HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-22; City Council; 22248; Approving a request to provide $1,280,000 in financial cash assistance from Carlsbad Housing Trust for Quarry Creek Affordable HousingCITY OF CARLSBAD-AGENDA BILL 11 AB# 22,248 APPROVAL OF CITY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE DEPT. DIRECTOR MTG. 3/22/16 HOUSING TRUST FUND TO CHELSEA INVESTMENT CITY ATTORNEY f.!_t(__ DEPT. CEO CORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,280,000 FOR THE CITY MANAGER QUARRY CREEK AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ~~~/- WITHIN THE QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a resolution approving a request to provide financial assistance to Chelsea Investment Corporation in the form of a construction loan of $1,280,000 from the city's Housing Trust fund and to authorize the City Manager or designee to prepare and execute the related loan documents for construction of 64 affordable apartment homes restricted for low income families in the northeast quadrant of the city and within the Quarry Creek Master Plan development. ITEM EXPLANATION: The proposed project by Chelsea Investment Corporation is a 64 unit affordable housing development to be constructed in partnership with Cornerstone Communities to satisfy the inclusionary housing obligations of the Quarry Creek Master Plan development. The Quarry Creek Master Plan was previously approved by the City Council which includes the development of a minimum of 64 homes affordable to lower income households. Chelsea Investment Corporation has been selected by Cornerstone Communities to development, own, and operate the proposed affordable housing development. The Planning Commission approved the site development plan (SDP 15-17} for the affordable development on March 16, 2016. Chelsea Investment Corporation is experienced and has recognized expertise in developing high-quality affordable apartment communities throughout San Diego County, including Carlsbad; the proposed development will be the fourth in Carlsbad for this development team. Chelsea has history of building high quality housing developments in Carlsbad, and operating them in a successful manner. The Quarry Creek affordable development is anticipated to consist of 5, two and three story, garden style walk up buildings with surface level parking. The proposed development includes 12 one bedroom (19%), 32 two bedroom (50%) and 20 three bedroom (31%) rental homes. Of the 64 rental homes, 56 will be affordable to households earning 60% of the San Diego County Area Median Income (AMI), and 7 units will be affordable to households earning 50% of AMI. A manager's unit will have rent set at 70% of AMI. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Debbie Fountain 760-434-2935 debbie.fountain@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. \Z(" COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D DENIED D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D CONTINUED D RETURNED TO STAFF D WITHDRAWN D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D AMENDED D ,e Financial Assistance-Chelsea Investment Corporation March 22, 2016 Pagel The developer has provided a development proforma for review. Staff and the Housing Commission have reviewed the development proforma and considered the reasonableness of the development costs as well as the key variables determining the need for subsidies. The Housing Commission reviewed the financial assistance request from Chelsea Investment Corporation at their meeting on January 14, 2016, and is recommending approval of the request in the full amount of $1,280,000. Below is a summary of the project proforma for City Council consideration: Uses Total %of Total Per Unit Land $1 0% $0 Direct Construction $11,106,728 54% $173,542 Offsites/lnfrastructure $2,835,000 14% $44,296 Architecture/Engineering $358,589 2% $5,602 Impact Fees $1,671,733 8% $26,120 Other indirect/soft costs $4A17J50 22% $69,027 (incl. developer fee of $2.5 million) Total $20,389,801 100% $318,590 «" ',,:'''(>, 7T- Sources Total %of Total Per Unit Bond Proceeds $5,624,000 28% $87,875 Tax Credit Equity $8,956,184 44% $139,940 Subordinate Financing $563A50 3% $8,803 Deferred Developer Fee $1,131,167 6% $17,674 Master Developer Funds $2,835,000 14% $44,296 City Contribution $1,280,000 6% $20,000 Total $20,389,801 100% $318,590 The city's contribution, if approved by the City Council, will be provided to the project during construction and will be provided in the form of a residual receipts loan secured by a note and deed of trust. The loan will begin accruing interest after the completion of construction of the improvements. The outstanding principal and accrued interest on the city loan will be amortized over 55 years and repaid from cash surplus in equal annual installments of principal and interest. In the event that there is not adequate cash surplus to repay the city loan, the outstanding balance shall accrue with simple interest at 3% per annum. The financial assistance will be provided from the city's Housing Trust Fund. With approval of the City Council, the City Manager, or designee in consultation with the City Attorney, will prepare the final loan documents which will include a Financial Assistance/Loan Agreement, Regulatory Agreement, Promissory Note and Deed of Trust to set forth the terms of the financial assistance and its repayment over time. The Housing Commission recommends approval (4-0, Smith absent) by the City Council of the financial assistance request by Chelsea Investment Corporation in the amount of $1,280,000, or $20,000 per unit, for the Quarry Creek affordable development. The Housing Commission has determined