HomeMy WebLinkAboutLFMP 15E; DOS COLINAS; Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Plan; 2011-10-19
ZONE 15 (E)
Prepared For:
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Prepared By:
Ladwig Design Group Inc.
Hunsaker and Associates
Linscott Law & Greenspan
Approved by City Council on:
• Planning Commission Resolution No. 6828, October 19, 2011
• City Council Resolution No. 2011-285, January 10, 2012
Zone 15 LFMP Page i October 19, 2011
Ladwig Design Group Inc 2234 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008
Bob Ladwig
Hunsaker and Associates
9707 Waples Street
San Diego, CA 92121
Ray Martin Mary Beth Murray
Lindscott Law & Greenspan 1565 Hotel Circle South, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92108
John Keating
Walter Musial
Don Neu – Planning Director Shannon Werneke – Associate Planner Jeremy Riddle, Associate Engineer
John Rimbach – West Senior Living R/E, LLC 5796 Armada Drive. Suite 300
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Zone 15 LFMP Page ii October 19, 2011
Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 15
APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #2972, February 7, 1990
City Council Resolution #90-101, April 10, 1990
**** Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment
LFMP 15(A)
Boundary Change
APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #4171, September 3, 1997
City Council Resolution 97-647, October 21, 1997
**** Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment
LFMP 15(B)
Land Use Change
APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #4291, July 1, 1998
City Council Resolution #98-337, November 17, 1999
Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment
LFMP 15(C)
APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution#5750, October 29, 2004
City Council Resolution 2004-386, December 7, 2004
Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment LFMP 15 (D)
Application Withdrawn
Local Facilities Management Plane Amendment (E)
Planning Commission Resolution # 6828, October 19, 2011 City Council Resolution #2011-285, January 10, 2012
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I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...............................................................................................1 II. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................20
III. BUILD OUT PROJECTIONS ........................................................................................31
IV. PHASING PROJECTIONS ............................................................................................42
CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES ........................................................54
Performance Standard .................................................................................54 Facility Planning and Adequacy Analysis ...................................................54 Mitigation ....................................................................................................59
Financing .....................................................................................................59
LIBRARY FACILITIES .....................................................................................61
Performance Standard .................................................................................61 Facility Planning and Adequacy Analysis ...................................................61 Mitigation ....................................................................................................66
Financing .....................................................................................................66
WASTEWATER TREATMENT CAPACITY .................................................70
Performance Standard .................................................................................70 Facility Planning and Adequacy Analysis ...................................................70 Mitigation ....................................................................................................75
Financing .....................................................................................................75
PARK FACILITIES ............................................................................................77
Performance Standard .................................................................................77 Facility Planning and Adequacy Analysis ...................................................77 Mitigation ....................................................................................................83
Potential Additional Sources of Park Acreage ............................................83
Financing .....................................................................................................83
DRAINAGE FACILITIES ..................................................................................86 Performance Standard .................................................................................86
Facility Planning and Adequacy Analysis ...................................................86
Mitigation ....................................................................................................88
Financing .....................................................................................................90
CIRCULATION FACILITIES...........................................................................91 Performance Standard .................................................................................91
Facility Planning and Adequacy Analysis ...................................................91
Mitigation ....................................................................................................96
Financing ...................................................................................................123
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FIRE FACILITIES ............................................................................................124 Performance Standard ...............................................................................124
Facility Planning and Adequacy Analysis .................................................124
Mitigation ..................................................................................................126
Financing ...................................................................................................138 OPEN SPACE FACILITIES ............................................................................130 Performance Standard ...............................................................................130
Facility Planning and Adequacy Analysis .................................................130
Mitigation ..................................................................................................135
Financing ...................................................................................................135 SCHOOL FACILITIES ....................................................................................136 Performance Standard ...............................................................................136
Facility Planning and Adequacy Analysis .................................................136
Mitigation ..................................................................................................138
Financing ...................................................................................................138 SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM .................................................................140 Performance Standard ...............................................................................140
Facility Planning and Adequacy Analysis .................................................140
Mitigation/Financing .................................................................................142
WATER FACILITIES .....................................................................................143 Performance Standard ...............................................................................143 Facility Planning and Adequacy Analysis .................................................143
Mitigation ..................................................................................................146
Financing ...................................................................................................148
VI. FACILITY FINANCING (Revised 2004 – Amendment C) .......................................148 Facility Financing Summary ................................................................................153
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1 Map Zone 15 Location Map ................................................... 3
2 Table Zone 15 Existing Public Facilities Summary Sheet ................. 4
3 Table Zone 15 Build Out Public Facilities Summary Chart ............... 5
4 Table General Conditions for Zone 15 ....................................... 6
5 Table Special Conditions For Zone 15 ........................................ 8
5A Map Development Areas ...................................................... 25
6 Table Zone 15 Property Owners List ........................................ 26
7 Map Major Land Owners ..................................................... 28
8 Map General Plan Designations ............................................. 29
9 Map Zoning ..................................................................... 30
10 Map Constraints Map .......................................................... 33
11 Table Build Out Projections ................................................... 34
12 Table Existing Land Use ....................................................... 35
13 Table Developing Land Uses .................................................. 36
14 Table Residential Build Out Projections ..................................... 39
15 Table Non-Residential Build Out Projections ............................... 40
16 Table Build Out Population Projections ..................................... 41
19 Table Zone 15 Residential Phasing ........................................... 43
20 Table Exhibit Eliminated (Amendment B)
21 Table Zone 15 Non-Residential Phasing .................................... 45
22 Table City Wide Residential/Non-Residential Phasing ................... 46
23 Map City Administrative Facilities .......................................... 55
24 Table City Administrative Phasing Projections ............................ 58
25 Table City Administrative Financing Matrix ............................... 60
26 Map Library Facilities ......................................................... 62
27 Table Library Phasing Projections ........................................... 67
28 Table Library Financing Matrix .............................................. 69
29 Map Wastewater Facilities .................................................... 71
30 Table Encina WPCF Capacity Analysis ..................................... 70
31 Table Carlsbad Sewer Service District Projections ........................ 74
32 Table Wastewater Financing Matrix ......................................... 76
33 Map Park Districts ............................................................. 78
34 Map Park Locations ........................................................... 80
35 Table Park Phasing Projections ............................................... 82
36 Table Park Financing Matrix .................................................. 85
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LIST OF EXHIBITS (continued)
41 Map Existing and Proposed Circulation (Figures 1-15, Amend. C) .. 108
42 (Map) Table 1 Replaced with Circulation Phasing ................................. 102
43 (Map) Table 2 Replaced with Build Out Traffic Generation ...................... 103
44 (Map) Table 3 Replaced with Signal 12 Intersection Operation .................. 104
45 (Map) Table 4 Replaced with Street Segment Operation .......................... 105
46 (Map) Table 5 Replaced with Traffic Mitigation Summary ....................... 106
49 Map Existing Fire Response Time ........................................ 125
50 Map Proposed Fire Response Time ....................................... 127
51 Table Fire Financing Matrix ................................................. 129
52 Map Open Space Locations ................................................. 131
53 Table Open Space Inventory ................................................. 132
54 Map School District Locations ............................................. 137
55 Map Sewer District Boundaries ............................................ 139
62 Table Facility Financing Summary ......................................... 153
Zone 15 LFMP Page 1 October 19, 2011
The purpose of this document is to provide a plan for identifying the public facilities that will
be needed to accommodate development within the Zone 15 area of the City of Carlsbad, as
shown on Exhibit 1 on page 3. The Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 15
was prepared pursuant to the City's Growth Management Program, as outlined in Chapter
21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The plan incorporates and implements the 1986
Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan.1
This document is the fourth amendment to the Zone 15 LFMP. The original Zone 15 LFMP
was adopted by the City of Carlsbad on April 10, 1990. The first amendment (A) was adopted
on October 21, 1997, and a second amendment (B) was adopted on November 17, 1999.
Since the second amendment of the Zone 15 LFMP was approved, a number of land use,
development and demographic changes have occurred. These changes result in reduced
residential development between the anticipated development and the findings and special
conditions for sewer, water, drainage and circulation. In order to maintain consistency
between the development requirements for Zone 15 and the changing land uses, this LFMP
Amendment (E) supersedes the previously approved Zone 15 LFMP Amendment (C). . (Note
– Amendment (D) was withdrawn).
The primary purpose of Amendment (C) was to revise the previous Zone 15 LFMP Special
Conditions to reflect a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for the development of
Cantarini and Holly Springs projects. The Dos Colinas (E) project changes an area west of
College Boulevard originally anticipated to be a single family residential to a senior project.
The revisions (E) consider the conditions that have been satisfied by other development, and
are no longer applicable due to other land use changes and for which the timing of need has
In addition, the finance plan was revised as a part of LFMP Amendment (E) to provide
additional details regarding the financing of the necessary public facilities within Zone 15.
The Introduction section provides details regarding the land use changes and the justification
for preparation of this Amendment (E).
Finance Overview
During the preparation of this Zone 15 LFMP Amendment (E) it was determined that no single
financing mechanism can satisfy the complex infrastructure requirements of this zone and or
the northeast quadrant. However, a combination of financing techniques can ensure
conformance of future facilities as development occurs. A common set of goals for the
financing of the major facilities can be stated as follows:
1. Provide feasible financing techniques to ensure that all facilities are
provided in conformance with the adopted performance standards.
1 The 1986 CFIP was adopted by City Council on September 23, 1986 (CC Resolution No. 8797).
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2. Provide for the implementation of financing techniques that consider the
financial limitations associated with the high costs of infrastructure construction.
3. Provide for financing options that consider the needs of both the City and the
property owners.
This plan identifies which public facilities are needed as growth occurs to ensure compliance
with the adopted performance standards. A complete finance plan accompanies LFMP
Amendment (C) which is applicable to this Amendment (E) and provides a description of the
facility improvements to be made, timing of improvements, cost estimates, and funding
Zone 15 Requirements for Public Facilities
Development assumptions used to estimate the demand for public facilities generated by
development in Zone 15 are based on the eleven adopted Performance Standards in the Growth
Management Program. Exhibit 2 on page 4 shows the current status of each facility with
respect to the Performance Standard, given the existing amount of development within the
Zone. Because there is currently a limited amount of development within Zone 15, the public
facility demands are presently minimal and all Performance Standards are currently being met
with the exception of drainage facilities. Rick Engineering Company – in a Rancho Carlsbad
Channel and Basin Project report prepared for the City of Carlsbad dated June 30, 1998,
recommended, in order to minimize the 100 year flooding within Rancho Carlsbad Mobile
Home Park (RCMHP), four upstream detention facilities and improvements to Agua Hedionda
and Calavera Creeks be completed. Development in LFMP Zone 15 is conditioned to provide
one of the four detention facilities, Basin BJ. Basin BJ was approved as part of College
Boulevard in a separate EIR (98-02, SCH No. 99111082) and will be constructed along with
Reach A of College Boulevard. The City recently prepared (July 3, 2008) a comprehensive
update to the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan which provides a program to address the ultimate
solution to the Agua Hedionda Channel through the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park.
Exhibit 3 on page 5 provides a summary of public facilities adequacy through build out of
Zone 15.
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Zone 15 LFMP Page 4 October 19, 2011
ZONE 15 Existing Public Facilities Summary Sheet
LFMP 15(E)
Facility Conformance With Adopted Performance Standard
City Administrative Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted
performance standard.
Library Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted
performance standard.
Wastewater Treatment Capacity Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted
performance standard.
Parks Yes, Park District 2 (northeast quadrant) currently
meets the adopted performance standard.
Drainage No, existing drainage facilities do not meet the
adopted performance standard.
Circulation Yes, existing circulation facilities meet the adopted
performance standard.
Fire Yes, existing fire facilities meet the adopted
performance standard.
Open Space Yes, existing open space meets the adopted
performance standard.
Schools Yes, existing school facilities meet the adopted
performance standard.
Sewer Collection Yes, existing sewer collection facilities meet the
adopted performance standard.
Water Distribution Yes, existing water distribution facilities meet the
adopted performance standard.
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ZONE 15 Build Out Public Facilities Summary Chart
LFMP 15(E)
Facility Conformance With Adopted Performance Standard
City Administrative Existing and planned facilities will meet the
adopted performance standard through build out.
Library Existing and planned facilities will meet the
adopted performance standard through build out.
Wastewater Treatment Facilities Existing and planned facilities will meet the
adopted performance standard through build out.
Parks Park District 2 (northeast) will meet the adopted
performance standard with the proposed mitigation
measures through build out.
Drainage Drainage facilities will meet the adopted
performance standard with the proposed mitigation
measures through build out.
Circulation Circulation facilities will meet the adopted
performance standard with the proposed mitigation
measures through build out.
Fire Existing fire facilities will meet the adopted
performance standard through build out.
Open Space Existing open space will meet the adopted
performance standard for existing and approved
Schools Existing and planned school facilities will meet the
adopted performance standard through build out.
Sewer Collection Sewer facilities will meet the adopted performance
standard with the proposed mitigation measures
through build out.
Water Distribution Water facilities will meet the adopted performance
standard with the proposed mitigation measures
through build out.
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General Conditions for Zone 15
LFMP 15(E)
1. All development within Zone 15 shall conform to the provisions of Section 21.90 of the
Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the provisions and conditions of this Local Facilities
Management Plan.
2. All development within Zone 15 shall be required to pay a public facilities fee pursuant
to the standards adopted by the City Council on July 28, 1987, and as amended from
time to time and all other applicable fees. Development in Zone 15 shall also be
responsible for any additional fees to be incorporated into this plan that are found to be
necessary to enable facilities to meet the adopted performance standard.
3. The City of Carlsbad shall monitor all facilities in Zone 15 pursuant to Subsections
21.90.130(c), (d) and (e) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
4. All development in Zone 15 shall be in conformance with the adopted Citywide
Facilities and Improvements Plan as adopted by City Council Resolution 8797 on
September 23, 1986.
5. Periodic amendment to the Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Plan is anticipated to
incorporate newly acquired data, to amend conditions and upgrade standards as
determined through the required monitoring program. Amendment to this Plan may be
initiated by action of the Planning Commission, City Council or property owners at any
6. If a public facility or service is found not to be in conformance with an adopted
performance standard during the yearly monitoring, or at any other time, the matter
will be immediately brought before the City Council. If the City Council determines
that a non-conformance does exist then no future building or development permits shall
be issued unless an amendment to the CFIP or the LFMP for this zone is approved by
the City Council which addresses those facility shortfalls and brings those facilities into
conformance with the adopted performance standards. Currently drainage performance
standards do not meet standards. City engineering is actively pursuing a remedy and is
in the permit process with the appropriate agencies for permits.
7. After adoption of this LFMP by the City Council, no building permits will be allowed
unless the performance standards are complied with.
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General Conditions for Zone 15
LFMP 15(E) (Continued)
8. Approval of this LFMP does not constitute prior environmental review for projects
within Zone 15. All future projects within Zone 15 shall undergo environmental
review per Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Any mitigation measures
determined during a project's environmental review shall be complied with in their
entirety unless findings of overriding consideration are made by the City Council.
9. Approval of this plan does not constitute prior discretionary review for projects within
Zone 15. All future projects shall undergo review per Title 21 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code. The plan establishes the maximum allowable number of residential
units for facilities planning purposes only. The plan does not guarantee any specific
residential density.
10. Approval of any discretionary permit within Zone 15 shall be contingent upon the
provision of adequate public facilities to satisfy the Public Facilities Element of the
General Plan. At this time a Community Facilities District (CFD) has been formed to
finance the construction of several Citywide facilities necessary to serve new
development. If the subject Zone 15 property is not a participant within that district,
the required General Plan consistency finding cannot be made. Therefore, no
discretionary approvals, building permits, grading permits, final maps or other
development permits will be issued or approved unless the subject property annexes
into the CFD or an alternate financing mechanism is provided by the developer and
approved by the City Council to finance the facilities legally applicable to Zone 15 that
are included in the Community Facilities District. The following activities are exempt
from this: grading, minor planning entitlements or minor construction as a part of
ongoing agricultural operations, minor subdivisions and lot line adjustments for
financing purposes or a Planned Community Master Plan or a Specific Plan. Any
exemption is solely at the City's discretion.
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Special Conditions for Zone 15
LFMP 15(E)
(Amendment (D) Withdrawn)
The following Special Conditions apply specifically to development in Zone 15 and must be
complied with in addition to the General Conditions for Zone 15. The Special Conditions are
also listed separately under the analysis discussion of each facility. As previously discussed,
the facility requirements (Amendment (E) have changed for only four facilities – Circulation,
Sewer, Drainage and Water.
The revisions as provided in the previous LFMP Amendment (C) did not include changes to
other facility chapters, except the Circulation, Sewer, Drainage and Water chapters. The
Circulation chapter was revised to reflect the slowed regional growth, the completion of many
improvements and changes to land uses. The special conditions for Circulation facilities were
also modified as necessary to ensure that the required level of service for circulation element
roadways would be met. The Sewer chapter was up-dated to reflect the completion and
operation of facilities in sewer basin 15A and 15B. The Water chapter reflects refinement of
needed facilities in service pressure zones along with water master plan facilities. The
Circulation chapter was up-dated to reflect the need for Reach A of College Boulevard and
Reach 4A of Cannon Road.
The Drainage chapter for Amendment (E) was up-dated to reflect the details of the BJ
Detention Facility, the College Boulevard Bridge at Agua Hedionda Creek and to acknowledge
the City approval of the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan on July 3, 2008. Cost estimate within
the finance section for Amendment (E) were up-dated to reflect current unit prices and to
reflect portions of Cannon reach 4A being constructed by CUSD.
City Administrative Facilities
No special conditions.
No special conditions.
Wastewater Treatment Capacity
The following action shall be pursued jointly by each sewer district to ensure adequate
wastewater treatment capacity through build out:
Zone 15 LFMP Page 9 October 19, 2011
A. Monitor Encina treatment plant flows on a monthly basis to determine actual flow rates
and to have an early warning of capacity problems.
A. All development shall comply with Chapter 20.44 (Dedication of Land for Recreational
Facilities) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for impacts to Park District 2.
A. All future development in Zone 15 will be required to construct any future Zone 15
storm drain facilities identified in the July 2008 Drainage Master Plan. Any facilities
necessary to accommodate future development must be guaranteed prior to the
recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit,
whichever occurs first in Zone 15. (Note: Facility identification below taken from July
2008 Drainage Master Plan).
B. Prior to the recordation of any final map, grading permit or building permit (whichever
occurs first), for any specific project within Zone 15, the developers of that project are
required to:
1. Pay the required drainage area fees established in the current Drainage Master
Plan and;
2. Execute an agreement to pay any drainage area fees established in the
forthcoming revised Drainage Master Plan.
C. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit or building
permit, whichever occurs first within Zone 15, the developers are required to
financially guarantee Zone 15’s proportional share of the following to the satisfaction of
the City Engineer:
1. Sediment detention basin “BJ-1” to be installed in Zone 15 upstream of College
Boulevard along with a 4’ x 7’ box culvert under College Boulevard and an un-
lined channel within basin “BJ-1”.
2. Provide a mechanism for the maintenance of the “BJ-1” sediment detention
3. Remove the existing headwall of the 78” RCP in College Boulevard (BL-L) and
connect to Agua Hedionda Creek just downstream of the proposed bridge.
4. Bridge on College Boulevard at Agua Hedionda Creek (BL-L).
Zone 15 LFMP Page 10 October 19, 2011
5. Drainage project BR a 66 inch culvert under College Boulevard North of Bridge
BL-L to drain an un-named creek coming from Cantarini and Holly Springs
D. Concurrent with the development of property within Development Area 1 (Exhibit 5A
on Page 25) of Zone 15, the following shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer:
1. Detention basin “BJ-1” including a 4’ x 7’ Box Culvert under College
Boulevard and unlined channel within basin “BJ-1.”
2. Connection of the existing 78” RCP in College Boulevard to the new bridge at
Agua Hedionda Creek just downstream of the proposed bridge.
