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Keystone Retaining Wall Design Calculations I. For I * Project.- Carlsbad Raceway Lots 13-15 I Lionshead Avenue Carlsbad, California, 92010 Project No. H21711 Prepared for the exclusive use of: .I Hillside Companies 4805 5 1h Street #105 Falibrook, CA 92028 I . 760-451-8600 760-451-8602 Fax Servin Engineering • 2647 Gateway Road, Suite 105-500 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone: (760) 931-1792 fax: (760) 931-1892 I nick(servinengineering.com S • Date: May 1, 2017 I io,t, : coFESS OF Exp. 6-30-2018 CIVIL C RECEIVED MAY 04 207 LAND DEVELOPMENT Nick Servin ENGINEERING I * RCE 33538, EXPIRES 6/30/2018 Engineer does not take any responsibility for construction, or control of the job. Engineer's responsibility is solely limited to the design of the structural members included herein. Any changes to design, structural members or configuration shall void calculations. I Supervision may be contracted for assurance of proper construction. IS S I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I PAGE NO. PURPOSE . 4 I KEYSTONE STATIC DESIGN METHOD . 4 SEISMIC DESIGN METHOD .............................................................4 ASSUMPTIONS ..........................................................................4 I WALL CONFIGURATIONS ...............................................................5 I ANALYSIS ...............................................................................5 RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................5 I REFERENCES .............................................................................6 I CLOSURE ................................................................................6 I APPENDIX A - KEYWALL OUTPUT ........................................................7 KEYWALL LOADING DIAGRAM AND LEGEND .....................................8 I KEYSTONE WALL 1 DETAILED CALCULATIONS ....................................9 I KEYSTONE WALL 2 DETAILED CALCULATIONS ..................................17 KEYSTONE WALL 3 DETAILED CALCULATIONS ..................................25 I APPENDIX B - SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ........................................31 ICC LEGACY REPORT ESR-2113 ...................................................32 GEOTECHNICAL PARAMETERS PROVIDED BY NOVA SERVICES, INC . ............. 42 I KEYSTONE - UNIT DRAINAGE FILL OPTIONS ....................................46 I MIRAFI MIRAGRID DATA SHEET ................................................47 CALTRANS SEISMIC MEMORANDUM ............................................48 n El I PURPOSE: The purpose of these calculations is to provide a basis for design of the Keystone retaining walls to be built at Carlsbad Raceway Lot 13-15, off Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California, 92010. KEYSTONE STATIC DESIGN METHOD: The method of analysis presented in reference 1 is used to determine the static internal and external stability of the reinforced soil retaining wall system. The computer program Keywall developed by Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, Inc. is used to complete the analysis. The program is based on the methods presented in reference 1. The results of the analysis are included as Appendix A. Keywall allows the selection of several different design methodologies. Keystone recommends use of the Rankine methodology. The Rankine methodology is described in the Keystone manual (reference 1) and in the help file of Keywall software (reference 2). SEISMIC DESIGN METHOD: As stated in Section 1803.5. 12 of the 2012 International Building Code (IBC) Commentary, "because the requirement can be onerous for small structures and retaining walls, the applicability is limited to those walls that are higher than 6 feet." We are adopting the provision of this Section: 1803.5.12 Seismic Design Categories D through F. For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F, the geotechnical investigation required by Section 1803.5. 11 shall also include all of the following as applicable: - 1. The determination of dynamic seismic lateral earth pressures on foundation walls and retaining walls supporting more than 6 feet (1.83 m) of backfill height due to design earthquake ground motions... The seismic internal stability of the Keystone Wall was explored using Keywall. The methodology used is described in reference 3, Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, Seismic Design Methodology. Reference 3 describes the steps required to apply the Mononobe-Okabe analytical model to mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls. Per the geotechnical report (reference 5), PGA = 0.43g. Per Caltrans Section 5-5 Design Criteria of Standard Earth Retaining System, April 2014 (reference 7 & 8), kh = 1/3 PGA = 0.14g. Per the Keywall design software, kh = Am/2 = A(1.45-A)/2. For the design calculations A = 0.24g. ASSUMPTIONS: Site Soils Based on soil properties provided in the Geotechnical Reports (reference 5), we have chosen to use the following minimum strength parameters for design of the MSE retaining wall which should be verified in field by the project geotechnical engineer. Reinforced Soils: Retained Soils: Foundation Soils: 4=320 4=32° 4=32° C=0psf C=Opsf C=Opsf 7=130pcf 'y=l3Opcf y=l3Opcf I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 11 I I I I I I I I Reinforced Soils shall be low expansive (EI<20), P1<15 and less than 35% passing the #200 sieve. 11 I WALL CONFIGURATIONS: Based on the plans provided (reference 6), the Keystone and DSM walls will be located as shown on the plans. The walls has been designed to support wind, sloping and traffic surcharge loads. See Keywall I output in Appendix A and Retain Pro output in Appendix B for detailed information. The Keystone calculations assume 18" deep Standard II units weighing approximately 105 lbs. each with a near vertical wall batter (front pin alignment). The wall will be reinforced with Mirafi Miragrid 3XT. See 1 typical wall section and profile sheets for reinforcement placement and length. I ANALYSIS: The following target factors of safety were used in the analysis of the design. I STA TIC ANAL YSIS: SEISMIC ANALYSIS-, Fsliding 1.5 Fbearing= 2.0 Fsliding 1.1 Fbearing= 1.5 Fovertuming= 2.0 1.5 Foverturning= 1.5 1.1 I - Funcertainties= 1.5 Funertainties= 1.1 Note: Seismic safety factors are 75% of static per NCMA Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls I Section 8.3 (reference 9). I RECOMMENDATIONS: I • The walls shall be constructed per the details and profiles based on the design calculations provided in this report, typical sections and construction notes. I .Foundation soil conditions and properties of the backfill should be verified before construction. The Keystone walls shall be constructed per the manufacturers recommended procedures for installation of I Keystone blocks and fiberglass pins. The temporary excavation back-cut, grading, ground improvements, sub-drain, and surface drainage system I for the Keystone walls shall be per the plans. The Project Soils Engineer shall review the design parameters used herein for conformance with their El recommendations. I I I 1 I REFERENCES: Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, Inc. 2011, Keystone Design Manual and Keywall Operating Guide, I 4444 West 78th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435, 2011. Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, Inc., Keywall, Version 3.7.1,4444 West 78th Street, Minneapolis, I Minnesota 55435. Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, Inc., May 10, 1995, revised November 30, 2001, Seismic Design Methodology for Keystone Retaining Wall Systems by Craig Moritz, P.E., 4444 West 78th Street, 1 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435. I 4. ICC ESR-2113: Report for Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, August 1, 2015. - Nova Services, Inc., Proposed Tilt-Up Commercial Structure, Carlsbad Raceway Lot 15, Lionshead. Avenue, Carlsbad, California, Project No: 2016433, March 14, 2017, 4373 Vie'wridge Avenue, Suite B, San Diego, California, 92123, (858) 292-7575. Excel Engineering, Grading Plans for: Carlsbad Raceway Lot 13-15 (Lionshead Avenue), SDP 16-19 I CAD File Received March 13, 2017,440 State Place, Escondido, California 92029, (760) 745-8118. I 7. California Department of Transportation, Memo to Designers, Section 5-5 Design Criteria of Standard Earth Retaining Systems, April, 2014, 1801 30th Street, Sacramento, California, 95816, (916) 227-8396. California Department of Transportation, Memorandum: Seismic Design and Selection of Standard Retaining Walls, June 13, 2013, 1801 30th Street, Sacramento, California, 95816, (916) 227-8396. National Concrete Masonry Association, Design Manualfor Segmental Retaining Walls; Second Edition, 2302 Horse Pen Road, Herndon, VA '20171, (703) 713-1900. I I CLOSURE: We have employed accepted engineering procedures, and our professional opinions and conclusions are made I in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and practices. This standard is in lieu of all warranties, either expressed or implied. . I ) I I. I ,'. I I I I I I I. I I I 1 I I . 