HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-06-18; City Council; 16797; La Costa Greens Affordable SiteCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 3 AB# 16,797 MTG. m: CITY MGR DEPT. PLNd 6-18-02 LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE SDP 01 -1 7 RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 2002-179 , ADOPTING a Negative Declaration and APPROVING SDP 01-17 as recommended for adoption and approval by the Planning Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: Reviewed by and Project application(s) To be Reviewed - Final at Planning Administrative Approvals Final at Council Commission Environmental Review X SDP 01-17 X On May 15, 2002, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and recommended adoption of the Negative Declaration and approval of SDP 01-17 for La Costa Greens Affordable Site (5-0 Dominguez and Whitton absent). The project site is located on a vacant lot at the northwest corner of the future intersection of Alga Road and Estrella de Mar Road in Local Facilities Management Zone 10. The project site is designated for development of a 180-unit affordable housing site in the Villages of La Costa Master Plan which was recently approved by the City Council on October 23, 2001. Therefore, the project review focuses on the projects compliance with applicable development standards and special requirements rather than suitability of the site for an affordable housing project. The development proposal would allow for the construction of 180 apartment units affordable to households with incomes at 50% to 60% of the area median income. The project contains a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom units ranging in size from 757 sq. fl. to 1,354 sq. fl. As summarized in the staff report, the project complies with all applicable development standards of the RD-M zone and Villages of La Costa Master Plan with regard to density, building height, setbacks, parking, landscaping, and special requirements of the Master Plan. The SDP findings for approval of the project can be made and are outlined in detail in the staff report and resolutions. A number of residents from the surrounding community spoke in opposition to the affordable housing affordable housing. In addition, a neighborhood petition against the affordable housing project was project and voiced concern about the traffic impacts of the project and suitability of this site for submitted (attached). Representatives from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and League of Women Voters voiced support for the affordable housing project. More detailed information regarding the development proposal and public testimony is included in the attached staff report to the Planning Commission and drafl Planning Commission minutes. ENVIRONMENTAL: The proposed use was analyzed in the Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR 98-07) certified for the Villages of La Costa Master Plan and related applications on October 23, 2001 by the City Council. The environmental analysis for the project includes an Initial Study (Environmental Assessment Form - Part II) which focuses on any changes from the project contemplated in the EIR to what is proposed for this project. No additional significant adverse impacts were identified in the initial study for this project. All mitigation measures applicable to this site have been completed, are incorporated into the project design, or are required as conditions of approval for this project. In I PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 16,797 consideration of the foregoing, on March 28, 2002 the Planning Director issued a Negative Declaration for the proposed project. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impacts to the City are negligible since all development fees are collected at the time of final map and issuance of a building permit. All public facilities necessary to serve the development will be in place prior to, or concurrent with, development. GROWTH MANAGEMENT STATUS: Local Facilities Management Plan CFD No. 1 Special Facilities 180 units allowed under Master Plan Net Density 11.5 du/ac Growth Control Point 10 EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution No. 2002-179 2. Location Map 4. Planning Commission Staff Report, dated May 15, 2002 3. Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5192 and 5193 5. Excerpts of Drafl Planning Commission Minutes, dated May 15, 2002 6. Neighborhood Petition submitted at the May 15, 2002 Planning Commission Hearing. d 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-179 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT AFFORDABLE APARTMENT PROJECT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE FUTURE INTERSECTION OF ALGA ROAD AND ESTRELLA DE MAR ROAD IN LOCAL FACILITIES CASE NAME: LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE HOUSING MANAGEMENT ZONE 10 PLAN TO ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 180-UNIT SITE CASE NO.: SDP 01-17 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, on May 15, 2002, the Carlsbad Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to consider a proposed Negative Declaration and Site Development Plan to allow for the development of a 180-unit affordable housing project, and adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 5192 and 5193 recommending to the City Council that the Negative Declaration be adopted and that the Site Development Plan be approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. on the 18th day of JUNE , 2002, held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the recommendation and heard all persons interested in or opposed to the Negative Declaration and Site Development Plan; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.. That the recommendation of the Planning Commission for the adoption of the Negative Declaration and approval of Site Development Plan SDP 01-17 is adopted and approved and that the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission contained in Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5192 and 5193 on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, are the findings and conditions of the City Council. 3. This action is final the date this resolution is adopted by the City Council. The Provisions of Chapter 1.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, "Time Limits for Judicial Review" shall apply: ... ... 3 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 “NOTICE TO APPLICANT “The time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.16. Any petition or other paper seeking judicial review must be filed in the appropriate court no later than the ninetieth day following the date on which this decision becomes final; however, if within ten days after the decision becomes final a request for the record of proceedings accompanied by the required deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost of preparation ofsuch record, the time within which such following the date on which the record is either personally delivered or petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than the thirtieth day mailed to the party, or his attorney of record, if he has one. A written with the City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings shall be filed Carlsbad, California 92008.” PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 18th day of JUNE , 2002, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin ATTEST: , ,-,& ,- LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) II Page 2 of 2 of Resolution No. -2- 2002-179 EXHBIT 2 LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE SDP 01-17 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 28 EXHlBlT 3 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 5192 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 180 UNIT APARTMENT PROJECT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF ALGA ROAD AND THE FUTURE ESTRELLA DE MAR ROAD EXTENSION IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 10. CASE NAME: LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE CASE NO.: SDP 01-17 WHEREAS, Dove Family Housing, “Developer”, has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by Real Estate Collateral Management Company, “Owner”, described as Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03, being more particularly described in Attachment “A“ (“the Property”); and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration was prepared in conjunction with said project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 15th day of May, 2002, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the Planning Commission considered all factors relating to the Negative Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby RECOMMENDS ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 according to Exhibit “ND” dated March 28, 2002, and “PIT’ dated March 19, 2002, attached hereto and made a part hereof, based on the following findings: Findings: 1. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad does hereby find: A. B. C. D. It has reviewed, analyzed and considered the Negative Declaration and the environmental impacts therein identified for this project and any comments thereon prior to RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the project; and The Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, the State Guidelines and the Environmental Protection Procedures of the City of Carlsbad; and It reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad; and Based on the EIA Part I1 and comments thereon, there is no substantial evidence the project will have a significant effect on the environment. PC RES0 NO. 5192 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 15th day of May, 2002, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Trigas, Commissioners Baker, Heineman, Segall, and White NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Dominguez and Whitton ABSTAIN: None SEENA TRIGAS, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: Planning Director PC RES0 NO. 5 192 -3- DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 1188, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON DECEMBER 20, 1972 AS FILE NO. 340334, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3; THENCE, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3, NORTH OO14'16" EAST 33.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH LINE OF ALGA ROAD PER GRANT DEED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ON DECEMBER 9, 1983 AS FILE NO. 83-449259 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE, CONTINUING ALONG SAID WEST LINE, NORTH OO14'16" EAST 992.25 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT 170 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, THE RADIAL TO SAID CURVE BEARS NORTH 0°14'16" EAST; THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST LINE, DISTANCE OF 221.08 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 15°15'00' EAST 105.82 FEET TO THE BEGINNING SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 74°30'44n A OF A TANGENT 250 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10S057'23" A DISTANCE OF 462.32 FEET; THENCE NORTH 58'47'37" EAST 87.02 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 20 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'OO" A DISTANCE OF 31.42 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 31012'23" EAST 112.95 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 570 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST; THENCE SOUTHE%LY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31"54'23" A DISTANCE OF 317.42 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0°42'00" WEST NORTHWEST; THENCE SOUTPPHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL 241.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 25 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE ANGLE OF 90°00'OO" A DISTANCE OF 39.27 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID ALGA ROAD; THENCE, WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE, NORTH 89018'00" WEST 780.65 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ATTACHMENT "A" ~ City of Carlsbad NEGATIVE DECLARATION Project Addresskocation: Northwest comer of the future intersection of Alga Road and Estrella Del Mar Road. (APN 215-052-15) Project Description: 180 unit apartment project on a 12.67 acre site. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for this action is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Planning Department within 20 days of date of issuance. If you have any questions, please call Barbara Kennedy in the Planning Department at (760) 602-4626. DATED: CASE NO: CASE NAME: PUBLISH DATE: MARCH 28,2002 SDP 01-17 LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE MARCH 28,2002 MICHAEL J. H~ZMIUER Planning Director /o 1635 Faraday Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 - (760) 602-4600 FAX (760) 602-8559 - www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FORM - PART I1 (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) CASE NO: SDP 01-17 DATE: March 19 2002 BACKGROUND 1. CASE NAME: La Costa Greens Affordable Site 2. APPLICANT: Communitv Housing of North Countv 3. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF APPLICANT: 1820 S. Escondido Blvd.. Escondido. CA 92025 760-432-6878 4. DATE EIA FORM PART I SUBMInED: December 19,2001 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A Site Develoument Plan to develop Neiehborhood 1.15 in the La Costa Greens Village of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The uroiect consists of a 180 unit auartment complex on a 12.67 acre lot. The units in this neighborhood were desimated for and will be utilized to satisfv a portion of the inclusionarv (affordable) housing reauirements of the Master Plan. The site will be me-eraded in conformance with the urevious auuroval of the Master Tentative Map for La Costa Greens. Included as Dart of the development urouosal is additional madine to accommodate building Dads and site circulation, the installation of reauired infrastructure, and landscaping. The environmental imuacts of the uroiect were evaluated in the Promam Environmental Imuact Reuort (EIR 98-07) for the Villaees of La Costa Master Plan (2000) MP 98-01. The Citv Council of the Citv of Carlsbad certified EIR 98-07 and adouted a Statement of Ovemdine Considerations on October 23.2001. SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The summary of environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a “Potentially Significant Impact,” or “Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated” as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. 0 Land Use and Planning [XI TransportatiodCirculation 0 Public Services 0 Population and Housing 0 Biological Resources Utilities & Service Systems 0 Geological Problems Energy & Mineral Resources [XI Aesthetics Water 0 Hazards 0 Cultural Resources Air Quality [XI Noise 0 Recreation [7 Mandatory Findings of Significance 1 Rev. 03/28/96 tf DETERMINATION. (To be completed by the Lead Agency) 0 0 0 0 !XI I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposed project MAY have significant effect(s) on the environment, but at least one potentially significant effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. A(n) EIFUNegative Declaration is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier Environmental Impact Report (EIR 98-07) pursuant to applicable standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. Therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. "I 01 Planning Direct2s SiHature Date 2 Rev. 03/28/96 I2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS STATE CEQA GUIDELINES, Chapter 3, Article 5, Section 15063 requires that the City conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment to determine if a project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Environmental Impact Assessment appears in the following pages in the form of a checklist. This checklist identifies any physical, biological and human factors that might be impacted by the proposed project and provides the City with information to use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Negative Declaration, or to rely on a previously approved EIR or Negative Declaration. A brief explanation is required for all answers except “No Impact” answers that are adequately supported by an information source cited in the parentheses following each question. A “No Impact” answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved. A “No Impact” answer should be explained when there is no source document to refer to, or it is based on project-specific factors as well as general standards. “Less Than Significant Impact” applies where there is supporting evidence that the potential impact is not adversely significant, and the impact does not exceed adopted general standards and policies. “Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated” applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from “Potentially Significant Impact” to a “Less Than Significant Impact.” The developer must agree to the mitigation, and the City must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level. “Potentially Significant Impact” is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect is significant. Based on an “EIA-Part 11”, if a proposed project could have a potentially significant effect on the environment, but &I potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to applicable standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or Mitigated Negative Declaration, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, and none of the circumstances requiring a supplement to or supplemental EIR are present and all the mitigation measures required by the prior environmental document have been incorporated into this project, then no additional environmental document is required (Prior Compliance). When “Potentially Significant Impact” is checked the project is not necessarily required to prepare an EIR if the significant effect has been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards and the effect will be mitigated, or a “Statement of Ovemding Considerations” has been made pursuant to that earlier EIR. A Negative Declaration may be prepared if the City perceives no substantial evidence that the project or any of its aspects may cause a significant effect on the environment. 3 Rev. 03/28/96 13 e If there are one or more potentially significant effects, the City may avoid preparing an EIR if there are mitigation measures to clearly reduce impacts to less than significant, and those mitigation measures are agreed to by the developer prior to public review. In this case, the appropriate “Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated may be checked and a Mitigated Negative Declaration may be prepared. 0 An EIR must be prepared if “Potentially Significant Impact” is checked, and including but not limited to the following circumstances: (1) the potentially significant effect has not been discussed or mitigated in an Earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards, and the developer does not agree to mitigation measures that reduce the impact to less than significant; (2) a “Statement of Overriding Considerations” for the significant impact has not been made pursuant to an earlier EIR (3) proposed mitigation measures do not reduce the impact to less than significant, or; (4) through the EIA-Part I1 analysis it is not possible to determine the level of significance for a potentially adverse effect, or determine the effectiveness of a mitigation measure in reducing a potentially significant effect to below a level of significance. A discussion of potential impacts and the proposed mitigation measures appears at the end of the form under DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION. Particular attention should be given to discussing mitigation for impacts which would otherwise be determined significant. 4 Rev. 03/28/96 14 Issues (and Supporting Information Sources). Potentially Potentially Less Than No Significant Significant Significant Impact Impact Unless Impact Incorporated Mitigation I. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposal: Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? (Source #(s): (#l:Pgs 4.1-1 - 4.1-46) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? (#l:Pgs 4.1-1 - 4.1-46 and4.4-1 -4.4-49) Be incompatible with existing land use in the vicinity? (#l:Pgs 4.1-1 -4.1-46) Affect agricultural resources or operations (e& impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible .. 0 0 o[XI 0 0 om 0 0 o[XI 0 0 OIXI landuses?(#l:Pgs4.1-1-4.1~6and4.10-1-4.i0-25) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (including a low-income or minority community)? (#l:Pgs 4.1-1 - 4.1-46) 0 0 om 11. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would the proposal: a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local b) Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or population projections? (#l:Pgs 4.14-1 - 4.14-6) indirectly (e.g. through projects in an undeveloped area 4.14-6 and 8-1) or extension of major infrastructure)? (#l:Pgs 4.14-1 - c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable housing? (#l:Pgs 4.14-1 -4.14-6) 111. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving: a) Fault rupture? (#l:Pgs 4.10-1 - 4.10-25) b) Seismic ground shaking? (#l:Pgs 4.10-1 - 4.10-25) c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? (#l:Pgs d) Seiche, tsunami, or volcanic hazard? (#l:Pgs 4.10-1 e) Landslides or mudflows? (#l:Pgs 4.10-1 - 4.10-25) f) Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading, or fill? (#l:Pgs 4.10-1 -4.10-25) 4.10-1 -4.10-25) 4.10-25) g) Subsidence of the land? (#l:Pgs 4.10-1 - 4.10-25) h) Expansive soils? (#l:Pgs 4.10-1 - 4.10-25) i) Unique geologic or physical features? (#l:Pgs 4.10-1 - 4.10-25) IV. WATER. Would the proposal result in: a) Changes in absoIption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? (#l:Pgs 4.11-1 - 4.11-31) b) Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding? (#l:Pgs 4.11-1 - 4.11-31 and 4.13-1 -4.13-21) 0 0 o 17 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Rev. 03/28/96 /5 Issues (and Supporting Information Sources). Potentially Potentially Less Than No Significant Significant Significant Impact Impact Unless Impact Mitieation Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface water quality (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygenorturbidity)?(#l:Pgs4.11-1-4.11-31) Changes in the amount of surface water in any water body? (#l:Pgs 4.11-1 -4.11-31) Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements?(#l:Pgs4.11-1 -4.11-31) Changes in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through through substantial loss of groundwater recharge interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? capahility?(#l:Pgs4.11-1-4.11-31) (#l:Pgs4.11-1-4.11-31) Impacts to groundwater quality? (#l:Pgs 4.11-1 - 4.11- 31 Substantial reduction in the amount of groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies? (#l:Pgs 4.11-1 -4.11-31) V. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation? (#l:Pgs 4.9- 1 - 4.9-21) h) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? (#l:Pgs 4.9-1 - 4.9-21) c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperamre, or cause any change in climate? (#l:Pgs 4.9-1 - 4.9-21) d) Create objectionable odors? (#l:Pgs 4.9-1 - 4.9-21) VI. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION, Would the a) Increased vehicle trips or trafilc congestion? (#l:Pgs proposal result in: b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g. sharp 4.7-1 -4.7-53) curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g. farm equipment)? (#l:Pgs 4.7-1 -4.7-53) c) Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses? (#l:Pgs4.7-1 -4.7-53 and4.12-1 -4.12-47) d) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? (#l:Pgs 4.7-1 - 4.7-53) e) Hazards or harriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? (#l:Pgs 4.7-1 -4.7-53) r) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation (e.g. bus tumouts, bicycle racks)? g) Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? (#l:Pgs 4.7-1 - (#l:Pgs 4.7-1 -4.7-53) 4.7-53) VII.BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a) Endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds? (#l:Pgs 4.4-1 - 4.4-48) 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Incorporated 0 El 0 0 0 0 00 El 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m IXI m 0 [x1 0 om 0 0 om 0 0 OIXI 0 0 om 0 0 0 0 om 6 Rev. 03/28/96 /6 Issues (and Supporting Information Sources). Potentially Potentially Less Than No Significant Significant Significant Impact Impact Unless Impact Mitieation ~ b) Locally designated species (e.g. heritage trees)? (#l:Pgs 4.4-1 - 4.4-48) c) Locally designated natural communities (e.g oak forest, coastal habitat, etc.)? (#l:Pgs 4.4-1 - 4.4-48) d) Wetland habitat (e.e. marsh. riuarian and vernal pool)? n n n rn Incorporated 0 0 nIxI 0 nIxI 1 .. ’ (#l:Pgs 4.4-1 -414%) U U U u e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? (#l:Pgs 4.4-1 - 4.4-48) 0 n[XI VIII. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? proposal? (#1 :Pgs 6- 1 - 6-2) b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and c) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral inefficient manner? (#l:Pgs 6-1 - 6-2) resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? (#l:Pgs 6-1 - 6-2) IX. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, b) Possible interference with an emergency response plan chemicals or radiation)? (#I:Pgs4.13-1 -4.13-21) or emergency evacuation plan? (#l:Pgs 4.13-1 - 4.31- 21) c) The creation of any health hazard or potential health hazards? (#1:Pgs4.13-1 -4.31-21) d) Exposure of people to existing sources of potential health hazards? (#l:Pgs 4.13-1 -4.31-21) e) Increase fne hazard in areas with flammable brush, grass, ortrees? (#1:Pgs4.13-1 -4.31-21) X. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: a) Increases in existing noise levels? (#l:Pgs 4.8-1 - 4.8- b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? (#I :Pgs 4.8- 19) 1-4.8-19) n[XI 0 0 0 I7 IXI [XI ISI 0 nu 0 0 nIxI XI. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government a) Fire protection? (#l:Pgs 4.12-1 - 4.12-47) services in any of the following areas: b) Police protection? (#l:Pgs 4.12-1 - 4.12-47) c) Schools? (#l:Pgs 4.12-1 -4.12-47) d) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? e) Other governmental services? (#l:Pgs 4.12-1 - 4.12- 0 o[XI 0 OIxI 0 OIXI 0 om (4.12-1 - 4.12-47) 0 I7 om 47) 7 Rev. 03/28/96 17 Issues (and Supporting Information Sources). Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated Significant Less Than Impact Impact No XII.UTILITIES AND SERVICES SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? (#l:Pgs 4.12-1 - 4.12-47) b) Communications systems? (4.12-1 -4.1247) c) Local or regional water treatment or distribution d) Sewer or septic tanks? (#l:Pgs 4.12-1 - 4.12-47) e) Stormwaterdrainage?(#l:Pg4.11-1-4.11-31) f) Solid waste disposal? (#l:Pgs 4.12-1 -4.12-47) n 0 0 O facilities? (#l:Pgs 4.12-1 -4.12-47) 0 II3 0 0 0 0 0 [XI [XI [XI 0 0 0 0 [XI IXI 1 g) Local or regional water supplies? (#l:Pgs 4.12-1 - 4.12-47) XIII. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a) Affect a scenic or vista or scenic highway? (#l:Pgs 4.3- b) Have a demonstrated negative aesthetic effect? (#l:Pgs c) Create light or glare? (#l:Pgs 4.3-1 - 4.3-48) 1 - 4.3-48) 4.3-1 - 4.3-48) cl [XI 0 0 [XI 0 IXI 0 0 XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Disturb paleontological resources? (#l:Pgs 4.6-1 - 4.6- b) Disturb archaeological resources? (#l:Pgs 4.5-1 - 4.5- c) Affect historical resources? (#l:Pgs 4.5-1 - 4.5-14) d) Have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? (#l:Pgs 4.5- 1 - 4.5-14) e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? (#l:Pgs 4.5-1 - 4.5-14) 5) 14) XV.RECREATIONAL. Would the proposal: a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities? (#l:Pgs 4.12-1 - b) Affect existing recreational oppomities? (#l:Pgs 4.12-47) 4.12-1 -4.12-47) 0 0 0 0 0 o [XI 0 0 ISI [XI 0 0 [XI 0 0 [XI [XI 0 0 0 XVI. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important prehistory? examples of the major periods of California history or 0 [XI 8 Rev. 03/28/96 /8 Issues (and Supporting Information Sources). Potentially Potentially Less Than No Significant Significant Significant Impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? [XI 0 no (“Cumulatively considerable” means that the viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, incremental effects of a project are considerable when the effects of other current proiects, and the effects of probable fume projects)? Does the uroiect have environmental effects which will n n nm ” cause the substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? __ U U Y - EARLIER ANALYSES. Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case a discussion should identify the following on attached sheets: a) Earlier analyses used. Identify earlier analyses and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation measures. For effects that are “Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated,“ describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site- specific conditions for the project. 