3. Bridge on College Boulevard at Agua Hedionda Creek facility BL-L.
4. Drainage project BR-a 66 inch culvert under College Boulevard.
E. Phasing – Cannon Road Reach 3 and College Boulevard Reaches B and C have been
completed. College Boulevard Reach A (El Camino Real to Cannon Road) may be
phased and could be constructed either from the north end at Cannon Road or the south
end at the bridge at Agua Hedionda Creek. Drainage improvements could be
constructed in 2 phases and coordinated with the phased College Boulevard
improvements. Detention basin “BJ-1” and the relocation of the Rancho Carlsbad RV
and Garden Site could be constructed with the northerly portion of College Boulevard
and the Agua Hedionda Bridge 66” and 78” RCP connection with the southerly portion
of College Boulevard.
Drainage Project B (Agua Hedionda Creek dredging through Rancho Carlsbad) and
Project BN (Calavera Creek flood control improvements) are being processed by the
City. Construction is anticipated in 2012-2013.
These special conditions have been divided into four categories directly corresponding to the
four development areas within Zone 15. These areas are depicted on Exhibit 5A on page 25.
A. The construction of improvements is based on the projected demand of development in
the zone and the surrounding region. The construction schedule may be modified
without amendment to this plan. However, any deletions or additions to the
improvements will require amending this LFMP.
B. The funding for the construction of College Boulevard will be guaranteed as provided
by the Zone 15 Finance Plan. The alignment has been established and the EIR certified
(EIR No 98-02, as SCH No. 99111082).
Zone 15 LFMP Page 11 October 19, 2011
C. Cannon Road – Reach 4A (East from College Boulevard.
All of Reach 4, from College Boulevard easterly to the City of Oceanside was included
in the EIR for Calavera Hills Phase II (EIR No. 98-02 as SCH No. 99111082).
Because of public testimony during the public hearings, Reach 4 was divided in 2
reaches. Reach 4A went from College Boulevard easterly approximately 900 feet to
provide access to the Carlsbad Unified School District property north of Cannon Road
and to the Rancho Carlsbad Homeowner’s property (BJ Basin parcel) south of Cannon
Road. Note: A portion of Reach 4A (modified) is currently under construction (April
2011) as part of the development of Sage Creek High School.
Reach 4B (the remainder of Reach 4 to Oceanside) was not approved or the alignment
certified as part of the final EIR 98-02. Reach 4B will be studied in conjunction with
Oceanside at some undetermined date in the future.
D. Prior to recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit or building
permit, whichever occurs first, within each of the specifically identified four
development areas of Zone 15, a financing program guaranteeing construction of the
following circulation improvements shall be approved.
a. College Boulevard
1. Prior to the approval of the first final map within the
Development Area 1 of Zone 15, the participating owners’ must
develop and agree to the formation of a comprehensive financing
program that guarantees the construction of full width
improvements of College Boulevard between Cannon Road and
El Camino Real. Said financing mechanism can include such
programs as Bridge and Thoroughfare District, Assessment
District, or private reimbursement agreements. The ultimate
financing program must receive City Council approval prior to
the recordation of the first final map.
2. Prior to the approval of the first building permit (see phasing
exception in paragraph 3 below) within Development Area 1, the
following public improvements must be completed and
Complete the connection of College Boulevard from Cannon
Road and El Camino Real. This would include the following
Zone 15 LFMP Page 12 October 19, 2011
• Full width grading to major arterial standards.
• Two center travel lanes including a raised median and left
turn pockets.
• Construction of full width bridge over Agua Hedionda
• Full intersection improvements to Cannon Road and
College Boulevard including appropriate lane transitions
to the southern leg of College Boulevard.
3. Phasing – In addition to the above financing mechanisms and in
conjunction with specific tentative map conditions, the City
Engineer may approve phasing of improvements for College
Boulevard to allow for approval of developer requested grading
and building permits for a certain number of residential units
prior to the full completion of College Boulevard, Reach A. For
single entry development no more than 25 units may be
constructed as approved by the City Engineer and Fire Marshall
south of the intersection of cannon Road and College Boulevard,
or north of the Agua Hedionda Creek Bridge.
4. Relocation of Rancho Carlsbad RV and Garden site – An
acceptable site for relocation of the Rancho Carlsbad RV and
Garden site currently east of College Blvd. requires a conditional
use permit (CUP) or equivalent permit to the satisfaction of the
Planning Director for the relocation. A secured agreement with
the City for the construction of the RV and Garden site is
required (see Planning Commission Resolution No. 5753 –
Condition No. 46 for CT-00-18 for reference).
Cannon Road – Reach 4A
1. Prior to the approval of the first final map or other development
permit within Development Area 1 of Zone 15, the participating
property owners must develop and agree to the formation of a
comprehensive financing program that guarantees the
construction of the core improvements to Cannon Road (Reach
4A) from College Boulevard easterly 900 feet more or less. The
core improvements consist of full width grading, two 18-ft paved
lanes, median curbs, drainage facilities required to protect the
roadbed, and transition improvements to full City standard
intersection improvements at the intersection with College
Boulevard. CUSD has currently completed partial improvements
to Cannon Road Reach 4.1. A financing program guarantee must
include the completion of Reach 4A to major arterial standards.
CUSD has also dedicated the full width right of way for Reach
4A. CUSD has currently completed partial improvements to
Zone 15 LFMP Page 13 October 19, 2011
Cannon Road Reach 4A. A financing program guarantee must
include the completion of Reach 4A to major arterial standards.
CUSD has also dedicated the full width right-of-way for Reach
4A. Said financing mechanism can include such programs as
Bridge and Thoroughfare District, Assessment District, Transnet
and Traffic Impact fees or private reimbursement agreements.
The ultimate financing program must receive City Council
approval prior to the recordation of the first final map or other
development permits.
Note: A portion of Reach 4A of Cannon Road has been approved
by Carlsbad staff and is currently (April 2011) under construction
as part of Sage Creek High School. A portion of right-of-way for
Reach 4A right-of-way has been dedicated by the school district.
The remaining right-of-way was irrevocably offered for
dedication that can be accepted once the remaining improvements
of Reach 4A are constructed.
El Camino Real
1. Concurrent with development, completion of half street
improvements for El Camino Real to prime arterial standards
including landscaped median from Rancho Carlsbad Drive to the
northwesterly boundary of Development Area 4. This condition
applies to the frontage of the property being developed, if any.
College Boulevard
1. Prior to the approval of the first final map within the
Development Area 2 of Zone 15, the participating property
owners’ must develop and agree to the formation of a
comprehensive financing program that guarantees the
construction of full width improvements of College Boulevard
between Cannon Road and El Camino Real.
Said financing mechanism can include such programs as Bridge
and Thoroughfare District, Assessment District, or private
reimbursement agreements. The ultimate financing program must
receive City Council approval prior to the recordation of the first
final map.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 14 October 19, 2011
Cannon Road – Reach 4A
1. Prior to the approval of the first final map or other development
permit within Development Area 2 of Zone 15, the participating
property owners must develop and agree to the formation of a
comprehensive financing program that guarantees the
construction of the core improvements to Cannon Road (Reach
4A) from College Boulevard easterly 900 feet more or less. The
core improvements consist of full width grading, two 18-ft paved
lanes, median curbs, drainage facilities required to protect the
roadbed, and transition improvements to full City standard
intersection improvements at the intersection with College
Boulevard. The financing program guarantee must also address
the acquisition of the right-of-way (ROW) for the road, slope and
drainage easement in addition to the design, construction and
environmental mitigation measures. Said financing mechanism
can include such programs as Bridge and Thoroughfare District,
Assessment District, Transnet and Traffic Impact fees or private
reimbursement agreements. The ultimate financing program must
receive City Council approval prior to the recordation of the first
final map or other development permits.
2. The following public improvements must be completed and
operational, concurrent with development:
• Full width grading to major arterial standards.
• Two center travel lanes including raised median and left
turn pockets.
• Intersection improvements to Cannon Road and College
Boulevard including appropriate lane transition.
• Frontage improvements along the south side of Cannon
Road Reach 4A.
Note: A portion of Reach 4A of Cannon Road has been
approved by Carlsbad staff and is currently (April 2011)
under construction as part of Sage Creek High School. A
portion of right-of-way for Reach 4A has been dedicated
by the school district. The remaining right-of-way was
irrevocably offered for dedication that can be accepted
once the remaining improvements of Reach 4A are
Zone 15 LFMP Page 15 October 19, 2011
El Camino Real
1. Concurrent with development, completion of half street
improvements for El Camino Real to prime arterial standards
including landscaped median along the frontage of the developing
property between Development Area 4 and Cougar Drive.
2. Prior to final map approval or issuance of a building permit the
developing property owner shall pay their fair share contribution
for the installation of the El Camino Real improvements pursuant
to the requirements of the El Camino Real median reimbursement
agreement dated May 6, 1988.
College Boulevard
1. College Boulevard between El Camino Real and the northern
boundary of Development Area 4 shall be constructed to full
width arterial standards. (Completed)
College Boulevard
1. Prior to recording a final map or the issuance of a grading permit
or building permit, the applicant shall enter into a secured
financial agreement in a form acceptable to the City Council that
will secure its fair share of the cost of College Boulevard between
the northern boundary of Development Area 4 to Cannon Road.
2. Note: A portion of Reach 4A of Cannon Road has been approved
by Carlsbad staff and is currently (April 2011) under construction
as part of Sage Creek High School. A portion of the right-of-way
for Reach 4A has been dedicated by the school district. The
remaining right-of-way was irrevocably offered for dedication
that can be accepted once the remaining improvements of Reach
4A are constructed
c. Cannon Road – Reach 4A
1. Prior to the approval of the first final map or other development
permit within Development Area 4 of Zone 15, the participating
Zone 15 LFMP Page 16 October 19, 2011
property owners must develop and agree to the formation of a
comprehensive financing program that guarantees the
construction of full width improvements of Cannon Road (Reach
4A) from College Boulevard easterly 900 feet more or less. Said
financing mechanism can include such programs as Bridge and
Thoroughfare District, Assessment District, Transnet and Traffic
Impact fees or private reimbursement agreements. The ultimate
financing program must receive City Council approval prior to
the recordation of the first final map or other development
Note: A portion of Reach 4A of Cannon Road has been approved
by Carlsbad staff and is currently (April 2011) under construction
as part of Sage Creek High School. A portion of the right-of-way
for Reach 4A has been dedicated by the school district. The
remaining right-of-way was irrevocably offered for dedication
that can be accepted once the remaining improvements of Reach
4A are constructed.
El Camino Real
1. Construction of half street improvements for El Camino Real to
prime arterial standards including landscaped median along the
frontage of the developing property.
2. Construction of median from the northwestern boundary of
Development Area 4 to the existing improvements south of
Rancho Carlsbad Drive.
3. Construction of transition improvements on the east side of El
Camino Real from the northwestern boundary of Development
Area 4 northerly to a distance determined by the City Engineer.
No special conditions.
Open Space
A. All future development within this zone shall be required to show how it contributes to
meeting the open space performance standard above and beyond meeting all other City
standards and development regulations and that the development does not preclude the
provision of performance standard open space at build out of Zone 15.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 17 October 19, 2011
B. Open space compliance will be monitored annually and as individual projects are
reviewed within this zone.
Prior to the approval of any development within this zone, the Planning Director shall be
required to find that the development does not preclude the provision of performance standard
open space at build out of Zone 15.
The special condition for school facilities is as follows:
A. Prior to the approval of any final map or the issuance of any permits within Zone 15,
the applicant for the final map or permit shall submit evidence to the City that impacts
to school facilities have been mitigated in conformance with the City's Growth
Management Plan to the extent permitted by applicable state law for legislative
approvals. If the mitigation involves a financing scheme such as a Mello-Roos
Community Facilities District which is inconsistent with the City's Growth
Management Plan including City Council Policy Statement No. 38, the developer shall
submit disclosure documents for approval by the City Manager and City Attorney
which shall disclose to future owners in the project, to the maximum extent possible,
the existence of the tax and that the school district is the taxing agency responsible for
the financing district.
Sewer Collection
The original Zone 15 LFMP (April 10, 1990) required a financial guarantee for construction of
the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer system. Thereafter, much of the system was
constructed by other developments, including the Kelly Ranch. In September 2002, the City
Council adopted Resolution No. 2002-279 approving the Engineer's Report and introducing
Ordinance No. NS-642 increasing the fees for Sewer Benefit Areas C, D, E, and F (South
Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer). As part of "The Terraces" project (CT 96-02), which
is located in Development Area 4 of LFMP Zone 15, the Terraces project Developer designed
and constructed the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer, Trunk 1E ("SAHT1E"),
which serves proposed development in the LFMP Zone 15 area. Construction of SAHT1E
was completed in 2003. As of the date of this Local Facilities Management Plan
Amendment (LFMP 15 (E), all agency permits have been approved for the Cannon Road
Pump Station and construction is complete and is fully operational.
A. All development in Zone 15 is required to pay the appropriate sewer connection fees
and sewer benefit area fees prior to issuance of any building permit.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 18 October 19, 2011
Sewer Benefit Area D
1. SAHT2B and SAHT2C are both constructed and in operation. The remaining
un-developed properties in Sewer Benefit Area D will be required to
construct/finance connections to the existing SAHT2B and SAHT2C trunk lines.
Sewer Benefit Area E
1. A portion of SAHT1E was constructed as part of the Terraces project (dwg 361-
6E). The remaining un-developed properties in Sewer Benefit Area E will be
required to extend the remaining portion of SAHT1E and construct/finance
connections to the existing SAHT1E trunk line.
Water Distribution
A. All future development in Zone 15 shall be subject to requirements of the 2003 CMWD
Water Master Plan Update and the Water Reclamation Master Plan as determined by
the City Engineer. Any potable and recycled water facilities necessary to accommodate
future development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of a final map, issuance
of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any project in Zone
B. Water facilities for Zone 15 shall be provided at the time of development to the
satisfaction of CMWD.
C. Prior to or commensurate with installation of Zone 15 water facilities, CMWD shall
determine that sufficient water facilities are in place to serve Zone 15.
D. All development within Zone 15 shall pay the appropriate water fees established by
Service Area A (375 Zone Water)
The following water facilities will be required as a condition to the approval of
development within Service Area A and B to the satisfaction of the City:
1. Construct a potable 12” water main in College Boulevard from Sunny Creek
Road northerly to “A” Street, easterly in “A” Street to the east boundary of
Cantarini, also, northerly from “A” Street through the Cantarini project to
Zone 15 LFMP Page 19 October 19, 2011
“C”Street to the intersection of College Boulevard, then northerly in College
Boulevard to the existing 12” line at Cannon Road.
Service Area B (490 Zone Water)
1. Construct a potable 36” water main in College Boulevard from Sunny Creek
Road northerly to “A” Street, easterly in “A” Street to the easterly boundary of
2. Development easterly of Cantarini will extend the 36” line up to Maerkel
3. Construct a 16” water main in College Boulevard from the 36” at “A” Street
northerly to a 16” main at Cannon Road.
Service Area 384 Zone
1. Construct a recycled 12” main in College Boulevard from an existing main at
Sunny Creek Road northerly to an existing 12” main at Cannon Road.
2. Construct a 12” main in “A” Street from College Boulevard easterly to the East
line of Cantarini. Development east of Cantarini will extend the 12” main as
Note: Private development may be required to construct a booster/pump station to provide
reclaimed water where necessary.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 20 October 19, 2011
This Local Facilities Management Plan amendment is part of the latest phase of Carlsbad's
overall Growth Management Program for Zone 15. Phase One of the Growth Management
Program was completed with the adoption of the 1986 Citywide Facilities and Improvements
Plan (1986 CFIP). For purposes of public facilities analysis the 1986 CFIP separated the City
into 25 Local Facilities Management Zones as shown on Exhibit 1 on page 3.
Zone 15 is divided into several development areas as shown on Exhibit 5A on Page 25. These
development areas include a large Open Space designated area, a Habitat Conservation Area,
the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park, the “Terraces” at Sunny Creek, (Development Areas
1 through 4). The Open Space area currently contains a general plan designation of OS (Open
Space). This area will remain as open space. The Habitat Conservation Area was formally
known as The Highlands which was approved for 740 dwelling units. Due to the expiration of
the tentative map and existing environmental issues, this area is now intended to be used for
habitat mitigation. The Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park contains 504 units. Development
Area 1 was originally anticipated to be developed with a mix of ½ and 1 acre residential lots
and open space consistent with SP 191 – Sunny Creek Specific Plan and the Carlsbad Habitat
Management Plan (HMP) east of College Boulevard and traditional single family west of
College Boulevard. The Dos Colinas project west of College Boulevard is proposing a senior
project with congregate care provisions including cottage/independent living units, apartment
and Alzheimer care units. Currently there are two approved projects in Development Area #1
– Holly Springs CT-00-21 and Cantarini CT-00-18 Development Area 4 is proposed to be
developed with a commercial/retail project on the 17 acre site at the northwest corner of
College Boulevard and El Camino Real. Residential development (The Terraces) is located on
the northeast corner of College Boulevard and El Camino Real. Future development of the
remaining areas has not been approved at this time. However, since the general plan identifies
these areas as residential and open space, the Zone 15 LFMP assumes development to occur at
a reduced density for properties in the Sunny Creek specific plan (SP-191) area and at the
Growth Control Point for the remaining areas. The growth control point for Residential Low
Medium (RLM) within the boundaries of SP-191 is 2.88 dwelling units per net developable
acre. Outside of SP-191 the growth control point for RLM is 3.2 dwelling units per acre.
Development area 2 is a parcel anticipated to be developed with drainage basin BJ-1 when
College Boulevard is constructed and an affordable apartment on 4+ acres across from the
proposed CUSD High School site along Cannon Road 4A. Development area 3 is mostly
developed and no known future plans are available.
As mentioned in the Executive Summary, this Amendment (E) is the fourth amendment
(Amendment (D) was withdrawn) to the Zone 15 LFMP. A General Plan Amendment (GPA)
was submitted with a Tentative Parcel Map for conditional residential development,
(professional care facilities) within Development Area 1. The proposed land use changes for
Dos Colinas include a change from RLM to RM and open space and zoning changes from LC
Zone to RDM and open space. The land use changes, in conjunction with slower than
anticipated growth citywide and within Zone 15 are the primary reasons prompting the need to
review and modify the Zone 15 LFMP. The Zone 15 LFMP (E) Amendment will ensure that
Zone 15 LFMP Page 21 October 19, 2011
the impacts created by the GPA will not result in an increase in the demand for public facilities
within Zone 15.
The GPA that is part of the Dos Colinas application includes a senior housing development of
58 cottages, 166 independent living units, 81 assisted living units (305 units total) on Parcel
Zone 15 Amendment (C) parcels RLM 3, 4, and 7 west of College Boulevard have been
combined with this Amendment (E) into parcel RM-3 for the 305 unit Dos Colinas project.
The revision to the Zone 15 LFMP includes updating the build out projections for residential
development within Zone 15. The build out land use designations are based on the General
Plan Amendment processed concurrently with this LFMP Amendment (RLM to RM). As a
part of the build out projections, the LFMP phases or estimates the zone's development on a
yearly basis until build out is reached. Phasing is done to predict future facilities demands.
The adequacy of public facilities is analyzed according to this demand. The analysis includes
an inventory of existing and proposed facilities, a phasing schedule that establishes the timing
for the provision of facilities in relationship to demand, and a financing plan that establishes
methods of funding needed facilities. Since the plan is a regulatory document, each facility
section contains conditions to ensure that facilities will conform to the adopted performance
standards. Mandatory compliance with the plan and conditions will assure the adequacy of
facilities within Zone 15. As mentioned previously, the individual facility chapters, except
Circulation, Sewer, Water and Drainage have not been revised with this LFMP Amendment.
Exhibit 1 on page 3 indicates where Zone 15 is located within the City. Exhibit 2 on page 4
provides a summary of existing public facilities adequacy for Zone 15 and Exhibit 3 on page 5
provides a summary of public facilities adequacy through build out for Zone 15.
