HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-30; City Council; ; Public Hearing Regarding the Composition of the City's Voting Districts pursuant to Elections Code 10010(a)(1)CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: May 30,2017 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Celia.brewer@carlsbadca.gov CAReview~ Subject: Public Hearing Regarding the Composition ofthe City's Voting Districts pursuant to Elections Code 10010(a)(1) Recommended Action That the City Council hold a Public Hearing, receive public comment regarding the composition and boundaries ofthe City's yet to be formed voting districts and adopt a resolution setting forth legal criteria for drawing the districts. Executive Summary On April 11, 2017, the City received a letter from the law firm Shenkman & Hughes (Exhibit 1) threatening to sue the city for alleged violations of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) (Eiec. Code§§ 14025-14032) unless the City voluntarily converts to elections by district. Mr. Shenkman and his firm have served similar letters and subsequently filed numerous actions in recent years against dozens of cities and other public agencies for alleged CVRA violations. The CVRA applies to jurisdictions, including charter cities, that utilize an "at-large" method of election, where voters of the entire jurisdiction elect the members of the City Council. The threshold to establish liability under the CVRA is extremely low, and prevailing CVRA plaintiffs are guaranteed to recover their attorneys' fees and costs. Every government defendant in the history of the CVRA that has challenged the conversion to district elections has either lost in court or settled, and has also been forced to pay at least some portion of the plaintiffs' attorneys' fees and costs. Many of the attorneys' fees and awards that local governments have been forced to pay have amounted to millions of dollars. In order to avoid the potentially significant litigation expenses that are likely to occur if the City retains its at-large election method of election, at the City Council's May 9, 2017 hearing, the Council adopted Resolution No. 2017-083 (Exhibit 2) outlining its intention to transition from at- large to district based elections, pursuant to Elections Code section 10010(e)(3)(A). As stated in that Resolution, the City Council took that action in furtherance of the purposes of the CVRA. All the background information relating to Resolution No. 2017-083 is available for the public on the City's website at http://www.carlsbadca.gov/cityhall/clerk/district.asp. Following the City Council's May 9 adoption of Resolution No. 2017-083, pursuant to Elections Code section 10010(a)(1), the City must hold two public hearings within a thirty day period before the drawing of any draft maps of proposed voting districts in order to receive public input regarding the composition of the districts. The City Council's May 30, 2017 hearing is the first of two public hearings that will be held for this purpose; the second hearing will be held on June 13, 2017. Discussion The CVRA was specifically enacted in 2002 to eliminate several key burden of proof requirements that exist under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 ("FVRA") (52 U.S.C. § 10301 et seq.) after several jurisdictions in California successfully defended themselves in litigation brought under the FVRA. As a result, the CVRA is tilted heavily in favor of plaintiffs' attorneys. Indeed, over the relatively short 15-year history of the CVRA, and only after an initial challenge to it was resolved in 2006, plaintiff public agencies have paid nearly $15 million to CVRA plaintiff attorneys (Exhibit 3). Due to the combination of the CVRA's low burden to trigger mandatory districting and its mandatory attorneys' fees provision, all CVRA cases that have been filed have ended with the defendant governmental agency implementing a district election system and paying some sort of attorneys' fee payment. In response to the substantial costs imposed upon cities and other public agencies in defending CVRA suits, in 2016 the California Legislature amended the Elections Codes to simplify the process of converting to by-district method of election and to provide a "safe harbor" process to protect agencies from litigation. Because the City Council enacted Resolution No. 2017-083 declaring its intent to convert to a by-district method of election within 45 days of receiving the Shenkman & Hughes demand letter, a CVRA lawsuit cannot be filed before August 7, 2017 (90 days after the Council's May 9 adoption of the Resolution). (Eiec. Code § 10010(e)(3).) The first step in the process in the City's conversion from its current at-large method of election to a by-district system is to hold a public hearing and receive public comment regarding the composition of the yet to be formed voting districts. (Eiec. Code § 10010(a)(1).) The City will draw proposed district maps for the Council and public's consideration and comment only after first holding two public hearings regarding the district composition. (/d.) This May 30, 2017 hearing is the first such hearing, and the second will occur on June 13, 2017 at 6:00p.m. The intention of these hearings is to identify the neighborhoods, other "communities of interest," and other local factors that should be considered or used as 'building blocks' when the drawing of draft maps begins. The public is welcome to propose complete districting maps, but it is not required. The hearings will also be the public launch of the City's online redistricting tool, provided by our districting consultant (National Demographics Corporation, or NDC). The online tool will be available as a link from the City website. While all public input concerning the composition of the City's yet to be formed voting districts should be considered, there are several mandatory criteria that the City will have to comply with when the actual districts are created: 1. Population equality across districts. (Eiec. Code§ 21601; Gov. Code§ 34884 ["The districts shall be as nearly equal in population as may be."].) 2. Race cannot be the "predominant" factor or criteria when drawing districts. (Shaw v. Reno (1993) 509 U.S. 630; Miller v. Johnson (1995) 515 U.S. 900.) 