bicyclists, moving vehicles and Qarked cars. 4-45 Figure 4-25, Amend the figure to show sharrows in both travel lanes. Harding Street: Proposed Conditions A {along Pine Avenue Park 4-46 Figure 4-26, Amend the figure to show sharrows in both travel lanes. Harding Street: Proposed Conditions B {North of Pine Avenue) 4-49 Section 4.3.12, Revise t.he introduction by adding the following sentence to the end of Intersection Design the paragraph: As with the street sections and Qlans Qresented in Section 4.3.12, the intersection tyQeS Qresented are conceQtual and subject to further evaluation and refinement as street imQrovement Qrojects enter the design engineering and Qermitting Qhase. 4-49 Section 4.3.12, Revise the third paragraph under Section 4.3.12 A. as follows: Intersection Design Vehicle lane width reduction and in some cases travel lane removal are recommended changes within the Village and Barrio street corridors. These road diet improvements provide different ways to address vehicular circulation and can include neighborhood traffic circles~ or rmmdabm1ts at intersections. The traffic circle treatment will be possible at several locations within the Barrio and is dependent on the preferred mobility treatment options along each street corridor. 4-50 Section 4.3.12, Revise Section 4.3.12 A., Figures 4-28, 4-29, and 4-30, in addition to to Intersection Design any individual figure comments below, so that they depict bike lanes, 4-52 crosswalks, and other markings and improvements according to city standards. As an example, bike lanes and cycle tracks approaching intersections should be shown to terminate approximately 50 to 200- Second errata sheet for agenda item #1 May 2, 2018 Page 5 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table feet from the intersections so it is clear bicyclists may merge into traffic lanes to safely continue through intersections. 4-50 Section 4.3.12, Revise Section 4.3.12 A., Intersection Type A by adding a second Intersection Design paragraph as follows: This exhibit is illustrative of how a 4-way stoQ would be striQed to Qrovide maximum safety for Qedestrians. This assumes that a 4-way stoQ is warranted by traffic volumes and assignment of who has right of way. 4-51 Section 4.3.12, Revise Section 4.3.12 A, Intersection Type B, by adding the following Intersection Design sentence to the end of the paragraph: In addition, this exhibit assumes that a 4-way stoQ is warranted by traffic volumes and assignment of who has right of way. 4-52 Section 4.3.12, 1. Revise Section 4.3.12 A., Intersection Type C, so that the first Intersection Design, sentence of the paragraph states: "There are several and Figure 4-30, intersections within the Barrio that could include neighborhood Intersection Type C traffic circles or rmrndabm,ts depending on the individual street corridor mobility improvements." 2. Revise Figure 4-30, including its caption, to identify a "neighborhood traffic circle" instead of a "roundabout." 4-53 Section 4.3.12, Revise the fourth bullet point of Section 4.3.12 B. to read as follows: Intersection Use all-way stops only if they meet engineering warrants if tra#ie Designs ealFfliRg de•riees are iRfeasible or too eostl•;. 4-54 Figure 4-31, Traffic 1. Revise the legend as follows: Calming Treatments A. ProQosed Shared Space Intersection B. ProQosed Traffic Circle C. PrOQOSed AGG Bulb-Out D. Existing Neighborhood Traffic Circle R01:rndabo1:1t. 2. Revise the figure caption as follows: Figure 4-31, Barrio Traffic Calming Treatments. 4-55 Section 4.4, Revise the third paragraph as follows: Enhance the Bicycle Existing and proposed bicycle network facilities are illustrated in Figure Network 4-32, Bicycle Facilities, and described as defined by Caltrans. Street design recommendations contained in Section 4.3L Create Livable Streets, and SQecifically subsections 4.3.11 and 4.3.12, incorporate bicycle facility recommendations in context with other right-of-way improvements. Descriptions of specific improvements and types of bicycle facilities are provided below. Second errata sheet for agenda item #1 May 2, 2018 Page 6 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table Section 4.4, 1. Revise the Class Ill Bike Route graphic to show the bicyclists Enhance the Bicycle riding in line with the sharrow. Network 2. Revise the Class IV Cycle Track graphic to emphasize the cycle track and the bicyclist using it. 4-57 Section 4.4.2, Class Amend the paragraph to read as follows: II Lanes Class II bikeways are bike lanes established along streets and are defined by