HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-16; ROBERTSON RANCH EAST VILLAGE; ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC; 2006-09-07Transportati~n
, COt:'sultants
September 7, 2006
Mr. Brian Milich
Calavera Hills 2, LLC
2780 Womble Road
San Diego, CA 921 06
• •
5960 Inglewood Dr., 'Suite 100
Pleasanton, CA 94588·8535
, 925.463.0611
925.463.3690 fax
Santa Rosa
141 Stony Clr., Suite 280
, Santa Rosa, CA 95401-4110
707.575.5888 fax
Subject: Analysis of Traffic Calming Strategies for Robertson Ranch'
Dear Mr. Milich:
980 9th St., 16th Floor
SaM/mento, CA 95814-2736
516 W:Shaw AI'e., Suite 200
Fresno, CA 93704-2515
559.221.4940 fax
, tjkm@tjkm.com
Project Number 289-001
At your request TJKM has evaluated the potential effectiveness of the traffic calming plan for reducing potential
cut through traffic in The Colony should Robertson Ranch West Village be developed as planned. The basic
objective of this analysis is the independent assessment of the potential for increased traffic 0+1 streets within an
existing residential development just north of Robertson Ranch, called The Colony. The increased traffic comes
from two sources:
1. Non-local traffic shifting off of Tamarack Avenue and EI Camino Real to a shorter route
2. Traffic to and from th,e development in West Villa~e oriented to places north of The Colony.
More specifically, if two of the streets (Edinburgh Drive and Glasgow Drive) in The Colony are connected to
similar streets in the ,West Village of Robertson Ranch, is there a potential for non-local traffic to use Edinburgh
Drive and Glasgow Drive as a shortcut between TamarackAvenue at Edinburgh Drive and El Camino Real at
Lisa Avenue? "Non-local" in this sense means traffic coming from elsewhere and going elsewhere than West
Village or The Colony. Further, there is also interest in the potential for how many vehicle trips could be loadeq
onto Edinburgh Drive and Glasgow Drive from the new housing ~d other uses in Robertson Ranch (West
Village). Figure 1 shows the vicinity of West Village at Robertson I,tanch and The Colony. Figures 2A and 2B
show the total additional daily traffic that could increase traffic in The Colony if West Village were deve19ped
with no traffic calming strategies.
We based our analysis upon the approved Transportation Analysis Final Report for Robertson Ranch dated,
September 1, 2005 by Urban Systems Associates. That report contained the following information:
• Trip generation for the West Village Planning Areas for development in Robertson Ranch
• Trip distribution (i.e., the geographic locations for trip origins and destinations for Robertson Ranch)
• Transportation facility information
Subsequent to that report" the number of housing ~ts was decreased in several of the planning areas, and senior
housing was added. Urban Systems Associates made appropriate reductions in the number of trips generated.
These adjustments are, described in newer traffic reports showing volume forecasts for ,average daily traffic
volumes through ~he Colony .
.. Wee rea t e t ran s p 0 r tat i () n S 0 Jut ion s • •• IN j t 1\ the rIg h t P € 0 pie ..
City of Carlsbad
Robertson Ranch
• ••
To Hwy-18
-"t.r-"/';~~~~I--------· I · I ·
Vicinity Map & Planning Areas -West Village
2B~001 -B/B/06 -GK
, I
I ,
I , ,
Not to Scale
_ West Village Traffic
••• Non-Local Traffic
• To Mwy-78
I .
\ .
Notto Scale
City of Carlsbad
Robertson Ranch _l~ot~alllllli ... p~,o_te_n_ti_a_1 A_d_d_ed_D_a_il_Y_'T_ra_ff_i_C_W_illl!llth __ W_e_s_t_V_il_la_g_e ___ F2i_
Au_re ,~ 1122 Dwelling Units-No Traffic Calming Assumed .. ~
289-001 -916106 • GK
_ West Village Traffic
••• Non-Local Traffic
City of Carlsbad
Robertson Ranch
• • TDHwy-78
~~"""""""'r--------. I .