Development Assumptions
The primary growth management consideration with this LFMP amendment is that the future
development will not increase the demand on public facilities beyond that anticipated in the
original Zone 15 LFMP. A large portion of Zone 15, known as the Carlsbad Highlands was
originally approved for 740 dwelling units, will not be developed. In fact, this area is now
used for habitat mitigation land. In addition, the State Wildlife Conservation Board purchased
98.88 acres of the former Holly Springs Ltd. Ownership on May 22, 2002 for open space
conservation. Therefore, the magnitude and character of impacts from the development of this
area will be substantially less than what was originally anticipated in the original Zone 15
The second Zone 15 amendment (LFMP-15-B) approved a transfer of 229 units from the
excess dwelling unit bank for the existing Terraces project in Zone 15 adjacent to El Camino
Real and College Boulevard leaving a remaining balance of 511 units (740-229=511), which
have been added to the excess dwelling unit bank.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 22 October 19, 2011
With the State acquisition of 98.88 acres from Holly Springs for open space (Parcel RLM-2C)
there are another 200 units in the excess dwelling unit bank. In addition Holly Springs Parcels
RLM-2 and RLM-2A will generate 266 additional units when recorded and Cantarini parcels
RLM-3A and RLM-4A will generate an additional 215 units when recorded. Clustering 80
units from Holly Springs and Cantarini for the Cantarini multi-family/affordable housing on
Parcel RMH-1 will reduce the available excess units. As a result of the above described
reduced development and unit transfers in Zone 15 pursuant to LFMP 15 (C), the result is a
net decrease of dwelling units. (200+266+215-80=601). The excess units from Cantarini and
Holly Springs will be added to the excess dwelling unit bank.
The Dos Colinas Amendment (E) will have a net effect of potentially allowing 115 additional
units for parcel RM-3. Dos Colinas proposes a General Plan Land Use designation of
Residential Medium (RM) which has a mean density of 6 times 41.07 net acres excluding
College Boulevard for a potential dwelling unit allocation at growth management control point
of 246 units. The existing General Plan, RLM, allows up to 131 units at the GMCP;
therefore, if RM-3 were to be developed with a single family residential subdivision a total of
246 single family units could potentially be developed.
This LFMP Amendment provides a revised list of the special conditions necessary to
ensure that public facilities necessary for development within the zone will be provided
concurrent with their need.
The plan is divided into seven parts as follows:
I -Executive Summary: Summarizes the plan and highlights all conditions
proposed by the plan.
II -Introduction: Provides an introduction to the format and content of the plan.
III -Build Out Projections: Projects the ultimate amount of development in Zone
15, along with itemizing existing, developing, and future land uses.
IV -Phasing: Attempts to project how and when development will be phased in
Zone 15.
V -Analysis of Public Facilities Requirements: Provides a complete description
and analysis of when and how each facility will be provided and financed based
on build out projections and phasing assumptions.
VI -Finance: Provides a summary of the financial alternatives available to fund
each facility and a discussion of the LFMP's impact on City finances.
VII -Appendices\References: Provides the technical materials used in preparation of
this plan.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 23 October 19, 2011
The most detailed part of the plan is Part V. This part is divided into eleven separate
sections, one for each facility. Each section provides a detailed analysis of the facility.
If a facility is not conforming with the adopted performance standard, there will be a
discussion describing this situation, a description of mitigation or alternatives, and a
financing discussion.
Each facility section will conclude with adequacy findings. Adequacy findings
summarize whether or not the public facility conforms with the adopted performance
Management Zone 15 is located in the northeast quadrant of Carlsbad as shown on
Exhibit 1 on page 3. It is bounded by Zone 14 to the north/northwest, El Camino Real
to the west, Zones 16 and 5 to the south, the City of Oceanside and the City of Vista to
the east. Zone 15 is approximately 1,197 net acres in size. Exhibit 6 on page 26 lists
the property owners within Zone 15 and Exhibit 7 on page 28 shows the location of
their holdings. (Major Land Owners).
Primarily a residential area, Carlsbad's existing General Plan calls for residential land
uses ranging in density from Low (0-1.5 dwelling units/acre) to High (15-23 dwelling
units/acre). Nonresidential land uses within Zone 15 consist of general plan open space
(OS), local shopping center (L), commercial (C), and planned industrial (PI). The
General Plan Amendment for Dos Colinas processed concurrently with the LFMP 15
(E) Amendment will adjust the boundaries of the RLM (Medium low density
residential) to RM (residential medium) and adjust OS (open space). The new General
Plan Designations, within Zone 15 are shown on Exhibit 8 on page 29.
One Specific Plan has been approved within Zone 15. The Sunny Creek Specific Plan
(SP-191) encompasses approximately 307 acres entirely within Zone 15. This plan
established a 2.0 du/acre average density and general guidelines, but did not approve
specific development plans. The Sycamore Creek Specific Plan (SP-190) which
encompassed approximately 59 acres was repealed on 11/17/98.
The proposed land use zoning within Zone 15, is shown on Exhibit 9 on page 30. As
Exhibit 9 shows, the land use zoning in Zone 15 is primarily residential. The zone is
comprised of Residential Agricultural with minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet (R-
A-10), Rural Residential Estate (R-E), Residential Mobile Home Park (RMHP), Single
Family with minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet (R-1-20), the approved Holly
Springs and Cantarini projects with R-1-0.5 Q Zoning, Residential Agricultural with
minimum lot size of 2.5 acres (R-A-2.5), and Limited Control (L-C). The L-C zoning
will ultimately be amended to be consistent with the general plan. A zoning designation
of Residential Density Multiple (RD-M) is designated for a residential portion of
Zone 15 LFMP Page 24 October 19, 2011
Development Areas 1 & 4 including the Dos Colinas senior site (RM-3) to allow for a
small lot single family detached and multiple family development and several affordable
housing projects. Nonresidential zoning includes Commercial (C-2) and Manufacturing
with a Qualified Development Overlay (M-Q).
The General Plan Land Use designations for Zone 15 are broken down into subarea.
These subarea allow easier identification of public facilities demand and supply. These
subareas are used consistently throughout this plan.
Existing development in Zone 15 consists of a 504-unit “Rancho Carlsbad” mobile
home park and golf course, the 250-unit “Terraces” residential development (172 single
family units + 28 second dwelling units + 50 multi-family affordable units), and 17
single-family homes that are located throughout the zone.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 25 October 19, 2011
Zone 15 LFMP Page 26 October 19, 2011
EXHIBIT 6 Zone 15 Property Owners List
Ownerships APN
1. Holly Springs, Ltd.
Attn: Susan Kelly P.O. Box 2484, Carlsbad, CA 92018
168-050-57, 58
2. Rancho Carlsbad HOA
Attn: Barbara Bevis, President 5200 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008
3. West Senior Living RE/LLC Attn: John Rimbach
5796 Armada Dr. #300 Carlsbad, CA 92008
209-060-68, 70, 71, 72
4. Kelly, Robert Patrick (Pat) 2770 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad, CA 92008 209-060-48
5. Noah Bowman 5380 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 209-060-54
6. Camino Carlsbad LLC
c/o Elliot Feuerstein Mira Mesa Shopping Center West
8294 Mira Mesa Boulevard San Diego, CA 92126
209-060-53, 58
7. Lyall Enterprises, Inc. c/o Warren Lyall
15529 highway 76, Pauma Valley, CA 92061
8. Barlow, Timothy & Betty 3004 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad, CA 92008 209-060-23
9. Bepton & Dartford Investments, LLC
7449 Magellan Street, Carlsbad, CA 92009
c/o BENTEQ 209-060-65
10. Bent-West c/o David M. Bentley
7449 Magellan Street, Carlsbad, CA 92009
11. Mrs. Kato Kato Family Trust
3250 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad, CA 92008
209-070-04, 05, 08
12. Mandana Cal Co.
Attn: Ali Shashani P.O. Box 18197, Irvine, CA 92623
209-070-03, 07
13. Dottie Hagaman Hagaman Family Trust 5320 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad, CA 92008
14. Sean S. Reusch 3130 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad, CA 92010 209-040-02
15. Grosse, Russell & Mary (William & Lisa Grosse) 5850 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad, CA 92010 209-040-44
Zone 15 LFMP Page 27 October 19, 2011
Ownerships APN
16. Coman, Chase 5855 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad, CA 92010 209-040-15
17. Hope Wrisley Wrisley Family Trust
4847 Flying Cloud Way, Carlsbad, CA 92008
18. Barber, Mabel Trust 2416 Sonora Court, Carlsbad, CA 92008 209-060-56, 57
19. Grosse, William & Lisa 5870 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad, CA 92008 209–040-45
20. Walmart Store
1301 SE
Street, Bentonville, AR 72716
21. State of California Department of Fish and Game
Attn: Kim McKee 4449 Viewridge Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123
168-050-02, 29, 30, 31
22. Paul K. Tchang Trust 3573 Kenyon Street
San Diego, CA 92110
23. Carlsbad Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 168-050-46
24. Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 169-230-02 169-500-05
25. Regents-UCSD
Gilman Drive @ La Jolla Village Drive, San Diego, CA 92122
169-230-03, 04, 05,
07, 12, 18, 23, 28, 29
Zone 15 LFMP Page 28 October 19, 2011
Zone 15 LFMP Page 29 October 19, 2011
Zone 15 LFMP Page 30 October 19, 2011
Zone 15 LFMP Page 31 October 19, 2011
To properly assess and plan for facilities to serve Zone 15, it is necessary to project the type
and intensity of land use as the zone builds out. These build out projections define land use
intensity and corresponding facilities demands. The build out projections for Zone 15 are based
on the Sunny Creek Specific Plan (SP 191), and the Carlsbad General Plan. The buildout
projections have been modified based on the current application for Dos Colinas.
The methodology used in compiling these build out projections is consistent with that used in
the 1986 CFIP. The methodology is briefly described as follows:
General Plan Land Use Designations were originally plotted on a 1" = 200' base map.
These designations were divided into subarea to aid in facility analysis. In addition,
current data from the Cantarini and Holly Springs tentative maps were used. The gross
acreage of each subarea was determined by planimeter measurement. Exhibit 11 on
page 34 summarizes these acreage calculations.
Consistent with adopted City policies and ordinances, development constraints within
each subarea were identified. No changes were made to Zone 15 parcels outside the
Dos Colinas project. Constraints that may have existed on land that is developed or has
land use approvals were not included in this analysis.
Constraints fall into two basic categories: 1) full and 2) partial. Fully constrained
areas cannot be used to calculate residential density and are considered undevelopable.
Fifty percent of partially constrained residential areas can be used in residential density
Since full development constraints occasionally overlap each other, for accounting
purposes, constraints are organized in a hierarchy beginning at 'A' - major power line
easement and ending in 'J' - slopes between 25% - 40%. When this occurs, only the
area of the highest level constraint is calculated for build out projection purposes. It is
recognized that underlying constraints exist and that these constraints as well as others
will be defined by specific environmental review for individual development projects.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 32 October 19, 2011
Full environmental constraints are as follows:
A. Major (> 69 kv) power-line easements
B. Proposed circulation element roadways
C. Railroad track beds or R-O-W
D. Slopes of 40% or more in grade
E. Significant riparian, or woodland habitats
F. Significant wetlands
G. Floodways
H. Permanent bodies of water
I. Other significant environmental features as determined by the
Environmental Review process.
Partial Developmental Constraints include:
J. Slopes between 25-40% in grade: only 1/2 of the area within
slopes between 25-40% in grade can be used in residential density
Also included in the constraints analysis is the programming of:
K. Planned School Facilities: The approximate area and location of
school facilities are indicated in the General Plan. The beneficial
and efficient provision of these facilities requires a minimum area
of land free of development constraints. Consistent with City and
school district policy, the minimum acreage identified by the
General Plan for school facilities was not used in the applicable
subarea’s residential density calculations.
Existing land uses within each subarea as of April 2011 were identified. Residential density as
well as square footage and type of nonresidential structures were itemized. Exhibit 12 on page
35 below provides a detailed breakdown of existing land uses.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 33 October 19, 2011
Zone 15 LFMP Page 34 October 19, 2011
General Plan Land Use Designation
Gross Acres
Acres of Development Constraints (4) Full Partial Schools
Net Developable Acres
Revised LFMP- 15-(E)
Ownership as of July 2010
A B C D E F G H I Total J J/2 K
RL-1 73.08 3.60 3.60 10.50 5.25 64.23 Kato
RL-2 190.50 8.60 4.30 12.90 24.70 12.35 165.25 Mandana
RL Total 263.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.20 0.00 0.00 4.30 0.00 0.00 16.50 35.20 17.60 0.00 229.48
RLM-1 263.12 5.30 7.80 1.50 14.60 34.50 17.25 231.27 State and TChang Trust RLM-2 74.76 0.36 4.70 6.87 11.93 10.23 5.11 57.72 Portion of Holly Springs
RLM-2A 45.09 0.32 0.43 0.75 2.29 1.14 43.20 Holly Springs
RLM 2B 15.00 0.14 0.14 4.07 2.03 12.83 CUSD
RLM 2C 99.46 4.50 0.80 19.03 0.10 24.43 24.98 12.49 62.54 State & CMWD
RLM-3A 14.60 1.18 0.35 1.53 1.11 0.56 12.51 BW
RLM-3B 5.38 0.92 0.92 4.46 Rancho Carlsbad HOA BJ Site
RLM-3C 12.55 0.93 0.40 1.33 11.22 Rcho Clsb HOA BJ site RLM-4A 133.92 1.07 4.82 18.41 24.30 19.16 9.58 100.04 Revised BW RLM-5 14.73 0.20 3.30 3.50 0.80 0.40 10.83 Camino Carlsbad
RLM-6 11.94 0.30 0.30 2.00 1.00 10.64 Kelly
RLM-7 6.48 0.46 0.20 0.90 1.56 0.70 0.35 4.57 (2) WSL
RLM-8 10.97 0.56 7.7 8.26 2.71 Revised (3) WSL
RLM-8A 3.20 0.55 1.38 1.93 1.27 WSL RLM-9A 18.45 0.64 1.60 0.90 3.14 3.00 1.50 13.81 Bepton/Dartford RLM-10 5.00 0.30 0.10 0.40 0.80 0.40 4.20 Barlow RLM-11 45.96 4.15 8.40 12.55 5.87 2.94 30.47 Lyall RLM-12 41.90 3.60 4.70 8.30 5.10 2.55 31.05 6 Owners RLM Total 822.51 0.00 16.47 0.00 29.68 27.83 18.41 27.38 0.10 0.00 119.87 114.61 57.30 645.34
RM-1 88.41 88.41 Rancho Carlsbad HOA
RM-2 37.76 1.74 2.30 0.00 4.04 6.28 3.14 30.58 Terraces
RM-3(1) 46.0 2.74 0.50 0.05 0 3.29 3.27 1.64 41.07 Dos Colinas West Senior Living RM Total 172.17 0.00 4.48 0.00 2.80 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.33 9.55 4.78 0.00 160.06 RMH-1 Total 8.08 0.36 0.30 0.66 0.85 0.43 6.99 Cantarini Multi Family
RH-1 Total 2.18 2.18 Terraces
Total Res. 1268.52 0.00 21.31 0.00 44.98 27.88 18.41 31.68 0.10 0.00 144.36 160.21 80.11 0.00 1044-05
RH/C/O-2 3.22 0.00 0.10 0.05 3.17 Barber L-1 18.80 1.20 1.20 0.00 0.00 17.60 Sunny Creek Plaza PI 3.67 0.41 0.41 1.30 0.65 2.61 Wrisley
OS-1 17.33 0.60 4.80 5.40 0.30 0.15 11.78 Camino Carlsbad
OS-2 157.95 46.80 9.50 16.80 73.10 45.80 22.90 61.95 CMWD/Regents
OS-3 58.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.77 CMWD
OS Total 234.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.40 0.00 0.00 14.30 16.80 0.00 78.50 46.10 23.05 0.00 132.50
Existing Major Arterial
(8.20) (8.20)
Existing Local Arterial
TOTAL ZONE 1528.26 0.00 22.54 0.00 92.79 27.88 18.41 45.98 16.90 0.00 224.47 207.11 103.89 0.00 1199.93
(1) RLM-3, RLM-4, RL and potion of RLM-9 have been combined and replaced by RM-3 = Dos Colinas (2) RLM-7 ADJUSTED to INCLUDE portion of RLM-9 and RLM-8. New boundary per adjustment plat 07-24 (parcel) (3) RLM-8 has been adjusted per adjustment plat 07-24. (4) Constraints A – Major Power Line easements E – Riparian I – Other Environmental Features B – Circulation F – Wetlands J – Slopes 25% to 40% C – Railroad ROW G – Floodway K – School Site Overlay D – Slopes > 40% H – Permanent Body of Water
Zone 15 LFMP Page 35 October 19, 2011
Existing Land Use
AS OF 1/1/98
General Plan Project
Land Use Gross
Subarea Acres Project Name Project # DU's
RM-1 88.4 Rancho Carlsbad RMHP 96-01 504
RM-2 37.76 Terraces at Sunny CT 96-02 200(1)
RH-1 2.18 Terraces at Sunny CT 96-02 50
(1) There are 172 single family units, 28 second dwelling units and 50 affordable multifamily units in the Terraces at Sunny Creek.
In addition to Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Park and the Terraces, there are 17 single
family dwelling units scattered throughout the Zone.
Developing Land Use is a category which defines the status or stage of a land use
proposal or project in the development process. The development process begins when
a development application is submitted to the City. Various procedures are followed
depending on the type of application submitted. In all cases, applications are reviewed
to ensure that all City standards are met and there is conformance with all previous
discretionary approvals prior to finalizing the projects and issuing building permits.
Once the project has received final occupancy, the development process ends and the
Land Use is identified as an existing land use.
Land use in the development process was identified by a review of the City of Carlsbad
Planning Department development records. Two projects have received final approval
(Holly Springs CT-00-21; 42 half acre lots and Cantarini CT-00-18; 105 half acre lots).
A detailed itemization of developing land uses is provided in Exhibit 13 on page 36.
After receiving tentative discretionary approval, a land use is considered approved.
The approval is valid until the land use is developed and occupied or the tentative
approval expires.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 36 October 19, 2011
(As of May 2011)
General Plan Land Use Subarea Gross Acres Project Number Developing Status Existing
Application Submittal Tentative Approval Final Map Building Permits Total
RL-1 73.08 SP191 (1) 1
RL-2 190.50 SP191 (1)
RL TOTAL 263.58 0 0 0 0 0 1
RLM-1 263.12
RLM-2 74.76 CT 00-21 42 42
RLM-2A 45.09 CT 00-21 (INCL)
RLM-2B 15.00
RLM-2C 99.46
RLM-3A 14.60 CT 00-18
RLM-3B 5.38 RHO CB
RLM-3C (6) 12.55 PRE 02-15
RLM-4A 133.92 CT 00-18 105 105
RLM-5 14.73 1
RLM-6 11.94 2
RLM-7 6.48 1
RLM-8 10.97 2
RLM-8A 3.20 SP191 (1)
RLM-9A 18.45 SP191 (1)
RLM-10 5.00 SP 191 (1) 1 RLM-11 45.96 SP 191 (1)
RLM-12 41.90 SP 191 (1) 6
RLM TOTAL 822.51 147 0 0 147 14
RM-1 88.41 0 504
RM-2 (5) 37.76 CT 96-02 200
RM-3 (7) 46.0 GPA-09-02 246 246
RM TOTAL 172.17 246 0 0 246 704
RMH-1 (TOTAL) 8.08 CT 00-18 80 80
RH-1 (2) (5) (TOTAL 2.18 CT 96-02 50
RH/C/O-2 (2) (TOTAL) 3.22 1
L-1(4) 18.80 0
TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 1268.52 246 227 0 0 663 771
RH/C/O-2 (3) 3.22 0 0 0 0 0 0
L-1 (4) 18.80 0 0 0 90,000 0
PI 3.67 0 0 0 0 0 0
OS-1 17.33
OS-2 157.95 (1)
OS-3 58.77 (1)
OS TOTAL 234.05 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 (1)
TOTAL NON-RES 259.74 0.00 0 0 0 0 90,000 (1)
NOTES: (1) SP 191 is the Sunny Creek Specific Plan. This plan established densities and general guidelines for development but did not approve any dwelling units.
(2) One third of RH/C/O-2 net acreage is used for residential buildout projections. (3) Two thirds of the total RH/C/O-2 net acreage (2.15 acres) is used for non-residential buildout projections. (4) L-1 received approval for 175,000 of commercial area during the processing of the Sycamore Creek Specific Plan. However, the Zone 15 LFMP allows for a maximum of 305,530 square feet. The City Council (2002) has now determined this will be a mixed use site (assume 2/3 residential, 1/3 commercial). The Sycamore Creek Specific Plan – SP 190 –
was rescinded per City Council Resolution # 98-337. (5) The Terraces - at Sunny Creek there is currently developed 172 single family units, 28 second dwelling units and 50 multi-family (affordable) units with units occupied. (6) 80 multi-family units being requested. No formal application has been filed. For planning purposes, 4.5± acres will be for development and 7.1± for open space per PRE-02-15. Previous approvals related to RM-1 stripped all dwelling units off this parcel.
