HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-28; City Council; ; Adopt Resolutions Appointing Two Members to the Planning Commission9 CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: March 28, 2017 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager~ Sheila Cobian, City Clerk Services Manager Sheila.Cobian@carlsbadca.gov 760-434-2808 CAReview t Subject: Adopt Resolutions Appointing Two Members to the Planning Commission Recommended Action Adopt Resolutions appointing two members to the Planning Commission. Executive Summary The term of Commissioner Stephen "Hap" L'Heureux will expire in April 2017. Mr. L'Heureux was originally appointed in May 2009 and was reappointed for a second term in May 2013. He has served two full terms and therefore is not eligible for reappointment. The term of Commissioner Velyn Anderson will expire in April 2017. Ms. Anderson was originally appointed in May 2013 and is eligible for reappointment. She has submitted an e-mail requesting reappointment (Exhibit 3). The City Clerk's office has received applications from the following residents wishing to serve on the Planning Commission: • Melanie Burkholder • Greg Ferrell • Brian Flock • Carolyn Luna • Jengi Martinez • Roy Meenes • Fred Muir • Lisa Rodman Discussion Government Code Section §54970-54974, known as the Maddy Act, requires that on or before December 31 of each year the legislative body shall prepare a Local Appointments List which contains the appointive terms of Board and Commission members which will expire in the next calendar year. The name of the incumbent appointee and the date of appointment and the term expiration date is also included on the list. Based on the prepared list, the City Clerk's office accepts applications (available on the City's website and in the City Clerk's office) for any upcoming vacancies. Approximately 30 days prior to a scheduled vacancy, the City Clerk's office provides the applications to the City Council for their review and consideration. The City Clerk's office then prepares a staff report for Council action. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 1 of 58 The term of Planning Commissioners L'Heureux and Anderson will expire in April 2017. Mr. L'Heureux has served two full terms and is not eligible for reappointment. Ms. Anderson has served one term and is eligible for reappointment. She has submitted a letter requesting to be reappointed for a term ending in April 2021. Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.24 states that the Planning Commission shall consist of seven members to be appointed by a majority vote of the Council, and of four ex officio members who shall be the Community and Economic Development Director, the City Engineer, the City Attorney and the City Planner. Therefore, two appointments to serve for a term ending in April 2021 is now necessary. Other members of the Planning Commission are: Arthur Neil Black, Patrick Goyarts, Marty Montgomery, Jeff Segall and Kerry Siekmann. NOTE: Members of the Planning Commission are subject to the provisions of the Political Reform Act, and must file a Statement of Economic Interests. Fiscal Analysis None. Next Steps Appoint two members to the Planning Commission. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a·reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification None. Exhibits 1. Resolution appointing one member to the Planning Commission for a term ending in April 2021. 2. Resolution appointing one member to the Planning Commission for a term ending in April 2021. 3. E-mail from Velyn Anderson requesting reappointment to the Planning Commission. 4. Applications received from residents wishing to serve on the Planning Commission. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 2 of 58 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-054 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBERS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the term of Commissioner Stephen "Hap" L'Heureux will expire in April 2017; and WHEREAS, there will be a vacancy on the Planning Commission in April 2017, and WHEREAS, Commissioner L'Heureux was initially appointed in May 2009 to replace Commissioner Michael Cardosa; and WHEREAS, Commissioner L'Heureux was reappointed in May 2013; and, WHEREAS, Commissioner L'Heureux has served two full terms and is not eligible for reappointment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following Carlsbad residents is hereby appointed to serve on the Planning Commission, for a term ending in April 2021. Lisa Rodman PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of March, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Halt K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, M. Packard. C. Schumacher. None. (SEAL) Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 3 of 58 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-055 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEREAS, the term of Commissioner Velyn Anderson will expire in April2017; and WHEREAS, there will be a vacancy on the Planning Commission in April 2017, and EXHIBIT 2 WHEREAS, Commissioner Anderson was initially appointed in May 2013 to replace Commissioner Marty Montgomery; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Anderson has served one term and is eligible for reappointment; and, WHEREAS, Commissioner Anderson has requested reappointment to the Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following Carlsbad resident is hereby appointed to serve on the Planning Commission, for a term ending in April 2021. Velyn Anderson PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of March, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, M. Packard. C. Schumacher. None. MA HALL, Mayor Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 4 of 58 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Don Neu Sheila Cobian; Tammy McMinn Andrea Dykes FW: Planning Commission Term Thursday, March 02, 2017 3:30:04 PM Exhibit 3 Forwarded is Planning Commissioner Velyn Anderson's request to be appointed to a second term on the Planning Commission. Don Don Neu, AICP City Planner Planning Division 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-4601 I don.neu@carlsbadca.gov From: Velyn Anderson Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2017 1:57 PM To: Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Re: Planning Commission Term Mayor, Council & Planning Department, If it would be agreeable the Council, I would be pleased to serve a second term on the City Planning Commission. I have found the experience challenging, educational & rewarding. I am happy about my decision not to attend the Planning Conference in LA this week, as our daughter had her baby early this morning. I will be on my way to Arizona after I attend the first session of the County Citizens Water Academy later today. Thank you for the opportunity to serve. Sincerely, Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 5 of 58 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES Exhibit 4 C Arts Commlssion C HousingCommisston \II Planning Commission (' Other. r Beach Preservation Committee (' Library Board of trustees (' Senior Commission (' Historic Preservation Commission C Parks and Recreation Commission (' Traffic Safety Commission Address:[ J Home Phone: Ce!IPhone: ...._w_or_k_P_ho_n_e_: I,___ ________ J E-mail Address: PresentOccupation: [~i/(fol flannm~ /)l(fdlJr . .., Employer: Address: CitizenAcademyGraduate? (' Yes ¢'No /1/f/i{aft()fJ Slibmt/ted, f;;J./;).{J//p1 U/tt}flflf) fzr (t'JfO/JJ-e Resident of Carlsbad? (J(ves (' No RegisteredVoterln Carlsbad? (/ Yes (' No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee{s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my quafiflcations for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am wiiling to file financial disclosure st~tements if required. I am wllling to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. lf you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of <;:adsbad, Cily :clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Vlllage Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature: I /) ~ 1.J · (Only required to Signif submitting paper form, if submfttin!;I efectroo!cally your submittal [! Ii !ldf 11 j {Al.)J)L4 via e-mail ls considered ad<nowled$fement): , . {PL 7 l/ ,·v -~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~~- PRINT FORM Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 6 of 58 APPL/CATTON FOR APPOINTMENT-PAGE 2 Education: Experience: Community Activities: Additional Information or Comments: Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 7 of 58 EDUCATION Carolyn Syms Luna Carlsbad CA 92010-5575 La Sierra University, Riverside CA Status: Graduate student pursuing MA degree in Education, with an emphasis in Curriculum and Instruction, January 1997 Californla State University, San Bernardino CA Certificate of Completion -Women in Management: Developing Leadership Skills, June 1989 University of California, Riverside Bachelor of Science -Environmental Sciences June 1980 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE. 01/14-12/15 RCHCA Executive Director Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency Board of Directors (RCHCA) . As part ofa major reorganizational effort, I was reassigned Full time to concentrating full time as the RCHCA Executive Director, before · my impending retir~~nt, where I am responsibie for performing highly specialized Area~wide habitat .conservation planning functions; confer regularly with the 11 member Agency Board of Directors -a Joint Powers Authority, the County Executive Office and o.ther Agency Members on assignments and conservation projects. Propose administratiye policies, organizational structures, and procedures, and review and amend final recommendations and reports. Develop planning strategies for property ~cquisition projects and programs; develop long-range planning programs, including expansion and growth project forecasting. Represent the Agency in negotiations with property owners, agents and representatives in land acquisition transactions. Upon request, review, analyZe, and report to the Board of Directors on legislative issues. Coordinate the Agency's conserv;:1tion advocacy program; provide st/'.lff -support to the Agency Board of Directors on intergovernmental relations matters as requested. Ensure compliance with all requirements imposed upon the Agency under agreements and contracts executed with federal, state,.and local agencies. Execute contracts and agreements on behalf of the Agency as authorized by the Agency Board of Directors. Upon request perform as a liaison 19 various federa_l, state and local agencies suqh as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game, agencies members and citizen's groups; represents the Agency in meetings, committees, and public forums. Prepare procurement documentation and expenditure approval documentation pursuant to Agency Purchasing Regulations; ensure timely deposit of Agency revenues. Establish and maintain accol.rnts and financial transactions t6 ensure accuracy; provide liaison with and cooperation to legal authorized fiscal auditing agencies; and studies statutory reqqirernents relating to the operational issues. Authorize payment vouchers, requisitions, and a variety of fiscal reports and expenditures; recommends actions to balance the budget; produce various fiscal and financial reports. · Prepare a variety of reports as r'eqUi[ed for the Agency Board of Directors, the County Executive Office, Agency members and other concerned affected parties. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 8 of 58 08/10 -12/13 Director-Planning Department Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency Appointed Planning Director by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors in 08-2010 as part of a temporary r-eorganization effort. The Environmental Program;;; Department was merged into the Planning Department as a Divisfon of the Planning Department and continue to concurrently hold fhe position of RCHCA Executive Director since 1999. Under general direction of the Transportation and Land Management Agency (TLMA) · Director, to plan, organize, and direct the planning program of Riverside County; to direct the development, maintenance, and implementation of ~he County General Plan including zoning and subdivision development and administration; and to do oth·er work as required. This is a single-position class that reports to the TLMA Director and is responsible for developing effective County land use planning, policies and procedures, land use application processing and comprehensive long-term genera:! planning. The function of the Planning Director is defined by State laws and County ordinances and policies. 09/04-08/10 Director-Environmental Progrc1.ms Department Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency Left the RCA to head up the County's Environmental Programs Department where I am responsible for controlling and directing the development, implementation, and administration of all Environmental Programs for the County. of Riverside Transportation and Land Management Agency (TLMA) and its subordinate departments (Transportation, Planning., .Code Enforcement, Building & Safety and TLMA Administration) and all environmental programs in Which the County participates and/or oversees. · These program!