that the Quarry Creek affordable apartment development is proposed by a capable development team that is Financial Assistance-Chelsea Investment Corporation March 22, 2016 Page3 committed to providing affordable housing for low income households, and that the financing structure is sound. The three key underwriting goals of the city have been met with a strong, experienced borrower, reasonable project costs and a high degree of leveraging. City housing goals are supported by the project's unit mix and affordability, and the rent levels are below those required by the inclusionary housing ordinance which makes the project eligible for city funding assistance. FISCAL IMPACT: If approved, the city will provide $1,280,000 in financial assistance to Chelsea Investment Corporation for construction of the Quarry Creek Affordable development in the form of a residual receipts loan. This funding will be provided from the city's Housing Trust Fund, which has a current balance of approximately $14 million. In its role as a lender to the project, the city is exposed to 3 risks inherent to real estate development. These risks generally include 1) predevelopment (project does not get constructed; 2) construction (project cannot be completed, cost overruns, contractor problems); and 3) operation (revenue does not cover expenses). Adding to this risk, any city financial assistance will be subordinated to conventional financing. A number of factors mitigate the risks noted above. First, the development team has a strong track record with similar affordable housing developments both inside and outside the city. Second, the presence of other major financial commitments, such as tax credit investment, is also key as this means that other stakeholders depend on the success of the project both short and long term. Finally, the position of the city and other subordinated financing is a feature that helps to attract the necessary (low or no cost) private financing and helps the development to be financially successful over the long term. The public benefit realized from the financial assistance is an affordable housing development that has lower rents than those required by the inclusionary housing ordinance, and more affordable to lower income households at 50% and 60% of the San Diego County Area Median Income. The Housing Trust Funds may only be used for the development or provision of affordable housing for lower income households located within Carlsbad. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, staff conducted an environmental impact assessment to determine if the proposed project could have any potentially significant impact on the environment. Documents referenced for the analysis included the Certified Environmental Impact Report for Quarry Creek which was certified by the City Council in April, 2014 (EIR 11-02, State Clearinghouse #2012021039). The project is consistent with the project description of the Environmental Impact Report and therefore within the scope identified within that CEQA document. Master Plan level mitigation measures have been incorporated in the overall design of the Master Plan project or have been placed as conditions of approval such that all potentially significant impacts have been mitigated to below a level of significance. Financial Assistance -Chelsea Investment Corporation March 22, 2016 Page4 EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution approving a request to provide financial assistance to Chelsea Investment Corporation from the city's Housing Trust Fund in the form of a construction loan in the amount of $1,280,000 from the City's Housing Trust fund and authorizing the City Manager or designee to prepare and execute the related loan documents for construction of 64 affordable apartment homes restricted for low income families in the northeast quadrant of the city and within the Quarry Creek Master Plan development. 2. Site Plan and Elevation Illustrations 3. Correspondence from Chelsea Investment Corporation requesting financial assistance 4. Housing Commission Resolution No. 2016-01 5. Housing Commission Minutes, dated January 14, 2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-057 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQUEST TO PROVIDE $1,280,000 IN FINANCIAL CASH ASSISTANCE IN THE FORM OF A RESIDUAL RECEIPTS LOAN FROM THE CARLSBAD HOUSING TRUST FUND TO CHELSEA INVESTMENT CORPORATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SIXTY-FOUR {64) AFFORDABLE FAMILY APARTMENT HOMES RESTRICTED FOR LOW INCOME FAMILIES ON PROPERTY IN THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND WITHIN THE QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT. WHEREAS, the Chelsea Investment Corporation has proposed to construct 64 apartment family homes to be affordable to lower income households within the City of Carlsbad and has requested financial assistance from the City of Carlsbad to assist in the financing of said affordable housing project; and WHEREAS, the Housing Commission did, on the 14th day of January, 2016, hold a public meeting to review and consider the request for financial assistance for the construction of said 64 affordable family apartment homes by the affordable housing developer, Chelsea Investment Corporation; and WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the proposal to construct said affordable family rental homes and recommended approval of the financial assistance request to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council did, on the date of this resolution, hold a regular public meeting to review and consider the request for financial assistance from the Chelsea Investment Corporation for construction of 64 apartment family homes within the Quarry Creek Master Plan development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. 