HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 02-56; WALTERS RESIDENCE; GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION OF COSTAL BLUFF PROPERTY; 1997-03-10• SGC Southland Geotechnical Consultants GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION OF COASTAL BLUFF PROPERTY VACANT PARCEL SOUTH OF 5305 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Project No. 126G21 March 10, 1997 Prepared for: L.D. RICHARDS CO., BUILDER 1830 Oxford Avenue Cardiff, California 92007 • 1238 GREENFIELD DRIVE, SUITE A EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92021 • (6191442-8022 • FAX ffi1.QJ44.1.7Ri:;:a . \ . ' (' • '1[ Ii ',l' SGC Southland Geotechnical Consultants March 10, 1997 Project No. 126G21 To: L.D. Richards Co., Builder· 1830 Oxford Avenue Cardiff, California 92007 Attention: Mr. Larry Richards . Subject: Geotechnical Evaluation of Coastal Bluff Property, Vacant Parcel South of 5305 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad, California Introduction In accordance with your request, Southland Geotechnical Consultants has performed a geotechnical evaluation of the subject coastal bluff property. We understand that a single-family residence is proposed on the property. This report presents a summary of our field and research studies and our conclusions and recommendations relative to the proposed development. We understand that soils engineering services for foundation design for the proposed residence are being performed by others. Purpose and Scope This report presents the results of our geotechnical evaluation of the coastal bluff property located south of 5305 Carlsbad Boulevard in Carlsbad. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the geotechnical conditions at the coastal bluff property and provide recommendations relative to the proposed construction. The scope of our geotechnical evaluation included the following: Review of aerial photographs, geologic/topographic maps, and geologic literature pertaining to the site and vicinity. A list of the items reviewed is presented in Appendix A. Geologic reconnaissance to observe the existing site conditions including the coastal bluff and general vicinity. Preparation of a tape and compass profile of the bluff face. Geotechnical analysis of the data obtained including a computer-generated slope stability analysis of the coastal bluff. Preparation of this report summarizing the results of our geotechnical evaluation of the coastal bluff property. • 1238 GREENFIELD DRIVE, SUITE A EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92021 • I i i j t Project No. 126G21 iAA Description The subject coastal bluff property is known as San Diego County Assessor's Parcel Number 210-120-31. T~hly rectangular property is located south o,f the exilfting residential development located at 5305 Carlsbad Boulevard in the City of Carlsbad (see Figure 1 ). The parcel to the south of the subject lot is currently undeveloped. The eastern property line at the site is located along the westerly side of Carlsbad Boulevard {formerly Highway 101) and is approximately 60 feet long . ._. relllliTAlloyhWel bluff-top area of the property extends, from Carlsbad Boulevard to the top of the coastal bluff, approximately 230 feet along the northerly property line and approxfmately 200 feet along the southerly property line. An approximately 40-foot high coastal bluff with an overall gradient of approximately 45 degrees is located in the western portion of the property (see Photos 1 and 2). The approximate elevation of the bluff edge is about 40 feet above sea level based on the City bf Carlsbad 1991 orthophoto map (Appendix A). · ln~l!ilil: llf, the bluff-top area at the site slopes gently towards the west and is mostly vegetat"ed With iceplant, weeds and scattered brush. On February 12, 1997, SGC representatives made approximate measurements of the western portion of the bluff- top area at the site. The resultant site plan (with the approximate location of the bluff edge) is included as Figure 2. Please note that the bluff edge on the site is somewhat obscured by vegetative growth and rodent burrowing activities {see Photos 3 and 4). We emphasize that our measurements are approximate. Figure 2 is not a surveyed map. Bluff Description During our site visit on February 12, 1997, a tape and compass profile of the coastal bluff on the property was prepared. The results of our approximate measurements are presented on Figure 3 (Coastal Bluff Profile). Following is a summary of the on site bluff conditions. The approximately 40-foot high coastal bluff slopes at an overall gradient of approximately 45 degrees (from the base of the seacliff to the upper bluff edge) . . There is an approximately 10-foot high, irregular but overall, near-vertical seacliff at the base of the coastal bluff (see Photos 1 and 2). This seacliff is not vegetated. Portions of the seacliff are slightly undercut apparently by wave action. lndic ations of minor sea cave development in the seacliff were observed at the site (see Photos 1, 2 and 5). A relatively level "bench" area, approximately 5 to 15 feet wide, has develop!ld at the contact between the more resistant Santiago Formation sandstone that comprises the seacliff and the overlying, less resistant terrace deposits that comprise the upper portion of the bluff {see Photos 1 and 2). The upper approximately 30 vertical feet of the coastal bluff generally is sparsely vegetated with 2 SGC Project No. 126G21 iceplant and weeds. However, the uppermost portion of the bluff and the bluff edge are generally moderately to well vegetated with iceplant. Gunite covers the bluff face on the properties to the north and extends approximately 1 5 feet onto the subject coastal bluff (see Photos 1, 2 and 6). Proposed Development Project plans have not yet been finalized. However, based on our conversations with you, it is our understanding that a one-to two-story residence is proposed at the site. We understand that the residence will be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the bluff edge. We also understand that the residence will consist of typical, relatively light, residential construction. Geologic Units Based on our review of a geologic map (Appendix A, Reference 13) and our onsite observations, the property appears to be underlain by Eocene-aged Santiago . Formation sandstone overlain by Quaternary-aged terrace deposits. Surficial deposits consisting of beach deposits along the toe of the seacliff were observed during our site visit and· fill soils were observed on the bluff face and bluff-top area. The approximate limits of these units, as observed in our onsite studies, are shown on · Figure 3 and are described below: Santiaqo Formation -The Eocene-aged Santiago Formation is exposed in the approximately 10-foot high, irregular but near-vertical seacliff located just easterly of the beach in the western portion of the site. The Santiago Formation sandstone generally consists of a light gray-brown, well-cemented, silty, fine-grained sandstone. The Santiago Formation is finer grained near its contact with the overlying terrace deposits. Localized concretions and cross- bedding were observed in the seacliff face. Terrace Deposits -Quaternary-aged terrace deposits unconformably overlie the Santiauo Formation and comprise the majority of the bluff face. The terrace deposits consist of orange-brown to light brown, dense but friable, slightly silty fine-to medium-grained sand. Near the base of the terrace deposits, talus (or slopewash) derived from the terrace deposits has accumulated by the downslope actions of surface waters and gravity. Beach Deposits -A variable thickness of unconsolidated beach deposits occur on the beach at the ba.se of the seacliff. During our site visits, the beach deposits consisted of sand. This material is subject to addition and removal in response to storm waves and currents. 