> include the County's responsibility for the Western. Riverside MSHCP (Multiple Species Habitat Conservation .Plan), HANS (Habitat Acquisition Negotiation Strategy), SAMP (Special Area Management Plan), RCHCA (Riverside County H.abitat Conservation Authority}, CVAG MSHCP (Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan) and any other progrl3,ms that involve environmental administration. This position will also include responsipility for managing TLMA's multi-departmental review and input into the County NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) mandates. On behalf of the County of Riverside I am assigned the responsibility fpr providing staff liaison with Federal, State and local agencies, and negotiating cooperative contracts and agreements with outside agehcies and private parties, attend Board of Supervisor meeting;;;; report relevant legislative issu.es to the Board; confer regularly with the Board and its members on assignments and cons~rvation projects; and report discrepancies between program requirements and actual c-0nditions. As the Riverside County MSHCP Program Director, I implement the County's obligations under the western Riverside County MSHCP. As the largest permittee in the Plan, I have established and maintained effective working relationships with the previous two RCA Executive Director's to further the MSHCP's goals. I supervise staff in performing highly specializf?d planning and implementation functions and propose administrative policies, organizational structures, and procedures; review and amend final recommendations and reports; develop pianning strategies for environmental projects and programs; and develop long-range planning such as expansion and growth project forecasting. Other responsibilities include the following: Ensure compliance with all requirements imposed 6n Riverside County under agreements and contracts execu~ed with federal, state, and l9cal agencies; executes contracts and agreements on behalf of the County as authorized by the TLMA birector. Provide liaison to various federal, state, and local agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game, the Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA), th_e Coachella Valley Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 9 of 58 Conservation Committee (CVCC) and citizen's groups; represents the County in meetings, ·committ€:es, and public forums, and in negotiations with property owners, agents. and representatives in land acquisition transactions. Prepare procurement anci expenditure approval documentation pursuant to County Purchasing Regulations; ensures timely deposit of County revenues; establish and maintain accounts and financial transactions to ensure accuracy; provides liaison and cooperation with legally authorized fisc;al auditing agencies; and study statutory requirements relating to the operational issues. · 03/04 -09/04 RCA General Manager Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) Tasked wit~ establishing the framework and impleme·ntlng the newly .created RCA in conjunction with the WRCOG Executive Director. Responsible for performing highly specialized regional-wide habitat conservation planning, administrative ·and implementation ·functions in acpordance with the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan and its associated documents, including but not limited to the following; Implementing agreement, Biological Opinion, Federal 1 OA permit, state of California Natura! ·community Conservation Planning Permit, Joint Powers Authority by-laws,. etc. Confer regularly with the 19 member Regional Conservation Authority Board of Directors - a Joint Powers Authority, the County Executive Office, Western Riverside Council pf Governments, and .other Authority Members on the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan's land acquisition, management and monitoring activities. Propose administrative policies, organizational structures, and procedures, and review and amend final recommendations and reports. Develop planning strategies for property acquisition projects and programs; develop and oversee reserve management and monitoring activities, including but not limited to long-range planning programs, including expansion and growth project forecasting. Represent the Authority in negotiations with property owners, agents and representatives 'in land acquisition transactions. Direct and oversee the analysis of pertinent legislative issues, as well as the formulation of a legislative platform for consideration by the Authority's Board of Directors with specific emphasis on fiscal stabillty. Coordinate training of the Authority's membership pertaining to implementation of the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitc;1t Conservation Plan program; provide staff support to the Authority's Board of Directors on intergovernmental relations matters as requested. Ensure compliance with all requirements imposed upon the Authe>rity under agreementi, and contracts executed with . federal, state, and local agencies. Execute contracts and agreements on behalf of the Authority as authorized by the Authority Board of Directors. Perform as liaison to.various federal, state and local agencies including but not limited to, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Department of Fish and Game, Riverside County Building Industry Association, Riverside County J=arm Bureau, Endangered Habitats League, Sierra Club, Authority members and citizen~s groups; represent the Authority in meetings, committees, and pubjic forums. Oversee and direct .legal representation when required. · Prepare procurement documentation and expenditure approval documentation pursuant to Authority Purchasing Regulations; ensure timely deposit of Authority revenues. Establish and maintain accounts and financial transactions to ensure accuracy; provide liaison with and cooperation to legal authorized fiscal auditing agencies; and studies statutory requirements relating to the operational issues. AutboriZe payment vouchers, requisitions, and a variety of fiscal reports ·and expenditures; reco.mmends actions to balance the budget; produce various fiscal and financii:il reports. Prepare a variety of reports as required for the Authority Board of Directors, the Western Riverside Council of Governments, County Executive Office, Authority members and other concerned affected parties. 09/99 -Present RCHCA Executive Director Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency Board of Directors (RCHCA) Held 2 positions in TLMA, RCHCA Executive Director and Administrative Manager. I arn responsible for performing highly specialized Area-wide habitat cons1;,rvation planning functions; confer regularly with the 9 member Agency Board of Directors -a Joint Powers Authority,· the County Executive Office and other Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 10 of 58 Agency Members on assignments and conseNation projects. Propose administrative policies, organizational structures, and procedures, and review and amend final recommendations and reports. Develop planning strategies for property acquisition projects and programs; develop long-range planning programs, including expansion and growth project forecasting. Represent the Agency in negotiations with property owners, agents and representatives in land acquisition transactions. Upon reqµest, review, analyze, and repori: to the Board of Directors on legislative issues. Coordinate the Agency's conservation advocacy program; provide staff support to the Agency Board of Directors on intergovernmental relations matters as requested. Ensure compliance with all requirements imposed upon the Agency under agreements and contracts executed with federal, state, and local agencies. Execute contracts and agreements on behalf of the Agency as authorized by the Agency Board of Directors. Upon request perform as a liaison to various federal, state and local agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game, agencies members and citizen's. groups; represents the Agency in meetings, committees, and public .forums. Prepare procurement documentation_ and expenditure approval documentation pursuant to Agency Purchasing Regulations; ensure timely deposit of Agency revenues. Establish and maintain accounts and financial transactions to ensure accuracy; provide liaison with and cooperation to legal authorized fiscal auditing agencies; and studies statutory requirements relating to the opera_tional issues. Authorize payment vouchers, requisitions, and a variety of fiscal reports and expenditures; recommends actions to balance the budget; produce various fiscal and financial reports._ Prepare a variety of reports as required for the Agency Board of Directors, the County Executive Office, Agency members and other concerned affected parties. 09/99· 3/04 Administrative Manager Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency (TLMA) Held 2 positions in TLMA, RCHCA Executive Director and Administraj:ive Manager. Plans, organizes ancj directs the administrative activities of the development of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Multiple Species Habitat planning effort with other County divisions, County departments, public entities and agenc;ies in order to.ensure that administrative and fiscal objectives are achieved. Leads or participates in countywide meetings regarding major policy and/or procedure changes. ' Coordinates preparation of written justification for budget proposals; explains and defends proposals and alternatives to elected officials, the TLMA director, or committees. Serves as the department's liaison to County and State agencies in administrative matters. · Assisted with development of the Western Riverside County MulUple Species Habitat Conservation Planning efforts. 07/97 -09/99 Supervisor's Board Assistant Riverside County Board of Supervisors, Fourth District Staff assistant to Supervisor Roy Wilson performing and managing a variety of analytical tasks. Develop recommendations related to land use planning, transportation, waste management, building and safety, environmental health, fire, flood control, legislative matters and environmental issues. Represen_t Supervisor Wilson in connection with the Coachella Valley Association of Government's eastern Riverside County multi- species habitat conservation planning effort, the Bureau of Land Management Northeast Colorado recovery plan (NECO) effort, federally appointed working committee of the Joshua Tree National Monument Wilderness Management Committee which is charge,d with establishing a land use framework for specified lands in the monument and the 5 County Natural Communities Conservation Program (NCCP) planning group. Assist in the development of policy related to these matters and draft related correspondence. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 11 of 58 07/97 -09/99 Air Quality Consultant to a Governing Board Member South Coast Air Quality Management District..:. Board Assistant Represent Riverside County in all District matters as requested by County Supervisor Wilson that routinely involves oversight as well as reviewing and occasionally structuring contract awards to government entities, private companies, semi-private organizations and educational institutions. Provide a critical analysis of the Governing Board. items under consideration, Committee issues under consideration anci the annual budget. Draft policy on behalf of Supervisor Wilson and consult with the Executive Director, General Counsel, respective Deputy Executive Officer$ arid affected stal<eholders with th€/ expressed goal of reaching consensus. Assist all Riverside County Supl:!rvisors on air quaiity related matters. 09/96 -07/97 Elementary School Instructor -Gertificated Bilingual Position Alvord Unified School District, Riverside, CA Curriculum development and implementation for a multi-cultural and bilingual primary student population .. Compliance with federal, state and district entitlement funds for a variety of programs. 