HomeMy WebLinkAbout1674 CALLIANDRA RD; ; CB010294; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 05/18/2001 Retaining Wall Permit Permit No:CBOI 0294 Job Address: Permit Type: RETAIN Status: ISSUED Parcel No: 2159002200 Lot #: 73 Applied: 01/24/2001 Valuation: $6,000.00 Construction Type: NEW Entered By: JM Reference #: Plan Approved: 0511 8/2001 Issued: 05/18/2001 Project Title: S E RE NATA Inspect Area: 1674 CALLIANDRA RD CBAD RETAIN WALL 400 SF W/CALCS Applicant: BREHM HOMES 5770 OBERLIN DR SAN DIEGO CA 92121 858-453-3040 Owner: BREHM-AVIARA Ill DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES L P 2835 CAMINO DEL RIO S #220 SAN DIEGO CA 921 08 Total Fees: $1 14.67 Total Payments To Date: $0.00 Balance Due: $1 14.67 Building Permit Add7 Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add7 Plan Check Fee Strong Motion Fee Renewal Fee Add7 Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES $68.89 $0.00 $44.78 $0.00 $1 .oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1 14.67 FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: 7r /* d?/ Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the 'Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "feedexactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these feeslexactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Cadsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified feedexactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any feedexactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. FOR OFFICE USE ONL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 PLAN CHECK NO. &%(29f EST. VAL. Date Address (include BldglSuite #) Legal Description Lot No. Assessor's Parcel # Existing Use Proposed Use Business Name (at this address) SEfi&NArn -At'/#A Subdivision NamelNumber Unlt No. Phase No. Total # of units -rR*C'C 9 2-25 7 .? Zlr-qoo - 2200 0 ." (Sec. 7031.6 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to flle a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that ha is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.6 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars I$6001). State License # 6/ 4-67s- License Class A City Business License # / 2 OZD? S- Designer Name w City Statelzip Telephone State License # Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declerations: 0 of the work for which this permit is issued. issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company 6 Ol3Chl &6cC Policy No. ddu 3 (p //y/g Expiration Date (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$lo01 OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensatlon coverage is unlawful, and shall subbct an employer to criminal penalties and dvll fines up to one hundred thousand dollars *l(lD.0001, lo addition -he cost of cornDansation, damanas a6 provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor goda. Interest and attorney's fees. VlJW t-4 412683 [76013-??-6767 - C~U t C 2 ZDqb I have and will maintein a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is + I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees. provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The .. Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s1 licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 1. 2. 3. 4. number I contractors license number): 6. I am exempt under Section I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ON0 I (have I have not) signed en application for a building permit for the proposed work. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name I address / phone number I contractors license number): I plan to provide portions of the work, but I heva hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name I address / phone I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type Business and Professions Code for this reason: of work): PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 26606, 26633 or 26634 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES 0 NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the alr pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES 0 NO is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES 0 NO IF ANY OF ThE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 309711) Civil Code). LENDERS NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS I certify that I have read the application and state that the ebove information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and Stete laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citv of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE. INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 6'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the building official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and vold If the building or work authorized by such permit Is not cqmmenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or If the bullding or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is com APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE J &- DATE l/lu/cl of 180 ys (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 09/06/2001 Permit# CB010294 Title: SERENATA Description: RETAIN WALL 400 SF WlCALCS Type: RETAIN Sub Type: Job Address: 1674 CALLIANDRA RD Suite: Lot 73 Location : APPLICANT BREHM HOMES Owner: AVIARA SERENATA LLC Inspector Assignment: RB Phone: 7609308980 Inspector: Remarks: Total Time: Requested By: JOSE CD Description Act Comments Entered By: CHRISTINE c cr,G [&G // &c4 .A ; 1 ftP,r-J-& =dMp/Cfc 6; Retaining Walls 4/p I Associated PCRs InsDection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 08/29/2001 63 Walls CO RB NEED CONTINOUS & FINAL APPROVAL BY GEOT. DAtLY REPORT OF GRADfNG OBSERVATION I TECHNICIAN 1 I_._- (-- ---A- F- i APPROVED BY G e ot e c h XI i c s - -1 n c o r p o r a t e d Y _J DAILY REPORT OF GRADING OBSERVATION t-1cwc. Geote +Q'* nics - -1ncorpora t ed 9245 Activity Rd., Suite 103 San Diego, CA 921 26-4442 Phone (858) 536- IO00 Fax (858) 536-83 1 1 DAILY REPORT OF GRADING OBSERVATION engineering file: while copy job superintendent yellow copy field file: pink copy DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS DIV1SWN Of OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH NQ: 2001 - 904877 PERMIT <. I lit Issued TO (frrsert Employer's Name, Address and Telephone No.) I-- No. -I t - I .--I_------ 1 /I 7400 1 - 1 Sierra Pacific Earth Retention Corp dba Date Retaining Walls Co North 1800 Thlbado Rd Ste 110 Vista CA 92083-7515 Region 3 --- _I.- Diatrict 2 Td. (61 9) 767-2280 I -.i __I_ *-- December 31.20011 Permlt VaM through 615676 stra contractor's uoon8e Number Va r 1 ou s Statewide I I 12/31m1 j -. _c_ i or issue date whichever 1s iiater. I thla Pmlt 1s im~ad upon the following condltknsr 1. That the work is performed by tho same employer. If thld Ir an annual pormft tho rpproprlrte Dlstrlct Oftice rttall be notifled. in writing, of del@@ and locatlon of ]Ob alto prlor to commencement. 2. Tho omployor wllt comply Wllh ai+ oaoupalronal rafoty and health rtandsrdr or orders applio8blr to the abovo proloctm, and any other Irwlu( orders af tha Olvlalan. 3. That It any untoresoen condition causaa devfrtlan from tho planr of statements oontrlnsd In tho Permit Applkation Form the srnployar will notlfy the Dlvtaian tmmodirtoly. 4 Any vartation from ths rprclflcrtlon end rrrartlonr of the Porrntt Applloallon Form or violation of rafoty srderr may be oaum lo revoke the permit. 5. This permit shall be ported at or nssr each place of smptoyment ab provided in 8 CCR 341 ..I EsGil CorDoration DATE: 2/1/01 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 01-294 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1674 Calliandra Road PROJECT NAME: Retaining Wall w 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction’s building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction’s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant’s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to fotward to the applicant contact person. The applicant‘s copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: REMARKS: Mail Telephone Fax In Person By: DavidYao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation 0 GA 0 MB 0 EJ 0 PC I I29 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 01-294 2/ 1/01 Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE Plan Check Fee by Ordinance J U Rl SDl CTl ON : Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 01-294 7 PREPARED BY: David Yao DATE: 2/1/01 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1674 Calliandra Road B U I LDI NG OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Type of Review: a lete Review , 7 Rertitive Fee v Repeats 0 Other 0 Hourly Esgil Plan Structural Only I I Hour(s) * Review Fee $51 .O7 I $40.861 ~ Comments: Sheet1 of 1 macvalue.doc c P - City of Carlsbad BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST RETAl NI NG WALL BUILDING PLANCHECK NUMBER: BUILDING ADDRESS: CB f) / e 29 y vs PROJECT DE SCRl PTI ON: Retaining Wall ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore, any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in susDension of Dermit to build. B*= Date: ATTACHMENTS Right-of-way Permit Application DENIAL plans and/or specifications to this office for review. Date: ,+!/%I Date: By: Date: ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON NAME: JOANNE JUCHNIEWICZ City of Carlsbad ADDRESS: 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 PHONE: (760) 602-2775 <CA 92008-7314 (760) 602-2720 FAX (760) 602-8562 mm" mryM @ ~~ ," -. BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST RETAl N ING WALLS 1STJ 2NDJ 3RDJ CI D CI 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: A. North Arrow D. Easements B. Existing & Proposed Structures E. Retaining Wall C. Property Lines (dimensioned from street) (location and height) CI D D 2. Show on site plan: d-3 -* A. Drainage Patterns B. Existing & Proposed Slopes C. Existing Topography 0 D CI 3. Include on title sheet: A. Site Address LA.% b=\Srsae92. 6. Assessor's Parcel Number C. Legal Description D. Grading Quantities Cut Fill ImpoNExport (Grading Permit and Haul Route Permit may be required) 0 D 0 4. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No. Conditions were complied with by: Date: MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS CI CI 0 5. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-way andlor private work adjacent to the public Right-of-way. A separate Right-of-way issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: Please obtain an application for Right-of-way permit from the Engineering Department. Page 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST 4623 c Planner M, lw Phone (760) 602- ;;;;;f PgFjet.;se: d- mu General Plan: Facilities Management Zone: f? CFD (inlout) # 9tDate of participation: - Remaining net dev acres: @ APN: Y 2 (q-qos- 2- Net Project Density: - DU/AC Circle One (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: ) und: Environmental Review Required: YES NO - TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: / Discretionary Action Required: YES TYPE APPROAURESS. , DATE PROJECT NO. W-C sO-(6 OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: a Item Complete 0 Item Incomplete - Needs your action Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES NO- CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES NO- If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 31 11 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 921 08-1 725; (61 9) 521 -8036 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO___ If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as “Exempt” or “Coastal Permit Required” (at minimum Floor PI an s). 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst @ 0 0 lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO - (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES NO - (NPIDs, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#. toolbar. Screens. Housing Fees. Construct Housing YIN. Enter Fee. UPDATE') Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. @ 0 0 & 0 D Zoning: & 0 0 , 1. Setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Required Shown Required Shown Required Shown Required Shown 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown Structure separation: Required Shown 3. Lot Coverage: Required Shown 4. Height: Required Shown 5. Parking: Spaces Required Shown Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional Comments OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE H:WDMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Sent By: GEOTECHNICS, INCORPOPATEO; 858536i 000; Sep-8-01 11 :56AM; Page i/2 Lu t w. - ............... .1 , .. ,.., 1.".-., , ..,. .J. . k. ......_I.. 4. ............... ..,Ld."&.-, I - .....-...-........... i ......... Y ,,..I I ......... I .... : .--" -..-.--. ;. .:..* ........ I Expla na t ia.n II II Approximate location of wall backflll density test I -!I ..... .."I .. ". i i " .1-.. I.___" ..... .i... Sent By: GEOTECHNICS, INCORPOPATED; 8585361 000; 6ep-6- 01 10 : 36AM; Page 1 &G e o t e c h n i c s -1nc orp orated pbona: (858) 536-1000 PAX; (8S8) 536-83 11 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAIL TO: the Brehm Companies 139 Camino Wda Roble Csrlsbad, Ca 92008 DATE: $epternbmr 4,2001 ATENTION: Ron Otto REGARPINO: 10809 GEOTECHNICS PROJ, NO. 023040694 We are transmitting the follnwing attached items by: FAX X - Mail Number of pages faxed, including this transmittal ~r Copl., 2 I - Express Mail Client Pick-Up - m I Demcrlptlon Ramrrkr: Please call if you have any questions. Sent By: GEOTECHNICS, INCORPOPATED; 8585361 000; 6 ep - 6 - 01 1 0 : 37AM ; Page 2 HEPORT OF COMPACTION TEST RESuL;TS RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENTS LOTS 85 THROUGH 89, SERENATA AYIARG, PA 21, A&D 1l1 CARCSBAD, CALIFORNIA The Rrehm Companies 1939 Carnino Vi& Roble Carlsbad, California 92008 QEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED Project No. 0230-005-04 Document No. 1-0809 August 2,2001 Gent By: QEOTECHNICG, INCORPOPATED; 8585361 000; 6ep -6- 01 IO: 37AM; Page 3 *a Geotechnics - Incorporated - August 2,2001 The Brchm Companies 1939 Camin0 Vida Roble Carlsbad, CaModa 92008 Project No. 0230-005-04 Document No. 1-0809 Attention: Mr. Tim Godfky SUBJECT: REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST RESULT8 Retaining Wd Improvements Lots 85 througb 89, Serenab Aviara, PA 21, A&D 111 Carlsbrd, Cdifornir This repm presrnts tho resulb of ~eotechnical services provided during construction of the retaining wall improvements on Lots 85 tllrough 89 of Serenah at Aviara. In summay, earthwork construction was prformt?d in general accordmce with the intent of the project gtotcchnical recommendations end requirements of the City of Carlsbad. We appreciate this opportunity to provide professional services. If you have any questions or comments regarding this report or the services provided, please do not hesitate to contact us. Rwpcctfblly submitted, GEOTECHNlCR INCORPORATED Anthony - F. Bel t, P.E. Distribution: (6) Addressee Gent By: OEOTECHNICS, INCORPOPATED; a585361 000; 6ep-6- 01 IO: 37AM; Page 4 REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST RESULTS WTAININC WALL IMPROVEMENTS LOTS 85 THHOUGH $9, SERENATA AWARA, PA 21, AID 111 CARLSRAI), CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTRNTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................. ........ I 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES ..................................................... 1 3.0 SITEDESCFUPTION ...................................................... .2 4.0 PROJECTIMPROVEMENTS ............................................... .2 5.0 SUMMARY OF IMPROVEMENT OPERATTONS .............................. .2 5.1 Foundation Excavation Observation ..................................... .2 5.2 Retaining Wall Backfill ............................................... 3 6.0 LABORATORY TESTING ................................................. .3 7.0 FIELD DENSITY TESTING ................................................ .3 8.0 CEOTECHNICAJ,, EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................. -4 9.0 LMTATIONS ........................................................... -5 ILLUSTRATIOXS Site Lodon Map ....................................................... Figure 1 Georechnical Map ........................................................ Plate 1 APPENDICES REFERENCES ..................................................... AppendixA FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS ..................................... Appendix C LABOKA'KIRY 'IXSTING ............................................ Appendix I3 Ceotechnics Incorporated 8ent By: GEOTECHNICS, INCORPOPATED; 8585361 000; Bep-6- 01 10: 38AM; Page 5/:5 REPORT OF COMPACTION TEST RESIJLTS RETAINWC WALL IMPROVEMkWS LOTS 85 THROUGH 89, SERENATA AVIARA, PA 21, A&D u1 CARLSIBAD, CALIFORNIA 1 ,O INTRODUCTION This report summarims the results of our geotechnical services provided during construdion of the Crihlockm retakhg walls on Lots 85 through 89, Serenata, in the Aviara development located in Carlsbad, CatifomiSr. Our serviccs were perfomred in accodamo withour Proposal No, 1-160, dated Junc 11,2001. 20 SCOPE OF SERWCES Field personnel were provided for this prcject to perform yaotecbnical observation and testing as described below. Field and laboratory why was condwted la support the field obsemions. The obsemion wid testing assisted us in developing professional opinions regarding conformance of thc carthwork construction with the geotechnicaI recommendations. Our services did not include supervision or direction of [he actual work of the contractor, his employees, or agents. Our services included the following: Observation of the site preparation operations to evaluate whcther earthwork is conducted in accordance With the geotechnid mommcnd&ons. This included a rcvkw of the soil wnditions exposed in the foundation key ad backcut excavations. Pcdorm laboratory testing (if selected soil samples to evaluate the pertinent engirieering characteristics. The results of the laboratory tests arc summarized in Appendix B. Observation and testing during retaining wall backfill to evaluate codomawe with the gcotcchnical rcoommendations, lh field density test results end relative compaction comparisons are summarized in Appendix C, The approximate test Iocabions WE shown on the Geotcchnical Map, Plate 1. Prepration of daily field reflasts summariEhg the day's activity with regard to etlrlhworh, and documenting the time worked in the field by ow perscmel. . Preparation of &is report which summarizes the results of OUT observations, field and laboratory test results, and our geotechnical evaluation and recommendations. Geo technics Iricorpora t ed Sent By: GEOTECHNICS, INCORPOPATED; 8585361 000; 'WE BREHM COMPANIKS AUOUST 2,2001 Sep - 8 - 01 I 0 : 38AM; Page 6/15 PROJECT NO. 0230.005-00 DOCUMENTNU. " 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The site consists of the soulherly portions of Lots 85 through 89 within Plat- Area 21 of ule umstm planned community of Aviara in Catlsbad, California. The approximate location of the site is shown on Figure 1, Site Location Map. The descending slope Iocated at the rear (southerly) portions ofthe subject Lots is approximately 20 to 25 feet in height. Existing improvements at the site consist of twu-story, rcsidctltial structurc?~. A more dutaibd sitc dcscription is provided in the referenced as-graded repurl (Oeoteuliiiir;s Irlcwpratd 199B). 4.0 PROJECT IMPROVEIMENTS Project impmvcmmts included the construction of a gravity retaining (CriblockTM) dl at the rear of Lots 85 through 89, mclusivc, to increase the size of the tear yards. The retaining wall was constructed near the top of the southerly facing slop which descends fiom the subject lots. The length of the wall is approximately 375 f&, with hei@ of up to approximately 6 fbet above grade at the base of the wall. Construction of the wall included the excavation of a key way and back-cut into existing compacted fill matcrids. 5.0 SUMMARY OF IMYNOVEMENT OPERATlONS Retaining wall construction was performed by Retaining Walls Company North, Geotechnical sdces consisted of the observation of the foundation (key way) excavation along the base of the wall, and observation and testing during ilw backfill operations. The materials observed at thc sitc arc tabulated in Appendix B. A summary of our observations is as follows. Foundation excavations wm observed mmd mdomly probed toevaluate the suitability ofthe exposed be+ mnterials for support ofthe retaining wall, The excavations were extended to at last the mWun depth raconmcndcd in the referend Supplanento1 ReWg Wall Recornmeadations (Geotechnics Incorporated, 2000). The cxpstd subgrade WBS considered Geotechnlcs lncarpomted Sent By: GEOTECHNICS, INCORPOPATED; 8585361 000; 6613-8- 01 IO: 39AM; Fage 7/15 I Project No. 0230-005-04 FIGURE 1 Geotechnics DOCUMM NO. 1-0808 -1 nc orpora ted SITE LOCATION MAP Rev. 6/59 Sent By: BEOTECHNICG, INCORPOPATED; 8585361 000; 6ep - 6 - 01 I 0 : 40AM ; Page 8/15 'i'l,lE IJRI!I IM CDMPANLES PROJECT NO. 0230-00544 AUGUST 2,2001 DOCIJMENTNO. 1-0$@ PAGE 3 suitablc to provide foundation rapport fosthe bearing value recommended in the referenced tetter. 5.2 Retaining Wall Baclrfifl Site pmparation included the removal of landscaping and irrigalicm from the retaining wall impvwnent area, Site pmparalion was followed by the excavation of the foundation key way and temporary back-cut. The excavated materials were stockpiled for later use as wall backfill. Foundation and backd excavations were followrd by placement of the precast conc;r& members comprising the rdaininy wall cells in heighl imements ofapproximately 2 feet. The mhining wall cells were then ~~kfilled with the materials derive4 fwrn the on- Bite excavations. These materials generally consisted of a light brown, fine- l~ medium- grained, low plasticity, silty sand (rmnified Soil Classification: Sw. The backf~ll materials were moisture Eonditioned outside of the backfill me, placed within the cells in relatively thin 181~. and compacted. ?'he cquipmcnt used fix moisture conditioning, placement, and compaction of the backfill materials included excavators, loadas, whackm, and water hoses. A subsurface drain consisting of imported crushed rock and nonwoven geotextile was htallrsd along the backcut qpmximaluly 3 feet below finish grade. The drain details were specified by Retaining Walls Compsny North. 6.0 LABORATORY TESTING A listhe ofthe laboratory tests performed, the various materials observed, and a summary ofthe test results are presented in Appedm E. Laborntory Testing. Laboratory testing included maximum dmsity/optimum moisture content. The results of the laboratory tests were used to walugte conformance of the earthwork operations with the geotechnical recommendations. 7.0 FIELD DENSITY TESTING In-place moisture and density tests were ptrfonned in the backfill materials in gcd acc;ordmnc;c: with AS'l'M D3017-96 and ASTM D2922-96 and (Nuclear Qauge Methods), respcctiwly. I%c relativecompactionofbacklill was evaluated usingthc rwpective laboratory maximum dry densities Geolechnics Incorporated Sent By: GEOTECHNICS, INCORPOPATED; 8585361 000; 6ep - 6 - 01 1 0 : 40AM ; Page 9/15 THE nRFHM COMPANlCS AUOUSl 2. ZOO I estimated using ASTMD1557-91 as a guideline. Thc approximate locations of moisture atlcl density tests BIY: shown on the Geotechnical Mq. The results of these tests arc presented in Appendix C, Field Density Test Results. The Iocations and elevations indicated for the tests presented on the Geotechnical Maps are based on tield survey stakes and estimates fmm the 1;p”ading plan topography and should only be considered rough estimates. The estimated locations and elevations should not be utilized for the purpose of preparing croS6 sections showing test locatiom, or in any casc, for the purpose of -he-fact wale of the sequence of fill pfament. 8.0 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AM) RECOMMENDATIONS In our opinion, earthwork cansmrction was pefimed in accordance with the intent of the project geotechical i~,~t~tmendati~n~ and requirements of the City of Cnrlsbad* Bad upon our observations and testing, it is our professional opinion that hackfiJl materids were moisture conditioned, ptd in relatively unifinm lifts, and compacted in general accordance with the compaction criteria of ai least 90 percent of the rnaximuni dry density estimated ushg ASTM D1557-91 as a guideline. Where field testing indicated less than the recommended relative wrnpwtian, the areas were reworked to achieve the recommended relative compaction. The soil conditions exposed in the foundation excavation were generally consistent with the gcotschnical recommendations and were considered suitable for support of the retaining wall. The geottchnical recommendations provided in the referenced letters listed in Appendix A and the as- gradcd gcotcchnicd report (Geotechnics InGorporated, 1998) remain applicable. The conclusions and recommendations contained herein arc bascd an the observations and testing @mmd bctwecn May 29,2UOO and June 23,2001. No representations are made as to the quality and extent of matorials not observed. Geoteehnics Incorporated - Sent By: GEOTECHNICG, INCOAPOPATED; 8585381 000; 6ep-6-01 IO:41AM; Page 10J15 PROJECI' NO. 0230-005-04 AUGUST 2,2001 DOCUMENT NU. 1-08OY PAOF; 5 ' 'l?IR BmHM COMPANIES 9.0 LIMITATIONS Our strviccs were performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, unda similar circumstances, by reputable soils engineers and geologiists practicing in this or similar lmalities. No other warranty, expmsedor implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included in this report. The samples taken and used fat. testing, the observations made and the in-place field testing performed art bclicvd representative of the project; however, soil and geologic conditions can vary significantly between tested or observed locations. As in moet projects, conditions revealed by excavation may be at vlvianct with preliminary findings. If this ocws, the chauged conditions must be evaluated by Cleutmhucs lucorporatd and designs adjusted as required M altematc designs recommended. Although ow observations and tmhg did not meal deficiencies, we do not gua;rantee the contractor's work, nor do the services provided by httchnics relieve tht contractor of responsibility in the event of subsequently discovered defects in the contractor's work. The findings of this report arc valid as of the present date. Howcvcr, changes in the conditions of a property can occur withthc pasage oftime, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent propdes. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result hrn legiislrrtion or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings ofthis report may be invalidated wholly or pflrtially by change5 outside our control. Thmfbre, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon der a Fiod ~fthr~ years. **+ GEOTF,C"TCS TTWORPOWATED Reviewed by: n A* David Padiila, P.E. 559 Project engineer om Anth~~y F. Belfmt, P.E. 40333 Principal Gent By: GEOTECHNICS, INCORPOPATED; 8585361 000; 6ep-6-01 10:4iAM; Page 11/15 APPENDIX A REFERENCES Aneiican Society for Testing and. Nclhids (1999). Annucrl Ruok of ASfM Siudurds, Scction 4, Consbwrbn, Volumes 04.08ad04. UU, Sui1 mdRock: G~osynthcik~, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1296p. C3e~kchnics Lncorporated (2000). .Supp!lomentul Retrzinittg Wd! Recommendations. Aviura Phme li4 PA 21 A&D if?, Cwlsbud> Cul#'i?rnia, Project No. 0230-005-02, Romient No. 0-1300, I>ecemba 12. Geotechnics Incorporated (2000). Retulning Wall Recornrnmda~ium8 Aviaro Phose IZA PA 21 A&D.UJ Cnrlsbad, Califwniu, Project No, 0230-005-02, Document Ho. 0-0765, July 26. Gootechnics Incorporated (1 998). As-puded Geolechnicd Report, Aviura Phwr ???.Carlsbad, California, Project No. 0073-01 2-00, Document No. 7-0356, dated June 25. Owen Engineering Group (2001). RelElining Wdl Plm fix Seronatu, Cwhbud Tract 92-3, Carlsbad Ca., prepared fir Retaining Walls Company North, Shcct 1 of 1, dated March 19. Project Design Consultants (2001 ). Grading Pimy for Avium, Pbse ?I4 Carisbad Tract No. 92-3, Sheet 5, revised Mmh 5 for retaining wall improvements, dated April 26. Geotechnics Incorporated Gent By: GEOTECHNICG, INCORPOPATED; 8585361 000; APPENDIX B 6ep -6 - 01 10: 42AM; P~ge 12/15 LABORATORY TESTING Sclccled samples ofsails encountered duriiN [ha earthwork construction were tested using generally accepted testing standards. The soils selected for testing arc btiicvcd to be generally representative of the materials encountered during the earthwork construction at the site; however varialriona may occw in W soils at the site between test locations. 