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MS 14-07; Robertson Ranch West Village; ROBERTSON RANCH PA-7 AND PA-8 APARTMENTS PROJECT; 2015-11-30
DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. WATER • WASTEWATER • RECYCLEDWATER CONSULTING ENGINEERS f 2234 FARADAY AVENUE • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 438-4422 ROBERTSON RANCH PA-7 AND PA-8 APARTMENTS PROJECT IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD November 30, 2015 Prepared by: Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. 2234 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-438-4422 Job No. 528-033 DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. November 30,2015 Alliance Land Planning & Engineering, Inc. 2248 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Craig Whitteker, P.E., President DEXTER S . WILSON, P.E. ANDREW M. OVEN, P.E. STEPHEN M. NIELSEN, P.E. NATALIE J . FRASCHETTI, P .E. 528-033 Subject: Robertson Ranch PA-7 and PA-8 Apartments Project in the City of Carlsbad Introduction This report will address three aspects of the water supply system for the Robertson Ranch PA-7 and PA-8 Apartments development project. These are: 1. Sizing of the domestic water service lateral, meter, backflow preventer, and building supply piping to provide domestic service to the Apartments project. 2. Sizing of the fire protection system service laterals, detector check backflow preventers, and onsite private fire protection water system to ensure that the onsite private fire hydrants can deliver the necessary fire hydrant flow at greater than 20 psi residual pressure within the Apartments project. 3. Sizing of the fire sprinkler service laterals serving the Apartments project which laterals will be connected to the private onsite fire protection system piping outlined in Item 2 above. 2234 FARADAY AVENUE • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 438-4422 • FAX (760) 438-0173 Craig Whittaker, P.E. November 30, 2015 The domestic and fire protection system laterals for the Robertson Ranch PA-7 and PA-8 Apartments project will be connected to the proposed 12" 349 Pressure Zone public water system piping in West Ranch Street and Robertson Road fronting the project site on its east and south boundaries, respectively. Since the proposed public water system is presently under construction as part of the backbone infrastructure being installed for the Robertson Ranch development, a fire hydrant flow test cannot be performed. Thus, the available hydraulic grade line in the 12" 349 Pressure Zone piping in West Ranch Street was determined based on the water system analysis prepared for the master development titled, "Water System Analysis for Rancho Costera," April17, 2015, Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Domestic Water System Sizing A single, separate domestic water service lateral is planned for the domestic service to each of the two apartment areas. The Apartment project in PA-7 will connect to the 12" 349 Zone public water main in Robertson Road. The Apartment project in PA-8 will connect to the 12" 349 Zone public water main in West Ranch Street. The water meter sizes needed to meet the demands of these two apartment project areas are based on the maximum expected domestic flowrate as determined from the California Plumbing Code. Appendix A presents the three building types which comprise the buildings within the PA-7 and PA-8 Apartment project. In Appendix A, each building type is marked with the total number of Water Fixture Units for that buil~ing and the associated peak water demand. Also included in Appendix A is a site plan for both Apartment projects identifying the types of buildings on the site. From this information, the total Water Fixture Units can be determined for PA-7 and PA-8 separately. The total Water Fixture Units for PA-7 Apartments project is 1,778.5 WFU. Using Chart A-2 from the Plumbing Code, this converts to a water demand of 300 gpm. The total Water Fixture Units for PA-8 Apartments project is 3,131.5 WFU. Using Chart A-2 from the Plumbing Code, this converts to a water demand of 445 gpm. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC . PAGE 2 Craig Whitteker, P.E. November 30, 2015 Domestic Water Meter Sizing. The City of Carlsbad Utilities Department provided the flowrate ranges for their domestic water meters in an email dated August 12, 2015. A copy of this email is in Appendix A. It shows that a 3" meter allows a maximum flowrate of 400 gpm, and a 4" meter allows a maximum flowrate of 800 gpm. For the PA-7 Apartments project, with a water demand of 300 gpm, a 3" meter will be used. For the PA-8 Apartments project, with a water demand of 445 gpm, a 4" meter will be used. Domestic Water Service Backflow Preventer. The reduced pressure principle backflow preventer assembly after the City domestic water meter is recommended to be a 4- inch assembly in order to minimize the pressure loss through this device. A 4" backflow device is to be provided after the 3" meter for PA-7 and after the 4" meter for PA-8. Appendix A includes the manufacturer's literature for a Wilkins Model 375 backflow preventer. This unit or any equivalent unit is to be installed after each domestic meter for the PA-7 and PA-8 Apartment projects. Domestic Building Supply Piping. The domestic building supply piping is sized for a flow velocity of less than 8 fps. The domestic building supply piping for the PA-7 Apartments project is 4" diameter. At a maximum flowrate of 300 gpm, the flow velocity in a 4" line is 7. 7 fps. This velocity occurs only in a short section of piping after the backflow and prior to the 2.5" service lateral for Building 19 as shown in Exhibit A.2 at the back of this report. The domestic building supply piping for the PA-8 Apartments project is 6" diameter after the meter and backflow preventer. At a maximum flowrate of 445 gpm, the flow velocity in a 6" line is 5.1 fps. The 6" building supply line ties into a 4" looped line which provides service to all the buildings within the PA-8 site. The pipe sizing and layout of the private domestic water system for the PA-8 site is shown in Exhibit B.2 at the back of this report. Available Pressure at the Base of the Domestic Service Riser. The available pressure at the Base of the Risers for the domestic service to all the buildings within the PA-7 and PA-8 Apartment project sites is based on a hydraulic analysis of the service lateral, meter, backflow, and building supply piping for each Apartment site. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3 Craig Whitteker, P.E. November 30, 2015 The available hydraulic grade line in the public water main in West Ranch Street and Robertson Road was taken from the Peak Hour Demand computer modeling performed in the water system analysis prepared for the master development titled, "Water System Analysis for Rancho Costera," April 17, 2015, Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. The available hydraulic grade line under Peak Hour Demands is 348 feet. PA-7 Apartment Site. The PA-7 Apartment site domestic water supply configuration includes a 4" domestic service lateral, a 3" meter, a 4" reduced pressure principle backflow assembly, and a 4" building supply pipe. The system schematic for the domestic water system for PA-7 Apartments is Exhibit A.2 at the back of the report, and the calculations for pressure loss are included at the end of Appendix A. The results show the pressure at the Base of the Riser for each building by Building Number. The available domestic service pressure at the Base of the Risers for PA- 7 Apartments ranges from 63 psi to 76 psi. Under maximum static conditions, domestic service pressure will be between 98 to 100 psi based on a maximum available hydraulic grade line of 349 feet and building Finish Floor elevations ranging from 118.1 feet to 121.8 feet. Since this pressure is greater than 80 psi, a pressure regulator will need to be included in the building plans at the service entrance to each building to maintain internal building service pressures below 80 psi in accordance with the Plumbing Code. PA-8 Apartment Site. The PA-8 Apartment site domestic water supply configuration includes a 4" domestic service lateral, a 4" meter, a 4" reduced pressure principle backflow assembly, and a 6" building supply pipe leading to a 4" building supply loop. The system schematic for the domestic water system for PA-8 Apartments is Exhibit B.2 at the back of the report, and the calculations for pressure loss are included at the end of Appendix A. The results show the pressure at the Base of the Riser for each building by Building Number. The available domestic service pressure at the Base of the Risers for PA- 8 Apartments ranges from 48 psi to 59 psi. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 4 Craig Whitteker, P.E. November 30, 2015 Under maximum static conditions, domestic service pressure will be between 92 to 94 psi based on a maximum available hydraulic grade line of 349 feet and building Finish Floor elevations ranging from 131.9 feet to 136.7 feet. Since this pressure is greater than 80 psi, a pressure regulator will need to be included in the building plans at the service entrance to each building to maintain internal building service pressures below 80 psi in accordance with the Plumbing Code. Private Fire Protection System Sizing A private fire protection system separate from the private domestic water system is being designed for the PA-7 and PA-8 Apartments project. The separate fire protection system is designed to carry the required fire flow plus the building fire sprinkler flow and maintain greater than 20 psi residual at the fire hydrants during a fire flow scenario. The computer model run from the April 17, 2015, master water study which was used to estimate the available hydraulic grade line was the Maximum Day Demand Plus 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Split Between Nodes 106 and 110. Node 110 is on the west side of the Senior Housing building at the intersection of Gage Drive and West Ranch Street. The residual hydraulic grade line at Node 110 for this computer model analysis was 327.7 feet. This hydraulic grade line is used in our calculations. The fire hydrant flow is based on the expectation that the required fire hydrant flow based on building square footage and type of construction will not exceed 3,000 gpm. The required fire sprinkler flow for the apartment buildings is 86 gpm. For the Recreation Building, the fire sprinkler flow is estimated as 186 gpm. An email from the fire sprinkler system designer is included in Appendix B and identifies these fire sprinkler flows for the Apartment site. The private fire protection system piping for each of the two Apartment sites includes: • Two 8" public fire service laterals for each site to create a looped fire protection system; • An 8" double check detector assembly at each fire service lateral; • 8" piping from the 8" backflow assembly through each Apartment site. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5 Craig Whitteker, P.E. November 30, 2015 Appendix B contains the computer model hydraulic calculations output for both PA-7 and PA-8 Apartment sites. The corresponding Node and Pipe Exhibits for each Apartment site are Exhibits A.l and B.l located at the back of this report. The residual pressures within the Apartment sites under a 3,000 gpm fire flow plus fire sprinkler flow ranged from 41psi to 69 psi. Fire Sprinkler Service Laterals to PA-7 and PA-8 Apartments The fire sprinkler designer recommended providing 4" fire sprinkler service laterals to each building within the PA-7 and PA08 Apartments project. This recommendation is included in the email presented at the beginning of Appendix B. Conclusion Thank you for the opportunity to provide water system sizing analysis services for the PA-7 and PA-8 Apartment project. Please feel free to contact us to further discuss any aspect of the information presented in this water service analysis. Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Andrew Oven, P .E. AO:ps cc: Erick Escobedo, Alliance Land Planning and Engineering Attachments DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 6 APPENDIX A DOMESTIC SERVICE DATA AND COMPUTER MODELING CALCULATION RESULTS 2-1/2" WATER SERVICE 226.5 W.S.F.U. 70.5G.P.M. DS r---------------------------, ' ' '-('"~~-''"''c'cc'c':~''cjc : §j~ ! -----~ ' ----__ Q,Q,T,§'------~-~~-~-~-~~-~~~a-·s·--~-------------------------------------------~' .:::::::::: ___ L_ ____ _T--------L _________ l ________________________ ..... ________________________________ s--------------;_ 6" BUILDING DRAIN 235 D.F.U. I.E.=-4'-6" SLOPE AT 1/4" PER FT. BLDG.-I -First Floor 2-1/2" WATER SERVICE 224.0 W.S.F .U. 70.0 G.P.M. ~-- 0 P~ 1:">-, tr ":'l!L ,----------------------------, ~' ._,,. ~ -~ ir1[~ lo. 7 (';_ 0 OS OS OS '---------------------------------' 6" BUILDING DRAIN ..LIIL 230 D.F.U. --.17" LE.=-4'-6" SLOPE AT 1/4" PER FT. BLDG.-I AL T-First Floor 11-11• : h : I 2-1/2" WATER SERVICE 215.0 W.S.F.U. 68.0G.P.M. ~- cf''''"'''''''''''''''''''f'' I ' -------·------------------__ i__ _______________________________ I_____________ __Q,Q,T,g, ______________________________ "\. ________________________________ J ---------------------------------' 6" BUILDING DRAIN 230 D.F.U. I.E.=-4'-6" SLOPE AT 1/4" PER FT. BLDG.-II -First Floor ROBERTSON RANCH CARLSBAD~ CA ~!.~~\'.:'Hi'; SHAPELL PROPERTIES~ INC. 8383 WILSHIRE 8L VD., SUITE 700 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90211 0 40' 80' 120' I I I I I I i I I, I I I I I I· I \ \ \ I \ ' I \ I · I I ; I I : I I : I I I I I SITE LEGEND BUILDING TYPE BUILDING NUMBER -••-••-PROPERTYLINE TUBULAR STEEL FENCE •••••••••• ADAPATH ---GATE [ ·. :_ I JJ CARPOOT ~ TRASH ~~ ENCLOSURE I ..... lj ~ I ~ ~ ('S I I I I I I I I NORTH i:lj _.._,.,...._ -------- A-102 ARCHITECTS ORANGE G;I201S-~ 144 NORTH ORANGE ST .• ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 91866 (714) 639-9860 __ 00<,.,..1,..._.,.,.. -------,..~,_,....._ ..... _. _ _ ,.. _.., ....-. .,.._.. ~ .. R o~5U"'. ea...,d. fA I .4~-"3 700 UNIFORM PLUI\i ~00 CHART A-2 Estimate Curves for Demand Load 500 v 400 ·~ ... · ~.n.n ., ~ u vv a.. (!J I "C c: ctS 200 E CD 0 liillr 1 2 ""' No. 1 for system predominar tly for flushometer valves :""' 100 1- No. 2 for system predominar tly for flush tanks : 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 . F1xture Umts 11 779.5" ~Nf€1 7oo 8ro 7Gb 1ED RUL lATER S boo ·es UP == D.. CJ I -a · c ca E CD 0 500 400 300 200 100 0 -. FOR PLY SYSTEM t. 5• 0 I I (( c ~a~ Ra. v..cl, I fA-g 4p~ I A pRe Chart A-2 Estimate Curves for Demand Load / ,..., / I .. No. 1 for system predominantly for flushometer valves ~ No. 2 for system predominantly for flush tanks • 1" 0( 1Ji0( ~oco ~bi)O .;:)000 35'"00 Fixture Units From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Dear Andrew, Elizabeth Shoemaker Andrew OVen Elizabeth Shoemaker FW: Robertson Ranch -Allowable Flow Rates for Water Meters Friday, August 14, 2015 11:45:56 AM Below are your flow ranges from the City. Stuff is slowly coming in. Thanks again for being on the conference call. Much appreciated! Elizabeth Shoemaker Project Coordinator Alliance Land Planning & Engineering 2248 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone : (760) 431-9896 Emai l: eshoemaker@allianceeng.com From: Jeremy Riddle [mailto:Jeremy.Riddle@carlsbadca.gov] Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 11:27 AM To: Elizabeth Shoemaker Subject: FW: Robertson Ranch -Allowable Flow Rates for Water Meters Here you go. From: Mario Remillard Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 11:36 AM To: Kirsten Plonka; Eric Sanders Cc: Jeremy Riddle Subject: RE : Robertson Ranch -Allowable Flow Rates for Water Meters Maximum continuous flow ranges per size below. 