HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-09-12; City Council; ; Adopt Resolutions Appointing Two Members to the Senior Commission~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: September 12, 2017 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Tammy McMinn, Deputy City Clerk Tammy.mcminn@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2958 CA Review l,tL, Subject: Adopt Resolutions Appointing Two Members to the Senior Commission Recommended Action Adopt Resolutions appointing two members to the Senior Commission. Executive Summary The terms of Commissioner Sachs and Commissioner Min will expire on September 30, 2017, leaving two scheduled vacancies on the Senior Commission. Ms. Sachs was appointed in December 2013 and has requested reappointment for a second term. Commissioner Min was appointed in December 2013 and does not wish to be reappointed to the Commission. The City Clerk's office has received applications from the following residents wishing to serve on the Senior Commission (Exhibit 3): • Michael Yamada • Madeleine Szabo • Shantella Slaten • Diana LaMar • Shari Sachs (requesting reappointment) Discussion Government Code Section §54970-54974, known as the Maddy Act, requires that on or before December 31 of each year the legislative body shall prepare a Local Appointments List which contains the appointive terms of Board and Commission members which will expire in the next calendar year. The name of the incumbent appointee and the date of appointment and the term expiration date is also included on the list. Based on the prepared list, the City Clerk's office accepts applications (available on the City's website and in the City Clerk's office) for any upcoming vacancies. Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.38 states that the Senior Commission shall consist of five members, appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. Other members of the Senior Commission are: Patricia Mehan, Ray Pearson, and David Tweedy. Members of the Senior Commission are subject to the provisions of the Political Reform Act, and must file a Statement of Economic Interests. Fiscal Analysis There is no significant fiscal impact resulting from the adoption of these resolutions. Page 391 #15 Next Steps Following the appointment of two members to the Senior Commission, the City Clerk's office will update the Commission roster and coordinate the oath of office and filing of the appointee's Statement of Economic Interests. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Resolution appointing one member to the Senior Commission. 2. Resolution appointing one member to the Senior Commission. 3. Applications received from residents wishing to serve on the Senior Commission. Page 392 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-186 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE SENIOR COMMISSION Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, Commissioner Shari Sachs was appointed in December 2013. Her term expires in September 2017; and WHEREAS, there is currently one vacancy on the Senior Commission, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following Carlsbad resident is hereby appointed to serve on the Senior Commission, for a term ending in September 2021. Shari Sachs PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of September, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. lerk {SEAL) RESOLUTION NO. 2017-187 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE SENIOR COMMISSION Exhibit 2 WHEREAS, Commissioner Kevin Min was appointed in December 2013. His term expires in September 2017; and WHEREAS, there is currently one vacancy on the Senior Commission, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following Carlsbad resident is hereby appointed to serve on the Senior Commission, for a term ending in September 2021. Diana LaMar PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of September, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. (SEAL) APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES * Arts Commission Name -Michael S. Yamada Address- City -Carlsbad Home Phone E-mail- Telephone- Present Occupation: Retired Employer: Retired * Senior Commission Zip Code: 92010 Exhibit 3 Citizen Academy ? No. applied last year and am still awaiting confirmation of Class Schedule and availabilities Resident of Carlsbad? Yes Registered Voter in Carlsbad? Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned theBoard(s),Commission(s) Committee(s) on which I wish to serve? Yes I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. Yes I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. Yes I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years? Yes Page 395 Education I am an artist, having earned my BA degree at California State University, Long Beach. majoring in Art. I also attended El Camino College in Tonance, CA where I initially decided to concentrate on art as a career. I also spent a short time.in the art department of UCLA. During my college career, I worked in various painting media, sculpture, drawing, design, jewelry design, illustration, and a wide range of art history, from the caves of Lascaux to the cunent rage of street art. ( different strokes for dfferent folks) Experience Currently I am an active acrylic painter steeped in theJackson Pollock school of thought, which he stated as, "I try to "express my feelings, not illustrate them." I am now retired, but previously spent35 years in advertising; different kind of art, but one of the truly creative businesses there is. It is nothing at all like Mad Men! I also like to speak to the youth of today that art is not merely painting and sculpture. Who is designing the new cars today of today and tomonow? Who designed the iphone? Who just created that TV commercial which just aired on the Super Bowl telecast? Art is all around us and to be an artist is not just drawing and painting. Art is everywhere! You just have to look, think, and believe. ·what about writing stage productions.? poetry? photography,etc? Oh well, let's leave that for another time! A whole other story, nonetheless, but definitely art endeavors. There are so many ways to view and revere art and creativity! And I still like Van Gogh,Michelangelo, and Frida Khalo too! Not to mention Georgia O'Keefe, Peter Paul Rubens, etc. etc. etc. Page 396 Community Activities I served on the Docent Council of the Palos Verdes Art Center for three years and was elected President of the group of30 members for two years.I was also active in several artist groups, including Palos Verdes Painters, The Redondo Beach Group Simi ValleyArt Association.I am currently a member of the Oceanside Museum of Art Additional information or Comments Over the years I have worked with several groups of mentally challenged young people which has created some very memorable and special experiences for me. I believe, that these young people are able to visualize and depict what is in their thoughts extremely well. They also feel a sense of great accomplishment when they complete something that is personal to only them. It is difficult to explain, but the gratification that I received from these people meant so much to me! I always keep in my mind that they are people too, just like us, only with a little different viewpoint and with a greater sensitivity of how they see and relate to things and e1notions! Their vision is often much more open than ours. One of the best art shows that I have ever seen was at the Museum of Science and Industry in Los Angeles a very long time ago, simply entitled "Art Unexpected" Not knowing anything about this, I went in with no expectations. To my great surprise, I was extremely impressed by what I saw and felt. It presented a very unique feeling through the use of indescribable shapes and colors at the same time. it was very sensitive and yet and powerful! At the end of the show (it was a small room) it was revealed that this was a show done entirely by mentally handicapped people (young and old). I viewed this show more than 40years ago and still recall the unique feelings and emotions that it evoked in me. An example that titles do not always reflect content and that seeing with your heart evokes a unique experience l · When I was with the Palos Verdes Art Center a few years ago, I often volunteered at a facility that provided an opportunity to work again with some of these remarkable young people on small art projects) It provided me with very rewarding experiences that I will ne~er forget. Page 397 Art is all around us , you just have to look! It's everywhere! Page 398 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES r RECEIVED MAR 2 4 2017 (' Arts Commission (0 Beach Preservation Committee ~ Library Boa rd of Trustees CITY OF CARLSBAD -CITY CLERK'S OF (' Historic Preservation Commission FICE (' Housing Commission Ce Planning Commission (' Other: Name: I Madeleine Szabo Address: City: jcarlsbad Ci:11 Senior Commission Home Phone: ._I _______ _, Cell Phone: E-mail Address: 1 • Parks and Recreation Commission ~ Traffic Safety Commission ZipCode: ' Work Phone: I ..... ______ __, PresentOccupation: ._!R_e_ti_re_d _____________________________ ~ Employer: none Address: none Citizen Academy Graduate? (i' Yes (' No Resident of Carlsbad? Ce Yes (' No Registered Voter in Carlsbad? (i' Yes (' No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically s1,1bmit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. S;gaatuce, lcm-('\ /j I (Only ,..,r,ed ro s,.. ff s,bmfttiog p,pe,fo=, '"bmfttiog ,r,ctroofraHyyoo,s,bmrtt.l : ~.LA.