MP 14-01 (DEV08014)
Exhibit 3
WHEREAS, MP 14-01 constitutes a request for a Master Plan as (1) shown on Attachment A,
titled "Exhibit MP 14-01," and dated April 18, 2018, and (2) contained in the Village and Barrio
Master Plan on file in the Planning Division and incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, for properties in the Coastal Zone, portions of MP 14-01, in combination with
other city ordinances, also serve as the Local Coastal Program for the Village and Barrio; and
WHEREAS, on April 18, 2018, May 2, 2018, and May 16, 2018, the Planning Commission held
a duly noticed public hearing to consider MP 14-01; and
WHEREAS, at the May 16, 2018 hearing, Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 7294,
recommending the repeal of the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and the approval of MP 14-
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, over the course of the public hearing, reviewed and
recommended changes to the Master Plan in the form of errata; and
WHEREAS, prior to the Planning Commission hearing, the City Planner posted on the Village
and Barrio Master Plan website (www.carlsbadca.gov/villagebarrio) a table and maps identifying all
properties within the boundaries of the Master Plan and relevant land use information for each
property, including existing and proposed General Plan land use designations, zoning, and land use
districts; and
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WHEREAS, the table and maps are on file in the Planning Division and incorporated herein by
reference; and
WHEREAS, on July 10, 2018, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed
by law to consider said request; and
WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments,
if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the City Council considered all factors, including written
public comments, if any, related to MP 14-01; and
WHEREAS, the City Council also considered errata in addition to the errata recommended by
the Planning Commission.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordains as follows that:
1. The above recitations are true and correct.
2. The findings of the Planning Commission in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7294
shall also constitute the findings of the City Council.
3. The Village Master Plan and Design Manual is repealed.
4. MP 14-01, on file in the Planning Division and incorporated herein by reference, is
approved and replaces the Village Master Plan and Design Manual. MP 14-01 shall establish the land
use vision, goals, policies, standards, guidelines, permitted and prohibited uses, and other provisions
for the use and development of all property within the boundaries of MP 14-01, and all development
within the plan area shall conform to its provisions.
5. MP 14-01 replaces the general zoning regulations applicable to those portions outside
the boundaries ofthe Village Master Plan and Design Manual and within the boundaries of MP 14-01.
6. The approval of MP 14-01 includes errata recommended by the Planning Commission,
provided as Attachment B, and additional errata approved by the City Council, provided as Attachment
C and Attachment D.
7. Upon the effective date, MP 14-01 shall apply to development applications not yet
approved by the City of Carlsbad.
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COASTAL ZONE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall
certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the
ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general
circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption.
ZONE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption or upon Coastal Commission
approval of LCPA 14-01, whichever occurs later; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this
ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City
Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad
within fifteen days after its adoption.
INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 10th day
of J.!!!y, 2018, and thereafter
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 24th day of J.!!!y, 2018, by the following vote, to wit:
K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, M. Packard.
C. Schumacher.
M. Hall.
CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney
July 24, 2018 Item #13 Page 20 of 50
0 Proposed Villa e Boundary g and Barrio Mast p er Ian
Existing Villa Manual Boungde Master Plan and D .
Repealed and ~ry (Master Plan To ~sign
and Ba . eplaced b p e rno Master Pl Y roposed v·11 an) 1 age
MP 14-01 Exhibit "MP 14-01" arno Master Plan Village and B .
April 18, 2018 July 24, 2018 Item #13 Page 21 of 50
GPA 16-01/ZCA 16-01/ZC 16-01/MP 14-01/LCPA 14-01/MCA 16-01
The table below identifies the Planning Commission1s recommended changes to the Village and
Barrio Master Plan. The table combines the revisions contained in the three errata sheets
produced for the Commission1s April 18, May 2, and May 16 meetings and in the fourth errata
sheet prepared to reflect the Commission1s recommendations made at the May 16 meeting.
Strikethrough indicates text to be deleted and underline indicates text to be added.
Page Section, Figure or Recommended change
# Table
n/a n/a Under "Planning Commission/' change "Velyn Anerson" to "Velyn
1-2 Section 1.3.1, Change overall Village and Barrio acreage from 325 to 350.
Overall Description
and Master Plan
1-3 Figure 1-1, Master Revise the Coastal Zone boundary as shown in attached Exhibit 1. This
Plan Area, and affects multiple figures throughout the Master Plan. Revisions are the
other figures result ofthe California Coastal Commission's ongoing work with local
showing the jurisdictions to make minor adjustments that refine the boundary,
Coastal Zone originally established in 1977, in a manner consistent with California
boundary Coastal Act Section 30103{b).
1-5 Section 1.3.2, Change Village acreage from 210 to 215 acres.
1-6 Section 1.3.3, Change Barrio acreage from 120 to 135.
1-11 Section 1.5.1, Land Under Goal A., regarding maintaining and enhancing the Village, revise
Use and Policy 2 as follows:
Community 2. Encourage mixed use development projects in the Village Center Character w-re, with an emphasis on pedestrian-oriented retail uses on the
ground floor, and office, other non-residential, and residential uses
on the upper floors.
1-13 Section 1.5.1, Land Under Goal E., "Recognize and support the historical roots of the Village
Use and and Barrio," add new Policy 3, to read as follows:
Community & Economic Development
Planning Division
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4600 I 760-602-8560 fax
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Combined errata sheet of Planning Commission recommended changes
Page 2
Page Section, Figure or Recommended change
# Table
Community "Comply with the Carlsbad Tribal, Cultural, and Paleontological
Character Resources Guidelines."
1-14 Section 1.5.2, Under Goal A, regarding supporting increased alternative modes of
Mobility and transportation, revise the note applying to Policy 9 as follows:
Parking (Note: this objecti>ve .Q..Q..!ky_complements Objective 4.1.2 Policy
1-15 Section 1.5.2, Under Goal B, Policy 8, change Goal cross-reference as follows:
Mobility and ... (See also Goal -2-d 1.5.2.A)
1-18 Section 1.5.3, Change section number from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4.
1-19 Section 1.5.3, Change section number from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4.
1-19 Section 1.5.3, Under Goal B., revise Policy 7 as follows:
Placemaking (note: 7. As part of street improvements, consider new and enhanced
to be renumbered entry and neighborhood features, whether through landscaping,
to Section 1.5.4) public art, sgecially-designed street name s:igns, or other means,
that identify the Village and Barrro as unique places.