1" -40 GPM 1 1i-80GPM 2" -170 GPM 3" -400GPM 4"-800 GPM 6" -1500 GPM From: Kirsten Plonka Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 11:14 AM To: Eric Sanders; Mario Remillard Cc: Jeremy Riddle Subject: Fwd: Robertson Ranch -Allowable Flow Rates for Water Meters Eric and Mario, Do ei t her of you have this info? Thanks. Kirsten Sent from my iPhone, please excuse any typos. Begi n forwarded message: From: Elizabeth Shoemaker <eshoemaker@alljanceeng.com > Date: August 12, 2015 at 10:58:52 AM PDT To: "jeremy riddle@carlsbadca goy" <jeremy rjddle@carlsbadca goy> Cc: "Kirsten.Pionka@CarlsbadCA goy" <Kirsten Plonka@CarlsbadCA goy>, "Eric San ders ( Erjc.Sanders@carlsbadca goy)" < Erjc.Sanders@carlsbadca.goy> Subject: RE: Robertson Ranch -Allowable Flow Rates for Water Meters Dear Jeremy I Kristen, Thank you for meeting with the Robertson Ranch Water Team yesterday and answering questions. It was extremely helpful and accomplished a lot. Question: 1. What the allowable flowrates for the City's water meters beginning with 1" and going through 8" in size. However, I believe the City does not do or approve 8" size, so the largest would be 6 unless 8" is allowed. Any help getting that information would be much appreciated. Thank you again for your help and coordination. Sincerely, Elizabeth Shoemaker Project Coordinator Alliance Land Planning & Engineering 2248 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: {760) 431-9896 Email: eshoemaker@alljanceeng.com ~ Badger Meter Recorda II® Compound Series Meter Lead-Free Bronze Alloy, Sizes 2'~ 3'~ 4" & 6" NSF/ANSI Standards 61 and 372 Certified DESCRIPTION The Recordall Compound Series meters meet or exceed the most recent revision of AWWA Standard C700 and are available in a lead- free bronze alloy. The Compound Series meters comply with the lead-free provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act, are certified to NSF/ANSI Standards 61 and 372 (Trade Designation: LL-NS) and carry the NSF-61 mark on the housing. All components of the lead-free bronze alloy meter (housing, measuring element, seals, and so on) comprise the certified system. Badger Meter Recorda II• Compound Series meters combine two metering technologies in one innovative package. A positive displacement chamber measures low flow, while a turbine chamber records high flow. Offered In four sizes. the Compound Series meter features: Patented design that eliminates the need for a trigger valve and maintains crossover accuracy. Permanently sealed, tamper-resistant register or encoder. Meters and encoders that are compatible with Badger Meter AMRIAMI systems and other approved reading technologies Badger Meter ORION• and GALAXY" AMRIAMI meter reading systems are available for all Compound Series meters. ltron• ERT reading systems are also available. An optional summator can be provided as an integral part of the register assembly. All register options are removable from the meter without disrupting water service. TAMPER-PROOF FEATURES Unauthorized removal of the register or encoder is inhibited by the use of an optional tamper detection seal wire screw, TORx• tamper-resistant seal screw or the proprietary tamper-resistant keyed seal screw. Each can be installed at the meter site or at the factory. APPLICATIONS Use the Recorda II Compound meter for measuring potable cold water in commercial and industrial applications where flow is in one direction only. The meter is an ideal choice for facilities that experience rapid and wide fluctuations in water demand, such as hospitals, universities, residential complexes and manufacturing or processing facilities. OPERATION At low flow rates, the Compound Series meter diverts water up through a bypass to the disc chamber. Leaving the chamber's outlet port, water flows beyond the turbine element and main valve. As the flow rate increases, a pressure differential is created that opens the main valve. The water then flows straight through the turbine chamber. In addition, a portion still flows through the disc chamber before exiting the meter. RCS-DS-Q0078-EN-04 (May 2015) Rotor and disc movements are transmitted by magnetic drive couplings to individual register odometers. The direct magnetic drive provides a positive, reliable and dependable register coupling for straight-reading or remote reading options. The self-lubricating thermoplastic register gearing is designed to minimize friction and provide long life. OPERATING PERFORMANCE The Recordall Compound Series meets or exceeds registration accuracy for low, normal operating, maximum continuous operation, and changeover flow rates as specified in AWWA Standard C702. CONSTRUCTION The Recorda II Compound Series meter's construction complies with ANSI and AWWA C702 standards. It consists of three basic components: meter housing, interchangeable measuring elements, and sealed direct reading registers. The measuring element consists of the disc measuring chamber, turbine head assembly, and high flow valve assembly. To simplify maintenance, the registers and measuring elements can be removed without removing the meter housing from the line. METER INSTALLATION The meter is designed for installations where flow is in one direction only. A separate strainer is required to ensure optimum flow conditioning and protection of the measuring element. Companion flanges for installation of meters on various pipe types and sizes are available in cast iron or NL bronze as an option. Product Data Sheet Recorda//• Compound Series Meter, Lead-Free Bronze Alloy, Sizes 2'; 3'; 4" & 6" REGISTERS I ENCODERS Standard-Sweep-Hand Registration The standard register is a straight-reading, permanently sealed magnetic drive register. Dirt, moisture, tampering and lens fogging problems are eliminated. The register has a six-odometer wheel totalization display, 360" test circle with center sweep hand, and flow finder to detect leaks. Register gearing is made of self-lubricating engineered polymer, which minimizes friction and provides long life. The multi- position register simplifies meter installation and reading. The register capacity is 100,000,000 gallons (1 0,000,000 ft', 1,000,000 m'). Optional-Encoders for AMRJAMI Reading Solutions AMR/AMI solutions are available for all Recordall Compound Series meters. All reading options can be removed from the meter without disrupting water service. Badger Meter encoders provide years of reliable, accurate readings for a variety of applications and are also available pre-wired to Badger Meter approved AMR/AMi solutions. See details at www.badgermeter.com. SPECIFICATIONS Compound Series Model 2"(50mm) 3"(80mm) 4""(100mml 6"(150mm) 2" elliptical or round 3"round 4" round 6"round Meter Flanges, Class 150 (50mm) (80mm) (100mm) (150mm) Typical Operating Range 0.5 ... 200gpm 0.5 ... 450gpm 0.75 ... 1000 gpm 0.75 ... 2000 gpm (100% :t: 1.5'111) (0.1...45 m'lhl (0.1 ... 102 m'/h) (0.17 ... 227 m'/h) (0.17 ... 454.4 m'lhl Low Flow Registration 0.25 gpm (0.06 m'lh) 0.25 gpm (0.06 m'lhl 0.375 gpm (0.09 m'/h) 0.375 gpm (0.09 m'/h) (!)7% minimum) Maximum Continuous 170 gpm (38.3 m'/h) 400 gpm (90.3 m'/h) 800 gpm (181.6 m'lhl 1500 gpm (340.5 m'/h) Flow Pressure Loss at Mu:lmum 5.4 psi at 170 gpm 6.0 psi at 400 gpm 11.0 psi at 800 gpm 93 psi at 1500 gpm Continuous Flow (0.38 bar at 38.3 m'/h) (0.41 bar at 90.3 m'/h) (0.75 bar at 181.6 m'/h) (0.64 bar at 340.5 m'lh) Crossover Flow Rate, 12gpm 12gpm 20gpm 30gpm Typical Pressure Loss at Crossover 3.5 psi (0.24 bar) 4.0 psi (0.28 bar) 4.0 psi (0.28 bar) 5.0 psi (0.35 bar) Minimum Crossover 97% 97% 97% 95% Accuracy Maximum Operating 1 SO psi (1 0 bar) Pressure Mu:imum Operating 105" F (41"Cl Temperature Test Plug 1-1/2" 2" Materials Mater Housing • Cover Lead-free bronze alloy Turbo cast HHCI Lead-free bronze alloy Nose Cone a. Straightening Yanes Thermoplastic Rotor Thermoplastic Rotor Radial Bearings Lubricated thermoplastic Rotor Thrust Bearing Sapphire jewels Rotor luring PI-ts Passivated 316 stainless steel calibration Mechanism Stainless steel & thermoplastic Measuring ChamberS. Disc Thermoplastic High Flow Valve Stainless steel & thermoplastic Magnets Ceramic Register Lens Glass Register Housing & Cover Thermoplastic or bronze Trim Stainless steel Drain Plug (3/4"1 Stainless steel or lead-free bronze alloy Test Plug Stainless steel or lead-free bronze alloy Pagel RCS-DS-00078-EN-04 May2015 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS 2" Elliptical I 2"Round Compound Series Model (SOmmJ (SOmmJ 3"(80mm) Meter r. Pipe Size 2"(50mm) 3"(80mm) Net Weight 451b(20kg) 511b (23 kg) Shipping Weight 631b(29kg) 791b (36kg) Length(AJ 1 5-1/4" • (387 mm) 17"(432mml Width(B) 7-3/8" (187 mm) 8-1/2"(216mm) Height(() 5-7/8" (149 mm) 6-518" (168 mm) Flange(D) 5/8'(16mm) 3/4'(19mm) Bolt Orde (E) 4-1/2" (114mm} 1 4-3/4" (121 mm) 6'(152mm} Centerline (C) to Base (F) 2-3/4" (70 mm) 3-5/8' (92 mm) Number of Bolts 2 I 4 4 *Adapter available to increase total length to 1 r (432 mm). **Adapter available to increase total length to 24'(610 mm). Elliptical Flange (2" Only) D Round Flange D c F li---A------1 May2015 RCS-DS-00078-EN-04 Product Data Sheet 4"(100mm) 6"(150mm) 4"(100mm) 6"(150mm) 85 lb (38 kg) 1521b (69 kg) 120 lb (54 kg) 200 lb (90 kg) 20" (508 mm)** 24'(610mm) 9-1/8' (232 mm) 12-3/8' (314 mm) 7-1/4" (184 mm) 8-7/8" (225 mm) 7/8"(22mm) 15116' (24 mm) 7-1/2" (191 mm) 9-1/2' (241 mm) 4-1/4" (108 mm) 5-3/8" (137 mm) 8 8 Page3 Recorda/f., Compound Series Meter; Lead-Free Bronze Alloy, Sizes 2~ 3'; 4" & 6" ACCURACY CHARTS Rate of flow in gallons per minute (gpm) 2" COMPOUND SERIES METER 4" COMPOUND SERIES METER 0 10 100 . . . .. M -------1000 0 , 10 100 1000 . . . -----' 1 d . . i ~; • ~ E ~ ' ~ 5 l 1l' ~ • d ... .. < d' lS 3" COMPOUND SERIES METER 6" COMPOUND SERIES METER 0 , 10 100 1000 0 , 10 100 1000 10000 2 .. . . . . . --I I g. c $ . ~ ~ . -v ; s ~ ~ ~ , l ~u 1 IS lS PRESSURE LOSS CHART Rate of flow in gallons per minute (gpm) 0 l 10 100 100 00 -... lr ps) v ~~ 1\ .9 ~~~~ Cll 15 l 1(¥1 ~~ ·~ • -~ ~3 lfJ" t ~ ~v3 11 ~ ~n ~ :~fr~sl'~;l M 9 Making Water Visible, GALAXY. ORION and Recorda II are registered trademarks of Badger Meter, Inc Other trademarks appearing in this document are the property of their respective entities. Due to continuous research, product improvements and enhtmcements1 Badger Meter reserves the right to change product or system specifications without notice, except to the extent an outstanding contractual obligation exists 0 2015 Badger Meter, Inc All rights reserved www.badgermeter.com The Americas I Badger Meter 14545 W~?St 8rown Deer Rd 1 PO !30lC 245036! Milwauket>. WI 53214-9536 I 800-876-.1837 I 4 14-355-Q400 Mexico 1 Badger Meter de lu Americu. S.A de C.V.j Pedro Luis Ogaz6n ~'"321 Esq Angelina N'21, Colonia Guadalupe Inn! CP 01050 I ME-xico. DF I Mexico I '52 55-5661 0881 Europe, Middle East and Africa I Badger Meter Europa GmbH f Nurtinger Str 76j 12639 Neuffen I Ge:rm?.ny l 1-.49-7025-9208-0 Europ~. Middi•Ent 8r.to"d' Offic.e I B:~dger Meter Eurape I PO 8oit l4144:Z I Oubf'i Silicon o.u is, HeiJd QJ.utef Building, Wing c. Offic2 ii(lOIJ I Oubai I UAE i 1-971 4-:J7 1 2503 Czech Republic jB•dger Meter Czech Republic s.r.o.j Mafikowt 7062/26)671 00 Brno. Czech Republic !T420-5-41420-11 1 Slovakia j 8i1dger Meter Slovakia s,r,o.j Racianska 109181 tl31 02 ~ratislava. Slovakia ! -421-2-41\63 83 01 A !Iii a Pacific: I Badger Meter I 80 Marine i'<Hade Rd ! 21-06 Parkway Parade I )ing;,pore 449269! v65 5346•1836 China !Badger Meter /7 1202J99 '-iaogzhang 1-l.oad l Minhang Dis1rict Shanghai ! Chi1,a 201101 ! · 86-21 5763 5412 Legacy Document Number: RCS-T·07 ZURN. Model375 WILKINS Reduced Pressure Principle Assembly Application Designed for installation on potable water lines to protect against both backsiphonage and backpressure of contami- nated water into the potable water supply. The Model 375 provides protection where a potential health hazard exists. Ideal for use where lead-free• valves are required Standards Compliance (Unless Otherwise Noted, Sizes 21/2" Thru 10") • ASSE® Listed 1013 • IAPMO® Listed • Certified to NSF/ANSI372* by IAPMO R&T • CSA® Certified (2 1/2' thru 8") • AWWA Compliant C511 , and C550 • FM® Approved • UL® Classified • C-UL® Classified • NYC MEA 49-01-M Vol2 • Approved by the Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California. • NSF® Listed-Standard 61, Annex G* *(0.25% MAX. WEIGHTED AVERAGE LEAD CONTENT) Materials Main valve body Access covers Coatings Internals Ductile Iron ASTM A 536 Grade 4 Ductile Iron ASTM A 536 Grade 4 FDA Approved fusion epoxy finish Stainless steel, 300 Series NORYL ™, NSF Listed Fasteners Seal rings 0-rings Springs Sensing line Features Stainless Steel, 300 Series EPDM (FDA approved) Buna Nitrile (FDA approved) Stainless Steel, 300 Series Stainless Steel, braided hose Sizes: 2 1/2", 3", 4", 6", 8", 10" Maximum working water pressure Maximum working water temperature Hydrostatic test pressure End connections (Grooved for steel pipe) (Flanged) Relief Valve discharge port: 2 1/2'-6' 2.75 sq. in. a·-10" 3.69 sq. in. Attention: Model 375 (flange body) and Model 375A (grooved body) have different lay lengths. 175 PSI 140•F 350 PSI AWWAC606 ANSI 816.1 Class 125 Dimensions & Weights (do not include pkg ) MODEL BLESS E 375 OS&Y A GATE c D E OS&Y SIZE VALVES OPEN CLOSED in lmm in. mm lr in m i1 n" in. ln 1m 121.2 85 31 787 15 l/4 '3/1 3: 17 /4 14 ~ l/4 5 711 112 0 1161 \/4 Zurn Industries, LLC I Wilkins @ • Options (Suffixes can be combined) 0 -with NRS shut-off valves (standard) 0 FS -with cast iron wye type strainer (flanged only) 0 FSC -with epoxy coated wye type strainer (flanged only) 0 G • with grooved end NRS gate valves 0 GF -with grooved inlet gate connection and flanged outlet gate connection 0 FG -with flanged inlet gate connection and grooved outlet gate connection 0 L -less shut-off valves (flanged body connections) 0 MS -with Integral Relief Valve Monitor Switch 0 OSY • with OS& Y gate valves 0 PI -with Post Indicator gate valve (3" -1 0") 0 DOM -with Claw gate valves, 51% Buy American Act Compliant Accessories 0 Repair kit (rubber only) 0 Thermal expansion tank (Model xn 0 OS & Y Gate valve tamper switch (OSY-40) 0 Air gap (Model AG) 0 Electronic Solenoid Timer (Model EST) 0 QT-SET Quick Test Fitting Set WEIGHT E VIIDOJT WITH WITH GATE NRS ~~~ NRS F G H GATE VALVES VALVES VALVES in lmrr il lm111 ln. nm In mm lib: kg llbs. ko ill 111 !8!19 112 ~41 141 1/4 73. 11:.1 VE 11~ 19 12 ~41 !1 142 3/411 127.21 H4183.5 I 1 1/8 12~ liB liB 12251556 Rev. C 1747 Commerce Way, Paso Robles, CA U.S.A. 93446 Ph. 855-663-9876, Fax 805-238-5766 In Canada I Zurn Industries Limited Date: 12/13 Document No BF-375 Patent No. 5, 913, 331 Product No. Model 375 3544 Nashua Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1L2 Ph. 905-405-B272, Fax 905-405-1292 -.zurn.com Page 1 of2 Row Characteristics 0 20 8 15 -~ 10 0 5 It! r--- "-0 MODEL 375 2 112•, 3• & 4• (STANDARD & METRIC) FLOW RA"TES (1/s) 12.6 25.2 379 2 1/r (65mm!,.. -"(80m"') - --- 200 )11N.!' 400 ;fJ.fS"jM'Yl ~l)r I"LOW RATES (GPIII) r 800 MODEL 375 &•, a• & 10• (STANDARD & METRIC) FLOW RATES (Uaj 0 Ra1ed flow (established by approval agencies) { { ~ lr -4" (100mllll 505 138 UJ UJ F _, # 104 9 ~~ 69 J!!. UJ~ 35 UJ f 0 l..,;:7" 800 0.0 63.1 126.2 189.3 252.4 ~~~f1 ~~~~ L 0 ~-----------•---------._ ______ _. ________ ~------~~~----~~--~~~~----~-0 "- 0 1000 2000 FLOW RATES (GPM) Typical Installation Local codes shall govern installation requirements. Unless otherwise specified, the assembly shall be mounted at a minimum of 12" (305mm) and a maximum of 30" (762mm) above adequate drains with sufficient side clearance for test- ing and maintenance. The installation shall be made so that no part of the unit can be submerged. DIRECTION OF FLOW S) INDOOR INSTALLATION (375GF) Specifications 3000 4000 Capacity lhru Schedule 40 Pipe (GPM) Pipe size 21/2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" I PftOTECTI'IE I ENCLOSUIIE I I 511/sec 75 115 198 450 780 1229 1763 7.511/sec 112 173 298 675 1169 1843 2844 DIRECTION OF FLOW 9 OUTDOOR INSTALLAnON 10 11/sec 149 230 397 900 1559 2458 3525 1511/sec 224 346 595 1351 2339 3687 5288 The Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly shall be certified to NSF/ANSI372, ASSE® Listed 1013, and supplied with full port gate valves. The main body and access cover shall be epoxy coated ductile iron (ASTM A 536 Grade 4), the seat ring and check valve shall be NORYL rM, the stem shall be stainless steel (ASTM A 276) and the seat disc elasto- mers shall be EPDM. The checks and the relief valve shall be accessible for maintenance without removing the device from the line. The Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly shall be a ZURN WILKINS Model 375. Zurn lnduattles, LLC I WHklne 1747 Commerce Way, Paso Robles, CA U.S A. 93446 Ph. 855-663-9876, Fax 805-238-5766 In Canada I Zurn Industries Limited 3544 Nashua Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1l2 Ph. 905-405-8272, Fax 905-405-1292 _ _..urn.aonw Page 2of2 ROBERTSON RANCH PA-7 APARTMENT SITE DOMESTIC SYSTEM CALCULATIONS Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartment Site Private Domestic Water System Computer Calculations Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments-Domestic System Gate Valve, Standard tee, Standard tee, goo Elbow, Pipe No. Open Check Valve Branch Throush std. 45° Elbow Pipe Lensth (ft) 101 1 1 3 30 104 Meter 3 107 Bkflw 6 110 2 5 19 1 3 56 113 1 2 138 18 1 1 60 116 1 1 203 119 1 17 20 2 2 150 21 1 2 43 122 1 2 68 22 1 2 30 125 1 228 23 1 2 38 128 1 132 24 1 2 37 131 1 107 25 3 36 \\ARTIC\Eng\528033\2015-11-23 Rob Rch PA7 Apartments Minor Loss Equiv length Cales I Equivalent Length Equivalent Length of Additional Pipe Pipe Size, In Elements 4 57.3 3 0 3 0 4 22 3 41.3 4 16.9 3 25.1 4 17.9 4 22 3 23.6 3 33.2 4 32 3 33.2 4 6.9 3 33.2 4 6.9 3 33.2 4 6.9 3 24.3 Total Length (ft) 87.3 3 6 27 97.3 154.9 85.1 220.9 39 173.6 76.2 100 63.2 234.9 71.2 138.9 70.2 113.9 60.3 528-033 11/23/2015 Pipe No. 101 104 Meter 107 Bkflw 110 19 113 18 116 119 20 21 122 22 125 23 128 24 131 25 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Entire Domestic System Analysis to Show Pipe Sizes and Pipe Velocities FLOWRATE IS EXPRESSED IN GPM AND PRESSURE IN PSIG A SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS PIPE NO . NODE NOS . LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS (FEET) (INCHES) 18 42 18 86.0 2 .5 120.0 19 39 19 98.0 2 .5 120 .0 20 46 20 174.0 2 .5 120 .0 21 46 21 77.0 2 .5 120.0 22 48 22 64 .0 2 .5 120.0 23 51 23 72 .0 2 .5 120.0 24 54 24 71.0 2.5 120.0 25 57 25 61.0 2.5 120 .0 101 0 30 88 .0 4.0 120.0 104 30 33 3.0 3 .0 120 .0 107 33 36 6.0 4.0 120 .0 110 36 39 27.0 4.0 120 .0 113 39 42 155 .0 4 .0 120 .0 116 42 45 221.0 4.0 120 .0 119 45 46 39 .0 4 .0 120.0 122 45 48 100.0 4 .0 120.0 125 48 51 235 .0 4 .0 120 .0 128 51 54 139.0 4 .0 120.0 131 54 57 114 .0 4 .0 120.0 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING 18 70 .00 119.90 18 19 70.00 119.70 19 20 68.00 119 .30 20 21 68 .00 118 .10 21 22 70.50 118.80 22 23 68 .00 119.70 23 24 70 .50 120 .80 24 25 70 .50 121.13 25 30 .00 118 .50 101 104 33 .00 118 .50 104 107 36 .00 118.50 107 110 39 .00 118 .50 19 110 42 .00 119 .00 18 113 45 .00 118 .00 116 119 46 .00 118 .00 20 21 48 .00 118 .50 22 122 51 .00 118.70 23 125 54 .00 119.00 24 128 57 .00 119 .50 25 131 MINOR November 25, 2015 Dexter Wilson Engr ., Inc. Job No. 528-033 LOSS K FIXED GRADE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 348 .00 4.30 18.80 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PIPES 113 116 122 119 125 128 131 Private Domestic System Analysis Entire System PA-7 Page 1 of 3 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Entire Domestic System Analysis to Show Pipe Sizes and Pipe Velocities November 25, 2015 Dexter Wilson Engr ., Inc. Job No. 528-033 OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE OUTPUT EACH PERIOD THIS SYSTEM HAS 19 PIPES WITH 19 JUNCTIONS , 0 LOOPS AND 1 FGNS A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .54 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00000 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments 5280337A Private Domestic Water System General PIPE NO. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 101 104 107 110 113 116 119 122 125 128 131 Flow Characteristics and Pressures NODE NOS. 42 18 39 19 46 20 46 21 48 22 51 23 54 24 57 25 0 30 30 33 33 36 36 39 39 42 42 45 45 46 45 48 48 51 51 54 54 57 FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 37.80 1. 22 .00 .00 2 .47 14.18 37.80 1. 39 .00 .00 2 .47 14.18 36.72 2.34 .00 .00 2 .40 13.44 36.72 1. 03 .00 .00 2 .40 13.44 38.07 .92 .00 .00 2 .49 14.37 36.72 .97 .00 .00 2 .40 13.44 38.07 1. 02 .00 .00 2 .49 14 .37 38.07 .88 .00 .00 2 .49 14.37 299.97 5. 86 .00 .00 7 .66 66.62 299.97 . 81 .00 12.37 13 .61 270.45 299.97 .40 .00 17.12 7 .66 66.62 299.97 1. 80 .00 .00 7.66 66.62 262.17 8.05 .00 .00 6 .69 51.92 224.37 8.60 .00 .00 5 .73 38.91 73.44 .19 .00 .00 1. 87 4.92 150.93 1. 87 .00 .00 3 .85 18.67 112 .86 2.56 .00 .00 2 .88 10.90 76.14 .73 .00 .00 1. 94 5.26 38.07 .17 .00 .00 .97 1. 46 Private Domestic System Analysis Entire System PA-7 Page 2 of 3 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments November 25, 2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Entire Domestic System Analysis to Show Pipe Sizes and Pipe Velocities Job No. 528-033 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 18 37.80 300.37 119.90 78 .20 19 37.80 308.24 119 .70 81.70 20 36.72 290 .46 119.30 74.17 21 36.72 291.76 118 .10 75.25 22 38.07 290.20 118.80 74.27 23 36 .72 287.59 119 .70 72.75 24 38 .07 286 .81 120.80 71.94 25 38.07 286.79 121.13 71.78 30 .00 342 .14 118.50 96.91 33 .00 328.95 118.50 91.20 36 .00 311.43 118.50 83.60 39 .00 309.63 118.50 82.82 42 .00 301 .59 119.00 79.12 45 .00 292 .99 118.00 75.83 46 .00 292.80 118.00 75.74 48 .00 291.12 118.50 74.80 51 .00 288.56 118.70 73 .61 54 .00 287 .83 119.00 73.16 57 .00 287.66 119.50 72.87 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 299.97 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 101 FLOWRATE 299.97 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 299.97 .00 Private Domestic System Analysis Entire System PA-7 Page 3 of 3 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers Job No. 528-033 FLOWRATE IS EXPRESSED IN GPM AND PRESSURE IN PSIG A SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS PIPE NO . NODE NOS . LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR LOSS K FIXED GRADE (FEET) (INCHES) 18 42 18 86 .0 2 .5 120.0 .00 19 39 19 98.0 2 .5 120 .0 .00 20 46 20 174 .0 2 .5 120.0 .00 21 46 21 77 .0 2.5 120.0 .00 22 48 22 64 .0 2.5 120 .0 .00 23 51 23 72.0 2.5 120 .0 .00 24 54 24 71.0 2.5 120 .0 .00 25 57 25 61.0 2.5 120.0 .00 101 0 30 88 .0 4 .0 120 .0 .00 348 .00 104 30 33 3 .0 3 .0 120 .0 4 .30 107 33 36 6 .0 4 .0 120 .0 18 .80 llO 36 39 27 .0 4 .0 120 .0 .00 ll3 39 42 155 .0 4.0 120.0 .00 116 42 45 221.0 4 .0 120 .0 .00 ll9 45 46 39 .0 4 .0 120 .0 .00 122 45 48 100 .0 4 .0 120 .0 .00 125 48 51 235 .0 4.0 120 .0 .00 128 51 54 139 .0 4 .0 120 .0 .00 131 54 57 ll4 . 0 4 .0 120 .0 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING PIPES 18 70.00 ll9 .90 18 19 70.00 ll9 . 70 19 20 68.00 ll9 . 30 20 21 68 .00 ll8 .10 21 22 70 .50 ll8 . 80 22 23 68.00 ll9. 70 23 24 70 .50 120 .80 24 25 70 .50 121.13 25 30 .00 ll8 . 50 101 104 33 .00 ll8 . 50 104 107 36 .00 ll8 .50 107 llO 39 .00 ll8 . 50 19 llO ll3 42 .00 ll9 .00 18 ll3 ll6 45 .00 ll8 . 00 ll6 ll9 122 46 .00 ll8. 00 20 21 ll9 48 .00 ll8 . 50 22 122 125 51 .00 ll8 . 70 23 125 128 54 .00 ll9 .00 24 128 131 57 .00 ll9 .50 25 131 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-7 Page 1 of 10 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers Job No. 528-033 OUTPUT SELECTION : THE FOLLOWING RESULTS ARE OUTPUT RESULTS ARE OUTPUT FOR ALL PIPES WITH PUMPS CLOSED PIPES ARE NOTED RESULTS ARE OUTPUT FOR THE FOLLOWING PIPES : 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RESULTS ARE OUTPUT FOR THE FOLLOWING JUNCTION NODES : 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THIS SYSTEM HAS 19 PIPES WITH 19 JUNCTIONS , 0 LOOPS AND 1 FGNS A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .54 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 18 70 .00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00000 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments 52803370 Private Domestic Water System Residual Pressure At Building 18 PIPE NO . NODE NOS . FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS 18 42 18 70.00 3.82 19 39 19 37 .80 1. 39 20 46 20 36 .72 2.34 21 46 21 36 .72 1. 03 22 48 22 38 .07 .92 23 51 23 36 .72 .97 24 54 24 38 .07 1. 02 25 57 25 38.07 .88 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE 18 70 .00 287 .33 19 37 .80 299 .73 20 36 .72 280 .02 21 36 .72 281.32 22 38 .07 279 .76 23 36 .72 277.15 24 38 .07 276.37 25 38 .07 276.34 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 332.17 PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .00 .00 4.57 44 .39 .00 .00 2.47 14 .18 .00 .00 2.40 13 .44 .00 .00 2.40 13 .44 .00 .00 2.49 14 .37 .00 .00 2.40 13 .44 .00 .00 2.49 14 .37 .00 .00 2.49 14 .37 ELEVATION PRESSURE 119.90 72 .55 119.70 78 .01 119.30 69.64 118 .10 70 .73 118.80 69 .75 119.70 68 .23 120.80 67.41 121.13 67.26 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg . Riser for PA-7 Page 2 of 10 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 101 FLOWRATE 332.17 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 332 .17 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .54 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 19 DEMAND 70.00 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00000 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Residual Pressure At Building 19 PIPE NO . NODE NOS . FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS 18 42 18 37 .80 1. 22 19 39 19 70 .00 4 .35 20 46 20 36 .72 2.34 21 46 21 36.72 1. 03 22 48 22 38 .07 .92 23 51 23 36.72 .97 24 54 24 38 .07 1. 02 25 57 25 38.07 .88 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE 18 37 .80 291.85 19 70 .00 296 .77 20 36 .72 281 .94 21 36.72 283.25 22 38 .07 281.69 23 36 .72 279.08 24 38 .07 278.29 25 38 .07 278.27 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 332 .17 52803370 PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VE LOCITY HL/1000 .00 .00 2 .47 14.18 .00 .00 4 .57 44.39 .00 .00 2 .40 13 .44 .00 .00 2 .40 13 .44 .00 .00 2 .49 14.37 .00 .00 2 .40 13.44 . 00 .00 2 .49 14 .37 .00 .00 2 .49 14 .37 ELEVATION PRESSURE 119.90 74.51 119.70 76 .73 119.30 70.48 118 .10 71.56 118.80 70.58 119.70 69 .06 120 .80 68.25 121 .13 68.09 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-7 Page 3 of 10 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 101 FLOWRATE 332 .17 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 332 .17 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .54 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 20 DEMAND 68.00 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00000 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Residual Pressure At Building 20 PIPE NO . NODE NOS . FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS 18 42 18 37.80 1. 22 19 39 19 37 .80 1. 39 20 46 20 68 .00 7.32 21 46 21 36.72 1. 03 22 . 48 22 38.07 .92 23 51 23 36.72 0 97 24 54 24 38 .07 1. 02 25 57 25 38.07 .88 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE 18 37 .80 290.24 19 37.80 299 .98 20 68 .00 272 .82 21 36 .72 279 .10 22 38.07 277 .72 23 36 .72 275 .11 24 38 .07 274.33 25 38.07 274.31 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 331 .25 52803370 PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .00 .00 2 .47 14 .18 .00 .00 2 .47 14 .18 .00 .00 4.44 42 .07 .00 .00 2 .40 13 .44 .00 .00 2 .49 14.37 .00 .00 2 .40 13 .44 .00 .00 2 .49 14 .37 .00 .00 2 .49 14.37 ELEVATION PRESSURE 119 0 90 73 .81 119 0 70 78 .12 119 .30 66 .52 118 .10 69 .77 118 .80 68 .87 119 .70 67.35 120.80 66.53 121.13 66 .38 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-7 Page 4 of 10 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments November 25, 2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 101 FLOWRATE 331 .25 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 331 .25 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .54 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 21 DEMAND 68 .00 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00000 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Residual Pressure At Building 21 PIPE NO . NODE NOS . FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS 18 42 18 37 .80 1.22 19 39 19 37 .80 1. 39 20 46 20 36.72 2 .34 21 46 21 68 .00 3 .24 22 48 22 38.07 .92 23 51 23 36.72 . 97 24 54 24 38 .07 1. 02 25 57 25 38 .07 .88 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE 18 37 .80 290 .24 19 37 .80 299.98 20 36.72 277 .80 21 68 .00 276.90 22 38 .07 277 .72 23 36.72 275.11 24 38.07 274 .33 25 38.07 274.31 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 331.25 Private Domestic System - 52803370 PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .00 .00 2.47 14 .18 .00 .00 2.47 14 .18 .00 .00 2.40 13.44 .00 .00 4.44 42 .07 .00 .00 2.49 14 .37 .00 .00 2.40 13.44 .00 .00 2.49 14 .37 .00 .00 2.49 14.37 ELEVATION PRESSURE 119 .90 73 .81 119 .70 78 .12 119.30 68 .68 118. 10 68.81 118 .80 68.87 119.70 67.35 120.80 66 .53 121.13 66 .38 Pressure At Each Bldg. Ri.ser for PA-7 Page 5 o f 10 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Nov ember 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 101 FLOWRATE 331.25 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 331.25 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .54 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 22 DEMAND 70 .50 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00000 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Residual Pressure At Building 22 PIPE NO . NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS 18 42 18 37 .80 1. 22 19 39 19 37 .80 1. 39 20 46 20 36.72 2 .34 21 46 21 36.72 1. 03 22 48 22 70 .50 2 .88 23 51 23 36.72 . 97 24 54 24 38 .07 1. 02 25 57 25 38 .07 .88 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE 18 37.80 289 .85 19 37.80 299 .67 20 36.72 277.50 21 36.72 278 .80 22 70 .50 274 .47 23 36.72 273.82 24 38 .07 273.04 25 38.07 273 .01 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 332.40 5280337D PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .00 .00 2.47 14.18 .00 .00 2.47 14.18 .00 .00 2.40 13.44 .00 .00 2.40 13.44 .00 .00 4.61 44.98 .00 .00 2.40 13 .44 .00 .00 2.49 14 .37 .00 .00 2.49 14 .37 ELEVATION PRESSURE 119 . 90 73 .64 119 .70 77 .98 119.30 68 .55 118 .10 69.64 118 .80 67 .46 119.70 66 .78 120.80 65.97 121.13 65 .82 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-7 Page 6 of 10 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 101 FLOWRATE 332.40 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 332 .40 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT S IMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .54 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 23 DEMAND 68 .00 J ob No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00000 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Residual Pressure At Building 23 PIPE NO . NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS 18 42 18 37 .80 1. 22 19 39 19 37 .80 1. 39 20 46 20 36 .72 2.34 21 46 21 36 .72 1. 03 22 48 22 38 .07 .92 23 51 23 68 .00 3.03 24 54 24 38 .07 1. 02 25 57 25 38 .07 .88 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE 18 37 .80 290.24 19 37 .80 299.98 20 36 .72 277 .98 21 36 .72 279 .28 22 38.07 276 .94 23 68 .00 270 .80 24 38.07 272.08 25 38 .07 272.06 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 331 .25 52803370 PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .00 .00 2.47 14 .18 .00 .00 2.47 14 .18 .00 .00 2 .40 13 .44 . 00 .00 2.40 13 .44 . 00 .00 2.49 14.37 .00 .00 4.44 42 .07 .00 .00 2.49 14.37 .00 .00 2.49 14 .37 ELEVATION PRESSURE 119 .90 73.81 119 .70 78.12 119 .30 68 .76 118 . 10 69 .85 1 1 8 .80 68 .53 119.70 65 .48 120 .80 65 .56 121 .13 65 .40 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-7 Page 7 of 10 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 101 FLOWRATE 331.25 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 331 .25 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .54 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 24 70.50 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00000 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Residual Pressure At Building 24 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS 18 42 18 37 .80 1. 22 19 39 19 37.80 1. 39 20 46 20 36 .72 2 .34 21 46 21 36 .72 1. 03 22 48 22 38.07 .92 23 51 23 36 .72 .97 24 54 24 70 .50 3 .19 25 57 25 38 .07 .88 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE 18 37 .80 289.85 19 37 .80 299.67 20 36.72 277 .50 21 36.72 278 .80 22 38 .07 276 .43 23 36 .72 272.29 24 70 .50 268.66 25 38 .07 270.81 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 332.40 52803370 PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VE LOCITY HL /1000 . 00 .00 2 .47 14 .18 .00 .00 2 .47 14.18 .00 .00 2 .40 13 .44 .00 .00 2 .40 13 .44 .00 .00 2 .49 14 .37 . 00 .00 2 .40 13 .44 .00 .00 4 .61 44 .98 .00 .00 2 .49 14 .37 ELEVATION PRESSURE 119. 90 73.64 119 .70 77.98 119.30 68.55 118 .10 69 .64 118 .80 68 .31 119 .70 66.12 120 .80 64 .07 121.13 64 .86 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-7 Page 8 of 10 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Nov ember 25, 2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 101 FLOWRATE 332.40 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 332 .40 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .54 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 25 DEMAND 70 .50 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00000 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Residual Pressure At Building 25 PI PE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS 18 42 18 37.80 1.22 19 39 19 37 .80 1. 39 20 46 20 36.72 2 .34 21 46 21 36.72 1. 03 22 48 22 38 .07 . 92 23 51 23 36.72 . 97 24 54 24 38 .07 1. 02 25 57 25 70 .50 2 .74 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE 18 37 .80 289.85 19 37.80 299.67 20 36 .72 277 .50 21 36.72 278.80 22 38.07 276 .43 23 36 .72 272.29 24 38.07 270 .83 25 70.50 268 .59 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 332.40 52803370 PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .00 .00 2 .47 14.18 .00 .00 2 .47 14 .18 .00 .00 2 .40 13.44 .00 .00 2 .40 13 .44 .00 .00 2 .49 14 .37 .00 .00 2 .40 13.44 .00 .00 2 .49 14.37 .00 .00 4.61 44 .98 ELEVATION PRESSURE 119.90 73.64 119 .70 77.98 119 .30 68 .55 118.10 69 .64 118 .80 68 .31 119.70 66.12 120 .80 65.01 121 .13 63 .90 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-7 Page 9 of 10 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Dome stic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 101 FLOWRATE 332.40 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 332 .40 .00 J ob No. 528-033 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-7 Page 10 of 10 ROBERTSON RANCH PA-S APARTMENT SITE DOMESTIC SYSTEM CALCULATIONS Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site Private Domestic Water System Computer Calculations Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments-Domestic System Gate Valve, Standard tee, Standard tee, 90°Eibow, Pipe No. Check Valve 45° Elbow Pipe Lencth Open Branch Through std. (ft) 400 1 1 3 108 403 Meter 3 406 Bkflw 6 409 1 2 2 163 412 1 55 7 1 2 42 415 1 118 418 1 1 62 4 1 1 1 58 421 1 1 20 3 1 2 2 60 2 2 267 424 1 33 6 1 1 17 427 1 2 169 5 1 2 52 430 1 2 170 8 1 2 45 433 1 8 9 1 2 so 436 1 2 277 12 1 2 2 96 439 1 95 10 1 2 48 442 1 35 13 1 2 44 445 1 53 14 1 1 16 448 1 30 15 1 3 160 451 1 115 11 1 1 38 453 1 2 57 454 1 1 44 \\ARTIC\Eng\528033\2015-11-24 Rob Rch PAS Apts Domestic Sys Minor loss Equiv Length Cales I Equivalent Length EquiValent Length of Additional Pipe Pipe Size, In Elements 4 57.3 4 0 4 0 6 82.8 4 22 3 33.2 4 6.9 4 27 3 28.8 4 11.9 3 40.6 3 16.2 4 6.9 3 25.1 4 16.9 3 33.2 4 16.9 3 33.2 4 6.9 3 33.2 4 16.9 3 40.6 4 6.9 3 33.2 4 6.9 3 33.2 4 6.9 3 25.1 4 6.9 3 41.3 4 6.9 3 25.1 4 16.9 4 28.9 Total Lencth (ft) 165.3 3 6 245.8 77 75.2 124.9 89 86.8 31.9 100.6 283.2 39.9 42.1 185.9 85.2 186.9 78.2 14.9 83.2 293.9 136.6 101.9 81.2 41.9 77.2 59.9 41.1 36.9 201.3 121.9 63.1 73.9 72.9 528-033 11/24/2015 Pipe No. 400 403 Meter 406 Bkflw 409 412 7 415 418 4 421 3 2 424 6 427 5 430 8 433 9 436 12 439 10 442 13 445 14 448 15 451 11 453 454 0 Robertson Ranch P A-8 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Entire Domestic System Analysis to Show Pipe Sizes and Pipe Velocities FLOWRATE IS EXPRESSED IN GPM AND PRESSURE IN PSIG A SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS PIPE NO. NODE NOS . LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS (FEET) (INCHES) 2 520 2 284 .0 2 .5 120 .0 3 520 3 101.0 2 .5 120.0 4 517 4 87 .0 2 .5 120.0 5 526 5 86.0 2 .5 120 .0 6 523 6 42 .0 2 .5 120.0 7 512 7 76.0 2.5 120 .0 8 529 8 79 .0 2.5 120.0 9 532 9 84.0 2.5 120 .0 10 538 10 81.0 2.5 120.0 11 550 11 63 .0 2.5 120.0 12 535 12 137 .0 2.5 120.0 13 541 13 78.0 2 .5 120.0 14 544 14 41.0 2 .5 120.0 15 547 15 202 .0 2.5 120.0 16 549 16 80.0 2.5 120.0 400 0 502 166 .0 4 .0 120.0 403 502 505 3 .0 4 .0 120.0 40 6 505 508 6 .0 4 .0 120.0 40 9 508 511 246 .0 6 .0 120 .0 412 511 512 77.0 4 .0 120.0 415 512 514 125 .0 4.0 120.0 418 514 517 89.0 4.0 120 .0 421 517 520 32.0 4.0 120.0 42 4 514 523 40 .0 4 .0 120 .0 427 52 3 526 186 .0 4 .0 120 .0 430 526 529 187.0 4.0 120.0 433 529 532 15 .0 4.0 120.0 436 535 532 294 .0 4 .0 120.0 439 538 535 102 .0 4 .0 120.0 442 541 538 42 .0 4.0 120 .0 445 544 541 60 .0 4.0 120.0 448 547 544 37 .0 4.0 120.0 451 549 547 122 .0 4 .0 120.0 453 550 549 74.0 4 .0 120 .0 454 511 550 73.0 4 .0 120 .0 MINOR November 25, 2015 Dexter Wilson Engr ., Inc. Job No. 528-033 LOSS K FIXED GRADE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 348.00 9 .00 9.