04/84 -09/96 Environmental Resources Manager/Principal Pl.anner Riverside County Planning Department As I have progressed through the Planning Series classifications, ultimc!tefy attaining a management position, I have either been. given the authority or r~ponsibility to complete and/or direct the following: In conjunction with the County Executive Office, the Board adopted County of Riyerside -1987 Annual Growth Report. This report primarily focused on obtaining information from other County d~partments with respect to all facets of development in the County, from agricultural preserve programs to the discussion of County service levels for all departments. The report resulted in the establishment · of the Growth Management Section in the Planning department pursuant to the recommendations made in the report. Processing Comprehensive General Plan Amendments, Which at times involved substantial coordination between other County agencies and private stakeholder interests. Worked with the Riverside County Parks and Open Space District to address issues of pµblic lands management relative to the development process. Authored the Planning Department "Guide to Commercial and Industrial Development". This manual instructed and familiarized the end user with the County's process. and procedures specific to the commercial and industrial developer. · Designed a comprehensive agricultural resource management plan, for the unincorporated portions of the county. This involved enlisting .the County Assessor's Department by utilizing their agricultural land values to assist in determining what land use allocation would provide a reasonable buffer for agricultural lands. Responsible for long-range program qevefopment through the General Plan process to facilitate the needs clfue~un~ · Oversaw or evaluated all types of land use devt':llopment applications in addition to Comprehensive General Plan Amendment app!ications (County-initiated and/or privately initiated); prepared and/or presented staff reports for public hearing before the Planning Director, Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors, and to Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 12 of 58 community groups, business organizations and private individuals. Supervised andior prepared and processed ordinance amendments, budgets, performed personnel evaluations and represented the department in personnel issues. Utilized as the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) point person for the Department and subsequently for the Transportation and Land Management Agency, enlisting the aid of County Counsel in matters pertaining to implementation of the Act. Developed and conducted on a reg4lar basis, training workshops to the staff, with respect to case processing. Responsible for compilation of the Planning Department Fast Track status report and monitoring of that process. Chaired the Land Development Committee meetings and Fast Track Land Development Committee meetings. Responsible for reporting to the Transportation and Land ·Management Agency Director, for the review, development, administration, training and implementation of a variety of environmental programs within the County framework including but not limited to endangered species programs such as the Coachella Valley Fringe-Toed Lizard Habitat Conservation Plan, the Short term and Long Term Stephens' Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plans, and accompanying Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Statements, respective Implementing Agreements and re.quisite state and federal permits. Conducted environmental oversight on County public works projects, commented ·and advised oh environmental issues to the media, public, and other County departments. Acted as the County's representative with federal, state, and local environmental resource regulatory agencies regi';lrding compli,ance iss:ues. Reviewed proposed federal and state legislation pertaining to environmental regulation and advised Department heads on the same. Developed and maintained environmentally mapped layers within the County's Geographic Information .System. Responsible for development and enforcement of County protocol with r8$pect to the contents of biological, paleontological and archaeological surveys. 05176 -04/84 Regional Training Coordinator May Company Retail Stores H.eld the following positions, Regional Training Coordinator, Service Manager, Employment Supervisor and Sales Associate. Duti~ as a Regional Training Coordinator included· program development, in which I oversaw, planned, coordinated, lnstr1.1cted and executed training clas$es for class sizes ranging from 1 to 250 students. Evaluated the training program's effectiveness for· corporate personnel and local branch store management Routinely scheduled follow up evaluations that improved and increased corporate service performance standards, which strengthened financial performance. Consolidated our record maintenance program for all employees completing trc1Jning courses. Assisted. store m.;magement with the·communication, instruction and enforcement of new policies and procedures from other fur,ctionally different divisions in the company, Recruited, interviewed and hired employees. As Service Manager, was responsible for the store operation on nights and weekends. Routinely assisted the operations manager in the compilation of the semi-annual store budget and analyzed the formulation of controls to reduce expenses. Also, secured reports that contafned actual a.nd projected revenues for the purpose of analysis from an operational and sales aspect in order to attain a balanced budget. 11180 -03181 Environmental Specialist Webb and Carroll, Consulting Engineers Produced environmental impact reports and authored environmental assessments for commercial arid residential development proposals. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 13 of 58 05/80 -11 /80 Professional Student Intern County of Riverside, Environmental Health Services Division Sized and evaluated sewage disposal systems of commercial and industrial proposals in accordance with the provisions contained in the California Uniform Plumbing Code and local ordinances. 05/80-07/80 Editorial Assistant United States Department of the Interior -Bureau of Land Management Organized data collection, performed research and analysis, and assisted in the writing of, the California Deserrconservation Plan Draft environmental impact report mandated by the United States Congress. AWARDS PUBLICATIONS REFERENCES California state Scholarship Marine Corps League Academic Scholarship "Developing Biological survey Standards and Environmental Monitoring to Support Policy Decisions On A Parcel. Based GIS" Presented at the ESRI Geographic Information Systems Worldwide Conference Palm Springs, CA Summer 1995 Available upon request. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 14 of 58 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES 8rts Commission Housing Commission {!)Planning Commission §Beach Preservation Committee Library Board ofTrustees Senior Commission . (yther: ~------------------~ ~------------------~ Name: !Brian Flock Address: City: Jcarlsbad §Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission raffle Safety Commission Zip Code: '~9_2_0_1_1 ______ _, Home Phone: Cell Phone: ~JS_a_m_e ____ ~ Work Phone: ~JS_a_m_e ____ ~ E-mail Address: Present Occupation: Jcalifornia real estate broker Employer: I Flock Group of Keller Williams Realty Address: Citizen Academy Graduate? (!)Yes g• -No Resident of Carlsbad? {!)Yes · . No Registered Voter in Carlsbad?(!'.)Yes Oo I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature: · I (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). ~----------------~ PRINT FORM I CLEAR FORM I Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 15 of 58 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT -PAGE 2 Education: MBA, Marketing (BYU, 1989) BS, Computer Science and Statistics (BYU, 1987) Mexico Real Estate Laws and Marketing (UABC/Baja California, Mexico, 2006) California Real Estate Broker {2009 + ongoing licensing requirements) Certified International Property Specialist destination (NAR, 2015) Plus other real estate certifications and specialties. I have studied Carlsbad's General Plan and am prepared to evaluate proposals by city staff using the Plan's stated vision and policies. I have also studied the Brown Act using training materials by the League of California Cities. With 14+ years of experience including personal investment, commercial real estate in Mexico, and residential real estate in San Diego for the past 8 years, I have been on all sides of major projects. In some cases, I was a private investor looking for a speculative return. In others, I was the agent in property acquisition for major projects, while in others I spoke out against developments and Experience: encouraged public education. Now I focus on the life transitions of Carlsbad's residents: buying and selling residential homes. This breadth of experience for and against past developments, combined with a solid understanding of real property rights, and backed by the vision of Carlsbad's General Plan make me an especially fair and balanced commissioner candidate. My prior corporate experience exposed me to major deals including acquisitions and mergers for hundreds of millions of dollars. Executives trusted me as the chair of one such committee in a nearly $200M acquisition even though I was a minority shareholder. Community Activities: Additional Information or Comments: Former candidate for Carlsbad City Council (2016). Administrator for the 620+ member non-partisan on line group "Wake Up Carlsbad." Members of the group are generally interested in local development, events, and politics and the group grows weekly. I encourage moderation and fairness in a community of diverse viewpoints. Active in attending local civic meetings such as City Council, Planning Commission, Housing Commission, Budget Workshops, the Citizens Academy, and local resident networking. Team Leader and participant in Community Voices, and in-person networking group focused on research, identifying solutions, activism, and environmental advocacy for various issue in Carlsbad. I commit to apply Carlsbad's General Plan, my growing knowledge of relevant regulations, public opinion, and Staff recommendations to the votes by the Planning Commission for the City Council. I am fluent in Spanish and embrace Carlsbad's Spanish-speaking community. As a member of the North County chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP), I am inclusive of the needs of the general population, including Hispanic home owners who often have unique cultural and socioeconomic barriers to housing. I have traveled all over the world. I have lived in Mexico (6 years) and France (one summer). This exposure has given me a very open mind to differ'ent people and cultures. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 16 of 58 RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR MAR -8 20 17 BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITI ES 8rts Commission Housing Commission c/ianning Commission §Beach Preservation Committee Library Board ofTrustees Senior Commission Qother: ~------------------~ Name: Fred Muir Address: City: Carlsbad Home Phone: Cell Phone: [ E-mail Address: CITY OF CARLSBAD § CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Historic Prese..1...-..:;·,;,,..,..-PPT,.....'ffi'?"""'r-----' Parks and Recreation Commission raffle Safety Commission Zip Code: I 92011 '----------~ J Work Phone: ~1------~ Present Occupation: j.____R_e_ti_r_e_d ___________________________ ____, Employer: Address: Citizen Academy Graduate? des 8· · · No Resident of Carlsbad? (:/;s No Registered Voter in Carlsbad? "cfes Q\Jo I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. it button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. S~n~ur~ I (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). '--------------------' r PRINT FORM _ 1 I CLEAR FORM I Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 17 of 58 APPL/CATION FOR APPOINTMENT -PAGE 2 Education: Experience: Community Activities: Additional Information or Comments: Long Beach State University-BA -Marketing 25 years experience opening and operating factories in the US, Mexico, and Chin :1. Carlsbad TSC -Chairman -2013 -2014 Carlsbad CDBG Advisory Committee -2015 -Present Carlsbad CAG Advisory Committee -2015 -2016 AOE School Site Council -2013 -2015 AOE PTA-2014-Present AOE Dad's Club Chairman -2014-2016 Junior Achievement City Stuff Volunteer-2013-Present FNL Youth Football Coach -2014 -Present Carlsbad Recreation Youth Basketball Coach -2017 Swami's Cycling Club Board Member 2012 -Present I have been a resident of Carlsbad since April, 1994 Lived in the same house in South Carlsbad since 4/94 Have 3 children in CUSD (AOE, AOMS, CHMS) I have an immense interest in the City of Carlsbad and its future Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 18 of 58 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES (' Arts Commission (' Housing Commission (i' Planning Commission (' Other: Name: IGREG FERRELL Address: City: I CARLSBAD (' Beach Preservation Committee (" Library Board ofTrustees (' Senior Commission Home Phone: !._ _______ _, Cell Phone: E-mail Address: (' Historic Preservation Commission (' Parks and Recreation Commission (' Traffic Safety Commission Zip Code: ~19_2_0_11 _______ ~ Work Phone:j .