3 Project No. 126G21 Fill Soils -Fill soils exist locally on the bluff face and bluff-top area (not shown on Figure 3). It appears that minor amounts of fill soils may have been used to infill two relatively small gullies at the site (see Photos 1 and 2). In addition, fill soils were apparently pushed over the bluff edge onto the bluff face. The fill soils generally consist of locally-derived terrace deposit materials and chunks of concrete and asphalt. Geologic Structure The Santiago Formation is well exposed in the seacliff at the property and to the . south. The Santiago Formation at and near the subject property is nearly flat-lying. , Bedding in the Quaternary terrace deposits can be observed as alternating more resistant and less resistant beds. Where observed on site and in the general site vicinity, the terrace deposits appear to be horizontally bedded with localized cross bedding. Fractures were observed in the sea cliff and a dominant near-vertical joint orientation of N50W was measured. However, no major out-of-slope bedding components were observed that would be adverse to slope stability. Indications of deep-seated landslide features were not observed during our research studies or site visits. Review of Geotechnical Hazards/Constraint Map Our review of Geotechnical Hazards/Constraint Map ·page 14 of the City of Carlsbad Geotechnical Hazards Analysis and Mapping Study (Appendix A) indicates that the site is located in Hazard Categories 41 and 53. Category 41 pertains to "coastal stability: moderately stable: high steep bluffs, unfavorable structure, moderate to rapid erosion." Category 53 pertains to areas with "other terrain conditions: generally stable: relatively level mesa areas underlain by terrace deposits, sandstone or granitic/metavolcanic bedrock." Please note that the Geotechnical Hazards Analysis and Mapping Study is primarily intended for planning purposes and should not be construed as definitive data for a specific site. Faulting Our review of geologic literature (Appendix A) pertaining to the general site area indicates that there are no known "active" faults on or in the immediate vicinity of the site. An "active" fault is defined by the California Division of Mines and Geology as one which has "had surface displacement within Holocene time (about the last \ 11,000 years)" (Appendix A, Reference 4). Indications of active faulting were not observed in the subject coastal bluff. The nearest known active faults are the Rose 4 SGC . ;,-1 ~ l Project No. 126G21 Canyon fault located offshore approximately 4 miles west of the site, the Coronado , Bank fault located offshore approximately 19.5 miles west, and the Elsinore fault located approximately 25 miles northeast of the site. The San Andreas fault is located approximately 62 miles northeast of the site. Our review of the City of Carlsbad Geotechnical Hazards Analysis and Mapping Study (Appendix Al indicates that a relatively short, northerly-trending fault trace has been mapped on and near the site. It appears to coincide with the gully located off site to the south of the subject property (see Figure 1). We did not observe direct, definitive evidence for the presence of this fault during our site visits, however, it may be obscured by fill soils present in the offsite gully. The City of Carlsbad study states that "all faults that have been mapped within the City limits based on current knowledge are all considered inactive". Based on its relatively, short length and northerly trend, it is our opinion that this mapped fault does not present a seismic- source hazard to the subject project. Tsunami and Storm Waves Tsunami are sea waves generated by submarine earthquakes, landslides or volcanic . action. Submarine earthquakes are common along the edge. of the Pacific Ocean and coastal areas are subject to potential inundation by tsunami. Most of the 19 tsunami recorded on the San Diego tidal gauge (between 1854 to 1872 and 1906 to 1977) have only been a few tenths of a meter in height (Appendix A, Reference 1 ). The largest San Diego area tidal gauge excursion (1 meter) was associated with the tsunami of May 22, 1960 and was recorded at La Jolla (Scripps Pier) (Appendix A, Reference 12). The tsunami was generated by a 8ichter magnitude 8.5 earthquake in Chile. For comparison, the diurnal range of tides at San Diego Bay is 1. 7 meters. The possibility of a destructive tsunami along the San Diego coastline is considered low (Appendix A, Reference 5). However, tsunami or storm waves (associated with winter storms), in conjunction with high tides, may erode the coastal bluff face (especially the friable terrace deposits) but generally are not anticipated to have the potential tor inundation of the bluff-top building site. Groundwater and Surface Water During our site visits, groundwater seepage was observed in the coastal bluff near the southern edge of the gunite coating on the northern portion of the site (see Photo 6). Based on our experience and observations, our estimation to the depth of · groundwater is that it is at or near sea level and may also be perched locally on the Santiago Formation at its contact with the overlying terrace deposits. Groundwater levels can be expected to fluctuate with the tides, seasonal precipitation and irrigation. Groundwater is not expected to be a constraint to construction of the 5 sr::r. • Project No. 126G21 proposed residence. However, our experience indicates that near-surface groundwater conditions can develop in areas where no such groundwater conditions previously existed, especially in areas where a substantial increase in surface water infiltration results from landscape irrigation or unusually heavy precipitation. The bluff-top surface waters appear to primarily drain towards the west as sheet flow. As they approach the bluff edge on the site, the surface waters are concentrated into generally shallow gullies that have been eroded into the bluff edge and discharge down the bluff face. Historic Research Summary We have reviewed the literature, maps and aerial photographs of the site and general· vicinity listed in Appendix A. Following is a limited outline summary of our review · observations: The oldest