HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-03; City Council; 8515-1; THIRD AMENDED UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES JOINT POWERS AGREEMENTAB# x51.S4-d/ MTG. 6/3/86 DEPT. FIR TITLE: THIRD AMENDED UNIFIED SAN DIECO Dl CI CI COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,l I a e RESOLUTION NO. 8600 A RESOLUTION OF THE ClTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAI CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE THIRD AMENDED EMERGENCY : AGREEMENT OF THE UNIFIED SAN DlEGO COUNTY EMERGEN( SERVICES ORGANIZATION, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR 1 SAID AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is a participating member of Powers Agreement which established the Unified San Diego County Services organizaiton; and WHEREAS, the governing body of that organization is the Uni Disaster Council on which this City is represented; and WHEREAS, the Unified Disaster Council approved the Third AI 1 Agreement on April 25, 1986 and recommended the County and all within the County approve and execute the Third Amended Agreem WHEREAS, the Third Amended Agreement will authorize a Uni Hazardous Materials Emergency Response and other programs to bet operational under the Unified Emergency Services Organization; anc WHEREAS, the recommended Third Amended Agreement is in t interest of this City and the entire San Diego region. ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of City of Carlsbad, California approves and executes the Third Amen Unified San Deigo County Emergency Services Agreement as recomrr I 25 26 27 28 1 II I1 /I 11 ~ 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of t 21 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 12 I of Carsbad, California this lOthday of June, 1986 by the following AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: 'hi."& MARY H. CASLER, Mayor AL'& R$UTE&?$!wslerk R 14 15 16 17 18 I I i 2o 21 22 23 I I I I I ~ 26 27 28 1 I I I e. e THIRD AMENDED EHERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into by and between 1 County of San Diego, a political subdivision of the Sta of California, hereinafter referred to as the County, i the incorporated cities within the County signatory heret hereinafter referred to as the City or Cities. Nothi in this Agreement is intended to lessen participating membei authority over and responsibility for events occurring witk their j ur i sd ic t ion.. W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the County and the Cities are desirous providing for a unified emergency services organizatj for the purpose of coordinating regional planning and progr< for the preservation and safety of life and property < making provision for the execution of plans and progr in the event of an emergency or disaster, and to prov for mutual assistance in the event of such emergencies disasters; and WHEREAS, the parties to this agreement are desir of providing for any unencumbered balances at the end the budgeted year resulting from either budget savings revenues derived from Federal or other funds; and WHEREAS, the parties have previously entered i the Civil Defense Disaster Agreement, as twice amendc and the First and Second Amended Emergency Services Agreeme a nd WHEREAS, the parties desire further amendments, of which are incorporated into this Third Amended Emerge Se rv ices Ag reemen t ; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covena contained herein, the parties hereto do hereby mutua agree as follows: A. The Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Org ization is hereby created and established to perf the following services: 1. Aid, assist and advise the County and each C in the preparation and development of an emerge plan for the County and for each City in County. Prepare and develop countywide emergency guidelj 2. 1 1986 e e which may be used by participating members i which provide for needs and the coordinatj of those needs in the event of a major natui disaster or other emergency. 3. Aid, assist and advise the County and the Cit: with, the training of public employees for t emergency services organization. 4. Provide countywide emergency services yrogrz as may .be determined by the Unified Disast Council. From time to time special Countywide progri may be developed under this Agreement. In thc situations, the Unified Disaster Council n establish operational and funding requiremer for participation and will seek approval participating members. Where programs may r be supported by one or more jurisdictions, SI programs may be executed between agreeing jur: dictions . 5. Develop and keep current on a countywide bas an inventory of all equipment and supplies availak now in the county for use in the event of emergency. Such inventory listing will be m2 available to all participating members. 