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Private Domestic System Analysis Entire System PA-8 Page 1 of 4 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25, 2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Entire Domestic System Analysis to Show Pipe Sizes and Pipe Velocities J ob No. 528-033 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING PIPES 2 68 .00 135 .90 2 3 70 .50 135 .40 3 4 68 .00 133 .90 4 5 70.50 136 .70 5 6 68 .00 136 .70 6 7 70.50 134 .00 7 8 70 .50 135 .50 8 9 70 .50 135.30 9 10 68.00 134.10 10 11 70.50 133.20 11 12 70.50 134.80 12 13 70.50 134 .80 13 14 70 .50 133 .10 14 15 68 .00 131.90 15 16 45 .00 131.90 16 502 .00 127 .00 400 403 505 .00 127.00 403 406 508 .00 127.00 406 409 511 .00 133.00 409 412 454 512 .00 133 .00 7 412 415 514 .00 134.00 415 418 424 517 .00 133 .00 4 418 421 520 .00 133 .00 2 3 421 523 .00 135 .00 6 424 427 526 .00 135 .00 5 42 7 430 529 .00 134 .00 8 430 433 532 .00 134 .00 9 433 436 535 .00 133 .00 12 436 439 538 .00 133 .00 10 439 442 541 .00 133 .00 13 442 445 544 .00 132 .00 14 445 448 547 .00 132.00 15 448 451 549 .00 132.00 16 451 453 550 .00 131.00 11 453 454 OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE OUTPUT EACH PERIOD THIS SYSTEM HAS 35 PIPES WITH 34 JUNCTIONS , 1 LOOPS AND 1 FGNS A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00015 Private Domestic System Analysis Entire System PA-8 Page 2 of 4 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Entire Domestic System Analysis to Show Pipe Sizes and Pipe Velocities Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Private Domestic Water SJ!Stem AnalJ!sis Total Peak Demands PIPE NO. NODE NOS . FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD 2 520 2 29 .92 2.61 .00 3 520 3 31.02 .99 .00 4 517 4 29.92 .80 .00 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 6 523 6 29 .92 .39 .00 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 9 532 9 31.02 .83 .00 10 538 10 29.92 .74 .00 11 550 11 31.02 . 62 .00 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 15 547 15 29 .92 1. 86 .00 16 549 16 19.80 .34 .00 400 0 502 448 .58 23.30 .00 403 502 505 448 .58 .42 .00 406 505 508 448 .58 .84 .00 409 508 511 448 .58 4.79 .00 412 511 512 231 .57 3.18 .00 415 512 514 200 .55 3 .95 .00 418 514 517 90.86 .65 . 00 421 517 520 60 .94 .11 .00 424 514 523 109.69 .41 .00 427 523 526 79.77 1. 07 .00 430 526 529 48 .75 .43 .00 433 529 532 17.73 .01 .00 436 535 532 13 .29 .06 .00 439 538 535 44.31 .20 .00 442 541 538 74.23 .21 . 00 445 544 541 105.25 .57 .00 448 547 544 136.27 .57 .00 451 549 547 166.19 2. 72 .00 453 550 549 185 .99 2 .03 .00 454 511 550 217.01 2 .67 .00 November 25, 2015 Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Job No. 528-033 5280338A MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 2.03 9.83 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 2.03 9 .83 .00 1. 96 9.20 .00 2.03 9 .83 .00 2.03 9.83 .00 2.03 9.83 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 2.03 9.83 .00 2.03 9 .83 .00 2.03 9 .83 .00 2.03 9.83 .00 1. 96 9.20 .00 1. 29 4 .28 .00 11.45 140.38 18 .33 11.45 140 .38 18 .33 11.45 140.38 .00 5.09 19.49 .00 5.91 41.25 .00 5.12 31.61 .00 2.32 7.29 .00 1. 56 3 .48 .00 2.80 10.34 .00 2.04 5 .73 .00 1.24 2 .30 .00 .45 .35 .00 .34 .21 .00 1.13 1. 93 .00 1. 90 5 .02 .00 2.69 9 .58 .00 3.48 15.45 .00 4.24 22.32 .00 4.75 27.49 .00 5.54 36 .58 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29.92 271.49 135.90 58 .75 3 31.02 273 .11 135.40 59 .67 4 29 .92 273 .41 133.90 60 .46 5 31.02 272 .54 136.70 58.86 6 29.92 274 .06 136.70 59 .52 Private Domestic System Analysis Entire System PA-8 Page 3 of 4 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Entire Domestic System Analysis to Show Pipe Sizes and Pipe Velocities 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 502 505 508 511 512 514 517 520 523 526 529 532 535 538 541 544 547 549 550 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 31.02 31.02 31.02 29.92 31.02 31.02 31.02 31.02 29.92 19.80 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 448.58 278.06 272.17 272.12 272.46 278.70 271.66 272.65 273.59 272.70 276.94 324.70 305.95 286.78 281.99 278.81 274.86 274.21 274 .10 274.45 273.38 272.95 272.95 273.01 273.20 273.41 273.99 274.56 277.28 279.32 134.00 135.50 135 .30 134.10 133.20 134.80 134.80 133.10 131.90 131. 90 127.00 127.00 127.00 133 .00 133.00 134.00 133.00 133.00 135.00 135.00 134.00 134.00 133.00 133 .00 133.00 132.00 132.00 132.00 131.00 November 25, 2015 Dexter Wilson Engr ., Inc. 62.43 59.23 59.29 59.96 63.05 59.31 59.73 60.88 61.01 62.85 85.67 77.55 69 .24 64.56 63.19 61.04 61.19 61.14 60.43 59.97 60.21 60.21 60.67 60 .75 60 .85 61.53 61.78 62.96 64.27 Job No. 528-033 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 400 FLOWRATE 448.58 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 448.58 .00 Private Domestic System Analysis Entire System PA-8 Page 4 of 4 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25, 2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers J ob No. 528-033 FLOWRATE IS EXPRESSED IN GPM AND PRESSURE IN PSIG A SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS PIPE NO. NODE NOS. LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR LOSS K FIXED GRADE (FEET) (INCHES) 2 520 2 284.0 2.5 120 .0 .00 3 520 3 101.0 2.5 120.0 .00 4 517 4 87.0 2.5 120.0 .00 5 526 5 86.0 2.5 120.0 .00 6 523 6 42.0 2.5 120.0 .00 7 512 7 76.0 2.5 120 .0 .00 8 529 8 79.0 2.5 120 .0 .00 9 532 9 84.0 2.5 120 .0 .00 10 538 10 81.0 2 .5 120.0 .00 11 550 11 63 .0 2 .5 120.0 .00 12 535 12 137 .0 2 .5 120.0 .00 13 541 13 78.0 2 .5 120.0 .00 14 544 14 41.0 2 .5 120.0 .00 15 547 15 202 .0 2.5 120.0 .00 16 549 16 80 .0 2 .5 120.0 .00 400 0 502 166.0 4.0 120.0 .00 348 .00 403 502 505 3 .0 4 .0 120.0 9 .00 406 505 508 6 .0 4.0 120.0 9.00 409 508 511 246 .0 6.0 120.0 .00 412 511 512 77 .0 4.0 120.0 .00 415 512 514 125 .0 4 .0 120.0 .00 418 514 517 89.0 4 .0 120.0 .00 421 517 520 32 .0 4 .0 120.0 .00 424 514 523 40 .0 4.0 120.0 .00 427 523 526 186 .0 4 .0 120.0 .00 430 526 529 187.0 4 .0 120.0 .00 433 529 532 15.0 4.0 120 .0 .00 436 535 532 294 .0 4 .0 120.0 .00 439 538 535 102 .0 4.0 120 .0 .00 442 541 538 42 .0 4.0 120.0 .00 445 544 541 60.0 4.0 120.0 .00 448 547 544 37.0 4.0 120 .0 .00 451 549 547 122 .0 4 .0 120.0 .00 453 550 549 74 .0 4.0 120 .0 .00 454 511 550 73 .0 4 .0 120.0 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING PIPES 2 68.00 135.90 2 3 70.50 135 .40 3 4 68.00 133.90 4 5 70.50 136.70 5 6 68.00 136.70 6 7 70 .50 134 .00 7 8 70 .50 135 .50 8 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 1 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25, 2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers Job No. 528-033 9 70 .50 135 .30 9 10 68 .00 134 .10 10 11 70.50 133.20 11 12 70 .50 134.80 12 13 70.50 134.80 13 14 70.50 133.10 14 15 68.00 131 .90 15 16 45.00 131.90 16 502 .00 127 .00 400 403 505 .00 127.00 403 406 508 .00 127 .00 406 409 511 .00 133.00 409 412 454 512 .00 133 .00 7 412 415 514 .00 134.00 415 418 424 517 .00 133 .00 4 418 421 520 .00 133.00 2 3 421 523 .00 135.00 6 424 427 526 .00 135.00 5 427 430 529 .00 134.00 8 430 433 532 .00 134.00 9 433 436 535 .00 133 .00 12 436 439 538 .00 133 .00 10 439 442 541 .00 133.00 13 442 445 544 .00 132 .00 14 445 448 547 .00 132.00 15 448 451 549 .00 132.00 16 451 453 550 .00 131.00 11 453 454 OUTPUT SELECTION : THE FOLLOWING RESULTS ARE OUTPUT RESULTS ARE OUTPUT FOR ALL PIPES WITH PUMPS CLOSED PIPES ARE NOTED RESULTS ARE OUTPUT FOR THE FOLLOWING PIPES : 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 RESU LTS ARE OUTPUT FOR THE FOLLOWING JUNCTION NODES : 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 THIS SYSTEM HAS 35 PIPES WITH 34 JUNCTIONS , 1 LOOPS AND A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 2 DEMAND 68.00 5 1 FGNS THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00001 6 7 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 2 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Analysis Residual Pressure At Building 2 Job No. 528-033 5280338A PIPE NO. NODE NOS . FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 2 520 2 68 .00 11.95 .00 .00 4.44 42 .07 3 520 3 31.02 .99 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 4 517 4 29 .92 .80 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 6 523 6 29 .92 .39 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 .00 2 .03 9.83 9 532 9 31.02 .83 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 10 538 10 29 .92 .74 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 11 550 11 31.02 . 62 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 15 547 15 29 .92 1. 86 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 16 549 16 19 .80 .34 .00 .00 1. 29 4.28 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 68 .00 248 .35 135 .90 48 .73 3 31.02 259.30 135.40 53 .69 4 29.92 259.77 133.90 54 .54 5 31.02 259.81 136 .70 53.35 6 29.92 261.08 136.70 53.90 7 31.02 266.07 134.00 57 .23 8 31.02 259.61 135 .50 53 .78 9 31.02 259.56 135.30 53.84 10 29 .92 260.12 134.10 54 .61 11 31.02 267 .18 133 .20 58 .06 12 31 .02 259 .22 134.80 53 .92 13 31.02 260.37 134.80 54 .41 14 31 .02 2 61. 42 133.10 55.60 15 29.92 260.62 131.90 55 .78 16 19.80 265.20 131.90 57 .76 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 486 .66 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 486 .66 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 486 .66 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES .00 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 3 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25, 2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 3 DEMAND 70.50 J ob No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00000 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Analysis Residual Pressure At Building 3 PIPE NO . NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD 2 520 2 29 .92 2 .61 .00 3 520 3 70.50 4 .54 .00 4 517 4 29.92 .80 .00 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 6 523 6 29 .92 .39 .00 7 512 7 31 .02 .75 .00 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 9 532 9 31.02 .83 .00 10 538 10 29.92 .74 .00 11 550 11 31.02 . 62 .00 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 15 547 15 29 .92 1. 86 .00 16 549 16 19.80 .34 .00 5280338A MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 4.61 44 .98 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 2 .03 9 .83 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 2 .03 9 .83 .00 2 .03 9 .83 .00 2 .03 9 .83 .00 1. 96 9.20 .00 2 .03 9.83 .00 2 .03 9 .83 .00 2 .03 9 .83 .00 2 .03 9 .83 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 1.29 4 .28 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29.92 257.15 135 .90 52.54 3 70 .50 255.22 135 .40 51.92 4 29 .92 259 .25 133 . 90 54.32 5 31.02 259 .32 136 .70 53 .14 6 29.92 260 .59 136 .70 53 .68 7 31 .02 265.61 134 .00 57.03 8 31.02 259 .13 135 .50 53 .57 9 31.02 259 .08 135 .30 53 .64 10 29 .92 259.64 134.10 54.40 11 31.02 266.74 133.20 57.87 12 31.02 258.74 134 .80 53.71 13 31.02 259.90 134.80 54.21 14 31.02 260.95 133 .10 55.40 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 4 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers 15 16 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 29 .92 19.80 488 .06 260 .16 264.75 131.90 131 .90 55 .58 57.57 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 400 FLOWRATE 488 .06 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 488 .06 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCT I ON NUMBER 4 DEMAND 68.00 J ob No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00000 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments 5280338A Private Domestic Water S~stem Anal~sis Residual Pressure At Building 4 PIPE NO . NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 2 520 2 29 .92 2 .61 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 3 520 3 31.02 .99 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 4 517 4 68 .00 3 .66 .00 .00 4 .44 42 .07 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 .00 2 .03 9 .83 6 523 6 29 .92 .39 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 9 532 9 31.02 .83 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 10 538 10 29.92 .74 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 11 550 11 31.02 . 62 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 15 547 15 29 .92 1. 86 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 16 549 16 19 .80 .34 .00 .00 1. 29 4 .28 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 5 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Nov ember 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29.92 257.85 135.90 52.84 3 31.02 259.47 135 .40 53 .76 4 68 .00 256 .91 133 .90 53 .30 5 31.02 259 .81 136 .70 53 .35 6 29 .92 261 .08 136 .70 53 .90 7 31.02 266 .07 134.00 57 .23 8 31.02 259 .61 135 . so 53 .78 9 31.02 259 .56 135 .30 53.84 10 29 .92 260 .12 134 .10 54 .61 11 31.02 267 .18 133 .20 58.06 12 31 .02 259 .22 134.80 53 .92 13 31.02 260 .37 134.80 54 .41 14 31 .02 261.42 133 .10 55 .60 15 29.92 260 .62 131 .90 55 .78 16 19 .80 265.20 131 . 90 57.76 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 486.66 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 486 .66 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 486.66 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 5 DEMAND 70 .50 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00226 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Analysis Residual Pressure At Building 5 PIPE NO . NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD 2 520 2 29.92 2 .61 .00 3 520 3 31.02 .99 .00 4 517 4 29.92 .80 .00 5 526 5 70 .50 3.87 .00 5280338A MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .00 1. 96 9.20 .00 2.03 9.83 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 4 .61 44 .98 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 6 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25, 2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic Sy stem -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers 6 523 6 29.92 .39 .00 .00 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 .00 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 .00 9 532 9 31.02 .83 .00 .00 10 538 10 29 .92 .74 .00 .00 11 550 11 31.02 0 62 .00 .00 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 .00 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 .00 15 547 15 29.92 1. 86 .00 .00 16 549 16 19 .80 .34 .00 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29 .92 258 .31 135.90 53 .04 3 31.02 259.93 135 .40 53 .96 4 29.92 260 .23 133 0 90 54 .74 5 70 .50 255 .53 136 0 70 51 .49 6 29 .92 260 0 71 136 0 70 53.74 7 31.02 265 .76 134 .00 57.10 8 31.02 258 .42 135.50 53.27 9 31.02 258.37 135.30 53.33 10 29 .92 259 .08 134.10 54.16 11 31.02 266 .61 133 0 20 57 .81 12 31.02 258.12 134 .80 53 .44 13 31.02 259.37 134.80 53 .98 14 31.02 260.48 133 .10 55 .20 15 29 .92 259 .74 131 . 90 55.40 16 19 .80 264 .50 131 .90 57 .46 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 488 .06 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 488 .06 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 488 .06 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 6 DEMAND 68 .00 Job No. 528-033 1. 96 9.20 2.03 9 .83 2.03 9 .83 2.03 9 .83 1. 96 9 .20 2.03 9 .83 2.03 9 .83 2.03 9.83 2.03 9.83 1. 96 9 .20 1. 29 4 .28 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00192 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 7 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Analysis Residual Pressure At Building 6 Job No. 528-033 5280338A PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 2 520 2 29 .92 2.61 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 3 520 3 31.02 .99 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 4 517 4 29.92 .80 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 6 523 6 68 .00 1. 77 .00 .00 4.44 42 .07 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 9 532 9 31 .02 .83 .00 .00 2 .03 9 .83 10 538 10 29 .92 .74 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 11 550 11 31.02 . 62 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 15 547 15 29.92 1. 86 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 16 549 16 19 .80 .34 .00 .00 1.29 4 .28 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29 .92 258 .52 135 .90 53 .14 3 31.02 260 .14 135 .40 54 .05 4 29 .92 260 .44 133 .90 54 .84 5 31.02 259 .64 136.70 53 .28 6 68 .00 259 .51 136 .70 53.22 7 31.02 266 .10 134 .00 57.24 8 31.02 259 .46 135 .50 53 .71 9 31 .02 259 .41 135 .30 53 .78 10 29 .92 260 .00 134 .10 54 .55 11 31.02 267 .15 133 .20 58 .05 12 31.02 259.09 134.80 53.86 13 31 .02 260.25 134.80 54 .36 14 31.02 261 .32 133 .10 55 .56 15 29.92 260 .53 131 . 90 55 .74 1 6 19 .80 265 .14 131 .90 57 .74 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 486 .66 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS (-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 486 .66 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 486 .66 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES .00 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Pa ge 8 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25, 2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers Job No. 528-033 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR= .