HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-26; City Council; 22266; VOID1 CITY OF CARLSBAD-AGENDA BILL 1 AB# 22 266 AUTHORIZE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR DEPT. DIRECTOR &"Jl2- DATE. 04/26/16 CIVIC CENTER SPACE PLANNING CITY ATIY. !IS DEPT. City Manager CITY MGR. tyJ,,v"' RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a Resolution authorizing a Request for Proposals ("RFP") for space planning services related to the potential development of a new civic center. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad was incorporated in 1952 with a population of roughly 7,000. In 1954 the City built the first Fire and Police Station on the site of the current City Hall. In 1969, the Fire and Police station was replaced with the current city offices and Georgina Cole library. During the city's growth of the following 30 years, staff was relocated and housed at various locations throughout the city; and in 2001 the city acquired and opened the administrative offices a 1635 Faraday Avenue. Over the city's 64-year history, the city's population has grown to over 110,000. On January 26, 2016, the City Council conducted a goal setting workshop where the City Council expressed their desire to have the majority of the city's administrative workforce, elected officials and city council chamber in one location. This facility would generally not include staff such as police, fire, library and maintenance and operations employees as they have their own dedicated facilities. Achieving this goal, a new civic center would be developed, bringing a large portion of city staff together, thereby making city operations more efficient and effective, leading to an enhanced customer service experience. Additionally, the City Council indicated that a new civic center should create a sense of place, as well as be a point of pride for the citizens and employees of Carlsbad. Imperative to developing a new civic center will be determining how to fund its design and development, as well as laying out the appropriate steps to achieve this goal. Staff requests that City Council authorize the issuance of a RFP to contract with a consultant to conduct a space planning/needs analysis, concept design services, and budget analysis related to the development of a new civic center; however, only the space planning/needs analysis is proposed to be included in the Professional Services Agreement at this time. Proposals shall be separated into three phases: Phase 1: Space Planning Analysis, which includes investigating staff space needs, a new council chamber, community meeting space, and potential commercial space to be leased; Phase 2(a): Design Services to Develop Concept Plan for Civic Center; Phase 2(b): Preliminary Estimated Construction Costs for a New Civic Center. Phases 2(a) and 2(b) are not included in the Professional Services Agreement, and if pursued at a later date, would be achieved through contract amendments, contingent on City 1 DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Curtis M. Jackson 760-434-2836 curtis.jackson@carlsbadca.gov FOR CLERK USE. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D DENIED D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN \%" CONTINUED D RETURNED TO STAFF D WITHDRAWN D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D AMENDED D REPORT RECEIVED D 2 Council electing to move forward with the project once the space needs are determined and a location selected. Potential consultants will include qualified multidisciplinary professional teams that may include architectural, engineering, landscaping, and interior design specialists ("Consultant Team"). The selected Consultant Team shall possess the requisite skills and experience necessary to design viable, world class, community-serving spaces that include civic centers or other municipal facilities that have an integrated look, feel, and aesthetic throughout. The selected Consultant Team's Phase 1 space planning analysis will be used to assist the City Council in determining a desired location for a new civic center. After selection of a desired location the Professional Services Agreement may be amended to provide the city with detailed site arrangement plans, concept floor plans, and construction budget analysis with cost estimates. FISCAL IMPACT: The total estimated Consultant Team contract price for Phase 1 is estimated to be $150,000. Capital project funds in the amount of $100,000 were previously appropriated from Community Facilities District No. 1 ("CFD No. 1"), and an additional $50,000 from CFD No. 1 will be included in the FY2016-17 Capital Improvement Program budget. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This action is statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 (feasibility and planning studies). CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 exempts from environmental review actions involving only feasibility or planning studies for possible future actions which the agency has not approved, adopted or funded. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution authorizing city staff to issue a Request for Proposals for space planning/needs and design services. 2. Request for Proposals, Exhibit "A" to Resolution. