HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-04-08; Sister City Committee; MinutesSISTER CITY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 8, 2009 Call to Order Jacquie Thye, Chair, called the Special Meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. Roll Call Present: Committee Members Bedord, Gibson, Hersant, Miller, Morris, and Thye Absent: Committee Members Lahargoue Staff present: Isabelle Paulsen, Minutes Clerk I. Approval of Minutes Motion by Committee Member Hersant, second by Committee Member Morris, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 15, 2009, as amended. AYES: Committee Members Bedord, Gibson, Hersant, Miller, Morris, and Thye NOES: None ABSENT: Committee Member Lahargoue Motion by Committee Member Gibson, second by Committee Member Bedord, to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting held March 4, 2009. AYES: Committee Members Bedord, Gibson, Hersant, Miller, Norris, and Thye NOES: None ABSENT: Committee Member Lahargoue II. Old Business Edna Gibson, Chair of Futtsu/Carlsbad Sister City Visit, distributed suggested recommendations for working committees for the next sister city visit and distributed a letter from Mr. Takeyoshi Wakanabe, who was one of the visitors from Carlsbad's Sister City of Futtsu, Japan. Some of the items discussed: Committee Member Norris left at 6:14 p.m. • Sister City Committee Members should be doing all the planning for homestay visits • Have a list ready of available homestay homes • Letter signed by Chair of Sister City Committee to all host families Committee Member Morris returned at 6:16 p.m. III. New Business A. Recruitment of New Members Discussion ensued regarding possible qualified citizens to join the Sister City Committee. Ideas suggested: • Prospective members could be interviewed by the Committee to explain what the purpose of the Committee is • Interview day could be advertised in the newspaper for prospective members Committee Member Bedord announced that she would be resigning from the Committee effective at the close of this meeting. She said that her letter of recognition would be sent to the Mayor. Chair Thye announced that Committee Member Lahargoue had also resigned and had sent a letter notifying her of the resignation. B. Elections for Chair and Vice Chair Motion by Committee Member Hersant, second by Committee Member Bedord, to nominate Committee Member Thye as Chair. AYES: Committee Members Bedord, Gibson, Hersant, Miller, and Morris NOES: None ABSTAIN: Committee Member Thye ABSENT: Committee Member Lahargoue Motion by Committee Member Thye, second by Committee Member Bedord, to nominate Committee Member Gibson as Vice Chair. AYES: Committee Members Bedord, Hersant, Miller, Norris, and Thye NOES: None ABSTAIN: Committee Member Gibson ABSENT: Committee Member Lahargoue Sister City Committee - 2 - April 8, 2009 C. Committee Appointments Chair Thye appointed Committee Member Morris as Chair for the Programs Sub- Committee. Chair Thye appointed Committee Members Hersant and Miller as Co-Chairs for the Public Awareness Sub-Committee. IV. Public Comment There was no public comment. V. Committee Reports There were no committee reports. VI. Adjournment The meeting for May was cancelled and by general consensus, the regular meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, COLLEEN M. FINNEGAN Community Arts Coordinator Isabelle Paulsen Minutes Clerk Sister City Committee - 3 - April 8, 2009