1 VVWAI I I (Nfl I H - Design Height 1 . WI - Force of Block Area W3 - Force of Reinforced Area I , W5 W6 - Force of Slope Area - Force of Broken Back Slope Area ql - Live Load Area I - qd - Dead Load Area I ..,.. I I .. .-,.. I .,.. .. I Calculated Bearing Pressure: 1456/1456/17l7psf Eccentricity at base: 0.72 fth1.09 ft Reinforcing: (ft & lbs/ft) Calc. Allow Ten Pk Conn I Layer Height Length T ension Reinf. Type Tal Tel 3 5.33 6.5 253/503 3XT 127912694 ok 893/119./ok 2 3.33 6.5 448/835 3XT 127912694 ok 114211523 ok I 1 1.33 6.5 778/1301 3XT 127912694 ok 139111854 ok Reinforcing Quantities (no waste included): 3XT 2.17sy/fi I I . Date 3/15/2017 Case I Pullout FS 5.01/2.01 ok 6.13/2.63 ok 6.15/2.94 ok Page 1 '1 STC Nf I RETA1NINGWALLSYSTEMS RETAINING WALL DESIGN I KeyWall_2012 Version 3.7.2 Build 10 Project: Carlsbad Raceway - Lots 12-15 I Project No: H21711 Case: Case 1 Design Method: Rankine-w/Batler (modified soil interface) I Design Parameters Soil Parameters: è deg c psf y pcf I Reinforced Fill 32 0 130 Retained Zone 32 0 130 Foundation Soil 32 0 130 Reinforced Fill Type: . Sand, Silt or Clay Unit Fill: Crushed Stone, 1 inch minus Seismic Design A=0.24 g, Kh(Ext)=0. 145, Kh(Int)=0.290, Kv=0. 000 Minimum Design Factors of Safety (seismic are 75% of static) Date: 3/15/2017 Designer: JGH_.. sliding: 1.50/1.13 pullout: 1.50/1.13 uncertainties: 1.50/1.13 overturning: 2.00/1.50 shear: 1.50/1.13 connection: 1.50/1.13 I bearing: 2.00/1.50 bending: 1.50/1.13 Design Preferences I Professional Mode Reinforcing Parameters: Mirafi XT Geogrids I Tult RFcr RFd RFid LTDS FS Tal Ci 3XT 3 500 1.58 1.10 1.05 1918 1.50 1279/2694 0.90 Analysis: Case: Case I 1 • Unit Type: Standard 11/120.00 pcf Wall Batter: 0.00 deg (Hinge Ht N/A) Leveling Pad: Crushed Stone Wall HI: 7.33 ft embedment: 1.00 ft I BackSiope: 26.57 deg. slope, 9.00 ft long Surcharge: LL: 100 psf uniform surcharge DL: Opsfun(form surcharge I . . Load Width: 40.00 ft Load Width: 0.00ft Results: Slidini Overturn inj' Bea rinR Shear Bendinis Factors of Safely: 1.8 7/1 .47 3.22/2.42 8.89/6.69 6.43/3.75 3.61/1.46 Cds 0.90 I DETAILED CALCULATIONS I Project: Carlsbad Raceway -Lots 12-15 Project No: H21711 Case: Case 1 Design Method: Rankine-wiBatter (modified soil inteiface) I Soil Parameters: é deg Reinforced Fill 32 Retained Zone 32 Foundation Soil 32 Leveling Pad: Crushed Stone Modular Concrete Unit: Standard II I Depth: 1.50 ft In-Place Wt: 120 pcf Geometry I Internal Stability (Broken geometry) Height: 7.33 ft BackSlope: I Angle: 26.6 deg Height. 4.50 ft Batter: 0. 00deg I Surcharge: Dead Load: 0.00 psf Live Load: 100.00 psf I Base width: 6.5fi Earth Pressures: Sin I 2 ( + I sin asin(a -) 1-i- sin(a_c1)sir4a. Internal External I 4) = 32 deg 4) = 32 deg a = 90.00 deg a = 90.00 deg 3 =26.57deg 3 =26.57deg I =17.07deg 8 =11.50deg H =7.33 ft ka = 0.423 ka = 0.373 I Hinge Height: Hinge Ht= Not applicable I I I Date 3/15/2017 Case I Date: 3/15/2017 Designer: JGH Page 2 cpsf ypcf 0 130 0 130 0 130 External Stability (Broken geometry) Height: 9.83 ft Angle: 26.6 deg Height: 2.00 ft Batter: 0. 00deg Dead Load: 0.00 psf Live Load: 100.00 psf IS . I Reinforcing Parameters: Mi raft XT Geogrids Tult RFcr RFd RFid LTDS FS Ta! Ci Cds 3X7 3500 1.58 1.10 1.05 1918 1.50 1279/2694 0.90 0.90 I Connection Parameters: Mirafi XT Geogrids Frictional 1 Break Pt Frictional 2 3XT Tcl= Ntan (46.00) + 968 1100 Tcl= Ntan (0.00) +2107 I Unit Shear Data - Shear= Ntan(40.00) Inter-Unit ShearShear = Ntan (19.00) + 1556.13 I. Calculated Reactions For the "modified" design method, the back of the mass assumed to be vertical for calculation of resisting forces. effective sliding length = 6.50 ft Pa := 0.5H.(.H.ka - 2c) Pq := qHka P := Pa-cos(8) P : Pq cos(8) I i / Pam, Pasd I Pe, := Pa sin(6) Pq P sin(8) VVI Pa Pa t W3'1 ~ 1 . ja /4 I Reactions are: W2V Area Force Arm-x Arm-y Moment WI 1319.40 [0.750] 3.665 989.55 I . W3 4764.50 [4.000] 3.665 19058.00 W5 812.68 [4.833] 8.164 3927.93 Pa_h 2292.96 6.500 [3.277] -7513.69 Pa_v 466.60 [6.500] 3.277 3032.89 I Pq!_h 178.97 6.500 [4.915] -879.71 Pq!_v 36.42 [6.500] 4.915 236.73 .I Sum V= 7399.59 . Sum Mr= 27245.10 Sum H= 2471.94 Sum Mo = -8393.40 .. - 1. 5 I. I Date 3/15/2017 . - Case I . Page 3 I I I Calculate Sliding at Base For Sliding, Vertical Force = W1+W2+W3+W4+W5+W6+qd = 7400 The resisting force within the rein, mass , Rf_l = N tan(32) 4624 I , The resisting force at the foundation, Rf_2 = N tan(32.00) =4624 The driving forces, Df, are the sum of the external earth pressures: I Pa_h + Pql_h + Pqd_h = 2472 the Factor of Safety for Sliding is Rf_2/Df = 1.87 Calculate Overturning: Overturning moment: Mo = Sum Mo = -8393 I Resisting moment: Mr = Sum Mr = 27008 Factor of Safety of Overturning: Mr/Mo ' = 3.22 I .. ¼ 1 .. I . . I .. , . .. I ., ... Date 3/15/2017 Case 1 0 Page 4 I . I Calculate eccentricity at base: with Surcharge / without Surcharge Sum Moments = 18615 / 18615 Sum Vertical = 7363/7363 I Base Length = 6.50 e = 0.722 / 0.722 Calculate Ultimate Bearing based on shear: I where: Nq= 23.18 Nc=35.49 Ng = 30.21 (ref. Vesic(1973, 1975) eqns) I Quit = 12943 psf Equivalent footing width, B'= L -2e = 5.06 / 5.06 pressure = sumVfB' = 1456 psf/ 1456 psf [bearing is greatest without liveload] I Bearing Factor of Safety for bearing = Qultlbearing= 8.89 Calculate Tensions in Reinforcing: I The tensions in the reinforcing layer, and the assumed load at the connection, is the vertical area supported by each respective layer, Sv.Column [7] is '2c sqrt(ka)'. Table of Results ppf I [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Layer Depth zi hi ka/rho Pa (Pas+Pasd) c (5+6)cos(d)-7 T I 3 2.00 1.50 0.453/47 264 0 0 2 4.00 4.00 0.451/48 469 0 0 253 253 448 448 - 1 6.00 6.16 0.435/50 814 0 0 778 778 Calculate sliding on the reinforcing: The shear value is the lessor of base-shear or inter-unit shear. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] I Layer Depth zi N Li Cds RF ka Pa Pas+Pasd DF 3 2.00 2231 5.00 0.90 1680 2935 0.422 554 51 593 2 4.00 3648 5.00 0.90 1804 3856 0.401 1101 92 1169 1 6.00 5097 5.00 0.90 1928 4794 0.380 1785 154 1899 1 I . I I I I [10] [11] Tci Tsc 893 N/A 1142 N/A 1391 N/A [12] FS 4.95 3.30 2.52 Date 3/15/2017 Case 1 Page 5 I I Calculate pullout of each layer The FoS (R*/S*) of pullout is calculated as the individual pullout (Rf) divided by the tension (DO in that layer. I layer The angle of the failure plane is: 29.00 degrees from vertical. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] I Layer Depth zi Le SumV Ci 3 2.00 2.04 1125 0.90 2 4.00 3.15 2442 0.90 I l 6.00 4.26 4255 0.90 Check Shear & Bending at each layer I Bending on the top layer is the FOS of overturning of the Units (Most surcharge loads need to be moved back from the face) I. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Layer Depth zi Si DM Pv RM 3 2.00 2.00 75 359 270 Seismic 2.00 2.00 185 359 270 I 2 4.00 2.00 93 539 674 Seismic 4.00 2.00 176 539 674 - 1 6.00 2.00 146 899 1034 Seismic 6.00 2.00 252 899 1034 I [7] [8] Poi Ti FS PO 1266 253 5.01 2747 448 6.13 4786 778 6.15 FS b DS RS FS_Sh 3.61 112 1680 14.98 1.46 215 1680 7.81 7.22 196 1804 9.20 3.84 368 1804 4.91 7.10 300 1928 6.43 4.11 514 1928 3.75 I I I I I Date 3/15/2017 Case I Page 6 I EXTERNAL STABILITY Horizontal Acceleration Vertical Acceleration I Am=(1.45-A)A K1(ext) = Am/2 Kh(int) = Am I Inertia Force of the Face: Wis =0.24g =0.00g = 0.290 =0.145 = 0.290 =HxWux gamma = 1319.40 ppf I Inertia Forces of the soil mass: W2s = H x (1-12/2 - face depth) * gamma = 7.33 x 2.89 x 130.00 =2750.90ppf R W3s = 1/2 x sqr(H2/2 - 1 ft) x tan(beta) x gamma =372.89ppf Pif =W1 *(ext)=l3l940 x 014519158 I Pir = W2s * kh(ext) = 2750.90 x 0.145 = 399.43 Pis = W3s * kh(ext) = 372.89 x 0.145 = 54.14 Seismic Thrust , Pae I D_Kae = Kae - Ka = 0.460 - 0.373 = 0.087 Pae = 0.5 x gamma x sqr(H2) x D_Kae = 0.5 x 130.00 x sqr(8.77) x 0.087 = 435.46 ' Pae _h/2 Pae-v/2 = Pae x cos(delta)/2 = = Pae x sin(delta)/2 = 213.36 43.42 Calculated Reactions I For the "mod/Ied" design method, the back of the mass assumed to be vertical for calculation ofresistingforcès. effective sliding length = 6.50 ft Reactions for Seismic Calculations I Area Force Arm-x Arm-y Moment Wi 1319.40 [0.750] 3.665 989.55 W3 4764.50 [4.000] 3.665 19058.00 I W5 812.68 [4.833] 8.164 3927.93 Pa_h 2292.96 6.500 [3.2 77] -7513.69 Pa_v 466.60 [6.500] 3.277 3032.89 .Fir 399.43 2.943 [3.665] -1463.91 i P_if 191.58 0.750 [3.665] -702.13 Pis 54.14 3.425 [7.811] -422.92 I Pae _h/2 213.36 Pae-v12 43.42 4.387 [4.387] [5.264] 5.264 -1123.17 190.46 Sum V= 7406.59 Sum Mr = 27198.84 Sum 3151.47 SumMo = -11225.84 I I I Date 3/15/2017 . . Case I Page 7 Hi . .-.-..