2. The above recitations are true and correct. The request for financial assistance is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City of Carlsbad's Housing Element, Consolidated Plan, the lnclusionary Housing Ordinance, and the Carlsbad General Plan. 3. The request for financial assistance will assist the affordable housing developer to construct a total of 64, one, two and three bedroom affordable family apartment homes which will be affordable to households ranging from 50% to 60% of area median income for San Diego County. The project, therefore, has the ability to effectively serve the city's housing needs and priorities as expressed in the Housing Element and the Consolidated Plan. 4. That based on the information provided to the City Council during its public meeting to consider said request for financial assistance and the recommendation of approval by the Housing Commission, the City Council hereby approves the financial assistance request of Chelsea Investment Corporation for up to $1,280,000 in financial cash assistance from the Carlsbad Housing Trust Fund for the construction of sixty-four (64) affordable family apartment homes within the Northeast Quadrant of the City of Carlsbad and within the Quarry Creek Master Plan development, and to provide said assistance in the form of a residual receipts loan for the purpose of construction and permanent financing for said project. 5. That the City Council authorizes the City Manager or his designee to prepare and execute all documents related to provision of the City/ Agency assistance, including but not limited to a Financial Assistance Loan Agreement, Note, Deed of Trust and Regulatory Agreement, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. Ill Ill -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6. That the City Council authorizes the Administrative Services Director to appropriate and disburse said funds to said developer according to the terms of the financial assistance agreement and related documents. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill -3- 1 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of 2 the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 22nd of March, 2016, by the following vote, to wit: 3 AYES: Council Members Hall, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard. 4 NOES: None. 5 6 ABSENT: None. 7 ABSTAIN: None. 8 9 MATT HALL, Mayor 10 11 ATTEST: 12 13 ~ c .-~" / c--J .. V/t'i_ . .c:. (/1~~----~ Jl~c: J-"-'..._ __ _ \/ 14 BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk 15 (SEAL) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -4- I ...s.> Quarry Cree Planning Area R-1 Chelsea Investment f1 /1 :/ I I 1 I I : I I I I rh '2611 HOWARD ASS O CIATES landscape a.rchllecture 24~2 •cc.ond ilv('nue, •"n diC~CO e• 9210l 619 7J8 9660 .....___Overhead structure with concrete paving and sealing .._880 with trash and hot coal disposal Proposed Site Plan \.._ -~·~ .. ~ ')( :i: I 0) ~ f'l North ~ l"•» • • ---_A_~ ..... :~?~-~. "'Y~I: EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVA TJON C) AV.lODWG "'"""' Slf\ITTI!It QUARRY CREEK BUILDING FOUR CHELSEA INVESTMENT CORPORATION NOTTOSCA~E A ntt.W.(NIJ-Y o.S"''C.J'iC 2 . 29 . 2016 NORTH ELEVA TlON SOUTH ELEVATION LJ::J CHELSEA INVESTMENT CORPORATION October 13, 2016 Ms. Debbie Fountain Housing and Neighborhood Services Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92088 Finance Development Management 5993 Avenida Encinas, Suite 101 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel (760) 456-6ooo Fax (760) 456-6001 www.chelseainvestco.com Subject: Quarry Creek Affordable Housing Financial Assistance and Project Consideration Dear Debbie: We are pleased to have the opportunity to develop another affordable housing project in the City of Carlsbad. As you are aware, we are working with Cornerstone Communities to finance and develop a 64 unit affordable housing complex within the Quarry Creek master planned development. Our design team has submitted a formal design package to the Planning Department for its review, with the intended goal that the Site Development Plan for the affordable site, pursuant to the terms of the Mfordable Housing Agreement, receive Planning Commission approval by December 31,2015. We respectfully request the following assistance from the City of Carlsbad in order to development a successful affordable housing project at Quarry Creek: 1. We request that the City provide a residual receipts loan to the project of $20,000 per unit, or $1,280,000, at 3.0% simple interest with a term of 55 years, and repaid from 50% of project cash flow. Please see financing summary attached. 2. We request that the City allow for a "modification" of the City parking requirements as contemplated in the Mfordable Housing Agreement. The affordable housing project is seeking a reduction of the applicable parking ratio as well as waiver for covered parking. We have obtained a parking study from the engineering firm of Linscott, Law & Greenspan (copy attached), and have also completed parking surveys at the three affordable housing complexes Chelsea currently owns and operates in the City of Carlsbad in support of our request for a reduction of the parking. The parking surveys are attached. Please refer to the attached two-page summary that provides a bullet point overview in support of our request for assistance from the City of Carlsbad. We have submitted the project to the Planning department for formal review and approval of the Site Development Plan. We respectfully request your consideration of our request for financial assistance for the Quarry Creek affordable project, and for the modification of the parking requirement for the project. Our goal is to receive City approval for the financial assistance and modification of the parking requirement concurrent with the approval of the Site Development Plan, with the further goal of closing the financing and beginning construction of the affordable housing project in the Spring of 2016. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Your consideration is very much appreciated. Lr~' ~ Cheri Hoffman lf(;t-rn President Chelsea Investment Corporation Attachments: Bullet point summary, financing summary, parking surveys Quarry Creek: Support for Financial Assistance from City of Carlsbad: 1. Per the approved "Affordable Housing Agreement" for Quarry Creek the project is required to provide only 10 percent of the affordable units as 3 bedrooms. (64 units x 10% = 6.4 units). The project as planned will provide for 20, 3 bedroom units or over 31%. The mix of units is ( 12 one bedrooms, 32 two bedrooms and 20 three bedrooms) Our desire is to create a "family" oriented project which we believe addresses the greatest need for affordable housing in Carlsbad, particularly given the aggregate waiting list for our three projects in Carlsbad is in excess of 2,000 households. Developing a project with an increased number of three bedroom units increases the overall square footage of the project, with a corresponding increase of total construction costs. 2. The builder is selling us the property for $1 dollar and will be building over $2.8 million dollars of infrastructure to support the 64 units of affordable housing. 3. The project has been located in a very good location, cJose to transit, shopping, schools, and employment opportunities. 4. The affordable units will be built with the "first phase" of the project and will come online very early to allow for low income families to be some of the first residents at for Quarry Creek. 5. Chelsea Investments has investigated additional viable forms of financing to make this project work and keep the City request at a minimum. Quarry Creek: Support for modification of parking standards 1. Chelsea has built and owns three other projects in Carlsbad and both projects are significantly "overparked" based on the needs of the residents. Parking surveys are attached. 2. The family projects we own in Carlsbad, as well as our experience in other locations, show that affordable family projects are truly occupied with family's with fewer cars than the "typical" 2 and 3 bedroom apartments that are occupied by non-families with multiple roommate situations. 3. Based on the prime location of this project near transit, shopping and employment opportunities. this project will also function well with a modified parking standard. 4. Allowing for few parking spaces, allows for projects to have less impermeable surfaces, less heat absorbing areas, more trees, etc. all of which makes for "greener" projects. 5. Multiple Cities have modified their parking ordinances to allow for even less parking spaces than we are proposing, based on the reduced parking needs of affordable and more urban projects. PROJECT SUMMARY PROJECT SOURCES & USES Quarry Creek Affordable Housing Project, Carlsbad Bond Financed with 4% Tax Credits 64 Units FINANCING ASSUMPTIONS Assumes 2 & 3-story garden style walk up with surface parking (costs exclude slope and retaining wall installation) 4% Tax Rate Annual Federal Tax Credits Federal Tax Credit Price Solar Equity Oct-15 3.21% 809,157 1.1000 1.0000 Develo~ment Costs: Payment to Seller Direct Construction (includes Owner Contingency $173,543/unit Offsitellnfrastructure allocation $44,296.88/uni! A&E Impact Fees Other lndirecVSoft Costs Total DeveloQment Costs Sources: Federal LIHTC Equity Solar Equity Subordinate Financing Accrued Interest Permanent Loan Deferred Developer Fee Gap $0/unlt Contribution of infrastructure costs City/Local Agency Financing $20,00D.GO/unlt Total Sources ------ $1 $ 11,106,728 $ 2,835,000 $ 358,589 $ 1,671,733 $ 4,417,750 $ 20,389,801 $ 8,810,834 $ 145,350 $ 440,000 $ 123,450 $ 5,624,000 $ 1,131,167 $ - $ 2,835,000 $ 1,280,000 $ 20,389,80'1_ Opr. Exp./UniUYear Replacement Reserves/UniUYear Vacancy Rate DCR Perm Loan Amort Interest Rate-Permanent Loan Interest Rate -Construction Loan Construction to perm loan Construction only loan Total Bond Allocation Prevailing Wage (YIN): Housing Type-"Family" $ $ 5,103 250 5.00% 1.15 35 5.75% 4.00% $5,624,000 $7,286,000 $12,910,000 No PROJECT UNIT & INCOME MIX 2015 1BR mE Net SF: 563 800 preliminary: AMI 19,05% 50.00% 130% 88% 10 29 50% 11% 2 3 40% 0% 0 30% 0% 0 Mgr. . 0 Totals 12 32 • Mgr unit restricted to 70% AMI Net unitl!easeable SF Community Bldg Common Area/Circulation Est Gross Buildable Area 3BR Totals 1,024 31.75% 17 56 2 I 0 Q 0 Q 1 1 20 64 Estimated Sq.Ft. 52,836 1,600 11,096 65,532 CHELSEA PROPERTY PARKING SURVEY JGien Ridge I Name of Property lcarlsbad City lfrom 6 L27 L2014 to 7 L02 [2014 Period of Survey Name of Person Conducting Survey Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Unit Type Count 1501 Studio 20% Total Spaces 1BR 17 35% 2BR 29 40% I No 3BR 32 45% Seniors Y/N Total Units 78 50% Total BRs 171 55% 60% Total Units 8:00AM 5:00PM 9:00PM Number of Number of Number of Cars Parked Cars Parked Cars Parked 74 82 95 65 76 102 72 84 97 74 81 122 68 80 119 84 67 108 72 54 124 Avg Cars Parked Peak Cars Parked Avg Cars per Unit (avg time) Avg Cars per Unit (peak time) Avg Cars per Bedroom (avg time) Avg Cars per Bedroom (peak time) Total Unused Spaces at Peak Time Percentage of Parking lot Unused at Peak Time Office Phone AMI Count 27 28 23 78 85.7 119.0 