6. Provide technical assistance in obtaining i federal or state funds which may become availak to the County and the Cities for emergency purpo: and in the acquisition by the County and t Cities of surplus property for emergency servic purposes. 7. In the event of an emergency confined to c City, offer assistance within the limits its emergency services organization and coordinz assistance furnished by the County and otk Cities in accordance with mutual aid agreements 8. In the event of an emergency within the COUK affecting an area greater than any one Cit offer assistance to the extent of its emerger services establishment andcoordinate the assistar furnished by other agencies through the operatior area concept. B. The County and Cities signatory to this agreemc shall: 2 1986 0 e 1. Become members of the Unified San Diego Cor Emergency Services Organization. 2. Coordinate with and assist participating mem): in the development of emergency plans wh shall be compatible with and complementary countywide emergency plans, guidelines and progr as may be provided for under this agreement. Delegate to the UnifiedDisaster Councilhereinaf mentioned, whatever authority it is lawful the County and Cities to delegate when s delegation shall be deemed necessary by s Council. This delegation of authority sh< be restricted to whatever expenditure of Cou and City funds and use of County and City personn equipment and supplies as are made availat by the County and the Cities for emergency servic purposes. 3. C. In consideration of these mutual promises, it hereby mutually agreed that: 1. The County will pay fifty percent (508) of'i cost of establishing and maintaining the Unifi San Diego County Emergency Services Organizatior 2. The Cities signatory hereto will pay fifty perce (50%) of the cost of maintaining the Unifi San Diego County Emergency Services Organizatic said fifty percent to be apportioned among t cities in accordance with the following formula a) One-half of the 50%, or 25% of the tot budget shall be apportioned by people uni or population in participating Citie b) The remaining 25% of the total budget sha be apportioned by the total assessed valuatic of real and personal property in participatii Cities. 3. For the purposes of this agreement the tot? assessed valuation of real and personal propert in all the participating Cities shall be tk amount assessed in the fiscal year prior t the budgeted year, as found in the Propert ValuationandTax Rate--SanDiegoCounty,Californie published by the Auditor and Controller of tk, County of San Diego. 4. If at the end of any fiscal year there remain 3 1986 e 0 an unencumbered balance derived from budgc savings or revenue from Federal funds receive for emergency services purposes, such balanc shall be credited to the participating membei at the rate of their contribution for that fisc: year, towards the following fiscal year fc the expenditures of the Unified San Diego Counl Emergency Services Organization. 5. In the euent a participating member withdrac from this agreement, such member will receii its refundable share of the unencumbered balanc for that fiscal year in a single payment. 6. In the event a participating member contribute more than the formula requires towards maintainii the Unified San Diego County Emergency Service Organization, that contributing member shal determine where the excess contributions wi: be applied. 7. In the event a non-participating organizatic or agency contributes funding to the Unific San Diego County Emergency Services Organizatioi that contributing organization or agency sha: determine where the contribution will be applied D. The Unified Disaster Council is the policy makii body of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Servict Organization. The Unified Disaster Council consisi of the following: 1. The Chairperson of the County Board of Supervisoi who shall be the Chairperson. 2. The Coordinator of the Unified San Diego Coun' Emergency Services Organization who shall 1 the Vice-Chairperson and who is selected 1: the Unified Disaster Council from among: tt Chief Administrative Officer of the County t the City Manager and/or Chief Administratc of any participating City, Two additional persons may be selected frc the staff of the Coordinator or from the ab01 group to act as first and second alternatc in the absence or inability of the Coordinatc to serve. 3, Each member agency shall designate a prima: representative to the Council, they shall al: 4 1986 0 0 designate alternates if the primary representati is unable to attend. 