Total Potential Added Daily Traffic With West Village
1154 Dwelling Units-No Traffic Calming Assumed
289-001 -9/6/06 -GK
, J
I \ , \
I \
I \
I ,
Not to Scale
• •
Mr. Brian Milich September 7, 2006 5
The volumes in The Colony can be further reduced, according to Urban Systems Associates, if traffic calming and
circuitous routing are used in the West Village circulation plan. Urban Systems Associates used published studies
of traffic calming projects throughout the United States as the basis for estimating reductions'due to traffic ,
calming. They reduced the total potential traffic demand by the reported 45 percent average decrease in traffic on
"calmed streets" as reported in Traffic Calming: State o/the Practice, co-authored by the Federal Highway
Administration and the Institute of Transportation Engineers.
This report by TJKM also makes direct use of the trip generation and trip distribution data in those reports as well.
However, the forecasting methods used by TJKM are entirely independent from Urban Systems Associates. That
is, by using standard transportation modeling and forecasting techniques, we confirm that Urban Systems
Associates' estimates of average daily traffic in The Colony due to development of West Village are higher than
our estimates overall, and are thus conservative. Our estimates show that the amount of traffic added to Edinburgh
Drive is likely to be a little higher than estimated in the Urban Systems Associates' reports, and that traffic added
to Glasgow will be substantially lower than estimated by Urban Systems Associates. The subsequent reports from
Urban ~ystems Associates are dated June 15th, July 27th, August 23rd, and September 6, 2006. The newer reports
reflect changes in the number of dwelling units and the addition of senior housing in West Village under two land
use scenarios as well as two circulation scenarios. This TJKM report is based on ,the September 6,2006 report,
from Urban Systems Associates because the basis for that report is the land use and traffic conditions in the
proposed West Village project to be presented to the planning commission in September 2006. '
There are two land use alternatives under consideration: 1) West Village with 1,122 dwelling units, and2) 1,154
dwelling units. In addition, there are two circulation schemes for each land use with and without a local access
road connecting to Tamarack A venue from Planning Area J in West Village. Figures 3A and 3B show the
planning areas and the two circulation schemes. The assumptions a,nd conditions used for analysis in this report
assume no traffic cahping in The Colony.
Figures 3A and 3B also show the traffic calming strategies in each of the two circulation plans within West
Village: The planned calming strategies are simply the introduction of traffic circles at four intersections plus
forcing sharp right and left turns (circuitous routing) that also work to slow traffic. The combination of traffic
circles and circuitous routes greatly increases both distances and travel times through West Village, thus 'reducing
the potential for West Village streets as a preferred shortcut route. With these calming strategies, along with
capacity improvements on EI Camino Real, more traffic in West Village will find that us,ing EI Camino Real and
Tamarack Avenue is faster than using streets in The Colony and in West Village. TJKM, in this report, only
addresses the traffic calming and circuitous,routing scenarios, because the Urban Systems Associates' reports
describe traffic conditions without calming and circuitous routing in West Village.
This letter report presents our findings. Detailed information and calculations showing how the findings were
determined are attached as appendices. I have also attached my qualifications as a traffic calming expert including
a paper written for a meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers describing the use of traffic calming
devices to discourage through traffic in neighborhoods of Campbell, California.
® Traffic Circle
.A Sharp Right Angle
_ Local Through Street
••• Non-Through Street
City of Carlsbad
Robertson Ranch
): tj,
fg ::'j
NOTE: Traffic calming plan shown is preliminary and additional traffic calming measures may be used,
'"t~ •.
Concept Circulation Plan -West Village With No Local Tamarack Access
289-001-916/06 -GK
\ ~.
