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f C ToJ--{6 HYDRAULIC ANALYSES FOR CALAVERA CREEK CHANNEL PROTECTION August 30, 2005 , At-IV ApOW.tSI t-l) ~tr W fl'D~'f:lo~ '. Civil Engineering 0 Hydrology 0 Hydraulics 0 Sedimentation P.O. Box 9496 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 (858) 692-0760 ~ C( ()~-,,~ *11 .~-~ -TABLE OF CONTENTS - Introduction .............................................................................................................................. : .... 1 Channel Protection ......................................................................................................................... 2 Conclusion ....................................................................... <1.,. ••••• "1' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••• 4 APPENDIX A. Riprap Force Calculations and Vrnax3 Calculations B. I DO-Year HEC-RAS Analysis .1 INTRODUCTION A portion of Calavera Creek is located along the northedy boundary of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (RCMHP) in the city of Carlsbad (see Vicinity Map). The creek flow passes over a recently constructed reinforced concrete weir wall near the northerly end of RCMHP prior to entering the mobile home park. Within RCMHP, the creek primarily consists of a vegetated. trapezoidal channel. NOT TO SCALE PACIFIC OCEAN CITY OF ENCINITAS Figure 1. Vicinity Map During a recent site visit, rip rap was observed in Calavera Creek near the weir wall outlet. The riprap was present on the banks immediately below the weir wall (see Figure 2) and also on the Calavera Creek channel ballie opposite the weir wall. During the past rainy season, the riprap was placed oil the opposite channel bank as an emergency measure to protect against high velocity creek flow outletting the weir wall, which is directed towards the opposite bariIc. According to McMillin Land Development, this riprap contained up to Y4~ton rock class. Additional channel 1 protection is now proposed below the weir wall to provide a greater factor-of-safety against erosion resulting from high velocity flow exiting the weir wall. Resource Agency permits are required for construction of the additional protection. The San 'Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board and US Army Corps of Engineers have indicated a preference for prot~ction measures that support vegetative growth rather than more traditional hard armori'ng such as riprap. This report presents research and hydraulic analyses used to recommend erosion control measures that address the resource agency's criteria. Figure 2. Looking Upstream in Calavera Creek towards Weir Wall CHANNEL PROTECTION During a'site meeting, Mr. Chris Means from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, state? that the Board's p::eference ~s for erosion protecti?n.measures suc~ as Vmax3 fro:n North Amencan Green. Vmax IS a turf remforcement mat consIstmg of composlte layers (matrIx material between UV-stabilized polypropylene high strength, pennanent nets) that prevent erosion when a channel is in an initial unvegetated, partially vegetated, and fully vegetated state. In a channel's initial unvegetated state, Vmax3 contains a matrix material (straw, coconut, or polypropylene) that completely covers bare soil to prevent erosion. As vegetation establishes and matures, the matrix material continues to provide structural support for the developing plants. Ultimately, the vegetation and permanent netting provides the required erosion protection. 