3. Compliance with the FVRA, which, among other things, prohibits districts that dilute minority voting rights, and encourages a majority-minority district, if the minority group is sufficient large, and such a district can be drawn without race being the predominant factor. (See, Bartlett v. Strickland (2009) 556 U.S. 1.) Additionally, pursuant to Elections Code section 21601 and Government Code section 34884, the City Council may consider the following factors when establishing districts (which are not exclusive): (a) topography, (b) geography, (c) cohesiveness, contiguity, integrity, and compactness of territory, and (d) community of interests. The City Council may also plan for future growth, avoid head-to-head contests between incumbents (to the extent possibleL consider boundaries of other political subdivisions, and consider physical/visual geographical and topographical features (natural and man-made). The City Council may choose to include some, all or none of these criteria, or may choose to come up with unique criteria that Council believes is applicable to the City. In addition, members of the community may suggest additional or alternative criteria that the Council may want to consider. A proposed draft resolution adopting line drawing criteria for creating Council district boundaries is attached as Exhibit 4. Fiscal Analysis The costs of defending the city's district wide election system in court are projected to be significant due to having to pay the plaintiffs' fees and costs. Awards in these cases have reached upwards of $3,500,000. When sued, even the settlements reached by cities have included paying the plaintiffs' attorneys fees. If the City Council chooses to maintain its at-large elections and defend the threatened lawsuit, the costs and attorneys' fees would likely exceed $1,000,000. The demographic consultant cost is anticipated to be approximately $35,000. Special counsel fees required to voluntarily convert to district elections are estimated to be $30,000. Additional legal costs will be incurred for additional analysis and public hearings. The city's good faith and considered approach to by-district elections may forestall further threats and demands for attorneys' fees, but other jurisdictions have suffered such demands even after initiating such efforts. Next Steps Four more public hearings will be held concerning the proposed district boundaries on June 13, June 29, July 11 and July 18, 2017. At the conclusion of the final public hearing on July 18, the City Council may introduce for first reading an ordinance establishing the district boundaries and the by-district election method pursuant to Government Code section 34886 and Elections Code 10010. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The requested action is not a project within the definition of the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, section 15378(a) since the action has no potential for resulting in either a direct change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect change in the environment. Public Notification Prior to this hearing, the City conducted outreach in both English and Spanish to encourage public participation in both the districting process in general, and this public hearing in particular. A press release was issued and posted on the City's website on May 20, 2017. In addition, notice ofthis Public Hearing was published in English and Spanish in the May 19, 2017 edition of the San Diego Union Tribune. Staff also published the Spanish version of the legal notice in the May 19, 2017 edition ofthe La Prensa San Diego Newspaper. Exhibits 1. April11, 2017 Correspondence 2. Resolution No. 2017-083 3. Table of Results of CVRA Litigation 4. Resolution approving line drawing criteria for adjusting City Council district boundaries ~-SHENKMAN & HUGHES ATTORNEYS MALII:W. CALIFORNIA VIA CERTIFIED MAIL April 5, 2017 Barbara Engleson City Clerk -City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Violation ofCalifornia Voting Rights Act Exhibit 1 28905 Wight Road Malibu, California 90265 (310)457-0970 kshenkmarl@)sh;<pkrpanhugb._cs.corn RECEIVED APR 11 2017 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE The City of Carlsbad ("'Carlsbad") relies upon an at-large election system for electing candidates to its City Council. Moreover, voting within Carlsbad is racially polarized, resulting in minority vote dilution, and therefore Carlsbad's at- large elections violate the California Voting Rights Act of 2001 ("CVRA"). The CVRA disfavors the use of so-called "at-large" voting-an election method that permits voters of an entire jurisdiction to elect candidates to each open seat. See generally Sanchez v. City of Modesto (2006) 145 Cal.App.4th 660, 667 ("Sanchez"). For example, if the U.S. Congress were elected through a nationwide at-large election, rather than through typical single-member districts, each voter could cast up to 435 votes and vote for any candidate in the country, not just the candidates in the voter's district, and the 435 candidates receiving the most nationwide votes would be elected. At-large elections thus allow a bare majority of voters to control every seat, not just the seats in a particular district or a proportional majority of seats. Voting rights advocates have targeted "at-large" election schemes for decades, because they often result in "vote dilution," or the impairment of minority groups' ability to elect their preferred candidates or influence the outcome of elections, which occurs when the electorate votes in a racially polarized manner. See Thornburg v. Gingles, 478 U.S. 30, 46 (1986) ("Gingles"). The U.S. Supreme Court "has long recognized that multi-member districts and at-large voting schemes may operate to minimize or cancel out the voting strength" of minorities. !d. at 47; see also id. at 48, fu. 14 (at-large elections may also cause elected officials to "ignore [minority] interests without fear of political consequences"), citing Rogers v. Lodge, 458 U.S. 613, 623 (1982); White v. Register, 412 U.S. 755, 769 (1973). "[T]he majority, by virtue of its numerical superiority, will regularly Apri15, 2017 Page 2 of4 defeat the choices of minority voters." Gingles, at 47. When racially polarized voting occurs, dividing the political unit into single-member districts, or some other appropriate remedy, may facilitate a minority group's ability to elect its preferred representatives. Rogers, at 616. Section 2 of the federal Voting Rights Act ("FVRA"), 42 U.S.C. § 1973, which Congress enacted in 1965 and amended in 1982, targets, among other things, at- large election schemes. Gingles at 37; see also Boyd & Markman, The 1982 Amendments to the Voting Rights Act: A Legislative History (1983) 40 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1347, 1402. Although enforcement of the FVRA was successful in many states, California was an exception. By enacting the CVRA, "[t]he Legislature intended to expand protections against vote dilution over those provided by the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965." Jauregui v. City of Palmdale (2014) 226 Cal. App. 41h 781, 808. Thus, while the CVRA is similar to the FVRA in several respects, it is also different in several key respects, as the Legislature sought to remedy what it considered "restrictive interpretations given to the federal act." Assem. Com. on Judiciary, Analysis of Sen. Bill No. 976 (2001-2002 Reg. Sess.) as amended Apr. 9, 2002, p. 2. The California Legislature dispensed with the. requirement in Gingles that a jminority group demonstrate that it is su.fficiently large and geographically compact L.m constitute a "majority-minority district." Sanchez, at 669. Rather, the CVRA requires only that a plaintiff show the existence of racially polarized voting to establish that an at-large method of election violates the CVRA, not the desirability of any particular remedy. See Cal. Elec. Code § 14028 ("A violation of Section 14027 is established if it is shown that racially polarized voting occurs ... ")(emphasis added); also see Assem. Com. on Judiciary, Analysis of Sen. Bill No. 976 (2001-2002 Reg. Sess.) as amended Apr. 9, 2002, p. 3 ("Thus, this bill puts the voting rights horse (the discrimination issue) back where it sensibly belongs in front of the cart (what type of remedy is appropriate once racially