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 7 70 .50 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY 0 00118 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments 5280338A Private Domestic Water S~stem Anal~sis Residual Pressure At Building 7 PIPE NO . NODE NOS . FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 2 520 2 29 .92 2 .61 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 3 520 3 31.02 .99 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 4 517 4 29 .92 .80 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 6 523 6 29 .92 .39 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 7 512 7 70.50 3.42 .00 .00 4.61 44 .98 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 9 532 9 31 .02 .83 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 10 538 10 29 .92 .74 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 11 550 11 31.02 . 62 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 13 541 13 31 .02 .77 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 15 547 15 29 .92 1. 86 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 16 549 16 19 .80 .34 .00 .00 1. 29 4 .28 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29.92 259.02 135 0 90 53 .35 3 31 .02 260.64 135.40 54 .27 4 29 .92 260.94 133 .90 55 .05 5 31 .02 260 .21 136.70 53 .52 6 29 .92 261.62 136.70 54 .13 7 70 .50 262 .75 134 .00 55 .79 8 31.02 259.92 135.50 53 .92 9 31.02 259 .87 135 .30 53 .98 10 29 .92 260 .30 134 .10 54 .69 11 31.02 266 .89 133 .20 57 .93 12 31.02 259.46 134.80 54 .02 13 31.02 260 .51 134 .80 54 .48 14 31.02 261.50 133 .10 55 .64 15 29 .92 260 .65 131 .90 55 .79 16 19.80 265.04 131.90 57.69 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 9 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 488 .06 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 400 FLOWRATE 488 .06 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 488 .06 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 8 70 .50 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00170 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments 5280338A Private Domestic Water S~stem Anal~sis Residual Pressure At Building 8 PIPE NO . NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 2 520 2 29 .92 2.61 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 3 520 3 3 1.02 .99 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 4 517 4 29 .92 .80 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 6 523 6 29 .92 .39 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 8 529 8 70 .50 3.55 .00 .00 4.61 44.98 9 532 9 31.02 .83 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 10 538 10 29 .92 .74 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 11 550 11 31.02 0 62 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 15 547 15 29 .92 1. 86 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 16 549 16 19.80 .34 .00 .00 1. 29 4 .28 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29 .92 258 .48 135 0 90 53 .12 3 31.02 260.10 135 .40 54.04 4 29 .92 260.41 133 0 90 54.82 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 10 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25, 2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers 5 31.02 258.82 136.70 52 .92 6 29.92 260 .90 136.70 53 .82 7 31.02 265.83 134.00 57 .13 8 70 .50 255 .30 135 .50 51.91 9 31.02 258 .02 135 .30 53 .18 10 29.92 258 .81 134.10 54.04 11 31.02 266.54 133.20 57 .78 12 31.02 257.82 134 .80 53 .31 13 31.02 259. 11 134 .80 53 .87 14 31.02 260.26 133 .10 55 .10 15 29.92 259 .53 131 . 90 55 .31 16 19.80 264.38 131 . 90 57.41 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 488.06 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 488.06 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 488.06 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 9 DEMAND 70 .50 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00023 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Analysis Residual Pressure At Building 9 PIPE NO. NODE NOS . FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD 2 520 2 29 .92 2 .61 .00 3 520 3 31 .02 .99 . 00 4 517 4 29 .92 .80 .00 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 6 523 6 29.92 .39 .00 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 8 52 9 8 31.02 .78 .00 9 532 9 70 .50 3 .78 .00 10 538 10 29 .92 .74 .00 11 550 11 31 .02 . 62 . 00 Private Domestic System -Pressure 5280338A MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 2 .03 9 .83 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 2 .03 9 .83 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 2 .03 9.83 .00 2 .03 9.83 .00 4.61 44.98 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 2 .03 9 .83 At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 11 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 .00 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 .00 15 547 15 29 .92 1. 86 .00 .00 16 549 16 19 .80 .34 .00 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29 .92 258.49 135 0 90 53 .12 3 31.02 260 .11 135 .40 54 .04 4 29.92 260 .41 133 0 90 54 .82 5 31.02 258.83 136 0 70 52 .92 6 29.92 260 .91 136.70 53.82 7 31.02 265 .83 134 0 00 57.13 8 31.02 258 .08 135 .50 53.12 9 70 .50 255.06 135 0 30 51 .90 10 29.92 258 .80 134.10 54.04 11 31.02 266.54 133 0 20 57.78 12 31.02 257 .81 134.80 53 .31 13 31.02 259.10 134.80 53 0 86 14 31.02 260.25 133.10 55 .10 15 29.92 259.52 131.90 55.30 16 19 .80 264.38 131.90 57 .41 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 488.06 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 488.06 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 488.06 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 10 DEMAND 68.00 Job No. 528-033 2 .03 9.83 2 .03 9.83 2 .03 9.83 1. 96 9 .20 1. 29 4.28 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00002 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 12 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25, 2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analy sis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Analysis Residual Pressure At Building 10 Job No. 528-033 5280338A PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 2 520 2 29 .92 2 .61 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 3 520 3 31.02 .99 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 4 517 4 29.92 .80 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 6 523 6 29.92 .39 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 .00 2 .03 9.83 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 .00 2 .03 9 .83 9 532 9 31.02 .83 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 10 538 10 68 .00 3 .41 .00 .00 4.44 42 .07 11 550 11 31.02 . 62 .00 .00 2 .03 9.83 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 2 .03 9 .83 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 .00 2 .03 9 .83 15 547 15 29.92 1. 86 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 16 549 16 19.80 .34 .00 .00 1.29 4.28 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29.92 259.14 135.90 53.40 3 31.02 260 .76 135 .40 54 .32 4 29.92 261 .06 133 .90 55 .10 5 31.02 259 .61 136 .70 53 .26 6 29 .92 261.59 136.70 54.12 7 31.02 266 .35 134 .00 57 .35 8 31.02 258 .93 135 .50 53 .49 9 31.02 258 .86 135.30 53.54 10 68.00 256 .36 134 . 10 52 .98 11 31.02 266.93 133.20 57.95 12 31.02 258.34 134 .80 53 .53 13 31.02 259.34 134 .80 53 .97 14 31.02 260.51 133 .10 55.21 15 29.92 259 .80 131.90 55 .42 16 19.80 264.72 131 .90 57 .55 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 486 .66 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 486 .66 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 486.66 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES .00 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 13 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR= .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER 11 DEMAND 70.50 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY . 00130 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments 5280338A Private Domestic Water SJ!Stem AnalJ!sis Residual Pressure At Building 11 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 2 520 2 29.92 2 .61 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 3 520 3 31.02 .99 .00 .00 2 .03 9.83 4 517 4 29.92 .80 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 .00 2 .03 9 .83 6 523 6 29.92 .39 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 9 532 9 31.02 .83 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 10 538 10 29 .92 .74 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 11 550 11 70.50 2.83 .00 .00 4.61 44 .98 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 14 544 14 31 .02 .40 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 15 547 15 29.92 1. 86 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 16 549 16 19 .80 .34 .00 .00 1. 29 4.28 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29 .92 259 .52 135.90 53.57 3 31.02 261 .14 135 .40 54.49 4 29.92 261.44 133.90 55.27 5 31.02 260 .43 136 .70 53.62 6 29.92 262.06 136.70 54.32 7 31.02 266.26 134.00 57.31 8 31.02 260.00 135.50 53 .95 9 31 .02 259 .94 135.30 54.01 10 29 .92 260 .21 134.10 54 .65 11 70 .50 263 .93 133 .20 56 .65 12 31.02 259.45 134.80 54 .01 13 31.02 260.38 134.80 54 .42 14 31.02 261.28 133.10 55 .54 15 29 .92 260.36 131. 90 55 .67 16 19.80 264 .47 131.90 57 .45 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg . Riser for PA-8 Page 14 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analy sis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 488 .06 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 400 FLOWRATE 488 .06 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 488.06 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 12 DEMAND 70.50 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00207 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments 5280338A Private Domestic Water Sistem Anal Isis Residual Pressure At Building 12 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. 2 520 3 520 4 517 5 526 6 523 7 512 8 529 9 532 10 538 11 550 12 535 13 541 14 544 15 547 16 549 JUNCTION NUMBER 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FLOWRATE 29.92 31.02 29.92 31.02 29.92 31.02 31.02 31.02 29.92 31.02 70.50 31.02 31.02 29 .92 19.80 DEMAND 29.92 31.02 29.92 HEAD LOSS 2.61 .99 .80 .85 .39 .75 .78 .83 .74 0 62 6 .16 .77 .40 1. 86 .34 GRADE LINE 258 .58 260.20 260.50 PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ELEVATION 135.90 135 0 40 133.90 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PRESSURE 53.16 54.08 54.86 1. 96 2.03 1. 96 2.03 1. 96 2.03 2.03 2.03 1. 96 2 .03 4.61 2.03 2.03 1. 96 1. 29 HL/1000 9.20 9.83 9.20 9.83 9 .20 9.83 9.83 9 .83 9 .20 9.83 44.98 9.83 9.83 9.20 4 .28 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 15 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analy sis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers 5 31.02 258.97 136.70 52.99 6 29 .92 261.01 136.70 53.87 7 31.02 265 .87 134 .00 57.14 8 31.02 258.25 135. so 53.19 9 31.02 258 .18 135.30 53.25 10 29.92 258 .65 134.10 53.97 11 31.02 266 .51 133.20 57 .77 12 70 .50 252 .84 134 .80 5 1.15 13 31.02 258 .96 134.80 53 .80 14 31.02 260 .13 133 .10 55 .05 15 29.92 259.42 131.90 55 .26 16 19.80 264 .31 131 .90 57 .38 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 488 .06 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 488.06 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 488.06 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 13 DEMAND 70 .50 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00186 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Analysis Residual Pressure At Building 13 PIPE NO. NODE NOS . FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD 2 520 2 29 .92 2 .61 .00 3 520 3 31.02 .99 .00 4 517 4 29 .92 .80 .00 5 526 5 31 .02 .85 .00 6 523 6 29.92 .39 .00 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 9 532 9 31.02 .83 .00 10 538 10 29 .92 .74 .00 11 550 11 31.02 . 62 .00 Private Domestic System -Pressure 5280338A MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 2 .03 9 .83 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 2 .03 9 .83 .00 1. 96 9.20 .00 2.03 9 .83 .00 2.03 9.83 .00 2 .03 9 .83 .00 1. 96 9 .20 .00 2 .03 9.83 At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 16 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 13 541 13 70 .50 3.51 .00 .00 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 .00 15 547 15 29.92 1. 86 .00 .00 16 549 16 19 .80 .34 .00 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29.92 258 .73 135.90 53.23 3 31.02 260 .35 135.40 54.14 4 29 .92 260.65 133.90 54 .93 5 31.02 259 .21 136.70 53 .09 6 29 .92 261.18 136.70 53 .94 7 31.02 2 65.93 134.00 57.17 8 31.02 258.53 135.50 53 .31 9 31.02 258 .47 135.30 53 .37 10 29 .92 258.63 134 .10 53 .96 11 31.02 266.45 133.20 57 .74 12 31.02 257 .94 134 .80 53 .36 13 70 .50 255 .99 134 .80 52 .52 14 31.02 259 .93 133.10 54.96 15 29 .92 259 .23 131 .90 55.18 16 19.80 2 64.21 131 .90 57 .33 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 488.06 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 488 .06 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 488 .06 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 14 70.50 Job No. 528-033 2 .03 9.83 4 .61 44.98 2 .03 9 .83 1. 96 9 .20 1. 29 4.28 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00075 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 17 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25, 2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic Sy stem -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Private Domestic Water System Analysis Residual Pressure At Building 14 J ob No. 528-033 5280338A PIPE NO . NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 2 520 2 29.92 2.61 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 3 520 3 31.02 .99 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 4 517 4 29.92 .80 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 6 523 6 29.92 .39 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 .00 2 .03 9 .83 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 .00 2 .03 9 .83 9 532 9 31.02 .83 .00 .00 2 .03 9 .83 10 538 10 29.92 .74 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 11 550 11 31.02 . 62 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 2 .03 9.83 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 14 544 14 70 .50 1. 84 .00 .00 4.61 44.98 15 547 15 29 .92 1. 86 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 16 549 16 19 .80 .34 .00 .00 1. 29 4 .28 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29.92 258 .84 135.90 53 .28 3 31.02 260 .46 135 .40 54 .19 4 29.92 260 .77 133.90 54.98 5 31.02 259 .38 136.70 53.16 6 29 .92 261.31 136 .70 54 .00 7 31.02 265 .98 134 .00 57.19 8 31.02 258.75 135.50 53 .41 9 31.02 258.68 135 .30 53.47 10 29 .92 258.86 134 .10 54.06 11 31.02 266.41 133.20 57 .72 12 31.02 258 .16 134 .80 53 .46 13 31 .02 258 .97 134 .80 53 .81 14 70 .50 258 .33 133 .10 54 .27 15 29 .92 259.09 131 . 90 55 .12 16 19.80 264 .13 131.90 57 .30 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 488 .06 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 488 .06 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 488 .06 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES .00 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg . Riser for PA-8 Page 18 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers Job No. 528-033 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR= .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 15 68.00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00044 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments 5280338A Private Domestic Water S~stem Anal~sis Residual Pressure At Building 15 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 2 520 2 29.92 2.61 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 3 520 3 31.02 .99 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 4 517 4 29 .92 .80 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 6 523 6 29 .92 .39 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 9 532 9 31.02 .83 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 10 538 10 29 .92 .74 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 11 550 11 31.02 . 62 . 00 .00 2 .03 9 .83 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 2.03 9 .83 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 .00 2 .03 9 .83 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 .00 2 .03 9.83 15 547 15 68 .00 8.50 .00 .00 4.44 42.07 16 549 16 19.80 .34 .00 .00 1.29 4 .28 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29.92 259 .39 135.90 53 .51 3 31.02 261.01 135 .40 54 .43 4 29 .92 2 61. 32 133.90 55 .21 5 31.02 260 .00 136.70 53 .43 6 29 .92 261.87 136.70 54 .24 7 31 .02 266.46 134 .00 57 .40 8 31.02 259 .41 135 . so 53 .69 9 31 .02 259 .34 135 .30 53 .75 10 29 .92 259.53 134 .10 54 .35 11 31 .02 266 .83 133 .20 57 .91 12 31.02 258 .82 134 .80 53 .74 13 31.02 259 .65 134.80 54.10 14 31.02 260 .47 133 .10 55 .19 15 68 .00 252 .85 131 .90 52 .41 16 19 .80 264 .53 131.90 57.48 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldq. Riser for PA-8 Page 19 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 486.66 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 400 FLOWRATE 486.66 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT. OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 486.66 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR .44 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE : JUNCTION NUMBER 16 DEMAND 40.00 Job No. 528-033 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY . 00117 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments 5280338A Private Domestic Water Sistem Anal Isis Residual Pressure At Building 16 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 2 520 2 29.92 2.61 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 3 520 3 31.02 .99 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 4 517 4 29 .92 .80 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 5 526 5 31.02 .85 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 6 523 6 29.92 .39 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 7 512 7 31.02 .75 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 8 529 8 31.02 .78 .00 .00 2 .03 9 .83 9 532 9 31.02 .83 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 10 538 10 29.92 .74 .00 .00 1. 96 9.20 11 550 11 31.02 . 62 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 12 535 12 31.02 1. 35 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 13 541 13 31.02 .77 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 14 544 14 31.02 .40 .00 .00 2.03 9.83 15 547 15 29 .92 1. 86 .00 .00 1. 96 9 .20 16 549 16 40.00 1. 26 .00 .00 2.61 15 .75 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 2 29.92 265.37 135.90 56.10 3 31.02 266.99 135.40 57.02 4 29.92 267 .29 133.90 57 .80 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 20 of 21 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments November 25,2015 Private Domestic Water System Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Domestic System -Analysis to Show Pressure at Base of Risers 5 31.02 266 .29 136.70 56.15 6 29 .92 267.91 136.70 56.86 7 31.02 272.09 134.00 59 .84 8 31.02 265.86 135 .50 56.49 9 31.02 265 .80 135 .30 56 .55 10 29 .92 266.08 134 .10 57 .19 11 31.02 272 0 45 133.20 60 .34 12 31.02 265.31 134 .80 56.55 13 31.02 266.25 134.80 56 .96 14 31.02 267 .14 133.10 58 .09 15 29 .92 266.23 131.90 58.21 16 40 .00 269 .43 131 .90 59 .60 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 468.78 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 400 FLOWRATE 468.78 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 468.78 .00 Job No. 528-033 Private Domestic System -Pressure At Each Bldg. Riser for PA-8 Page 21 of 21 APPENDIXB FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE DATA AND COMPUTER MODELING CALCULATION RESULTS ROBERTSON RANCH PA-7 APARTMENT SITE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM CALCULATIONS Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartment Site Private Fire Protection System Computer Calculations Andrew Oven From: Sent To: Charlie <Charlie@ifpinc.net> Tuesday, November 17, 2015 9:04AM 'Erick Escobedo' Cc: Andrew Oven Subject: RE: Robertson Ranch Senior Building -Fire Riser Location Erick, The system demand for the Apartment buildings would be 86 GPM, I have not seen any plans for the Rec. building but I would figure a minimum 186 GPM for that. All of the Apartment buildings have fire riser rooms at the side of each building. The underground supply to be 4" and our point of connection shal be 6" AFF to a companion flange furnished and installed by others. Should you require any attritional information please let me know. Thank You, Charles P. Sampson Jr. -----------:·iNNOvATIVE • •-• • • FIM PROTICTION, INC. -.. -. 8779 Cottonwood Ave. Ste. 101 Santee, CA 92071 Tel: 619.593.8200 Fax: 619.593.9133 eel: 619.520.9226 Charlie@ifpinc.net From: Erick Escobedo [mailto:eescobedo@allianceeng.com] Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 5:39 PM To: Charlie Cc: 'Andrew@dwilsoneng.com'; 'Kstover@Architectsorange.com'; Tae Dixon; Craig Whitteker; Andrew Dewar Subject: RE: Robertson Ranch Senior Building-Fire Riser Location Thanks Charlie. Please let me know what your timing is on the Apartment buildings demand/POC's when you get a chance so we can coordinate this with Andrew Oven on fire line sizing. Thanks. Erick Escobedo Alliance land Planning & Engineering 2248 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: {760)-431-9896 Fax : (760)-431-8802 From: Charlie [mailto:Charlie@ifpinc.net] Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 2:25PM 1 SPECIFICATION SHEET LEAD FREE' MasterSeries® LF856 Double Check Detector Backflow Prevention Assemblies (Type II) Size: 2W' -10" The FEBCO MasterSeries LF856 Double Check Detector Assemblies are designed to protect drinking water supplies from dangerous cross-con- nections in accordance with national plumbing codes and water authority requirements for non-health hazard non-potable service applicatuns such as irrigatK!n, fire line. or i1dustrial processing. This Backllow klsernbly is prinar- ily used for protection of drinking water systems and fre sprinkler systems, where Local Goverring Code mandates protection from non-potable quality water being pumped or siphoned back into the potable water system. Features Main Valve: • lnline Serviceable Assembly • No Special Tools Required for Servicing • Captured Moduar Spring .Assembly • Reversible & Replaceable Discs • Flekj Replaceable Seats • Ductile Iron Valve Body Design • Stailiess Steel Check Components • Winterization featt.re with disc retainers and valve body drai1 ports • ~per Check Assembly • Comnonality between 1st & 2nd Check Compoooots • Gaptured 0-ring Design Auxiliary Bypass: • Compact Bypass Design; Remains within Main Valve f.sserrtJiy Profile • lrfne Serviceable ~· Backflow Assembly • No Special Tools Required for Servicing • Reld Replaceable Seats & Discs • Detect Potential Underground Water Leaks • Detect Unauthorized Water Usage Job Name----------------- Job Location Engineer ------------------ Approval ------------------ ES-F-LF856 1FEacoZ ~~ Model LF856 Double Check Detector Assembly Specifications The FEBCO MasterSeries LF856 Double Check Detector Valve klsernbly shal be installed on the potable water ~ply and at each point of cross- connection to protect against possible backpressure and backsiphonage condttm for non-health hazard (i.e., pollutant) c:Wications. The assembly shall consist of a main Wne valve body composed of two (2) i1dependentty acting approved clapper style check modules with replaceable seats and disc rubbers. Ser.1cing of both check rn<JCiJies does not require <JnJ special tools and are accessed through independent top entry covers. This assembly shall be fitted with appoved UUFM nleVouUet resiient seated shutoff valves and contain four (4) property located resilient seated test cocks as specified by AW'NA Standard C510. The auxiliary bypass ine contai1s a %'x ~· (16 x 1 gmm) Water Meter that compfle5 with ANS/AWNA Standard C700 coupled wtth an approved check assembly. The bypass line is designed to detect leaks or unauthorized water usage of the water system while protecting against possible backpressure and backs~honage conditioos for non-health hazard Q.e., ponutant) application. Row and pressure loss performance parameters shall meet the requirements of AWNA Standard C510. The nformation contained herein is not intended to replace the full product installation and safety information available or the experience of a trained product installer. You are required to thoroughly read all installation instruc- tions and product safety information before beginning the instalation of this product. "The wetted surface of this product contacted by consumable water contains less than 0.25% of lead by weight. Contractor ----------------- Approval ------------------- Contractor's P.O. No. -------------- Representative FEBCO product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided lor reference only. For precise measurements, please contact FEBCO Technical Service. FEBCO reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, speciHcatlons, or materials without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on FEBCO products previously or subsequently sold. Options -Suffix OSY: ULIFM Approved OS& Y Gate Valves (M..JS/AWVIJA C515 Corlll~<rlt) CFM: Totalizing Cubic feeVmin 518' x 3/4' Water Meter (ANSVAWVIJA C700 Compliant) GPM: Totalizing Gallons/min 5/B'x 3/4' Water Meter f.AN'!Y./AWVIJA C700 Compliant) LG: Less Shutoff vcttes; This is NOT an APPROVED ASSEMBLY Example Ordering Descriptions: 4" LFB56-0SY-GPM -valve Assembly fitted with OS&Y Shutoff valves & Gallon Feet per Minute Water Meter 4" LFB56-0SY-CFM -Vatve Assembly fitted with OS&Y Shutoff v.tves, Cubic feet per Minute Water Meter Assembly Flow Orientation: • Hoozontal & Vertical Up (2W - 1 0") -Approved by FCCCHR-usG, ASSE, cULus, FM, IAPMO Materials Below is a general material list of the Model LFB56. AI assembies' size 21h' through 1 o· is smlar in materials and construction. Please contact ycu local FEBCO Representative if you requre fixther information. Main Valve Body: Du:tile iron Qade 65-45-12 Coating: Fusion epoxy coated iltemal and external AWWAC550 Shutoff 1/aM!s: Check Seets: Disc Holder: Elastomer Disc Spring: aatnp: OS&Y resilient wedge gate valves AWWA C515 (Ul.JfM) Stainless Steel Stailless Steel Siicone Stainless Steel AWVVA C600 (10' Only) Approvals • Approved by the Founda~on for Ooss-Comection Control and HydraUic Research at The University of Southern California (FCCCHR-USC) • ASSE 1048 Listed • '*UL Classified (US & Canada) • '*FM Approved • IAPMO • AWVIJA Standard C510 Compliant • End Connections: Compfiant to ASME 816.1 Class 125 & AWVIJA Class D Range .. Assembty configur-00 with ULIFM Approved OS&Y R-N Gate Valves. Less gate valve assemblies are not ULIFM approved configurations. 9 1048 Pressure -Temperature Max. Working Presstre: 175 psi (12.1 bar) Min. Working Pressule: 10 psi (0.7 bar) Hydrostatic Test Pressure: 350 psi (24.1 bar) Hydrostatic Safety Pressure: 700 psi (48.3 bar) Temperature Palge: 33"F -140"F (0.50C-oo•q ConthJws Dimensions & Weights Below are the nominal dimensions and physical weights for the Model LF856 size 2W through 1 0". Allowances rrust be made for noonal manufacturilg tolerances. Aease visit our website to download a copy of this product's instalation instructions, or contact your local FEBCO Representative for more information. B ~----------------------------A ----------------------------~ Model LFB56 Assemblies SIZE A in in. mm 2'h 4()3,4 1035 3 4Fh 1064 4 46'A 1175 6 56 1422 8 65 1651 10 72'~ 1845 B Ill 251h 25% 28 34~ 41~ 46% DIMENSIONS c E .. mm Ill. mm Ill. mm 648 10 254 16% 416 651 10 254 22'h 565 711 10'Ao 257 23'A 591 883 1~ 324 30'Ao 765 1061 15% 397 37* 959 1178 15% 397 48 1219 .. Indicates nominal dimensions with OSY Gate Valves (Full Open Position) ... Indicates weight of complete Backflow Assemblies with specified Gate Valves F G H 111. mm ll. mm 1n. mm 4'h 114 7'A! 181 133~ 340 4'h 114 7% 187 13% 340 51h 140 8'Ao 206 14 356 6'h 165 9% 251 15 381 7 178 11'n 283 15~ 400 9 229 12% 314 15~ 400 c H OSY /bs. kg. 245 111 271 123 338 153 515 234 826 375 1234 560 Performance Flow capacity chart identifies valve periormance based upon rated water Velocity up to 20fps. • Maxmum service flow rate is determined by maximum rated 'klocity or 7.5tps. • AINNA Manual M-22 (Appendix C) recommends that the maximum water Velocity in the services be not more than 10tps. • UL ftow rate is determined by typically rated Velocity of 15 feet/sec. 2'h" (LF856) Service FloW Rated flow 'Ill Raled Row 22 2D 18 "W 16 l:l 14 112 f 1: '1. 6 2 0 22 20 18 -16 .B 14 ~ 12 ~10 fa '1. 6 4 2 0 18 16 14 I 12 ~to f 8 ... 6 4 2 0 I I I I I I I I II I I I 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 284 568 7.5 3" (LF856) Seniceflow I I I I I I I I ,-_ I I I I 50 100 150 200 250 379 757 7.5 4" (Lf856) seMceflow I I I t I I -. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ----.. I I I I I I 2110 225 250 275 3110 325 350 GI'M 1152 1136 im 14.7 220 -- Raled Flow 'IJI.IIal!d Flow 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I A I ,.,........... I ~ I I I I I I I 3110 350 400 450 500 GPM 1136 1514 im 14.7 22.0 Ips Rated Flow 'IJI.Ralldflow I I I I t t t I I A' I _....,.,-I .J;' I 1- I t 0 100 2110 Dl 400 500 Ul 100 100 GPM 379 1136 1893 2fi5() im 7.5 12.8 19.1 Ips 18 16 14 I 12 110 f 8 '1. 6 4 2 0 6" (LF856) 0 2110 18 16 14 }12 110 t 8 '1. 6 4 18 16 14 }12 I 10 t 8 ... 6 4 0 0 0 7S1 8" (LF856) 400 1514 10" (LF856) Ul 2211 400 SeMceFiow I t I I I 1 600 1110 2211 7.5 Service Flow I I I t I I I I 12111 4543 7.5 Ra1edAow I t I I I J 1000 37115 11.4 flalld flow I I I I I I ' I 11110 W67 10.5 12110 21111 7571 5eMce Row flal2d flow 12110 4543 I I I I I 1 I I I I 11110 6814 7.5 I t I I I _!.......-""" I I 2400 !D15 IIA "'ILRalldflow I t I I __...-r I : 1 1400 1600 GI'M 5:XXJ im 17.0 -- 'lllllalld Row I I t I I I "I ' I 'Ill Rated Row I I t ' ..A' / I -11356 I I I :mJ GPM 13627 tm 14.1 Ips A Watts Water Technologies Company USA: Tel: (800) 767-1234 • Fax: (800) 788-4491 • FEBCOonline.com Canada: Tel: (905) 332-4090 • Fax: (905) 332-7068 • FEBCOonline.ca Latin America: (52) 81-1001-6600 • Fax: (52) 61-6000-7091 • FEBCOonine.com ES-F-LF856 1515 © 2015 FEBCO Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments-Fire System Gate Valve, Pipe No. Check Valve Open 202 1 205 1 208 1 211 Bkflw 214 217 220 223 226 Bkflw 229 1 Standard tee, Branch 1 1 1 Standard tee, goo Elbow, 45°Eibow Pipe Length Throuah std. (ft) 400 1 320 2 25 20 2 95 1 1 192 1 1 2 480 1 2 4 305 20 2 25 \\ARTIC\Eng\528033\2015-11-23 Rob Rch PA7 Apts Fire Sys Minor Loss Equiv Length Cales I Equivalent Length Equivalent Length of Additional Pipe Pipe Size, In Elements 12 73.9 12 26.9 8 90.5 8 0 8 42 8 35 8 55 8 96 8 0 3 34.9 Total Length (ft) 473.9 346.9 115.5 20 137 227 535 401 20 59.9 528-033 11/23/2015 Pipe No. 202 205 208 211Bkflw 214 217 220 223 226 Bkflw 229 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartment Site November 25,2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. FLOWRATE IS EXPRESSED IN GPM AND PRESSURE IN PSIG A SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS PIPE NO. NODE NOS . LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR LOSS K FIXED GRADE (FEET) (INCHES) 202 0 240 474.0 12 .0 120.0 .00 327 .70 205 240 264 347 .0 12.0 120.0 .00 208 240 243 116.0 8.0 120.0 .00 211 243 246 20 .0 8 .0 120.0 5.00 214 246 249 137.0 8.0 120.0 .00 217 249 252 227 .0 8.0 120.0 .00 220 255 252 535 .0 8.0 120.0 .00 223 258 255 401.0 8.0 120.0 .00 226 261 258 20 .0 8.0 120.0 19.00 229 264 261 60 .0 8.0 120.0 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING PIPES 240 .00 118 .00 202 205 208 243 .00 119.00 208 211 246 .00 119.00 211 214 249 .00 121.00 214 217 252 .00 120.00 217 220 255 .00 122 .00 220 223 258 .00 119.00 223 226 261 .00 119.00 226 229 264 .00 118.00 205 229 OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE OUTPUT EACH PERIOD 3 VALUES ARE OUTPUT FOR MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES THIS SYSTEM HAS 10 PIPES WITH 9 JUNCTIONS , 1 LOOPS AND 1 FGNS THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 21 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY= 1 .16500 Fire Protection Analy sis for PA-7 Page 1 of 5 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartment Site November 25, 2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building Dexter Wilson Engr ., Inc. Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Private Fire Protection System Analysis No Fire Flow Demands 5280337F PIPE NO . NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 202 0 240 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 205 240 264 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 208 240 243 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 211 243 246 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 214 246 249 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 217 249 252 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 220 255 252 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 223 258 255 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 226 261 258 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 229 264 261 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 240 .00 327.70 118 0 00 90.87 243 .00 327.70 119.00 90.44 246 .00 327.70 119 0 00 90.44 249 .00 327.70 121.00 89.57 252 .00 327.70 120.00 90.00 255 .00 327.70 122.00 89.14 258 .00 327.70 119.00 90.44 261 .00 327.70 119 0 00 90.44 264 .00 327.70 118 0 00 90.87 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 240 .00 327.70 118 0 00 90.87 264 .00 327.70 118 0 00 90.87 243 .00 327.70 119 0 00 90.44 MINIMUM PRESSURES 255 .00 327.70 122.00 89.14 249 .00 327.70 121.00 89.57 252 .00 327.70 120.00 90.00 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND .00 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 202 .00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES .00 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-7 Page 2 of 5 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartment Site November 25,2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 249 1500.00 252 1586.00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 4 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00002 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Fire Flow of 3000 gpm Plus Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm Split at Nodes 249 and 252. PIPE NO . NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 202 0 240 3086.00 11.24 .00 .00 8.75 23 .71 205 240 264 1033.79 1. 09 .00 .00 2.93 3.13 208 240 243 2052 .21 9 .31 .00 .00 13.10 80 .22 211 243 246 2052.21 1. 60 .00 13.32 13.10 80 .22 214 246 249 2052 .21 10.99 .00 .00 13.10 80.22 217 249 252 552 .21 1. 60 .00 .00 3.52 7.05 220 255 252 1033 .79 12.05 .00 .00 6.60 22.53 223 258 255 1033 .79 9.04 .00 .00 6.60 22 .53 226 261 258 1033.79 .45 .00 12.84 6.60 22 .53 229 264 261 1033 .79 1. 