2 Discussions with North American Green revealed that the Vmax3 has been tested and installed in many channel applications. However, the technical staff indicated that the material has not been tested nor certified in situations similar to that at the weir wall where flow from two creeks confluence at a sharp angle. As a result, V max3 was not recommended for protection of the channel bank opposite the weir wall due to the lateral force impact. FUrthermore, V max3 is not . recommended immediately below the weir wall, where the shear force from the high velocity outlet flow is large. Based on these considerations, Figure 4 (included after the report text) illustrates areas near the weir wall where riprap and Vmax3 should be installed to provide erosion protection from the flow outletting the weir wall. Riprap is proposed immediately downstream of the weir wall and along the opposite channel bank. The riprap on the.opposite bank extends laterally beyond the effective flow area from the weir wall. V max3 is proposed in the remaining channel areas below the weir wall outlet. . The city of Carlsbad has required that the Vmax3 on the channel bottom below the weir wall outlet be underlain with rip rap as a factor-of-safety (see Figure 4). In order to allow vegetation to establish in this area, the rip rap will be buried I-foot below the Vmax3 liner on the channel:bed. The 100-year flow velocity outletting the weir wall is just over 10 feet per secon<;l. Therefore, Y-I- ton rock class can be used for the buried riprap. Figure 3. Looking Upstream in Little Encinas Creelc Abov<: Weir WaH 3 ., . .;, Note that Vmax3 is also proposed on the Little Encinas Creek bed and banks immediately upstream of the weir wall. Figure 3 shows that the creek is currently concrete-lined in this area. The concrete is cracking and has failed in one area. Mr. Means stated that the Board prefers that the concrete be replaced with Vmax3• • Previous. force calculations indicated that the riprap on the southerly Calavera Creek bank should be I-ton rock class (see Appendix A). As mentioned above, the existing riprap on the channel bank is up to Y4-ton rock class. A 100-year HEC-RAS analysis was performed using updated (May 12, 2005) topographic mapping at a 2-foot contour interval to confirm the riprap sizing. There are several future upstream improvements that will impact the ultimate 100-year flow.rate. In order to account for the potential range of conditions in the watershed, HEC-RAS analyses were performed based on the conditions that would generate the least (84" RCP installed, Lake ~ Cal avera improvements, Basin BJB modifications, and Basin BJ construction) and greatest 100- year flow rates (existing conditions and 84" RCP installed). The analyses indicate that the greatest outflow velocity (10 feet per second) from the weir wall will occur with the lower 100- year