HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-12-05; City Council; 13430; AUTHORIZE INITIATION OF INTERNAL STRATEGY PLANNING PROCESSWY OF CARLSBAD - AGEQPA BILL 4; I I AB # /$+do MTG, 12/5/95 TITLE: AUTHORIZE INITIATION OF INTERNAL STRATEGIC PEPJ, CM PLANNING PRQG€SS DEPl CITY CITY I I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Y3=3& Adopt Resolution No. appropriating $75,000 from General Fund Continge account to fund an internal strategic planning process. 1 ITEM EXPLANATION During the City Council’s 1995 workshop, the City Manager proposed to Counci that City staff undertake an internal strategic planning process. The Council concurred with the Manager’s recommendation and directed staff to proceed. What is strategic planning? Strategic planning is a disciplined and structured process designed to produce decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it doc and why it does it. Specifically, strategic planning is a process through which a organization can: I 0 Examine the environment in which they exist and operate. 0 Explore the factors and trends that affect the way they do busine: and carry out their roles. 0 Seek to meet their mandates, and fulfill their missions. 0 Frame the strategic issues they must address. 0 Find ways to address these issues through reexamining and reworking organizational mandates and missions, and product 01 service levels and mix, cost, financing, management, or organiza Why do strategic planning? 63 w > The City of Carlsbad is undertaking this effort anticipating specific outcomes of process. These outcomes include: E EL :$ z 2 a G i z 9 Integration of CityFit change efforts. CityFit is the name given to a variety of planned change efforts intended to improve the overall effectiveness of the City Carlsbad. Some examples of these efforts are the Organizational Excellence Committee’s activities, the new financial information system that will be purchas this fiscal year, and the city-wide employee skills based training currently under way. Developing an inspiring and commonly understood internal City organizatic vision. The vision will provide direction, prioritize our efforts and create energy and opportunity for change and innovative solutions, 8 0 0 AGENDA BILL NO, /'#30 PAGE 2 Participation and commitment to the Strategic Plan by all employees. By involving employees at all levels of the organization in various stages of the strategic planning process, the organization will build capacity among its employees. CityFit Strategic Planning knowledge and skills for all employees. To build staff's knowledge of strategic planning, the City will undertake a separate effort tc will then be utilized in the strategic planning process as well as other training sessions throughout the City. Improved communication and trust within the organization. This process will involve employees at all levels of the organization. This will develop trust, commitment and ownership and build relationships in the process. Follow through and implement agreed upon strategic plan through strategie: and action steps. The strategic planning process will result in three to five majo initiatives, that when implemented will significantly improve the organization. Stai is committed to implement and follow through with the process and these strateg initiatives. train employees in meeting facilitation and training techniques, These employee: Progress to date: After receiving direction from the City Council to proceed, a Working Group was appointed to begin the strategic planning process. The Working Group is comprised of the City Manager, staff from various departments and John Gavare: and Farnum Alston of the consulting group Systemics. This Working Group has held several meetings and developed an outline and schedule for the process. 11 addition, the Working Group held a planning meeting with key department heads and representatives of the employee unions. The purpose of this planning meeti was to develop an understanding of the strategic planning process and consensl and commitment to the goals and process. Feedback from this meeting has bec integrated into the design and schedule of the strategic planning process. A list the work products resulting from this effort is attached to this staff report. FISCAL IMPACT: The strategic planning process will require the dedication of a significant amount of stal time over the next eight to ten months. Although much of the cost of the project will be the form of City staff time, there is a need to appropriate funds to cover consulting services, supplies, and related expenses. Staff is recommending the Council approve tt appropriation of $75,000 dollars from the General Fund Contingency account to the Human Resources budget to support this effort during 1995-96. Once these funds are appropriated $1,105,000 will remain the Contingency account. 