HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-21; City Council; Minutesf 7" I I' MINUTES *- (50) (99) .-.l (99) MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. DATE OF MEETING: December 21, 1982 PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the Deputy City Clerk as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott Absent - None INVOCATION was led by Mayor Casler. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Kulchin. I APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the regular meeting of December 7, 1982, were approved as corrected. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held December 14, 1982, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Casler stated that the applicant had requested that Item No, 3 be withdrawn from the agenda. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item No. 3, as follows: 1. AB f7233 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified the payment of demands against the City in the amount of $652,107.48, for the period December 1 to December 10, 1982; Payroll demands in the amount of $279,542.39, for the period November 22 to December 5, 1982; and Housing demands in the amount of $1,178.89, for the period December 1 to December 10, 1982. 2. AB /I6603 - Supplement #2 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CT 81- 8/CP-151 - CARLSBAD REALTY INVESTMENTS. RESOLUTION NO. 7088, approving an extension of time for tentative map CT 81-8 subject to certain conditions. 4. AB /I7152 - Supplement #2 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF MAPLE STREET STORM DRAIN. Council accepted the reconstruction as complete and authorized the final payment of $21,828, directed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion, and release bonds 35 days after recordation. 5. AB #I6238 - Supplement f3 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CT 75-9 (B) - PARDEE CONSTRUCTION. RESOLUTION NO. 7090, approving an extension of time for Tentative Map 75-9(B), subject to certain conditions. COUNCIL /\k % %' ? MEMBERS % %% Cas ler X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X I_ r " I' MINUTES Page 2 pr 71 1987 (99) 6. AB $17048 - Supplement #2 - QUITCLAIM OF WATEKINE (45) EASEMENT AND APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP - CT 81-37 - EL I CAMINO ESTATES. Council authorized the Mayor to sign quitclaim deed for a I waterline easement, and approved the final map for CT 81 -37. t lo8) 7. AB #7195 - Supplement $, - DENIAL OF APPEAL AND UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION TO DENY VARIANCE V-341 - HORTON. RESOLUTION NO. 7091, denying the appeal from a Planning Commission decision and denying the variance to reduce the street sideyard setback on property generally located on the northwest corner of Isle Drive and Hillside. (60) 8. AB if7237 - HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION FOR CITY EMPLOYEES. RESOLUTION NO. 7095, approving an agreement with Kaiser Foundation Health Plan. (50) 9. AB if7238 - ALLOCATION OF CONTINGENCY FUNDS FOR OPERATING BUDGET PURPOSES. I RESOLUTION NO. 7096, authorizing the allocation of contingency funds for various operating I budget purposes. I ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (70) 10. AB if7069 - Supplement 812 - PARK-IN-LIEU FEES. The following Ordinance was adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 9654, amending Title 20, Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the amendment of Section 20.44.050(d) to provide for payment of park-in-lieu fees upon the sale of the property or the issuance of building permits . (113) 11. AB $17223 - RESCINDING A SPECIFIC PLAN AND APPROVING TWO ZONE CHANGES - OCCIDENTAL PROPERTIES - SP-7 (A)/ZC-233 - JEWETT/SMITH. t The following Ordinances were adopted: (approved by one motion) ORDINANCE NO. 9655, amending Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by amending the zoning map to grant a change of zone (X-233) from C-2 to C-2(Q) on property generally located at the southwest corner of 1-5 and Poinsettia Lane. ORDINANCE NO. 9656, amending Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by amending the zoning map to grant a change of zone (ZC-232) from C-2 to C-l(Q) on property generally located at the southwest corner of 1-5 and Poinsettia Lane. ORDINANCE NO. 9657, rescinding a specific plan (SP-7) as adopted by Ordinance No. 9245, for a commercial specific plan on approximately 52 acres located on the northwest, southwest and southeast corners of Interstate 5 and Poinsettia Lane. - COUNCIL /\b % %' $ MEMBERS % %$ Cas ler X Lewis X X Chick xx Kulchin X Pres co t t Cas ler xx Lewis X X Chick X Kulchin X Prescott 1 MINUTES (79) (31) (106 1 (78) (30) Page 3 ..... MEMBERS COUNCIL 4 12. AB 85779 - Supplement 4\11 - READOPTION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE - ADDITIONAL BUSINESS LICENSE TAX ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. A