flows. This analysis is included in Appendix B and the HEC-RAS cross-sections are shown on Figure 4. While it may be contrary to intuition that a lower flow will generate a higher velocity, this occurs because the backwater below the weir wall is lower with the lower flows. Additional analyses were performed for a variety of flow events of less than IOO-year magnitude. These analyses showed that the IOO-year analysis had the highest velocity and, therefore, governed the design. The 1-ton rip rap can withstand this lOa-year pow velocity and is, therefore, appropriate below the weir wall. Analyses were also performed to verify the stability of Vmax.3 in this application. North American Green provides "Erosion Control Materials Design, Software" for the anallfsis of Vmax3• The input parameters include the flow rate, channel dimensions, channel slope, and vegetation development phase. Based on the topographic mapping, the channel was assume'd to have a 2 percent longitudinal slope, 8-foot bottom width, and 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) side slopes. Some of the input values used in, the software were chosen to provide slightly conservative results for a greater factor-of-safety. The analyses for a vegetated and unvegetated channel are included in Appendix A and show that Vmax3 P550 will be staqle. CONCLUSION Hydraulic analyses have been performed to outline criteria for erosion protection of Calaveta Creek from lOO-year flow outletting the weir wall. These analyses are not intended to address the potential for erosion in other areas of Calavera Creek with the exception of the concrete-lined area immediately upstream of the outlet. The analyses show that a combination of riprap and Vmax3 P550 can be used to provide protection. Riprap is proposed in areas subject the greatest forces. Long-term channel protection with Vmax3 is dependent on vegetative growth within the Vmax3 lining. Therefore, vegetation (turf or other ground cover) that can be sustained within the site environment must be selected. The channel design must be in accordance with the channel dimensions and slope modeled in the design software, as indicated above. Any deviations in the channel design must be verified. North American Green provides detailed installation guidelines 4 and requirements that must be followed by the contractor. 'Finally, it is recommended that the Vmax3 be keyed at least 5-feet below the upstream channel bed and banks to prevent undennining. 5 . , :;~:1~~~;~:i?~~-=-~:~~-' ~~-r.;-;;;--~=-~~:=:-5:.-:1~~~·--:;:-~';~~: ~?-:i::;'=-~;:!!!;:~--~':-~ :~-i '--".-.~:~& ==~-~~r;_~~/ ""'&> "'<" """ >""J. _---.,~·l ~o __ ~. r-____ .-....:...--r-2-::~._:..-<t~I,_--~'-----r...fG'y :.:.:"0;:/'" / • ___ :::=-~f"'~.e \I _,....~-.-.... #'" y __ .... __ .Il. 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Widlh = e. 00 t\ M aUitlQ T ypl) ~tdbf!(!,lAI'16Ivde Vegakltion Char<lCI~r;~lj,;:t Re~ch Pe!ll1j~sbl<-C·~Il:I)\e.!ed S<lICl~ Fi'ltlor RammM . S!