4. Each participating member jurisdiction sha have one vote on the Unified Disaster Council, E. It is the duty of the Unified Disaster Council i it is empowered to review and approve emergency mutt aid plans and agreements, disaster preparedness plar and such ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulatic as are necessary to implement such plans and agreement The Unified Disaster Council meets at least quartel and upon call of the Chairperson or in his or k absence, or inability to call such a meeting, UF the call of the Coordinator. The Unified Disast Council is empowered to develop a proposed budg and to recommend a budget and the apportionment there to the County and all participating Cities. T County and the participating Cities shall not adc budgets differing from the budget recommended the Unified Disaster Council without first consulti with the Unified Disaster Council. The Coordinator of the Unified San Diego County Emergen Services Organization has the following powers a duties: 1. To request the City Council or Councils to procla the existence or threatened existence of a loc emergency if said Council or Councils are session or to request such proclamation by t City Manager or other authorized person if t Council or Councils are not in session, subje to ratification by the Council or Councils the earliest practical time. F. 2. To request the Board of Supervisors to procla theexistenceorthreatenedexistenceofacountywi local emergency if the Board of Superviso is in session or to issue such proclamati if the Board of Supervisors is not in sessio subject to ratification by the Board of Superviso at the earliest practical time. 3. To request the Governor of the State of Californ through the Board of Supervisors or the Counc or Councils of the affected City or Cities proclaim the existence of a state of emergen or state of war emergency when, in the opini of the Coordinator, the resources of the ar or regionare inadequate tocopewith theemergency 5 1986 0 0 4. TO coordinate the mutual aid efforts of t parties to this agreement. 5. The Coordinator shall receive and disburse t funds of the Unified San Diego County Emergen Services Organization and shall be responsit and accountable for such funds. G. The Unified ,San Diego County Emergency Services Orga ization and the Unified Disaster Council are structur herein in accordance with the Emergency Servic Ordinance (SanDiegoCountyCodeof Regulatory Ordinanct Sec. 31.101). In the event the organizations E altered materially in the Emergency Services Ordinanc any party may offer to the other participating part. an amendment to conform the agreement to the Ordinanc All amendments to the Agreement shall be in writ. and effective upon execution by all parties. The terms "state of war emergency", "state of emergenc] and "local emergency" used herein shall have t same definition as is provided in the Califorr Emergency Services Act, Government Code Section 855: I. This Agreement shall become effective upon the execut of the agreement by the County Board of Supervis, and by all Cities desiring to become signator hereto. Execution of this agreement supersedes the pr Emergency Services Agreement, formerly known as Civil Defense and Disaster Agreement, and all amendme thereto and also supersedes the Second Amended Emerge Services Agreement. H. J. Any of the Cities within the County of San Di which are now, or which may hereafter become incorpora may become a party to this agreement by execut anagreement hereunder and filing such executed agreem with the Coordinator or, in his or her absence, first or second alternate coordinator. K. This agreement may be terminated as to any of parties by written notice given by such party all the other parties which notice shall be gi at least 120 days prior to the commencement of fiscal year in which the termination is to take effe For the purposes of such notice a fiscal year defined as July 1 of a calendar year through i 30 of the next succeeding calendar year. 1986 6 0 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do affix tht signatures. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO: BY Date Clerk of the Board of Supervisc CITY OF CARLSBAD: Date %&% BY t-Lwd &As-- CITY OF CHULA VISTA: Date BY CITY OF CORONADO: Date BY CITY OF DEL MAR: Date BY CITY OF EL CAJON: Date CITY OF ESCONDIDO: Date CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH: BY BY Date BY CITY OF LA MESA: Date BY CITY OF LEMON GROVE: Date BY CITY OF NATIONAL CITY: Date BY 7 1986 I 'i il J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I.7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 8402 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARL CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY H MATERIALS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is a participating member of a Powers Agreement which established the Unified San Diego County E Services organization; and WHEREAS, the governing body of that organization is the Unifii Disaster Council on which this City is represented; and WHEREAS, a Unified San Diego County Hazardous Materials Eme Response Program has been developed at the direction of the Unifiec Disaster Council; and WHEREAS, such program was approved by the Unified Disaster on November 21, 1985 and referred to the cities and County for con and inclusion in their 1986-87 fiscal year budget; and WHEREAS, the Unified Disaster Council also directed the Joint Agreement be amended to authorize such programs; and WHEREAS, a unified hazardous materials emergency response PI 1 is in the best interest of this City and the entire San Diego regon. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of I City of Carlsbad, State of California adopts the Unified San Diego C Hazardous Materials Response Program and directs appropriate fundi placed in the 1986-87 fiscal year proposed budget for consideration; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Joint Powers Agreement be amended to authorizg countywide Unified Emergency Programs. /I /I lI I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the 1 __ -I of Carlsbad, State of California, this 11th day of February 1986, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: 7L &%&? id, Pi&?& MARY H. PSLER, Mayor d?&x& 2. R- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City (SEAL) I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 11 i 1 I I *. e e CHANGES AS APPROVED BY THE UNIFIED DISASTER COUNCIL ON APRIL 25, 1986 SiSOHB THIRD AMENDED EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into by and between thl County of San Diego, a political subdivision of the Statc of California, hereinafter referred to as the County, anc the incorporated cities within the County signatory hereto, hereinafter referred to as the City or Cities. Nothinc in this Agreement is intended to lessen participating members' authority over and responsibility for events occurring withir their jurisdiction. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County and the Cities are desirous oj providing for a unified emergency services organizatior for the purpose of - m&a-a-J p4-a-n.s coordinating regional planning and programs for the preservation and safety of life and property and making provision for the execution of khe3-e plans and programs in the event of as be4 emergency, s-ks-ke -e-€ v or 6- e4 war v disaster, and to provide for mutual assistance in the event of such emergencies or disasters; and WHEREAS, the parties to this agreement are desirous of providing for any unencumbered balance*s at the end of the budgeted year resulting from either budget savings OK revenues derived from Federal or other funds; and WHEREAS, the parties have previously entered into the Civil Defense Disaster Agreement, as twice amended, and the First and Second Amended Emergency Services Agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties desire further amendments, all of which are incorporated into this &see& Third Amended Emergency Services Agreement; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereto do hereby mutually agree as follows: A. The Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organ- ization is hereby created and established to perform the following services: 1. Aid, assist and advise the County and each City in the preparation and development of an emergency 1 1986 '. * a plan for the County and for each City in the County, 2, Prepare and develop countywide emergency pk~ quidelines which may be used by p articipatin: members and which SkhM provide for the need: and the coordination of those needs & &-e cs az-ea.s* WiukakeW ~€?-€~u~ I.Ft4 -e& &hec&Xm--ky&w4l4&hh- ewsew+& &be eeex4iM +?44AehCkn&+3+ *c33k&Sf&#eW in the event of i major natural disaster or other emergency. .. .. 3. Aid, assist and advise the County and the Cities with the training of public employees for the emergency services organization, 4. Provide a countywide emergency services - &n- & sf programs as may be determined bl the Unified Disaster Council. *- w- e- w trzffk - e+ &* e w- 94 - s- From time to time special Countywide programs may be developed under this Agreement. In those situations, the Unified Disaster Council may e s tab 1 i s h ope r a t i on a 1 and fund i ng requ i remen t s for participation and will seek approval of participating members. Where programs may not be supported by one or more jurisdictions, such programs may be executed between agreeing juris- dictions . 5. Develop and keep current on a countywide basis an inventory of all equipment and supplies available now in the county for use in the event of an emergency. Such inventory listing will be made available to all participating members. 6, Provide technical assistance in obtaining any federal or state funds which may become available to the County and the Cities for emergency purposes and in the acquisition by the County and the Cities of surplus property for emergency services purposes. 2 1986 I. 0. 0 7, In the event of an emergency confined to on City, offer assistance within the limits o its emergency services organization and coordinat assistance furnished by the County and othe Cities in accordance with mutual aid agreements. 