HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-27; City Council; ; Adopt a Resolution authorizing an amendment to the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee (ACMF) grant agreement for the Floral Trade Center Improvements Project (AGP 13-CAReview K CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: Project Name: Project No.: February 27, 2018 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Pam Drew, Associate Planner pam.drew@carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-4644 Adopt a Resolution authorizing an amendment to the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee (ACMF) grant agreement for the Floral Trade Center Improvements Project (AGP 13-04), to allow the grant funding of $162,833.53 to be used for farming improvements; and approval of a Resolution to: 1) reduce the Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring and Management Plan Program (AGP 06-12) grant award by $50,000, and 2) authorize the ACMF Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee to solicit and evaluate grant proposals, and to make grant funding recommendations to the City Council. Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee Recommendations AGP 13-04{A) Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution authorizing an amendment to the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee (ACMF) grant agreement for the Floral Trade Center Improvements Project (AGP 13-04), to allow the grant funding of $162,833.53 to be used for farming improvements; and approval of a Resolution to: 1) reduce the Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring and Management Plan Program (AGP 06-12) grant award by $50,000, and 2) authorize the ACMF Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee (Committee) to solicit and evaluate grant proposals, and to make grant funding recommendations to the City Council. Executive Summary The Committee met on October 26, 2017 and recommended that the City Council amend the ACMF grant agreement for the Floral Trade Center Improvements Project (AGP 13-04), to allow the grant funding of $162,833.53 to be used for physical improvements to current farming operations. The Committee also recommended reducing the Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring and Management Plan Program award (AGP 06-12) by $50,000 and to solicit grant proposals for the remaining funds. As of December 31, 2017, there was $152,354 available for new projects. If Council approves reducing the AGP 06-12 award by $50,000, the amount available for new grants will be just over $200,000. To increase the funding opportunity to more potential grantees the Committee recommended capping awards at $50,000 per grant. Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 1 of 41 Discussion Reallocating ACMF Funds for AGP 13-04 -Floral Trade Center Improvements Carlsbad Ranch Company, the original grantee and a subsidiary of Carltas Company, originally submitted its grant request (AGP 13-04) in 2013 to purchase coolers and display and supporting equipment required for the operation of the floral wholesalers who would be located in the proposed Floral Trade Center (now called North 40 Urban Farm). The grant was awarded in 2013; however, the grantee reports that construction of the Floral Trade Center has been delayed for various reasons, including working on aligning the right mix of tenants to support the costs of infrastructure and operations. Given the extended delay and uncertainty with the proposed Floral Trade Center, the Carltas Company has requested reallocating the awarded funds to support physical improvements to current farming operations. The money is proposed for the following three projects: 1) installation of an automatic, sensor- controlled irrigation network and micro-sprinklers to more effectively irrigate and reduce overall water usage for the field crops; 2) installation of an adjustable synthetic shade covering to reduce impacts from extreme heat for the floral crops; and 3) the acquisition of a generator and retrofit of two coolers for cut flowers and harvest food crops to provide adequate cooler capacity during harvest periods. See Exhibits 4 and 5 for more information on the reallocation request and the three specific projects and associated costs. ACMF funds are restricted to four categories of allowable uses, one of which is to fund " ... ancillary uses necessary for the continued production of agriculture and/or aquaculture in the city's coastal zone ... " (Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.202.060(D)(2)(b). The Committee reviewed Carltas' proposal and found that the thr:ee projects described above are consistent with the "ancillary uses" purpose of the fund. Reducing ACMF Funds for AGP 06-12 -Batiguitos Lagoon Monitoring and Management Plan Program The Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (BLF) originally submitted its grant request (AGP 06-12) to the Committee in 2006 for the Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring and Management Plan Program. At its June 6, 2007 meeting the Committee supported BLF's request and recommended to City Council that BLF receive $780,589 from the Fund. At its February 19, 2008 meeting, City Council awarded the full grant request and approved a two-part funding plan in Resolution 2008-50. The first part of the approved funding plan, totaling $74,995, was appropriated and has been disbursed to the BLF to collect bathymetric and tidal data and implement maintenance activities such as invasive plant removal and habitat restoration. Bathymetric and tidal data have been completed and invasive plant removal, habitat restoration and trail maintenance is ongoing. The Committee met on November 29, 2016 and recommended that the City Council appropriate $100,000 in previously awarded funds to the BLF to prepare Phase I and II of the Batiquitos Lagoon Resiliency Plan (BLRP). The Council authorized the $100,000 to determine potential future conditions, identify data gaps, perform data collection, and develop climate change adaptation strategies that can address potential impacts to sensitive resources. The Phase I and II work is anticipated to identify additional data collection needs requiring future additional funding. The remaining unappropriated amount is $605,594. The BLF offered, and Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 2 of 41 the Committee is recommending, that the Council reduce the AGP 06-12 award by $50,000. If approved by the City Council, the remaining unappropri~ted amount for AGP 06-12 would be $555,594. Directing the Committee to Solicit Grant Proposals The Committee recommended soliciting grant proposals to use the remaining available cash in the ACMF Fund, which is $152,354 as of December 31, 2017. If Council approves reducing the AGP 06-12 award by $50,000, the amount available for new grants would be just over $200,000. The Committee recommended $50,000 maximum per grant, in order to increase the funding opportunity to more potential grantees. The allowable uses for ACMF Fund are defined