brief report on the matter was presented by the City Manager, regarding requests from developers in the planning process for exemptions to the tax. He stated however, that he felt that Council should proceed with the adoption of the ordinance, and suggested that a' change could be made in the effective date of the ordinance, extending it from 30 days to 90 days from the date of adoption. Mr. Aleshire stated also that the Chamber of Commerce, who had initially been opposed to the matter, had withdrawn their objections. Council recognized Mr. Fred Gildred, 16056 El Camino Real, Solana Beach, President of Lomas Santa Fe Inc., the developer of Carlsbad Oaks. Mr. Gildred stated his disagreement with the conclusions made by staff. He stated the feeling that the project has had special ongoing circumstances, which he explained with a brief history of the project, and for which they should receive exemption from the tax. Following discussion, a motion was made to amend line 23 1/2, page 4 of Ordinance No. 6067, by changing the effective date from January 22, 1983 to March 21, 1983. Following further discussion, the following ordinance was adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 6067, AMENDING TITLE 5 OF THE CARLSBAD CODE OF CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 5.09 TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF AN ADDITIONAL LICENSE TAX ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. 13. AB A7224 - ESTABLISHING MUNICIPAL SOLAR UTILITY. The following ordinance was adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 8099, AMENDING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.30 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 18.30.030 ESTABLISHING THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL SOLAR UTILITY. Cas ler Lewis Kulchin Chick Prescott Cas ler Lewis Kulchin Chick Prescott Cas ler Lewis Kulchin Chick Prescott 14. AB #7225 - PROHIBITION OF GLASS CONTAINERS ON THE BEACH. I The following ordinance was adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 3154, AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 11.24 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 11.24.134, TO PROHIBIT THE POSSESSION OR USE OF GLASS CONTAINERS ON THE BEACH. 15. AB 87226 - APPEALS BOARD FOR HANDICAPPED ACCESS REOUIREMENTS . ~~ x - -~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ - Cas ler Lewis Kulchin Chick Presco t t I I The following ordinance was adopted: Cas ler Lewis ORDINANCE NO. 8100, AMENDING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.36 Chick OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF Kulchin HANDICAPPED ACCESS REQUIREMENTS. THE APPEALS BOARD FOR MATTERS PERTAINING TO Prescott SECTION 18.36.080 TO ESTABLISH THE CITY COUNCIL AS X X X X X \ & !h? X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I MINUTES (93) (114) Page 4 /\b COUNCIL "0 $, 3, MEMBERS 2. tp 2. ?A?%% npromhpr 71 1 QR3 16. AB #7231 - SEWER USER CHARGES. The following ordinance was adopted: Cas ler ORDINANCE NO. 7064, AMENDING TITLE 13, CHAPTER 13.12 X Lewis X X Prescott SECTION 13.12.040 AND BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION x Chick OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE DELETION OF xx Kulchin 3.12.020 TO ADJUST SEWER SERVICE. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 17. AB 87235 - ZONE CODE AMENDMENT - SPECIFIC DENSITIES IN THE RDM ZONE - ZCA-151 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Mike Holzmiller, the Land Use Planning Manager, presented the staff report essentially as contained in the agenda bill. He stated the purpose of the amendment is to permit the Planning Commission or City Council to establish a maximum specific density in the RDM zone. He indicated that the Planning Commission and staff believe this amendment will ensure more compatible residential development in the RDM zone. Mr. Holzmiller then responded to questions from Council. Council Member Chick expressed concerns regarding discrepancies between the General Plan and the Zoning Map, which can be misleading to persons who buy property for development, because in some cases the decision regarding density is made quite late in the process. He also inquired if any changes to the General Plan would occur as a result of this amendment. Mr. Holzmiller reponded that no changes would result frolr' this amendment, however, that there are some lots in the City , whose zoning is not consistent with the General Plan because they allow less density than the General Plan in those areas. He indicated that the proposed mechanism would be used at the time the property owner initiates a rezoning to conform to the General Plan. The City Attorney indicated that the proposed mechanism would allow Council to decide maximum density at an earlier stage in the process. Council Member Chick indicated his concern that this matter does not deal with maximum densities, but rather with the ability of the Council to change densities. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing and inquired if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Since no one wished to speak, the mayor closed the public hearing at 6:46 p.m. Following brief discussion, the matter was continued to tle Casler X next regular meeting. Lewis xx Kulchin X Chick X Prescott X - MINUTES (114) (85) Page 5 December 21. 1982 I 18. AB #7173 - Supplement 112 - ZONE CODE AMENDMENT - POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SIGNS - ZCA-155 - CITY OF CARLSBAD . Mike Holzmiller, the Land Use Planning Manager presented the staff report on the matter, essentially as contained in the agenda bill. He indicated that this amendment would allow the placement of political campaign signs in the City with an established set of regulations, and would add a mechanism for removing illegal signs and charging the cost of removal to the sign permittee or owner. Mr. Holzmiller indicated that both Planning Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of this amendment. He also indicated that the Planning Commission had taken no action regarding resticting the total number of signs or total sign area allowed on an individual piece of property, but that since the Planning Commission hearing, such restriction has been added to the ordinance (Section 21.41.130(e)). Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:50 P.M., and inquired if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Since no once wished to speak, the mayor closed the public hearing at 6:51 P.M. Council Member Prescott suggested an amendment to the ordinance, on page 5, line 26, to delete the words 'I the date on which posting shall commence, the approximate number of signs to be used and the date which the signs are to be removed". Council concurred with the amendment to the ordinance. The following ordinance was introduced as amended: ORDINANCE NO. 8097, AMENDING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.20 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 18.20.080 TO PROVIDE FOR THE REMOVAL OF UNSAFE, ILLEGAL OR ABANDONED SIGNS AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE SUMMARY AGREEMENT OF SIGNS TO PERSONS OF PROPERTY, AND AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.40 BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21.41.110 THROUGH 21.41.170 TO REGULATE CAMPAIGN SIGNS. 19. AB f7236 - SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT LAND OUTFALL EIR 82-7 (SuDDlement) . - IL Mike Holzmiller, the Land Use Planning Manager, presented a brief staff report on the matter, essentially as contained in the agenda bill. He indicated that the supplement to the EIR was necessary due to the increase in the diameter of the sewer line which runs along the Palomar Airport Road right-of-way. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 7:02 P.M., and since no one wished to speak, closed the public hearing at 7:03 P.M. Following discussion, Council certified the supplement to EIR 82-7. COUNCIL /\b %+%z "0 +p/ MEMBERS + 8 2. Cas ler xx Pres co t t X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X Cas ler X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X " MINUTES (. Page 6 nepernhpr 31 1987 I 113) 20. AB #7239 - PREANNEXATIONAL ZONE CHANGE - ZC-261 - AGATEP CORPORATION. nepernhpr 31 1987 I 113) 20. AB #7239 - PREANNEXATIONAL ZONE CHANGE - ZC-261 - AGATEP CORPORATION. Mike Holzmiller, the Land Use Planning Manager, presented the staff report with the aid of transparancies showing the nine parcels. He indicated that the proposed changes are consistent with the General Plan, four of the parcels are currently within the City boundaries and five are within County areas. The Mayor opened the public hearing at 7:09 P.M., and inquired if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Council recognized Don Agatep, P.O. Box 590, Carlsbad, California, representing the property owners. Mr. Agatep concurred with the staff recommendation and indicated that this is the first step in trying to annex to the City of Carlsbad and develop these properties. He indicated that there are four properties involved in the annexation, and that four of the owners were present at the meeting. He also indicated that the LCP amendment ha been filed and a hearing by the Coastal Commission is anticipated in either January or February, 1983. Council recognized John Zilstra, the owner of the parcel of land immediately east of subject properties, the one on top of the bluffs. He indicated that he felt that the plan is excellent, but that he is concerned with the depth of the industrial area, feels that it should a bit deeper, and that he plans to develop his parcel of land for industrial use. He also indicated that his property is in the flight path for helicopters from Palomar Airport. Mr. Zilstra then