<lple P~l!ern Ph~;o CI'm I type Dl;<m~1I' Shear 5be~$ $he~1 Slr&t$ Ipd) [puj Sll~i9ht P5~Q Unv.elletat.ed I 4m 3.50 1.14 ST~L£ '3tapkll: • O;:Sx;l',OIai!: Pedl; Roil \f"loch~' ~ps) Alea1~ rr.i~ • NQm;1"~ lcf$l 'Peliad n't~l Ra:!m tn Peplhrlu P5!iO [1')#0.050) 9:~ 0 10 909 102.00 318 54t lINER RESU! I~ NUllO ~'Cale . III ~nin9 TYIi? Ve!l~Jcl;';(J Ghar",,~lel/:l\ie~ Roach (Stabli1,Y Ji,nil!J!lit PElml>'sl:!'e C<il;-u'~~d Silfe!.VF,;;,;lar RelMu!<s Staplo PJ~jern Ph<f~e Cl;,l:~ I T}'J)e ID!)m~y Shaar Stre;>~ Shai?t!Sh(f~~ (psi) lo;l) StJalQht P5b'U Vegel~ion :3 0 I Min 15o·7$~ 13·00 IH'iI 1.91 STASl; SI~pleE Soil S~d 3.260 0.184 17.139 ::;TASl£ '--- NORTH AMERICAN GREEN' MATERIAL SPECIFICATION P550 The composite turf reinforcement mat (C~ TRM) shall be a machine~produced mat of 100% UV stabilized polypropylene fiber matrix incorporated into a permanent three~dimensional turf reinforcement matting. The matrix shall be evenly distributed across the entire width of the matting and stitc.h bonded between the bottom and middle ultra heavy duty UV stabilized nettings with 0.50 x 0.50 inch (1.27 x 1.27 cm) openings and then covered by an ultra heavy duty UV stabilized nettings with 0.50 x 0.50 inch (1.27 x 1.27 cm) openings. the middle, dramatically corrugated (crimped) netting shall form prominent closely spaced r-idges across the entire width of the mat. The three nettings shall be stitched together on 1.50 inch (3.81 cm) centers with UV stabilized polypropylene thread to' form a permanent three~dirriensiol1al turf reinforcement matting. The P550 shall meet requirements established by the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC) Specification and th,e U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration's (FBWA) Standard Specifications For Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects, FP~03 2003 Section 713.18 as a Type 5A, B, and C Permanent Tuif Reinforcement lv/at. . Instaliation staple patterns shall be clearly marked on the turfreinforcementmattings with environmentally safe paint. All mats shall be manufactured with a colored thread stitched along both outer edges (approximately 2-5 inches [5~12.5 cm] from the edge) as an overlap guide for adjacent mats. The composite turf reinforcement mat shall be the North American Green P550, or equivalent. The P550 permanent composite turf reinforcement mat shall have the following physical properties: Matel'ial Content Matrix Netting Thread 100% UV Stabilized Polypropylene Fibers (0.50 Ibs/yd2) (0.27 kg/m2) Top and bottom-Ultra Heavy Duty UV Stabilized Polypropylene (241bll,OOO ff [11.7 kg/I 00 m2] approximate weight) Mid -Corrugated Ultra Heavy Duty UV Stabilized Polypropylene (24Ibll,OOO ft2 [11.7 kg/100 m2] appro,ximate weight) UV Stabilized Polypropylene P550 is Available with the Following Physical Specifications Per Roll [English Units (Metric Units)] Width Length Weight± 10% Area 6.50 ft (2.00 m) , 55.50 ft (16.90 m) 52 Ibs (23.59 kg) 40.00 yd2 (33.40 m2) Stitch Spacing for All Rolls = 1.50 inches (3.81 em) Updated 1I2D04 APPENDIX· B 100-YEAR HEC-RAS ANALYSIS HEC-RAS Plan: rc10Od5O Profile: PF 1 R1VER-1·'.X·i::loownSireillil::;!::·.·12700~;·.;:;:i':::!iPF-~1.i:·::","':"':' RlVER~1:': ,~: !DoWoslream'f\ :.1 28(JOJ.:!):.fJp.F,''1 ;:,;:-:~Y::t: RIVER-i .. : '::; !ociWiistrean;;}" ··!2900~:'l·;S;·;··:f.:·!PF.:ti c';:':':., :. ~ER~1';':::::J Dow,1Stre~m,?::q~80.::.:: :::. :{!pf,:.'i:.:: ..... ;:-. ..:- 'RIV~ ...... . .. 