The project may require a density bonus and/or a GPA/ZC. (7) RM-3 is the proposed Dos Colinas (305 units) that are considered commercial dwelling units (professional care facility). The net developable acreage is 41.07 acres. The proposed land use is RM (4-8 units per acre) the net acreage times the control point of 6 will generate the potential for 246 units..
Zone 15 LFMP Page 37 October 19, 2011
Residential and nonresidential build out projections as of April 2011 for Zone 15 are shown on
Exhibit 14 and 15 on pages 39 and 40. Build out projections are calculated as follows:
Residential Build Out Projections
The net developable acreage of each residential land use subarea is multiplied by
the adopted Growth Management control point as shown below:
General Plan Growth Management
Land Use Designation Control
RL 1.0
RLM 3.2*
RM 6.0
RMH 11.5
RH 19.0
*Note: This density factor was reduced to 2.88 units per acre in the Sunny
Creek specific plan area (SP.191). The result provides the base residential
dwelling unit build out projections for each subarea consistent with the passage
of Proposition E on November 4, 1986. Both existing and approved dwelling
units are subtracted from this yield to indicate the amount of future residential
development in the zone.
Non-Residential Build Out Projections
The net developable acreage of each nonresidential land use subarea is
multiplied by either .3 or .4 as described below. The resultant figures provide
an estimate of ultimate land use intensity as defined by building square footage
for each subarea. This estimate is used for facility planning purposes.
The Growth Management Program uses the .3 factor to estimate building square
footage yields on either 1) unapproved and unimproved, vacant, unconstrained
land or on 2) urbanized, underdeveloped, nonresidential sites. These urbanized,
underdeveloped sites typically exhibit significant man-made constraints to
development. Primary constraints are: a) compatibility with surrounding land
uses and b) proper interfacing with existing infrastructure and public facilities.
The .4 factor is used to estimate building square footage yields on unconstrained
lots which have approved land use projects and have all infrastructure in place.
The area identified as L-1 was previously approved for 175,000 square feet via
the Sycamore Creek Specific Plan (SP 190). However, the City Council
Zone 15 LFMP Page 38 October 19, 2011
determined that L-1 is to develop as a mixed use project. Accordingly 90,000
square feet of commercial and 190 units of multifamily is assumed.
The nonresidential build out projection is currently 178,122 square feet. Due to
changes to the nonresidential land use designations, the overall nonresidential
build out projection has decreased by 657,307 square feet when compared to the
nonresidential square footage identified in the Zone 15 LFMP originally
approved in 1990. The .35 factor was used to estimate square footage for all
other nonresidential areas.
The build out population projection for Management Zone 15 was determined by
applying a population generation rate of 2.3178 persons/dwelling unit. The build out
population projections for Zone 15 are shown on Exhibit 16 on page 41. These build
out population projections are used consistently throughout this plan for the purpose of
predicting demand for public facilities.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 39 October 19, 2011
General Plan Land Use Designation
Net Developable Acres GMCP (1)
Residential Buildout Projections
Existing DU's Approved DU's Future DU's
RL-1 (2) 64.23 1.00 64 1 63
RL-2 (2) 165.25 1.00 165 165
RL TOTAL 229.48 229 1 0 228
RLM-1 (3) 231.27 3.20 0 0
RLM-2 57.72 3.20 185 0
RLM-2A (2) (7) 43.20 2.88 124 42 42
RLM-2B(10) 12.83 0.00 0 0
RLM-2C (11) 62.54 0.00 0 0
RLM-3A (2) (7) 12.51 2.88 36 See 4A 0
RLM-3B 4.46 0.00 0 0
RLM-3C (9) 11.22 0.00 0 80 RLM-4A (2) (7) 100.04 2.88 288 105 105
RLM-5 10.83 3.20 35 1 34
RLM-6 10.64 3.20 34 2 32
RLM-7 4.57 3.20 14 14
RLM-8 2.71 3.20 9 2 7
RLM-8A 1.27 3.20 4 4
RLM-9A (2) 13.81 2.88 40 40
RLM-10 (2) 4.20 2.88 12 1 11
RLM-11 (2) (14) 30.47 2.88 88 88
RLM-12 (2) 31.05 2.88 89 7 82
RLM TOTAL 645.34 958 13 147 539
RM-1 (9) 88.41 6.00 504 504 0
RM-2 (4) 30.58 200 200 0
RM-3 (12) 41.07 6.00 246 246
RM TOTAL 160.06 950 704 0 246
RMH-1 (TOTAL) 6.99 11.50 80 80 80
RH-1 (6) (TOTAL) 2.18 50 50 0
TOTAL RES 1044.05 2267 768 227 1093
RH/C/O-2 (5) 1.06 19.00 20 1 19
L-1 (8) 12.54 0.00 190 190
OS-1 11.78 0.00 0 0
OS-2 61.95 0.00 0 0
OS-3 58.77 0.00 0 0
OS TOTAL 132.50 0 0 0
TOTAL DWELLING UNITS 2477 769 227 1302
NOTES: (1) Growth Management Control Point (2) The GMCP for areas within the Sunny Creek Specific Plan (SP 191) are adjusted to provide an overall density of 2.88 du/ac as specified in the plan.
(3) This area is the Habitat Conservation Area which was previously known as the Carlsbad Highlands property. This site was originally approved for 740 dwelling units, but is now being utilized for habitat conservation purposes. The 379 units remaining in the 1998 amendment have been put into the
(4) This area is developed with 172 market rate single family dwelling units with 28 second dwelling units, total = 200 units. (Project name is Terraces at Sunny Creek.)
excess dwelling unit bank.
(5) Consistent with the previous Zone 15 LFMP, one third of the net acreage is used to calculate dwelling unit density. (6) 50 affordable housing units were built as part of the “Terraces” residential project. (7) Approved applications include Holly Springs (CT 00-21) and Cantarini (CT 00-18) for a total of 227 units (42 + 105 = 147 SFD plus 80 MF). (8) The City Council (2002) has determined that this L-1 site will be a mixed use project. Assume 1/3 commercial @ 90,000± square feet on 6.26 acres and 2/3 residential @ 190 multi-family units on 12.54± acres. (9) 80 multi-family units being requested. No formal application has been submitted. For planning purposes, 4.5± acres will be for development and 7.1± for open space per PRE-02-15. Previous approvals related to RM-1 stripped all dwelling units off this parcel. The project may require a density bonus and/or a GPA/ZC. (10) 15 gross acres of Holly Springs property was sold to the Carlsbad Unified School District on 8/26/98.
(11) 98.88 acres was sold by Holly Springs LTD to the State Wildlife Conservation Board on 5/22/02. Since this property will be conserved as a habitat area, no dwelling units were allocated to the site. This results in 200 dwelling units that will be added to the City excess dwelling units bank.
(12) RLM-3, 4 and a portion of 9 have been combined and noted on RM-3 (Dos Colinas) – The 305 unit Dos Colinas project has been determined to be a professional care facility (i.e. commercial dwelling units) and therefore not included in the base residential buildout projections. However, should Dos Colinas (senior site) not be constructed, the base residential projection for the RM designation of 246 units has been included in the table to represent the number of residential units that could hypothetically be built at the RM GMCP. (14) There is a pending application (Rancho Milagro) for 19 half acre lots.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 40 October 19, 2011
May 2011
General Plan Land Use Designation Net Developable Acres
GMP Non-Residential LU Intensity Estimate
Base Non-Residential Buildout Projections
Existing Sq. Ft. Approved Sq. Ft. Estimated Future Sq. Ft.
RH/C/O-2 (1) 3.17 35% 48,330 0 0 48,330
L-1 (2) 6.26 35% 95,440 0 0 90,000
PI 2.61 35% 39,792 0 0 39,792
TOTAL ZONE 12.04 183,562 0 0 178,122
(1) Non-Residential RH/C/O-2 acreage is two thirds of the total net acreage for this land use as specified in the original Zone 15 LFMP.
(2) 175,000 square feet was approved as a part of the original Sycamore Creek I Specific Plan (SP 190). The City has considered developing this parcel as a mixed use project with a reduced commercial area plus residential uses.
This zone plan update assumes 190 plus or minus multi-family units on 12.54 acres and 90,000 plus or minus square feet of commercial on 6.26 acres.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 41 October 19, 2011
General Plan Land Use Designation
Base Residential Buildout Projections
Existing DU's Approved DU's Future DU's Population Index (2.3178) Existing Population Approved Population Future Population
Built Out Population Projection
RL-1 (2) 64 1 63 2.3178 2 0 146 148
RL-2 (2) 165 165 2.3178 0 0 382 382
RL TOTAL 229 1 0 228 2 0 528 530
RLM-1 (3) 0 0 2.3178 0 0 0 0 RLM-2 185 0 2.3178 0 0 0 0
RLM-2A (2) 124 42 42 2.3178 0 0 97 97
RLM-2B 0 0 0 RLM-2C (8) 0 0 0
RLM-3A (2) 36 See 4A 0 2.3178 0 0 0 0
RLM-3B 0 0 0 RLM-3C (7) 0 80 2.3178 185 185
RLM-4A (2) 288 105 105 2.3178 2 0 243 245
RLM-5 35 1 34 2.3178 2 0 79 81
RLM-6 34 2 32 2.3178 5 0 74 79 RLM-7 14 14 2.3178 0 32 32
RLM-8 9 2 7 2.3178 5 0 16 21
RLM-8A 4 4 2.3178 0 0 9 9 RLM-9A (2) 40 40 2.3178 0 0 93 93
RLM-10 (2) 12 1 11 2.3178 2 0 25 27
RLM-11 (2) 88 88 2.3178 0 0 204 204 RLM-12 (2) 89 7 82 2.3178 16 0 190 206
RLM TOTAL 958 13 147 539 30 0 1247 1279
RM-1 504 504 0 0 2.3178 1,168 0 0 1,168 RM-2 (4) 200 200 0 0 2.3178 464 0 0 464
RM-3 (9) 246 246 2,3178 0 570 570
RM TOTAL 950 704 0 246 1632 0 5706 2202 RMH-1 80 80 80 185 185
RH-1 (6) (TOTAL 50 50 0 0 2.3178 116 0 0 116 TOTAL RES 2267 768 227 1093 1780 0 2530 4312
RH/C/O-2 (5) 20 1 19 2.3178 2 0 44 46
L-1 190 190 440 440 OS-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
OS-2 0 0 2.3178 0 0 OS-3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
OS TOTAL 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL DWELLING UNITS 2477 769 227 1302 1782 0 3014 4798
NOTES: (1) Growth Management Control Point
(2) The GMCP for areas within the Sunny Creek Specific Plan (SP 191) are adjusted to provide an overall density of 2.0 du/ac as specified in the plan. (3) This area is the Habitat Conservation Area which was previously known as the Carlsbad Highlands property. This site was originally approved for 740 dwelling units, but is now being utilized for habitat conservation purposes. There are 379 units remaining that are now a part of the excess dwelling unit bank. (4) This area proposes 172 market rate single family dwelling units with 28 second units. (5) Consistent with the previous Zone 15 LFMP, one third of the net acreage is used to calculate dwelling unit density.
(6) This area is the affordable housing portion of the Terraces. 50 affordable housing units have been completed.
(7) 80 units proposed. No units are currently allocated for this site.
(8) Since this property will be conserved as a habitat area, no dwelling units were allocated to the site. This results in 200 dwelling units that will be added to the City excess dwelling unit bank. (9) Dos Colinas Senior Project – units. RLM 3, 4, and a portion of 9 have been combined into new Parcel RM-3.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 42 October 19, 2011
Phasing projections estimate when, where and how much development will occur in Zone 15
between now and build out. Although difficult to predict exactly, phasing projections begin to
make possible advance planning and programming of public facilities to assure adopted
performance standards are continually met. Specifically, phasing projections:
1. Project estimated demands for public facilities on a yearly basis until build out.
2. Project and establish thresholds which indicate when and where public facilities
improvements are needed.
3. By projecting facility thresholds, allow sufficient lead time for facility
programming to assure performance standards are continually met.
4. Through threshold identification, allow the City to implement public facility
The residential phasing projections for Zone 15 are shown on Exhibit 19 on
page 43. The projected residential phasing schedule is intended to be used for
projecting future need and timing of public facilities. It is a tool to allow the
City to anticipate future public facility needs and to budget monies for their
improvement. The projected residential phasing schedule is not absolute. The
actual number of dwelling units to be built each year will vary depending on
economic conditions.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 43 October 19, 2011
Zone 15 Residential Phasing
Status Years (as of 7/10) Zone 15 TOTAL ZONE DU's TOTAL ZONE POPULATION
Existing 2011 769 769 1,782
Proposed 2012 2 771 1,787
2013 70 841 1,949
2014 70 911 2,112
2015 70 981 2,274
2016 70 1,051 2,436
2017 70 1,121 2,598
2018 70 1,191 2,760
2019 70 1,261 2,923
2020 70 1,331 3,085
2021 70 1,401 3,247
2022 70 1,471 3,409
2023 70 1,541 3,572
2024 70 1,611 3,734
2025 70 1,681 3,896
2026 70 1,751 4,058
2027 70 1,821 4,221
2028 70 1,891 4,383
2029 70 1,961 4,545
2030 70 2,031 4,707
Buildout 2031 40 2,071 4,800
TOTAL 1,302 2,071 4,800
NOTE: Phasing projections for Zone 15 shall be incorporated into the
Capital Improvement Program.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 44 October 19, 2011
The nonresidential phasing projections for Zone 15 are shown on Exhibit 21 on
page 45. Similar to residential phasing, the nonresidential projections are
estimated for purposes of public facility planning. Comparable to residential
phasing projections, this exhibit is provided to facilitate future monitoring of this
Local Facilities Management Plan.
Phasing Summary
Both residential and nonresidential phasing projections are provided in order to
plan for public facilities. The plan provides these projections to establish
thresholds which indicate the need for additional facilities. The Growth
Management Program and the Zone 15 LFMP anticipate that the actual phasing
of development in this zone will vary from these projections. In no instance,
however, will phasing be modified to the point that the performance standard
will not be met. The public facility thresholds established in this plan will
ensure that compliance with the adopted performance standards is maintained,
or no development will be allowed until compliance is reached.
The Capital Improvement Plan phasing projections shall incorporate the phasing
projections as provided in the Zone 15 LFMP.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 45
October 19, 2011
Zone 15 Non-Residential Phasing
Status Years (as of 5/11) Zone 15 Sq. Ft. Planning Area
Existing 2011 0
Projected 2012 0
2013 0
2014 0
2015 90,000 C-1
2016 0
2017 0
2018 0
2019 0
2020 0
2021 0
2022 0
2023 0
2024 0
2025 48,330 RH/C/O-2
2026 39,792 PI
2027 0
2028 0
2029 0
2030 0
Buildout 2031 0
TOTAL 178,122
Phasing projections for Zone 15 shall be incorporated into the Capital Improvement Program.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 46
October 19, 2011
City Wide Residential and Non-Residential Phasing
Status Years
Local Facilities Management Zones
1 2 3 4
' OF
Existing 2003 10,894 610,651 2,514 78,103 241 594,382 3,065 0
Projected 2003-04 27 10,490 1 4,800
2004-05 50 10,030 143 1 53,561
2005-06 20 15,733 1
2006-07 20 20,000 29,256 1 7,770
2007-08 20 20,000 1 6,500 20
2008-09 40 70,000 1 20
2009-10 40 70,000 1
2010-11 40 70,000 1 20,000
2011-12 40 70,000 1 20,130
2012-13 40 70,000 1
2013-14 40 70,000 12,300
2014-15 40 70,000 2,500
2015-16 40 70,000
2016-17 40 70,000
2017-18 40 70,000
2018-19 40 70,000
2019-20 40 190,509
Buildout 2020-XX 41 5 1
Total Future 658 1,036,762 148 31,756 11 125,061 40 0
Buildout Total 11,552 1,647,413 2,662 109,859 252 719,443 3,105 0
Note: The phasing numbers contained in this spreadsheet were obtained from City of Carlsbad Finance Department 2003-2004 Growth Projection spreadsheet.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 47
October 19, 2011
EXHIBIT #22 (cont'd)
City Wide Residential and Non-Residential Phasing
Status Years
Local Facilities Management Zones
5 6 7 8
' OF
Existing 2003 138 7,118,014 8,384 251,677 1,752 1,668 723 11,289
Projected 2003-04 48,827 39 19
2004-05 138,410 50 43,943 259
2005-06 140,442 50 43,943 259 16 6,000
2006-07 150,000 35 43,943 10,000 70
2007-08 150,000 43,943
2008-09 150,000 43,943 20,000
2009-10 184,169 5
2010-11 184,169 1
2011-12 184,169
2012-13 184,169
2013-14 184,169
2014-15 184,169
2015-16 184,169
2016-17 234,938
2017-18 38,538
2018-19 115,718 7
2019-20 107,988
Buildout 2020-XX 17
Total Future 0 2,564,044 135 219,715 557 30,000 135 6,000
Buildout Total 138 9,682,058 8,519 471,392 2,309 31,668 858 17,289
Note: The phasing numbers contained in this spreadsheet were obtained from City of Carlsbad Finance Department 2003-2004 Growth Projection spreadsheet.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 48
October 19, 2011
EXHIBIT #22 (cont'd)
City Wide Residential and Non-Residential Phasing
Status Years
Local Facilities Management Zones
9 10 11 12
Existing 2003 910 2,132 180 5,371 1,949 43,944 1,647 11,001
Projected 2003-04 163
2004-05 95 325 70,320
2005-06 190 56,000 108 133,000 35,000
2006-07 40,000 98 56,000 212 125,000
2007-08 75,000 56,000 133,000
2008-09 75,000 59,819 221 15,700
2009-10 123 75,000 317
2010-11 75,000 250
2011-12 10,200 255
2013-14 22,250
2017-18 9,078
2018-19 8,500
2019-20 1
Buildout 2020-XX
Total Future 124 367,778 888 227,819 1,346 499,270 0 35,000
Buildout Total 1,034 369,910 1,068 233,190 3,295 543,214 1,647 46,001
Note: The phasing numbers contained in this spreadsheet were obtained from City of Carlsbad Finance Department 2003-2004 Growth Projection spreadsheet.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 49
October 19, 2011
EXHIBIT #22 (cont'd)
City Wide Residential and Non-Residential Phasing
Status Years
Local Facilities Management Zones
13 14 15 16
Existing 2011 0 1,747,722 2 0 769 0 0 0
Projected 2011-12 2
2012-13 75,000 70
2013-14 203,417 70 90,000 331,513
2014-15 215,375 157 70 144,297
2015-16 80,875 82 70 144,297
2016-17 80,875 82 70 313,753
2017-18 138,825 82 16,500 70 381,832
2018-19 138,825 82 87,120 70 196,836
2019-20 138,825 44 70 196,836
2020-21 138,825 109 70 211,636
2021-22 57,950 142 70
2022-23 57,950 142 70 48,330
2023-24 57,950 38 70 39,792
2024-25 70
2025-26 70
2026-27 70
2027-28 70
2028-29 70
2029-30 70
2030-31 40
Buildout 1,302
Total Future 0 1,384,692 960 103,620 1,302 178,122 0 1,921,000
Buildout Total 0 3,132,414 962 103,620 2,071 178,122 0 1,921,000
Note: The phasing numbers contained in this spreadsheet were obtained from City of Carlsbad Finance Department 2003-2004 Growth Projection spreadsheet.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 50
October 19, 2011
EXHIBIT #22 (cont'd)
City Wide Residential and Non-Residential Phasing
Status Years
Local Facilities Management Zones
17 18 19 20
Existing 2003 1 0 1,738 10,888 1,923 326,772 1,391 26,978
Projected 2003-04 110 88
2004-05 171 217,000 70,000 3 173
2005-06 171 351,000 195,545 3 25,688 53
2006-07 171 351,000 195,545 3 25,688
2007-08 217,000 195,545 3 25,688
2008-09 217,000 195,545 4 25,688
2009-10 217,000 195,545 4 20 30,000
2010-11 217,000 225,545 20
2011-12 217,000 195,545 6 35,000 20
2012-13 217,000 195,545 6 35,000 20 30,000
2013-14 217,000 195,545 6 35,000 20
2014-15 195,545 6 21,828 20
2015-16 195,550 6 57,900 20
2016-17 6 20
2017-18 6 21
2018-19 6 18
2019-20 6
Buildout 2020-XX 1
Total Future 623 2,438,000 0 2,251,000 75 287,480 513 60,000
Buildout Total 624 2,438,000 1,738 2,261,888 1,998 614,252 1,904 86,978
Note: The phasing numbers contained in this spreadsheet were obtained from City of Carlsbad Finance Department 2003-2004 Growth Projection spreadsheet.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 51
October 19, 2011
EXHIBIT #22 (cont'd)
City Wide Residential and Non-Residential Phasing
Status Years
Local Facilities Management Zones
21 22 23 24
Existing 2003 593 0 768 112,772 0 792,615 338 0
Projected 2003-04 157 51
2004-05 21 87,048
2005-06 68 4,000 87,048
2006-07 1 20,000
2007-08 1 20,000
2008-09 1 6
2009-10 44 1 21,780 6
2010-11 49 1 6
2011-12 20 1 19,000 6
2012-13 20 1 6
2013-14 20 1
2014-15 20 1
2015-16 20 1
2016-17 20 1
2017-18 22 1
2018-19 1
2019-20 1
Buildout 2020-XX
Total Future 392 0 154 84,780 0 174,096 30 0
Buildout Total 985 0 922 197,552 0 966,711 368 0
Note: The phasing numbers contained in this spreadsheet were obtained from City of Carlsbad Finance Department 2003-2004 Growth Projection spreadsheet.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 52
October 19, 2011
EXHIBIT #22 (cont'd)
City Wide Residential and Non-Residential Phasing
Status Years
Local Facilities Management Zones
Existing 2003 1 0 39,923 11,745,979
Projected 2003-04 655 64,117
2004-05 1,366 765,312
2005-06 1,014 1,718,329
2006-07 843 1,433,874
2007-08 202 1,167,848
2008-09 450 1,267,323
2009-10 718 1,330,651
2010-11 525 1,214,495
2011-12 468 1,086,705
2012-13 278 1,082,175
2013-14 304 794,214
2014-15 304 580,322
2015-16 25 225 605,361
2016-17 25 187 304,938
2017-18 25 190 117,616
2018-19 25 172 194,218
2019-20 30 162 298,497
Buildout 2020-XX 65 0
Total Future 130 0 8,128 14,025,995
Buildout Total 131 0 48,051 25,771,974
Note: The phasing numbers contained in this spreadsheet were obtained from City of Carlsbad Finance Department 2003-2004 Growth Projection spreadsheet.