2-5 Section 2.3, Land Remove standards regarding non-conforming lots, structures and uses
Uses from Section 2.3.1, Allowable Land Uses, and place them under a new
and separat_e s·ection and heading as follows:
2.3.2 Non-conforming Lots, Structures and Uses
I Non-conforming lots, structures and uses within the Village and
Barrio Master Plan area shall be subject to agglicable grovisions
within Chagter 21.48 of the CMC.
2-5 Section 2.3, Land Remove standards regarding a development site that spans multiple
Uses . districts (last paragraph on page 2-5) from Section 2.3.1, Allowable Land
Uses, and plac;e them under a new and separate section and heading as
2.3.3 Develogment Site Sganning Multigle Districts
A develogment site that sgans multigle districts shall be subject to
aggroval of a site develogment glan, which shall establish the
develogment standards for the site in a manner most consistent
with the underlying districts' standards. Any use that is germitted
or conditionally-germitted over a 12ortion of such a site shall be
12ermitted or conditionally-12erniitted anywhere on the site.
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Page 3
Page Section, Figure or Recommended change
# Table
2-6 Table 2-1, Under the "Residential" category, revise "Mixed-use" as follows:
Permitted Uses
Mixed-use (see section 6.3.6 for decision making authority subject
to the uses Qermitted in this table}
2-6 Table 2-1, Under the "Lodging" category, revise {(Timeshare Project" as follows:
Permitted Uses
Time Share Project (Qrohibited in combination with residential uses
in the same building or on the same lot}
2-7 Table 2-1, Under the "Civic" category, add "Mobility Hub" as a conditionally
Permitted Uses permitted use in the VC, Village Center, District as follows:
I Mobility Hub IC
2-8 Table 2-1, Revise footnote two of Table 2-1 as follows:
Permitted Uses 2Not permitted on the ground floor street frontage as identified in
Figure 2-2.
2-9 Figure 2-2, Use Revise Figure 2-2 as shown in attached Exhibit 2 by amending the use
Restrictions Map restrictions legend regarding ground floor uses as follows:
Boundary of area in which certain uses are not permitted on the
ground floor street frontage.
2-13 ~ection 2.6.1 C., Amend Section 2.6.1 C.4. as follows:
Property Line 4. Razor wire, barbed wire, cyclone and chain link fencing (exceQt
Walls/Fences as noted below), or other similar fences are prohibited. Cyclone
or chain link fencing existing as ofthe Master Plan's adoQtion
date is Qermitted to remain.
2-20 Section 2.6.5 B., Revise Section 2.6.5 8.4. as follows:
Sidewalk Cafes 4. No signs, including signs prohibited by .CMC Section 21.41.030
21.51.030, or objects that would distract or impair motorists,
shall be attached or displayed on any part of the sidewalk cafe.
2-22 Table 2-3, Parking Under the {(residential" category, revise the parking standard for studio
Requirements and one bedroom units as follows:
Studio and one bedroom One space per unit. For condominiums,
units the SQace must be covered.
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Page 4
Page Section, Figure or Recommended change
# Table
2-22 Table 2-3, Parking Under the 11residential" category, revise the parking standard for
Requirements multiple-family units with two or more bedrooms as follows:
Units with two or more One and a half spaces per unit. For
bedrooms (all districts condominiums, one space must be
exceQt BP and BC) covered. Tandem parking is
Units with two or more Two SQaces Qer unit. For
bedrooms (BP and BC condominiums, one SQace must be
districts only) covered. Tandem Qarking is
2-23 Table 2-3, Parking Under the "lodging" category, remove "mixed-use" and its parking
Requirements requirement and insert it under the "residential" category to follow
11managed living unit."
2-24 Table 2-3, Parking Under the i'other11category:
Requirements 1. Delete "cinema" and its parking requirement.
2. Indent "curb cafe or sidewalk cafe" and "outdoor display" so it
is clearer that these usesfall under the "right of way uses"
2-27, Table 2-4, Parking Add the subheading "available to non-residential uses'' at the top of the
2-28 Options table on each page as provided on page 2-26.
2-37 Section 2.7.1 A., Amend 2.7.1 A.1. as follows:
Village Center A. Setbacks
District Setbacks 1. Front/Corner: Minimum of O feet; maximum of 5 feet to
building (at the ground floor). Additiona'I depth permitted
where area includes a plaza, courtyard, or outdoor dining.
2-37 Section 2.7.1 E., Amend 2.7.1 E.1. a. as follows:
Village Center i. Public Space
District Open a. A Qlaza, a minimum 500 square feet feet or 7.5 Qercent of ,
Space lot area, whichever is less minimum plaza (exclusive of right
of way Ji with street furnishing, landscaping, accent trees,
and lighting" shall be provided at each corner located at the
following intersections: Carlsbad Village Drive_and Carlsbad
Boulevard, Carlsbad Village Drive and State Street, State
Street and Grand Avenue, and Carlsbad Village Drive and
Harding Street. No vehicle access aisles or parking is
permitted in this area. This area shall also remain
unobstructed to the sky exceQt for limited Qrotrusions that
contribute to building architecture or street vibrancy, such
as awnings, architectural features, UQQer floor balconies, and
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Page 6
Page Section, Figure or Recommended change
# Table
; 2. Up to 20 percent of a building frontage may be used for a '
lobby or entryway to uses above or behind ground floor
street frontage uses.
2. Renumber existing Section 2.7.11., Good Neighbor, to 2.7.1 J.; and
existing Section 2.7.1 J., Railroad Corridor, to 2.7.1 K.
2-42 Section 2.7.1 J., Amend 2.7.1 J.1 as follows:
Village Center The primary use of the railroad corridor shall be for transportation
District, Railroad facilities and improvements that provide rail and transit services
Corridor and support facilities, as determined by NCTD. Accordingly, land
uses in the railroad corridor in each transect district are subject to
· CMC Chapter 21.100, Transportation Corridor.
2-49 Section 2.7.3 A., Amend 2.7.3 A.1. as follows:
Village Center A. Setbacks
District Setbacks 1. Parcels along Carlsbad Boulevard between Beech Avenue
and Carlsbad Village Drive:
a. Front: Minimum of O feet; maximum of 5 feet to
building (at the ground floor). Additional depth
permitted where one or more of the following are
provided: Plaza, courtyard, outdoor dining, enhanced
pedestrian connection, or landscaping.
b. Side: 0 feet
C. Rear: 0 feet
2-50 Section 2.7.3 E., Amend 2.7.3 E.2.a. as follows:
Village Center 2. Public Space
District Open a. 500 square foot minimum plaza (exclusive of right of way)
Space with street furnishing, landscaping, accent trees, and
lighting shall be provided at the intersection of Carlsbad
Village Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard. No vehicle access
aisles or parking is permitted in this area. This area shall
also remain unobstructed to the sky except for limited
protrusions that contribute to building architecture or
street vibrancy, such as awnings, architectural features,
upper floor balconies, and other non-habitable space. Not
more than 50 sguare feet of such protrusions shall project
over the reguired plaza area.