1;aboratoru testing was conducted in amanner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members ofthe pmfession cmtly practicing under similar conditions and in the same locality. No other warranty, expmstd or implied, is macle as to the coltl‘ectness or serviceability of the test results or the conchions dcrivcd from these tests, Where a specific laboratory tcst method has been referenced, such as ASTM, Cattrans, or AASHTO, the reference appIics only to the pi fid laboratory tcst method and not to assodated refaed test method@) or practices, and the tes? method refcrenced has been used only as a guidance documcat for the general performance of the test and not as a ‘‘Test Standard.” A brief description of the teats pc&rmd follows: Soils were classified visually acc;urding IC) the UAXC~ Soil Classification System. Visual classification was supplemented by laboratory testing of selected samples and classifidon in mordmce with ASTM D2487. -Qntimum Moisturn: The maximum densities and optimum moisture contents of sehctcd soil samples were evaluated using test method ASTM D1557-91, Modified Pmctor, as a guideline. The test results are summarized in Figure E-l , Geotechnics Incorporated Sent By: GFOTECHNICS, INCORPGPATED; 8585361 000; Sep-8- 01 10:42AM; Page 13/15 MAXIMUM DENSlTYlOPTlMUM MOISTURE CONTENT (ASTM Dl 557-91) I Yellowish brown silty SAND (SM) 125% 11% 2 Reddish brown silty SAND (SM) I28 10% Project No. 0230-9Q5-134 Document No. 1-0809 MORATORY TEST RESULTS FIGURC 6-1 Gent By: GEOTECHNICG, INCORPOPATED; 8585381 000; 6ep-6-01 10:43AM; Page 14/15 APPENDIX C FIELD DENSITY TEST RESIILTS In-place moisture and dmity tests were made in acwrdmc with ASTM D3017-96 and D2922-96 (Nuclear Gauge Methods), respectivdy. lle results of thcsc tests are tabulated in the "Field Density 'Lest Results". Theapproximate t& locilltionsareprescnted on the attached Geotechnical Maps. The. IUions and elevations indicated for the tests presented on the plates are bmd on field survey stakes and estimates from the grading pIan topography, and shuuld only be considered rough estimates. The Wtirnated locations and elevations should nut bc utilized for the purpose of preparing mss sections showing test locations, or in my case. For the purpose of after-the-fact evaluating of the sequence of fill placement. The precision of the field density test and the maximum dry density test is not exact wd variations should be expected. For example, the American Society for 'lcsting and Materials has rcccntly researched the precision of ASTM D1557 test method and found the accuracy of tlte mlutimum dry density to be plus or minm 4 percent of the mean value and the optimum moisture content to be acc& to plus or minus i 5 percent of the mean value; the Society specifically states the "acceptable mge of test results expressed as a percent of mean value" Is the range stated above. In effect, an indicated relative campaction of 90 percent has rn acdsptable rangc of 86.6 to 92,8 percent based on the maximum dry density determination. The precision of the field density test ASTM D1556 has not yet been determined by the American Society for Testing and Materials; however, it must be recognized that it also is subject to Variations in accuracy. Explanation WB = Retaining Wall Backfill v Gcotechnics Incorporated Sent By: GEOTECHNICG, INCORPOPATED; 8585361 000; 6ep-8-01 10:43AM; t Tmt Test Elevalion Lot Soif M;lx.ply Moisture Dry Rel*e Required Ret& No. Date Irtl No. Type Density antent Density Campaction Cornpaotlon Number Ivd /%I [p4 I%l ['AI Page 15/15 L 4 T- 1 P€NSITY TEST RESULTS Project Nc. OMo-005-04 Document No. 19808 FIGURE GI WE1 6113co1 WB-2 6/13/01 w8-3 6113A)I W54 8/13/01 WB-5 6/13/01 WB-6 8/13/01 WE7 6/14/01 we4 ~14/01 W8-0 8114/01 WB-10 8115N)I WB12 B/~frlol WB13 WY01 WE14 6/lYDl WB15 6/1%1 WE16 Wl&l07 W5f7 W18/bl WE18 WlWl WE19 BrlWOl WE20 8119/01 WB-21 W2IlOi WB22 5121101 WE23 812iK)l WE24 8121101 ws25 8121107 WB26 m1101 W827 6121H31 we28 612wl1 WBB9 mm1 WB-30 61221(31 WR-31 812m1 WE32 -1 W8-33 6122AIl WB-34 eu23101 WE36 W3K)I W0-36 6/23/01 W537 6E3X)l WS38 6R~l w539 m3iD1 WWiJ m1 W6-41 6RYOl WR42 8/23/01 wB43 em1 WB44 6IWOi ww wimi 221 222 222 221 223 223 224 224 226 224 225 224 224 226 227 227 227 220 229 227 229 230 231 232 232 227 232 228 232 231 232 233 232 234 234 234 229 230 228 227 227 226 224 223 83 86 86 85 85 87 65 86 85 86 87 85 85 86 87 88 87 88 85 88 87 07 88 89 88 89 88 a% 88 89 89 89 89 88 89 88 88187 88h7 87 86 85 a7 a7 a9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1.19.0 11QJ 118.0 119.0 119.0 119.0 719.0 iiO.0 118.0 1 18.0 119.0 119.0 1 19.0 1 19.0 119.0 I 19.0 119.0 119.0 119.0 11 @,O lIQAO llQ.0 119.0 119.0 11 6.0 119.0 119.0 +IO.O 119-0 119.0 i!mo 119.6 11s.o 119.0 119.0 11 8.0 119.0 118.0 119.0 119.0 1 19.0 118.0 119.0 ilea 8.6 13.3 12.5 14.0 16.5 16.4 14.2 14.0 11.5 11.1 14.8 10.8 13.4 12.7 15.1 12.0 14.0 15.7 14.2 12.1 14.2 12.4 13.0 13.1 14.8 19.7 18.7 17.3 13.2 13.8 12.1 10.0 11.2 123 20.8 14.4 15.0 11.0 153 75.5 43.8 12.8 14.8 12.8 lw.o 102.4 107.3 107.8 108.3 111.0 110.5 108.9 111.9 108.7 111>7 167.7 111.5 1 oab 167.3 w8.0 107.4 108.q 108.3 107.3 108.9 107 2 197.9 108.7 110.4 103.1 107.0 108.1 107.7 110.8 107.3 11 2.1 196.7 109.6 106.8 106.8 107.3 109.3 105.0 107.1 108.6 t 06.8 10&9 i 08.5 87 86 90 90 88 gl 93 93 92 94 Bi 94 91 04 82 96 91 90 91 91 90 90 90 91 91 93 87 90 W 91 93 90 94 90 96 91 BQ 92 88 80 81 90 82 a2 Sent Eye GEOTECHNICS, INCORPOPATED; 8585361 000; 6ep-8-01 1 :06P~; Page 1 /A Geotechnics -1 n c o r p o r a t e d September 6,2001 The Brehm Cornp~es 193 9 Cho Vi& Roble Carlsbad, California 92008 Project No. 0230-005-04 Document No. 1-1 002 Attention: Mr. Ron Otto SUBJECT: CLARIFICATION OF RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENTS Lots 85 through 89 and 73 through 67, Sercnata Aviara, FA 21, AM ill Cerhbatl, Califumia Keference: ktcchnics Incorporated (200 1 ). Heport of Comprrction Test Resalls, Retainirzg WuU Improvements, Lots RS throirgh 89, Sercnrrlu, Aviiirct, PA 23, ABR Ill. Cwlsbut4 C.'ulzjhict, Project No. 0230-005-04, Document No. 1-0809, August 2. Dear Mr. Otto: As requested, this letter intends to c&ij the approximate location of the subject improvements discussed in the above referenced Compaction Report for permit comFliance purposes. The intent of the subject retaining wall improvements was to increase the rear yds of Lots 85 through 89, AccordhgLy, the retdning wail backfill and the retaining wall members extending: ink, the backfill were assumed to lie within the southerly property boundaries of those lots. The face of wail may be located an Lots 73 through 67, depending upon the as-built location of the wRu. The gtotcchnical evaluation and rwxnmmdations provided in the referenced compwtion report remain apphcahlt for thc subject improvtmcnts. We trust this information meets your current needs. Please contact us if you shuuld have any questions or comrneuts trgarding this letter. GEOTECHIVICS JNCORPORATED Reviewed by: David Padilla, P.E. 55974 Projcct Engineer Principal John R. Theiisxn, C.E. 283 13, G.E. 825 Distribuliun: (1) Aclkwt: (FAX ONLY: 760-602-1242] (1) The Brehm Companies, Mr. Tun Godfrey OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP June 8,2001 Sierra Pacific Earth Retention, Inc. Am: Mr. Paul Winter 1800 Thibsdo Road, Suite 1 IO Vista, CA 92083 Subject: Activity Notification: Samata at Aviara. pbasc 7 Proposed Wall Backcut Behind Lots 85,86,87,88 and 89 Amante Court. re: Wall Backcut Site CAL0SH.A Cdm (Standards -29 CFR), Per OSHA Regulations DcratMr. Winter Stability analysis, iospection, and repcsenleative tests of backcut soil matcridq located behind Lots 85 through 88, indicate that the fbUowing p'oposed cut wdd be temporarity stable. Essentally, this is 8 Typc B Soil. Classification for CALOSiA and the rncrterid is a light brown silty sand, compacted to at least 90 % of relative comprctim. The height of thistmcbut variesm a maxinum of approximwffly 12 fket Tbe time limitation for this back of wall cut is limited to 4 weeks. It is vital that the wall rnpstbecorrstnaeted withinthis4week'winQw." Thcfouada(;ionsystcmfbrthc wall lrnd the wall designare not apart ofthis report- The propmdwaft confwmsto the City of Carlsbad Building Pennit issued fot this wall. In or& to insure site safety, an apd engineering technician shall continuously inspect the wall construction and backcut stability (whenever pcaplc are wQ1.tcng) until the wall collsauctim is within 4 fkt fiomtopof slope. NOTE: The top of cut must be frec of all loosc excavated materials. This report limitations are bud on tbt existing hitu sail codtiom. Care must be taken to prevent excessive moisture incrtescs or drying conditim, both of which may alter the cut stability. Tbe cut slop shall be inspected by this office after any rainy conditions and prior to entrance of workers to rhe wall m. /7 1S2S Grand Ave, San Marcoa, California 92069 14661 Myford Road, Suite C, nstin, California 92806 'Blephone (760) 471 - 6000 Fax (740) 471-6096 'Rilephone (714) 734 - 7993 Fax (714) 734-9732 Should you quirt any clarification of this infixmazicm,, contact the undersigned at your convenience. C. J. Randk, P.E. RCE 22096 CA Principal Enginar cc: CALOSA City of Carl&&, Mr. Ron Bcrk Bmh Homes please do not hcsitate to enclosure: hfile Stability Analysis Copy - CALOSHA mt, Sicm Pacific Ektb Retention. . No.2OOf- 904877 n ,-.. r -- . I t I I I I ;a :a PI I I I I I I I I I I :t It i I I I I i c 0 Q 8 In 0 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I L I I I I I I I I I 2 00 .--. rN !- I I I .- i j- i- I I- s j- ... . - I I i -- I- / / I I . 1 \ '\ d I !- ,- 8 8 Y #Geotechnics -1 n c o rp o r a t e d copk. Dat8 Dtscrlption - 1 12/1 UOO Suppkmental Retaining Wall Recommendations Aviara Phase 111. PA 21 A & D 111 Carlsbad. California phone: (619) 536-1000 FAX (619) 536831 1 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Retaining Walls Co. North DATE: December 13,2000 % AnENTlON: Eduardo Ruvalcaba REGARDING: 0-1300 GEOTECHNES PROJ. NO. 029090542 We an tranbmitLing the lollawing ;rtlsched ikms by: - C1I.n t Pick-Up I I I I RWW: Please call if you have any questions. I \ Slqne Copy To: Brehm Design Center, Ms. Kristin Caulson Geotechnics Incorporated - Inrand Friction Angle, + Cohesion @st) December 12,2000 34O 34' 0, 0 4 Brehm-Aviara 111 Development Associadon, L.P. do Ms. Kristin CodJon Bmhm Design Center 5770 Obulin Drive San Diego, California 92 12 I Project No. 0230-005-02 Docwncm No. 0- 1300 SURIECI': SUPPLEMENTAL RETAINING WALL I RECOMMEND ATXONS Avian Pbuc IIX, PA 21 A&D m Ciw&bad, California Oeotecbnics Incoqnwared (2Q00). Retaining WaU Recommen&tions. Aviura Yhascr Ifl PA 21 A&DI.Y, Curlsbad, Caifomiu, Project No. 0230-005-02, Document No. Reference: 04765, July 26. Dear Ms. Coulson; As requested, this letter provides soil pa~amems for retaining wall design equated by Reraining Walls Company Nod. The parameters provided bin are based on our previous analysis of the siw conditions prwred in the refmnd letter. We understand thc walls are proposed at the top of the existing 2: 1 (horizontd:venical) fill slopes at the rea of Lou 85.86, and 88. Our analysis is based on o maximum wall height of approximately 6 feet. The following parameters my be used tbr the &sign of the proposed Cri block walls. Reinforced Zone Total Unh Weight @cf) 133 133 I I - 1 c h internal ~'CI~OR angle of 3fP may ?x wsumed for the reinforced zanc if impo~cd dtd aaregatc biuc mnterial is used. An allowabte bearing capacity of 1,500 psf may be used for design, based on a minimum depth of embedment of 2.5 feet into dcnse, compacted fill measured vertically from the outside bottom edge of the foundation member to the slope bce. Footing excavation. should be observed by a reprcscntativc of our firm to cyplulllc whether the bdng materials are as assumed in our analysis. The inclination of temporary back-cuts should not exceed 1:1 (horizonrd:v+rtical). We have assumed that the soil in fiont of the wall will be maintained to design grade. Surcharge loads and hydrostatic pressures were not included in our analysis. If these are applicabfr, we should be contacted fijr revisions to the recu~cndalioos provided win. BeWill matdd should be compacted to at least 190 percent of rhe laboratory rniwirrmm dry density in accordance with ASTM D 1557. If import soils are uscd for wall bracl$ill, they should be tested by Gcotechnics lncorpawtcd to compare the shear s*ength and unit wight values to actual design values. We recommend the mils uscd as backfill be predominantly fire drainiag, granular, fie of organic and clay materials, and have a very low expansion potential (Expansion Index of 20 or less). Adequatc drainage should be provided to reiieve hydrostatic press~rcs. fhc recommcodations ptescntedherein are considered generally consistent with mcrhUd8 typically used in southan California, and have ken developed using the degree of cue and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar &LU~~MCCS, by reputable geotechnical consultants practicing in this or similar localities. No 0th wananty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and profe!sionaJ opinions included in this her. Geotcchaiea Incorporated L PROIECT NO. 0230-005-02 DOCUMENT NO. 0- 1300 PAGI? 3 We appreciate this oppormnity IO be ofconrinucd servicc. Ple;lse fel hee tu call wirh any questions or commmnts. GPQTECHNICS INCORPORATED David Padilla, P.E. 55974 Project Engineer W. Lee Vderhust, C.E.G 1 125 Principal Reviewed by: Anthony F. Belfast, P.E. 40333 Principal A€B/WLV/DP L7- Distribution: (1) Addressee (FAX OmY: 858-453-5442) (I) Retaining Walls Company North, Attn: Eduardo hvalcabti (FAX ONLY: 858-453-3056) Gieotcchnleo lncurporated TOTFIL P.04 i EARTH RETENTION CALCULATIONS December 28,2000 SHEETlOF 84 PREPARED BY: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP 1800 THIBODO STkEET SUITE 320 VISTA CA 92083 760-599-6767 PREPARED FOR RETAI"G WALLS COMPANY NORTH PROJECT CONTACT: PREPARED FOR SITE: SOIL DATA FROM: REPORT DATED: PROJECT &BER 1800 THlBlDO DRIVE SUITE 110 VISTA, CA 92083 (760) 599-2500 CHARLIE EATON BREHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE / SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 CARLSBAD TRACT 92-3 CARLSBAD, CA GEOTECHNICS, INC 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA 9270 1 LETTER DATED 12/12/2000 0230-005-02 ......................................................... VOTE: TWESE STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS ARE ONLY VALID FOR USE BY RETAINING VLLS COMPANY NORTH. IT IS REQUIRED AS A CONDITION OF THESE STRUCTURAL XLCULATIONS, THAT A MEMBER OF THE RETAINING WALLS COMPANY NORTH STAFF, TELD INSPECT AND APPROVE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT. OWEN ENGINEERING ?ROUP WILL NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PROJECT RELEASED WITHOUT RUTTEN FINAL APPROVAL, FROM RETAINING WALLS COMPANY NORTH. JOB NO. 99-09-02 I/'- j CONTENTS PAGE A-16 RETAINING WALL SITE PLAN 3 A-16 RETAINING WALL TYPICAL SECTION A-16 CONCRETE BLOCK DETAIL 4-6 7 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS 8 GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT TABLE 9- 11 STABILITY ANALYSIS-Level Backfill Wall A 12 -33 STABILITY ANALYSIS- 2:l Sloped Backfill Walls B & C (no surcharge) 34 - 49 STABILITY ANALYSIS- 2:l Sloped Backfill Walls B (no surcharge) 50 - 63 STABILITY ANALYSIS- 2: 1 Sloped Backfill Wall C (surcharged) 64 - 84 NOTES: THESE CALCULATIONS ARE BASED UPON A SOIL WITH INTERNAL FRICTION OF 34 DEGREES, FOR THE RETAINED, REINFORCED AND FOUNDATION SOILS. THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL VERIFY THESE SOIL PARAMETERS DURING CONSTRUCTION THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT AND APPROVE THE TEMPORARY BACKCUT EXCAVATION FOR THE KEYSTONE WALL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT AND APPROVE ALL WALL DRAINS. THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT AND APPROVE THE FOUNDATIONEXCAVATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE KEYSTONE WALL. THESE CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON A FOUNDATION MATERIAL APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. THE GRID LENGHTS SHOW ARE MEASURED FROM THE WALL FACE. THE GRID ELEVATIONS ~ ARE MEASURED FORM THE TOP OF THE LEVELING PAD THE SOILS ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFY THE DESIGN ENGINEER IN THE EVENT THAT THE SOIL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED DO NOT MEET THE PARAMETERS USED HEREIN. HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE KEPT 3 FEET BACK FROM THE RETAINING WALL FACE AT ALL TIMES Site Location Plan I A- 16 Wall Caxlsbad Tract 92-3 Fig No. 1 LB”THICK X 24” WIDE 3/4” CRUSHED ROCK LEVELING PAD \ SOUTHERN OFFICE 1531 GRAND AVENUE AN MARCOS, CA. 92069 (780) 471-2500 ‘NOTE: IF CAPSTONES ARE NO USED, THE TOP HALF OF THE UPPER ROW OF BLOCKS SHALL BE flLLED WITH HANO TAMPED SOIL. RETAINING WALLS CO. Ne A-SERIES SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALL DETAIL A- 1 6” RETAINING WALL TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION WITH GEOGRID SOIL REINFORCEMENT NO SCALE NORTHERN OFFICE 800 E. GRANT LINE RD. TRACY, CA. 95376 (209) 832-2600 RECOMMENDED BROW DlTC H BY OTHERS UI MARCOSa CA. 92069 (619) 471-2500 A-I6 BLOCK ------__- ---_- 4" PERFORATED PVC DRAIN IN FILTER SLEEVE WITH SOLID OUTLET PIPES AT MAXIMUM SPACING. LOCATE DRAIN AS POSSIBLE TO MLOW OUTLET PIPE TO TRACY, CA. 95376 (209) 632-2600 I A-SERIES SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALL DETAIL FABRIC 100' LOW AS DAYLIGHT *NOTE: IF CAPSTONES ARE NOT TO BE USED, THE TOP HALF OF THE UPPER ROW OF BLOCKS SHALL BE FILLED WITH HAND TAMPED SOIL. A- 16" RETAINING WALL TY P 1 CAL C R 0 SS - S ECTlO N WITH GEOGRID SOIL REINFORCEMENT NO SCALE 1531 GRAND AVENUE. 