responded to questions from Counc i 1. S Council discussion reflected the concern regarding the flight patterns, and pointed out that planes and helicopters both are to fly directly toward the ocean before making their turn, Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, the mayor closed the public hearing at 7:24 P.M. Council Member Chick questioned the delineation between the residential portion of the development and the PM-Q. Staff responded that the flood plain, or lower area is designated for industrial, and the bluff or higher area is designated for residential, and that the request is consistent with the current General Plan. b Following discussion, the following ordinance was introduced: ORDINANCE NO. 9659 , AMENDING TITLE 2 1 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A PREANNEXATIONAL CHANGE OF ZONE FROM E-A TO PM, S-90 (COUNTY) TO RDM-Q, E-A TO RDM-Q, AND S- 90 TO R-1-10,000, ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND EAST OF ALTA MIRA. HOUSING AND REDVELOPMENT COMMISSION: I Council adjourned to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission at 7:24 P.M., and reconvened at 7:33 P.M., with five members present. /\k %pJ),z COUNCIL "0 +% MEMBERS Z. t,p Z. Casler X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X WYW (57) (70) 0) MINUTES Page 7 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: City Attorney 21 .AB #7211 - Supplement 84 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS. Following a brief report by the City Attorney, Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7097, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS FOR TWO AREAS OF THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN GPA-64(A) (SOUTHERS) AND GPA-64(E) (WERSCHING). Council Member Lewis voted no on GPA-64(E) only. Council adopted the following resolutions: (approved by one mot ion 1 RESOLUTION NO. 7098, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR THREE AREAS OF THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN GPA-64(C) AGATEP; GPA-64(D) (CITY) AND GPA-64(G) (CITY) AND TO DENY AN APPEAL AND UPHOLD THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF SUCH A CHANGE GPA-64(B) (HCH AND ASSOCIATES). RESOLUTION NO. 7099, DENYING A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1- 10,000 TO CTQ, EWQ AND OS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY 78 BETWEEN THE TWO HAYMAR DRIVE CUL DE SACS (ZC-264 SOUTHERS). Parks and Recreation 22. AB 416905 - Supplement fl - MACARIO CANYON PARK AGRICULTURAL LEASE. The staff report on the matter was presented by Dave Bradstreet, the Parks and Recreation Director. He stated that the annexation of the property is now complete, and that careful analysis showed that 60 to 75 acres could be used for agriculture. He referenced exhibit "F" and reported that a coastal permit is not required for farm operations on land which has been farmed previously on a relatively continuous basis. Council approved the staff recommendation and directed staff to prepare the necessary documents to lease 60 to 75 acres of Macario Canyon Park for agricultural purposes. City Manager 23. AB A7240 - BUENA VISTA LAGOON. The staff report on the matter was presented by the City Manager, Frank Aleshire. He gave a brief history of the matter, and recommended that, per the legallfinancial report prepared by Sharon Gordon, a joint powers agreement be formed to establish a formal framework for the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista to work together on the siltation problems of the Buena Vista Lagoon. The following resolutions were adopted:(approved by one mot ion) I I RESOLUTION NO. 7100, APPROVING A BUENA VISTA LAGOON JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE CITIES OF VISTA AND OCEANSIDE. COUNCIL \\y 5 %PA /o $@ST MEMBERS % @ Z. Cas ler Lewis X X X Kulchin . X Prescott X Chick Casler Lewis X Chick xx Kulchin X X Prescott X Casler Chick X Kulchin xx Lewis X X Prescott X Cas ler Lewis X Chick X Kulchin X xx Prescott X MINUTES Page 8 /\b December 21, 1982 I %% TRUSTEES $ O,,w RESOLUTION NO. 7101, PROVIDING THAT CARLSBAD JOIN THE MISSION RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT. Mayor Casler expressed her intention to appoint Council Members Chick and Prescott to serve on the Buena Vista Lagoon Watershed Coordinating Committee. 