9 Rev. 03/28/96 /9 DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of a Site Development Plan to develop Neighborhood 1.15 in the southwest comer of the La Costa Greens segment of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The project site consists of 12.67 acres located on the northwest comer of the hture intersection of Alga Road and Estrella Del Mar Road. The site will be bordered on the north by the extension of Dove Lane and the two points of access to the project will be via this roadway. The development proposal consists of the construction of 180 apartment units in eight separate building clusters. The units within ths neighborhood will be utilized to satisfy the inclusionary housing requirements for the La Costa Greens Village. Site grading to accommodate the building pads and site circulation system, the installation of required infrastructure, and landscaping are included as part of the development proposal. Mass grading of the project site was authorized as part of the approval of the Master Tentative Map for La Costa Greens (CT 99-03) and is assumed to be complete for purposes of establishing a baseline condition for this evaluation. The project has been reviewed for compliance with EIR 98-07 for the Villages of La Costa Master Plan and has been designed or will be conditioned to incorporate the applicable mitigation measures as required. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The proposed project was evaluated in the Final Promam Environmental Impact Report for the Villages of La Costa Master Plan (2000) MP 98-01 (EIR 98-07), dated July 16, 2001, T & B Planning Consultants, Inc. EIR 98-07 evaluates the potential environmental effects of the development and operation of the “Villages of La Costa Master Plan (2000)” and associated actions. The “Villages of La Costa Master Plan (2000)” is a planning document which will guide the development of 2,390 dwelling units and some non-residential land uses on a 1,866.4 gross acre area consisting of three villages. The Greens Village consists of 660.7 gross acres and provides for a maximum of 1,038 residential units with some non-residential land uses. The Ridge Village consists of 493.1 acres and provides for a maximum of 320 residential units. The Oaks Village consists of 712.5 acres and a maximum of 1,032 residential units as well as a community facilities site. The Greens (Zone 10) portion of the project is generally located approximately 2,500 feet south of Palomar Airport Road, east of El Camino Real, north of Alga Road, and west of Unicomio Street. The Ridge and Oaks (Zone 11) portion of the project site is located north and east of La Costa Avenue, south of Alga Road, east of El Fuerte Street, and straddles portions of Rancho Santa Fe Road. EIR 98-07 analyzed the following environmental issue areas: Land Use and Community Character, Landform Alteration, Visual Quality, Biological Resources, Archaeological Resources, Paleontological Resources, Transportation, Noise, Air Quality, Geology/Soils, Hydrology, Water Quality and Drainage, Public Facilities and Services, Human Health and Safety Hazards, and Population and Housing. The Initial Study prepared for the Villages of La Costa Master Plan and related action is included in Volume 1 of the Appendices for EIR 98-07 and analyzed additional issues, which were determined not to have a significant environmental impact. The City of Carlsbad City Council certified EIR 98-07 on October 23, 2001. At that time CEQA Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program were approved. All mitigation measures applicable to this Neighborhood have been completed, incorporated into the project design or are required as conditions of approval for the project. The EIR 98-07 “Statement of Overriding Considerations” applies to all projects covered by the Villages of La Costa Final Program EIR. This project is 10 Rev. 03/28/96 OgO within the scope of that Program EIR. EIR 98-07 is available at the Planning Department. References to the applicable section of EIR 98-07 are provided next to each item on this environmental impact assessment form. A brief explanation is provided in the following section for each item checked as having a “potentially significant impact” or potentially significant unless mitigation incorporated”. Each of these identified impacts were included in the adopted Statement of Overriding Considerations: IV. WATER c) Water Quality Impact. Development of the Proposed Project site would result in an increase in the cumulative amounts of urban pollutants entering San Marcos Creek and Batiquitos Lagoon. Although the cumulative contribution to urban runoff would be minimal and would not result in water pollution and/or contamination that would significantly impact human health and safety or biological communities, impacts are regarded as significant. Finding. With the incorporation of the mitigation measures contained in Section 4.11 of Program EIR 98-07, the identified direct significant impact would be avoided and thereby reduced below a level of significance, but the proposed project‘s cumulative contribution to cumulative impacts would remain significant and unmitigable. The required mitigation measures include: (1) designing and incorporating the current Best Management Practices and Best Available Technologies (BMPs and BATS) available at that time for pollution control and erosiodsiltation control, as referenced in the “California Storm Water Best Management Practices Handbook” and meeting all regulatory standards; (2) in conjunction with the sale, rental or lease of a residence or business property, all prospective owners and tenants shall be notified in writing of the requirements for properly disposing of toxic and hazardous waste products; and (3) applicable standards of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the San Diego County area shall be met. Factual Support and Rationale. The new storm water point source discharge requirements apply to urban pollutant elimination. In addition, the project applicant will be required to educate occupants as to the need to eliminate or reduce general residential pollution entering the storm drain systems. Regulating the source, plus onsite detention and filtering, all consistent with the RWQCB order No. 2001-1, will further reduce urban pollutants from entering the lagoon and ocean. V. AIR OUALITY a) Air quality Impact. The proposed Project would generate 36,620 ADT. Mobile emissions would be below significance thresholds, with the exception of CO (Carbon Monoxide) and NOx (Nitrogen Oxides). Finding. No feasible measures are available to mitigate this cumulative impact and the cumulative impact remains cumulatively significant and unmitigated. 11 Rev. 03/28/96 21 Factual Support and Rationale. The reliance on the automobile for the future household primary mode of transportation, given the entire SanDiego air basin's non-attainment status, makes the incremental contribution from the Proposed Project to be cumulatively significant. While the air quality in the region has been improving, the overall resolution will need to wait cleaner burning, or less polluting, modes of personal transportation, and shifting the travel patterns from single occupancy vehicles to carpooling, bus, bicycle and walking modes. This represents as much a cultural as well as facility shift, but cannot realistically be fully implemented with this Proposed Project. The Proposed Project does incorporate bike lanes, bus stops and a range of hiking and walking trails in addition to sidewalks. Its proximity to employment centers and recreation opportunities will also serve to reduce overall driving distances as will the location of the multi-family housing near the transportation and employment centers. VI. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCUATION a) Traffic in Year 2020 Impact. The addition of Proposed Project traffic and the construction of Proposed Project improvements in 2020 would result in a significant impact to the intersection of El Camino ReaWalomar Airport Road. Cumulative impacts would occur at several other intersections within the City where the Proposed Project would contribute greater than 20% of the projected traffic and to two intersections outside the City of Carlsbad. Finding. With the incorporation of the mitigation measures listed in Section 4.7 of Program EIR 98-07, the identified direct significant impact would be avoided and thereby reduced below a level of significance for all intersections within the City of Carlsbad, but not the intersections impacted outside the City limits, and there will remain a cumulative significant impact unless those intersections are improved by others. Factual Support and Rationale. A particularly busy and important intersection in the city for both local and regional traffic uses is the intersection of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road. It is projected that two additional improvements may be called for in the 2010-20 horizon, or as earlier determined by the City Engineer, and the Proposed Project is conditioned to contribute its fair share to these improvements, namely construction of dual northbound and westbound right turn lanes and a right turn overlap on the northbound and westbound movements. These improvements and the funding will be triggered when the City Engineer determines them to be necessary, but are expected in the designated time horizon. Similarly, as determined necessary by the City Engineer, the Proposed Project is required to contribute its fair share funding to the construction of an additional westbound right turn lane at the intersection of El Camino Reamaraday Avenue. The identified improvements and payment of the Proposed Project's fair share to intersection performance for Melrose Drive/Alga Road, further improvements to Rancho Santa Fe RoadQuesthaven Road, El Camino Real/Alga Road, and Rancho Santa FeMelrose Drive, will also assure the performance of these intersections will meet the performance standards. Because the time horizon of 2010-20 is somewhat speculative, the intersections will be monitored by the City Engineer in the intervening time and will be able to trigger the fair share contribution when necessary. As to the two intersections outside the city, namely, Rancho Santa Fe Road intersections with Linda Vista and Grand Avenue, both in the City of San Marcos, the City of Carlsbad does not have jurisdiction and under CEQA Guidelines 15091, the responsibilities are those of the City of 12 Rev. 03/28/96 22 San Marcos, and should be undertaken by them. Carlsbad understands that the City of San Marcos does have future improvement plans for Rancho Santa Fe Road from Carlsbad to Highway 78, including the subject intersections. x. NOISE a) Increases in existing noise levels Off-Site Vehicular Noise. Impact. The Proposed Project's three dB contribution to the existing vehicular noise south of La Costa Greens where existing single-family homes have direct street frontage on Alga Road is considered cumulatively significant. Finding. No feasible measures are available to mitigate this cumulative impact and the cumulative impact remains cumulatively significant and unmitigable. Factual Support and Rationale. The existing noise levels along the south side of Alga Road and the resulting impact on multi-family and single family residences is a difficult problem. Individual single-family yards and driveways exit directly onto Alga Road between El Camino Real and Alicante Road, and two story condominium units have close proximity to travel lanes. The existing road noise exceeds the 45 dB CNEL interior and 60 dB CNEL exterior standards at various times during the day from traffic. The City General Plan Noise Element Policy C.8 states: "Recognize the mitigation of existing or future noise impacts from Circulation Element roadways, AT&SF railroad or McClellan-Palomar Airport for existing or future development within the City, shall not be hnded by the City. However, the City shall assist applicants with processing of necessary permits for mitigating noise on private property, which permits may include right-of-way permits, encroachment permits, retaining wall permits and zoning variances. The City shall also assist property owners in the establishment of assessment districts, to fund noise mitigation improvements, in accordance with established City policies and procedures." The number of exiting driveway cuts and the fact that two story condominium homes front Alga Road preclude use of sound walls as the "driveway breaks" and height do not substantially block the road noise based on the acoustical studies and analysis, resulting in no effective means of significantly lessening the existing noise levels. Further, the incremental contribution of the Proposed Project, less the 3 dB (which is undetectable to the human ear) does not justify the imposition of mitigation on the Proposed Project directly, as to do so would be disproportionate to its impacts and is unauthorized. Regrettably, this is a condition for which no effective mitigation presently exists. However, pursuant to Policy C.8 noted above, should the affected property owners wish to independently pursue a resolution, then the city would facilitate as indicated. In the past, there has not been a uniform or generally accepted remedy presented by the affected properties. Elimination of impacted homes and condominiums is not a feasible alternative. X. AESTHETICS a) Visual Quality and Aesthetics 13 Rev. 03/28/96 23 Creation of Manufactured Slopes. Impact. Implementation of the La Costa Greens and La Costa Ridge/Oaks Master Tentative Maps will result in the creation of manufactured slopes over 40 feet in height. In its final graded condition, La Costa Greens would contain 11 manufactured slopes over 40 feet in height and La Costa Ridge/Oaks would contain 13 manufactured slopes over 40 feet in height. Finding. With the incorporation of the mitigation measures listed in section 4.2 of Program EIR 98-07, the identified direct significant impact would be significantly lessened, but not avoided and thereby reduced below a level of significance. The required mitigation measures include: (1) Obtaining a Hillside Development Permit; (2) Obtain any necessary exclusions or modifications pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code 521.95.130 and 521.95.140, respectively, for manufactured slopes over 40 feet in height; (3) Comply with the City’s Excavation and Grading Ordinance (515.06, Carlsbad Municipal Code); (4) Submit grading information for review by city staff with each tentative subdivision map; (5) Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the City shall verify that proposed grading complies with the grading standards and manufactured slope revegetation within the boundaries defined by the Villages of La Costa Master Plan (2000); and (6) The Proposed Project shall comply with the Master Plan Landscape Sections and the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. Factual Support and Rationale. The Planning and Engineering staff have worked extensively with the applicant to reduce the number, height and length of manufactured slopes over 40 feet tall, as that has been adopted as the City standard for determining significance. Given the controlling features of the topography and the fact that the HCP/OMSP set aside considerable portions of the flatter property for habitat preservation and protection, all slopes in excess of 40 feet have not been eliminated entirely. The adopted mitigation measures will not fully mitigate the impacts, but will substantially lessen them by requiring contour grading, special planting palettes depending on the proximity to native habitat, additional benching and surface drainage structures and additional features intended to minimize the appearance of these higher slopes. A number of the slopes are required in order to construct circulation element roads, where grade and width are factors. The slopes in question are identified in the FEIR at Table 4.2-6 (Greens) and Table 4.2-9 (RidgdOaks) and the accompanying figures. View Blockage of Significant Public Resources and Change in Overall Scenic Quality. Impact. Implementation of the Proposed Project would not block public views to significant public resources, with the exception of views from the future alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road with La Costa RidgdOaks, where views to the west would be partially blocked by landscaped slopes. The .essentially natural view of the Proposed Project site would change to a largely man-made appearance for approximately one-half of the overall project site which, combined with other development projects in the site vicinity, is regarded as cumulatively significant. Finding. With the incorporation of the mitigation measures listed in Section 4.3 of Program EIR 98-07, the identified direct significant impact would be substantially lessened and reduced, but not thereby reduced below a level of significance. The required mitigation measures include: (1) At least twenty percent (20%) of the residential units along a ridgelinehilltop, which are visible from a circulation element roadway, shall be single-story. The applicable areas are identified in the Villages of La Costa Master Plan; (2) Homes adjacent to and visible from Circulation Element Roads [El Camino Real, Alga Road, Alicante Road, Poinsettia Lane, El Fuerte Street, Rancho Santa Fe Road, Questhaven Road and Melrose Drive] shall receive special attention to 14 Rev. 03/28/96 044 detailing on the elevation fronting the roads as required by the Villages of La Costa Master Plan (2000); (3) The City shall verify that proposed structures comply with the architectural and site planning standards contained in the Village of La Costa Master Plan (2000); and (4) Walls and fences located 15 feet or less from a public street shall provide recesses for landscaping and variations in materials such that relief shall occur at elevational and directional changes. Factual Support and Rationale. The Proposed Project represents a large infill project in the already substantially developed La Costa portion of the City. While 834.9 acres of the Project is permanently preserved in natural HCP Open Space, and another 168.4 acres preserved in additional open space, the Proposed Project will convert approximately 51% of the total site to suburban development, including housing, businesses, roads, parks, and community facilities areas. Overall, the aesthetic impact resulting from the conversion of undeveloped areas in and around the Proposed Project from natural or undeveloped lands to suburban uses, will result in an overall and cumulatively significant aesthetic impact as the City and the surrounding region continues to develop and provide housing, jobs and public facilities for current and future citizens. EARLIER ANALYSES USED The following documents were used in the analysis of this project and are on file in the City of Carlsbad Planning Department located at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California, 92008, (760) 602-4600. 1. Final Program Environmental Imuact for the Villaees of La Costa Master Plan (2000) MP 98-01 (EIR 98-07), dated July 16,2001, T & B Planning Consultants, Inc. 15 Rev. 03/28/96 J5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 5193 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 180 UNIT APARTMENT PROJECT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF ALGA ROAD AND THE FUTURE ESTRELLA DE MAR ROAD EXTENSION IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 10. CASE NAME: LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE CASE NO.: SDP 01-17 WHEREAS, Dove Family Housing, "Developer", has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by Real Estate Collateral Management Company, "Owner", described as APPROVAL OF SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN SDP 01-17 TO Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03, being more particularly described in Attachment "A" ("the Property"); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Site Development Plan as shown on Exhibit(s) "A" - "NN" dated May 15, 2002, on file in the Planning Department, LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE - SDP 01-17 as provided by Chapter 21.06/Section 21.53.120 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 15th day of May, 2002, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Site Development Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 26 1 2 1 4 r; I t 7 E 5 la 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 1E 15 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Planning Commission RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE - SDP 01-17 based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. That the requested use is properly related to the site, surroundings and environmental settings, is consistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan, will not be detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the area in which the proposed use is to be located, and will not adversely impact the site, surroundings or traffic circulation, in that the proposed 180 unit affordable housing project is consistent with the land use designation and density allowed by the Villages of La Costa Master Plan and will help to meet the housing needs of the community. The project is consistent with all City policies and development standards and the requirements of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The City Council approved the Master Plan, and in doing so, made the finding that the Master Plan implements the General Plan and is consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan. That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use, in that the project complies with all City policies and standards including the RD-M Zone and the standards and design criteria established by the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. That all yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained, in that the project is consistent with the design criteria of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan in that all setbacks have been provided, a 30' average landscape buffer is provided along Alga Road, landscaping has been integrated throughout the site, and the required community recreation facilities are integrated into the plan. That the street systems serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use, in that the public streets will be improved to full width with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and that the proposed streets have been demonstrated to be adequate to accommodate the traffic generated by this project through the approval of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. That the project is consistent with the Housing Element of the General Plan and the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance as the Developer has been conditioned to enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement to provide and deed restrict 180 dwelling units as affordable to lower-income households for 55 years. The project is consistent with the City-Wide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 10 and all City public facility policies and ordinances. The project includes elements or has been conditioned to construct or provide funding to ensure that all facilities and improvements regarding: sewer collection and treatment; water; drainage; circulation; fire; schools; parks and other recreational facilities; libraries; government administrative facilities; and open space, related to the PC RES0 NO. 5193 -2- 2-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 l a S 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1s 2c 21 2; 22 2L 2: 2t 2; 28 I. 8. project will be installed to serve new development prior to or concurrent with need. Specifically, A. The project has been conditioned to provide proof from the Carlsbad Unified School District that the project has satisfied its obligation for school facilities. B. The Public Facility fee is required to be paid by Council Policy No. 17 and will be collected prior to the issuance of building permit. That the project is consistent with the City’s Landscape Manual (Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 14.28.020 and Landscape Manual Section I B). The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. Conditions: Note: Unless otherwise specified herein, all conditions shall be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first. 1. If any of the following conditions fail to occur; or if they are, by their terms, to be implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all future building permits; deny, revoke or further condition all certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a successor in interest by the City’s approval of this Site Development Plan. 2. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require the Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the Site Plan documents, as necessary to make them internally consistent and in conformity with the final action on the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development different from this approval, shall require an amendment to this approval. 3. Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this Project are challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invalid this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies with all requirements of law. 5. DevelopedOperator shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and PC RES0 NO. 5193 -3- 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorney's fees incurred by the City arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) City's approval and issuance of this Site Development Plan, (b) City's approval or issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary or non- discretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and (c) Developer/Operator's installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. This obligation survives until all legal proceedings have been concluded and continues even if the City's approval is not validated. Developer shall submit to the Planning Director a reproducible 24" x 36", mylar copy of the Site Plan reflecting the conditions approved by the final decision making body. Developer shall include, as part of the plans submitted for any permit plan check, a reduced legible version of all approving resolution(s) in a 24" x 36" blueline drawing format (including any applicable Coastal Commission approvals). Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Developer shall provide proof to the Director from the School District that this project has satisfied its obligation to provide school facilities. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required as part of the Zone 10 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Final Map for the Phase of CT 99-03 that includes Lot 15 shall be approved and recorded. This approval is granted subject to the approval of the Negative Declaration and is subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 5192 for that other approval. The Developer shall implement and comply with all applicable mitigation measures required by the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program certified with the Final Program EIR for the Villages of La Costa Master Plan - EIR 98-07, as contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 5010, including, but not limited to the following: A. Architectural features needed to achieve the interior noise standard of 45 dBA CNEL shall be noted on the building plans. A statement certifying that the required architectural features have been incorporated into the building plans, signed by the acoustical anafyst/acoustician shall be located on the building plans. The architect shall also include his registration stamp in addition to the required signature. All noise level reduction architectural components shall be shown on the architectural building plans, and shall be approved. B. Paint types shall be indicated on the building plans and shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Department. When available as a viable PC RES0 NO. 5193 -4- Jcf 1 2 3 4 5 6 l a 9 1c 11 12 13 14 IS It 17 18 1s 2c 21 2: 2: 2f 22 2t 27 28 13. 14. 15. option, water based paints shall be utilized rather than conventional solvent based solutions and powder coatings (where applicable) and zero-emission paints shall be used. C. In conjunction with the sale, rental, or lease of a residence or business property, all prospective owners and tenants shall be notified in writing that they shall: 1) Establish or work with established disposal programs for the removal and proper disposal of toxic and hazardous waste products. 2) Not discharge or cause to be discharged any toxic chemicals or hydrocarbon compounds, such as gasoline, motor oil, anti-freeze, solvents, paints, paint thinners, wood preservatives, and other such fluids, into any public or private street or into any storm drain or storm drain conveyance. 3) Use and/or dispose of all pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers and other such chemical treatments in accordance with Federal, State, County and City requirements as prescribed on their respective containers. 4) Employ BMPs to eliminate or reduce surface pollutants when planning any changes to the landscaping and/or surface improvements. D. Subject to the terms and conditions of the governing Water District, the developer shall install dual irrigation systems for reclaimed water. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within 18 months fiom the date of project approval. Building permits will not be issued for this project unless the local agency providing water and sewer services to the project provides written certification to the City that adequate water service and sewer facilities, respectively, are available to the project at the time of the application for the building permit, and that water and sewer capacity and facilities will continue to be available until the time of occupancy. Prior to the approval of the final map for any phase of this project, or where a map is not being processed, prior to the issuance of building permits for any lots or units, the Developer shall enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement with the City to provide and deed restrict 180 dwelling units as affordable to lower-income households at 70% or lower AMI for fifty-five (55) years, in accordance with the requirements and process set forth in Chapter 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The draft Affordable Housing Agreement shall be submitted to the Planning Director no later than 60 days prior to the request to final the map. The recorded Affordable Housing Agreement shall be binding on all future owners and successors in interest. PC RES0 NO. 5193 -5- 3G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Developer shall construct the required inclusionary units concurrent with the project’s market rate units, unless both the final decision making authority of the City and the Developer agree within an Affordable Housing Agreement to an alternate schedule for development. Developer shall submit and obtain Planning Director approval of a Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan showing conformance with the approved Preliminary Landscape Plan and the City’s Landscape Manual. Developer shall construct and install all landscaping as shown on the approved Final Plans, and maintain all landscaping in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. The first submittal of Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans shall be pursuant to the landscape plan check process on file in the Planning Department and accompanied by the project’s building, improvement, and grading plans. Developer shall provide bus stops to service this development at locations and with reasonable facilities to the satisfaction of the North County Transit District and the Planning Director. Said facilities, if required, shall be free from advertising and shall include at a minimum include a bench and a pole for the bus stop sign. The facilities shall be designed to enhance or be consistent with basic architectural theme of the project. Developer shall pay the citywide Public Facilities Fee imposed by City Council Policy #17, the License Tax on new construction imposed by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.030, and CFD #1 special tax (if applicable), subject to any credits authorized by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.040. Developer shall also pay any applicable Local Facilities Management Plan fee for Zone 10, pursuant to Chapter 21.90. All such taxes/fees shall be paid at issuance of building permit. If the taxedfees are not paid, this approval will not be consistent with the General Plan and shall become void. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated and concealed from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets, in substance as provided in Building Department Policy No. 80-6, to the satisfaction of the Directors of Community Development and Planning. Prior to occupancy of the first dwelling unit the Developer shall begin construction of the common recreation areas. The recreation areas, including landscaped play areas and recreation buildings, shall be approved for use prior to the occupancy of 50% of the total units to be constructed in this neighborhood. Developer shall report, in writing, to the Planning Director within 30 days, any address change from that which is shown on the permit application. Prior to the issuance of the building permit, Developer shall submit to the City a Notice of Restriction to be filed in the office of the County Recorder, subject to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, notifying all interested parties and successors in interest that the City of Carlsbad has issued a Site Development Plan by Resolution No. 5193 on the property. Said Notice of Restriction shall note the property description, location of the file containing complete project details and all conditions of approval as well as any PC RES0 NO. 5193 -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. conditions or restrictions specified for inclusion in the Notice of Restriction. The Planning Director has the authority to execute and record an amendment to the notice which modifies or terminates said notice upon a showing of good cause by the Developer or successor in interest. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Developer shall prepare and record a Notice that this property may be subject to noise impacts from the proposed or existing Transportation Corridor, in a form meeting the approval of the Planning Director and City Attorney (see Noise Form #1 on file in the Planning Department). Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Developer shall prepare and record a Notice that this property is subject to overflight, sight and sound of aircraft operating from McClellan-Palomar Airport, in a form meeting the approval of the Planning Director and the City Attorney (see Noise Form #2 on file in the Planning Department). Developer shall post aircraft noise notification signs in all rental oftices associated with the new development. The number and locations of said signs shall be approved by the Planning Director (see Noise Form #3 on file in the Planning Department). Developer shall construct trash receptacle and recycling areas enclosed by a six-foot high masonry wall with gates pursuant to City Engineering Standards and Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.105. Location of said receptacles shall be approved by the Planning Director. Enclosure shall be of similar colors and/or materials to the project to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. No outdoor storage of materials shall occur onsite unless required by the Fire Chief. When so required, the Developer shall submit and obtain approval of the Fire Chief and the Planning Director of an Outdoor Storage Plan, and thereafter comply with the approved plan. Developer shall submit and obtain Planning Director approval of an exterior lighting plan including parking areas. All lighting shall be designed to reflect downward and avoid any impacts on adjacent homes or property. Developer shall construct, install and stripe not less than 392 parking spaces, as shown on Exhibit “A”. All visitor parking spaces shall be striped a different color than the assigned resident parking spaces and shall be clearly marked in a manner approved by the Planning Director. The management company shall ensure that there is no outdoor storage of household goods, sports equipment, etc. on balconies andlor patios except for barbeques, outdoor tables and chairs, or similar types of furniture commonly found on patios. Enpineerinz: 34. Prior to issuance of any building permit, The Developer shall comply with the PC RES0 NO. 5 193 -7- 32 1 1 - 4 L - c L I 8 5 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 35. 36. 37. requirements of the City's anti-graffiti program for wall treatments if and when the City formally establishes such a program. Developer shall provide to the City Engineer, an acceptable means, for maintaining the private easements within the subdivision and all the private improvements: storm water quality treatment facilities, medians, landscaping, streets, sidewalks, street lights, and storm drain facilities located therein. Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to or from this project, the developer shall submit to and receive approval from the City Engineer for the proposed haul route. The developer shall comply with all conditions and requirements the City Engineer may impose with regards to the hauling operation. Prior to any construction activity a construction, access, and staging plan shall be approved by the Public Works inspector. The access and staging plan shall include but not be limited to: Access, parking, equipment delivery and storage, NPDES facilities, and mud and dust control away from public streets and sensitive habitat. The developer shall provide for sight distance corridors at all street intersections in accordance with Engineering Standards. The limits of these sight distance corridors shall be reflected on any improvement, grading, or landscape plan prepared in association with this development. "No structure, fence, wall, tree, shrub, sign, or other object over 30 inches above the street level may be placed or permitted to encroach within the area identified as a sight distance comdor in accordance with City Standard Public Street-Design Criteria, Section 8.B.3. FeedAgreements 38. 39. 40. 41. The developer shall pay all current fees and deposits required. The developer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void or null an approval of the City, the Planning Commission or City Engineer which has been brought against the City within the time period provided for by Section 66499.37 of the Subdivision Map Act. Developer shall cause property owner to execute and submit to the City Engineer for recordation, the City's standard form Geologic Failure Hold Harmless Agreement. Developer shall cause property owner to execute and submit to the City Engineer for recordation the City's standard form Drainage Hold Harmless Agreement regarding drainage across the adjacent property. Grading 42. Based upon a review of the proposed grading and the grading quantities shown on the Site Development Plan, a grading permit for this project is required. (The developer must submit and receive approval for grading plans in accordance with city codes and PC RES0 NO. 5193 -8- 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 13. 44. standards prior to issuance of a building permit for the project.) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, Developer shall submit to the City Engineer proof that a Notice of Intent (NOI) for the start of work has been submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board. The offsite storm drain improvements, outlets, and NPDES or desiltation basin shown on the Site Development Plan shall be constructed and maintained until accepted by the appropriate authority. Annual maintenance and reporting will be required and shall be the responsibility of the developer and/or property owner until relieved in writing by the authority or public agency. Dedicationshurovements 45. 46. 47. 48. Developer shall cause Owner to make an irrevocable offer of dedication to the City andor other appropriate entities for all easements shown on the Site Development Plan. The offer shall be made by a separate recorded document. All land so offered shall be offered flee and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost. Additional drainage easements may be required. Developer shall dedicate and provide or install drainage structures, as may be required by the City Engineer, prior to or concurrent with any grading or building permit. Plans, specifications, and supporting documents for all public improvements shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. In accordance with City Standards, the developer shall install, or agree to install and secure with appropriate security as provided by law, improvements shown on the Site Development Plan, and the following improvements: Improvement or modification to the drainage outlet and channel along the east side of “B” Street is required to control anticipated pollutants. Offsite public storm drains shall be constructed to City of Carlsbad standards. . The public water system and fire service shall be constructed onsite to CMWD standards. Public sewer system shall be constructed onsite to Leucadia County Sewer District standards. The developer shall work with the City and shall provide easements as required. Improvements shall be constructed within 18 months of approval of the secured improvement agreement or such other time as provided in said agreement. Developer shall provide the design of all private streets and drainage systems to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The structural section of all private streets shall conform to City of Carlsbad Standards based on R-value tests. All private streets and drainage systems shall be inspected by the City. Developer shall pay the standard improvement PC RES0 NO. 5193 -9- 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 49. 50. ..I plancheck and inspection fees. Developer shall comply with the City’s requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Developer shall prepare and submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and provide improvements constructed pursuant to best management practices as referenced in the “California Storm Water Best Management Practices Handbook” to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be submitted to and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Said plans shall include but not be limited to notifying prospective tenants of the following: A. B. C. D. E. F. All tenants shall coordinate efforts to establish or work with established disposal programs to remove and properly dispose of toxic and hazardous waste products. Toxic chemicals or hydrocarbon compounds such as gasoline, motor oil, antifreeze, solvents, paints, paint thinners, wood preservatives, and other such fluids shall not be discharged into any street, public or private, or into storm drain or storm water conveyance systems. Use and disposal of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers and other such chemical treatments shall meet Federal, State, County and City requirements as prescribed in their respective containers. Best Management Practices shall be used to eliminate or reduce surface pollutants when planning any changes to the landscaping and surface improvements. SWPPP will include calculations of anticipated pollutant loading, and sizing of structural BMPs to remove pollutants prior to storm water entering a storm drain. Required maintenance of the BMPs and the maintenance interval will be specified for each BMP. Each lot in this project will include structural BMPs to remove anticipated pollutants from storm water runoff. Catch basin inserts are not sufficient by themselves to remove all pollutants, but may be included as part of a comprehensive system. The property owner’s will be responsible for maintenance of BMPs until such time the City may decide to assume maintenance responsibility. Developer shall incorporate into the grading / improvement plans the design for the project drainage outfall end treatments for any drainage outlets where a direct access road for maintenance purposes is not practical. These end treatments shall be designed so as to prevent vegetation growth from obstructing the pipe outfall. Designs could consist of a modified outlet headwall consisting of an extended concrete spillway section with longitudinal curbing and/or radially designed rip-rap, or other means deemed appropriate, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. PC RES0 NO. 5193 -10- 35 - Fire: 51. The Fire Department requires separate submittal of proposed hydrants by the Engineer in one Master Site Plan. Approval by mylar can be in sections after approval of Master Plan. 52. Fire Sprinklers shall be provided in the community recreation buildings. Standard Code Reminders 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. Developer shall pay a landscape plan check and inspection fee as required by Section 20.08.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at time of building permit issuance, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. The project shall comply with the latest non-residential disabled access requirements pursuant to Title 24 of the State Building Code. Premise identification (addresses) shall be provided consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.04.320. Any signs proposed for this development shall at a minimum be designed in conformance with the City’s Sign Ordinance as well as the Villages of La Costa Master Plan and shall require review and approval of the Planning Director prior to installation of such signs. Developer shall exercise special care during the construction phase of this project to prevent offsite siltation. Planting and erosion control shall be provided in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 15.16 (the Grading Ordinance) to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Some improvements shown on the Site Development Plan andlor required by these conditions are located offsite on property which neither the City nor the owner has sufficient title or interest to permit the improvements to be made without acquisition of title or interest. The Developer shall immediately initiate negotiations to acquire such property. The Developer shall use its best efforts to effectuate negotiated acquisition. If unsuccessful, Developer shall demonstrate to the City Engineer its best efforts, and comply with the requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 20.16.095 to notify and enable the City to successfully acquire said property by condemnation. NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the “imposition” of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as “fees/exactions.” You have 90 days from date of final approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely PC RES0 NO. 5193 -11- 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 It 17 18 15 2c 21 2; 22 24 2: 2t 2; 2t follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified feeskxactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project; NOR DOES IT APPLY to any feeskxactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 15th day of May 2002, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : White Chairperson Trigas, Commissioners Baker, Heineman, Segall, and NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Dominguez and Whitton ABSTAIN: None SEENA TRIGAS, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: \\i,w,, * ,, _. . ' ,t MICHAEL J. HO~ZMI'LLER Planning Director PC RES0 NO. 5193 -12- 37 DESCRIPTION .. - A PORTION OF PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 1188, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECORDD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON DECEMBER 20, 1972 AS FILE NO. 340334, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3; THENCE, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3, NORTH OO14'16" EAST 33.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH LINE OF ALGA ROAD PER GRANT DEED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ON DECEMBER 9, 1983 AS FILE NO. 83-449259 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE, CONTINUING ALONG SAID WEST LINE, NORTH OO14'16" EAST 992.25 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT 170 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTIIWEST, THE RADIAL TO SAID CURVE BEARS NORTH 0°14'16" EAST; THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST LINE, SOTJTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 74O30'44" A DISTANCE OF 221.08 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 15°15'OO" EAST 105.82 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 250 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 105'57'23" A DISTANCE OF 462.32 FEET; THENCE NORTH 58O47'37" EAST 87.02 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 20 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'00" A DISTANCE OF 31.42 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 31012'23" EAST 112.95 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 570 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31O54'23" A DISTANCE OF 317.42 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0°42'00" WEST 241.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 25 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'00" A DISTANCE OF 39.27 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID ALGA ROAD; THENCE, WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE, NORTH 89018'00" WEST 780.65 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ATTACHMENT "A" 38 The City of Carlsbad planning Deparhnent EXHIBIT 4 A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. @ Application complete date: March 21, 2002 P.C. AGENDA OF: May 15,2002 Project Planner: Barbara Kennedy Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham SUBJECT: SDP 01-17- LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE - Request for approval of a Negative Declaration and Site Development Plan to construct 180 affordable apartments located at the northwest comer of the intersection of Alga Road and the future Estrella de Mar Road extension in Local Facilities Management Zone 10. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5192 and 5193 RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration and RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of SDP 01-17 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. 11. INTRODUCTION The applicant is requesting approval of a site development plan that would create 180 affordable apartments within La Costa Greens Neighborhood 1.15 of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The units in this project will be utilized to comply with the inclusionary housing obligations for the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The City Council has the final authority to approve projects proposing over 50 dwelling units. Therefore, the Planning Commission is being asked to make a recommendation of approval for the project. The project will not have a significant impact on the environment and a Negative Declaration has been issued for the project. As designed and conditioned, the project is in conformance with the General Plan, Villages of La Costa Master Plan (MP 98-01), Villages of La Costa Final Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR 98-07), and the relevant Zoning Chapters of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. There are no unresolved project issues, and findings can be made for approval of the project. 111. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The Villages of La Costa Master Plan (MP 98-01) was approved by the City Council on October 23, 2001. The purpose of the Master Plan is to provide for the orderly development of the Villages of La Costa site, while preserving the environmental resources of the area. Grading for the entire Master Plan area was approved under Hillside Development Permit HDP 99-02. For planning purposes, the Villages of La Costa Master Plan is divided into 3 Villages with a total of 38 planning areas. The Master Plan identifies the allowable type and intensity of land uses in each village and provides general development and design standards, requirements, and the method by which the Villages of La Costa Master Plan will be implemented. SDP 01-17 - LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE May 15,2002 The 12.67 acre project site is located in the PC Zone within the boundaries of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The site, which is identified as La Costa Greens Neighborhood 1.15, is designated for development of up to 180 units which will be utilized to comply with the inclusionary housing requirements of the Master Plan. The site is located on the north side of Alga Road, east of the West Bluff Shopping Center. It will be bounded on the north by the extension of Dove Lane, and on the east by the extension of Estrella de Mar Road. The site slopes steeply downward towards the east and is covered with scrub vegetation and trees. Undeveloped land with scrub vegetation is located north of the site. The east portion of the site is bordered by a portion of the La Costa Country Club golf course. Residential development exists south of the site and commercial development is located to the west of the site. Access to the site is via two entrance points on Dove Lane. The vehicular circulation system encircles the buildings and provides access to the residences, covered parking spaces and open resident and guest parking areas. The central portion of the project consists of clusters of two- and three-story apartment buildings, a community recreation center, and a large landscaped open space area. Walkways throughout the landscaped open space provide pedestrian connections between buildings and recreation areas. The community center, which serves as a focal point at the primary project entrance, is broken into two wings. The two buildings total 5,200 square feet and contain a large community room with a kitchen, exercise room, computer room, offices, and laundry facilities. The courtyard between the buildings connects to a larger open space recreation area which includes a large turf area, tot lot, and a covered barbeque and seating area. There are three different configurations for the apartment buildings. As shown on the architectural plans, Building Types I and I1 are similar two-story structures containing 7 and 8 dwelling units respectively. The three-story Type 111 structure is made up of three separate buildings attached in a “U shaped configuration by a series of elevated walkways. Building Type 111 contains 33 units in each cluster. The buildings all have stucco exteriors with hipped roofs covered with terra cotta flashed ‘‘s” tile. All sides of the building are well designed with a great deal of articulation on the building planes including pop-outs, arched elements, wrought iron balcony railings, and stuccoed door, window, and fascia trim. Each unit contains either a porch, a patio, or a balcony. Both the two and three-story structures contain single-story elements to visually reduce the mass of the building. Covered parking spaces are provided in each of the building types and are accessed via a motor court with enhanced paving. Abundant landscaping and enhanced paving accents the development at the main entrance and is carried on throughout the site. A decorative site wall, which surrounds the project on the north, south, and west sides, will screen parked vehicles from the surrounding public views. The 180 units proposed will be 100% affordable to households with incomes not exceeding 70% of the median income for San Diego County. The project contains a mix of 32 one-bedroom units ranging in size from 757 to 858 sq. A; 39 two-bedroom units ranging in size from 896 to 1,042 sq. ft; 79 three-bedroom units ranging in size from 1,008 to 1,085 sq. A; and 30 four- bedroom units containing 1,354 square feet. The affordable housing agreement must be finalized and approved prior to issuance of building permits for either the affordable units or the market rate units within the Master Plan. The agreement will allow the developer to obtain building permits for 340 market rate units prior to beginning construction of the affordable housing project. Once foundations for all 180 affordable units are inspected and approved, building permits may be issued for up to 340 additional market rate units. After the final Certificate of SDP 01-17 - LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE May 15,2002 Page 3 Occupancy is issued for the affordable units, the last 340 market rate building permits may be issued. The site is identified as Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tract CT 99-03. This Master Tentative Map has not yet been approved and this project is conditioned so that building permits may not be issued until a legal lot is created through recordation of the final map for CT 99-03. In addition, as part of the requirements andor mitigation measures for the Master Tentative Map, the developer will be required to provide all public facilities necessary to serve the project in accordance with the Zone 10 Local Facilities Management Plan. This includes, but is not limited to installation of the surrounding roadways, infrastructure, and traffic signal at the intersection of Alga Road and Estrella De Mar Road. Rough grading for the site was reviewed in conjunction with the Master Plan and approved by Hillside Development Permit HDP 99-02. The project will require approximately 8,700 cubic yards of cut, 54,500 cubic yards of fill, and 45,800 cubic yards of import for final grading of the site to accommodate the circulation system and building pads. The required mitigation for loss of habitat on this site was previously considered with the review of the Master Plan and will be required prior to approval of grading permits for the Master Tentative Map. IV. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following land use plans, policies, programs and zoning regulations: A. General Plan; B. Villages of La Costa Master Plan (h4P 98-01) and underlying RD-M Zone C. Inclusionary Housing (Chapters 21.85 and 21.53 of the Carlsbad Municipal D. Growth Management Ordinance. (Chapter 21.24 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); Code); and IV. ANALYSIS The recommendation of approval for this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable policies and regulations listed above. The following analysis section discusses compliance with each of these regulations/policies utilizing both text and tables. A. General Plan La Costa Greens Neighborhood 1.15 is consistent with the applicable policies and programs of the General Plan. Particularly relevant to the proposed affordable housing apartment complex abutting a circulation element major arterial roadway are the Land Use, Housing, Circulation, and Noise Elements of the General Plan. SDP 01-17 -LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE May 15,2002 Page 4 ELEMENT Land Use Jousing hculation qoise TABLE 1 - GENERAL PI USE CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR PROGRAM Site is designated for medium high density residential uses of 11.5 du./ac. Encourage the provision of low income dwelling units to meet the objectives of the Housing Element. Ensure that all hillside development is designed to preserve the visual quality of the pre-existing topography. Permit the approval of discretionary actions and the development of land only after adequate provision has been made for public facilities and services in accordance with the Growth Management public facility standards. Ensure that master planned communities and all qualified subdivisions provide a range of housing for all economic income ranges. A minimum of 15% of all units approved in master plan communities shall be affordable to lower income households. Require new development to construct all roadways necessary for development prior to or concurrent with need. 60 dBA CNEL is the exterior noise level and 45 dE3A CNEL is the interior noise level to which all residential units should be mitigated. N COMPLIANCE PROPOSED USE AND IMPROVEMENTS The Master Plan analyzed the density and allowed up to 180 units of multi-family housing for the site. Project will provide 100% affordable housing to partially satisfy the affordable housing requirements for the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The grading design is consistent with the approved HDP for the Master Plan. Project is conditioned to conshuctlinstall all necessary public facilities, therefore the project is consistent with the Zone 10 LFMP. The units in this neighborhood will be utilized to comply with the Inclusionary [affordable) Housing requirement for the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. All necessary street improvements will be :onstructed with ipproval of the Master rentative Map. fie project is Zonditioned to comply Mith the 45 dBA interior loise standard and the 50 dBA CNEL exterior loise standard. COMPLIANCE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - SDP 01-17 - LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE May 15,2002 Page 5 B. Villages of La Costa Master Plan (and underlying RD-M zone) The Master Plan requires development in Neighborhood 1.1 5 to comply with the standards of the RD-M zone unless otherwise specified. Development is also required to comply with standards and design guidelines outlined in the Master Plan. As discussed below, the proposed project is consistent with all Master Plan and zoning requirements. The Master Plan designates Neighborhood 1.15 as one of the affordable housing sites for the Master Plan due to its proximity to major arterials, public transit, neighborhood shopping centers, and public library facilities. The Master Plan allows 180 dwelling units on this site. This calculation was based on the Master Plan analysis of the grosshet acreage of neighborhoods 1.15 and 1.16. As illustrated in Table 2 below, the project is also consistent with all development standards and design guidelines required by both the RD-M zone and the La Costa Greens Development Plans for Neighborhood 1.15. TA Standard Density (MP) Product Type [MP) Lot Coverage Setbacks (MP): j”) Building Height (MP) Recreation Space (MP) ;LE 2: COMPLIANCE WITH DEVELOPME: Reouirement Maximum of 180 apartments Multi-family apartments, condominiums, or townhomes 60% of net pad area Setbacks: Aba Road 30’ average landscape setback 40’ building setback from Alga Road right-of-way 30’ building setback from Dove Lane right-of-way 30’ from “B Street right-of-way 30’ from west property line 10’ Building Separation Blde Height: 35’ and 3 stories if a min. roof Ditch of 3:l:is provided. 18,000 square feet r STANDARDS Proposed 180 apartments Multi-family apartments 27.5% lot coverage of net pad 30’ min. landscape setback All units are set back 85’ or greater from Alga Road All units are set back 80’ or greater from Dove Lane. All units are set back 145’ greater from “B” Street. All units are set back 105’ or greater from west property line. Minimum 1 1 ’ separation Recreation Center: 24’ Building I (2-story): 29”” Building I1 (2-story): 29’”’’ Building I11 (3-story): 34”” 15,250 sq. A. recreation area open space 2,936 sq. ft. common rec. center SDP 01-17 - LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE May 15,2002 Page 6 TA Standard larking CMC) iffordable Jousing (MP) bchitectural Iesign (MP) jpecial lequirements: ;LE 2: COMPLIANCE WITH DEVELOPMEF Requirement Resident uarking 1.5 spacedl bdrm unit 48 spaces 2 spaced2 or more bdrm 296 spaces Guest uarkinp 0.5 spacedunit for units 1-10 5 spaces 0.25 spacedunit for units 11-180 43 maces Total required 392 spaces 180 units, 100% low income, min. 10% 3-bedrooom Eight different styles allowed per the Master Plan Add special detailing on homes adjacent to circulation element roadways. Acoustical Study required Special Landscape Treatment r STANDARDS Proposed 275 ouen uarkine suaces 122 carport spaces 397 total spaces 100% low income 17.8% I-bdrm units (32 units) 21.7% 2-bdrm units (39 units) 43.9% 3-bdrm units (79 units) 16.6% 4-bdrm units (30 units) Architectural Style Santa Barbara Mediterranean Elevations exposed to public streets are architecturally enhanced. Units along Alga Road will require building upgrades to comply with the City's 45 dBA CNEL interior noise standard. Project complies with all exterior noise standards. Streetscape landscaping, community theme walls and village entry monumentation are provided in accordance with the provisions of the Master Plan. C. Inclusionary Housing (Chapters 21.85 and 21.53 of the Zoning Ordinance) The Villages of La Costa Master Plan is required to provide affordable housing in conformance with the requirements of the Inclusionsary Housing Ordinance, Section 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The affordable housing requirements of the Master Plan will be met through the construction of two combined inclusionary projects. The total number of affordable units required is based on the maximum number of units allowed by the Tentative Maps approved within the Master Plan. The Master Plan permits a maximum of 2,390 dwelling units within the various neighborhoods. Based on this figure, 359 units or 15% of the total units proposed must be affordable to low income households. This project proposes 180 affordable units which would allow for the construction of 1,020 market rate units. Of the required affordable units, 10% must be three bedroom units. The project contains 79 three-bedroom and 30 four-bedroom units for a total of 60% of the units containing three or more bedrooms. The required findings for compliance with the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance include consistency with General Plan goals and policies,. adequacy of the site and street system, and a determination that the affordable units are compatible with surrounding uses, and will not adversely impact the site or surrounding areas including traffic circulation. 44 SDP 01-17 - LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE May 15,2002 Page 7 The project site is located at the northwest comer of the future intersection of Alga Road and Estrella De Mar Road, and is bound on the north by the future Dove Lane extension. The location is close to major routes to jobs throughout north San Diego County and is adjacent to bus stops on Alga Road and El Camino Real. The site is also within close proximity of two commercial centers and the Dove Library. The site was analyzed and selected as an affordable housing site in the Villages of La Costa Master Plan due to its ideal location. The project is compatible with the surrounding residential and commercial development and the site is suitable for the proposed use. D. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 10 in the southeast quadrant of the City and is subject to the conditions of the Zone 10 LFMP. The 180 units planned for this neighborhood, together with a maximum of 96 units allowed in future Neighborhood 1.16, is below the number of units permitted under Growth Management based on the RMH Growth Management Control Point of 11.5 du. ac. The impacts on public facilities created by this project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table 3 below. TABLE 3 - GROWTH MANAGEMENT *The project is 0 units below the Growth Management dwelling unit allowance. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed use was analyzed in the Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR 98-07) certified for the Villages of La Costa Master Plan and related applications on October 23, 2001 by the City Council. Mitigation required for the grading plan and final map which will permit rough grading of the project area has been applied. Mitigation measures incorporated into the project include a 30 foot average landscape setback along Alga Road and special architectural detailing on building elevations which face Alga Road. Additionally, a supplemental acoustical analysis was submitted which identifies a number of units facing Alga Road which will require additional noise mitigation, as was anticipated in the Program EIR. The environmental analysis for the project includes an Initial Study (Environmental Assessment Form - Part 11) which SDP 01-17 - LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE May 15,2002 Page 8 focuses on any changes from the project contemplated in the EIR to what is proposed for this project. No additional significant adverse impacts were identified in the initial study for this project. All mitigation measures applicable to this site have been completed, are incorporated into the project design, or are required as conditions of approval for this project. In consideration of the foregoing, on March 28,2002 the Planning Director issued a Negative Declaration for the proposed project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5192 (Neg. Dec.) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5193 (SDP) 3. Location Map 4. Disclosure Form 5. Background Data Sheet 6. Local Facilities Impact Form 7. Reduced Exhibits 8. Full Size Exhibits “A” - “NN”, dated May 15,2002 BKCS i e City of Carlsbad DISCLOSURE STATEJMEST .4ppllcant's suremen1 or dlsciosure of cenaln oumershlp lnterests on all appi~ca~~ons ~nici, \+.11i rroulrc i discretionary actlon on the pan of the Cip Council or any appo~nted Board. Commlsslon or Commlnee. I The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of appl~car~or: submlnai. )'our pro!e:l canno1 be revlewed until this infonnat~on is completed. Please print. .. fiote: Person is defmed as "Any individual. fq co-parmcrshp, joint vennue, association. social club. fralernal organizarion. comoranon. esTaIe. rmss receiver, syndicatc. in this and ixyd &e: couny. ciy and coun?. cn? municipality.dismct or other polirical subdivision or any other group or combinanon acmg as a unir." Agents may sign rhis document; however, the legal name and enriy of the applicanr and propcrry owner must be provided below,. 1. APPLICAhT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of & persons having a financial names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO interest in the application. If the applicanr includes a commation or DarmershiD. include rhe MDIVfDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES. PLEASE TNDICATE NON- APPLICABLE W/A) M THE SPACE BELOW If a publiclv-owned corporation, include the names. titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A scparare page may be zmarhrd if necessary.) Person Susan M. Revnolds C%%@ff'an Dove Familv Housinq AsSOCiateS, LP ~i~l~ Executive Director, mity Housing of North county, GPAddress Title 1820 S. Escondido Blvd 2. OWFUTR Mot the owner s agent) Escondido, CA,92025 Provide th; COMPLETE. LkGAL names and addresses of persons having any ownership interest in the property involvrd. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (it, parmership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, erc.). If the ownership includes a cornoration or uarmershie, include the names: title, addresses of all indlviduals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE O\J/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publiclv- owned cornoration, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person N/A Corpff'art Manasement Company Title Title A Delaware Corporation Address Address- Corporate Officers: 1903 Wright Place, David A. Watts - Vice President Loren Klug - President Carlsbad, CA 92008 Suite 180 Timothy P. Shanley - Vice President Laurie Mattenson - Secretarv Real Estate Collateral - -. RGAhTZATION OR TRCST li any person ldenrliled pursuanr to ( 1 ) or (2) above 1s 3 nonurofir orc3n:z3!,0~! 07 2 ~~5:. jls: :::: names ana addresses of person senin; as an officer or direclor oi rhe nop.Dr0;:: orpanizarion or as trustec or benefician oithe. Non Pro!iL?rusr Camunitv Housinq Non Profi~Trus! Mercy Housing California Titfer,,,,,lrc,, .4ddress 1820 S. Esmndido Blvd Address .;nn s ”. #I 10 0 North county Title ranPral uartnPr Esmndido, CA 92025 Orange, CA 92868 4. Have you had more than 5250 wonh of business uansacrcd with any member of CI~ staff. Boards, Commissions. Comminccs and/or Council wirhin rhe past twelve (11) months? c] Yes No If yes, please indicate person(s): NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary I certify that all the above infomation is me and co Real Estate Collateral Managemen A Delaxare. Cor oratLon - Byt”’”4X ._ “” & Sparure of ownddare Susan M. Reynolds, Exective Director CcmMnity Housing of North County, G.P. David A. Watts Print or type name of owner Sigmarure of owncriapplicant’s agenr if applicableldarc ~~~ Fnnt or type name of owneriapplicant’s agent H:ADMIN\COUNTER\DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5198 Page 2 of 2 48 %UNITY HOUSING OF NORTH COUNTY e co 2001 BOARD OF DIRECTORS LIST September 24,2001 1) Jesse Almanza 6) Alice Jacobson (SecretaryKreasurer) Western Financial Planning Corp 1873 Paseo del Lago Drive 5 186 Carroll Canyon Rd Ste 100 Vista, CA 92083 San Diego, CA 92121 760/708-6400 x3027 (vm) 858/677-0282 (w) 760/233-1811 (w) 8581677-0476 (f) 760/599-1223 (h) 7601436-2446 (h) 760/489-5423 (f) alice@,wfjx.com Jessealmanza@hotmail.com 7) Pamela Moore-Jones 5055 Avenida Encinas Ste 210 Oceanside, CA 92054 Carlsbad, CA 92008 7601754-3591 (w) 2) Doug Avis 520 Mesa Breeze Way #149 760/438-8477 (w) 7601754-3530 (f) 76014364366 (h) (f) Pamela Jones 6242 7601438-5980 (f) luamrni(ii,msn.com dmavis(ii,aol.com 8) John Mawhinney 3) Juana Bautista 1359 Emeraude Glen 1821 S. Escondido Blvd. #lo7 Escondido, CA 92029 Escondido, CA 92025 7141731-3993 (w) 76014894725 (h) 7601738-481 1 (h) 7601745-9056 (hf) 4) June Collins Dudek & Associates 9) Paul Nieto 605 3rd Street 1233 Pinehurst Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 Chula Vista, CA 91 9 15 308 Trailview Road 6191881-3234 (w) Encinitas, CA 92014 6191920-3550 (cell phone) 7601942-5147 (w) 6191234-0349 (wf) 760/436-7659 (h) 760/632-8710 (f) pauln@,uroiectdesign.com .. jcollins(ii,dudek.com 10) Freda Ramey 7720-B El Camino Real, Box 176 5) Albert Gaff (Vice President) Carlsbad, CA 92009 8561 Cliffridge Ave 8581794-7552 (w) La Jolla, CA 92037 760143 1-7085 (h) 858/452-3684 (h) 760/43 1-7484 (f) 858/350-5774 (wf) framey@uereerine.com 2001 BOARD OF DIRECTORS LIST September 24,2001 11) Tom Scott (President) Legal Counsel: Dennis Doucette 13038 Creek Park Drive Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps Poay, CA 92064 11988 El Camino Real, Ste 200 858/748-9064 (w) San Diego, CA 92 130 858/486-6033 (h) 858/720-6322 (w) 619/839-3114 (f) 858/523-4305 (f) Tom.Scott@,Dobox.com ddoucette@,luce.com 12) Pete Toennies Veridian Engineering 1550 Hotel Circle North San Diego, CA 92102 130 F Avenue Coronado, CA 921 18 619/543-1700 (w) 619/435-3543 (h) 619/543-1707 (f) ntonennl@,san.rr.com 13) Luis A. Torres 924 Raintree Place Vista, CA 92084-51 14 760/458-2808 (cell) luis924@,home.com 760/124-9900 (f) 14) Victor Tostado 11 11 Santa Rufina Court Solana Beach, CA 92075 858/755-3080 (w) 858/755-3080 (h) 858/481-2546 (f) 15) Angie Valencia 1000 Vale Terrace Vista, CA 92084 760/631-5000 x1292 (w) 760/724-9596 (f) 619/969-7826 (Pg) an~ieO,vistacommui~clinic.org MERCY HOUSING CALIFORNIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROSTER Year 2000 - 2001 Jim Burke Chairman, Jim Burke Ford Bakersfield, CA 93303 (Mail Only) P.O. Box 2088 2001 Oak Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (Fed Ex Only) Fax: (661)327-8873 E-Mail: burke@burkeauto.com Gordon Howie Managing Director, Paine Webber One California Street, Suite 2700. San Francisco, CA 94111 Fax: (415)788-3271 E-MAIL: ghowie@ubspw.com BUS: (661)328-3600 BUS: (415)954-5904 Mary Ann Thode COO, Kaiser Permanente 1950 Franklin Street, 20th FI. Oakland, CA 94610 Bus: (510)987-2704 Fax: (510)987-4419 E-Mail: maryann.thode@kp.org Alan Rothenberg President 601 California Street. Suite 2200 Huret, Rothenberg 8 Company San Francisco, CA 94108 Fax: (415)434-9940 E-Mail: arothenberg@ftventures.com BUS: (415)434-3555 Suzanne Swift 38 Meadowhill Drive Tiburon, CA 94920 Hm: (415)435-0386 Fax: (415)435-3250 E-Mail: sbswift@pacbell.net Franz Cristiani Retired partner, Arthur Andersen, LLP 33 Cobblestone Lane San Carlos, CA 94070 Hm: (650)367-1540 Fax: (650)368-6041 E-Mail: flcristiani@aol.com Deborah Chan Larkin Director Of Public Relations Hilton Hotel - San Francisco 333 O'Farrell Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Bus: (415)923-5072 Fax: (415)202-7008 E-Mail: debbie-larkin@hiNon.com Marilyn Lacey, RSM Director of Immigration, Refugee 8 Employmenl 2625 Zanker Road #200 Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County San Jose, CA 95134 Hm: (650)233-1855 Bus: (408)325-5155 Fax: (408)944-0275 Dorothy Smith Real Estate Corporation 1919 21"Street, Suite #204 Sacramento, CA 95814 Bus: (916)451-0226 Fax: (916)457-0119 E-Mail: drsdot@rcip.com Fred Lohse 523 Oak Street Roseville, CA 95678 Phone: (916)783-0355 Fax: (916)773-6874 E-Mail: Lohsel@rsvlonline.net I Yasmin Tong Account Executive, Fannie Mae Pasadena, CA 91101-1707 132 N. Robles Avenue Bus: (626)396-5430 Fax: (626)396-5411 E-Mail: yasmin-tong@fanniemae.com Jane Graf President Mercy Housing California San Francisco, CA 94103 1028-A Howard Street Fax: (41 5)487-6834 E-Mail: jgraf@mercyhousing.org BUS: (415)553-6364 Stan Keasling Vice President Mercy Housing California West Sacramento, CA 95691 3120 Freeboard Drive, Suite 200 Bus: (916)414-4427 Fax: (916)4144490 E-Mail: skeasling@mercyhousing.org OFFICERS: Yasmin Tong.. ViceChairperson Franz Cristiani Chairperson Jane Graf.. ........ President Stan Keasling ............. Vice President Amy Bayley, RSM .... Vice PresidenffSecretary Greg Sparks .............. Assistant Secretary ...... ..... (Revised 3/07/01) Lloyd Dean Catholic Healthcare West President and CEO San Francisco, CA 94111 1700 Montgomery Street, Suite 300 Fax: E-Mail: Idean@chw.edu BUS: (415)438-5706 Amy Bayley, RSM Vice President I Secretary Mercy Housing California San Francisco, CA 94103 1028-A Howard Street Bus: (415)553-6370 Fax: (415)487-6834 E-Mail: abayley@mercyhousing.org Greg Sparks Assistant Secretary Mercy Housing California 3120 Freeboard Drive, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95691 Bus: (916)414-4427 Fax: (916)414-4490 E-Mail: gsparks@mercyhousing.org BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: SDP 01-17 CASE NAME: La Costa Greens Affordable Site APPLICANT: Communitv Housing of North Countv REQUEST AND LOCATION: Development proposal to construct a 180 unit apartment proiect on a 12.67 acre site located at the northwest comer of the future intersection of Alga Road and Estrella De Mar Road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03, being more particularlv described in Attachment “A” APN: 215-052-15 Acres: 12.67 ac. ProposedNo. oflotsmnits: 1 lot/ 180units GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: RMH Density Allowed 11.5 ddac. 180 units Density Proposed: 180 units Existing Zone: PC (Planned Communitv) Proposed Zone: N/A Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zonine General Plan Current Land Use Site PC (RD-M) RMH Vacant North PC (RD-M) RMH Vacant South RD” RMH Residential East PC (OS) os Golf Course West C- 1 -Q C Commercial Shopping Center PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Leucadia Countv Water District Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 18 1.4 EDU ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Negative Declaration, issued March 28.2002 0 Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated 0 Other, -53 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: La Costa Greens Affordable Site - SDP 01-17 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: lo GENERAL PLAN: RMH ZONING: PC (Planned Community) RD-M DEVELOPERS NAME: Communitv Housing of North Countv ADDRESS: 1820 S. Escondido Blvd. Escondido, CA 92025 PHONE NO.: 760-432-6878 ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: 215-052-15 QUANTITY OF LAND USEDEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 12.67 acres ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: start of construction estimated to beein at the end of 2002 City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = 625.81 s.f. Library: Demand in Square Footage = 333.76 s.f. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) 181.4 EDU Park: Demand in Acreage = 1.25 acres Drainage: Demand in CFS = 44.5 CFS Identify Drainage Basin = Basin D (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) Circulation: Demand in ADT = 1.440 ADT (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = Station 2 & 5 Open Space: Acreage Provided = Provided in MP Schools: CUSD Elementary = 45.5/JH = 12.1/HS = 4.7 Sewer: Demands in EDU 181.4 EDU Identify Sub Basin = Leucadia County Water District (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) Water: Demand in GPD = 39,600 GPD The project is 0 units the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. t A - 57 I: i t /1 E "-." .'.I !j I~ '1 E " __- .I./ " -~. .*.r I L""J !1 Planning Commission Minutes May 15.2002 DRAFT EFIT age 3 5 4. SDP 01-17 - LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE - Request for approval of a Negative Declaration and Site Development Plan to construct 180 affordable apartments located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Alga Road and the future Estrella de Mar Road extension in Local Facilities Management Zone 10. Mr. Wayne introduced agenda item #4 and stated that the Commission’s action is advisory due to the Associate Planner, would be making the presentation. number of units involved and will be forwarded to the City Council. He added that Barbara Kennedy, Chairperson Trigas opened the public hearing. Barbara Kennedy, Associate Planner, stated that the applicant is requesting approval of a Site Development Plan for a 180-unit affordable apartment project, which is part of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan that was approved by the City Council in October 2001. The 12.67 acre site is in the Greens of Alga Road and Estrella de Mar Road. She described the areas surrounding the project and showed Development Area, designated as Area 1.15 and located at the northwest corner of the future intersection photos of the site from the various directions. Ms. Kennedy stated that the site is zoned Planned Community (PC) with an underlying zone of RD-M and the General Plan designation for the site is Residential Medium High Density. She said it was specifically designated as an affordable housing site in the Master Plan and 180 units are allowed in this neighborhood. There will be a mix of 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom units ranging in size from 757 to 1,354 square feet. All units will be affordable to households with incomes at 50-60% of the area median income. The project will satisfy the inclusionary housing requirements for 1,020 market rate units within the Master Plan. Ms. Kennedy pointed out Dove Lane and the future extension of Estrella de Mar Road on the site plan, stating those roads will be extended as part of the improvements required of the master developer. She stated that a traffic signal will be located at the intersection of Alga Road and Estrella de Mar Road and access to the site will be from two different points on Dove Lane. The interior driveway system encircles will surround the project and screen offsite views towards the parked vehicles. She added that the master the buildings providing access to covered and open parking spaces. A 6-foot high decorative block wall developer will install walls and landscaping around the perimeter of the site. The units consist of 2 and 3 story building clusters and each unit has a private porch, patio, or balcony. There are also small courtyards with built-in seating areas located throughout the project. A community recreation building is located near the main project entrance and connects to a centralized open space featuring a large turf area, tot lot, and barbecue and seating areas. The extensively landscaped open space has walkways that connect the buildings to each other and to the recreation area. be compatible with the existing neighborhood. She showed slides of the buildings indicating stucco Ms. Kennedy stated that the architectural design is a contemporary Spanish Mediterranean style that will exteriors with earth tone color schemes. She said the 3-StOry structure is made up of three separate buildings attached in a “U” shaped configuration by a series of elevated walkways. One and two story that all elevations of the buildings are well designed and have a great deal of articulation on the building elements were incorporated into the design to help reduce the bulk and mass of the buildings. She added planes. Ms. Kennedy said the 5,200 square foot recreation center is broken into two wings connected by a offices, and laundry facilities. courtyard area. It contains a large community room with a kitchen, an exercise room, a computer room, Ms. Kennedy stated that the proposed use and density is consistent with the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The site is ideal for affordable housing due to its proximity to major arterials, public transit, shopping, employment opportunities, and public library facilities. She added that the project is subject to and complies with the growth management requirements of Zone 10 with regard to the 11 public facility performance standards. Ms. Kennedy stated that the project will be 100% affordable, is consistent with the lnclusionary Housing Ordinance, and will satisfy part of the inclusionary housing requirements for the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The project was analyzed in the program EIR for the Villages of La Costa Master Plan and Planning Commission Minutes May 15,2002 Page 4 mitigation measures outlined in the EIR have been incorporated into the project design, or are included as conditions of approval. The environmental review for this project focused on any changes from the project that were contemplated in the EIR to what is proposed in this project. No significant changes or environmental impacts were identified, therefore, a negative declaration has been prepared for this project. Community Housing of North County to Dove Family Housing to ensure their funding application is Ms. Kennedy stated that the applicant requested that they change the name of the developer from accepted, and there is an Errata Sheet to make that change on Resolutions 5192 and 5193. Dove Family Housing is a limited partnership of Community Housing of North County and Mercy Housing as shown on the disclosure statement attached to the Staff Report. Ms. Kennedy added that Staff has no objections to this request. Ms. Kennedy concluded by saying that the City Council will be the final decision-maker because the project contains over 50 units and the Commission’s action will be a recommendation to the City Council. She said Staff feels the project meets all findings for approval and recommends adoption. Commissioner Segall asked if North County Transit would have any bus stops adjacent to the property. Camino Real. Ms. Kennedy said they do not have plans for service along Alga Road but there is a bus stop on El there is a pedestrian access way that connects through to Alga Road. Commissioner Segall asked if there would be a walkway going to Alga Road. Ms. Kennedy replied that Commissioner Segall asked what 50-60% of median income meant in terms of annual salaries. Ms. Kennedy stated that it varies depending on the number of people in the household. As an example, the annual median income for a four-person household is $60,100. 