HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-24; City Council; Minutes (2)MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: May 24, 2011 TIME OF MEETING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Hall called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Blackburn led the pledge of allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, the minutes of the following meetings were unanimously approved as presented: Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held April 26, 2011. Minutes of the Regular Meetings held April 26, 2011. Minutes of the Special Meeting held hay 5, 2011. Minutes of the Special Meeting held May 10, 2011. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 10, 2011. Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held May 10, 2011. PRESENTATIONS: Council Member Kulchin presented a proclamation in honor of National Historic Preservation month to National Historic Preservation Committee commissioners Joyce Smith, Chris Garcia, Tom Wachter, and Murray Levy. Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson presented awards to the winners of the Third Grade Art Contest "Drawing on Carlsbad's Past". Council Member Douglas presented a proclamation in recognition of Water Watchers 2011 and National Aquatics Month to Aquatics Supervisor Carl Pope and Fire Captain Luis Osuna. Recreation Area Manager Kevin Granse recognized a donation from Carlsbad Lightning Soccer Club in support of the Opportunity Grants Program from Mr. Bob Lombard. May 24, 2011 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: Item Nos. 1, 4 and 10 were pulled for discussion. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items #2, #3, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9 and #11 as follows: AYES: Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 2. AB #20,549 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2011-095. accepting a donation of cash and in-kind services from Carlsbad Lightning Soccer Club in support of the Parks and Recreation Department; and, appropriating said funds to the Parks and Recreation Opportunity Grant Revenue account. 3. AB #20.550 - ACCEPTANCE OF EQUIPMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2011-096, accepting license plate reader equipment funded by the 2009 Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant program for domestic disaster preparedness for incidents of terrorism, and the Office of National Drug Control Policy's Project Roadrunner. 5. AB #20,552 - AUTHORIZATION TO BID Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2011-098, authorizing the City Clerk to advertise bids for the Lake Calavera Preserve EMP Grant Fencing, Project No. SS 09-01 (B). 6. AB #20,553 - APPROVE INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CITY'S STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011-12. Council adopted RESOLUTION NOS. 2011-099. 2011-100 AND 2011-101, approving initiating proceedings and ordering the preparation of an Engineer's Report for a Special Maintenance District; and, approving the Preliminary Engineer's Report; and, setting a public hearing for June 28, 2011. 7. AB #20,554 - APPROVE INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CITY'S STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011-12. Council adopted RESOLUTION NOS. 2011-102. 2011-103 AND 2011-104, approving initiating proceedings and ordering the preparation of an Engineer's Report for a Special Maintenance District; and, approving the Preliminary Engineer's Report; and, setting a public hearing for June 28, 2011. 8. AB #20,555 - APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NOS. 2011-105 AND 2011-106, approving an increase in the contract amount; and, authorizing the City Manager to sign Change Order 17 for the widening of Olivenhain Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road; and, accepting the work as complete, and directing recordation of the Notice of Completion. May 24, 2011 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 3 9. AB #20,556 - APPROVE 2011-2012 ACTION PLAN FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDGB) PROGRAM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2011-107, approving the submittal of the 2011- 2012 Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 11- AB #20,558 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2011-110, approving plans and specifications; and, authorizing the advertising for bids for the Calavera Hills Wastewater Treatment Plant Demolition Project, Project No. 5507. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM: 1. AB #20,548 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Robert Woelffer, Carlsbad, President of the Coastal Rose Society came forward to address Council regarding the activities of the Society. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2011-094, accepting a donation from the California Coastal Rose Society of Volunteer Hours and contributions at Magee Park during calendar year 2010. AYES: Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 4. AB #20.551- AUTHORIZATION TO RESEARCH AND ISSUE A REPORT ON AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE REVENUES. Council Member Douglas asked for clarification that the 48 acre parcel shown on the map is not included as this endowment only covers Proposition D properties. Community and Economic Director Gary Barberio stated that Exhibit A requires an amendment to remove Parcel No. 211-010-24 which is owned by San Diego Gas & Electric. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2011-097 as amended, authorizing an investigation of the feasibility of creating a dedicated fund from the city's Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee revenues to support continued agricultural use on the Cannon Road Agriculture and Open Space Lands; and, to prepare an informational report regarding the availability of various other public and/or private agricultural grant funding opportunities. AYES: Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. May 24, 2011 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 4 10. AB #20,557 - APPROVE COMBINED INCLUSIONARY HOUSING DESIGNATION AND PURCHASE OF CREDITS - CT 05-10x2. Following a question from Council Member Douglas, City Manager Lisa Hildabrand stated that there was a typographical error that required correcting. Council Member Packard recommended the interest rate of three percent be changed to reflect the Consumer Price Index for calculating the cost of the credits. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NOS. 2011-108 and 2011-109 as amended, approving the designation of Cassia Heights Apartments as a Combined Inclusionary Housing Development; and, approving the price and purchase of credits by the Tides Project. AYES: Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS. Mayor Hall pulled Items #18 and #19 for discussion. 18. AB #20.564 - REQUEST FOR GRANT FUNDING. Management Analyst Courtney Enriquez gave the staff report and Power Point presentation, on file in the office of the City Clerk. Further discussion on this item was delayed until later in the agenda. 19. AB #20,565 - CITIZEN PRESENTATION REGARDING BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB. Greg Nelson, on behalf of Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club, came forward to address Council and presented a short video titled "Great Futures Start Here". Prior Club donors came forward in support of the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club. Mr. Nelson requested $500,000, or more, towards the completion of the new facility at Bressi Ranch. Mayor Hall asked that the item be brought back to Council as a white paper at the June 21, 2011 meeting. The following Council Members stated that they have served on the Board of the Boys and Girls Club: Council Member Blackburn and his wife Council Member Douglas Council Member Kulchin and David Kulchin, who is currently a member of the Executive Committee May 24, 2011 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 5 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 12. AB #20,559 - ESTABLISH STOP CONTROL. City Attorney Ron Ball titled the Ordinance. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. CS-143, amending Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to require stops on Calle San Felipe at its intersection with Calle Posada. AYES: Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 13. AB #20,560 - REPEAL CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. City Attorney Ron Ball titled the Ordinance. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. CS-144, repealing Title 10, Chapter 10, Section 10.08.080 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code which adopted the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) 2003 Edition. AYES: Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 14. AB #20,561 - ADMINISTRATION OF REFUNDS. City Attorney Ron Ball titled the Ordinance. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. CS-142, amending Section 3.32.030 and Section 5.04.130 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, relating to the administration of refunds and adjustments. AYES: Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. May 24, 2011 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 6 CONTINUATION OF ITEM #18 18. AB #20,564 - REQUEST FOR GRANT FUNDING CONTINUED. Carlsbad High School Speech and Debate team members Sam Gardner and Natasha Maldi came forward to address Council and requested funds in the amount of $8,000 to help offset travel expenses for the team to compete at the national tournament. Council Member Packard expressed concern at increasing the staff recommended amount of $2,000 to $8,000 stating that the previous practice for Winning Teams requests has been to grant 20%, with the team contributing 80%. Following a question from Council Member Blackburn, Minnia Curtis, coach for the debate team, stated that the team has conducted fund raising activities but there is still a shortfall to cover expenses. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2011-114 as amended, approving the request from the Carlsbad High School Speech and Debate Team for grant funding. AYES: Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn and Douglas. NOES: Packard. ABSENT: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: Angela O'Hara, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council to promote the 4th Annual Carlsbad BeachFest. Buzzl857@yahoo.com, a.k.a. Policewatch.org, addressed Council regarding free speech. Pete Biltchik, Oceanside, came forward to address Council requesting safety enforcement measures and signage for in-line skaters and roller bladders on Carlsbad Boulevard. lla Schmidt, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council regarding the removal of trees on Jefferson Street and the $120 fee to file an appeal. RECESS: Mayor Hall declared a recess at 7:50 p.m. Council reconvened at 7:55 p.m., with five members present. May 24, 2011 PUBLIC HEARING: Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 7 15. AB #20,562 - PROPOSITION D IMPLEMENTATION. Council Member Douglas recused herself from the meeting due to a potential conflict of interest as Ms. Douglas was a member of the Proposition D Committee and community outreach. She left the dais at 7:56 p.m. Community and Economic Development Director Gary Barberio gave the staff report and Power Point presentation, on file in the office of the City Clerk. Mayor Hall opened the public hearing at 8:10 p.m. The following people spoke in support of Proposition D Implementation - Monica Browning, representing the Carltas Company Clifton Williams, representing the Charles Company Mayor Hall closed the public hearing at 8:12 p.m. City Attorney Ron Ball titled the Ordinances. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. CS-145, as amended, approving a zone code amendment to add and enact Chapter 21.209 - Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space Zone (CR-A/OS) and amend Section 21.05.010 and Chapter 21.06 - Qualified Development Overlay Zone (Q) of the Zoning Ordinance; and ORDINANCE NO. CS-146, amending Section 21.05.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by an amendment to the zoning map to grant a Zone Change, ZC 09-06, from the Open Space Zone (OS) to the Cannon Road-Agricultural/Open Space Zone (CR-A/OS) and deleting the Commercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone on approximately 244 acres generally located north of Palomar Airport Road, along the north and south sides of Cannon Road, east of the I-5 Freeway and west of Faraday Avenue in Local Facilities Management Zone 13; and ORDINANCE NO. CS-147. adopting Specific Plan Amendment 207(1) to implement Proposition D for the Cannon Road Agricultural and Open Space Lands on property generally located north of Palomar Airport Road, south of Cannon Road, east of Paseo Del Norte and west of Faraday Avenue in Local Facilities Management Zone 13; and ORDINANCE NO. CS-148. adopting Specific Plan Amendment 144(K) to implement Proposition D for the Cannon Road Agricultural and Open Space Lands on property generally located north of Cannon Road, south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, east of the I-5 Freeway and west of Faraday Avenue in Local Facilities Management Zone 13. AYES: Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: Douglas. May 24, 2011 Carlsbad City Council Meeting PageS ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2011-111. adopting a negative declaration for the Cannon Road Agricultural and Open Space Lands; and RESOLUTION NO. 2011-112. as amended, approving a Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCP) to amend: 1) the LCP Zone Map, 2) the Agua Hedionda Segment LCP Land Use Plan, 3) the Meilo II Segment LCP Land Use Plan, 4) the implementing Ordinance of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program (Title 21 - Zoning) to add and enact Chapter 21.209 and to amend Section 21.05.010 and Chapter 21.06, 5) the City of Carlsbad Zoning Map, and 6) the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan SP 207(1) to implement Proposition D for the Cannon Road Agricultural and Open Space Lands; and RESOLUTION NO. 2011-113, adopting a Minor Site Development Plan application fee. AYES: Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: Douglas. Council Member Douglas returned to the dais at 8:19 p.m. ADJOURNMENT TO THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Mayor Hall adjourned to the Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District at 8:19 p.m. with five members present. RECONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Hall reconvened the City Council Meeting at 8:46 p.m. with five members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORT: 20. AB #20.566 - REVISION TO THE CARLSBAD RESIDENTIAL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. Traffic Engineer John Kim gave the staff report and Power Point presentation, on file in the office of the City Clerk. Following a question from Council Member Kulchin, Mr. Kim stated that speed cushions were preferred over speed tables as an alternative for traffic calming. May 24, 2011 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 9 ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2011-115. approving the revised Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program that establishes the policy for traffic calming on residential streets. AYES: Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. NOES: Packard. ABSENT: None COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Mayor Hall and Council Members reported on activities and meetings of some committees and sub-committees of which they are members. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Hall announced that Council Members have been invited to attend, and may be participating in the following events: Saturday, June 4, 2011 - 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 4th Annual Carlsbad BeachFest, Frazee State Beach, Carlsbad, CA. Sunday, June 5, 2011 - 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Carlsbad City Library Literacy Services' event, Carlsbad Senior Center, 799 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, CA. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. CITY CLERK COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of May 24, 2011 was adjourned at 9:06 p.m. LORRINE M. WOOD, CMC City Clerk DONNA HERATY Deputy City Clerk