24. AB #7241 - BULLET TRAIN. The staff report on the matter was presented by City Manager Aleshire essentially as contained in the agenda bill. Council approved the endorsement of AB 4, requiring Casler 8 City/County approval of the Bullet Train and authorized Lewis X the Mayor to notify legislative delegation and League Kulchin X of California Cities. Chick xx Prescott X Fire Department 25. AB #7242 - COUNTY ORDINANCES RELATING TO HAZARDOUS WASTES AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE. The staff report on the matter was presented by Brian Watson of the Fire Department. He indicated that the adoption of the County ordinances will enable enforcement of the ordinances by the County Health Department within the City of Carlsbad. He also indicated that the purpose of the ordinance is to control the disposal of hazardous materials waste. The title of the following ordinance was read and the Casler X matter was set to a public hearing on January 18, 1983: Lewis X Kul ch in xx ORDINANCE NO. 5064, AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 1.08 OF Chick X THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF X Prescot t SECTION 1.08.010( a) AND TITLE 6 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 6.03 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE CHAPTER 8 AND CHAPTER 9, OF DIVISION 8 OF TITLE 6 OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY CODE OF REGULATORY ORDINANCES TO PROVIDE FOR DISCLOSURE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. RECESS : Mayor Casler called a recess at 7:55 P.M., and Council reconvened at 8:lO P.M., with all Council Members present. 26. AB f7243 - FIRE STATION SITE - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. The Fire Chief presented the staff report with the aid of transparencies showing the location of the site, and showing the master plan for fire station locations for the City. He indicated that this site will satisfy the requirement of the master plan to provide a fire station site and that the timing for the construction of the fire station will be monitored by the public facilities management system. Chief Thompson then responded to questions from the Council. Casler X Council approved the staff recommendation and directed Lewis X staff to pursue all steps necessary to complete the Kulchin xx purchase of the .5 acre site at the offered price of Chick X $28,000, and the costs associated with the sale. Prescot t X (7 (2 (f (. v MINUTES Page 9 T)Pr-emher 31 1983 '4) 27. AB 87244 - AMENDING DUTIES OF PERSONNEL BOARD. 8) A brief explanation of the matter was given by the City Manager, essentially as contained in the agenda bill. He recommended that the duties of the Personnel Board be amended to hear safety employee appeals resulting from City Manager disapprovals of requests for Industrial Disability Retirements. Council introduced the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1260, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2.44.027, TO AMEND THE DUTIES OF THE PERSONNEL BOARD. Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7102, DELEGATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER THE AUTHORITY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TO DETERMINE THE NATURE OF DISABILITIES AND TO CERTIFY SUCH DISABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM. (SECTION 21025, GOVERNMENT CODE) Developmental Services j7) 28. AB f7245 - ADMINISTRATIVE REVISIONS TO VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE. A brief report of the matter was given by the City Attorney, explaining that the amendment will correct assorted position and departmental designations without any substantive changes to regulations. Council introduced the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1261, AMENDING VARIOUS TITLES IN THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SEVERAL SECTIONS TO CORRECT ASSORTED POSITION AND DEPARTMENTAL DESIGNATIONS. Engineering 72) 29. AB f7246 - NO PARKING ZONES ON BUENA VISTA WAY AND ELM AVENUE. The staff report was presented by Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manager/Developmental Services, explaining the recommendation from the Traffic Safety Commission to 1 prohibit parking on portions of Buena Vista Way and Elm Avenue. Council introduced the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 3155, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON BUENA VISTA WAY FROM 200 FEET EAST OF PI0 PIC0 TO HIGHLAND AVENUE AND ON ELM AVENUE EAST AND WEST OF THE RAILROAD IN CERTAIN AREAS. l- COUNCIL /\k 3 %% 3 MEMBERS % $3 Cas ler X Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin Cas ler X Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin Casler X Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin Cas ler X Lewis X X Prescot t X Chick xx Kulchin MINUTES 1 ( 9! (7 (2 Page 10 3) 30. AB 84053 - Supplement f7 - REQUEST OF EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE MAP CT 76-15 - SUNSET PACIFIC. The staff report on the matter was presented by Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manger/Developmental Services, essentially as contained in the agenda bill, and explained that, due to an error in staff interpretation, the recommendation had been changed to reconmend approval of the extension. Council Member Lewis expressed opposition to the extension of time, stating his feeling that this is not a good project for the community, and that it should be redone. Council recognized Robert S. Tinney, 17801 Cartwright Road, Irvine, California, representing Sunset Pacific and Crocker Bank. He indicated that Crocker Bank had given him the authorization to tell Council that the $170,000 in fees will be paid before the end of this calendar year, but that an extension of time is needed to obtain all necessary signatures on the map. He requested a 60 day extension to allow processing. Following discussion, Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7103, APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE MAP CT 76-15 SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. City Manager '9) 31. AB 87232 - REVISIONS TO CITY TRAVEL POLICY. The matter was continued to the meeting of January 4, 1983. 