HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-06-27; City Council; ; Adopt a Resolution Appointing Two Members to the Beach Preservation CommitteePage 195 Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: June 27, 2017 Mayor and City Council / Kevin Crawford, City Manage~ Tammy McMinn, Deputy City Clerk Tammy.mcminn@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2958 CAReview ~ Subject: Adopt a Resolution Appointing Two Members to the Beach Preservation Committee Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution appointing two members to the Beach Preservation Committee. Executive Summary The terms of Committee Members Barger and Hatheway will expire on June 30, 2017, leaving two vacancies on the Beach Preservation Committee. Mr. Barger and Mr. Hatheway were initially appointed to the Committee in July 2009 and reappointed in May 2013. Therefore, both are ineligible for reappointment. The City Clerk's office has received applications from the following residents wishing to serve on the Beach Preservation Committee (Exhibit 2): • Madeleine Szabo • Shantella Slaten • Michael Flemming • Greg Lang • Sherman McEachern Discussion Government Code Section §54970-54974, known as the Maddy Act, requires that on or before December 31 of each year the legislative bodyshall prepare a Local Appointments List which contains the appointive terms of Board and Commission members which will expire in the next calendar year. The name of the incumbent appointee and the date of appointment and the term expiration date is also included on the list. Based on the prepared list, the City Clerk's office accepts applications (available on the City's website and in the City Clerk's office) for any upcoming vacancies. City of Carlsbad Resolution No. 8596 states that the Beach Preservation Committee shall consist of seven members, appointed by the Mayor with the approval ofthe City Council. Other members of the Beach Preservation Committee are: Amy Ahrendt, Fred Briggs, Linda Petrucci, Norelynn Pion-Goureau, and Sage Naumann. Members of the Beach Preservation Committee are required to complete an ethics training course. Fiscal Analysis None. Page 196 Next Steps Following the appointment of two member to the Beach Preservation Committee, the City Clerk's office will update the Commission roster and coordinate the oath of office and completion ofthe ethics training course. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Resolution appointing two members to the Beach Preservation Committee. 2. Applications received from residents wishing to serve on the Beach Preservation Committee. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-127 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING TWO MEMBERS TO THE BEACH PRESERVATION COMMITIEE Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, Committee Members D. Bret Barger and Darryl Hatheway have each served two consecutive terms and are not eligible for reappointment; and and WHEREAS, the terms of Committee Members Barger and Hatheway expire in June, 2017; and WHEREAS, there is currently two scheduled vacancies on the Beach Preservation Committee, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following Carlsbad residents are hereby appointed to serve on the Beach Preservation Committee, for a term ending in June 2021. Greg Lang Sherman McEachern PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of June, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. (SEAL) Page 198 APPUCATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES Exhibit 2 RECEIVED MAR 2 4 2017 (' Arts Commission (0 Beach Preservation Committee ~ Library Board ofTrustees c c,TY'TY OF CARLSBAD CLERK'S OFF (' Historic Preservation Commission ICE (' Housing Commission (i' Planning Commission (' Other: Name: I Madeleine Szabo Address: City: !carlsbad (if) Senior Commission Home Phone: '--'---------' Cell Phone: E-mail Address: 1 liP Parks and Recreation Commission ll3 Traffic Safety Commission ZipCode: ' Work Phone:j '-----------' ~~mo~~tioo:'--IR_~_ir_e_d ____________________________ ~ Employer: none Address: none Citizen Academy Graduate? (i' Yes (' No Resident of Carlsbad? (i' Yes (' No Registered Voter in Carlsbad? (i' Yes (' No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature' I9J1 n I (Ooly ""'"'~d to"'" If "'bmlttiogpop" torm, If wbmltliog "'"'oor~l~yo"' wbmltrni . ~IZ...LA-P via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). Page 199 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT-PAGE 2 Wells College, B.A., Economics major IBM Process Management