HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-17; City Council; 22290; Approval to participate in FY2015 Operation Stonegarden Grant and appropriate funds to the Police Dept Special Revenue Grant FundCITY OF CARLSBAD-AGENDA BILL AB# 22,290 APPROVAL TO PARTICIPATE IN FY2015 OPERATION DEPT. DIRECTOR ~~ DATE: 5/17/16 STONEGARDEN GRANT TO IMPROVE BORDER SECURITYJ CITYATIY. J4(__ AND APPROPRIATE $40JOOO TO THE POLICE t/ • / y~ DEPT: Police DEPARTMENT SPECIAL REVENUE GRANT FUND CITY MGR. l& RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a Resolution approving participation in US Department of Homeland Security FY2015 Operation Stonegarden and appropriating $40,000 to a special revenue grant fund to conduct joint anti-smuggling operations in coastal North County San Diego. ITEM EXPLANATION: The US Department of Homeland Security Operation Stonegarden is a program to enhance security along the borders of the United States, partnering local, state and federal agencies. The City of Carlsbad Police Department will work with the US Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol, state and other local law enforcement agencies in San Diego County to collaborate to raise border security by increasing law enforcement presence along the border, joint special operations, information sharing, and communication. San Diego County Sheriff's Department received funds from the US Department of Homeland Security, and is authorized to execute expenditure contracts to reimburse participating cities for overtime, equipment and other expenses. State and local law enforcement agencies will enforce local/state laws within their jurisdiction but not immigration law on behalf of US Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol. The FY2015 Operation Stonegarden operational period is Sept. 1, 2015 through May 31, 2018. FISCAL IMPACT: Eligible reimbursable costs are $36,541 for overtime, $713 for benefits, and $2,746 for mileage reimbursement, for a total of $40,000; which shall be placed into a special revenue grant fund for under Fy15 Operation Stonegarden. These expenses are eligible for full reimbursement by San Diego County Sheriff's Department with Operation Stonegarden federal funds. Staff will monitor the budget for this grant on a monthly basis. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require further environmental review. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Fiona Everett 760-931-2279 fiona.everett@carlsbadca.gov FOR CLERK USE. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED b! CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D DENIED D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D CONTINUED D RETURNED TO STAFF D WITHDRAWN D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D AMENDED D REPORT RECEIVED D Item 2; page 1 EXHIBITS: 1. A Resolution approving participation in US Department of Homeland Security FY2015 Oper'!tion Stonegarden and appropriating $40,000 to conduct joint anti-smuggling operations in coastal North County San Diego. 2. FY 2015 Operation Stonegarden Agency Allocation Worksheet 2 Item 2; page 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-090 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE POLICE DEPARTMENrS PARTICIPATION IN US DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FY15 OPERATION STONEGARDEN AND APPROPRIATING $40,000 FOR ANTI-SMUGGLING OPERATIONS. EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the US Department of Homeland Security has identified the goal of increased border security; and WHEREAS, San Diego County Sheriffs Department received funds from the US Department of Homeland Security and is authorized to execute expenditure contracts to reimburse participating cities for overtime and mileage; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of Carlsbad Police Department to participate in this program to increase coastline security; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Council approves participation in FY15 Operation Stonegarden, which has an operational period between September L 2015 and May 31, 2018. 3. That the Administrative Services Director is authorized to appropriate $40,000 in a special revenue grant fund under FY15 Operation Stonegarden. 