-.. I .. I Sliding Calculations Pa Pae_h12 I PIR Resisting Forces, RF Foundation fill FS Overturning Calculations I' Overturning moment: Mo = Sum Mo Resisting Moments Mr = Sum Mr Factor of Safety of Overturning = Mr/Mo Calculate eccentricity at base: Sum Moments Sum Vertical Base Length e Calculate Ultimate Bearing based on shear: where: Nq= 23.18 Nc=35.49 Ng = 30.21 (ref. Vesic(1973, 1975) eqns) Qult = 11484 psf Equivalent footing width, B'= L -2e Bearing pressure = sumV/B' Factor of Safety for bearing = Qultlbearing INTERNAL STABILITY kh(int) = (1.45-A) A = (1.45 - 0.24) 0.24 =2292.96ppf 213.36 ppf =645.l5ppf = (Wi + W2 + W3 + W4 + W5 + W6 + Pay +Paev)tan(phi) = 7406.59 x tan(32.00) =4628.15 = RF/(Pa_h + Pae_h12 + P_ir) = 1.47 = -11226 = 27199 = 2.42 = 15973 = 7407 = 6.50 = 1.093 = 4.31 = 1717 psf = 6.69 = 0.290 Inertia Forces W1= 1.50x7.33x 120.00xkh_int) 383.15 ppf I Wedge = Wedge x kb - it [for failure plane angle of 61.00deg.] = 2678.33 x 0.29 = 777.79 ppf Dead Load = = 0.00 ppf I Total Additional Internal Dynamic Loading 777.79 + 383.15 + 0.00 = 1160.94 ppf I Tension in Reinforcing Layer Le ( ft) 3 2.04 I 2 3.15 1 .4.26 Tension Dyn Tension Total Tension( ppf) FoS Pullout 252.59 250.88 503.47 2.01 448.32 386.98 835.30 2.63 777.71 523.08 1300.79 2.94 Date 3/15/2017 Case I Page 8 I RETAINING WALL DESIGN KeyWall_2012 Version 3.7.2 Build 10 Project: Carlsbad Raceway -Lots I 2-15 Project No: H21711 Date: 311512017 Case: Case I Design Method: Rankine-w!Batter (modified soil inte,face) Design Parameters Soil Parameters: Reinforced Fill Retained Zone Foundation Soil Reinforced Fill Type: ~ 32 32 32 Sand, Silt or Clay £...fill. 0 0 0 Unit Fill: Crushed Stone, I inch minus Seismic Design A=0.24 g, Kh(Ext)=0.145, Kh(lnt)=0.290, Kv=0.000 Minimum Design Factors of Safety (seismic are 75% of static) Y....lfil 130 130 130 sliding: l.50/1.13 pullout: l.50/1.13 overturning: 2.00/1.50 shear: 1.50/1.l 3 uncertainties: connection: bearing: 2.00/1.50 bending: 1.50/1.l 3 Design Preferences Professional Mode Reinforcing Parameters: Miraji XI' Geogrids J.50/1.13 l.50/1.13 Tuft RFcr RFd RF id 1.05 LTDS 1918 FS Tai Ci Cds 0.90 3XI' 3500 1.58 I.JO 1.50 1279/2694 0.90 A11alysis: Case: Case 1 Wall 2 -8' Sectio11 Unit Type: Standard II I 120.00 pcf Wall Batter: 0.00 deg (Hinge Ht NIA) leveling Pad: Crushed Stone Wall Ht: 8.00fl BackSlope: 26.57 deg. slope, Surcharge: LL: I 00 psf un(form surcharge Load Width: 40.00 fl embedment: 1.00 fl 9.00 fl long DL: 0 psf uniform surcharge load Width: 0. 00 ft Results: Sliding Factors o,f Safety: 1. 78/1.37 Overturning 2.86/2.08 Bearing 7.3815.00 Shear 5.87/3.37 Be11ding 3.5811.49 Calculated Bearing Pressure: 1673 I 1673 I 2100 psf Eccentricity at base: 0.87 ft/1.35 ft Reinforcing: (ft & lbs/ft) Cale. Layer Height Length Tension Reinf. Tyue 3 6.00 6.5 314 I 562 3XT 2 3.33 6.5 589 I 1055 3XT 1 1.33 6.5 860 I 1485 3XT Reinforcing Quantities (no waste included): 3XI' 2. 17 sy!fl Date 3/15/2017 Allow Ten Pk Conn Pullout Tal Tel FS 1279/2694 ok 894/1192 ok 3.3711.51 ok 1279/2694 ok 1225/1634 ok 5.1912.32 ok 1279/2694 ok 1405/1873 ok 6.05/2.80 ok Case l · Page I DETAILED CALCULATIONS Project: Carlsbad Raceway - Lots 12-15 Date: 3/15/2017 I Project No: H21711 Designer: JGH Case: Case I Design Method: Rankine-wlBatter (modified soil interface) I Soil Parameters: deg c nsf y pcf Reinforced Fill 32 0 130 Retained Zone 32 0 130 Foundation Soil 32 0 130 Leveling Pad: Crushed Stone Modular Concrete Unit: Standard II I Depth: 1.50 ft In-Place Wt: 120 pcf Geometry I Internal Stability External Stability (Broken geometry) (Broken geometry) Height: 8.00 ft - Height: 10.50 ft BackSlope: I .Angle: 26.6 deg Angle: 26.6 deg Height: 4.50 ft Height: 2.00 ft Batter: 0. 00deg . Batter: 0. 00deg I Surcharge: Dead Load: 0.00 psf Dead Load: 0.00 psf I Live Load: 100.00 psf Live Load: 100.00 psf Base width: 6.5ft Earth Pressures: siri(ai -) sin 2 an(a )[l +])n2 M] ~V Ia,I I Internal . Externat 4' = 32 deg 4) = 32 deg a =90.00deg a = 90.00 deg 0 = 26.57 deg 3 =26.57deg 1 6 = 15.71 deg 6 = 10.79 deg H = 8.00 ft ka = 0.416 ka = 0.369 I Hinge Height: Hinge Ht= Not applicable I I--, Date 3/15/2017 - Case I . Page 2 I Reinforcing Parameters: Mirafi XT Geogrids .1 Tuft RFcr REd REid LTDS FS Ta! Ci Cds 3XT 3500 1.58 1.10 1.05 1918 1.50 1279/2694 0.90 0.90 I Connection Parameters: Mirafi XT Geogrids Frictional 1 Break Pt Frictional 2 - 3XT Tcl= Ntan (46.00) + 968 1100 Tc! Ntan (0.00) +2107 I Unit Shear Data Shear= Ntan (40.00) Inter-Unit ShearShear = N tan (19.00) + 1556.13 Calculated Reactions For the "modified" design method, the back of the mass assumed to be verticalfor calculation of resisting forces. effective sliding length = 6.50 ft q q0 I Pa:=O.5H.(.Hka-2c.a) Pq := qHka '147 I P := Pq cos(6) pas, pasd Pact := Pa sin(6) P%:= Pq sin(6) VVI pa ~ I Area Force Arm-x Arm-y Moment Wi 1440.00 [0.750] 4.000 1080.00 W3 5200.00 [4.000] 4.000 20800.00 W5 812.68 [4.833] 8.834 3927.93 Pa_h 2598.53 6.500 [3.500] -9095.32 Pa_v 495.04 [6.500] 3.500 3217.75 Pq!_h 200.11 6.500 [5.250] -1050.64 Pq!_v 38.12 [6.500] 5.250 247.80 1. Reactions are: Page 3 I Calculate Sliding at Base For Sliding, Vertical Force = W1+W2+W3+W4+W5+W6+qd The resisting force within the rein, mass, Rf_l I The resisting force at the foundation, Rf2 The driving forces, Df, are the sum of the external earth pressures: Pa_h + Pql_h + Pqd_h the Factor of Safety for Sliding is Rf_2/Df Calculate Overturning: I Overturning moment: Mo = Sum Mo Resisting moment: Mr = Sum Mr Factor of Safety of Overturning: Mr/Mo I I I = 7986 = N tan(32) = 4990 =Ntan(32.0O) = 4990 = 2799 = 1.78 = -10146 = 29026 = 2.86 I, Date 3/15/2017 Case I Page 4 Calculate Tensions in Reinforcing: J The tensions in the reinforcing layer, and the assumed load at the connection, is the vertical area supported by each respective layer, Sv.Column [7] is '2c sqrt(ka)'. Table of Results ppf [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Layer Depth zi hi kalrho Pa (Pas+Pasd) c (5+6)cos(d)-7 T 3 2.00 1.67 0.452/47 327 0 0 314 314 2 4.67 4.50 0.448/48 612 0 0 589 589 1 6.67 6.83 0.428/50 888 5 0 860 860 [10] [11] Tcl Tsc 894 N/A 1225 N/A 1405 N/A I ,I Calculate eccentricity at base: with Surcharge / without Surcharge Sum Moments = 18880/18880 Sum Vertical = 7948/7948 IBase Length = 6.50 e = 0.875 / 0.875 Calculate Ultimate Bearing based on shear: I where: Nq= 23.18 Nc= 35.49 I Ng = 30.21 (ref. Vesic(1973, 1975) eqns) Qult= 12344 psf Equivalent footing width, B'= L -2e = 4.75 / 4.75 I Bearing pressure = sumVfB' = 1673 psf/ 1673 psf [bearing is greatest without liveload] Factor of Safety for bearing = Qultlbearing= 7.38 Calculate sliding on the reinforcing: The shear value is the lessor of base-shear or inter-unit shear. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] Layer Depth zi N Li Cds T RF ka Pa Pas+Pasd DF FS 3 2.00 2226 5.00 0.90 1680 2932 0.422 556 51 596 4.92 2 4.67 4114 5.00 0.90 1845 4159 0.394 1317 113 1405 2.96 1 6.67 5563 5.00 0.90 1969 5098 0.378 2067 163 2190 2.33 Date 3/15/2017 Case 1 Page 5 I Calculate pullout of each layer The FoS (R*/S*) of pullout is calculated as the individual - pullout (RI) divided by the tension (Df) in that layer. I layer The angle of the failure plane is: 29.00 degrees from vertical. . . [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] I Layer Depth zi Le SumV Ci POi Ti FS P0 3 2.00 1.67 943 0.90 1060 314 3.37 2 4.67 3.15 2717 0.90 3055 589 5.19 6.67 4.26 4626 0.90 5203 860 6.05 Check Shear & Bending at each layer Bending on the top layer is the FOS of overturning of the Units (Most surcharge loads need to be moved back from the face) I [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Layer Depth zi RM ELk DS RS FS Sh 3 2.00 2.00 75 360 270 3.58 113 1680 14.84 Seismic 2.00 2.00 181 360 270 1.49 212 1680 7.93 I 2 4.67 2.67 187 600 780 4.16 297 1845 6.22 Seismic 4.67 2.67 334 * 600 780 2.34. 527 1845 3.50 I l 6.67 2.00 164 1020 1155 Seismic 6.67 2.00 285 1020 1155 7.06 4.05 335 584 1969 1969 5.87 3.37 I I H. I -.. I ,,. .. . .. 