18) 32. AB +I7205 - CIRCULATION PLAN COMMITTEE. Mayor Casler presented a brief history of the matter, and indicated that several requests to speak had been received for the matter. Council Member Chick stated that at the last meeting, Council had determined to restrict the members of the committee to impartial participants, and not allow members from special interst groups. He indicted that 1 after much deliberation, he had felt that had not been the right decision, and requested that Council reconsider the matter. Council Member Lewis disagreed, stating that he felt that no members from special interest groups should be appointed to the Committee. Council Member Prescott indicated that he felt that if someone who lives in the area of Tamarack, and who has a broad, objective interest in the City at large, desired to serve on the committee, he would not object because of where they live, or because they had signed a pet it ion. 7 COUNCIL \\b 5 %s%q MEMBERS % %% Cas ler Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin Cas ler Lewis xx X Prescott X Chick X Kulchin X " . MINUTES I Page 11 er 71. 1983 Council Member Kulchin stated that Carlsbad has always in the past appointed persons of divergent views to committees, and requested Council reconsider the matter to allow a member of the HOT Committee to the Circulation Plan Committee. Council recognized Tom Smith, 3180 Monroe, Carlsbad, California, Mr. Smith expressed his agreement for the most part on this issue, and indicated that he felt that this particular committee is a very important one to the town, because it will ultimately affect density in the city. He expressed concern that persons with special interests be considered for appointment to the committee, and requested that Council reopen the nominations for the Committee, to obtain applications from persons without special interests. Council recognized Bill Bonas, 3180 Monroe, Carlsbad, California, who indicated that he had applied for membership for the committee. He indicated that he had been told that he was not nominated for the committee because he represented a special interest group, he stated that he did not. Council recognized A.J. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsbad, California. Mr. Skotnicki stated that he is interested in traffic circulation because it is part of the General Plan, and indicated his approval for citizen participation in the process of recommendations for amending the circulation element. He also indicated his support for the idea that everyone should be represented on the committee. He suggested that someone who lives on Highland Drive be on the Committee, and that a member of the City Council does not need to be on the citizens advisory committee. Council recognized David Juarez, 4120 Park Drive, Carlsbad, California. He indicated that he is the Chairman of the STOP Conunittee; and requested that a member of the STOP Committee should be appointed to the Committee also. Council Member Lewis commented that the Circulation Plan is a very important element for the City, and that the members should be totally unbiased. He indicated that he would serve as a liaison to the committee. Council Member Prescott concurred with the problems with special interest groups pointed out by Council Member Lewis. He indicated that foresight for circulation for the now undeveloped parts of the City should be as important to the Committee as are the areas that are currently developed. Following discussion, Counncil reaffirmed the nominations made on December 14, 1982, and determined that 2 additional members be added to the Committee, one from the HOT Committee, and one from the STOP Committee, to be appointed at the meeting of January 4, 1983. COUNCIL /\k 3 9A% 8 MEMBERS % %% Casler Lewis X X Kulchin X Prescott xx Chick JW3 MINUTES Page 12 neromhor 71 1 a87 I I I City Council I (28) 33. AB j.7247 - ORDINANCE 1255 REVIEW COMMITTEE Mayor Casler presented a brief history of the matter, and requested questions and comments on the Discussion I Paper. 