pavement striping and signage to delineate a portion of a roadway for bicycle travel. Bike lanes are one-way facilities, typically striped adjacent to motor traffic travelling in the same direction. Contraflow bike lanes can be provided on one-way streets for bicyclists travelling in the opposite direction. A buffered bike lane, as depicted in Figure 4-19 for Carlsbad Boulevard, provides greater separation from an adjacent traffic lane and/or between the bike lane and on-street parking by using chevron or diagonal markings. Greater separation can be especially useful on streets with higher motor traffic speeds or volumes. The placement of chevron or diagonal markings, whether adjacent to travel andLor parking lanes, reguires evaluation of relative hazards of both the volumes and speeds of the moving vehicles and the characteristics of the parked car {turnover, for example). This evaluation, together with engineering judgment, will guide the placement and size of buffers. 4-57 Section 4.4.3, Class Revise the title and text of this section as follows: Ill routes 4.4.3 Class Ill Routes and Sharrows Class Ill bikeways, or bike routes, designate a preferred route for bicyclists on streets shared with motor traffic not served by dedicated bikeways to provide continuity to the bikeway network. Bike routes are generally not appropriate for roadways with higher motor traffic speeds or volumes. Bike routes are established by placing bike route signs and optional shared roadway markings {sharrow~} along roadways. Shared lane markings, or "sharrows," are road markings used to indicate a shared lane environment for bicycles and automobiles. Sharrows are found on Carlsbad Village Drive adjacent to Interstate 5 and on Laguna Drive. Sharrows are also depicted on many plans and sections in Section 4.3.11, including figures 4-11, 4-16, and 4-17. Among other benefits, these shared lane markings reinforce the legitimacy of bicycle traffic on the street, recommend proper bicyclist positioning, and may be configured to offer directional and wayfinding guidance. Sharrows are recommended, for example, on streets proposed for cycle tracks {Grand Avenue, Oak Avenue, and Harding Street) to clarify that Second errata sheet for agenda item #1 May 2, 2018 Page 7 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table desQite the 12resence of the cycle tracks, bicyclists may: continue to ride in the streets. A liberal application of sharrows throughout the Village and Barrio neighborhoods is recommended will tae a'1313lieel in eFEleF to emphasize the notion that these neighborhoods are bicycle friendly. On some busier routes, sharrows can receive a green or black 'backing' to make them stand out on the road more. $harrows can also be painted in a larger size so that they take up more of the road to make them stand out more. For example, if sharrows are installed on Carlsbad Village Drive after cycle tracks are installed on Grand Avenue and Oak Avenue, these should include a green treatment in order to make them stand out more. Shared routes may be used more by confident riders who prefer not to ride on cycle tracks that tend to cater to more timid and slower riders. 4-57 Section 4.4.4, Revise this section as follows: Bicycle Boulevard A Bicycle Boulevard is a shared roadway intended to prioritize bicycle travel for people of all ages and abilities. Bicycle Boulevards are typically sited on streets without large truck or transit vehicles, and where traffic volumes and speeds are already low, or can be further reduced through use oftraffic calming to minimize vehicular use of and s12eed through these streets. 4-58 Section 4.4.5, Cycle Revise the text discussion as follows: Track A Class IV separated bikeway, often referred to as a cycle track or protected bike lane, is for the exclusive use of bicycles, physically separated from motor traffic with a vertical feature. The separation may include, but is not limited to, grade separation, flexible posts, inflexible barriers, or on-street parking. Separated bikeways can provide for one-way or two-way travel. By providing physical separation from motor traffic, Class IV bikeways can reduce the level of stress, improve comfort for more types of bicyclists, and contribute to an increase in bicycle volumes and mode share. [new paragraph] Cycle tracks have been built throughout the United States and much guidance is available for their QroQer design. One local example of a two-way Class IV se12arated bikeway: 13ath in NSFth Ceunty wou Id be the strip of the Coastal Rail Trail that extends between