8, In the event of an emergency within the count affecting an area greater than any one City offer assistance to the extent of its emergenc servicesestablishmentandcoordinatetheassistanc furnished by other agencies through the operatione area concept, B. The County and Cities signatory to this agreemer shall: 1. Become members of the Unified San Diego Count Emergency Services Organization, +43s-w-h~l~~ 2, €kse+me paztis a-s Ska-El be d-eewsd - -by #iQ WLflS e. ---- r €e+zsa4. Coordinate with and assist participating member in the development of emergency p lans whic shall be c-ompatible with and complementary t countywide emergency plans, guidelines and program as may be provided for under this agreement, M a -T-w-ad Ewf e- 37 ""1"- ... 717 fer*- pk3-n Wkd &A?-&4-?3€? e€HFlp&ible Wi-&ha&eem@-ee* -=w--eY*A- kpa+xp+Aa* zdaeve, +eeleee+m+e& a-sp-?KwA& 43, Delegate to the Unified 5d13 Q-Lq-e €,a&&+ Disaste Council hereinafter mentioned, whatever authorit it is lawful for the County and Cities to delegat1 when such delegation shall be deemed necessar] by said Council. This delegation of authorit: shall be restricted to whatever expendi turc of County and City funds and use of County anc City personnel, equipment and supplies as arc made available by the County and the Citie: for emergency services purposes. C. In consideration of these mutual promises, it i: hereby mutually agreed that: 1. The County will pay fifty percent (50%) of thc cost of establishing and maintaining the Unifiec San Diego County Emergency Services Organization. 3 198t 0- 0 2. The Cities signatory hereto will pay fifty percer (50%) of the cost of maintaining the Unifie San Diego County Emergency Services Organizatior said fifty percent to be apportioned among tk cities in accordance with the following formula: a) One-half of the 50%, or 25% of the toti budget shall be apportioned by people unit or population in participating cities & a-ll ecr.tx2&&.Fl e- i-&Z-Q€m€?~@-€-& Tkeb3-kd.V &s- divi5Gi 4334d. 434-&&wt ce-f & c- Cities -a45a-ebzcRc& !!?kfpp.&&& e-€ each e3Rb3ct i- * - *F_?-Cn .i-Rc?ea-&G €?qE&k #l-e fzka-ss €ex ea& *. be apportioned by - &tz w .. .. .. b) The remaining 25% of the total budget shal &he A Fa-hGt isa e€ ea& ',;,,, th total assessed v-&+a-e valuation of rea and personal property in al-l. -tis participating Cities k &+&.d-ed M BR €eH-&h 04 th -k€&-a4 i34&g-& +-'. i3€3.s, €ad33 &*i11" . ?A+ea-&s#w4J117&&* &€pA&-yW#e~iffW~ +he-Wkeaeh* 3. For the purposes of this agreement the tota assessed valuation of real and personal propert in all the c-:z--ti~g p articipating Citie shall be the amount assessed in the fiscal yea prior to the budgeted year, as found in thl Property Valuation and Tax Rate--San Diego County, California, published by the Auditor and Controllei of the County of San Diego. 4. If at the end of any fiscal year there remain: an unencumbered balance derived from budgel savings or revenue from Federal funds receive< for emergency services purposes, such balancc shall be credited to the - exticr participating members at the rate of their con- tribution for that fiscal year, towards thc following fiscal year for the expenditures ol the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organ i za t i on. member withdraws from this agreement, such 4 member will receive its refundable share of the unencumbered balance for that fiscal year 1986 .. - 5. In the event a - ' &-&y participatin - 4 0 0 in a single payment. 6. In the event a participating member contribute: more than the formula requires towards maintaininc the Unified San Diego County Emergency Service: Organization, that contributing member shall determine where the excess contributions will be applied. - 7. In the event a non-participating organization or agency contributes funding to the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization, that contributing organization or agency shall determine where the contribution will be applied. D. The Unified &m kbag-a &a&ra&y Disaster Council is the policy making body of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization. The Unified Disaster Council consists of the following: 1. The €b+kwaa Chairperson of the County Board 2. The Coordinator of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization who shall be the %+cc Ch- Vice-Chairperson and who is selected by the Unified €+a Q&q-e €ew&y Disaster Council from among: the Chief Administrative Officer of the County or the City Manager a- /or Chief Administrator of any ee&xa-ctiaq participating City. Two additional persons may be selected from the staff of the Coordinator or ,from the above group to act as first and second alternates in the absence or inability * - of the Coordinator to serve. - ofSupervisorswho shall bethe- Chairperson. 3. -A FepZCZ2Rt2t iL7S €-E%m #?Q &-&y c-1 €4 each ~*e-Ea-r+~&k~ +fd- ' *wk*- &-%eJ3-F&%& - * - --il- Each member agency shall designate a primary representative to the Council, they shall also designate alternates if the primary representative is unable to attend. 