2-52 Section 2.7.3 G., Amend 2.7.3 G. as follows:
Hospitality District G. BUILDING HEIGHT
Building Height 1. Maximum 45 feet and 4 stories
2. Ground floor plate height for buildings fronting Carlsbad
Boulevard: 14 feet. This height shall be measured from the
finished floor to the top plate of the ground floor or, where
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Page Section, Figure or Recommended change
# Table
there is no "plate", to the bottom of the floor structure of
the second floor.
3. If a 4-story building is proposed:
a. Parcels along Carlsbad Boulevard between Beech
Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive: A maximum of 30
percent of the fourth story street facing fac;:ade can
have a 0-foot setback (as measured from property
line). The remaining 70 percent shall be set back a
minimum of 10 feet (as measured from property line).
b. All other parcels: A maximum of 30 percent of the
fourth sto!}'. street facing fa~ade can have a minimum
10-foot setback {as measured from property line). The
remaining 70 percent shall be set back a minimum of
15· feet (as measured from property line).
_c._The total square footage of enclosed occupiable fourth
floor space shall not exceed 80 percent of the third-
floor footprint.
2-52 Section 2.7.3, 1. Add new Section 2.7.3 I., Ground Floor Uses, as follows:
Standards .1. New ground floor street frontage uses permitted within the
boundaries of the use restriction area identified on Figure 2-2
shall occupy more than one-half of the habitable space
developed on the ground floor and shall SQan at least 80
Qercent of the building frontage.
2. Up to 20 Qercent of a building frontage may be used for a
lobby or entryway to uses above or behind ground floor
street frontage uses.
2. Renumber existing Section 2.7.3 I., Master Site Plan, to 2.7.3 J.
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Page 8
2-57 Section 2.7.4 G.,
District Building
2-61 Section 2.7.5 G.,
Pine-Tyler Mixed-
Use District
Building Height
2-61 Section 2.7.5,
Amend 2.7.4 G. as follows:
1. Maximum 45 feet and 4 stories
2. If a 4-story building is proposed:
a. A maximum of 30 percent of the fourth story street
facing fa~ade can2 have a minimum G 10-foot setback
(as measured from property line). The remaining 70
percent shall be set back a minimum of ±915 feet (as
measured from property line).
b. The total square footage of enclosed occupiable fourth
floor space shall not exceed 80 percent of the third-
. floor footprint.
Amend 2.7.5 G.2 as follows:
G. Building Height
2. Minimum ground floor plate height for comme!cial and ground
floor mixed-use: 12 feet. This height shall be measured from the
finished floor to the top plate cif the ground floor or, where there
is no "plate", to the bottom of the floor structure of the second
Amend this graphic to show a 12 ft., instead of 14 ft ., minimum
Pine-Tyler Mixed-dimension.
Use District
Minimum Ground
Floor Plate Height
2-71 Section 2.8.1,
Area-Wide Design
Guidelines Intent
Revise the second paragraph to read as follows:
All development should align with the spirit and intent of the design
guidelines presented in this chapter. Designers and developers
should consider at a minimum be aware that these guidelines are
a minimum starting point for quality development, and do not
comprise every possible strategy for achieving high quality design.
Therefore, it'is prudent that designers use their own techniques for
achieving authentic, high quality design. The following guidelines
apply to all new and remodeled development within the entire
Master Plan Area unless exempt as determined by Section 6.3.2
4-2 Section 4.2,
Revise the last paragraph on page 4-2 as follows:
Two initiatives are at play that can dramatically change the division
of the community in the future. The first is the plan by NCTD and
SANDAG to double-track the rail line; the second is the opportunity
to enhance street connections between the study area and the
eastern neighborhoods and provide attractive entry features,
"gateways," as a result of the proposed 1-5 enhancements planned
as part of freeway widening (North Coast Corridor Project).
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4-3 Section 4.2, Add the following paragraph to accompany the three pictures that
Maximize depict railroad crossing options at and below street level at Carlsbad
Connectivity Village Drive:
Additionally, lowering the rail line creates an 01212ortunity for a
central green s12ace between Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand
Avenue that links both sides of the track. As Qictured in this
section, ex12ansion of Rotary Park eastward and over the tracks
would result in a broad 12ublic area com12lemented and anchored
by the historic rail de12ot. Potential re-routing of the Coastal Rail
Trail to the alley west of State Street (or 12ossibly as 12art of the
central green as the Qictures deQict} and new 12edestrian and
bicycle crossings on Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue
would also enhance area connectivity. Section 4.4.12 further
discusses relocation of the Coastal Rail Trail.
4-5 Section 4.2, Amend the last paragraph on page 4-5 as follows:
Maximize Given its prominence and activity level, Grand Avenue could be
Connectivity conljlected under 1-5 as part of the overall North Coast Corridor
£project to create an important connection for resident's east of
the interstate. It would also provide at a minimum bike,
pedestrian, emergency vehicle, and transit/parking shuttle access
from the east side of the interstate to the beach, Village and
Barrio. Consideration of this under12ass should occur as 12art of
discussions on a 12otential city hall ex12ansion or connectivity
im12acts to the Village and Barrio resulting from, for exam12le,
' future im12rovements to the freeway and the 1-5/SR 78 .
interchange. -,
4-8 Section 4.3.2, Amend Section as follows:
Make Carlsbad Consider intersection, street lighting, and sidewalk improvements
Accessible that provide accessible paths of travel from residential areas to
important destinations in and near the Village and Barrio
destinations, such as the Senior Center, Pine Avenue Park, the Post
Office, a-HG businesses that provide neighborhood goods and
services, and City Hall and the Cole Libraey:.
4-10 Section 4.3.4, Revise this section as follows:
Allow on-street On-street parking buffers pedestrians from moving cars and
Parking in Suitable calms traffic by forcing drivers to stay alert. Parallel parking is the
Locations ideal arrangement, because it keeps streets narrow. Diagonal
parking is acceptable on some shopping streets to provide more
parking, as long as the extra curb-to-curb width is not achieved at
the expense of sidewalk width. Angled on-street parking can also
be used to retrofit existing streets to provide additional parking
for the Village and Barrio within the existing curb-to-curb
dimension. This has already been accomplished, for example,
along the west side of Madison Street between Carlsbad Village
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Page 10
Drive and Oak Avenue. In addition, back-in angled parking can
enhance sight-lines between drivers and bicyclists and provide
other safety benefits. Areas that will allow for diagonal parking
will be developed at a later time. Parking strategies are
discussed in further detail in Section 4.5.