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Drainage facilities must be provided as required by the City concurrent with development.
Zone 15 is located in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Watershed. The storm water within this
watershed flows through man-made channels, storm drains, and natural drainage courses to Agua
Hedionda Creek. Agua Hedionda Creek, in turn, flows into the Agua Hedionda Lagoon.
The primary source of information contained in this report is extracted from the master drainage
plan entitled, ”Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan”, dated July 3, 2008, and prepared by Brown and
Caldwell. This Master Drainage Plan sets forth the comprehensive local drainage systems
necessary to meet the long-term needs of the City.
As was indicated in the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, drainage is distinguished
from all other public facilities and improvements because, by its very nature, it is more accurately
assessed as specific development plans are finalized. However, certain facilities may be
necessary which are larger than those required from a single development project and, therefore,
need to be identified so that the proper funding can be collected for the construction of these
Existing Facilities
The existing major drainage facilities (30” or larger) that are within Zone 15 are shown on
the Carlsbad Drainage Maser Plan, dated July 3, 2008. The existing major drainage
facilities within Zone 15 are as follows:
Facility Location
Improved Channel Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (Agua Hedionda
Earth Channel Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (Calavera
BNB An 84” RCP Constructed in Cannon Road
BJB A Sedimentation Basin at the N.E. Corner of College
Blvd. and Cannon Road
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Proposed Build Out Facilities:
Facility BJ-1 (Detention Basin):
This system (little Encinas Creek) carries water from the City of Oceanside near
Cannon Road. The natural flow will go through Basin BJ and will flow under
College Boulevard in a 4’ x 7’ box culvert with a raised animal crossing bench and
join an earthen channel adjacent to Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park which
flows under El Camino Real to Agua Hedionda Lagoon.
Facility BL-L (78” RCP Extension and College Bridge:
Removal of a headwall on an existing 78” RCP in College Boulevard East of
Sunny Creek Road and connect to Agua Hedionda Creek just downstream of the
proposed College Boulevard Bridge. BL-L also includes construction of the
College Bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek.
Facility BR:
A 66” culvert under College Boulevard North of Bridge BL-L to drain an un-
named creek coming from Cantarini and Holly Springs development.
Note: Project B and BN are proposed City dredging projects for Agua Hedionda Creek
(B) and portions of Calavera Creek (BN) to improve capacity of the channel for
conveyance of the 100 year flood event through Rancho Carlsbad.
The location and size of the proposed storm drain facilities have been approximated for the
purposes of this plan. The actual locations and sizes will be defined as the surrounding
area develops and the storm runoff is analyzed according to current design standards.
The City updated the Drainage Master Plan, July 3, 2008. The updated version analyzed
the adequacy of the existing and proposed storm drain facilities and proposed the
construction for specific major storm drain facilities so that with the implementation of the
above projects future development will achieve the adopted performance standard as
development occurs.
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The watershed boundaries are shown in the City Master Drainage plan. The approach taken to
establishing the watershed boundaries is based on ensuring that needed facilities are in place prior
to or commensurate with development.
Existing drainage facilities currently do not meet the adopted performance standard for major
storm drain facilities. The July 3, 2008 Drainage Master Planhas indicated that a drainage
inadequacy exists in the event of a 100-year flood that will require construction of detention
basins and restoration or reconstruction of Calavera Creek and Agua Hedionda Creek.
In addition to the future facilities required by the Drainage Master Plan, future development will
be required to construct any major drainage facilities identified in the current Master Plan at the
time of development as determined by the City Engineer. The Drainage Master Plan may also
require additional conditions at the time of development. The construction of these facilities will
be a condition to the approval of future development in Zone 15 so that conformance with the
adopted performance standard will be achieved.
Special Conditions
A. All future development in Zone 15 will be required to construct any future Zone 15 storm
drain facilities identified in the current Drainage Master Plan, for each watershed basin as
determined by the City Engineer. Any facilities necessary to accommodate future
development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of
a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first in Zone 15.
B. Prior to the recordation of any final map, grading permit or building permit (whichever
occurs first), for any specific project within Zone 15, the developers of that project are
required to:
1. Pay the required drainage area fees established in the Drainage Master Plan and;
2. When drainage area fee changes are contemplated, execute a city standard
agreement to pay changes in drainage area fees as adopted by City Council.
C. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit or building
permit, whichever occurs first within Zone 15, the developers are required to financially
guarantee Zone 15’s proportional share of the following to the satisfaction of the City
Zone 15 LFMP Page 89
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1. Detention basin “BJ-1” to be installed in Zone 15 upstream of College Boulevard
along with a 4’ x 7’ box culvert with raised critter crossing under College
Boulevard and an un-lined channel within basin “BJ-1”.
2. Provide a mechanism for the maintenance of the “BJ-1”detention basin.
3. Remove the existing headwall of the 78” RCP in College Boulevard and connect
just downstream of the new bridge at Agua Hedionda Creek.
4. Bridge on College Boulevard at Agua Hedionda Creek (BL-L).
5. A 66” culvert under College Boulevard just north of Bridge (BR).
D. Concurrent with the development of property within Development Area 1 of Zone 15, the
following shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer:
6. Detention basin “BJ-1” including a 4’ x 7’ Box Culvert with a raised animal
crossing bench under College Boulevard and unlined channel within basin “BJ.”
7. Connection of the existing 78” RCP in College Boulevard just downstream of the
new bridge at Agua Hedionda Creek.
8. Bridge on College Boulevard at Agua Hedionda Creek (BL-L).
9. A 66” culvert under College Boulevard just north of Bridge (BR).
E. Phasing –has been . College Boulevard Reach A (El Camino Real to Cannon Road) may
be phased and could be constructed either from the north end at Cannon Road or the south
end at the bridge at Agua Hedionda Creek. Drainage improvements could be constructed
in 2 phases and coordinated with the phased College Boulevard improvements. Detention
basin “BJ-1 could be constructed with the northerly portion of College Boulevard and the
Agua Hedionda bridge and 78” RCP connection and 66” with the southerly portion of
College Boulevard.
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All of Zone 15 falls within Drainage Master Plan Area B. Fees for these drainage areas were
recently updated and range from $1,970 per acre for low runoff areas to $8,535 per acre for high
runoff areas. However, future development must comply with condition B above which may
affect actual fees applied to final maps.
The cost of the proposed detention basin BJ and the 4’ x 7’ box culvert with a raised bench to
facilitate small animal crossings is estimated to be $964,875, the estimated cost of the bridge on
College Boulevard at Agua Hedionda Creek is estimated at $3,553,996, the estimated cost of the
78” RCP extension is $92,201 and the 66” culvert (BR) is estimated at $103,209.
The cost for Calavera Creek improvements and Agua Hedionda Channel “B” are estimated
below. Estimated costs do not include land acquisition or relocation of onsite land use on
proposed BJ Basin site. Additional acquisition and relocation costs will be the responsibility of
private development in Zone 15.
The City has identified CIP Project #33381 (Agua Hedionda Channel “B” and Calavera Creek
Channel BN) with a total budget of $5,243,450. The project is funded from 2 sources: PLDA
provides $4,384,413 and $859,037 comes from the Cities general construction contingency. The
City is currently pursuing agency permits. This project will improve and dredge the existing
channel and remove the majority of the homes within Rancho Carlsbad from the 100 year flood
plain. When Rancho Carlsbad converted to an ownership park, they paid a drainage fee to the
City on their fair share cost of the improvements.
The financing for the required drainage facilities shall be borne by the developer of Zone 15. To
the extent provided by the City Planned Local Drainage Area Fee Program, the costs incurred by
individual developers for constructing Master Plan Drainage facilities shall be reimbursed from
Planned Local Drainage Area “B” fee revenues at a time and in a manner as determined by the
City Council.
Note: The improvement cost estimate shown currently exceed estimates shown in the City C.I.P.
or drainage master plan. Prior to recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit or
building permit, whichever occurs first, within each of the specifically identified four
development areas of Zone 15, a financing program guaranteeing construction of the following
circulation improvements shall be approved.
Said financing program can include but not be limited to such programs as developer funding,
assessment district or private reimbursement agreements. The ultimate financing program must
receive City council approval prior to recordation of the first final map or other development
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No road segment or intersection in the zone nor any road segment or intersection outside the
zone, which is impacted by development within the zone shall be projected to exceed a Service
Level C during off-peak hours, nor Service Level D during peak hours. Impacted is when twenty
percent or more of the traffic generated by the Local Facilities Management Zone will use the
road segment or intersection.
This analysis determines whether or not the circulation system within Zone 15 conforms to the
adopted performance standard. It will also address all circulation element road segments and
intersections outside Zone 15 impacted by twenty percent (20%) or more of the traffic generated
by Zone 15 to ensure conformance with the adopted performance standard.
This section is based on the LFMP Zone 15 traffic study prepared by Linscott, Law & Greenspan
Engineers dated May 16, 2003. This analysis identifies the transportation related impacts, which
are likely to result from the development of LFMP Zone 15.
Circulation Element Roads Within Zone 15
There are three circulation roadways located within or adjacent to Zone 15.
Cannon Road and College Boulevard are located within the boundaries of Zone 15
while El Camino Real is outside but adjacent to the Zone. Cannon Road and
College Boulevard are designated as 4-lane major arterials, while El Camino Real
is designated as a 6-lane prime arterial.
Identification of Impacted Road Segments and Intersections
As stated in the performance standard, impacted road segments and intersections
are those with 20% or more of the Zone 15 traffic. It is possible that certain road
segments or intersections will not be analyzed for each study year since the
construction of additional road segments may decrease the distribution on a road
segment below the 20% distribution threshold from a previous study year.
The Zone 15 traffic distributions are based on a Select Zone Assignment (SZA)
from the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Cities/County
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Carlsbad Series 9 Subarea Model. Figures 1, 2 and 3 (following the text and
tables) show the computerized traffic distribution percentages of Zone 15 traffic on
the roadway system for Years 2005, 2010 and 2020 (buildout) conditions. The
computerized distribution percentages are generated by the SANDAG traffic
model, which matches traffic between home, work, school, retail, and other daily
travel patterns. The traffic model accounts for current and future land uses,
population, and the roadway network.
The road segments and intersections that are impacted by 20% or more of Zone 15
traffic are listed below. These facilities were evaluated to determine the geometry
necessary to meet the Level of Service performance standards. The intersection
numbering sequence matches the City of Carlsbad 2002 Traffic Monitoring
Program, which is the cause for the non-sequential order.
The road segments and intersections impacted by Zone 15 include:
Road Segments
El Camino Real – from Cannon Road to Faraday Ave
El Camino Real – from Faraday Ave to Palomar Airport Road
El Camino Real/Cannon Road (#7)
El Camino Real/College Boulevard (#8)
El Camino Real/Faraday Avenue (#9)
El Camino Real/Palomar Airport Road (#10)
College Blvd/Cannon Rd (new #)
The traffic analysis prepared by LLG is a detailed study dealing with the specific traffic generated
from within the boundaries of Zone 15. This study analyzes the impacts of traffic on existing and
proposed road segments and intersections impacted by Zone 15. The report also proposes a
mitigation plan to ensure conformance with the adopted performance standard through buildout of
Zone 15.
The traffic analysis uses the street segments and intersections identified in the City of Carlsbad
General Plan Circulation Element to evaluate existing, 2005, 2010 and 2020 conditions.
The time increments are used more as benchmarks than actual completion dates. If a future
traffic analysis indicates that the timing of the necessary improvements needs to be accelerated,
the required improvements must also be adjusted to guarantee that conformance with the adopted
performance standard will be maintained.
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The phasing of development for Zone 15 under years 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020 is summarized
in Table 1. A detailed listing of the development within Zone 15 by TAZ and by Land Use
Development code is shown in Table 2. The buildout traffic generation for Zone 15 is calculated
at 39,328 ADT.
The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate impacted road segments and intersections serving Zone
15 and propose mitigation measures if these facilities are determined to operate below the adopted
performance standard. The phasing of development and analysis of traffic impacts will be
monitored on an annual basis. However, for the purpose of this study, the timing of the
necessary improvements will be represented in the following increments:
Improvements needed now
Improvements needed prior to 2005
Improvements needed prior to 2010
Improvements needed prior to 2020
The phasing schedule noted above shall not limit traffic improvements to the years mentioned. If
a future traffic analysis indicates that the timing of the necessary improvements has changed the
required improvements shall also be adjusted to guarantee that conformance with the adopted
performance standard will be maintained.
This section will analyze the existing and proposed intersections and road segments affected by
the traffic generated from Zone 15. In accordance with the adopted performance standard, the
existing and proposed traffic facilities within and surrounding Zone 15 will be identified by an
evaluated level of service. The performance standard determines that during peak hours a level of
service A-D is acceptable and level of service of E or worse is unacceptable.
Levels of service for road segments and intersections were determined for both AM and PM peak
hours. Road segments were evaluated using a per lane capacity basis to obtain the roadway peak
hour volume to capacity ratio. This ratio was then converted to a level of service grade by using
a table. Intersections were evaluated using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) method,
which also uses a table to convert the results to a level of service grade. If a facility fails to meet
the standard, a mitigation program must be prepared so that the facility will operate at an
acceptable level of service. The proposed mitigation program will be discussed more thoroughly
later in this report.
Traffic conditions for existing, 2005, 2010 and 2020 are shown below. The level of service for
impacted roadways and intersections are indicated and, if needed, recommended circulation
improvement needs are identified. The intersection and segment operation summaries are
included in Tables 3 and 4 on pages 104-105, with calculations included in Appendix A.
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The existing conditions and traffic volumes are shown in Figure 4 and 5. The levels of service
for the analyzed roadways for existing conditions are as follows:
Segments ICU LOS
El Camino Real (Cannon Road to Faraday Ave) 0.62 B
El Camino Real (Faraday Ave to Palomar Airport Rd) 0.44 A
AM Peak PM Peak
Intersections ICU LOS ICU LOS
El Camino Real/Cannon Road (#7) 0.47 A 0.65 B
El Camino Real/College Blvd (#8) 0.53 A 0.44 A
El Camino Real/Faraday Ave (#9) 0.68 B 0.75 C
El Camino Real/Palomar Airport
0.64 B 0.84 D
College Blvd/Cannon Rd (new #) Does not exist
The year 2005 circulation element and traffic volumes are shown in Figure 6-8. The levels of
service for the analyzed roadways for year 2005 conditions are as follows:
Segments ICU LOS
El Camino Real (Cannon Road to Faraday Ave) 0.84 D
El Camino Real (Faraday Ave to Palomar Airport Rd) 0.57 A
AM Peak PM Peak
Intersections ICU LOS ICU LOS
El Camino Real/Cannon Road (#7) 0.85 D 0.65 B
El Camino Real/College Blvd (#8) 0.70 B 0.59 A
El Camino Real/Faraday Ave (#9) 0.81 D 0.80 C
El Camino Real/Palomar Airport
0.88 D 0.87 D
College Blvd/Cannon Rd (new #) 0.63 B 0.42 A
The traffic analysis shows that the street segment and intersections with at least 20% of Zone 15
traffic are operating at an acceptable level of service.
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The year 2010 circulation element and traffic volumes are shown in Figure 9-11.The levels of
service for the analyzed roadways for year 2010 conditions are as follows:
Segments ICU LOS
El Camino Real (Cannon Road to Faraday Ave) 0.78 C
El Camino Real (Faraday Ave to Palomar Airport Rd) 0.62 B
AM Peak PM Peak
Intersections ICU LOS ICU LOS
El Camino Real/Cannon Road (#7) 0.67 B 0.62 B
El Camino Real/College Blvd (#8) 0.72 C 0.69 B
El Camino Real/Faraday Ave (#9) 0.84 D 0.87 D
El Camino Real/Palomar Airport
0.88 D 0.89 D
College Blvd/Cannon Rd (new #) 0.88 D 0.56 A
The traffic analysis shows that the street segment and intersections with at least20% of Zone 15
traffic are operating at an acceptable level of service.
The year 2020 circulation element and traffic volumes are shown in Figure 12-14. The levels of
service for the analyzed roadways for year 2020 conditions are as follows:
Segments ICU LOS
El Camino Real (Cannon Road to Faraday Ave) 0.68 B
El Camino Real (Faraday Ave to Palomar Airport Rd) 0.63 B
AM Peak PM Peak
Intersections ICU LOS ICU LOS
El Camino Real/Cannon Road (#7) 0.82 D 0.88 D
El Camino Real/College Blvd (#8) 0.72 C 0.73 C
El Camino Real/Faraday Ave (#9) 0.84 D 0.72 C
El Camino Real/Palomar Airport (#10) Less than 20% of Zone Traffic
College Blvd/Cannon Rd (new #) 0.81 D 0.83 D
The traffic analysis shows that the street segment and intersections with at least20% of Zone 15
traffic are operating at an acceptable level of service.
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Special Conditions
The format of the special conditions for circulation facilities has been modified to create a better
understanding of the intent of this LFMP Amendment. The special conditions have been divided
into four categories directly corresponding to the four development areas within Zone 15. These
areas are depicted on Exhibit 5A on page 25.
A. The construction of improvements is based on the projected demand of development in the
zone and the surrounding region. The construction schedule may be modified without
amendment to this plan. However, any deletions or additions to the improvements will
require amending this LFMP.
B. The funding for the construction of College Boulevard will be guaranteed as provided by the
Zone 15 Finance Plan. The alignment has been established and the EIR certified (EIR No
98-02, as SCH No. 99111082).