4. That the Chief of Police is authorized to execute the FY15 Operation Stonegarden Grant MOA with the County of San Diego on behalf of the City of Carlsbad attached hereto as Attachment A. II II Item 2; page 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 17th day of -~M=a:...L.y __ , 2016, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Hall, Schumacher, Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: Wood, Packard. MATI HALL, Mayor ATTEST: Item 2; page 4 AGREEMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 OPERATIONSTONEGARDEN(OPSG)GRANT 1. PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT This Agreement is among the COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ("COUNTY"), the CITY OF CARLSBAD, the CITY OF CHULA VISTA, the CITY OF CORONADO, the CITY OF EL CAJON, the CITY OF ESCONDIDO, the CITY OF LA MESA, the CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, the CITY OF OCEANSIDE, the CITY OF SAN DIEGO ("CITIES"), the SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT ("SDUPD"), the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO ("UCSD"), the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ("LAC"), the COUNTY OF MONTEREY ("MC"), the COUNTY OF ORANGE ("OC"), the COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ("SLOC"), the COUNTY OF SAN MATEO ("SMC"), the COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA ("SBC"), the COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ ("SCC"), the COUNTY OF VENTURA ("VC"), the CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL ("CHP"), the CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE ("DFW"), and the CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION ("DPR"), collectively the "PARTIES", for program support of the Operation Stonegarden Grant ("OPSG")." 1.1 Party Departments Or Agencies Participating In The Agreement For the COUNTY, participating agencies are the Probation Department ("PROBATION") and the Sheriff's Department ("SHERIFF"). For the CITIES and SDUPD, and University, participating agencies are their respective police department. For LAC, MC, OC, SLOC, SMC, SBC, SCC, and VC, participating agencies are their respective Sheriffs Department. CHP, DFW, and DPR do not have subordinate agencies or department participants. 2. RECITALS 2.1 COUNTY through SHERIFF requested and received funds from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) passed through the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (CalOES), under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Operation Stone garden Grant (OPSG) Program. 2.2 Funds shall be used to support the OPSG program to enhance law enforcement preparedness and operational readiness along the land and water borders of the United States. 2.3 Government Code §55632 authorizes COUNTY and PARTIES to contract for provision of joint law enforcement services. 2.4 PARTIES desire to enter into an agreement with provisions concerning the nature and extent of OPSG collaboration, services rendered, and compensation. 2.5 COUNTY, by action of the Board of Supervisors Minute Order No.3 on October 27, 2015, approved and authorized the SHERIFF to execute expenditure contracts to use FY 1 Item 2; page 5 2015 OPSG funds to reimburse all PARTIES for overtime expenses; equipment and vehicle purchases; fuel, mileage, flight, and vehicle and equipment maintenance costs incurred in OPSG Operations not to exceed the amounts described in Exhibit A-FY 2015 Budget Worksheet, during the project period September 1, 2015 through May 31, 2018. 2.6 PARTIES shall maintain documentation supporting all expenditures reimbursed from OPSG grant funds, ensure all expenditures are allowable under grant requirements, adhere to their jurisdictions authorized procurement methods and comply with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200, Subpart F Audit Requirements regarding an organization-wide financial and compliance audit reports if $750,000 or more of OPSG federal funds are expended in a fiscal year. The documentation and records shall be maintained and retained in accordance with OPSG grant requirements and shall be available for audit and inspection. For accounting purposes, the following is a description of OPSG funds: (a) Federal Grantor Agency: U.S. Department of Homeland Security (b) Pass Through Agency: California Governor's Office ofEmergency Services (CalOES) (c) Program Title: Homeland Security Grant Program (d) Grant Identification Number: 2015-1078 (e) Federal CFDA Number: 97.067 2.7 PARTIES agree to each of the following Exhibits attached hereto and/or available using the referenced link: (a) Exhibit A-FY 2015 Budget Worksheet (b) Exhibit B -FY 2015 Grant Assurances (c) Exhibit C-FY 2015 OPSG Operations Order (d) Exhibit D-FY 2015 Homeland Security Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), which can be referenced at http://www.fema.gov/media- library-data/1429291822887- 7f203c9296fde6160b727475532c7796/FY2015HSGP NOFO v3.pdf (e) Exhibit E-FY 2015 The Operation Stone garden Grant Program State Supplemental Guidance ("Guidance"), which can be referenced at http://www .caloes.ca. gov /GrantsManagementS i te/Documents/FY%2020 15%200 PSG%20State%20Guidance.pdf (f) Exhibit F-Title 2 of the Code ofFederal Regulations Part 200, which can be referenced at http:/ /www.ecfr.gov/cgi-binltext-idx?node=2: &rgn=div5 NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, PARTIES jointly intend that COUNTY will reimburse, and PARTIES will provide, a level of OPSG services as set forth in this Agreement. 3. PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of this Agreement is to satisfy the OPSG proposal submitted to and awarded by the DHS passed through the CalOES, under the FY 2015 Operation Stonegarden Grant. 2 Item 2; page 6 4. SCOPE OF SERVICES 4.1 Method of Service Delivery SHERIFF will maintain the OPSG grant and will be administratively responsible for coordination of PARTIES' obligations under this Agreement. The SHERIFF'S OPSG program will be staffed as described in section 6. STANDARDS OF SERVICE: OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. 4.2 Overview of Basic Services PARTIES will provide OPSG Operations ("Operations") by increasing law enforcement presence in each PARTY'S designated jurisdiction and in coordination with other OPSG partner agencies in order to support the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Customs and Border Protection efforts in the region to improve border security. PAR TIES will enforce local and state laws and will not enforce immigration laws on behalf of Customs and Border Protection/Border Patrol. 5. TERM OF AGREEMENT 5.1 Initial Term The term of this Agreement shall be retroactive to 12:01 a.m. on September 1, 2015, and shall continue in effect through and terminate at midnight on May 31, 2018; subject to the termination provision in section 5 .2. 5.2 Termination Subject to the applicable provisions of state law, each PARTY may terminate its participation in this Agreement upon ninety-day (90) minimum written notice to the other PARTIES. 6. STANDARDS OF SERVICE: OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 6.1 Anticipated Outcome The anticipated outcome of OPSG Operations to be provided by PARTIES under this Agreement is increased law enforcement presence in each PARTY's designated jurisdiction in order to support the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Customs and Border Protection efforts in the region to improve border security and reduce border related crime. The anticipated outcome will be reached by achieving the goals and accomplishing the missions set forth below by the PARTIES and in Exhibit C-FY 2015 OPSG Operations Order, attached hereto. 6.1.1 PARTIES will provide enhanced enforcement by increasing patrol presence in proximity to the border and/or routes of ingress from the border, including the water borders. In addition, PARTIES will utilize their unique investigatory areas of expertise in operations. 6.1.2 Increase intelligence/information sharing among PARTIES, including but not limited to the following activities: 3 Item 2; page 7 (a) Conduct bi-monthly meetings with a minimum of one representative from each PARTY. (b) Increase information sharing during operations. 6.1.3 Prior to OPSG Operations, PARTIES' Designated Coordinator, as outlined in section 6.2.3, shall submit an Operations Plan to the Integrated Planning Team (IPT) at least 72 hours prior to the operation. The IPT is comprised of the SHERIFF and U. S. Border Patrol sworn grant representatives. The role of the IPT is to provide support and guidance to the local, state, and federal law enforcement stakeholders within the grant. The Operations Plan is to be submitted via email to the current IPT point of contact and to SDCOPSG2008@cbp.dhs.gov. 6.1.4 At the conclusion of each Operation funded by OPSG, state/local law enforcement officers in each PARTY will complete a Daily Activity Report (DAR). The DAR will be submitted via email to Customs and Border Protection Sector Headquarters at: SDCOPSG2008@cbp.dhs.gov and SHERIFF at: stonegarden@sdsheriff.org before the next Wednesday following the operation. 6.1.5 At the conclusion of each Operation funded by OPSG, the Operations Coordinator will email all backup source documents (e.g., arrest reports, citations, field interviews, etc.) to SDCOPSG2008@cbp.dhs.gov for review before the next Wednesday following the operation. 6.1.6 PARTIES will send their weekly/bi-weekly/monthly OPSG schedule (whichever applies), utilizing the appropriate format, to the current IPT point of contact and to SDCOPSG2008@cbp.dhs.gov as it becomes available. All schedules will be compiled and sent to the Law Enforcement Coordination Center (LECC). 6.2 Personnel Qualifications and Assignment 6.2.1 Qualifications Each PARTY shall ensure that personnel assigned to perform Operations pursuant to this Agreement meet the minimum qualifications for their specific classification. 6.2.2 Management, Direction and Supervision; Independent Contractors The hiring, firing, management, direction, and supervision of each PARTY's personnel, the standards of performance, the discipline of each PARTY'S personnel, and all other matters incident to the performance of such services, shall be performed by and be the responsibility of each PARTY in each PARTY's sole but reasonable judgment and in accord with the provisions of applicable labor agreements. Each PARTY shall be the appointing authority for all its personnel provided to OPSG by this Agreement. PAR TIES shall have no liability for any direct payment of salary, wages, indemnity, or other compensation or benefit to any other PARTY's personnel. 