1 S I -H I .. S .1 Date 3/15/2017 Case 1 Page 6 I . I EXTERNAL STABILITY Horizontal Acceleration = 0.24g Vertical Acceleration - = 0.00g I Am= (1.45-A)A = 0.290 Kh(ext) = Am/2 = 0.145 Kh(int) = Am = 0.290 I Inertia Force of the Face: Wis =HxWux gamma = 1440.00 pp Inertia Forces of the soil mass: W2s = H x (1-12/2 - face depth) * gamma = 8.00 x 3.33 x 130.00 = 3466.92 ppf W3s = 1/2 x sqr(H2/2 - 1 ft) x tan(beta) x gamma =477.73ppf . Pif = W * kh(ext) = 1440.00 x 0.145 = 209.09 Pir = W2s * kh(ext) = 3466.92 x 0.145 = 503.40 Pis = W3s * kh(ext) = 477.73 x 0.145 = 69.37 Seismic Thrust , Pae I DKae = Kae - Ka = 0.456 - 0.369 = 0.087 Pae = 0.5 x gamma x sqr(H2) x D_Kae = 0.5 x 130.00 x sqr(9.67) x 0.087 = 526.44 PaehI2 Pae-v/2 = Pae x cos(delta)/2 = 258.57 = Pae x sin(delta)/2 = 49.26 Calculated Reactions I For the "modified" design method, the back of the mass assumed to beverticalfor calculation of resisting forces. * effective sliding length = 6.50 ft Reactions for Seismic Calculations , I Area Force Arm-x Arm-y Moment - WI 1440.00 [0.750] 4.000 1080.00 W3 5200.00 [4.000] 4.000 20800.00 I W5 812.68 [4.833] 8.834 3927.93 - Pa_h 2598.53 6.500 [3.500] -9095.32 Pa 495.04 [6.500] 3.500 3217.75 Pir 503.40 3.167 ' [4.000] -2013.58 I P_ ?f 209.09 0.750 [4.000] -836.35 P-is 69.37 3.722 [8.556] -593.48 Paeh/2 258.57 4.834 [5.800] -1499.78 I Pae-v12 49.26 [4.834] 5.800 238.10 Sum V= 7996.97 ' Sum Mr= 29263.78 Sum H= 3638.95 SumMo = -14038.52 I . Date 3/15/2017 Case 1 Page 7 Sliding Calculations Pa_h . =2598.53ppf Pae_h12 258.57ppf PIR =781.85ppf Resisting Forces, RF = (Wi + W2 + W3 + W4 + W5 + W6 + Pay +Pae_v)tan(phi) Foundation fill = 7996.97 x tan(32.00) =4997.06 FS . = RF/(Pa h + Pae h/2 + P ir) =137 Overturning Calculations Overturning moment: Mo = Sum Mo = -14039 Resisting Moments Mr = Sum Mr = 29264 Factor of Safety of Overturning = Mr/Mo = 2.08 Calculate eccentricity at base: Sum Moments -15225 Sum Vertical . = 7997 Base Length = 6.50 e =1.346 Calculate Ultimate Bearing based on shear: where: Nq=23.18 Nc=35.49 Ng = 30.21 (ref. Vesic(1973, 1975) eqns) Qult = 10491 psf Equivalent footing width, B'= L -2e = 3.81 Bearing pressure = sumV/B' = 2100 psf Factor of Safety for bearing = Quit/bearing = 5.00 INTERNAL STABILITY kh(int) = (1.45-A) A =(1.45 -0.24) 0.24 =0.290 Inertia Forces . W1=1.50x8.00x120.00xkh_int) 418.18ppf of 61.00deg.] Wedge = Wedge x kh_int [for failure plane angle =3190.33x0.29 =926.47ppf Dead Load = 0.00 ppf Total Additional Internal Dynamic Loading 926.47+418.18+0.00 =1344.65ppf Tension in Reinforcing Layer Le ( ft) Tension Dyn Tension Total Tension( ppf) FoS Pullout 562.21 1.51 - -. 3 1.67 314.49 247.72 2 3.15 588.90 466.44 1055.34 2.32 1 4.26 854.82 . 630.48 . 1485.30 2.80 I - - I II Date 3/15/2017 Case 1 - S Page 8 Eccentricity at base: 0.30 ft I Reinforcing: (ft & lbs/fl) Caic. Allow Ten Pk Conn Layer Height Length Tension Reinf. Type Tal Tel 2 4.00 5.0 299 3XT ' 1279 ok 894 ok I 1 1.33 5.0 670 3XT 1279 ok 1225 ok Reinforcing Quantities (no waste included): 3XT 1.11sy/ft I . I . 1 Date 3/15/2017 Case 1 Pullout FS 2.31 ok 3.60 ok Pagel 1 1 . RETAINING WALL DESIGN I KeyWall 2012 Version 3.7.2 Build 10 ONE Project: Carlsbad Raceway - Lots 12-15 Date: 3/15/2017 Project No: H21711 Designer: JGH_ I Case: Case I Design Method: Rankine-w/Batter (modified soil interface) 1 Design Parameters -------------- Soil Parameters: 4 deg c psf y pcf / Reinforced Fill 32 0 130 I Retained Zone 32 0 130 Foundation Soil 32 0 130 Reinforced Fill Type: Sand, Silt or Clay L= 5.005 Unit Fill: Crushed Stone, 1 inch minus I Minimum Design Factors of Safety sliding: 1.50 pullout: 1.50 uncertainties: 1.50 I overturning: 2.00 shear: 1.50 connection: 1.50 bearing: 2.00 bending: 1.50 I Design Preferences Professional Mode Reinforcing Parameters: MirafiXTGeogrids I Tult RFcr RFd RFid LTDS FS Ta! Ci Cds 3XT 3500 1.58 1.10 1.05 1918 1.50 1279 0.90 0.90 Analysis: Case: Case 1 Wall 3 - 8' Section Unit Type.' Standard II / 120.00 pcf. Wall Batter: 0.00 deg (Hinge Ht N/A) , I Leveling Pad: Crushed Stone Wall Ht: 6.00ft embedment.' 1.00ft BackS!ope: 26.57 deg. slope, 17.00 ft long Surcharge: LL: 100 psf uniform surcharge DL.' 0psfunform surcharge I Load Width.' 40.00 ft Load Width: 0.00 ft I Results: SIidin OverturninR Factors of Safety: 1.93 3.63 'Bearinj" Shear Bending 10.24 . 6.43 3.76 Calculated Bearinc Pressure: 1140 / 1140 nsf I .. DETAILED CALCULATIONS I Project: Carlsbad Raceway -Lots 12-15 Project No: H21711 Case: Case 1 Design Method: Rankine-wiBatter (modified soil interface) I Soil Parameters: é deg c psf y pcf Reinforced Fill 32 0 130 Retained Zone 32 0 130 Foundation Soil 32 0 130 Leveling Pad: Crushed Stone Modular Concrete Unit: Standard II I Depth: 1.50 ft In-Place Wt: 120 pcf Geometry I Internal Stability External Stability (Sloping geometry) (Broken geometry) Height: 6.00 ft Height: 7.75 ft BackSlope: I Angle: 26.6 deg Angle: 26.6 deg Height: 8.50 ft . Height: 6.75 ft Batter: 0.00deg Batter: 0.00deg I Surcharge: Dead Load: 0.00 psf Dead Load: 0.00 psf I Live Load: 0 psf . Live Load: 100.00 psf Base width: 5. Oft Earth Pressures: sin sin an(a ti] I - Internal Externat 4) = 32 deg 4) = 32 deg a = 90.00 deg a = 90.00 deg • = 26.57 deg P = 26.57 deg I8 = 26.57 deg 8 = 26.57 deg H =6.00ft ka = 0.463 ka = 0.462 - I Hinge Height: Hinge Ht= Not applicable I I Date 3/15/2017 Case I Date: 3/15/2017 Designer: JGH Page 2 Reinforcing Parameters: Mirafi AT Geogrids I Tult RFcr RFd RFid LTDS FS Ta! Ci Cds 3XT 3500 1.58 1.10 1.05 1918 1.50 1279 0.90 0.90 Connection Parameters: Mirafi XT Geogrids Frictional I Break Pt Frictional 2 3XT Tcl= Ntan (46.00) + 968 1100 Tcl,= Ntan (0.00) +2107 Unit Shear Data Shear = Ntan(40.00) Inter- Unit ShearShear = Ntan(19.00) + 1556.13 I Calculated Reactions For the "modified" design method, the back of the mass assumed to be verticalfor calculation of resisting forces. effective sliding length = 5.00 ft I P=OHHka - 2c.) . T, - Pa:= Pa.sin(6) Pq,:= Pq sin(8) VwV I O.Pa - . I Pa W3*1 Reactions are: ' Area Force Arm-x Arm-y Moment WI 1080.00 [0.750] 3.000 810.00 I W3 W5 2730.00 398.21 [3.250] [3.833] 3.000 8872.50 6.583 1526.48 Pa_h 1613.05 5.000 . [2.583] -4167.24 Pa_v 806.70 [5.000] 2.583 4033.49 I Pql_h 11.53 5.000 [3.875] -44.68 Pql_v 5.77 [5.000] 3.875 28.83 Sum V= 5020.67 Sum Mr = 15271.30 I SumH= 1624.58 SumMo = -4211.92 I I I I . I . Date 3/15/2017 Case I - Page 3 I I Calculate Sliding at Base For Sliding, Vertical Force = W1+W2+W3+W4+W5+W6+qd = 5021 The resisting force within the rein, mass , Rf_1 = N tan(32) . =3137 I . The resisting force at the foundation, Rf_2 = N tan(32.00) =3137 The driving forces, Df, are the sum of the external earth pressures: I Pa_h + Pql_h + Pqd_h = 1625 the Factor of Safety for Sliding is Rf_2/Df = 1.93 Calculate Overturning: Overturning moment: Mo = Sum Mo = 4212 I Resisting moment: Mr= Sum Mr . = 15271 Factor of Safety of Overturning: Mr/Mo = 3.63 I .. I I . . . I I .. . I .. .. I I . . . . I .• * I ... .'*, . .1 I Date 3/15/2017 Case I Page 4 1 I Calculate eccentricity at base: with Surcharge / without Surcharge Sum Moments = 11059/ 11059 Sum Vertical = 5021/5021 I Base Length = 5.00 e = 0.297 / 0.297 Calculate Ultimate Bearing based on Shea!: I where: Nq = 23.18 Nc= 35.49 Ng = 30.21 (ref. Vesic(1973, 1975) eqns) I Qult= 11665 psf Equivalent footing width, B'= L -2e = 4.41 / 4.41 Bearing pressure = sumV/B' = 1140 psf / 1140 psf [bearing is greatest without Factor of Safety for bearing = Qultlbearing= 10.24 liveload] Calculate Tensions in Reinforcing: I The tensions in the reinforcing layer, and the assumed load at the connection, is the vertical area supported by each respective layer, Sv.Column [7] is '2c sqrt(ka)'. Table of Results ppf I [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. [11] J Layer Depth zi hi kalrho Pa (Pas+Pasd) C (5+6)cos(d)-7 Ti Tci Tsc I 2 2.00 1.67 0.463/45 334 0 0 1 4.67 4.67 0.463/45 749 0 0 299 670 299 670 894 1225 N/A N/A Calculate sliding on the reinforcing: I The shear value is the lessor of base-shear or inter-unit shear. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] Layer Depth zi N Li Cds T RF ka Pa Pas+Pasd DF FS I 2 2.00 1498 3.50 0.90 1680 2522 0.463 423 0 379 6.66 1 4.67 3076 3.50 0.90 1845 3575 0.463 1239 0 1108 3.23 I I Calculate pullout of each layer The FoS (R*/S*) of pullout is calculated as the individual layer pullout (Rf) divided by the tension (DO in that layer. The angle of the failure plane is: 29.00 degrees from vertical. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] I Layer Depth zi Le SumV Ci 2 2.00 1.28 614 0.90 1 4.67 2.76 2145 0.90 Check Shear & Bending at each layer Bending on the top layer is the FOS of overturning of the Units (Most surcharge loads need to be moved back from the face) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] I Layer Depth zi Si DM Pv RM 2 2.00 2.00 72 360 270 1 4.67 2.67 181 600 780 I I I I I I I I I I I Date 3/15/2017 Case I [7] [8] POi Ti FS PO 690 299 2.31 2413 670 3.60 FS b DS RS FS_Sh 3.76 108 1680 15.60 4.31 287 1845 6.43 Page 6 APPENDIX B SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION p I; F I I . : 1 I I. I I I I I .SICECR EVALUATION V I C E Most Widely Accepted and Trusted ICC-ES Evaluation Report. .. , ESR-2113. , Reissued August 2015 This report is subject to renewal August 2017 Ijcces.otq I (800) 423-6587 I (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council®: DIVISION: 3200 00—EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS , ' ', nominal unit weights, noted in Figure 1, areto be used in I Section: 32 32 00—Retaining Walls . , design. Section: 32 32 23---Segmental Retaining Walls Standard, Compac and Compac II units have four holes - each for installation of two fiberglass connection pins. 1 REPORT HOLDER: 'units Country Manor have six holes for installation of I KEYSTONE RETAINING WALL SYSTEMS, LLC two fiberglass connection pins. The Small Country Manor 4444 WEST 78' STREET Unit has three holes, for installation of one fiberglass MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA 55435 ,' connection pin. The underside of each unit has a slot to www.kevstonewalls.com receive the connection pin. See Figure 1 for typical unit . configurations. . EVALUATION SUBJECT: , All units are made with normal-weight aggregates, and - comply with ASTM. C1372, including having a minimum I . KEYSTONE RETAINING WALL SYSTEMS - 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 psi (21 MPa) , [minimum of 24 MPA is required under ADIBC Appendix L, ADDITIONAL LISTEE: . . .. . , Section 5.1.1] on the net area. In areas where repeèted freezing and thawing under saturated conditions occur, RCP BLOCK AND BRICK, INC. . . evidence of compliance with freeze-thaw durability 8240 BROADWAY . . ' . requirements of ASTM C1372 must be submitted to the LEMON GROVE, CALIFORNIA 91945 V .