C. Cannon Road – Reach 4A & 4B (East from College Boulevard to Oceanside City limits).
All of Reach 4, from College Boulevard easterly to the City of Oceanside was included in
the EIR for Calavera Hills Phase II (EIR No. 98-02 as SCH No. 99111082). Because of
public testimony during the public hearings, Reach 4 was divided in 2 reaches. Reach 4A
went from College Boulevard easterly approximately 900 feet to provide access to the
Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) property north of Cannon Road and to the Rancho
Carlsbad Homeowner’s property (BJ Basin parcel) south of Cannon Road. A modified cross
section of Reach 4A has been constructed by CUSD as part of the new high school. The
remaining improvements to complete Reach 4A to a standard major arterial are included in
the estimate for the finance plan including intersection improvements at College Blvd. and
Cannon Road. In addition, the City and CUSD entered into a settlement agreement
(October 14, 2009 – effective date) that resolved all claims from a lawsuit. CUSD has
agreed to make improvements to the intersection of College Blvd. and Cannon Road plus
pay $350,000 into the CIP for improvements at the intersection of College Blvd. and El
Camino Real. CUSD also agreed to pay $302,000 for intersection improvements at El
Camino Real and Cannon Road.
Reach 4B (the remainder of Reach 4 to Oceanside) was not approved or the alignment
certified as part of the final EIR 98-02. Reach 4B will be studied in conjunction with
Oceanside at some undetermined date in the future.
D. Prior to recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit or building permit,
whichever occurs first, within each of the specifically identified four development areas of
Zone 15, a financing program guaranteeing construction of the following circulation
improvements shall be approved:
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College Boulevard
1. Prior to the approval of the first final map within the Development Area 1 of
Zone 15, the participating owners’ must develop and agree to the formation of
a comprehensive financing program that guarantees the construction of full
width improvements of College Boulevard between Cannon Road and El
Camino Real. Said financing mechanism can include such programs as Bridge
and Thoroughfare District, Assessment District, or private reimbursement
agreements. The ultimate financing program must receive City Council
approval prior to the recordation of the first final map.
2. Prior to the approval of the first building permit (see phasing exception in
paragraph 3 below) within Development Area 1, the following public
improvements must be completed and operational:
Complete the connection of College Boulevard from Cannon Road and El
Camino Real. This would include the following elements:
• Full width grading to major arterial standards.
• Two center travel lanes including a raised median and left turn pockets.
• Construction of full width bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek.
• Full intersection improvements to Cannon Road and College Boulevard
including appropriated lane transitions to the southern leg of College
Boulevard. Partial intersection improvements at College Boulevard and
Cannon Road are being constructed as part of the new high school.
3. Phasing – In addition to the above financing mechanisms and in conjunction
with specific tentative map conditions, the City Engineer may approve phasing
of improvements for College Boulevard to allow for approval of developer
requested grading and building permits for a certain number of residential
units prior to the full completion of College Boulevard, Reach A. For single
entry development no more than 25 units may be constructed as approved by
the City Engineer and Fire Marshall south of the intersection of Cannon Road
and College Boulevard, or north of the Agua Hedionda Creek Bridge.
4. Relocation of Rancho Carlsbad RV and Garden site – An acceptable site for
relocation of the Rancho Carlsbad RV and Garden site currently east of College
Blvd. requires a conditional use permit (CUP) or equivalent permit to the
satisfaction of the Planning Director for the relocation. A secured agreement
with the City for the construction of the RV and Garden site is required (see
Planning Commission Resolution No. 5753 – Condition No. 46 for CT-00-18
for reference).
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October 19, 2011
Cannon Road – Reach 4A
1. Prior to the approval of the first final map or other development permit within
Development Area 1 of Zone 15, the participating property owners must
develop and agree to the formation of a comprehensive financing program that
guarantees the construction of the core improvements to Cannon Road (Reach
4A) from College Boulevard easterly 900 feet more or less. The core
improvements consist of full width grading, two 18-ft paved lanes, median
curbs, drainage facilities required to protect the roadbed, and transition
improvements to full City standard intersection improvements at the
intersection with College Boulevard. CUSD has currently completed partial
improvements to Cannon Road Reach 4A. A financing program guarantee
must include the completion of Reach 4A to major arterial standards. CUSD
has also dedicated the full width right of way for Reach 4A. Said financing
mechanism can include such programs as Bridge and Thoroughfare District,
Assessment District, Transnet and Traffic Impact fees or private reimbursement
agreements. The ultimate financing program must receive City Council
approval prior to the recordation of the first final map or other development
Note: A modified cross-section for Reach 4A of Cannon Road has been
approved by Carlsbad staff and is currently (April 2011) under construction as
part of Sage Creek High School. Reach 4A right-of-way has been dedicated by
the school district.
c. El Camino Real
1. Concurrent with development, completion of half street improvements for El
Camino Real to prime arterial standards including landscaped median from
Rancho Carlsbad Drive to the northwesterly boundary of Development Area 4.
This condition applies to the frontage of the property being developed, if any.
College Boulevard
1. Prior to the approval of the first final map within the Development Area 2 of
Zone 15, the participating property owners’ must develop and agree to the
formation of a comprehensive financing program that guarantees the
construction of full width improvements of College Boulevard between Cannon
Road and El Camino Real.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 99
October 19, 2011
Said financing mechanism can include such programs as Bridge and
Thoroughfare District, Assessment District, or private reimbursement
agreements. The ultimate financing program must receive City Council
approval prior to the recordation of the first final map.
Cannon Road – Reach 4A
1. Prior to the approval of the first final map or other development permit within
Development Area 2 of Zone 15, the participating property owners must
develop and agree to the formation of a comprehensive financing program that
guarantees the construction of the core improvements to Cannon Road (Reach
4A) from College Boulevard easterly 900 feet more or less. The core
improvements consist of full width grading, two 18-ft paved lanes, median
curbs, drainage facilities required to protect the roadbed, and transition
improvements to full City standard intersection improvements at the
intersection with College Boulevard. CUSD has currently completed partial
improvements to Cannon Road Reach 4A. A financing program guarantee
must include the completion of Reach 4A to major arterial standards. CUSD
has also dedicated the full width right of way for Reach 4A. Said financing
mechanism can include such programs as Bridge and Thoroughfare District,
Assessment District, Transnet and Traffic Impact fees or private reimbursement
agreements. The ultimate financing program must receive City Council
approval prior to the recordation of the first final map or other development
2. The following public improvements must be completed and operational,
concurrent with development:
• Full width grading to major arterial standards.
• Two center travel lanes including raised median and left turn pockets.
• Intersection improvements to Cannon Road and College Boulevard
including appropriate lane transition.
• Frontage improvements along the south side of Cannon Road Reach 4A.
Note: A modified cross-section for Reach 4A of Cannon Road has been
approved by Carlsbad staff and is currently (April 2011) under construction
as part of Sage Creek High School. Reach 4A right-of-way has been
dedicated by the school district.
El Camino Real
1. Concurrent with development, completion of half street improvements for El
Camino Real to prime arterial standards including landscaped median along the
Zone 15 LFMP Page 100
October 19, 2011
frontage of the developing property between Development Area 4 and Cougar
2. Prior to final map approval or issuance of a building permit the developing
property owner shall pay their fair share contribution for the installation of the
El Camino Real improvements pursuant to the requirements of the El Camino
Real median reimbursement agreement dated May 6, 1988.
College Boulevard
1. College Boulevard between El Camino Real and the northern boundary of
Development Area 4 shall be constructed to full width arterial standards.
College Boulevard
1. Prior to recording a final map or the issuance of a grading permit or building
permit, the applicant shall enter into a secured financial agreement in a form
acceptable to the City Council that will secure its fair share of the cost of
College Boulevard between the northern boundary of Development Area 4 to
Cannon Road.
Note: A modified cross-section for Reach 4A of Cannon Road has been
approved by Carlsbad staff and is currently (April 2011) under construction as
part of Sage Creek High School. Reach 4A right-of-way has been dedicated by
the school district.
c. Cannon Road – Reach 4A
1. Prior to the approval of the first final map or other development permit within
Development Area 4 of Zone 15, the participating property owners must
develop and agree to the formation of a comprehensive financing program that
guarantees the construction of full width improvements of Cannon Road (Reach
4A) from College Boulevard easterly 900 feet more or less. Said financing
mechanism can include such programs as Bridge and Thoroughfare District,
Assessment District, Transnet and Traffic Impact fees or private reimbursement
agreements. The ultimate financing program must receive City Council
approval prior to the recordation of the first final map or other development
El Camino Real
Zone 15 LFMP Page 101
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1. Construction of half street improvements for El Camino Real to prime arterial
standards including landscaped median along the frontage of the developing
2. Construction of median from the northwestern boundary of Development Area
4 to the existing improvements south of Rancho Carlsbad Drive.
3. Construction of transition improvements on the east side of El Camino Real
from the northwestern boundary of Development Area 4 northerly to a distance
determined by the City Engineer.
Zone 15 LFMP Page 102
October 19, 2011
TAZ 2005 2010 2015 2020 Land Use
496 0 0 0 0 Open Space
572 74 99 124 149 Single-Family
79 106 133 160 Multi-Family
595 114 153 191 230 Single-Family
614 252 384 516 648 Single-Family
640 50 67 84 101 Single-Family
94 126 158 190 Multi-Family
90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Sq. Ft. Commercial
651 215 287 360 433 Single-Family
35 46 58 70 Multi-Family
48,330 48,330 Sq. Ft. Commercial
39,792 Sq. Ft. Industrial
TOTAL 705 990 1,275 1,561 Single-Family
209 279 349 420 Multi-Family
914 1,269 1,624 1,981 Residential Units
90,000 90,000 138,330 138,330 Sq. Ft. Commercial
0 0 0 39,792 Sq. Ft. Industrial
90,000 90,000 138,330 178,122 Non-Residential Sq.Ft
Note: Dwelling units and square footage is cumulative between scenarios (I.e. year 2010 with 1269
residential units includes year 2005 count of 914 residential units).
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(By TAZ and Total for LFMP Zone 15)
TAZ GP LUD Unit Land Use TG Rate ADT % of
496 RLM-1, 2C & 2D 0 Open Space 0
572 RLM-2 25 Single-Family 12 300 0.8%
RLM-2A 18 Single-Family 12 216 0.5%
RLM-3A 13 Single-Family 12 156 0.4%
RLM-4A 93 Single-Family 12 1,116 2.8%
RMH-1 80 Multi-Family 8 640 1.6%
RH-2/OS 80 Multi-Family 8 640 1.6%
subtotal 149 Single-Family 12 1,788 4.5%
subtotal 160 Multi-Family 8 1,280 3.3%
595 RL-1 64 Single-Family 12 768 2.0%
RL-2 165 Single-Family 12 1,980 5.0%
OS-2 & 3 1 Single-Family 12 12 0.0%
subtotal 230 Single-Family 12 2,760 7.0%
614 RLM-3 110 Single-Family 12 1,320 3.4%
RLM-3B 0 Single-Family 12 0 0.0%
RLM-4 17 Single-Family 12 204 0.5%
RLM-7 9 Single-Family 12 108 0.3%
RLM-9 8 Single-Family 12 96 0.2%
RM-1 504 Single-Family 12 6,048 15.4%
subtotal 648 Single-Family 12 7,776 19.8%
640 RLM-5 35 Single-Family 12 420 1.1%
RLM-6 34 Single-Family 12 408 1.0%
RLM-8 32 Single-Family 12 384 1.0%
C-1 (Residential
Part) 190 Multi-Family 8 1,520 3.9%
C-1 (Commercial Part) 90,000 Sq. Ft. Commercial 120 10,800 27.5%
OS-1 0 Open Space 0 0 0.0%
subtotal 101 Single-Family 12 1,212 3.1%
subtotal 190 Multi-Family 8 1,520 3.9%
subtotal 90,000 Sq. Ft. Commercial 120 10,800 27.5%
651 RLM-8A 4 Single-Family 12 48 0.1%
RLM-9A 40 Single-Family 12 480 1.2%
RLM-10 12 Single-Family 12 144 0.4%
RLM-11 88 Single-Family 12 1,056 2.7%
RLM-12 89 Single-Family 12 1,068 2.7%
RM-2 200 Single-Family 12 2,400 6.1%
RH/C/O-2 20 Multi-Family 8 160 0.4%
RH/C/O-2 (Commercial) 48,330 Sq. Ft. Commercial 120 5,800 14.7%
RH-1 50 Multi-Family 8 400 1.0%
PI (Industrial) 39,792 Sq. Ft. Industrial 16 637 1.6%
Zone 15 LFMP Page 104
October 19, 2011
(By TAZ and Total for LFMP Zone 15)
TAZ GP LUD Unit Land Use TG Rate ADT % of Total
subtotal 433 Single-Family 12 5,196 13.2%
subtotal 70 Multi-Family 8 560 1.4%
subtotal 48,330 Sq. Ft. Commercial 120 5,800 14.7%
subtotal 39,792 Sq. Ft. Industrial 16 637 1.6%
LFMP ZONE 15 TOTAL 1,561 Single-Family 12 18,732 47.6%
TOTAL 420 Multi-Family 8 3,360 8.5%
1,981 Residential Units na 22,092 56.2%
TOTAL 138,330 Sq. Ft. Commercial 120 16,600 42.2%
TOTAL 39,792 Sq. Ft. Industrial 16 637 1.6%
178,122 Non-Residential Sq.Ft na 17,236 43.8%
Source: LLG Engineers. General Plan (GP); Land Use Development (LUD); Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ); Average Daily Traffic (ADT).
ICU = Intersection Capacity Utilization ICU LOS = Level of Service 0.00 to 0.60 A
OSA = Out of Study Area (i.e. less than 20 % of zone traffic) 0.61 to 0.70 B DNE = Does Not Exist 0.71 to 0.80 C 0.81 to 0.90 D
0.90 to 1.00 E > 1.00 F
Real/Cannon Road 0.47 A 0.65 B 0.85 D 0.65 B 0.67 B 0.62 B 0.82 D 0.88 D
El Camino Real/College
0.53 A 0.44 A 0.70 B 0.59 A 0.72 C 0.69 B 0.72 C 0.73 C
El Camino
Real/Faraday Avenue 0.68 B 0.75 C 0.81 D 0.80 C 0.84 D 0.87 D 0.84 D 0.72 C
El Camino Real/Palomar
Airport Road
0.64 B 0.84 D 0.88 D 0.87 D 0.88 D 0.89 D OSA OSA
Boulevard/Cannon Road DNE DNE DNE DNE 0.63 B 0.42 A 0.88 D 0.56 A 0.81 D 0.83 D
Zone 15 LFMP Page 105 October 19, 2011
Segment Class Peak Hour Cap
2005 2010 2020
ADT Lanes
Peak Hr Vol Per Lane
Peak Hr Vol Per Lane
Peak Hr Vol Per Lane
El Camino Real
Cannon Rd to Faraday Ave Prime 1,800 43,200 5 1,510 0.84 D 40,200 5 1,410 0.78 C 52,600 6 1,230 0.68 B
Faraday Ave to Palomar Rd Prime 1,800 43,500 6 1,020 0.57 A 48,200 6 1,120 0.62 B 49,000 6 1,140 0.63 B
Note: The peak hour volume per lane is calculated by taking 10% of the ADT and multiplying by a 7/30 peak hour split and then dividing by the number of lanes in one direction. One: Does not exist.
Zone15 LFMP Page 106
October 19, 2011
Intersections and Segments with 20% or more of Zone 15
Traffic Existing 2015 2020 2030
El Camino Real/
Cannon Road
Add an east leg to include dual left-turn lanes, a thru lane and a combination thru right-turn lane. On the south leg, add a combination thru right-turn lane
El Camino Real/ College Boulevard
Add a thru- lane on the north leg
El Camino Real/ Faraday Avenue
Add an additional southbound right-turn
lane, an additional westbound right-turn lane, and restripe the
eastbound approach to include a single eastbound left-turn lane
and a dedicated eastbound thru lane.
El Camino Real/ Palomar Airport Road
College Boulevard/ Cannon Road Does not exist
Construct a new signalized
intersection with the north leg having a left-turn lane, thru lane, and dual right-turn lanes, the south
and east legs having a left-turn lane and a combination thru-right turn lane, the west leg having dual left-
turn lanes and a combination thru-right turn lane
Re-stripe the north leg to a thru lane and right
turn-lane and add a thru lane to the south leg
Add to the east leg a second left-turn
lane and a thru lane
Zone15 LFMP Page 107
October 19, 2011
El Camino Real (Cannon to Faraday) Widen to 6-lanes
El Camino Real (Faraday to Palomar)
College Boulevard Reach A
Construct full width grading to major arterial standards, two center travel lanes with raised median
curbs and turn pockets, and a full width bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek
Cannon Road Reach 4A
Construct full width grading to major arterial standards, two center travel lanes with raised median curbs and turn pockets
Zone15 LFMP Page 108
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The major circulation facilities and improvements within Zone 15 will be financed by
Developer funding with reimbursement from the CIP or City-approved Financing District and
may include City-approved Bridge and Thoroughfare District, Transnet, Traffic Impact Fees or
private reimbursement agreements.
Zone15 LFMP Page 140 October 19, 2011
Trunk-line capacity to meet demand as determined by the City concurrent with development.
Sewer service in the City of Carlsbad is provided by three independent agencies: Carlsbad
Sewer Service, Leucadia County Water District (LCWD), and Vallecitos Water District.
Zone 15 is entirely within the Carlsbad Sewer Service District as shown on Exhibit 55, page
The information contained in this plan was obtained from the “City of Carlsbad Master Plan of
Sewerage” prepared by Dudek & Associates, dated March 2003.
1. Existing Facilities
There are two existing gravity sewer lines in the vicinity of the Cantarini and Holly
Springs projects and Dos Colinas. To the south of the project is the South Agua
Hedionda Trunk Sewer located along the south side of Agua Hedionda Creek. This is
an 18-inch sewer main (SAHT 1E)which connects to an existing 24-inch gravity sewer
line in El Camino Real. Sewer flow is toward Cannon Road.
The second existing facility in the vicinity of the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects
and Dos Colinas is a 10-inch and 12-inch gravity sewer (SAHT 2C) which extends
from the Calavera Hills development and connects to the existing South Agua Hedionda
Trunk Sewer at the intersection of Cannon Road and El Camino Real.
Overview of Sewer Service
Sewer Basins/Benefit Areas – Projects within Zone 15 are within the South Agua
Hedionda sewer drainage basin and will be paying the sewer benefit area fees for this
basin. Ultimately, all the sewerage generated by Zone 15 projects will be conveyed
through the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor System to the Encina Water Pollution
Control Facility which is located between Avenida Encinas and the Interstate 5 south of
Palomar Airport Road.
Zone 15 falls into two Sewer Benefit Areas: Benefit Area D and Benefit Area E. The
dwelling units within Sewer Benefit Area D are proposed to connect to the existing 10-
Zone15 LFMP Page 141 October 19, 2011
inch and 12-inch gravity sewer line south of the Cannon Road alignment (City
designation: Reach SAHTC2C of the South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor). The
dwelling units within Sewer Benefit Area E are proposed to connect to the existing 18-
inch gravity sewer line along Agua Hedionda Creek (City designation: Reach SAHT1E
of the South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor).
Build Out Assumptions
Residential dwelling units and square footage is based upon the analysis contained in
the build out section of this plan.
Land Use
Total Build Out Projections
Residential 2,477 DU
Commercial/Office 183,562 Sq. feet
Technical Assumptions
Sewer Generation Rates as specified in the Carlsbad Master Plan of Sewerage used to
project average sewer flows are as follows:
Land Use
Unit Flows
Residential 220 GPD/DU Commercial 1,800 Sq. Ft./EDU
Office 1,800 GPD/AC
Existing Demand
The existing sewer demand being serviced in Zone 15 is 769 dwelling units. Carlsbad’s
current sewer Master Plan establishes 220 GPD/DU as the unit flow generation factor
as a basis for projecting the average sewer flows for residential use. By multiplying the
number of existing units on sewer service by the flow factor and a peaking factor of 2.5
the existing demand for Zone 15 is .423 MGD.
Projected Build Out Demand
The ultimate average sewer flows can be determined for Zone 15 by using the build out
projections and the average unit flows. The build out sewer demand being serviced in
Zone 15 is 2,477 dwelling units and 183,562 square feet of commercial/office at 220
GPD/DU and a 2.5 peaking factor the residential demand is 1.36 MGD. The
commercial office demand is 102 EDU’s or 0.056 MGD for a total of 1.42 MGD.