7 Council Member Kulchin mentioned that there was a discrepancy in the number of park districts for park-in-lieu fees in the document which needed correction. Council Member Prescott expressed disagreement with Sub Paragraph 3, Page 12, of Ordinance 1255, Purpose and Intent. Council Member Lewis questioned whether the costs listed on Page 4, for 1983-87 projects costing over one million dollars, for Macario Canyon Park and the Police/Fire Operations Center, included the costs for the land. Staff indicated that the costs shown were for future construction costs. The City Manager indicated that the projects shown on page 4 are the 8 projects included in the CIP for 1983-87, which will cost more than one million dollars, and therefore would require an election. Mayor Casler inquired if a clause could be added to tie the costs to the construction index, and indicated that a section on gifts should be added to the document. Council Member Lewis requested that when the final. draft of the document is completed, that several copies be given to the library for review. City Manager indicated that this document is a draft, and is a product of the efforts of several people, and is not prepared for adoption at this time. He indicated that Council should concur with the issues presented in the document, or offer changes or corrections, so that it can then be prepared for presentation to the Committee. Following discussion, Council adopted the following resolution, as amended: (: RESOLUTION NO. 7104, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING THE ORDINANCE 1255 REVIEW COMMITTEE. I The resolution, as amended to include Mayor Casler, as Chairman, and Council Member Kulchin, appointed the following persons to serve: Will Hall, Pat O'Day, A.J. Skotnicki, Margie Cool, and Mike Straub. Central Services 103) 34. AB #72 10 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7069, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION, that member being Jeffrey Punches. COUNCIL \\y 5 % ?&? MEMBERS * 0 .rt Casler X Pres co t t X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx Cas ler X Prescott X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx " - MINUTES Page 13 naramhoy 91 1 OR? Council Member Lewis referenced the possibility of making the Traffic Safety Commission a citizen committee with staff acting in an advisory capacity rather than as voting members. Mayor Casler indicated that the Traffic Safety Commission is going to have the matter on their agenda for January 3, 1983, and suggested Council wait to hear their recommendat ion. COUNCIL REPORTS North County Transit District Council Member Kulchin reported that the district has decided to hire an attorney to represent the district in negotiations with the United Transportation Union. Parks and Recreation Commission Council Member Lewis commented on the success of the potluck dinner that had been held by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Library Board of Trustees Council Member Lewis reported that a joint meeting of the Library Board of Trustees and Council Members is scheduled for January 25, 1983, to discuss the possiblity of a library for the southern part of the City. He reported that the Library is considering adding a fee for the use of audio visual materials, to cover the costs of maintenance and replacement for materials. Mr. Lewis also reported that the Library Board expressed concern regarding the resolution that was drawn up for the trust fund which they wish to establish, and are considering proposing changes to same. SANDAG Mayor Casler reported that San Diego County is trying to obtain some of the hydroelectric power from the Water Area Power Association. She indicated that it was suggested at the meeting that if changes are to be made to the WAPA rules, that the members should contact their congressmen. She reported that Arizona and Nevada have filed suit against the WAPA, requesting that each receive one third of the power generated. ' League Meeting Mayor Casler reported that the League of California Cities quarterly meeting will be held on January 20, 1983, at Chula Vista, and the speaker will be a representative of American High Speed Rail. c COUNCIL \\k 5 %?$%? MEMBERS .Z. tp Z. 1 I ~ i * MINUTES i Page 14 noromhor 71 1 Q!?? Senior Citizens Association Mayor Casler reported that the service that the seniors will be getting from the City of Vista will start January 3, 1983. She reported that the seniors are considering building a new center, and have looked at a piece of property costing $1.2 million. She indicated that plans have been drawn up, and have been to the City for comnents and suggestions, but that the seniors have not yet discussed the financing for the project. Council Member Kulchin suggested, and Council concurred, that a meeting be set up with the Board Members of the Senior Citizens Association. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:48 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Z*KZCTZF-+F Deputy City Clerk 1 I COUNCIL \\p S% 3 %' % MEMBERS % %% f