35 .00 .00 6.60 22.53 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 240 .00 316.46 118.00 86 .00 243 .00 307.16 119 .00 81.53 246 .00 292.23 119.00 75 .07 249 1500.00 281 .24 121 .00 69.44 252 1586.00 279 .64 120 .00 69.18 255 .00 291 .70 122.00 73.54 258 .00 300.73 119 .00 78.75 261 .00 314.03 119 .00 84 .51 264 .00 315.38 118 .00 85.53 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 240 .00 316.46 118.00 86 .00 264 .00 315.38 118 .00 85 .53 261 .00 314.03 119.00 84 .51 MINIMUM PRESSURES 252 1586.00 279.64 120 .00 69 .18 249 1500.00 281.24 121 .00 69 .44 255 .00 291.70 122.00 73 .54 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-7 Page 3 of 5 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartment Site November 25,2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 3086.00 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 202 FLOWRATE 3086.00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 3086.00 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER 252 255 DEMAND 1500.00 1586.00 THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN PIPE DATA ARE SPECIFIED PIPE NO . NODE NOS . LENGTH 211 243 246 20.0 226 261 258 20.0 DIAMETER 8 .0 8.0 ROUGHNESS 120 .0 120 .0 MINOR LOSS K 8.00 9.00 FIXED GRADE .00 .00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFT ER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00022 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartments Fire Flow of 3000 gpm Plus Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm Split at Nodes 252 and 255. PIPE NO . NODE NOS . FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VE LOCITY HL/1000 202 0 240 3086 .00 11.24 .00 .00 8.75 23 .71 205 240 264 1512 .48 2.20 .00 .00 4.29 6.33 208 240 243 1573.52 5 .69 .00 .00 10.04 49 .05 211 243 246 1573 .52 .98 .00 12.53 10 .04 49 .05 214 246 249 1573 .52 6 . 72 .00 .00 10.04 49 .05 217 249 252 1573.52 11.14 .00 .00 10.04 49 .05 220 255 252 -73 .52 -.09 .00 .00 -.47 -.17 223 258 255 1512 .48 18 .28 .00 .00 9 .65 45.59 226 261 258 1512 .48 .91 .00 13 .02 9 .65 45.59 229 264 261 1512 .48 2 .74 .00 .00 9 .65 45 .59 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-7 J?age 4 of 5 Robertson Ranch PA-7 Apartment Site November 25,2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building Dexter Wilson Engr ., Inc. JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 240 .00 316.46 118 .00 86 .00 243 .00 310.77 119.00 83.10 246 .00 297.26 119.00 77.25 249 .00 290 .54 121.00 73 .47 252 1500.00 279 .41 120 .00 69.08 255 1586 .00 279.32 122.00 68 .17 258 .00 297.60 119 .00 77.39 261 .00 311.53 119 .00 83.43 264 .00 314 .27 118.00 85.05 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 240 .00 316.46 118.00 86 .00 264 .00 314.27 118.00 85.05 261 .00 311.53 119 .00 83 .43 MINIMUM PRESSURES 255 1586 .00 279.32 122.00 68 .17 252 1500.00 279 .41 120.00 69.08 249 .00 290 .54 121.00 73 .47 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 3086.00 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS (-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES THE THE PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 202 3086.00 NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 3086 .00 NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES .00 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-7 Page 5 of 5 ROBERTSON RANCH PA-8 APARTMENT SITE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM CALCULATIONS Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site Private Fire Protection System Computer Calculations Andrew Oven From: Charlie <Charlie@ifpinc.net> Sent: To: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 9:04AM 'Erick Escobedo' Cc: Andrew Oven Subject: RE: Robertson Ranch Senior Building - Fire Riser location Erick, The system demand for the Apartment buildings would be 86 GPM, I have not seen any plans for the Rec. building but I would figure a minimum 186 GPM for that. All of the Apartment buildings have fire riser rooms at the side of each building. The underground supply to be 4" and our point of connection shal be 6" AFF to a companion flange furnished and installed by others. Should you require any attritional information please let me know. Thank You, Charles P. Sampson Jr. --:.. . -. --.-·-:-iNNOvATIVE --• -• • FIRE PROTECTION, INC. -.. 8779 Cottonwood Ave. Ste. 101 Santee, CA 92071 Tel: 619.593.8200 Fax: 619.593.9133 eel: 619.520.9226 Charlie@ifpinc.net From: Erick Escobedo [mailto:eescobedo@allianceenq.com] Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 5:39 PM To: Charlie Cc: 'Andrew@dwilsoneng.com'; 'Kstover@Architectsorange.com'; Tae Dixon; Craig Whitteker; Andrew Dewar Subject: RE: Robertson Ranch Senior Building • Fire Riser Location Thanks Charlie. Please let me know what your timing is on the Apartment buildings demand/POC's when you get a chance so we can coordinate this with Andrew Oven on fire line sizing. Thanks. Erick Escobedo Alliance Land Planning & Engineering 2248 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760)-431~9896 Fax: (760)-431-8802 From: Charlie [mailto:Charlie@ifpinc.net] Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 2:25PM 1 SPECIFICATION SHEET LEAD FREE. MasterSeries® LF856 Double Check Detector Backflow Prevention Assemblies (Type II) Size: 21h" -10" The FEBCO MasterSeries LF856 Double Check Detector Assemblies are designed to protect driffiing water supplies from dangerous cross-ror nections in accordance with national plumbing codes and water authority requirements for non-health hazard non-potable service applk:ations such as irrigation, fire ine, or industrial processing. This Backflow Assembly is primar- ily used for protection of drinking water systems and fire sprinkler systems, where Local Governing Code mandates protection from non-potable quality water being pumped or siphoned back into the pota:>le water system. Features Main Valve: o !nine Serviceable Assembly • No Special Tools Required for Servicing o Captured Modular Spring Assembly • Reversble & Replaceable Discs o Field ~le Seats o Ductile Iron Valve Body Design o Stainless Steel Check Components o Wtnterization feature with disc retailers and valve body drain ports o aapper Check Assembly o Coovnonality between 1st & 2nd Check Components 0 Captured 0-ring Design Auxiliary Bypass: o Compact Bypass Design: Remains wittin Main Valve Assembly Profile o lnline Serviceable ~· Backflow Assembly • No Special Tools Required for Selvicing • Reid Replaceable Seats & Discs o Detect Potentiall.klderground Water Leaks o Detect Unauthorized Water Usage Job Name----------------- Job Location Engineer ------------------ Approval ------------------ ES-F-LF856 1f:'EacoZ ~~ Model LF856 Dooole Check Detector Assembly Specifications The FEBCO MasterSeries LF856 Double Oleck Detector Valve Assembly shall be installed on the potable water supply and at each point of cross- comection to protect against possible backpressure and backsipronage conditions for non-health hazard Q.e., pollutant) applications. The asserrbly shall consist of a man line valve body composed of two (2) independently acting approved clapper style check roodules with replaceable seats and disc rubbers. Servicing of both check modules does not require arry special tools and are accessed through independent top entry covers. Ths assembly shall be fitted with approved UUFM inet/outlet resiient seated shutoff valves and contail tour (4) properly located resilient seated test cocks as specified by A'INVA Standlld C510. The auxiiary ~lila contains a %"x ~· (16 x 19mm) Water Meter that compies with ANSVA'INVA Standard C700 coupled with an approved check assembly. The bypass m is designed to detect leaks or t.naulhorized water usage of the water system ....tlle protecting against possible backpressure and backsiphonage conditions for non-health hazGrd Q.e., pollutant) application. Flow and pressure loss performance parameters shall meet the requirements of A'INVA Standard C510. The information contained herein is not intended to replace the full product installation and safety information available or the experience of a trained product installer. You are required to thoroug~ read al installation instruc- tions and product safety information before begnning the installation of this product. "The wetted surface of this product contacted by consumable water contains less than 0.25% of lead by weight. Contractor ----------------- Approval ------------------ Contractor's P.O. No. -------------- Representative FEBCO product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact FEBCO Technical Service. FEBCO reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials will10ut prior notice and without Incurring any Ollllgallon to make suel1 changes and modfficatlons on FEBCO products previously or subsequently sold. Options -Suffix OSY: UUFM ApprOYed OS&Y Gate VaNes (ftNSI/AWNA C515 CompUant) CFM: Totalizing OJbic feet/min 5/8' x 3/4' Water Meter (ftNSVAWNA C700 Compliant) GPM: Totalizing Gablslmin 5/8"x 3/4' Water Meter (ftNSVAWNA C700 Compliant) LG: Less Shutoff valves; llis is NOT an APPROVED ASSEMBLY Example Ordering Descriptions: 4' LF856-0SY-GPM -Wve Assemtjy fitted v.ith OS&Y Shutoff Valves & Gallon Feet per Minute water Meter 4" LF856-0SY-CFM -Valve Assembly fitted v.ith OS&Y Shutoff VaNes, OJbic feet per Minute Water Meter Assembly Flow O rientation: • Horizontal & Vertical Up (211z" -1 0') -~proved by FCCOiR-USC, ASSE, cULus, FM, IAPMO Materials Below is a general material &st of the Model LF856. AI assernbies' size 21h' 11Yougl1 o· is sinila' n materials and construction. Please contact your local FEBCO Representative if you require further inforrnatbn. Main Wve Body: Ductile iron Grade 65-45-12 Coating: Shutoff \falves: Check Seats: Fusion epoxy coated i1temal and external AWNACSSO OS&Y reslient wedge gate valves AWNA C51 5 (UUFM) Stainless Steel Disc Hdder: Stahless Steel Elastomer Disc Siicone Spring: Stanless Steel Clamp: AWNA C006 (10' ONy) ShutoiVelwl \ Approvals • Approved by the FWldation for Cross-Connection Control and HydrauNc Research at The University of Southern Calnornia (FCCCHR-USC) • ASSE 1048 Usted • **UL Classified (US & Canada) • **FM~proved • IAPMO • AWNA Staldard C510 Compliant • End Connections: Compiant to ASME 816.1 Class 125 & AWNA Oass D Flange .. Assam~ configured v.ith UUFM ApprOYed OS&Y rm Gate \laves. Less gate vOOie assemblies are not ULIFM approved configurations. 8 1048 (fie c us Pressure -Temperature Max. W<J'king Pressure: 175 psi (12.1 bar) Mr1. Worki1g Presslle: 1 o psi (O. 7 ba'l ~Test Pressure: 350 psi (24.1 ba') Hyd'ostatic Safety Presst..re: 700 psi (48.3 ba') Temperature Range: 33"F -140"F (0.5•c-OOOC) Conti'luous Dimensions & Weights Below are the nominal drnensions and physical weights for the Model LF856 size 2W through 1 0'. Allowances must be made for normal manufacturing tolerances. Aease visit our website to download a copy of ttis product's installation nstructions, or contact your local FEBCO Representative for more information. E* Model LF856 AsiMifl'lblles SIZE A in in. mm 21h 4<PA 1035 3 4m 1064 4 46~ 1175 6 56 1422 8 65 1651 10 725,i, 1845 B ln. 251h 25% 28 343!< 413!< 46% B A DIMENSIONS c Eh mm 10. mm in. mm 648 10 254 16% 416 651 10 254 221h 565 711 10% 257 23~ 591 883 123A 324 30141 765 1061 15% 397 373!< 959 1178 15% 397 48 1219 •• Indicates nominal dimensions with OSY Gate Valves (Full Open Position) "' Indicates weight of complete Backflow Assemblies with specified Gate Valves c F G H OSY in. mm 1n. mm /fl. mm fbs. kg. 41h 114 ?'AI 181 13% 340 245 111 41h 114 7% 187 13% 340 271 123 51h 140 8'AI 206 14 356 338 153 61h 165 9% 251 15 381 515 234 7 178 11'AI 283 153A 400 826 375 9 229 12% 314 153A 400 1234 560 Performance Row capacity chart identifies valve performance based ~on rated water Velocity up to 20fps. • Maximum service flow rate is determined by maximum rated Velocity of 7.5fps. • AWWA Manual M-22 (Appencix C) recommends that the maximum water Velocity in the services be not more than 1 Ofps. • UL flow rate is determined by typically rated Velocity of 15 feeVsec. 22 20 18 16 lt4 112 t ·: '1. 6 0 2W' (Lf856) Service flow I I I I I I I I I I I Raled flow "'Il Haled flow I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ___-J I I I I I I 0 2!5 !10 75 tao 12!5 1!10 175 2llO 22!5 250 275 300 325 350 GPM 22 20 18 1'6 c: 14 3" (LF856) 284 568 852 1136 jJn u ~ m ~ Servi:e f1ow I I I I I I I I Rated Row I I I I I I I I "'IL Rated Row I I I I I I /"' ~ J ~ 12 Eto .fa 'II. & ir---I ~ I 2 0 0 18 1& 14 I 12 110 f • '1. & 2 0 0 I I I I I I I I I 50 tao 150 2llO 250 3111 350 4llO 450 500GPM 319 157 11:Ji 1514 jJn 7.5 14.7 m ~ 4" (Lf856) StnlceRow Haled Row "'IL Haled Flow I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A' I I _.,....,. I ..J##"" I I I I tao zao 3111 4IXl 500 IUl 700 800 GPM 319 1136 1893 2650 /pm 7.5 12.8 19.1 Ips 18 16 14 I IZ l 10 f • '1. 6 2 0 0 te 16 14 Jt2 lto t 8 '1. 6 2 0 18 16 14 lt2 ~ 10 f. r a ... 6 6" (Lf856) 200 757 8" (LF856) 4llO 1514 10• (LF856) 600 2271 Service Flow I I I I I I a 2271 7.5 IIlii Haled Flow I I I I I I I taoo 3785 ItA Service Flow Raled Fklw I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I 121l0 "'llRaiBdAow I I I I I _..-----r 141l0 sm I I I 17.0 "'IL Rated Flow I I I I I I I I I 1-- I IIlii 121l0 1500 20ilO 241l0 GPM :mJ 121l0 4543 4543 7.5 Sanice Flow I I I I I I IIIlO 6814 7.5 0057 7571 10.5 Rated Flow I I I I I ~ I I I 241l0 9085 9.4 9085 jJn 15.3 ~ "'Il lla1Bd f1ow / 3Im 11356 I I I .A ' I I I 3llllO GPM 13627 txn 14.1 ~ A Watts Water Technologies Company USA: Tel: (BOO) 767-1234 • Fax: (BOO) 7BB-4491 • FEBCOonlne.com Canada: Tel: (905) 332-4090 • Fax: (905) 332-7068 • FEBCOonline.ca latin America: (52) 81-1001-8600 • Fax: (52) 81 -8000-7091 • FEBCOonline.com ES-F-LF856 1515 CC> 2015 FEBCO Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments -Fire System Gate Valve, Pipe No. Open Check Valve 802 1 805 1 808 1 811 1 814 Bkflw 817 820 1 823 826 829 832 835 838 841 844 847 850 Bkflw 853 Standard tee, Standard tee, Branch ThroUih 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 90° Elbow, std. 45°Eibow Pipe Lenph (ft) 450 295 1 340 2 55 20 2 75 2 190 100 120 2 238 1 310 1 225 2 275 168 2 113 2 2 200 20 2 85 \\ARTIC\Eng\528033\2015-11-24 Rob Rch PAS Apts Fire Sys Minor Loss Equiv Length Cales I Equivalent Length Equivalent Lenstn of Additional Pipe Pipe Size, In Elements 12 73.9 12 26.9 12 37.9 8 90.5 8 0 8 42 8 82.5 8 44 8 44 8 78 8 68 8 79 8 108 8 72 8 78 8 106 8 0 8 86 Total Length (ft) 523.9 321.9 377.9 145.5 20 117 272.5 144 164 316 378 304 383 240 191 306 20 171 528-033 11/24/2015 Pipe No. 802 805 808 811 814 Bkflw 817 820 823 826 829 832 835 838 841 844 847 850 Bkflw 853 0 0 0 0 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site November 25,2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building and 186 gpm for the Recreation Center Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. FLOWRATE IS EXPRESSED IN GPM AND PRESSURE IN PSIG A SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS PIPE NO. NODE NOS . LENGTH DIAMETER (FEET) (INCHES) 802 0 900 524.0 12.0 805 900 903 322.0 12.0 808 903 906 378.0 12.0 811 906 909 146.0 8 .0 814 909 912 20 .0 8.0 817 912 915 117.0 8.0 820 915 918 273.0 8.0 823 918 939 144.0 8.0 826 918 921 164 .0 8.0 829 921 924 316 .0 8.0 832 924 927 378.0 8.0 835 930 927 304.0 8.0 838 930 933 383 .0 8 .0 841 936 930 240.0 8.0 844 936 939 191.0 8.0 847 942 936 306.0 8.0 850 945 942 20 .0 8.0 853 900 945 171.0 8 .0 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVATION 900 .00 125.00 903 .00 120.00 906 .00 120.00 909 .00 122.00 912 .00 122.00 915 .00 133.00 918 .00 135.00 921 .00 136.00 924 .00 137.00 927 .00 139.00 930 .00 138.00 933 .00 138 .00 936 .00 136.00 939 .00 135.00 942 .00 133.00 945 .00 133.00 ROUGHNESS MINOR LOSS K FIXED GRADE 120.0 .00 327.70 120 .0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 8.00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120 .0 11.00 120 .0 .00 CONNECTING PIPES 802 805 853 805 808 808 811 811 814 814 817 817 820 820 823 826 826 829 829 832 832 835 835 838 841 838 841 844 847 823 844 847 850 850 853 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-8 Page 1 of 11 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site November 25,2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building and 186 gpm for the Recreation Center Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE OUTPUT EACH PERIOD 3 VALUES ARE OUTPUT FOR MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES THIS SYSTEM HAS 18 PIPES WITH 16 JUNCTIONS , 2 LOOPS AND 1 FGNS Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments 5280338F Fire Protection System Analysis No Fire Demands PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 802 0 900 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 805 900 903 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 808 903 906 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 811 906 909 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 814 909 912 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 817 912 915 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 820 915 918 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 823 918 939 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 826 918 921 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 829 921 924 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 832 924 927 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 835 930 927 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 838 930 933 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 841 936 930 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 844 936 939 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 847 942 936 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 850 945 942 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 853 900 945 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 900 .00 327.70 125.00 87.84 903 .00 327.70 120.00 90.00 906 .00 327.70 120.00 90.00 909 .00 327.70 122.00 89.14 912 .00 327.70 122.00 89.14 915 .00 327.70 133.00 84.37 918 .00 327.70 135.00 83.50 921 .00 327.70 136.00 83 .07 924 .00 327.70 137.00 82 .64 927 .00 327.70 139.00 81 .77 930 .00 327.70 138.00 82.20 933 .00 327.70 138.00 82.20 936 .00 327.70 136.00 83.07 939 .00 327.70 135 .00 83 .50 942 .00 327 .70 133 .00 84.37 945 .00 327.70 133.00 84.37 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-8 Page 2 of 11 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site November 25,2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building and 186 gpm for the Recreation Center Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. MAXIMUM PRESSURES 903 .00 327 .70 120.00 90.00 906 .00 327 .70 120.00 90.00 909 .00 327.70 122.00 89.14 MINIMUM PRESSURES 927 .00 327 .70 139 .00 81.77 930 .00 327 .70 138.00 82.20 933 .00 327.70 138.00 82 .20 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND .00 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 802 FLOWRATE .00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES .00 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER 915 939 DEMAND 1500.00 1686 .00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 5 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments .00096 Fire Flow of 3000 gpm plus 186 gpm Fire Sprinkler Flow at Nodes 915 and 939. PIPE NO . NODE NOS . FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 802 0 900 3186 .00 13 .18 .00 .00 9.04 25 .15 805 900 903 1750.63 2.67 .00 .00 4.97 8 .30 808 903 906 1750 .63 3 .14 .00 .00 4.97 8 .30 811 906 909 1750 .63 8.73 .00 .00 11.17 59.77 814 909 912 1750.63 1. 