Class IBM President's Class Education: IBM Leadership Transformation Class IBM Sales Training CRM 1:1 Institute I had a career at the IBM Corporation where I was National Sales Leader for two years in addition to receiving numerous awards every year I was an IBM sales representative. After I was promoted to IBM headquarters, I received awards for my instrumental role in successfully launching the IBM PC. Following my career at IBM, I went on to work at different small well-regarded companies with concentrations in Customer Relationship Experience: Management (CRM) consulting, financial asset management services, consumer products, and business intelligence aerospace software. I also spent several years working for my town in managing a $80 million school building program. Additionally, I was an elected representative in my town on the legislative body. I have always tried to find ways to help the community. I volunteer for the City of Carlsbad. Some of my volunteer activities have included hosting two workshops at the Carlsbad Love It! conference. Community I have a passion about keeping Carlsbad beautiful. In addition to participating in Trail Clean Ups, I pick up litter in Activities: my neighborhood every day, as well as encourage others to do so. I founded the Friends of Carlsbad Scenic Corridor, a grassroots organization to help protect and preserve the community small-town ambiance of NE/NW El Camino Real. Additional Information or Comments: I love Carlsbad and want to continue working hard for the City to meet the needs and desires of the residents, the businesses, the tourists, and the government. I have read a voluminous amount of reports on DMS to understand City operations <;~nd decisions. I have familiarized myself with the Planning staff responsibilities and duties. As a resident dedicated to the well-being of Carlsbad, I have acquainted myself with each staff member and have been very impressed with their diligence, competency, and excellent service to Carlsbad. Page 200 APPUCAT,ON fOR. APPOINTMENT .fO~ BO_i\RDS, COMNUSSIONSJi ANt) COMM~TIEES RECEIVED APR 1 8 2017 CITY OF CARLSBAD Commission G)ea91Pr~~rvat!tin~ommittee §riston<.Pte,~IVati ·· . · ·· · ·~ K'S OFFICE G)u~~ary BO~r"Q ~fTrilst~Eis P~rkS.and ~etre~tio!iQ)mrilfssion . . . Qs~~_ior 0)f!.imissiol) . . . ~ffic Safety Commission .lA: knn · fOr all o · · n · ·osmons -0 · n j -rPP•.r.•. 9... . .... ~-. R ..... :. . -~ 'j .. L;oY~t ~<-<.""v:: City; jcarisb~d · . Home Phone: ZiP tode: """~~'--'"p~o9..,...... ~~.;......._:.~___.! vvork Phi:)n~: ·I..., ... _.,_· ,-----'---·--"' Cell Phone': L[ ~· -~~~---,! t:-mairAddress: · Employ¢r; locMA W~stei'n Regional Com~a~d Citizen Academy·Graduate t Qves@No Resid!m~·Qfqlrlsb!{d1 @vesQNo !'egisteredVoter in Carls~a!:i?@ves Oo 1 am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to tile 1,3o?trd(s},.Commission(s}, or Committ~(s} on which l wish to serve. 1. am w\llingto h:e iQterv{~We<t r¢9ardiog my qqalificationsfor appointment by the dty Council or at the request· of an ini:iM.dijal cou.n~;il Mem~r. · · · · J am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated etiilcs training every two yeai'S. l Please select tlie sul>mit button belc;>w ta ele~onically submit application. If you prefer to print pf~e s~lect; "priiltfonn" button and sig_n document and mail to: City. of Carlsbad, .City C!erk;s Office,. i 200 Carisbacl Village Oriv~, ¢arlsba~~ CA 92008. Slgnaruni I ~ (~til)lre~u!redto:ig_n~submittingpa!'erfdrrn,ifsubmitting electronicall~yoursul:imittal __; -~ . ~~ VIa e-t:nad ~-oonSJdej'ed ac\<llpw!~.e~ent). . · . · . · . . Page 201 APPLICAT{ON FOR APPOINTMENT-PAGE 2 Education: Defense Acquisition University San Diego, CA; California Southern University Costa Mesa, CA; Allied Real Estate, San Diego~ CA; . Human Resource Certification Institutes (HRCI) Navy E-Leaming Certificate Program. '·· Trusted Agent certification/duties; administered by (DEFAS); Government. Contracting both fixed-pric~d and cost-plus contracts, Operational/Business Management, Team Lea4ership, Talent Recruitment, Candidate Interviews, Staff Training/Development, Strategic Planning, Busines~ Planning, Administrative Operations, Management, Labor Relations,. Human Resource Administration, Manpower Systems, Personnel Administration, PersonneVService Records, Conflict Resolution, Benefits Enrollment; EXperience: Process Controls, Regulatory .Compliance, HR Data Analysis, Audit Administration, Database Management, Real-estate, Marketing and Sales, Acquisitions, Subrogation's, Data Manipulation, Customer Service, Client