HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-11; City Council; Minutes (5)MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: June 11, 2013 TIME OF MEETING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Hall called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Assistant City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn, Douglas. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tem Packard led the pledge of allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Packard, the minutes ofthe following meetings were unanimously approved as presented. Minutes ofthe Special Meeting held on May 14, 2013. Minutes ofthe Regular Meeting held on May 14, 2013. Minutes ofthe Regular Meeting held on May 21, 2013. Minutes ofthe Joint Special Meeting held on May 28, 2013. Minutes ofthe Regular Meeting held on May 28, 2013. PRESENTATIONS: Council Member Wood presented a proclamation recognizing Respect for Law Week to Kevin Radcliffe, Carlsbad Optimist Club Representative. Carlsbad Unified School District Superintendent Suzette Lovely and Carlsbad Unified School District Student Services Specialist Rosemary Eshelman presented a certificate to Police Chief Gary Morrison in recognition of Carlsbad Police Department as a finalist for the Public Health Champion Award. June 11, 2013 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 2 PUBUC REPORT OF ANY ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney/General Counsel Celia Brewer announced that Council/Board heard the matters presented during the Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Joint Special Meeting of June 11, 2013, but took no final action. Final action, when taken, will be reported out at a subsequent meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR: Item Nos. 1, 2 and 3 were pulled for discussion. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Packard, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items #4 through #9, as follows: AYES: Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn, Douglas. NOES: None. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading ofthe text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB #21.248 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT. PROJECT NO. 6320. This item was pulled for discussion. 2. AB #21.249 - APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT. PROJECT NO. 6320. This item was pulled for discussion. 3. AB #21.250 - APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT. PROJECT NO. 6320. This item was pulled for discussion. 4. AB #21.251 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT NO. PEM1013. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2013-131. approving Agreement No. PEM1013 with Fuson Electric for electrical repair and maintenance services; and, authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement. 5. AB #21.252 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR USE OF THE CARLSBAD SAFETY TRAINING CENTER. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2013-132. approving the Agreement for Use of the Carlsbad Safety Training Center; and, delegating signature authority to the City Manager or designee. June 11, 2013 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 3 6. AB #21.261 - APPROVAL OF PARTICIPATION IN US DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY OPERATION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2013-145. approving the Police Department's participation in the US Department of Homeland Security Operation Stonegarden; and, authorizing the appropriation of funds for anti-smuggling operations along the North County coast. 7. AB #21.253 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. PROJECT NO. 6001-13SS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2013-133. approving plans and specifications for the 2013 Slurry Seal Project No. 6001-13SS; and, authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids. 8. AB #21.254 - APPROVAL OF ANNUAL REPORT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2013-134, approving the annual report of the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District; and, continuing the programs and assessments for Fiscal Year 2013-2014. 9. AB #21.255 - APPROVAL OF ANNUAL REPORT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2013-135. approving the annual report ofthe Carlsbad Golf Lodging Business Improvement District; and, continuing the programs and assessments for Fiscal Year 2013-14. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: 1. AB #21.248 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT. PROJECT NO. 6320. 2. AB #21.249 - APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT. PROJECT NO. 6320. 3. AB #21.250 - APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT. PROJECT NO. 6320. Public Works Director Skip Hammann and Senior Engineer Doug Bilse gave the staff report and PowerPoint presentation, on file in the office ofthe City Clerk. Mr. Bilse stated that the Traffic Signal Program is currently exceeding expectations by being under budget and ahead of schedule, providing a savings of $1.2 million. Potential projects, which could be funded by this savings, were outlined. Following questions from Council, he stated that 130 signals out of 174 have been completed but that continuous analysis is required in order to understand traffic patterns, and to implement timing and synchronization plans. Mr. Bilse also explained "emergency pre-emption". Mehdi Sarram, Carisbad, came forward to address Council regarding his personal experience with traffic in Carlsbad during peak hours and off peak hours, emissions, the environment and the self-assessment