Carlsbad and Oceanside along the Coast Highway. Both one-way and two-way cycle tracks can be installed as appropriate in order to create more accessible bikeways. Specifically, as shown in figures 4-4, 4-14, 4- 25, and 4-26, cycle tracks should be implemented on Harding Street, Second errata sheet for agenda item #1 May 2, 2018 Page 8 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table Oak Avenue, and Grand Avenue in order to provide safe and accessible places for interested but concerned bicyclists to ride. Cycle tracks will need to be clearly marked, clearly visible, and signalized (with bicycle-signals} where ai;rnro1:1riate to ensure that both cyclists and motorists are aware of each other. Dashed cycle track markings across alleyways and driveways, for exam1:1le, as shown in figures 4-4 and 4-26 for Grand Avenue and Harding Street, res1:1ectively, are a recommended method to increase awareness at 1:1otential conflict 1:1oints. Additionally, as facilities 12hysically se12arated from the roadways, 1:1rotected bike lanes are intended for casual bicyclists and are not likely to be used by seasoned bicyclists. Therefore, it is im1:1ortant to add sharrows to roadways adjacent to cycle tracks to clarify bicyclists may continue to use the street. Cycle track im12lementation should be accom12anied by an education cam12aign as well to alert both bicyclists and motorists that continued use ofthe street by bicyclists is acce12table. 4-58 Section 4.4.6, Amend the first sentence ofthe first paragraph to read as follows: Creating Safer The vast majority of bicycle-motorist collisions occur at intersections, Intersections alleys and driveways, marking them as an important design consideration in creating bicycle infrastructure. 4-61 Section 4.4.12, Amend the second paragraph as follows: Coastal Rail Trail Improvements to the Coastal Rail Trail are recommended at the entry Improvements points to the Class I portion of the trail at Tamarack and Oak Avenues. At Tamarack Avenue1 providing a crossing to enable bicyclists and pedestrians to cross the street is recommended. The crossing would also enable turning movements across Tamarack Avenue such that southbound bicyclists on the Coastal Rail Trail could turn left (east} on Tamarack Avenue and eastbound bicyclists on the street could turn left (north) onto the trail. Due to the trail's 12roximity to the railroad, and since the cross may reguire modifications to the street median, im12rovements would reguire coordination with and a1212roval by NTCD. At Oak Avenue, enhancements are recommended to improve the transition from the Class I Trail to Oak Avenue. These improvements would include signs and sharrows to alert both motorists and bicyclists to each other's presence. Second errata sheet for agenda item #1 May 2, 2018 Page 9 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table 4-61 Section 4.4.12, The third paragraph describes bicycle infrastructure improvements Coastal Rail Trail recommended for the State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard roundabout. Improvements Supplement this text description with graphics (e.g., pictures and/or plans) to illustrate the recommended changes. 4-61 Section 4.4.12, Revise the last paragraph on the page as follows: Coastal Rail Trail Routing of the Coastal Rail Trail along the alley would also require Improvements coordination with NCTD and would likely-1-ike result in the loss of public parking, particularly along the west side of State Street between Carlsbad Village Drive and Oak Avenue. Coordination with NCTD would be necessary in light of the possibility of railroad trenching, future redevelopment, and the determination of how the rerouted Coastal Rail Trail would connect with existing trail improvements in the vicinity of the roundabout and on into Oceanside. Section 4.2 depicts how a relocated Coastal Rail Trail could look with the railroad below street level and with a Carlsbad Village Drive crossing. A central green space over the lowered tracks also is depicted and suggests an alternative alignment for the trail that is west of the alley. 