Not to Scale
Figure ~
® Traffic Circle
ii' ~
... Sharp Right Angle
_ Local Through Street
••• Non-Through Street I NOTE: Traffic calming plan shown is preliminary and additional traffic calming measures may be' used,
City of Carlsbad
Robertson Ranch
Concept Circulation Plan -West Village With Local Tamarack Access
289-001 -9/6/06 -GK
'''' ""~~)
Not to Scale
• •
Mr. Brian Milich September 7, 2006" 8
Existing Conditions
Figure 4 shows the existing daily non-local traffic volume that might wish to use The Colony and West Village
streets as a shortcut. These 2,000 vehicles daily currently use Tamarack Avenue and EI Camino Real to get
between the intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive/Tamarack Avenue and the intersection ofEI Camino Real/
Cannon Road. Details on how TJKM calculated the 2,000 daily potential shortcut trips through The Colony are in
Appendix B. Figure 4 also shows existing daily volumes on Edinburgh Drive and Glasgow Drive within The
Colony. The existing volumes shown for Edinburgh Drive and Glasgow Drive are based upon the volumes in
Attachment 1 in the July 27, 2006 Urban Systems Associates' traffic report. The volumes on Edinburgh Drive and
Glasgow Drive are well under the design volume of2,000 vehicles for their "Local" classification.
It is obvious from Figure 4 why either or both Glasgow Drive and Edinburgh Drive coupled with a straight route
through West Village to Lisa AvenuelEl Camino Real could be a shortcut. The distance for the route between the
intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive/Tamarack Avenue and the intersection of Cannon RoadlEl Camino Real is
2.2 miles via the intersection of Tamarack AvenuelEl Camino Real. If either Glasgow Drive or Edinburgh Drive
were extended straight through West Village to intersect EI Camino Real at Lisa Avenue, the total distance
between the same intersections above, Carlsbad Village Drive/Tamarack Avenue and EI Camino Real/Cannon
Road is only 1.6 miles, or 0.6 mile shorter than the current arterial route.
Figure 5 shows travel times for traffic currently traveling between the intersections of Carlsbad Village
Drive/Tamarack A venue and El Camino Real/Cannon Road via the arterial routes of Tamarack A venue and EI
Camino Real as compared with the potential shortcut route should West Village be developed with a straight route
between El Camino ReallLisa Avenue and Edinburgh Drive. As can be seen in that figure, the internal routes of
West Village (with no traffic calming -they would be straight), when joined with Edinburgh and Glasgow could
save between one and two minutes over the longer, current arterial route for trips coming from the north. For trips
going to the north, the travel times are almost the same, with the arterial route having a slight advantage of 15
seconds in the a.m. peak and 17 seconds in the p.m. peak. The total travel time between the intersections of
Carlsbad Village Drive/ Tamarack Avenue and El Camino Real/Cannon Road is a function of how long it takes to
travel this approximate 2't1.! mile distance at 55 mph on EI Camino Real and 45 mph on Tamarack Avenue plus the
additional time spent stopped and waiting at the signal by the average vehicle. Note: to calculate the travel times,
the travel time for the free speed needs to have the intersection delays added for the appropriate movements. This
calculation has been made for the reader's convenience in the tables included in Figure 5.
The waiting time at the signal is called "control delay" and includes the additional time needed to slow on the
approach and accelerate from a signal as well as time spent at the red light. Not all drivers have to wait, of course,
and others wait far longer than average. The estimates of control delay for the TamaracklEl Camino Real signal
are based on the Synchro reports in Appendix F. TJKM used 2030 with project volume estimates from the
September 1, 2005 Transportation Analysis Final Report for Robertson Ranch, Section 7, Figures 7-6 and 7-7.
The actual values used for control delay at the signalized intersections are also shown in Figure 5. We
acknowledge that the project volumes at TamaracklEl Camino Real are a little high, because these forecasts were
made prior to reducing the number of dwelling units in West Village. However, the minor increased traffic
volumes would have the effect of slightly increasing control delay, thus making the arterial routes less
competitive with Edinburgh and West Village streets on a comparative basis for travel times. T JKM also used the
lane assumptions for 2030. We also improved the intersection ofZ StreetlLisaAvenue and E1 Camino Real with a
separate left turn lane on Lisa to allow nonnal signal phasing. TJKM also used the standard 10 seconds of
additional delay at the intersection of Tamarack A venue and Edinburgh Drive for right turns onto Tamarack
Avenue and for left turns onto Edinburgh Drive. This is conservative, because at certain times of the day, it takes
more than an additional 1 0 seconds to turn left onto Edinburgh and to turn right onto Tamarack because drivers
must wait for oncoming traffic to clear. The least delay is 10 seconds, so travel times through West Village and
The Colony are probably longer by 5 to 15 seconds over the day.