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"',::~. ~:;'.~ : .. ~:.: :. ~.:.~-::.z ~:-~.~.:=.~.~ ~ :C. ~ ~.~ .. ~ .. ::: :'. :,,~ ~ i·:··=::-~:: ::-.. ..: . .:.: ::::=-~ .. -- 54 52 50 ----------. . . 48~, "'" o w ~ • • ~ W ~ _ Station 1ft) RC100D50.hc1 Flow Geom: ExIst Cond Flow: 100·Year RC1000SO.HC1 RS=4 m ~ -~ . -- -. -... -.·l··--___ . , .... ______ ._A_~ ___ . ___ . ____ . -:.:-::...: ~-:-=-'':' '-.:",----. ~ --: .::.::.:~:.-.. -.:..::.-=---::.~:..::.:..:::..::_::--:.:: .. ~-:,::...:.::. -. ~ '.:-:,.: -:: ': .~,-,::-,::..::..::... ~ -:::':;:'::;-7.1' ., ...... :-•• -,-- 59 58· 57 56 551' "/:'(:::> ·::t::i}:i';.{\, 54 o : :; .: : .: .:. :: .:. .:. f : ~ -:. ~;: : .. ~.: ~ :: ~ : :::: .~ :' ~,j~ " .:-,-.. .---........ -~ .. -..... --.. -. --.-_ .. -...... ----. .. _ .. -.-~.--------~ .... ----. . .. .... -~------. ---.. ~--·--... ,~---~--~~'~7-:'--:~-.. -7 .... ~~~::~~ -7---~' --~7~ .~ ", ":~ .. ! :':;::}~~'::~;:::/:i;~:: ':: ,;': :·;:J');:·~(~;:}.::::::i:::.~:·;: ~;;:<:F,;:~";~:n}t~;':i;i:;i:{:;:;;?~:;,~~~~,;tt::~J.;:/t~t.;;r:.;\~'~;::?i;:i;}~:~~:·";:::;;;!:;)~;:·::i~?;~:;·:;;~.:;:;;1;.:}-'j·:k~}: ::(;::;~;f:\\!;;:: I;' ---. ---. 2 Station (H) RC100D50.hc1 Flow Geom: ExislCond Flow: 10Il-YcarRC100050.KCl RS=3 Slallon(") Ii 10 12 Legend WSPF1 o eanl<SIa Lagond WSPF1 --Ground .. BanI<SIa Legend WSPFI ~ ----0--Inelf ,. BankSl. e e, g g ~ ill g c t ill ,! i ill RC100D50.hc1 Raw Geom: Exist Cond Flow: 100-VearRC10005().HC1 RS:2980 64 I. .03 »< .03 + .03~ 62 60 ................ -~-. -:'----. -,~.-. ' -... , .---" ---~-.. _--_ ... _. _________ 4. _ •• :... __ ........ _~~ _________ ~ •• N_ ... " __ ~ __ ~ _______ ~ ____ .... __ ..... _, ________ ,._ •• 58 ., 58" ",' :' -: .. '. i 54 " .. ' 52 .. 50 -T •• - 'I" .: ",,' :~:: ~: :. ;. -:.' '1- l.ngond WSPF1 -Ground " BankSIa 46 0 3'0 ~O 50 60 '70 10 20 StaUon (11) RC100D50.hc1 Flow Geom. Exist Cond FloW: 100-Year RC100D50.HCl RS = 2900 62J' .03 .:' .03 + .03 -• - -.-¥ -• -• ....... ,,~ ~ ... __ ._ -__ • -____ .......... _. ______ ._._._ .. ". -• , .... __ .... __ • __ .. __ ._ ••• _ •••• _n' .. . c _. ~.-::--:-.-:---=-=-:"::~ .::..--.-... -.7.: ... ,-.: . .:.::.. . ..: :-::,,:;·..=..::-=-'_C .:''': .. ::'' ~ . ..,..: •. -.::.:~ .• :-= -I ::...:--:..:. 60 58l .: : .... • _______ : :. : : : .: .: : :: : ~ _____ .~ . _______ C ~ 58' .. -----.~ 54 -.. -... ·~';;<:-l0~)~8;~;'······ 50 '" .,. 52 ------_ .... ---.. ------------.--. . -.. . 481' . " r' .. ---.. ; I .----, I Logend I WSPF1 --Ground • . BankSta o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 S18UOO(f1) RC100D50.hc1 Flow Geom: Exist COnd FlOW; 100-Year RC10005D.IiC1 RS=2800 jE " 62 .03 ,;..03 ':' .03~ .. _ .. --...:.:-.:-:.:-:...:...:.-....:-':-:: ~:....:. ... : ... ~ ........ ~ ............. -. .. -~--. . ..... , -... .:. _ .. ---.: -... ----~ :-~ ':-~. ~-: ~-;~·i-:-::..: ~ = ~ ~ ~.~-:=-: ~ ~ ; ;:f-::=-i : :::::~~~.: ..... -:-60:1·· .. ' -,-:. .._-.... ---,-.• -•• : .•••• -.•• '" •• _-_ •. ---: •.. 58· . -".-----~~--. ... -~~~====~==~========:=~.: .. ~ 56 54 ............ : .. : .. : ,:' '-:' .. n-. -•• ~ .. ---, '~:+,"-:~' __ :-' '~c.::~:: ':C-~~J}~~~~:::': ~ ;::::C -~' -: : , 52 50 48l I , .••• :: ·:::T.::·;-::7.