1 I 800 E. GRANT LINE RD. 7 .. .. SIDE VIEW I SOUTHERN OFFICE 1531 GRAND AVENUE SAN MARCOS, CA. 92069 (619) 471-2500 18" I FACE VIEW TOP VIEW NOTES: "1. 'COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE f'c = 3250 PSI "A-1 6'"' RETAINING WALL UNIT DIMENSIONS NO SCALE ., 1 800 E. GRANT LINE RD. TRACY, CA. 95376 (209) 852-2600 I A-SERIES SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALL DETAIL DETAIL NO. A-16 I I i I I i ! I i 1 1 I i i 4 8l I w c vl >. v) C U .P d 3 0 0 =i . .- I n 0 a -2 W I V W VI -a f s I J 3 a .I 0 h c z 4 !2 E w v) I 4 s E, :f E P :: a. a 0 I& 0 a b a c 8 e t .P vl m 4 L 2 m .s b 1 -I .- x Y lL C 0 -0 ._ - a I2 .B f :: W 4 c 9 c 9 N 9 n ti i m m a W V *! N 9 n GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT TABLES LEVEL BACKFILL WALL A (NO SURCHARGE) WALL HEIGHT GRID ELEVATION up to 2.67’ no grid required 3.33’ to 4.67’ 2.00 5.33 TO 7.33 2.00 4.67 8.00’ TO 9.33’ 1.33 4.00 6.67 GRID LENGTH GRID TYPE 5.0’ SYI”AF0RCE 3 5/20-20 8.0 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 8.0 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 9.0 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 9.0 . SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 9.0 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 ‘ 2:l SLOPED BACKFILL WALL B (NO SURCHARGE) WALL HEIGHT GRID ELEVATION GRID LENGTH GRID TYPE up to 2.67’ no grid required 3.33’ to 4.67’ 5.33’ TO 6.00’ 6.67 TO 8.00 8.67’ TO 9.33’ 2.00 0.67 3.33 1.33 3.33 5.33 0.67 2.67 4.67 6.67 5.0’ 5.0 5.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 SYMPAFORCE 35/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 lo/ 2: 1 SLOPED BACKFILL WALL C (BOTTOM WALL OF TIERED) WITH SURCARGE BEGINNING AT 6.67 FEET HIGH WALL HEIGHT up to 2.67’ 3.33’ to 4.67’ 5.33’ TO 6.00’ 6.67’ 7.33 TO 8.67 9.33 ’ GRID ELEVATION GFUD LENGTH GRID TYPE no grid required 2.00 0.67 3.33 0.67 2.67 4.67 0.67 2.67 4.67 6.67 0.67 2.00 3.33 5.33 7.33 5.0’ 5.0 5.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 SYMPAFORCE 3 5120-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SWAFORCE 3 5’20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 Y20-20 SYMPAFORCE 35/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYl”AF0RCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 35/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 SYMPAFORCE 3 5/20-20 NOTES: FORTRAC MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF SYMPAFORCE GEOGRlD: SYJWAFORCE SF 35 SIMILAR TO FORTRAC 35/20-20 GRID ELEVATIONS ARE MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE (LEVELING PAD) ELEVATION. THE UPPER MOST LAYER OF GEOGRID SOIL REZNFORCEMENT SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 2 FEET BELOW FININSHED GRADE. SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95 05 0839 Licensed to : License Number: (619) 471-2500 95050839 Project Iden t i f ica t ion : Project NW: -TA - Wall A - Section: Data Sheet: Owner: Client : Prepared by: Date : Time: Data file: BREW -ITI&S 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, 8AN DIE&, CA 92121 lam MCCALL Dgm 18, 2000 2000 02:50:30 PM Type of Structure: Structure Criticality: Non-oritiaal Design Methodoloqy: Naa Mathod aravity Sogmustal Retaining Wall Wall Geometry: Design &all Height {ft) 2.67 Embedment Wall Height ( ft 1 2.5 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 0.17 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) 0.5 Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height ( f t ) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 4 2.67 horiroatal 7.1 S1 opes : Front Slope (degrees) horfrontrl Back Slope (degrees) horieontal SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge nono nono Fri ct ion Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data: Soil Description: (PSf) (degrees) fpcf) Retained Soil 8-d Foundation Soil 88nd Levelling Pad Soil grrvml N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 0.0 34.0 133.0 Seqmental Unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height ( in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) nom 8.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 45.0 41.0 Maximum (lbdft) 2000.0 2000.0 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Retained Soil (Ka) 0.207 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 55.63 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.199 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Results of External stability Analyses: Cal cul a t ad Design Cri t eri a FOS Sliding 2.77 1.5 0s FOS Overturning 4.19 2.0 OK FOS Bearing Capacity S3.05 2.0 OK Base Footing Width (B') (ft) 1.83 N/A Nota: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) 0.17 N/A Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Resisting Moment (Ibs-ft/ft) Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 94.6 445.3 261.6 84.2 352.6 15823.3 298.3 Results of Facing Stability Analvsss: SJW Heel Geosynthetic FOS iV.5 Fos Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear I fft) turning (peak) 4:;fonnation) > 1.5 > 2.5 1 2.0 - 86.65 >SO #/A 3 1.39 llosu 16.05 30.84 I/A 2 0.67 DQU 7.08 15.72 It/A 1 0.0 rwlu 4.2 10.02 I/A Note: Calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Mment and Shear) : SJW Reel GeO Dri M Rssf st Shear Unf t Elev Type Moment lrbmen t Load '# (ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs/ft) tout -in 4 2 .o OOOI 1.3 74.2 5.B 1 1.33 aau 10.8 117.7 23.6 2 0.67 DOIII 38.4 450.5 83.1 1 0 .o atom 83.8 362.6 a4.3 Shear Shear Capaci ty Capacity flbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (peak) $;foxma tion) 611.9 %/A 722.7 %/A 634 .O MIA 946. f W/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 2.5 ft 7.1 degrees - 2. ft I , -0.5 ft Proj ec t Iden t i fi ca ti on : Project Name: SERENATA - Wall A P Section: Data Sheet: 92121 Ohhent : BREW CC"ITI[ES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: MIKE PacCAu Date: DECEMBER 18, 2000 2000 Time : 02:50:30 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6grav SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 - ~~~ Licensed to: RZuININa WALLS COMPANY 1531 AVENUE W EQCRCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project Iden ti f i cation : Project Name: BtRlMAM - Wall A Section: Data Sheet: Owner: BRtEDd C-ITmS 5770 -IN Dm, BAN Om-, CA 92121 Client : Prepared by: OW#N BzWR(IGCRINQ Date : DI- 18, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 EM Data file: a:\Srwdll\dO8\um~8kZ Type of Structure: Structure Criticality: Non-aritiaal Design Methodology: BY- M.thod A amo.ynthotia-Roinforomd -tal Eutrlning Wall Wall Geometry: Design wall Height (ft) Embedment Wall Height (ft) Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height ( ft) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 4.67 2.5 2.17 0.5 7 4.67 ho~laoneal 7.1 Slopes : Front Slope (degrees) horixontal Back Slope (degrees) horhoatal _... SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge nono none Friction Cohesion Angle Uni t Neigh t Soil Data: Soil Description : (PSf 1 (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil .and Levelling Pad Soil gratrol Foundation Soil mand Retained Soil .urd N/A 34.0 133.0 139 0 N/A 34.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 133.0 0.0 34.0 Segmental Unit Name: Dmfmalt rrgnwatal unit proprctfra Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) noam 8.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 0.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Defamation Criteria Minimum (lbs/ft) 770.0 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000 * 0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement Tvpes and fiumber: Type Number Name Geosyn the t ics Propert des : Strength and Polymer Type: we 1 we 2 Type 3 Index Tensile strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polymater polyomtrr polyentor I SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.68 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 1946.0 Coefficient of Interaction : Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0,7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct sliding: Type 2 me 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 Connection Strength: Tvpe1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Mlnimum (lbdft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbdft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deforma tion Strength Criterion : Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000.0 9000.0 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strength: me 1 TP 2 Type3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength criterion: Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Minimum (lbs / f t ) 500.0 600.0 500.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientatians: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.207 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 55.63 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.207 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 55.63 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.199 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.199 Results of External Stability Analyses: FOS Sliding FOS Overturning FOS Bearing Capacity Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) Calculated Design Criteria 7.13 1.5 OK 18. a1 2.0 ox 35.15 2.5 ox 5.0 0.13 N/A 1.07 0.6 OK 2.8 ox Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) 289.9 Total Vertical Force (lbdft) 3055.1 Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) 2060.7 Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) 8499.3 Bearing Capacity (psf) 22705. I Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 645.9 Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ ft ) 449.4 Rcsul ts of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS Fos Fws FOS Layer Unit TyRe (ft) (ft) Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing x If t) StZ-eSS (peak) (def) (peak) (ftj > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.5 WA > 1.5 < 2.67 4 1 2.0 6.0 2.55 3.01 2.06 N/A 15.15 Note: calculated values MEET Al,L design criteria Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRN Geosyn Elev Long Term Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) Design Load Capaci ty Capaci ty Force Capaci t y x Strength (lbs/ft) (peak) (def) (lbdft) (lbs/ftl (lbs/f t) (lbs/f t) (lbs/f t) I 1 2.0 870.7 288.0 a53.7 #/A 94.3 1428.6 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FUS Unit Elev Type Over- I (ftl turning > 1.5 7 4.0 IIOD. 6 3.33 poly 4 2.0 1 3 1.33 malm 2 0.67 WQ. 5 a.67 -0 1 0.0 lloM 56-65 15.05 4.2 8-83 6.54 4.87 7.08 Note: calculated values MEET ALL design FUS Fos Shear Shear :%) U/A (defonna tion) >99 WA. 7.71 NIA WA - U/A */A criteria 37.46 W/A 17.72 I/A - - fos Connection (peak) > 1.1 Fos Connection (defonna tion) U/A Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Mbment and Shear): SRW Heel OeO Drive Resist Shear Shear Shear Vni t Elev Trpe Momn t M’onmnt Load Capacity Capacity # (ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbdft) (lbdft) (lbs/ft) (peak) (defonna tion) +out -in %/A 7 4.0 nolw 1.3 74.2 5.0 826.7 N/A 6 1.33 llopI 10.5 117.7 23.6 883. 5 WA 5 2.67 POM s.4 PbO.l 51.1 D40.2 #/A 4 2.0 1 83.8 352.6 B4.3 726.0 #/A S 1.33 lloDI 169. 956.1 -141.5 1053.6 W/A 2 0.67 noQ+ 283.0 1566.0 -76.6 1510.4 U/A 1 0.0 MIU 449.4 2188.0 0 .O 1167.1 U/A Detailed Results of Facinq Stabflf ty Analyses (Connections): SRW Heel GeO Connection Connection Connection Unit Elev Type # fft) Load capacity Capacity (peak) (de forma ti on) (lbs/f t ) (lbs/f t ) flbs/f t) w/n 4 2.9 1 208. D 736.8 U/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) 2.5 ft I Type 1 Page 6 LN 95050839 A -0.5 ft ‘c 5c 5.0 ft Project Identification: Project Name: SERENATA - Wall A I Section: Data Sheet: 92121 Oihhent : BREHM COMIUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, 8AN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date : DECEMEBER 18, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\calcs\sgrnata2 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: Rt"IN0 mLLS cowom 1531 ORAWD AVSNUE gAM -LI, CA 92069 (619) 471-2SOO License Number: 95050839 Project Iden ti fi ca ti on : Project Name: SERENATA - Wall A . '. Section : Data Sheet: Owner: Client : Prepared by: Date : Time : Data file: BREflM CWITIICS 5770 BIN DRIVZ, BAN DIEQO, CA 92121 QI(IpQ mouF DE- 18, 2000 03:04:17 RM Tp of Structure: Structure Criticality: Nowaritid Design Methodoloqy: MQ6A W.t&od A Qmoaynth&do-~infor~ Bqnmatal Wtrining Wall Wall Geometry: Design Wall Height (ft) 7.33 Embedment Wall Height (ft) 2.5 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) 0.5 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 4.83 Number of Segmental Wall Units 11 Hinge Height ( f t ) 7.33 Base Inclination (degrees) horizontal Wall Inclination (degrees) 7.1 Slopes: Front Slope (degrees) Back Slope (degrees) horixontrl horinontal SRWall (ver 1 1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge nono none Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data: Soil Description : (PW (degrees) (pcf) 133.0 Reinforced Soil sIPd N/A 31.0 Retained Soil s8nd N/A 34.0 133.0 Foundation Soil ne 0.0 34.0 133.0 Levelling Pad Soil gram1 N/A 40.0 125 0 Segmental Unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) -fault srparatrl unit pruportirs nons 8.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125 3 0.