1.10 1.53 0.50 0.70 31.0 21% CHELSEA PROPERTY PARKING SURVEY I Mariposa Name of Property fcarlsbad I City lfrom 9L19L2015 to 9f25L2015 Period of Survey I Lisa Shelley Name of Person Conducting Survey I Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Unit Type Count 2101 Studio 20% Total Spaces 1BR 10 30% 2BR 64 40% fNo 3BR 32 45% Seniors Y/N Total Units 106 50% Total BRs 234 55% 60% Total Units 8:00AM 5:00PM 9:00PM Number of Number of Number of Cars Parked Cars Parked Cars Parked 105 128 113 100 120 155 106 110 140 100 99 130 98 88 163 117 100 123 110 90 163 ) ) ) ) Avg Cars Parked Peak Cars Parked Avg Cars per Unit (avg time Avg Cars per Unit {peak time Avg Cars per Bedroom (avg time Avg Cars per Bedroom (peak time Total Unused Spaces at Peak Time Percentage of Parking Lot Unused at Peak Time 1760-729-9300 Office Phone AMI Count 10 22 74 106 117.0 163.0 1.10 1.54 0.50 0.70 47.0 22% CHELSEA PROPERTY PARKING SURVEY IHunter's Pointe Name of Property I carlsbad City ltrom 6 L27 L14 to 7Lo1L14 Period of Survey IGaby Ortiz 6/30/2014 Man 7/1/2014 Tue 7/2/2014 Wed 7/3/2014 Thu 6/27/2014 Fri 6/28/2014 Sat 6/29/2014 Sun Name of Person Conducting Survey Unit Type Count 3781 Studio 0 20% Total Spaces 1BR 36 35% 2BR 60 40% I No 3BR 72 45% Seniors Y/N Total Units 168 50% Total BRs 372 55% I Exempt Total Units 8:00AM 5:00PM 9:00PM Number of Number of Number of Cars Parked Cars Parked Cars Parked 181 172 197 184 .150 191 182 145 187 188 147 196 138 150 178 153 126 162 142 153 169 Avg Cars Parked Peak Cars Parked Avg Cars per Unit (avg time) Avg Cars per Unit (peak time) Avg Cars per Bedroom (avg time) Avg Cars per Bedroom (peak time} Total Unused Spaces at Peak Time Percentage of Parking Lot Unused at Peak Time 1(760} 744-5766 Office Phone AMI Count 0 59 0 0 31 76 2 168 166.2 178.0 0.99 1.06 0.45 0.48 200.0 53% 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 HOUSING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2016-001 THAT THE HOUSING COMMISSION RECOMMENDS APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF $1,280,000 IN FINANCIAL CASH ASSISTANCE FROM THE CARLSBAD HOUSING TRUST FUND TO CHELSEA INVESTMENT CORPORATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SIXTY-FOUR (64) AFFORDABLE FAMILY APARTMENT HOMES ON PROPERTY IN THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND WITHIN THE QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN COMMUNITY. WHEREAS, the Chelsea Investment Corporation has proposed to construct 64 apartment family homes to be affordable to lower income households within the City of Carlsbad and has requested financial assistance from the City of Carlsbad to assist in the financing of said affordable housing project; and, WHEREAS, the request for financial assist to construct said units has been submitted to the City of Carlsbad's Housing Commission for review and consideration; and WHEREAS, said Housing Commission did, on the 14th day of January, 2016, hold a public meeting to consider the request for financial assistance for the construction of said 64 affordable family apartment homes by the affordable housing developer, Chelsea Investment Corporation; and WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the proposal to construct said affordable family rental homes. 22 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Housing Commission ofthe 23 City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 24 25 26 27 28 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The request for financial assistance is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City of Carlsbad's Housing Element, Consolidated Plan, the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, and the Carlsbad General Plan. 2 ... -' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 " .) . 4. 5. 'fbe request for financial assistance will assist the affordable housing developer to construct a total of 64. one. two and three bedroom affordable Jitmily apanmcnt homes which will be affordable to households ranging from 50% to 60% of area median income for San Diego County. The project, theret<)re, has the ability to c1Tectively serve the City's housing needs and priorities as expressed in the Housing Element and the Consolidated Plan. 'fhat based on the information provided within the !lousing Cornmission StafT Report and testimony presented during the public meeting of the Housing Commission on January 14. 2016. the !lousing Commission hereby ADOPTS Resolution No. 2016-01, recommending APPROVAL to the City Council to provide up $1,280,000 in financial cash assistance Jrom the Carlsbad Housing Trust Fund to Chelsea Investment CoqJoration for the construction of sixty-tour (64) affordable family apartment homes within the Northeast Quadrant or the City of Carlsbad. and within the Quarry Creek Master Plan Community. That the Housing Commission recommends that the City Manager or his or her designee be authorized by the City Council to prepare and execute all documents related to provision of the City/Agency assistance, including but not limited to a Financial Assistance Loan Agreement. Note. Deed of Trust and Regulatory Agreement. subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. PASSED, ;\PPROVED. AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the Housing Cornmission of the Citv of Carlsbad. California. held on the 9th of July, 2009, by the following vote, to wit: '" ,, A YES: CARRILLO, !GOE, NEWMAN AND WILLJAMS NOES: NONL ABSENT: Stv1llll ABSTAIN: NON!