20 .00 15 .51 11.17 59 .77 817 912 915 1750 .63 6 .99 .00 .00 11.17 59.77 820 915 918 250.63 .45 .00 .00 1. 60 1. 63 823 918 939 578 .98 1.11 .00 .00 3.70 7 .70 826 918 921 -328.35 -.44 .00 .00 -2.10 -2 .69 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-8 Page 3 of 11 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site November 25,2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building and 186 gpm for the Recreation Center Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. 829 921 924 -328 .35 -.85 .00 .00 -2 .10 -2 .69 832 924 927 -328.35 -1.02 .00 .00 -2 .10 -2 .69 835 930 927 328 .35 .82 .00 .00 2.10 2 .69 838 930 933 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 841 936 930 328 .35 .65 .00 .00 2.10 2.69 844 936 939 1107.02 4 .89 .00 .00 7.07 25.58 847 942 936 1435.37 12.66 .00 .00 9.16 41.38 850 945 942 1435.37 .83 .00 14.33 9.16 41.38 853 900 945 1435.37 7.08 .00 .00 9.16 41.38 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 900 .00 314.52 125 .00 82 .13 903 .00 311 .85 120 .00 83 .14 906 .00 308 .71 120 .00 81.78 909 .00 299 .99 122.00 77.13 912 .00 283.29 122.00 69 .89 915 1500.00 276.29 133 .00 62 .09 918 .00 275 .85 135 .00 61.03 921 .00 276 .29 136 .00 60.79 924 .00 277 .14 137 .00 60.73 927 .00 278 .16 139 .00 60 .30 930 .00 278 .98 138 .00 61.09 933 .00 278.98 138 .00 61.09 936 .00 279.62 136.00 62 .24 939 1686.00 274 .74 135 .00 60.55 942 .00 292 .29 133 .00 69 .02 945 .00 307 .45 133.00 75 .59 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 903 .00 311.85 120.00 83.14 900 .00 314 .52 125 .00 82.13 906 .00 308 .71 120.00 81 .78 MINIMUM PRESSURES 927 .00 278 .16 139 .00 60 .30 939 1686.00 274.74 135.00 60.55 924 .00 277.14 137 .00 60.73 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 3186 .00 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 802 3186 .00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 3186 .00 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFI ED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS Fire Protection Analysis for PA-8 Page 4 of 11 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site Nov ember 25,2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building and 186 gpm for the Recreation Center Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. THE FOLLOWI NG SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER 921 924 DEMAND 1500.00 1586.00 THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN PIPE DATA ARE SPECIFIED PIPE NO . NODE NOS . LENGTH DIAMETER 814 909 912 20.0 8 .0 850 945 942 20.0 8.0 ROUGHNESS 120 .0 120.0 MINOR LOSS K 10 .00 10.00 FIXED GRADE .00 .00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00038 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Fire Flow of 3000 gpm plus 86 gpm Fire Sprinkler Flow a t Nodes 921 and 924. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 802 0 900 3086 .00 12.42 .00 .00 8.75 23.71 805 900 903 1498.59 2 .00 .00 .00 4.25 6 .22 808 903 906 1498.59 2 .35 .00 .00 4.25 6 .22 811 906 909 1498 .59 6.54 .00 .00 9.56 44 .82 814 909 912 1498.59 .90 .00 14 .20 9.56 44 .82 817 912 915 1498.59 5 .24 .00 .00 9.56 44 .82 820 915 918 1498 .59 12 .23 .00 .00 9.56 44 .82 823 918 939 -600 .38 -1.19 .00 .00 -3.83 -8 .24 826 918 921 2098 .97 13.72 .00 .00 13.40 83 .64 829 921 924 598 .97 2 .59 .00 .00 3.82 8 .20 832 924 927 -987 .03 -7.82 .00 .00 -6.30 -20 .68 835 930 927 987 .03 6.29 .00 .00 6.30 20 .68 838 930 933 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 841 936 930 987.03 4.96 .00 .00 6 .30 20 .68 844 936 939 600 .38 1. 57 .00 .00 3 .83 8 .24 847 942 936 1587.41 15.26 .00 .00 10.13 49 .86 850 945 942 1587.41 1. 00 .00 15 .94 10.13 49.86 853 900 945 1587.41 8.53 .00 .00 10.13 49 .86 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 900 .00 315 .28 125 .00 82.45 903 .00 313.27 120 .00 83 .75 906 .00 310.92 120 .00 82.73 909 .00 304.38 122 .00 79 .03 912 .00 289.28 122.00 72 .49 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-8 Page 5 of 11 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site November 25,2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building and 186 gpm for the Recreation Center Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. 915 .00 284.04 133.00 65.45 918 .00 271 .80 135.00 59.28 921 1500.00 258.08 136.00 52.90 924 1586.00 255.49 137.00 51.35 927 .00 263.31 139.00 53.87 930 .00 269.60 138.00 57.03 933 .00 269.60 138.00 57.03 936 .00 274.56 136 .00 60.04 939 .00 272.99 135.00 59.79 942 .00 289 .82 133.00 67.95 945 .00 306.75 133.00 75.29 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 903 .00 313.27 120.00 83.75 906 .00 310.92 120.00 82 .73 900 .00 315.28 125.00 82.45 MINIMUM PRESSURES 924 1586.00 255.49 137.00 51.35 921 1500.00 258.08 136.00 52.90 927 .00 263.31 139.00 53.87 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 3086 .00 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 802 3086.00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 3086.00 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 927 1586.00 930 1500.00 THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN PIPE DATA ARE SPECIFIED PIPE NO. NODE NOS. LENGTH 814 909 912 20.0 850 945 942 20 .0 DIAMETER 8.0 8.0 ROUGHNESS 120.0 120.0 MINOR LOSS K 11.00 9.00 FIXED GRADE .00 .00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00060 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-8 Page 6 of 11 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site November 25,2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building and 186 gpm for the Recreation Center Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Fire Flow of 3000 gpm plus 86 gpm Fire Sprinkler Flow a t Nodes 927 and 930. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS 802 0 900 3086 .00 12.42 805 900 903 1433 .27 1. 84 808 903 906 1433 .27 2.17 811 906 909 1433 .27 6.02 814 909 912 1433.27 .83 817 912 915 1433.27 4.83 820 915 918 1433.27 11.27 823 918 939 347 .85 .43 826 918 921 1085.42 4 .04 829 921 924 1085.42 7 .79 832 924 927 1085.42 9 .32 835 930 927 500.58 1. 79 838 930 933 .00 .00 841 936 930 2000.58 18 .37 844 936 939 -347 .85 -.57 847 942 936 1652 .73 16 .44 850 945 942 1652 .73 1. 07 853 900 945 1652 .73 9 .19 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE 900 .00 315.28 903 .00 313.43 906 .00 311.27 909 .00 305.24 912 .00 290.13 915 .00 285.30 918 .00 274.03 921 .00 269.99 924 .00 262 .20 927 1586.00 252 .87 930 1500.00 254 .66 933 .00 254.66 936 .00 273 .03 939 .00 273 .60 942 .00 289 .47 945 .00 306 .09 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 903 .00 313 .43 906 .00 311 .27 900 .00 315 .28 PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .00 .00 8.75 23 .71 .00 .00 4.07 5.73 .00 .00 4.07 5 .73 .00 .00 9.15 41.27 .00 14 .29 9.15 41.27 .00 .00 9.15 41.27 .00 .00 9.15 41.27 .00 .00 2.22 3 .00 .00 .00 6.93 24 .66 .00 .00 6.93 24 .66 .00 .00 6.93 24.66 .00 .00 3.19 5 .88 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 12.77 76.53 .00 .00 -2.22 -3 .00 .00 .00 10.55 53 .73 .00 15.55 10.55 53 .73 .00 .00 10.55 53.73 ELEVATION PRESSURE 125 .00 82.45 120.00 83 .82 120.00 82 .88 122 .00 79 .41 122.00 72.85 133.00 66 .00 135.00 60 .25 136.00 58 .06 137 .00 54 .25 139.00 49.35 138 .00 50 .55 138.00 50 .55 136.00 59 .38 135 .00 60 .06 133.00 67.80 133.00 75.01 120 .00 83 .82 120 .00 82 .88 125 .00 82 .45 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-8 Page 7 of 11 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site November 25, 2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building and 186 gpm for the Recreation Center Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. 927 930 933 MINIMUM PRESSURES 1586.00 252.87 1500 .00 254 .66 .00 254.66 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 3086.00 139 .00 138 .00 138 .00 49.35 50.55 50.55 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER 802 FLOWRATE 3086.00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES 3086.00 .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER 930 933 DEMAND 1500 .00 1586 .00 THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN PIPE DATA ARE SPECIFIED PIPE NO . NODE NOS. LENGTH 814 909 912 20 .0 850 945 942 20.0 DIAMETER 8 .0 8.0 ROUGHNESS 120 .0 120 .0 MINOR LOSS K 11 .00 9.00 FIXED GRADE .00 .00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00005 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Fire Flow of 3000 gpm plus 86 gpm Fire Sprinkler Flow at Nodes 930 and 933. PIPE NO . NODE NOS . FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 802 0 900 3086.00 12.42 .00 .00 8.75 23 .71 805 900 903 1425 .78 1. 83 .00 .00 4.04 5.67 808 903 906 1425.78 2.14 .00 .00 4.04 5.67 811 906 909 1425 .78 5.97 .00 .00 9.10 40.87 814 909 912 1425 .78 .82 .00 14.14 9.10 40 .87 817 912 915 1425 .78 4.78 .00 .00 9.10 40 .87 820 915 918 1425 .78 11 .16 .00 .00 9.10 40 .87 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-8 Page 8 of 11 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site November 25, 2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building and 186 gpm for the Recreation Center Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. 823 918 939 473.74 . 76 .00 .00 3 .02 5 .31 826 918 921 952.04 3.17 .00 .00 6.08 19.34 829 921 924 952.04 6.11 .00 .00 6.08 19.34 832 924 927 952.04 7.31 .00 .00 6 .08 19.34 835 930 927 -952 .04 -5.88 .00 .00 -6.08 -19 .34 838 930 933 1586.00 19.06 .00 .00 10.12 49 .78 841 936 930 2133 .96 20.70 .00 .00 13.62 86.24 844 936 939 -473 .74 -1.01 .00 .00 -3.02 -5.31 847 942 936 1660.22 16 .58 .00 .00 10.60 54 .18 850 945 942 1660.22 1. 08 .00 15.69 10.60 54 .18 853 900 945 1660.22 9 .26 .00 .00 10.60 54 .18 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 900 .00 315.28 125 .00 82.45 903 .00 313.45 120.00 83.83 906 .00 311.31 120 .00 82 .90 909 .00 305.34 122.00 79.45 912 .00 290 .38 122 .00 72 .96 915 .00 285.60 133.00 66.13 918 .00 274.44 135.00 60.42 921 .00 271.27 136.00 58.62 924 .00 265.16 137.00 55.53 927 .00 257.84 139 .00 51.50 930 1500.00 251.96 138 .00 49 .38 933 1586 .00 232.90 138.00 41.12 936 .00 272 .66 136 .00 59 .22 939 .00 273 .68 135 .00 60 .09 942 .00 289.24 133.00 67 .70 945 .00 306 .01 133 .00 74 .97 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 903 .00 313 .45 120 .00 83 .83 906 .00 311.31 120 .00 82.90 900 .00 315.28 125 .00 82 .45 MINIMUM PRESSURES 933 1586 .00 232.90 138.00 41.12 930 1500.00 251 .96 138 .00 49 .38 927 .00 257 .84 139 .00 51.50 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 3086.00 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 802 3086.00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 3086.00 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES .00 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-8 Page 9 of 11 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site November 25, 2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building and 186 gpm for the Recreation Center Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER 930 939 DEMAND 1500 .00 1686.00 THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN PIPE DATA ARE SPECIFIED PIPE NO. NODE NOS . LENGTH DIAMETER 814 909 912 20.0 8.0 850 945 942 20.0 8.0 ROUGHNESS 120.0 120.0 MINOR LOSS K 11.00 8.00 FIXED GRADE .00 .00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY .00015 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartments Fire Flow of 3000 gpm plus 186 gpm Fire Sprinkler Flow at Nodes 930 and 939. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 802 0 900 3186.00 13.18 .00 .00 9.04 25.15 805 900 903 1463.68 1. 92 .00 .00 4.15 5.96 808 903 906 1463.68 2.25 .00 .00 4.15 5 .96 811 906 909 1463.68 6.26 .00 .00 9.34 42 .90 814 909 912 1463.68 .86 .00 14.90 9.34 42 .90 817 912 915 1463.68 5.02 .00 .00 9.34 42.90 820 915 918 1463.68 11.71 .00 .00 9.34 42.90 823 918 939 987.95 2.98 .00 .00 6 .31 20.72 826 918 921 475.73 .88 .00 .00 3.04 5.35 829 921 924 475.73 1. 69 .00 .00 3.04 5.35 832 924 927 475.73 2 .02 .00 .00 3.04 5.35 835 930 927 -475.73 -1.63 .00 .00 -3.04 -5.35 838 930 933 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 841 936 930 1024.27 5.32 .00 .00 6.54 22.15 844 936 939 698.05 2 .08 .00 .00 4.46 10 .89 847 942 936 1722.32 17.75 .00 .00 10.99 57 .99 850 945 942 1722.32 1.16 .00 15.01 10.99 57 .99 853 900 945 1722.32 9.92 .00 .00 10.99 57.99 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 900 .00 314.52 125.00 82.13 903 .00 312 .60 120 .00 83.46 906 .00 310.35 120.00 82 .49 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-8 Page 10 of 11 Robertson Ranch PA-8 Apartment Site November 25,2015 Private Fire Protection System Analysis Job No. 528-033 3,000 gpm Fire Flow Plus Fire Sprinkler Flow of 86 gpm for a Building and 186 gpm for the Recreation Center Dexter Wilson Engr., Inc. 909 .00 304 .09 122 .00 78 .91 912 .00 288.33 122.00 72.08 915 .00 283 .31 133.00 65 .13 918 .00 271 .60 135.00 59 .19 921 .00 270 .72 136 .00 58 .38 924 .00 269 .03 137.00 57 .21 927 .00 267.00 139.00 55 .47 930 1500.00 265.38 138.00 55.20 933 .00 265 .38 138 .00 55.20 936 .00 270 .69 136.00 58.37 939 1686 .00 268 .61 135.00 57.90 942 .00 288.44 133.00 67.36 945 .00 304.61 133 .00 74.36 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 903 .00 312.60 120 .00 83.46 906 .00 310.35 120 .00 82.49 900 .00 314.52 125.00 82.13 MINIMUM PRESSURES 930 1500.00 265 .38 138 .00 55 .20 933 .00 265 .38 138.00 55 .20 927 .00 267 .00 139.00 55.47 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND 3186.00 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES THE THE PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 802 3186.00 NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 3186 .00 NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES .00 Fire Protection Analysis for PA-8 Page 11 of 11 I I I I I I I I t-::::> 0 >-<( _J ._:..: ::::> 0 >-<( _J -.t N c'4 ...... o; 0 l!) ...... I 0 I") I ...... ...... 0 3:: q ...... <. I I /~j \ BLDG. 1 I I I I I lXXI -------- EL CAMINO REAL I ~ N I SCALE: 1 "=80' 0 80 .... -JIII"Ml FEET I I I I I I I LEGEND I PROJECT BOUNDARY I PROPOSED ARE UNE I r ---------EXISTING WATER 349 ZONE I ~-to:l--EXISTING WATER 446 ZONE I PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANTS I lXXI DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS (760) 438-4422 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTS COMPUTER MODEL NODE NUMBER COMPUTER PIPE NUMBER EXHIBIT A.1 PRIVA 1E FlRE PROTECTlON SYSTEM NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM ROBERTSON RANCH PA7 I I I I I I I I I I-::> ~ <( _J .,:..: :::> ~ <( _J N ..- N ..-.---..v Oi 0 10 ..- 1 0 I") I ..-..- ~ Cl c-.i < 1-- mL~UL--------~=~~~~ ----_---------------- EL CAMINO REAL --- I I I I I --- I I I I I I I I I I 4" REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY FEBCO 375 --- DETAIL LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY -- - t_ _______ _ PROPOSED WATER UNE I EXISTING WATER 349 ZONE EXISTING WATER 446 ZONE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTS COMPUTER MODEL NODE NUMBER COMPUTER PIPE NUMBER I I -- SCALE: 1 "=80' DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS (760) 438-4422 80 EXHIBIT A.2 PRIVAlE DOMESTIC SYSlEM NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM ----\ \ARTIC\DWG\528033\PAB\EXHIBIT 8.1.DWG 11-30-15 09:16:31 LAYOUT: LAYOUT LEGEND - - - -PROJECT BOUNDARY PROPOSED ~RE UNE EXISTING WATER 349 ZONE EXISTING WATER 446 ZONE PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANTS EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTS COMPUTER MODEL NODE NUMBER COMPUTER PIPE NUMBER I I I I DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS (760) 438-4422 • I I ~oo~ ~co I I I I I I I &.; I ~ CIJ N ~ ~ I I E-. f2 ~ SCALE: 1"=100' I 0 100 ~~~FEET PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM ROBERTSON RANCH PAB \ \ARTIC\DWG\528033\PAB\EXHIBIT 8.2.DWG 11-30-15 09:16:50 LAYOUT: LAYOUT LEGEND - - - -PROJECT BOUNDARY PROPOSED WATER LINE EXISTING WATER LINE 349 ZONE EXISTING WATER LINE 446 ZONE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTS COMPUTER MODEL NODE NUMBER DETAIL DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 17601 438-4422 I 1. )/~~,· • I \ . ,.......,.,~~-\ __._--+-+-~"'-B:A."CKFLOW PREVENTER WILKINS MODEL 375 ~ N I SCALE: 1"=100' 0 100 5J~_....j FEET EXHIBIT 8.2 PRIVATE DOMESTIC SYSTEM NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM ROBERTSON RANCH PA8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I