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum (lbs/ft) 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 770.0 27.0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: me Number Name 1 2 Symp8foraa FS 35 3 0 Sympaforoa SF 80 2 0 S~&fOcCsr sr 5s Geosynthe tics Properties : Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 Type 2 me 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583 0 Polymer Type polyrnb polymstrr polyostor SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Type 3 Type 2 Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.08 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870 - 7 1316.8 1946.0 coefficient of Interaction : Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Defonaation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: me 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.0 0.8 0.75 Connection Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbdft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum ( lbs / f t ) 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 28 .O 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deforma tion Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ ft ) 500.0 800.0 500.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strenqth: Type 1 me 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500 .o 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbdft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.207 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.199 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 55.63 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.207 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.199 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 55.63 Results of External Stability Analyses: FOS Sliding 7.31 1.6 OK FOS Bearing Capacity 29.7 2.5 OK Base Ecctntricity (e) (ft) 0.23 N/A Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 1.09 0.6 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Calculated Design Criteria FOS Overturning 19.72 2.0 OK Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) 8.0 4.4 ozc Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) 713.4 Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) 7726.9 Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) 5211.8 Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) 1743.8 Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) 34394.4 Bearing Capacity (psf) 30402.4 Maximum Bearing Pressure (ps€) 1023.6 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SJW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS FOS FOS Fos Layer Unit Type (ft) fft) Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing # ffti stress (peak) fdef) (peak) (ft) > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.5 > 1.5 < 2.67 8 1 4.67 8.0 4.06 4.1 6.4 */A 21.23 OK 4 1 2.0 8.0 5.15 1.74 7.42 %/A S.29 ox Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev dong Tern Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) &sign Load Capacity Capacity Force Capacity t Strength Ilbs/ft) (peak) Idef) (lbs/f t) (lbs/f t ) (lbs/f t ) flbs/f t ) (lbs/f t ) 8 .I 4.67 870.7 112 0 2 1369.3 I/& 94.3 2004 f 8 4 1 2.0 870.7 801.1 f716.9 I/A 377.3 3105.6 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050639 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic POS POS ms Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear # (ft) turning (peak) (deformation) > 1.5 > 1.5 W/A 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Note: e 6.67 nom 6.0 am 8.33 noam 4.67 1 4.0 nonm 3.3s DOII. 2.87 nom 2.0 1 1.3s trooI 0.67 norm 0.0 c4omo calculated values MEET 56 4 65 15.05 7.08 1.11 4.2 5.54 4.01 4.2 4.23 1.02 3.73 ALL design >99 37.46 17.72 7.71 - - 15.23 5.78 - - criteria Fos Connection (peak) > 1.5 Fos Connection (defonna tion) U/A Detailed Rqsul ts of Facing Stabilf ty Analyses (Moment and Shear) : sm Heel -0 Dri ve Resist Shear Shear Shear Unit Elev Type I?bment Minnent Loud CdPACi ty CdpaCi ty Ir (ftl (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (peak) , (deformation) +out -in H/A il 10 9 a 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0 .o 1.3 10.5 35.4 e3.a 1a.e m0.e 283.0 449.4 915.1 1310.1 2743.8 74.2 167.7 250. I 352.6 955.1 1586. P alee. o 281s -3 3267. e 40S8.4 6506.5 1.9 23.1 53.1 94.3 -64. D 0.0 76.6 168.1 -23s. e -129. e 0.0 826.7 D40.2 1059.6 1110.4 1167.1 883.1 716.9 953.e izeo .5 1337.3 1394.0 Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Connections) I SRRl Heel -0 Connection Connection Connection Unit El ev Type Load Capacity Capacity t fft) (lbs/ft I (peak) fdefonna ti on) (lbs/ft) (1 bdf t ) I m/A e 4.67 1 212.2 736.0 #/A 4 2.0 1 501.1 973.6 11/A . .. .< . . .. SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) 27,/ Page 6 LN 95050839 7.1 degrees 7.33 ft Y A Type 1 2.5 ft Type 1 T -0.5 ft C 8.0 ft Project Iden ti fi ca ti on : Project Name: SERENATA - Wall . - Section: Data Sheet: 92121 O&herrt : BREHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: UWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: DECEMESER 18/ 2000 Time : 03:04:17 PM . Data file: c:\srwalll\calcs\sernata4 SRWa31 (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 Lh' 95050839 Licensed to: (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project Iden tif i ca ti on : Project Name: -TA - Wall A Section : Data Sheet: Owner: BRlcHM -1TIZS 5770 OBtRLIN DRIVS, BAN DUOO, CA 92121 Client : Prepared by: OomQ ElVaIRESSIUt3 -UP Date : ' DB- 18, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 PM Data file: a:\8milll\oalas\srrn8tr5 Type of Structure: Structure Criticality: Won-eri tioj Olro.yathm+ia-Rainforoad squmntal Ratmining Wall Design Methodoloqy: #ma )(.tho45 A Wall Geometry: Design ball Height ( ft 1 Embedment Wall Height (ft) Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height (ft) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 9.33 2.5 6.83 0.5 14 9.33 hori tontal 7.1 S1 opes : Ffont Slope (degrees) Back Slope (degrees) horirontll horisoatal 24( SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge nono none Friction Cohesion Rngle Unit Weight Soil Data : Soi 1 Description : (PSf) (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil mnd Retained Soil rand Levelling Pad Soil gram1 Foundation Soil 8md N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 0.0 34.0 133.0 Seqmental Unit Name: Default -tal uait: proportie8 Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) aono Unit Height (in) 8.0 Unit Width (in) 16.0 Unit Length (in) 18.0 Setback (in) 1.0 Weight (lnf llled) (lbs) 167.0 Unit Weight (infilled1 (pcf) 125.3 Center of Gravity (in) 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum (lbdft) 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbdft) 2000.0 770.0 27.0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement !&pes and Number: Type Number Name 1 3 Sptpaforao rs 35 3 0 -0- SF 80 2 0 sympforcw SE 55 Geosynthetics Properties: Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 Type 2 we 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyortcrr po1p.t.r po1yr.tor SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Creep 1.B9 1.59 1.61 Biological Degradation 1.00 1-00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.1s 1.08 1.08 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 1946.0 LTDS ( lbs/ f t 1 870.7 1316.8 Coefficient of Interaction: me 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: Type 1 TYP" 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 Connection Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Frict'ion Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Maximum (lbs/ft ) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 27.0 2000.0 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.207 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 55.63 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.207 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 55.63 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.199 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.199 Results of External Stability Analyses: FOS Sliding FOS Overturning FOS Bearing Capacity Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) Calculated Design Criteria 6.47 1.5 011 15.64 2.0 olt 25.3 2.5 OK 9.0 5.6 OK 0.25 N/A 0.96 0.6 Note: calculated values mET ALL design criteria Detailed Resulp of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbdft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistanae (lbs/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 1155.5 11075.6 3395.0 56227.6 32988.0 1303.7 7470 4 5 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Andor €WS ms FOS FOS Layer Unit Type (ft) (ft) Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing # (f t) stress (peak) (def) > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.5 #/A 11 1 ' 6.67 0.0 3.04 1.1 6.22 #/A 29.26 QIC 7 1 4.0 9.0 5.43 2.31 9.64 %/A 10.31 oa 3 1 1.33 9.0 6.92 1.54 12.29 %/A 6.58 oa Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Tern Tensile Pullout Unit Type? (ft) Design Load Capacity A Strength (lbdft) (peak) flbs/f t) (lbs/f t) 11 1 6.67 170.7 212.2 1319.9 7 I 4.0 ~70.7 377.3 3638.0 3 1 1.33 870.7 566.0 6954.4 Pullout Sliding Sliding Capacity Force Capacity fdf) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t ) 94.3 0194.2 f/A 377.3 3888.3 #/A 849.0 ~1112.5 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LEI 95050839 Results of Facinq Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FoS Fos Fos FDS ms Unit Elev Type 0-r- Shear Shear Connection Connection turning (peak) (defoma tion) (peak) (deforma tion) # (ft) > 1.5 > 1.5 IP/A > 1.5 . #/A 14 8.67 nono 56.68 >99 WA - 1B 8.0 poJw 15.05 37.46 U/A - - 12 7.33 nono 7.08 17.72 N/A - 11 6.61 1 4.2 7.71 W/h 3.47 I/& 10 6.0 DOSH 5.83 #/A 9 5.93 a- 5.54 Y/A - 8 4.67 amm 4.87 15.23 #/A - - 7 4.0 1 4.2 1.78 WA 2.m #/A 6 3.93 Dopy 4.99 - %/A - - I 2.67 4.02 - #/A - - 4 2.0 nolu 3.73 11.26 #/A - - 3 1.33 1 3.43 4 .I5 H/A 2.14 U/A 2 0.67 hbnr 3.33 - W/A - - 1 0.0 11- 3.18 >99 WA - - - - - - - - Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses Mxnent and Shear): SRW Heel GI50 Drive Resist Shear Shear Shear Unit Blev TP Mcrment Moment Load Capacity Capacity # Ift) flbs-f t/f t) (lbs-f t/f t) (lbs/f t) (lbs/ft) (Ibs/ft) (peak) I/A (defozma tion) +out -in 14 1s 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 I 4 1 2 1 8.67 8 .O 7.32 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 9.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 1.3 10.1 35.4 W.8 163.8 289.0 44s. I 870.8 955.1 lflO.l 1743.6 2263.9 2878.4 359l. 0 74.2 157.7 250.1 Sit, 6 951. 1 1566.9 2188 .O 2818.3 4038.4 $267.8 6506.5 1714.4 9192.1 1143B. 0 5.0 23.6 94.3 -64. b 0.0 76.6 285.1 -112.0 0.0 123.8 259.4 -159.2 0.0 Ia.1 026.7 883.5 940.2 726.9 1013.6 1110.4 t167.1 953.8 1280. 5 1537.3 1094 .o 1180.7 1507.5 1564.2 Detailed kesul ts of Facing Stability Analyses (Connections) : SRly Heel -0 connection Connection Connection Unit Blev Typs Load Capaoi ty Capacity # (ft) (lbs/f t) ipeakl (def om tion) ilbs/f t ) U/A (lbs/f t ) 11 6.67 1 212.2 736.6 %/A 7 4.0 1 377.3 973.6 U/A 3 1-13 1 566.0 12X0.4 H/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) 33/ Page 6 LN 95050839 7.1 degrees v 2.5 ft I I Type i Type 1 1 Type1 T' -0.5 ft I J 1- 7 9.0 ft Pro j ec I Iden ti fi ca t f on : Project Name: SERENATA - Wall A * ;:\ Section : Data Sheet: OJnhent : BREHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRNE, 9AN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: UWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: DECEMEBER 18, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 M Data file: c:\arwalll\calcs\sesnata5 92121 SRWdll (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050039 Prof ec t Identification : Project Name: Sarrsrrk Wall B 4. C CNo-) Section : Data Sheet: Owner: B~mh Cammutities 5770 obmrlin Dtivo, 23811 Dimgo, Cm 92121 Client : Prepared by: OWEN rnginomring @roup Date: Doer 20, 2000 Time : 02:50:30 PM Type of Structure: structure Criticality: Nan-caritioal Gravity slrgaratal Lktdning Wall Design Methodolo= He44 ldmthod Wa 11 Geometry: Design hall Height (ft) 2.67 Embedment Wall Height (ft) 2.5 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 0.17 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (Et) 0.5 Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height (ft) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 4 2.67 horinoakil 7.1 S1 opes : Front Slope (degrees) Back Slope (degrees) SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge nono Dead Load Surcharge nono Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data: Soil Description: (PSf) (degrees) (pcf 1 Retained Soil auad Levelling Pad Soil grrvrl Foundation Soil suad N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 0.0 34.0 133.0 Segmental Unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (inf illed) (lbs Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf 1 Center of Gravity (in) Dafault 8mgmmta.l unit propertima now 8.0 16.0 18.0 1 .o 167.0 125.3 0.0 Segmental Unit Interface. Sheer Data: Propsrti es Peak Strength Criteria Def01m8tiOn Criteria Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 45.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 600.0 45.0 ilooo.0 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and F8ilure Plane Orientations: Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 SRWa11 (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Results of External Stability Analyses: FOS Sliding FOS Overturning FOS Bearing Capacity Base Footing Width (B') (ft) Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Calculated Design Criteria 1.79 1.5 OIC 2.71 2.0 ost. 39.27 2.0 ox 1.83 N/A 0.33 N/A Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) Total vertical Farce (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft 1 Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft ) Bearing Capacity tpsf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) Calculated Values : 146.2 445.3 261.6 130.2 952.6 14942.4 380.5 Results of Pacing Stubili ty Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FVS Unit Elev !