4 Item 2; page 8 Each PARTY and its respective officers, agents, and employees are independent contractors and are not officers, agents, and employees of any other PARTY. Each PARTY's personnel are under the direct and exclusive supervision of that PARTY, and each PARTY assumes full responsibility for the performance of its own personnel in connection with this Agreement. No PARTY has the authority to bind any other PARTY. 6.2.3 Designated Coordinators SHERIFF shall select and designate a Coordinator, at the rank of Sheriffs Lieutenant or higher, who shall manage and direct the OPSG Operations. Each other PARTY shall select and designate a coordinator for their respective agency under this Agreement. The designated coordinators for each PARTY shall serve as their agency contact and shall implement, as needed, appropriate procedures governing the performance of all requirements under this Agreement and shall be responsible for meeting and conferring in good faith in order to address any disputes which may arise concerning implementation ofthis Agreement. 6.2.4 Staffing for Basic Services PARTIES shall ensure that adequate numbers of their qualified respective personnel are provided to OPSG Operations at all times during the term of this Agreement to meet the Basic Services, Scope of Services, and Standards of Service commitments set forth herein. 6.2.5 Equipment and Supplies COUNTY will provide SHERIFF OPSG personnel with all supplies and/or prescribed safety gear, body armor, and/or standard issue equipment necessary to perform OPSG Operations. Similarly, all other PARTIES will provide their respective OPSG personnel with all supplies and/or prescribed safety gear, body armor, and/or standard issue equipment necessary to perform OPSG Operations unless otherwise specified in Exhibit C attached hereto. PARTIES are responsible for the procurement of their own equipment to be used in OPSG Operations. PARTIES will maintain an inventory list of all equipment purchased with OPSG funds and when practicable, the equipment shall be prominently labeled per federal guidelines as follows: "Purchased with funds provided by the US. Department of Homeland Security". 7. COST OF SERVICES/CONSIDERATION 7.1 General 7.1.1 As full consideration for the satisfactory performance and completion by PARTIES of Operations set forth in this Agreement, COUNTY shall reimburse PARTIES for personnel assigned to perform OPSG Operations on the basis of claims and submittals as set forth hereunder. Such payments by COUNTY are dependent on 5 Item 2; page 9 the continued availability of funds from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) passed through the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (CalOES). 7 .1.2 PARTIES agree that awarded funds, identified as allowable costs, as set forth in Exhibit D-FY 2015 Homeland Security Grant Program Notice of Funding (HSGP NOFO) Opportunity, shall be expended only for Operations operating expenses, and equipment as detailed in Exhibit A-FY 2015 Budget Worksheet, and that unallowable costs are not reimbursable as set forth in Exhibit D-FY 2015 HSGP NOFO. 7.1.3 No reimbursement shall be made to a PARTY during any period of time within which that PARTY is in default on filing any informational or financial reports required by the COUNTY. COUNTY shall make any necessary adjustments toP ARTY claims to correct for previous overpayment and disallowances or underpayments. 7.2 Project Costs/Rate of Compensation COUNTY shall reimburse PAR TIES for overtime worked by personnel assigned to perform OPSG Operations and shall reimburse for equipment and vehicle purchases, equipment and vehicle maintenance, flight costs, fuel, and mileage based upon available funding and the actual costs incurred by PARTIES to provide Operations, purchase and maintain equipment and vehicles, flight costs, fuel, and mileage, under this Agreement, provided the costs are included in the approved Operations Order. 7.3 Method of Payment PARTIES shall submit to SHERIFF, accurate and complete reimbursement forms, labor reports, timesheets, corresponding Daily Activity Reports, equipment invoices, and purchase orders that represent amounts to be reimbursed under this Agreement within ninety (90) days from the date expenditure was incurred. All requests for reimbursement shall be sent to: San Diego County Sheriff's Department 0-41 Grants Unit (OPSG) P. 0. Box 939062 San Diego, CA 92193-9062 7.3.1 Reimbursement forms and invoices must have the signature ofPARTY's Authorized Agent, certifying that the invoice and substantiating documentation, e.g., labor reports, timesheets, etc. are true and correct. 