60% would be $36,060 and 50% is $30,050. Commissioner Segall commented that these households could include teachers, City employees, people employed by banks, GIA, etc. Ms. Kennedy responded that is correct. Commissioner White asked about the project‘s impact on traffic. in particular at the intersection of Dove analysis for this project was included in the Master Plan and the analysis of that intersection was done with Lane and El Camino Real in regard to the West Bluff Shopping Plaza. Mr. Wojcik responded that the trip the Master Plan. They found that there would be no significant impact to the intersection as far as going beneath the City’s Growth Management Standards for that intersection. No additional mitigation was required or noted in the traffic report for that intersection. Commissioner White asked if an impact should develop for the shopping plaza, would there be recourse or future discussion of what might need to be done to that intersection as far as lanes going north on El Camino Real. Mr. Wojcik stated that the Traffic Division and Engineering would take care of those types of inquiries and complaints, and if there is a need for additional lanes that would typically be added to the City’s Capital Improvement Program. He added that if there is an unforeseen impact that can be directly tied to the project or if there are portions of the project that had not received their conditions of approval at that time, then additional conditions could be added. But by the time this particular project goes to City Council for approval, no additional conditions could be added. Commissioner Heineman asked if units for disabled persons would be on the first floor since there were no elevators in the 2 and 3 story buildings. Mr. Wojcik replied that all handicapped accessible units would be rented on the first floor. that it ends at the intersection with Estrella de Mar. Commissioner Baker asked if Dove Lane continues to the east beyond this project. Mr. Wojcik replied there was even less impact than the intersection of Dove Lane and El Camino Real. He said there would Chairperson Trigas asked about the traffic impacts to Estrella de Mar and Alga Road. Mr. Wojcik replied traffic would use that intersection than would use El Camino Real and Dove Lane. He said Estrella de Mar be a smaller percentage of project-generated traffic at that intersection. The analysis stated 5 times less and Alga Road will be signalized as conditioned by the project, making it safer for lefl turns. Planning Commission Minutes May 15,2002 Page 5 Chairperson Trigas asked if the percentage of cars that would take Dove Lane to Estrella de Mar, then go across to the south is very small. Mr. Wojcik replied it would be because the speed limits on Estrella de Mar are significantly lower than on El Camino Real so those wanting to take the fastest route would use Alga Road and El Camino Real rather than going through a residential area. He said there may be some going through, however, significant traffic is not at all expected. the housing types, and that issue was not now before the Commission. Ms. Kennedy clarified that this site Chairperson Trigas wanted to clarify that when they approved the Master Plan in October 2001 it included was designated as an affordable housing site for up to 180 units and at this meeting the site plan and architecture are being reviewed to make sure all the development standards are met. with incomes not exceeding 70%. and 50-60% was stated in the presentation. Ms. Kennedy explained Commissioner Segall wanted to clarify why the Staff Report says the 180 units will be 100% affordable that the Staff Report was written to comply with the Master Plan, which required it to be 70% or less. She said they now have a draft affordable agreement from the Housing Department and they indicated that the agreement that they need to enter into with developer will state that it needs to be at 50-60%. So the 50- 60% is updated information. approved, building permits may be issued for up to 340 market rate units. He wanted to know if there is a Commissioner Segall, said the Staff Report says once the foundations for all 180 units are inspected and potential to increase the number from 180. Ms. Kennedy replied that this project is 180 units, but the 340 market rate refers to the future subdivision market rate single family homes in another area of the Master Plan, not in the Greens. Commissioner Segall asked her to refer to the map and wanted to make sure there were two entrances to satisfy the City Council’s concerns regarding ingress and egress. Ms. Kennedy pointed out the two entrance points of the site and stated it meets the Council concerns. Chairperson Trigas stated that an Errata Sheet dated May 15, 2001 is included changing the name. She also wanted to make sure the applicant wished to proceed with a 5-member Commission. The applicant responded they wished to proceed. Fred Arbuckle, President of Morrow Development, the master developer for the Villages of La Costa, stated the development is comprised of three new villages and has been in the planning for 12 years. La Costa Greens is one of the villages that has an affordable component as well as numerous other land ordinance requires them to provide 15% of the total units as affordable housing and it must be done within uses. He said the proposal for the affordable housing has been the same since at least 1998. City the Master Plan. It‘s an effort to incorporate that land use as well as that function within the community. first group is at the Greens and will be built with the first phase of homes. Mr. Arbuckle said City policy He said their total requirement is about 360 units, with 180 units here and 180 in another location. The dictates the location or suggests the best locations for affordable housing and this is an ideal site because adjacent land uses and compared the densities of those projects with the densities they were proposing it‘s very close to shopping, transit, employment, schools and a library. He said they also looked at the and they’re very compatible. He reiterated they proposed this location over 5 years ago with their first plans and it has been discussed numerous times during the Master Plan process. that could potentially approach $1 M in that community. He said they worked very hard with Dove Family Mr. Arbuckle stated they are also very concerned that it looks nice as they are going to be selling homes Greens was always envisioned as being one of the highest end communities of the three that they’re Housing to create architecture that will look great and be part of the community. He added that the the architecture, landscaping, setbacks, and wall. He added that there’s over one football field of distance going to build. He said they’ve become very involved in the process with Dove Family Housing, referring to between their multi-family project and the nearest single family home. He said they went through a long process of interviewing different developers and the group they selected has a long history of fine projects, great knowledge of North County, and is committed to the long term. He believes they will be a great operator who is not only going to build a good looking project but will take care of it. Anne Wilson, Community Housing of North County, 1820 South Escondido Blvd., Escondido stated that Dove Family Housing is a partnership between two experienced non-profit affordable housing development organizations. Community Housing of North County is located in Escondido and developed 77 Planning Commission Minutes May 15,2002 Page 6 housing throughout San Diego County for over 14 years. Mercy Housing California is a statewide affordable housing non-profit that has also developed over 22 years throughout California. She said they have an experienced in-house property management company, and national and statewide reputations with banks, lenders, as well as foundations. She said they have award-winning designs and both are known for their strong resident support. Each organization has received multiple awards from American Redevelopment Organizations, the American Planning Association, Golden Nugget, and the Urban Land Institute of Architects, California Redevelopment Association, the National Association of Housing and nationally. Mercy Property Management manages 125 properties in 9 states, has 17 years of experience, Institute. Their designs, operations, management and services have been recognized statewide and an asset management department, and is nationally recognized. Ms. Wilson stated that as a management entity they have some unique controls built into their developments and some unique mission based controls. Their purpose is to provide quality, safe affordable housing to families in the lower income categories. She said people have to comply and go through a rigorous application process and they have rules tolerating no drugs or violence on site. She said their properties are so well managed and if someone violates they have every incentive in the world to correct that or they have to leave. She said it's a privilege to be able to live in an affordable housing development like this and in their screening process they sometimes even do home site visits to see what their current conditions are. She believes that, as affordable housing developers, they are often held to a who monitor their financial health. Every year they have to submit audited financials and are also higher standard than market rate developers because they are scrutinized both by the city and by lenders monitored by the people who fund them. She said the City of Carlsbad has the power to replace the management company if they're not performing. Ms. Wilson said they are known for their strong resident support programs. They build learning centers in their community centers. They have after school homework clubs where children come in and they have to do their homework before they can do other activities. She said they try to reinforce education as a value in the community and have adult education on site and referrals to other places in the community that provide it. They have a computer center on site with internet access for both the children and adults to use for homework, resumes, and seeking jobs. She added that they have staff to set up activities and engage the community leadership and develop leadership to help people run it and support it through volunteers. They are there to help build community and make it a safe and supportive environment. Ms. Wilson pointed out other affordable housing in Carlsbad and indicated that their architect designed the Laurel Tree Apartments, Vista Las Flores, and Carrillo Ranch. She said they hope to remain in this tradition of high quality design and high quality management. She stated they are here to stay for the long term and said they actually signed documents to keep it affordable for at least 55 years. Jack Henthorn, 5365 Avenida Encinas. Suite A, Carlsbad, stated he was representing Dove Family Associates. He briefly described the project and stated that 48% of the site plan is set aside in would normally be required in a Carlsbad apartment project. About 27.5% of the site is in building landscaped area and 25% of the parking area is landscaped. Both of these percentages exceed what coverage with the remaining areas being split between the landscaped area and parking. He said they exceed the City's parking standards and of the 397 spaces, 122 are carport spaces. The prototype for this project is a luxury apartment complex that's on the ground in San Diego. Mr. Henthorn said they used a lot of sensitivity in trying to design the project and have incorporated a variety of facades and quite a bit of architectural detail to enhance the visual appearance of the project. Mr. Henthorn added that a very strong point in the site plan is the recreational aspect. There is a community building in excess of 5,000 square feet that will incorporate both an exercise area and a computer center for the benefit of the residents. There is a central tot lot associated with the community building. Each building complex contains a couple of passive courtyard areas and all amenities are interconnected with a pedestrian way. There are also provisions for bicycle racks and they encourage the use of bicycles to commute around the site. Mr. Henthorn concluded stating that they concur with the recommendations of Staff. Commissioner Segall asked Ms. Wilson if a learning center would be included in this project. Ms. Wilson responded they are planning to build a learning center in the community center. Planning Commission Minutes May 15,2002 Page 7 Commissioner Segall wanted to know what Santa Barbara Mediterranean architecture means. Mr. Arbuckle responded that as part of the master plan they developed storyboards for each village to illustrate the character in each village. Within the Greens, the predominant character is Santa Barbara style, meaning the materials used is what you would find in downtown Santa Barbara at the City Hall, and plant materials that are more indicative of a Mediterranean area. He said they will utilize that style of architecture in all of their community facilities as well as in the Greens. Commissioner Baker asked if there is any mechanism or if they care if more than one family resides in a 4-bedroom unit and if there are any rules on the number of individuals allowed to occupy a unit. Ms. Wilson said they generally qualify a household, which could be a mother, a 19 or 20 year old, and a grandmother. They qualify the household on income. She said they do not often find different families living in the same unit, but there might be extended families. Generally, the maximum occupancy is two per bedroom. Commissioner Baker asked how upkeep and maintenance functions are performed. Ms. Wilson replied who work for the management company and fully maintain the property at all times. that they hire maintenance staff and thought there would be two full-time maintenance staff on this project Commissioner Baker asked how long-term maintenance issues are handled. Ms. Wilson stated they always have replacement reserves in their budget for income and expenses and are required to have those. She said they will hopefully receive funding from bond issuance and low income housing tax credits, and all of them have a very rigorous replacement reserve requirement. They have many eyes on them financially and are monitored annually to ensure they meet their set aside for reserves for long term capital repairs. Commissioner Baker asked that once someone is qualified to live in affordable housing do they periodically have to provide financial information that they are still eligible to live in the property. Ms. Wilson replied that income certification is required and monitored every year. Commissioner Heineman, referring to her statement that Villa Loma, Carrillo Ranch, and Laurel Tree are Wilson, stating that although she is not the developer, from what she is familiar with they function very examples of Carlsbad's leadership in affordable housing, wanted to know how well they function. Ms. well. She is familiar with the organizations that run them and her understanding is that they operate in the black and operate very well and have long waiting lists. It was very evident in their market study. She added that the Housing Staff could answer in more detail. Commissioner White asked Mr. Arbuckle what the plans are for the area directly north of the project townhomes. It will be a higher density product and will transition to a smaller lot product to the north of it. across from Dove. Mr. Arbuckle said that area is designated for small lot single family homes or attached Chairperson Trigas asked what was considered when they went through the selection process to decide who was going to build the project. Mr. Arbuckle replied he believed they interviewed 3 different groups 3 years ago. They looked at the history of projects they built and slides of them to see if they had some imagination, how they were meeting their client's needs (usually being the cities they work for), their track record on service, and how they worked with the community as well as how they were doing with their annual certifications to ensure they don't lose funding and qualification down the road. He said it's important that they maintain this as qualified housing over a period of time. They interviewed each group and looked at what their workload was at that time and felt this group had the opportunity to spend the time necessary for this project and maintain focus. Chairperson Trigas opened public testimony. community are angry. He said they have taken a lot over the last 10 years and in his opinion Alga Road Larry Valenti, 2035 Alga Road, Carlsbad stated that he and many people he talked to that live in his on a fixed income and invested their life savings into their home and are now faced with this appalling residents have been treated like second class citizens. Many residents in the area are retired and living speed has gone from about 60 to 65 to 75 to 80. He said the police used to patrol that area at least once plan. He expressed concern about the speed limit that was changed from 45 to 50 and now the average a week and now he just sees them on Aviara Parkway. He also said there was a petition last year to fix the median and put some bushes in it and they were told to wait 10 years and the developers would take 79 Planning Commission Minutes May 15.2002 Page 8 care of it. Mr. Valenti stated that he and the other people are not opposed to low income housing but this is not the right spot and there is absolutely no reason that project cannot be moved down across from Villa Loma. He said he doesn't know how traffic congestion can be predicted because how can you predict which way people are going to go and how many cars there are going to be. He said they're not asking for any special treatment but for consideration to look at the other sites, and pleaded with the Commission to give them a break this time and look at an alternate site. Alan Sakal, 2027 Alga Road, Carlsbad, reiterated they are not against the project, but they want to look at different sites for the project. His understanding is that the five other low-income projects are not directly across the street from existing million dollar homes. He said it's great to have those projects but thinks it's where all the other multi-family housing is. He said they all know it's about money. He asked if they important to put them where they belong and doesn't understand why this project is not pushed north considered the homeowners that live on Alga Road whose property is going to be devalued and if the best interests of the tax paying community were considered. He asked the Commission to reconsider where this project is going to be placed and look at alternate sites. Mr. Sakal also expressed concern about the traffic stating that it's a misnomer that Alga Road is slow and safe and no one is going to go down it there seems to be no speed limit down Alga Road. He said every 6 months there's an accident in front of because it's faster to go on El Camino Real. El Camino Real is much more congested than Alga Road and his house. Mr. Sakal was also concerned about where all the people would go to school because Aviara Oaks is already overcrowded. He reiterated his position that they put up with a lot on Alga Road, from the speed increases to the weeds in the median. Alexandra McIntosh, 169 Saxony Road, Ste. 10, Encinitas, spoke on behalf of Andrew Gerhard, 7008 Estrella de Mar, Carlsbad, a resident for 30 years who resided in his home for the past 27. Mr. Gerhard's home is on the other side of Alga Road, just off the corner of Estrella de Mar, a very quiet residential street, and the community has concerns that it will no longer be a quiet street. She said it seems incredible that of all the land that is potentially going to be developed in Carlsbad that the Planning Commission would consider putting low income housing development next door to miiiion dollar existing homes and just down the road from the world class La Costa Resort & Spa. She pointed out that the transportation and circulation, and noise. She said Mr. Gerhard has no opposition to low income housing, Planning report indicates that there will be potentially significant impacts on water, air quality, but not next to his property where he resided for the last 27 years, not next to the north course of the golf course of La Costa Resort & Spa, not next to his neighbors who have lived in the community for years, many of whom are retired and living in their million dollar houses. Mr. Gerhard asked her to let the group know that putting this site here would be like building low-income houses in Bel Air or Beverly Hills. It is toward Palomar Airport Road. his request that the Commission seek an alternative place to put the low income housing, probably north Ruth Lewis, 2001 Avenue of the Trees, Carisbad, stated she represents the League of Women Voters, North Coast San Diego County. She said the league is a non-partisan political organization with a mission to encourage the informed and active participation of citizens in government and to influence public policy through education and advocacy. She shared their position on housing which states they support measures to increase the supply of safe, decent, and adequate housing for all of California and to support action at all levels of government for the provision of affordable housing for all of California. She said they want to commend the City of Carlsbad for the affordable housing that it has already installed and look forward to more. She said they need housing for the lower to medium income people and the million dollar houses that are going up are not going to do it. Mayra Dell, 2057 Playa Road, Carlsbad, stated she was in attendance on behalf of the La Costa Valley Unit 1 homeowners which comprises Lots 44 through 119 and Lots 121 through 133 of La Costa Valley filed as Document 136843. She said she was present to represent the homeowners and strongly oppose Unit 1 according to Map 5434 filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego on July 29, 1964 and this development based on what traffic congestion would do to Estrella de Mar and Alga Road and other areas, the tremendous reduction in value to their properties, as well as damage to the surrounding habitat. Commissioner Segall asked where the lots are located. Ms. Dell replied that lot 44 is on the corner of Alga Road and Estrella de Mar and up to the La Costa Resort. Ray Gillilan. 7014 Estrella de Mar, Carlsbad stated he lives two houses from Alga Road and built his house in 1972 and intends to live there for the rest of his life. He said he has been in the land Planning Commission Minutes May 15,2002 Page 9 development business all his life and you always had to consider the effect it would have on the people already there; and that wasn't considered. He expressed concern about the traffic congestion on Alga Road and said he has seen people killed on there. He was also concerned about additional traffic coming on Estrella de Mar from the project, as well as from another project coming up the hill. He said everybody that has a house there will be subject to a IO-30% decrease in the value. He said Estrella de Mar should end where it does now and suggested they consider improvements to Dove Lane so it could take care of that community as well as another one that's going to be built. He asked what the route for the trucks would be when they move the tons of dirt. Mr. Gillilan submitted a list of people who couldn't attend and who wanted the Commission to act accordingly. Amanda Marteniz, 7014 Estrella de Mar, Carlsbad, stated after growing up in Carlsbad, she is now faced with the challenge of maintaining what she knew to be a standard of living here. She said in the past, with few exceptions, she's been proud in the manner in which Carlsbad was developed, but has become traffic and property values, stating that the project is being put next to a community that is made up of very increasingly worried about the overwhelming development of this project. She expressed concerns with walk their dogs without fear of being run over by a bus and it's so narrow that when two cars pass each nice homes ranging from $500,000 to over $1 M. She said Estrella de Mar is a street where people still the things that disturbs her the most is that the Staff report itself points out that the impact on traffic other, if a car is parked on one side, one car has to pull aside and let the other car go by. She said one of to get to El Camino Real. Ms. Marteniz said her second issue is reduction in property values. She said congestion from this project will be significant. She said Estrella de Mar is going to be turned into a route the residents bought into a country club lifestyle, and the neighborhood is made up of predominantly one- story ranch style homes. She said this project is going to have three stories and sit up on a 40-foot they decided to do 3-story buildings and why they decided to put the project in that area. She said it was embankment. The second and third stories will be looking directly into their homes. She questioned why they chose to ignore what the best thing was for Carlsbad. She asked what's going to be done for the obviously because of the financial gain and what was best for the developer and La Costa Villages, and people who bought into this lifestyle and this way of life and now it's going to be completely changed. She suggested they do something like HUD homes or HUD condos and stretch it out further and not connect to Estrella de Mar. She reiterated that the biggest issues are traffic and the devaluation of property, and doesn't know how the City can ignore an existing development when approving a new one. firemen, and teachers getting into affordable housing. She is now on the Board of Realtors and stated Patricia Dalsin, 7056 Estrella de Mar, Carlsbad, stated that as a former teacher she's all for the police, there are two beautiful homes on Estrella de Mar that have been on the market, one for 686 days, at a very reduced price, homes that can't be sold because the City had promised them something that never came through. She said the Council that used to sit here approved the widening of Estrella de Mar and told them they were going to put up a fence that would be a quiet fence. They put up a chain link fence, told them they were going to put up trees and bushes, but no one took care of them and they all died. and would like to know when that's going to get off the ground. She expressed concern about the Besides the ugly median, she said there is also an ugly site at the corner of La Costa and El Camino Real affordable housing management being there for the long haul if they get their funding and made reference to the bank that was supposed to do the median strip and went out of business and the City has no money to do anything about it. She said it's difficult when you have that history and you come before the Commission and say you now have the best of all in Carlsbad in mind, but listen to what has happened in this neighborhood. It's not only impacting million dollar homes, there's also one for $2.4M. Ms. Dalsin said she has had the police out recently because Estrella de Mar has become a speeding area for the of senior citizens on the street and it has been very quiet until the last 8 years. She suggested that they people who work at the resort and don't want to go down El Camino Real. She added that there are a lot possibly move the project farther north and said the quadrants of the city should be balanced. Jan Sobel, Chief Executive Officer of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, 5620 Paseo del Norte, Suite housing. They have 100 members in the Chamber representing about 36,000 employees, many who 128, Carlsbad, stated that the Carlsbad Chamber continuously supports the development of affordable we are being shortsighted. The Chamber feels it's important to the economic viability to continue to strive need that housing. Ms. Sobel said that if, we as a community, do not see that as part of our vision, then to have communities that have large homes as well as apartments and affordable housing. She added that the Chamber also supports having starter homes that people can buy so they can get into the housing market. She expressed the Chamber's support for the location of the project, because as both SANDAG and smart growth believe, affordable housing should be close to transportation corridors so people can Planning Commission Minutes May 15,2002 Page 10 take public transportation. She said the Chamber asks that the Commission support the project in its for Carlsbad, for business, and the economic viability of the community. current location as most north locations have environmental issues they can't deal with. She said it's good on construction. He said they are doing this the wrong way since they don't yet own the land. He asked Irwin Weintraub, 7112 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad stated he was in real estate all his life and is an authority the $2M construction loan he understood the City is going to give them to build it and asked what happens how they can come before the Commission and ask for something when they don't own it. He questioned to the tax credits received when you put in low cost housing. He said they should be turned over to the City. He asked if this development is going to pay real estate taxes or are they going to be abated. He total amount, and if they forfeit, the bonding company comes in. Mr. Weintraub referenced the Staff said if they don't own it, they can't have financing. He said they should post a bond for completion for the Report and pointed out it states significant impacts for discharge water, air quality, aesthetics, and noise. He said it goes on to say there's no remedy for noise but the people can ask the City for permits to rectify again to the Staff Report, he said page 13 discusses vehicle noise which they say they can't do anything it. He questioned why the people should be burdened with that; it should be the developer. Referring the City of Carlsbad be curtailed for 5 years until traffic and everything else is developed to its full extent about. Mr. Weintraub then proceeded to say he would like to have a resolution that all new construction in with highways and asked the audience if anyone seconds the motion. Chairperson Trigas interjected and told Mr. Weintraub this isn't audience participation. Mr. Weintraub said he was passing a resolution and wanted a second and has that right. Chairperson Trigas told him he is not on the Commission and does not have that right; that he is giving public input. Mr. Weintraub concluded by saying that before this can go any further they have to conform to certain things that are standard practice in the real estate business; if they don't own it, they haven't had program financing, how can they come before you with clean hands. As for the benefits of the project, he said it benefits the developers and it may benefit certain people. It Dr. Greisman, 7124 