4-14 Section 4.3.8, Add a fifth recommendation on page 4-14 as follows:
Provide Shade 5. Near railroad crossings, street tree placement must be carefully
considered to ensure trees do not reduce visibility of warning
devices or approaching trains.
4-18 Section 4.3.10, Amend the last paragraph on page 4-18 as follows:
Festival An advantage of this street type is its flexibility; if it is desired to
Streets/Shared temporarily close the street for a festival or an evening event, the
Space Streets resultant space is devoid of curbs and trip hazards and can be
given over 100% to people. During community engagement, this
concept was discussed as a possibility for Grand Avenue between
Roosevelt Street and the railroad tracks. Maintaining the curbs and
raised medians near the railroad crossing on Grand Avenue,
however, would be necessary to provide channelization to
discourage motorists from circumventing gate arms at the
4-19 Section 4.3.11, Amend the last paragraph on page 4-19 as follows:
Street Design This section outlines potential street improvements to create
great streets within the Village and Barrio. See Figure 4-2 for
street cross section and plan locations. It is also proposed in
conjunction with Section 4.3.12, Intersection Design, and Section
4.4, Enhance the Bike Network. This latter section provides
further detail regarding the many bicycle facilities shown on the
sections and plans and discussed in the accompanying text. An
overall Bicycle Facilities map (Figure 4-32.) is also provided.
Further, and in regard to all improvements presented, note the
descriptions, sections and plans are conceptual only and subject
to further evaluation and refinement as projects enter the design
engineering and permitting phases.
4-21 Section 4.3.11 A., Amend the section by revising the second to last paragraph as follows:
Grand Avenue: Proposed conditions would convert the southern half of the
The Grand right-of-way to an enhanced pedestrian zone and two-way cycle
Promenade-track. The resulting broad thirty-l?wo-foot sidewalk would
Street Cross accommodate additional landscaping, outdoor dining, street
Section 1 furnishings, and an ample pedestrian walkway. Except at
intersections, alleys, and driveways, t+he proposed two-way
cyde1track would be physically separated from motor traffic and
distinct from the sidewalk. Cycle tracks are an exclusive bicycle
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Page 11
facility that combines the user experience of a separated path
with the on-street infrastructure of a conventional bicycle lane.
4-21 Section 4.3.11 A., Amend the section by adding a new paragraph before the final
Grand Avenue: paragraph as follows:
The Grand Additionally:, alternatives could be considered to maximize the
Promenade-1;1romenade's width. For exam1;1le, the cy:cle tracks in figures 4-4 and
Street Cross 4-5, de1;1icted below the level of the sidewalk, could also be raised
Section 1 flush with it, creating a single, level surface from the store fronts to
the landsca1;1ed median. In this configuration-, the cy:cle track could
remain distinct from the sidewalk through the use of unigue
1;1avers, brick banding, or other differentiating means. Much like
festival or shared s1;1ace streets discussed in the 1;1revJous section,
the greater width enabled by: a single level Qromenade would
benefit s1;1ecial events while still retaining the se1;1arate functions of
a Cy'cle track and sidewalk at all other times.
4-26 Figure 4-7, West In the text accompanying this figure, insert the following sentence
Carlsbad Village before the last sentence:
Drive, Proposed To increase mobility' OQtions, small 1;1arking s1;1aces for
Condition neighborhood electric vehicles (NEV) could be added as well.
4-30 Figure 4-11, 1. Revise Figure 4-11 to delete the sharrows shown. -
Carlsbad Village 2. Revise the paragraph accompanying Figure 4-11 to delete the
Drive: Proposed sentence regarding replacing bike lanes with sharrows and to
Conditions; and clarify the median would remain as follows:
Section 4.3.11 C., Proposed conditions would improve pedestrian facilities by
Carlsbad Village extending the curb toward the centerline by approximately
. Drive (Interstate 5 five feet and six inches to create a total sidewalk width of
to Carlsbad fourteen feet and six inches on both sides, allowing for
Boulevard}-Street enhanced pedestrian mobility, landscaping, and amenities
Cross Section 3 such as street furniture. Bie•,ele la Res we1::1IEI ee Fe13laeeEI •Nitl=i
sl=iarrev, markiRgs te faEilitate tl=ie 13edestFiaR eRl=iaREemeRts.
Right-of-way width, vehicle lanes and the turn lane and
median would remain the same. However, removal of bicycle
lanes should not take place until adequate replacement bicycle
facilities are provided on Oak Avenue, the street parallel to
and south of Carlsbad Village Drive._Such adequate facilities
are proposed on Oak Avenue.
4-32 Figure 4-13, Oak Revise graphics to show two to three-foot-long angled stripes within
Avenue: Proposed the
Conditions A-bike lane and adjacent to the parking lane. These stripes will indicate to
Striping bicyclists to ride a safe distance away from car doors.
4-34 Section 4.3.11 E. Amend the fourth paragraph as follows:
State Street-Street Proposed conditions would provide pedestrian improvements by
Cross Section 5 widening both sidewalks to twelve feet to accommodate street
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Page i2
trees, furnishings, and an ample pedestrian walkway. Bulb-outs
could also be added to expand opportunities for outdoor dining,
or additional landscaping and public art. Bicycle mobility would
be enhanced through the provision of sharrows. Shared lane
markings, or "sha,rrows," are road markings used to indicate a
shared lane environment for bicycles and automobiles~ and to
Among other benefits, shared lane markings reinforce the
legitimacy of bicycle traffic on the street, recomR'!end ~
biEydist positioning, and may be rnnfigured to offer directional
and 'Nayfinding guidance. Both vehicular travel lanes would be
reduced to ten feet in width and parallel parking lanes would
remain at eight feet in width.
4-36 Figure 4-16, State Revise the top graphic (the street section) to show bicyclists behind or
Street, Proposed ahead of the car and slightly off-center of the lane.
4-40 Section 4.3.11 H, Amend the section title and second paragraph in this section as follows:
Barrio/Village H. Barrio/VlHage Transition and Barrio Identification
Transition Similar improvements to Roosevelt and Madison Streets south
of Carlsbad Village Drive, along the one block stretch to Oak
Avenue, could serve to attractively demarcate the transition
from the Village to the Barrio. They should also help facilitate
pedestrian street crossings between businesses as well as slow
vehicles and can serve as Barrio entryway statements with
appropriate signs and /or public art. Entryway statements, such
as small monument signs, could tie into si;1ecially-designed
street name signs unigue to the Barrio.