.... •••••••••
••• Current Through Route
11I1I1I1.Potentlal Shortcut Route
-XX Daily Volume
City of Carlsbad
Robertson Ranch
Non-Local Traffic Volumes and Volumes in The Colony
289-001 -9/1106 -GK
,-, , ,
( \
I \
I \
/. ,
/' ,
Not to Scale .
- - -Shortcut AM (PM) Signal Delay
Arterial AM 5'23"
PM 5'3"
Shortcut AM. 3'32"
PM 3'45"
Arterial AM 3'11"
PM 3' 17"
Shortcut AM 2'56"
PM 3'0"
City of Carlsbad
Robertson Ranch
•• •
To calculate total travel time, add the free
flow segment times plus Intersection delays.
Calculations shown on Appendix F.
( I
t I
Not to Scale
Travel Time Comparison -Arterial Vs. Shortcut -
No Calming
2B9-001 -9/B/06 -GK
• •
Mr. Brian Milich September 7, 2006
Analysis with West Village Development
Figures 3A and 3B on pages 6 and 7 show the street pattern and traffic calming strategies proposed for West
Village including traffic circles and circuitous routing via forced right and left turns. The circuitous routing and'
traffic cn-cles accomplish three objectives: 1) they require drivers to slow to maneuver through the turn or circle;
2) the circuitous routing increases the distance through West Village which adds to travel time; and 3) they
present a complex route for any through traffic and thus reduce the utility and convenience'ofthese streets as a
potential shortcut. Of the two objectives, the most important is the slowing of traffic that contributes to longer
travel times within the new development.
TJKM used the trip generation from Urban Systems Associates for each of the Planning Areas (as recently
updated due to reductions in the number of residential units in some of the Planning Areas). Only those trips to
and from the north (on Edinburgh Drive and on Glas gow Drive) from West Village Planning Areas are shown in
Table 1 and Table 2, including trips to Hope Elementary School and Calavera Hills Middle School. School trips
are included within these totals. Table 1 relates to the 1,122 dwelling unit plan and Table 2 on the next page
,relates to the 1,154 dwelling unit plan. They are valid for both circulation schemes -with and without the local
access connection to Tamarack Avenue. It should be noted'that Urban Systems Associates added trips on top of
those presented in Table 1 to be conservative. TJKM used trip generation rates from the standard reference, Trip
Gen~rationJ i h Edition. The trips shown in the various USA reports in June throqgh September 2006 overstate the
amount of actual traffic to be expected from West Village. The park trips, the school trips, etc. would normally be
considered simply as part of the daily totals shown'in Tables 1 and 2.
The proportion of trips to and from the north from West Village Planning Areas that would use Edinburgh Drive
and Glasgow Drive without traffic calming in West Village was estimated to be 12 percent of all West Village
vehicle trips in the Urban Systems Associates' June 15,2006 updated traffic study (page 3, last paragraph). The
trip generation rates shown in Tables 1 and Z are 12 percent of total trips.
Plan Daily Daily Trips.
Area Use Units Trips To/From
Per Unit The North
3 SF 82 10 98
5 SF 25 10 30
6 SF 61 10 73
7 MF 201 6 145
8 MF 186 6 134
9 SF 34 10 41
10 SF 37 10 44
11 Commercial na 2925 351
Once the number of trips to and from the north are calculated in Tables 1 and 2, the next step is to evaluate which
route drivers from each of the planning areas will take assuming traffic calming and circuitous routes. this 'step in
the analysis is the primary difference in the methods used by TJKM and those used by Urban Systems Associates.