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO .. ___ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CIVIC CENTER SPACE PLANNING WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad conducted a goal setting workshop on January 26, 2016, where the City Council expressed a desire to have a majority of the administrative workforce, elected officials, and city council chamber located in one location; and WHEREAS, the city desires to solicit proposals from qualified design consulting firms to conduct a civic center space planning analysis; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. City staff is hereby authorized to issue a Request for Proposals ("RFP"), attached hereto as Exhibit A, for solicitation of proposals to conduct a space planning analysis for a new civic center. II II II II II II II II 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City of Carlsbad on the __ day of __ 2016, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MAIT HALL, MAYOR AITEST: BARBARA ENGLESON, CITY CLERK (SEAL) 5 EXHIBIT A {City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad, California REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Space Planning Services for a New Civic Center Pre-proposal Meeting 9:00-10:00 a.m. on May 3, 2016 in the City Council Chamber Responses Due by June 30, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. DELIVER TO: City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 City Manager's Office Attn: Curtis M. Jackson, Real Estate Manager The City of Carlsbad encourages the participation of minority and women-owned businesses 6 INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad ("City") is considering the replacement and consolidation of its existing City Hall facilities, administrative offices and council chamber. As such, the city is seeking proposals from qualified, multidisciplinary professional teams for architectural/landscape architectural/engineering, etc. design firms/teams ("hereinafter Consultant Team") to conduct a space planning analysis, develop conceptual ideas and designs, develop preliminary plans, conduct presentations, and provide estimated construction cost estimates for a new civic center. The location of the proposed new civic center has not been determined. As such the proposal shall be separated into three phases: Phase 1: Space Planning Analysis; Phase 2(a): Design Services to Develop Concept Plan for Civic Center; and Phase 2(b): Preliminary Estimated Construction Costs for a New Civic Center. Phases 2{a) and 2{b) are contingent on City Council electing to move forward once the spatial needs are determined and a location is selected. The city is looking for a qualified Consultant Team that possesses skills and experience designing viable, high quality, community-serving spaces that include civic centers or other municipal facilities that: • have an integrated look, feel, and function throughout, consistent with the communities character; • support a variety of consistent public uses throughout the project area. The Consultant Team should have experience with designing similar public spaces, government contracts, historic sensitivity (if applicable), and successfully working in a participatory community process. PROJECT INTENT During the space planning analysis, the Consultant Team would work closely with staff to meet the intent described above and would specifically include the following (anticipated 120 days schedule to conduct analysis) • Phase 1: A written analysis and report detailing how much space is required for city staff and community meeting room needs, such as: o new civic center building to house the city's administrative workforce o a new City Council chamber o community meeting rooms o potential space for lease to other organizations o community wants and needs for meeting space (pursuant to public outreach) 2 7 Pending City Council authorization, Phase 2 tasks shall include the necessary items to secure a fully entitled project including, but not limited to: • Phase 2(a): Complete design services to develop a concept plan for all aspects and portions of a new civic center that: o brings a majority of all city staff together, thereby increasing staff efficiency and effectiveness and increasing convenience and customer service for the community o meeting the needs of the community (based on public outreach conducted by city and Consultant Team) o provides a consistent, integrated look, feet and aesthetic throughout that creates a sense of place, as well as being a point of pride • Phase 2(b): An estimated budget to construct a new civic center that satisfies the needs stated above, and stays within the city's pre-determined budget. The alternative and preferred design(s) would be presented by the Consultant Team at several public meetings, including, but not limited to, the Arts Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, and Planning Commission. Input from the community, commissions, and potential committees will be considered in the final design. Final conceptual architectural plan(s) would be presented to the City Council for approval. BACKGROUND The City of Carlsbad was incorporated in 1952, and is the fifth largest city (population 110,977) in San Diego County, occupying approximately 39 square miles of rolling hills, beaches and bluffs along the northern coast of San Diego County. It is situated along Interstate 5, 30 miles north of San Diego and roughly 90 mile south of Los Angeles. The city is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west, and surrounded on all other borders by four cities. Several years ago, city staff began discussing the need for a new Civic Center to better meet the needs of the city and the community. The current city hall complex is too small to meet current needs and is reaching the end of its useful life. In 2001 a large majority of the city's workforce relocated to the Faraday Administration Center, located on Faraday Avenue, four miles from city hall and council chamber. Other city functions are housed at separate buildings located throughout the city. In January of this year, the City Council decided to make planning for a new civic center one of six goals that would be priorities in the next three to five years. The new facility would house the majority of the city's administrative workforce, elected officials and the city council chamber. This facility would likely not include police, fire, library, and maintenance and operations employees because they have their own dedicated facilities. 