Zone15 LFMP Page 142 October 19, 2011
Use of Reclaimed Water/Existing Facilities
The existing recycled water facilities in the vicinity of the Zone 15 include a 12-inch
pipeline in the extension of College Boulevard east of El Camino Real. This 12-inch
main ties into the 384 Zone recycled water system that extends west to the Twin “D”
Tanks. These two tanks were converted from potable water use several years ago and
now serve as 384 Zone storage for recycled water. The Carlsbad Municipal Water
District will have a 16-inch recycled water pipeline in Cannon Road and a 12-inch
recycled water pipeline in College Boulevard at Canon Road. In addition, the District’s
existing “C” Tank Reservoir is being converted to recycled water storage. The
recycled water master plan does not address the extension of a higher pressure zone
recycled water system to the area of Zone 15. The pressure zone available, which is
the 384 Zone, is expected to be the only recycled water source to this area east of El
Camino Real. However, this pressure zone can be extended into higher service areas
by means of irrigation booster systems. These systems can be connected to the 384
Zone recycled water piping and deliver irrigation service to areas above the service
zone elevation.
The existing sewer system serving development in Zone 15 currently meets the adopted
performance standard. Connection to the existing sewer facilities will be a condition to the
approval of future development in Zone 15 as required by the City, so that conformance with
the adopted performance standard will be maintained.
Special Conditions (Sewer Benefit Areas D & E)
A. All development in Zone 15 is required to pay the appropriate sewer connection fees
and sewer benefit area fees prior to issuance of any building permit.
1. SAHT2B and SAHT2C are both constructed and in operation. The remaining
un-developed properties in Sewer Benefit Area D will be required to
construct/finance connections to the existing SAHT2B and SAHT2C trunk lines.
Sewer Benefit Area D
1. SAHT1E was constructed as part of the Terraces project. The remaining un-
developed properties in Sewer Benefit Area E will be required to
construct/finance connections to the existing SAHT1E trunk line.
Sewer Benefit Area E
Zone15 LFMP Page 143 October 19, 2011
Line capacity to meet demand as determined by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District must be
provided concurrent with development.
Water service in the City of Carlsbad is provided by three independent agencies: Carlsbad
Municipal Water District (CMWD), Vallecitos Water District, and the Olivenhain Municipal
Water District. Water service for Zone 15 is provided entirely by the Carlsbad Municipal
Water District (CMWD).
CMWD uses a Master Plan to evaluate the water systems within their district and formulate
long range plans that will provide for future improvements. The information contained in this
plan was extracted from the Water Master Plan update for the Carlsbad Municipal Water
District dated March 2003, prepared by Dudek & Associates. This Master Plan, according to
CMWD, should be used as a tool in planning for future improvements in Zone 15.
1. Existing Facilities
The existing major water facilities for CMWD that are in place within Zone 15 are as
No. Facility
1 200 MG Squiers, Dam I NE Corner Zone 15
2 27” Line Southeasterly Portion Zone 15
3 20” Line El Camino Real
4 1 MG “C” Reservoir North of future Cannon Road
5 14” Line In/Out Parallel future Cannon Road
6 21” Lines Northeasterly Portion Zone 15 T.A.P. Lines
7 36” Lines East of El Camino Real to Sunny Creek Rd.
Zone15 LFMP Page 144 October 19, 2011
Build Out Assumptions
The section entitled, “Build Out Projections” on page 28 presents the ultimate build out
projections for Management Zone 15.
Land Use
Residential 2,477 DU
Commercial/Office 183,562 sq. feet
Technical Assumptions
Average Unit Demand – The District’s Master Plan has established dwelling unit
demand factors as a basis for determining projected average water demands. The
following shows the average dwelling unit demands as determined in the CMWD
Land Use
Unit Flows
Single Family 550 GPD/DU
Multi-Family Residential 250 GPD/DU
Non-Residential 2300 GPD/10,000 sq. ft. of building area
Fire Flow Requirements – The master plan for CMWD uses the following fire flow
demands to analyze their water systems:
Land Use
Unit Flows
Single-Family Residential 1500 gpm for 2 hours
Multi-Family 3000 gpm for 2 hours
Industrial/Commercial/Institutional 4000 gpm for 4 hours
Projected Build Out Demand
The build out average water demands can be projected for Management Zone 15 by
multiplying the build out projection established in this Plan to the average unit demand
factors obtained from CMWD’s Master Plan.
Projected Average Projected Build Out
Build Out X Unit Demand = Average Water Demand
The projected build out average water demand, as determined by this plan, is lower
than projected in the Master Plan. Therefore, the Master Plans for the district can be
used as a tool for determining the proposed major water facilities for this zone, and
conformance with the adopted performance standard will be assured through build out
Zone15 LFMP Page 145 October 19, 2011
of Zone 15.
Proposed Build Out Facilities
The CMWD proposes the following major water facilities to serve the ultimate build
out of Zone 15:
Key Facility
A Squires Expansion Northeasterly corner Zone 15
B 36” Transmission Main (Zone 490) From College Blvd. to Maerkle Reservoir
C Pressure Reducing Station At College Blvd. and Cannon Road
D 16” Line in College Zone 490
E 12” Line in College Zone 375
F Pressure Reducing Station Grosse PRV Upgrade
The location and sizes of the proposed water lines have been taken from the March
2003 Master Plan. The actual locations and sizes will be determined as individual
projects within Zone 15 develop.
Potential Areas for Reclaimed Water
The existing recycled water facilities in the vicinity of the Cantarini and Holly Springs
projects and Dos Colinas, includes a 12-inch pipeline in the extension of College
Boulevard east of El Camino Real. This 12-inch main ties into the 384 Zone recycled
water system that extends west to the Twin “D” Tanks. These two tanks were
converted from potable water use several years ago and now serve as 384 Zone storage
for recycled water. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District will have a 16-inch
recycled water pipeline in Cannon Road and a 12-inch recycled water pipeline in
College Boulevard at Cannon Road. In addition, the District’s existing “C” Tank
Reservoir is being converted to recycled water storage.
The City of Carlsbad Master Plan Update, Recycled Water, Volume IV, dated October
1997 does not specifically address recycled water use in the area of the Cantarini and
Holly Springs projects and Dos Colinas. In addition, the recycled water master plan
does not address the extension of a higher pressure zone recycled water system to the
area east of College Boulevard. The pressure zone available, which is the 384 Zone, is
expected to be the only recycled water source to this area east of El Camino Real.
However, this pressure zone can be extended into higher service areas by means of
irrigation booster systems. These systems can be connected to the 384 Zone recycled
water piping and deliver irrigation service to areas above the service zone elevation.
Average Ten-Day Storage Capacity
Zone15 LFMP Page 146 October 19, 2011
The CMWD emergency storage policy is to provide 10 days of average water use.
Based on the existing ADD of 16.2 MGD, the required storage volume is 162 MG.
Maerkel Dam, which has a storage capacity of 195 MG, currently provides the required
storage volume for the District.
The CMWD emergency storage policy is to provide 10 days of average water use.
Based on the projected ultimate average demand of 23.9 MGD, the required storage
volume is 239 MG. If demands identified as being supplied from the future Phase II
Recycled Water System are not included, the projected ultimate demand is
approximately 21.2 MGD, and 212 MG of emergency storage will be required.
Maerkle Dam is reported to have a storage capacity of 195 MG. Therefore, additional
storage will need to be constructed to comply with the CMWD emergency storage
The approach to phasing taken by this Local Facilities Management Plan is based on ensuring
that needed facilities are in place prior to or commensurate with development.
Due to the fact Zone 15 lies within 2 pressure zones, phasing should not be determined in
relationship to water service.
The phasing boundaries allow for independent review and development for the water facilities
within each boundary. Development within one phase is independent of the improvement
requirements of another phase. However, the water district may require improvements outside
of the phase boundaries if deemed necessary to serve development.
The water distribution system for Zone 15 currently conforms to the adopted performance
standard. The development review process established by CMWD will ensure that Zone 15
will remain in conformance with the adopted performance standard through build out of this
All of Holly Springs and the upper portion of Cantarini will be served by the 36” 490 Zone
water line in College Boulevard with a 16” and 12” loop system. The lower portion of
Cantarini and all of Dos Colinas will be served by a 12-inch 375 Zone water line in College
Boulevard with a 12” loop back to Cannon Road.
Zone15 LFMP Page 147 October 19, 2011
Water Distribution
A. All future development in Zone 15 shall be subject to requirements of the 2003 CMWD
Water Master Plan Update and the Water Reclamation Master Plan as determined by
the City Engineer. Any potable and recycled water facilities necessary to accommodate
future development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of a final map, issuance
of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any project in Zone
B. Water facilities for Zone 15 shall be provided at the time of development to the
satisfaction of CMWD.
C. Prior to or commensurate with installation of Zone 15 water facilities, CMWD shall
determine that sufficient water facilities are in place to serve Zone 15.
D. All development within Zone 15 shall pay the appropriate water fees established by
Service Area A (375 Zone Water)
The following water facilities will be required as a condition to the approval of
development within Service Area A and B to the satisfaction of the City:
1. Construct a potable 12” water main in College Boulevard from Sunny Creek
Road northerly to “A” Street, easterly in “A” Street to the east boundary of
Cantarini, also, northerly from “A” Street through the Cantarini project to “C”
Street to the intersection of College Boulevard, then northerly in College
Boulevard to the existing 12” line at Cannon Road.
Service Area B (490 Zone Water)
1. Construct a potable 36” water main in College Boulevard from Sunny Creek
Road northerly to “A” Street, easterly in “A” Street to the easterly boundary of
2. Development easterly of Cantarini will extend the 36” line up to Maerkel
3. Construct a 16” water main in College Boulevard from the 36” at “A” Street
northerly to a 16” main at Cannon Road.
Zone15 LFMP Page 148 October 19, 2011
Service Area 384 Zone
1. Construct a recycled 12” main in College Boulevard from an existing main at
Sunny Creek Road northerly to an existing 12” main at Cannon Road.
2. Construct a 12” main in “A” Street from College Boulevard easterly to the East
line of Cantarini. Development east of Cantarini will extend the 12” main as
Note: Private development may be required to construct a booster/pump station to provide
reclaimed water where necessary.
The major water facilities and improvements within Zone 15 will be financed by the water
districts capital improvement fund. Revenue for that budget is funded from development fees.
Other improvements as noted in the Master Plan are not included in the CIP and will be
required to be funded by individual developers as needed.
As specified in the City of Carlsbad Growth Management Ordinance (CC 21.90.110),
“Contents of Local Facilities Management Plans,” a facility financing plan establishing the
methodology for funding the facilities and improvements identified within the Local Facility
Management Plan (LFMP) shall be prepared. A Finance Plan was prepared and approved for
Zone 15 in 1998. This financing section was written concurrently with LFMP 15(C) to reflect
the latest changes that have occurred affecting this zone.
This chapter details how the public facilities and improvements required of Zone 15 to
maintain the adopted Growth Management Performance Standards will be financially
guaranteed. This section addresses the prevailing facility requirements of the Zone 15 LFMP
or the more updated requirements per Dos Colinas the Cantarini tentative map (CT00-18) and
Holly Springs tentative map (CT0021). The special conditions for public facilities and
improvements are presented in this section. The most important function of this section is to
identify how the public facilities and improvements required by the Zone 15 LFMP and as
revised within this financing plan may be financially guaranteed to maintain the adopted
Growth Management Performance Standards.
Financing Mechanisms
In preparing this financing plan, it became clear that no single financing mechanism could
Zone15 LFMP Page 149 October 19, 2011
satisfy the complex infrastructure requirements of this zone. Therefore, several financing
techniques are being used to address both the need for upgrading facilities, enabling them to
conform with the adopted performance standards, and to ensure conformance of future
facilities as development occurs. The following financing techniques will be used to guarantee
the public facilities needed to serve future development within Zone 15 as required by the
Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.90.080.
Development in Zone 15 is within CFD #1 and will contribute to a number of citywide and
regional facilities such as city administrative offices, library facilities and Veteran’s Memorial
Park, through participation in this citywide Community Facilities District.
The developers will fund and construct certain required facilities prior to or concurrent with
development of the developer’s property. This form of funding may also be employed for
facilities not funded by a financing district approved by the Carlsbad City Council or in lieu of
a financing district if one is not formed. Facilities funded in this way are those which normally
would be imposed as a condition of approval of a tentative map under the City’s existing
development review process.
One financing method available to developers for the cost of constructing certain required
facilities is an Assessment District pursuant to the 1915 Bond Act. In addition to requiring
formal approval from the Carlsbad City Council, this financing method would necessitate
participation by the owners of a majority of the undeveloped property in the defined benefit
area, i.e. Zone 15. Certain properties unwilling to participate in the Assessment District could
be excluded and allowed to pay their fair share of costs through a separate reimbursement
method. However, only one such Assessment District will be allowed by the City of Carlsbad
for the Zone 15 area. The 1915 Bond Act Assessment District would entail the sponsoring
developer selling bonds for the amount for funds required to pay for the construction of the
required facilities. The bond debt would then become a secured lien against the benefiting
properties in the Assessment District. The bonds would be paid off (i.e. the debt would be
retired) through payment of a supplemental property tax bill by the property owners in the
Assessment District.
One method available to developers for supporting the construction of certain required facilities
is a Bridge and Thoroughfare District (“B&T District”), which would be authorized, formed
and managed through the City of Carlsbad. A B&T District does not provide any direct
construction funding or financing. Rather, it is a means of providing some assurance to the
sponsoring developer that certain required costs, which that sponsoring developer fronts/pays
Zone15 LFMP Page 150 October 19, 2011
concurrent with the construction of his project, will ultimately be paid for by all benefiting
property owners in the defined B&T District (i.e. Zone 15) through pro-rata share
reimbursements. The applicable cost-sharing formula and specific B&T District Fee, is
determined through property owner meetings, spread-engineering and City policy. In addition
to the actual facility design and construction costs, all costs related to formation of the B&T
District and the ongoing management and administration by the City are included in the B&T
District Fee. Under a B&T District, the City of Carlsbad would collect fees from property
owners in the B&T District at the time that the City issued permits for development of those
properties. The fees collected by the City, less the City’s B&T District costs, would be paid,
pursuant to the specific terms of the B&T District agreement, as reimbursements to the
sponsoring developer that originally paid for and constructed (i.e. fronted the costs of) the
required facilities. A B&T District can be used as a supplement to a 1915 Bond Act
Assessment District or private developer agreement as a means of collecting reimbursements
from benefiting property owners that do not participated in the original facility financing
Another method available to developers for supporting the construction of certain required
facilities is a Benefit Area, which would be authorized, formed and managed through the City
of Carlsbad. A Benefit Area does not provide any direct construction funding or financing.
Rather, it is a means of providing some assurance to the sponsoring developer that certain
required costs, which that sponsoring developer fronts/pays concurrent with the construction of
his project, will ultimately be paid for by all benefiting property owners in the defined Benefit
Area (i.e. Zone 15) through reimbursements. The applicable cost sharing formula and specific
B&T District Fee, is determined through property owner meetings, spread-engineering and
City policy. In addition to the actual facility design and construction costs, all costs related to
formation of the Benefit Area and a City administration fee is included in the Benefit Area Fee.
Under a Benefit Area, the City of Carlsbad would collect fees from property owners in the
Benefit Area in accordance with the specific terms of the Benefit Area agreement. The Benefit
Area Fees collected by the City, less the city’s administration fee (typically 2%), would be
paid as reimbursements to the sponsoring developer that originally paid for and constructed
(i.e. fronted the costs of) the required facilities. A Benefit Area can be used as a supplement
to a 1915 Bond Act Assessment District or private developer agreement as a means of
collecting reimbursements from benefiting property owners that do not participate in the
original facility financing method. A Benefit Area agreement generally requires less
involvement by the City and can provide more flexibility in the terms of payment by the
benefiting property owners. A Benefit Area agreement usually contains an expiration clause,
typically 15 years, after which the City no longer collects fees to reimburse the sponsoring
Agreements with the City
When appropriate, the City may enter into a reimbursement agreement with the developer for
Zone15 LFMP Page 151 October 19, 2011
any facility that is included in a City impact fee program. The source of reimbursement shall
be from the appropriate City impact fee. The schedule for reimbursement shall be based on
the City Capital Improvement Program and the availability of unobligated impact fee revenue.
In Zone 15, it is anticipated that Reimbursement Agreements with the City will include, but
may not be limited to, the following facilities: (1) College Boulevard, Bridge over Sunny
Creek; (2) BJ Basin detention facility; (3) a 36” water line eventually connecting to Maerkle
Reservoir; and (4) a 12” and 16” water line in College Boulevard between “A” Street and
Cannon Road. In addition, fees collected by the City for the Terraces residential development
in Zone 15 are available for reimbursement to the developer of the College Boulevard “core”
Reimbursement Agreements Among Property Owners
Several facilities discussed in this Local Facility Management Plan directly benefit all the
properties and property owners within Zone 15, but will have to be, as a condition of
development permitting, constructed and initially funded by the first project (i.e. the
sponsoring developer). In order to support the sponsoring developer’s efforts and ensure a fair
allocation of costs by the benefiting Zone 15 area properties, the property owners and
developers within Zone 15 may enter into private agreements that address the fair share cost
allocation and reimbursement process. The private cost sharing and reimbursement
agreements would be voluntary and only affect the undeveloped or under-developed properties
in Zone 15. Subject to the specific terms against the title of the participating properties with
copies of said agreements provided to the City’s Growth Management Division. Private
agreements can result in significant cost savings and other benefits for the participating
property owners.
Coordination with Financing Plans for Other Zones
Pursuant to the Growth Management Ordinance, future finance plans for other zones which
impact facilities in common with Zone 15 shall be coordinated with this finance plan.
Coordination, however, shall not require identical funding methods.
Timing and Areas of Development
The plan is based on certain assumptions regarding the timing of development of Zone 15 in
relation to other zones that share facilities with Zone 15. In the event that another zone
develops earlier or later than anticipated, this plan may need to be amended.
Zone15 LFMP Page 152 October 19, 2011
A discussion of each facility follows, including the presentation of the prevailing special
conditions contained in the latest LFMP, and a detailed description of the financial guarantee
for each special condition.
Financial responsibility for portions of the circulation element roadway requirements and
certain drainage improvements may be satisfied through a private developer funding and
reimbursement agreement among the property owners, or through an assessment district, a
bridge & thoroughfare district, a benefit area, or some combination of these methods. All
roadways will be financially secured pursuant to tentative map conditions in accordance with
the City’s cul-de-sac policy, engineering standards and other city policies and standards.
Property owners/developers who construct offsite improvements that benefit other properties
throughout the City and/or the zone, may be eligible for reimbursement from the City and
from other property owners in the zone. Any reimbursement agreements among the property
owners would be formulated and agreed to concurrent with the formation of an assessment
district or other special financing district or benefit area. Any reimbursement agreement with
the City would require approval by formal action of the City Council. Similarly, any
assessment district, bridge & thoroughfare district, or benefit area financing method involving
City management or administration would require formal action and approval by the City
Zone15 LFMP Page 153 October 19, 2011
EXHIBIT 62 - Zone 15 LFMP Finance Summary
FACILITY FINANCE SUMMARY City Administrative Participation in CFD #1 and Payment of PFF at Building Permit
Library Participation in CFD #1 and Payment of PFF at Building Permit
Park Payment of Park in-Lieu Fee
Drainage Payment of Local Drainage Area Fee
Detention Basin BJ at southeast corner of College/ Cannon, Bridge construction at Agua Hedionda Creek
Developer Funding with reimbursement from CIP or City-Approved Financing District
College Boulevard (Reach A) – Sunny
Creek Road to Cannon Road
Developer Funding with reimbursement from private reimbursement agreements or City-Approved Financing District
El Camino Real – Cannon to Faraday Avenue Developer Funding and City-Approved Financing Widen El Camino Real between Cannon Road and Faraday Avenue to 6 lanes – 3 in each direction
Developer Funding and City-Approved Financing
Cannon Road – Reach 4A – East of College Boulevard Developer Funding or City-Approved Bridge and
Thoroughfare District, Transnet, Traffic Impact Fees or private reimbursement agreements
Fire No Special Funding Required
Wastewater Treatment Payment of Sewer Connection Fees at Building Permit
Open Space Property Owners or Association Funded
School Payment of Mitigation Fees at Building Permit
Sewer Payment of Sewer Benefit Area Fees
Water (Service Area A) (375 Zone)
12" potable main in College from Sunny Creek Road northerly to Cantarini, “A” Street – Easterly
in “A” to Cantarini, East line – North from “A” Street within Cantarini to College and “C” Street –
northerly in College from “C” Street to Cannon Road
Developer Funding with private reimbursement agreement or City-Approved Financing District.
