HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room . LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 20, 1995 CALL TO ORDER: President Moss called the Meeting to order at 300 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Moss, L'Heureux and Woodward. Library Board Trustee Curtin arrived at 3:21 p.m. Absent: Library Board Trustee McCann. Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Arrnour, Assistant Library Director Barbara Otwell, Friends of the Library President Moss thanked the Board Members for their vote of confidence in her absence. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes were trailed until later in the Meeting. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORT President Moss referred to the reports contained in the packet, and asked for comments or questions. President Moss inquired whether, when children receive awards and prizes in the summer reading program, does this information go back to their teacher in the fall? Geoff Armour said he did not think so, but he felt that was an excellent idea. President Moss inquired whether the young people from the high schools that do volunteer work have that appear on their records as so many hours of volunteer work when they apply to a college. Geoff Armour said they could verify that, if they were asked to do so. President Moss stated she wanted staff to be certain to talk with the teachers about all not requiring the same reference material at the same time, and Dr. Lange stated that was on the agenda for the meeting tomorrow. President Moss inquired whether there wasn't anyone to nominate on the CALTAC award this year, even expanding the list to include staff and other volunteers, the Friends, or others. Dr. Lange said that was a good point, and next year they will make certain they extend their search for a candidate. September 20, 1995 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS None. LIBRARY BOARD RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO THE SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Lange referred to the Agenda Bill included in the packet and stated that the Board needs to make a recommendation to send to City Council. He said he feels that this Member should be a Member of the Board of Trustees to represent Carlsbad. It was noted that Board Member Woodward was just elected Vice-president of the Board and could serve another term. ACTION: On motion by Board Member L'Heureux, the Library Board of Trustees unanimously recommended Board Member Woodward to serve another term on the Serra Cooperative Library System Advisory Board. LIBRARY ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY Dr. Lange stated this is a report required by law every year and Geoff Armour compiles the report. He said they are working on the Library Annual Report and will have it by the next Board meeting. Board Member L'Heureux stated she was impressed with the Internet address. Geoff Armour called attention to the fact that the report is formatted to enable the reader to compare the figures with the previous year and see the trends. President Moss commented that it is interesting to note that they are expected to deal with more and more people with less and less money. Geoff Armour stated that circulation was down a little; primarily, because of the non-book circulation, and the fact that the Library was closed for a large portion of one month for recarpeting. Board Member L'Heureux inquired about the non-English language materials, and whether there was just one language. Mr. Armour stated that within the Serra System there are other language books available, and through the inter-library loan process, the Library can request either a specific item or a number of things in a specific language. He said that generally speaking, the demand here is for Spanish. LIBRARY COFFEE CART UPDATE Dr. Lenge stated that although the funds from the coffee cart will not be earmarked for the Library, the Library will be able to ask and get that much more money in the next year's budget. He said the City Manager made this commitment to him, and he is content with that. Dr. Lange said the Friends of the Library are willing to take this project on, but he has strong reservations. He felt there could be a problem with the contractual agreement between the vendor and the Friends and the implications of lawsuits. The City would have a more powerful position to monitor rather than the Friends. He said the Friends are a purely voluntary group, and he thought it would be a lot to expect of them. President Moss requested this item be trailed until later in the meeting. September 20, 1995 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 TEACHERS' OPEN HOUSE, SEPTEMBER 21.1995 Or. Lange called attention to a copy of the flyer for the Teachers' Open House which was included in the packet. This flyer was sent out to the teachers in the Carlsbad Unified School District with a cover letter inviting the principals and teachers to attend the open house. This was first planned for the end of August, but the teachers suggested the September 21 date. The openhouse will be in the Council Chambers from 2:30 p.m. until the tours and demonstrations at the Library are completed. As of today, there are 57 teachers planning to attend. Dr. Lange said this is the first time this type of open house has been held and it is hoped it will become an annual affair. STATE OF THE CITY VIDEO PRESENTATION The Library Board Members watched the State of the City video, and at the conclusion Dr. Lange commented that the construction of the new library has been moved back to 1997-98, instead of 1996-97, as indicated in the video. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Board Trustee Curtin, the Minutes of the regular Meeting held August 16, 1995, were approved as presented. AYES: Curtin, L'Heureux and Woodward ABSTAIN: Moss President Moss inquired about the proposed foundation for the Library, and Dr. Lange stated that it is on hold until the City decides whether or not to form a community foundation. President Moss stated she was delighted to read in the Minutes that it is now possible to dial in from home to reserve books. LIBRARY COFFEE CART UPDATE (Continued) President Moss stated she was not in favor of how the funds are to be designated; however, it is necessary to have more funds for books, even if it is not the entire amount realized from the coffee cart. Dr. Lange reiterated that the City Manager had committed that money to the Library in addition to the normal budget requests. Board Member Curtin asked how the Library would know they were getting the income from the coffee cart in addition to their regular budget, and Dr. Lange said this will be an amount over and above what the Library would normally budget. Dr. Lange said that the coffee cart will be on a trial basis for six months, and that the renewal time has been reduced to six months instead of a year. Board Member Curtin asked whether Dr. Lange preferred this arrangement to having the Friends of the Library be responsible for the coffee cart, and Dr. Lange said that he felt it would be difficult for the Friends as volunteers to have a contractual arrangement with the vendor and/or deal with any legal complications that may arise. He said that is expecting a lot from a volunteer organization. Also, the City would have more clout in dealing with the vendor rather than a volunteer group. September 20, 1995 CITY COUNCIL Page 4 LIBRARY COFFEE CART UPDATE (Continued) ACTION: On motion by Board Trustee L'Heureux, the Library Board recommended having staff move ahead with the coffee cart for the Library. AYES: Moss, Curtin, L'Heureux and Woodward DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dr. Lange stated the strategic plan is being printed and should be available within the next two weeks. There are two versions; 1) one for inhouse use with the Library Board, etc.; and 2) a shorter version in bookmark format, giving the Vision and Mission Statements, Goals and Strategies, but without the analyses. The short version will be printed in English and Spanish. Dr. Lange said he gave a speech at the Women's Club and answered questions. He felt it was very successful, and stated the speech is in four parts, with the last part about technology and the impact on the library and what the staff sees for the future. On October 17, Dr. Lange said he will be giving a speech at the Kiwanis Club. Dr. Lange reported there will be a general staff meeting next Thursday, September 28, at 8:OO a.m., in the Library, and Don Neu, Project Planner for the Carlsbad Ranch/Lego Project will speak. The Board Members were invited to attend. Dr. Lange said that vertical blinds have been ordered for the reading room, and the old draperies have been taken down and thrown away. The atrium is being cleaned up in preparation for the Coffee Cart. They are going to redo the benches and plantings. Dr. Lange said he is serving on the City's selection committee for the new financial information system, and there is one more hatf-day demonstration next week with a decision to be made in October. It will take six months to a year to get all the software purchased, implemented and staff using it. He said it is amazing what you can do and it will have a major impact on how everyone functions. He said the Finance Department will be impacted the most and it will make their jobs much easier and more efficient. Geoff Armour stated that the City is installing a bicycle rack at the front of the Library. There was one there on the dirt area and it was stolen. There will be a cement pad at the end of the walk and the rack will be anchored into the concrete. Mr. Armour stated there is a large project--and the Board may wish to place this on a future agenda-;and that is storage. He said they had looked at the storage facility by the airport, and are developing shadow collections, from this Library and from the Branch Library. These are things that they want in the new Library and in this Library when it is renovated. The area is getting full, and staff is looking at a massive reorganization to have shelving built there. He said he will keep the Board informed, and in reply to query, stated that the Maintenance Department will fund this. Dr. Lange stated that he keeps getting complaints from staff about the furniture in the Library. This furniture is approximately 28 years old and he is looking at replacing all or part of it by using money in the budget for the remodel of this Library. He will return with a report on this. September 20,1995 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Barbara Otwell reported that the book sale on Saturday was a success, with beautiful weather and a large crowd. The Friends made a profit of $4,563.08 as of this date, and maybe more than that. There are 80 new members of the Friends. Ms. Otwell stated the Friends are having a meeting tomorrow night at 7:OO p.m., and all of the Board Members are invited to attend. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Dr. Lange said the Genealogical Society had a yard sale on Friday and Saturday and made approximately $2,400. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Board Trustee Woodward reported that the Serra Coordinator made arrangements for a demonstration to the Board of the Internet and the new equipment now available at the Chula Vista Branch Library. He suggested Or. Lange schedule a demonstration of the Internet in Carlsbad. Dr. Lange said that staff is online, but public access is hung up in three grant applications. He said that they are working on hooking up the City and the Library on Internet, and something should happen in three or four months. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOU R N M ENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of September 20, 1995, was adjourned at 3:54 p.m. Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM Monthly Report August 1995 1. Tutor Trainings Two tutor trainings were held during August, using the new, shorter format, and spending about half the training tixhe in the computer lab. The tutors being trained include volunteers just coming into the program and individuals who have been tutoring for some time but have not previously used Accelerated Reading, the intensive, structured phonics program which was recently adopted as the Adult Learning Program’s core curriculum. Six new and five experienced tutors were trained during August. In addition, seven Mentor Tutors have now been trained to guide and monitor beginning tutors during the trainings and their first few lessons with adult learners. The tutor training and the training notebook continue to be revised as feedback is received from tutors and learners. - 2. Tutor Orientation Nine potential tutors attended a Tutor Orientation on August 23 to get an overview of adult literacy and the Adult Learning Program before committing to take training in methodology. The orientation was conducted by Coordinator Lynda Jones, VISTA volunteer Shirley Taylor, and learner Gregory Jackson. 3. Proeram Management The recent innovations at the Adult Learning Program have necessitated redefinitions of staff responsibilities, more complex scheduling of people and tutoring space, and a complete overhaul of forms and recordkeeping procedures. Staff continue to revise and develop new procedures for learner intake, tutor intake, tutor training, matching of learners and tutors, tracking learners’ progress and instructional hours, and volunteer management. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY/CENTRO DE XNFORMACION Monthly Report August 1995 1.- Adult Pro- - E. - The Spanish literacy group met 9 times during the month of August. On August 23, the literacy group had a tour around Carlsbad. They visited various historical sites in Carlsbad like the Barrio Carlsbad Museum, went to Calavera Hills and ended with a picnic at the beach. 2.- Children’s Pronramrmn E. On August 3, a group of children from the neighborhood, accompanied by Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson and a volunteer, walked to the City Council Chamber to attend a special event arranged for the children as part of the Summer Reading Program. On August 9, a group of kindergarten and first graders attending summer school at Pine Elementary School visited the Centro for storytime followed by an activity related to the story. Through the Centro, again this year, children from the neighborhood had the opportunity to participate in the Jelly Bean Contest. 3.- Summer Readinn Promam. On August 10, the Centro de Infonnaci6n ended the Summer Reading Program with 173 children enrolled. On August 18, at the City Council Chamber, 10 children from the Centro received awards and prizes for their outstanding participation in the Reading Program. 4.- Volunteer. During the Summer Reading Program Award Ceremony, Miguel Ibarra, a Carlsbad High School student, and Sheryl Viertell, a CSU student, received plaques, certificates, and T-shirts in recognition of their valuable help during the program. 5. Partnerships for Channe Conference. On August 9 and 10, Library Assistant Director Geoff hour, PFC Coordinator Lynda Jones, and PFC Community Partner Ofelia Escobedo attended a PFC conference in San Diego. Representatives from twenty-six libraries from PFC Cycle One and Two also attended to celebrate the accomplishments of their PFC programs and to share successes and challenges for the continuation of the PFC philosophy in the future. 6.- Carlsbad Cityfit. During the month of August, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended a series of four City-sponsored programs called Cityfrt. Lizeth was part of the first group of 32 employees, representing all levels and departments within the City. 7.- Friends of the Librarv Donation. The Friends of the Library Board approved a donation of $1,500 to the library to be used to purchase bilingual materials for the Main Library and the Centro de Informaci6n. CHILDREN ' S DIVISION MONTHLY STATEMENT AUGUST 1995 It was a great summer! taking a deep breath and preparing to plunge into our fall programs. This summer program definitely didn't go to the dogs. attendance of any summer (2,827), but also set a record for the number of participants (1,207 at the three locations). The 1995 Summer Reading Program is over and we are all It was not only the highest in The programs for August included Carlsbad's own Search and Rescue dog, a program with Sunset L1 amas, the Vol unteer Appreciation Party, the Summer Readi ng Program Party, the Cmmer Reading Program Awards Ceremony and the SoCal Cinemas Movie Party. Our P rc of a Twist of Mime and a Humane Society presentation. 1g volunteers contributed over 500 hours of service to the Summer Reading so we showed our appreciation with a pizza and ice cream party. Thirty lolunteers were able to attend. The Summer Reading Party featured Flusic With Children's Library staff contacted SoCal Cinemas during the Summer Reading Program, and the management agreed to sponsor a reading incentive plan as part of the program. Children who read 15 books or more were invited to a special Movie Party at one of the theatres. The theatre also provided refreshments and drawings for many prizes. Two hundred children took advantage of this incentive and no one went home empty handed. The management is hoping to participate in next year's Summer Reading Program. SincE and met our dual goals of being educational and entertaining. demonstration at Holiday Park was one of these. The dog trainer not only brought her dogs, but provided the sheep for them to herd. ?is summer's program centered around dogs, many of our programs featured dogs The sheep herding dog There were no special programs to go with the theme for the older students (Unexplained Mysteries) , but booklists and displays were provided. participated in the reading program and their participation is reflected in the good circulation figures for the YA and JYA collections for the summer. Sixty five older students August, as usual, brought the teachers into the Children's Library to prepare units for the coming school year. We spend quite a bit of time working with teachers, showing them the new resources that we have for units or helping them discover some of our collection that will be useful. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS STATISTICS REPORT August 1995 Items Received Books - Adult Main Branch Centro subtotal Books - Children Main Branch Centro subtotal Audio - Adult Audio - Children Video Total Received Current Month Fiscal B&T Direct PMSC Total to Date Year ...................................... 359 82 0 441 89 59 0 148 105 6 94 794 115 14 45 174 104 0 167 271 38 29 12 524 474 96 45 615 193 59 167 419 143 35 -. 92 198 92 1,410 923 141 45 1 ,109 463 88 167 718 298 38 270 2,433 .......................................................... Direct-ordered Videos Cataloged at PMSC B & T = Baker & Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Services Corporation Genea1.0~ - Local. History Statistics F1' 1995 - 1996 Ausus t HOLDINGS : Ti t12s Vol.umes Current Total Total. Total. Month Additions Holdings Hold i ngs Additions Current FY Last FY 79 33,340 33 261 59 91117-m Description of hol.dings: Titles Volumes Cataloged in INLEX Books 9 , 563 12 , 1.90 Non-Circ. 15 , 720 Books - GEN-CIRC 854 Circ. 854 Books - Microform 17,425 19 , 287 Microform 15,241 Periodica1.s - Bound 47 6 3,250 Total 31,815 Periodicals - Microform 162 1 ,819 Maps 179 183 Microfilm (census, etc.! 5,455 5 I 480 CD-ROMs 86 113 Microforms added this month: Film Fiche CALENDAR YEAR GOALS: This month Total calendar year Volunteer hours 42 262 Programs held 4 32 Attendance 165 1 , 1.64 NSDCGS book/equipment expenditures $1,399.59 $17,687.21 ACTIVITY : This This +, - Total Total Month Month This FY Last FY Last FY Reference questions 1 , 414 1,341 +63 2 , 785 15 I 433 Da i 1.y average 52 50 +2 52 52 Researchers registered 1 i 1.64 1,331 +33 2 , 339 11,664 Daily average 43 42 +1 45 40 2 , 1.38 Circulating checkout 158 168 -10 357 Daily average 6 6 - 7 7 DISTRIERJTION OF RESEARCHERS: City This This County This . This Stote . This This Month FY mnth FY Month FY Carlsbad Del Mar area East S.D. area Ehcinitas area Escondido area Fa1 1 brook Oceans ide S.D. City etc. San Marcos Vista 178 19 76 40 80 31 203 157 54 85 386 35 110 109 144 63 396 374 119 181 Fresno Imperial Los Anqeles Monterey Orange Placer Riverside S. Remardin Santa Cruz Sonoma Tuolumne 2 2 46 CI L 120 1 33 10 4 1 1 1. 2 2 76 2 197 7 I 71 18 2 2 1 Arizona Florida 10 2 Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nevada Maryland 1 other 12 4 2 It LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY Monthly Report August, 1995 CIRCULATION Branch circulation totaled 22,795 for August. This total included 11,803 adult items, 8,367 children's items and 2,625 video tapes. Daily circulation averaged 844 and hourly, 78. This was more than a 5% increase from August 1994. This month's user count was 19,353. The average daily count was 717 and hourly, 66. The total increase was 5%. CHILDREN'S SUMMER READING PROGRAH - PAWS TO READ This summer proved to be the most active summer program in the 11 year history of the Branch. 419 children registered. Over 200 of these children read more than 10 books. And, 150 children and parents gathered in front of the library on August 10 for the awards ceremony and entertainment by the musical group, Jackstraws. With the end of the Summer Reading Program comes the advent of a new school year. Several school districts in the area began mid- August. Therefore, students have already begun to switch from the recreational to the informational mode. Programing too, will reflect the the new season. Book Buddies on hiatus for the summer will begin again in September. School tours and programs will also begin. ,- Administration Adult Learning Branch - 11313 I 1 j 6 {i 2 95-96 Non-profits/commtss, Private sector dia Graphics I I 5 I ;I I TOTAL TOTAL SEVICES [u 3 ,7 1 $1 3940 :I ‘i 7 A ....,, . ,- MEDIA STAT.99507 REFERENCE ACTIVITIES FOR AUGUST. 1995 Reference questions totaled 6296 during the month of August, a decrease of 887. There were a total of 1842 Reserves, a decrease of 9 over last year. On1 ine Search Requests totaled 67. an increase of 50 over last year. Interlibrary Loans totaled 134 items received and 81 items were sent to other libraries. During the month of July, there were 3 Reference Skill Classes and 1 Library Tour. There was a Reference Selection Meeting on August 4 $61 8.00 was spent on new materials and $1 226.00 was spent on updates. Cat I ie Ahrens attended an Investment in Excellence Convention in Seattle, Washington from August 8-1 1. On August 14, Suzanne Smithson started as a Reference Librarian Substitute: she formerly worked in Circulation parttime and was promoted after receiving her MLS degree in Library Science. Leila Dooley became the first person in Reference to attend CityFit, a training program for all city employees, which began on August 16. Technical Services Repore August 1995 In August, Technical Services staff added 798 books and 413 audiovisual items to the library's collection. A total of 237 books and 97 A-V items were withdrawn from the collection. Due to maintenance work on the mainframe computer, statistics on the number of people who dialed in with computers or used Main Street are not available this month. Using the new Reporter program described last month, Mary Sasso has been compiling lists of new materials. As part of this project, Technical Services staff have taken over the maintenance of the "new bookvv area of the Main Library. As an experiment, we retrieved 185 recent fiction titles that had been transferred from the new book shelves to their permanent location in the fiction room. Some of these books had not been checked out in the past four months, since leaving the new book display area. Within three days, however, every one of the 185 had been checked out. While this was a small and unscientific test, it indicates that special collection areas are popular with the public and can be a means to increase circulation. hB#+ /6/93 LTB MTG. DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: TITLE: APPOINTMENT TO SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD Adopt Resolution No. 93 -&@ appointing a member to the Serra Cooperative Library System Advisory Board. ITEM EXPLANATION: The California Library Services Act provides for the creation of an Advisory Board consisting of members from each library in the Cooperative System. Since the City of Carlsbad is a member of the Serra System, the City Council has the right to appoint one member to the Advisory Board. That person must be a resident of Carlsbad. The Library Board recommends Library Board members E. J. "Woody" Woodward and Dr. Thomas Curtin as candidates for appointment to the Serra .Cooperative Library System Advisory Board. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 73 -a appointing a member to the Serra Cooperative Library System Advisory Board. I 4 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 c EXHIBIT I RESOLUTION NO. 93-228 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is a member of the Serra Cooperative Library System; and WHEREAS, the Serra Cooperative Library System Advisory Board was established pursuant to the California Library Services Act, which provides that the governing body of each member jurisdiction of the Cooperative Library System shall appoint one member to the Advisory Board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That Emmett Woodward is hereby appointed to the Serra Cooperative Library System for a two-year term. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of AUGUST Y 1993, by the following vote, to wit: // // // // // /f // // 4 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 ABSENT: ATTEST: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin, Nygaard, Finnila NOES: None - None ALETHA L. MUTENKRANZ, City Clerk PLEASE DO NOT FOLD OR STAPLE 16. ILL Period: #Weeks. 2 California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT 1995 17. ILL Photocopy free up to 10 pages? N ending June 30,1995 DIRECTORY UPDATE Type or Handwrite Changes on this page. 1. Library. Carlsbad City Libmly 2. Director. Cliflord E. Lunge Director 3. Street Address. 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008-1991 5. Public Phone. (419) 434-2870 7. Library Director's INTERNET Address. 9. FAX Phone. (619) 729-2050 11. Size Sq. Miles. 40.00 13. State Senate. 38 4. Mailing Address. 1250 Carlsbad Villnge Drive Carlsbad CA 92008-1991 6. Reference Phone. (619) 434-2871 8. Library's INTERNET Address, if applicable. clsken. org 10. TDD for Deaf. (619) 434-8113 12. House Dist. 43 14. Assembly. 74 15. Affiliations. ALA, cu, CLASS M-Th 9-9; F, S 9-5. GEOFF AFOlOUR 6 19-434-2889 NAME OF CONTACT FOR QUESiONS REGARDING REPORT DATA (Type or Print) Phone # of Contact Signature of Library Director. Date. ) CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other marLslc0mments on page. POPULATION and OUTLETS 201. Pop. Children Age 0-5 203. Pop. Children Age 6-14 205. Registered Borrowers as of June 30. 206. Children Borrowers Age 0-14 207. MainLibrary. 208. Branches. 209. Stations. (if open for public service) (at least 1400 sq.ft. 7000 vols) 210. Bookmobiles. Vehicle count. 2 11. Other Outlets, Deposits. 2 12 . Hours per week Main Library is open. LIBRARY STAFF 25 1. Total count of persons employed. full and part time. (PERSONS NOT FTE) 252. ALA Librarians.(Full Time Equivalent) 253. FTE Total Librarians (ALA or other.) 254. FTE Special Professionals who have accredited ALA Masters. 255. FTE Lib. Tech. Assistants. 256. FTE other. 257. FTE Volunteers, Average FTE per week (not hours) M616 Carisbad Response for FY 1993-94 ___ 100. 616 201. 203. 205. 206. 207. 1 208. 1 209. 1 210. 0 211. 0 5,200 7 , 000 76,357 14,500 212. 64.00 251. 115 252. 17.84 253. 17.84 254. 0.47 255. 9-00 256. 33.87 257. 8.00 Type Response for 994195 in box below. 100. 616 201. 203. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 5,300 ES 7,200 ES 83,750 15,000 ES 1 1 1 0 0 64 117 15.45 15.45 2.24 11.61 30.28 8 Page 2 QST-STAT DCR STAT. - I CALIISORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT ~ M616 Carlsbad INCOME Report whole dollars only, omit cents. Enter funds for operational expenses, and for capital outlay. 301. Local bvemment: 302. Statefunds: 303. Federal funds: 304. Other Income. 305. Special District Augmentation funds for counties and districts. 306. Gifts, Fines, Fees 307. Contract Payments. 308. Capital Outlay. taxes and allocations.Ciudes $Is from 305. dr 307.) CLSA and PLF. LSCA or other. (ides $Is detailed in 306, below.) and local fuad raising. from another jurisdiction. Page 3 Response for FY 1993-94 100. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 616 2,483,057 291,200 40,000 123,500 0 120,466 0 Type Response for 1994/95 in box below. 100. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 616 2,454,415 264,100 40,000 146,500 0 160,186 0 41,953 QST STAT - DCR STAT - 'CAL&ORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other marks/comments on page. STANDARD OPERATING EXPENDITURES Local. State and Federal funds. 401. Salaries. 402. Benefits. 403. Print Materials. 404. Current Serial Subscriptions. If paid by Library. 405. Microforms. 406. Audiovisual materials. 407. Other materials. 408. All other Operating Expenditures. 409. Capital outlay. Include sites, buildings, vehicles, original equipment. Page 4 Response for FY l993-94 100. 616 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 1,578,422 351,359 204,175 129 , 058 39 , 000 77 , 139 0 521,147 41,500 QST - STAT Type Rsponse for 1994/95 in box below. 100.. 616 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 1,546,923 343 , 174 193,092 99,699 38,500 E: 85 , 990 0 526,417 41 , 953 DCR-STAT CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, ' EXPENDITURES - Detail 501. Postage and Delivery. 502. Telephone and Other 503. Contracted Computer services. Telecommunications. 504. Online Database Searching. 505. Preservation. 506. Expenditure for Children's 507. Adult Literacy Program. Materials. 508. Transfer to CityKounty divisions for services: mint, accounting, etc. 509. Payments for Contract Service to another jurisdiction. 510. Estimate of services & Supplies benefiting the library that were paid for by other City/County Division for report year. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND 5 11. Amount of PLF funds included in 5 12. PLF expended for Library Materials. Total Operating Expenditure. 5 13. PLF expended for Personnel. 514. Hours of service provided by PLF-paid Personnel. 5 15 . PLF expended on General Operating 5 16 . PLF expended on Special Projects. budget. 