polarized voting has been shown).") To establish a violation of the CVRA, a plaintiff must generally show that "racially polarized voting occurs in elections for members of the governing body of the political subdivision or in elections incorporating other electoral choices by the voters of the political subdivision." Elec. Code § 14028(a). The CVRA specifies the elections that are most probative: "elections in which at least one candidate is a member of a protected class or elections involving ·ballot measures, or other electoral choices that affect the rights and privileges of members of a protected class." Elec. Code § 14028(a). The CVRA also makes clear that "[ e ]lections conducted prior to the filing of an action . . . are more probative to April 5, 2017 Page 3 of 4 establish the existence of racially polarized voting than elections conducted after the filing of the action." !d. Factors other than "racially polarized voting" that are required to make out a claim under the FVRA -under the "totality of the circumstances" test -"are probative, but not necessary factors to establish a violation of' the CVRA. Elec. Code § 14028( e). These "other factors" include "the history of discrimination, the use of electoral devices or other voting practices or procedures that may enhance the dilutive effects of at-large elections, denial of access to those processes determining which groups of candidates will receive financial or other support in a given election, the extent to which members of a protected class bear the effects of past discrimination in areas such as education, employment, and health, which hinder their ability to participate effectively in the political process, and the use of overt or subtle racial appeals in political campaigns." !d. Carlsbad's at-large system dilutes the ability of Latinos (a "protected class")-to elect candidates of their choice or otherwise influence the outcome of Carlsbad's council elections. The elections of 2004 and 2006 are illustrative. In 2004, a Latino candidate - Ofelia Escobedo -ran for city council and lost. In 2006, two Latino candidates - Ron Alvarez and Roland Chicas-ran for city council and lost. Each of those candidates received significant support from Latino voters, but fell short of securing a seat in Carlsbad's at-large election due to the bloc voting of Carlsbad's majority non-Latino electorate. In fact, as a result of this racially polarized voting, Carlsbad appears to have had no Latino council members in its recent history. According to recent data, Latinos comprise approximately 13.3% of the population of Carlsbad. The contrast between the significant Latino proportion ofthe electorate and the absence of Latinos to be elected to the City Council is telling. As you may be aware, in 2012, we sued the City of Palmdale for violating the CVRA. After an eight-day trial, we prevailed. After spending millions of dollars, a district-based remedy was ultimately imposed upon the Palmdale city council, with districts that combine all incumbents into one of the four districts. Given the lack of Latino representation on the city council in the context of racially polarized elections, we urge Carlsbad to voluntarily change its at-large system of electing council members. Otherwise, on behalf of residents within the jurisdiction, we will be forced to seek judicial relief. Please advise us no later than May 22, 2017 as to whether you would like to discuss a voluntary change to your current at-large system. We look forward to your response. Very~s, Kevin I. Shenkman April5, 2017 Page 4 of 4 .RESOLUTION NO. 2017-083 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, EXPRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION, PURSUANT TO ELECTIONS CODE SECTION 10010(e)(3)(A), TO INITIATE PROCEDURES FOR ESTABLISHING AND IMPLEMENTING BY-DISTRICT ELECTIONS FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS EXHIBIT 2 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California ("City") is a charter city, duly organized under the constitution and laws of the State of California; and WHEREAS, four of the members of the Carlsbad City Council are currently elected in at-large elections, in which each City Council member is elected by all registered voters of the entire City, with the mayor being separately elected by all registered voters of the entire City, pursuant to California Government Code sections 34871 and 34900 et seq.; and WHEREAS, Section 34886 of the Government Code authorizes any city to change to a by-district system or by-district system with an elective mayor without the need to put such a change to voters; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to move from its current at-large electoral system to a by-district election for members of the City Council in furtherance ofthe purposes of California Voting Rights Act; and WHEREAS, the City moves to make this transition from an at-large system to a by-district system in accordance with the new procedural rules outlined in Government Code Section 34886 and Elections Code 10010; and WHEREAS, the City received a letter threatening action under the California Voting Rights Act on April 11, 2017, less than forty-five (45) days before the date of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City will begin by working with an experienced demographer to assist the City in establishing maps for a by-district electoral system; and WHEREAS, before drawing a draft map of the proposed boundaries of the districts, the City will hold at least two (2) public hearings over no more than thirty (30) days, at which time the public is invited to provide input regarding the composition of the districts; and WHEREAS, the City will then publish and make available for release at least one (1) draft map of the new electoral districts, including the potential sequence of elections shown; and WHEREAS, once the draft map has been publicized for at least seven (7) days, the City will hold at least two (2) additional public hearings, over no more than forty-five (45) days, at which time the public is invited to provide input regarding the content ofthe draft map and the proposed sequence of elections prior to the public hearing at which the City Council adopts a map; and WHEREAS, if a draft map is revised at or following a public hearing, the revised map will be published and made available to the public at least seven (7) days before the City chooses to adopt it; and WHEREAS, in determining the final sequence of staggered district elections, the City Council will give special consideration to the purposes of the CVRA, and will take in to accouflt the preferences expressed by the members of the districts; and WHEREAS, the City Council now wishes to adopt criteria to guide the establishment of electoral districts consistent with legal requirements including reasonable equal population and section 2 ofthe federal Voting Rights Act, as well as other concerns and considerations important to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. 2. The City Council hereby resolves, pursuant to Elections Code section 10010, to adopt a by-district election system by ordinance as authorized by California Government Code section 34886, for use in the City's General Municipal Election for City Council Members. 