3 8 SCOPE OF WORK The goal of this project is to implement Phase 1, selecting a Consultant Team to analyze staff space needs, requirements for a new City Council chamber, community meeting room needs and opportunities, and the potential to include additional space for lease. Consultant team shall also research, understand and take into consideration trends in municipal government, including, but not limited to, how local governments will operate, what functions will they fulfill, and what will be the facility needs of the future. Phase 1 analysis will look at the city's current allocation of staff and meeting spaces as well as staff and meeting room needs at city build-out. A survey of city administrative facilities throughout Southern California will also be conducted to understand best practices and creative ideas being used in similar buildings. Staff will present the findings of the space planning study to City Council to help them make an informed decision regarding a new civic center that will be able to address staff space needs and best serve the community at build-out. Phases 2{a) and 2(b) are contingent on City Council electing to move forward once the space needs are determined and a location selected. CAPABILITIES The design consultant within the Consultant Team will be required to have a thorough knowledge of professional services and activities involved in creating viable, high quality community-serving spaces that would: • support a variety of consistent public uses throughout the Project as well as comprehensive understanding of the process and procedures relating to public construction and development • create a functional interior office workspace for city staff, council chamber, and meeting spaces • have an integrated look and feel throughout • include venues and other facilities that not only meet all functional requirements but would also make a strong aesthetic/artistic statement on their own FIELD INVESTIGATIONS Initial field investigations in Phase 1 will be limited to current city buildings and surveys of other administrative facilities within Southern California. Phase 2 field investigations, once a location is selected, will include the necessary site investigations to deliver the schematic design, including, but not limited to, utility verifications, soils investigations, pavement and sidewalk condition survey, drainage system inspection, landscape condition survey, and evaluation of the site(s) for a civic center. 4 9 PHASE 2 CONCEPT DESIGN AND COST ESTIMATE TASKS Pending City Council authorization, Phase 2(a-b) concept design and cost estimate tasks shall include the necessary items needed to secure a fully entitled project including, but not limited to: • Concept architecture and drawings to include three to five alternate designs for the project that would be considered by the City Council. • Development of a preferred concept package. • Preparation of concept site plans, floor plans, elevations, utility plans, landscape plans, interior workspace plans, and all documentation necessary for application and entitlement processing. • Estimates of probable construction costs. • Illustrative renderings, models or other graphic presentations of the concepts suitable for the community, Planning Commission and City Council presentations. Consultant Team should be prepared to attend up to six (6) public workshops/commission and Council meetings, including preparation of material for said workshops and meetings. In addition, Consultant Team should be prepared to attend monthly status meetings with staff. PRE-PREPOSAL CONFERENCE There will be an optional pre-proposal conference on May 3, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., in the City Council chamber, located at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. This meeting will be an opportunity for interested firms to ask any clarifying questions in the presence of all other interested firms, so as to distribute any answers to all parties. NONDISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENT By responding to this RFP the Respondent represents that it and any person or entity affiliated by it, does not and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, sex, color, national origin, sexual orientation, ancestry, marital status, physical condition, pregnancy or pregnancy related-conditions, political affiliation or opinion, age, or medical condition. Any subsequent contracts or agreements shall contain similar language and requirements pursuant to California law. SELECTION PROCESS Respondent selection is anticipated to occur through the process outlined herein, the described selection criteria, and submittal requirements. 5 10 Submittal Requirements The proposal shall layout the method for completing the scope of work. All proposals must include the following and be presented in the order outlined below for easy reference by the City: 1} A cover letter summarizing the proposal. 2) A statement of the approach demonstrating an understanding of the scope of services (specifically an understanding of the two-phased approach). 3} Detailed processes, suggested work schedule, milestones, timelines with appropriate work phase completion to include estimated costs to complete. 4) A detailed description of the work to be performed by the firm and sub- consultants and any assumptions made regarding work to be performed by the City of Carlsbad. 5) A description of each firm (or sub consultant) on the Consultant Team 6} Identification and background of primary Consultant Team members who will work on the Project and their capabilities and experience. Include resumes of the professionals in each firm who will be responsible for completing the work and will be working on the Project, including a description of each sub consultant. 