5 17 . PLF difference from Allocation. Response for FY 1993-94 100. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 616 12,530 30,787 55,337 3,227 18 , 000 49 , 000 118,071 37,148 6,516 215,000 42 , 500 0 0 0.00 0 42 , 750 250 Type Response for 1994/95 in box below. 100. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 616 11,938 24 I 942 44 , 692 1 , 667 15,887 50 , 390 119,655 40 , 809 6,485 218,000 34 , 846 0 0 0 34 , 846 0 11,689 Page 5 QST-STAT DCR-STAT CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT Avoid other markslcomments on page. ~~ COLLECTIONS. All entries are annual for fiscal year, and are in units or items. 601. Books Added Cataloged. 602. Books AduiUYA Added Cataloged. 603. Books Added Uncataloged. 604. Children's Books. 605. Children's Books. 606. Books Total Held as of June 30. Added. Cataloged. Added, Uncataloged. 607. Books Children Held as of June 30. 608. Books AdulUYA Held as of June 30. 609. Leased Books. Inventory on hand. 610. Government Documents in separate collections. 611. Microfilm (reels). 612. Microforms (not microfilm). 6 13. Children's Audio Materials held as of June 30. 6 14. Total Audio Materials. 615. Film. 6 16. Children's Video Materials held as of June 30. 617. Total Video Materials. 6 18. Number of Current Periodical 6 19. Book Titles Added (Cataloged) . and Serial Subscriptions. 620. CD-ROM Data disks only, 62 1. Serial Volumes not AudioNideo or public catalog. held as of June 30. M616 -bad Response for FY 1993-94 100. 616 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 14,303 10,252 5 , 000 4,051 1,000 212 , 870 50,992 161,878 0 0 7,165 215 , 569 2,172 12 , 504 0 1,995 11,980 1,162 10,229 11 0 Type Response for . 1994/95 in box below. 100. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 616 12,998 9,654 5,000 ES 3,344 1,000 ES 218,663 51,843 166,820 0 0 8,330 235,874 2,317 14,318 0 2,385 12,496 1,107 8,932 12 Page 6 QST-STAT DCR-STAT C"0RNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markslcomments on page. NON-ENGLISH LANGUAGES Print Materials ADDED as of June 30. 701. Armenian 702. Chinese 703. French 704. German 705. Hmong 706. Italian 707. Japanese 708. Korean 709. Laotian 710. Russian 711. Spanish 712. Vietnamese Print Materials HELD as of June 30. 751. Armenian 752. Chinese 753. French 754. German 755. Hmong 756. Italian 7 5 7 . Japanese 758. Korean 759. Laotian 760. Russian 761. Spanish 762. Vietnamese Response for FY 1993-94 100. 616 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 933 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,673 0 Type Response for 1994/95 in box below. 100. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 616 787 6,188 Page 7 QST-LANG DCR-LANG - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT Avoid other markslcomments on page. ~ LIBRARY SERVICES, ANNUAL. 80 1. Total Public Service HOUS. 802. Attendance in Library. 803. Reference Questions. Omit Directional. 804. Online Database Searches. 805. Circulation of children's Materiais. 806. Circulation Non-English. 807. Circulation Non-Book. 808. Total Circulation. 809. Children's Circ as Percent of Total Circulation. 810. In-Library use of Materials. 811. ILL loans to others. 812. ILL loans received. 813. Pre-School Programs. Number. 814. Re-School Programs. Attendance. 815. School Age Programs. Number. 816. School Age Programs. Attendance. 817. Adult Programs. Number. 818. Adult Programs. Attendance. 819. Total Programs. Number. 820. Total Programs. Attendance. Page 8 M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 1993-94 100. 801. 802. 803 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 616 7,774 763,798 145,951 375 322,614 20,972 310, a42 1,127,557 29.00 0 913 1,457 2 12 6,094 217 6,412 110 4,154 539 16,660 Type Response for 1994/95 in box below. 100. aoi. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. aoa. 809. aio. 811. 812. 813. 814. ais. 816. 817. ala. 819. 820. 616 7,852 804,454 157,277 343 327,624 23,661 291,413 1,100,798 29.7 936 1,415 286 6,901 206 7 , 698 56 3 , 398 548 18 , 013 QST - STAT DCR-STAT , CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other marks/amments on page, SALARY SURVEY. Survey is of monthly ranges for selected classifications. Leave sections blank if inappropriate. But do not divide sections or add new ones. List monthly ranges, whole dollars only, odt cents. 90 1. Director (monthly rate) Begin 902. Director (monthly rate) Final 903. Assistant Dir. Begin 904. Assistant Dir. Final 905. Chief Lib. Div. Begin 906. Chief Lib. Div. Final 907. Branch Libn. Begin 908. Branch Libn. Final 909. Librarian Begin 910. Librarian Final 9 11. Lib. Tech. Asst. Begin 912. Lib. Tech. Asst. Final 9 13 . Clerk Non-Pro. (Beginning) Begin 9 14. Clerk Non-Pro. (Beginning) Final 915. Mgr. of Spec. Service. (non-MLS) Begin 916. Mgr. of Spec. Service. (non-MLS) Final (general clerical; no library skills requirement) (e.g. Literacy, A-V, or I&R Specialist) Response for FY 1993-94 100. 616 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 5,579 7,120 4,351 5,553 2,981 3,623 2,981 3,623 2,212 3,121 1,924 2,970 1,531 2,138 3,367 4,297 Type Response for 1994i95 in box below. 100. 616 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906 - 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 5,746 7,334 4,482 5,720 3,070 3,732 3,070 3,732 2,278 3,215 1,982 3,059 1,577 2,202 3,367 4,297 Page 9 QST - SUR DCR-SALR t CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other marks1comments on page. I Special Report, 1994195 ELECTRONIC SERVICES INTERNET ACCESS FOR YOUR LIBRARY 851. Lib- has access to the Internet for electronic mail? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 852. Library has access for other Internet services as well as e-mail? (e.g. Telnet, gopher, ftp, WWW, etc.) (0= No; 1 = Yes) INTERNET AVAILABILITY (Answer 853-855 only if your answer to 852 is 1 (Yes)) 853. Internet available ONLY to library staff? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 854. Internet available to staff AND to patrons, but ONLY through a staff intermediary?) (0= No; 1 = Yes) 855. Available to patrons for their own direct use as well as to stafl? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) OTHER ELECTRONIC SERVICES 856. Is direct patron access to other electronic services available? (e.g. bibliographic & full text databases; multi-media products) (0 = No; 1 = Yes) ONLINE LIBRARY SYSTEMS 857. Library uses an integrated, online library system, with at least 2 of the following modules operational: opac, circulation, acquisitions, serials control? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) Carlsbad Type Response for FY 1994195 in box below. 100. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. 616 1 1 Page 10 d95elect CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR : x6 16 CarLsbad NEW MOBILE LIBRARIES. Use this page to report NEW vehicles. Photocopy this page if several new vehicles. Type or Handwrite Responses on this page. I ReportYear I FY1994/95 I FILE DCR-BKM8 I Bookmobile's Housing Address - Street: City: Zip + 4: ~____ Type: (B)ookmobile 0railer Oan : Description: Make. Model. YW. Chassis Manufacturer. Length. Book Capacity in Volumes. Total miles traveled per year. Number of individual Stops. Total hours per month in public service. (omit travel time) Staffing in full-time equivalent: Librarians on vehicle. WE. Driver/clerks on vehicle. FTE. Support Staff off vehicle. FTE. I TOM materials circulation per year. ~ ~~~~ Yearly operating and maintenance cost. (fuel, maintenance, repair, labor and parts) Has adult or children's programming been conducted from bookmobile? (Y/N) Cite example. Page 11 CIRCULATION MAIN LIBRARY Print/Audio Video Equipment TOTAL : BRANCH Print/Audio Video TOTAL : CENTRO TOTAL : GRAND TOTAL: REFERENCE QUESTIONS Centro Genealogy Children's Adult Online Branch TOTAL : MEDIA/GRAPHICS PROJECTS Media Graphics CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS Aucrust 1995 Aug . Aug . 1994 - 1995 % Chanqe 52,795 56,170 +6 13 , 058 10,878 - 17 10 11 - 10 65,863 67,059 +2 18 , 772 20,500 +9 2,970 2,623 - 12 21,692 23 , 123 +7 833 1,033 + 24 88 , 388 91,215 +3 223 100 - 55 1,341 1,414 +5 1,467 1,592 +9 7,183 6,296 - 12 17 67 + 294 1,934 2,030 +5 12,165 11,499 -5 42 45 +7 20 24 + 20 TOTAL : 62 69 + 11 Aug . Aug . 1994 1995 % Chanse PEOPLE COUNT (Daily Average) Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL : ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Centro Genealogy Adult Main Children's Main Branch TOTAL : INTERLIBRARY LOANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad NEW REGISTRATIONS Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL : ITEMS ADDED ITEMS WITHDRAWN 94 74 - 21 1,648 1,710 +4 685 717 +5 2 , 427 2,501 +3 245 71 - 71 216 165 - 24 16 24 - 50 698 961 + 38 118 407 + 245 1,293 1,628 + 26 155 143 -8 132 134 +2 301 350 + 16 121 81 - 33 24 37 +5 791 795 +1 344 350 +2 1,159 1,182 +2 1,732 1,211 - 30 1,287 334 - 74 2 v) Q) Q) 7 L ir, 3 (3 3 a Y m t v) d t b- l- ur F (u m cu- v) al al L oll v) al C L l- 0 (D (9 c\! d l- pc (9 (D (D ai- 0 (0 0 In 2 9 7 0) 0 v) 0 0 r P .- al C n E a v) C - 8 c 2 cu t (0 m 9 v) t cu m cq 0 0 9 0 8 0 0 9 -I F FALL BOOK SALE Saturday - September 16, 1995 9 am to 3pm 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Again it is book sale time and the "Friends" need help, especially for the set-up of the sale 7: 15 am to 8: 15 am and the breakdown after the sale is ended at 3 pm to 4 pm. If you can help or can talk your children, friends or others into working call Maureen Tracy 942-0533. Thanks to our loyal regulars. We want to avoid "burn- out" and so alway need new workers. The above picture is of the last sale in progress and a loyal customer from Pensacola Florida who times his visits to this area to be able to attend our book sales. How is that for a testimonial for our sales! So circle the date on your calendar. You will find a whole new crop of books so come early and stay late. LIBRARY DIRECTOR WRITES "When are you going to build the new library?" I have been asked that question hundreds of time over the past five years. My answer usually has been, "Whe we have the money to operate it". That is still the answer. As- suming continued improvement in the local economy and the consequent increase in City revenue, construc- tion of the new library is scheduled for the 1997-98 fiscal year. That is the year that the City Council ap- proved last June when it reviewed the City's Capital Improvement Budget. Even though the new library has not been built, the library staff has been hard at work serving our users as best they can from overcrowded facilities. In addition to their day to day duties, the staff has spent the past year and a half developing a strategic plan. a mission statement, a values statement, a set of goals and several strategies that will help attain the goals. Copies of the Plan will be available at all library facilities in Septem- ber. As always, the continued support of the Friends of the Library has been invaluable to the library. The library board. staff and I appreciate your support and look forward with you to the realization of a new library and a remodeled Georgina Cole Library. OUR PRESIDENT'S THOUGHTS We are having our Fall Book Sale on September 16th. Your tax deductible contributions of books, magazines. records, software and games are crucial in these recy- cling and money making ventures. We intend to con- tinue our support at as high a level as possible with your help. Meet A Friend Pam Strojny, staff administration, account clerk, is a friend in two ways. She is a member of the "Friends", but also is performing that roll during her work day as she collects daily the money from the "Friends sale of magazines and books in the collection box at the Main Branch. She counts the money, and keeps it for our treasurer's weekly pickups. Without her help someone would have to make a daily trip in to do this. Her help is greatly appreciated. Pam joined the Carlsbad Library Staff 5 years ago. She lives in Vista with her husband who is a retired Ocean- side fireman & para-medic. They have 2 sons and a grandson. The Strojnys make many trips back to Chi- cago where they grew up & married when Pam was 20 years old. Their honeymoon was a trip to California where they decide to