&pe over- x (ftl turning > 1.5 4 2.0 llooI 36.63 3 1.33 nena P.73 2 0.67 nule 4.58 1 0.0 llQpu 2.72 Note: calculatad values MEET ALL design €DS FOS Shear Shear (peak) (deforma tion) > 2.5 I/h 67.05 I/h 10.16 N/A 6.48 Wh criteria 1~~2 #/A Detailed Results of Facinq Stability Analyses @&me nt and Shear) : SRW Heel -0 Dri ve Resist Shear ani t Elev Type Moment hbment Load 1 , (ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbdft) +out -in 4 4 .O noam 1.0 74.8 9.1 3 1.33 llQM 16.2 157 7 36.5 2 Q.67 aeao 14.7 250.5 02.1 1 0.0 nome 129.7 382.6 14s. 9 Shear Capacity (Ibdft) (peak) 611.3 722.7 834.0 94s. 3 Shear Capacity (lbs/f t) (de fomtion) la/h SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 I A -0.5 ft Project Iden t i fi ca ti on : Project Name: Serenata Wall B 4 c Section: Data Sheet: Went: Brehm Cornunities 5770 Oberlin Drive, San Diega, Ca Prepared by: OWEN Engineering Group Time : 02:50:30 PM 92121 Date : Decesnber 20, 2000 Data file: c:\srwalll\calcs\senatala SRWa11 (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: RIITAINXNQ IIISLLS COMPANY 1531 ORAND AVE#CIE SLLMMARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project Iden t if i ca t ion : Project N-: - wdi t3 4 c (UJ -) Section: Data Sheet: Owner : CCMdUMIT'adS 5770 --IN DRIVE, LUN DISQO, CA 92121 Client : Prepared by: OllLN May QROm Date: DE- 18, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 PM me of Structure: ekomyathetia-Rminforcllrd Segmmntal mtdning Wall Structure Criticality: Non-eritieraJ Deaiqn Metho@ology: NQaA mhthad A Wall Geometry : Design Wall Height (ft) Embedment Wall Height (ft) Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height ( ft ) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 4.67 2.5 2.17 0.5 7 4.67 horizontal 7.1 Slopes : Front Slope (degrees) horirontal Back Slope (degrees). 26.6 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharqes: Live Load Surcharge nonm Dead Load Surcharge nono Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data; soil Descriptian : (PSf (degrees) (pcf I 133.0 Reinforced Soil .and N/A 34.0 Retained Soil 8md N/A 34.0 133.0 Levelling Pad Soil gram1 N/A 40.0 126.0 Foundation soil sand 0.0 34.0 133.0 Segmental Unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf 1 Center of Gravity (in) aonm 8.0 16.0 19.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Proper ties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum (lbs/ft) 770.0 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 I Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Tme Number Name 1 1 syEp8foLzQ, PB 35 2 0 sympaforcn sr 55 3 0 Byatpaforem B1p 80 Geosynthetics Properties: Strength and Polymer Tme: Twe 1 Type 2 me 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbdft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyastac polymstor polym8trr SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LEJ 95050839 Type 3 1.61 1.00 1.10 1.08 1.50 Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 Type 2 Creep 1.59 1.59 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 Type 3 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 1946.0 Coefficient of Interaction: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Def omat ion Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Dire,c t S1 iding : Type1 Type 2 TVp@ 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.s 0.75 Connection Strength: Type 1 me 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 2000.0 3000.0 500.0 28 :o 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Maximum (lbd f t 1 2000.0 9000.0 3000.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strength : Type 1 Type 2 me 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Mininnun (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deforma tion Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 .- .... SRWal1 (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Results of External Stabidity Analyses: Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 2.62 1.5 ox FOS Overturning 5.25 2.0 ox Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) 5.0 2.8 OK FOS Bearing Capacity 31.65 2.5 OK Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) 0.07 N/A Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 1.07 0.6 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of External stability Analyses: Total Horlzontal Force (lbs/ft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ Lt) Sliding Resistance (lbdft) Driving Moment (lbs-f t/ f t ) Resisting Moment (lbs- f t/ ft 1 Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf] Calculated Values: 912.6 3643.6 2390.2 2029.1 10643.2 23064.9 728.9 Resul ts of Internal Stabilf ty Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS Fws €us Fos Layer Unit Ty~p (ft) (ft) Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing I (ft) stress (peak) (def) ; (peak) Ift) > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.1 U/A > 1.8 C 2.67 4 1 2.0 1.0 2.11 1.95 2.29 I/A 3.78 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of Internal Stabili ty Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Term Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) Design Load Capacity Capacity Force Capaci t y # Strength (lbdft) (peak) (de€) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) (lbs/ft) (lbdft) 4 1 2.0 870.7 446.8 1021. B X/A 447.4 16D2.2 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS ms FOS Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear x (f t) turning (peak) (defonna tion) > 1.5 , > 1.5 IR/A 7 4.0 a- 6 3.33 non~ 5 2.67 tmmo 4 2.0 1 3 1.33 now 2 0.67 non~ 1 0.0 nom 96.63 BQ.68 H/A 9.73 24.22 N/A 4-16 11.46 #/A 2-72 4.98 WA MIA 3.77 - 9.56 - WA 3.15 - #/A Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria FOS Connect ion (peak) > 1.5 Fos Connection (defonna tion) I/A Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (l?loment and Shear) : SRW Heel GeO Drive Resist Shear Shear Shear Unit Elev Type mmen t Moment Load Capacity Capacity I (ft) (lbs-f t/f t) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs/ftJ (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (deformation) +out -in Uh 7 4.0 lIQM 2.0 74.2 9.1 626.7 */A 6 3.39 noam 16.2 157.7 36.5 883.5 #/A 5 2.67 MM 54.7 250.6 82 .l 040.2 Ufh 4 2.0 1 129.7 3cI2.6 145. D 726.9 U/A 3 1.33 alone 253.3 055. 1 -218.8 1013.6 UIA 2 0.67 , - 437.6 1586.9 -118.5 1110.4 */A 1 0.0 lloly 695.0 2188.0 0.0 1161.1 U/A Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Connections) : SRN ' Heel OeO Connection Connection Connection [mi t Elev Type Load Capaci t y Capaci t y # (ft) (lbs/f t) (peak) (defonna tion) (lbs/f t J (lbs/f t) u/m 4 2.0 1 446.8 736.8 I/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) +?/ Page 6 LN 95050839 Sympaforce FS 35 Project Identification : Project Name: SEF?ENATA - Wall *@ $ c Section: Data Sheet: 92121 Ohbent : Prepared by: WN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: DECEMEBER 18, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 EM BREHM COIMJNITIES 5770 ORERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEOO, CA Data file: c:\srwalll\calcs\senata2a SRWa11 (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: RETAINING WALLS CCMPANl! 1531 GRAND AVENUE EUM -COS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project Iden ti f i ca t ion : Project Name: B~R~MATA - wall .p f~. Section : Data Sheet: Owner: BREm C~ITICS 5770 OBZRLIN DRIVE, SAN DnGO, CA 92121 Client: Prepared by: OPRN ItblamEBRINa aROVP Date : DLCgdlCBXR 18, 2000 Time : 03:04:17 m Data file: a: \mrwalll\da8\mmnata3a TVpe of Structure: Structure Cri tical i ty : Design Methodology: N- W.thod A Qmosynthrtia-Reinfomod Sogmntal Rmtain$ng Wall Non-ori tiaal Wall Geometry: Design fall Height ( ft) Embedment Wall Height (ft) Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height (ft) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 6.0 2.5 3.5 0.5 9 6.0 horizontal 7.1 S1 opes : Front Slope (degrees) Back Slope (degrees) horizontal 26.6 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge none nom Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data : Soil Description: (psf) (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil 88nd N/A 34.0 133.0 Retained Soil 8-d N/A 34.0 133.0 Levelling Pad Soil gravrl N/A 40.0 125.0 Foundation Soil 8- 0.0 34.0 133.0 Segmental unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight ( inf illed) (lbs ) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) nom. 8.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 12s. 3 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum (lbs/ft) 770.0 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 \ Geosynthetic Reinforcement !types and Number: Type Number Name Geosyn the t i cs Properties : Type 3 Type 2 Strength and Polymer Tvpe: Type 1 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type pOlp8tmr polyorhr galyesht SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Part i a1 Ma t eri a1 Safety Fa ct ors : Type Creep 1.59 Biological Degradation 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1 me 2 Type 3 1.59 1.61 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.08 1.00 1.50 1.50 Long Term Desiqn Strength: * The 1 me 2 Type 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 070.7 1316.0 1046.0 Coefficient of Interaction : Type 1 Type 2 Type3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: TYPe 1 TMpe 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 Connection Strength: TYP* 3 me 2 me 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum { lbs / f t Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ f t ) 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 2000.0 9000.0 3000.0 Defomatfon Strength Criterion: Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000 6 0 3000.0 Geosynthetic-segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strength: Type 1 Type 2 me 3 Peak Strength Crf terion ; Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 ‘471 ’ SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 ~- ~~ ~~~ Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Results of External Stability Analyses: FOS Sliding FOS Overturning FOS Bearing Capacity Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) calculated Design Criteria 2.27 1.5 015 3.85 2.0 ox 22.63 2.5 OS 5.0 3.6 OK 0.24 N/A 0.83 0.6 ac Note: Calculated values MeET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) 1314.0 Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) 4416.5 Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) 2978.9 Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft 1 3505.4 Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) 13480.3 Bearing Capacity (psf) 22123.7 Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf 1 977.7 Results of Internal Stabilf ty Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS Fos ms FOS Layer Unit Tp (ft) (ft) Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing # (f t) stress (peak) (def) > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.8 U/A 6 1 9.33 5.0 1.08 2.85 1.7 H/A 3.78 OK 2 1 0.67 5.0 3.15 2.12 5.87 HfA 2.37 OR Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria &tailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev tong Term Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type lft) Design Load Capaci ty Capacity Force Capacity Strength (lbs/ft) (peak) (def I (Ibs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) Ilbs/ft) Ilbdft) # 6 1 3.13 870.7 128.2 556.9 WA 447.4 iaea .2 2 1 0.67 870.7 410.3 2408.4 WA 1104.2 2620.8 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS # ift) turning Unit Elev Type Over- > 1.5 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Note: e 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.87 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 36.63 9.73 4.18 2.72 3.77 3.15 2.72 2.73 3.18 calculated values MEET ALL design FOS ms Shear Shear (peak) gfomati > 1.5 90.68 #/A 21.24 W/A 11.46 N/A 4.98 #/A - Wh WA 9-85 WA 1.74 WA >os #/A criteria - :on) FOS Connection (peak) > 1.5 FOS Connection (defonna tion) XlA Detailed Results of Facing Stabili tv Analyses @lbment and Shear) : SRRl Heel -0 Drive Resist Shear Shear Shear mi t Elev TW Molnen t Moment Load Capacity Capacity # (ft) Ilbs-f t/f t) Ilbs-f t/f t) Ilbs/f t ) (lbs/f t) (lbs/f tl (peak) (defonna ti on) +out -in #/A 5.39 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 2.0 lloDI 16.2 nono 54.7 1 123.7 lloDI 213.3 Oanr 437.6 DODI 695.0 1 1037.4 1477.0 74.2 157.7 250.5 352.6 955.1 1566.9 2188 .Q 2818.3 4038.4 3.1 96.1 81.1 145.0 -100.3 0.0 118.5 255.3 0.0 826.7 1I/A 883.5 U/A 940.2 #/A 726.9 #/A 1613.6 U/A 1110.4 N/A 1167.1 Y/A 853.8 U/A X280.5 1/A Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Connections): SRW Heel -0 Connection Connection Connection # (ft) (lbs/f t J (peak) (defonna tionJ Unit Elev Type Load Capacity capacity (lbs/ft) (1 bs/ f t ) U/A 6 3.33 1 328.2 736.8 WA 2 ,0.87 1 410.3 373.6 U/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) 2.5 ft 44( Page 6 I LN 95050839 Pro j ec t Iden ti f.i ca ti on : Project Name: SERENATA - Wall @ 4 €G Sect ion: Data Sheet: 92121 Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: DECEMEBER 18, 2000 Time: 03:04:17 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\calca\eenata3a Oirment : BREHM CCWIUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: RETAmING WALLS COMPANY 1531 GRAND AVENUE SAM MARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project Iden ti f i cd tion : Project Name: SERENATA - WALL B Section : Data Sheet: Owner: BREHM COW4UNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 Client: Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date : December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c: \srwalll\al6sympa Type of Structure: Geosynthetic-Reinforced Segmental Retaining Wall Structure Criticality: Non-critical Des i gn Me t h odol ogy : NCMA Method A Wall Geometry: Design Wall Height (ft) Embedment Wall Height ( f t) Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height ( f t ) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 8.0 2.5 5.5 0.5 12 8.0 horizontal 7.1 Slopes : Front Slope (degrees) Back Slope (degrees) horizon tal 26.6 ,... SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge none none Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data: Soil Description : (PSf I (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil sand Retained Soil sand Levelling Pad Soil gravel Foundation Soil sand N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 0.0 34.0 133.0 Segmental Unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) Default segmental unit properties none 8.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data : Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum, (lbs/ft) 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 770.0 27.0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 3 Sympaforce FS 35 2 0 Sympaforce SF 55 3 0 SylPpaforce SF 80 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Geos yn thetics Properties : Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyester polyester polyester Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.08 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 1946.0 Coefficient of Interaction : Type 2 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct S1 iding: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.e 0.8 0.75 Connection Strenqth: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ f t ) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: ' Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 2.29 1.5 OK FOS Overturning 3.94 2.0 OK FOS Bearing Capacity 20.48 2.5 OK Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) 7.0 4.8 OK Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 0.80 0.6 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) 0.3 N/A Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 2514.7 8522.0 5748.7 9280.5 36562.1 27270.7 1331.3 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS FOS FOS FOS Layer Unit Type (ft) (ftl Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing Y (ftl stress (peak) Idef) (peak) (ftl > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.5 N/A > 1.5 < 2.67 9 1 5.33 7.0 1.53 3.16 3.48 N/A 3.61 OK 6 1 3.33 7.0 3.08 2.27 6.55 N/A 2.78 OK 3 1 1.33 7.0 4.63 1.33 7.09 NJ/A 2.26 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design cri&ria Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Term Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ftl Design Load Capacity Capacity Force Cepaci ty # Strength (lbs/ft) (peak) (defl (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) (lbdf t) (lbs/f t) 9 1 5.33 870.7 275.8 958.5 N/A 675.5 2436.0 6 1 3.33 870.7 382.9 2507.4 N/A 1228.4 3419.5 3 1 1.33 870.7 654.2 4635.8 N/A 1945.5 4403.1 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS FOS FOS Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear # (ft) turning (peak) (deformation) > 1.5 > 1.5 N/A 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7.33 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 none none none 1 none none 1 nonr none 1 none none Note: calculated values MEET 36.63 90. 