() via e-mail Is considered acknowledgement). lstraMi:r BY E-M~ILI Page 399 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT -PAGE 2 Wells College, B.A., Economics major IBM Process Management Class IBM President's Class Education: IBM Leadership Transformation Class IBM Sales Training CRM 1:1 Institute I had a career at the IBM Corporation where I was National Sales Leader for two years in addition to receiving numerous awards every year I was an IBM sales representative. After I was promoted to IBM headquarters, I received awards for my instrumental role in successfully launching the IBM PC. Following my career at IBM, I went on to work at different small well-regarded companies with concentrations in Customer Relationship Experience: Management (CRM) consulting, financial asset management services, consumer products, and business intelligence aerospace software. I also spent several years working for my town in managing a $80 million school building program. Additionally, I was an elected representative in my town on the legislative body. I have always tried to find ways to help the community. I volunteer for the City of Carlsbad. Some of my volunteer activities have included hosting two workshops at the Carlsbad Love It! conference. Community I have a passion about keeping Carlsbad beautiful. In addition to participating in Trail Clean Ups, I pick up litter in Activities: my neighborhood every day, as well as encourage others to do so. I founded the Friends of Carlsbad Scenic Corridor, a grassroots organization to help protect and preserve the community small-town ambiance of NE/NW El Camino Real. Additional Information or Comments: I love Carlsbad and want to continue working hard for the City to meet the needs and desires of the residents, the businesses, the tourists, and the government. I have read a voluminous amount of reports on DMS to understand City operations c;1nd decisions. I have familiarized myself with the Planning staff responsibilities and duties. As a resident dedicated to the well-being of Carlsbad, I have acquainted myself with each staff member and have been very impressed with their diligence, competency, and excellent service to Carlsbad. Page 400 RECEIVED APPLICAJijON !FOR. APPC>iNTMENT FOO BO~!RDS, COMMiSSRONS,. A!i\UJ tOMMRTIEES APR 1 8 2017 CITY OF CARLSBAD Commission G)eatj):Pr¥enraticin~ommitt~ G)Histciti(Pre.~rvati ·· . · ·· · · K'S OFFICE G)rn~rary Bo~n:I C\fT~E;es G) PiJrks.and ~etre?iticiri~<>mmrssicin . . . Qsen,ior <;:9fl:imissiotj . . . @~ffic Safe!}' Commission !AP~lyj!'IS. f9~ ~n f?J}E?IP. P~tt!Ql1~. -~ 0 ~-. ~Kl t J v-6~~ A_ddress: '---------~------~~---~-----,.-~-"~"---~--;._, City; jcarisbad .. Zip Code: ~~2'-"'.~'-,--09-,-. -'---"-~"'----'-..,....._.,__,I Home Phope: tellPhor1~: ........-~----.I VVorkPhQM: ·...,1 __ . ·.,...·.,-----'--.;..:_ .... · '"'' i:-mail"Address: P!t!~nt Occupation~ froC1,1rernent. Sp~cialiat EmploY¢r; @~fense contract Management Agency Nfdress; ~ID~C~M~·~AwVV~·=~=sf=e=rne..e....,_;R=e~g=io=n=a=l~C~o=m=m=·=a=n=d~~~~~ ........ -'---'-'--'~-,.'--""-'---'-'---'l Citizen Academy·Graduate i Qves-@No Resid~t·ofQ.lrlsbadf @YesQNo 1'egistered'iloter in Carlsbadl®Yes Oo I a_m f.3miliar with the responsibilities assigned w the·l;3o?ird(s}, Commission(s}, or Conimittee(s) on which l wish to serve. \ I am willing:tq ~e iQterv{~WeQ r¢9an;li6g my q·ualificatJons.for appointment.by the dty Council or at the request of an itli:!ivi_d4al Co.u.nc::il Membilr. · · · · I am vvillfng'to,fil~ ~na.oi:iai(.lisdosut~stiitements if required. I am w.ming fo complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training eve.ry two years. Please-select the suQmit button b.etow to· elewonicallysubmit application. If you prefer to print pf~e select "prihtfonn" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, .city C!erk1s0ffice, i 200 Carisbatf Viliage Drive, C;ai'ls~ci~ CA92008 . s~o•run< ,~ ...., .......... ,,., .. m-,ap->~""'"""' "_zyo,,,~1'm""': ~ . = . ~ \ifa e-{n~il i$ Q?nsid~ed ac\(npwl~e!Tlent).. . -· · . · · · . · . . . .. . . . l Page 401 APPLTCA T(ON FDR APPOINTMENT-PAGE 2 Education: Defense Acquisition University San Diego, CA; California Southern· University Costa Mesa, CA; Allied Real Estate, San Diego~ CA; . i-luman Resource Certification Institutes (HRCI) Navy E-Leaming Certificate Program. Trusted Agent i::ertification/duties, administered by (DEFAS); Government Contracting both fixed-pric~d and cost-plus contracts, Operational/Business Management, Team Leadership, Talent Recruitment, Candidate Interviews, Staff Training/Development, Strategic Planning, Busines~ Planning, Administrative Operations, Managei:nent, Labor Relations,. Human Resource Administn~tion, Manpower Systems, Personnel Adm_inistration, Personnel/Service Records, Conflict Resolution, Benefits Enrollment; Experience: Process Controls, Regulatory Compliance, HR Data Analysis, Audit Administn;ltion, Database Management, Real-estate, Marketing and Sales, Acquisitions, Subrogation's, Data Manipulation, Customer Service, Client Relations,_ Presentations, Professional Communication, and Legal Support _services. . San Diego Voting Precinct Inspector, federal Labor relations mediator; San Diego fellowship program; San Diego welfare to Work program motivational speaker; San Diego BID member. Community . Activities: Aqditional Information or Comments: I am hopping to further serve my community and hope that you find my qualifications inline with the City's vision and diversity. · Page 402 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES rts Commission Housing Commission lanning Commission ther: Name: Diana LaMar Address:: City: !Carlsbad Home Phone: E-mail Address: geach Preservation Committee ibrary Board of Trustees enior Commission Cell Phone: Present Occupation: !Education Consultant Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission JUN 1 6 2017 Zip Code: ~19_2_0_0_8 ______ _,-, Work Phone: I~-______ ___, Employer: ,_§_e_lf ______ ~------------------------' Address: Citizen Academy Graduate? Qves@No ~~ \ k~-h o ~ S \-\.