4-43 Figure 4-23, Tyler Revise the figure to show a sharrow in each travel lane.
Street: Proposed
Conditions C I
4-44 Section 4.3.11 J., Revise the first sentence of the third paragraph under this section as
Harding Street ' follows:
(and streets with Proposed conditions are illustrated for two locations along Harding
more than 48' Street, as figures 4-2, 4-25 4--1--±, and 4-26 4-±2: indicate.
between curbs) -
Street Cross
Section 8
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Page 13
4-44 Section 4.3.11 Add the following paragraph to the bottom of the page:
J., Harding An interim im1;1rovement (not illustrated) is also 1;1ro1;1osed that
Street (and would slow vehicle s1;1eeds and im1;1rove bicy:cling through restri1;1ing
streets with of the existing street section shown in Figure 4-24. The generous,
more than 48' 14-foot wide travel lanes currently: in 1;1lace could be reduced to ten
between feet, the 1;1arking lane widths decreased from eight feet to seven
curbs) -Street feet, and the bike lane widths also decreased from six feet to five
Cross Section feet. Through these reductions, three-foot wide buffers could be
8 added on either side of both bike lanes, 1;1roviding a buffer between ·.
bicy:clists, moving vehicles and 1;1arked cars.
4-49 Section 4.3.12, Revise the introduction by adding the following sentence to the end of
Intersection the paragraph:
Design As with the street sections and Qlans 1;1resented in Section 4.3.12,
the intersection ty:1;1es 1;1resented are conce1;1tual and subject to
further evaluation and refinement as street im1;1rovement
1;1rojects enter the design engineering and 1;1ermitting 1;1hase.
' 4-49 Section 4.3.12, Revise the third paragraph under Section 4.3.12 A. as follows:
Intersection Vehicle lane width reduction and in some cases travel lane
Design removal are recommended changes within the Village and Barrio
street corridors. These road diet improvements provide different
ways to address vehicular circulation and can include
neighborhood traffic circles aH4 or roundabouts at intersections.
The traffic circle treatment will be possible at several locations
within the Barrio and is dependent on the preferred mobility
treatment options along each street corridor.
4-50 Section 4.3.12, Revise Section 4.3.12 A., Figures 4-28, 4-29, and 4-3.0, in addition to
to I nte rsectio n any individual figure comments below, so that they depict bike lanes,
4-52 Design crosswalks, and other markings and improvements according to city
standards. As an example, bike lanes and cycle tracks approaching
intersections should be shown to terminate approximately 50 to 200-
feet from the intersections so it is clear bicydists may merge into
traffic lanes to safely continue through intersections.
4-50 Section 4.3.12, Revise Section 4.3.12 A., Intersection Type A, by adding a second
Intersection paragraph as follows:
Design This exhibit is illustrative of how a 4-way: stoQ would be stri1;1ed to
1;1rovide maximum safety: for 1;1edestrians. This assumes that a 4-
way: stoQ is warranted by: traffic volumes and assignment of who
has right of way:.
4-51 Section 4.3.12, Revise Section 4.3.12 A, Intersection Type B, by adding the following
Intersection sentence to the end of the paragraph: -Design In addition, this exhibit assumes that a 4-way: stoQ is warranted by:
traffic volumes and assignment of who has right of way:.
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Page 14
4-52 Section 4.3.12, 1. Revise Section 4.3.12 A., Intersection Type C, so that the first
Intersection sentence ofthe paragraph states: "There are several intersections
Design; within the Barrio that could include neighborhood traffic circles Bf
and Figure 4-30, roundabouts depending on the individual street corridor mobility
Intersection Type improvements."
2. Revise Figure 4-30, including its caption, to identify a
"neighborhood traffic circle" instead of a "roundabout."
4-53 Section 4.3.12, Revise the fourth bullet point of Section 4.3.12 B. to read as follows:
Intersection Use all-way stops only if they: meet engineering warrants i:f: tFaffiE
Design EalFAing deviEes a Fe infeasible OF too Eostly.
4-54 Figure 4-31, Traffic 1. Revise the legend as follows:
Calming A. Proposed Shared Space Intersection
Treatments . 8. Proposed Traffic Circle
C. Proposed A€k:i Bulb-Out
D. Existing Neighborhood Traffic Circle Roundabout.
2. Revise the figure caption as follows: Figure 4-31, Barrio Traffic
Calming Treatments.
4-55 Section 4.4, Revise the third paragraph as follows:
Enhance the Existing and proposed bicycle network facilities are illustrated in
Bicycle Network Figure 4-32, Bicycle Facilities, and described as defined by Caltrans.
Street design recommendations contained in Section 4.3, Create
Livable Streets, and sQecifically: subsections 4.3.11 and 4.3.12,
-incorporate bicycle facility recommendations in context with other
right-of-way improvements. Descriptions of specific improvements
and types of bicycle facilities are provided below.
4-55 Section 4.4, 1. Revise the Class Ill Bike Route graphic to show the bicyclists riding
Enhance the in line with the sharrow.
Bicycle Network 2. Revise the Class IV Cycle Track graphic to emphasize the cycle track
and the bicyclist using it.
4-56 Figure 4-32, Revise the map to show an existing Class Ill Bike Route on Laguna Drive
Bicycle Facilities between Jefferson and State streets.
4-57 Section 4.4.2, Class Amend the paragraph to read as follows:
II Bike Lanes Class II bikeways are bike lanes established along streets and
are defined by pavement striping and signage to delineate a
portion of a roadway for bicycle travel. Bike lanes are one-way
facilities, typically striped adjacent to motor traffic travelling in
the same dirE!ction. Contraflow bike lanes can be provided on
one-way streets for bicyclists travelling in the opposite
direction. A buffered bike lane, as deQicted in Figure 4-19 for
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Page 15
Carlsbad Boulevard, provides greater separation from an
adjacent traffic lane and/or between the bike lane and on-
street parking by using chevron or diagonal markings. Greater
separation can be especially useful on streets with higher motor
traffic speeds or volumes. The Qlacement of chevron or diagonal
markings, whether adjacent to travel andLor Qarking lanes,
requires evaluation of relative hazards of both the volumes and
s12eeds of the moving vehicles and the characteristics of the
12arked car (turnover, for exam12le). This evaluation, together
with engineering judgment, will guide the Qlacement and size of
4-57 Section 4.4.3, Class Revise the title and text of this section as follows:
Ill Routes 4.4.3 Class Ill Routes and Sharrows
Class Ill bikeways, or bike routes, designate a preferred route for
bicyclists on streets shared with motor traffic not served by
dedicated bikeways to provide continuity to the bikeway
network. Bike routes are generally not appropriate for roadways
with higher motor traffic speeds or volumes. Bike routes are
(, established by placing bike route signs and optional shared
roadway markings (sharrow~) along roadways.