68 9.73 24.22 4.58 11.46 2.72 4.98 3.77 - 3.58 21.18 3.15 5.25 3.28 - 3.13 16.05 2.89 4.22 2.84 - 2.71 - ALL design criteria FOS Connect ion (peak) > 1.5 - 2.67 - - 2.39 - - 1.67 - FOS Connection (deforma tion) N/A \ Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Moment and Shear): SRW Heel GeO Drive Resist Shear Shear Shear Unit Elev Type Moment Moment Load Capacity Capacity Y (ft) (lbs-ft/f t) (lbs-f t/f t) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) (lbs/ft) (def orma ti on) +out -in ‘peak) N/A 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7.33 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 none none none nonr none 1 none none 1 none none 2.0 16.2 54.7 129.7 253.3 437.6 695.0 1037.4 1477.0 2026.1 2696.7 3501.1 74.2 157.7 250.5 352.6 955.1 1566.9 2188.0 3398.8 4618.9 5848.3 7667.4 9495.8 9.1 36.5 82.1 145.9 -47.9 52.4 171.0 -75.2 79.8 253.0 -209.7 0.0 826.7 940.2 726.9 1053.6 1110.4 . 897.1 1223. 8 1280.5 1067.3 1394.0 1450.7 8133.5 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 6 LN 95050839 Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Connections): SRW Heel Geo Connection Connection Connection Wni t El ev me Load Capa ci t y Capacity I (ft) (lbs/f t) (peak) (de forma ti on) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) NIA 9 5.33 1 275.8 136.8 N/A 6 3.33 1 382.9 914.4 N/A 3 1.33 1 654.2 1092.0 N/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 2995) Page 7 LN 95050839 Proj ec t Iden ti f i ca ti on : Project Name: SERENATA - WALL B Sect ion : Data Sheet: Olment : BREHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM 92121 Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: RETAINING WALLS COMPANY 1531 GRAND AVENUE SAMMARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project Identification: Project Name: SERENATA - B Section : Data Sheet: Owner: BREHM CObMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 . Client: Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date : Decunber .18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\smalll\al6sympa Type of Structure: Goosynthetic-Reinforced Segmental Retaining Wall Structure Criticality: Non-critical Design Methodology: NCMA hfethod A Wall Geometry: Design Wall Height (ft) Embedment Wall Height (ft) Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height ( f t 1 Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 9.33 2.5 6.83 0.5 14 9.33 horizontal 7.1 S1 opes : Front Slope (degrees) Back Slope (deqrees) horizontal 26.6 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge none none Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data: soil Description: (psf 1 (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil sand Retained Soil sand Levelling Pad Soil gravel Foundation Soil sand N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 133.0 0.0 34.0 Segmental Unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) Default segmental unit properties none 8.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum, (lbs/ft) 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 770.0 27.0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 4 Sympaforce FS 35 2 0 Sympaforce SF 55 3 0 Sympaforce SF BO SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Geosyn the t i cs Properties : Strength and Polymer Type:, Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyester polyester polyester Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 TYP 2 Type 3 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.08 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 1946.0 Coefficient of Interact ion : Peak Load Criterion De f o mat i on C ri t e ri on Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 1 Connection Strenqth: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion : Minimum (lbs / f t ) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500 .O 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs / f t ) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Maximum (lbs/ f t ) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Geo s yn the ti c - Segmen t a 1 Re t a in i n g Wa 1 1 Un i t Interface Shear Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: * Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 ~~ Coefficients o€ Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Results of External Stability Analyses: FOS Sliding FOS Overturning FOS Bearing Capacity Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) Base Eccentricity (e)(ft) Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) Cal cul a t ed Design Cri t eria 2.32 1.5 OK 4.07 2.0 OK 19.97 2.5 OK 8.5 5.6 OK 0.32 N/A 0.91 0.6 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 3577.8 12300.7 8296.9 15749.9 64089.1 31251.0 1565.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050833 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS Unit Type (ft) (ftJ Length Over- I (ft) stress > 1.0 > 1.0 11 1 6.67 8.5 1.99 3.16 8 1 4.67 8.5 3.54 2.27 5 1 2.67 8.5 5.1 1.59 2 1 0.67 8.5 6.65 J.5 Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria FOS Pull out (peak) > 1.5 5.11 8.27 10.07 14.51 FOS PUl lou t (clef) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A FOS Sliding (peak) > 1.5 3.53 2.87 2.41 2.07 Layer - Spacing (ft) < 2.67 OK OK OK OK Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Term Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) Design Load Capacity Capacity Force Capacity x Strength (lbs/ft) (peak) (def) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t ) (lbs/ftJ (lbs/ft) 11 1 6.67 870.7 ,275. 8 1409.2 N/A 877.3 3094.5 4293.3 5492.2 2 1 0.67 870.7 581.2 8433.4 N/A 3225.7 6691.0 1496.0 2278.8 8 1 4.61 870.7 382.9 3168.7 N/A 5 1 2.67 870.7 547.0 5507.7 N/A Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS FOS FOS FOS FOS Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear Connection Connection ??gk) W/A > 1.5 N/A x (ft) turning (deforma tion) (peak) (de fonna t ion) > 1.5 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Note : 8.67 nonr 8.0 none 7.33 nono 6.61 1 6.0 none 5.33 nonr 4.67 1 4.0 nonr 3.33 nonr 2.67 1 2.0 nonr 1.33 none 0.67 1 0.0 none calculated values MEET 36.63 90.68 9.73 24.22 4.58 11.46 2.72 4.98 3.77 - 3.58 21.18 3.15 5.25 3.28 - 3.13 16.05 2.89 4.22 2.84 - 2.71 13.54 2.55 3.69 2.48 - ALL design criter Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Moment and Shear): SRW Heel GeO Drive Resist Shear Unit Elev Type Moment Moment Load I (ft) (lbs-ft/ftl (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs/ft) +out -in 14 8.67 13 8.0 12 7.33 11 6.67 10 6 .O 9 5.33 8 4.67 7 4.0 6 3.33 5 2.67 4 2.0 3 1.33 2 0.67 1 0.0 none none nono 1 nons none 1 none none 1 none none A nonr 2.0 16.2 54.7 129.7 253.3 437.6 695.0 1037.4 1477.0 2026.1 2696.7 3501.1 4451.4 5559.6 74.2 157,7 250.5 352.6 955.1 1566.9 2188.0 3398.8 4618.9 5848.3 7667.4 9495.8 11333.5 13760.9 9.1 36.5 82.1 145.9 -47.9 52.4 171.0 -75.2 79.8 253.0 -102.6 107.1 335.1 0.0 Shear Capaci t y (lbs/f t J (peak) 826.7 883.5 940.2 726.9 1053.6 1110.4 897.1 1223.8 1280.5 1067.3 1394.0 1450.7 1237.5 1564.2 Shear Capacity (lbs/ft) (defoxma ti on) N/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 6 LN 95050839 Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Connections) : SRW Heel Geo Connection Connection Connection Unit El ev TYPe Load Capaci t y Capa ci t y # (ft) (lbs/ftl (peak) (de formation) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) #/A 11 6.61 1 275.8 736.8 N/A a 4.61 1 382.9 914.4 N/A 5 2.67 1 547.0 1092.0 N/A 2 0.67 1 581.2 * 1269.6 N/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) b3/ ’ Page 7 LN 95050839 7.1 9.33 ft Sympaforce FS 35 I Sympaforce FS 35 Sympaforce FS 35 Sympaforce FS 35 -0.5 ft 8.5 ft Project Identifi cati on : Project Name: SERENATA - WALL B Section: Data Sheet: 92121 OQment : BREHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to : RETAINING WALLS COMPANY 1531 GRAND AVENUE SAM MARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project Iden t if ica ti on : Project Name: SERENATA - WALL #C Section: Data Sheet: Owner : BREHM C-ITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 Client: Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date : Decembrr 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6rympa . Type of Structure: Georynthetic-Reinforced Segmental Retaining Wall Structu,re Criticality: Non-critical Design Methodology: NCMA Method A Wa 11 Geometry : Design Wall Height (ft) 6.67 Embedment Wall Height (ft) 2.5 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 4.17 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) 0.5 Number of Segmental Wall Units 10 Hinge Height ( ft) 6.67 Base Inclination (degrees) horizontal Wall Inclination (degrees) 7.1 Slopes : Front Slope (degrees) Back SloPe Idearees) horizontal 26.6 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge none Dead Load Surcharge (psf) 280 Fri ct ion Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data: Soil Description : (psf 1 (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil sand Retained Soil sand Levelling Pad Soil gravel Foundation Soil sand N/A 34.0 133.0 133.0 N/A 34.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 0.0 34.0 133.0 Segmental Unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) Default segmental unit properties none 8.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Proper t i es Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum' (lbs/ft) 770.0 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ f t) 2000.0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 3 Sympaforce FS 35 2 0 Synpaforce SF 55 3 0 Sympaforce SF 80 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Geosynthetics Properties: Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyester polyester polyester Pa rti a 1 Ma t eri a1 Safety Factors : Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1-10 1.10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.08 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 1946.0 Coefficient of Interaction: Peak Load Criterion Deformation Criterion Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding : Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 Connectkon Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: .Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 28.0 2000.0 500.0 28.0 3000.0 500.0 28.0 3000.0 Def orma ti on Strength Cri t eri on : Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Maximum ( lbs / f t ) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 20.0 28.0 28.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Geosyn the t i c-Segmen t a1 Ret a ining Wa 11 Uni t Interface Shear Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ ft ) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum ( lbs / f t ) 500.0 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: ' Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Design Criteria 1.5 OK FOS Sliding 2.09 FOS Overturning 3.51 2.0 OK FOS Bearing Capacity 18.58 2.5 OK Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) 6.5 4.0 OK Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) 0.3 N/A 0.6 OK Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 0.97 Note: chlculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) Calculated Values: 2658.3 8226.2 5548.6 9683.8 33957.9 25904.4 1393.9 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS FOS FOS FOS Layer Unit Type (ft) (ft) Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing Y (ft) stress (peak) (def) (peak) (ft) > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.5 N/A > 1.5 < 2.67 8 1 4.67 6.5 1.54 1.96 2.72 N/A 3.13 OK 5 1 2.67 6.5 3.1 1.74 5.98 N/A 2.4 OK 2 1 0.67 6.5 4.65 1.6 9.82 N/A 1.96 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design critkria Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Term Tensile Pull out Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) Design Load Capacity Capacity Force Capacity Y Strength (lbs/ft) (peak) (def) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) 8 1 4.67 870.7 443.8 1207.2 N/A 888.5 2777.9 5 1 2.67 870.7 501.0 2998.3 N/A 1537.6 3689.7 2 1 0.67 870.7 542.8 5330.1 N/A 2350.8 4601.5 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS FOS FOS FOS FOS Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear Connection Connection x (ft) turning (peak) (defonna tion) (peak) (defonna ti on) > 1.5 > 1.5 N/A > 1.5 N/A 10 6.0 9 5.33 8 4.67 7 4.0 6 3.33 5 2.67 4 2.0 3 1.33 2 0.67 1 0.0 none nona 1 none none 1 none none .A none 3.5 1.7 1.1* 1.84 1.87 1.72 1.89 1.88 1.79 1.82 12.39 5.83 2.63 14.61 3.65 12.31 3.24 - - - - 1.71 - - 1.9 - Note: * value does NOT MEET design criterion (1 occurrences) Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Moment and Shear): SRW Heel GeO Drive Resist Shear Shear Shear Unit El ev Type Moment Moment Load Capacity Capacity x fft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbdft) (lbs/ft) (peak) (deforma tion) +out -in N/A 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 nom none 1 nonr nonr 1 none none 1 none 21.2 93.0 227.5 436.8 733.1 1128.6 1635.5 2265.8 3031.8 3945.6 74.2 157.7 250.5 804.3 1367.3 1939.7 3091.4 4252.4 5422.7 7182.8 66.7 151.6 254.8 -67.5 72.1 230.0 -94.9 99.5 312.0 0.0 826.7 N/A 883.5 N/A 670.2 N/A 996.9 N/A 1053.6 N/A 840.4 N/A 1167.1 N/A 1223.8 N/A 1010.5 N/A 1337.3 N/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 6 LN 95050839 Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Connections) : SRW Heel Geo Connection Connection Connection Unit Elev Type Load Capa ci t y Capa ci t y # fft) (lbs/f t) (peak) (defonna tion) (1 bs/f t) (lbs/ft I N/A 8 4.67 1 443.8 677.6 NIA 5 2.67 1 501.0 855.2 N/A 2 0.67 1 542.8 1032.8 N/A \ SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 7 LN 95050639 7.1 degrees Sympaforce FS 35 6.67 ft Sympaforce FS 35 Sympaforce FS 35 -0.5 ft I- - 6.5 ft I Proi ect Identification : Project Name: SERENATA - WALLSG Section: Data Sheet: Orlrment : BREHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 Licensed to: RETAINING WALLS COMPANY 1531 GRAND AVENUE SAM MARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project Identification : Project Name: SERENATA - WALLA c, Section: Data Sheet: owner : BREHM COM4UNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEW, CA 92121 Client : Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa Type of Structure: Geosynthetic-Reinforced Segmsntal Retaining Wall Structure Criticality: Non-critical Design Methodology: NCMA Method A Wa 11 Geome try : Design Wall Height (ft) Embedment Wall Height ( ft 1 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) 8.67 2.5 6.17 0.5 Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height ( f t ) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 13 8.67 horizontal 7.1 S1 opes : Front Slope (degrees) -_-..