Estrella de Mar, Carlsbad, stated he has practiced and lived in Carlsbad for 25 years. speakers have talked about crime, noise, traffic congestion, and pollution. He said he strongly supports may also benefit in some way the taxes for the City of Carlsbad. As for the risks, he mentioned that other their comments and disagrees with the CEO of the Chamber of Commerce. He said putting affordable housing next to main streets may entail risk to the safety of children who are put in harm's way by being close to streets that are so congested with traffic. The safety of children must be paramount. Dr. Greisman said the reason he so strongly objects to this development is that he feels it is similar to a situation in Houston where proper planning was not done and housing of markedly different values was placed next to each other and led to a terrible situation. He said they do not want that in Carlsbad and agrees with those in this audience who oppose this project. Jack Sowell, 7092 Estrella de Mar, Carlsbad, stated he had been asked to speak for the majority of the said the usable acreage is about 9 acres and the EIR says you're supposed to have 11 units to the acre people in Villas #5 that has 32 units on about 8-9 acres. He said he talked to Planning earlier and they on that area, so they're getting a variance of approximately 80 units to go onto that site. He said if you approve those, you are basically going against your own EIR. He said the congestion on Estrella de Mar and Alga Road has doubled in just the last year. The people in the complex are very old, walk their dogs and walk down the street, and the traffic has increased double or triple with the cutting over of Melrose. this is not the spot to put it, and giving them an 80 or 90 unit variance off the EIR is absolutely wrong. He asked the Commission to reevaluate this project. He said he thinks low income housing is good but Tom Scott, 13038 Creek Park Drive, Poway, stated he was present to share his experiences as a neighbor to affordable housing. He said he moved from Carlsbad to Poway 12 years ago and bought a house next to a nice garden apartment built about 25 years ago. About 3 years later he was told it was affordable housing. He said he was pleasantly surprised because his concept of affordable housing was the projects of Chicago and the tenements in New York City. In 1996 Poway wanted to build affordable housing on a vacant lot about a half block from his house. Their homeowners association was very there. He said he got involved and went to the planning meetings. It turned out that Community Housing opposed to it due to traffic concerns, reduction in home values, and the low-income people that would live of North County, the same developer on this project, built that project and had an award winning design. It's been open for 3-4 years and all the landscaping is in and it's a beautiful project. Their homeowners value of his home has gone up 50% in the last two years. He said his daughter and her family moved to association was recently talking about it and said it actually enhanced their neighborhood. He said the Kentucky 7 years ago because they couldn't afford to live San Diego and now it's even more unaffordable; Planning Commission Minutes May 15,2002 Page 11 another reason we need affordable housing. He found it is not a bad neighbor and encouraged the Commission to adopt it. Kathlyn McConnell, 7261 Estrella de Mar, Carlsbad, submitted her opposition to the location of affordable housing in La Costa Greens for the record only. Fred Arbuckle addressed concerns raised about the EIR and about whether or not all impacts were examined. He said during the adoption of the master plan he went on record saying they have spent close to, if not over $400,000 to study the traffic impacts that would be associated with their master plan. Neither they, nor the City, took it lightly and are very concerned about traffic. They identified what the impacts would be as part of the master plan. They identified all the mitigation measures and all are being very clear there would be 180 units at this site. Nothing has been changed and there is no request for a incorporated into the development. The EIR stated there would be 180 units at this site. It was always variance or an exception that would change any of the impacts. With respect to money being granted, no money has yet been provided by the City for the construction of this project. Mr. Arbuckle said they have obligated themselves to contribute land and cash in the amount of $1 1 M to help develop this property and that's something they don't get reimbursed for at some point in the future. It's an obligation and it's an concentrates on is the security of the children. He pointed out on the site a central play area that's impact onto all of their market rate homes. Most importantly, one of the things that North County designed in a way that kids could get to it without even having to cross a driveway. He said it was an extremely difficult process to site this particular land use and they understood there would be concerns within the community. That's why over 5 or 6 years ago they looked at what their options were. Among the reasons this is the best site, besides what he addressed in his presentation, are that the other areas are constrained by habitat. Commissioner Baker asked him to repeat how far away the south end of this development is from Alga Road and from the nearest residence. Mr. Arbuckle said it is over a football field away. Jack Henthorn stated that in October the Villages of La Costa Master Plan completed several years of efforts to develop a comprehensive plan for the remaining areas of La Costa in the City of Carlsbad. The goal was to develop a plan that would be environmentally sensitive and in compliance with the City's density requirements. After hours of publicly noticed hearings and testimony, the Planning Commission General Plan. The project as it was processed met the old underlying Villages of La Costa Master Plan and City Council adopted the Villages of La Costa Master Plan which contained provisions for 180 units to be located specifically on the site, including necessary environmental measures to offset the potential significant environmental impacts that would be associated with the development. This affordable housing project is important from the standpoint of state legislative requirements. The State of California mandates the production of affordable housing. The City of Carlsbad went through an arduous task of developing an lnclusionary Housing Ordinance which this master plan is charged and conditioned with compatible, immediately to the south of the project densities approach a little over 19 units to the acre. implementing. The site is extremely well located for affordable housing. It's adjacent to densities that are Immediately to the north it is in excess of 12-13 units per acre. Looking at this project on a gross acreage commercial services immediately adjacent to the site and nearby employment opportunities also speak basis, as applied to the other developments, this project comes in around 13-14 units to the acre. The well of the location. He said he thinks it's important to correct the record in one aspect; there is an area where affordable housing currently exists in proximity to homes that are approaching $1M, and that's in Rancho Carrillo. That project was developed in a similar setting and the surrounding units do in fact approach $lM in today's real estate market. Mr. Henthorn asked the Commission to consider Staffs recommendation. Commissioner Segall said he had a question regarding the concerns that if this low income housing was put in that it would devalue the neighborhood, and yet he believes Mr. Arbuckle is going to be putting in thinks this project is going to have on all these other homes he's putting in that area. Mr. Henthorn said homes that are probably going to be $750,00O-$IM homes. He wanted to know what kind of impact he they don't envision that it will have anything but a positive impact on the value of the homes in this area. Mr. Arbuckle has a vested interest in ensuring that this project goes foward in the best constructed and that you would get if this project were a market rate project located at this location. The standards were managed fashion that it can. As indicated earlier this project is not downscaled; it exceeds the standards developed as part of the master plan to ensure there would be quality development in this area to protect the developer's investment as well as the investments of the residents surrounding the area. Planning Commission Minutes May 15,2002 Page 12 Commissioner Segall asked if he had an idea of what the units would be priced for the projects immediately north on the other side of Dove Lane. Mr. Arbuckle replied they did not yet have that information. Commissioner White wanted to know, even though the project location is not formally an issue and despite the obvious positive reasons for locating the project as described, if there is information on audience. Mr. Henthorn stated that one of the things they are confronted with is the early production of reasons why the project should not be located to the north that may be useful to members of the this housing. One of the things they are constrained by is the ability to bring this on very early in the process. 340 units are the first units that can be released upon the approval of this project. Making that type of requirement on this project necessitates that we found compatible sites that were near infrastructure and with the location of this site being proximate to transportation, employment, etc., there was no other infrastructure internal to the site that would create this type of opportunity. Commissioner Baker asked Ms. Wilson to address Mr. Weintraub's questions regarding owning land, the Citys construction loan and interest rate, tax credit, whether real estate taxes will be abated, financing, and posting a completion bond. Ms. Wilson stated they are confident about the financing for this project; it's actually non-competitive and it's a highly desirable site. She said they qualify at the highest level for the types of tax credits they need. them. They apply in July and get funding approved for it and move forward. They actually have a Both entities and the partnership as a whole meet and exceed them. They don't have to compete for competitive RFP going out because there's so much interest in the private lending on the property. Ms. Wilson said they are waiting for them to file their final map and will be arranging the land transfer from the master developer to us. The agreements they have make them fully eligible for all the financing and they frequently go forward and obtain financing on properties with various forms of purchase agreements, options, etc. There are many ways to go forward where you don't actually have ownership of the land, they do it routinely and it's not a problem. subsidy; it's a subsidy to the project to help buy the rents down to the 50-60% median level. If you could Regarding the construction loan, Ms. Wilson said the City's Housing Commission approved a $2M build to that with current standards of construction there would probably be more private sector entities building to that market, but they don't because the cost of construction and development exceed the rents you can get if offered to working families of modest income. She said the City has voted but she didn't think it went to the Council yet. It's to subsidize the units and that's a long-term subsidy. It's actually part for this use. of the funding that you would get from both internally and your Redevelopment Agency that has to be used housing. That also helps subsidize and keeps the rent low. She said there's always a completion bond Regarding taxes, Ms. Wilson said it is common to apply for abatement of taxes on projects of affordable required by all of our funders and regulators. Chairperson Trigas asked her to explain if there is a funding benefit when you go from a 70% median families encourage you to go to a lower income of affordability. You get far less help from tax credits and income to 50 or 60%. Ms. Wilson replied that the programs that support affordable housing for working other sources of funding at the 70% level and many programs do not qualify at that level. So the 50-60% qualifies you for a much greater amount of leverage from your federal or state funding. Commissioner Heineman asked if all the Carlsbad affordable housing projects have included funds from the City. Ms. Wilson said she would assume there's been leverage of funds from the City of Carlsbad or the redevelopment agency. In order to obtain tax credits, there has to be a certain percentage of funding and generally it comes locally. Ms. Mobaldi stated that she believes it's the City's policy to only subsidize affordable projects that are reaching levels which are below the required affordability level in the lnclusionary Housing Ordinance. That requires 70% of median income and for projects where you're going down to 50-60% or where you have desirable product types (multiple bedrooms), then the City is more likely to use available affordable housing funds to subsidize the project. At 70% you do not get any subsidy from the City. Planning Commission Minutes May 15.2002 Page 13 Mr. Wayne stated that the Summit project that was recently approved has no subsidy in it and it's a similar type project but it is not 100% affordable. It targets 50-60% of area median income and participates in Section 8 housing. Commissioner Heineman commented that only a minority of units in that development are affordable. Mr. Wayne said it's 29 out of 143. Chairperson Trigas closed public testimony. RECESS Chairperson Trigas called a recess at 759 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Chairperson Trigas called the meeting back to order at 8:07 p.m Ms. Mobaldi wanted to clarify that the actual location of the affordable housing for this master plan has already been approved and that it is not an issue. The issue at this meeting is the actual Site Development Plan. Regarding the question of adequate schools, Ms. Mobaldi said that by law that is the responsibility of the school district, and that is not a burden on the project and you're not allowed to consider that by law. Mr. Wojcik stated that the median improvements along Alga Road are included as a condition of approval of the master plan that will be going in with the development of the properties there. He said they believe the median improvements are required with the first phase of the development of this project and since would anticipate those improvements to go in within the next year or two. They are currently doing plan this project is in that first phase they're fairly certain it will go in with improvements for this project. They checking on the improvement plans and grading plans for the entire Greens project so it would be included in that. If there are weeds in the median, that is for the City Maintenance to take care of and he said he would pass that on to the Public Works Director tomorrow. Regarding the amount of traffic using Alga Road vs. El Camino Real, Mr. Wojcik stated that the project engineer pointed out to him that when the master plan went to the Planning Commission, Staff was recommending that a median be continued across Estrella de Mar allowing for only right in and right out for the projects. Residents of Estrella de Mar came out and spoke at the meeting and said they wanted a full access intersection at Estrella de Mar so when we went to City Council we listened to that input, talked with our City Traffic Engineer, and changed the recommendation to the City Council to allow full access at Estrella de Mar. Mr. Wojcik clarified that when he said something like 5 times more will use El Camino Real than Alga Road it was based on Staffs original recommendation of a median there. Without the median he would expect it to be more like a 50150 split between Alga Road and El Camino Real. The project is also conditioned to put a signal in at that intersection. This decision was made based on input from the residents. City's Growth Management Standards. All intersections will operate at acceptable levels of service Mr. Wojcik said as far as impacts to the roadways, there would be no significant impacts that exceed the according to the City's Growth Management Plans. Regarding where the construction trucks will be coming out, Mr. Wojcik said there are two locations for that; one will be off Alga Road at Estrella de Mar; the other will be off of Dove Lane. The developer is required to submit a haul route prior to starting any construction of any type at that site. The haul route will be analyzed and approved by the City's Traffic Engineer to determine the safest location. Mr. Wojcik said he did not have information on the speed limit on Alga Road. This project did not have an impact on that. That is something the Traffic Division is required to do and the studies that they do are required by state law in order to set the speed limits. If the proper studies are not done, then the police department cannot issue speeding tickets. If a speed limit is posted below what the reports call for, then any speeding tickets issued to people would basically be thrown out of court because they have to comply with state requirements on how speed limits are set. Mr. Wojcik said the signal light should most likely decrease the speeds because people don't know when the light will go to yellow and to red. Experience Planning Commission Minutes May 15,2002 Page 14 indicates that it does not increase speed, but people would be more cautious because they may have to come to a stop. Barbara Kennedy stated they received a letter from the Carlsbad Unified School District stating that the children would be attending Aviara Oaks Elementary and Middle Schools and Carlsbad High School. She pointed out another potential school site in an area off Poinsettia Lane. time the district will have to decide if they want that site for a school or not. Don Neu, Principal Planner, Commissioner Segall asked if it is correct that the site is being held for a certain period of time at which that was October. At presentations he heard the school superintendent talk as if they intend to go forward replied that to his recollection it was one year from date of approval of the General Plan Amendment and the transfer of the different areas. and acquire this site, but they have not yet recorded the first final map to create the individual lots to allow Commissioner Segall said essentially the applicant has set aside an area for that, not only to accommodate students in this project but understands it was for Bressi Ranch as well. Mr. Neu said that was his understanding since that would be the only Carlsbad Unified School on the east side of El Camino Real. School districts do occasionally change the attendance boundaries and that‘s within their purview. is sometimes owned by someone else on 50% of the applications and the developer is processing the In regard to the issue of submitting the application without owning the property, Ms. Kennedy said property application. They always get the property owner’s signature. In this case, since the subdivision hasn’t been finalized, they can’t pull title to the property yet, so that one of the conditions of approval for this project is that the map needs to be finaled. Regarding questions on the negative declaration and the impacts outlined in it, Ms. Kennedy said the way are some cumulative impacts that this project and all the other projects taken together would have. With it was written relates to the whole Villages of La Costa Master Plan, and with this being a part of it, there the EIR there were a number of mitigation measures that were incorporated into the EIR. There was finding of facts and statement of overriding consideration so the negative declaration reflects that. was all wrapped in the EIR which was included in the approved Master Plan. Ms. Kennedy replied that in Commissioner Baker asked why it was necessary to do a Negative Declaration since she would assume it found there was no significant difference, so they issued a Negative Declaration. There were no new essence it is, but they are comparing this project to the project that was anticipated in the EIR and they significant impacts to be found. Mr. Wayne explained that the EIR is essentially a program EIR for a lot of development that follows. For the development that follows you have to have it defined so specifically in the EIR to use the EIR and nothing else and we find that generally that‘s not the case. So you look at the site specific situation and match that with the project as it comes in and it wasn’t as specifically defined in the Master Plan as it is before you now. You only concentrate on those things that are different and that‘s why they were able to issue a Negative Declaration instead of a Mitigated Negative Declaration. and 1 .I6 just to the north would have a density of 11.5 dwelling units per acre. If you calculate it out and Regarding the question on density, Ms. Kennedy said the Master Plan says this area, Neighborhood 1.15 there’s 9 developable acres right now you get a higher density. The way this density was calculated was take out non-developable areas such as circulation roadways and slopes over 40% and deduct that, but in the Master Plan through raw acreage so we’re looking at the site basically as it exists today. We would when they took the raw acreage of this site and the site to the north, that was all calculated out to 11.5 dwelling units per acre. A maximum number of 180 units was set for the site and that‘s what the proposal reflects. So we can’t really use the net developable to calculate the densities. Commissioner Segall said the bottom line is there is no variance that we’re seeking. Ms. Kennedy said that‘s correct, they expected 180 units on this site. Commissioner Baker asked her to respond to the question of why there would be a 3-story building on the project and that there should be affordable housing in all quadrants of the city and this should be in another quadrant. Ms. Kennedy stated that this zoning allows 3 stories and the other affordable units in Planning Commission Minutes May 15,2002 Page 15 Carlsbad are 3-StOry. It is consistent with our affordable housing projects; it's a well designed project with a lot of articulation. There is already affordable housing in all quadrants of the city. Commissioner White asked for more discussion on why a site farther to the north wasn't chosen even though that's not before the Commission, but to explain to the people in attendance who brought up the issue. Mr. Neu stated that one of the major influences when they were developing the master plan was the habitat preservation areas. One of the first things the developer looked at was the compatibility with the adjacent properties. There was a good deal of controversy from people on the south side of Alga extensive studies in terms of looking at density comparisons, lot size comparisons, and in some cases Road as well as up along Unicornio Street to the east of the Villages and also north of Dove. They did had to adjust the master plan to try to be, if not exact, in terms of density or lot size, but very close in those ranges. Some of the main factors in terms of locating an affordable site are things like proximity to the transportation corridors, commercial services, etc. The experience with some of these affordable housing projects is that not every household has multiple cars so there is an expectation people need to be in a reasonable walking distance to get to these places. That was one of the main driving factors. Looking further north, the main circulation road is the extension of Poinsettia Lane and there is a major habitat properties closer to El Camino Real, so because of the aircraft influences and the ovefflight there are preservation area there. Further up is an approach path to Palomar Airport that cuts across the swath of restrictions on where residential can go in that area. Immediately across the road are multi-family units. They were looking at what is closest on the border in terms of compatibility and when all those factors were considered that's how the affordable site ended up at its location. Commissioner Baker asked how many single family homes would be directly across the street from this family and single-family areas on the aerial photo. project. Mr. Neu said he did not have an exhibit that gave a good approximation, and pointed out multi- DISCUSSION: Commissioner Segall stated he supports the project and we need more of this type of housing in Carlsbad. He said this offers a real high quality project for individuals that work here. Commissioner White stated that she supports the project and thinks it is a great idea to have a project this close to jobs and shopping centers and is impressed with the landscaping of the project, making it a very attractive property both within and outside the project. Commissioner Heineman stated he feels there is a strong need to continue to supply affordable housing in Carlsbad from both a moral and practical standpoint. He thinks the project is remarkably attractive and does not believe it will impact the houses around it any more than Mr. Scott from Poway found that the two affordable projects impacted his neighborhood. He said there are many mixtures of small and large houses throughout Carlsbad and it doesn't appear to him that either are adversely impacted by the neighborhood. Commissioner Baker thanked the people for coming to express their feelings about the city and the project and stated she supports the project and location. She added that part of the reason we have bad traffic in San Diego County is because people have to drive too far from where they live. The more we can do as a community putting people close to where they work, the less people will have to drive long distances. Chairperson Trigas also thanked the public for their input. She said she supports the project, thinks it is beautifully designed, likes the concept of a mixed area, and it's in an ideal location. She commented on how the project will be a good neighbor with the responsible management. MOTION ACTION: Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5192 and 5193 Motion by Commissioner Baker and duly seconded, that the Planning recommending adoption of the Negative Declaration and recommending approval of SDP 01-17 based on the findings and subject to the conditions therein and also including the Errata Sheet detailing the change of names in the resolutions. 