4. The City Council further resolves to retain a qualified demographer, hold at least five (5) public hearings and publish at least one (1) draft map and staggering sequence. 5. The City's redistricting/demographic consulting firm, acting under the supervision of the City Manager, is hereby authorized to direct and formulate one or more electoral district scenarios for review by the public and City Council at two or more public hearings if necessary, in accordance with the City's proposed timeline. 6. Working with the demographic consulting firm, staff is directed to publicize relevant maps, information, notices, agendas and other materials regarding by-district elections and to establish means of communication to answer questions from the public. 7. All public hearings shall be noticed as follows: posting on the City's website at least ten (10) calendar days in advance of the hearing and publication at least ten (10) days in advance of the hearing in the newspaper adjudicated to provide notice within the City. 8. The City Manager is authorized to take any and all other necessary actions to give effect to this Resolution. 9. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 9th day of May, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher. M. Hall, M. Packard. None. (SEAL) Exhibit 3 T City/Political Subdivision : Defendant ~=~!§•ttlement Conditions !Attorneys' Fees .. jNo!!!_ City of Palmdale Agreed to have voters choose I elected officials by districts, I including two with Latino -!majorities .. ___ j '[ 1 Moved to District elections; voters i . had already approved a move to ! S]ty of !'vfo<.iesto __ i district~_before settlemen!. ·~ ~~-. Madera Unified School i ----+-- District; Madera County I Moved to "by trustee area" Board of Education 1 elections via admission of liability 1 ~-··~~~--)Moved to by-district elections~v~ia- ' ballot measure; kept mayor at City of Compton , large confidential City lost trial on the merits, held an election that plaintiffs argued was illegal, and unsuccessfully challenged an injunction stopping the City from certifying the results of that election; $4,500'-000 l set!leiJ:!t;:nt subsequently ~~~ched~~-1 Settlement; Additional $1,700,000 to $3,000,000 ldefense attorneys ·-· ---·--------1 --· .$~62,500jcourt award settlement .. ----[Agre~d to hold an election re 1 .------ -~-- Tulare Local Healthcare District 1--. -. ----- .changing to district elections in i j2012 and agreed to cancel201~~.~ I elections [City ag;eed to place a ball~t .. . .. • measure before voters regarding a l City of Tulare_ 1 moye to district ele<.;tions . __ Hanford Unified School -~'~Agreed to move to by-trustee [ District district elections ---------· ·-··---- Compton Community Agreed to move to by-district College District 1 elections $500,000 j Settlem_en_t __ i I $2?5,000 j Settlement I ·~ . $IIg,ooo j Settleii1e_~-- $40,000 I Settlement I I I Moved to by-trustee district Ceres Unified School ,elections before litigation was pistrict _ ---~file~_ Cerritos Community College /Moved to by-trustee district District elections -~-an Mateo County County moved to by-District elections (through a ballot measure) and further agreed to redraw its previously-approved District boundaries by forming a ; nine-person redistricting •committee f----------------- Agreed to place ballot measure on i November 2016 ballot re moving · to by district elections I ----------+--- !Case dismissed as moot when City City of Anaheim 1------------ ! changed voting system; 1 unsuccessful post election q~ of ~ittier _ chal!enge re at large mayor _. ____ _ Santa Clarita Community I Agreed to conduct cumulative College District voting, and by trustees ----- I I $3,000' Settlement $55,000! Settlement ----- 1 I I $650,0001 Settlement I Settlement; expected costs include at $1,200,000!least another$8QQ,OOO __ _ Court award under catalyst theory, $1,000,000 even though case was dismissed $850,0001 Settlement City of_Garden Grove I Moved to by district elections via stipluated judgment; mayor elected at large ~-­ Settled via court order (consent decree) after vote of the people j;290,000 I Settlement failed to adopt by district l I __ 1el~ctions; mayor elected at l(U"!,!;e . $385,000.:-.Settlement I Agreed to move to cumulative . 1 City of Escondido 1-----------· ·- _gty of S~!a Clarita _ I v~ting_met~od $600,000, Settlell1~nt __ ~·---- Stipulated Judgment, court ordered 1 City of Visalia 1--·-· j bydistricts ___ -1--__ ___!g~,OOO:Settl_~!!lent_ ·----·· -- Agreed to move to by district; ' <::jty of San~ Barbara mayor remains elected at large $599,500 Settlement ~--... -- 1 Agreed to pay attorneys fees -'1 I negotiate in good faith; required i placing measure on November · City of Full~rton ---~ballot to m~:\'e.to districts j undi~closed , Settled before lawsuit filed; agreed 1 1 to ballot measure City of Merced .. -~ Agreedto ~ace ballot measure on ' $ity ofB~llflower _ -·-·--November 2016 ballot. --··· 1l1~~~s~losed I, Agree to move to by district Sulphur Springs School thod ____ __ --·· District ---- 1---------· ·---------·--· ·---' -·---------·-· I ·--------::-----+-. TOTAL PAYMENTS TO I - PLAINTIFFS' I ATTORNEYS ' I --·~Settlement __ $43,000 Settlement ------ 1 Settlement ----j-. - I $144,000 • Settlement _:_t ···- -_--~~-~--- $14,482,000 -------- ---~---- RESOLUTION NO. 2017-097 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING LINE DRAWING CRITERIA FOR ADJUSTING COUNCIL DISTRICT BOUNDARIES Exhibit 4 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad {"City") was elected under an "at large" election system whereby Councilmembers were elected by voters of the entire City; and WHEREAS, the City Council is considering a change to the "by district" elections whereby each Councilmember must reside within the designated district boundary and is elected only by voters of that district; and WHEREAS, the Federal Voting Rights Act {42 U.S.C. Section 1973) prohibits the use of any voting qualification, or prerequisite to voting, or standard practice or procedure in a manner which results in a denial or abridgement of the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color; and WHEREAS, federal law and the equal protection clause require that each district be equal in population to ensure compliance with the "one person, one vote" rule; however, deviations approximating five to ten percent may pass muster under the equal protection clause where required to meet an official criteria; and WHEREAS, the City Council has instructed its demographer and city staff to develop draft maps that fully comply with legal requirements and intends to provide official criteria for any needed deviations. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby adopt the following criteria to guide the establishment of districts for council elections: 1. Each Council District shall contain a nearly equal number of inhabitants; and 2. Council District borders shall be drawn in a manner that complies with the Federal Voting Rights Act; and 3. Council districts shall consist of contiguous territory in as compact form as possible; and 4. Council districts shall respect communities of interest as much as possible; and 5. Council district borders shall follow visible natural and man-made geographical and topographical features as much as possible; and 6. District borders shall respect the previous choices of voters by avoiding the creation of head-to-head contests between Council members previously elected by the voters, insofar as this does not conflict with Federal or State Law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad on the 30th day of May, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. (SEAL) -2- AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO: CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: S J 3o/f'J f= &b3/;J SUBJECT: GJkD&ci 2_~~ LOCATION: ----------------------------------------------- DATE NOTICES MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS: -------------------- NUMBER MAILED: ____ -____ _ I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad and the foregoing is true and correct. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE (Signature) (Date) SENT TO FOR PUBLICATION VIA E-MAIL TO: ~Union Tribune D . Coast News PUBLICATION DATE: Union Tribune 5/Jt1 /11 \1-(p / bl / f7 -6oast News..~ ~~c;_ :Sh9 '1/--Le/c;z/;-') I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad in the City Clerk's Office and the foregoing is true and correct. Date: ------'5=---4--J:./L~8'-L-!/1'----L.1 ___ _ Attachments: 1) Mailing Labels 2) Notice w/ attachments D Printed: 5/18/2017 10:57:33 AM Page 1 of 1 Order ID: 4972911 * Agency Commission not included GROSS PRICE * : $411.54 PACKAGE NAME: Legal-North/Riverside-Legal Notices Product(s): San Diego Union Tribune, CApublicnotice.com, mobile.sduniontribune.com AdSize(s): 3 Column, Run Date(s): Friday, May 19, 2017, Friday, June 02, 2017 Color Spec. B/W Preview CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN !111? C.iy Counol ol tlw Ci!y r·f C.arisbad \HII"!!:•ld a pubhc hearu~g al6 p.rn., :>t as s.con !:here.z.rrer a!i it n'ar boe heard, lll th~ Cot:nCII 01a1nber at Carlsbad City Hi! II, 1200 Cal~sb.3d V·llag!? Drr1e, C.ulsbad, C.Jiilow.a. ::o11. the !o!:•Jwie~g dat11!s•. Tuesday, May 30, 2017 Tuesday, June 13~c 2017 The purpose of ~he pub< c hearin9s is t·:l re<:~ivl? put".c il;put O!i an~: prt,•vide 111put regarding th~ 'omposillt'rl ot pOtHttlal (ouncil e~ectcil d ~tria bo;:.~ndl!Jic!i. follov.mg the publk hearing~, draft rn.;~ps o:;~f Fotential (\ll!rl(•: ~l~<lft>:l dtstrict tJr;;Wlld.;;r~:?S ·.-~ill bt.>-pulllosh~i .?,lid ;uttniDnill i)Ubl;~ ~;.:-a rings .s.t:neduled. kl intere-s~~d p.o.rtt~~ a!l:~ mvttetlt1 ane-ntl !t:.e J3u!Jii1: ltt!.ilring:si and e.<pres5 op,:~tons :::·r sul:lrN~ rnfaiJF\~th:n1. Th!1' pLt:o1•C ··~~r·r·.gs !nay tt:> onfini.l~d tro-1o tim;: to Urr·~. a.s fi!.'O::~S><I!y. n.~ giv.:Jg 1\01ic!? a! Lh;? afore:nl';ntiili1ed he.:Ming. Copies of :he> Slilff r£pon: ·Nil I be a•,:aiJ~b'e t)r: and afr~r Tr••Jrsaa·:~, '~lay 25, 2017 .. fot trrec :V.ay 30. 2017. Pubh: nri!ftllg anj Mt..:r Thurs-day, June 6 . .201 /, ror t~1t-Jup.,~ 13. 201 '!, P~.;blic :i~a;r,,~.g. lf 1'01J ha•,•e itllY qt;estions, f}lease m•~taa ~h~ c:1~ Attorli~'/S Offce 31 7C<J-1H-26-91 (;t >ill,QU,G:t:~..h~UU'ild_t:A.Jl9~· lt!TC·rrndtic•r-' abc•ut diSl~,,a el.:cticns, •.-.hy the f.:tti' e:; making tlus ci1~og:e dnd th.: pmt:es.s •i ~-"lilabl~ •:111 ilte cit}' wetl>iie, J.'lHL .·':<·.:,:1:!:,.£~~;~~'!\JU ·'llYJ. ,Ji;! •: ci) If a perso:1 ·.·.•t>l't;S ~o challer:get. ''' co\,Jrt, .. wy actic·:' 111~ City Co'"ncrl ma-r· ta~.e regard:IHJ thi) S!.lbj~n matte~ !If tl'\~ pu!:rlic l~rh:9, th~n :.~;at ~~rsrY1 rr1ay te :m1it.:d tn 'd'S•fl9 only tt:ose ls.sv5 ratStW at ln~ SLI.:1ett ptJll! t hearing or 11 ;,w;nen wrr2~poHdt!nc<i:! tmiil): !.'orl. ... ·,;;md to I h.: (tty Cit=! I< ar. 0r prior to, tile pucFc h~aring. CITY OF CAHLS3~ D on· COUrKIL Postt?<J:.O...~.:t~· 19.2017 Pu!Jilsh: 1Va~119, 20!7 and JtJn~], 2fil7 CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m., or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, in the Council Chamber at Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, on the following date(s): Tuesday, May 30, 2017 Tuesday, June 13,2017 The purpose of the public hearings is to receive public input on and provide input regarding the composition of potential Council election district boundaries. Following the public hearings, draft maps of potential Council election district boundaries will be published and additional public hearings scheduled. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing(s) and express opinions or submit information. The public hearings may be continued from time to time, as necessary, by giving notice at the aforementioned hearing. I[Office1]Copies of the staff report will be available on and after Thursday, May 25, 2017, for the May 30, 2017, Public Hearing and after Thursday, June 8, 2017, for the June 13, 2017, Public Hearing. If you have any questions, please contact the City Attorney's Office at 760-434-2891 or attorney@carlsbadca.gov. Information about district elections, why the city is making this change and the process is available on the city website, http://www.carlsbadca.gov/districts If a person wishes to challenge, in court, any action the City Council may take regarding the subject matter of the public hearing, then that person may be limited to raising only those issues raised at the subject public hearing or in written correspondence timely delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing. CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Posted: May 19, 2017 Publish: May 19, 2017 and June 2, 2017. 0 Printed: 5/18/2017 10:58:06 AM Page of 1 Order ID: 4972887 * Agency Commission not included GROSS PRICE * : $440.56 PACKAGE NAME: Legal-North/Riverside-Legal Notices Product(s}: San Diego Union Tribune, CApublicnotice.com, mobile.sduniontribune.com AdSize(s}: 3 Column, Run Date(s}: Friday, May 19, 2017, Friday, June 02, 2017 Color Spec. B/W Preview CIUDAD DE CARLSBAD NOTIFICACI6N DE AUDIENCIAS PUBLICAS $E NOT1FICA POR MEDIO DEL PRESENT£ Qu~ ••l Co~lO::Ii'JO M.r.micip~l d£-la Ciudatl tf~ carlsb-ad tJ:Hdra <.ma aulfi~nec~ p\Jttllo a ;a_s 6:C>() p.m .. ole· ante5 p,:.~s·t.te despu~s d<: esw QLJ.? se pui!diil f!SClld1.i!I, en r3 L1mafa dfr Co!;-ce)o -en Ia Sii!fa f•.'.Uii C•PJI de Ca•\~bad, !201) Car:sba!:l ·~~Hage Ori;e, Carlsl~d. Calif.::<nda. i011la•:s) i:gu;~nt~ s) f~{l:ais~: Martes. 30 de mayo de 2017 Martes, 1.3 de junlo de 2017 8 Jllf.q:lO!>•W de laS aurjieJ<e,as. oubiir.as es !Hibir ft>111i!rotariLi5 de: :;ublio SOi:Jre., ·1• f.l'•::ll/~1 IHf•:;)f!r\al;iO'I .JHH{:i! or:. fa W'llpGJiic,lo•l d" flPfll~Hs eiE-ttOtaltl~ pot~>"IO::!J.~~s di!l [OJI(ItjO. D<?W!J~$ <!e las a!.ldren(<as p'.iblicas, se pubiKaran mapa~ eP boHador de front-=ras P·Otencoa!es t~ tiistritrs e'<.:ctcrales del ton(fjo, J ~e praglJTrtiHdT:r lULI1·~1f<\a1: p•JlJiic.ls ad,~im1afes. ~ :m~;,a a todas Ia~ part-es lntt!ri'!lil::iili a C£;;s;Jr.!! Ia !:1 Ids d:Ull e1tb1s p:;;!llit.:ss y a e:o:pr-=s<:r c:LHfllcne! oa p-~~E''1f~r ioformac'on. E> po~iiJFe q1.1e ~~ (Onlir~l?'l F<!~ ohJ(fi!?nCiil> p\i!Jiica; d!i' ·•ez ~:1 wane'£\ s,.;g;jn sm1a Ia rtt?C~lda:::. dan do r·.oti1:~acr-~n ~n .:a a:.~d'...:rKlil aillt!5 rn~:u::i!i;~ad££, Las ct>p1as del nforme ,jel p-erSOflal esta~a·~ -il5pon:bles a :::.art:' ctel J<.n:ve~. 25 de rqa)•:l de 2017, para !.3 1\.JJier.CJ.:! ?ublica 11~1 .30 di! mayo de 2!J.I7, 'I de>puc del jue·;.?S, i!. de 1:.Hll6 de 2017, pl!u Ia. Audie•'c;a i'ub'!ca del 13 dt' juo;o de :i:O 1':'. Si lt:•l'iera a'guna pregunt.a. porr fav~r Mng<>se en (OIHd-:::tD t·:Jn lii Oliio1a eel AcDgada dr: Ia C1ud~J .!1 '160-434-2891 c· p<Jr correo r:lec!J6n~w a~_~t9 ~ ~-~ttJ.