- -7 _._. ,,. . horizontal -- - SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge (psf) none 280 Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data : Soil Description: (psf) (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil sand Retained Soil sand Levelling Pad Soil gravel Foundation Soil sand N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 133.0 0.0 34.0 Segmental Unit Name: Segmental Unit Data: Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) Default segmental unit properties none 8.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 8.0 Segmental Unit Interface Shear Data: Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimumi (lbs/ft) 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 770.0 27.0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 4 Sympaforce FS 35 2 0 Sympaforce SF 55 3 0 Sympaforce SF 80 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Geosyn the t i cs Proper ties : Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyester polyester polyester Partial Material Safety Factors: Type 1 Type 2 TYPe 3 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1.10 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.08 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 TYPe 3 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 1316.8 1946.0 Coefficient of Interaction : Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Sliding: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 I Connection strength: Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion : Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ f t ) 500.0 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: ' Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ f t ) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Results of External Stabilitv Analvses: FOS Sliding FOS Overturning FOS Bearing Capacity Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) Base Eccentricity (e) (ft) Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) Ca 1 cu 1 a t ed 2.22 1.5 OK 3.86 2.0 OK 18.51 2.5 OK 9.0 5.2 OK 1.04 0.6 OK Design Cri t eri a 0.32 N/A Note: chlculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Values: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) 4470.8 Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) 14710.1 Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) 9922.1 Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) 21446.5 Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) 82889.5 Bearing Capacity (psf) 32600.7 Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) 1760.9 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 35050839 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS Unit Type (ft) (ftl Length Over- if lftl stress > 1.0 > 1.0 11 1 6.67 10.0 3.49 1.96 8 1 4.67 9.0 4.04 1.74 5 1 2.67 9.0 5.6 1.31 2 1 0.67 9.0 7.15 1.28 Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria FOS Pullout (peak) > 1.5 7.4 8.85 10.79 15.3 FOS Pull out fdefl N/A FOS Layer Sliding Spacing (peak) (ftl > 1.5 < 2.67 3.19 OK 2.63 OK 2.24 OK 1.96 OK Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Tern Tensile Pull out Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) Design Load Capacity Capacity Force Capacity x Strength (lbs/ft) (peak) (def) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) 11 1 6.67 870.7 443.8 3284.2 N/A 1303.7 4158.7 8 1 4.67 870.7 501.0 4431.3 N/A 2062.4 5429.3 5 1 2.67 870.7 665.1 7176.5 N/A 2985.2 6700.0 2 1 0.67 870.7 679.6 10400.7 N/A 4072.0 7910.6 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS FOS FOS FOS Connection FOS Connection Shear Shear Unit Elev Type Over- (deforma tion) I fft) > 1.5 N/A turning (peak) (deformation) (peak) > 1.5 > 1.5 N/A 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Note : 8.0 none 7.33 none 6.67 1 6.0 none 5.33 none 4.67 1 4.0 none 3.33 none 2.67 1 2.0 none 1.33 none 0.67 1 0.0 none * value does 3.5 1.7 1.1' 1.84 1.87 1.72 1.89 1.88 1.79 1.82 1.78 1.71 1.7 NOT MEET design 12.39 N/A 5.83 N/A 2.63 N/A - N/A 14.61 N/A 3.65 N/A N/A 12.31 N/A 3.24 N/A - N/A 10.99 N/A 3.0 N/A - N/A - criterion (1 occurrences) - - 1.53 - - 1.71 - - 1.55 - - 1.78 Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Moment and Shear) : SRW Heel GeO Drive Resist Shear Unit Elev Type Moment Moment Load x (ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs/f t) +out -in 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8.0 7.33 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2 .o 1.33 0.67 0.0 none none 1 none none 1 none nene 1 none none 1 none 21.2 93.0 227.5 436.8 733.1 1128.6 1635.5 2265.8 3031.8 3945.6 5019.3 6265.1 7695.3 74.2 157.7 250.5 804.3 1367.3 1939.7 3091.4 4252.4 5422.7 7182.8 8952.1 10730.7 13099.0 66.7 151.6 254.8 -67.5 72.1 230.0 -94.9 99.5 312.0 -122.2 126.8 394.1 0.0 Shear Shear Capacity Capacity (lbs/f t) (lbs/f t) (peak) (deforna tion) N/A 826.7 N/A 883.5 N/A 670.2 N/A 996.9 N/A 1053.6 I/A 840.4 N/A 1167.1 N/A 1223.8 #/A 1010.5 N/A 1337.3 N/A 1394.0 N/A 1180.7 N/A 1507.5 N/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 6 LN 95050839 Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Connections): SRW Heel Geo Connection Connection Connection Uni t Elev Type Load Capacity Capacity Y fft) (lbs/ft) (peak) (de formation) (lbs/f t) (lbs/ft) WA 11 6.67 1 443.8 677.6 N/A 8 4.67 1 501.0 855.2 N/A 5 2.67 1 665.1 1032.8 N/A 2 0.67 1 679.6 ' 1210.4 N/A I' I SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 7 LN 95050819 Sympaforce FS 35 Sympaforce FS 35 Sympaforce FS 35 Sympaforce FS 35 I T -0.5 ft L J I- 9.0 ft I Project Identification: Project Name: SERENATA - WALL )if& Section : 92121 Data Sheet: Oikment : BREHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date : December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 1 LN 95050839 ~~ -~ Licensed to: RETAINING WALLS COMPANY 1531 GRAND AVENUE SAM MARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 471-2500 License Number: 95050839 Project Iden ti f i ca tion : Project Name: SERENATA - WALL #L Section : Data Sheet: Owner : BREHM C-ITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 Client : Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date: Docamber 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa Type of Structure: Structure Criticality: Non-critical Design Methodology: NCMA Method A Goosynthetic-Reinforced Segmental Retaining Wall Wa 11 Geometry : Design Wall Height (ft) 9.33 Embedment Wall Height (ft) 2.5 Exposed Design Wall Height (ft) 6.83 Minimum Levelling Pad Thickness (ft) 0.5 Number of Segmental Wall Units Hinge Height ( ft) Base Inclination (degrees) Wall Inclination (degrees) 14 9.33 horizon tal 7.1 S1 opes : Front Slope (degrees) D-c.1, @l an- /rl-rrrear\ horizontal c)c c SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 2 LN 95050839 Uniformly Distributed Surcharges: Live Load Surcharge Dead Load Surcharge (psf) none 280 Friction Cohesion Angle Unit Weight Soil Data: Soil Description: (psf) (degrees) (pcf) Reinforced Soil sand Retained Soil sand Levelling Pad Soil gravel Foundation Soil sand N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 34.0 133.0 N/A 40.0 125.0 0.0 34.0 133.0 Segmental Unit Name: Default segmental unit properties Segmental Unit Data : Cap Height (in) Unit Height (in) Unit Width (in) Unit Length (in) Setback (in) Weight (infilled) (lbs) Unit Weight (infilled) (pcf) Center of Gravity (in) none 8.0 16.0 18.0 1.0 167.0 125.3 8.0 Segmental Uni t Interface Shear Data : Properties Peak Strength Criteria Deformation Criteria Minimum’ (lbs/ft) 770.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 770.0 27.0 2000.0 Geosynthetic Reinforcement Types and Number: Type Number Name 1 5 Sympaforce FS 35 2 0 Sympaforce SF 55 3 0 Sympaforce SF 80 SRWall (ver 2.1 June 2995) Page 3 LN 95050839 Geosynthetics Properties: Strength and Polymer Type: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Index Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) 2627.0 3731.0 5583.0 Polymer Type polyester polyester polyester b Part i a1 Ma t erial Safety Factors : Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Creep 1.59 1.59 1.61 Biological Degradation 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chemical Degradation 1.10 1.10 1-10 Construction Site Damage 1.15 1.08 1.08 Material Uncertainty 1.50 1.50 1.50 Long Term Design Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 1316.8 1946.0 LTDS (lbs/ft) 870.7 Coefficient of Interaction : Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.7 0.7 0.7 Deformation Criterion 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coefficient of Direct Slidinq: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Load Criterion 0.8 0.8 0.75 Connection Strength: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion : Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbsjft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Deformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 3000.0 3000.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 28.0 28.0 28.0 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 4 LN 95050839 Geosynthetic-Segmental Retaining Wall Unit Interface Shear Strength: Type 1 TYP 2 Type 3 Peak Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) Friction Angle (degrees) Maximum (lbs/ft) 500.0 500.0 500.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Reformation Strength Criterion: Minimum (lbs/ft) 500 .O 500.0 500.0 Friction Angle (degrees) 27.0 27.0 27.0 Maximum (lbs/ft) 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 Coefficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientations: Reinforced Soil (Ka) 0.32 Reinforced Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Retained Soil (Ka) 0.32 Retained Soil (Ka horizontal component) 0.308 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal (degrees) 47.98 Results of External Stability Analyses: Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 2.39 1.5 OK 2.0 OK FOS Bearing Capacity 20.67 2.5 OK Base Reinforcement Length (L) (ft) 11.0 5.6 OK Base Reinforcement Ratio (L/H) 1.18 0.6 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria FOS Overturning 4.48 Base Eccentricity (e)(ft) 0.21 N/A Detailed Resulfs of External Stability Analyses: Total Horizontal Force (lbs/ft) Total Vertical Force (lbs/ft) Sliding Resistance (lbs/ft) Driving Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Resisting Moment (lbs-ft/ft) Bearing Capacity (psf) Maximum Bearing Pressure (psf) Calculated Values: 5594.1 19818.7 30160.3 135070.7 38698.8 1872.0 13367 : 9 SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 5 LN 95050839 Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Length Anchor FOS FOS FOS FOS Layer Unit Type (ft) lftl Length Over- Pullout Pullout Sliding Spacing Y (ftl stress (peak) (de f) (peak) Iftl > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.5 N/A > 1.5 < 2.67 12 1 7.33 11.0 3.98 1.96 8.85 N/A 3.22 OK 9 1 5.33 11.0 5.53 1.14 12.96 N/A 2.76 OK 6 1 3.33 11.0 7.08 1.6 11.75 N/A 2.41 OK 4 1 2.0 11.0 8.11 5.69 23.35 N/A 2.22 OK 2 1 0.67 11.0 9.15 1.48 24.8 N/A 2.06 OK Note: calculated values MEET ALL design criteria Detailed Results of Internal Stability Analyses: SRW Geosyn Elev Long Term Tensile Pullout Pullout Sliding Sliding Unit Type (ft) Design Load Capacity Capaci ty Force Capacity x Strength (lbs/ft) (peak) (clef) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) (lbs/ft) 12 1 7.33 870.7 443.8 3927. I N/A 1688.6 5435.9 4 1 2.0 870. 7 516.3 12056.5 N/A 4310.1 9589. 7 9 1 5.33 010. I 501.0 6493.1 N/A 2534.9 6993.6 6 1 3.33 070.7 542.8 9638.0 N/A 3545.3 8551.3 2 1 0.67 870.7 589.3 14612.2 N/A 5141.9 10628.2 Results of Facing Stability Analyses: SRW Heel Geosynthetic FOS FOS FOS FOS FOS Unit Elev Type Over- Shear Shear Connection Connection x lft) turning (peak) (deformation) (peak) (defonna ti on) > 1.5 N/A > 1.5 > 1.5 N/A 14 8.67 none 3.5 12.39 N/A - - 13 8.0 none 1.1 5.83 N/A - - 12 7.33 1 1.1+ 2.63 N/A 1.53 N/A 11 6.61 none 1.84 - N/A - - 10 6.0 none 1.87 14.61 N/A - - 9 5.33 1 1.72 3.65 N/A 1.11 N/A 8 4.67 none 1.89 - N/A - - 7 4.0 none 1.88 12.31 N/A - - 5 2.67 none 1.82 - N/A - - 4 2.0 1 1.78 4.51 N/A 2.23 N/A 3 1.33 none 1.81 N/A 2 0.61 1 1.78 4.33 N/A 2.15 N/A 1 0.0 none 1.78 - N/A - - Note: *,value does NOT MEET design criterion (1 occurrences) 6 3.33 1 1.19 3.24 N/A , 1.9 N/A - - - SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 6 LN 95050839 Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Moment and Shear): SRW Heel Geo Drive Resist Shear Unit El ev Type Moment Moment Load # (f t) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs-ft/ft) (lbs/ft) +out -in 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8.67 8.0 7.33 6.67 6.0 5.33 4.67 4.0 3.33 2.67 2.0 1.33 0.67 0.0 none none 1 none none 1 none none 1 none 1 nons 1 none 21.2 93.0 227.5 436.8 733.1 1128.6 1635.5 2265.8 3031.8 3945.6 5019.3 6265.1 7695.3 9321.8 74.2 157.7 250.5 ’ 804.3 1367.3 1939.7 3091.4 4252.4 5422.7 7182.8 8952.1 11311.1 13679.5 16637.6 66.7 151.6 254.8 -67.5 72.1 230.0 -94.9 99.5 312.0 0.0 249.1 0.0 285.5 0.0 Shear Shea t Capacity Capacity (lbs/ft) (Ibs/ft) (peak ) (de f onna ti on) N/A 826.7 N/A 670.2 N/A 996.9 N/A 1053.6 N/A 840,4 N/A 1167.1 N/A 1223.8 N/A 1010.5 N/A 1337.3 N/A 1124.0 N/A 1450.7 N/A 1237.5 N/A 1564.2 N/A 883.5 N/A Detailed Results of Facing Stability Analyses (Connections) : SRW Heel Geo Connection Connection Connection Unit Elev Type Load Capa ci t y Capacity x (ft) (lbs/f t) (peak) (de forma ti on) (lbs/ft) (lbs/f t) N/A 12 7.33 1 443. 8 677.6 N/A 9 5.33 1 501.0 855.2 N/A 6 3.33 1 542.0 1032.8 N/A 4 2.0 1 516.3 1151.2 N/A 2 0.67 1 589.3 1269.6 N/A SRWall (ver 1.1 June 1995) Page 7 9.. - 7.1 Sympaforce FS 35 Sympaforce FS 35 I Sympaforce FS 35 Sympaforce FS 35 Sympaforce FS 35 I -0.5 ft 11.0 ft Project Identification : Project Name: SEFUZNATA - WALLHG Section: 92121 Data Sheet: O&memt: BFEHM COMMUNITIES 5770 OBERLIN DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA Prepared by: OWEN ENGINEERING GROUP Date : December 18 2000 Time : 03:22:09 PM Data file: c:\srwalll\al6sympa