HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-19; City Council; Minutes (2)MINUTES MEETING OF: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: April19, 2016 TIME OF MEETING: 9:00a.m. PLACE OF MEETING: 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CALL TO ORDER: 9:00a.m. ROLL CALL: Hall, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard INVOCATION: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Hall led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None. PRESENTATIONS: None. PUBLIC REPORT OF ANY ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Celia Brewer announced that there was no reportable action taken during the Closed Session that began at 8:30 a.m. CONSENT CALENDAR: None. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: None. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: Larry Possner spoke in support of the Council placing an ordinance on an upcoming agenda regarding the retail sale of puppies. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. April19, 2016 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 1. AB #22,265 -Adopt a resolution approving the fiscal year 2016-17 City Council Strategic Policy Goals Work Plan. Mayor Hall announced that he would not be participating on the discussion of the following topics due to a potential conflict of interest (owning property in the subject area): • Enhance Carlsbad's Coastline-Section B • Trench the railroad tracks • Build vitality in the Village and Barrio City Attorney Celia Brewer explained that the law allows for segmenting votes in situations such as this and that the Mayor would be participating in the discussion relating to the areas in which he does not have a conflict. She further explained that the Mayor would return to the dais to participate in the final vote on the Resolution. Assistant City Manager Kathy Dodson presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Council Member Blackburn confirmed with staffthatthe Council would receive quarterly updates on the work plans. In response to an inquiry from Council Member Schumacher, Assistant City Manager Kathy Dodson explained that an evaluation of operational efficiencies would be included in the plans for a new City Hall. ACTION: Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Wood, seconded by Council Member Schumacher, to approve the FY 2016-17 City Council Strategic Goals and Work Plans associated with: 1. Become a leader in multimodal transportation 2. Plan for a new City Hall 3. Develop lifelong learners through education 4. Enhance Carlsbad's Coastline-Section A Motion passed unanimously, 5/0. Due to a potential conflict of interest (owning property in the subject ar1=as), Mayor Hall left the dais at 10:04 p.m. Assistant City Manager Kathy Dodson continued the presentation relating to the following Strategic Policy Goals and 2016-17 Work Plan: 1. Enhance Carlsbad's Coastline-Section B 2. Trench the railroad tracks 3. Build vitality in the Village and Barrio Christine Wright spoke in support of the completion of the Village parking study as soon as possible. April19, 2016 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 Elizabeth Banks expressed concerns relating to construction on the railroad tracks and the impacts to homeowners that live close by. Council discussion ensued regarding their support for the Strategic Goals and Work Plans as outlined in staff's presentation. ACTION: Motion by Council Member Schumacher, seconded by Council Member Blackburn, to approve the FY 2016-17 City Council Strategic Goals and Work Plans associated with: 1. Enhance Carlsbad's Coastline-Section B 2. Trench the railroad tracks 3. Build vitality in the Village and Barrio Motion passed, 4/1 (Hall-Absent). Mayor Hall returned to the dais at 10:25 p.m. ACTION: Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Wood, seconded by Council Member Schumacher, approving the Fiscal Year 2016-17 City Council Strategic Policy Goals Work Plan. Motion passed unanimously, 5/0. Council expressed their appreciation for staff's efforts in the development ofthe comprehensive Work Plans. COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 10:32 a.m. Sheila cbbian, CMC City Clerk Services Manager