7) A representative list of major projects in which each firm and/or sub consultants has participated that describes the experience of the firm and the design team involved in those projects. 8) Examples of recent similar projects with start dates, end dates, and budget. 9} Letters of recommendation and references, preferably from other jurisdictions/entities with comparable projects. 10) Statement as to the commitment by Consultant Team to meet with city staff, various committees, and the Community in an open and public process. 11) Fee proposal for the above scope ofwork (separating phases 1-2(a) and 2(b)) and all standard hourly billing rates. Submissions 92008 should be limited to 30-pages, including the examples of recent projects. Resumes are not counted in the page limit. One (1) unbound copy, one (1) electronic copy, and six 6 11 {6) bound copies of the completed proposal must be received by June 30, 2016, by 4:00 p.m. at: City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA City Manager's Office Attn: Curtis M. Jackson, Real Estate Manager Submissions and/or modifications received subsequent to the hour and date specified above will not be considered. Evaluation of the Proposals Following timely receipt, an evaluation of each submittal will be conducted by a selection panel of city staff within 45-days. The evaluation will include all of the requested information and will be scored according to the table below: Qualifications of the Design Firm 25 pts. Qualifications of the Team 25 pts. Project Work Plan 20 pts. Similar Project Experience 20 pts. Thoroughness and Quality of the Qualifications Statement Spts. Unspecified Value-added Offerings 5 pts. Subtotal: 100 pts. Oral Interview (if required) 50 pts. Subtotal: SO pts. Total Possible Score 150 pts. In addition to the scored items above, each Consultant Team's proposal value shall also be considered. The top Consultant Teams for the project may be invited to attend an oral interview. The oral interview will cover the same topics as the RFP evaluation and may include new topics that your firm may consider relevant. The interview would be one {1) hour in length with 30 minutes for a presentation and 30 minutes for a question and answer session. If selected to present an oral interview, the Consultant Team's performance in this interview will be a significant factor in the overall evaluation. Following review and analysis of the proposals, proposed cost, and oral interviews, staff will recommend selection of a Consultant Team to the City Council. In the event that an agreement cannot be reached with the highest-ranking Consultant Team, the city will terminate negotiations and have the option enter into negotiations with the next highest- ranking design firm. Please note that the city reserves the right to take any or no action based on responses to this Request for Qualifications, including the acceptance or rejection of proposals and the inclusion and deletion of any combination of the work items for the project. 7 12 Questions Any questions you may have pertaining to this RFP shall be addressed to the Real Estate Manager Curtis M. Jackson, at Curtis.jackson@carlsbadca.gov. Answers to questions will be distributed simultaneously by city to all contractors who have downloaded the RPF from the city's ebid board. No other officer, agent, or employee of the city will accept verbal questions regarding this RFP, and are not authorized to provide answers. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Reservations Notwithstanding the issuance of this RFP and any responses thereto, the city reserves the right to not select any of the firms that submit proposals in response to this RFP. Public Record All proposals submitted in response to this RFP become the property of the city and are public records and, as such, may be subject to public review following the contract award. Right to Cancel The city reserves the right to revise or cancel, for any reason, in part or in its entirety, this RFP, including but not limited to: selection schedule, submittal date, and submittal requirements. Additional Information The city reserves the right to request additional information and/or clarification from any or all Respondents to this RFP. Conflict of Interest The Respondent, if selected, shall be required to file a Conflict of Interest Statement with the City Clerk in accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Conflict of Interest Code. Scope Changes All changes in proposal documents shall be through written addendum. Verbal information obtained otherwise will not be considered in the award process. Proposal 8 13 submittals must acknowledge all addenda. Proposals failing to do so may be considered as non-responsive by the City and eliminated from further consideration. Proprietary Information Any restrictions on the use of data contained within a proposal must be clearly stated in the proposal itself. Proprietary information submitted in response to this RFP will be handled in accordance with applicable city procurement regulations and the California Public Records Act. If you have proprietary information, products or services, please identify them in your proposal. Responsive Materials Ownership All materials submitted regarding this RFP become the property of the city. Responses may be reviewed by any person after final selection has been made. The city has the right to use any or all system ideas presented in reply to this request, subject to the limitations outlined in proprietary information above. Disqualification of a Respondent does not eliminate this right. Please return your response no later than 4:00 p.m., June 30, 2016. 9