Relations, Presentations, Professional Communication, and Legal Support .Services~ San Diego Voting Precinct ln.spector; Federal Labor relations mediator; San Diego fellowship program; San Diego welfare to Work program motivational speaker; San Diego BID member. Community . Activities: Aqditional Information or Comments: I am hopping to further serve my community and hope that you find my qualifications iniine with the City's vision and diversity. · Page 202 RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES APR 1 9 2017 CITY OF CARLSBAD (!J.rts Commission QHousing Commission QPianning Commission Beach Preservation Committee Library Board ofTrustees Senior Commission . CITY CLERK'S OFFICE §Historic Preservation Lomm1ss1on Parks and Recreation Commission raffic Safety Commission Other: .----------------------. Name: jMichael J. Flemming Address: City: jcarlsbad Zip Code:j '-9_2_0_1_0 ______ ___, Home Phone: IL__ ______ ___, Cell Phone: Work Phone: ,__, ______ ___, E-mail Address: , Employer: jsan Diego County Address: j400 Suite 200, Melrose Drive Vista CA 92084 Citizen Academy Graduate? (!)ves QNo Resident of Carlsbad? <!)ves QNo Registered Voter in Carlsbad? {!)Yes Oo I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Ca~tsbad; t(\ 92008. I • ' • s;gnotuce' I (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). I CLEAR FORM I ~-----:. r--.--f---------J- 1 SUBMit··f9:RI\Bl . Page 203 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT-PAGE 2 Tbo!7las Jiffcrso!l Scbool oJLmv, San Diego, Califomia Juris Doctor December 2008 U11i1JCJ:ril)1 oJMissi.r:stppi, O:iforcl, Missis.rippi Education: Croft Institute of International Studies (lVIinor Chinese) Bachelor of Arts International Studies 2006 Experience: Peking UuivcrsifJ', Beijing Cbina Mandarin Immersion Language Study San Diego Comr!J Public Deje11der's Office, San Diego, CA Jan 2014-Present Deputy Public Defender • Manage caseload of over 100 cases. • Manage Arraignment Calendar for Misdemeanor and Felony Indigent Clients. • Represent Clients Through all Stages of Misdemeanor Felony Criminal Proceedings. • Represent Criminally Charged Clients Through Initial Stages of Mental Health Proceedings. • Participated in Homeless, Veterans Court Programs, and Office Liaison for Oceanside United States Department of Nary, Office ofGenem/ Cou11sel, Camp Pendleton, CA ju/2011-}a11 2014 Special Assistant • Participated in Administrative Hearings with EEOC, MSBP, and FLRA. • Assisted U.S. Attorney's Office in Trial Preparation and Case Management. Member of La Jolla Playhouse Leadership Committee Fiorenza V. Lopardo American Inn of Court SD County BAR Mock Trial Competition Coach/Scorer Vista Clean Slate Clinic C . Vista Youth Court Day ommun1ty Activities: Additional Information or Comments: Page 204 Curriculum Vitae Michael J. Flemming, Esq. Tel: E-mail: Address: Profile: 760.659.3919 Michael.fleming@sdcounty.ca.gov San Diego Primary Public Defender's Office 400 Melrose Drive, Suite 200 Vista, CA 92084 I am highly motivated and I possess the unique blend of skills, experience, and dedication to public service needed to succeed within your organization. Accordingly, I am looking for an opportunity to prove my worth, advance my career, and expand my breadth of knowledge and legal expertise as far as possible. I consider myself to be a dedicated and effective team player, with excellent leadership skills, and an analytical approach for solving of problems. EDUCATION Thomas Jefferson School of La~ San Diego7 California Juris Doctor December 2008 Pro Bono Honors President Jeffersonian Democrats Special Advisor to SBA President SBA-Athletic Co-Chair BLSA San Diego County Bar Association Law Student Section North County Bar Association Student Division San Diego Volunteer Lawyer's Association University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi Croft Institute of International Studies Bachelor of Arts International Studies 2006 Minor Chinese Thematic Concentration Global Peace and Security Freeman Lectures Encouraging Minority Study of Asian Language American Legion Boy's State County Advisor Co-Chair Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi Special Advisor to ASB President, 2003 Truth Anti-Tobacco Movement Peking University, Beijing China Mandarin Immersion Language Study Chinese Culture Study Freeman Scholar 2005 Page 205 EMPLOYMENT San Diego County Public Defender,s Office, San Diego, CA Jan 2014-Present Deputy Public Defender • Manage caseload of over 100 cases. • Manage Arraignment Calendar for Misdemeanor and Felony Indigent