~: SUSAN IGOE, CHAIRPERSON CARLSBAD HOUSING COMMISSION DEBBIE FOUNTAIN, HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES DIRECTOR Minutes of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CALL TO ORDER HOUSING COMMISSION 6:00P.M. JANUARY 14,2016 COUNCIL CHAMBERS Chairperson lgoe called the Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Debbie Fountain led with the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLLCALL Present: Absent: Staff Present: Commissioners: Susan lgoe, Chairperson Arline Carrillo Alan Newman Shaunee Williams Bobbie Smith Housing & Neighborhood Services Director: Debbie Fountain APPROVAl OF MINUTES Minutes of March 12, 2015, meeting were approved as written. Minutes of December 10, 2015, were approved with one change, "Arline Carrillo has lived in Carlsbad since she was 11 years old." ITEM NOT ON AGENDA There were no items not on the agenda. NEW BUSINESS Debbie Fountain, Director of Housing & Neighborhood Services, said there are two items on the agenda tonight. The first one is Quarry Creek Affordable Ap_artments. The proposed project by Chelsea Investment Corporation is a 64 unit affordable housing development to be constructed in partnership • with Cornerstone Communities to satisfy the inclusionary housing obligations of the Quarry Creek Master · Plan development. The Quarry Creek Master Plan was previously approved by the City Council, and the . Planning Commission will consider the Site Development Plan for the proposed affordable development early in February 2016. The Quarry Creek development is located in the Northeast Quadrant ofthe city, on the south side of Haymar Drive, and borders the City of Oceanside. The affordable rental homes will · be constructed within the first phase of the Quarry Creek Master Plan development. The 64 unit affordable housing apartment development is anticipated to have fourteen, two-and three-· story buildings with 116 surface level parking spaces. This would include 12 one-bedroom (19%), 32 two-• bedroom (50%) and 20 three-bedroom (31%) rental homes. Of the 64 units, 56 will be affordable to : households earning 60% of the San Diego Median Income, and 7 units will be affordable to households • earning 50% of AMI. HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES January 14, 2016 PAGE 2 of8 Chels.ea Investment Corporation will develop, own and.operate the affordable housing project. Chelsea . is experienced in affordable housing in San Diego County. This is the fourth affordable housing . development in Carlsbad for them. Chelsea has a history of building top quality housing developments in Carlsbad. Page three has a summary proforma for the review of the Housing Commission. The city assistance will be in the form of a residual receipts loan secured by a note and deed oftrust. The • loan will begin accruing after the completion of construction of the improvements. The outstanding · principal and accrue-d interest on the loan will be amortized over 55 years and repaid from cash surplus in ·. equal annual installments of principal and interest. If they are una~fi:! to pay, it will be rolled over into the • next year to pay. With a recommendation from the Housing Commission arid approtialof the City Council, appropriate documents, including a Financial Assistance Agreemetrt, .Regulatory Agrt:i1ement, Promissory Note and . Deed of Trust, will be prepared and executed to s@t f9rth the terms of thefinancial assistance and its · repayment. Cheri Hoffman, Chelsea Corporation, commented the}JtJfrastrll·ttUr!=! work is extensive. We have the • development impact fees to make up those costs. Quarry Cr~e~ will be 64 units of affordable housing .. The tax credit program lets the project ciperclte independently) Which will allow them to have a mortgage; 27% of the project cost. When residents move in1 they are self~sqstaining, and 35% of their income will - pay for their rent. This rent will sustain the project.· Commissioner Carrillo asked if th@ rent is lowe do begin·WHih; ·. ··-_-:· Ms. Hoffman said yes, theyare 35% below the mar~etrent. Because of the subsidiary Chelsea receives, it allows them to lower the rent. · Commissioner'CarriHo asked aboutthe income figures. '·_ · Ms. Hoffman said 60% of the area median income. The AMI is about $80,000 for a family of four. The households who move into this projects are· _under that limit. They are people employed in schools or other public ser\tices. Commissioner Williams asked if tenants have to reestablish annually. Ms. Hoffman answered, yes<we. db annual recertification. According to the Tax Credit Regulation if a person makes more money, we do not evict them. We follow a 140% rule. When we do the recertification . and your income .does not exceed the 140%, you are able to stay. If you are over the 140%, you will be • moved to a unit at a higher rate. Commissioner Newman asked if they have real numbers, not just percentages. How much will it rent for? Ms. Fountain said at the 60% of the AMI a two-bedroom unit, and a family of four, $1,215 would be the maximum rent. The tax credit rules are adjusted a little more. We use the HUD household limit. State · tax credits will use the state percentages. HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES January 14, 2016 PAGE 3 of 8 Commissioner Newman commented that a two-bedroo.m at $1,250 would be a bargain. Ms. Fountain added there is also a utility allowance. Ms. Hoffman said it is at 35%. In our agreements the • rents in affordable complexes can never be more than 90%. Ms. Hoffman said that 60% for the three-bedroom unit is close to $1,200 and at $1,024. Commissioner Newman asked how long it will stay affordable. Ms. Hoffman answered 55 years. Commissioner Newman said then it will be market rate, Ms. Hoffman answered theoretically. The lnclusionary Housing Ordinance says it must remain affordable for 55 years. ; .