The estimates by Urban Systems Associates are based upon an average 45 percent reduction from calming
r • •
Mr. Brian Milich September 7, 2006 12
projects throughout the United States. The method used by TJKM is based upon the theory that drivers will take
the shortest time route to and from a destination.
Plan Daily Dally Trips
Area Use Units Trips To/From
Per Unit the North
3 SF 82 10 98
5 SF 15 10 18
6 SF 60 10 72
7 MF 201 6 145
8 MF 186 6 134
9 SF 34 10 41
10 SF 31 10 37
11 Commercial na 2925 351
The TJKM analysis follows the specific procedure below:
• We assumed drivers will always use the shortest time route between the start of their trip (origin) and
where they are going (destination).
• The trips in Tables 1 and 2 are those trips in the West Village Planning Areas that would use Edinburgh
Drive and Glasgow Drive if there were no traffic calming in West Village, because they represent the
shortest distance and fastest route.
• The alternative routes are (the reverse is also true -the ''to'' direction of a trip from the north):
o from a Planning Area north to either Glasgow or Edinburgh
o from a Planning Area south to Lisa/EI Camino Real, to TamaracklEl Camino Real to Carlsbad
Village. Drive/Tamarack Avenue
o from a Planning Area out 'to Tamarack Avenue (local access circulation alternative) to Tamarack
Avenue/Carlsbad Village Drive
• Overall travel times between each Planning Area and Carlsbad Village Drive/Tamarack Avenue were
calculated on this basis:
o Tamarack Avenue -between signals = 45 mph (66 feet per second).
o EI Camino Real-between signals = 55 mph (8Q.67 feet per second).
o Edinburgh and Glasgow = 30 mph (44 feet per second).
o West Village streets between calming devices = 30 mph (44 feet per second).
o Specific delays were added for each calming device (10 seconds -see Appendix E).
o Specific delays for specific movements were added as calculated by Synchro (see Appendix F).
o The resulting travel times are shown in Figure 6.(same calculations as in Figure 5)
o Note that there are no average speeds of 55 mph on EI Camino Real, or 45 mph on Tamarack
Avenue, because the average speeds are a function of both the freely flowing traffic between
signals as well as the added travel times due to congestion and delays for specific movements at
• Trips to and from Planning Areas were assigned to the shortest time route. Note that Planning Areas front
on West Village streets in more than one location, so in some Planning Areas, some of the trips were
assigned to the north, and some of the trips were assigned via El Camino Real/Tamarack.
• Delays at signals were based upon the analysis of2030 volumes in the September 1, 2005 traffic report.
Arterials AM 5'23"
PM 5'3"
Glasgow AM 6'27"
PM 6'41"
Edinburgh AM 5'39"
PM 5'53"
Arterials AM
Glasgow AM
Edinburgh AM
5' 56"
To calculate total travel time. add the free
flow segment times plus 'intersection delays.
Calculations shown on Appendix F.
1 \
I \
-.,;r.;iiiiii"i"'I!"---_. --- ---~
City of Carlsbad
Robertson Ranch
Comparison of Travel Times Existing Vs. Colonyl
West Village With Calming
289-001 -9/8/06 -GK
Not to Scale
• •
Mr. Brian Milich September 7, 2006 14
• Finally, the above procedure is the same as used by the author in the traffic calming projects in the City of
Campbell and San Leandro while employed by those cities, and subsequently on traffic calming projects
as a consultant at TrKM. In all cases the predictions of volumes, traffic speeds and driver behavior were
quite close to actual experience, before and after implementation of traffic calming strategies. In all cases
with before and after data, drivers responded to changes in travel time between alternative routes.
Basically, drivers appear to notice differences in travel time when the difference is as low as 30 seconds.
Appendix E describes the field observations of the effects of right turns and traffic circles on travel speeds. The
idea in the traffic calming strategies for West Village is to require drivers to maneuver around sharp right angle
turns and around typical traffic circles. Without these turns and traffic circles, a driver moving at 30 mph (44 feet
per second) will travel 440 feet in 10 seconds. Our observations of drivers on streets where normal traffic is 30
mph show that it takes drivers 20 secqnds to travel 440 feet if they need to go around a comer ot around a traffic
circle. The traffic calming devices proposed for West Village will add up to 90 seconds for the route connecting to
Glasgow Drive, and up to 90 seconds for the route connecting to Edinburgh Drive.