4-66 Section 4.5.2, Under Section 4.5.2 A. on page 4-66, revise the Back-in Angled Parking Managing Parking bullet point text to read as follows: and Increasing Back-In Angled Parking -This type of parking, also known as reverse Mobility angle parking, requires the user to back into a parking space with the rear of the vehicle in the opposite direction of travel. The back-in angled parking strategy has been applied because ofthe safety enhancements realized for users leaving a parking space. A user can easily see oncoming traffic (and bicyclists) and exit the parking space in a much safer manner. Moreover, drivers and passengers exit toward the sidewalk when the doors are open, which is safer for young children. It is also safer to load packages into the trunk or rear of the vehicle from the sidewalk than the street. CHAPTER 5 -IMPLEMENTATION 5-1 5.1, Introduction Delete the fourth bullet point, "Roles and Responsibilities." 5-6 Section 5.5, Roles Delete this section. and Responsibilities CHAPTER 6 -ADMINISTRATION 6-4 Section 6.3.3, Revise Sections 6.3.3 A. A.4, (Minor Site Development Plans) as follows: Permit Types 4. Additions to existing structures which result in a cumulative increase ofthe internal floor area flt-of 10 to 50 percent or more, up to a maximum 5,000 sguare feet, whichever is less regaraless of SE11:1are footage, a Ra {2:) of more tl:1aR 2:,§QQ SE!l:lare feet a Ra 1:119 to a ma*iffil:lffi §,QQQ SE11:1are feet, regaraless ohl:ie 19ereeRtage iRerease of iRterRal floor area; Second errata sheet for agenda item #1 May 2, 2018 Page 10 Page Section, Figure or Recommended change # Table 6-4 Section 6.3.3, Revise Section 6.3.3 B.A.2 (Site Development Plans) as follows: Permit Types Additions to existing structures which result in a cumulative increase of the internal floor area of more than 5,000 square feet or 50 percent e-f f:leeF aFea, FegaFElless ef: tl=!e 13eFEeRtage iREFease ef: iRternal f:leeF aFea. THIRD ERRATA SHEET FOR AGENDA ITEM #1 Memorandum May 16, 2018 To: Planning Commission From: Scott Donnell, Senior Planner Via Don Neu, City Planner EXHIBIT "2E-3" ( City of Carlsbad Re: Third Errata Sheet for Agenda Item #1-GPA 16-01/ZCA 16-01/ZC 16-01/MP 14-01/LCPA 14-01/MCA 16-01 (DEV08014) -VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission include the following revisions to the Village and Barrio Master Plan (January 2018, Public Review Draft) to incorporate decisions made by the Planning Commission at the May 2, 2018 meeting. These revisions are in addition to those presented in the first and second errata. In some cases, changes from the earlier errata are also shown in the table below because they would be changed by this third errata or because they provide context and the complete record of all errata changes recommended for a particular section. To differentiate the changes proposed by the three errata, please use the following key: • Changes proposed by the first and second errata: o Strikethrough indicates text proposed to be deleted o Underline indicates text proposed to be added • Changes proposed by the third errata: o 91rnbl@ strih@t~rntilg~ indicates text proposed to be deleted o Double underline indicates text proposed to be added o Bold indicates text to be emphasized o Underline and strikethrough indicates text proposed by the second errata but recommended for deletion by the third errata Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4600 I 760-602 -8560 fax Third Errata Sheet for Agenda Item #1 May 16, 2018 Page 2 Page# Section, Figure or Table CHAPTER 2-LAND USE 2-6 Table 2-1, Permitted Uses 2-8 Table 2-1, Permitted Uses 2-9 Figure 2-2, Use Restrictions Map 2-37 Section 2.7.1 E., Village Center District Open Space Recommended change Under the "Lodging" category, revise "Timeshare Project" as follows: Time Share Project (prohibited in combination with residential uses in the same building or on the same lot} Revise footnote two of Table 2-1 as follows: 2Not permitted on the ground floor street frontage as identified in Figure 2-2. Revise Figure 2-2 as shown in attached Exhibit 1 by amending the use restrictions legend regarding ground floor uses as follows: Boundary of area in which certain uses are not permitted on the ground floor street frontage. Note: This change amends the first errata Exhibit 2. Amend 2.7.1 E.1. a. as follows: 1. Public Space a. A plaza. a minimum 500 square f@@t feet or 7.5 percent of lot area. whichever is less ~ii,iij,l!HI~ ~ (exclusive of right of way), with street furnishing, landscaping, accent trees, and lighting~ shall be provided at each corner located at the following intersections: Carlsbad Village Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad Village Drive and State Street, State Street and Grand Avenue, and Carlsbad Village Drive and Harding Street. No vehicle access aisles or parking is permitted in this area. This area shall also remain unobstructed to the sky exceQt for limited Qrotrusions that contribute to building architecture or street vibrancy, such