-7·-~:·'-:---··:···;···'.-··-;-··-··---~~--:-:::-::::::-::-:: .--;=:.:.:::::.;:--.-; , Logen<! WSPF1 ~ " BankSta o 20 ~o 60 60 100 120 140 160 Station (H) e e, € ,g j w g c g ~ g .§ ~ ill RC100D50.hc1 Flow Goom: exist Cond FIaN: 10(J.Year RC100050.HC1 RS=3100 64 . 0 r .03 ,;, .03 ·1·1 : ........... _-.. ---.. -... -.. -........ ---.". . ..... -.----.-.. -~~ ........ -... --.--. ".:_ .. ---.... ~~ .. ~ .... ~ ...... -... :-~~~--~·-I--..... -~--:~ .. ~ .. -.. :.:-.. -. 58· 56 54 52 SO 48+--~----1 o ',' ; ..... , ... ~:,.;!';'. f .. 10 20 30 40 sO sO 70 51aUon (II) RC100D50.hc1 Flow Geom: Exls!Cond Flow: 10(J.YearRC100D50.HCl RS=3050 64 I< .03 .:' .03 + .03>j 52 60 58 '58 54" 52 50 .·.·.· .. :~!i'0:;((,@:,ir;~i;~*~l~c.' ..... .. ~. -'.";-- '-"gend WSPF1 -Ground • Ban~ Sta Log.oct WSPI'I ---Ground .. BankSta 46 0 10 20iri--._u_ -.---.--U4'OT-OO-~ 60 ---70 51<11100 (n) RC100050.hc1 Flow Goom: exist Cond Flow: l00-YearRC1000s0.HCl RS=302O 64./< .03 + .03 +()~ 52 60"" -"-.. ~ -" .. -.~ ',---~." .. " .. , ------..... -.---..• -- 58~ ........... -.... -.... :.... .... 0....: 56' 54 5h 50 .. -". --... -",-'" ..... " " ........ 4s·1 i i o ~ 20 ._. __ . _ ...... -"'-' ''''-''''''~--:-::-:-::-:-:-----. -. -:-.. -:.-.. -. -::.-:-:-.~ .. _ ... "~"-,-".~-:-:-"-;-~":""-;--:- , - --.• 1 ..... ;i:~~~11·~t4~t,1~~;!~_;·:;A'i;.">/··· 30 Legend WSPF1 ~ .. Banl<Sta e e, g c g i g 5 1 UJ g c .Q i RC100D50.hc1 Flow GllOm: Exist CQnd FI<>N: l00-Year RC100050.HCl RS = 3270 :f .H. --. U u m ., u -u ---. --u .:,;',: C,: ',. C':::: :-, :':: __ ._ "u,m -, -",::. 6olrl--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~. _____ ~ 58 56" 54 ,:¥ ... ,,:,' ... <' .• '}' . :'~.- .034 52-1--.--' L .--, , l Legend WSPF1 ----GrooM o BankSta o 20 40 60 80 100 Stalion (ft) RC100D50.hc1 Flow Geom: ExistCond Aow.l0()'YearRC1000SQ.HCl RS = 3210 :j <---------------.03 + .03 +-:-.03----1 60 56 56 54 52 0 20 • __ ...... ~ ___ ~w __ ~ __ • _. ___ ' ______ , __________ , _______ • ____ ,... __ ~_ 40 station (ft) RC100D50.hc1 Flow ::::.::: . -, .. ~. { .... 60 Geom: Exist CQnd FI<>N: tOO-Year RC100DSQ.HCl RS=317Q ...... , ...... , ~ l_ • 62 1, .03 ):' .03 +, .03~ ! - --- - - -_. ~. ,'w. I ... 601 ..... -.. -.--.---_ ... _.-.... '''. . .. "~-.~-.-.~ ..... :..~; .. : ... ----.. .... 56 56 54 52 so· o 20 .: ::: ~ c : ,-: .:: : __ : ___ , ___ ~~::_:::,: --:~ :-::_~:_; :;_:.:_ :-~::_:.:~!~~;I!~:~c:: .: :~~ 40 60 60 100 Stalion (ft) L(lgfmd WSPFl ----Groun~ • BankSta Legend WSPFl ~ • BankSta e -e g I g g i 50 c: g. 1: iii' "RC100DSO:licfFlow' .. Geom: ExislCond Flow: 10o-Y •• rRC100050,HC1 RS=3490 .03 , ,_ LOgon<! 03 >I< ....... _.. -wsm F_m,-.: .. -~:-'j-" .• -~ -~-_-::,-.:-.:-~-,~:-::~-.:t:~--: ._--_-.. -, -: -: -: ~:::-,:.-:-: ~ _~ ~= ~ '_~~~: --: ~~ _ _'_=~,-'~ .. _ ,-,:_-~_'~~=::-: _: :i: 58' .. : ..... "::. :. : ... :. 56 64,1 ' I ' • • ~, • o ~ ~ 60 60 ~ _ ~ StaUon(ft) RC100D50.hc1 Flow Geom: Exist Cond Flow: l00-Year RC100050.HCl RS=3410 r .03 'j' .03 + .03 ~ 68· . .... :.-... ~,.: ..:.~:::." .. :.:.:.,.:..-..... -.. ----~-~-:.---.--.-::.:::.. -. :-.~~~, ~'~~A:;::~~7-:~~~~ ~ ~...::...~' -. ------------56 _. _________ ••• ______ N ______________ _ . . . ~ 64-- " -" --... , ., .----. -.. -_.