Figures 7 A and 7B show the estimated daily volumes on Glasgow Drive and on Edinburgh Drive without and
with a local access connection to Tamarack Avenue extending west from.Planning Area 3 with the 1,122 dwelling
unit scenario. Figures 8A and 8B show daily volumes on Glasgow Drive and on Edinburgh Drive without and
with a local access connection to Tamarack Avenue extending west from Planning Area 3 using the 1,154
dwelling unit scenario.
There is one other comparison of significance. Note that Figure 6 shows overall travel times for a driver wishing
to drive all the way through The Colony and West Village from Tamarack A venuelEdinburgh Drive to go south
on El Camino Real. This "shortcut" would avoid the additional distance and time in congestion at the signal at
TamaracklEl Camino Real. However, as can be seen in Figure 6, the shortcut travel time is between 5 minutes 24
seconds and 6 minutes 41 seconds, while the travel time to go around via Tamarack Avenue and EI Camino Real
is between 3 minutes 11 seconds and 5 minutes 23 seconds, averaging 83 seconds less than Edinburgh and 105
seconds less than Glasgow as seen in Figure 6. The travel times are fairly close in the a.m. peak between the
arterial route and Edinburgh. The complexity of the Edinburgh route will tend to minimize the potential for cut-
through traffic. In the a.m. peak hour, however, some non-local traffic may use Edinburgh/West Village in lieu of
Tamarack and EI Camino Real.
Of the two potential types of new traffic on streets of The Colony, only traffic to and from West Village is likely
to use The Colony streets. Traffic calming strategies, as assumed in this report, result in a 37 to 53 percent'
reduction in potential West Village traffic in The Colony. This calculation can be illustrated in this example: take
the total potential West Village trips to and from the north from Figure 2B (896) and compare that with the
forecast increase for Edinburgh and Glasgow in Figure 8A (1,565 + 1,040 -1,200 -900 = 505 added vehicles).
The proportion of505/896 = 56 percent, so the reduction is 100 percent less 56 percent = 44 percent. The greatest
reduction is 53 percent for the 1,154 Dwelling Unit alternative with the Tamarack Connection (Figure 8B), and
the least effective is the 1,122 Dwelling Unit alternative without the Tamarack Connection of37 percent (Figure
The estimates in Figures 7 A through 8B are calculated without any traffic calming strategies in The Colony.
Simple measures such as traffic circles at four-way intersections in The Colony would induce an additional 30
seconds of travel time on Edinburgh. Should these measures be implemented. traffic would be greatly reduced on
Edinburgh. With traffic calming on Edinburgh in The Colony (specific strategies would need to be determined
through the city's standard process), traffic on Edinburgh in Figure 7 A would be reduced to 1,270, in Figure 7B to
1,280, and in both Figures 8A and 8B, Edinburgh traffic would be 1,262. Total percent reduction in West Village
traffic traveling into and through The Colony would be reduced between 73 and 87 percent from the total
potential increase. The travel time on local streets between Tamarack Avenue and Avenue ZlLisa Avenue ranges
from 16 seconds to almost 3 minutes greater, even with the long delays for left turns at Tamarack Avenue and EI
• •
Mr. Brian Milich September 7, 2006
Camino Real. These reductions can be made without closure of the connections between The Colony and the
planned extensions of Colony streets through West Village.
The planned traffic calming strategies will work to discourage West Village traffic nearest El Camino Real and
Lisa from using internal streets to go to Tamarack/Carlsbad Village Drive and beyond. The arterial route is faster
for Planning Areas 3, 7, and portions of 8 and 11. Typically, Planning Areas 5 and '6 are oriented to Glasgow,
while .portions of Planning Areas 8 and 11 plus all of Planning Areas 9 and 10 will use Edinburgh to go north.