map we found on file at the County of San Diego is an 1898 survey for the Fifth Road District (Appendix A). The bluff along the coastline is sketched on the map and the railway line is shown. The oldest photograph. we reviewed was one from the 1928-29 aerial photograph set on file at the County of San Diego. The railroad and coastal highway (approximately the current Carlsbad Boulevard) are shown on this photo. A dirt road west of the coastal highway, roughly parallel to the coastline, and along the bluff top in the general site vicinity is shown. A wider, cleared spot on this dirt road (a turn-out or viewpoint?) is located in the vicinity of the subject coastal bluff property. The offsite gully to the south is apparent. The subdivision roadway (Shore Drive) and some of the subdivision homes to the north of the subject property are shown on the 1953 aerial photographs. The single-family residence that currently exists adjacent to and north of the subject lot is not shown. A dirt road exists along the bluff edge in the site vicinity. The subject property appears it may have been cleared and used for agricultural purposes. A relatively small gully perpendicular to the bluff edge is apparent near the southern boundary of the subject property. The larger offsite gully (approximately 25 feet to the south of the site) is also apparent on the photos. The existing residence to the north of the subject property is shown on the April 9, 1964 photograph and subsequent photos. On the 1964 photo and photos from the late 1960's, 1970's and early 1980's and on the County's 1975 orthophoto topographic map, the subject coastal bluff face appears to be generally moderately vegetated. The bluff face appears generally smooth and 6 Project No. 126G21 uniform as it extends from the bluff edge to the westward edge of the near- vertical seacliff at its base. The currently existing "bench" on the resistant Santiago Formation is not apparent. Based on our review of a 1978 photo looking north towards the site (Appendix A, Reference 11 ), p::lcc apps a to co>cer tbs la,otsr past cf tbe ssutal lal ff zt ti:& sit& II ill 1n:thll 1iFSPIIE~i~.Mil~lililQQR· IIAd>ea 1tlilo6,1il111,&ite,, Our review of the Army Corps of Engineers' report, "Coastal Cliff Sediments, San Diego Region" (Appendix A, Reference 11 ), indicates that an episode of erosion occurred between August 7 and 9, 1983, "as a result of waves from a southern hemisphere storm." In the 'cove' area, approximately 100 feet south of the site, the report states that "the cliff retreated 48 to 35 feet" and "this was more erosion at the site than had occurred during the previous 40-year period." The photos show that, at the subject property, a "bench" developed on the resistant Santiago Formation as a result of landward retreat (approximately 15 to 20 feet) of the toe of the terrace deposits at the site. However, even though the toe of the terrace deposits retreated, the upper portion of the bluff and bluff edge do not appear to have eroded, based on our review of the photos. The "bench" on the resistant Santiago Formation is shown on the 1984 and more recent photos and was observed during our site visits. On the 1991 orthophoto mapping sheet and 1992 photographs, the bluff-top area is vegetated generally similarly to what we observed during our recent site visits. However, the bluff edge and bluff fate were less vegetated in the early 1990's than observed during our 1997 site visits. Coastal Bluff Retreat The Carlsbad coastline in the vicinity of the subject property consists of a slight headland to the north of the site and is indented (into a 'cove') to the south of the subject property (see Figure 1). The site is located on the northern edge of the indentation in the coast (concave to the ocean). Mechanisms for seacliff retreat at the site include slow abrasion and undercutting by marine erosion (wave action) of the hard, erosion-resistant Santiago Formation sandstone bedrock exposed in the · near-vertical seacliff. Storm surf and higher high tides contribute to the natural process of marine erosion. Other factors affecting the rate of retreat of a near-vertical seacliff at the toe of a coastal bluff include degree of fracturing, jointing, consolidation of sediments, steepness of slope, groundwater and surface water conditions, vegetation or lack of, and intensity of pedestrian and animal traffic. 7 Project No._ 126G21 In response to the landward retreat of the seacliff, the overlying coastal bluff becomes undermined and also retreats landward. During storm surf and higher tides, the base of the terrace deposits at the site are also subject to marine erosion. Other mechanisms contributing to bluff retreat include failure of overhanging bedrock projections, shallow failure of oversteepened portions of the bluff-face terrace deposits, and rilling and ravelling of the terrace deposits. Portions of coastal bluffs are also exposed to precipitation, wind, pedestrian/animal erosion (including foot . traffic and burrowing rodents), variations in landscape, landscape maintenance, and other activities by humans . . During our studies, we did not observe indications of deep-seated instability, such as ancient or active landslides, on the site, and the Santiago Formation sandstone that comprises the seacliff at the site is not known to be prone to large, deep-seated · failures. The terrace deposits are friable and commonly rill and ravel in oversteepened slopes, however, they are not known to be prone to large, deep-seated failures. Coastal Bluff-Edge Retreat Rates The rate and magnitude of coastal bluff retreat at a specific site are dependent on a variety of factors, both natural and manmade. Many of these factors are ongoing processes and historic documentation can be helpful in estimating general bluff-edge retreat rates. However, there are other factors affecting coastal bluff retreat that cannot be estimated from historic documentation. Such factors include future human activities or possible extreme variations in regional weather patterns. Detrimental changes in factors affecting bluff-edge retreat, such as misdirected · drainage, water line breaks, very heavy storm surf and/or precipitation, could increase the rate of future erosion. However, favorable changes in the factors affecting bluff- edge retreat could decrease the rate of future erosion. Some of these include eliminating detrimental human activities on the bluff, proper maintenance of a bluff- stabilizing vegetative cover, enhanced site drainage provisions and beach sand replenishment currently proposed by San Diego County coastal communities. Research studies along the San Diego coast and historic photograph and map review are components in providing an estimation of the rate of bluff-edge retreat. We assume that the historic retreat rate may give an indication of the future retreat rate at a particular site. However, accurate and clear photographic and map documentation for measuring retreat is not always available or is of fairly short time intervals so changes may not be noticeable. Lee and others (Appendix A, Reference 6) performed research studies of regional historic seacliff retreat and provide a maximum annual rate of seacliff recession of 0. 