· Commissioner Newman said then direct construction is $173,000 on average. Ms. Hoffman answered yes. Commissioner Newman asked if there is sbmething else oth~r'than sticks and bricks. Ms. Hoffman answered no. The normal WC:J{k incltidtis~the grading/landscaping, retaining walls and any. site work. We do have some. contingency that is requir~~~by the investor, which is about a half a million. Commissio.ner Newm$n rioticed the;'impact fees·are'mc'>re tha't-J· What the city is going to loan for this . project. Ms. Fountain said yes, that does happert . .. -~ · ... · Commi?sioner Newmanasked si~·tejhere are 116 !1Jarking spaces on site, will there be any additional • parking aVailable? . .. . l .• . , . . .. . Ms. Hoffman apologized for not h~Ving that Information. Commissioner Newman presumedthey are going through the Planning Commission. Mr. Chris Earl, Chelsea Corporation, said they did have a parking study and the parking sp~ces on site should be enough. Chairperson lgoe commented if they say two cars per unit, it should be enough. Mr. Earl said that is correct. Commissioner Carrillo asked when they are due to be open. Ms. Hoffman said they are breaking ground in April of 2016 so in about a year. HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES January 14, 2016 PAGE 4 of8 Chairperson lgoe asked with the application process, how does that work ifthe family lives in Carlsbad? Ms. Hoffman said they contracted to manage the complex with Cornerstone. We are active in the oversight of the management. Six months before we plan occupancy, we will open a wait list; first come, first served. As the people call in and fill out the form, they establish a place in line .. We will interview : applications three months before occupancy for income information. Commissioner Newman asked Ms. Fountain, what happens to our already large waiting list? Ms. Fountain said all developments have their own waiting lists. Some have actually closed their waiting : list because they are so large. We will first try to market to Carlsbad; but Fair Housing Law says we cannot: restrict to Carlsbad only. Typically they are rented within 30 de3ys, · Ms. Hoffman said they will most likely have 100% leased. Ms. Fountain said they generally like to market to Carlsbad employers ftfst .and people on our Rental • Assistance Program. · · :.• Commissioner Carrillo commented it is in a good location;_ Chairperson lgoe agreed. Commissioner Newman made a motion to approve to·the Citytoi.mcil of $1,280,000 in financial cash · assistance from the Carlsbad Housing Trust FuMd to Chel:sea lnvestmehtCorporation for construction of· 64 affordable family apartment homes on property in the nc:rrth·ea.st quadrant of the City of Carlsbad and . within the Quarry Creek Master Plan Community. Commissioner lgoe seconded. VOTE: 4-0 AYES:· NOES: ABS1AIN: ABSENI: Carrillo, lgpe, Newman and Williatns N·eine Norie .• · Smith Ms. Fountain said the second item i$ an informational item only. Affirmed Housing would like to do a . scattered site acquisition.to purchase two sites and demolish the residential that is currently there. They·. would like to rebuild a rental product restricted to veterans, either homeless veterans or veterans and their families. They plan for service enriched units with. a case manager. Veterans are a special needs population within San Diego County, and they continue to experience a high • unmet need for affordable housing. There is a high concentration of veterans, many of them homeless, in North County San Diego and the area is also home to numerous important services for veterans and their families. Carlsbad is an ideal location for housing for military veterans because of its close proximity to Camp Pendleton and veteran's services. Affirmed Housing has made a proposal to purchase existing residential properties within the Barrio neighborhood and redevelop them into higher density, but relatively small apartment complexes to provide permanent affordable housing. HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES January 14, 2016 PAGE 5 of8 Ms. Fountain requested feedback from the Housing Commission regarding this item. Staff is understanding that this may be a concentration of a lot of affordable housing in one area. Commissioner Carrillo commented that if you put all specialized low income housing in the Barrio, you are· essentially making a Barrio. Ms. Fountain agreed that could be a concern. Some cities do affordable housing as a tool, and most · people do not know it is a low-income affordable product. It can be a positive, but it can also be a concern ' when there is too much in one area. Several years ago the city did give $75,000 per unit for Tavarua~' and Affirmed Housing would be asking . for $85,000 per unit with this project. Most affordable housing projects are not even identifiable because they are so nicely managed. They do not allow for overcrowding of units. ~ acknowledg~this could be a concern with a concentration of . affordable housing in one area. :z:+ I"S · ..... ·.·· · · Commissioner Carrillo said she is concerned about J~B~Ie hayi(lg;~to relocate. lsjhi.s at Chestnut and · Harding? <'.> Ms. Fountain said the one they are looking'at is:fDrther sout~. T~e ether one is behind Oak and is already : an existing apartment. Commissioner Newman asked if there is a requ~st concHtion oh,doing bbth projects or would they move forward if they only db one of them. Ms. Fountain answered curretitly they want to do both of the projects. . -. . . ' Commissoi9n~r Ne:wm<m commented that Tavaruais a very nice low-income facility. Ms. Fount<.