Shared lane markings, or "sharrows," are road markings used to
indicate a shared lane environment for bicycles and automobiles.
Sharrows are found on Carlsbad Village Drive adjacent to
· Interstate 5 and on Laguna Drive. Sharrows are also deQicted on
many Qlans and sections in Section 4.3.11, including figures 4-16
and 4-17. Among other benefits, these shared lane markings
reinforce the legitimacy of bicycle traffic on the street,
recommend 12ro12er bicyclist 12ositioning, and may be configured to
offer directional and wayfinding guidance.
A liberal application of sharrows throughout the Village and Barrio
neighborhoods is recommended will be applied in order to
emphasize the notion that these neighborhoods are bicycle
friendly. On some busier routes, sharrows can receive a green or
black 'backing' to make them stand out on the road more.
Sharrows can also be painted in a larger size so that they take up
more of the road to make them stand out more. J::or eiiafflple, i:f:
sl:larro'N5 are installed on GarlsbaEI Village Qrive after E'v'Ele trael~s
are installeEI on Grand Aven1:1e anEI Gal~ Ai.1en1:1e, tl:lese sl:lo1:1ld
ind1:1de a green treatfflent in orEler to fflake tReffl stanEI 01:1t fflore.
Shared routes may be used more by confident riders who prefer
not to ride on cycle tracks that tend to cater to more timid and
slower riders.
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Page 16
4-57 Section 4.4,4, Revise this section as follows:
Bicycle Boulevard A Bicycle Boulevard is a shared roadway intended to prioritize
bicycle travel for people of all ages and abilities. Bicycle
Boulevards are typically sited on streets without large truck or
transit vehicles, and where traffic volumes and speeds are already
low, or can be further reduced through use of traffic calming to
minimize vehicular use of and s12eed through these streets.
4-58 Section 4.4.5, Revise the text discussion as follows:
Cycle Track A Class IV separated bikeway, often referred to as a cycle track or
protected bike lane, is for the exclusive use of bicycles, physically
separated from motor traffic with a vertical feature. The
separation may include, but is not limited to; grade separation,
flexible posts, inflexible barriers, or on-street parking. Separated
bikeways can provide for one-way or two-way travel. By
providing physical separation from motor traffic, Class IV
bikeways can reduce the level of stress, improve comfort for
more types of bicyclists, and contribute to an increase in bicycle
volumes and mode share.
[new paragraph] Cycle tracks have been built throughout the
United States and much guidance is available for their 12ro12er
design, One local example of a two-way Class IV separated
bikeway path in North County would be the strip of the Coastal
Rail Trail that extends between Carlsbad and Oceanside along the
Coast Highway. Both one-way and two-way cycle tracks can be
installed as appropriate in order to create more accessible
bikeways. Specifically, as shown in figures 4-4, 4-14, 4-25, and 4-
I§,_ cycle tracks should be implemented on Harding Street, Oak
Avenue and Grand Avenue in order to provide safe and accessible
places for interested but concerned bicyclists to ride.
Cycle tracks will need to be clearly marked, clearl'i visible, and
signalized {with bic'icle-signals} where ap12ropriate to ensure that
both cyclists and motorists are aware of each other. Dashed C'icle
track markings across allevwa'is and drivewa'is, for exam12le, as
shown in figures 4-4 and 4-26 for Grand Avenue and Harding
Street, respectively, are a recommended method to increase
awareness at potential conflict points.
4-58 Section 4.4.6, Amend the first sentence of the first paragraph to read as follows:
Creating Safer The vast majority of bicycle-motorist collisions occur at
Intersections intersections, alleys and driveways, marking them as an important
design consideration in creating bicycle infrastructure.
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Page 17
4-61 Section 4.4.12, Amend the second paragraph as follows:
Coastal Rail Trail Improvements to the Coastal Rail Trail are recommended at the
Improvements entry points to the Class I portion of the trail at Tamarack and Oak
Avenues. At Tamarack Avenue, providing a crossing to enable
bicyclists and pedestrians to cross the street is recommended. The
crossing would also enable turning movements across Tamarack
Avenue such that southbound bicyclists on the Coastal Rail Trail
could turn left (east) on Tamarack Avenue and eastbound
bicyclists on the street could turn left (north) onto the trail. Due to
the trail's Qroximity to the railroad, and since the cross may
reguire modifications to the street median, imQrovements would
reguire coordination with and aQQroval by NTCD. At Oak Avenue,
enhancements are recommended to improve the transition from
the Class I Trail to Oak Avenue. These improvements would
include signs and sharrows to alert both motorists and bicyclists to
each other's presence.
I 4-61 Section 4.4.12, The third paragraph describes bicycle infrastructure improvements
Coastal Rail Trail recommended for the State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard
Improvements roundabout. Supplement this text description with graphics (e.g.,
pictures and/or plans) to illustrate the recommended changes.
4-61 Section 4.4.12, Revise the last paragraph on the page as follows:
Coastal Rail Trail Routing of the Coastal Rail Trail along the alley would also require
Improvements coordination with NCTD and would likely like result in the loss of
public parking, particularly along-the west side of State Street
between Carlsbad Village Drive and Oa'k Avenue. Coordination with
NCTD would be necessary in light of the possibility ofrailroad
trenching, future redevelopment, and the determination of how
the rerouted Coastal Rail Trail would connect with existing trail
improvements in the vicinity ofthe roundabout and on into
Oceanside. Section 4.2 deQicts how a relocated Coastal Rail Trail
could look with the railroad below street level and with a Carlsbad
Village Drive crossing. A central green SQace over the lowered
tracks also is deQicted and suggests an alternative alignment for
the trail that is west of the alley.
4-63 Section 4.5.2, To the bulleted list on page 4-63, revise the last item as follows:
Managing Parking • Support the vision outlined l!!_e.f the Master Plan
and Increasing
4-64 Section 4.5.2, To the bulleted list, add an additional item at the list's end as follows:
Managing Parking • TransQortation Demand Management
and Increasing
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Page 18
4-66 Section 4.5.2, Under Section 4.5.2 A. on page 4-66, revise the Back-in Angled Parking
Managing Parking bullet point text to read as follows:
and Increasing Back-In Angled Parking -This type of parking, also known as
Mobility reverse angle parking, requires the' user to back into a parking
space with the rear of the vehicle in the opposite direction of
travel. The back-in angled parking strategy has been applied
because of the safety enhancements realized for users leaving a
parking space. A user can easily see oncoming traffic (and
bicyclists) and exit the parking space in a much safer manner.