in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.202.060(D)(2), as listed below: • Restoration of the coastal and lagoon environment including but not limited to acquisition, management and/or restoration involving wildlife habitat or open space preservation; • Purchase and improvement of agricultural lands for continued agricultural production, or for the provision of research activities or ancillary uses necessary for the continued production of agriculture and/or aquaculture in the city1s coastal zone, including but not limited to farm worker housing; • Restoration of beaches for public use including but not limited to: local and regional sand replenishment programs, vertical and lateral beach access improvements, trails, and other beach related improvements that enhance accessibility, and/or public use of beaches; • Improvements to existing or proposed lagoon nature centers. The Committee would solicit and review grant applications in accordance with the Approved Method of Carrying out the Committee1 s Directive ("method11 ) last amended and approved by the City Council in 2009 (see Exhibit 7). Based on the above information, staff supports approval of the Committee1 s three recommendations. Fiscal Analysis Mitigation fees are collected from developers of coastal agricultural lands that convert to urban uses. These fees have been set aside in the Fund dedicated to providing the types of grants Carltas Company and the BLF have been awarded during previous project solicitation/evaluation processes. As of December 31, 2017, the available cash balance in the Fund was $757,948. Ofthe remaining funds, $605,594 has not been appropriated, although it has been previously awarded to the BLF. If the entire $605,594 is ultimately appropriated to the BLF, the remaining available cash for future grants will be $152,354. If Council approves the reducing the AGP 06-12 award by $50,000 the remaining cash balance in the ACMF Fund will be $202,354, and the remaining unappropriated amount for AGP 06-12 will be $555,594. Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 3 of 41 Next Steps Upon authorization of City Council, the Committee will solicit and evaluate grant proposals according to the method described in Exhibit 7. The proposal submittal period will be for two months, from approximately March through April 2018. Once the submittal period has ended, staff will schedule a meeting of the Committee to review and evaluate the applications in May and June 2018. Accordingly, staff is expected to return to Council in August 2018 with the Committee's recommendations to encumber and grant the available funding. Furthermore, if the City Council approves amending the ACMF grant agreement for the Floral Trade Center Improvements Project (AGP 13-04) staff will need to execute a new funding agreement approved as to form by the City Attorney itemizing the agreed-upon uses, milestones and timing of the release of funds. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The recommended action to reallocate funding for the two projects and soliciting grant proposals are exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15061{b)(3). This Section states that CEQA applies only to projects with the potential to have a significant effect on the environment, which the recommended actions do not. Public Notification The public meeting notice for the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee was published in the Union-Tribune on October 20, 2017 and was posted on the city's website. An email notification to a list of those expressing interest in the Committee meetings was also sent out. Information regarding public notifications of this item such as mailings, public hearing notices posted in the newspaper and on the city website are available in the Office of the City Clerk. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution -Floral Trade Center Improvements 2. City Council Resolution -Committee Recommendations 3. Draft Minutes from the October 26, 2017 Committee Meeting 4. Grant Application -GPA 13-04 -Floral Trade Center Improvements 5. Letter from Carltas Company dated October 5, 2017 6. Letter from Carltas Company dated October 26, 2017 7. ACMF Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee Proposal Solicitation Strategy and Evaluation Criteria, amended January 20, 2009 Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 4 of 41 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-025 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE (ACMF) GRANT AGREEMENT FOR THE FLORAL TRADE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (AGP 13-04), TO ALLOW THE GRANT FUNDING OF $162,833.53 TO BE USED FOR FARMING IMPROVEMENTS. CASE NAME: CASE NO.: FLORAL TRADE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS AGP 13-04(A) WHEREAS, Carlsbad Ranch Company, the original grantee and a subsidiary of Carltas Company, originally submitted AGP 13-04 in 2013 to purchase coolers and display and supporting equipment required for the operation of the floral wholesalers who will be located in the proposed Floral Trade Center (now called North 40 Urban Farm); and WHEREAS, the grant was awarded in 2013 in the amount of $162,833.53; however, the grantee reports that construction of the Floral Trade Center (now called North 40 Urban Farm) has been delayed for various reasons, including working on aligning the right mix of tenants to support the costs of infrastructure and operations; and WHEREAS, given the extended delay and uncertainty with the proposed Floral Trade Center, the Carltas Company has requested in a letter dated October 5, 2017, that the awarded funds be reallocated to support physical improvements to current farming operations, as follows: 1) installation of an automatic, sensor-controlled irrigation network and micro-sprinklers to more effectively irrigate and reduce overall water usage for the field crops; 2) installation of an adjustable synthetic shade covering to reduce impacts from extreme heat for the floral crops; and 3) the acquisition of a generator and retrofit of two coolers for cut flowers and harvest food crops to provide adequate cooler capacity during harvest periods; and WHEREAS, ACMF funds are restricted to four categories of allowable uses, one of which is to fund " ... ancillary uses necessary for the continued production of agriculture and/or aquaculture in the city's coastal zone ... " (Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.202.060(D)(2)(b); and WHEREAS, the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizen's Advisory Committee (Committee) met on October 26, 2017 to discuss Carltas' request, found that the proposed use of the grant is consistent with the "ancillary uses" purpose of the fund, and recommended that the City Council authorize amendment of the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee (ACMF} grant agreement Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 5 of 41 for the Floral Trade Center Improvements Project (AGP 13-04), to allow the grant funding of $162,833.53 to be used for farming improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby authorizes an amendment to the Floral Trade Center Project grant agreement AGP 13-04 to allow the grant funds to be used for farming improvements as requested by the grantee and recommended by the Committee. 