__ ______ ___. Present Occupation: I._A_R_C_H_IT_E_CT ____________________________ ___, Employer: 'AQUATIC DESIGN GROUP Address: Citizen Academy Graduate? (' Yes (i' No Resident of Carlsbad? (i' Yes (' No Registered Voter in Carlsbad? (e Yes (' No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature: I (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). '-----------------------' PRINT FORM ffBYE~AIL Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 19 of 58 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT -PAGE 2 Education: Graduate of NewSchool of Architecture and Design with a Professional Degree in Architecture 2011 California State Board of Architects Licensed Professional License# C-35802 Carlsbad High School Graduate 2003 9 Years experience in Architecture and Planning industry. Master Planning, Community facilities planning and Experience: design, swimming pool, waterpark, and water feature design work. Formally trained in Architecture and planning. Community Involved in community groups for betterment of Carlsbad, Pine park renovation design team, Boy Scouts of Activities: America. Church community service projects. Additional Information Currently work with Marty Montgomery on the Planning Commission and he encouraged me to send in an or application for the Planning Commission. Comments: Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 20 of 58 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES Orts Commission QHousing Commission @Planning Commission §Beach Preservation Committee Library Board ofTrustees Senior Commission Other: ~------------------~ ~------------------~ Name: !Jengi A. Martinez Address: City: !Carlsbad §Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission raffle Safety Commission Zip Code: 192010 ~--------~ HomePhone: ~IN_I_A ______ ~ Cell Phone: ~-----=1-~ WorkPhone: l~N_I_A _____ ~ . i E-mail Address: Present occupation: !Pilot and self-employed real estate developer Employer: !USAF Reserves and ORM Properties LLC Address: Citizen Academy Graduate? Qves@No Resident of Carlsbad? @ves QNo Registered Voter in Carlsbad?@ves Oo I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature: I (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). ~----------------~ "I C:AO C:f"'\Ot.1 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 21 of 58 APPL/CAT/ON FOR APPOINTMENT -PAGE 2 Education: Experience: Community Activities: Additional Information or Comments: Reference Attached Resume Reference Attached Resume Reference Attached Resume Currently serving on the Parks and Recreation Commission Signed up for Spring 2017 Citizens Academy Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 22 of 58 EDUCATION University of Southern California, Price School of Public Policy Ross Real Estate Developers Certification University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business Master of Business for Veterans Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Bachelor of Science, Aeronautical Science, Minor in Accident Investigation MILITARY EXPERIENCE J engi A. Nlartinez Los Angeles, CA 2015 Los Angeles, CA 2015 Prescott, AZ 1997 United States Air Force Worldwide C-141 Cl C-17 Pilot/ Aircraft Commander, 729rh Airlift Squadron 2001 -Present Commands a technologically advanced $250 million asset. Leads multi-disciplined crews on long-haul flights supporting military, VIP, medical, and humanitarian operations worldwide. Coordinates with multiple U.S. and foreign military agencies on all aspects of C-17 operations, engineering, and diplomatic planning; ensured compliance with military, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and international aviation regulations. Commanded and flew the largest aeromedical evacuation mission to-date. Identified a lack of guidance for Canadian Northern Organized Track System; researched and reported findings, prompting Air Force Air Mobility Command to create procedures. Selected for the Reserve Component Junior Officers Professional Development Course and an in-residence Squadron Officer School. March AFB, CA Executive Officer, 729'" Airlift Squadron 2015 -Present Manages all squadron personnel functions, including assignments, aircrew upgrades, and flight commander taskings. Supervises key staff officers, operations staff functions and performance reporting of over 165 squadron personnel. Worldwide Flight Safety Officer -Air Force Safety and Accident Investigation Team 2006 -Present Certified accident investigator and human factors expert. Conducts worldwide safety/accident investigations. Selected by the Air Force Chief of Flight Safety to be one of a 25 member team assigned to the C-130 Line Operations Safety Audit Program -LOSA. Autonomously navigated the globe to conduct over 20 no-notice safety audits on worldwide missions. Produced recommendations to increase Air Mobility Command safety, which impacted over 600 C-130 aircraft and 1200 crewmembers. March AFB, CA Assistant Flight Commander, 729'" Airlift Squadron 2010 -2015 Commanded and mentored 20 officer/enlisted squadron members on career progression and advancement. Evaluated flight members and wrote officer/enlisted performance reports. Ensured flight members were recognized for their achievements; prepare nomination packages for members' awards and military decorations. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 23 of 58 Jengi A. lVlartine~ Ramstein AB, Gennany Commander -Strategic Inter-Theater Deployment Stage, 729'h Airlift Squadron 2009 -2013 Developed and implemented an autonomous flight operations program, resulting in 98% reliability rate. Managed the flying schedules of alert C-17 aircraft and 20 combat aircrew members, responsible for wartime medical evacuation/cargo missions; coordinated with U.S. and international military agencies in two war zones. Collaborated with multiple intelligence and tactics organizations to provide an inter-fly program. Rota AB, Spain Tactics Officer, 725th Air Mobility Squadron May -September 2012 Recognized as a tactical expert, deployed to analyze, brief/de-brief 500 aircrews on classified threat situational awareness and tactical employment of five different aircraft types for multiple combat airfields in Afghanistan and the Hom of Africa. Ensured successful delivery of 4.5 million pounds of wartime cargo. Collaborated with eight intelligence sources across the globe to verify up-to-date classified information. Accompanied aircrews into combat airfields, providing on-the-spot tactical instruction and feedback. Worldwide Staff Sergeant, Aerospace Maintenance Journeyman, CA Air National Guard, I 63rd Air Refueling Wing 1995 -2001 Inspected, serviced and repaired KC-135R aircraft systems as a Flying Crew Chief. Analyzed, resolved and repmied on flight-line policies and procedures. As Vice Chairman of the Crew Chief Council, served as a liaison between traditional guardsmen and civilian technicians. CIVILIAN EXPERIENCE March Aviation Society (MAS) Founder & President Responsible for all aspects of a 501 ( c )3 non-profit organization. Moreno Valley, CA 2011 -Present Identified need for relationship management between southern California's largest air base & local community; established non-profit including crafting of mission statement and execution of business plan. Provides a single vehicle to accept donations that will benefit the men, women, and families of the March Air Reserve Base community. Conceived organization, logo, and website; crafted mission/vision statement; implemented start-up. Raised over $600K in cash and in-kind goods; efforts increased year over year donations by 300%. Developed a program, the MAS Military Business Alliance, which guarantees a stable income and reserve of cash and in-kind donations that can be applied as needed throughout the fiscal year. Coordinates with multiple vendors, venues, public safety organizations and military base officials on large- scale fundraising events to include Southern California's largest Air Force Airshow. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Affiliations: Carry On! Alliance -Executive Board Member. Reserve Officers Association Vice President (Air Force) Department of the Golden West Executive Conunittee 2014-2016. Knights of Heroes Mentor, Marshall Partners, Women of Troy, USC Real Estate Club, Graduate Women in Business, Marshall Military Veterans Association, Alpha Xi Delta Sorority, Women in Aviation, Beta Gamma Sigma Awards: 8 Air Medals, Aerial Achievement Medal, 3 Air Force Commendation Medals, 2 Air Force Achievement Medals, Outstanding Volunteers Service Medal, Aircraft Commander of the Quarter 4th Qtr. FY 2015, Company Grade Officer of the Quarter 2"d Qtr. FY 2008, Airman of the Year 1997 Certifications: FAA Airline Transport Pilot, current DOD Top Secret Security Clearance Honors: Dean's List 2014-2015, Nominated for San Diego's "2009 Twice the Citizen" Award Interests: Traveling to Wonders of the World, stand-up paddling and antiquing. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 24 of 58 Jengi A. Martinez Ms. Jengi Martinez is 21-year veteran and active Air Force Reservist, presently serving as a Major and a C-17 Pilot/Aircraft Commander. She has over 17 years of experience, leading small to large sized teams with complex backgrounds and diverse disciplines. Her natural analytical skills and talent for logistical multi-level contingency planning is why she is entrusted with wide-ranging authority in a fast- paced, high stress environment where no day is ever the same. Having traveled to over 80 countries, this international and diplomatic experience with multiple agencies has taught her the importance of knowing the "customer's" needs and culture to better communicate and reach a common goal. In response to having flown over 600 combat sorties, the majority of which were medical evacuations, she saw a need to reduce the effects of war on our service members and their families. Her entrepreneurial spirit and sense of social responsibility lead her to initiate the March Aviation Society (MAS) in 2011. This non-profit organization provides relief funds for southern California's largest military air base and it's military members. In 2015, Jengi joined the executive board of Carry On! Alliance, a non-profit organization focused on assisting the navigation, education and integration of the transitioning veteran. She serves her local community as a Commissioner on the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission. As a STEM advocate, Jengi is an active mentor for the American Association of University Women and the San Diego Aviation Explorers. At the University of Southern California (USC) Marshall School of Business, Ms. Martinez received a Master of Business for Veterans (MBV) degree. Following her MBV, she completed the Ross Program at USC's Price School of Public Policy, where she received the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate -2015 Best Developer's Proposal Award. As the Principle of ORM Properties LLC., Jengi is currently developing two family properties and a facility for transitioning veterans. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 25 of 58 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES 8rts Commission Housing Commission {!)Planning Commission §Beach Preservation Committee Library Board ofTrustees Senior Commission Other: -------------------~ ~------------------~ Name: lusa Rodman Address: City: !Carlsbad Home Phone: ~' -------~ Cell Phone: E-mail Address: Present Occupation: CEO Employer: jAgua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Address: Citizen Academy Graduate? ~Yes 8· . -No Resident of Carlsbad? {!)Yes . No Registered Voter in Carlsbad? {!)Yes Oo §Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission raffle Safety Commission Zip Code: ~19_2_0_0_8 ______ __, Work Phone: ~' ------~ I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board{s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature: I (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). _ ~----------------~ PRINT FORM I CLEAR FORM I Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 26 of 58 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT -PAGE 2 Education: Experience: Community Activities: Bachelor of Arts in Communication California University San Marcos 2005 Member of Lamda Pi Eta 2005 Leadership Academy Chamber of Commerce 2004 Leadership North county 2012 Indiana University Fundraising Program 2008 Realtor 2016 Served on two HOA boards for 10 years in Calavera Hills: President in both Successfully lobbied City of Carlsbad for additional aquatics complex 1996-2013 Served on variety oy youth boards including, PT A's at Hope Elementary, Valley Middle, Carlsbad High School, Site Council Chair Hope Elementary, Board of Directors North Coast Aquatics & Carlsbad Youth Baseball Carlsbad Charitable Foundation 2009-2011 Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Board 2012-2016 Spearheaded Senior Helping Hands Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary 2014-2016 Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce;Education Committee;Secretary; MOY 2014 Elected Carlsbad Unified School Board Trustee; two times President 2002-2014 Current: Hospice of the North Coast, Board of Directors, Fund Development Chair Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Sustainability Committee Chair; MOY Dec 2016 Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Member Christmas Children Outreach Chairperson BrewFest Sponsorship Committee Avid Seminar Facilitator Carlsbad Charitable Foundation Founding Member I love Carlsbad and serving on the Planning Commission is another opportunity to giveback to this great community. My background serving on a variety of boards provides an essential skill set to be a successful contributor for this commission. I value the lifestyle Additional Carlsbad has afforded our family since 1983; this appointment would allow another Information avenue to be involved in the city I love. or Comments: Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 27 of 58 RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEE~ FEB -· :L ?.O 17 CITY OF CARLSB.11.0 rts Commission Beach Preseivation Committee ibrary Board of Trustees CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Historic Preseivation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission enior Commission raffle Safety Commission Name: !Melanie Burkholder I Address: City: !Carlsbad Zip Code: 1~9_2_o_o_s ______ _,I HomePhone: ~I-------~ Cell Phone: E-mail Address: Present Occupation: !Mental Health Therapist Employer: Self Address: Citizen Academy Graduate ? @ves (0 No Resident of Carlsbad? @ves (c)No Registered Voter in Carlsbad?