HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-08-25; City Council; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: August 25, 2015 TIME OF MEETING: 4:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Hall, Blackburn, Schumacher, Wood, Packard INVOCATION: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tem Blackburn led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None. PRESENTATIONS: None. PUBLIC REPORT OF ANY ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: None. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Blackburn and seconded by Council Member Wood to approve items 1-12, motion carried unanimously. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading ofthe text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. 1. AB #22,059 - Approval of Resolution No. 2015-210, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the Poinsettia Lift Station Standby Pump System, Project No. 5529. 2. AB #22,060 - Approval of Resolution No. 2015-211, authorizing the Mayor to execute the Third Amendment to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System San Diego Regional Storm Water Copermittees Memorandum of Understanding. 3. AB #22,061 - Approval of Resolution No. 2015-212, authorizing the City of Carlsbad to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with the US Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Agency for operation ofthe Narcotics Task Force for Fiscal Year 2016. 4. AB #22,062 - Approval of Resolution No. 2015-213, accepting a bid and authorizing the execution of an agreement between the city and Patrol Masters Private Security, for adult school crossing guard services. August 25, 2015 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 5. AB #22,063 - Approval of Resolution No. 2015-214, authorizing the appropriation of Police Federal Asset Forfeiture Funds in the amount of $1,000 to contribute to the San Diego Sheriff's Department to help fund a regional gun buy back event. 6. AB #22,064 - Approval of Resolution No. 2015-215, authorizing out-of-state travel for Police Department staff to attend Internet Crimes Against Children Investigative Techniques training in Phoenix, Arizona, and approval of Resolution No. 2015-216, authorizing out-of-state travel for the Police Chief to attend the International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois. 7. AB #22,065 - Approval of Resolution No. 2015-217, authorizing the City Manager to enter into Addendum No. 2 to the Memorandum of Understanding among the City of Carlsbad and the Cities of Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos, and Vista for the purposes of implementing the North County Economic Development Collaborative Model. 8. AB #22,066 - Approval of Resolution No. 2015-218, approving and authorizing an agreement for library shelving services with J.K. Miklin, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $145,300 for the Ubrary Renovation Project Nos. 4020 and 4030. 9. AB #22,067 - Approval of Resolution No. 2015-219, approving and authorizing the purchase of furniture and equipment from Agati, Inc. and Yamada Enterprises in amounts not to exceed $155,750 and $164,205, respectively, forthe Ubrary Renovation Project Nos. 4020 and 4030. 10. AB #22,068 - Approval of Resolution No. 2015-220, accepting the construction ofthe 2014 Slurry Seal Project No. 6001-1455 as complete and directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds in accordance with State law and City Ordinances. 11. AB #22,069 - Approval of Resolution No. 2015-221, certifying the results of an election and adding property to Community Facilities District No. 1, Golden Surf, 6796 Paseo Del Norte, APN 214-531-51-00 Lots 1 and 2. 12. AB #22,070 - Acceptance of report on city investments as of July 31, 2015. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: None. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 13. AB #22,071 - Adopt Ordinance No. CS-281, adding Chapter 3.40 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code setting forth procedures for the establishment of a reimbursement fee for funding the reimbursement of certain costs of construction of eligible improvements. Prior to reading the ordinance title. City Attorney Brewer made a correction to the ordinance on Page 13, section 3.40.140, line 8, which should read "10 years" not "20 years". ACTION: Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Blackburn and second by Council Member Wood, motion carried unanimously to adopt Ordinance No. CS-281. August 25, 2015 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 14. AB #22,072 - Adopt Ordinance No. CS-282, amending Section 21.05.