3. That the City Council authorizes the Mayor to execute with the grantee an amended funding agreement, approved as to form by the City Attorney, itemizing the agreed- upon uses, milestones and timing of the release of funds. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of February, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. {SEAL) Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 6 of 41 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-026 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, TO REDUCE THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT PLAN PROGRAM (AGP 06-12) GRANT AWARD BY $50,000, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE ACMF AD HOC CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO SOLICIT AND EVALUATE GRANT PROPOSALS, AND TO MAKE GRANT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL. CASE NAME: AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE AD HOC CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS WHEREAS, the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (BLF) originally submitted its grant request (AGP 06-12} to the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee (Committee) in 2006 for the Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring and Management Plan Program; and WHEREAS, at its June 6, 2007 meeting the Committee supported BLF's request and recommended to City Council that BLF receive $780,589 from the Fund; and WHEREAS, at its February 19, 2008 meeting, City Council awarded the full grant request and approved a two-part funding plan in Resolution 2008-50; and WHEREAS, the first part of the approved funding plan, totaling $74,995, was appropriated and has been disbursed to the BLF to collect bathymetric and tidal data and implement maintenance activities such as invasive plant removal and habitat restoration; and WHEREAS, bathymetric and tidal data have been completed and invasive plant removal, habitat restoration and trail maintenance is ongoing; and WHEREAS, The Committee met on November 29, 2016 and recommended that the City Council appropriate $100,000 in previously awarded funds to the BLF to prepare Phase I and II of the Batiquitos Lagoon Resiliency Plan (BLRP) to determine potential future conditions, identify data gaps, perform data collection, and develop climate change adaptation strategies that can address potential impacts to sensitive resources; and WHEREAS, on April 11, 2017, the Council authorized appropriation of $100,000 for BLRP Phase I and Phase 11, and directed that the Committee discuss and make a recommendation regarding disposition of the remaining funds previously awarded to AGP 06-12 ($605,594); and WHEREAS, the Committee met on October 26, 2017 to discuss the status and disposition of AGP 06-12, and recommended reducing the previously-awarded amount by $50,000, while leaving the remaining amount ($555,594) in place until completion of BLRP Phase I and Phase II; and Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 7 of 41 WHEREAS, the Committee also recommended soliciting grant proposals to use the remaining available cash in the ACMF Fund, which would be approximately $202,354, inclusive of the $50,000 from the AGP 06-12 award; and WHEREAS, to increase the funding opportunity to more potential grantees, the Committee recommended capping awards to $50,000 per grant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby authorizes to reduce the Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring and Management Plan Program (AGP 06-12) grant award by $50,000. 3. That the City Council hereby authorizes the Committee to solicit and evaluate grant proposals, and to make grant funding recommendations to the City Council, in accordance with the Approved Method of Carrying out the Committee's Directive ("method") last amended and approved by the City Council in 2009. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of February, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. (SEAL) Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 8 of 41 ( City of Carlsbad AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE (ACMF) AD HOC CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE The request is consistent with the original grant, as the uses are consistent with ancillary uses for improving agricultural operations. The opportunity to reallocate the funds would have economic and long term sustainability benefits, with immediate impacts now to their survival as a farming operation. Mr. Calkins stated that there is a need to update the Floral Trade Center project's foundation blocks; the originally applied for improvements will still be built, but thqse improvements need to occur at different phases. Committee Member Siekmann questioned Mr. Calkins regarding the money being moved towards the flower fields, though the original grant was for the FloraLTrade Center project, which has been left out of current request for reallocation. Mr. Calkins responded that he will be going before the Planning Comml.ssion soon to make sure the proposed uses at the Floral Trade Center are consistent with the zoning onJhe parcel. Mr. Calkins expects the building plans for the Floral Trade CenterJn lat.e spring 2018, cohstruction in early fall, and opening in early 2019. Committee Members Flock and Siekmanri'questioned howreaHocating the money will help the floral industry that will be located at the Floral Tu1de Center. Mr. Calkintr,~sponded that food crops are the basis of this project, and the.n,oney used iriJhe three.areas he requested would directly improve the agriculture needs and be(mb}~su.stainable in.the longiun. ivlr 1 ~al kins stated that he is committed to the Floral Trade Centet' project/and the requestforttie reallocation of funds is to balance the use of funds to move the Flotal Trade Center projecfforward and sustain and improve floral operation to the overall benefit of 1:He.floral).:>usinesses. Mf. Calkins agrees that, if reallocation is approved by ACMF, the'projectplans will befoore detailed for the City Council's review and determination . .,..;: .. ::·.<··:><·' <!/:.:,:·: ···:.