Clients. • Represent Clients Through all Stages of Misdemeanor Felony Criminal Proceedings. • Represent Criminally Charged Clients Through Initial Stages of Mental Health Proceedings. • Research, Draft, and Revise 1538.5 Evidence Suppression, Pitchess, and Pen. Code§ 995 Motions. • Participated in Homeless, Veterans Court Programs, and Office Liaison for Oceanside Homeless Outreach Team. • Appear Superior Court of San Diego for Readiness Conferences, Preliminary Exams, and All Other Criminal Hearings. United States Department of Navy, Office of General Counsel, Camp Pendleton, CA S tJecial Assistant i Jul2011-Jan 2014 • Researched and Drafted Legal Memorandums on Federal Labor & Employment, Federal Acquisition and Government Ethics issues. • Conducted Legal Research via Lexus Nexus, Westlaw, Thomas, GPO, and PACR. • Advised Commanders on Pending Employment Litigation and EEOC Compliance for Management. • Managed All Labor Related Discovery and Legal Correspondence. • Drafted Labor and Employment Motions, Briefs, and Memoranda. • Maintained All Databases and Tracked All Metrics for Western Region Labor Section. • Issued Weekly Field Reports to Headquarters Marine Corps at Pentagon. • Participated in Administrative Hearings with EEOC, MSBP, and FLRA. • Assisted U.S. Attorney's Office in Trial Preparation and Case Management. Strategic Counsel, PLC Sacramento, CA Jan 2010-Mar 2010 Consultant • Prepared and Presented Budget and Expenditure for Government Municipality Clients. • Assisted Senior Lobbyist Draft Information Papers, Legislative Memorandums, and Client Proposals. • Created PowerPoint Presentations for In-House Meetings and Focus Groups. • Lobbied Funding for Farming, Insurance, Business and Public Employee Unions. • Attended Agency and Legislative Commission Hearings. • Drafted Information Papers, Advisory Reports, and Memoranda on Legislative Actions, Agency Committee Findings and Executive Campaigns. United States Senator Barbara Boxer, San Diego CA Sept 2008-Dec 2008 Legal Fellow San Diego District Office • Composed and Distributed San Diego News Clips, Constituent Letters, and Official Greets. • Conducted Policy Research on Immigration, Environmental, and Native American issues. • Drafted Legal Briefs, Information Papers, and Memoranda in assigned Subject Areas. • Attended Regional Town Hall Meetings Addressing Federal Issues Affecting San Diego County Constituents. United States Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Washington D.C. May 2008-Aug 2008 Legal Fellow Democratic Polir;;y Committee (DPC) • Conducted Policy Research on Intelligence, Defense, Foreign Relations, Energy, and Judiciary Issues. • Drafted Legal and Policy Memorandums and Information Papers on Proposed Democratic Legislation • Assisted Senior Counsel Prepare Witnesses for Congressional Testimony. • Presented Informational Sessions during weekly meetings for Democratic Senators. Page 206 California State Bar Association North County Bar Association Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association San Diego W odd Affairs Council CLUBS/ORGANIZATIONS San Diego Volunteer Lawyers Association Former Thomas Jefferson Alumni Association Board of Directors Ole Miss Alumni Association Chinese (Mandarin) Intermediate Speaking, Novice Reading/Writing Spanish Beginner Speaking No Reading/Writing LANGUAGES PHILANTROPHY Member of La Jolla Playhouse Leadership Committee Fiorenzo V. Lopardo American Inn of Court SD County Bar Mock Trial Scorer and Former Coach Vista Youth Court Day Vista Clean Slate Clinic REFERENCES References Available Upon Request Page 207 RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR MAY 2 3 2017 BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTE S c iTYOFCARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Orts Commission · QHousing Commission 8Beach Pre~ervation Committee Library Board ofTrustees Senior Commission &fanning Commission ther: .