--_ ... ' --. - --. --..... ~ --.,. -- 62 .. ---.. " .... , -----:---.. - -.. '" .~~_.N~ ___ -~·----~ .. ~------------ :~,~ .. ~.:. "" ·.i!:~,::.:;,·:::,· .:-.---:,C.:-,~,: .. ---'.~ : .: .. : __ : .. :.:"'~.:.::..:: "~_:.:".::,:~:: ~:.::,c:,:·.:;.:::' ::~: 7:..-:-'::::: ",,-:'-r ----,~.: ,:::-,,, ... 56 54'1---.---. ,:""..r'. , , , Logond WSPFI -Ground .. BankSta 0' SO 100 150 200 250 Station (ft) RC100D50.hc1 Flow Geom: EJeist Cond flow: lOll-Year RC100DSO,HCl RS=3330 66 + _03 , I< .03 +' .03 64 62 60 58 116 64 52·,· 0 : .. :'. : .. ;:.;", 7_~_:..:._:..::...::..~_.:----,-, .. :..:_:_c, c_ ._' .:..:' ,=--;.-=' ':"::.:: ': . .::::: o.~ .... :.~ -:, • :.::",' ":' .::" o·.C-",,:::,,:, '~'::"~'-7-"':'7' 7'::'::''::''':-:'·;-:...:;.::-:-:'"7'::'':''':-::-';'':'''::'''::':'+::-:': .;:.c· . ..:.::7.-. .:..' . .. , _ ...... .-... ~..... .~~ ........ -... ---...... , ........ -_ ... _ .. _-_._,,---, . :-::=~==~~=~=::~:~=~=:~~~~~=;~~-~=~~=:.=::=~==~==~~:=~;:~~===:==~====~==~===~====7~========~~:--,-·· •• " ••••• _ •• • • •••••••••••• _. '" •••••••... • •••• _H •••........... .. " .... __ . ".,,, ...... -.. , ........ " ........ " ...... . " ......... , .. ,. ....... " ... .', ~=::-" .• ~ .. ,,~ .... ,,~ .... ,~" .,,~~~= , . , ...... ::-.. '. " -., .... _ ...... I .. _ ••• _ • , • -. -... -... -"'" ............ - -... -..... , •• • -....... --... ¥ ... • • " .. -,~ -.-~. ,. -.-.. -... -. . . -.. ... . -. •••••••••••• "_._ ...... _,, ......... _ •• ,N •••••••• • ••••••• ___ • ____ •• ,,,._,_ •• ,,,.,, •• , ......... ". . ........... -."'.-.---_ ... ---.-------,-._ ...... --_ .. _----.. -.. ---_ .. -..... _-_.----------_." ---, -_ ..... ,-----_... ,---_.- ---.-- -,--.. -•••• ----••••• - -_.. • -..... -•• ---.... ,.. -•• --.' -:.-::::-:::-~ ----- -••• :--: ,_ :-:-:-;: -:: - --:--:-7.' -: :-:. -; "? -:: '7 -; :: -= -: -: :: :: _. -;. -; .--':::; -:: -: -; --;.:: ':-: ::~:: '": -: :-- -_ ... _. "' - ~ . ... _. ... .. . , . . .. . . . ~.g.nd WSPFI --Ground " Banksta ~ , 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ • • Statioo (ft) '~ - e· L~_~_ g c o l ill RC100D50.hc1 Flow Geom: Exist Cond Flow: 100-Year RC100D50.HC1 I . ~ . I 60J j ',--"-"" "-" ~VE":'~~" """"_"_"" __ """"=L" __ 1_ "~I,",:,,:' """'~",; __ """ ____ ~L '--w"""\-eg-:-:-d""-'1 • I Ground " 581 1 56 54 .: . :,:':.~::':: . :.:' . -.:, . ~ ~., . ~ .... ::.' ~ '.:-.;., .. ~~ .. " ,.;:: ... ::?<.,~:;:;y:,: .. ,~" -j' -•• --. - -~ a a a 0 0, a 0 a a 0. 0 0 o 0 a) <'\l to 0 ...... 'l"'" t-(") "r (J) r ~ ~ ~ g g ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ '~ ~, 48. I I .. o 200 400 600 800 Main Channel Distance (ft) c. e e' g c .2 ~ (J) iIi RC100D50.hc1 Flow Geom: Exist Cond Flow: 100-Year RC100D50.HC1 62~'" '. "__ _ __ ... .. ... '" .. ___ .. _ ... _ ... , .... __ .. w __ ...... _ ............. , ... _ ... ' ____ R~~~=:~:~~~~_~_ .. _ ... _______ ........ _. __ , __ .. __ .......... __ ...:._ .. __ . , ... _ ... ~ ....--,;--_.,--, I Legend WS PF1 Ground 60 ;. " : '. -~. . '~',,, .. ;:. ' .. ,.,.;....~< ..; ':i; . \. c.. .... ....... ,<. ":';c .... .'.' ':"~:' ... , ....... , ',' :J .... : '.: .. ; .. f~::~,T ":: 56 I N, C'l ~ 52i 10 o , I I ~ I m M ~ ~ 00 Main Channel Distance (ft) ? " .. e e