·· .. ·<:/' ACTION: Chairpersdnlarso~~oyed to rec6~men~ approval of the reallocation of $162,833.53 in grant fund~ ap',:,rovelforthe Floral Trade Center for use on the flower fields operation ·• .... ·. with the stipulaHqn that Mr:Calkins provide additional information to the City Council on the.status of the proposed Floral Trade Center including the project timetable, viability and floral distributors and users. The motion was seconded by Committee Member Siekmarn1and carried with the following vote: AVES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Chairperson Eric Larson; Committee Members Ken Alfrey, Carolyn Alkire, ···· Brian Flock, Scott Greenfield, Kerry Siekmann and Patrice Smerdu. None None None Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 11 of 41 If (_ City of Carlsbad AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE (ACMF) AD HOC CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORTS: 7. Update on the Batiquitos Lagoon Resiliency Plan (BLRP) from Fred Sandquist, President of the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (AGP 06-12). Fred Sandquist reported that the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (BLF) is moving forward with the use of the $50,000 of the $100,000 that was appropriated recently. J>hase 1 was started last week with a stakeholders meeting to inform them of the project and to rai~e interest in the importance of the project. Phase 2 is ongoing to gather data and completea .. gap analysis. Phase 3 and 4 will need additional funds, but at this time he does not know the exact~mount until the data collection is completed. He requested that the Committee leavfthe awarded, butunappropriated amount, in the AGP 06-12 account until it can be determinedhow much additional funding will be needed to complete the BLRP. He expects that the baseiirii data will be collected bythe fall of 2018 with the final plan completed in the fall of 2019 or spring of2020. The B~RP, which willaddress climate change, will be included in the Department of Fish and Wildlife's rn~nagement and ·111onitoring plan upon completion. 8. Receive Report on Available Fund Balance and.Consider Recdmmending that City Council Direct Staff to Solicit Grant Applications for the Corrimitteis.~eview. ' . . Currently, there is $148,000 in grant monies not yJtawc1rded t6 recjpients. Committee Member Flock is in favo.rqf offering m~ltiple grant~. Chc1irpersonLc1rson'states grant requests are often too high and suggests the Conrnnittee considerca.pping the grants at $50,000 to keep them small to allow more categories of grants to be fu 0 11ded. '" a' Mr. Sandquist stated thath~is IAlilHnlfohav~ $50,0oqreallocated from his Lagoon Foundation's grant (AGP 06ii) fothe $1:48,000 uh-c1Warded monJes to brjng the available grant funds close to $200,000. ACTION: Chairper;bn;·1arsori<rnpved tof:~21mmend that the City Council: 1) reallocate $162,833.53 irr gr,ant funclsfrom AGP 13-04; 2) direct staff to solicit grant applications for the Committee'sr,eview witha$50,000 cap on grants; and 3) reallocate $50,000 in grant funds from AGP 06-12 to the un-awarded monies. The motion was seconded by Comn,ittee Memb~rSiekmann and carried with the following vote: AVES: Fhajr'person Eric Larson; Committee Members Ken Alfrey, Carolyn Alkire, ·:/Brian Flock, Scott Greenfield, Kerry Siekmann and Patrice Smerdu. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None 9. Adjourn: Chairperson Larson adjourned the meeting at 10:09 a.m. Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 12 of 41 ~ CICARLSBAD<t AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE (ACMF) PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION FORM This application and all supporting documents must be received no later than 5 p.m . on May 24, 2013 Submit to: City of Carlsbad Community & Economic Development Department Attn: Kevin Pointer, Associate Planner 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA, 92008 FOR STAFF USE ONLY Project Number: Project No.: AGP 13-04 -----Project Name: Floral Trade Center Improvements ProjectName: ______ Date Received: 5/23/13 Submittal Formatting Requirements All submittals must be typed on 8 Yr x 11 sized paper (drawing exhibits may be larger}, and applicants must provide twelve (12) full sets of all documents submitted. In addition to the materials required below, applicants must also provide a one-page summary of the proposed project. All documents submitted become the property of the City of Carlsbad. In addition to the written application, project proponents may be asked to make a presentation to the Committee. Please complete the following application using the guidance provided on the "Application lnstructions11 sheet. Applicants may attach additional pages, subject to the "Submittal Formatting Requirements,11 above. Name of Applicant: Carlsbad Ranch Company, L.P. Address: 5600 A venida Encinas Suite # 100 Phone: { 760) -11L-..;;:5...;;.6..::;..;00=---- Contact 1) Christopher Calkins name Contact 2) Lizbeth Ecke Email: ccc(@carltas.com (760) 431-5600 Xl 12 phone (760) 431-5600 Xl 13 name phone Please note: Successful applicants will be required to provide a Federal Tax ID Number or Social Security Number before any grant funds are released. Total Amount of Grant Request: $ 250,000.00 Application must be for a minimum of $2,500.00. Page 1 Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 22 of 41 I. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Projects MUST implement one of the four categories below to be eligible for a grant from the ACMF fund. Please contact Associate Planner Kevin Pointer at the City of Carlsbad (760-602- 4620 or kevin .pointer@carlsbadca .gov) for further information. Please indicate which of the following four categories the proposed project would implement: a) Restoration of the coastal and lagoon environment including but not limited to acquisition, management and/or restoration involving wildlife habitat or open space Preservation; b) Purchase and improvement of agricultural lands for continued agricultural production, or for the provision of research activities or ancillary uses necessary for the continued production of agriculture and/or aquaculture in the city's coastal zone, including, but not limited to, farm worker housing; c) Restoration of beaches for public use including, but not limited to local and regional sand replenishment programs, vertical and lateral beach access improvements, trails, and other beach-related improvements that enhance accessibility, and/or public use of beaches; d) Improvements to existing or proposed lagoon nature centers. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION, SCOPE, AND BENEFITS Yes t]J r··:-·,,, (iii No D :· cr t D · t:11 1. Describe the proposed project. The description should a) provide sufficient detail for a clear understanding of the proposed project; b) include clear intended outcomes of the project; and, c) specifically address how the project satisfies the eligibility requirement(s ). (Please attach separately; maximum 3 typed 8 Xx 11 pages plus drawings) See Attached 2. How will the project benefit the citizens of Carlsbad?------------- See Attached Page 2 Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 23 of 41 Ill. PROJECT FEASIBILITY AND PLANNING 3. What permits/approvals (federal, state, local, other) will the project require? ___ _ CUP. CDP. Grading. Building and Occupancy Permits 4. What is the time line for implementation of the project? See Attached ~~~~~------ 5. How will the project be implemented? Identify specific milestones that would be used to measure progress of project implementation and who will be responsible for implementation ..... S .... e ..... e ..... A ..... tt ....... a ..... c ___ h ___ ed~----------------------- IV. APPLICANT INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE: Individual applicants, please complete items 6 and 10 in this section (Section IV). Organization/ Agency applicants, please complete all items in this section. 