\oYR.\ \.\-( d Resident of Carlsbad? @ves ONo Registered Voter in Carlsbad?{!)ves Oo I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsrd Village Drive, ~:rlsbad, CA 92008. Signature: (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). PRINT FORM I CLEAR FORM I t(JJ( CG·~ I SUBMIT FORM I Page 403 APPL/CATION FOR APPOINTMENT -PAGE 2 Education: Experience: Northern Arizona University, Ecl.b. -Education Leadership San Diego State University, M.A. -Education University of California Irvine, B.A. -Social Ecology California Public Schools IT"eacher at Carlsbad High School -9 years Assistant Principal in Vista and Escondido -11 years Principal -Riverside County -2 years Director -Palm Springs Unified -10 years BoiirdMember -San Gorgonio Girl Scout Council -2 years . Riverside County Workforce Investment Board Member -1 O years Coachella Valley Economic Partnership Member -10 years State of California Education Department Title I Chair -3 years Girl Scout Leader and Volunteer -5 years Community San Diego Swim Masters -Program Coordinator in Carlsbad -5 years Activities: Swim Coach at Carlsbad High School -8 years Additional Information or Comments: Carlsbad Triathlon Participant -5 years Carlsbad 5000 volunteer -2 years Applicaticm pending to enrollin Citizen's Academy for Fail 2017 Page 404 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES 8Arts Commission Housing Commission QPlanning Commission . Beach Preservation Committee Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Qother: ~------------------~ ~------------------~ Name: ~heri Sachs Address: City: !Carlsbad Home Phone: Cell Phone: E-mail Address: Present Occupation: EO Employer: jEncinits Internal Medicine Address: f 548 Viejo Castilla Way Citizen Academy Graduate? @ves 8.· .· ... ·No Resident of Carlsbad? (!)ves No Registered Voter in Carlsbad?{!)ves Oo §Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission raffle Safety Commission Zip Code: ~19_2_0_0_9 ______ ~ Work Phone: I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature: (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). I CLEAR FORM I I SUBMIT FORM I Page 405 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT-PAGE 2 Education: Degree Candidate, Masters-Government, Harvard University-Extension Anticipated Graduation-May 2018 Bachelor Degree, Psychology, City University of New York I am currently a commissioner proudly serving the Carlsbad Senior Commission. In addition, I currently serve our San Diego community on the following commissions and boards: Commissioner, Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, San Diego County Board Member, Secretary, Rancho Santa Fe Democratic Club Experience: Board Member, FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association Community Activities: Additional Information or Comments: Elected Member, Democratic Central Committee Previously: President, Temple Solel, Encinitas, California SEE ABOVE I look forward to continue my service on the Carlsbad Senior Commission, with a goal of opening opportunities for senior programming at Stage Coach Park. Page 406 COMMISSION VACANCY July 31, 2017 The following scheduled vacancies exist in the City of Carlsbad. SENIOR COMMISSION Two Vacancies -Commission Members ( City of Carlsbad This is a five member Commission. Members serve four year terms. Members advise and make recommendations to Council on the special needs and concerns of senior citizens, including the creation, operation, maintenance, management and control of senior citizen programs, activities and facilities. Requirements: Members must be Carlsbad residents and registered voters. Term: Complete a four-year term -September 2017 to September 2021. Applications are available on the City's website. Applications are also available in the City Clerk's Office located in City Hall at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. Applications must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office by noon on Thursday, August 31, 2017. For further information, contact Mark Olson at (760) 602-4682. State of California County of San Diego ) 55. ) I, Tamara McMinn, Deputy City Clerk, hereby declare under penalty of perjury this is posted on the Bulletin Board in front of City Hall and posted at the Dove Library and Cole Library on August 1, 2017. U '1. . <lrf)ct.A_J1t 'Jlf{1< ,it J Tamara McMinn Deputy City Clerk