HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-13; Sister City Committee; MinutesMINUTES Sister City Committee Wednesday, January 13, 1993 5:00 PM City Council Conference Room 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr., Carlsbad ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Committee Members Brandmeyer, Mills, Gleason Huss, Paegel, Bradstreet, Bartl Committee Members Dominguez, Andersson, Juchniewicz, Eckles Staff Present: Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager; Colleen Finnegan, Community Arts Coordinator The meeting was called to order by Chair Brandmeyer at 5:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of December 9, 1992 were approved. Motion: Gleason Huss Ayes: Paegel, Brandmeyer, Mills, Gleason Huss, Bradstreet, Bartl COMMITTEE REPORTS: Chair's Report Chair Brandmeyer met with two Czechslovakia visitors in Carlsbad recently. They are from Karlovy Vary and are associated with a rock theatre group that i s interested in performing in Carlsbad this spring. The purpose of their visit was to see if there was interest/support from Carlsbad for a performance. Chair Brandmeyer stated the group appears to be self-financed and the Committee would be acting as a liaison on this event. Mr. Brandmeyer stated that he was approached by a gentleman who is publishing an autobiography on Mr. Fujimora, the man who helped establish the sister city relationship. He approached Chair Brandmeyer about attending a Rotary meeting. Chair Brandmeyer also stated he was recently told that the Jupitor Corporation Sister City Committee Minutes 2 January underwrites a good part of the funds for the Japanese to come to Carlsbad. Mr. Brandmeyer said that the gentlemen writing this book will check into Jupitor Corporation 's possible help with underwriting a delegation to visit Japan. Staff Report The City received a fax from Mr. Osaka from Futtsu which contained two letters sent by Futtsu translated into English. Ms. Finnegan read the letters to the Committee. The Committee received a photo album from one of the Futtsu delegation members. Staff has ordered the New Book of Knowledge to be sent to Karlovy Vary. Student Ambassadors Report Committee Member Gleason Huss described press coverage on the program. Judges for the contest from the Carlsbad Arts Commission are Arthur Wood, David Spencer and Laurie Batter. Committee Member Paegel asked if music videos were acceptable in this contest. Ms. Finnegan stated that music videos were, but audio was not. Ms. Gleason Huss asked Ms. Finnegan for an update on the number of application requests. Ms. Finnegan stated that Carlsbad High School does have a number of them. It was announced that Take 5 would be taping Committee Members Paegel and Gleason Huss regarding the Student Ambassador Program. The Committee was shown a video clip of the program presentation to the City Council. Ms. Gleason Huss stated the Committee needed to concentrate efforts on fundraising for this program. Committee Member Bradstreet stated she will collect samples of solicitation letters and send to Ms. Gleason Huss. Mses. Gleason Huss, Paegel and Finnegan will meet to discuss fundraising plans. Discussion ensued regarding planning the student delegation trips. Karlovv Vary Report The books were sent off to Karlovy Vary and Mr. Brandmeyer expressed a big thank you to those that helped with this project. Committee Member Bradstreet asked if city officials knew what has been done regarding shipping these books and the amount of work it took to accomplish this project. Colleen Finnegan stated this should wait until the encyclopedia came in and then she would Sister City Committee Minutes 3 January contact the press. Chair Brandmeyer asked if the Committee should submit an annual report as stated in the Commission/Committee handbook. Staff reported that the projects and programs of the Sister City Committee are covered in City Council's goals and objectives for each department. Ms. Beardsley stated she would check on the annual report submission. Mr. Bartl stated he sent five letters to Karlovy Vary to different officials and received three positive replies, one from the Mayor, who will take a more active role in the Sister City program. Letters were also received from the museum and gallery of art. The manager of the museum suggested that photographs be exchanged (i.e. photo exhibit exchange) Chair Brandmeyer asked if the Committee had any photos left from a previous photo exchange. Colleen Finnegan stated this contest was held before the Arts Office took responsibility for the program and had no idea where these items would be. Chair Brandmeyer suggested the Committee entertain the idea of holding a photo contest in the future. Committee Member Bradstreet stated that in association with An Evening in Japan, an art contest was held at La Costa Elementary, but the items were returned. She suggested that this type of contest be held again. The Fieldstone photo contest which resulted in a calendar was also mentioned. Ms. Bradstreet stated that the photos were returned. Committee Member Gleason Huss suggested that the Committee hold a photo contest next year, produce a calendar and sell it as a fundraiser. Mr. Bartl gave a brief explanation about an exchange student here from Prague. 11 was suggested that she be invited to attend the next meeting, as well as be involved with the student ambassador program. Chair Brandmeyer asked if there were any further items that needed to be discussed. Colleen Finnegan detailed Chair Brandmeyer's earlier statement regarding the two visitors, Radek Cervenak and Nikol Leitner from the Czech Republic. She said that Chair Brandmeyer received a phone call from two Czech visitors who specifically came to Carlsbad to introduce to the City an idea they had to bring a performing troupe for Carlsbad. Mr. Bartl clarified - two groups, a rock opera and children's musical theatre. The visitors were housed at a beach house for the week. The organization is private - not city government affiliated. They wanted to promote this activity because of the Sister City Association. Mr. Libor Balak has experience. He has taken his rock opera to New York. Underwriting and sponsorship has been supplied through an advertising agency in Sister City Committee Minutes 4 January the Czech Republic. The agency is currently underwriting the group's tour in Europe. A letter has been sent outlining the the understanding about this perfomance between the City and the two visitors. Ms. Finnegan read the letter to the Committee (attached). Colleen Finnegan also stated she had received a post card from Nikol Leitner, who would be returning to Carlsbad in March with Mr. Balak. The City is waiting for a reply to our letter. Mr. Mills asked how many people were involved with the two performing groups. Ms. Finnegan explained 20 children plus ten adults with the children's group and 25-30 people in the adult production company. Mr. Bartl stated that he was informed that the company would not mind staying in the school gym. Mr. Mills asked if these groups were going to perform at any other cities. Ms. Finnegan stated that was not planned. The meeting adjourned at 5:55. Respectfully submitted, COLLEEN FINNEGAN Community Arts^ Coordinator Sherry fjjreisinger Secretary