0 0 AGENDA BILL NO. /< @3D PAGE 3 EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. j?fiJ@ 2. Strategic Planning Products Schedule 3. Ten Steps of an Effective Strategic Planning Process 4. Strategic Planning Desired Outcomes J li II 0 0 ll 1 RESOLUTION NO. 95-348 2 3 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE INITIATION OF AN INTERNAL STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS 5 6 7 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has directed staff to initiate an internal strategic planning process; and, a WHEREAS, strategic planning is a disciplined and structured process 9 10 designed to produce decisions and actions that shape and guide what an 11 organization is, what it does, and why it does it; and, 12 WHEREAS, through this process, the City will integrate the various l3 // change efforts underway in the organization and develop an inspiring and l4 11 commonly understood internal City organization vision; and, 15 16 WHEREAS, as a result of this process the City will identify several 17 Ii strategic initiatives that when implemented will significantly improve the 18 organization. 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City I 2o 21 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 22 23 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council does hereby authorize the Finance Director tc 24 Ij appropriate $75,000 from the General Fund Contingency Account for the 25 ///I/ 26 purpose of developing an internal strategic plan. 27 11 ///// 28 ////I /I " 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 95-348 1 /I A PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council 2 3 4 on the 5th day of DECEMBER , 1995, by the following vote, to wit: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Nygaard, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin I.6 // 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 j ATTEST: JdETHAwUTENHANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) KAREN R. KUNDTZ, &distant City Clerk 25 26 27 28 0 0 EXHIBI' gr Yg rB= 7- :; 8s 55 q r 3- 00 Q s 0- nz * 0) ;o Zn ?E E. ax p B n (P cp 0 zg; spgs u a'9 y, ga BBs a 1 YT~ ? 5s: yff3.g g W# 8Zo"Q IpgIpo FgBg Clr - e wv) g2-- <gs ai?gQ 0-0 Tp n *p cP ?(P 0 3- v zzey $9 $5 !V$R 2.g E a@ E s6 ;":Egg z!d9y OS.8 A-3 ?z Z$")Qp oa, - - peg ag.5 %a cp *yR"12 g KO0 sx g0e 2 e os0 &p? zs zzagi$4 qy sse. ppg %WE E "OQ,? sm$g 2: %Log t/Jn 28 $@Q e- p:; $g v) A pqp 8 4" ZFSF 7.5% B '3:. (P g a:*. "-9 9 v t- R"bsg ; "$8 8, $[@ GO i[@ 2 S3.G (n 8s nsq yp 2 td g! gy.2 t-4 4 g 3 e E m ? g k- I cn ,. 8-g- gr- g (D- - PI... c, G. Y z % .i -E % m F ." a ,"s! -? cp 4 B 29 nn- ooc Fra L 2 2. ;:OB P gm t3 0 % rs * i Po 9 El B L. r. s 6 F i 0 '0 5: ri g ;no rp Tm CcnGtL 5.w z;*g+ 3E.P 0 v) ZOF Vqa,o g zg32 2(D@ aa -"BpF 2 7 fD gp sea' %3,<@w? ggg Tgzg pggo 3 BO &+2ggs. 5g8s 5qz.c i"lgi 9 - 'rf- ,..~zg Zcg 2:r.asf ggg'g c PUQ z- "E m 82 G 33 cp ew c:ort'i 4 l! M rg mpp'~~ gvj'; I (D vy empa o 35: ZE gg.& - s p E, P 8 Q$,ii ''E. g b * ?m z* fg8 BE 2s gyp;s@ =.;;E? =Eie3 0 +c a WpE G g€ E r ZKq? gpr 7pOn-O 4 I= 00 ccb ow 2-<*2!iu gr"q FgpJ qqROgo"2 ; \o wa E.'p-o"-;a" ::cg e +SZ z q2.e = g B -(P E w "2 ID ?m -z09 @* 8 U q aEgsac2 3go Ef? 8 a?tu U CD (bm b r gp- fi -.no zz?q ~PRpn-0 * 4 Wiy !!ha X9p M 55 s 3. iu" cp E. g -4s w (D ?e g32 - 73 0% L: c ErA s Qa 5 P #x (Dl z - -E 5 VI 0 c) mg gz 'de u E. n Y 8 s CD & g OEn 0 r.-w % 7 >urn v) II) $.kQ$ t:og F p;Isc@!r -am 5 5 gZ-FF 5- B eq.8 5U"p I p 2 Zma, 3 3 @O,o $ 5 MQ 2 "2 $3 g gggg gz $ 33r t 2gE ? e." f3 gwg oO$ m s-yr sjwv qz 3 *yy, (D (D & gsFa2 YW% E'* v, B- 3 *.a$ 2 0 '0 rD e2 7 ? re 2 (D 0 F$? n=: iTp #+I OQm 0, -v3<z7n4 mgofios =3:Cg 4 r) RAag pu 2: . ggil u) SEI 2 qp! 92 Ed& 0) ZRPng - p* -e 9) SG 3g - 'b- we 8; ~ -m<zan-1 2fQtLg g 11 .lGLyf$ :Et2 $-gaqg4 . 6" "Z g =-2gaegq cz ss %v, =%-e%- 04 ra Tff..gEe ma- EO R 0 2 mm,,E; 1 .. -.q S" EO gz' =2ga<p? 2:(PIAmg z ID 7:. @~sJp4 --e P, v) " z 9 wrp 43 mu -E ii % . e a Exhibit 3 TEN STEPS OF AN EFFECTIVE STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS 1. Initiate and agree on a strategic planning process 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, a. 9. 10. Clarify organizational mandates Establish an effective organizational vision for the future, including "success indicators" Develop and refine the organization's mission and values and understand our stakeholders Assess opportunities and threats and identify strengths and weaknesses Identify strategic issues and future trends that the organization face Formulate strategies to manage the issues Review and adopt the strategic plan Develop an effective implementation process Reassess strategies and the strategic planning process v 0 0 q Exhibit 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD STRATEGIC PLANNING DESIRED OUTCOMES 1. Develop an inspiring and commonly understood internal City organization vision. 2. Integration of CityFit change efforts. 3. Participation and commitment to the Strategic Plan by all employees. 4. CityFit Strategic Planning knowledge and skills for all employees. 5, Improved communication and trust within the organization. 6. Follow through and implement agreed upon strategic initiatives.