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by an amendment to the Zoning Map to grant a zone change from Limited Control (L-C) to Open Space (OS) for Parcel A (1.0 acres). Parcel B (0.84 acres) and Parcel C (8.81 acres) on a 17.44-acre site (16.43 net acres) located north ofthe intersection of College Boulevard and Sunny Creek Road and south ofthe intersection of Cannon Road and College Boulevard, within Local Facilities Management Zone 15. College Boulevard Mitigation ZC 14- 01 CityAttorney Brewer explained the item and read the ordinance by title only. ACTION: Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Blackburn and second by Council Member Wood, motion carried unanimously to adopt Ordinance No. CS-282. PUBLIC COMMENT: Walt Meier spoke regarding the State of the City. PUBLIC HEARING: None. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORT: 15. AB #22,073 - Receive the Elections Code Section 9212 report for the Agua Hedionda South Shore Specific Plan Initiative Measure and consider three options for City Council action on the Initiative Measure. Interim City Manager Kathy Dodson introduced City Attorney Celia Brewer to address the legal issues of the initiative to be followed by Assistant City Manager Gary Barberio who gave the report and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Rick Caruso introduced the following proponents ofthe initiative to speak: Bill Dominguez, Jimmy Ukegawa Mr. Caruso addressed the council and presented a video. Speakers in Support: Ann Kulchin, Yvonne Finocchiaro, Richard Eckfield, Arnie Cohen, Carlton Lund, June Pasini, Ted Owen, Tracy Carmichael, Maureen Simons, Bill Dominguez, Renee Lange, Jerry Miller, Jim Courtney, Noreen Wienstone, David Esler, Ofelia Esobedo, Julie Baker, Vernon Melvin, David Kendall, Laurie Boone, Barbara Mead, Joan Wilson, Rosanne Bentley, Abby Roland, Cindy Conner, Bridget Wright, Jim Boone, S.J. Owen, Barbara Nolder, Doris Queen, Lisa Rodman, J. Raulla, Sandra Clma, Valerie Lindholm, Tom Knlpstein, Walt Meier, Klaus Kirchhoff, Janek Sweeney, Hollyce Phillips, Angela Behlens, William Wong, Michael Robinson, Mario Monroy, Alan Marblestone, Don Peterson, Jim Brubaum, Erna Markwlth, Marlalne Hubbard, Jim Markwlth, Fran Natale, Kendra Stldolph, Diana Bauer, Robert Gates, Karin Von der Wische, Chad Majer, Clyde Wickham August 25, 2015 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 4 Speakers in Opposition: De'Ann Weimer for Jeff Bentley, Michelle Eaton, Sherl Crummer, Prudence Sweeney, Dresden Rowlett Stephen Fluhr for Bill Hofman, Morgan Wazlaw, Jerry Engen, Teresa Acosta, Peter Huddle, Scott Trafford Brad Roth for Alex Szabo, Madeleine Szabo, Tyra Droegemoellek, Kathy Kinane, Robert Pascar, Mary Clarke Diane Nygaard for Daniel Dicoln, Robert Gilbert, Summer Rayle-Striler, Toy Cooper, Melody Beauchamp, Laura Champion Rosanne Bentley, Abby Roland, Cindy Conner, Bridget Wright, Amanda Mascia, Richard Wilson, Carl Schumacher, Anthony Maffia, Everett Delano, Fred Sandquist, Unda Schleslnger, Maha Calderon, Joe Donegan, Connie Ulrich, Sue Igoe, Joan Herskowltz, Kim Trujlllo, James McLane, Nicole Buchanan, Jonathan Vargas, Patricia Amador, Unda Bigg, Elizabeth Kruidenier, Elizabeth Banks, VickeySyage, Greg Gutierrez, Alex DeTabaada, Karen Merrill, John Chavez, Witt Rowlett, Richard Rajabi, Mike Steinman, Susan Cratty, Diana Lincoln, Kasey Cinciarelli, David Voss, Ralph Williams, Kim Shea, Howard Krausz, Leo Welnick, Joshua O'Conner, Mark Madison, Dave Pelser, Maria Suter. Speakers Neutral: Fred Chambers, Nancy Knott, Jody Hood, Jan Costa, Trevor Farrell, Gary Nesslm, Gigi Orlowski, Janaan Taylor, Carmen Nichols, Sage Neuman. Council Member Blackburn left the dais at 6:54 p.m. and returned at 6:57p.m. Mayor Hall called a recess at 7:03 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:20 p.m. with all Council Members present. Mayor Hall called a recess at 9:21 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:29 p.m. with all Council Members present. ACTION: Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Blackburn, seconded by Council Member Wood, motion carried unanimously to approve Ordinance No. CS-283, option B(l). PUBLIC COMMENT: None. COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Mayor Hall and Council Members reported on activities and meetings of some committees and sub-committees of which they are members. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. August 25, 2015 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 5 ADJOURNMENT; Meeting was adjourned at 10:38 p.m. lelley Assistant City