~ in said we do not want too mUch saturation of affordable housing in one location. Commissioner N~wman commented the Oak Street location is probably less of an impact. Commissioner Carrillo asked if ther.e is one owner on Oak. Ms. Fountain answered yes .. · Chairperson lgoe said she likes the idea of the wrap around services. I assume like Tavarua, this would be a quiet place with the wrap around services. Even though it is three stories high, I feel it is an acceptable · impact on the community. Ms. Fountain said Affirmed Housing is an affordable housing development and currently manages Cassia Heights. They are well known as well as a good developer. We do not have any concerns about them as a developer or a manager. My concern was having too many affordable housing complexes in a small . area. HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES January 14, 2016 PAGE 6 of 8 Commissioner Carrillo asked when they are building Carol arid Harding. Ms. Fountain said they are currently in the permitting process so hopefully in 2017; they may begin earlier. · Commissioner Carrillo asked if there will be a relocation of people. Ms. Fountain said all the people in there now will have to be relocated. They plan to do that early on. Chairperson lgoe asked ifthat was in the financing. Ms. Fountain answered yes. Chairperson lgoe asked if they will be moved somewhere for a period of time. . '. . ... :. . . . . Ms. Fountain said that is part of the plan. Theywillbeableto havea:plan when the financing is done. Their plan is to move in homeless families. They are.going to rehab the building so it will look much better - in the end. Staff would like to find housing for veterans in Carlsbad since no\Aithere is money at the State · and Federal levels. I do want to work with this developer to build this type of housing in Carlsbad. Currently we do not have a lot of restricted units in the Barrio. Tuesday night we. had someone come to City Council because she had smoke damage in her unit and the _ owner put her into another unit in Oceansiqe. After rehabilitatingthe unit, the owner increased the rent . and now she cannot go back to her originaLunit. You need to create a balance for moderate lower and upper income people. ··:-.:~·:: 't'-- We looked at Carol an:;dH~rding anclWn:ew we c~ui~.IJ~~~ih that ar~~Y.,ith affordable housing to get rid of . dilapidated buildings. W~}could have·~~positive irriW~C:t: The veterans housing would be a good balance, · almost like the senior housing-,-as longas it is service enriched. . :.,. Chairperson lgoe asked ifthis was part of the Barrio Master Plan. Ms. Fountain said the Barrio Master Plan is supporting higher density so it is consistent. They are · requesting a higher density than what the Barrio Master Plan is, which is 30% and developer is proposing • 50% as they are smaller units. Chairperson lgoe commented on the small units. Commissioner Newman said half of them are studios. Ms. Fountain said they will probably want a parking modification. Parking is the number one issue in my experience working in the redevelopment area. Parking does not bring in money, units bring in money. Commissioner Newman said it is expensive to dig a hole in the ground for parking. Ms. Fountain said there is an industry issue as well as a marketing issue. If you do not have enough parking, people may not want to live there. In affordable units, you do not tend to have roommate · situations which is when more cars are brought in. Villa Lama has a lot of roommates and they do not • have enough parking. I do have confidence in this developer. HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES January 14, 2016 PAGE 7 of 8 Commissioner Carrillo asked if there are a lot of veterans in Carlsbad. Ms. Fountain answered yes we do, plus we have homeless veterans, most of them are living in their cars .. Commissioner Carrillo agreed there is a need. Ms. Fountain said yes there is a need. It is a special population we have not helped yet, but we should · try. We just have to decide where and how. Commissioner Carrillo commented they are lower income. Ms. Fountain said they do tend to be more in the lower incp~~·r~rige, especially for the ones who come : out of the military still very young. · Commissioner Carrillo said she feels that mix in income would be nice. Ms. Fountain said that may be something to look at'also. Commissioner Williams said she likes tJ;rfs· project and likes the wi\w it would revitalize the area. We need : to be mindful of how many low income· pr(Jjects .we put in the same block. Commissioner Carrillo suggested maybe some time between projects, .. . . Ms. Fountain said she did have some discomfort with too much too fast. It is not that they are bad, just · the timing. Sometimes you have to hit it when the o·pportunity arises. Commissioner Newman said he would encourage mcire market rate development. Ms. Fountain saidth~ti:sw.hat happ.eJ1ed ~ith Caro.l and Harding. We have seen some of those duplexes . and th~y are double frorhw~at they; paid. The Coi.n'lCiFthought they were too high. Chairperson lgoe commented they are pre'-World War II. Commission Newman said it is desirable because it is ocean close. Chairperson lgoe said that is a good selling point. Ms. Fountain said she appreciates the input. They may begin meeting with the City CounciL Chairperson lgoe made a motion to adjourn the Housing Commission meeting, Commissioner Newman · seconded the motion. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of January 14, 2016, was adjourned at 7:20p.m. Respectfully submitted, HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES January 14, 2016 PAGE 8 of 8 Deborah Fountain Housing & Neighborhood Services Director PATRICIA CRESCENT!, Minutes Clerk . MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE WRITIEN MINUTES ARE APPROVED. • r ·_:.~·· . --· .. , i'." :•