87 Planning Commission Minutes May 15,2002 Page 16 VOTE: 5-0-0 AYES: Chairperson Trigas, Commissioners Baker, Heineman, Segall, and White NOES: None ABSTAIN: None DATE: May 15,2001 TO: Ciry of Carlsbad Planning Commission Council Chambers 1200 Carkbad Village Drive, Cadsbad, CA 92008 FROM: Horn Owners of La Costa Valley Unit 1 RE: Site Development Plan-La Costa Greens Affordable Site We, the homeowners of La Costa Valley Unit 1, Cmlsbad, CA 92009, described as: Lots 44 through 119 inclusive and Lots 121 through 133 inclusive, of La Costa Valley Unit No. 1. according to the Map No. 5434, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego Corn&, California, July 29,1964, and filed 8s Dmt No. 136843; s&m& oppose the devetopment Pian referred to as “SDP 01-17-La Costa Greens Affordable Site” due to traffic congestion, reduction in value to the surrounding property, and damage to the surrounding habitat. MAY.23'2002 09:ll 7606035904 TYCO HEALTHCARE AR #1666 P.OOl/OOl 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 William Anthony In15 2023 Caleta Court Carlsbad. CA 92009 June 17,2002 City Clerk Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Important time-sensitive material -please read immediately! To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed project SDP 01-17 La Costa Greens Affordable Site. Fortunately, my neighbor told me of the June 18 meeting. Although I live in the area most affected by this project, I have not received any notice of any meetings or hearings relating to it. I was able to retrieve a copy of the Planning Commission Minutes, dated May 15,2002 on the Carlsbad website and have reviewed them completely. Since the proposed project contains over 50 units, a decision whether to approve it rests solely with the City Council. It is therefore up to you to approve or deny the project, and your actions will preserve or adversely affect the quality of life for those residents of Carlsbad most affected by it. I have a number of objections, but of major concern to me are the issues of traffic, parking, safety and security. The project calls for an intersection (and traffic signal) at the corner of Alga Road and Estrella de Mar. Anyone, who lives in the community served by Estrella de Mar, has experienced the burgeoning traffic in the mornings making it risky to turn left (west) on Alga from Estrella de Mar. Already this year we have had a very serious injury accident at this intersection and a Life Flight emergency some yards to the east. Daily, we have near misses because of the blind curve from the east and the downhill slope in both directions. According to the Planning Commission report, this project was proposed over five years w. As anyone who lives here knows, traffic on Alga Road was not the problem 5 years ago as it is today. Now it is a problem, and should be considered before any developments are made, which will complicate the problem further. Although the project originally called for a median in the Alga roadway, which would prevent residents of the proposed project from using Estrella de Mar as a shortcut, the design was changed. Now the plan calls for direct access to Estrella de Mar, and according to report, Estrella de Mar will absorb 50% of the traffic normally consumed by El Camino Real. The community served by Estrella de Mar is a unique neighborhood. Many of the residents are retired, and many are the original residents of this exclusive community. It is routine to find senior citizens walking their pets along Estrella de Mar at most anytime of day. It is a safe and quiet neighborhood for them. The La Costa Resort has been a great neighbor. The resort has given great consideration to this community, and even regulates street parking during its tournaments, so that neighbors are not inconvenienced. With the increased burden of 180 (or more) families in the proposed project, Estrella de Mar Road will become the ancillary parking lot for this project. Life will certainly change here! With the increase in traffic and parking, this community will no longer be safe for its residents. It is unfortunate that none of the decision-makers for this project live in the area most affected by their decision. Perhaps with enough input by those who do live here, the members of the City Council will take oppose this project and preserve the quality of life for its citizens. Sincere To: From: Jo Anne Marsolais cmarsolais-sail@webt.net> cmarsolais-sail@webtv.net> Date: 6/18/02 11 :58AM Subject: LA COSTA GREENS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT NO MORE DEVELOPMENTS IN OUR AREA AFFORDABLE OR EXPENSIVE. WE ARE SO OVER RUN WITH AUTOMOBILES THAT OUR STREET IS GOING TO BE TURNED INTO AN ALTERNATIVE TO CAMINO REAL. FOR ONCE THINK OF THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN THESE ONCE QUIET, SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS. ALREADY, CARS RACE DOWN ALGA HILL AND TURN UP OUR STREET TO AVOID BUSY TRAFFIC ON CAMINO REAL. BY THE TIME YOU PEOPLE FINISH OVERBUILDING CARLSBAD, IT WILL BE LIKE LOS ANGELES AND NO ONE WANTS THAT EXCEPT THE GREEDY BUILDERS. WHO WOULD BUILD ON TOP OF THE BEACHES IF THEY COULD. I'M SURE YOU CAN FIND A LESS CROWDED AREA FOR THIS PROPOSED PROJECT. MAYBE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. SINCERELY, JOANNE MARSOLAIS -71915 ESTRELLA DE MAR COURT --CARLSBAD. CA June 18,2002 TO: MAYOR CITY COUNCIL ,&@ -d FROM: MARILYN STRO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM #7 -TELEPHONE CALLS The Mayor and City received phone calls from the following individuals regarding Agenda Item #7: Robert Schneideran -vote no William Ims - added to the letter he submitted stating that after checking with the City Clerk's Office, he still doesn't understand why he was not noticed on the project as he feels he lives closer than most of the people who did get noticed. Felt that the noticing that was done with very limited and inadequate. Frank Aleysia - vote no mhs c: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk June 11,2002 Ms. Julie Nygoard 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 REFERRED 10 CITY MANAGER Date: ARCHITECTURAL ~NTER~OR DES~CN Dear Ms. Nygoard, In regards to the letter of response sent by your office to me addressing the issues of the proposed affordable housing complex that is to be built across the street from my home at La Costa, I feel that I must let you know how very offended and slighted this has left me. Primarily, FEW the questions posed by my inquity were answered and the two questions that were addressed, were done so by an associate, were vague AND one was directly quoted from the information THAT I PROVIDED. I was the one who informed Ms. Kennedy of the meeting that was held by the developer. The listing of persons.supposedly contacted that are included with this genericreply is confusing as numerous persons and entities are NOT listed as living in this immediate area and are not within your so called “600 Ft.” notification perimeter. There was no conclusive proof that anyone, including those listed received any such notices. Those that I have spoken with had stated a qualified “NO! What was the thinking that involved such intenties such as The City ofEncinitas, The City of Oceanside, Leucadia Water District, etc. Seems again, that your documents showing those that were notified has not satisfied the questions I have asked. There is no explanation as to how the agenda that was picked up on the 10th of May stated that the proposal was approved by the planning commission on the 15th of May. This same information was also provided at the community meeting at which time the developer stated that the project had already beeii approved And to add “insult to injury” this was taken from the newsletter that I received: “Carlsbad’s next new affordable housing complex will overlook the fairways of La Costa Resort, home of the Accenture Match Play event, where the winner takes away a cool one million dollars. Mercy Housing is Community Housing’s development partner on this inclusionary project in the Villages of La Costa. The 180 unit family development has hit its drive right down the middle with a well-developed site plan and strong development b Costa Towne Center 7740 El Camino Real, Suite K Rancho La Costa, CA 92009 (760) 436-0181 * (760) 436-7945 (facsimile) - Las Vegas (702) 898-4595 ! team, and will attempt to avoid the rough when it applies for a bond allocation in July. After that, it is just an easy putt for March, 2003, groundbreaking, and a tap in for a completion date of December 2004. That is four years %om beginning to completion, about par for this course!”. .__. ..... . . .Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2002, Community Housing of North County Newsletter. Could this indicate that possibly the City Council and the Mayor have pre-approved this case like the Planning Commission did prior to the hearing on the 15th of May? (see agenda provided by the Planning Commission provided prior to the May 15th meeting) The issues of property tax was not addressed in your reply. I want to know how many homes could be built in that same area and at what density. Is there a study or is there to be a study of the number of homes that could be built on this property AND how much offset COULD these tax generating homes produce? The issues of traffic control studies as to who, where and what were not addressed. Who did these studies? When were they done and what were the qualifications of the firm or firms who did the studies? I want to know where I can obtain a complete review of the traffic and density studies or has this been “shoved under the rug”? Also, if this has been done and is available, I also would like to know what firm or firms performed these studies and also the qualifications of the person(s) conducting the studies. My questions regarding an investigation as to why this zoning commitment has slipped by so many of the residents that will be the most directly affected has been ignored. It is statistically impossible to even assume that each and every one of us either consciously or unconsciously disregarded the same notices at approximately the same time. At present, it appears that a thorough investigation into the entire process of this proposal be conducted to determine how this deplorable situation has mysteriously evolved and what political gain and to whom do these gains go, be started at once. Further, I EXPECT a reply from each individual that I have contacted via registered mail including the Mayor himself. If necessary, I will buy a full page ad in the North County Times which will include the correspondence I have sent to you and the meager replies that I have received. Sincerely, LAWHtNCt M. MONIAK 1-ftiU-4/D-U440 Attention: Mr. Andrew Gerhard Date: 61 10102 Company: GERHARD/LARSON DESIGN Number of Pages: 3 Fax Number: 1-760-436-7945 ~~~~ Voice Number: 1-760-436-0181 From: LA'WRENCE M. MONIAK Company: RLEM INVESTMENTS, LLC Fax Number: 1-760-476-0448 Voice Number: 1-760-476-9409 Subject: Carlsbad Planning-thought you may be interested Comments: It seems the project is not unique. The meetings seem to go without opposition. The low income requirements may be required by certain mandates I wonder what they are? . By the way, a council person that may have a conflict of interest should refrain, abstain, from voting. However, that doesn't mean that person cannot speak out as a private citizen about an issue. . ; That council person still can use hidher Bully Pulpit to voice concerns, opposition, etc. If that person is unwillin$.to do so or has hands tied, one should wonder why? Larry :>_ ~.~ ~~ ,.,, ,:.~, ~.. ~ ~ ~ ,I 1 ,, , .V( ,~r~ .I ~. .. . . ~.. . ~~ ~ . ~. ~. Local - San Diego Daily Transcript 7 Search ]p KG~.T~.~SanDie~oC.ha.n.ne~. I SBo.Dk!a!la~!y 1tam-t Thursday June 06 08% PM EDT Planning approves another community for Carlsbad Bressi Ranch, a major, master planned Carlsbad project was unanimously approved by the Carlsbad Planning Commission Wednesday night. It now moves to Carlsbad's City Council at the end of June or dy July for final approval. The large mixed-use development is on 585 acres at the southmt comer of Palomar Airport Road and E1 Camino Real. Mark Rohrlick, a vice president of Lennar Communities, the dcvclopcr, said ifthc Planning Commission meeting is my indication (there wae no speakers in opposition) the development should sail through the City Council as well. could be fine tuned, they call apartment units, more thaa 2.1 +on for 200 residents, schools, and a commercial center with neighborhood retail and offices, d designed to be within walking distance. /Greystone (the two Krms merged about 12 months ago) could end up bdding more than half of the homes, but Rohrlick suggested at least some lots will be sold to machant builders. "We haven't decided how many we will build," he said. the project axc exp4cted to be set aside for custom homes. The homes are. expected to range hm 2.100 to more than 4,000 square feet About 25 lots in The plans originally called for townhomes and condominiums, but city officials made it clear, with the exception of the apartments, they prefd single-family homes over the higher density units. The apartment units would be clustered around the commercial center area to provide eaSy access and so as to minimize the impact on local sireeii. Rohrlick said the indusirial part of the plan could include oftices, light rnanufktmiq and warehousing- When asked if the industrial portion of the plan could change due to changing market conditions, Rohrlick said he expected it would change little, if at all. "We would never - .... . . . . .; put rsidcntial in that area. Ips too closc to Palomar mn he said. The Commacial center would be the focal @ of the project Nearlyd-&e.housihg and indead the rest of the development would be located within a quarter mile of the center. http://~~.yahoo.mm/h/sdd~OO2O~~o~p~~~~oves~~th~~co~~ty~for..~ 6/10/02 . .. .. .. .. .,:. , .. -... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ , . ~ I .. ~~ ,, .... ~. . .. ~. ." . Phmhg appmves anothex community for Carlsbad Page 2 of 3 "The schools _.. the retail .._ the housing, are all within walking distance," Rohrlick said. And treelined parkways, most of which are seven feet wide, will make people want to walk." Rohrlick said the 130,000-square-toot center could include a specialty sfore, restaurants and an array of smaller retailers. "We want to make it a vibrant, sustainable design," he said. About onethird of the project site would be left in permanent open space. Nearby, Morrow Development is getting ready to start the next phase in its Villages of La Costa master plan. Fred Arbuckle, Morrow Development president, said the 1,073 homes in the plan's first village sold out about two months ago. "It sold out in less than five years," Arbuckle said. Grading is now under way on the second village, La Costa Oaky which cds for 1,010 housing units, including 179 multifamily units. Sales are expected to start in 2004 on the final two Villages of La Costa developments; The Ridge will have 320 homes and 1,038 homes are .) planned in The Greens. i, either Arbuckle nor tno womed about a 1986 edict in Carlsbad evelopment in the city to housing unitii / . \ "We made' sure we were underneath the 54,000," Arbuckle said. The unit cap is a variable figure that fluctuates dong with population growth estimates. According to Bill Hofmas of Hofman Planning Associates, the cap was 53,789 as of the end ofMarch.Ato~of38,111unitshadbeendeveloped~thecity~of~~. Emailthis.s?oQ! - Mew-mt.w!pU$r I Printer-ftien.dkfonnat Amhlved Stories by Date: pxKJGoJ To: From: <dbrownl8@aol.com> Date: Mon, Jun 17,2002 10:23 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council Below, please find the information that was submitted: <Council@smtp.ci.carIsbad.ca.us> h City Councu City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Last Name: Brown First Name: David Address: 2086 Caleta Ct. City: Carlsbad State: Ca Zip: 92009 Country: USA Message: Dear City Council: E-mail: dbrownl8@aol.com the proposed low cost housing north of Alga on the proposed extention of Please don't allow the development of Estrella Del Mar and the 4th tee of La Costa Resort and Spa. rehab of La Costa Resort and Spa.Piease Vote NO on this. It will be horrible for our home values and safety.This type of project could also be a factor in the further David M Brown User details: Mozillal4.0 (compatible; MSlE 5.5; AOL 7.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) / web browser / hostname / ip address To: From: <anusrinivasan@yahoo.com> Date: 6/17/02 1 1 :48AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Planning. Below, please find the information that was submitted: <Planning@smtp.ci.carlsbad.ca.us> ..uIIDAITEM# I Mayor First Name: Anu Address: 7087 Estrella De Mar #I 0 Last Name: Srinivasan City: Carlsbad State: CA Zip: 92009 Country: USA E-mail: anusrinivasan@yahoo.com Message: Dear SidMadam, This is regarding the plan to extend the road "Estrella De Mar" north of Alga and have a HUD complex built north of Alga along this road, next to the golf course. As a resident who owns property on and lives on Estrella De Mar, I would like to express my extreme displeasure with this proposal. We already have a lot of traffic and noise on one side due to El Camino Real. Extending Estrella De MAr will make the traffic and noise along that road worse. Also, the HUD housing will sure contribute to decreased property values for the existing homes. I urge the council to to a differnt location and 2) cancel plans to extend Estrella De Mar north of Alga. heed the sentiments of the current residents of that area of La Costa and 1) move the HUD housing plans Signed, Anu Srinivasan Kitty Lichtenstein (Owner-residents at the Villas, in La Costa) User details: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) I web browser / ip address / hostname /Council Internet Email - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US -. .~ , .. . From: To: <scollnet@msn.com> Date: <Council@smtp.ci.carIsbad.ca.us> Subject: Sun, Jun 16,2002 8:27 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. " Below, please find the information that was submitted: :. *&io&# : 4 Last Name: hester First Name: jeannette Address: 2070 caleta court City: carlsbad State: ca Zip: 92009 Country: usa E-mail: scollnet@msn.com Message: Re: Resolution 2002-179 SDP 01-17 AB#l6,797 La Costa Greens Affordable Site Affordable Site Project. I am opposed to placing 180 units in an already conjested neighborhood. I oppose the La Costa Greens User details: Mozillal4.0 (compatible: MSlE 5.0; Windows 98) Opera 6.03 [en] I web browser / ip address I hostname M AGENDA ITEM # c Mayor '/ 7261 Estrella De Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92009 Ms. Ramona Finnita La Costa atj comtefl June 13,2002 City Manager atlAttom~ Re: Dove Affordable Housing Qb- 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive ' Carlsbad, CA 92008 ALL- Dear Ms. Finnita, Please put me on record to oppose the location of the new high-density low-income housing development to be located at Alga Road and the extension of Estrella de Mar Road. My chief concern is the inevitable and unnecessary increase in traffic on the existing portion of Estrella de Mar Road. Estrella de Mar has very few sidewalks; it is not a very wide street; it has several curves; and cars are often parked on the roadside making passage a challenge. Many residents, including the elderly and children, who walk along and in the roadway, will face the increased danger of being struck by vehicles of speeding, impatient drivers. Since Melrose was opened up several years ago, the neighborhood has experienced a significant increase in speeding cars, mostly driven by the employees working at the La Costa Resort Hotel. More than once I have requested drivers to refrain from using Estrella de Mar as their private landing strip. Mv 95-vear old mother was almost hit at the edge of her own driveway while a speeding impatient motorist tried to turn-around. Just last week, dog was run over bv a hit-and-run driver in front of my house as we were coming back from our walk (there are no sidewalks here). Luckily, my dog survived but not before several grueling hours at the emergency veterinary hospital. My next-door neighbors are gravely concerned for the safety of their very young child. I have had ample first-hand experience that people, children and pets are at risk anywhere along Estrella de Mar Road. The increase in traffic as a result of the proposed development will only further endanger the quality of life on this street. When Alga and El Camino become congested during the rush hours or at special events in the area, Estrella de Mar Road will be and has been the desired outlet and shortcut. Drivers who want to avoid waiting through several signal changes (inevitable with increase in traffic) will whip around up and down Estrella de Mar to their desired destination. If the location of this development cannot be reconsidered and moved further north, then I strongly request that the proposed signal at Alga and Estrella de Mar be re-examined. A signal at this location will only add to the use of Estrella de Mar as an inevitable outlet. In lieu of a signal, an extended median to prevent through traffic and left turns onto Estella de Mar would keep the traffic flowing to and from El Camino and make Estrella de Mar a much less desirable alternative. While this solution would make it a little less convenient for the residents and their friends on Estrella de Mar, many residents strongly agree that this alternative is a safer one for all. PLEASE HELP US MAINTAIN OUR Ql" OF LIFE!! Thank you. Kathlyn A. Mc Connell Smooth Feed Sheets” CARLSBAD UNlF SCHOOL DlST 801 PINE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 SAN DlEGUlTO SCHOOL DlST 701 ENClNlTAS BLVD ENClNlTAS CA 92024 CITY OF ENClNlTAS 505 S VULCAN AVE ENClNlTAS CA 92024 CITY OF VISTA PO BOX 1988 VISTA CA 92085 CALIF DEPT OF FISH & GAME 4949 VIEWRIDGE AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92123 LAFCO 1600 PACIFIC HWY SAN DIEGO CA 92101 SAN MARCOS SCHOOL DlST 1 CIVIC CENTER DR SAN MARCOS CA 92069 LEUCADIA CNTY WATER DlST 1960 LA COSTA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009 CITY OF SAN MARCOS 1 CIVIC CENTER DR SAN MARCOS CA 92069-2949 VALLECITOS WATER DlST 788 SAN MARCOS BLVD SAN MARCOS CA 92069 REGIONAL WATER QUALITY ST€ 100 91 74 SKY PARK CT SAN DIEGO CA 92123-4340 AIR POLLUTION CNTRL DlST 9150 CHESAPEAKE DR SAN DIEGO CA 92123 ENClNlTAS SCHOOL DlST 101 RANCHO SANTA FE RD ENClNlTAS CA 92024 OLIVENHAIN WATER DlST 1966 OLlVENHAlN RD ENClNlTAS CA 92024 CITY OF OCEANSIDE 300 NORTH COAST HWY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 I.P.U.A. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC ADMIN AND URBAN STUDIES SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY SAN DIEGO CA 92182-4505 SD COUNTY PLANNING ST€ B 5201 RUFFIN RD SAN DIEGO CA 92123 SANDAG STE 800 401 B STREET SAN DIEGO CA 92101 U.S. FISH &WILDLIFE CA COASTAL COMMISSION 2730 LOKER AVE WEST ST€ 103 CARLSBAD CA 92008 7575 METROPOLITAN DR SAN DIEGO CA 92108-4402 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKSlCOMMUNlTY PUBLIC WORKSlENGlNEERlNG MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SERVICES DEPT CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT PLANNER BARBARAKENNEDY 05/23/2002 Laser 5160@ JOHN T LUDEMAN BARRY W CLARK PO BOX 2209 2051 ALGA RD LA JOLLA CA 92037 CARLSBAD CA 92009 KSL ENNCINITAS LA COSTA HOTEL&SPA CORP 303 PEACHTREE ST 2100 COSTA DEL MAR RD ATLANTA GA 30308 CARLSBAD CA 92009 FEDERATED CITY BRD OF ADMN NOREEN LEVATINO STE A41 7 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA 92675 32158 CAMINO CAPISTRANO 22121 MALIBU LANE HUNINGTON BEACH CA 92646 REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL M STE K 770 N WOOD DALE RD WOOD DALE IL 60191 WORLD SAVINGS&LOAN ASSOC 1901 HARRISON ST OAKLAND CA 9461 2 NAYDA J PRENTICE TR STE 108 300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE CARLSBAD CA 92008 AKIRA & NAOKO FUJIOKA 9366 LAKE JANE TRL N LAKE ELMO MN 55042 ANDREW HENRY GERHARD SARA T AGNELLO 7008 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD 1274 SAN MIGUEL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009 SANTA BARBARA CA 931 09 ALAN D & CYNTHIA SAKAL KSL ENNCINITAS 2027 ALGA RD 303 PEACHTREE ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 ATLANTA GA 30308 DAVID A & KAREN E YODER LAWRENCE D & ANI VALENTI 7038 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD 2035 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 PHYLLIS C LASLEY TR UNIT 2 6967 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 STEVE J & DEBRA A DUARTE 4904 PARK DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LAURA P EMERZIAN DAVID J RUF UNIT 5 UNIT 6 6969 SANDPIPER PL 6965 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 MACE &JAN SIEGEL PO BOX 2172 SANTA MONICA CA 90407 FEDERATED CITY EMPLS 32158 CAMINO CAPISTRANO STE A4 1 7 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA 92675 BVD ASSOCIATES LLC STE 200 SALT LAKE CITY UT 841 11 a E BROADWAY ROBERT F FREEDMAN TR 11575 DONA DOROTEA DR STUDIO CITY CA 91604 RAYMOND A GlLLlLAN 7014 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 HERBERT A BIEBER 2015 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARIO CONTI 7044 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOYCE T WINTER 6971 SANDPIPER PL UNIT 1 CARLSBAD CA 92009 MLADENKA LEDAN 8059 LA RlVlERA DR SACRAMENTO CA 95826 SCOTT H STOABS 6947 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 THOMPSON FAMILY TRUST 1257 E HERMOSA DR TEMPE AZ 85282 TERRY W OSBORN 31841 VIA PATITO TRABUCO CANYON CA 92679 JAMES J GASCOYNE 6961 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JENNIFER CHINDLUND 6935 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JESSICA E MORELAND 6923 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 CHARLES L SMOTHERMAN 6937 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 MALCOLM N NAPIER 6925 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 EVA MEIER 6926 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 KRITA J HAZELETT 6920 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 DONNA SLATER UNIT 35 6932 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 LISA HUANG 1579 DAWSON DR VISTA CA 92083 SUSAN E SHORT 15 RICHARDSON ST LANCASTER NH 03584 MlCKl G MINARCK 748 RIVERTREE DR OCEANSIDE CA 92054 ANA CHAMPAGNE 6931 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JODY L AGEE UNIT 21 6945 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JANICE N ISRAEL 6933 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 RONALD G PIAZZA 6918 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 THOMAS D MCCALLA 6930 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARK CHAGNON 3364 AVENIDA NIEVE CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROSEMARY KASCHYK 6936 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 LINDA F SEIDLER 6959 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 MELANIE J CARVER 8397 VISTA ROYALE LN NE ROCKFORD MI 49341 DWFLTD 7772 HARLIE ST ORLANDO FL 3281 9 CRYSTAL A SANDERSON 6927 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROBERT S & BETTY GOLDEY UNIT 22 6941 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROBERT & ALTHENA SPROWLS 6929 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 RICHARD L STEWART 588 BUENA CREEK RD SAN MARCOS CA 92069 PAUL E & EVELY SKOGERSON 6934 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 KENT THAYER 6928 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 LISA A GlACOMlNA UNIT 37 6950 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ' KEVIN LUU FREDERICK W THIELE UNIT 38 6942 SANDPIPER PL 6946 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 TIMOTHY R JAKUBOWSKI UNIT 41 6952 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 SUSANPETERS 6948 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOHN J MITCHELL TR MARGARET M MUDD 3302 VENADO ST 217 CHESTNUT ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 PACIFIC GROVE CA 93950 STEVEN R & BARBA DROSMAN GINA M CLEMENT 5338 MIDDLETON RD 6966 SANDPIPER PL SAN DIEGO CA 92109 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ALEXANDER H POWELL JEFFREY W & TRACY BALOS 4898 REINHARDT DR 6964 SANDPIPER PL OAKLAND CA 9461 9 CARLSBAD CA 92009 DIANE L LEARMOTH JOHN C MERRILL 682 SANDPIPER 34521 CAMINO CORTE CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 KAREN RICH DAM TRUST 6970 SANDPIPER PL 6984 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 BRIAN M MATZINGER ANNA M SMITH 6976 SANDPIPER PL 6972 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 FELIX GARBER SHAIN WONG 1922 SWALLOW LN 1918 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 KATHLEEN ZICCARELLI JOHN W & KATHERI BURNETT 191 0 SWALLOW LN 1928 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 KATHLEEN FUENTES 6938 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOHN M TAYLOR TR 6753 TEA TREE ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 MICHAEL & LISA WALSH 2254 VISTA LA NlSA CARLSBAD CA 92009 RICHARD L STEWART 588 BUENA CREEK RD SAN MARCOS CA 92069 ELLIOT N YEARSLEY TR 6968 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 GERARD A CARDELLI TRUST 6974 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOSE A ROSADO UNIT 58 6980 SANDPIPER PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 DANIEL S & BARBARA BLOCK 19218 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 ALICIA K SlRRlANNl CARLSBAD CA 92009 1914 SWALLOW LN ELIZABETH G MALUBAY 1924 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 ALI & BAHAR DAH1 1920 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 ELLABLANCHE K SALMI 1940 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 D MICHELE PARMAN 1952 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 LANA PRESLEY 1946 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 LORRAINE P THOMPSON 1960 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 BEVERLY W WOTHERSPOON 1972 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 DEANNE M CLARK 11 136 SCOTT MILL RD JACKSONVILLE FL 32223 MCGlNNlS & SPENCER TR 1978 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 PAULA D BARNES 1969 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 LABOS PIA-CARINA 1979 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 D & L EDlC TR 1916 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 ELLIOTT R & CARYN ROSEN 2390 BOTELLA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARK D GAUTHIER 1938 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 ANNMBARSUK CARLSBAD CA PO BOX 130203 J&E INC 6721 CANTIL ST CARLSBAD CA 9201 3 92009 ARTHUR J & LOIS M SERRIN 4423 SALISBURY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHN T MITCHELL PO BOX 738 GREAT FALLS MT 59403 NANCY J SCHUTH 1977 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 JEFFREY W KNOWLES 5210 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHMIDT GORDON J 1975 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 PERRY H BURNAND TR STE 201 4407 MANCHESTER AVE ENClNlTAS CA 92024 ELAINE P SMITH 1948 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 ANNE SPACIE 1942 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 STANLEY R SOPCZYK 1954 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARK D & KRlS A SEAMAN 1968 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 CHARLES E & SHARON BATES 801 1 WINGATE DR GLENN DALE MD 20769 SUNRISE CAROL 1974 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 DEIRDRE M SlMS 1973 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 NORMAN H MEYERS PO BOX 1792 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 WILLIAM S & AREM L SMITH 1971 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 J&E INC 1717 TIMOTHY PL VISTA CA 92083 PETER MILES 1073 NOVA CIR ARNOLD MD 21012 ROBERT J & JEANN FOREMAN 1937 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 ANNE E DISTEL 3955 CAMINO CALMA SAN DIEGO CA 92122 RAYMOND TASKER 1051 S COAST HWY 101 ENClNlTAS CA 92024 HEATHER MEGILL UNIT A 6901 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 STEPHEN CRAIG UNIT F 6901 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 PRISCILLA LO 3133 HATACA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 CATHERINE M LANGNER 413 CALLE ROBLES SAN CLEMENTE CA 92672 STUART C MASKELL 6903 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 UNIT H BERNARD BRISKIN SEPARATE STE 41 1 9595 WlLSHlRE BLVD BEVERLY HILLS CA 90212 JEANETTE M LEWIS 1945 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 THOMAS A HENKELS 2239 SUMMERHILL DR ENClNlTAS CA 92024 JUERGEN&HANNELOBEHLES 1943 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 DOROTHIE BLETH 3141 AVENIDA TOPANGA CARLSBAD CA 92009 RITCHE MARTINEZ UNIT H 6901 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 GARY K & HELEN L PlRO 