as awnings, architectural features, UQQer floor balconies, and other non-habitable SQace. Not more than 50 sguare feet of such Qrotrusions shall Qroject over the reguired Qlaza area. Third Errata Sheet for Agenda Item #1 May 16, 2018 Page 3 2-39 Section 2.7.1 G., Amend 2.7 .1 G. as follows: 2-39 2-52 and 2-57 Village Center District Building Height Section 2.7.1 G., Village Center District Building Height Section 2.7.3 G., Hospitality District Building Height Section 2.7.4 G., Freeway Commercial District Building Height G. BUILDING HEIGHT 1. Maximum 45 feet and 4 sto ries 2. Ground floor plate height: 14 feet. This height shall be measured from the finished floor to the top plate of the ground floor or, where there is no "plate", to the bottom of the floor structure of the second floor. This standard shall apply only to ground floor street frontage uses permitted within the boundaries of the use restriction area identified on Figure 2-2. 3. If a 4-story building is proposed: a. A maximum of 30 percent of the fourth story street facing fac;:ade can have a 0-foot setback (as measured from property line). The remaining 70 percent shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet (as measured from property line). b. The total square footage of enclosed €Hl€~~ia~I@ fourth floor space shall not exceed 80 percent of the third-floor footprint. Modify graphic to more proportionally depict the maximum fourth floor area standard relative to the third floor. Four-Story Buildings Maximum 80% of third floor Third Errata Sheet for Agenda Item #1 May 16, 2018 Page 4 2-40 Section 2.7.1, Village Center Supplemental District Standards 2-52 Section 2.7.3, Hospitality District Supplemental District Standards 2-71 Section 2.8, Area-Wide Design Guidelines 1. Add new Section 2.7.11., Ground Floor Uses, as follows: I. GROUND FLOOR STREET FRONTAGE USES 1. New ground floor street frontage uses f;!ermitted within the boundaries of the use restriction area identified on Figure 2-2 shall occuf;!~ more than one- half of the habitable Sf;!ace develof;!ed on the ground floor and shall Sf;!an at least 80 f;!ercent of the building frontage. 2. Uf;! to 20 f;!ercent of a building frontage ma~ be used for a lobb~ or entr~wa~ to uses above or behind ground floor street frontage uses. 2. Renumber existing Section 2.7.11., Good Neighbor, to 2.7.1 J.; and existing Section 2.7.1 J., Railroad Corridor, to 2.7.1 K. 1. Add new Section 2.7.3 I., Ground Floor Uses, as follows: I. GROUND FLOOR STREET FRONTAGE USES 1. New ground floor street frontage uses f;!ermitted within the boundaries of the use restriction area identified on Figure 2-2 shall occuf;!~ more than one- half of the habitable Sf;!ace develof;!ed on the ground floor and shall Sf;!an at least 80 f;!ercent of the building frontage. 2. Uf;! to 20 f;!ercent of a building frontage ma~ be used for a lobb~ or entr~wa~ to uses above or behind ground floor street frontage uses. 2. Renumber existing Section 2.7.3 I., Master Site Plan, to 2.7.3J. Revise the second paragraph of Section 2.8.1, Intent, to read as follows: All development should align with the spirit and intent of the design guidelines presented in this chapter. Designers and developers should consider at a minimum ~@ aWal'@ that these guidelines are a ~iFli~rn~ starting point for quality development, and do not comprise every possible strategy for achieving high quality design. Therefore, it is prudent that designers use their own techniques for achieving authentic, high quality design. The following guidelines apply to all new and remodeled development within the entire Master Plan Area unless exempt as determined by Section 6.3.2 ~- Third Errata Sheet for Agenda Item #1 May 16, 2018 Page 5 CHAPTER 4-MOBILITY AND BEAUTIFICATION 4-21 Section 4.3.11 Amend the section by adding a new paragraph before the final A., Grand paragraph as follows: Avenue:The Grand Additionall:i, alternatives could be considered to maximize the Promenade-gromenade's width. For examgle, the C:icle tracks in figures 4- Street Cross 4 and 4-5, de1;1icted below the level of the sidewalk, could also Section 1 be raised flush with it, creating a single, level surface from the store fronts to the landsca1;1ed median. In this configuration, the C:icle track could remain distinct from the sidewalk through the use of unigue 1;1avers, brick banding, or other differentiating means. Much like festival or shared sgace streets discussed in the 1;1revious section, the greater width enabled b:i a single level 1;1romenade would benefit s1;1ecial events while still retaining the se1;1arate functions of a C:icle track and sidewalk at all other times. 