6. This applicant is a (an): []~ Individual Cf Organization (Non-Profit) ~-Organization (For Profit) 7. (J Public Agency (State/Local) []. Other -------------- a. Years in Business: ... 2 ... 0 __________ Carlsbad Ranch Company, L.P. ("CRC") has no b. Number of Employees: employees but acquires its service from its parent c. Number of Volunteers: Carltas Company (16 employees) and its affiliate CB Ranch Enterprises (The Flower Fields®). NOTE: If the applicant is an organization/agency an organizational chart is also required for submittal. 8. Names of Officers and Board of Directors: (General Partner -Carltas Company) Name: Title: Christopher C . Calkins President James R. Bornemann Vice President I CFO Lizbeth A. Ecke Director I Secretary Paul Ecke III Director I Assistant Treasurer Sara Ecke May Director Page3 Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 25 of 41 ACMFP 2013 Grant Request Carlsbad Ranch -Tillian Row Floral Trade Center Improvements Ill. Project Feasibility and Timing 4. Timeline Complete Discretionary Approval (CUP/SOP) Engineering, final design, Leasing Construction Permit-Work commences on Tenant Improvements Funding (30 days prior to construction) Work Complete-Tenants in Occupancy 5. Project Implementation 8/1/13-10/1/13 8/1/13-12/31/14 9/15/14-11/15/14 8/15/14-10/15/14 2/14/15 Concurrent with final design and permitting, the CRC will negotiate leases for floral tenants in the new facility. The grant funds will be allocated among the prospective tenants to provide a base for determining rent and cost for occupancy in business by business discussions. The grant funds will be applied as spaces are completed and readied for occupancy. With the grant funds support the proposed improvements can be assured of maximum energy efficiency and reduced operating costs as well as consistency in appearance and quality. CRC will be responsible for assuring acquisition and installation of the facilities supported by the grant. Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 26 of 41 9. What is the purpose or mission of your agency/organization? Within an overall mission to hold and operate the Carlsbad Ranch property the mission of CRC for its a~cultural lands is as follows: • To create an economically sustainable ag1icultural operation consistent with the standards. vision, and policies of the Citv of Carlsbad • To sup_port and enhance the continued viabilitv of floral production and distribution from the Carlsbad Ranch. 10. Describe applicant's experience in the project area. Through its affiliate CB Ranch Enterprises (The Flower Fields®) CRC has created and successfully operated an integrated visitor serving and floral production and distribution business for more than 20 years, including all supporting infrastructure. In addition through an affiliate and CRC converted an abandoned circuit board plant and operated the San Diego International Floral Trade Center for 14 years. Finally, through its parent, CRC was responsible for planning and developing the entire Carlsbad Ranch of which the project site is a part. V. FINANCIAL RESOURCES/BUDGET All applicants must attach a budget and a proposed funding schedule for the proposed project. After a grant has been awarded and prior to distribution of grant funds, the financial condition of an agency/organization will be evaluated through submittal of either an audited financial statement {encouraged/preferred); a reviewed financial statement; an IRS-990 tax return; or other evidence of financial condition as agreed upon by the city. All applicants are encouraged, but not required, to submit this documentation at the time of application submittal. 11. If other resources/funding will be used, please describe all funding you have already secured or anticipate securing for the proposed project, and identify the amount, type, status, and source(s) of all such funds. Please indicate if no other resources/funding will be used. The proposed grant will be matched by funds from applicant and commercial lenders. All overhead, design, engineering and other expenses associated with provision of the facilities for the floral tenants will be provided by applicant from its resources or commercial lending sources. 12. Describe any previous city funding requested or received (for any project) in the past five years. _N ......... o-ne __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page4 Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 27 of 41 VI. GENERAL COMMENTS/INFORMATION 13. Is there anything else you wish to make the Committee and City Council aware of regarding yourself, your organization, or your proposed project? Carlsbad has had a unique position as the onlv location south of Los Angeles with a major floral distribution center and market. However, because of the physical characteristics of the existing location and its zoning it is not accessible to the public generally unlike the Los Angeles Flower Market and the San Francisco Flower Market. Encouraging the location in efficient facilities with reduced energy requirements will be a major inducement to continuation of a floral center for all of Southern California in Carlsbad. VII. DISCLOSURES/REQUIREMENTS/CERTIFICATION Disclosures: These grants may be used in combination with funding from other sources or may be used for projects for which other funds are not available. Project proponents must submit a written application. Project proponents may also be asked to make a presentation to the Committee. The Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee will review project proposals and will recommend to the City Council those projects selected for funding. Final approval of funding will require City Council approval. This grant opportunity may or may not be available annually or after the first year, depending upon the number of meritorious proposals, the amount of funds available, and the amount of funds ultimately awarded by City Council. Projects approved for funding in the first year have no expressed or implied guarantee for future funding. The full amount of the available funds may not be disbursed if there are not sufficient meritorious applications. These grants will not be awarded on a first-come/first-serve basis but will be considered according to specific criteria. Any project that is awarded funds will be required to meet agreed-upon milestones. Failure to satisfy the agreed-upon milestones will result in project reconsideration and possible cessation of funding. All documents submitted become the property of the City of Carlsbad. I/we understand the information above: Yes [xi No D Reporting Requirements: Grant recipients will be required to file with the City a report on how the funds were spent annually, or when funds are spent, or at other agreed upon intervals (e.g., upon achievement of a milestone), whichever comes first. Proof of project expenses (i.e., receipts) are required to be held