grading system used for measuring success. June 11, 2013 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 4 ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Blackburn, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2013-128. accepting bids and awarding the Master Purchase Agreement to DDL Traffic, Incorporated for the procurement of traffic signal pre- emption equipment for the Traffic Signal Program, Project No. 6320; and, authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement; and RESOLUTION NO. 2013-129. approving Amendment No. 2 to extend and amend the Master Purchase Agreement with McCain, Inc. for the purchase of vehicle detection equipment for the Traffic Signal Program, Project No. 6320; and, authorizing the Mayor to execute the amendment; and AYES: NOES: RESOLUTION NO. 2013-130. approving Amendment No. 2 to extend and amend the Master Purchase Agreement with Iteris, Inc. for the purchase of traffic signal communication equipment for the Traffic Signal Program, Project No. 6320; and, authorizing the Mayor to execute the amendment. Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn, Douglas. None. PUBUC COMMENT: CityStuff volunteer Laurie Boone came forward to thank Council for the CityStuff program and introduced the following CityStuff participants who also thanked Council and volunteers for the program - Beebit Raymond Ashley Wozow Mariah Wazow Riley Knusden Alex Palamar Helene Neville, Las Vegas, came forward to address Council to inspire other nurses, and their patients, to be better ambassadors for health. Ms. Neville gave a brief summary of her cross country run in 2010, and her current border to border run from Vancouver to Tijuana (website www.oneontherun.com). Members ofthe Carlsbad High School Excalibur Dance Team came forward to thank Council for a grant which assisted them to travel to Florida to compete in the National Dance Team Championship. June 11, 2013 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 5 Usa Roop, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council in support of community gardens, the proposed Calavera Community Garden, and gardening education for schools and the public. Item #14 was moved to follow Public Comment DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 14. AB #21.260 - CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT UPDATE. San Diego County Water Authority Deputy General Manager Frank Belak came forward to provide an update on the project including construction progress, pipe production and outreach activities. Poseidon Resources Senior Vice President Peter MacLaggan also came forward to give a report on the status of construction of the plant and pipeline, outreach activities, water standards, construction schedules, trenching and pits on Cannon Road and relocation ofthe wateriine. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION: 10. AB #21.256 - ESTABLISH ALL WAY STOP AT EDINBURGH DRIVE AND GLASGOW DRIVE. City Attorney Celia Brewer titled the Ordinance. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Packard, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. CS-216, amending Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to require stops on Edinburgh Drive at its intersection with Glasgow Drive. AYES: Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn, Douglas. NOES: None. PUBUC HEARING: 11. AB #21.257 - BUENA VISTA CREEK MAINTENANCE. EIR 02-03(A) Associate Planner Barbara Kennedy and Associate Engineer Sherry Howard gave the staff report and PowerPoint presentation, on file in the office ofthe City Clerk. Mayor Hall opened the public hearing at 7:19 p.m. Diane Nygaard, representing Preserve Calavera, came forward to address Council regarding the importance and beneficial uses ofthe creek. Ms. Nygaard stressed the importance of identifying the conditions that cause creek impairments and stated that the goal should be to build a healthy creek that does not require regular vegetation removal in the future. Mayor Hall closed the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. June 11, 2013 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 6 ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Packard, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2013-136. certifying the Supplemental Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR 02-03(A)) for the Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance Project; and, adopting the Candidate Findings of Fact and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. AYES: Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn, Douglas. NOES: None. ADJOURNMENT TO THE JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AND CITY OF CARLSBAD AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mayor Hall adjourned the City Council meeting at 7:22 p.m. to the Joint Special Meeting ofthe City of Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board, Community Development Commission and City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency with five Council Members present. RECONVENE: Mayor Hall reconvened the City Council meeting at 8:25 p.m. with five Council Members present. COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Mayor Hall and council members reported on activities and meetings of some committees and sub-committees of which they are members. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Hall acknowledged the upcoming retirement of Assistant City Clerk Karen Kundtz and thanked her for her years of service. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the regular meeting of June 11, 2013 was adjourned at 8:28 p.m. Assistant City Clerk DONNA HERATY Deputy City Clerk