7.3.2 PARTIES shall provide payroll records for each and every person whose costs are reimbursable under this Agreement, to include, at a minimum, the person's name, classification, duty position, task, regular hourly rate, overtime hourly rate, overtime hours worked, date(s) overtime worked, and fringe benefit rate and cost. Ill II I 6 Item 2; page 10 PARTIES shall make available to SHERIFF for inspection, upon request, all payroll records and any other records that relate to the Basic Services provided under this Agreement. 7.3.3 Within ninety (90) business days upon receipt of valid invoice and complete documentation as specified in sections 7.3 .1 and 7.3 .2, SHERIFF will reimburse PARTIES for the Basic Services agreed to. 7.3.4 Each PARTY is responsible for tracking their agency's claims to ensure their total claims do not exceed their agency's allocation in Exhibit A-FY 2015 Budget Worksheet. 7.4 Reimbursement Disallowances PARTIES not in compliance with procedures set forth in section 7.3 are at risk of having any incurred expenditures disallowed for reimbursement by SHERIFF. PARTIES that fail to submit claims for reimbursement within ninety (90) days will be notified in writing by SHERIFF that the claim(s) is/are past due and funds allocated to the PARTY for that time period shall be redistributed among other PARTIES. 8. PROGRAM/FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION 8.1 PARTIES shall use Exhibit D-HSGP NOFO and Exhibit E-Guidance developed by the DHS and CalOES and Exhibit F-Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 (2 CPR Part 200), for the applicable grant year as the primary reference and day-to-day management tool in all programmatic, financial, and grant administration matters. The HSGP NOFO, Guidance, and 2 CPR Part 200 shall be used in conjunction with updates issued by the Office of Management and Budget, Grants & Training (G&T) information bulletins, and CalOES policy, regulations, and statutes. 8.1.1 Contract Provisions PARTIES shall ensure that all contracts adhere to all applicable contract provisions stated in 2 CPR §200.326 and found in Appendix II-Contract Provisions for Non-Federal Entity Contracts Under Federal Awards. Reimbursement claims associated with contracts that are found to be in non-compliance will be denied. 8.1.2 Sole Source Purchases PARTIES must request and receive prior approval from CalOES, through SHERIFF, for any sole source procurement of goods or services per 2 CPR §200.321. 9. INDEMNIFICATION-WORKERS COMPENSATION, EMPLOYMENT 9.1 The COUNTY shall fully indemnify and hold harmless non-County PARTIES and their respective officers, employees and agents, from any claims, losses, fines, expenses (including attorneys' fees and court costs and/or arbitration costs), costs, damages or liabilities arising from or related to (1) any workers' compensation claim or demand or other workers' compensation proceeding arising from or related to, or claimed to arise from or relate to, 7 Item 2; page 11 employment which is brought by an employee of the COUNTY or any contract labor provider retained by the COUNTY, or (2) any claim, demand, suit, or other proceeding arising from or related to, or claimed to arise from or relate to, the status of employment (including without limitation, compensation, demotion, promotion, discipline, termination, hiring, work assignment, transfer, disability, leave or other such matters) which is brought by an employee of the COUNTY or any contract labor provider retained by the COUNTY. 9.2 Each non-County PARTY shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY, its officers, employees, and agents, from any claims, losses, fines, expenses (including attorneys' fees and court costs or arbitration costs), costs, damages or liabilities arising from or related to (1) any workers' compensation claim or demand or other workers' compensation proceeding arising from or related to, or claimed to arise from or relate to, employment which is brought by an employee of that respective agency or any contract labor provider retained by non-County party, or (2) any claim, demand, suit, or other proceeding arising from or related to, or claimed to arise from or relate to, the status of employment (including without limitation, compensation, demotion, promotion, discipline, termination, hiring, work assignment, transfer, disability, leave or other such matters) which is brought by an employee of that respective law enforcement agency or any contract labor provider retained by the law enforcement agency. 