for at least two years (or longer if so specified in the Grant Funding Agreement), during which time the City reserves the right to audit the records. I/we agree to adhere to the funding and reporting requirements described above: Yes[xl NoO Pages Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 28 of 41 ACMFP 2013 Grant Request Carlsbad Ranch -Tillian Row Carlsbad Ranch Company Organizational Chart Owned by Carltas Company Carlsbad Ranch Company President Christopher C. Calkins Carlsbad Ranch Restaurant Company , LLC L ot3 Carlsbad Ranch Vice-President Lizbeth A. Ecke CFO JamesR. Bornemann Mellano and Company Farming Carltas Staff Management Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 30 of 41 ACMFP 2013 Grant Request Carlsbad Ranch-Tillian Row Floral Trade Center Improvements V. Financial Resources/Budget {a) Budget Total cost (see attached White Construction proposal) Grant Support CRC Resources (including commercial financing) (b) Funding Schedule Funding (30 days prior to start of construction) {C) Financial Statements-(attached) $818,143 $250,000 $568,000 $250,000 8/15/14-10/15/14 Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 31 of 41 I _J i ~!..IJJJLB PROPOSAL CONSTRUCTION Carlsbad Ranch Company 5600 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad CA 92008 Prepared By: Dave Sarto Date: 05/08/2013 Project: CRC FMP Budget Attention: Christopher Calkins Cannon Rd. & Car Country Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 Project Number: 8650 CSICODE 1035.000 11420.000 15300.000 15400.000 DESCRIPTION * Coolers & Assoc. Work * General Conditions Supervision for 1 month part-time Project Management TOTALS 5,900.00 Temp Facilities; Qob site trailer, toilets, hand wash, power, water, labor, dumpsters, signage) Walk-in Coolers 560,000.00 18ea. Walk in Cooler-We will provide and install 20x24x10 walk in coolers with refrigeration system capable of 35°. These coolers are priced without any specific temperature or humidity requirements. The coolers are priced to be installed as shown on page A-5, though we highly recommend putting the condensing unit outdoors. Excluded: Electrical, condensate receptor, framing and building penetrations Fire Sprinklers -Wet & Dry for Coolers 25,200.00 * Scope of Work; Provide design, permits, fees, material, tools, lift equipment and labor to install Dry pendent sprinklers (no water) to be installed in 18ea. coolers (below 40 degrees). Sprinkler Systems will meet NFPA #13 and the Carlsbad Fire Dept requirements. Approx coverage is 100 sf. per dry pendent head. * Add/Deduct; Increase or decrease the quantity of 20'x24' coolers at a cost of$ 1.400ea. actual number of coolers to be determined before the start of fire design. Plumbing * PROVIDE AND/OR INSTALL (General); Trenching I backfill as needed Schedule 40 ABS I D\MI waste and vent piping above & below grade Type "L" copper water piping Type "M" copper condensate piping 26,560.00 2540 Gateway Rd I Carlsbad, CA 92009 I P: 760.931.1130 I Lie. #452513 I whiteconstructioninc.com Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 32 of 41 I ....I I ~~JJJj£j 05/08/2013. Page# 2 CONSTRUCTION continued CSI CODE DESCRIPTION TOTALS 16000.000 1630.000 17001.000 17002.000 MEP EXCLUSIONS: Schedule 40 steel gas piping * Cooler &Assoc. Work (Specific); 16ea. Floor sinks 16ea. Insulated condensate line for cooler fan coils Electrical -Building Lights/Switch GearffelCo * Summary; 155,000.00 18ea. Tenant space for cooler HVAC power and convenience outlet$ 155,000 ($ 8,600/ea. space) * Materials & Work to Include; 18EA. WP GFI 15A 120V PLUG AT COOLER EQUIP PAD 18EA. COOLER FAN COIL UNIT 3PH 20A 208V (FBO) 18EA. COOLER CONDENSING UNIT 3PH 20A 208V (FBO) 18EA. LOW VOLTAGE 5 WIRE INTERLOCK -CONDENSING-FANCOILS 18EA. SINGLE POLE PILOT SWITCH FOR COOLER LTG 108EA. COOLER LIGHTING 4FT 2 LMP 120V FLOURS VAPOR PROOF (6 PER UNIT) 18EA. COOLER J-BOX & CONDUIT FORT-STAT * Notes: AVERAGE COOLER ELECTRICAL COST-BASE BID INCLUDES 18EA. = $3,072 EA. AVERAGE COOLER ELECTRICAL FEED & PANEL FEED-BASE BID INCLUDES 18EA. = $ 5,494.00 EA. Periodic & Final Cleaning 2,500.00 Liability Insurance 1% 7,752.00 Contractors Fee 4.5% 35,231.00 Bid Total: 818,143.00 Permit fees, space planning fees, engineering fees, special inspections, bonds, off-hour labor, temporary power, utility company fees, fire alarm/security systems and wiring, union labor, phone/data systems and wiring, x-ray of concrete, any work to existing equipment/devices, work caused by unforeseen conditions, ADAff-24 upgrades if required, code compliance upgrades if required, and any work not specifically stated above. Fees to any Agencies Engineering Stamp for Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC Plotting Reprographic expenses 2540 Gateway Rd I Carlsbad, CA 92009 I P: 760.931.1130 I Lie. #452513 I whiteconstructioninc.com Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 33 of 41 The specific programs and the amount allocable to each are as follows: 1. Water Management for production. The costs and scarcity of water is a major challenge to the continued field production. We propose funding to reduce water usage by 15-20% by installing an automatic, sensor-controlled irrigation network based on Decagon Devices, Inc., PlantPoint Technology, along with a significant savings in labor now required for our manual irrigation system ( project cost-$58,000) As a second part of this program we propose to install micro- sprinklers that will more effectively irrigate and reduce overall usage. The sprinklers required for initial installation for 40 acres will require funding for approximately $36,000 in materials. 2. Heat Impact management. Production of an early floral crop (produced for sale in the fall) with planting in early summer is crucial to the economic value of the crop, and its advantage from our location. However extreme heat often encountered for 1-3 weeks from mid-August to Mid- September have repeatedly prevented production success. We have tested a system utilizing an adjustable shade covering using AG70 ( a woven synthetic) as a means of mitigating the impact. We propose to install a system for 10 acres of production that will have an adjustable shade structure. (project cost-$25,000) 3. Cooler for cut flowers and harvested food crops. We have had limited facilities to store cut flowers and harvested food crops, with a concomitant impact on inventory which we can deliver for sale. We propose to refit 2 containers and acquire a generator which will provide for adequate cooler capacity during harvest periods. (project estimated cost-$50,000) The aggregate for these projects ($169,000) exceeds the original grant, and additional costs for labor are not included. However as with the earlier grant (which was less than the full project cost) we propose to fund any costs above the grant award. All projects will be completed by June 30, 2018. Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 35 of 41 EXHIBIT 7 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE AD HOC CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROPOSAL SOLICITATION STRATEGY Objective: To ensure that availability of grant funds is known throughout the community and among those organizations and individuals who might wish to apply. Methods may include: • Editorial Boards • Press Releases • Solicit feature coverage in newspapers • OpEd (i.e., a letter from the Mayor on behalf of the City Council) • Posters in public facilities ( e.g., libraries; City Hall; Faraday building; other?) • Posting on City's web page with grant program info and staff contact info o Electronic links to informational flyer; press release and dedicated webpage. o Electronic distribution via electronic subscription service o Electronic distribution via City E-News • Mailings to those known to be interested o List of individuals with potential interest (list must be updated) o List of organizations with potential interest (list must be updated) o Other public agencies o Downtown Merchants Assn. o Chamber of Commerce o Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau • Newspaper advertisements o North County Times o Union-Tribune -North County edition o Coast News o Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • Other? • Insert notification in water bills Factors to Consider • Time constraints • Budget/Costs Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 37 of 41 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE AD HOC CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROPOSAL CONSIDERATION & PROCESS SUMMARY PROPOSALS THE COMMITTEE WILL CONSIDER • Projects (i.e., not on-going programs) • Projects which have not been completed by the date that City Council approves the Committee's procedures and application consideration process (i.e., no reimbursement for previously completed projects) • Proposals from all types of organizations and individuals • Grants -outright and/or matching-but not loans • Requests for a minimum of $2,500.00 (nothing less than $2,500.00) EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS The Committee will promote the equitable distribution of the grant funds available by ensuring that all potential applicants have a fair and equal opportunity to apply for the funds. This does not mean that the total funds available will be divided equally among the four categories of eligible projects. However, the Committee intends to award funds to projects in each of the four categories if at all possible. DRAW DOWN OF FUNDS The Committee will not specifically "hold back" funds for future awards, nor will it target a specific amount of funds to be spent in the first year. The Committee will draw down funds based solely upon the merit of the projects proposed. All project proposals will be evaluated on their own merits and funds will be spent as merited by proposed projects. The Committee believes that sufficient eligible and meritorious project proposals will be received to justify expenditure of all available funds before the Committee sunsets (four years from August 2, 2005), if not sooner. PROCESS • Proposal review: paper process and possible presentation opportunities (at request of Committee) • Establish City staff contact(s) for applicant info/assistance and application form • Opportunity for applicants' feedback on process, forms, etc. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT Applications must implement the Charge of the Committee (i.e. involve one of the four eligible types of uses) in order to be eligible for funding. Should there be disagreement regarding whether a proposal is eligible for funding (i.e., whether the project implements one of the four categories of projects), the Committee will first seek consensus and, if that fails, will vote on the matter. Rev: 1/20/09 Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 38 of 41 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE AD HOC CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA Project Criteria • Extent to which proposal fulfills eligibility category • Line-of-sight relationship with concrete outcome(s) • Benefit to Carlsbad residents • Honors the history of Carlsbad • Employs creativity (of project or process) • Multiple or long-lasting or wide-spread benefits Project Feasibility and Planning Criteria • Feasibility of project achievement (i.e., Can project be accomplished?) o Can permits/approvals be obtained? • Implementation plan o Measurable milestones/Identification of tracking measures o Reasonable time frame o Responsible parties identified Applicant Criteria • Ability of project applicant to do what is proposed o Applicant's experience implementing other projects o Applicant's previous experience obtaining and using funding (for other projects) Financial Resources/Budget Criteria • Fiscal resources to do what is proposed o Project budget o How requested funding will be used o Other/Additional funding already secured for project (if any) o Other potential funding sources for project (potential matching funds) o Applicant's experience obtaining and using funding (for this project) o Financial condition of organization (if applicable). After a grant has been awarded and prior to distribution of grant funds, the financial condition of an agency/organization shall be evaluated through submittal of either an audited financial statement (encouraged/preferred); a reviewed financial statement; or, an IRS-990 tax return. Note: applicants are encouraged to submit documentation of their financial condition at the time of grant application submittal if possible. Proposal Evaluation Form • The Committee's use of a quantitative Proposal Evaluation Form during the proposal evaluation process shall serve as a tool/method to evaluate individual merits of projects; however, the individual project scores (generated through use of the form) alone are not intended to guarantee or preclude the Committee's decision to recommend funding of specific grant requests. Rev: 1/20/09 Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 39 of 41 REV: 09-30-2017 -Balanced with IFAS Agenda Bill No. 18,898 Applican t Buena Vista Audubon Society Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation CB Ranch Enterprises CB Ranch Enterprises CB Ranch Enterprises CB Ranch Enterprises CB Ranch Enterprises SAN DAG Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation 19,327 Applicant Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Batiq uitos Lagoon Founda t ion Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Catholic Charities 20,003 Applicant CB Ranch Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute Batiquitos Lagoo n Foundation Aqua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation California State Parks Buena Vista Audubon Society Buena Vista Audubon Society 21,368 Applicant Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation CB Ranch Company, LP CB Ranch Com pany, LP CB Ranch Company, LP Buena Vista Audubon Society ACMF Fund: Grant Awards for Project Implementation As of:12/31/2017 Total Funding Fundi ng Approved Awarded Funding Resolution Date Project No. Awarded for Disbursement/ Rema ining t o be App ropr ia t ion Dis bursed 2007-029 02/13/2007 $2,609,560.00 $2,609,560.00 $58,000.00 Proposal Name Audubon Nature Center AGP 06-02 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 Bunea Vista Lagoon Boardwalk AGP 06-04 $164,000 .00 $164 ,000.00 $58,000.00 Cymbid i um Project AGP 06-05 $316,500.00 $316,500 .00 $0.00 Multi-use Barn AGP 06-06 $233,000 .00 $233,000.00 $0.00 Permeable Paving Project AGP 06-07 $297,000.00 $297,000.00 $0 .00 Drainage Project AGP 06-08 $230,000.00 $230,000.00 $0 .00 Soil Amendment Project AGP 06-09 $84,000.00 $84,000 .00 $0 .00 Carlsbad Beach Nourishment AGP 06-10 $884,060.00 $884,060.00 $0.00 Discovery Center Improvements AGP 06-15 $ 386,000.00 $ 386,000.00 $ - 2008-050 02/19/2008 $3,267,071.00 $2,661,477.00 $688,594.00 Proposal Name BLF Nature Center Improvements AGP 06-03 $180,732.00 $180,732.00 $0.00 Bat Lagoo n Mon'g/Mgmt Plan AGP 06-12 $780,589 .00 $174,995.00 $688,594 .00 AH Lagoon Tra i ls AGP 06-13 $ 305 ,750.00 $ 305,750 .00 $ - La Posada Farmworker Housing AGP 06-16 $2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $0 .00 2009-260 10/20/2009 $922,822.00 $922,822.00 $113,818.00 Proposal Name Carlsbad Flower Fields Enhanced Acceess AGP 09-01 $188,107.00 $188,107.00 $75,000 .00 Aquaculture Enhancem.ent AGP 09-02 $249,313.00 $249,313.00 $0 .00 Batiquitos Lagoon North Shore Trail AGP 09 -03 $98,572.00 $98,5 72.00 $38,8 18.00 Aqua Hedionda Lagoon Discovery Center Interior Improvements AGP 09-09 $52,000 .00 $52,000 .00 $0.00 Coastal Bluff Resorat ion -Tamarack and Frazee $234,830.00 $234,830 .00 $0.00 AGP 09-10 BV Creek Watershed Information MGT System AGP 09-11 $50,000.00 $50,000 .00 $0.00 BVA Nature Center Improvements AGP 09-12 $50,000 .00 $50,000.00 $0.00 2013-230 09/10/2013 $1,127,608.53 $1,127,608 .53 $217,833.53 Proposal Name Nature Center Improvements Augmentation AGP 13-01 $49,542.00 $49,542 .00 $0.00 Lagoon Ecolog ical Reserve N. Shore Phase 2 AGP-13-02 $20,733 .00 $20,733.00 $0 .00 Orchard , Fie lds and Fl ora l Trade Center Access AGP 13-03 $600,000.00 $600,000.00 $0 .00 Floral Trade Center Improvements AGP 13-04 $162,833.53 $162 ,833.53 $162,833 .53 Orchards and Fie ld Crop Installation and Dev AGP 13-05 $271,000.00 $271 ,000.00 $55,000 .00 Kiosk Refurbishment and Interpretive Signage Install AGP 13-06 $23,500.00 $23,500.00 $0.00 TOTALS: $7,927,061.53 $7,321,467.53 $1,078,245.53 Open Projects Awarded Fund ing Approp r iated Funding Remaining to be Disbursed to-Date Rema ining to be Disbursed Ap pro pr iated $0.00 $2,551,560.00 $58,000.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $106,000.00 $58,000.00 $0.00 $316,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $233,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $297,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $230,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $84,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $884,060.00 $0.00 $ -$ 386,000.00 $ - $605,594.00 $2,578,477.00 $83,000.00 $0.00 $180,732.00 $0.00 $605,594.00 $91,995.00 $83,000 .00 $ -$ 305,750 .00 $ - $0.00 $2,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $884,004.00 $38,818.00 $0.00 $188,107 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $249,313.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $59,754.00 $38,818 .00 $0.00 $52,000.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $234,830 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $909,775.00 $217,833.53 ,_ $0.00 $49,542.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $20,733.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $600,000.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $162 ,833.53 $0.00 $216,000 .00 $55,000 .00 $0.00 $23,500.00 $0.00 $605,594.00 $6,923,816.00 $397,651.53 JAdministrative fee 2,946.00J $400,597.53 Feb. 27, 2018 Item #5 Page 41 of 41 Pam Drew, Associate Planner February 27, 2018 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee Recommendations Committee Recommendations On October 26, 2017,the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizen’s Advisory Committee (Committee)met and had three specific recommends for the City Council. AGP 13-04 –Floral Trade Center Improvements •Carltas Company was g ranted $162,833.53 in 2013 for the Floral Trade Center Project. •Purchase coolers and display and supporting equipment for the floral wholesalers. •Construction of the Floral Trade Center has been delayed for various reasons. •Carltas Company has requested reallocating the funds for current farming operations. AGP 13-04 –Floral Trade Center Improvements (Cont.) •Installation of an automatic,sensory controlled irrigation network and micro -sprinklers. •Installation of an adjustable synthetic shade covering to reduce impacts from extreme heat for floral crops . •Acquisition of a generator and retrofit of two coolers for cut flowers and harvested food crops . AGP 06-12 –Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring and Management Plan Program •In 2007 the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation was awarded $780,589 in grant funding. •Only $74,995 was appropriated to collect data and maintenance and restoration of trails and habit. •In 2017 $100,000 was appropriated to identify data gaps, develop climate change adaptation strategies,data collection and determine potential future conditions. AGP 06-12 –Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring and Management Plan Program (Cont.) •Remaining unappropriated fund is $605,594. •The Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation President, Fred Sandquist,offered to reduce the AGP 06- 12 award by $50,000. •The $50,000 would be available for new grants. Solicit Grant Proposals •Grant proposals were solicited in 2006,2009 and 2013 with almost $8 million in total funding awarded. •As of 12/31/17 the remaining available cash in the fund is $152,354. Solicit Grant Proposals (Cont.) •If Council approves reducing the AGP 06-12 award by $50,000,amount available would be just over $200,000. •The Committee recommended $50,000 maximum per grant in order to increase the funding opportunity to more potential grantees. Allowable uses for Grant Funds •Restoration,acquisition and/or management of coastal and lagoon environments. •Purchase,improvements,research and/or ancillary uses of agricultural lands for continued agricultural production. Allowable uses for Grant Funds (Cont.) •Restoration of beaches including sand replenishment, beach access improvements, trails, and other beach related improvements. •Improvements to existing or proposed lagoon nature centers. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution authorizing an amendment to theAgricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee (ACMF)grantagreementfortheFloralTradeCenterImprovementsProject(AGP 13-04),to allow the grant funding of$162,833.53 to be used for farming improvements; andapprovalofaResolutionto: 1) reduce the BatiquitosLagoon Monitoring and Management Plan Program (AGP06-12)grant award by $50,000, and 2) authorize theACMFAdHocCitizens Advisory Committee to solicit andevaluategrantproposals, and to make grant fundingrecommendationstotheCity Council.