• •
To Hwy-78
City of Carlsbad
1-, , ,
( \
1 \
1 \ / )
• ,
Not to Scale
Total Daily Volumes in The Colony with Traffic Calming in
Robertson Ranch Figure ~
West Village 1122 Dwelling Units -No Tamarack Connection 7 A
289-001 ·917106· GK
. , • •
To Hwy-78
City of Carlsbad
" I
I \ , \
I \
I ' \
Not to Scale
Total Daily Volumes in The Colony with Traffic Calming in Robertson Ranch Figure ~
West Village 1122 Dwelling Units -With Tamarack Connection 78 ' ,
289-001 -917106 -GK
• •
City of Carlsbad
1-, , ,
I \
\ • ,
Notte Scale
Total Daily Volumes in The Colony with Traffic Calming in
Robertson Ranch Figure ~
West Village 1154 Dwelling Units -No Tamarack Connection8A
289-001 -917106 -GK
, ,
'. • f • " ;
City of Carlsbad
I \
I \
I \
/ \
, Total Daily Volumes in The Colony with Traffic Calming in Robertson Ranch. Figure ~
West Village 1154 Dwelling Units -With Tamarack Connection 8B
289-001 -917106 -GK
• •
Mr. Brian Milich September 7, 2006 20
The Colony residents closer to Edinburgh Drive and Tamarack Avenue are still likely to use the arterial routes
because the circuitous routes in West Village coupled with the traffic circles will continue to represent a longer
travel time -in other words, the new streets in West Village are no travel time "bargain" to residents in The
Colony, excepting those closest to West Village in similar fashion to trips to and from Planning Areas 9 and 10. It
is our opinion that resulting daily volumes in The Colony will be further reduced by some Colony residents using
West Village streets. By heading south for shopping or to just go south on EI Camino Real, these trips will be
subtracted from the estimates in Figures 7A through SB. TJKM did not make an estimate of the use of West
Village streets by residents of The Colony.
The traffic calming strategies that add to travel times on internal streets ultimately reduces the amount of new
traffic through The Colony.
• The proposed traffic calming strategies for development in West Village will be effective in eliminating
cut through traffic in The Colony. The "shortcut" northbound is between 16 seconds to almost 3 minutes
longer than using EI Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue, and only in the a.m. peak hour is the
southbound "shortcut" even close to the arterial travel time. At other times of the day, the southbound
route through The Colony and West Village will be 1 to 2 niinutes longer.
• The proposed traffic calming strategies for development in West Village will also serve to discourage 37
to 53 percent of all West Village traffic from using streets in The Colony depending upon the alternative
that is implemented. .
• It is the opinion of TJKM that the estimates by Urban Systems Associates for traffic reduction due to
traffic calming strategies are reasonable and valid, and most likely conservative.
• Our estimates of total daily traffic on Edinburgh and Glasgow including all West Village traffic (all
purposes including school trips) are shown in Figures 7A through SB.
Detailed data and calculations, plus basic modeling data attached in appendices. Also attached is a paper
written and presented to the Institute of Transportation Engineers in the annual meeting of District 6 in
Portland, Oregon in 1994. The use of traffic calming to manage traffic in neighborhoods is well established as
effective, and has been practiced since the early 1970' s throughout the United States.
Very truly yours,
Gary E. Kruger, P.E.
Principal Associate
Attached Appendices
Appendix A: Gary Kruger Qualifications
Appendix B: Calculation of Non-Local Cut Through Traffic Potential in The Colony
Appendix C: Traffic Calming Paper of Diverting Cut Through Traffic Out of Neighborhood
Appendix D: City Council Report, City of Campbell Regarding Diversion of Cut Through Traffic
Appendix E: Field Observations of Travel Time Increases Due to Calming Devices
Appendix F: Synchro Reports Regarding Signal Delays
Appendix G: Analysis Data in Project Model
j: !jurisdiction Iclcarlsbad\2 89-00 111090706 Jeport.doc
II. • • •