----------------------, ~------------------~ Name: jGreg Lang Address:1 City: jcarlsbad Home Phone:j ..... _______ ___, Cell Phone: E-mail Address: Present Occupation: !Business Owner-Civil Engineer Employer: !Pasco Laret Suiter & Associates, Inc. Address: §345 Longfellow Road Citizen Academy Graduate? QYes ®No Resident of Carlsbad? {!)Yes QNo Registered Voter in Carlsbad? {!)Yes Oo §Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission raffic Safety Commission Zip Code: L--19_2_0_0_8 ______ ----' Work Phone: Lj: ---------' I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. S~n~ur~ I (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). '------------------~ PRINTFORM ] I CLEAR FORM I Page 208 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT-PAGE 2 Education: Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA Master's degree coursework in Engineering Management at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. I am a licensed civil engineer who has practiced in Southern California for over 15 years on both public works and private land development projects. I have worked on numerous projects over the years (several in the City of Carlsbad) which create places in communities where people live, work, and play. My current practice specializes in the design and permitting of private land development Experience: (both residential and commerical) and navigating the development regulations, particularly grading, erosion, and storm water related items, associated with these types of projects. I currently serve on the building committee for St. Patrick's Catholic School in Carlsbad where my son (3rd grade) and daughter (2nd grade) both attend school. Our school recently completed phase 2 of our campus' master plan, a remodel of our existing school campus. ;o~~-unity My firm recently completed a pro-bono project for Noah Homes in Spring Valley for a new ctlvltles: memory care facility in partnership with many local firms. My firm also participates in an annual toy drive around holiday time for Home Start as well as other charitable activities through out the year via corporate sponsorships and donations. As an east coast transplant since 1998 and a Carlsbad resident for 1 0 years, I've been a part of, observed, and benefited from the growth over the last two decades in Southern California. Special places attract people and Carlsbad is one of those places. My family Additional enjoys the wonderful natural resources Carlsbad has, particularly our beaches, open Information spaces, and trails. It is a delicate balance between protecting these assets while or accommodating a growing population's housing and economic needs. I believe that I can Comments: provide a unique perspective to the committee on this balance, as someone who practices in a related field every day. I would like to work on a committee that focuses on Carlsbad's beaches and bluffs, learning about issues that may affect these natural areas that my family enjoys and that make Carlsbad such a special place to live work, and play in. Page 209 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDSI COMMISSIONSI AND COMMITTEES RECEIVED JUN -9 2017 8rts Commission Housmg Comm1ss1on QPianning Commission 8Beach Preservation Committee Library Board ofTrustees Senior Commission Other: .-----------------------, L------------------~ Name: !sherman McEachern Address: City: !carlsbad § . . QLTX OF CARLSBAD H1stonc Prese vcepty--e~I§~FFICE Parks and Recreation Commission raffle Safety Commission Zip Code: 19201 0 ~---------~ Home Phone:j ._ _______ _J Cell Phone: ~----------'·1 Work Phone: ._I ______ ____, E-mail Address: Present Occupation: !Project Quality Manager Employer: !Airbus OS Communications Address: j3512 Rock Ridge Rd Citizen Academy Graduate? QYes @_; No Resident of Carlsbad? @Yes QNo Registered Voter in Carlsbad? @Yes Oo I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years: Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. S~n~ur~ I (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). ..__ __________________ ____, If---P'R~NT FORM I CLEAR FORM I Page 210 APPLICA T/ON FOR APPOINTMENT-PAGE 2 Education: Experience: Community Activities: MBA, Regis University BA, University of South Carolina Served one year on Montgomery County, Maryland's North County Recreation Advisory Board prior to relocating to Connecticut. I was appointed by the County Executive at the time, Doug Duncan. Youth League Basketball Coach-Montgomery County, MD North County Recreation Advisory Board -Montgomery County, MD Volunteer Running Coach for the American Liver Foundation of San Diego My family and I relocated to Carlsbad in August, 2013 and we absolutely love living here. We have decided to make Carlsbad our home. Prior to moving to CA, I was involved in my local community in Montgomery County, Maryland. Those activities included Additional volunteering as a youth coach in the county's recreation league to serving on the North Information County Recreation Advisory Board. Now that two of my children are in high school, my ocr love for Carlsbad, and my desire of being involved in the community, I feel that this omments: . . ff II t t "t f comm1ss1on o ers an exce en oppor um y or me.