7 inch. The research studies also estimated a maximum annual bluff-edge retreat rate 8 ' ' il l Project No. 126G21 of Q.22 to 0.33 feet per year. Over a 75-year period (assumed to be the economic lifetime of the new construction), this equates to a conservative estimate of bluff- edge 'retreat of a maximum of 16.5 to 24.8 feet. This maximum is based on research studies of regional historic bluff retreat that includes coastal bluffs with generally favorable conditions, as well as coastal bluffs that are affected by more adverse conditions (fracturing, sea caves, groundwater, human activities, etc.). The estimated values of maximum retreat are very conservative, and the actual rate of bluff retreat at the subject property is expected to be less considering the site conditions and historic bluff-edge retreat at the site. Documentation of a two-day erosion period at and near the site in August 1983 (discussed above) is included in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' report, "Coastal Cliff Sediments, San Diego Region" (Appendix A, Reference 11 ). This report indicates that an episode of erosion occurred between August 7 and 9, 1983, "as a result of waves from a southern hemisphere storm." In the 'cove' area, approximately 100 , feet south of the site, the report states that "the cliff retreated 28 to 35 feet" and "this was more erosion at the site than had occurred during the previous 40-year period." The photos show that at the subject property, a "bench" developed on the resistant Santiago Formation as a result of landward retreat (approximately 15 to 20 feet) of the toe of the terrace deposits at the site. However, even though the toe of the terrace cfeposits retreated landward, the upper. portion of the bluff and bluff edge did not appear to have retreated landward at the site. Our historic photograph review (Appendix A) indicates that the coastal bluff at the subject property is generally similar in configuration in the 1929, 1953, and 1964 through early 1983 photos .. The location of the onsite bluff edge is generally similar on the vertical aerial photographs ( 1929 through 1989) listed in Appendix A and also on the 1975 and 1991 orthophoto topographic maps. However, in early August 1983, the base of the onsite terrace deposits eroded inland up to approximately 15 to 20 feet and resulted in the onsite "bench" on the resistant Santiago Formation sandstone. If we assume that there were no definitive points of reference (such as the existing home to the north) to accurately measure prior to the 1 964 aerial photographs (although the bluff appears to be similar in configuration). the resolution and scale of the photographs are such that if bluff-edge retreat were in excess of approximately 5 to 6 feet, it would likely be apparent. No apparent retreat of the bluff edge was seen on the photos, however, we could assume, as a "worst-case" scenario, that the bluff edge had retreated 6 feet over the 25-year time interval viewed (from 1964 to 1989), and a historic maximum bluff-edge retreat rate of approximately 0.24 feet per year may then be estimated from the photographs. Over a 75-year period, this equates to a "worst-case" or maximum of bluff-edge retreat of 18 feet. 9 sr-:r. -1 ·l ' i I i Project No. 126G21 From our site visits and photograph review, we observed, for the recent past, no indications that the current rate of retreat for the bluff edge is greater than this estimated "worst-case" historic rate of 0.24 feet per year and it apparently is significantly less. However, it is very difficult to predict the future and the magnitude · of bluff-edge retreat that may occur in one year, during one storm event or over the 75-year assumed economic lifetime of the new construction. The rate of coastal bluff retreat over a particular interval of time (day, year, decade, etc.) may vary from very little to several tenths of a foot. However, severe erosion is generally episodic in nature and is dependent on the intensity of storms and combined high tides (or man's detrimental actions). It is probable that several feet of coastal bluff-edge retreat could occur at one time or over a short period of time. However, it is also likely that there will be periods in the future when erosion along the coast and bluff edge is rather insignificant and undetectable. Erosion is a naturally-occurring process that is affected by human actions. With time. the bluff edge will retreat'landward. If we assume a future retreat rate based on the "worst-case" site-specific historic aerial photograph evaluation, the maximum amount the bluff edge may retreat landward over the next 75 years would be approximately 18 feet. If a future retreat rate based on the regional study of bluff-top retreat rates (Appendix A, Reference 6) is assumed, the maximum amount the bluff edge may retreat over the next 75 years would range from 16.5 to 24.8 feet. However, as stated above, this maximum retreat rate is based on a research study of regional historic bluff-edge retreat which also included coastal bluffs that are more adversely affected by conditions that , contribute to higher rates of erosion (fracturing, sea caves, groundwater, human activities, etc.) than those known at the subject property. We may speculate that the actual maximum value of future bluff-edge retreat at the site over the next 75 years will range somewhere from 18 (the site-specific, historic "worst-case") to 24.8 feet (the regional study "worst-case") and that the actual bluff-edge retreat is likely to be less. It is our opinion that the residence, proposed to be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the bluff edge, will not be endangered by coastal bluff retreat over the next 75 years. However, improvements, such as patios, fences, etc., that are within this setback zone may become endangered (undermined) by bluff-edge retreat during the next 75 years and may need to be removed from the site. Sea Cave Influence -Sea cave formation and subsequent collapse are localized factors in the bluff retreat process. Indications of sea cave development in the seacliff were observed at the subject property during our site visits. Photos 1 and 2 are views of the subject coastal seacliff/bluff and Photo 5 is a closer view of a sea cave on site. Figure 1 shows the property, nearby vicinity and locations of the onsite and nearby known area of sea cave development. Our approximate measurements made on February 12, 1997, indicate that the onsite sea cave extends a maximum of approximately 5 feet obliquely into the 10 Project No. 126G21 seacliff with a trend of roughly N75W. The sea cave is about 1 foot in height. The nearest offsite sea cave to the site is located approximately 3 .feet southerly of the southern property boundary (see Photo 2). This sea cave extends approximately 2 feet info the seacliff with a maximum height of 1.5 feet. Fractures and