- code official for approval prior to construction. * 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE 3.2 Fiberglass Pins: ' .. Compliance with the following codes: Pultruded fiberglass pins provide alignment of the units .. . during placement, positive placement of the geogrid 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Building Code® (IBC) reinforcement, and inter-unit shear strength. The I . I 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Rpsidentla! Code s connection pins are 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) in diameter and 5.25 inches (133 mm) long, and have a minimum short beam shear strength of 6,400 psi (44 MPa). 2013 Abu Dhabi International Building Code(ADIBC)t I - . 3.3 Unit Core Drainage Fill: 'The ADIBC is based on the 2009 113C. 2009 113C code sections referenced in this report are the same sections in the ADIBC. 1 3 Unit core drainage fill must be /2 inch to /4 inch (13 mm to Properties evaluated: . :. 19 mm) clean, crushed-stone material that is placed I between and behind the units. The unit core fill provides. I Physical properties . - additional weight to the completed wall section for stability, 2.0. USES - . . . 1'- local drainage at the face of the structure, and a filter zone I . . The Keystone Retaining Wall Systems (Keystone SRWs) to keep the backfill soils from filtering out through the space face between units. consist of modular concrete units for the construction of 3.4 Geo rid' . . conventional gravity or geogrid-reinforced-soil retaining . . I , walls, respectively, without or with a mass of reinforced soil, stabilized by horizontal layers of geosynthetic The geogrid materials listed in Table 2 are proprietary materials used to increase the height of the Keystone. reinforcement materials. . . Wall System above the height at which the wall is stable 3.0 DESCRIPTION - under its self weight as a gravity system Geogrids are . synthetic materials specifically designed for use as soil I . 3.1 Keystone Units: . reinforcement. . . Keystone concrete units are. available in four 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION . .. '. configurations: Standard, Compac, Compac II, Country 1.1 Design: . Manor. See Figure 1 for dimensions and nominal weights. . . I Standard, Compac, Compac II units and corresponding 4.1.1 General: Structural calculations must be submitted cap units have either a-straight or three-plane split face. to the code official for each wall system installation. The Country Manor units have a straight face. Cap .units are system must be designed as a gravity or reinforced-&oil I . half-height units withoutpin holes in the top surface. The retaining wall that depends on the weight and geometry of. ,•r- . .as ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as WIN I to any finding or other matte? in this report, or as to any product coveted by the report Copyright © 2015 , , . . . . Page 1 of 10 ESR-21 13 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 10 the concrete units and soil to resist lateral earth pressures and other lateral forces. Lateral earth pressures are determined using either Coulomb or Rankine earth pressure theory. The design must include evaluation of both external and internal stability of the structure and include consideration of external loads such as surcharges and seismic forces, as applicable. External stability analysis must be similar to that required for conventional retaining walls, and must consider base (lateral) sliding, overturning, bearing capacity (and excessive settlement), and overall (deep-seated) slope stability. Internal stability analysis of SRWs without geogrid-reinforced soil must consider movement between courses. Internal stability analysis of the SRWs with geogrid-reinforced soil must consider the maximum allowable reinforcement tension, pull-out resistance of reinforcement behind the active failure zone (excessive movement of geosynthetic material through the reinforced soil zone), and the connection strength of geosynthetic reinforcement material to the SRW concrete units or blocks, and movement between courses. Minimum safety factors used in design (for external stability check) for SRWs, with and without a geogrid- reinforced soil mass, must be 1.5 for deep-seated (global) stability and 2.0 for bearing capacity. The minimum safety factors must be 1.5 for lateral sliding and 2.0 for overturning for SRWs with a geogrid-reinforced soil mass. The minimum safety factors against lateral sliding and overturning must be 1.5 (IBC Section 1807.2.3, or IRC Section R404.4, as applicable), for SRWs without a reinforced soil mass. Minimum safety factors used in design (for internal stability) must be 1.5 for peak connection strength between the geosynthetic material and SRW units, and for peak shear strength between SRW units with or without geosynthetic material. Seismic safety factors for all limit states related to SRW design may be 75 percent of the corresponding minimum allowable static safety factors. A site-specific soils investigation report in accordance with IBC Section 1803, or IRC Section R401.4, as applicable, is required. The soils investigation report must provide a global slope stability analysis that considers the influence of site geometry, subsoil properties, groundwater conditions, and existing (or proposed) slopes above and below the proposed retaining wall. The soils investigation report must also specify the soil-reinforcement and interaction coefficients, including the coefficient of interaction for pullout and coefficient of direct sliding; and include derivation of the ultimate tensile strength of the geogrid material (according to ASTM D4595), and the applicable safety factors for the determination of the ultimate tensile strength, long-term design strength and allowable tensile strength of the geogrid. The soils investigation report must also specify safety factors for tensile rupture and pullout of the geogrid. Where the wall is assigned to Seismic Design Category (SDC) C, D, E or F, the site-specific soils report must include the information as required by IBC Section 1803.5.11. Where the wall is assigned to Seismic Design Category (SDC) D, E or F, the site-specific soils report must include the information as required by IBC Section 1803.5.12. The design of the Keystone wall is based on accepted geotechnical principles for gravity and soil-reinforced structures. Specifics of design recommended by the manufacturer are found in the Keystone Design Manual dated February 2011. 4.1.2 Gravity Retaining Walls: The gravity wall system relies on the weight and geometry of the Keystone units to resist lateral earth pressures. Gravity wall design is based on standard engineering principles for modular concrete retaining walls. The maximum height of retaining walls constructed using Keystone Standard, Compac, Compac II and Country Manor units is shown in Figure 2 for different soil and back slope combinations. Typical design heights are 2.5 to 3 times the depth of the unit being used. Inter- unit shear capacity equations are provided in Table 1. 4.1.3 Geogrid-reinforced Retaining Walls: General: The geogrid reinforced soil system relies on the weight and geometry of the Keystone units and the reinforced soil mass to act as a coherent gravity mass to resist lateral earth pressures. The design of a reinforced soil structure is specific to the Keystone unit selected, soil reinforcement strength and soil interaction, soil strength properties, and structure geometry. The maximum practical height above the wall base is approximately 50 feet (15 m). Figure 3 shows typical component details. Structural Analysis: Structural analysis must be based on accepted engineering principles, the Keystone Design Manual dated February 2011, and the IBC. The analysis must include all items noted in Sections 4.1.1, 4.1 .3.2.1 and of this report, and must follow the design methodology of the Keystone Design Manual dated February 2011. All contact surfaces of the units must be maintained in compression. External Stability Analysis: The minimum length of the reinforced mass is 0.6 times the height of the wall (as measured from the top of the leveling pad to the top of the wall) or as required to satisfy a safety factor of 1.5 on sliding at the base, whichever is greater. The minimum safety factor for overturning the reinforced mass is 2.0, considering the mass as a rigid body rotating about the toe of the wall. Global stability