Moreover, drivers and passengers exit'toward the sidewalk when
the doors are open, which is safer for young children. It is also
safer to load packages into the trunk or rear of the vehicle from
the sidewalk than the street.
4-72 Section 4.5.2 E., In-At the second bullet point, amend the first sentence to read as follows:
Lieu Fees Allow funds to pay for parking program improvements -Amend
-the policies related to the in-lieu fee program to allow the
collected funds to support shared public parking and leased
public parking that the city will broker.
5-1 5.1, Introduction Delete the fourth bullet point, "Roles and Responsibilities."
5-6 Section 5.5, Roles Delete this section.
and '·
6-1 Section 6.2.1, Amend the paragraph as follows:
Local Coastal For properties within the Coastal Zone (shown in Figure 2-1), the
Program goals and policies in Chapter 1, the use and development
standards in Chapters 2 and 3, aoo the administrative processes
of Chapter 61 and the definitions in Appendix A of this Master
Plan, together with CMC Chapters 15.12 -Stormwater
Management and Discharge Control, and 15.16 -Grading and
Erosion Control, as well as those provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance not superseded herein, shall constitute the Local
Coastal Program for the Village and Barrio.
6-2 Section 6.3, Permit Amend the first bulleted item as follows:·,
Requirements 1. The vision and objectives for the Village and Barrio as a
whole as described in Chapter 1-Introduction and Vision;
6-3 Section 6.3.2, Amend 6.3.2 A. and 6.3.2 A.1 as follows:
Exempt Projects A. The following improvements and activities are exempt from a
discretionary permit except as provided in Section _§_.:3-.3.2.C.
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Page 1.9
1. One single-family detached dwelling (however, compliance
with Section 2.8.3, Residential Design Guidelines, 4e5igR
guidelines shall be required; additionally, a minor coastal
development permit shall be required if located in the
Coastal Zone);
6-4 Section 6.3.3, Revise Sections 6.3.3 A. A.4, (Minor Site Development Plans) as follows
Permit Types (note: section numbering is to be revised as described below):
4. Additi6ns to existing structures which result in a
cumulative increase of the internal floor area f±} of 10 to
50 percent eF ffieFe, up to a maximum 5,000 sguare feet,
whichever is less rngaFdless ef squaFe foetage, and {2) ef
meFe than 2,§QQ squaFe feet and up tea maxiffiUffi §,QQQ
squaFe feet, rngaFdless ef the peFCentage incFease ef
internal fleeF arna;
6-4 Section 6.3.3, Revise Section 6.3.3 B.A.2 (Site Development Plans) as follows (note:
Permit Types section numbering is to be revised as described below):
Additions to existing structures which result in a cumulative
increase of the internal floor area of more than 5,000 square feet
or 50 percent ef fleer area, Fegardless ef the peFcentage increase
ef internal fleeF aFea.
6-4 Section 6.3.3, Correct paragraph numbering and a section subheading as follows:
to Permit Types A. Minor Site Development Plan
6-5 AL The following improvements require ...
[renumber 1-8 to a-hl
-B-: L All minor site development plans ...
8. Site Development Plan
AL The following improvements require ...
[renumber 1-2 to a-bl
-B-: L All site development plans ...
C. Minor Conditional Use Permit and Conditional Use Permit
[renumber A-D to 1-4l
D. Coastal Development Permit
A L._Unless exempt, and mccept as provided in paragFaphs B
and C ef this sectien Section 6.3.2 B., all development
within the Coastal Zone of the Village and Barrio Master
Plan shall be subject to issuance of a minor coastal
development permit or coastal development permit in
accordance with the provisions of CMC Chapter 21.201.
-B-: i. In addition to the decision-making authority ...
[renumber 1-2 to a-bl
6-6 Section 6.5, Amend the first sentence to read as follows:
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Page 20
I Amendments to the Village and Barrio Master Plan shall be
processed in accordance with the provisions of CMC Chapter2.
21.35 and 21.52.
A-2 Dwellings Under the Dwelling category, delete the definitions of "Managed Living
Units" and "Mixed-Use;" relocate the definition of "Live/Work Unit" to
be after the definition of "Light Industrial." .
A-3 Mixed-Use Amend the definition as follows:
Dwelling Mixed-Use D•NelliRg: A building or portion thereof, designed for
occupancy by one or more families living independently of each
other, and containing one or more dwelling units in addition to
non-residential space (typically office, retail or other commercial
space). The non-residential space is typically located on the
ground floor. ,.
C-4 C.1.1, National Insert between third paragraph and "Environmental Justice"
Programs: Federal subheading, a new subheading and introductory paragraph, as follows:
Government D. u.s: Environmental Protection Agenc~ lEPAl
EPA's mission is to Qrotect human health and the environment.
Where and how we build communities has a major im12act on the
environment and on 12ublic health. Many EPA Qrograms are aimed
at helQing tribal, state, and local governments SUQQOrt activities
that build more sustainable communities and Qrotect human
health and the environment.
C-11 C.2.7, California Delete second paragraph (beginning at "Governor's Homeless
Department of Initiative") and third paragraph (beginning at "HOME Investment
Housing and Partnership Program"), and replace with the following:
Community Affprdable Housing and Sustainable Communities lAHSCl
Development Program: AHSC 12rovides grants and affordable h'Ousing loans for
(HCD} infill, transit-oriented develo12ment, infrastructure activities.
Projects will demonstrate how they SUQQOrt reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions by increasing accessibility of housing,
emQloyment centers and key destinations via low-carbon
trans12ortation OQtions resulting in fewer vehicle miles travelled.
Sueeortive Housing Multi[amilY. Housing Program [SHMHPl:
SHMHP funds may be used for new construction, rehabilitation,
acguisition and rehabilitation, or conversion of nonresidential
structures. Priority QOints are given to 12rojects using sustainable
building methods SQecified in state regulations. SHMHP funds are
for !:iermanent financing only. Eligible costs include facilities for
child care, after-school care, and social service facilities integrally
~ linked to the restricted housing units. DeveloQment costs may
include real QroQerty acguisition, refinancing to retain affordable
.J July 24, 2018 Item #13 Page 41 of 50
Combined errata sheet of Planning Commission recommended changes
Page 21
rents. necessarv on-site and off-site imQrovements. reasonable
fees and consulting costs, and caQitalized reserves.
Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention Program CVHHPl:
VHHP makes long-term loans for develor:1ment or [;)reservation of
rental housing for very_ low-and low-income veterans and their
families. Funds are made available to sr:1onsors who are for-Qrofit
or nonr:1rofit corr:1orations and QUblic agencies. Availability_ of funds
is announced annually_ through a Notice of Funding Availability_.
D-1 n/a Delete "D.1" from the heading
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July 10, 2018
01/MP 14-01/LCPA 14-01/MCA 16-01 {DEV08014)
This fifth errata sheet contains changes prepared by staff to implement recent Coastal
Commission action regarding uses prohibited by the Municipal Code and to correct an oversight
in third errata sheet regarding enclosed fourth floor space. The changes are in addition to those
produced in four prior errata sheets for the April 18, May 2, and May 16, 2018, Planning
Commission meetings.
Strikethrough indicates text to be deleted and underline indicates text to be added.
Page# Section, Recommended change
Figure or
2-8 Table 2-1, Revise the "expressly prohibited uses" portion of the Table 2-1 as follows:
Aeti-efls --- -- - -
f3FSRil3it:eel iR
tAe GaFlssael
Adult ---- ---
Businesses . {CMC 8.60)
Bars and -------
Lounges Not
Part of a
Camping on ----------- -- -
Cannabis -------- - - - - - -
{CMC 8.90)
July 24, 2018 Item #13 Page 45 of 50
Fifth Errata Sheet for Village and Barrio Master Plan
July 10, 2018
Page 2
Card Rooms ----------
(CMC 5.12)
Drug -----
Escort -----
(CMCS .17)
Hookah or -----
Tobacco I
Mini-satellite ----------
(CMC 8.80)
Retail sale of -----
' -----
dogs and cats
Tattoo -----
2-52 Section Amend Section 2.7.3 G.3. b. as follows:
2.7.3 G., b. The total square footage of enclosed
Hospitality occupiable fourth floor space shall not exceed
District 80 percent of the third-floor footprint.
2-57 Section Amend Section 2.7.4 G.2:-b. as follows:
2.7.4G., b. The total square footage of enclosed
Freeway occupiable fourth floor space shall not exceed
Commercial 80 percent of the third-floor footprint.
Height .
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Sixth Errata Sheet for Village and Barrio Master Plan
July 10, 2018
Page 3
2.~ Side: Minimum of 5 feet
3.4 Rear: Minimum of 10 feet
2-49 Section 2.7.3 A., Amend 2.7.3 A.1. as follows:
Hospitality District A. Setbacks
Setbacks 1. Parcels along Carlsbad Boulevard between
Beech Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive:
a. Front: Minimum of O feet; maximum of 5
· feet to building (at the ground floor).
Additional depth permitted where one or
more of the following are provided: Plaza,
courtyard, outdoor dining, enhanced
pedestrian connection, or landscaping.
Additional dei;1th is also i;1ermitted to
accommodate electrical transformers,
-utility connections, meter i;1edestals, and
similar eguii;1ment only if other locations
-are infeasible as determined by the
b. Side: 0 feet
C. Rear: O feet
6-5 Section 6.3.4, Authority Revise section 6.3.4 as follows:
for Approval A. In all districts, +!he City Planner shall:
L Be responsible for determining whether or
not a project is exempt from the permit
requirements and, for a project exempt from
a coastal development permit, maintaining a
record of exemption.
2. Have the authority to approve, approve with
conditions, or deny minor site development
plans, minor conditional use permits, minor
coastal development permits, and minor
variances. The city planner may approve
minor conditional use permits up to the
square footage and dwelling unit limitations
for minor site development plans specified in
Section 6.3.3.A. The City Planner's decisions
are final unless appealed to the Planning
B. The Planning Commission shall~
1. .t!.have the authority to approve, approve with
conditions, or deny site development plans,
conditional use permits, coastal development
permits, and variances in the BP, BC and VBO
2. Have the authority to recommend to the City
Council ai;rnroval, ai;1i;1roval with conditions, or
July 24, 2018 Item #13 Page 49 of 50
Sixth Errata Sheet for Village and Barrio Master Plan
July 10, 2018
denial of site develoi;1ment Qlans, conditional
use i;1ermits, coastal develoi;1ment i;1ermits,
and variances in the VC, VG, HOSP, FC, and PT
+l:ie PlaRRiRg CeFflfflissieR st:iall alse aAct
upon appeals from decisions made by the
City Planner. Planning Commission decisions
are final unless appealed to ~the City
C. The City Council shall~
.L H4ave the authority to approve, approve with
conditions, or deny projects in the VC, VG,
HOSP, FC, and PT districts.
2. Act ui;1on appealsea from decisions made by
the Planning Commission.
3. TRe City CeuRcil sl::iall bBe the final
decision-making authority on actions si;1ecified in
i;1aragrai;1hs C.1 and C.2 above, as well as on
legislative actions, such as amendments to this
Master Plan.
July 24, 2018 Item #13 Page 50 of 50
Certification of Posting and Publication of Ordinance No. CS-335
Page 2
4.) That Ordinance No. CS-335 was adopted on the 24th day of July, 2018
5.) That a certified copy of the full text of Ordinance No. CS-335, showing the
names of those who voted in favor and against the Ordinance was posted
in the City Clerk's Office on the 3i5t day of July, 2018.
6.) That a summary of the Ordinance, showing the names of those who
voted in favor of and against the Ordinance was published in the
Union Tribune, on the 3i5t day of July, 2018.
Dated: July 31, 2018
Section 36933 (c) of the Government Code provides that a summary of an
Ordinance may be published in lieu of the full text, providing the summary is published
and a certified copy of the full text is posted in the Office of the City Clerk at least five
days prior to the Council Meeting at which the Ordinance is adopted.
Section 36933 (c) also requires that, within 15 days of the adoption of the
Ordinance, a summary be published, showing the vote for and against the Ordinance,
and a certified copy of the Ordinance be posted in the Office of the City Clerk.
Therefore, in accordance with Section 36933 (c) of the Government Code, I do
hereby certify as follows:
1.) That the adoption of Ordinance No. CS-335 is to be considered at the
City Council Meeting to be held on the 24th day of July, 2018.
2.) That a certified copy of the full text of Ordinance No. CS-335 was posted in
the City Clerk's Office on the 19th day of July, 2018.
3.) That a summary of the Ordinance was published in the Union
Tribune, on the 20th day of July, 2018.
Dated: July 19, 2018