bedding planes apparently control the development of these two caves. Due to their relatively small sizes, it is our opinion that if either (or both) of these sea cave areas enlarged and failed within the next 75 years, their collapse would not impact the proposed residence (which will be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the bluff edge). Seismic Shaking Influence -In general, the role seismic shaking plays in bluff retreat is dependent on bluff conditions at the moment of shaking. Failure of bedrock projections on seacliffs, failure of marginally stable blocks of bedrock, collapse of sea· caves, and failures of undercut bluffs may· be common occurrences along the San Diego coastline during strong ground shaking. The Shoreline Erosion Assessment and Atlas of the San Diego Region (Appendix A, Reference 3) states that the "potential for cliff failure due to earthquake activity in San Diego is probably small, but since San Diego has not experienced strong motion in such a long time, the cliffs ·here may be more susceptible to sliding than those in areas with shorter quake-return intervals." Slope Stability Calculations 'A computer-generated slope stability analysis was performed on the coastal bluff at ,the site. The slope stability was analyzed using 'Janbu's Simplified Method of Slices' with the PCSTABL 5M computer program. Groundwater was included in our slope stability analyses. The slope stability calculations are included in Appendix B. The soil strength parameters used in our analysis are presented below. These values are based on laboratory test results, back-calculation, our past experience in this area, .and our professional judgement. Soil Type Terrace Deposits Santiago Fm Sandstone Unit Weight 120.0 pcf 120.0 pcf Friction Angle 40 degrees 35 degrees Cohesion 500 psf 200 psf he results of the analyses (Appendix B) indicate that for the existing configuration, . he calculated factor of safety against deep-seated failure is in excess of 1.5 (the ' enerally accepted standard for the geotechnical industry). In addition, there are no .ndications of large ancient landslides in the site vicinity. 1 1 _c:r.:r I Project No. 126G21 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our geotechnical evaluation of the coastal bluff at the site, it is our opinion that the proposed residence (and the loading from this relatively light bluff-top construction) will not adversely impact the existing coastal bluff. In addition, if the residence is set back a minimum of 25 feet from the bluff edge as planned, it is our 'opinion that the proposed construction should not be affected by the maximum estimated coastal bluff retreat during its economic lifetime (assumed to be 75 years). Slope Stability and Erosion Our geotechnical evaluation of the present overall static stability on the subject property indicates that the bluff is grossly stable. In its present state, the slope is moderately to highly erodible and has a low to moderate potential for future surficial instability. We provide the following recommendations to help reduce erosion of the bluff and to reduce potential for future instability of the bluff face. Irrigation of the landscape areas on the property should be limited to the minimum amount required to· establish vegetation and maintain plant vigor. The upper portion of the subject coastal bluff and the bluff edge are currently moderately to well vegetated with iceplant. At this time, it is our opinion that modifications to the vegetation in these areas should not be considered. However, if landscape planting and/or plant removal on the westerly bluff-top area is performed, it should be done without significantly disturbing the bluff- top soils. The surficial stability of those portions of the bluff that are not well vegetated may be increased by planting in accordance with the recommendations of a professional landscape company experienced with coastal bluffs. Terracing or excavation of the bluff-face soils should be avoided. Drainage at the site should be directed such that surface waters discharge into non-erosive drainage provisions. Runoff at the site should not be directed over the bluff edge. Eave gutters should be considered for the residence and should be properly maintained. Pedestrian and animal traffic (and burrowing, etc.) on the bluff face and bluff edge should be curtailed. Bluff-Top Setback · As previously stated, we speculate that the maximum value of future bluff-edge retreat at the site over the next 75 years may range somewhere from 18 to 24.8 feet, and the actw!l value of bluff-edge retreat is likely to be less. The proposed residence will be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the bluff edge. It is our opinion that the 12 SGC Project No. 126G21 proposed setback will safeguard the proposed residence from bluff retreat during the economic lifetime of the residence. Seismic Considerations The principal considerations for most structures in southern California are surface rupturing of fault traces and damage caused by ground shaking or seismically-induced ground settlement or liquefaction. The possibility of damage due to ground rupture is considered minimal since no active faults are known to cross the site. It is our opinion that the potential for liquefaction or seismically-induced groun·d settlement at the site due to an earthquake is very low because of the dense nature of the underlying torrace deposits and Santiago Formation sandstone. The seismic hazard most likely to impact the site is ground shaking resulting from an earthquake on one of the major active regional faults. The nearest known active fault is the Rose Canyon fault located offshore approximately 4 miles west of the site. It is estimated that a maximum earthquake on this portion of the Rose Canyon fault (magnitude 6.5) could produce moderate to severe ground shaking at the site. As previously indicated, in general, the role seismic shaking plays in bluff retreat is dependent on bluff conditions at the moment of shaking. The seacliff at the subject property is near-vertical and locally portions are slightly overhanging. It is possible that some of the bedrock projections may fail as the result of severe ground shaking at the site. Oversteepened portions of the terrace deposits may undergo s.hallow failure and some ravelling of the poorly indurated bluff-face terrace deposits may also occur during ground shaking, especially on the unvegetated portions of the bluff face. However, it is our opinion that the potential for deep-seated or severe, catastrophic . failure of the bluff due to expected seismic ground shaking is low at the site. Other Considerations T.he recommendations provided in this report are based on our understanding that a single-family residence (with its relatively light loading) is planned at the site and will be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the bluff edge. The site conditions and bluff edge indicated on Figures 2 and 3 have been compiled from approximate measurements made during our site visits. They