analysis must be provided for walls with slopes below the toe of the wall, walls on soft foundations, walls that will be designed for submerged conditions, or tiered walls. After completion of the internal stability analysis and geogrid layout, sliding along each respective geogrid layer must be checked, including shearing through the connection at the wall face. Internal Stability Analysis: Geogrid spacing must be based on local stability of the Keystone units during construction. Vertical spacing is typically limited to 2 times the depth of the unit. Tension calculations for each respective layer of reinforcing must be provided. Tension is based on the earth pressure and surcharge load calculated from halfway to the layer below to halfway to the layer above. Calculated tensions must not exceed the allowable geogrid strength. Connection capacity must be checked for each geogrid-to-Keystone connection (see Table 2). The calculated connection capacity must be equal to or greater than the calculated tension for each layer. A calculation check must be made on pullout of the upper layers of geogrid from the soil zone beyond the theoretical Coulomb or Rankine failure plane. The pullout capacity must be equal to or greater than the calculated tension after applying the applicable geogrid interaction and sliding coefficient adjustment factors. I H I I Li I 1 I I LI 1 Ll I I I I I I I ESR-2113 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 10 4.2 Installation: 10. Place and compact backfill over the geogrid The wall system units are assembled in a running bond reinforcing layer in appropriate lift thickness to ensure compaction. pattern, except for the Country Manor units, which are assembled in a random bond pattern. The wall system 11. Repeat placement of units, core fill, backfill, and units are assembled without mortar or grout, utilizing high- geogrids, as shown on plans, to finished grade. strength fiberglass pins for shear connections, mechanical 12. Backfill used in the reinforced fill mass must consist connections of reinforcing geogrid, and unit alignment. The of suitable fine-grained or coarse-grained soil placed system may include horizontal layers of structural geogrid in lifts compacted to at least 90 percent of the reinforcement in the backfill soil mass. Requirements for maximum dry density as determined by ASTM 01557 installation of the Keystone Retaining Wall System are as (95 percent per ASTM 0698). The backfill soil follows: properties, lift thickness, and degree of compaction Excavate for leveling pad and reinforced fill zone. must be determined by the soils engineer based ' Inspect excavations for adequate bearing capacity of on site-specific conditions. In cut-wall applications, if the reinforced soil has drainage poor properties, foundation soils and observation of groundwater conditions by a qualified geotechnical engineer, a granular drainage layer of synthetic drainage composite should be installed to prevent buildup of hydrostatic pressures behind the reinforced soil mass. Install a 6-inch-thick (152 mm) leveling pad of crushed stone, compacted to 75 percent relative density as Provisions for adequate subsurface drainage must be determined by ASTM D4564. (An unreinforced determined by the soils engineer. concrete pad in accordance with IBC Section 1809.8, may be utilized in place of the crushed stone pad.) 13. Stack and align units using the structural pin connection between vertically adjacent units at the Install the first course of Keystone units, ensuring design setback batter. The completed wall is built with units are level from side to side and front to back. alignment tolerances of 1.5 inches (40 mm) in 10 feet Adjacent Keystone units are placed so pin holes are (3048 mm) in both the horizontal and vertical approximately 12 inches (305 mm) on center. directions. Install the fiberglass pins in the units to establish the 14. When required by the design, geogrid reinforcement angle of wall inclination (batter). The pin placement is placed at the elevations specified in the design. The and resulting batter for given units are as follows: reinforced backfill must be placed and compacted no Standard, Compac and Compac II Units: Placing lower than the top unit-elevation to which geogrid the pin in the rear pin holes in every course placement is required. 4.3 Special Inspection: provides a minimum wall inclination of 7.1 degrees from vertical toward the backfill [1 inch (25.4 mm) minimum setback per course]. Pin placement Special inspection must be provided in accordance with alternating between the front and rear pin holes on 2015 and 2012 IBC Sections 1705.1.1, 1705.4 and 1705.6 vertically adjacent rows provides a wall inclination (2009 IBC Sections 1704.15, 1704.5 and 1704.7). The of approximately 3.6 degrees from vertical toward inspector's responsibilities include verifying the following: the backfill [1/2 inch (13 mm) minimum setback per 1. The modular concrete unit type and dimensions. course]. The pin placement during assembly in the 2. Keystone unit identification compliance with ASTM front pin hole provides a wall inclination of approximately 0.5 degree from vertical toward the C1372, including compressive strength and water backfill [1/8 inch (3 mm) minimum setback per absorption, as described in Section 3.1 of this report. course]. 3. Product identification, including evaluation report number (ESR-2113). . Country Manor Units: Placing the pin in the rear pin holes in every course provides a wall inclination of 4. Foundation preparation. approximately 9.5 degrees from vertical toward the backfill [1 inch (25.4 mm) setback per course]. 5. Keystone unit placement, including proper alignment Placing the pin in the middle pin hole provides a and inclination. wall inclination of approximately 0.5 degree from 6. Fiberglass pin connections, including installation vertical toward the backfill [1/8 inch (3 mm) locations, proper fit within the blocks, and installation minimum setback per course]. 6. Fill the unit cores with unit core drainage fill described sequence with respect to the geogrid placement. 7. Geosynthetic reinforcement type (manufacturer and in Section 3.3 of this report. The unit core drainage fill model number), location and placement. is required for all installations and must extend back a 8. Backfill placement and compaction. minimum of 2 feet (610 mm) from the outside or front face of the wall. See Figure 3. 9. Drainage provisions. Clean the top surface of the units to remove loose 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE aggregate. At designated elevation per the design, install geogrid The Keystone Retaining Wall Systems described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is reinforcing. All geogrid reinforcement is installed by specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, placing it over the fiberglass pin. Check to ensure the subject to the following conditions: proper orientation of the geogrid reinforcement is 5.1 The systems are designed and installed in used so the strong direction is perpendicular to the accordance with this report; the Keystone Design face. Adjacent rolls are placed side by side; no Manual, dated February 2011; the manufacturer's overlap is required. Pull taut to remove slack from the geogrids before published installation instructions; and accepted engineering principles. If there is a conflict between placing backfill. Pull the entire length taut to remove this report and the manufacturer's published any folds or wrinkles. installation instructions, this report governs. ESR-21 13 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 10 5.2 The Keystone Design Manual, dated February 2011, is submitted to the code official upon request. 5.3 The wall design calculations are submitted to, and approved by, the code official. The calculations must be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. 5.4 A site-specific soils investigation in accordance with IBC Section 1803, or IRC Section R401.4, as applicable, as noted in Section 4.1.1 of this report, must be provided for each project site. 5.5 In areas where repeated freezing and thawing under saturated conditions occur, evidence of compliance with freeze-thaw durability requirements of ASTM C1372 must be furnished to the code official for approval prior to construction. 5.6 Special inspection must be provided for backfill placement and compaction, geogrid placement (when applicable), and block installation, in accordance with Section 4.3 of this report. 5.7 Details in this report are limited to areas outside of groundwater. For applications where free-flowing groundwater is encountered, or where wall systems are submerged, the installation and design of systems must comply with the recommendations of the soils engineer and the appropriate sections of the NCMA Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls, and must be approved by the code official. 