4-23 Figure 4-4, Do not amend the figure to show sharrows in both travel Grand Avenue lanes, as recommended in the second errata. Proposed Conditions A 4-24 Figure 4-5, Do not amend the figure to show sharrows in the travel lane, Grand Avenue as recommended in the second errata. Proposed Conditions B 4-30 Figure 4-11, Revise the figure to delete the sharrows shown. Revise the Carlsbad Village paragraph accompanying and above the figure by deleting the Drive: Proposed following sentence: Conditions, and Elis~!sl@ liHl@!i w1;1;1l€l l\;i@ ~@Jillas@€l l\;i~! !il,iam1i1t ~a~l~i1c1g!i t© accompanying fasilitat@ Ji)@€l@!it~ia1c1 @1c1l,ia1c1s@~@1c1t!i, text 4-33 Figure 4-14, Oak Do not amend the figure to show sharrows in both travel Avenue: lanes, as recommended in the second errata. Proposed Conditions B 4-45 Figure 4-25, Do not amend the figure to show sharrows in both travel Harding Street: lanes, as recommended in the second errata. Proposed Conditions A (along Pine Avenue Park) 4-46 Figure 4-26, Do not amend the figure to show sharrows in both travel Harding Street: lanes, as recommended in the second errata. Proposed Conditions B (North of Pine Avenue) Third Errata Sheet for Agenda Item #1 May 16, 2018 Page 6 4-57 Section 4.4.3, Class Ill routes Revise the title and text of this section as follows: 4.4.3 Class Ill Routes and Sharrows Class Ill bikeways, or bike routes, designate a preferred route for bicyclists on streets shared with motor traffic not served by dedicated bikeways to provide continuity to the bikeway network. Bike routes are generally not appropriate for roadways with higher motor traffic speeds or volumes. Bike routes are established by placing bike route signs and optional shared roadway markings (sharrow~) along roadways. Shared lane markings, or "sharrows," are road markings used to indicate a shared lane environment for bicycles and automobiles. Sharrows are found on Carlsbad Village Drive adjacent to Interstate 5 and on Laguna Drive. Sharrows are also de12icted on many 12lans and sections in Section 4.3.11, including figures 4-±±, 4-16, and 4-17. Among other benefits, these shared lane markings reinforce the legitimacy of bicycle traffic on the street, recommend 12ro12er bicyclist 12ositioning, and may be configured to offer directional and wayfinding guidance. ~AaFFev,is aFe reeeR'lR'leREleEI, feF e*affl~le, eR stFeets ~Fe~eseEI f:eF eyele tFaEl~s {GraREI .ANeRt1e, Gal~ A•,•eRt1e, a REI l=laFEliRg ~tFeetl te elaFif!r' tl::lat Eles~ite tl::le ~FeseREe ef: tl::le eyde tFaeks, biEvdists Fflay rnRtiRt1e te FiEle iR tl::le stFeets. A liberal application of sharrows throughout the Village and Barrio neighborhoods is recommended 'Nill be applies iR erEler to emphasize the notion that these neighborhoods are bicycle friendly. On some busier routes, sharrows can receive a green or black 'backing' to make them stand out on the road more. Sharrows can also be painted in a larger size so that they take up more of the road to make them stand out more.~ @Hamjijl@, ii !ii;ie1ieie@ii'1'!i eiieei i~!italleid @~ ~eirl!ili'lad Villeig@ grii1!@ eift@ie ell;!ell@ tieeigl~!i eir@ i~!itall@d @~ Grei~d ,l:l,i1•e1~1;1e1 ei~d Geil~ /\'/@~1;1e1, ti;i@!i@ !ii;i@1;1ld i~gl1;1de1 a gr@@~ tre1e1tme1~t i~ @rd@r t@ meih@ ti;i@m !ita~d @1;1t m@r@ Shared routes may be used more by confident riders who prefer not to ride on cycle tracks that tend to cater to more timid and slower riders. Third Errata Sheet for Agenda Item #1 May 16, 2018 Page 7 4-58 Section 4.4.5, Cycle Track Revise the text discussion, as originally recommended by the second errata, to delete the last paragraph as shown: A Class IV separated bikeway, often referred to as a cycle track or protected bike lane, is for the exclusive use of bicycles, physically separated from motor traffic with a vertical feature. The separation may include, but is not limited to, grade separation, flexible posts, inflexible barriers, or on-street parking. Separated bikeways can provide for one-way or two- way travel. By providing physical separation from motor traffic, Class IV bikeways can reduce the level of stress, improve comfort for more types of bicyclists, and contribute to an increase in bicycle volumes and mode share. [new paragraph] Cycle tracks have been built throughout the United States and much guidance is available for their 1:1ro1:1er design. One local example of a two-way Class IV separated bikeway path in North County would be the strip of the Coastal Rail Trail that