remain and aren't we glad they did? SELF CHECK SYSTEM Patrons at the Georgina Cole Library no longer need wait in line to check out books! Have your tried the automatic self check-out near the left end of the news- paper shelves'? CD-ROM Installed at La Costa Branch , CD-ROM access to PhoneDisc USA, American Busi- ness Disc, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Business Peri- odicals Index, Reader's Guide Abstracts and Health Source is now available free, to any Branch Library user. The new PC and CD-ROM drive were gifts from the "Friends". Installed last July, it is an increasingly popular source of current information and a major ad- vantage to the inquisitive community the library serves. Health Source, Readers Guide Abstracts and Business Periodical index provide easy access to a wealth of information in a short time compared to the labor inten- sive hours spent using the multi-volumed set of Reader's Guides. Health Source includes many very current full text articles. Within a few months Reader's Guide may also have full text articles. American Business Disc provides information on mil- lions of American businesses and offers vital informa- tion for marketing, sales, and job hunting. The Encyclopaedia Britannica and PhoneDisc USA saves hunting through multi-volume sets of phone books or encyclopedias. All the Britannica is on one disk and the phone directories are on three. Users may print any articles of interest. The first two pages are free, lo$ for each additional page. The Branch library staff is pleased to offer these CD- ROM sources to their library users and wish to extend their gratitude to the "Friends" for making the purchase possible. We look forward to enlarging and updating reference service by increasing this collection of CD- ROMS. CORPORATE MEMBERSHIPS August was renewal month for Business and Corporate "Friends" members. Thanks to Bill Livingston of Cul- ligan Water Softening who wrote to his fellow business leaders on behalf of the "Friends". Next on our Business membership menu is a solicitation to corporate executive officers and owners who have not had the opportunity to join us as a "Business Friend". Cliff Lange, Library Director, Helen Crosby, "Friends" President and all of us actively involved in appreciating the Carlsbad Library system thank you for your contin- ued interest! -- The awards ceremony for the Children’s Summer Reading Program was held in the Carlsbad Council Chambers August 18,1995. All three libraries were represented. THE CENTRO This fiscal year "The Friends" are helping (in a rela- tively small way) to support The Centro. We have budgeted some monies for bilingual children's materi- als and John Quartarone. the head of the children's department at the Main Library. has planned some programs to include them. This is a program started in 199 1, funded by federal grants, and administered by the State Library. It is located at the Pine School, room 1 1. The Carlsbad school board provides this space rent free and the facility is open 23 hours per week staffed by 4 part time bilingual. bicultural employees. The goals of the program are to insure that Spanish- speaking residents obtain accurate and timely informa- tion needed to adapt to life in the United States; to support Spanish-speaking families in educating their children toward productive, positive futures and to pro- vide a transition for these families to the services and resources of the main library. The leaders have conducted tours for adults and children from Centro to the Main Library, recruited bilingual staff to fill vacancies at the Main, and increased bilin- gual both print and non-print resources for the Centro. During the past three fiscal years, the circulation of items at the Main Library to patrons registered at the Centro has gone up steadily, now averaging over 500 items a month. Since the program began over 1,500 residents received their first library cards at the Centro and over 47,000 visits have been made to this neighbor- hood resource. AN EVENING IN SPAIN Yaelisa & Solera Flamenco Dance Company will be featured in a program presented by Carlsbad Arts As- soicates and the Friends of the Carlsbad Library Satur- day, September 30th at 8 pm at the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center, 3557 Monroe Street. Tickets are $6 ($5 for seniors & students. Yaelisa is an accomplished performer. She has won many competitions of Spanish classical dance, fla- menco and regional dance throughout Spain and Europe. She was awarded an Emmy for choreography in 1994 for her work on the performance piece Desde Cud;,: N Sevilla which aired on KPBS. For more information phone 434-2920 or 434-288 1 CHILDREN'S SUMMER READING PROGRAMS The summer reading programs for children were a great success with much interest shown and many in atten- dance. La Costa had nine different programs, Centro two and Main thirty one. All three libraries cooperated and joined together at various programs. The theme, Pa~cs To Read, presented the world of the working dog. Included in the programs were Dog celebrities, Herding dogs, Police dogs. a Dog Show, a Library sleep over which parents also attended, Puppet dogs and contests with prizes. Each child had booklets to log the books they read and certificates were presented to those who reached their goals. T-shirts with the Carlsbad Library on the back and paw prints on the front were available. These may still be purchased. They are a good quality and priced at $6.50 for children's sizes small, medium, or large and adults at $8.50 in sizes medium, large and extra large. A total of 1,207 children registered in the book reading and 2,827 attended the programs at the three libraries. The La Costa branch counted 840 in attendance, Cen- tro's attendance was 145 attended, Main had 1,842 who attended. I U U U U dlZ ‘All3 sswaav miitvw 3NOHd 3WVN Friends of the Carlsbad Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 About Your Dues: NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE Carfsbod. CA If the date on your mailing label is 9/95 or earlier, your membership. has expired. Please renew today! (No date = Life Member)