5.8 Under the 2015 IBC, project specifications for soil.and water conditions that include sulfate concentrations identified in ACI 318-14 Table as severe (S2) or very severe (S3), must include mix designs for the concrete, masonry and grout that comply with the intent of ACI 318-14 Table See 2015 IBC Section 1904. 5.9 Under the 2012 IBC, project specifications for soil and water conditions that include sulfate concentrations identified in ACI 318-11 Table 4.2.1 as severe (S2) or very severe (S3), must include mix designs for the concrete, masonry and grout that comply with the intent of ACI 318-11 Table 4.3.1. See 2012 IBC Section 1904. 5.10 Under the 2009 IBC, project specifications or soil and water conditions that have sulfate concentrations identified in ACI 318-08 Table 4.2.1 as severe (S2) or very severe (S3), shall include mix designs for concrete and masonry and grout that comply with the intent of ACI 318-08 Table 4.3.1. See 2009 IBC Section 1904.5. 5.11 As to the geogrid reinforcement material, this report evaluates only the connection strength of the geogrid material when attached to the concrete units. Physical properties of the geogrid material or its interaction with the soil have not been evaluated. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Segmental Retaining Walls (AC276), dated October 2004 (editorially revised May 2014). 7.0 IDENTIFICATION Each pallet of concrete units is identified with the manufacturer's name (RCP Block and Brick) and address, the name of the product, the unit type, and the evaluation report number (ESR-2113). Fiberglass pins are provided with each shipment of blocks, with a letter of certification by Keystone. I I I I I 1 I I I I TABLE 1—INTER-UNIT SERVICE-STATE SHEAR RESISTANCE' UNIT . SHEAR STRENGTH Standard F = 1548 + 0.31 N Compac . F=769+0.51 N Compacll F= 1263+0.12 N Country Manor F = 92 + 0.81 N For SI: 1 lb/linear foot = 14.6 N/rn. 'The inter-unit service-state shear resistance, F [lb/linear foot (N/rn)], of the Keystone units at any depth is a function of the pin strength and superimposed normal (applied) load, N [lb/linear foot (N/rn)]. [i Fi I I LJ I 1 I I ESR-2113 I Most Widely Accepted I TABLE GEOGRID PEAK CONNECTION STRENGTH (pounds/linear foot) SERVICEABILITY CONNECTION STRENGTH (pounds/linear foot) Equation Maximum Equation - Maximum KEYSTONE STANDARD UNIT Strata Systems Stratagrid SG 200 p = 835 + 0.73 N 1566 P = 795 + 0.23 N 1013 Stratagrid SG 300 P = 650 +.0.45 N 2000 P = 500 + 0.27 N 1100 Stratagrid SG 500 P = 1591 + 0.62 N 2759 P = 994 + 0.21 N 1702 Stratagrid SG600 P=1417+0.62N 3409 P=878+0.18N 1791 IC Mirafi_Geogrid Miragrid3XT P1595+0.00N 1595 P822+0.14N 1302 Miragrid 5XT P = 600 + 0.29 N 1644 P = 484 + 0.14 N 915 Miragrid 7XT P = 1137 + 0.36 N 2284 P = 781 + 0.27 N 1720 Miragrid 8XT P = 958 + 0.47 N 1897 P = 334 + 0.51 N 1398 Miragrid 10XT P = 1226 + 0.53 N 2896 P = 1000 + 0.21 N 1766 HueskerGeogrid Fortrac 20/13-20 P = 500 + 0.75 N 750 P = 400 + 0.60 N 700 Fortrac 35/20-20 P = 700 + 0.75 N 1050 P = 500 + 0.60 N 900 Fortrac 55/30-20 P = 950 + 0.87 N 2300 P = 650 + 0.72 N 2000 Fortrac 80/30-20 P = 1200 + 1.0 N 2800 P = 900 + 0.72 N 2100 Fortrac 110/30-20 P = 2000 + 0.78 N 4145 P = 1342 + 0.42 N 2846 Tensar Geogrid UX1400SB P=700+0.89N 2500 P=400+0.70N 2100 UXI500SB P = 1000 + 0.89 N 4400 P = 700 + 0.89 N 2750 UX1600SB P = 1100 + 0.89 N 4500 P = 800 + 0.60 N 3000 KEYSTONE COMPAC UNIT Strata Systems Stratagrid SG 150 P = 444 + 0.60 N 1259 P =358 + 0.38 N 878 Stratagrid SG 200 P = 889 + 0.31 N 1624 P = 519 + 0.14 N 767 Stratagrid SG 300 P = 550 + 0.25 N 2000 P = 400 + 0.16 N 1100 Stratagrid SG500 P802+0.51 N 2174 P446+0.29N 1000 Stratagrid SG 600 P = 850 + 0.25 N 2800 P = 500 + 0.16 N 1800 'I I I . 1 Li ESR-2113 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 10 TABLE 2-GEOGRID-TO-BLOCK PULLOUT RESISTANCE EQUATIONS' (Continued) GEOGRID PEAK CONNECTION STRENGTH (pounds/linear foot) SERVICEABILITY CONNECTION STRENGTH (pounds/linear foot) Equation T Maximum Equation Maximum KEYSTONE COMPAC UNIT (Continued) TC Mirafi Miragrid 2XT P = 213 + 0.55 N 1314 P = 302 + 0.23 N 680 Miragrid3XT P695+0.21 N 1128 P469+0.19N 882 Miragrid 5XT P = 763 + 0.23 N 1459 P = 564 + 0.27 N 1293 Miragrid7XT P=443+0.67N 1571 P=289+O.55N 1182 Miragrid 8XT P = 635 + 0.38 N 1780 P = 444 + 0.34 N 1465 Miragrid 10XT P = 752 + 0.65 N 1988 P = 518 + 0.62 N 1760 Huesker Fortrac 20/13-20 P = 372 + 0.23 N 716 P = 338 + 0.16 N 684 Fortrac 35/20-20 P809+0.31N 1557 P809+0.12N 1115 Fortrac 55/30-20 P = 983 + 0.51 N 2453 P = 919 + 0.32 N 1957 Fortrac 80/30-20 P = 1000 + 0.47 N 2979 P = 1000 + 0.36 N 2525 Tensar UX1400SB P=600+0.80N 2600 P400+0.70N 2100 UX1500SB P=800+1.10N 3800 P=700+0.89N 2750 KEYSTONE COMPAC II UNIT Strata Systems Stratagrid SG 150 P = 798 + 0.34 N 1576 P = 593 + 0.27 N 1184 Stratagrid SG 200 P = 707 + 0.93 N 1754 P = 928 + 0.10 N 1250 Stratagrid SG 300 P = 980 + 0.62 N 1913 P = 980 + 0.19 N 1490 Stratagrid SG 500 P = 626 + 1.15 N 2000 P = 770 + 0.42 N 1705 TC Mirafi Miragrid 2XT P = 800 + 0.29 N 1452 P = 800 + 0.29 N 1452 Miragrid 3XT P = 811 + 0.36 N 1617 P = 571 + 0.45 N 1593 Miragrid 5XT P = 1200 + 0.38 N 2050 P = 691 + 0.55 N 1941 Miragrid 7XT P = 1173 + 0.40 N 2222 P = 622 + 0.47 N 1948 Miragrid 8XT P = 960 + 0.84 N 2490 P = 691 + 0.73 N 2280 Huesker Fortrac 35/20-20 P = 916 + 0.57 N 1576 P = 743 + 0.16 N 1040 Fortrac 55/30-20 P1166+0.70N 2518 P1096+0.23N 1808 Fortrac 80/30-20 P = 819 + 0.31 N 2663 P = 1032 + 0.31 N 1957 KEYSTONE COUNTRY MANOR UNIT Strata Systems Stratagrid SG 150 P = 377 + 0.47 N 950 P = 327 + 0.48 N 932 Stratagrid SG 200 P = 550 + 0.43 N 1238 P = 311 + 0.38 N 903 Huesker Fortrac 20/13-20 P = 427 + 0.18 N 702 P = 310 + 0.23 N 675 Tensar BX1200 P=474+0.42N 1142 P=494+0.36N 1045 For SI: 1 lb/linear ft. = 14.6 N/rn. 'Where N = superimposed normal (applied) load (lb/linear foot). I I I I I I I I I ~ I ~ I I ESR-2113 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 7 of 10 le t203 Cl I VWIo5by flfli) - I Standard Unit Compac Unit I llo lb. (50kg) 8516.(40k9) i&07- I 1 I (309 vnl) 1 Compac-lI Unit 82 lb. (37 kg) az mm) 4330 mm) - - •• O . - -. -. (400 t!'s) (1027 --:-;- I Country Manor Unit 2560 lbs. (12 -27 kg) I -(254 FIGURE 1—KEYST0NE WALL UNITS I I 1 I ESR-2113 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 8 of 10 I:. S Cap Unit 45 lb. (20kg) 5 Universal Cap Unit 1 51 lb (23 kg) I Country. Manor Cap Unit 241bs.(11kg) I 10 FIGURE 1—KEYSfONE WALl! UNITS (ContInued) I .5 I I . I ESR-2113 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 9 of 10 Slope Retained Soil Type AWL 'NE - AR VERTICAL WALL (Miimum setback per unit) STANDARD UNITS MAX. HGT.. Backsiope ScilType Level 4H1V 3H1V 21-11V Sand/Gravel 52 47' 46 41 Silty Sand 47 4.3' 4.1' 3.6' Silt&ean Clay 4.4' 3-91711 COM PAC/COM PAC II UNITS MAX. HGT. BackstcoO Soll Type Level 41,11:IV 3H:1Y J:2H:1V Sand/Gravel '29' 261 2.5' 1.3' Silty Sand 2.6 2.4 2.3' 2.0' SiPiLean Clay 2.4' 2.1 2;0 MiX. 1113T. Backsi Soil Type LOvOl 3H:iV SañWGrivél 20' 1.5' Silty Sand 1.5' 1.5' Silt/Lean clay 1.5' 1.0' tOP Total Retained SOil Type Height ONE INCH SETBACK WALL 0. mm. setback per unit)' STANDARD UNITS MAX. MGT. Backslope S611 Tip Lóvel 4H1v 3H:IV 2ftiV San/Gravel '6.8' 6.2' 5.9' .5.3' Silty Sand 6.1' 5.5 52 4.4 Sflt1eaflCiay 5.3' , 4.5.' 4.1 32' COMPAC/GOMPAC II UNITS MAX HGT. Baclslope Soil Type ' Level 4H:1V 3H1V 21-11:IV Sand/Gravel 3.8' 3.4' 3.3' '2.9' Silty Sand 3.4' 3.0' 2.9' '2.4' Sill/Lean Clay 3O' 27'• 2:5' 2.1 COUNTRY MANOR UNITS, MAX. MGI. Backslope SOIl Type Level 3HiV Sand/Gravel 3.0' 25' Silty Sand 2.5' 2.0 Sift/Lean Clay 2.0' 13' I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I Notes: Calculations assume a moist unit weight of 120 lbs/ct for all soil types Assumad4r angles for earth pressure. calculations are SandJGrae1=34 Silty Sand=30 and Sandy Silt/Lean Clay =26 Non critical structures with SF>1 3. No surcharge loadings are Included. surcharges or special loadhg conditions will reduce maximum will heights. Sliding calculations assume a 6 crushed stone levelling pad as compacted foundation material. I ESR-2113 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 10 of 10 - FIGURE:3-TYPIcALWALLSEC1IONS &TQ •TA V/-\ GEOTECHNICAL . MATERIALS . SPECIAL INSPECTIONS IN SBE • SLBE • SCOOP RAF Pacifica Group March 14, 2017 1010 S. Coast Highway 101 NOVA Project No 2016433 Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Mr. Adam Robinson • Subject: Report Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Tilt-Up Commercial Structure Carlsbad Raceway Lot 15 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Robinson, NOVA Services, Inc. (NOVA) is pleased forward herewith the above-referenced report. Work related to the report was completed by NOVA for RAF Pacifica Group in accordance with the scope of work detailed in NOVA's proposal dated May 3, 2016. NOVA appreciates the opportunity to provide its services on this project. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (858) 292-7575. Li ll NOVA Services, Inc. C $4335 Wail Mokhtar Jesse D. Bearfield, P.E. . Project Manager Senior Engineer k. ( )ohn F. O'Brien, P.E., G.E. \Pncipal Engineer 4373 Viewridge Avenue, Ste. B I San Diego, CA 92123 1 P:858.292.7575 I F: 858.292.7570 i I. 6.9.5 Foundation Uplift A soil unit weight of 125 pcf may be assumed for calculating the weight of soil over the wall footing. 6.9.6 Seismic I The lateral seismic pressure acting on a cantilevered retaining wall should be applied as an inverted triangle with a magnitude of 16H, where H is the free height of the wall. The resultant dynamic thrust acts at a distance of 0.61-1. above the base of the wall. This equation applies to level backfill and walls that retain no more than 15 feet of soil. I Figure 6-1. Typical Wall Drainage Detail I. 6.10 MSE Walls 6.10.1 Select Granular Wall Backfill I, The Unit 1 fill is not recommended for use as backfills for MSE retaining walls. Backfill should be comprised of a select granular soil that meets the parameters listed below: at least 40 percent of the material less than '/4-inch in size; I • a maximum particle size of 4 inches; and, - • an expansion index (El) of less than 20 (as determined by ASTM D4829). 1 I . I - All filllbackfihl placed as part of the MSE retaining wall system should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction determined in accordance with ASTM D1557. 6 10 2 Backfill Strength Parameters * I Table 6-5 provides minimum geotechnical parameters for the design of the MSE retaining walls. NOVA expects that a variety of select granular soils will meet these parameters. .. I. . Table 6-5. Soil Strength Parameters for MSE Retaining Walls, PGA = 0.43 g :- Paiametër: - -;. Reinforced Zóné. ;.RetiñedZOne . Fotindätióii Internal Friction Angle, '. . 32 32 32 Cohesion, psf . 0 . 0 0 Wet Unit Weight, pcf 130 130 130 I 6.10.3 Limits of Backfill - - - - . Imported select matet-ials should be utilized for the construction of the MSE retaining wall for the I •. - foundation area, areas to be reinforced, and for areas to be retained as indicated on Figure 6-2. 1.2 I s" I. Figure 6-2 Areas of Select Granular Backfill for MSE Walls I 1 I 4 II I I I]l I As may be seen by review of Figure 6-2, the select granular backfill should extend below the foundation of the planned wall a minimum of 3 feet below the foundation and areas to be reinforced. The retained area extends backward from the top of wall an equivalent distance to the height of the wall. 6.10.4 Construction Quality Assurance Prior to importing the wall backfill soil, the select material should be sampled and tested to verify conformance with the minimum soil strength design parameters presented on Table 1. 6.10.5 Design Review The plans for the MSE retaining walls should be submitted to NOVA to verify the design parameters included herein are incorporated and reflected on the project plans. It should be noted that such review is not intended as participation in the wall design. That design will remain the responsibility of the specialty engineer/constructor who designs the wall. The intent of nova's review will be to verify that the wall designer has adequately utilized the design parameters provided herein. 6.11 Temporary Slopes Temporary slopes may be required for excavations during grading. All temporary excavations should comply with local safety ordinances. The safety of all excavations is the responsibility of the contractor, and should be evaluated during construction as the excavation progresses. Based on the data interpreted from the borings, the design of temporary slopes may assume California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) Soil Type C for planning purposes. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9/24/01 TJ'l:'\7CTn\ I {~f\. L ~' 1'CJ..) j_~4 .. ~j 'C, l~FTAINING WALL SYS fl MS /1 C~'JZH COMPM Y Unit Drainage Fill Options Placement of unit drainage fill in conjunction with different unit sizes and different backfill drainage and filtration requirements can result in some special combinations that have been utilized s uccessfully in the past. There are some construction alignment considerations with different approaches that must be evaluated by the contractor. Acceptable variations are indicated below: Keystone Compac Units Select Granular Backfill' Unit Drainage Fill/Select Backfill Keystone Standard Units Select Granular • , Back.fill Unit Drainage Fill/Select Backfill A. Select Backfill -When the reinforced backfill material is a select granular material which drains easily, a geotextile separator may be used to contain the drainage fill within the Keystone unit allowing placement of select backfill first followed by the drainage fill within the units. Keystone Standard Units Non Freed.raining Backfill Keystone Standard Units Unit Drainage Fill/Non-Select Backfill B. Non Select Backfill -Keystone Standard units may be utilized with a geotextile separator against the tail of the units in lieu of the full 24" drainage zone in most applications to improve construction efficiency without significantly reducing drainage capability. The backfill can be placed against the geotextile first followed by the drainage fill within the units. 15 © 2000 Kcys1011c Rc1.11i,ung w.111 Sy~tcms ITEMCATE Miraf i® REINFORCEMENT I Miragrid®3XT I Miragrid® 3XT geogrid is composed of high molecular weight, high tenacity polyester multifilament yarns which are woven in tension and finished with a PVC coating. Miragrid® I 3XT geogrid is inert to biological degradation and resistant to naturally encountered chemicals, alkalis, and acids. Mechanical Properties Test Method Unit Minimum Average Roll Value Machine Direction Tensile Strength (at ultimate) ASTM D6637 lbs/ft (kN/m) 3500 (51.1) Tensile Strength (at 5% strain) ASTM D6637 lbs/ft (kN/m) 1056 (15.4) Creep Reduced Strength ASTM D5262 lbs/ft (kN/m) 2215 (32.3) Long Term Allowable Design Load' GRI GG-4(b) lbs/ft (kN/m) 1918 (28.0) 1 NOTE: Long Term Allowable Design values are for sand, silt and clay Disclaimer: TenCate assumes no liability for the accuracy or completeness of this information or for the ultimate use by the purchaser. TenCate disclaims any and all express, implied, or statutory standards, warranties or guarantees, including I without limitation any implied warranty as to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or arising from a course of dealing or usage of trade as to any equipment, materials, or information furnished herewith. This document should not be construed as engineering advice. I © 2012 TenCate Geosynthetics Americas Miragrid® is a registered trademark of Nicolon Corporation I , .. I . 4 . . TENCATE: 00 U Mad i USA materials that make a difference I FGS000005 ETQR2O . I I Physical Properties Unit Typical Value Mass/Unit Area (ASTM D5261) oz/yd2 (g/m2) 8.2(278) Roll Dimensions (width x length) . . ft (m) 12 x 150 (3.6 x 46) Roll Area yd 2 (m2) 200 (165) Estimated Roll Weight lbs (kg) 119 (54) I Slate of California Business, Tr.nsportation and Housing Agency DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION a M emorandum Fleryourpower! - Be energy efficient! To: ALL STAFF Date: June 13, 2013 Geotechnical Services - I Division of Engineering Services Front: PHILIP J. STOLARSKI (\e4 State Materials Engineer . Deputy Division Chief Materials Engineering and Testing Services - - I and Geotechnical Services Division of Engineering Services Subject: Seismic Design and Selection of Standard Retaining Wails When providing geotechnical recommendations for type selection of retaining walls during I planning and design phases, the job site should be evaluated to ensure seismic design criteria used for development of the LRFD standard plans are applicable. I According to standard plan sheets dated April 2012, the seismic criteria threshold for standard retaining walls are; Coefficient of Horizontal Acceleration, kh = 0.2 and Coefficient of Vertical I Acceleration k = 0.0, except for concrete retaining walls supporting soundwalls where kh = 0.3 and k= 0.0 are used. The kh = 0.2 is roughly based on using 1/3 Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), therefore, at sites where the PGA is equal to or less than 0.6g, the retaining walls shown I .in the Standard Plans are applicable. For sites with PGA greater than 0.6g, the standard plans are not applicable, and DES/Structure Design should design the retaining walls as special design walls. Include the seismic assessment in geotechnical reports to the District-Project Engineer as I early as possible during planning or design phases of the project development process, so that appropriate functional units can be notified and resources be allocated. Barton Newton, Deputy Division Chief, Structure Policy& Innovation, iiivision of Engineering Services I Lam X. Nguyen, Acting Deputy Division Chief, DES—Program/Project & Resource Management Michael D. Keever, Deputy Division Chief, DES—Structure Design I . . Susan E. Hida, Supervising Bridge Engineer, DES—SP&I—Office of State Bridge Engineer Tom Ostrom, Supervising Bridge Engineer, DES—SP&1—Office of Earthquake Engineering . Cultrans improves mobility across California . -.