extends between Carlsbad and Oceanside along the Coast Highway. Both one-way and two- way cycle tracks can be installed as appropriate in order to create more accessible bikeways. Specifically, as shown in figures 4-4, 4-14, 4-25, and 4-26, cycle tracks should be implemented on Harding Street, Oak Avenue, and Grand Avenue in order to provide safe and accessible places for interested but concerned bicyclists to ride. Cycle tracks will need to be clearly marked, clearly visible, and signalized (with bicycle-signals} where appropriate to ensure that both cyclists and motorists are aware of each other. Dashed cycle track markings across alleyways and driveways, for exam1:1le, as shown in figures 4-4 and 4-26 for Grand Avenue and Harding Street, respectively, are a recommended method to increase awareness at 1:1otential conflict points. AEIElitionall•r, as faeilities ~h11sieall•,1 se~arateEl from the roaEl•.,,za•,1s, ~roteeteEl 13il~e lanes are intenEleEl for easual 13ieyelists anEl are not lil~el11 to 13e useEl 13,,, seasoneEl 13ie•,•elists. +herefore, it is im~ortant to aEIEl sharro¥,'S to roaElways aEljaeent to E'f'Ele trael~s to elari!J' 13ie1•elists may eontinue to use the street. C1•ele trael~ im~lementation shoulEl 13e aeeom~anieEl 13y an eElueation eam~aign as well to alert 130th 13ieyelists anEl motorists that eontinueEl use ohhe street 13y 13ieyelists is aeee~ta131e. I I DISTRICTS • Village Center (VC) D Village General (VG) D Hospitality (HOSP) • Freeway Commercial (FC) D Pine-Tyler Mixed-use (PT) Village-Barrio Other (VBO) f .:J Village and Barrio Master Plan Area -·-" Coastal Zone Boundary 1=1=1= Railroad £ &. I I l Figure 2-2, Use Restrictions Map MASTER PLAN JANUARY 2018 '"'71 Boundary of area in which certain uses t.::::.::J are not permitted on the ground floor street frontage. Boundary ofarea in which automobile ' ,--1 service and light industrial uses are ~ L-_ conditionally permitted. 250 500 1,000 ,Feet Third Errata, Exhibit 1 2-9 EXHIBIT "2E-4" C cicyof Carlsbad May 16, 2018 FOURTH ERRATA SHEET FOR VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - GPA 16-01/ZCA 16-01/ZC 16-01/MP 14-01/LCPA 14-01/MCA 16-01 (DEV08014) On May 16, 2018, the Planning Commission recommended additional changes to the Village and Barrio Master Plan. The table below contains changes prepared by staff to implement the Commission's recommendations. The revisions are in addition to those produced in three prior errata sheets for the April 18, May 2, and May 16, 2018, Planning Commission meetings. In the table below, underline indicates text to be added. Page# Section, Figure or Recommended change Table 1-19 Section 1.5.3, Under Goal B., revise Policy 7 as follows: Placemaking (note: to be renumbered to 7. As part of street improvements, consider new and Section 1.5.4) enhanced entry and neighborhood features, whether through landscaping, public art, specially-designed street name signs, or other means, that identify the Village and Barrio as unique places. 2-13 Section 2.6.1 C., Amend Section 2.6.1 C.4. as follows: Property Line walls/fences 3. Razor wire, barbed wire, cyclone and chain link fencing (except as noted below), or other similar fences are prohibited. Cyclone or chain link fencing existing as of the Master Plan's adoption date is permitted to remain. 2-22 Table 2-3, Parking Under the "residential" category, revise the parking standard for Requirements multiple-family units with two or more bedrooms as follows: Units with two or more One and a half spaces per unit. bedrooms (all districts For condominiums, one space except BP and BC) must be covered. Tandem parking is permitted. Units with two or more Two spaces per unit. For bedrooms (BP and BC condominiums, one space must districts only) be covered. Tandem parking is permitted. Fourth Errata Sheet for Village and Barrio Master Plan May 16, 2018 Page 2 4-40 Section 4.3.11 H, Amend the section title and second paragraph in this section as Barrio/Village follows: Transition G. Barrio/Village Transition and Barrio Identification Similar improvements to Roosevelt and Madison Streets south of Carlsbad Village Drive, along the one block stretch to Oak Avenue, could serve to attractively demarcate the transition from the Village to the Barrio. They should also help facilitate pedestrian street crossings between businesses as well as slow vehicles and can serve as Barrio entryway statements with appropriate signs and /or public art. Entry:way: statements, such as small monument signs, could tie into s~ecially:-designed street name signs unigue to the Barrio.