·_!_~~1~:: Jlta_:!J7.-:\:fL~, Hi!)l1n3~ H•f~Jrmaci6rt ~ol..irt!-1as e::ecC'Il:>llii'$ Je t.!istllto, ',:a ·~nlt' p~: .;?s:>;: <;.o·11bic, y ~I!Jrtw::~so. Qll d s~tio w~b !Je Ia ciudad.lmu:: \It•.·. ,•i.cadst·adGi.f<O\· disr:(t5. s; algvna o-e:sona quis!.:ra ::!~?safi.ar ;:o corte walauiecr accili'r, CtJt; ei Cor.ct?io Mu!•fci::-~1 !L;@::ra ~.J·nar .w:ica a,;1 ~en1a de Ia auu:C.tOn puh:i..:a, tal pt!r~ona ~:mn.il 1111\!dli<~ a plan<ea• so:o aquelf~,~ ~E'm<~~ qt,£' Si.' p.la••.te?:~ f'll Ia avdi<ir)n pi.ibflca dt>l ti?mii, o ~?n wrr'.'SpCn.ljt>fl<·a ~ntreqai!a !Jpt:nluHamenr.: a Ia Oficna d'e 1a Set:et.:wa de Ia Ludad, an~s de Ia !,:cha de Ia 8'•.il:li;nod publ:ca. CiUD:.D o: CAilLSB . .:..D COI··JCtJO r.'.Uf"llCIPt<L tfl'llil!:lo: 19 t:e ma;o de 20 H Fuhlir<tr: l =J. de ''lil!''O d~ 20:7 y 2 de jul!io de 2Ct17 CIUDAD DE CARLSBAD NOTIFICACION DE AUDIENCIAS PUBLICAS SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE que el Concejo Municipal de Ia Ciudad de Carlsbad tendra una audiencia publica a las 6:00 p.m., o lo antes posible despues de esto que se pueda escuchar, en Ia Camara de Concejo en Ia Sala Municipal de Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, en la(s) siguiente(s) fecha(s): Martes, 30 de mayo de 2017 Martes, 13 de junio de 2017 El proposito de las audiencias publicas es recibir comentarios del publico sabre, y proveer informacion acerca de, Ia composicion de fronteras electorales potenciales del Concejo. Despues de las audiencias publicas, se publicaran mapas en borrador de fronteras potenciales de distritos electorales del Concejo, y se programaran audiencias publicas adicionales. Se invita a todas las partes interesadas a asistir a Ia o las audiencias publicas y a expresar opiniones o a presentar informacion. Es posible que se continuen las audiencias publicas de vez en cuando, segun surja Ia necesidad, dando notificacion en Ia audiencia antes mencionada. Las capias del informe del personal estaran disponibles a partir del jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017, para Ia Audiencia Publica del 30 de mayo de 2017, y despues del jueves, 8 de junio de 2017, para Ia Audiencia Publica del 13 de junio de 2017. Si tuviera alguna pregunta, por favor pongase en contacto con Ia Officina del Abogado de Ia Ciudad a 760-434-2891 o por correo electronico aattorney@carlsbadca.gov. Hay mas informacion sobre las elecciones de distrito, Ia razon por este cambia, y el proceso, en el sitio web de Ia ciudad, http://www.carlsbadca.gov/districts. Si alguna persona quisiera desafiar en corte cualquier accion que el Concejo Municipal pudiera tamar acerca del tema de Ia audicion publica, tal persona estara limitada a plantear solo aquellos temas que se planteen en Ia audicion publica del tema, o en correspondencia entregada oportunamente a Ia Oficina de Ia Secretaria de Ia Ciudad, antes de Ia fecha de Ia audiencia publica. CIUDAD DE CARLSBAD CONCEJO MUNICIPAL Enviado: 19 de mayo de 2017 Publicar: 19 de mayo de 2017 y 2 de junio de 2017. La Prensa San Diego Newspaper Ad Run Date: May 19, June 2 2017 Ad cost per weekly run: $216 Total cost: $432 NOTICE NOTICE CIUDAD DE CARLSBAD NOTIFICACI6N DE AUDIENCIAS P0BLICAS (i SE NOTIFICAPOR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE que el Concejo Municipal de Ia Ciudad de Carlsbad tendra una audiencia publica a las 6:00 p.m., o lo antes posible despues de esto que se pueda escuchar, en Ia Camara de Concejo en Ia Sala Municipal de Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, en la(s} siguiente(s} fecha(s}: Maries, 30 de mayo de 2017 Maries, 13 de junio de 2017 El proposito de las audiencias publicas es recibir comentarios del publico sabre, y proveer informacion acerca de, Ia composicion de fronteras electorales potenciales del Concejo. Despues de las audiencias publicas, se publicaran mapas en borrador de fronteras polenciales de distritos electorales del Concejo, y se programaran audiencias publicas adicionales. Se invita a todas las partes interesadas a asistir a Ia o las audiencias publicas y a expresar opiniones o a presentar informacion. Es posible que se continuen las audiencias publicas de vez en cuando, segun surja Ia necesidad, dando notificacion en Ia audiencia antes mencionada. Las copias del informe del personal estaran disponibles a partir del jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017, para Ia Audiencia Publica del30 de mayo de 2017, y despues del jueves, 8 de junio de 2017, para Ia Audiencia Publica del 13 de junio de 2017. Si tuviera alguna pregunta, por favor p6ngase en contacto con Ia Officina del Abogado de Ia Ciudad a 760-434-2891 o por correo electr6nico aattomey@carlsbadca.gov. Hay mas informacion sabre las elecciones de distrito, Ia razon por este cambia, y el proceso, en el sitio web de Ia ciudad, http://www.carlsbadca. gov/districts. Si alguna persona quisiera desafiar en corte cualquier accion que el Concejo Municipal pudiera tamar acerca del lema de Ia audicion publica, tal persona estara limitada a plantear solo aquellos temas que se planteen en Ia audicion publica del lema, o en correspondencia entregada oportunamente a Ia Oficina de Ia Secretaria de Ia Ciudad, antes de Ia fecha de Ia audiencia publica. CIUDAD DE CARLSBAD CONCEJO MUNICIPAL CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m., or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, in the Council Chamber at Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, on the following date(s): Tuesday, May 30, 2017 Tuesday, June 13, 2017 The purpose of the public hearings is to receive public input on and provide input regarding the composition of potential Council election district boundaries. Following the public hearings, draft maps of potential Council election district boundaries will be publi.shed and additional public hearings scheduled .. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing(s) and express opinions or submit information. The public hearings may be continued from time to time, as necessary, by giving notice at the aforementioned hearing. KOOkel]Copies of the staff report will be available on and after Thursday, May 25, 2017, for the May 30, 2017, Public Hearing and after Thursday, June 8, 2017, for the June 13, 2017, Public Hearing. If you have any questions, please contact the City Attorney's Office at 760-434-2891 or attorney@carlsbadca.gov. Information about district elections, why the city is making this change and the process is available on the city website, http://www.carlsbadca.gov/districts If a person wishes to challenge, in court, any action the City Council may take regarding the subject matter of the public hearing, then that person may be limited to raising only those issues raised at the subject public hearing or in written correspondence timely delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing. CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Posted: May 19, 2017 Publish: May 19, 2017 and June 2, 2017. Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Cc: Celia Brewer Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:57 AM L HENDRICKSON Sheila Cobian; Kristina Ray /\11 Receive -Agenda Item # I For the Information of the: Cl I Y COU NCIL ACM ,/' CA ~ CC II"' Date ~City Manager ~ Subject: Re: question regarding staff presentation for May 30 2017 Carlsbad Districting Dear Ms. Breen: \ I am sorry you found the sta'f~ report confusing. We will endeavor to make it clearer in the staff presentation this evening. I hope you are qble to attend the public hearing or watch on TV. Without delving too far into th~law, it is accurate to say that incumbency protection can be a factor to consider, or not, in drawing district maps. The courts have determined that any number of consistently applied legislative policies might justify some variance in a map, including, for instance, making districts compact, respecting municipal boundaries, preserving the cores of prior districts, and avoiding contests between incumbent representatives. As long as the criteria are nordiscriminatory, these are all legitimate objectives that on a proper showing could justify minor population deviations. I have copied your question and the answer to our City Clerk and our Communications Director so we can include it as part of the record and make sure other people are provided the same data. Thank you for your question. Best, Celia Celia A. Brewer City Attorney City of Carlsbad From: L HENDRICKSON Reply-To: L HENDRICKSON Date: Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 9:59PM To: Celia Brewer <Celia.Brewer@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Linda Breen Subject: question regarding staff presentation for May 30-2017 Carlsbad Districting ' 1 ·-------- Dear Ms. Brewer, I am confused by the staff report for the May 30 Council meeting. I am concerned about the legal basis for the statement that the Council may "avoid head to head contests between incumbents ... ". I do not see any mention of incumbents in either of the referenced sections 21601 and 34884. I do see an indication from the attorney's letter that Palmdale was forced by the court to put all 4 incumbents into a single district. In addition, Prop 20, which specifies the redistricting procedure for congressional drS'tricts, requires that incumbents, candidates and political parties cannot be considered. It does not appear to me that this specifically applies to local districting. However, the proposed wording for the May 30 Carlsbad resolution does seem to me to be counter to the intent of the California Voting Rights Act. I would like to see the Carlsbad procedure be as fair and unbiased as possible. I would also like to see the City avoid any unnecessary legal fees. Sincerely, Linda Breen 2 Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mr. Angel: Celia Brewer Tuesday, May 30, 2017 10:46 AM Sheila Cobian Question re: By District Elections All Receive -Agenda Item # l For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL ACM v' CA .,......--CC ............- Date'iJiilijCity Manager ~ You asked: "Is there a difference betweer"1 the FVRA and the CVRA regarding these criteria? Since the Resolution adopted by the City Cpuncil{2017-083} on May 9, 2017 and refers to the California Government Code as the governing authority and further, that this issue was presented to the city under the CVRA(California Voting Rights Act}, the guidelines for the criteria should be those under the applicable state statute or case law rather than the FVRA. If I am incorrect please advise. Thank you." The answer is that the California Voting Right Act governs whether a jurisdiction uses by- district elections but says nothing about how those districts are drawn. Federal law governs how districts are drawn (equal population, Federal VRA, and no racial gerrymandering}. I have copied your question and the answer to our City Clerk and our Communications Director so we can include it as part of the record and make sure other people are provided· the same data. Thank you for your question. Best, Celia Celia A. Brewer City Attorney City of Carlsbad 1 City of Carlsbad Introduction to Districting Douglas Johnson, President National Demographics Corporation (NDC)May 30, 2017 Election Systems & CVRA May 30, 2017 Election Systems: 1.“At Large” 2.“From District” or “Residence” Districts 3.“By District” 4.Charter City variants: Cumulative, limited, Ranked Choice, etc. The California Voting Rights Act was passed in 2002 to expand the use of by-district elections. 2 Key CVRA decisions & settlements: Only Palmdale has gone to trial on the merits (the city lost) Key settlements: Palmdale: $4.7 million Modesto: $3 million Highland: $1.3 million Anaheim: $1.1 million Whittier: $1 million Santa Barbara: $600,000 Tulare Hospital: $500,000 Merced City: $42,000 Placentia: $20,000 Large-Scale Shift Statewide Switched (or in the process of switching) as a result of CVRA: 55 cities At least 145 school districts 28 Community College Districts 1 County Board of Supervisors 8 water and other special districts. May 30, 2017 3 Carlsbad is one of seven San Diego County cities changing to by-district elections: Proposed Timeline May 30, 2017 Date Event May 9 Council adopts Resolution of Intent and Criteria Resolution May 30 Public Hearing to take testimony on the composition of potential districts June 13 Public Hearings to take testimony on the composition of potential districts June 19 (no meeting) Deadline for initial public map submissions On or before June 22 (no meeting) Draft maps (including public submissions) published. June 29 Public Hearing regarding the content of the draft map or maps and the proposed sequence of elections July 11 Public Hearing regarding the content of the draft map or maps and the proposed sequence of elections July 18 Public Hearing and Map Ordinance Introduction July 25 2nd reading and final adoption of ordinance November 2018 First two (or three) Council districts hold elections November 2020 Remaining two Council Districts hold elections 4 Proposed Criteria Equal Population Federal Voting Rights Act No Racial Gerrymandering Communities of interest Compact Contiguous Visible (Natural & man-made) boundaries Respect for voters’ wishes and continuity in office Planned future growth Federal Laws Traditional Criteria May 30, 2017 5 May 30, 2017 Demographic Summary 6 Race/Ethnic Profile Count Percent ACS Profile Count Percent Total Population 105,328 ACS Total Population 109,917 4% Latino 13,988 13%Age 0 - 19 27,193 25% NH White 78,879 75%Age 20 - 60 59,406 54% NH Black/African-American 1,596 2%Age 60+23,318 21% NH Native American 549 1% NH Asian-American 9,276 9%Immigrant 15,641 14% NH Pacific Islander 311 0%Naturalized (pct of total immigrants)9,897 63% NH Other 291 0%Age 5+103,861 NH Multi-Race 438 0%Speak English at home 85,837 83% Voting Age Population total 79,962 Speak Spanish at home 9,341 9% VAP Latino 9,239 12%Speak an Asian language at home 4,182 4% VAP NH White 62,185 78%Speak other language at home 4,501 4% VAP NH Black/African-American 1,048 1%Speak English only "well" or less 6,448 6% VAP NH Native American 429 1%Age 25+77,484 VAP NH Asian-American 6,448 8%Age 25+, no HS degree 3,216 4% VAP NH Pacific Islander 201 0%Age 25+, HS degree (only)32,472 42% VAP NH Other 165 0%Age 25+, bachelor degree (only)24,397 31% VAP NH Multi-Race 247 0%Age 25+, graduate degree (only)17,399 22% Citizen VAP total 79,269 Households 42,477 CVAP Latino 9,082 11%Child under 18 in Household 13,012 31% CVAP NH White 62,512 79%Income $0-25k 6,039 14% CVAP NH African-American 1,001 1%Income $25-50k 5,964 14% CVAP NH Asian & Pacific Islander 5,854 7%Income $50-75k 5,755 14% CVAP Other 820 1%Income $75-200k 18,024 42% Voter Registration (Nov. 2014)64,966 Income $200k+6,696 16% Latino Reg 5,346 8%Housing units 45,990 Asian-Surnamed Reg.2,468 4%Single-Family 33,671 73% Filipino-Surnamed Reg.447 1%Multi-Family 12,318 27% Est. NH White Reg.55,359 85%Vacant 3,513 8% Est. African-Amer. Reg 779 1%Occupied 42,477 92% Democratic Reg.18,244 28%Rented 15,497 36% Republican Reg.26,492 41%Owned 26,980 64% Other/No Party Reg.20,231 31% Voters Casting Ballots (Nov. 2014)32,159 50%Voters Casting Ballots (Nov. 2012)52,563 82% Latino voters 1,957 6%Latino voters 3,778 7% Asian-Surnamed voters 997 3%Asian-Surnamed voters 1,789 3% Filipino-Surnamed voters 193 1%Filipino-Surnamed voters 351 1% Est. NH White voters 28,390 88%Est. NH White voters 45,859 87% Est. African-Amer. Reg 367 1%Est. African-Amer. Reg 590 1% Democratic voters 9,394 29% Republican voters 14,948 46% Other/No Party voters 7,818 24% If four Council districts: each will have about 26,332 residents. If five Council districts: each will have about 21,066 residents. All of these data categories can be mapped. May 30, 2017 7 Latino Population There is no heavily-Latino neighborhood in the City. There is a bit of a concentration along I-5 between Pine and Tamarack. (The two large red census blocks around the Lagoon have only 20 and 3 total people each, so their size is deceiving and they do not significantly impact any potential district.) May 30, 2017 8 Other Protected Class Populations No concentrated Asian-American or African-American neighborhoods. NDC National Demographics Corporation AsnCVAP BlkCVAP 0% to 25% 0% to 25"/o 25Vo to 35% 25% to 35% ,;, 35'/o to 50% ,;, 35% to 50% 50•/o to 65~~ 50% to 65'ro 65'/o to 75% 65% to 75o/o 75'/o to 100% .:. 75% to 100% e Other e Other 0 .5 1 1.5 ,;, 0 .5 1 1.5 .. Miles Miles May 30, 2017 9 Other Demographics / NeighborhoodsNDC National Demographics Corporation Data on renter-occupied households and other socio-economic fields are available only by Census Tn\ct, shown by the thick green lines Renters o•;. to 25"/• 25% to 35•/a 35% to 50% 50'% to 651/o 65% to 75% 75% to 100% ~Public Elem School i;.. Cynthia Ln~1"$., Knowles Ave 0"'() L" ~ 0 I::J B~urio I::JViiJagc Census Block L.........-.... \'(later Area Streets Landmark Point Landmark Area Pipeline/Power Line Railroad River Cities and T owns .2 .4 (,'-~7,.\.\fl v~c. • ~Carlsbad High School Crescent Point Rd Schoonec W -ay ~ " Defining Communities of Interest May 30, 2017 1st Question: what is your neighborhood or community of interest? A Community of Interest is generally defined as a neighborhood or community of shared interests, views, problems, or characteristics. Possible community feature/boundary definitions include: School attendance areas Natural neighborhood dividing lines, such as highway or major roads, rivers, canals, and/or hills Areas around parks and other neighborhood landmarks Common issues, neighborhood activities, or legislative/election concerns Shared demographic characteristics Such as similar levels of income, education, or linguistic isolation 2nd Question: Does a Community of Interest want to be united in one district, or to be divided to have a voice in multiple elections? 10 Map-Drawing Tools May 30, 2017 Use the paper map, the online tool, or any other map Draw your neighborhood; draw the district you want for your area; or draw an entire citywide map Both tools available soon at www.carlsbadca.gov 11 Using the Excel tool May 30, 2017 12 NDC National Demographics Corporation ~ . 1 C Pop T o~l PopuJ2L1on Volin~ Age Popul:ation Citizen VotinJt Age Popul:ation District Urut Tot. NH NH NH NH NH NH NH 2 (14} Pop. Hisp \'\bt B1k NHAsn tot:al His£ \'Cht B1k Asn tot His£ \X'ht B1k 3 L_____. 1 I 279 42 181 5 35 220 27 152 2 26 194 26 158 o--- 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 1,819 352 1,185 59 176 1,450 236 995 43 144 1,316 224 1,032 0 6 4 2,099 309 1,511 55 178 1,809 234 1,349 41 149 1.575 325 %5 0 - 7 5 660 81 482 I 89 469 57 343 1 63 466 40 388 0 8 6 843 120 644 10 53 650 80 521 6 31 569 155 345 0 9 7 767 53 516 18 166 467 31 318 10 99 461 30 365 0 10 8 892 135 694 4 53 702 91 564 4 37 925 180 720 0 11 9 864 106 610 11 127 632 77 461 10 -9 624 55 522 0 12 10 1,824 245 l,445 30 68 1,632 190 1,331 23 63 1.590 315 1,160 10 13 II 919 107 753 11 36 735 70 624 7 25 769 75 690 0 14 12 656 103 478 5 52 512 76 383 5 35 497 70 381 0 15 13 905 66 784 8 32 769 47 677 5 27 715 2 691 0 16 14 450 55 365 2 21 349 34 292 2 14 303 29 2H 0 17 15 1,100 243 810 10 22 834 159 6-15 5 18 680 8 659 0 18 16 381 105 245 6 13 325 79 223 3 12 425 38 325 0 19 17 225 33 178 6 6 212 27 173 4 6 282 13 252 0 20 18 1,093 232 811 5 36 862 !53 669 3 29 747 131 557 0 -21 19 936 80 780 5 64 734 54 628 2 47 773 78 640 0 22 20 118 19 95 0 3 104 14 86 0 3 102 17 83 0 23 21 I 938 109 723 13 75 720 71 579 10 46 747 102 590 0 24 22 112 50 54 0 1 85 31 50 0 0 98 15 73 0 25 23 998 175 759 13 36 754 125 582 7 30 743 115 579 0 t Sum11 h)' l)il'trict An igoed Ideal poj>\llation: 26,332 2 Citv ofCar~bad 2017 Public l)atticieation K.it :I rnrrr ynur 11:1111r hrrr 5 tAx.nr-P~n:~nt~_ c-P. CaiCJ::Qol'\" . Una .. iancd To<~ 3 . lJnan i_a:ncd TM~ TOLP"'f'" 0 105,328 105,328 Dnu.t>onfmm 26,332 26,.ill 26.ill 26,3J2 '""'' 10 Total 111!£1 U,988 13,988 It P..,..ubt>vu XH\tl,t 78,87'9 "·"' t2 ...;II Kl~ 1,596 ::: 13 ~HAsn ?.r:'6 r----. '""'· IOO'o """· IOO'o 11.1_, .. #DI\'/0! #OIV/0! #l)JV/01 ttOJV/01 IJ•t 1-;;::-' lfOTV/(1: #DTV/0! ~ #01\' /0! #01\'/0! 75•• ,,.. #DI\;/fJ. #DI\'/0!· #DI\'/0! #DIV/0! "· "· liDIV/0! tiDI\'/0! HDI\'/0! HDIY/0! ... ... 14 'I nul VAP 19,?62 79,?6- 15 \'o~na:A~ Hup 92)9 9~39 16 NH\nn 62.185 62.18 17 Populooon '\II Hlk I.<J'S 1,.., 11DIV/Oi NDlY/01 . tiDlY/01 , tiDlV/01 ... ,,., UOI\'/0! #01\'/0!. #01\'/011 #0!\'/01 59"• "'~~'"• #1>1\'ffJ. #I>IV/01 . #I>IV/01 #I>IV/01 l'o t• • 18 ~H1\~ ..... ..... IIOT\'/0! HOIV/0! tiOIV/0! HOI\'/0! 6'• ... :~C.tun>\"otlni Tou.IC\" . .._P 19,269 ""'-"' ..... 9,082 9,08- 21 '"' 1\IH\'Ilht 62.$12 62.51- 1/DI\'/fJ. #OI\'/0!; t!DIV/O!I HOI\'/01 ... II•• #DI\'/0! #I)IV/0! #DIV/01. #DIV/01 .... ,.. 22 Populo~ ~IIB!k 1,001 1,001 #DI\'/0! #DJV/01 #01\'/01 #DJV/01 I'• .. ,. 23 ~H,\$>1 5,778 s.r lfOT\'/& HOYV/0! #Ol\'/0! HOI\'/0! s•o 7'o 24 Toul~ 6<.966 ...... 25 Nov.2014 I..~ ,,.. ,,.. UDI\'/fJ. #0!\'/0!; UOJV /0! #DI\'/0! , .. ... 26 Kf'g.>IRfJO(I 2.~ '·"' #DI\'{0! #DIV/01. #DIV/01 #D!V/01 "· .. ~ .. 27 rw,.,. .. , .. -1101\'/01 #01\'/01 tiOIV/01 tiOIV/01 ... t•. 28 TotaJ\'ot~n J2,159 32,1>9 29 NQ\"'.2014 I..~~ ·~-1,957 30 \'okn; A...,·.\rnnx'll> 0 0 0 0 ,., .. -1/0l\'/0! _,_~OI\~(0!, IIOI\"((l! --~OI\:(1)! l'o 6°o #DIV/fJ. #DIV/0! #DI\'/0! #D!V/0! I'· ,.. lnstfuctions Ass19nments 4-district balance ......._ + ~-~--. ........_ ...... ......_ ~··--'-4<- City of Carib ad 2017 Districting Prepared by National Demogrnphlcs Corporaliou, 1\h y 26,2017 Population Units ID Numbers Using the online tool May 30, 2017 13 1 6 7 4 2 3 5 Key Questions: 1.What is your neighborhood or “community of interest”? 2.Do you want one or more Councilmembers elected from / representing your community of interest? 3.What other neighborhoods near you share similar municipal interests / concerns (and thus should be in the same district)? Discussion May 30, 2017 14