9.3 Each non-County PARTY shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the other non- County PARTIES, its officers, employees, and agents, from any claims, losses, fines, expenses (including attorneys' fees and court costs or arbitration costs), costs, damages or liabilities arising from or related to (1) any workers' compensation claim or demand or other workers' compensation proceeding arising from or related to, or claimed to arise from or relate to, employment which is brought by an employee of that respective agency or any contract labor provider retained by non-County party, or (2) any claim, demand, suit, or other proceeding arising from or related to, or claimed to arise from or relate to, the status of employment (including without limitation, compensation, demotion, promotion, discipline, termination, hiring, work assignment, transfer, disability, leave or other such matters) which is brought by an employee of that respective law enforcement agency or any contract labor provider retained by the law enforcement agency. 10. INDEMNIFICATION RELATED TO ACTS OR OMISSIONS; NEGLIGENCE 10.1 Claims Arising From Sole Acts or Omissions of a PARTY Each PARTY to this Agreement hereby agrees to defend and indemnify the other PARTIES to this Agreement, their agents, officers, and employees, from any claim, action, or proceeding against the other PARTIES, arising solely out of its own acts or omissions in the performance of this Agreement. At each PARTY's sole discretion, each PARTY may participate at its own expense in the defense of any claim, action, or proceeding, but such participation shall not relieve any PARTY of any obligation imposed by this Agreement. PARTIES shall notify each other promptly of any claim, action, or proceeding and cooperate fully in the defense. 8 Item 2; page 12 10.2 Claims Arising From Concurrent Acts or Omissions The PARTIES hereby agree to defend themselves from any claim, action, or proceeding arising out of the concurrent acts or omissions of the PAR TIES. In such cases, PAR TIES agree to retain their own legal counsel, bear their own defense costs, and waive their right to seek reimbursement of such costs, except as provided in paragraph 10.4 below. 10.3 Joint Defense Notwithstanding paragraph 10.2 above, in cases where PARTIES agree in writing to a joint defense, PARTIES may appoint joint defense counsel to defend the claim, action, or proceeding arising out of the concurrent acts or omissions ofP ARTIES. Joint defense counsel shall be selected by mutual agreement of PAR TIES. PARTIES agree to share the costs of such joint defense and any agreed settlement in equal amounts, except as provided in paragraph 10.4 below. PARTIES further agree that no PARTY may bind the others to a settlement agreement without the written consent of the others. 10.4 Reimbursement and/or Reallocation Where a trial verdict or arbitration award allocates or determines the comparative fault of the parties, PARTIES may seek reimbursement and/or reallocation of defense costs, settlement payments, judgments and awards, consistent with such comparative fault. 11. GENERAL PROVISIONS Ill Ill Ill 11.1 Notices Any notice, request, demand, or other communication required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and may be personally delivered or given as of the date of mailing by depositing such notice in the United States mail, first-class postage prepaid and addressed as follows, or, to such other place as each PARTY may designate by subsequent written notice to each other: To COUNTY and SHERIFF: Sheriff San Diego County Sheriffs Department P. 0. Box 939062 San Diego, CA 92193-9062 To Non-County PARTIES: Chief of Police Carlsbad Police Department 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92010 9 ChiefProbation Officer Probation Department 9444 Balboa Avenue, Ste. 500 San Diego, CA 92123 Chief of Police Chula Vista Police Department 315 Fourth A venue Chula Vista, CA 91910 Item 2; page 13 Chief of Police Coronado Police Department 700 Orange Avenue Coronado, CA 92118 Chief of Police Escondido Police Department 1163 North Centre City Parkway Escondido, CA 92026 Chief of Police National City Department 1200 National City Blvd. National City, CA 91950 Chief of Police San Diego Police Department 1401 Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 Chief of Police University of California San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive #0017 La Jolla, CA 92093 Sheriff Monterey County Sheriffs Office 1414 Natividad Road Salinas, CA 93906 Sheriff San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Office 1585 Kansas Avenue San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Sheriff Santa Barbara County Sheriffs Office 4434 Calle Real Santa Barbara, CA 9311 0 Sheriff Ventura County Sheriffs Office 800 South Victoria A venue Ventura, CA 93009 10 Chief of Police El Cajon Police Department 100 Civic Center Way El Cajon, CA 92020-3916 Chief of Police La Mesa Police Department 8085 University A venue La Mesa, CA 91942 Chief of Police Oceanside Police Department 3855 Mission Avenue Oceanside, CA 92058 Chief of Harbor Police San Diego Harbor Police Department 3380 N. Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101 Sheriff Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept. Special Enforcement Bureau 1060 N. Eastern Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90063 Sheriff Orange County Sheriff's Department 550 N. Flower Street Santa Ana, CA 92703 Sheriff San Mateo County Sheriffs Office 400 County Center Redwood City, CA 94063 Sheriff Santa Cruz Sheriffs Office 5200 Soquel A venue Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Chief California Highway Patrol 9330 Farnham Street San Diego, CA 92123 Item 2; page 14 Ill Chief of Enforcement California Department of Fish and Wildlife 1416 9th Street, Room 1326 Sacramento, CA 95829 Chief California Department of Parks and Recreation 1416 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 A notice shall be effective on the date of personal delivery if personally delivered before 5:00p.m. on a business day or otherwise on the first business day following personal delivery; or two (2) business days following the date the notice is postmarked, if mailed; or on the first business day following delivery to the applicable overnight courier, if sent by overnight courier for next business day delivery and otherwise when actually received. 11.2 Amendment This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written document signed by the COUNTY through SHERJFF and the affected PARTY or PARTIES, and no oral understanding or agreement shall be binding on any PARTY or PAR TIES. 11.3 Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of agreement between the COUNTY and non-County PARTIES with respect to the subject matter hereto. As such, all prior written and oral understandings are superseded in total by this Agreement. 11.4 Construction This Agreement will be deemed to have been made and shall be construed, interpreted, governed, and enforced pursuant to, and in accordance with, the laws of the State of California. The headings and captions used in this Agreement are for convenience and ease of reference only and shall not be used to construe, interpret, expand, or limit the terms of the Agreement and shall not be construed against any one PARTY. 11.5 Waiver A waiver by COUNTY or non-County PAR TIES of a breach of any of the covenants to be performed by COUNTY or non-County PAR TIES shall not be construed as a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or other covenants, agreements, restrictions, or conditions of this Agreement. In addition, the failure of any PARTY to insist upon strict compliance with any provision of this Agreement shall not be considered a waiver of any right to do so, whether for that breach or any subsequent breach. The acceptance by COUNTY or non- County PAR TIES of either performance or payment shall not be considered a waiver of PARTY's preceding breach of this Agreement. 11.6 Authority to Enter Agreement COUNTY and non-County PARTIES have all requisite power and authority to conduct their respective business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement. Each PARTY warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and authority to make this Agreement and to bind each respective PARTY. 11 Item 2; page 15 11.7 Cooperation COUNTY through SHERIFF and Non-County PARTIES will cooperate in good faith to implement this Agreement. 11.8 Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 11.9 Severability This Agreement is subject to all applicable laws and regulations. If any provision of this Agreement is found by any Court or other legal authority, or is agreed upon by the PAR TIES, to be in conflict with any law or regulation, then the conflicting provision shall be considered null and void. If the effect of nullifying any conflicting provision is such that a material benefit ofthis Agreement to any PARTY is lost, then the Agreement may be terminated at the option of the affected PARTY, with the notice as required in this Agreement. In all other cases, the remainder of this Agreement shall be severable and shall continue in full force and effect. 11.10 Representation Each PARTIES' Chief and/or Sheriff, or their respective designee, shall represent its PARTY in all discussions pertaining to this Agreement. SHERIFF, or his or her designee, shall represent COUNTY in all discussions pertaining to this Agreement. 11.11 Dispute Resolution Concerning Services and Payment In the event of any dispute concerning services and payment arising from this Agreement, the SHERIFF, or his or her designee, and PARTY'S Chief and/ or Sheriff, or his or her respective designee, will meet and confer within ten (1 0) business days after receiving notice of the dispute to resolve the dispute. 11.12 Termination of Funding In the event that funding for reimbursement of costs related to OPSG Operations is terminated by the DHS, this Agreement in its entirety shall be considered null and void and COUNTY through SHERIFF and PARTIES shall no longer be required to provide OPSG Operations as described herein. In such event, the COUNTY through SHERIFF and PARTIES shall meet immediately, and if agreed upon by the COUNTY through SHERIFF and PARTIES, mutually develop and implement within a reasonable time frame, a transition plan for the provision of OPSG Operations through alternate means. 