4. Each participating member jurisdiction shall It is the duty of the Unified .6a-R wi+g.e- Disaster 5 1986 - have one vote on the unified Disaster Council. E. II 0 0 Council and it is empowered to review and approve emergency mutual aid plans and agreements, disaster preparedness plans, and such ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations as are necessary to implement such plans and agreements. The Unified €a++- €e+m-&y Disaster Council meets at least semi-annuall1 quarterly and upon call of the w Chairperson or in his or her absence #%=em &he €eu-r&y, or inabiliti to call such a meeting, upon the call of the Coordinator. The Unified Disaster Council is empowered to develoF a proposed budget and to recommend a budget and the apportionment thereof to the County and all ee-sbr2ctixj participating Cities. The County and the - participating Cities shall not adopt budgets differing from the budget recommended by the Unified Disaster Council without first consulting with the Unified Disaster Council. The Coordinator of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization has the following powers and duties: 1. F. To request the City Council or Councils to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency a+& &he - k-h+ws& if &e said Council or Councils are in session or to k-sws request such proclamation by the City Manager or other authorized person if the Council or Councils are not in session, subject to rat- ification by the Council or Councils at the earliest practical time. 2. To request the Board of Supervisors to proclaim theexistenceorthreatenedexistenceofacountywide if the Board of Supervisors is in session or to issue such proclamation if the Board of Super- visors is not in session, subject to ratification by the Board of Supervisors at the earliest practical time. local emergency aixl -#+e - &he&@&€ 3. To request the Governor of the State of California through the Board of Supervisors or the Council or Councils of the affected City or Cities to proclaim the existence of a state of emergency OK state of war emergency when, in the opinion of the Coordinator, the resources of the area or region are inadequatetocopewiththeemergency. 4. To coordinate the mutual aid efforts of the parties to this agreement % #e - e-€ 4-& -. 1986 6 .. 0 0 5, The Coordinator shall receive and disburse the funds of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization and shall be responsible and accountable for such funds. G. The Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organ- ization and the Unified Disaster Council are structured herein in accordance with the Emergency Services Ordinance (SanDiegoCountyCodeofRegulatoryOrdinances, Sec. 31,101). In the event the organizations are altered materially in the Emergency Services Ordinance, any party may offer to the other - p articipating parties an amendment to conform the agreement tc the Ordinance. All amendments to the Agreement shall be in writing and effective upon execution by all parties, The terms "state of war emergency", "state of emergency", and "local emergency" used herein shall have the same definition as is provided in the California Emergency Services Act, Government Code Section 8558. This Agreement shall become effective upon the execution of the agreement by the County Board of Supervisors become signatories hereto, Execution of this agreement supersedes the prior Emergency Services Agreement, formerly known as the Civil Defense and Disaster Agreement, arid all amendments thereto and also supersedes the F.ir-ft Second Amended Emergency Services Agreement, H, I. +& UL - and by all Cities desiring to J. Any of the Cities within the County of San Diego which are now, or which may hereafter become incorporated may become a party to this agreement by executing a an wxxba~& agreement hereunder and filing such executed ee&as-& agreement with the Coordinator or, in his or her absence, the first or second alternate coordinator. K, This agreement may be terminated as to any of the parties by written notice given by such party to all the other parties which notice shall be given at least 120 days prior to the commencement of the fiscal year in which the termination is to take effect. For the purposes of such notice a fiscal year is defined as July 1 of a calendar year through June 30 of the next succeeding calendar year. 7 1986 .. c e IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do affix thei signatures. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO: Date BY Clerk of the Board of Supervisor5 CITY OF CARLSBAD: Date BY CITY OF CHULA VISTA: Date BY CITY OF CORONADO: Date BY CITY OF DEL MAR: Date BY CITY OF EL CAJON: Date BY CITY OF ESCONDIDO: Date BY CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH: Date BY CITY OF LA MESA: Date BY CITY OF LEMON GROVE: 4 Date BY CITY OF NATIONAL CITY: Date BY 8 1986 0 e CITY OF OCEANSIDE: Date BY CITY OF POWAY: Date BY CITY OF SAN DIEGO: Date BY CITY OF SAN MARCOS: Date BY CITY OF SANTEE: Date BY CITY OF VISTA: Date BY 9 1986