2641 VALEWOOD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ARLENE M STEPHENSON UNIT C 6903 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 GARY K & HELEN L PlRO 930 BOARDWALK DR SAN MARCOS CA 92069 JOHN W ROSS 1006 ARDEN DR ENClNlTAS CA 92024 CATHERINE & DONA BEDFORD 1953 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 MURIEL F & COLEEN INNIS 1941 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 TANYA&SCOTTKRATZER 1951 SWALLOW LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 ELAINE R KLAS FAMILY TR 1021 WILLOW DR HEMET CA 92543 JOSEPH BENDIK 2018 GINNY LN ESCONDIDO CA 92025 SANDRA M COMORRE UNIT G 6901 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 TAMARA THOMPSON 7104 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARCELLE EVENSKA UNIT D 6903 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 SARAH L & GERAL SMEDSTAD UNIT G 6903 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 KENNETH E JOHNSON 3831 N 51ST ST PHOENIX AZ 8501 8 ARLENE STEPHENSON 112 NEPTUNE AVE ENClNlTAS CA 92024 CHARLES E MINERD UNIT G 6905 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 NICHOLAS GIKAS 2004 AVENUE OF THE TREES CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANDREW B BOBB PO BOX 927724 SAN DIEGO CA 92192 FRANCIS A & PATRIC DERBY 5275 MIDDLETON RD SAN DIEGO CA 92109 MARTIN & RICHARD KRANTZ 15863 VINCENNES ST SEPULVEDA CA 91343 SCOTT G MILLS UNIT E 691 1 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 SERGE R POLOME UNIT H 691 1 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 WILLIAM LELAND E ZIEGLER 1836 CAMPESINO PL OCEANSIDE CA 92054 KENNETH & LYLE E DAVIS UNIT G 6913 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ERIK R CONKLIN UNIT A 6905 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JUNE WOOD PO BOX 2321 34 ENClNlTAS CA 92023 LOWELL L CAMPBELL UNIT F JAMES M LONG UNIT E 6905 QUAIL PL 6905 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 MICHAEL P & DE CALlGlURl MARY HEBERT 2151 AVENIDA TORONJA 205 PASEO MARGUERITA CARLSBAD CA 92009 VISTA CA 92084 PAUL SCHEIBE CORNWELL FAMILY TRUST 11 PO BOX 1349 7035 ELFIN OAKS RD SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 ESCONDIDO CA 92029 GAETANO & DORO SELVAGGIO A 2775 TORRY CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 JUDITH FEVRIER 691 1 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 EDWARD D MAGGIORE DEDE REIMER 2 VILLAGE PARK WAY 1801 COTTONWOOD AVE SANTA MONICA CA 90405 CARLSBAD CA 92009 KIRK RENFRO JANICE LAMERZ UNIT F UNIT G 691 1 QUAIL PL 691 1 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 BRUCE D & BARBAR TRUMPIS 2720 LUCIERNAGA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 ALICE M MARTINEZ UNIT C 6913 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JUDY L SAYER UNIT A 6913 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA TRACY BRIMNER UNIT B 412 W E ST ENClNlTAS CA RAFAEL GARCIA UNIT H 6913 QUAIL PL 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOHN T MCANDREW UNIT E 6913 QUAIL PL 92024 CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARTIN E ROGGE UNIT D 6915 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 CHRISTOPHER T ADAMS UNIT A 6915 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 LORI A LOWER UNIT F 6915 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 RAPHAEL A & ANGELA AULET UNIT B 6919 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 NORBERT0 PARRA UNIT E 6919 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 STEPHEN J IRMER UNIT H 6919 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 HAHN TR 110 N COAST HWY 101 ENClNlTAS CA 92024 LAURIE A FEARON UNIT G 6921 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROBERT C & CLAY LASTUCK UNIT A 6907 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ANN ALVAREZ UNIT D 6907 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ANDREW W HOFMANN UNIT C 6915 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARY P FITZGERALD UNIT H 6915 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 CORNWELL TR 7035 ELFIN OAKS RD ESCONDIDO CA 92029 NORMA V CORBIN 745 OCEAN CREST RD CARDIFF CA 92007 LINDA AMADOR 6919 QUAIL PL UNIT F CARLSBAD CA 92009 NANCI M VERNA UNIT D 6921 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JEFFREY T HOVERSON 6816 XANA WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 WILLIAM LICKHALTER UNIT F 6921 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 RAFAEL GARCIA 3713 NW 135TH CIR VANCOUVER WA 98685 STEPHEN M KUEHL 1810 MEADOWHAVEN CT ENClNlTAS CA 92024 BRICE BLANC 341 SPRINGS CANYON RD DUARTE CA 91 009 SONG JIN UNIT G 6915 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 GREGORY JOHNSON UNIT A 6919 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 CHARLENE ALESSI UNIT D 6919 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 SUE C FULLER 12443 CARMEL POINTE SAN DIEGO CA 92130 MARTIN G ORDMAN UNIT C 6921 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 KELLY & MIKE COVIELLO UNIT H 6921 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 LESLIE A & DAVID KULCHIN 3014 GARBOSO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 JORGE CARTAGENA 205 PASEO MARGUERITA VISTA CA 92084 ANISE OWEN UNIT F 6907 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 QUYEN V PHAM UNIT G 6907 QUAIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 RICHARD V DALEY 1903 ESTRELLA DE MAR CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 MIRIAM HARTMAN 191 9 ESTRELLA DE MAR CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARY J CONWAY 1923 ESTRELLA DE MAR CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 EDWARD MAGGIORE 2 VILLAGE PKY SANTA MONICA CA 90405 LISA & ETHEL HERRERA UNIT D 1901 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 GRETCHEN BRAKEBILL PO BOX 928 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 MARC SANDKNOP UNIT D 1905 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 GRETCHEN L BRAKEBILL PO BOX 928 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 LINCOLN ENTERPRISES INC LOS ANGELES CA 90077 10615 BELLAGIO RD RAY FAMILY LTD PARTNERSH 419 AVENIDA CRESPI SAN CLEMENTE CA 92672 DONNA L ALLEN UNIT A 2419 LA COSTA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009 GRETCHEN BRAKEBILL PO BOX 928 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 CATHERINE L DORN 1923 ESTRELLA DE MAR CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 HOWARD L KAMM TR 578 TAM 0 SHANTER LAS VEGAS NV 89109 MICHAEL A & CHRl NEADEAU UNIT E 1901 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 SUZANNE N HUFFINGTON UNIT C 1905 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 DIANE M MAAK UNIT A 1909 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 ARMSTRONG FAMILY TRUST UNIT D 1909 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 CHARLES J &JOYCE M KING 1605 SAN PABLO DR SAN MARCOS CA 92069 ARTHUR A RACELA 1903 ESTRELLA DE MAR CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 EVANCGOLDENBERG 445 PULLMAN RD HILLSBOROUGH CA 94010 JEANNE FLAHERTY 1923 ESTRELLA DE MAR CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 RADIVOJ & GORDANA DAJIC 1923 ESTRELLA DE MAR CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 BOB E & MARJORIEL STONE UNIT C 1901 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARGARET E MOlR UNIT A 1905 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 E R AHLBORN 716 BONAIR ST LA JOLLA CA 92037 CHARLES & ANNETTE LURIA PO BOX 25207 ARLINGTON VA 22202 SHAWN T & ARAH M GREEN UNIT B 191 3 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 CHAUHUNG LEE 131 50 GLEN CIRCLE RD POWAY CA 92064 PHILLIP JARRETT UNIT F 191 3 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 ALPHONSE E KENISON UNIT B 1941 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 KATHERINE LIANG UNIT E 1941 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLOS PEDROZA UNIT B 1939 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 TORY D MUNDAY UNIT E 1939 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 POLLAK FAMILY 1990 TRUST 6341 LINDENHURST AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90048 ERESA I JORGENSEN UNIT A 1933 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 KETAN C KHATRI UNIT A 1925 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 IRENE H ROSE PO BOX 1488 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 JOI RAVITZ UNIT D 191 3 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 SHEILA A STEPHAN UNIT G 191 3 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOHN J MITCHELL TR 3302 VENADO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 ERIC R & VlKK COPENHAVER UNIT F 1941 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 R ANTHONY & MARIA GUERRA 1205 PLEIADES DR VISTA CA 92084 JORDAN MEADOWS UNIT F 1939 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 JESSICA VANONI UNIT C 1937 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 JKRK TR 217 S CITRUS AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90036 LEE E KLEINMAIER 111 UNIT B 1925 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 GEORGE J &JEAN LARKINS SAN MARCOS CA 92069 1103 VIA CARRILLO MARIANNE R TAYLOR UNIT E 191 3 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 LORI R CHAMPAGNE UNIT A 1941 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 HELEN J MYERS UNIT D 1941 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROGER W & DORIS PATERICK UNIT A 1939 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 JAMES B HARRIS STE 112 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90212 248 s LASKY DR DAVID C SCHIEL UNIT A 1937 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 JUDYPACHECO UNIT D 1937 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 JACOB & ROSE KASIRER 13524 CHANDLER BLVD SHERMAN OAKS CA 91401 EVE 0 PECK UNIT C 1925 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 LORIS M BAKER STE 94 255 WAKE AVE EL CENTRO CA 92243 * EMANUEL PELUSO UNIT B 1917 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOHN & LYNNE S HEACOCK 266 CALIBAN CT ENClNlTAS CA 92024 LAURA E BASILLE UNIT C 1921 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROBB TR 2270 CANYONBACK RD LOS ANGELES CA 90049 MIR K MOSHlRl 701 1 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARGARET KENDALL TR 7005 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 JACQUELYN M LITTLEFIELD STE 600 121 BROADWAY SAN DIEGO CA 92101 SUSAN P HALLEN FAMILY TR 7023 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 DRASIN FAMILY TRUST 18800 PASEO NUEVO DR TARZANA CA 91 356 IRA J SHADIAN 7037 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 FINBARR F WHOOLEY UNIT C 191 7 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 DOUGLAS PARR UNIT A 1921 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 ELIZA C DAVIS 3519 APOLLO ST SAN DIEGO CA 921 11 IRENE MCMILLAN 7015 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 LESLIE V SCHULTZ 7141 BROOKSHIRE DALLAS TX 75230 ELAINE J LERER PO BOX 17066 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 JAMES S UKEGAWA 4607 TELESCOPE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 LOIS R LEE 7047 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 DANIEL J & DA RZ CZAPSKI 2315 SANDY LN VISTA CA 92083 SONJA KNIGHT 7035 ESTRELLA DE MAR CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 DONALD R CONNORS 634 SHENANDOAH AVE SAN MARCOS CA 92078 GARY R & JUDITH FRIEDMAN 1385 PUFFIN PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 VIVIAN W JANSEN UNIT B 1929 ALGA RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 WILLIAM & DORENE BURGER 80 MAIN ST WEST ORANGE NJ 07052 ESTRELLADELMARPARTNER STE 1502 221 N STANTON ST EL PAS0 TX 79901 PATRICK C GRANT 7001 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 GLORIA S CHANG 7017 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 THOMAS A & ADELE EMANUEL 7045 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 KATHRYN L DEMONTE 7039 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 WILFRED M & JANET A ROOF 9862 DARON DR VILLA PARK CA 92861 LOUIS H & VIVIAN LAUFER 541 1 LOUISE AVE ENCINO CA 91316 ANTOINETTE LAJOYE 7025 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 SAVASTIO TR 7059 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 HOWARD SCHULTZ 9241 HBJ FWY DALLAS TX 75243 JACK HENTHORN & ASSOC C/O BRYAN BENNETT STE A 5365 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROBYN SOWELL 7029 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROBERT S & SHELLY MARCUS STE 16 492 BEACON ST BOSTON MA 021 15 WILLIAM 0 & DORIS YATES PO BOX 2325 BORREGO SPRINGS CA 92004 MANDELL & ROBERTA WHITE 61 10 E SAN MATE0 TUCSON AZ 8571 5 COMMUNITY HOUSING C/O DAVID RICKER STE 101 1820 S ESCONDIDO BLVD ESCONDIDO CA 92025 LESLIE V SCHULTZ UNIT E 7027 ESTRELLA DE MAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 JEFFREY AARONSON STE 18 6006 BALCONES CT EL PAS0 TX 7991 2 MICHAEL S LANG 7049 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 TANNER FAMILY TRUST 7055 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Tuesday, June 18, 2002, to consider a request for approval of a Negative Declaration and Site Development Plan to construct 180 affordable apartments on property located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Alga Road, and the future Estrella de Mar Road extension, in Local Facilities Management Zone 10 and more particularly described as: Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the staff report will be available on and after June 14, 2002. If you have any questions, please call Barbara Kennedy in the Planning Department at (760) 602-4626. If you challenge the Negative Declaration or Site Development Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: SDP 01-17 CASE NAME: LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE PUBLISH: June 7,2002 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL SITE LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE SDP 01 -1 7 From: Lorraine Wood To: Ray Patchett; Ron Ball Date: 6/13/02 8:33AM Subject: Public Hearing La Costa Greens-Greg Renna Gentlemen, A Mr. Greg Renna sent an e-mail through the City's RFA system regarding the public hearing of La Costa Greens. Among Mr. Renna's concerns was the fact that he lives at 2003 Alga and was not noticed. Ms. Hoder and Ms. Kennedy verified that the primary property owner is Ms. Sara T. Agnello, 1274 San Miguel Ave., Santa Barbara. I have verified that she has been noticed. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter Lorraine cc: Barbara Kennedy; Bobbie Hoder 06/17/02 MON 16:05 FAX 760 761 0908 NORTE COUNTY TIES SM MOO1 PROOF OF PUBLICATION This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp (2010 & 2011 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Dicgo I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforcsaid: I am ovcr the age of eighteen yem and not a party to or intcrested in thc above-entitled mattcr. I am the principal clerk oE the printer of North County Times Fomlerly known as the Blade-Citizen and Thc Timcs-Advocate and which newspapers have been adjudicated newspapers of general circulation by the Superior Court of thc County of San Diego, State of California, for the County of San Dicgo, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpdel), has been published in each regular and entirc issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement lhereof on the following dates, to-wit: I ccrtify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is, ~NC and correct. Dated at A,,t. , California this day Proof of Publication of .. . .. ,, , .. NORTH COUNTY TIMES Legal Advertising PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2010 6% 2011 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of North County Times This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of JUNE 7,2002 SDPOI-17 CKY OF CARLSBAD I certify (or declare) under penalty of ped1 the foregoing is true and correct. Datedat San Marcos this 10th of June, 2002 Signature NORTH COUNTY TIMES Legal Advertising FAX ! FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHFn To: CITY CLERK, CITY OF CAFlLSBAD At: Dab and mme : Tuesday, June 1 Bth, 2002 FAX NO. 760 602 8569 Sub)@: CASE FIE SDP 01-17 LA COSTA GREENS AFFORDABLE SITE 1 ., THIS IS TO ADD MY NAME AND VOICE TOTHE LOCAL RESIDENTS WHO FIND THE CONCEF’TS CONTEMPLATED IN THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING SITE PROPOSED TO BE aSOLUTFI Y UNACCEPTABLE1 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAQES (INCLUDING THIS SHEW 1 THE ORIGINAL OF THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE SENT BY AMULAR MAIL WILL BE SENT BY FED EXPRESS X WILL NOT BE SENT COMMENTS; JUN-13-2002 THU 11 : 08 AM CITY OF CAKLSBAU PfiX NU. ItiU tiUC USSY r, UL Ms. Seena "rigas, Chairperson 1635 Faraday Road Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 Dear Ms. Seena, Plense put me on record to oppose the location of the new high-density low-income housing development to be located at Alga Road and the extension of Estrella do Mar Road. My chief conccrn is the inevitable and unnecessary increase in traffic on the existing portion or Estrella de Mar Road. Estrella de Mar has very few sidewalks; it is not a very wide street; it has several curvcs; and cars are often pnrkcd on the roadside making pnssags a challenge. Many residents, including the elderly and children, who walk along and in the roadway, will face the increased danger of being struck by vehicles of speeding, impatient drivers. Since Melrose was opened up scveral years ago, the neighborhood has experienced a significant increuse in speeding cars, mostly driven by the employces working at the La Costa Resort Hotel. More than once I havc rcquested drivers to refrain from using Estrella do Mar as their private landing strip. 96-year old mother was almost hit at the edge of her own driveway whilc a specding impatient motorist tried to turn-around. Just last week, my doc wns run over bv a hit- and-run driver in front of my house as we were coming back from our walk (there are no sidewalks here). Luckily, my dog survived but not before several grueling hours at thc emergency veterinary hospital. My next-door neighbors are gravely concerned for the safety of their very young child. I have had ample firsbhand experience that peoplo, children and pets are at risk anywhere along Estrella de Mar Road. The increase in traffic as a result of the proposed development will only further endanger the quality of life on this street. When Alga and El Camino become congested during the rush hours or at special events in the area, Estrella de Mar Road will be and has bcen the desired outlet and shortcut. Drivers who want to avoid waiting through several signnl chnngcs (inevitable with increase in traElic) will whip around up and down Estrella de Mar to their desired destination. If the location of this development cannot be reconsidered and moved further north, then I strongly rcquest that the proposed signal at Alga and Estrella de Mar be re-examined. A signal at this location will only add to the use of Estrella de Mar as an inevitnble outlet. In lieu of a signal, on extended median to prevent through traffic and left turns onto Estella dc Mar would keep the traffic flowing to and from El Camino and make Estrella de Mar a much less desirable alternative. While this solution would make it a little less convenient for the residents and their friends on Estrella de Mar, many residents strongly agrw that this alternative is a safer one for all. P-SE HELP US MAINTAIN OUR QUALITY OF LIFE!! TKANH: YOU. ITION ‘YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE ITION ‘YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Map CT 99-03 NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER - SIGNATURE NAME SIGNATURE +b” - NAME CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE AP rn > ITION 'YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 . NAME eI?w n .prS Y ADDRESS aA!q l!! 1 qam 7 CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRFBS du 4 NAME , 64 'YOUR VOICF COUNTS! of the This petition exists to oppose the development and construction low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE Jun 12 02 01:OSp Helene Westreich 08/12/02 WED 08:31 FAX 7804387845 - This petition evixst to oppose the development and construction of the low income h0usin.g unit to be know as La Costa Greens Affordable Housing Site SDP-01-17 Lot I5 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME BELL RESIDENCE 08/12/02 RED 07:48 FAX 'i604367945 P.B1 El001 - This petition exixst to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be how as La Costa Greens Affordable Housing Site SDP-01.-17 Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS CONTACT - NUMBER SIGNATURE ." NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER - SIGNATURE ___"""I__I - BO02 P- 2 - This petition exixst to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be know as La Costa Greens Affordnbte Housing Site SDP-01-17 Lot 15 of Carlsbrd Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NBME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE I , ..,'!', 3. '. .: ?!STOP THE ikUDNESS!! - This petition exixst to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be know as La Costa Greens Affordable Housing Site SDP-01-17 Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME ADDRESS CONTACT / v9 / NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE - This petition exixat to oppose the development and co~sthu~~.~~ of the low income housing unit to be know as La Costa Greens Affordable Housing Site SDP-01-17 Lot 15 of Cnrlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER 'YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be know as La Costa Greens, SDP 0 1 - 17. SIGNATURE a .p"---- ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAMEi ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE ADDRESS 'YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be know as La Costa Greens, SDP 0 1 - 17. CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE 'YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be know as La Costa Greens, SDP 01 - 1 j!, NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER 4 ADDRESS CONTACT n NAME CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE 76 U- 43t! 3637 ION YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE 65 NAME CONTACT NUMBER ITION 'YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME L8-* Q- Epcw fiON,& @/ - ADDRESS 7/44 fkL"DM\r Lu, NAME CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NUMBER SIGNATURE ITION 'YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE c NAME SIGNATURE ITION 'YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME CONTACT NUMBER & SIGNATURE SIGNATURE ITION TYOTJR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME SIGNATURE qhu NAME SIGNATURE Ca-u" ."' .2 ION 'YOUR VOICE CO'd This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME SIGNATURE , L W U NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE NAME CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE ION 'YOUR VOICE COUNTS !. This petition exists tomthe development and wnstruction of the low income housing unit to be known as Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 La Costa Greens, SDP-19. ION ‘YOUR VOICF r, COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Mau CT 99-03 La Costa green^, SDP-19. NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE ‘YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Mar, CT 99-03 La Costa Greens, SDP-19. NAME NAME I ADDRESS SIGNATURE NAME CONTACT NUMBER -6d5 c/ SIGNATURE 'YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 1 'i. NAME SIGNATURE NAME NAME ‘YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 La Costa Greens, SDP-19. NAME CONTACT NUMBER n SIGNATURE NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT. NUMBER SIGNATURE ITION 'YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME $Z/'f fd/k//,d ADDRESS 9757 ././,M'< /e Ed 6- kM 9zao 4 7hO (503 o/oq CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE ow,p &@&e.+" NAME NAME CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE ION 'YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NlTMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE ITION 'YOUR VOICE COUNTS! This petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be known as La Costa Greens, SDP-19. Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 NAME SIGNATURE m ADDRESS SIGNATURE "- NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE '!ATTOP THEMADNESLY!! - This petition exixst to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be know as La Costa Greens Affordable Housing Site SDP-01-17 Lot 15 of Carlsbad Tentative Tract Map CT 99-03 SIGNATURE - fie CclicLEeS ex Thls petition exists to oppose the development and construction of the low income housing unit to be know as ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS - CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER SIGNATURE v) I + H I' M 0 2 bd *W I n 0 I w m f IV .. W W &", -c, d 'W 6 Residents & Neighbors Estrella de Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92009 June 7,2002 Re: Dove Affordable Housing La Costa Planning Department 1635 Faraday Road Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 Dear Committee Members, Please put us on record to ormose the installment of the traffic signals to be located at Alga Road and Estrella de Mar Road. The major concern is the inevitable and unnecessary increase in traffic on the existing portion of Estrella de Mar Road. This increase in traffic as a result of the proposed development will only further endanger the quality of life on this street. When Alga and El Camino become congested during the rush hours or at special events in the area, Estrella de Mar Road will be and has been the desired outlet and shortcut. Drivers who want to avoid waiting through several signal changes will instead use Estrella de Mar to enter and exit El Camino at the signal adjacent to Firehouse Station No. 2. We strongly request that the proposed signal at Alga and Estrella de Mar be re- examined. A signal at this location will only add to the use of Estrella de Mar as an inevitable outlet. In lieu of a signal, an extended median to prevent through traffic and left turns onto Estella de Mar would keep the traffic flowing to and from El Camino and make Estrella de Mar a much less desirable alternative. We strongly agree that this alternative is a safer one for all. PLEASE HELP US MAINTMN OUR QUALITY OF LIFE!! THANK YOU. Re: Dove Affordable Housing Development - La Costa SIGNATURE ADDRESS _. Re: Dove AfYordable Housing Development - La Costa (Continued) Re: Dove Affordable Housing Development - La Costa (Continued) Re: Dove AfTordable Housing Development - SIGNATURE 3. 4. La Costa ADDRESS 35. 36. 2026clyuC~~rt. - 1 FAX COPY OF FAX SENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL BY LOCAL RESIDENT -: 06nUllp Numt~orof~a~covaihsd: 9 - b IW Residents & Neighbors Estrella de Mar Road and adjacent streets Re: La Costa Greens Affordable Site Dear Neighbors, "he development of the La Costa Greens Affordable Site of the Villages of La Costa north of Alga Road and east of the West Bluff Center (Crazy Burro) includes an extension of Estrella de Mar Road from Alga north to Dove Street. The development plan includes the installation of a traffic signal at Alga Road and Estrella de Mar Road. We believe that a signal at this location will increase trsc on Estrella de Mar. Traffic on Estrella de Mar will increase because drivers will use our street as a shortcut to avoid congestion at the intersection of Alga and El Camino Real and as a desired outlet during the rush hours and special events in the area. Many of your neighbors are opposed to installing this traffic signal because it will further endanger the quality of life on our streets. Instead of a signal, we are asking the City to extend the median on Alga Road at Estrella de Mar to prevent through traffic across Alga and left turns onto Estella de Mar. This will keep the traffic flowing to and from El Camino Real and prevent the use of Estrella de Mar as a shortcut or traffic bypass. If you want to reduce traffic on Estrella de Mar, please join us at the Carlsbad City Council meeting to make your voices heard. This is our last chance to maintain our quality of life and peaceful streets. The meeting time and place is: Tuesday, June 6:OO pm City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Page 1 of 1 ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ From:MartinDulcy@aol.com ~ ~~ Date:Tue, 18 Jun2002 11:14:17 EDT To:lacostadevelopment@yahoo.com Subject:Stop The Madness Attn: Mayor and City Council, When will the poorly planned city expansion plans stop??? 1: The traffic on El Camino Real has trebled in the past two years. 2: The traffic on Estrella De Mar Road has more than doubled and it has become a short cut from Alga Road to La Costa Avenue. Martin and Dulcy Perlov Enough is enough. La Costa 7115 Estrella De Mar Road http://us.~15.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?box=Inbox&MsgId=5423~8647~1264~941 _... 6/18/2002 Page 1 of 1 Date:Wed, 15 May 2002 17:38:52 -0700 (PDT) From:"Greupner, Laura Lee" <lauragreupner@yahoo.com> Subject:SDPOl-17 To:LaCostaDevelopment@yahoo.com I strongly oppose this development. It will increase crime, traffic congestion, noise, adversely impact the environment including the water table and may endanger our children. John Greisman MD Do You Yahoo!? LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience htSp: //launch,~ahocr~,~com http://us .fll5.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLe~er?box=Inbox&MsgId=3342~4084~759~849~~... 6/18/2002 JUN-18-2002 TUE 02:39 PI CITY OF CARLSBAD FAX NO. 760 602 8559 P, 01 FROM : MSN PHONE NO. : 31472~26e J~. 1s 2882 12:26~t1 PI