should not be relied on for site development. If needed, we suggest that a licensed land surveyor be retained to prepare a site topographic plan that accurately delineates the property boundaries and bluff edge. In addition, a comprehensive site drainage study may be conducted to develop a site-specific drainage plan for the proposed development. Please note that the recommendations contained herein may be revised based on modified and/or additional information regarding th.e structure and improvements planned at the site. 13 SGC ·' Project No. 126G21 A qualified consultant should be retained to review site conditions and assess potential site impacts following significant erosion events in the future or if major phanges in the bluff configuration are noticed. Limitations and Uniformity of Conditions This geotechnical evaluation report addresses the coastal bluff conditions at the property and is based on our understanding that the proposed development consists of design and construction of a new single-family residence set back a minimum of 25 feet from the bluff edge. We understand that soils engineering services for design and construction of this proposed residential development are being performed by others. In addition, we have not performed an evaluation of the presence of hazardous materials/contamination at the site. · · ' This report is based on our document/photograph review, surficial observations of the geologic conditions exposed at the site and vicinity. This report assumes that the , geologic/soils conditions do not deviate appreciably from those observed during our site visits. The recommendations of this report pertain only to the coastal bluff property evaluated. The findings of this report are valid as of this date. Changes in conditions of a property can, however, occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the work of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, from legislation or the broadening of knowledge in the fields of geotechnical engineering or geology. Hence, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or in part by changes beyond our control. Therefore, this report should not be relied upon after a period of two years without a review by us. If there are questions regarding the information contained herein, we should be contacted. We will not be responsible for the interpretation by others of the information herein. Our services consist of professional consultation and no warranty of any kind whatsoever, express or implied, is made or intended in connection with the work performed by us. 14 Project No. 126G21 If you have any questions regarding our report, please call. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Sincerely, SOUTHLAND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS Attachments: . Distribution: Figure 1 -Site Location Map Figure 2 -Site Plan Figure 3 -Coastal Bluff Profile Photographs 1 through 6 Appendix A -References Steven ' is, RCE 47672 Project Engineer Appendix B -Slope Stability Calculations (3) Addressee 15 SITE LOCATION MAP Project No. 126G21 Vacant Parcel South of 5305 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad Scale (approximate): 1 inch = 1 00 feet Base Map: City of Carlsbad Orthophoto Topographic Map 93 dated 1991 FIGURE 1 SGC c:-<O "O C :, 0 .c ite plan compiled from ,PProximate measurements ade by SGC representatives n 02-12-97 IS IS NOT A SURVEYED MAP ~ Property extends I ~asterly to Carlsbad Boulevard • ' APPROX. NORTH Scale (approximate): 1 inch = 1 O feet SITE PLAN Vacant Parcel South of 5305 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad Project No. 1 26G21 FIGURE 2 -- SGC Scale (approximate): 1 inch = 1 0 feet -;-?:-, --1~·-:,._·_....;1~ seacliff .•.• SANTIAGO FORMATION BEACH SAN~~,._ ............. ·:·:·.: -c'.'::\ ;~:~~:.{ :~~Jt: ·. · .. · ... . Coastal bluff profile compiled from approximate measurements made by SGC representatives on 02-12-97 (see FIGURE 2 for profile location) · TERRACE DEPOSITS ~ N60E Approximate location of 25-foot setback line for new residence COAST AL BLUFF PROFILE Vacant Parcel South of 5305 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad Project No. 126G21 FIGURE 3 SGC Project No. 126G21 PHOTO 1 Coastal bluff, view southerly from near northern property boundary 1-31-97 "BENCH" PHOTO 2 Coastal bluff, view northerly from near southern property boundary 2· 12-97 SGC 2-12-97 PHOTO 4-+ . ortherly from fence Bluff edge, view n boundary . 'de southurly property 1ns1 i l 3 1-31-97 +-PHOTO . northerly Bluff edgeh :•t":te from sout 126G21 Project No. Project No. 126G21 PHOTO 5 Onsite sea cave in sea cliff (see Figure 1 tor location) 2-12-97 PHOTO 6 Onsite gunite and groundwater seep near northerly property boundary 2-12-97 SGC Project No. 126G21 APPENDIX A REFERENCES Agnew, D.C., 1979, Tsunami history of San Diego, in Abbott, P.L., and Elliott, W.J., eds., Earthquakes and Other Perils: Geological Society of America field trip guidebook. California Division of Mines and Geology, 1994, Fault activity map of California and adjacent areas: CDMG Geologic Data Map No. 6. Flick, R.E., ed., 1994, Shoreline erosion assessment and atlas of the San Diego region: California Department of Boating and Waterways and the San Diego Association of Governments publication, dated December (two volumes). Hart, E.W., 1994, Fault-rupture hazard zones in California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42, revised. 5. Lee, L.J., 1977, Potential foundation problems associated with earthquakes in San Diego, in Abbott, P.L., and Victoda, J.K., eds., Geologic Hazards in San Diego, Earthquakes, Landslides, and Floods: San Diego Society of Natural History John Porter Dexter Memorial Publication. 6. Lee, L., Pinckney, C., and Bemis, C., 1976, Sea bluff erosion: American Society of Civil Engineers, National Water Resources and Ocean Engineering Convention Preprint No. 2708. 7. Legg, M.R., Agnew, D.C., and Simons, R.S., 1978, Earthquake history and seismicity of coastal San Diego County, California, 1800-1976 (unpublished). Southland Geotechnical Consultants, in-house geologic information. Tan, S.S., and Giffen, D.G., 1995, Landslide hazards in the northern part of the San Diego metropolitan area: California Division of Mines and Geology, Open- file Report 95-04. 10. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study, Shoreline Movement Data Report, Portuguese Point to Mexican Border ( 1852-1982) (CCSTWS 85-10), dated December. 11. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study, Coastal Cliff Sediments, San Diego Region (CCSTWS 87-2). dated June. APPENDIX A REFERENCES (continued) Project No. 126G21 12. Van Dorn, W.G., 1979, Theoretical aspects of tsunamis along the San Diego coastline, in Abbott, P.L., and Elliott, W.J., eds., Earthquakes and Other Perils: Geological Society of America field trip guidebook. 13. Weber, F.H., Jr., 1982, Recent slope failures, ancient landslides and related geology of the north-central coastal area, San Diego County, California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 82-12. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Aerial Fotobank, Book 8 (vertical, not stereoscopic): Frame 1528, dated March 29, 1965. Frame 2252, dated August 12, 1965. Frame 8-4531, dated November 21, 1966. Aerial Fotobank, Book SA (vertical, not stereoscopic): Frame 10,602, dated November 8, 1968. Frame 12,972, dated July 8, 1969. Frame 15,073, dated November 2, 1969. Aerial Fotobank, Book SC (vertical, not stereoscopic): Frame 51-356, dated September 27, 1971. Aerial Fotobank, Book SD (vertical, not stereoscopic): Frame 25,039, dated December 16, 1980. Frame 25,818, dated February 11, 1983. Aerial Fotobank, Book SE (vertical, not stereoscopic): Frame 26,376, dated October 13, 1984. Aerial Fotobank, 1990's and Carlsbad books: Frame 0082 (3-70), dated January 1, 1983. Frame 1663 (4-8D), dated January 28, 1984. Frame SD87-8D, dated January 21, 1987. Frame CV90-5, dated January 18, 1990. County of San Diego, 1929, Photo 30D1 (vertical, not stereoscopic). APPENDIX A AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS (continued) Project No. 126G21 County of San Diego, 1967, Series GS-VBTA, Flight Line 1, Photos 1 -142 and 1 -143, dated May 8 (vertical, stereoscopic). County of San Diego, 1970, Series SDCO, Flight.Line 2, Photos 2-1 (015) and 2-2 · (014), dated October 9 (vertical, stereoscopic), scale 1 :24,000. County of San Diego, 1975, Flight SDPD, Flight Line 36, Photos 36-2 (129) and 36-3 ( 128), dated January 20 (vertical, stereoscopic), sc~le 1 inch = 1,000 feet. County of San Diego, 1983, Flight C11109 83059, Photos 256 (023) and 257 (024), dated November 22 (vertical, stereoscopic), scale 1 inch = 2,000 feet. County of San Diego, 1989, Series WAC-89A, Photo 3-7, dated April 7 (vertical, not stereoscopic). Geo-Tech Imagery Intl., 1992, Carlsbad Frames 6 and 7, dated November 1 (infrared, oblique, stereoscopic). U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1953, Series AXN, Flight Line 14M, Photos 17 and 18, dated May 2 (vertical, stereoscopic), scale 1 :20,000. U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1964, Series AXN, Flight Line 4DD, Photo 97, dated April 9 (vertical, not stereoscopic). MAPS City of Carlsbad, 1992, Geotechnical Hazards Analysis and Mapping Study, dated November. City of Carlsbad, 1991, Orthophoto Mapping, Sheet 93, scale 1" = 100' (aerial photography dated September-October 1988). County of San Diego, 1975, Orthophoto Topographic Map 350-1665, dated September 17, scale 1 "= 200'. County of San Diego, Assessor's Map Book, page 210-12. County of San Diego, 1898, Survey Number 148, Fifth Road District, Oceanside to Encinitas, two parts, dated October. APPENDIX A MAPS (continued) Project No. 126G21 County of San Diego, 1915, Map of Partition of a Portion of the Land Owned by the Undersigned in the Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map No. 823, dated May 1. County of San Diego, 1958, Poinsettia Beach Unit No. 1, Map No. 3897, dated May 21. County of San Diego, 1984, Record of Survey, Map No. 9595; dated February 29. County of San Diego, 1987, Record of Survey, Map No. 11280, dated October 22. ~-- •• PCSTABL5M •• by Purdue University --Slope Stability Analysis-- Simplified Janbu, Simplified Bishop or Spencer's Method of Slices Ru11 Date: Time of Run: Input Data Filename: Output Filename: Plotted Output Filename: March 4, 1996 5:00 pm Carlsbad.in Carlsbad.out Carlsbad. plt PROBLEM DESCRIPTION .. STABILITY ANALYSYS -Carlsbad bluff BOUNDARY COORDINATES 10 Top· Boundaries ll Total Boundaries Boundary X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right soil Type No. (ft) (ft) 1 20.00 20.00 2 33.00 25.00 3 34.00 30.50 4 37.70 31.00 5 39.00 39.00 6 46.70 41.00 7 65.00 56.80 8 70.00 67.30 9 79.50 69.00 10 114.80 70.00 11 39.00 39.00 ISOTROPIC SOIL PARAMETERS 2 Type(s) of Soil Soil Type No. l 2 Total Saturated Unit Wt. unit wt. (pcf) (pcf) 120.0 120.0 135.0 135.0 Cohesion Intercept (psf) 500.0 200.0 (ft) 33.00 34.00 37.70 39.00 46.70 65.00 70.00 79.50 114.80 220.00 220.00 Friction Angle (deg) 40.0 35.0 (ft) Below Bnd 25.00 30.50 31.00 39.00 41.00 56.80 67.30 69.00 70.00 70.00 39.QO Pore Pressure Par am. Pressure Constant (psf) .oo .oo .o .0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Piez. surface No. 0 0 -------------------------• ___________________ ....::.:.:========= ----·-··-~·------.. ·--,""' 1 PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE HAS BEEN SPECIFIED Unit Weight of Water= 62.40 Piezometric surface No. 1 Specified by 2 Coordinate Points Point No. 1 2 X-Water (ft) 39.00 220.00 BOUNDARY LOAD(S) 1 Load(s) Specified Y-Water (ft) 39.00 40.00 Load No. X-Left (ft) X-Right (ft) Intensity (lb/sqft) Deflection (deg) l 95.00 96.00 1000.0 .o NOTE -Intensity Is Specified As A Uniformly Distributed Force Acting On A Horizontally Projected Surface. A Critical Failure Surface Searching Method, Using A Random Technique For Generating Irregular Surfaces, Has Been Specified. Janbus Empirical Coef. is being used for the case of c & phi both> 0 100 Trial Surfaces Have Been Generated. 10 Surfaces Initiate From Each Of 10 Along The Ground Surface Between X = and X = Points Equally 28.00 ft. 60.00 ft. Each surface Terminates Between and X 70.00 ft. X = 170.00 ft. spaced Unless Further Limitations Were Imposed, The Minimum Elevation At Which A surface Extends Is Y = .00 ft. 10.00 ft. Line Segments Define Each Trial Failure Surface. Factor Of Safety Calculation Has Gone Through Ten Iterations The Trial Failure Surface In Question Is Defined By The Following 13 coordinate Points Point No. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 x-surf (ft) 28.00 35. 39 43.45 52.02 61.99 71.97 79.76 Bl.00 Bl.OB Bl.51 82.27 . 82. 54 82.69 Y-Surf (ft) 23.08 16.34 10.42 5.27 6.12 6.62 12.90 22.82 32.82 42.Bl 52. 78 · 62. 78 69.09 Factor Of Safety For The Preceding Specifi€d Surface= 5.619 Factor Of Safety Calculation Has Gone Through Ten Iterations The Trial Failure Surface In Question Is Defined By The Following 10 Coordinate Points Point No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x-surf (ft) 28.00 36.39 45.56 55.36 62.54 69.71 70.62 70.98 71.25 71.31 Y-Surf (ft) 23.08 17.64 13.65 15.54 22.52 29.50 39.46 49.45 59.45 67.53 Factor of Safety For The Preceding Specified Surface= 3.284 Factor Of Safety Calculation Has Gone Through Ten Iterations The Trial Failure surface In Question Is Defined By The Following lO coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) l 35.ll 30.65 2 42.48 23.89 3 52.42 22.79 4 62.00 25.66 5 71.41 29.06 6 79.02 35.55 7 79.87 45.51 8 79.96 55.51 9 79.97 65.51 10 79.99 69.01 Factor Of Safety For The Preceding SJ;)Ccified Surface= 3.715 Factor Of Safety Calculation Has Gone Through Ten Iterations The Trial Failure surface In Question Is Defined By The Following 18 coordinate Points Point No. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 x-surf (ft) 52.89 60.06 67.18 75.06 83.94 92.ll l00.39 108.62 118.12 128.07 135.69 136.54 136.97 137.00 137.82 139.57 142 .13 142.14 Y-Surf (ft) 46.34 39.37 32.35 26.19 21.59 15.83 10.22 4.54 1.42 2.41 8.88 18.85 28.84 38.84 48.81 58.65 68.32 70.00 Factor Of Safety For The Preceding Specified Surface= 83.303 I Slice No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Following Are Displayed The Failure surfaces Examined. First. Ten Most Critical Of The Trial They Are ordered -Most Critical *•safety Factors Are calculated By The Modified Janbu Method** Failure surface Specified By 6 Coordinate .Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 52.89 46,34 2 62.50 49.12 3 71.06 54.28 4 79.20 60.09 5 84.98 68.26 6 85.34 69.17 *** 1.648 *** Individual data on the 8 slices Water Water Tie Tie Earthquake Force Force Force Force Fbrce Surcharge Width Weight Top Bot Norm Tan Hor Ver Load Ft(m) Lbs(kg) Lbs(kg) Lbs(kg) Lbs(kg) Lbs(kg) Lbs(kg) ·Lbs(kg) Lbs (kg) 9.6 3178.3 .o .o .o .o .o .o .o 2.5 1755.6 .o .o .o .o .o .o .o s.o 5947.5 .o .o .o .o .o .o .o 1.1 1711.0 .o .o. .o .o .o .o .0 8.1 10770,4 .o .o .o .o .o .o .0 .3 312.8 .o .o .o .o .o .o .o s.s 3082.1 .o .o .o .o .o .o .0 .4 19.4 .o .o .o .o .o .o .o Failure Surface Specified By 6 Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 45.78 40.76 2 55.78 40. 75 3 65.14 44.27 4 71.69 51.82 5 73.64 61.63 6 74.11 68.04 *** 1.735 *** Failure Surface Specified By 8 Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 45.78 40.76 2 55.38 37.96 3 64.82 41.24 4 73.73 45.79 5 79.59 53.90 6 87.03 60.57 7 94.65 67.05 8 97.67 69.51 *** 1. 766 *** Failure Surface Specified By 7 Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 38.67 36.95 2 48.58 38.29 3 56.43 44.49 4 65.18 49.33 5 71.14 57.36 6 75.42 66.39 7 75.94 68.36 *** 1.807 *** Failure ~urface Specified By 11 Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 28.00 23.08 2 35.31 16.25 3 45.31 16.17 4 53.93 21.23 5 62.10 27.00 6 68.33 34.83 7 73.13 43.60 8 78.92 51. 75 9 83.46 60.66 10 88.95 69.02 11 88.98 69.27 *** 1.821 ••• Failure Surface Specified By 9 Coordinate Pointe Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 31.56 24.44 2 40.27 19.53 3 49.97 21.96 4 56.30 29.70 5 62.B6 37.24 6 67..84 45.91 7 71.81 55.09 8 75.64 64.33 9 76.18 68.41 ... 1.875 • •• Failure Surface Specified By 5 Coordinate Pointe Point X-Surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) l 56.44 49.41 2 66.39 48.41 3 75.08 53.36 4 78.63 62.71 5 80.92 69.04 ••• 1.895 *** Failure Surface Specified By 7 Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 38.67 36. 95 2 48.66 36.55 3 58.63 37.26 4 67.09 42.60 5 72.78 50.82 6 75.99 60.29 7 77 .39 68.62 ••• 1.897 • •• Failure Surface Specified By 6 Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 52.89 46.34 2 62.16 SO.OB 3 71.29 54.18 4 80.24 58.63 5 86.78 66.19 6 87.67 69.23 ••• 1.907 ••• Failure Surface Specified By 8 Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 42.22 39.84 2 52.15 38.60 3 62.13 39.08 4 71.65 42.16 5 77 .so 50.27 6 81.46 59.45 7 84.37 69.02 8 84.40 69.14 *** 1.916 ••• y A X I s F T .00 27.50 55.00 82.50 110. 00 137.50 X .00 +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ • 27.50 + 5 •• 5 ••• * 4 6.. * •• 5 • • • • • 1r ••• 6 .84 •• A 55.00 + ••••• 5 •. 6 •• 32417 •.•.• 8. • •. ••.• 5 ••. 632.1 .. • -.••••••••• 5.8.6 •••• • • ••••• 05382142 42 •..•••• 053 16. * X 82.50 + ••••••••••• 95. 7 • • • • • .•.•••..••.• 3. 91 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 331/ 1 I 110.00 + • s 137.50 + 165.00 + F 192.50 + T 220.00 + *W • 125 100 75 50 25 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 X -AXIS Project No. 126G21 ' _d:::::.--------------=~~-.....-.=---1A- l 0 25 50 Rand OU' speci.f ;.ed • 100 ~rial surfaces uave seen Generated· . . E \\ of 10 l'O;.nte i;:quall'i spaced 10 surfaces in~t~ate Fr0 "' ac ~ ~ 20.00 ft· ~1on9 ~ne cround surface setw:~ ~ ~ 60,00 ft· ~ ~ 10,00 ft. ~ ~ 110,00 ft• FolloWl.n9 ~re oi.spla'f'7d ~ne Fa;.1ure surfaces i;:~a<l\~ned• First• .. di.'' d Janou 1-1etnod • • • • ,•<•" ''°"o<O ,.. ~,oo<•''' " ,~ ~ ••• 1'01.nt NO• l 2 3 ti s s;-surf ~-surf \ft) \ft) 51.ll 44.Sl 60,52 4s.20 68·51 54.13 14. 59 62,ll 16·99 68.SS 1.518 ••• ••• 1>1e;.9nt l,bS (\<.9) 2614.6 \'later Force ~op 1,1,s\\<.9) .o .o \'later yorce sot Lbtl \\<9) .o .o .o ~;.e ~;.e i;:artn<!.ual<e Force Force Force surcnar9e tiorro ~an uor 'I/er i,oad i,bs\\<9) i,bs(l<9) i,bs\\<.9) i,bs\\<.9) i,os\l<g) .o .o .o .o .o O .o .o .o .o . 0 .o .o .o .o . 0 0 .o .o .o ·o ·o .o .o · ·.o .o .o \ \ I \ 1?oint NO• l 2 3 4 5 6 1 s H* J?oi.nt NO· l 2 3 4 5 6 1 s 9 10 x-surf y-surf \ft) \ft) 31.18 31,48 34,05 41,44 5&,66 31.92 43.0l 65.21 49.23 5&.45 13. ll so.02 64.56 55.SS 69.25 ss.3S 1.584 *** x-surf y-surf *** l 2 3 4 s 6 \ft) \ft) 20.00 20.00 29.92 21.21 39,51 23.89 45.11 21.Sl 51.34 32.91 65.ll 39.26 4&,55 11.95 11.12 54.12 s2.30 63.61 S4.24 69 .13 1.598 *** x-surf \ft) 42.22 52.22 61.49 68,66 12,65 12.M y-surf \ft) 39.M 39.SO 43,55 50.52 59 .69 61.Sl \ Failure Surface Specified By 10 Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) ( ft) 1 20.00 20.00 2 30.00 20.01 3 39.82 21.90 4 49.11 25.61 5 57.54 30.99 6 64.80 37.86 7 70.65 45.98 8 74.86 55.05 9 77 .30 64.74 10 77.52 68.65 *** 1.650 *** Failure Surface Specified By 6 Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) ( ft) l 51.11 44.81 2 61.04 46.02 3 70.35 49.66 4 78.48 55.49 5 84.90 63.16 6 87.81 69.24 *** 1.651 *** Failure Surface Specified By 10 Coordinate Points Point X-Surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) l 28.89 23.42 2 38.88 23.00 3 48.77 24.47 4 58.21 27. 77 5 66.86 32.79 6 74.42 39.34 7 80.61 47.20 8 8s.21 56.07 9 88.06 65.66 10 88.43 69.25 *** l.677 **• • Failure Surface Specified By 4 Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 60.00 52.48 2 69.29 56.18 3 76.70 62. 89 4 79.87 69.01 ••• 1.707 ••• Failure surface Specified By 11 Coordinate Points Point X-Surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 28.89 23.42 2 38,88 23.87 3 48.73 25.60 4 58.27 28.60 5 67.34 32.80 6 75.80 38.14 7 83.49 44.53 8 90.29 51.87 9 96.08 60.02 10 100. 77 68.85 11 101. 06 69.61 ••• 1. 760 • •• Failure surface Specified By 6 Coordinate Points Point X-Surf Y-Surf No. ( ft) (ft) 1 51.11 44.81 2 60.35 48.64 3 69.22 53.25 4 77.67 58.60 5 85.63 64.66 6 90.78 69.32 ••• 1. 779 ••• y A X I s F T .oo 27.50 55.00 82.50 110, 00 137,50 X .00 +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ 27.50 + • 7 .53*.* . , .. 79 • .. , • 53. • • -•••••••••• 2 * -.••.••. 53 .• 4 1 A 55.00 + ............. 2. -••••.••. 753 .. 4618 • • • • • • • • • • • 3. 2 • • • • -..... , • , ... 7. • 5401. • . .• •.• . . . . . . . 7. 32.5 41.4 -•..•.•..•..• 9 ..... 32.85• X 82.50 ••...•.. 97. . ,3 3 -.................. 7. 272 I 110.00 + s 137.50 + 165.00 + F 192.50 + T 220.00 + •••••• , • • • • 9 • , 0 .................. 9 •• 1/1 •••••••••• " • • • • • • ••• 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • . . . . . • •.• * . . . . . . . . . ...... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. •w • ' 1 1i 125 100 y A 75 X I s 50 25 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 X -AXIS Project No. 126G21 ., 125 100 ':I A 75 X I s 50 25 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 X -AXIS Project No. 126G21