@ves C9"o ~---_--:_-_-_--_· __ · _=1~ Work ~hone: ~I ______ __.I I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be inteiviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature: I (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). ~--------------------' 11 PRINT FORM Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 28 of 58 APPL/CATION FOR APPOINTMENT -PAGE 2 Education: Experience: PhD -Clinical Christian Counseling MS -Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research BA -Psychology/Sociology Leadership Institute Graduate As a former candidate for Carlsbad City Council, I had the privilege of meeting with many City Staff, Elected Official, Commission Volunteers, Developers and Private Citizens. I realize the need for sound and thoughtful judgment when considering the future of Carlsbad and providing opportunities for residents, including children and young adults. A thorough and thoughtful process is in place in the City of Carlsbad with regard to building and development. I have spoken in favor of projects and will continue to address the Planning Commission and Council as I see projects presented that I believe represent the greater good for Carlsbad. Happy Hour Politics: A satellite group of the Carlsbad Republican Women Federated that I ran for three years. The purpose of the group was to educate, socialize and politically connect like-minded individuals at the local, state and federal levels. To accomplish our goal, we hosted guest speakers who addressed current topics and allowed for a Q&A Community session. While in that role, I facilitated a heated debate, which had around 75 attendees, Activities: regarding the Measure A vote in Carlsbad. Additional I can frequently be seen on political talk shows and the news debating a particular issue or supporting a current event. I enjoy participating as the Vacation Bible School Director, Children's Message Deliverer, and Redeemer Serves Participant at our church. I am a member of the San Diego County Gun Owners and NRA. Information I am a Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotarian, a member of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce or and a Boy Scout mom. I participate in the Magnolia Elementary PTA and am the Cheer Comments: Coordinator for the Friday Night Lights Foundation. I was the Gala Co-Chair for Kathy's Legacy Foundation in 2016 when we earned over $130,000 for the non-profit. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 29 of 58 RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES JAN .2 5 2017 8rts Commission Housing Commission {!)Planning Commission §Beach Preservation Committee Library Board ofTrustees Senior Commission Other: ~------------------~ '-----------------------~ Name: !Roy G. Meenes Address: City: !Carlsbad Home Phone: Cell Phone: E-mail Address: . r:tTY OF CARLSBAD §Historic Preservation Com·rn5li!!IRK'S OFFICE Parks and Recreation Commission raffic Safety Commission Zip Code:, '--9_2_00_9 ______ ____. WorkPhone: Li ______ ___, PresentOccupation: IL-c_o_n_s_u_lt_a_n_t ___________________________ ~ Employer: Address: Citizen Academy Graduate? $Yes 8--No Resident of Carlsbad? . (!}Yes . No Registered Voter in Carlsbad?(!)ves Oo I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. ~~~l~~:~~~~d to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal 1~ ~ ~ via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). . ; '-------------~1--------__J I:. PRINT FORM . I CLEAR FORM I Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 30 of 58 APPL/CATION FOR APPOINTMENT -PAGE 2 Education: San Diego State University MPA 1976 -Public Administration BA 1972 -Public Administration Twenty-six years experience in planning, land use and transportation. Responsible for land use development including processing plans through local, state and federal environmental processes. Responsible for acquisition and development of agency capital improvement projects. Manage contract services operations. Thirteen years experience in municipal government administration. Prepared financial/statistical reports and funding applications. Prepared budgets and monitored expenditures. Staff assistant to Mayor and Experience: City Council. Community Activities: Additional Information or Comments: City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Commissioner, Vice Chairman Carlsbad Rotary Club See attached resume for experience details. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 31 of 58 Roy G. Meenes SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: Twenty six years experience in planning/operations, capital project administration including land use/ project development and thirteen years experience in municipal government responsible for general administration, personnel, grants and municipal development projects. EXPERIENCE: PLANNING AND OPERATIONS: Responsible for coordinating and administering various capital improvement progrnms including acquisition and development of agency land use projects for compliance with local General Plan, zoning and environmental regulations. Processed for approval site and environmental projects documents through local, state and federal agencies. Manage transit operations including fixed and para-transit contract services ... Direct, coordinate and supervise daily operations of private contractors ... Study feasibility for new transit routes and implementation. MANAGEMENT-ADMINISTRATION: Prepare local, state and federal environmental assessment documents ... Assess needs and implement programs to improve operations ... Administer numerous projects and programs simultaneously with positive results ... Prepare financial/ statistical reports and funding applications ... Estimate costs, prepare budgets (including fiscal analysis) and monitor expenditures ... Solicit bids and conduct complex negotiations for legal and financial contractual agreements ... Participate in labor and operational negotiations. PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS: Established effective liaison program with various local cities to better serve their development needs ... Make oral presentations and represent organization at community and intergovernmental agency meetings ... Administer citizen assistance functions ... Testify in court ... Plan methods for creating a positive image. SPECIAL STRENGTHS: Strong communication skills ... Facilitate complex public/private programs and projects ... Able to produce comprehensive reports including financial analysis and performance review ... Establish quick rapport ... Maintain good working relationships with personnel supervised, government officials and general public ... Effectively motivate others at all levels ... Present positive image of self and employer. EMPLOYMENT: CONSULT ANT, Carlsbad, CA; January 2007 -Present • Provide industry expertise in land use planning and operations. • Analyze operations and recommend methods for improvement to system performance including comprehensive operations analysis. • Perform research and analysis of various client operations and facilities for compliance with General Plan, zoning and environmental ordinances. • Conduct environmental sustainability programs for client development projects. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 32 of 58 METROPOLITAN TRANSIT SYSTEM, San Diego, CA; January 1990 -December 2006 SENIOR TRANSIT OPERATIONS SPECIALIST • Public agency contract manager for fixed route bus service to San Diego region providing 24 fixed routes and a fleet of over 150 buses. • Prepare budgets and maintain oversight of cost controls. • Responsible for monthly and quarterly financial reports. • Prepare funding applications and quarterly fmancial and statistical reports. • Involved with numerous federal and state fmancial and performance audits • Prepare capital project programs and budgets. • Manage capital improvement projects with oversight of contractors and staff • Prepare federal and state environmental documents for capital projects. • Staff liaison to various regional cities. • Make presentations to City Councils and Community Planning Groups. • Review private development plans and make recommendations to member cities for improvements. GRUBB & ELLIS COMP ANY, San Diego, CA; CENTURY 21 OHMAN-RATTAN, San Diego, CA; REAL ESTATE BROKER May 1988 -January 1990 May 1984-May 1988 • Provide professional marketing of commercial and residential real estate. • Negotiate real estate contracts. • Analyze and make recommendations for land use and zoning. • Work with city, county and regional planning groups regarding land use issues. • Involved with property management.. CITY OF EL CAJON, El Cajon, CA; June 1971-May 1984 ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER • Assisted in daily operation of the City Manager's office. • Administered city loss prevention program. • Served as staff representative to Mayor, City Council members and Commissioners. • Conducted employee classification analysis and made recommendations. • Research and statistically analyze public reaction and usage of services. • Prepare local, state and federal environmental applications for development projects. • Administer state and federal grant programs for capital projects including public outreach and post financial/performance audits. • Coordinate with architects and engineers for capital project design and construction. • Participated in labor negotiations and implemented labor relations objectives. • Conducted interviews, employment grievance and appeal hearings. • Made recommendations on legislative matters and develop city policies including ordinances. RELATED EXPERIENCE: San Diego State University, San Diego, CA; INSTRUCTOR -Public Administration EDUCATION: San Diego State University REFERENCES: Available upon request. January 1979 -December 1979 M.P.A. 1976-Public Administration B.A. 1972 -Public Administration Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 33 of 58 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR RECEIVED MAR 2 4 2017 BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES CITY OF CARLSBA (' Arts Commission (' Housing Commission (e Planning Commission (' Other: Name: I Madeleine Szabo Address: City: jcarlsbad (0 Beach Preservation Committee (&Library Board ofTrustees <6 Senior Commission Home Phone: jc__ ______ _, Cell Phone: E-mail Address: 1 l CITY CLERK'S 0 0 (' Historic Preservation Commission FFICE .J tli' Parks and Recreation Commission ~Traffic Safety Commission ZipCode: ' Work Phone: ._! ______ __, Present Occupation: ,_jR_e_ti_re_d _____________________________ _, Employer: none Address: none Citizen Academy Graduate? r. Yes (' No Resident of Carlsbad? (e Yes ('No Registered Voter in Carlsbad? r. Yes (' No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. ~~~~~~:~~~~d to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal ICYV1 oJJ_ole__W ~ =tU . ..,. ' via e-mail Is considered acknowledgement). /) / ~ ~ ~ I L------------~~----' Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 34 of 58 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT-PAGE 2 Wells College, B.A., Economics major IBM Process Management Class IBM President's Class Education: IBM Leadership Transformation Class IBM Sales Training CRM 1 :1 Institute I had a career at the IBM Corporation where I was National Sales Leader for two years in addition to receiving numerous awards every year I was an IBM sales representative. After I was promoted to IBM headquarters, I received awards for my instrumental role in successfully launching the IBM PC. Following my career at IBM, I went on to work at different small well-regarded companies with concentrations in Customer Relationship Experience: Management (CRM) consulting, financial asset management services, consumer products, and business intelligence aerospace software. I also spent several years working for my town in managing a $80 million school building program. Additionally, I was an elected representative in my town on the legislative body. I have always tried to find ways to help the community. I volunteer for the City of Carlsbad. Some of my volunteer activities have Included hosting two workshops at the Carlsbad Love It! conference. Community I have a passion about keeping Carlsbad beautiful. In addition to participating In Trail Clean Ups, I pick up litter in Activities: my neighborhood every day, as well as encourage others to do so. I founded the Friends of Carlsbad Scenic Corridor, a grassroots organization to help protect and preserve the community small-town ambiance of NE/NW El Camino Real. Additional Information or Comments: I love Carlsbad and want to continue working hard for the City to meet the needs and desires of the residents, the businesses, the tourists, and the government. I have read a voluminous amount of reports on OMS to understand City operations and decisions. I have familiarized myself with the Planning staff responsibilities and duties. As a resident dedicated to the well-being of Carlsbad, I have acquainted myself with each staff member and have been very impressed with their diligence, competency, and excellent service to Carlsbad. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 35 of 58 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FO RECEIVED BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMIT EES MAR 2 71017 ('. Arts Commission ('. Housing Commission (e' Planning Commission (e' Beach Prese rvation Committee (' Library Board ofTrustees ('.. Senior Commission (';Other: Name: I valerie Airey Address: ' City: jcarlsbad .I Home Phone:j L _______ _, Cell Phone: E-mail Address: · Present Occupation: I Management Analyst Employer: I City of Vista Address: Citizen Academy Graduate? (e' Yes ('. No Resident of Carlsbad? (e'. Yes C No Registered Voter in Ca rlsbad? (e' Yes (' No (' Historic Pr er-{9~ ~Rl<sBAD (' Parks and CITY ' FICE C Traffic Safety Commission Zip Code: IL~------------' Work Phone: L~--------' I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by t he City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature: I (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal Valerie Airey via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). ~----------------~ PRINT ~ORM , Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 36 of 58 APPLICA TJON FOR APPOINTMENT-PAGE 2 ·Education: Experience: Master in Public Administration {Finish in May 2018) San Diego State University Bachelors Degree California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Certificate in Construction Project Management California State Polytechnic University, Pomona LEED Accredited Professional United States Green Building Council I have over 10 years of project management experience in the construction industry . I currently work for the City of Vista as a Management Analyst in the Engineering Department. Currently I am managing the City of Vista's Paseo Santa Fe Streetscape project. I also have my LEED, AP accreditation. \1\(ith the ever present desire for cities to develop and grow it is important to know the effects of these developments on the residents and the environment. I feel I have the knowledge necessary to provide logical and level headed input regarding the changes occurring in our city and its coastline. I'm aware of development codes as well as building standards. Carlsbad is a destination city in part because of its beautiful beaches, and in order to continue to be such a uniquely beautiful city it needs the right balance of growth. As a Management Analyst in the Engineering Department at the City of Vista I am aware of local government policies and restrictions. I believe my knowledge of the inter-workings of a organization like Carlsbad would be a great asset to the Commission. · I'm also currently obtaining my Master in Public Administration Graduate Degree. ACoct';l~t.unity Spring 2017 Carlsbad Citizen's Academy. IVIIeS: Additional Information or Comments: Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 37 of 58 Faviola Medina From: Sent: To:· Subject: Hello Faviola, Jan Neff-Sinclair <j > Tuesday, March 28, 2017 1:20AM City Clerk Re: Please continue Planning Commission item The process is not clear because it is not consistent nor is it well defined or transparent, In the spring of 2016, there was an announce- ment for a Planning Commission vacancy. I did not get my application completed in time, but at least I was informed of the vacancy. In the summer of2015, there was a vacancy but the full ten days was not given for the submission of applications. The announcement was dated on August 28th but the deadline for applications was Sep- tember 4th. The entire council is supposed to approve of a Planning Commission member yet past vacancies appeared to be filled directly by the mayor just like for the commissions where only the mayor determines the appointment. It is not transparent because applicants do not know what happened to their applications unless they are "friends of the city council." They are not interviewed nor are they told that their applications were denied. It is rude and impolite to treat citizens that are willing to volunteer to work for the city in this manner, even if it does not violate city code. I realize that it is not your doing and may not be anything that the city clerk can do anything about. I could not even find the name of the city clerk on the city web site however, which is one more example ofthe poor communication of information to the citizens. I think that this is a systemic issue and maybe a city hall cultural issue. I also could not find a clear definition of the process of getting on a commission. There is nothing in print to lead me to think anything other than you have to be a "friend of the city council" to get on these boards. But there are a lot of people in this city that do not fall into that category, and as the city charter implies, they should have input too. Thank you for your time. I think that the only thing to do is to speak at the city council meeting tomorrow. Regards, 1 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 38 of 58 Jan Neff-Sinclair 760-622-2234 Jan.Neff@ymail.com From: City Clerk <Cierk@carlsbadca.gov> To: "jan.neff@ymail.com" <j > Sent: Monday, March 27, 2017 4:46PM Subject: RE: Please continue Planning Commission item Good Afternoon Ms. Sinclair, Residents may submit applications for boards, commissions and committees at any time. Since neither the Government Code nor the Carlsbad Municipal Code specifies a deadline for application submittal, I would be happy to forward your application to the City Council upon receipt. Review and consideration of your application will be at the City Council's discretion. Unfortunately, I am unable to accommodate your request to recommend postponing the appointment on tomorrow's City Council meeting agenda. Since staff complied with all legal noticing requirements, we do not have a basis to request a continuance. If you have any other questions about how the appointment process works, I would be happy to help. I am sorry you feel this process was not clear. Thank you, Faviola (City of Carlsbad Fa viola Medina Deputy City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov 760-434-28091760-720-9461 fax I faviola.medina@carlsbadca.gov Face book I Twitter I You Tube I Flickr I Pinterest IEnews l.ll Consider the environment before printing this e-mail CONF1DENTfALITY ~:OTICE: This Cllilimurtica1i0n ,,,illlHS C0Jilcl11~ may cuntain confidctJtial anJ.'or kt;:3lly pri\ik-g..:d mfonnaticn. 11 t~ sckly for the us~ of the intcmicd recipi...:m(~J. IJn:luthc.ri;c.d int,_:TcLpli,Jn. 1\.'"\iC'\\·. usc OT dlsclo~wc is pwhtbitcd ::md may \·il'~iate 3pp1icablc la\\S including the Electromc C0n!mHnic;_l1ions PrivAcy Act ffyou ;:u-c not the intended 1CcipicnL p!ca~e con1~1c1 the ~ender ~1nd Jt'stro)' all cLrpies nflhe commtmil'~ltinn From: Jan Neff-Sinclair [mailto:j ] Sent: Monday, March 27,2017 1:55PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gpv> Subject: RE: Please continue Planning Commission item Hi Faviola, 2 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 39 of 58 Ifl turn in an application today, will there be time for the council to consider it and do an interview? I didn't see any announcement yet it looks like they are doing appointments tomorrow. Is there any way for the agenda item to be tabled until next week? Regards, Jan Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 7:51AM, City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: Thank you! Yes, there is a link on the City's website on our Boards and Commissions page: http://www.carlsbadca.gov/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobiD=32506 Please note that applications are valid until December 31 of that current year. A copy of our published Local Appointments List is also available for you to view what positions will become available this year: http://www.carlsbadca.gov/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobiD=32342 Have a great day! Faviola (city of Carlsbad Faviola Medina Deputy City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov 760-434-28091760-720-9461 fax I faviola.medina@carlsbadca.gov Face book I Twitter I You Tube Flickr I Pinterest IEnews I~ Consider the environment before printing this e-mail (_ U\1-·IL\f·-:.t~J! 1.:\LITY :\OllCE. Tl11~ with its l'llll(cnts 111~1:, cu11t.Jin col:ftdt'nti:ll ;:md c•r lc~all] pri\ ile~~d lnfL~llll~ltiLlll. [tis ~t•lely for the: use of the intcnd~~d r~,.·~._·ipi~:lH(:sJ i.'~icil.l]ii.",]I/I,:J 1 (\ i·..:\1'. J··..: ( 'r dl~:cl~rSUJ l' J:; f 'IPhib;tcd ;-md 11)(-]~, \ ij ,];: IC ~lf_!Jll i~.,.;,LJ]~,_· i-'1'\ ~ inchtding I k: t it'C!r•.llli( cl'i1llllllrJic<-ltJ(IJ1:-; Pri\ (1\.'} Act. j f.\ C•tl ::-m: lh.ll lh..: i1Jlcndcd J ~.-cipit-llL and :k~tU'.\ a:l cq)Jc:.;: ~._1( llh~ C\>nnl,tiiJicnwn From: Jan Neff-Sinclair [mailto:] Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 5:02PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Re: Please continue Planning Commission item Hello Faviola, 3 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 40 of 58 What a unique and pretty name! Thank you for your reply. Is there a link to an application so I could at least start that? In case I am able to apply? It should have been advertised anyway, so I would at least like to try to get the paperwork going. Thank: you, Jan From: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> To: Jan Neff-Sinclair <j > Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 4:15PM Subject: RE: Please continue Planning Commission item Good Afternoon, ·----------------- We are in receipt of your concern and will forward this to the appropriate personnel for consideration. We will have staff contact you in regards to this matter by the end of the day Monday, March 27, 2017. Thank you, Faviola '(Cityof Carlsbad Faviola Medina Deputy City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov 760-434-28091760-720-9461 fax I faviola.medina@carlsbadca.gov Facebook I Twitter I You Tube I Flickr I Pinterest IEnews IJJ Consider the environment before printing this e-mail CO~flDEN rL\U-1 Y NCJ11CE: This communication with its contenb may contain confidential and:·~'l !cgrd!y prn ilegeJ infL1rmatilm. It is ::.-.okly for tl1r..:: use of the intended recipient(s) lln:wtlwnzcJ in krceptiOJL re\ it.."\\'. u~;e c·r di:._..clc)~urc is p1 t'hibitcd <lnd may \ lolme applicable lcm ~ incluJing I he Elcctwnic Cc•mm unication~ Pri\ <-K) /1ct J.f ynu <:Jrt:: not Jhe inklhkd reLipit':IJL pkas..: con18clihc scndcr and ckstro~' nll copll'C: \){'the COJTl!TtLtllicntion. From: Jan Neff-Sinclair [mailto:j ] Sent: Thursday, March 23,2017 4:51PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Please continue Planning Commission item Dear Carlsbad City Clerk: I noticed the agenda item about appointing Planning Commission members. I did not see any announcement about upcoming vacancies, either on the city web site or in the emails I get from the city. That was how I found out about the 4 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 41 of 58 last vacancy. I wanted to apply for the Commission last time theret was a opening, but I did not get my paperwork in on time. Now, there wasn't even an announcement so that I could apply at all! That does not seem right. I would humbly request that this item be continued until a later date so that I and other interested citizens could apply. There should be an announcement and a link to an application. I would appreciate a response letting me know if this can happen. Regards, Jan Neff-Sinclair -----Forwarded Message----- From: City of Carlsbad <clerk@carlsbadca.gov> To: jan.neff@ymail.com Sent: Thursday, March23, 2017 3:01PM Subject: 3/28/2017 City Council Regular Meeting Having trouble viewing this email? Click here 0 ----------------0 ------------- 0 -------------- City Council Meeting The agenda for the City Council 6 p.m. Regular Meeting is now available. The meeting will take place: Quick Links Meeting Calendar About Council Meetings Past Agendas City Council Bios Laws & Policies Public Records City Charter Boards & Commissions Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Regular Meeting - 6 p.m. Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 The City of Carlsbad welcomes your participation. City Council meetings can be viewed online via the city website and on the city's cable channel. 