11.13 Obligation This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors of the PARTIES. 11.14 California Law This Agreement is executed and delivered within the State of California and the rights and obligations of the PAR TIES hereto shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of California. 12 Item 2; page 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have executed this Agreement on this __ day of , 2016. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT William D. Gore Sheriff CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT ~------ Chief CORONADO POLICE DEPARTMENT Jon Froomin Chief ESCONDIDO POLICE DEPARTMENT Craig Carter Chief Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 13 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO PROBATION DEPARTMENT Adolfo Gonzales Chief CHULA VISTA POLICE DEPARTMENT David Bejarano Chief CITY OF EL CAJON Douglas Williford City Manager LA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Walt Vasquez Chief Item 2; page 17 NATIONAL CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT Manuel Rodriguez Chief SAN DIEGO POLICE DEPARTMENT Shelley Zimmerman Chief SAN DIEGO HARBOR POLICE DEPARTMENT John Bolduc Chief LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Jim McDonnell Sheriff ORANGE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Sandra Hutchens Sheriff-Coroner Ill Ill 14 OCEANSIDE POLICE DEPARTMENT Frank McCoy Chief CITY OF SAN DIEGO Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer or Designee UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO POLICE DEPARTMENT DavidS. Rose Chief MONTEREY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Stephen Bernal Sheriff-Coroner SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Ian Parkinson Sheriff Item 2; page 18 SAN MATEO COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE GregMunks Sheriff SANTA CRUZ COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Jim Hart Sheriff-Coroner CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL Jim Abele Chief, Border Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Robin Greene District Superintendent Approved as to form: JAN GOLDSMITH, CITY ATTY., CITY OF SAN DIEGO Linda L. Peter Deputy City Attorney Ill 15 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Bill Brown Sheriff-Coroner VENTURA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Geoff Dean Sheriff CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE Karen Edgren Chief, Business Management Branch Approved as to form and legality: Mark Day Senior Deputy Approved as to form and legality: ORANGE COUNTY COUNSEL Nicole A. Sims Supervising Deputy Item 2; page 19 Approved as to form: MARY C. WICKHAM, COUNTY COUNSEL, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Michele Jackson Principal Deputy County Counsel 16 Item 2; page 20 FY 2015 OPERATION STONEGARDEN ANNUAL BUDGET WORKSHEET SUMMARY AGENCY NAME San Diego County Sheriff's Department San Diego County Probation Carlsbad Police Department Chula Vista Police Department Coronado Police Department El Cajon Police Department Escondido Police Department La Mesa Police Department National City Police Department Oceanside Police Department San Diego Harbor Police San Diego Police Department University of California San Diego Police Department LA County Sheriff's Department Orange County Sheriff's Department San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office Ventura County Sheriff's Office Monterey County Sheriff's Office Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office San Mateo County Sheriff's Office CA Highway Patrol CA Department of Fish and Wildlife CA Department of Parks and Recreation Grand Total San Diego County Region A Operational OT 2,423,808 24,043 36,541 146,378 10,473 75,067 45,969 98,779 35,620 106,677 79,765 86,742 9,189 350,000 118,052 138,398 139,871 224,871 32,262 64,071 45,057 604,055 49,625 326,294 5,271,607 8 c Fringe Benefits VehicleN essel Main! 194,703 - 957 - 713 - 2,122 - 152 - 4,933 - 4,031 - 13,822 - 3,982 - 1,547 - 10,369 30,106 1,258 - 238 - -- 11,333 43,762 17,826 9,330 ---- 497 - 929 - 4,943 - 11,579 - 3,796 - 4,731 - 294,461 83,198 EXHIBIT A Budget Narrative Category D E F G H I Equip Main! New/Replace Fuel Costs Mileage Flight Costs M&A TOTAL Equip 95,133 120,000 -78,770 5,000 213,566 3,130,980 ------25,000 ---2,746 --40,000 ------148,500 ---75 --10,700 -10,000 ----90,000 ------50,000 ---12,399 --125,000 -6,000 -2,398 --48,000 --21,776 ---130,000 --39,780 5,980 --166,000 ------88,000 ---573 --10 000 ------350,000 --25,920 933 --200,000 -43,000 14,446 ---223,000 ---6,614 3,51 5 -150,000 -33,750 --5,129 -263,750 ---2,241 --35,000 ------65,000 -30,000 ----80,000 ---61 ,366 --677,000 --3,549 3,030 --60,000 -84,070 -18,975 --434,070 95,133 326,820 105,471 196,100 13,644 213,566 $ 6,600,000 Item 2; page 21