Reimbursement available from water connection fees – CIP Project No. 5012.
Water (Service Area B) (490 Zone)
36” potable line in College Boulevard from Sunny Creek Road northerly to Cantarini “A” Street, easterly in “A” Street to easterly boundary of Cantarini with eventual extension to Maerkle Reservoir
Developer Funding with Reimbursement from CIP Project No. 5001.
16” potable line in College from 36” at Cantarini
“A” Street-northerly to 16” main at Cannon Road
Developer Funding with Reimbursement from CIP
Project No. 5001.
Zone15 LFMP Page 154 October 19, 2011
City Administrative Facilities
Zone 15 will contribute to the funding of City Administrative Facilities through participation in
the Citywide Mello-Roos Community Facilities District and through the payment of Public
Facilities Fees (PFF).
Library Facilities
Zone 15 will contribute to the funding of Library Facilities through participation in the
Citywide Mello-Roos Community Facilities District and through the payment of Public
Facilities Fees (PFF).
Park Facilities
Payment of Park in-lieu fees will be required at issuance of building permits.
Drainage Facilities
Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit,
whichever occurs first within Zone 15, the developers of a project are required to provide a
financial mechanism to guarantee the construction of the following storm drain facilities:
ZONE 15 Drainage Financing Matrix
Facility Amount Estimated Cost Timing Funding Options Notes
4’ x 7’ Box Culvert, Headwalls, Dike (roadway), Grading, Channel, and Detention BasinBJ-Environmental MIT (Facility BJ-1). 276 LF $964,875
With development of Reach “A” of College Blvd
Developer Funding, private reimbursement agreement or City Approved Financing District with reimbursement of PLDA drainage fees or credits (CIP Project No. 3636).
College Boulevard Bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek Facility BL-L $3,553,996
With development of Reach “A” of College Blvd
Developer Funding, private reimbursement agreementor City Approved Financing District with also reimbursement of drainage fees or credits – CIP projects.
LF = Lineal Feet
78 RCP in College at Agua Hedionda Creek Bridge extend 78” RCP from existing and discharge downstream of bridge (portion of Facility BL-L)
ISO LF $92,201
With development of Reach A of College Blvd.
Developer Funding , private reimbursement agreement or City Approved Financing District with also reimbursement of drainage fees or credits
66” curlvert under College Blvd. just north of Agua Hedionda Creek (Facility BR)
157 LF $103,209
With development of Reach A of College Blvd.
Developer Funding , private reimbursement agreement or City Approved Financing District with reimbursement of drainage fees or credits
Total Drainage Costs $4,714,281
Zone 15 will contribute to the funding of drainage facilities by paying the required drainage area fees established in the current Drainage
Master Plan and agree to pay the revised Planned Local Drainage Area (PLDA) fees identified in the updated Drainage Master Plan. The
following pages detail the financial guarantee for each special drainage condition identified in the Drainage Facilities section of this
Zone15 LFMP Page 155 October 19, 2011
The identified facilities will be privately designed and/or constructed by developer.
Reimbursement of drainage fees or credits may be requested.
Financing Guarantee
These facilities shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be provided prior to
the recordation of the applicable final map by the first developer in Zone 15 requiring the need
for this facility. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the
Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said
improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as
described in Section 20.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash,
irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and the
City Attorney.
If any benefits extend outside the boundaries of the development, the developer constructing
the facility may enter into a private reimbursement agreement with the owners of the benefited
Circulation Facilities
This updated Facilities Financing section addresses those facilities identified in this Zone 15
LFMP amendment, which are the responsibility of Zone 15 based on the traffic report
prepared by Linscott Law & Greenspan dated May 16, 2003. Some circulation improvements
are outside the boundaries of Zone 15 and may be subject to reimbursement as identified
Prior to the recordation of a final map, grading permit or building permit, whichever
occurs first within Zone 15, a comprehensive financing program guaranteeing
construction of the following circulation improvements shall be approved:
Improvements Needed Now
Calculations indicate that no roadway improvements are needed under existing
Zone15 LFMP Page 156 October 19, 2011
Improvements Needed by 2015
College Boulevard (Reach A) – Construct full width grading to major arterial
standards, two center travel lanes with raised median curbs and turn pockets,
full width bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek.
The intersection of El Camino Real/Cannon Road will require the construction
of the east leg to include dual left-turn lanes, a thru lane and a combination thru
right-turn lane. The south leg will require the construction of a combination
thru right-turn lane.
The intersection of College Boulevard/Cannon Road will require a new traffic
signal with the north leg having a left-turn lane, thru lane, and dual right-turn
lanes; the
South and east legs having a left-turn lane and a combination thru right-turn
lane; the west leg having dual left-turn lanes and a combination thru-right-turn
Improvements Needed by 2020
The intersection of College Boulevard/Cannon Road will require the north leg to
be re-striped to a thru lane and a right turn-lane and the south leg will require
widening to add a thru lane.
Improvements Needed by 2030
Cannon Road (Reach 4A) - Construct full width grading to major arterial
standards, two center travel lanes with raised median curbs and turn pockets.
The intersection of El Camino Real/College Boulevard will require an additional
thru lane on the north leg.
The intersection of College Boulevard/Cannon Road will require a second left-
turn lane and thru lane on the east leg.
Widen El Camino Real between Cannon Road and Faraday Avenue to six lanes
(three lanes in each direction).
Note: Cannon Road – Reach 3 and College Boulevard – Reach B and C are constructed Any
proposed development that fronts on or requires access from College Boulevard – Reach A –
will require, prior to recordation of a final map, grading permit or building permit, whichever
occurs first within Zone 15, a comprehensive financing program guaranteeing the construction
of College Boulevard – Reach A to be approved:
Zone15 LFMP Page 157 October 19, 2011
El Camino Widening – Projects fronting El Camino Real where widening is required will
guarantee the widening improvements as required by the City Engineer. Reimbursement to the
City may be required if completed by the City prior to adjacent development.
Note: Cannon Road – Reach 4A (East of College Boulevard).
Any proposed development that fronts on or requires access from Cannon Road – Reach 4A –
will require, prior to recordation of a final map, grading permit or building permit, whichever
occurs first with Zone 15, a comprehensive financing program guaranteeing the construction of
Cannon Road – Reach 4A to be approved.
Zone15 LFMP Page 158 October 19, 2011
Circulation Condition (2015) College Boulevard – Reach A – Full width grading – drainage median curbs – 1 lane each direction
Estimated Cost $444,175 Source: Hunsaker and Associates (May 12, 2011)
Financing Mechanism Developer Funding with Reimbursement Agreement
Financing District, Bond or Reimbursement Agreement
Approved by City Council based on fair share allocation
Responsible Area Zone 15
College Boulevard shall be graded to full width standards for a four lane major Arterial
roadway. Construction of the 2 center lanes and raised median shall also be provided.
Financing Mechanism
The preferred method of financing is a private developer’s agreement with reimbursement
from various developer impact fees including PLDA, PFF, Water Connection Fees and special
developer contributions. Alternatively the impacts could be financed by Special District or
Bridge and Thoroughfare District with approval by the City Council prior to recordation of the
first final map.
Financing Guarantee
The financial guarantee proposed must be approved by the Carlsbad City Council. If an
Improvement Agreement is utilized as an alternative financing mechanism, then the
improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Carlsbad Municipal
If the developer is required to construct these facilities, then they may be eligible for
reimbursement pursuant to Section 20.16.041 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition, if
their benefits extend outside the boundaries of the development, the developer constructing
these facilities may enter into a private reimbursement agreement with the owners of benefited
Zone15 LFMP Page 159 October 19, 2011
Circulation Condition (2015)
Cannon Road – Reach 4B (From 900’ east of College
Boulevard to City of Oceanside)
Full width grading – drainage – median curbs and
improvements – 1 or 2 lanes in each direction, including
environmental mitigation
Estimated Cost $27,000,000
Financing Mechanism Public funds such as transnet highway funds, traffic impact fee or
Federal and State Grants
Guarantee Not required by Zone 15
Responsible Area City
2015 intersection and segment improvements shall provide for the build out configuration.
Financing Mechanism
TransNet Highway 78 funds, Proposition “C” funds, Federal Grants and/or Facility Impact
Financing Guarantee
The financial guarantee proposed must be approved by the Carlsbad City Council.
Zone15 LFMP Page 160 October 19, 2011
Circulation Condition
Intersection of El Camino Real/Cannon Road – Restriping, bridge widening (NB LEG.), bike lane. Improvements
include 1 left turn lane, 3 through lanes and right-turn lane.
Estimated Cost $589,000 Source: TIF
Financing Mechanism TIF
Guarantee TIF
Responsible Area Zone 15
El Camino Real/Cannon Road intersection shall provide for the build out configuration.
Financing Mechanism
The preferred method of financing is a private developer’s agreement with reimbursement
from various developer impact fees including PLDA, PFF, Water Connection Fees and special
developer contributions. Alternatively the impacts could be financed by Special District or
Bridge and Thoroughfare District with approval by the City Council prior to recordation of the
first final map.
Financing Guarantee
The financial guarantee proposed must be approved by the Carlsbad City Council. If an
Improvement Agreement is utilized as an alternative financing mechanism, then the
improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Carlsbad Municipal
If the developer is required to construct these facilities, then they may be eligible for
reimbursement pursuant to Section 20.16.041 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition, if
their benefits extend outside the boundaries of the development, the developer constructing
these facilities may enter into a private reimbursement agreement with the owners of benefited
Zone15 LFMP Page 161 October 19, 2011
Circulation Condition (2015)
Intersection of College Boulevard/Cannon Road; New traffic
signal with north leg having a left-turn lane, thru lane and dual right-turn lanes; south and east leg – dual left-turn lanes and
combination thru-right-turn lane.
Estimated Cost $116,634 Source: Hunsaker and Associates (May 12, 2011)
Financing Mechanism Financing District, Bond or Reimbursement Agreement Gas tax reimbursement. (Per CIP)
Condition of Tentative Map Approval – Approved by City Council
based on fair share allocation.
Responsible Area Zone 15
College Boulevard/Cannon Road intersection/signal improvements shall provide for the build
out configuration. This estimate is based on completion of the intersection improvements for
work required that is not shown on plans prepared by Flores Lund for work currently (5/11)
under construction by CUSD for the new high school.
Financing Mechanism
Financing mechanism (i.e., Developer financing with reimbursement from City PFF
Financing Guarantee
The financial guarantee proposed must be approved by the Carlsbad City Council. If an
Improvement Agreement is utilized as an alternative financing mechanism, then the
improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Carlsbad Municipal
If the developer is required to construct these facilities, then they may be eligible for
reimbursement pursuant to Section 20.16.041 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition, if
their benefits extend outside the boundaries of the development, the developer constructing
these facilities may enter into a private reimbursement agreement with the owners of benefited
Zone15 LFMP Page 162 October 19, 2011
Circulation Condition
Cannon Road – Reach 4A (East of College Boulevard 900 ft.±) Full width grading – drainage – median curbs – 1 lane in each direction.
Estimated Cost $444,174 Source: Hunsaker and Associates
Financing Mechanism
Developer Funding with Reimbursement Agreement with TransNet
local funds, traffic, impact fees, bridge and thoroughfare District, Assessment District
Guarantee Finance District, Bond or Reimbursement Agreement Approved by City Council based on fair share allocation
Responsible Area Zone 15
2020 intersection and segment improvements shall provide for the build out configuration.
This estimate is based on completion of the intersection improvements for work required that is
not shown on plans prepared by Flores Lund for work currently (5/11) under construction by
CUSD for the new high school.
Financing Mechanism
The preferred method of financing is a private developer’s agreement with reimbursement
from various developer impact fees including PLDA, PFF, Water Connection Fees and special
developer contributions. Alternatively the impacts could be financed by Special District or
Bridge and Thoroughfare District with approval by the City Council prior to recordation of the
first final map.
Financing Guarantee
The financial guarantee proposed must be approved by the Carlsbad City Council. If an
Improvement Agreement is utilized as an alternative financing mechanism, then the
improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Carlsbad Municipal
If the developer is required to construct these facilities, then they may be eligible for
reimbursement pursuant to Section 20.16.041 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition, if
their benefits extend outside the boundaries of the development, the developer constructing
these facilities may enter into a private reimbursement agreement with the owners of benefited
Zone15 LFMP Page 163 October 19, 2011
Fire Facilities
No special conditions or financing mechanisms for Fire Facilities are required as a condition of
development within Zone 15. Non-residential and residential development will be required to
pay a standard Public Facilities Fee. This fee is collected at the time building permits are
Wastewater Treatment
No special conditions or financing mechanisms for Wastewater Treatment Facilities are
required as a condition of development within the zone.
Sewer connection fees will provide the primary source of funding for both sewer line upgrades
and expansion of treatment plant capacity. The timing of sewer facility upgrades and the
mechanism of financing are critical to analysis of the adequacy of funding for plant expansion.
The Encina treatment plant is currently (1/04) under construction. Carlsbad Sewer Service
District has projected Capital Improvement Program funds to provide for needed facilities.
Open Space
No special conditions or financing mechanisms for Open Space are required as a condition of
development within Zone 15. During the preparation of the Citywide Facilities and
Improvements Plan, it was determined that certain areas of the city are already developed or
meet or exceed the requirements for open space.
School Facilities
No special conditions or financing mechanisms for school facilities are required as a condition
of development within Zone 15. Future development will continue to pay school fees and no
other financing options are necessary. The school fees collected will be utilized for the
construction or reconstruction of new school facilities as required. The District may elect to
pursue Mello-Roos financing, and if that program is installed, the existing procedure of school
fee collection will be discontinued and replaced with an alternative financing system.
Sewer Facilities
All gravity and force main facilities to serve Zone 15 are constructed with the exception of the
SAH lift station along Cannon Road between Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real. The lift
station is in final design (8/03) and construction is expected to start in 2004. All new
development will provide local sewer lines to connect to existing master plan facilities and will
be required to pay sewer benefit fees prior to issuance of building permits.
Zone15 LFMP Page 164 October 19, 2011
Sewer Master Plan Sewer Master Plan
Sewer Master Plan Sewer Master Plan Sewer Master Plan
SAHT2B, SAHT2C- Constructed SAH1, SAH3, SAH4 - Constructed
SAHT1G, SAHT1E - Constructed SAH Lift SAH3 Force Main - Constructed
Estimated Cost No new Master Plan Facilities to be constructed
Financing Mechanism Developer Funding/Sewer Benefit Area Fees
Improvement Agreement Prior to Final Map
Reimbursement Sewer Benefit Area Fees (Lift Station/Force Main)
Facility Also Required By: * Zones 8, 14, 5, 15, and 18
and coastal permits approved (1/04), lift station in final design, construction anticipated to be completed 12/04. Cost to be advanced by City with reimbursement from sewer benefit fees/sewer connection fees.
Financing Mechanism
There are no Master Plan Facilities to be constructed in Zone 15.
Water Facilities
1. Conditions
The following conditions were either identified in the Zone 15 LFMP Amendment, or
in the latest approved Water Master Plan.
Projected potable water facilities within Zone 15 are separated into two pressure zones
(Elev. 375 and Elev. 490). Reclaimed water is limited to one pressure zone (Elev.
384). For financing purposes, the water facilities are listed as conditioned in the Zone
15 LFMP.
Special conditions for Zone 15
A. All development within Zone 15 shall pay a major facilities fee based on EDU’s to the
CMWD and a capacity charge based on meter size to the San Diego County Water
Authority. In addition all development in Zone 15 shall be required to provide any
water reclamation facilities identified in the future Water Reclamation Master Plan as
determined by the District Engineer. Any water reclamation facilities necessary to
accommodate future development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of a final
map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any
project in Zone 15.
Zone15 LFMP Page 165 October 19, 2011
B. Pressure Zone 375 (Potable Water) (Service Area A)
The following water facilities will be required as a condition of approval of future
development within Pressure Zone 375 to the satisfaction of CMWD:
1.The proposed potable 12-inch water main in College Boulevard from Sunny Creek
Road northerly to “A” Street, easterly in “A” Street to the east boundary of
Cantarini; also, northerly from “A” Street through the Cantarini project to “C”
Street to the intersection of existing 12” line in Cannon Road.
Potable Water Condition (Zone 375)
The proposed potable 12-inch water main in College
Boulevard from Sunny Creek Road – North to “A” Street, East in “A” Street to Cantarini East line – North from “A”
Street within Cantarini to College and “C” Street – Northerly
in College from “C” Street to Cannon Road.
Estimated Cost $880,810 Source: Hunsaker and Associates
Financing Mechanism Developer funding with Reimbursement from CIP
Guarantee Participation in an improvement agreement
Reimbursable Area Pressure Zone 375
C. Pressure Zone 490 (Potable Water) (Service Area B)
1.The proposed 36-inch water main in College Boulevard from Sunny Creek Road
northerly to “A” Street, easterly in “A” Street to the easterly boundary of
Cantarini. Development easterly of Cantarini will extend the 36” line up to
Maerkle Reservoir.
2.Construct a 16” water main in College Boulevard from the 36” at “A” Street
northerly to a 16” main at Cannon Road.
Potable Water Condition (Zone 490)
The proposed 36-inch main in College Boulevard from
Sunny Creek Road – Northerly to “A” Street, Easterly in “A” Street to Cantarini East boundary. The 16-inch main in
College Boulevard from the 36-inch main at “A” Street
Northerly to the 16-inch main at Cannon Road.
Estimated Cost $1,862,203 Source: Hunsaker and Associates
Financing Mechanism Developer funding with Reimbursement from CIP
Guarantee Participation in an improvement agreement
Reimbursable Area Pressure Zone 490
Financing Mechanism
The above facilities will be privately designed and/or constructed by the development requiring
the need for them.
Zone15 LFMP Page 166 October 19, 2011
Financing Guarantee
These facilities shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be provided prior to
the recordation of the applicable final map by the first developer in Zone 15 requiring the need
for these facilities. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of
the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said
improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as
described in Section 20.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash,
irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and the
City Attorney.
The developer(s) required to construct these facilities is eligible for reimbursement pursuant to
Section 20.16.041 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition, if their benefits extend
outside the boundaries of the development, the developer constructing these facilities may enter
into a private reimbursement agreement with the owners of benefited properties.
Reclaimed System
There is one service pressure zone - Elevation 384. Most of Cantarini and none of Holly
Springs can be served with reclaimed water. There is no reclaimed water above Zone 384
(service to elevation 245±).
Elevation 384 Zone
1. A proposed 12" main in College Boulevard from Sunny Creek Road northerly
to Cannon Road.
2. A proposed 12" line in “A” Street from College Boulevard to easterly line of
Cantarini. Development east of Cantarini will extend the 12” reclaimed line as
Zone15 LFMP Page 167 October 19, 2011
Reclaimed Water Condition (Zone 384)
A proposed 12" main in College Boulevard from
Sunny Creek Road to Cannon Road. A proposed 12" line in “A” Street from College
Boulevard to east line of Cantarini. Development to
east of Cantarini will extend 12” line as-needed.
Estimated Cost $580,048 Source: Hunsaker and Associates
Financing Mechanism Developer funding with reimbursement
Guarantee Participation in an improvement agreement
Reimbursable Area Pressure Zone 384
Financing Mechanism
The above reclaimed water facilities will be privately designed and/or constructed by the
development requiring the need for them.
Financing Guarantee
These facilities shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be provided prior to
the recordation of the applicable final map by the first developer in Zone 15 requiring the need
for these facilities. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of
the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said
improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as
described in Section 20.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash,
irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and the
City Attorney.
The developer(s) required to construct these facilities may be eligible for reimbursement
pursuant to Section 20.16.041 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition, if their benefits
extend outside the boundaries of the development, the developer constructing these facilities
may enter into a private reimbursement agreement with the owners of benefited properties.