5 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 42 of 58 Contact Us City of Carlsbad help@carlsbadca.gov 760-434-2820 10 --------------, Ways to Watch Regular Meetings • In Person • Streaming on Web • City Cable Channel Other Meeting Agendas The City Council also serves as the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board, the Community Development Commission, the Public Improvement Board, the Industrial Development Board and the Public Financing Authority. These agencies hold meetings on an as-needed basis. Unsubscribe I Our email practices © 2014 City of Carlsbad All Rights Reserved City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SafeUnsubscribe™ jan.neff@ymail.com Forward this email I Update Profile I About our service provider Sent by clerk(iiJ,carlsbadca.gov 6 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 43 of 58 Tammy McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dear Mayor and City Council: Flora Waite Monday, March 27, 2017 11:54 AM Celia Brewer Kevin Crawford; Marisa Lundstedt; Gary Barberio; Sheila Cobian; Tammy McMinn Supplemental Information related to Agenda Item 12 Scan_032717112956.pdf Please see the attached Staff Report from last December relating to Item 12 on the Agenda. The City Clerk has confirmed that, in accordance with the Maddy Act, the Local Appointments List was also posted at Faraday and the Dove and Cole libraries. Thank you, Flora (City of carlsbad Flora Waite Paralegal Office of the City Attorney City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov 760-434-2891 I 760-434-8367 fax I flora.waite@carlsbadca.gov Facebook I Twitter I You Tube I Flickr I Pinterest I Enews Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipients(s) and may contain information protected by the attorney-client privilege, the attorney work product doctrine or other applicable privileges or confidentiality laws or regulations. If you are not an intended recipient, you may not review, use, copy, disclose or distribute this message or any of the information contained in this message to anyone. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the attorney-client or any other privilege. 1 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 44 of 58 CA Review tfS CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: December 13, 2016 · Mayor and City Council 1 , / Kevin Crawford, City Manag#" To: From: Staff Contact: Faviola Medina, Deputy City Clerk · . faviola.medina@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2809 Subject: Receive and file Boards, Commissions and Committees Local Appointments list for 2017 Recommended Action Receive and file Boards, Commissions and Committees Local Appointments List for 2017. Executive Summary /Discussion Government Code §54970-54974, known as the Maddy Act, takes into consideration a vast and largely untapped reservoir of talent which exists among the citizenry that all too frequently is not aware of the opportunities for participation on local advisory boards, committees and commissions. Provisions of the Maddy Act require that on or before December 31 of each year, each legislative body shall prepare a local Appointments list which contains the following: • The appointive terms which will be expiring during the next calendar year • The name of the incumbent appointee • The date of appointment and the term expiration date The Act only requires that the list be made available to the public at local libraries; however, the City also publishes the list in the Coast News twice prior to the December 31 deadline. Fiscal Analysis The costs associated with publishing the notice in the Coast News was budgeted in the City Clerk Department fiscal year 2016/2017 budget. Next Steps The City Clerk's Office has prepared the annual local Appointments List which includes all Board, Commission and Committee terms scheduled to expire during 2017. The list will be published twice in the Coast News and posted at City Hall, Dove Library, learning Center and on the city's website prior to December 31, 2016, in accordance with Government Code §54972. The City Clerk's Office will accept applications (available on the city's website and in the City Clerk's Office) for the listed appointments during 2017. The Carlsbad City Council will review the applications and make appointments when openings occur. NOTE: Members of the designated Boards, Commissions and Committees are subject to the provisions of the Political Reform Act, and must file a Statement of Economic Interests and complete AB1234 Ethics Training. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 45 of 58 Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065~ this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potenti.al to cause wither a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification The list will be published in the Union Tribune newspaper and posted at City Hall, Dove library, learning Center and on the city's website prior to December 31, 2016, in accordance with Government Code §54972. Exhibits 1. local Appointments list Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 46 of 58 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA NOTICE OF VACANCIES LOCAL APPOINTMENTS LIST-2017 In compliance with the requirements of the Maddy Act, Government Code 54972, the following list is posted on an annual basis on or before December 31st. The City-of Carlsbad is inviting applications from Carlsbad residents who are interested in serving on one of the following Boards, Commissions or Committees. To receive an application, contact the City Clerk's Office at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, call 760-434-2808, email clerk@carlsbadca.gov or go to the City's website, www.carlsbadca.gov, Boards and Commissions page. Minimum requirements to serve are applicants must be 18 years of age or older, a registered voter and a resident of Carlsbad (CMC 2.08.090} except members of the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board and the Carlsbad Golf lodging Business Improvement District Board. Some positions may have additional requirements, contact the City Clerlfs Office for more information. ARTS COMMISSION*: This is a seven member commission. Term Appointed Tina Schmidt February, 2013 Scott White December, 2013 BEACH PRESERVATION COMMITTEE: This is a seven member committee. Term D. Bret Barger Darryl Hatheway Appointed May, 2013 May,2013 Expiration March, 2017 March, 2017 Expiration June,2017 June, 2017 CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT*: This is a seven member board and must be hotel owners within the boundaries of the CTBID boundaries. Term Appointed Hector Becerra November, 2013 Bill Canepa November, 2013 Expiration November, 2017 November, 2017 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION: This is a five member commission, three members with recognized expertise in architecture, archaeology,· history, biology, engineering or geology or related field, one member who has an interest in local history and has resided in the community for at least thirty years, and one member at large from the community. Term Appointed Laurie Boone February, 2014 Expiration April, 2017 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 47 of 58 HOUSING COMMISSION: This is a five member board. Term Susanlgoe Appointed July, 2013 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES*: This is a five member board. Term Beth Hulsart Alice "Sandy" Parsons Appointed June, 2013 June, 2013 Expiration July, 2017 Expiration June,2017 June, 2017 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION*: This is a seven member commission. Term Appointed Expiration Matt Simons August, 2013 August, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION*: This is a seven member commission. Term Appointed Velyn Anderson May, 2013 Stephen /{Hap" L'Heureux May, 2013 SENIOR COMMISSION*: This is a five member commission. Term Appointed Kevin Min December, 2013 Sheri Sachs December, 2013 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION*: This is a five member commission. Term Appointed Chuck Hunter July, 2013 Fred Muir July, 2013 Expiration April, 2017 April, 2017 Expiration September, 2017 September, 2017 Expiration July, 2017 July, 2017 *Individuals appointed to these committees are subject to the Fair Political Practices Commission regulations and must file a Statement of Economic Interests. Members of all Boards~ Commissions and Committees are required to complete AB1234 Ethics Training upon appointment and bi-annually thereafter. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 48 of 58 Andrea Dykes From: Sent: To: Subject: City Council Members, Jodi Good <> Tuesday, March 28, 2017 5:05 PM Council Internet Email Planning Commission All Receive -Agenda ltem # J a_ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL / AC~~CA VCC V Date~ City Manager V This is a request to delay decision to fill the current vacancy on the Planning Commission. I have been hearing rumors and speculation concerning this open seat and how it will be filled. As a courtesy to your constituents, there should be more time to find out about the appointment process, be informed about those who have applied, and how they found out about the opening without it being announced on the city web site. We need more accountability from our Council. I find it very odd that two of the applicants are Ms Rodman and Ms Burkholder. Please delay this appointment in the name of true transparency. Jodi Pendry Good Carlsbad, 92008 Sent from my iPhone 1 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 49 of 58 Andrea Dykes From: Sent: To: Subject: Doris Schiller <> Sunday, March 26, 2017 7:49AM Council Internet Email planning commission appointments Ail Receive-Agenda ttem # ::;2' t ~ For the Information of the: CllY COUNCIL ACM .,CA .,.CC"" Date ~b:J/City Manager7 ·~ ---- Please make sure that the Planning Commission Appointments are done according the correct procedures. We are watching. Thank you, Doris Schiller 1 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 50 of 58 Andrea Dykes From: Sent: To: Subject: Councilmen, Mike Pfankuch <t> Monday, March 27, 2017 8:20AM Matthew Hall; Council Internet Email Planning Commission Recommendation As a long time Carlsbad resident, and 39 year business person in the fine city of Carlsbad, I would like to give my full support to Melanie Burkholder for Planning Commissioner. She has the ability to see projects for what they can be to benefit the city of Carlsbad, and understands that approval of projects must be made for the general, plan, current zoning, all city standards, along with state standards. She will not be swayed by public input that represents a small select group of persons, that want to protecttheir own special interest. She is a fair person,and understands the scope of what applicants must do to receive planning departments approval. She listens to our planning staff recommendations, and thrives to make projects meet all standards set by the city. Respectfully, Mike Pfankuch Sent from my iPad Sent from my iPad 1 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 51 of 58 Andrea Dykes From: Brian Flock <> Monday, March 27, 2017 11:20 AM Sent: To: Cc: Matthew Hall; Keith Blackburn; Michael Schumacher; Mark Packard; Cori Schumacher Celia Brewer; City Clerk; Manager Internet Email Subject: Update regarding tomorrow's City Council meeting Dear City Council, I appreciated Attorney Brewer calling me this morning to explain the "Maddy Act" (Government Code Sections 54970- 54974). Her interpretation of the law was that a 10-day vacancy notice on our Website is not. required and that there was proper notice of the vacancies. I found the notice of the vacancies in the Coast News HERE (December 23, 2016); I consider that an arcane notification, yet I accept its legal compliance. She also clarified that the one-way emails from the Mayor to the staff/council were not a problem with the Brown Act, although some of the language was inaccurate (i.e. some use of the term "appointment"). My understanding from Ms. Brewer was also that a change in policy would not be an option for tomorrow's appointment and that the current policy would have to be followed. Therefore, please disregard my last email. Instead, I ask the Council to discuss these narrow points regarding current policy and in the interest of providing more citizen participation: • How many applications did the Clerk receive within 1Q-days ofthe Coast News vacancy notice? From the records request I made, it appears that none of the applicants applied within the 10-day timeframe mentioned in City Council Policy #81: Policy 2. This raises questions of what policy/procedure was followed to create the Staff Report for tomorrow's agenda. • What is the process for the "majority of the city council" to make appointments to the Planning Commission? In recent history, I have seen no discussion of alternative candidates by Council members and I have only personally seen the Mayor make appointment recommendations in writing (from my records request). As a lay citizen, the Planning Commission appointments look virtually identical to every other commission appointment by the Mayor both in language and the amount of time given to them on calendar. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Brian Flock 1 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 52 of 58 Andrea Dykes From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear City Council, (Corrected) Brian Flock < Sunday, March 26, 2017 11:58 AM Matthew Hall; Keith Blackburn; Michael Schumacher; Mark Packard; Cori Schumacher Celia Brewer; City Clerk; Manager Internet Email CORRECTED: Request to continue Planning Commission appointments I respectfully request that you continue Tuesday's Planning Commission appointments after a public hearing on the calendar item. It's apparent to me that one way to correct the appointments process is to reset. The Council adopted Policy 81 in July 2014 yet it does not seem to be followed in regards to the Planning Commission or the Historic Preservation Commission, two very important commissions. I suggest that-after the public hearing-staff be assigned to propose a new policy (with citizen feedback) for appointments by a "majority of the City Council." This should something that requires constructive input by each member of the Council: something akin to the goal planning session where each council member had the opportunity to promote ideas (or nominees in this case) and even disagree with each other. I would also like to see all broadcast messages between staff/council to cease on these matters pending a proper Public Hearing, consistent with the Brown Act. Sincerely yours, Brian Flock Brian Flock 1 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 53 of 58 Andrea Dykes From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Hi Andi, Cori Schumacher Monday, March 27-, 2017 9:26AM Andrea Dykes Fwd: Please print and distribute to Council Follow up Flagged , .. ,!!Receive· Agenda Item# )1._1~ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL ACM~CA~CC~ flate ~ ~ity Manager _L Can you please print the following documents and distribute them to Council. I'll take copies too. These are Carlsbad and State policies related to item #12 on the agenda for tomorrow's meeting. Thank you, Cori Schumacher Councilmember City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 760.434.2830 I cori.schumacher@carlsbadca.gov Begin forwarded message: From: Cori Schumacher <cori@corischumacher.com> Date: March 27, 2017 at 9:20:46 AM PDF To: Cori Schumacher <cori.schumacher@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Pleas~ print and distribute to Council hrtp://edocs.carlsbadca.gov/HPRMWebDrawer/RecordHTML/392449 https:/ /leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes displayText.xhtml?lawCode=GOV &division=2.&ti tle=5 .&part= l.&chapter= 11.&article= 1 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 54 of 58 Ccicyof Carlstiad Council Policy Statement Category: Specific Subject: Mayor and City Council appointees PURPOSE: Policy No. Date Issued: Effective Date: Resolution No. Cancellation Date: Supersedes No. 81 July 22, 2014 July 22, 2014 2014-190 To enable the City of Carlsbad Mayor and City Council to appoint members to boards, commissions and committees representing the City of Carlsbad. Government Code Sections 54970-54974 refer to local appointments. Government Code Section 54972, states that on or before December 31 of each year, each legislative body shall prepare an appointments.list of all regular and ongoing boards, commi.ssions and committees which are appointed by the legislative body of the local agency. This list shall be known as the Appointments list. The list shall contain specific information listed in Government Code Section 54972. Government Code Section 54974 refers to the unscheduled vacancy which occurs in any board, commission, or committee for which the legislative body has the appointing power, whether due to resignation, death, termination, or other causes, a special vacancy notice shall be posted in the office of the clerk of the local agency, and the library designated pursuant to Section 54973, and in other places as directed by the legislative body, not earlier than 20 days before or not later than 20 days after the vacancy occurs. Final appointments to the board, commission, or committee shall not be made by the legislative body for at least 10 working days after the posting of the notice in the clerk's office. This policy does not supersede laws, instead it is incorporating them into the Carlsbad Municipal Code by reference. BACKGROUND: Staff has found that the need to formalize the appointment process in a policy as an outline to staff and the public on the expectations of an appointed position on a board, commission, or committee. The process includes the notice of vacancy, acceptance of applications, review by council, the formal appointment and finally the requirements of appointee once the appointment is made. The appointments shall be made by Mayor with City Council concurrence except for the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission which are appointed by a majority of the City Council. The item will be listed on the agenda under the Consent Calendar and will list the board, commission, and committee with vacancy and the name of person to be appointed. The City Council will vote and if a majority concurs the appointment will be finalized and entered into the meeting minutes. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 55 of 58 Mayor/City Council Appointments Policy Pagel POLICY: 1. Upon the notice of an unscheduled vacancy either by resignation, death, termination, or other causes, a special vacancy notice shall be posted in the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall on the bulletin board located outside the Council Chamber, Dove and Cole libraries and the city website under the boards, commission, and committee section. This action will take place not earlier than 20 days before or not later than 20 days after the vacancy occurs. The final appointment to the board, commission, or committee shall not be made by the legislative body for at least 10 working days after the posting of the notice in the City Clerk's Office. 2. Applications will be accepted in the City Clerk's Office electronically, by mail and hand delivered for a period of 10 working days. The application will be available on the city website for ease of access to the residents of Carlsbad. 3. Following the application deadline, all applications received will be provided to the Mayor and City Council for review. Depending on the board, commission, or committee requirements for appointment in the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the Mayor will review applications and ask for Council concurrence at a regular scheduled City Council Meeting. 4. The appointment will be scheduled for the next regular City Council Meeting. 5. This policy applies to all Mayor and City Council appointed boards, commissions and committees of the City of Carlsbad current and future. 6. This policy requires that an image of the vacancy notice be scanned into the records management system for a retention term according to the City adopted records retention schedule. 7. The appointment recommendation and results of City Council action shall be memorialized in the official City Council meeting minutes. 8. Once an appointment is made staff in the City Clerk's Office will be responsible for contacting the appointee with instructions on conflict of interest filings, AB 1234 Code of Ethics training requirements the Oath of Office will be administered and a binder will be provided that includes an outline on the specific requirements of board, commission, or committee the person is appointed to, a copy of the Brown Act, the Public Records Act and the Parliamentary Procedures. Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 56 of 58 3/27/2017 Home Codes Display Text Bill Information California Law Publications Other Resources My Subscriptions My Favorites Code: L~~~ct ~.9-~-~J Section: ............................................................. J ~ Add To My Favorites GOVERNMENTCODE-GOV TITLE 5. LOCAL AGENCIES [50001 • 57550] (Title 5 added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 81.) DIVISION 2. CITIES, COUNTIES, AND OTHER AGENCIES [53000 • 55821] (Division 2 added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 81.) PART 1. POWERS AND DUTIES COMMON TO CITIES, COUNTIES, AND OTHER AGENCIES (53000 • 54999.7] ( Part 1 added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 81.) CHAPTER 11. Local Appointments List (54970-54974] (Heading of Chapter 11 amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 669, Sec. 5.) 54970. (a) The Legislature finds and declares that a vast and largely untapped reservoir of talent exists among the citizenry of the State of California, and that rich and varied segments of this great human resource are, all too frequently, not aware of the many opportunities which exist to participate in and serve on local regulatory and advisory boards, commissions, and committees. (b) The Legislature further finds and declares that the general public of this state has traditionally been denied access to information regarding vacancies which occur on such boards, commissions, and committees, thereby denying most citizens and interest groups the opportunity to nominate for consideration by the respective appointive powers persons whose particular strengths, backgrou_nds, experience, perspective, and talents might contribute significantly to efficient and representative policy development and administration in local government. (c) The Legislature further finds and declares that the respective local appointive powers have been denied access to a talent resource hitherto untapped. (d) The Legislature further finds and declares that all citizens of the state, regardless of their place of residence should have equal access to specific and current information about the many local regulating and advisory boards, commissions, and committees and equal opportunity to be informed of vacancies which shall occur thereon, so that they may pursue the opportunity to participate in and contribute to the operations of local government by serving on such boards, commissions, and committees. (e) It is therefore the intent of the Legislature that this chapter shall apply to all cities and all counties throughout California, including charter cities and charter counties. (Added by Stats. 1976, Ch. 238.) 54971. As used in this chapter: (a) "Legislative body" means the board of supervisors or its chairman in the case of the county, or the city council or the mayor in the case of a city. (b) "Local agency" means a county or city, whether chartered or general law. (Added by Stats. 1976, Ch. 238.) 54972. On or before December 31 of each year, each legislative body shall prepare an appointments list of all regular and ongoing boards, commissions, and committees which are appointed by the legislative body of the local agency. This list shall be known as the Local Appointments List. The list shall contain the following information: (a) A list of all appointive terms which will expire during the next calendar year, with the name of the incumbent appointee, the date of appointment, the date the term expires, and the necessary qualifications for the position. (b) A list of all boards, commissions, and committees whose members serve at the pleasure of the legislative body, and the necessary qualifications for each position. (Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 669, Sec. 6.) https:llleginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=GOV&division=2.&title=5.&part=1.&chapter=11.&article= 1/2 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 57 of 58 3/27/2017 Codes Display Text 54973• The Local Appointments List shall be made available to members of the public for a reasonable fee which shall no exceed actual cost. The legislative body shall designate the public library with the largest service population within its jurisdiction to receive a copy of the list. (Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 669, Sec. 7.) 54974. (a) Whenever an unscheduled vacancy occurs in any board, commission, or committee for which the legislative body has the appointing power, whether due to resignation, death, termination, or other causes, a special vacancy notice shall be posted in the office of the clerk of the local agency, the library designated pursuant to Sectiol') 54973, and in other places as directed by the legislative body, not earlier than 20 days before or not later than 20 days after the vacancy occurs. Final appointment to the board, commission, or committee shall not be made by the legislative body for at least 10 working days after the posting of the notice in the clerk's office. (b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), the legislative body may, if it finds that an emergency exists, fill the unscheduled vacancy immediately. A person appointed to fill the vacancy shall serve only on an acting basis until the final appointment is made pursuant to this section. (Amen~ed by Stats. 1991, Ch. 669, Sec. 8.) https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes _ displayText.xhtml?lawCode=GOV&division=2.&title=5.&part=1.&chapter=11.&article= 2/2 Item #12 March 28, 2017 Page 58 of 58